The edge of the woods.... [Final Results Up!]

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Re: The edge of the woods.... [Prompt Two Open!]

Postby waffle02 » Mon Jul 23, 2018 9:06 am

Ooooh, spooky!
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Definitely skilled at the "Deer in the Headlights" look...
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472 words ))’ - prompt two

Postby otis, » Mon Jul 23, 2018 9:10 am

“stand your ground girl!”
He barked out, watching
the two kits fighting.
the girl was nearly half
the size of the older
brother, but still she clung
to her fighting spirit. the
boy swiped at her, clawing
across his face and causing
her to fall. “Get up! Get
up and fight!” the flames
surrounding them leapt
higher, but the young girl
could not get back up.

Eloise woke with a gasp,
paw covering her mouth
as she jolted awake. Her
nightmares were a nightly
occurrence, but they had
never woken her up before.
They didn’t scare her
enough to even flinch, but
something near had woken
her. Her paw remained over
his muzzle, quieting her
breath as she tried to focus
on the sound she heard. No
one else in her cabin had
woken, and she decided it
best not to wake them. Her
cabin mates had been kinda
noisy, and while she didn’t
want that noise to attack
her, she wanted to
investigate what it was
before deciding if she
should run or not.

Eloise slid off her bunk,
quiet feet hitting the
floor as she grabbed up
her bag and flashlight.
She kept her hand over
her muzzle, not knowing
how close the sound was
and didn’t want to alert
it of her presence. Her
ears flicked up, staying
attentive as she followed
after the loud hum that
surrounded the forest
before her. Eloise had
never been a scaredy cat,
and knew that she needed
to figure out the source
of the sound. it sounded
so eerily familiar.
so hauntingly homely.

the noise was rapid like
drums, and loud like thunder.
from far away it sounded
like a hum, but the closer
one got, the quicker and
louder the tempo became.
the anxiety in the pit of her
stomach rose as well,
nearly matching the tempo
she was following. Eloise
wrung her paws, stress
eating at her as she continue.
just over the hill it seemed,
and she would be there.

a sharp curse fell from
Eloise’s lips as she stepped
onto a branch, perfectly
twisting a thorn up into her
paw pad. Eloise grunted,
cursing quietly as she
hobbled away from the
patch of thorns so she could
sit and nurse her foot.
she used a claw to dig it
out, before sitting in silence
for a few moments.
that was odd, the sound had
stopped. Eloise realized
suddenly that they had
probably heard her fumbling,
and Eloise quickly stood so
she could hide. just it time
it seemed, as six dark figures
stood just where she had
been sitting. Eloise stood in
silence, not breathing until
she could no longer. one
quick intake of breath and
she went silent again, but
they had already heard her,
and all twelve glowing eyes
met her in a dead stare.
Last edited by otis, on Mon Jul 23, 2018 10:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The edge of the woods.... [Prompt Two Open!]

Postby apprentice_ » Mon Jul 23, 2018 9:11 am

    { Ooooh, spooky! || username: rainichi || roll call || previous form }▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬{ courage prompt two || nora ft. cas }

    horror movies don’t prepare you for this

      it was a dreamless night. when nora awoke, her mind was clouded and her vision blurred. the ceiling was all she knew for a long time; she was too dazed to get an idea of the rest of her surroundings.

      when the room came into focus, nora sat herself up. she felt there was something she was forgetting, but the longer she thought about it, the further it seemed to be. she couldn’t focus much anyway, her attention instead grasping at a noise between realms. something she knew was there, but couldn’t quite pick out.

      nora lifted herself over the side of the bed. she had top bunk, because she liked being in the air and also she wasn’t about to be eaten by any monsters under the bed. she called out to the kit below her in a harsh whisper.

        “cas— ah. . . you sleep through the most dreadful of things. . . you and everyone else here apparently.”
      it was hard to see a damn thing, but everyone else seemed to be passed out. when she peered out the window, the moon seemed too large to fit in the sky. with a moon that big, she thought there’d be more light inside, but there were only enough to make out vague forms. shadows looked to move but nora knew better than that. the dark hid secrets, but it’d never reveal them. the odd things that happened in the black of the night were no more than the mind playing tricks.

      now this noise on the other hand — lord, was it frustrating. the eyes lied but the ears never could, and so nora’s bones were pierced with the unknown.

      she brought a flashlight out from under her pillow. only newbies didn’t bring their own flashlights. it was hard to discreetly climb down the bunk’s ladder; the wood seemed misaligned and every few steps creaked. she hopped the last few, hoping she hadn’t waken anyone.

      although, honestly, if she had woken someone, she’d have been glad. anyone would do. anyone stupid enough to follow her. she would be the first to die in a horror film and she knew it. she cursed herself for it. but if she were to ever die, she wouldn’t mind it at least making a mad story for others to tell.

      her paws were light against the floorboards. the way she crept around was a tell that she was practiced in keeping this quiet. it was the result of tip toeing the house at 11am, not wanting to wake her mum after her two back to back shifts.

      a skill that came in useful here and there. here especially.

      it was brighter outside, and the noise was louder. “oh my god, i should have brought a weapon. oh my god, you’d think i, of all people, would be more prepared than this.” she continued walking yet, making peace with her fate. she would be the ultimate flashlight wielder, capable of striking down any foe with just a thunk to the head.

      nora had run through as many scenarios as she could think up, but dwelled on one in particular. she was pretty sure she was the sacrificial maiden to some angry forest deity. kamp was a lie fabricated to kidnap kids every year and appease the great forest god. the noise lured them out, and nora took the bait.

      the idea was still better than most of her other conspiracy theories.

      when the noise grew louder still, nora following it with spiking caution, there was a shift in its tone. less ethereal and otherworldly and more. . . off brand alien-y. and peeking into a lit cabin of some other campers, nora thought she knew why.

      she wasn’t sure what she saw, or if she wanted to know. she’d long since returned to her bed, gaze turned back to the ceiling. it was like being on the weird side of youtube. there was no way to describe it other than why did i watch that all the way through. but worse than that, nora realized that nightmarish sound had only been poorly recorded audio from a 1980s mecha anime. it’d just filtered through the trees terribly. and she hated that she knew which anime.

      to be honest, that was probably scarier than any monster she’d been prepared to fight.

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Re: The edge of the woods.... [Prompt Two Open!]

Postby Peppermint mist » Mon Jul 23, 2018 9:17 am

Ooooh, spooky!
Username: Peppermint Mist
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Lilac jolted awake from her sleep. She shot up looking around the darkened cabin. The moonlight shone through a window casting a pale ghostly glow on every object in the room. She gently pulled her duvet up to rub her eyes before straining her ears to listen out to what had disturbed her sleep. She knew that she hadn’t had a bad dream as she usually remembers all of them. She slowly moved across the bed to peak out of the window, but she saw nothing but the outline of the trees. Her curiosity spiked, and as quietly as she could, she went down the ladder of the bunk bed. The first step she took on to the floor made the slightly old wood creak under her weight, she winced looking at her fellow Kampers to see any signs that she may have woken them. When she saw no signs of stirring so she continued making her way to the door. She opened it slightly, just so that she could squeeze through, and gently shut it behind her.

The night air was slightly chilly and she breathed in the fresh air. Lilac loved the night time, the darkness, the way the air smells, the stars. It was just so perfect, the smell of smoke from the bonfire still clung to the air, even though it must have gone out hours ago. Lilac could still faintly taste the s’mores that she had eaten on her tongue and she relished in the memory of eating them whilst sitting by the warm bonfire, not caring that her hands were getting sticky. She stared up at the night sky to find it was clear, there was not a cloud in sight and she almost forgot why she was outside when she heard it again.

The sound.

Now that she was outside she could hear it a little bit more clearly, she was going to walk out further when she realised that going alone might not be a good idea. The Kamp counsellors might not like it if they found out she went exploring very late in the night, so she opened the door again and made her way to one of the sleeping Kampers, she shook them as gently as she could so that she wouldn’t spook them.

“Is it morning already?” they groaned, Lilac shook her head and softly whispered.
“No, but I heard a noise, do you want to come to find out what it is with me?” she asked, excitement crawled into her tone, her fellow Kamper responded with an annoyed moan and turned away from her.
“Just go back to sleep,” they growled.
“It’s probably a bird or something.”
Lilac’s fur prickled in annoyance, she’d just go without everyone then!

She stormed outside, her bare feet pressing into the cracks of the dry soil, it hadn’t rained for a few days and the ground was showing it. She should have brought a torch, but she was so annoyed that she forgot about it. ‘Well, there’s no going back now’ she thought to herself, the moonlight was enough, she guessed.

As she began to move to the part of the woods where she thought she had heard the noise, suddenly she heard another one, one that sounded like footsteps. Lilac dived into the darkness of a bush and waited, no one came, so she crawled out, and shook the twigs out of her fur. She began to creep slowly forward to where she thought the noise came from.
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Re: The edge of the woods.... [Prompt Two Open!]

Postby sentimental » Mon Jul 23, 2018 9:30 am

Ooooh, spooky!
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it's going to be christmas soon, keito

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Re: The edge of the woods.... [Prompt Two Open!]

Postby Catskitten » Mon Jul 23, 2018 9:31 am

Ooooh, spooky!
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All of the campers had been lead to a group of cabins.
Sunflowers on one side and Nightshades on other side.
Princess Peristeria liked the cozy feel of the cabins. However it was decided due to limited space that there were five kalons per room. Everytime the other kalons moved in the room Peris would wake.
If they stepped on her on the way to bathroom they would get scratched.
Peris didn’t dislike the floor just the disrespect. One night though a noise woke her randomly in the night.
It wasn’t a kalon but Peris couldn’t remember a sound just a feeling something woke her which was terrifying really. Did she get a counsellor?
It was so dark could she even find one?
Peristeria poked a nearby kalon awake and heard a polite voice mutter
“Yes you alright?”
“Theres a weird noise I order you to find a counsellor.”
“Theres five kalons in total here your perfectly safe.”
Peristeria nodded in agreement unseen by the responder
What a logical soul.
Princesses didn’t get up to find out sounds in the dark.
Peris couldn’t even see the kalon she had poked awake let alone whatever that thing was. So she tried going back to sleep.

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Postby beeqlass » Mon Jul 23, 2018 9:33 am

      ooooh, spooky!
      username: caspian;
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      prompt response:

      featuring toska, the spooky kamp counsler....

      paris started gathering supplies. he was ready for this, he brought a ton of stuff with him: salt, incase its a demon, two flashlights, extra batteries, night vision goggles, a few silver rings incase its a vampire, a watch, and snacks. he shoved all this into his backpack, and took off.

      he had to sneak outside through the back door, and he countinously glanced around. he was excited for this. something spooky? something fun. paris was geeting tired of nothing interesting this past few days. as he was walking out around the cabins, somebody tapped him on the shoulder,

      he jumped back, landing on his butt, already panting from the scare. "oh my god, its just you..." it was a fellow kalon with wide eyes, about as alert as paris was.

      "did you hear it too? also, are you okay?" the other kalon asked, helping paris up.

      "ah, yeah, im fine, amd i did hear it," paris silently handed her a flashlight. "here, dont worry, im prepared. also, my names paris."

      "and my names kurami. thank you."

      so off they set put into the woods, in search of whoever, or whatever caused the sound.

      they moved slowly along, pausing every so often with no luck on finding whoever made the noise,

      "maybe we should look deeper in the forest?" kurami suggested, gesturing into the deeper section of the forest.

      the forest looked so much scarier at night. dark and creepy, with thin paths.

      they stuck close together, slowly moving into the deeper section of the forest, and they jumped at every sound that they heard. even from when they stepped, they jumped.

      and thats when they heard the music. the slight strumming of a guitar in the distance. the two kalons glanced at eachother before moving gowards the sound, finding a kalon that blended into the environment playing a song on a guitar.

      "hello?" the two called out to the kalon, as paris thought of a thousand ways to defeat monsters with nerby materials, including the ones he had himself.

      the kalon stopped playing, and looked at the two.

      "you shouldnt be here."

      kurami to stepped up to explain, "we heard a noise around our cabins that woke us both, so we went out to find the source of the noise."

      the kalon shook his head. "wasnt me."

      then... what was the noise? if it wasnt this green kalon in the middle of the woods, what was it?

      just then, a racoon lashed out of the bushes from behind then and landed on paris' backpack. the two kits screamed as paris struggled to get his backpack off, the two sprinting back towards the camp.

      when the backpack fell, the two kits hid behind a tree and watched as the racoon dug around for something, stole something within the bag and ran off.

      the green kalon looked towards where the two kits ran off to, shrugged and started playing his guitar again.

      the two kits were panting.

      "oh my god, do you think that was what caused the noise...?" paris asked, looking at kurami, "whatever lets just.. head back," paris grabbed his backpack and the two returned to their cabins.

      little did they know, mothman was watching them, smiling to itself, planning its attack.
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The thing that went bump in the night

Postby Meduz » Mon Jul 23, 2018 9:34 am

Ooooh, spooky!
Username: jellyfish.lucy
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Re: The edge of the woods.... [Prompt Two Open!]

Postby Jaskiest » Mon Jul 23, 2018 9:36 am

Ooooh, spooky!
Username: Theodosia
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[622 words]

At first, Sorin had assumed the sound (somewhere between a thud and a squelch; a strange and unsettling sound that Sorin could not imagine nature nor machine ever making) was simply his mind playing tricks on him - he was tired and groggy and altogether not in the lucid state he'd like to be in when trying to account for things going bump in the night. And even as wakefulness returned to him, there were a thousand other ways to account for the strange sound - a camper or counsellor trying to play a prank, for example, or a very heavy and very moist frog throwing itself against the door. Either way, he probably just needed to wait it out until the culprit got bored of their hooliganism and went back to sleep. However, as the (squelching? thudding? squudding? hell, he must be more tired than he'd thought) continued to grow in both frequency and volume, he began to worry that he'd finally discovered a problem in life where ignoring it wasn't the solution. With many a groan he sat up in bed, rubbing at his eyes blearily as they tried and failed to adjust to the darkness.

"Guys? Is anyone going to shut this thing up?"

He threw his words out into the darkness with perhaps more force than necessary; this darkness felt like the kind that snuffed out both light and voice; a physical presence like humidity in air that suffocated all that dared penetrate it. (Sorin knew that this was illogical. He also knew that the dark and the night rarely cared for his logic).

Sorin was disappointed, but not surprised, when his words received no response. Rather than further fuelling his fear by giving the dark more of his words to swallow, he fished around under his bed for his flashlight, smug that his decision to 'choose' the bottom bunk - the last bunk left - had been a sound one. As soon as he'd managed to light up this place, he wouldn't have to be scared anymore. Any moment now, he'd hear the faint 'snick' of his claw against the metal body of the flashlight and he'd know he was safe; any moment now, he'd stop feeling like a coward.

The moment never came. The squish-thud quickened in time with his heart, and his mind scrambled for the thing it knew and loved best; logic.

The reason none of his fellow Kampers were interacting was not because he was a coward, or because there was some supernatural force of evil targeting him alone- it was because they were trying to freak him out. They had planned it all from the start - creating the creepy sound, ignoring his calls for help, stealing his flashlight from under his bed and hiding it in the hope that he would be proven too weak for this test of courage. They were probably laughing at him now, sniggering under their covers at the spineless Kamper scared by sound. This tale his mind had weaved for him was one of reason and rationale, replacing the fear and the unknown with anger and bitterness, because these latter emotions were ones he was all too comfortable with. Sorin was above all a prideful creature, and he would not give these traitorous Kampers the satisfaction of seeing him afraid. And so Sorin sank back into his bed, pulled the pillow over his head and tried to block out the noises and the darkness and the cruelty he was determined to find in the other Kampers in the room.

Sorin did not sleep again. In the morning he arose with bloodshot eyes drooping in exhaustion and paws cramping from clinging to the blankets, but somehow he still felt like he'd won.
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Re: The edge of the woods.... [OPEN!]

Postby SyntheticFox » Mon Jul 23, 2018 9:40 am

Ooooh, spooky! | Username: SyntheticFox | Link to roll call post: Sign me up! | Link to previous form: Prompt #1!

Uh oh, it sounds like there's something spooky in the forest!
Despite not being very loud, it's doing a pretty good job in keeping your Kamper from getting a good night's sleep.
Do they go out and investigate -perhaps while rallying fellow Kampers to go with them-, or do they stay in their cabin where it's (hopefully) safe?

Prompt response:

Uzi pondered, he couldn't fall back to sleep, nor could he ignore the sounds. He figured it was best and safe for him to stay in his Cabin and await sunrise. However, the noise kept him awake, Uzi just has to know what is causing him to get up unexpectedly or it might drive him mentally insane. But we all heard the old saying, curiosity killed the cat. Before Uzi went to investigate, he decided to awaken his boyfriend Chance in hopes of being protected. "Chance wake up! I heard a something!" "Uzi,, I think your imagining things. Go back to bed." Chance replied half asleep. "Chance this is a matter of life or death! Please come with me!" Uzi begged Chance to join. Fortunately Chance eventually gave in and headed out with Uzi. As they traveled further, they started hearing voices. "Die... Die... 10... 9..." Uzi began to panic as the sound grew louder. "The voices are counting Chance! We should leave!!" "We cant! It would risk the kamp and everyone there! Uzi, we need to stop this thing!" The two walked closer.. and closer to the sound... "4... 2... 5..." Uzi thought for moment "Huh, did ghosts learn how to count..?" He questioned as they found the source. "Beni I told you to count the Tie Dye for the shirts!" Iphis exclaimed. "Im trying! 5, 6, 3, 4" Beni struggled. "I still question how you were hired Beni." With the noise explained, Chance and Uzi finally went to rest, knowing they aren't in danger anymore. "die.. die..." Chance teased "Chance!" "Sorry heh. Goodnight!"

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