[ Create A Tribe ] - [ V.2 ] - [ Open ]

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Winter's CaT Replies

Postby winter solstice. » Mon May 14, 2018 1:09 pm

Chamrosh wrote:
    Tribe of Rippling Corrie

    Some territories are just naturally suited to be larger than others. Some are just naturally suited to be more isolated than others.
    The tribe of Rippling Corrie is nestled within a huge post-glacial valley, in Snowdonia (North-West Wales). The tribe's territory regularly expands down the valley as their numbers grow, much like the glaciers that created their valley.
    The valley creates a "U" shape, with a long, narrow lake at the bottom. This lake can easily be swum across by any cat in some points, although it stretches far beyond the horizon down the slope, winding between distant mountains. Several rivers branch across the territory, pouring into the lake, leaving the ground marshy and boggy in some areas, or dropping far below the normal soil level, creating a risky jump in areas with few trees.
    The effects of the old glaciers are obvious; from the presence of several corries, the ribbon lake (which delves to depths well into the dozens of metres despite its narrow width), moraines, and areas of seeming "rippling" ground covered in small "ponds" that water refuses to leave. Roche Moutin provide sunning spots in the winter - and areas for uncertain apprentices to test their climbing skills.
    The tribe mostly live on the northern side of the valley, although they'll wander its whole width, due to the presence of a corrie where the valley seems to branch slightly away from the lake, high up on the slopes of one mountain. The corrie is very open in terms of visibility, but is well defended on three sides by sheer rock slopes. Any cat is welcome to visit the corrie and talk to their ancestors, as a result of this, but the Corrieteller will always gain the most accurate tellings, and the most frequent.

    A few hundred metres west of the corrie, just beyond the end of the lake, are the remains of an old mining town. The tribe cats frequently visit it, especially in the winter. The old homes and the old church are a frequent play ground for apprentices, and several cats will do hunting trips into the area too. At the edge of the village, on the northern side, is a hole in the rock face, leaving into a strip mine shaft. Deep into the mine, down its twisting, gently curved tunnels, is the sleeping place of most of the cats - a few will choose to sleep within the edges of the town outside, or natural caves in the nearby rocks. Many patches of the walls have patches of coal ore in - a cat with poor taste in sleeping area may wake up in the morning to find their coat stained with coal.

    The mountains on either side of the valley join up to each other on a thin line of rocks. Although the cats can easily climb up it and scale it, the winds up on the peaks - especially the more exposed ones - are sufficiently strong that few cats want to go up there.

    Most of the area is purely grassy slopes with shrubby bushes or varying sizes and scree slopes dotting the landscape.
    A few areas of trees - particularly one on the slope leading up to the corrie - dot the landscape, in mixtures of deciduous and coniferous trees, proving useful for hunting. Sheep wonder the landscape, seemingly entirely unrestrained. Occasionally humans come, normally in groups of five. Many come with enormous bags on their back, looking hugely lost, and set up tents on the dryer areas of ground.
    During the winter, the prey can run very poorly indeed. Well, the rabbits and hares will forever remain good at running; they just become harder to hunt.

    The weather in Snowdonia rather matches the area's name in many senses. Many winters leave the slopes covered in snow, and the corrie and lake frozen over. Breaking the ice on the corrie is a highly prized skill that every teller has to learn for their period of leadership - if the corrie is frozen over, the cats can't talk to their ancestors.
    Fierce storms blow over from the West, where the Irish sea is only a few dozen kilometres away, storms coming straight from the Mediterranean to the area. In the winter, rain can come pouring down furiously for weeks at a time, wind can be powerful enough to shape the rocks themselves, and the ground can become so waterlogged that a foolish human walking across it can easily gain a blister in just a few minutes.
    Because of these cold conditions, there is a preference for long-haired cats. Shorter furred cats generally have to remain lower down on the slopes, and closer to the protected areas in winter.
    In summer, rain is still frequent, but at least it can be warm and sunny, the lake and corrie blazing bright in the sun.

    Because the cats rarely wonder over the rock ridges to the north and south of the valley, but instead east and west, leaving them isolated from their neighbours on two sides.
    Further, because their territory continuously expands, should they find a tribe on either side, they would likely become very hostile to them.

    The cats speak Welsh between themselves, although, for the sakes of being easier to write, I am only going to do names in Welsh, and not every name.

      I'm probably not going to be really active initially, because of exams not being very far off now at all, but eh, posts here before I get to a big tribe are almost certainly going to take less time than Gustclan posts do (and it'd be really neat to eventually catch them up in time to Gustclan, even if realistically that won't be managed any time even vaguely soon, oops).

      I've already discussed some stuff about this tribe with Winter on the discord, so would it be possible to have her as my mod? It's fine if it's not, just that'd be quite convenient from that point of view for me?

The Tribe of Rippling Corrie has been founded! Your first healer comes with five herbs of choice to start your tribe. I will be your mod.

{Note: Deimos has given me permission earlier for me to mod Cham's tribe ^^}
Hello, I'm winter! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you live~!

Winter / Fairy / Gale
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Re: [ Create A Tribe ] - [ V.2 ] - [ Open ]

Postby Katrione » Tue May 15, 2018 11:07 am

- Weather -
Current Season: Summer- The sun hangs high in the sky, giving off a comforting warmth that makes all tribe cats want to curl up and soak in its rays. But alas, the life of a tribe cat can be too busy to indulge in such laziness.


[ Shimmering Dawn ] | [ Burned Claws ] | [ Winding Halls ] | [ Flowing Mist ] | [ Dark Ice ] | [ ʻO Ka Wai Gula Ka Makuakāne ] | [ Freezing Frost ]


Frosty Reed wrote:
Moth and Wren were not besties. It was a simple fact that Duskseer would have to deal with. Wren was annoying, she was a constant mother to everyone and Moth hated that. She even did it to Duskseer and Briar which was disrespectful in her eyes. Moth hated her with a passion. Why would someone be so stern yet oddly protective at the same time to cats she barely knew? It made Moth itch with distrust.

What was worst then that was the fact she was now getting motherly to her best friend. Rosemary was meant to be her side instead of defending the enemy. Then there was the fact Wren would... vulture parent for lack of a better phrase. Any day Web came home with a slightly tired look, Wren would dart forward and glare at her, unsheathing her claws slightly. If they weren’t tribe mates, what would she do?

It was rather late in the day. Moth and Web had just finished a training session and they were both pretty knackered by a busy day of work. As Moth pushed her way through the reeds that surrounded camp, every thing was still. The pair breathed in a sigh of relief before proceeding in silence. A faint snap of a stick from a embarrassed Web was the only thing to happen before a badger pushed it’s head out of a den with a mighty roar and thundered towards them, stopping it’s feet with all their might. It raised their head to the youngster and with a mighty sniff it stopped. Cats emerged from the dens still blinking sleep from their eyes to discover what happened. The badger turned towards Moth as she fought the urge to shrink back in fear due to the fury in their eyes.

That ‘badger’ was Wren of course. If a cat asked Moth she would strongly deny her fear that day but it was there. At least, to Rosemary that is.

- Duskseer asks the ancestors for a fisher.

- The Tribe consumes one pigeon!

Wren, Rosemary and Swift hunt.

+ Moth teaches Web about strategy.

[ The Tribe of Endless Hunting has sent The Tribe of Dark Ice a fisher ]
[ Wren's patrol caught two squirrels while hunting ]
[ Web learned the Strategy skill while training ]


~Glaceon~ wrote:
Rise of Sun over Mountain blinked in the sunlight, awakening from the strange dream he had. It was a dream of a young russeet tom who must have just become a to-be walking along the snow with two she-cats: a grey grizzled Cloud-Gazer who was telling stories by the way she open and closed her mouth with the other two staring at her, and almost a shadow of the older one who wasn't as elderly with paler green eyes. Suddenly the birds started tweeting just as he fully emersed himself in the scene, and over heard the youngest one saying eagerly, "What did Lionpaw do next? How come he wasn't hurt after the battle?" the younger grey began to bristle with alarm, just before what Rise assumed was the younger grey's mother spoke. "You see, Timber, Lionpaw had an ancient prophecy concerning him and his siblings. Although it has been forgotten, thanks to Lionpaw tribe cats look after their borders and boundaries. Should I tell you about Stormfur, who left ThunderTribe to be with his love?" the young grey interrupted ferociously, barging in-between the Cloud-Gazer and the To-be. "Mother, Timber, there are intruders on the territory! Please listen mother!"
Rise quivered as he saw this cat was a younger version of Minnow, although this one didn't have drooping whiskers and a dragging tail. He had heard Sunset and Pearl talking in hushed whispers who her father had died under her own claws and Lion has sacrificed himself so the lonely grey she-cat could lose her last bit of family on her own fault. He felt sympathy towards her, as before he had just thought she was grumpy and old. With dread, Rise could see what was coming next as he had heard the story from Rowan and Owl.
"Tear 'em apart!" yelled an ugly, scarred old tom who bared similarities to a rat with his ragged grey fur. Cloud was frozen in shock for a moment and recognition spread across her startled face, before she reared up for an attack. Just as her claws appeared teeth clutched at her neck and she fell down to the floor. The To-be ran for his life, but a smug tortoiseshell who Minnow gasped at (Shadow, Rise discovered later) tore Timber down like a tiny branch in the way of her paws. Like a branch, he was easily tore down and pushed away. It hurt Rise, and as he prepared for Minnow's death he realised it wouldn't come, but the tear in her ear was enough for her.
"Please have mercy on me Shadow! Surely my mother and my to-be's death is enough?" Minnow begged for a pardon, quivering as she bumped into a tree with cruel, snarling faces around her.
"Wait, Shadow, Claw had seen a red cat like Rowan stumbling through the meadow! He is easily spotted, dragging a desceased tribe cat with him who must have been crushed by rocks like that loud noise a few moons ago!" A small, scared kitten meowed. "Very good Whisker! You get first pick of the prey." a new Shadow had come out, one unlikely to hurt a fly. Then a snarl replaced her soft glimmer. "This isn't over, Amelia. take your Kittypet blood away from me!" Amelia? Minnow was really once a kittypet named Amelia? This dream was getting weirder.
And as the rouges left Minnow to cry over her apprentice and mother Sunset's head appeared in place of the sun and called out to him, "Wake up, Rise, Dawnchaser wants to see you!"

Dusk narrowed his eyes as the dappled grey cat called for a meeting to introduce him, some apprentice cats, a Kit-mother and her kit. Her proud grin was clearly directed at the three apprentice cats, before (with slight disdain) she glanced at the eager ginger cat nearby her nephew. "I shall be taking Rise as my apprentice." she added almost regretfully, causing a loud outburst from what Dusk assumed to be the cat's mother.

"He's too young Dawnchaser!" Sunset growled, flashing her claws, followed by her son. "I'm not an apprentice! Unfair!" Peak added, blue eyes wide with anger. The elders and Pearl immediately looked at each other with uncertainty, with Moon looking ready to protest. Bough the new queen looked bemused, while Dusk who had yet to be announced was amused. He hadn't expected something like that to happen, and as it seemed that there would be a riot a glare swept across the crowd, chilling the hearts of those who saw it. If she didn't like Rise, judging by the glances she gave the young to-be, why was he her apprentice? But if a tribe healer took on an apprentice it meant that death was coming, just like it had when Leaf Fluttering From Tree was chosen by Dawnteller, so that might be the reason. If you asked Swan you knew Rise saw dead cats while he daydreamed, maybe that was the case.

Whatever it was, she silenced them before continuing. "Skilled and Courageous Dusk, you shall now be known as Dusk Darkening Sky. The Pool of Shimmering Truth shall be the place you come tonight along with Bough and Twig for the ancestors to accept you officially. Shimmer, you have passed your assessment, you shall also come to the Pool tonight. That is all."

Confusion swept like an overflowing tide upon a low shore, engulfing every cat who dared to try and surf it's wave and sink or swim. The few cats who had placed their trust in Dawnchaser that she would not choose a to-be for a while was broken, and it made the seniors shudder. Even Flicker, who was basically Dawnchaser's right-hand cat, looked befuddled. As they slept that night they fought the crashing sea engulfing their thoughts, sinking into uneasy dreams.

[ Light, Owl, Finch, Shimmer, Bee and Snow go on a hunting patrol]
[Clover, Ivy, Sun, Cry, Azure, Navy and Chestnut go on a second a hunting patrol]
[Dust, Silver, Soot, Crystal, Wind and Oak go on a Border Patrol]
[Cricket, Amber, Sage Grass, Smoke and Rowan go on a second border patrol]
[Dawnchaser and Flicker hunt for Chervil]
[All apprentices except Iris do Stealth training]
[Iris does Climbing training]
[The tribe consumes 10 servings]

[ Light's patrol caught an eagle while hunting ]
[ Clover's patrol caught three big fish while hunting ]
[ Dust's patrol found a gale-guardian while on patrol ]
[ Cricket's patrol found a mini-cloud while on patrol ]
[ Dawnchaser and Flicker found x2 chervil while herb hunting ]
[ Alder, Flower, Tiger, Bird, Hiss, Whisper, Star, Cinder, North and Rise learned the Stealth skill while training ]
[ Iris learned the Climb skill while training ]
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' { tribe of burned claws - the sixth moon.

Postby w0ah » Tue May 15, 2018 2:55 pm

            i. there are 007 felines among the tribe; 04 she, 03 he
            ii. the next greeting of the ancestors is in 01 moons
            iii. there are 003 servings required to feed everyone


        food consumption : the tribe consumes a large fish carcass
        greeting of ancestors : xxx
        hunting party : fog, river, flicker.
        patrolling : fog, river, flicker.
        herb-gathering : snake.
        training : bee with river, and bird now assigned to fog.
        * happenings : snake and dove argue; snake and the newcomer (flicker) have a fling;
        crow discovers this and becomes angered; crow and dove attempt to formulate an
        assassination of snake, but fail; crow is killed in front of his sister, as promised; dove is
        denoted to 'weakling'.


The tom’s stride took up half of the room's space as he paced from one side to the other, floorboards beneath moaning under the shifting weight. His eyes snapped fiercely onto the other feline accompanying him, his mate, Dove, and narrowed into slits. “Why are you so difficult?” He hissed in aggravation, the question obviously not one meant for her to answer. “You and I both know that situations between us would be much easier if you would just listen.” The she-cat remained completely silent under the narrowing gaze of her mate. She knew of his bickering, and his difficult attitude; over the course of only a few moons, she was quick to pick up on their differences and how they clashed over them.

Instead, Snake took her silence as an invitation to talk once more. “Too afraid to speak up, huh?” This earned a twisted expression from Dove as she looked away, obviously trying to seem as nonchalant as she could, even as she struggled to keep her fur unruffled and neatly flattened. She managed to suppress the anger that built up inside, as if a fire threatened to burst, full-flame, from her chest. “I’m not afraid to speak to you. I just find that joining in on useless banter is not my style.” Satisfaction from her smooth statement showed as a smile appeared, adorning Dove’s features perfectly.

A heavy paw slammed into the cheek of the warrior, the claws that trailed along their face dragging the smile away with it. The female was left, in shock, with an utterly still and emotionless expression. Silently, the female guided her widening, fearful eyes to meet the yellow ones of her leader, the shaman she was mated to. "I don't think you have a right to talk to me like that, love. The tom snarled. His expression might have matched one of a mentor looking down upon their failing apprentice, as if they were the source of the only disappointment in their lives. Or, even, the way a father looked down to the runt of their litter. Snake looked to his mate in these ways that moment, leaving the trembling female, bleeding from the corner of her left eye down to her nose, in his wake. Never had Dove felt such hatred, shock, and sorrow in her life before.


"Fog," huffed out an annoyed voice. The pale tom guided his eyes to the speaker and nodded obediently. "Take River, Crow, Dove, and that apprentice, Bee, on an outing." They informed. "The streets are busy this afternoon, so watch your tails." Fog dipped his head silently in response and headed out through the doorway, leaving the cool and empty space, his voice soon heard down the hall as he called for the requested soldiers. Only moments later, the sound of their nails clicking past and down the rickety stairs, following the shaman's guard closely, could be heard.

Before they left, Dove peeked her head inside the room, her yellow orbs spotting the oriental tom crouching motionlessly on the windowsill. Snake flicked his tail as his source of recognition, beckoning her to come closer. The she-cat entered graciously and joined the tom, jumping up onto the windowsill and sitting by her mate's side. "You've finally sent me out for once." She commented. Snake growled and flicked his gaze to Dove's. "Don't get too excited, now. I've sent Fog along because he'll keep an eye on you." The dark she-cat huffed, dusting the ledge with her feathery tail. "What do you think I'll do... run away?" She questioned. "I've been with you for moons now. If I had planned to run away, I would have done so already, trust me." The tom looked away and out of the slightly cracked window, refusing to comment on her statement. The marks along his mate's face and down to her nose rose a spark of guilt that he could not suppress. Just having her around managed to bring this up inside of him, and Snake wanted to do his best to avoid it. He knew that it was wrong, he could just feel it. How could he feel guilt? In his mind, it was right to punish her in that moment, especially after the way she spoke to him. But why, especially now, was he feeling guilt?

"Just," he murmured, rising from his crouch into a more comfortable sit. "don't get yourself caught up. Go, before I make you." Snake's stern gaze told the molly that he was serious, and wouldn't fret to 'teach her another lesson', like he had before. Annoyance flitted across her features for the slightest second before she turned and leaped off the windowsill, joining the others down the flight of steps. Silence filled the nearly empty room again as the tom sat by himself, staring through the doorway as if expecting someone to walk through and greet him. No one. Just as he expected, anyway. He was probably the only one left among the building beside the other apprentice, Bird, a mischievous youth. He would have to remind Crow to train with him again later that afternoon.

Just as his thoughts began to take over, Snake realized that someone had entered the room through the doorway of which his blurred gaze locked onto. He briefly shook his head and turned to face the entering feline, rising on all four paws. That was when he realized he had left one feline out of the patrol; Flicker, their newest member. She was a stunning she-cat. Her fur was a mixture of a creamy white, brilliant orange, and a dark black. Her eyes, although appearing yellow, also had an attractive amber glow that the tom could not manage to keep his eyes off of. His eyes continued to scour her pelt until the fae chuckled, the sound filling the space like an instant warmth and striking the shaman from his daze. "Hello, Flicker." He let out. Flicker dipped her head in acknowledgement and smiled, strutting closer and gracefully springing up and onto the small ledge, just enough to hold two. Not long ago, it held Snake and his mate, Dove. But now, it held Snake and a particular, beautiful she-cat. "How are you feeling?" She asked, eyes finally wandering over him as well. The tom flicked an ear toward her and waved his tail over the ledge. "Fine." He began, meeting her gaze questionably. "You just missed a patrol party that Fog lead out. Maybe, if you leave now, you'll be able to catch them?" He mentioned. "I'm sorry about that, I must've completely forgot about you." The she-cat took no hurt from this, merely chuckling in response. She shook her head politely and leaned toward the warming window. "Thank you for the offer, but I'd rather stick around. Maybe you can show me the place, help me gather my bearings?" She mewed. "Also, who would keep you company?" At this, she grinned playfully, letting the breeze from the outside run through the cracked window and ruffle her multicolored fur.

Snake couldn't resist gluing his eyes to her beauty and watching her in this peaceful moment. Something about her attitude, the way she formed and let out her words with her light and pleasant tone, managed to make him falter. How could Flicker be so perfect, wasn't it impossible? Apparently not, Snake thought, as he openly observed the molly. Whatever she was doing, or trying to do; it was working like a charm. Without second thought, the tom leaned forward, pressed his nose to the she-cat's, and closed his eyes. This jolted the feline from her moment and caused her to jump slightly, although leaning into his touch. The tom backed away just centimeters from her face and gazed into those perfect eyes. He needed something to distract him, to rip away the guilt that formed within him each time he saw Dove's scars, and fill him with a much needed feeling. "Can you do something for me, love?" He asked in a low murmur. Flicker's grin never faltered as she tilted her head in response, leaning in to listen. "Distract me, take me away from my troubles, even just while the patrol is gone. I don't care what the others think. Can you do that for me?" The she-cat nodded and nuzzled her head into his short fur, swaying her tail in a perfect momentum. "Anything for you." Snake's form trembled as he leaned into her touch, his entire body needing, thirsting for her gentle touch. With that, the two felines jumped from the ledge and trotted through the doorway, disappearing around the corner...


All was normal after the patrol returned from their long outing. It was now evening, the sun blazing in the sky as bright as ever. The cats returned before the pavement grew too warm and the sun would burn their pelts. And, thankfully, everyone returned safely. Fog flicked his tail in annoyance as he trailed in, a mere mouse hanging by its tail from his jowls. “Useless.” He hissed quietly. River narrowed her eyes at the guard before a mask fell over her expression and returned into its normal stiffness. Snake observed this, his tail brushing the wooden board of the step he sat on, watching the patrol fill in. Dove came last, behind her brother, of whom locked his eyes onto Snake’s with anger. Crow had been dreary and rather snappy lately, especially after he constantly worried for the well-being of his sister. He had reacted strongly to Dove’s wounds, inflicted by her own mate, just as he should very well have. Snake’s actions had been careless and aloof, but the tom paid it no mind. His attention was no longer directed on the she-cat he called his ‘mate’, and the guilt that tinged his heart before was gone. Although not easily lost, his distraction from the guilt worked very well, better than he imagined. At that point, not a care mattered to him.

Crow, however, was not done worrying over Dove, nor was he done fueling his anger toward the shaman in the most ways that he could. A certain comment here and there, maybe even a mutter under his breath, all managed to bother the slender tom as time passed. Often he set Fog onto the arguable tom, ordering him to leave. As a result, Fog took a constant post around the shaman whenever he knew Crow was around, both unaware of his intentions. What could he do, anyway? All he knew was that he wanted to find a way to wear on the shaman and cause him to break, in any ways possible, possibly causing him to shatter and fall under the pressure. Possibly, if his intentions were to succeed, then he could take down the leader himself and inflict his anger onto him that welled up inside. However, that time would not come too easily, and there would have to be much planning that went into taking down a leader of even the smallest of Tribes. Snake was no exception. And, neither was his always-near bodyguard, Fog.

“Hello, Snake.” Muttered the dark tom, flicking his tail impatiently. The pale eyes of the shaman disregarded the soldier as he waited for some acknowledgement. Huffing, Crow mumbled insults under his breath. “How was your patrol?” Asked the shaman. Caught off guard, Crow’s eyes blinked in confusion at his leader’s blank tone. Did he not even take notice to the tom, even respect to regard him normally? Malice filled the tom’s words as he spoke, even simply about how a daily patrol went out. “Fine.” He spat, peering over the step. “Fog was burning holes into my pelt the entire time. Can’t you hop off my tail sometime, send your little ‘body-guard’ somewhere else?” Snake rose onto his paws in a flash and jumped over the banister, landing beside the darker tom gracefully. Other’s eyes landed on him at his glorious show, amazed by his pure strength and composition. “Mind you, Crow, but I can have the entire Tribe of Burned Claws on you with a flick of my tail.” He hissed quietly. “You see, I’ve never forgotten our deal. It’s still on the table, you know.” Snake strutted out and circled the soldier once, blue orbs piercing his own. “Another moon of your birdbrained sister, and I may just have to go through with it.” Stopping before Crow, he narrowed his glare. The tom seemed to weaken beneath his gaze, no matter how hard he tried to keep his composition just as well as the shaman had done before. Even after his fruitless attempt, he realized that he could never master this skill as well as the shaman did; had he practiced before? “Just keep in mind that I am your leader, the one who can practically control your fate. I'd watch your tail.”


It was moonhigh, the crescent shape hovering high into the dark sky. Alongside its bright glow was an array of millions and millions of stars, covering the expanse like a blanket. However, this was a dark night, no matter how many lights shone from this city, or how many stars shone in the sky. Crow padded past the sleeping soldiers, their stomachs rising and falling as they slept on nests of tossed-out blankets and old grass. The tom had had a restless night, not able to keep his mind occupied over the thoughts that filled it. Would this really work? Would they find a way? For moons, the dark tom had felt a hatred so strong toward Snake, the shaman, and his leader, over the treatment of his sister. But now, after acquiring some very shocking information, Crow could not hold himself back any longer. How could he leave his sister alone with him?

Padding silently up the staircase and onto the third level, Crow entered the leader’s den to find the two sleeping among different nests. Before then, Dove had told Crow that they would sleep together, however, over the past moon, the two took to separate nests. It was odd how this news bothered Dove, even as the scars of her mate's claws ripping through her face were still apparent. Crow could not understand how the she-cat had not held any resentment toward Snake and his carelessness. From this, Crow felt that he had the responsibility to take hers, and his own situation into his paws. Something has to change. He thought.

The dark tom, nearly just a blur in the shadows, hovered over his sleeping sister. He leaned down and dug his nose into the fur on her shoulder, waking her with a shudder. “Crow?” She mumbled, voice scratchy and unused. The tom flicked his tail, telling her to keep silent, and slowly began to nudge her from the nest and onto her paws. Suddenly, an excited gleam appeared in her eyes, beginning to dance her paws across the wooden boards. Dove had always had a thirst for adventure, yet Snake confined her to the camp, unless sent on patrols, and had Fog sent with her. Dove was annoyed to have the pale tom always on her heels, but seemed to care less and less as the moons passed, almost as if she was beginning to accept her ways with Snake and how he treated her.

Leading the groggy molly out of the room and onto the bottom level, Crow finally dared to open his mouth to speak. No cat stayed awake during such hours they stood awake in, and the protection of the mansion they called home was enough to make them think they did not need an overnight guard. This, in the pair's situation, was only better. This was the safest and quietest place where they could talk, out of all ears, even though the threat was just looming overhead. "Dove, I have something to tell you." The nearly identical tom mewed in a hushed voice. Dove leaned forward, ready to listen to his words. "You know I've never liked Snake, right?" He asked. The she-cat nodded, flicking the tip of her tail in slight annoyance. "Well-" Before Crow could continue, Dove cut in. "I don't want to hear your complaining. You know I am with that bastard to keep you alive, right?" She whispered. Crow nodded, but he knew he needed to continue on. "What I am trying to tell you is not useless. I know what I saw, and I know what I heard..."

Finally, the she-cat seemed intrigued, tilting her head to the side with a nod. "Go on, then." She sighed. Crow thanked her with a dip of his head and continued; "On our patrol yesterday, I stayed behind to gather up my apprentice, Bird. As I went back upstairs to grab him, I heard voices on the third level." As he finished, Dove nodded, flicking an ear toward the door as a chill blew in. "That was I. I went in to say my goodbyes to Snake before we left." Crow shook his head, anger flooding into his yellow eyes. "No, it wasn't you, I could have recognized your voice if it was you. It was that new she-cat, Flicker, and Snake." Dove blinked in response, waiting for him to go on. "Dove, that bastard is not loyal to you. He... he and Flicker..." The she-cat cut him off with a quick snap of her tail against the wooden floor, eyes narrowing. Her claws unsheathed in a flash and she scoured the floor beneath with a quick blow. "I don't want to hear another word, I am done with that wretched tom."


Both Crow and his littermate, Dove, walked beside each other at dusk. The Tribe was tired after another day of work, now finally returning to their warm nests to retire for the night. As the moon rose higher into the dark sky, and moonhigh neared, this was when the pair would strike; however, they still had much time before then. Crow brushed his flank against the she-cat’s side comfortingly. The care he felt for his sister shone in his eyes, as worry flashed within them. “Are you ready for tonight?” He asked. Dove flicked an ear toward him, lowering her head slightly as she walked. “Always.” She murmured in reply.

This night, unlike the night before, was the brightest of them all. Without the light of the city around them, the full and bright moon was capable of taking over and lighting the sky as if it were still sundown. Its bright and round appearance in the sky drove on the dark tom as he lurked through the shadows, once again padding silently up the stairs. His tail was stiff and erect behind him, keeping just as much alert as his ears and mind did. He could not risk a single slip-up, not tonight. Upon entering the room, crossing through the doorway, Crow noticed the cool and empty feeling of the space. Although two cats rested among it, it felt as if there were none. A certain dread ran through his veins as if a warning, but the tom pushed on. Not tonight, He told himself. His sister stirred in her nest, yellow eyes landing on his on as they stared at each other. Her eyes were just as wary, just as unsure. “Let's get this over with.” He whispered. Dove nodded and rose, paws holding her composure perfectly.

Both turned and advanced the sleeping shaman. Both unsheathed their sharpened claws, scraping against the wooden boards underpaw. Both parted their jaws to show gleaming white fangs, ready to strike at any moment. Both felt as if they were unstoppable, on top of the world. There was so much wrong with that.

Suddenly, Crow felt a force shove into his side so rough it knocked him down. A weight pinned him to the cool floor as he yowled in protest, the feline on top hissing violently. “How dare you, traitor!” They roared. Crow could see, through his peripheral vision, Snake stir in his nest and stand in an instant. Dove let out a cry and launched herself at the tom in a fruitless attempt, bunching her hind legs and springing forward in a great leap. Snake was too fast for his own mate, his outstretched claws meeting her as she met them. The she-cat went flying across the floor, landing with a thud on the floor. For a second, all thought she was gone, until they say her chest rising and falling in shallow breaths. She was knocked unconscious.

“You filthy weaklings.”


Dove’s eyes fluttered open slowly, her vision blurry and her hearing muffled. She blinked quickly, trying her best to clear the fog, and shook her head as her hearing returned. All around, the sounds of murmuring felines and their angered yowls filled the darkness. “Kill him!” one said, and “traitor!” another called. Before the she-cat had even seen it, she knew exactly what was happening. Crow laid stiff on the wooden floor, Snake circling him with his swaying tail. Beside Dove, Fog kept his watchful eye on her, even holding a heavy paw on her shoulder to keep her from moving. Snake continued to pace around the weak tom, feeding the crowd with unease and impatience. The noise grew.

“Cats of the Tribe of Burned Claws,” He called. “soldiers of the mighty cavalry, seconds in training, and our valiant guards, listen as I tell you what we have found tonight.” The crowd silenced at his words, their tension and hunger for excitement still lingering in the air. “There were traitors among our ranks, ones that wished to kill me.” He hissed loudly. Shouts of defiance rose once more. “Crow and Dove, the traitorous siblings, hatched a plan to attack me by moonhigh, tonight. But, here they lie, ready to die at my paws.” Snake then paused, a grin forming on his maw. “And look at me, I’m still alive.”

The tom pulled the air back into his lungs and turned his expression more serious, eyes narrowing as they met the other’s gazes; as if in a warning. “Cats from all around, let their deaths be a warning for all of whom will try to defy our rule; let their deaths be passed on through generation to generation, from broodmother to littluns, of why they must not defy our laws; let their deaths teach us the consequences!” With the shaman’s words, an uproar rose in the crowd. Cats cheered as they waited for the traitors to be killed, at the paws of their shaman, and eager to join in as well. Some would step forward to help with the execution, as the tradition worked, and the victim will die slowly. They will see each cat they fought alongside, lived alongside, and maybe even cared for, leave their mark along their pelt until they bled to death. Snake, the leader, was the first to begin the horrid tradition of their Tribe.

The powerful tom stepped toward the figure, still lying motionless among the worn floorboard, knocking a paw into his side. “Get up.” He commanded. Crow, weak and still slightly unconscious, heaved himself onto his paws. His eyes never met the widening ones of his sister, Dove, as she lied unable to move under the paw of Fog. Suddenly, she gasped. Crow was instantly knocked to the floor once more, a cheer rising in the audience. Snake padded up behind him, grasping the tom’s tail between his teeth and crushing down, pulling the figure back over to him. “Get up, coward.” He hissed. The black tom moved to stand again, his strength seeming to grow stronger as he moved onto his paws. Maybe, as he moved more and more out of consciousness, he would be able to fight back against the powerful shaman? - not even a chance.

Crow turned and faced the lithe cat as an effort to gain on him. However, as he raced toward him, the opponent swiftly dodged his quick advance and ran unsheathed claws along their side. A painful yowl ripped into the electrified air. Another chorus of shouts and cheers filled the space, with more painful cries from the victim, then finally followed by the silent sobbing of Dove as she watched her brother, of whom had sacrificed himself to save her, now bleeding to death just a fox-lengths away. And there she stayed, under the heavy paw of the guard, still unable to move. She could not help her brother now. Her brother was continuously battered, scraped, and bruised, being thrown to the ground countless times and his fur torn to shreds. Cheers and yowls grew louder and louder as the crowd urged Snake on. They wanted him to kill the traitor. However, just as Crow was near to death, Snake stopped his constant blows and turned back to the others. A smirk laid smugly upon his bloodied face, clumps of torn fur caught between his claws. “Any volunteers?” His voice boomed, eyes scanning the others. In that moment, Dove finally managed to catch the eyes of her brother. His gaze told her everything; it was over.

A smaller figure rose from the crowd and into the center of the circle, appearing before the shaman. The tom’s smirk grew into a toothy grin, eyes scanning over the pelt of the volunteer. Looking back over the crowd, he let out a triumphant yowl; “Bird wishes to leave his mark on the traitor!” Dove watched in horror as the recruit, mentored by Crow himself, advanced on the dark tom as he bled out onto the floorboards. “You taught me well, Crow,” He said, small voice somehow reverberating proudly through the room. “But now it is time for you to die, traitor!” Bird slashed his unsheathed claws over his mentor’s left eyes, causing an ear-splitting, pain-stricken cry to fill the air. Dove could not watch any longer.

Slowly, the shadows of other cats entering the circle and leaving their mark on the defeated tom engulfed Dove in her huddling state. She sobbed heavily, cries filling the air. That was, until a long shadow fell over her once more. “Open your eyes.” A gruff voice commanded. Dove, although her mind and body willed her to keep her eye shut, opened them anyway to view the speaker. It was the shaman himself, the one who had beat her brother to near-death with his own two paws. Rage filled her yellow eyes. “It is your turn now.” The defiant rage that once filled the she-cat instantly dispersed, filled with a sudden shock and fear. Never had she felt such mixture of feelings before, never had she felt such disgust before. She gulped to keep the bile rising in her throat at bay. What did he just say?

“You disgusting, flea-ridden piece of dirt!” She spat.

Fog shoved the she-cat to her paws, forcing Dove to advance forward. She struggled ferociously, but the crowd only split as she was pushed further and further toward who she believed to be her dying brother. She would have to leave her mark on the traitor, no matter how much she struggled. Snake rode up behind the guard, tail flicking in amusement. “Every tribe member must leave their mark on the executed, love, don’t you know that?” He padded past the molly and onto the other side of her brother, shoving him closer to her with a hard push. “I want you to kill him.” Fog left her side and joined the others in the crowd, his pale fur melting in with the others. The she-cat turned and looked around at the faces of fellow cats, yesterday having spoke to her as friend, now their eyes shone with hatred upon the traitor. Now, a new chant rose into the air; “kill the traitor!”.

Dove shook her head viciously, tears pooling in her weary eyes. “I will not lay a paw upon him.” She cried, lashing her tail violently. “I am a traitor too, why not kill me?” The crowd went silent once more, eyes shifting to Snake as they waited for his reply. Her merely chuckled, pacing forward. Then, he said, “It is your fault he is this way now, isn’t it?”

“No, it isn’t!” She cried out, eyes casting down to her brother. He let out a shuddering breath, unable to move at all. He had been too beaten and battered to even stand against his killers. Would Dove, his own sister, be the one to kill him in the end? “How could it be? I have done nothing!” Snake shook his head, moving even closer. “It is you he means to protect, it is you that keep him from saving himself. If it is you of whom he does this for, than it is you that has put him here.” In that moment, Dove believed him. His twisted words were enough to make her believe that he was right, no matter how crazy or insane they sounded. In that moment, she grasped onto anything that could guide her, even if it meant placing her trust on the cat who was killing her brother. In that moment, all she could think of was that she was the one who had done this to her brother. Finally, she looked up to the shaman once more, “But, how does that make this my fault?”

A shove from behind answered the she-cat, the crowd closing in and pushing her into her brother. The cats pushed in further, urging her on. “Kill him!”, they shouted loudly, “kill them both!”, others said. Snake defied their calls and glared into Dove’s eyes, forcing her on with an invisible force. She struggled beneath his gaze and jumped forward, a result of a cat from the crowd pushing her on. She faltered. Lowering her nose into her brother’s fur, the she-cat sobbed. She let her tears run through his dark fur, and wash the blood that seeped from his fresh founds. His breath, although ragged and faint, was a reassurance that he could hear her. With the other cats cheering and yowling overhead, Dove addressed her brother as he laid motionless. “Brother,” she mewed, sighing softly. “Please forgive me for this. I love you, forever and always. Remember me among the others up there."

With a final blow, Crow was dead. Cheers filled the night air, and a crooked smile adorned the face of a twisted leader.



    ✧ [ shaman - ]
    eyes of a snake - 30m - ♂ - oriental
    • mate; dove
    • kits; none currently


    ✧ [ shaman's second - ]
    name - age - ♂♀ - breed
    • mate; name
    • kits; names


    ✧ [ guard - ]
    sky with fog - 41m - ♀ - mix
    • mate; none currently
    • kits; none currently


    ✧ [ the cavalry - ]
    wild as a river • ♀ • 34m • mix
    • mate; none currently
    • kits; none currently
    flicker of fire • ♀ • 28m • mix
    • mate; none currently
    • kits; none currently
    name - age - ♂♀ - breed
    • mate; name
    • kits; names


    ✧ [ seconds - ]
    little bee • ♀ • 8m • shorthair mix
    • mentor; river
    • skills; hunt, battle, climb
    cry of the bird • ♂ • 7m • shorthair
    • mentor; crow fog
    • skills; climb,
    name • ♂♀ • age • breed
    • mentor; name
    • skills; xxx


    ✧ [ retired - ]
    name • ♂♀ • age • breed
    • mate; name
    • kits; names
    name • ♂♀ • age • breed
    • mate; name
    • kits; names
    name • ♂♀ • age • breed
    • mate; name
    • kits; names


    ✧ [ brood-mothers - ]
    name • ♂♀ • age • breed
    • mate; name
    • kits; names
    name • ♂♀ • age • breed
    • mate; name
    • kits; names
    name • ♂♀ • age • breed
    • mate; name
    • kits; names


    ✧ [ littleuns - ]
    name • ♂♀ • age • breed
    • mother; name
    • father; name
    name • ♂♀ • age • breed
    • mother; name
    • father; name
    name • ♂♀ • age • breed
    • mother; name
    • father; name


    ✧ [ weaklings - ]
    coo of the dove •♀•32m • mix
    • mate; none currently
    • kits; none currently
    name • ♂♀ • age • breed
    • mate; name
    • kits; names
    name • ♂♀ • age • breed
    • mate; name
    • kits; names


    ✧ [ the deceased - ]
    crow • 32m • execution
    name • age • cause of death
    name • age • cause of death
    name • age • cause of death
    name • age • cause of death
    name • age • cause of death
    name • age • cause of death


    ✧ [ herb storage - ]
    catmint • for greencough • 01
    chervil • infected wounds • 01
    cobwebs • stops bleeding • 01
    comfrey root • broken bones • 01
    lungwort • cures yellowcough • 02
    ragwort • usage • 01
    honey • usage • 01
    sticks • usage • 01
    sorrel • usage • 01
    poppy seeds • usage • 01


    ✧ [ prey stock - ]
    mice | 1 serving each | x00
    vole | 1 serving each | x00
    squirrel | 2 servings each | x02
    birds | 3 servings each | x02
    small fish | 2 servings each | x02
    large fish | 3 servings each | x01

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Re: ' { tribe of burned claws - the sixth moon.

Postby Katrione » Tue May 15, 2018 4:27 pm

w0ah wrote:
food consumption : the tribe consumes a large fish carcass
greeting of ancestors : xxx
hunting party : fog, river, flicker.
patrolling : fog, river, flicker.
herb-gathering : snake.
training : bee with river, and bird now assigned to fog.
* happenings : snake and dove argue; snake and the newcomer (flicker) have a fling;
crow discovers this and becomes angered; crow and dove attempt to formulate an
assassination of snake, but fail; crow is killed in front of his sister, as promised; dove is
denoted to 'weakling'.

[ Fog's patrol caught two voles while hunting ]
[ Fog's patrol found a cavalry ]
[ Snake gathered marigold and goldenrod while herb hunting ]
[ Bee and Bird learned the Swimming skill while training ]
[ Crow will be looked well after among his ancestors ]
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CaT - Rippling Corrie - 1

Postby Chamrosh » Wed May 16, 2018 1:10 am

Tribe of Rippling Corrie
0F | 1M | 0NB
2 Moons of Fasting
Next Cwm Visit on 22/05

xxxxWind roared up the mountain side, bearing heavy rain, that came down in thick sheets that soaked any cat’s fur.
xxxxCorrie’s fur was drenched, waterlogged, carrying far more material than any cat was ever supposed to. It might be summer, but it was also Wales, and the weather had a habit of ignoring Summer, and rushing headlong into Autumn. Any other impression of the area than wet or grey as an average was only going to be misleading for whatever cat tried to use it. There was sun, sure, but only for a few minutes every hour when there was a brief break in the clouds - clouds almost black they were so full of rain.
xxxxThis weather could just clear off as far as Corrie was concerned.
xxxxHis paws kept slipping in the mud near the little streams, skidding and leaving tiny brown streaks in the grass, which were swiftly folded over by moss that squelched as it moved.
xxxxA few wild flowers shook nervously ahead of him, scared that the rain might continue … and probably at Corrie’s tempers too. The slope wasn’t that steep, for the area, maybe around a 25% incline, and with flat rocks dotting the area, once Corrie reached a patch of them, if he planned his route, he could easily jump up a few metres without having to touch the dirty ground at all.
xxxxHe knew what this rain meant for the cwm.
xxxxThe cwm caught all the rain and grew large from it. And as the cwm was where his mentor had taught him that the tribe of Endless Hunting spoke to cats around here, it made sense that they were deliberately filling the cwm. That when the cwm was full, that meant they were more fully there in spirit. It wasn’t that they wouldn’t talk when it was lower - of course they would. How could they claim benevolence if they weren’t willing to talk outside painful weather?
xxxxBut if you had a large request, Corrie was sure that going when the tribe of Endless Hunting were calling for his attention was the best plan. If he went otherwise, when they didn’t want him there, they might not want to grant such a large request.
xxxxAnd of course, the tribe of Endless Hunting were clearly active here. They were always filling their spirits from above into the cwm. It was hardly like he’d ever be restrained in when he wanted to go to it. The ancestors were very present here, always wanting to be heard. Corrie had heard that the last remaining tribe had once lived not far from here, to the South-West, and if that were true, he could see why - with so much presence from the tribe of Endless Hunting, if only one area could still host a tribe, of course it had to be here. Where else had more..?
xxxxThe last section of the slope was a smooth concave shape, flattening out until a long flat peak was reached, joining up to a semi-circular, sheer rocky rim around the cwm. One section of the rim towered above, forming a clear mountain peak as a part of the ridge at the Northern Edge of the territory.
xxxxThe water was nearly black, looking almost surreal.
xxxxExactly how the ancestors seemed to want it.
xxxxThe last few steps had to be done slowly. Not because of any inherant meaning, or due to worrying about proper respect, but purely because of the sheer sense of awe which ran along a cat’s back as a shiver when they came this close to the cwm.
xxxxCorrie bent his nose to the water, and closed his eyes.

[ Corrieteller founds the Tribe of Rippling Corrie and becomes a Healer ]
[ Corrieteller requests a Prey-hunter ]

      Teller of the Rippling Corrie | 22 | Male

      Teller to-be: (0)
      Name | Age | Gender

      To-be's: (0)
      Name | Age | Gender

      Kit-Mothers: (0)
      Name | Age | Gender

      Kits: (0)
      Name | Age | Gender

      Elders: (0)
      Name | Age | Gender

      Prey-Hunters: (0)
      Name | Age | Gender

      Guards: (0)
      Name | Age | Gender
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Tribe of Freezing Frost 10

Postby Simonpet » Wed May 16, 2018 6:52 am

𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕓𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕗𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕥

Number of Cats: 22 (11 ♂ | 11 ♀)
Next Ancient Stones Visit: 05/22/2018
Next Kitting: N/A
Servings Needed: 5
Previous Post | Next Post

Light of Morning Sky basked in the glow of his namesake. The sun warmed his long fur and his whiskers quivered slightly. Though the Tribe was at the top of the world, they rarely got a warm sun. He heard the crunching of frost behind him and turned to see Rabbit padding up to him. Light cocked his head. "How are you?" he asked.

Rabbit's tail twitched. "I'm doing well!" she replied. "Are you going to take Owl out for training?"

"Not yet. We can let the to-bes sleep in a while longer." Light sat down and began washing himself. Rabbit sat next to him and did the same. After a while, Light spoke again. "It's a beautiful morning, isn't it?"

Rabbit looked away briefly before bringing her gaze up to meet his eyes. "It is."

Sun sniffed the ground balefully. "How do you stand this snow all the time?"

"Frost," corrected Stone. He glanced at Sun and his tail quirked in amusement. "Your fur'll grow out nice and long before you know it."

"What if it doesn't?"

"It's not too bad," mused Hawk, "once you've gotten used to it."

Sun snorted. "Well, at least the caves are nice and warm."

"Something to look forward to, then!" exclaimed Stone.


[ The Tribe consumes one vole and one bird. ]
[ Frostteller visits the Ancient Stones to ask for a prey-hunter. ]
[ Frostteller looks for herbs. ]
[ Hawk, Stone, and Sun go on a patrol (no to-bes). ]
[ Rabbit, Red, and Shadow go hunting. ]
[ All to-bes train. ]

Teller of the Frost | Frostteller | Tom | 29 moons
{Formerly: Frost that Gleams in Light | Frost}

Teller To-Be

Lightning from Dark Sky | Sky | Molly | 44 moons

Prey Watcher
Swan that Glides through Water | Swan | Tom | 28 moons

Hawk that Watches Intently | Hawk | Tom | 21 moons
Snow that Sparkles in Moonlight | Snow | Tom | 22 moons
Stone that Stands Strong | Stone | Tom | 23 moons
Sun at Winter Horizon | Sun | Molly | 20 moons
Talon of Fierce Crow | Talon | Tom | 20 moons

Light of Morning Sky | Light | Tom | 27 moons
Rabbit that Hops Quickly | Rabbit | Molly | 21 moons
Red of Autumn Leaf | Red | Tom | 26 moons
Shadow of the Night | Shadow | Tom | 21 moons

Dust that Rises from Ground | Dust | Tom | 11 moons
Lichen that Crawls up Tree | Lichen | Molly | 9 moons
Owl that Glides Silently | Owl | Tom | 9 moons
Wren that Flies with Wind | Wren | Molly | 11 moons

Koi that Swims in Streams | Koi | Molly | 26 moons
{Kits: Autumn, Dawn, Dusk, Evening, Morning}

Autumn Leaves Beneath Tree | Autumn | Molly | 6 moons | runt
Evening Shadow Across Snow | Evening | Molly | 6 moons
Ray of Morning Light | Morning | Molly | 6 moons
Softness of Dusk Sky | Dusk | Molly | 6 moons
Streaks of Light at Dawn | Dawn | Molly | 6 moons

Ally Tribes:

Enemy Tribes:

North | open
East | Tribe of the Flowing Mist | winter solstice.
South | Tribe of Burning Suns | Katrione
West | open

Medicine Stores
Dried oak leaf | x1
Juniper berries | x1
Poppy seeds | x1
Sorrel | x1
Stinging nettle | x1
Tansy | x1

Fresh-Kill Pile
Bird | x1 | 3 servings
Ermine | x0 | 2 servings
Hare | x2 | 3 servings
Mouse | x0 | 1 serving
Squirrel | x2 | 2 servings
Vole | x2 | 1 serving

The Tribe of Endless Hunting

Light | Owl | 1 | hunting
Sky | Wren | 4 | tracking, basic fighting, stealth,
Stone | Lichen | 2 | stealth, climbing
Swan | Dust | 4 | tracking, bird hunting, endurance,

Koi + ??? = Autumn, Dawn, Dusk, Evening, Morning
??? + ??? = Lichen, Owl
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Postby tigerclaw » Fri May 18, 2018 5:29 pm

Number of Cats:5
Next visit of ancestors; Now (next time - 23)

[Dawnwatcher asks for a prey-hunter]
[Dawnwatcher goes hunting and patroling]
[1 moon until Swoop's kits arrive]

          DawnWatcher | 20 Moons | Female | X

          Healer's Mate:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Healer to-be:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Swoop of midnight hawk | 20 moons | Female | X
          Vine that wraps around oak tree | 25 moons | Female |
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Peak of fallen mountain | 2 moons | Female | X
          Thrift that grows on mountain peak | 2 moons | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    Enemy Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    North | Tribe Name | Username
    East | Tribe Name | Username
    South | Tribe Name | Username
    West | Tribe Name | Username
    Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
    Northwest | Tribe name | Username

    Medicine Store:
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Vole | x0 | 0 servings
    Shrew | x0 | 0 servings
    Ermine/Stoat | x0 | 0 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 0 servings
    Hare | x0 | 0 servings
    Hawk | x1 | 3 servings

    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by tigerclaw on Sun Jul 01, 2018 12:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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| ~ | Tribe of Dark Ice | ~ | 5 | ~ |

Postby tēorian » Sat May 19, 2018 4:19 am



Number of Cats: 8
Toms- 4 ~ She-cats- 3 * Other- 1 ‘

Astraeus glanced at Rosemary from the corner of his eye as she plopped down on their nest besides him. They seemed to be indifferent to the world but in the short time he had known them he learnt they were very good at hiding their feelings. The dull tabby could tell they were mad or sad because they hadn’t started chatting like a starling within the first two heartbeats. He pondered if he should question the tortie.

He didn’t need to as it turned out because just as he was opening his mouth to talk to them, a loud argument filled the bull-rushes. He sighed. Of course that was why Rosemary was upset. “You know you can’t keep dealing with this, right? Tell them to stop, I’m sure they would listen to you.” The torbie huffed and shuffled their brown and white paws closer to them, clearly not liking this topic. “ Sure. Astraeus , what does your name even mean?Astraeus frowned and not just because they basically just insulted his name. They were avoiding the subject but maybe the subject would be better for later.

Blossom of Rosemary.” He stated their name rather bluntly, causing the cat to tilt their head with a slight ‘ yes?’. “Isn’t that a weird name to you? All the tribe names are pretty strange to me, interesting but strange all the same. They’re rather long so you chose to adress yourselves by your shortened name.

Do you want a tribe name? ...I can imagine it might help to keep familiarity and the tribe is obviously fine with it but the option is there. You are a star-given cat after all.Astraeus was pretty sure he would be fine with a new name but the whole tribe being so free was strange to him. Surely it would be uniform and more of a unit instead of what is was? It was weak in unity and that showed in Moth and Wren’s relationship. Duskseer wasn’t strict and Astraues had even wondered why he was the healer in the first place, Briar would be much more suited with his intelligence yet lack of sympathy. He shook his head to get rid of the thought but when he heard the muffled sigh of Rosemary he realised that they were still engaged in conservations. He felt his ears heating up in embarssment. “No! I mean to the whole tribe name thing, not having a tribe name thing? You can call me...” He tried to recall something of significant importance to him and then he remembered the river shore he first met Rosemary who lead him to the tribe. The splash of water against the rocks, the creaking of the branches in the breeze and the bright bird song of sunshine. “Call me Splash. River that splashes against shore.” Rosemary smiled at him.


Spark was running again. He felt like he never stopped running from the guilt that closed in everytime he shut his eyes. Everytime he wasn’t distracted by his job it was the same. It still hadn’t got any better. Spark wished his mother was there. She would know how to lead a group properly instead of always just hoping for the best. He was never actually taught how to do this and he knew it showed in his actions yet she wasn’t with him anymore... It wasn’t the time for thinking of her. He just had to escape the foxes and reach the light one more time. He crashed into a bramble and then the world was covered by russet and white fur.


- Moth stalks off on a lone patrol again.

- The Tribe consumes two squirrels.

* Briar, Duskseer, Rosemary and Splash hunt.

+ Web and Swift are taken on border patrol by Wren.


          Spark that lights tall flames ( Duskseer ) | 30 moons | Tom | ⭐️

          Briar where roses grow | 35 moons | Tom | 🌹

          Blossom of Rosemary | 19 moons| Non-binary * | 🌸
          River that splashes against shore | 22 moons | Tom | 🌊 |

          Moth that flutters in the breeze| 26 moons | She-cat | 🐾
          Fallen feather of Wren | 32 moons| She- cat| 🕊

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Web that sways in wind | 8 moons | Tom| 🕸
          Swift bird on the horizon | 8 moons | She-cat | 🐣

          Caregiver :
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Healer’s mate | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Ally Tribes:
Tribe Name | Username
Tribe Name | Username

Enemy Tribes:
Tribe Name | Username
Tribe Name | Username

North | Tribe Name | Username
East | Tribe Name | Username
South | Tribe Name | Username
West | Tribe Name | Username
Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
Northwest | Tribe name | Username

Medicine Store:
Cobwebs | Stops bleeding | x1 |
Poppy seeds | Numb pain | x1 |
Horsetail | Helps infections | x1 |
Catmint | Good for green cough | x1|
Yarrow | will make a cat vomit | x1 |
Lungwort | Helps with Yellowcough | x1 |
Rush | Helps mend broken bones | x1 |

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Currently needed | x3 | - 1.5 squrriels |
Small fish | x0 | 1-2 servings
Big fish | x0 | 3 servings
All birds | x1| 3 servings
Voles | x0 | 1 servings
Frogs | x0 | 1 servings
Squrriels | x2 | 2 servings

Briar | Swift | One | hunting
Moth | Web | Two | battle, strategy

Deceased Cats:
Cat Name | Cause of Death
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Wren + Chiyo| Web and Swift
Rosemary; is she just a torbie with the only black markings being near the points and a little on the back? Who knows? Astra sure doesn’t. Also mentor your apprentice, Briar.
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[ Tribe of Burning Embers ] 00

Postby monspurr » Sat May 19, 2018 6:39 am

    The Tribe of Burning Embers is an isolated one. They have burrowed their homes into the very skeleton of the Ember Hills, a hot, sunny mountain range with rocky soil and a massive volcano rising above all others. Smoke peels away from it’s gaping hole at the top with every passing week, and some days the skies are black with soot and ash expelled into the atmosphere. The volcano is not dormant, but the Tribe of Burning Embers has been around for so many moons that they have grown accustomed to the trembling underneath their paws which tells them of every new eruption. With every few years, the territory is destroyed, the Tribe is displaced from their home, and they return with a fiery vengeance once the ash has settled and the prey has returned to the incincerated foliage. Just south of the hills is the Stillwater Basin, and further south is Nightwatch Woods, which is the tribe’s natural respite from the smoke of their natural home. The Stillwater Basin has cool, clear, and calm water no matter how the volcano is rumbling, and Nightwatch Woods is always crawling with nocturnal prey and unaware rabbits.

    The Tribe of Burning Embers has been known to be stubborn and frighteningly religious. They believe their fates to be tied to the volcano and its eruption cycles, and so they continue to live right at its base. They see every natural event as a single sign; ash clouding the sky is sign of impending disaster, a single, lonely falcon is sign of emotional turmoil, a week of sweltering heat is a week of following prosperity. The leader of the tribe, the empress or emperor, are most equipped to interpret these signs, but very specific cats are also trained in this skill. The tribecats often use these signs to tell their future and gain insight on the events around them. As such, they are known as a mystical, earthly group with sometimes odd and strange ways.

    The Tribe of Burning Embers not only believed in the Tribe of Endless Hunting, but also believe in an extended pantheon of important figures and deities. They honor their ancestors well, but most commonly pay tribune to Fire Hovering Over the Water, a cat with fur of licking flames, who lives every morning and dies every night, only to rise from the ashes once more. He is seen as the instigator of every natural event, and worship of him is tied irrevocably with worship of the volcano. He is seen to have been born from it, and with every solstice and equinox the clan offers food to the great volcano.

    Emperor/Empress: The primary leader of the tribe, and the firsthand communicator with the Tribe of Endless Hunting.
    Emperor/Empress To-Be: A young cat in training to become Emperor or Empress following the death of the former.
    High Priest/ess: Since the leader of the tribe is so often taken up by their duties to their ancestors and interpreting signs, the High Priest/ess has taken over a healing role, and takes care of their tribe mates.
    Priest/ess: A tribe cat in training to become the High Priest/ess upon the death of the former.
    Cave Guards, Prey-Hunters, To-Bes, Kit Mothers, Kits, and Elders: Common roles in tribe life.
    The Hierophant: A cat in charge of justice. The peacekeeper, settles disputes within the clan and is sworn to carry out sacrifices to the volcano. Every full moon (or one week irl), the Hierophant takes three servings of prey and throws it into the volcano to please their ancestors.
monspurr | mtz | nerd

just a nerd that likes drawing cats
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Re: [ Create A Tribe ] - [ V.2 ] - [ Open ]

Postby frankie (dup) » Mon May 21, 2018 4:12 pm

The Tribe of Crashing Tides lives in a flat area with very interesting foliage. The trees are twisted into odd shapes, the ferns are large and spiny, and the grass is very tall in some parts of the camp and surrounding areas. The beach and ocean are nearby to the north, and it's a gorgeous view. It's a very common place for cats to go, but they must go in a group of three or more. To-bes and kits must have older cats accompanying them. The only twoleg place nearby is a village and the twolegs don't visit the tribe's's territory very often. The temperature is very warm, and most cats are short-hairs because of that. (Mostly because of natural selection oof)

Most of the tribe pitches in to raise the kits, and as a result of this, asking a member of the Tribe of Crashing Tides who their parents are will sometimes get an answer of three or more cats. Polyamorous/polygamous/open relationships are accepted as well.

The tribe is very nurturing towards newcomers, and will often do the equivalent of offering tea and cookies before sending them on their way. However, the tribe values conformity, and will often frown upon somebody who doesn't uphold the same values that they do.

Thry have some different naming conditions, such as the Healer doesn't change their name, it's just an additional title. Cats are also not named for the first thing their mother sees, and are instead named for something that resembles their appearance. (e.g: A white cat being named Snow Falling From Sky.)
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