~WinterSerperior Writings~

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Those that Piece the Heavens (Former Spoiler) K:I (mixed)

Postby Yubel Fated » Sat Apr 14, 2018 9:07 pm

Words: 1,009

I decided to post all of the old things I wrote here. Why? Why the heck not?

This takes place in chapter 18: The Ring of Chaos.

Ari paused and sighed at the Ring sitting on the ground.

Looks like Magnus didn't want to deal with him. Kodaina commented. Or he doesn't realize who exactly is in the ring.

The white haired male picked up the ring and inspected it, More like the latter. I don't think he would have chucked it..... Or maybe he would.

He ignored the Dragon's laughter as he slipped on the ring. He froze and clutched his head as Kodaina sighed.

Are you an idiot?

Shut up.

"C-can you hear me?" Pit asked wearily, "Where am I?" He looked around before setting his blue eyes on Ari in surprise. "You're not Magnus."

The white haired male snorted in reply, "No i'm not. Though the three of us have the same goals... Er well more of two of us... We have to stop Magnus from outright killing you."

Kodaina growled lowly, seemingly angry. "I can't believe his soul-"

"I know." Ari soothed his Zanpakuto. "Calm down. You're scaring Pit." Their gazes both traveled toward the lone angel, whom grasped at Ari's arm quietly and questioningly. They suspected Pit knew he couldn't fight the huge Dragon. Although he'd taken down the Hewdraw, of which was three times bigger than Kodaina, he seemed hesitant to touch Kodaina Shiro.

"Apologies." Kodaina started watching as Pit merely shrugged. "What do you think of this little one?"

Pit let go of Ari's arm and crossed his own across his chest. "I'm not little" He grumbled. "But the plan seems sound. You'd really be okay with me using your body?" he turned toward Ari who merely shrugged.

"I don't see why not. Use me as you see fit and consider me your weapon." Ari leaned against Kodaina and chuckled. "And Kodaina too."

The dragon merely huffed but nodded his head to the statement.

The angel looked conflicted, "You're my friend. I can't use you as a weapon. I'll be careful with your body though." He responded watching as Ari slid down to the ground. "That's a promise."

"I have scars for days kid." he responded winking a bit, "A few more wouldn't hurt. Speaking of which, Kodaina Shiro is a Zanpakuto and works similar to a Katana. Of which works like a sword. You'll figure it out once you get to using it."

Pit paused and ocean met gunmetal, "I'll take your word for it."

Ari snorted, "I sure hope you will. Because Kodaina is my Zanpakuto. I should know how to use him better than anyone. Meanwhile we'll be able to talk and communicate with you as though you were talking to Palutena."

"It feels so weird..." Pit commented walking forward using Ari's body. "It's a bit spacious and feels like i'm wearing a costume that's too big......."

Yeah it'll feel like that. I think its moreof that I'm taller than you are. So you're not used to it as of right now. Though I will admit you using my body reminds me of Gigai.

Or he is wearing a costume too big for him.

A meat costume?

Pit made a face, Stop talking about costumes, Ari. He paused, Kodaina. It's making me a bit uncomfortable. You two are as bad as Lady Palutena.

The dragon roared in laughter and Ari shook his head in response.

We are? I never really thought about it that way. I haven't thought about eating Angel wings as much as she has. he commented, ignoring Pit's sigh in anguish. Either way, I sense him a few yards ahead. He's gotten far ahead of us but not too much so. I also sense your body Pit. It has your signature but its.... Empty within.

Probably because his soul is within you Arianna. You can sense him the way you can sense Captain Toshiro and Captain Byakuya. He has no reiatsu but now that you're connected soul wise you're able to sense him now.

That's interesting. Byakuya taught me nothing about that. Ari mused, watching as Pit fought the Centurion with his weapon. He probably didn't know. Though I do see why Rukia holds him in such high regards. Cold calculating but has a heart. He shook his head. That doesn't matter now though, we have to find Magnus.

Pit paused and looked around, How can you fight with all of this hair, doesn't it get in the way? he asked, presumably trying to sense Magnus.

It does. But you get used to it and find ways to work around it. This is nothing though Pit. I had hair down to my ankles when I was first starting out as a Soul Reaper. He felt Pit freeze and tried to find the source of his unease. Finding nothing, he relaxed against his Zanpakuto who in turn curled around his master.

A hot spring! Pit screamed startling Ari and Kodaina. Step one: Breathe deep! Step two: take off pants!

Ari sighed, Neither of us have pants Pit.

Oh... Right.

My shihakusho doesn't have pants. They're more of a Kimono than anything. And you wear a tunic with a skirt.

It's not a skirt! Pit defended and Ari raised an eyebrow. It's not!

Whatever you say skirt boy.


Kodaina shook his head and curled protectively around the Angel.

K-kodaina? Pit said confused his ocean eyes flicking between the dragon guarding him and the Soul Reaper. What are you....

Ari smiled inwardly before walking in the direction of Pit's body, ignoring the questions brought on by Magnus and Pit. It was interesting, having three minds within one body. A bit confusing but manageable.

"Its been three years since Pit's been gone." Magnus startled Pit and Ari out of their thoughts before starting into a story of Palutena's downward spiral. Her sudden attack upon the humans after her hard work of making sure they were alive.

He felt the angel try to resurface but Ari pushed Pit back down. He looked toward Magnus and sighed, this was bound to give the Angel PTSD at some point. Ari didn't know when. But he knew it was coming.

Words: 920

This takes place during Chapter 22: Scorched Feathers

Ari growled and flash stepped between the Chaos Kin and Lady Palutena. Both Pit and the two Goddesses gasped as his soul was ripped out of him.

He heard a loud growl and let out a breathy wail. Falling backwards he felt himself be caught by womanly arms, looking up to find Palutena. The flames of his inner world flared making him wince.

How is he not..... Viridi scrambled for words, confused. He... He has no soul. This isn't right.

Ari froze, K-kodaina? Kodaina! His heart dropped at the lack of response. He was alone again in another world that wasn't his own. He turned his attention toward the goddesses and Pit, What the Chaos Kin took wasn't my soul... He took a part of my soul. Kodaina Shiro.

Pit's eyes lit up in realization, "Wait, the dragon I saw in your inner world?" they then darkened, "That's what it took?"

Ari nodded and looked down, feeling his temperature go up.

"Pittoo!" He heard when he came to. "Viridi! Give me the power of flight!"

You already used the power of flight! Don't you remember? If I enable it again now, your wings will catch fire!

"The Chaos Kin is going to destroy Pittoo! Can't you see what's at stake here? I don't care if my wings catch fire!"

No way! Just forget about it! I'm pulling you out!

"No! Stop! If we don't help him right now, we won't have another chance! I'm begging you, Viridi! Let me fly! Now!"

"Pull him out, Viridi!" Ari forced himself to move and threw himself over the edge ignoring Kodaina's roars of warning.

"No!" Pit's eyes widened as he was pulled out by Viridi.

He's really mad at you for that. Viridi commented. I'll be controlling your flight pattern and pouring on the speed.

Ari felt his wings pause for a split second before everything became faster. Faster than a regular shunpoe would take him. He winced as he felt himself become a bullet through the nighttime sky and realized he was coming close to Pittoo. Er Dark Pit.

"Help me!" Dark Pit reached out and Ari shunpoed toward him, grabbing his waist in his human hand. Bringing him closer he tried to protect the younger from the Chaos Kin's spirit.

I'm pulling you two out!

Naturey light took them away.

It was only when they reached Viridi's domain that Ari finally let go of Pit's clone.

You pushed yourself. Kodaina commented watching the flames around him. Way too hard. Way too fast, you could have died.

I guess the I'm already dead excuse doesn't fly anymore? Ari chuckled leaning against and sliding down the wall, he watched as Pit strode in an angry look on his face. Dark Pit looking on in complete confusion.

No. It never worked to begin with. He snorted.

"What was that?!" Pit demanded. His wings were still intact, which relieved Ari. "You could have died!"

"Kodaina has informed me of that." Ari yawned and stretched before wincing, "I don't know why you're so mad at me, you could have died too yanno."

Pit paused and the anger melted off his face. He couldn't argue with that. Neither of them could. "I..." He trailed off, moving to sit in Ari's lap. Looking up at Ari he continued, "Thank you... Pittoo you say it too."

Dark Pit paused in his pacing and looked up in question. His eyebrow raised he sighed. "I guess a thank you is in order." Though they both paused in question as Ari raised a hand.

"You don't need to thank me. Your lives were in danger, its my duty as a Soul Reaper to help the innocent Souls that are in trouble. You were probably going to be fine without my help although you might have been down a captain." He held Pit and looked between Dark pit and Pit. Only looking further past them when Viridi and Palutena entered the room.

Palutena paused before them and bent down to her Angel Captain's level before scooping him into a hug. Surprised, Pit hugged back and relaxed in her hold.

While they were reuniting, Ari slipped into his inner world letting his body slump forward.

Flames were everywhere. If he could say so himself it looked like complete utter Hell. Chaos was the understatement of the decade.

Kodaina shook his head, You were reckless. You saved a Goddess but at the price of your Riatsu becoming unstable.

You were the one that pushed your soul in front of mine. Ari turned on his Zanpakuto, Do you have any idea how scared I was to lose you? The fact that you were gone terrified me! The Chaos Kin could have easily hurt you. What were you thinking?

The two souls paused and sighed. There was nothing they could really argue about, nor were they really sure of the consequences of Kodaina Shiro's sudden rip and return. Though it wasn't as bad as before, his core temperature coming back down to normal levels, at least in his case.

Maybe it was Palutena's thank you. Or maybe it wasn't.

Ari? Palutena's voice startled the Soul Reaper and the Dragon. Are you alright? Pit told us that you were unharmed and was within something called an 'inner world.'

Ari sighed, Yes Lady Palutena. I'm alright, the Chaos Kin took my Zanpakuto's soul. So we're trying to fix the... damage left by it. There isn't much, we suspect it wasn't long enough to warrant it being any worse.

I figured there were only two so. No use in double posting for this one.


I'm not your protagonist I'm not even my own
I don't know anything I don't even know what I don't know

And if you look outside you'll see disintegrating trees

Name: Shadow
Profile: Judai/Jaden Yuki
Previous: Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Call me anything though! So be creative!

And if you look outside you'll see disintegrating trees

The artificial way the sunlight bounces off of
g̸̢̮̥̏͝l̷͔̘͍̑̍͝ì̶̛̠̖̒t̸̢̰̩̀̔̾̕c̴̨̘͌̄̈́̿h̶̡͙͔̫̆͜͝í̴̝̎͛̀n̵̡̘̰̈́̔ḡ̷̢̨̫̬̓̀ leaves


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Re: ~WinterSerperior Writings~

Postby Yubel Fated » Thu Apr 26, 2018 9:33 pm

Warning: Blood/Character death.

Grabbing a sword off the wall beside him, he turned it over in his hands. Examining his reflection within the blade.

Ari narrowed his eyes and stiffened. They were really coming down to weaponry. Even after the physical violence both'd been through in the past few minutes. Looking around, Ari searched for a weapon however found none beside the one that lay in N's hands.

"Any last words mother?" N asked, pointing the sword toward his former caretaker. He looked merely unamused when he didn't speak up. "Suit yourself then."

Before N could carry out his duty, his eyes widened in shock. The sudden hesitant pause almost made Ari want to question his reasoning. But before he could, he was stabbed from behind. A strangled yelp escaped from his bloodied lips as he struggled to comprehend what'd just happened.

His breath hitched and gunmetal eyes dulled as he fell limp to the ground. The sudden movement surprising everyone besides one who still gripped the sword tightly.

Ghetsis stepped over the still warm body and flicked the blade he carried in his hand to rid it of the blood of his former Sage. Turning his gaze toward N, he narrowed his eyes. "That is how you get rid of someone." He said coldly.

He paid no mind as Cheren's scream ripped through the castle, bouncing down the hallway and echoing through the coridoors. His breathing shallowed and he struggled against his captor.

"Ari!" He shouted, "Arianna! Don't you dare die on me! You're not allowed to!" Ocean eyes flooded with tears as he pleaded with the deceased. There had to be a chance he was still alive right?


A brisk snap was heard and suddenly the restraint Cheren once had was gone. Their duty was done, so he and Alder were to be let free.

"Follow us and you'll end up like your little friend there." Ghetsis warned as he walked away, forcing his son along with him.

N himself looked horrified, his green eyes widened and unable to look away even as he was drug along. Though, Cheren ignored that. He had more pressing matters to attend to.

Cheren's mind raced as he bolted for his childhood friend's body. Dropping into a slide, Cheren picked Ari's upper half off the floor and gently shook him.

Putting his ear against his chest, Cheren froze. He was gone. Sitting up, he stared at the body of his friend for a moment. Ari's once snow white hair was now a damp red, as were the rest of his clothes and his sleeves.

Ignoring the strange feeling of the liquid, Cheren pulled his childhood friend closer and rested Ari's head in his lap. Pushing away a few strands of hair from his face, he sighed a little and rested his forehead against Ari's. The warmth that once radiated from his friend was now growing cold.

Of course that would happen, he's dead. What else could've happened?

A small part of him still hoped that it was an April fools joke. Albeit earlier than he would've liked but it still would've been easier to handle. Ari was always playing jokes, right?

Sighing, Cheren gently kissed Ari's forehead. "You promised you wouldn't leave again...." Tears rolled down his cheeks as he stared into the lifeless gunmetal eyes of one of his best friends, "You promised..."


I'm not your protagonist I'm not even my own
I don't know anything I don't even know what I don't know

And if you look outside you'll see disintegrating trees

Name: Shadow
Profile: Judai/Jaden Yuki
Previous: Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Call me anything though! So be creative!

And if you look outside you'll see disintegrating trees

The artificial way the sunlight bounces off of
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Re: ~WinterSerperior Writings~

Postby Ranger of the North » Fri Apr 27, 2018 8:38 pm

You murderer
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Tempting Fate (Former Chapter -rewritten-)

Postby Yubel Fated » Mon May 07, 2018 6:29 pm

Word Count: -shrug-

"If it isn't the Champion Alder." Cheren rolled his eyes and ignored Ari's questioning glance. "I'm weak, so I lost and honestly it bothers me that you call it a 'fine' battle despite that obvious fact."

Alder sighed, "Oh honestly Cheren, just accept the compliment without a stinging remark." The Champion paused for a moment in thought. "I've asked you this before, but what do you plan to do after becoming strong?"

"If I get strong and become the champion, that will be the reason for my existence." Cheren instantly responded, "I want to prove that I'm strong. That I'm worth something."

At this, the white haired male's anger flared as he turned on his friend. "Excuse me?" He demanded, making the blond behind them jump. "Reason for your existence? Do you hear yourself Cheren?!"

The ravenette crossed his arms and closed his eyes, "Of course I hear myself. Compared to you, I'm weak and useless. I can't beat you nor Bianca and neither of you are even taking the League Challenge." he spat. He opened his eyes and glared at the white haired trainer, daring him to deny any of what was said.

Ari froze at his childhood friend's words then took in his stance. Although he'd spent 9 years away from Unova, he could recognize his friend's anger from a mile away. Taking a step forward, he took Cheren into his arms and held him. He heard both the Ravenette and Bianca gasp in shock.

"You're great Cherry..." He murmured, just loud enough for Bianca and Alder to hear his words. "Greater than you'll ever know, you deserve the Champion title more than I do.... And that's why I'm not taking the challenge." he pulled away from him slightly and raised his hand to cup the male's cheek.

Ocean eyes hardened as he smacked the sleeve covered hand. "What do you mean you don't deserve the Champion title?" he demanded, scanning his childhood friend's scarred face. "You're the strongest person I know. Are you just giving me the title because you think I need a hand out?"

Ari opened his mouth to respond however was stopped like the night they'd stopped traveling together. Stepping away, Ari grit his teeth. "I don't think you need a hand out Cheren. There are some things that I know Unova wouldn't like in a Champion. I can't handle that much attention. I can't handle a lot of things because I don't want to end up like him!"

Tears flooded his eyes as he stared at Bianca and Cheren. He didn't want pity, he wanted them to understand. Though, they couldn't understand if he didn't tell them. Ari suddenly felt the need to run from the scene, his body tensed but he didn't move.

No-one spoke. They didn't have to, he could see the questioning on their faces. Who he was, why he was crying.

"He is a power hungry maniac. That isn't something Unova needs... What Unova needs is a right headed person." He stubbornly wiped away the tears as they came, he couldn't cry in front of his former friends. "So that's not me. That's you."

I love angst too much xD
Last edited by Yubel Fated on Tue May 08, 2018 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.


I'm not your protagonist I'm not even my own
I don't know anything I don't even know what I don't know

And if you look outside you'll see disintegrating trees

Name: Shadow
Profile: Judai/Jaden Yuki
Previous: Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Call me anything though! So be creative!

And if you look outside you'll see disintegrating trees

The artificial way the sunlight bounces off of
g̸̢̮̥̏͝l̷͔̘͍̑̍͝ì̶̛̠̖̒t̸̢̰̩̀̔̾̕c̴̨̘͌̄̈́̿h̶̡͙͔̫̆͜͝í̴̝̎͛̀n̵̡̘̰̈́̔ḡ̷̢̨̫̬̓̀ leaves


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Re: ~WinterSerperior Writings~

Postby Yubel Fated » Mon May 07, 2018 10:19 pm

Prompt: Shells, Leaves, Falling feathers

I Never Knew

When I was younger I never knew
how vastly the leaves changed from season to season.
Orange and brown in the fall before they grew anew,
i'd only ever seen in movies and cartoons.

Leaves falling in autumn months,
reminding me of falling feathers
slowly descending from the branches.
Only ever changing from green straight to brown.

I never remembered what snow felt like under my feet
the soft crunching every time I walked, the ice underneath.
That was until I moved where it always snows,
the blanket of snow outside reminds me of home.
Where my mom, my grandpa and I sit chatting.
Ah those were the better days, where we could laugh and smile.
If only for a little while.

I never knew what the beach was like
until my former family and I went there on a whim.
The shells that scattered the beach along the water and within.
Sand beneath my feet, the ocean at my mercy.
I was in no hurry to go home.

There are many things I never knew growing up,
but even so.
I'm still learning every day.
And so are you.


I'm not your protagonist I'm not even my own
I don't know anything I don't even know what I don't know

And if you look outside you'll see disintegrating trees

Name: Shadow
Profile: Judai/Jaden Yuki
Previous: Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Call me anything though! So be creative!

And if you look outside you'll see disintegrating trees

The artificial way the sunlight bounces off of
g̸̢̮̥̏͝l̷͔̘͍̑̍͝ì̶̛̠̖̒t̸̢̰̩̀̔̾̕c̴̨̘͌̄̈́̿h̶̡͙͔̫̆͜͝í̴̝̎͛̀n̵̡̘̰̈́̔ḡ̷̢̨̫̬̓̀ leaves


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Letters to Ari (Tempting Fate)

Postby Yubel Fated » Wed May 16, 2018 9:58 pm

Prompt: Letters to Ari

October 21st, 1996

Dear Ari,

How dare you leave us behind! You me and Beebs were supposed to take on the world together. Stupid head! We promised Beebs that we'd go with her!

- Cheren

June 27th 1998

Dear Ari,

Happy birthday, although. You're not here to spend it with us. You would've been turning twelve, things have been changing. Beebs' father has been letting her out less and less afraid that she'd run away like you had. I know you were young and stupid. Probably still are... Like I am.

Why'd you have to go? Either way... Happy Twelfth birthday Ari. Don't do anything stupid.


December 24th 1998

Dear Ari,

Merry Christmas. I honestly didn't get you anything... Which is probably good because, its another year where you didn't get me anything. I keep hoping that you're going to come home on Christmas and surprise us. Will that ever happen?

People still think you're dead but, honestly... I believe in you more than you know. Oh! Beebs came over and was my Christmas gift this year. She dressed like a small Mincchino and we were allowed to have a sleepover, like the good old days when you were still around.

I still hope one year you'll be our Christmas present.

- Cheren

December 29th, 1998

Dear Ari,

Do you ever wonder whats above the galaxy? Like... Whats really above the galaxy.

I was talking to your mom the other day and she said that there were two Pokemon among the stars. Deoxys and Rayquaza, two legendary Pokemon. One unnatural to the earth itself and the other the protector of Hoenn and the third to the weather changing trio.

She said she'd never seen Rayquaza or Deoxys but she believed Steven when he'd told her the stories passed down to him. I wonder who Steven is.... Would you have known?


March 30th, 2000

Dear Ari,

Today is my birthday. Nothing much has changed... Besides the fact I'm getting older. Fourteen. I'm fourteen.... I still can't comprehend that I was born before you two.

I've stopped hoping that you'd be apart of any kind of surprise. If you won't come home for me then please come home for Bianca. She's missed you. I've missed you. Your mom's missed you.

I have a suspicion she knows more than she lets on about why you disappeared at such a young age. She won't tell me at all, says that I'm too young to understand. One of my best friends ran away, how can I not understand why ? Does it have to do with Lukas? Maybe i'll look into that later, I have to go. Mom's yelling up for me to go open presents.

- Cheren

Hahahaha Angst! Sorta. I will admit, while writing this I thought briefly of Dejasquietplace's own letters back and forth between Green and Dez. So I shall credit her for it because its a really good comic and I akfjalghrgjasldfl.


I'm not your protagonist I'm not even my own
I don't know anything I don't even know what I don't know

And if you look outside you'll see disintegrating trees

Name: Shadow
Profile: Judai/Jaden Yuki
Previous: Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Call me anything though! So be creative!

And if you look outside you'll see disintegrating trees

The artificial way the sunlight bounces off of
g̸̢̮̥̏͝l̷͔̘͍̑̍͝ì̶̛̠̖̒t̸̢̰̩̀̔̾̕c̴̨̘͌̄̈́̿h̶̡͙͔̫̆͜͝í̴̝̎͛̀n̵̡̘̰̈́̔ḡ̷̢̨̫̬̓̀ leaves


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Re: ~WinterSerperior Writings~

Postby Ranger of the North » Thu May 17, 2018 9:18 pm

Aw, sad. Poor Cherry
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Letters To Ari (Tempting Fate)

Postby Yubel Fated » Tue May 22, 2018 9:37 pm

April 18, 2000

Dear Ari,

I sometimes wonder why things are the way they are. Was it something I did? Do you hate me? These are questions I ask myself but can never seem to answer. I don't know you as well as I wish I did.

You were always silent as a kid. I will honestly say that while you were still around, I saw you as fragile as glass. I was afraid that one misstep or touch would break you. I guess that was also true in a way. Was it because I treated you like you were fine Kalosian?*

I sometimes wonder how you'd respond to these letters in your free time. If you'd actually answer. But, I guess we'll never know.

- Cheren

June 27th, 2000

Dear Ari,

Now you're the one that's turning fourteen. How does getting older feel? Refreshing? Exciting? I don't know. Honestly, I guess that's the true beauty of getting older. You learn more about the world than you could before.

Did you know, that in Kanto they used to let ten year old's be trainers? I certainly didn't know that. Hoenn and Sinnoh used to have a similar allowance, though in recent years due to the uprising of multiple groups that plan to misuse pokemon they've upped the trainer license requirement to the age of sixteen. Interesting right?

That means only two more years left! Bianca has been planning this for years. Please show up. I pray to Arceus you do.

- Cheren

August 18, 2002

Dear Ari,

Bianca won't leave without you.

- Cheren

August 18, 2003

She really won't we'll keep staying until you come back.

- Cheren

August 18, 2004

She refuses to leave.

- Cheren

August 18, 2005


I'm done waiting for you. Next year we're leaving with or without you. I know I don't send these letters but Arceus help me if you don't come. I'm done with you. I'm done with having to face that you're gone.

Please, I don't want you to be dead. Bianca doesn't want you to be dead. So if you aren't dead, where are you? I'd send these letters if I had the chance but... I need an address. You're not a trainer yet, so I dont know if I can just send these to the Pokemon delivery service.

Otherwise you'dve had a slew of messages. Well.. Here's to next year.... Whether you're there for it or not.

- Cheren

* Fine China. There's no real "China" in game yet :T


I'm not your protagonist I'm not even my own
I don't know anything I don't even know what I don't know

And if you look outside you'll see disintegrating trees

Name: Shadow
Profile: Judai/Jaden Yuki
Previous: Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Call me anything though! So be creative!

And if you look outside you'll see disintegrating trees

The artificial way the sunlight bounces off of
g̸̢̮̥̏͝l̷͔̘͍̑̍͝ì̶̛̠̖̒t̸̢̰̩̀̔̾̕c̴̨̘͌̄̈́̿h̶̡͙͔̫̆͜͝í̴̝̎͛̀n̵̡̘̰̈́̔ḡ̷̢̨̫̬̓̀ leaves


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Re: ~WinterSerperior Writings~

Postby Ranger of the North » Thu May 24, 2018 8:30 pm

h u h , so he's not actually sending them? Plot-twist! XD
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Letters to Ari (Finale)

Postby Yubel Fated » Wed Jun 06, 2018 8:13 pm

June 27th, 2006

Dear Ari,

Today's the day, Cheren didn't want to write you a letter this time.. So I thought I'd do it for him. He looked heartbroken that you didn't come.... I'm heartbroken that you didn't come.

So I guess thats it then.. You're really truly dead. Unless you hate us for whatever reason.. But I don't think you hate us Ari...

I don't know what Cheren said in his last letter, he wouldn't show me it, but.... I wish you could talk with us again, laugh with us again. I do have many questions for you, but I don't think you'd like to be bombarded with questions after coming home.

Happy 19th birthday Ari, we decided to leave on your birthday... We'd originally planned to leave on my birthday, but Cheren wanted to leave the questions behind... I wanted to go on my own journey, I'm practically an adult now. Daddy can't coddle me forever... and he needs to learn that. So we're leaving a month earlier than planned as a result.

I'm very disappointed in you by the way.. But I'm not mad. I'll leave the anger up to Cheren. I don't know why you ran away but... I hope you found what you were looking for.

Speaking of your leaving, Cheren asked your mom Autumn nonstop about potential reasonings after he wrote a letter to you. I remember watching him freeze up after she whispered the answer into his ear. I asked him afterwards what she'd said but he never answered.... I wonder why you left...

Mmm lets get into a happier subject, Starters! I was hoping to get Oshawott, I know Cheren wants Tepig. He's been strategizing a team around the fire type. You know how he gets with battling, his mom was the former Champion of Sinnoh and his father was a former Gym Leader. He knows all there is to battling.

I guess we do too by comparison, but I don't want to become the Champion. I don't think I'd be able to handle the responsibilities that comes with the role, though I have been thinking about becoming Professor Junipers assistant. That'd be super fun. Being able to see new pokemon while writing down information. Some responsibilities but just enough that it doesn't overwork me.... Or maybe it will. Who knows.

I wonder how much you've changed, I know you wanted to become the Champion of Unova when we were younger. Cheren's dream of becoming one sure hasn't. In fact I daresay it's become stronger as times gone by, though I'm not sure if it has anything to do with me and you. If there's something else he wants to do, he hasn't said anything about it...

Oops I'm running out of room to write. Hehe.


Bianca (Beebs)

P.S. I have a feeling you're not dead. So please don't do anything stupid.


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I don't know anything I don't even know what I don't know

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And if you look outside you'll see disintegrating trees

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