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[♕]– oceanclan writing ;; ❝ what can we say now? ❞

Postby aergia » Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:11 am

finding daisykit
level;; two
cats;; two
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new clan member;; finding daisykit

Postby aergia » Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:14 am

new clan member
finding daisykit
word count;; 328

    The patrol had almost reached the edge of OceanClan territory when the heard rustling coming from the bushes. Sealstar was intrigued, not much prey was usually out this time of the year, leaf-bare was in full force and many animals rarely left their burrows, trees, or nests. She wouldn’t turn her nose up at an opportunity to hunt prey for the clan, and turned, ready to pounce on the unsuspecting animal, whether it be a mouse, hare, squirrel or otherwise.

    What she had not expected to find was a small kit. From the kit’s scent, Sealstar could tell it was a molly. She had glossy white fur but had clearly been on her own for a while as she was caked in mud up to her belly. The kit made no sound and tried to run from the patrol but one of her warriors quickly stopped her.

    “What in StarClan are you doing here little kit?” Sealstar approached her slowly, as not to frighten her further. The kit was ridiculously small, probably not even a moon old.

    “We need to get her back to camp, she won’t survive out here alone.” Sealstar ordered, changing the direction of the patrol at once. She carried the kit back to camp, trying to calm her down by purring.

    It was much warmer inside the nursery, protected from the ferocious ocean winds.

    “Morningflower, my patrol found her at the edge of our border, near the meadow.” Sealstar began. “We have no idea where she came from, but she’s freezing. I know you’ve only just lost your kits, StarClan protect them, but would you be able to care for this little one? I fear she won’t survive leafbare as it is.”

    Morningflower didn’t respond but took the tiny kit from Sealstar. The tortoiseshell curled up around the white kit, purring rhythmically. The kit didn’t resist Morningflower, unlike how she had reacted to the patrol, and instead snuggled deeper into the queen’s long coat.
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new clan member;; a wild eaglefeather appears!

Postby aergia » Mon Apr 16, 2018 8:55 pm

new clan member
a wild eaglefeather appears!
word count;; 456

    Well, Cocoa was well and truly lost. He stumbled loudly through the undergrowth, sending small animals running in all directions. Including directly into the path of an OceanClan patrol.

    Cocoa fell out of a bush and, quite literally, landed on top of a large brown tabby.

    "Aaah!" they both shrieked, Cocoa's voice notably higher.

    “What in StarClan are you doing?” the tabby demanded, throwing Cocoa from his back.

    Looking around, Cocoa was faced with a menacing looking group of cats, all of them heavily scarred.

    “Oh, um, you know, just taking a stroll in this fine weather.” He bluffed.

    As if on cue, a large droplet of rain fell directly into his eyes. They were followed by more as the storm set in, beginning to soak through his thick pelt.

    “Fine,” he sighed. “I’m lost.”

    The brown tabby began to chuckle, followed by the other cats around him. Cocoa tried to join in but they all suddenly fell silent.

    “You’re coming with us.” A ginger tabby said, menace dripping from his words before prodding Cocoa in the opposite direction of where he had come from.

    “Oh I’d simply love to spend more time with you, but I really must be going.” He said before darting away from the group and breaking out into a sprint.

    His freedom was short-lived and came to an abrupt halt as something large crashed into him. The brown tabby had him pinned to the ground, paw at his throat.

    “Mousebrain.” The tabby said.

    Cocoa was lead through the wilderness until they finally came to a clearing filled with daisies. To his dismay, there were more cat to deal with. He was momentarily scared for his life but shrugged it off just as quickly as the thought had come into his head.

    A large grey molly stood in front of him and then walked around him, as if he was being inspected.

    “Hmm, well built, good pelt colour, claws are quite short but that’s no issue.” She said. “Too large for birds but will be excellent at fish. Yeah, he’ll do. What do you say kittypet? Don’t deny it, I’ve heard reports of you wandering our borders for moons.”

    If Cocoa was a twoleg his face would be red. “Oh, um, you’ve seen me?” he gulped.

    “Yes, now make your decision, we don’t have all day.”

    Cocoa was in over his head. He knew where he was, but he hadn’t expected everything to happen so quickly.

    “I guess so.” He began before receiving a critical look from the grey molly. “I mean, yes.”

    “Good,” she purred. “I name you Eaglepaw, apprentice of OceanClan.”

    Yeah he was definitely in over his head, but he was certain everything would work out.

    And it did.
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new clan member;; sedgefur

Postby aergia » Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:23 am

new clan member
word count;; 8183

    yeah no way that monster is being posted here c:
    click the link if you want to read
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new clan member;; smoke in the trees

Postby aergia » Sat Apr 21, 2018 4:01 pm

new clan member
smoke in the trees
word count;; 499

    Smokey always seemed to find himself back here, surrounded by a group of mildly angry cats with strange names. Their anger grew less and less intense each time they caught him 'trespassing' (as if they owned the forest. Looking around at them, he met the familair gaze of Sealstar and her deputy Sedgefur, both of them curiously looking at him.

    "What?" he prodded, not liking the uncertainty of the situation.

    "Smokey, just here us out this time. Please." Sealstar said. If any other cat except her had said it, it would sound like a plead, but from Sealstar is was more of a command.

    "Not this again. I've told you a thousand times you don't own the-"

    "Not that." Sealstar interrupted. "We'd like to offer you a permanent place in our clan. If you join you will receive a new name but also have new duties to your clanmates."

    "You're always around here anyway, why not make it official?" Sedgefur purred, a cheerful gleam in his eyes.

    "Can I think about it?"

    "Of course. We will be back here at the full moon, if you aren't here then we suppose we'll have our answer." Sealstar said before she turned and lead the small group of cats on their way.

    Smokey wandered for a few hours before curling up under a bush for the night. If he joined the clan he would have to give up his life as a wanderer, he would be chained in place. But maybe it was time to settle down? He'd been on the go since his mother was killed by foxes as a kit and had never known his father. His body wasn’t as young as it once had been, he sometimes felt pains in his back left leg, was the time right?

    His legs carried him back to the meeting place. Sealstar was already waiting there, this time only with Sedgefur.

    “You’ve returned.” She purred at him. “Have you made your choice?”

    “I have.” The words fell from his mouth like water. “I would like to join OceanClan.”

    Purring from the two cats grew louder as they lead him through the forest. He followed a few tail lengths behind but ran ahead as soon as he saw the bright white flowers of his dreams. As a kit he had always dreamt of these daisies, it must be fate.

    Sealstar called the clan to attention and, from all the trees surrounding the daisies, cats poured forth.

    “We are gathered to welcome a new clan member to us today. Many of you are familiar with Smokey from our many run-ins with him on the border patrol. Today he comes to us as Smokepaw, apprentice of OceanClan. I will mentor him in our ways and he will soon gain his warrior name.”

    Smokey, or rather Smokepaw, heard his new name chanted around the clearing. Cats walked up to him and interlocked their tails with his before wishing him luck. Looking around, he finally felt at peace.
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camp;; peace at long last

Postby aergia » Sat Apr 21, 2018 5:53 pm

peace at long last
word count;; 411
characters;; sealstar, smokefang, daisykit

    The sun had just dropped below the horizon; Sealstar watched as Sedgefur organised the nightfall border patrol into groups, he eyes surveying the scene. From her den up in the tallest tree she could see it all. Cats padded around the camp, many of them tired from a long day's hunt. leaf-fall had well and truly set in, and she wondered when the first snow would come. Soon the daisies would begin to disappear, eventually forming small patches under the protection of the trees around the edge of the clearing.

    “Sealstar?” a voice called. She turned and saw Smokefang looking up at her from a lower branch. “Can I come up?”

    “Of course.”

    The tom swiftly jumped up to her position and she was reminded of how quickly his apprenticeship had passed.

    “Looking at the camp reminded me, I never got the chance to thank you.” Smokefang began. “If not for you I would still be out there, alone, away from all this.”

    Sealstar purred at him. This sort of thank you was not uncommon to her. Many cats in the past had given shown their gratitude through actions but some also chose to verbally thank her.

    “Look down.” She began. “I can see Eaglefeather showing off to the apprentices, Daisykit in the flowers being closely watched by Maplestorm, Emberheart patching up Nightflower’s latest injury. All of these cats were once in the same position with you, without family or a home. I have not disclosed this to many, but I was chased from my old clan.”

    Smokefang looked at her, their eyes met and at once Sealstar could detect the judgement.

    “My old clan fell astray from the path of StarClan. It took many moons for me to accept that. OceanClan is young, we do not have a long history. But someday, we will.” She stretched upwards. “Come, follow me.”

    The two gracefully leapt down from the tree. Walking through the few remaining daisies they found Daisykit, her white pelt not blending in as much as it used to. She still wasn’t speaking, but this no longer worried Sealstar. The clan had learnt to communicate using their tails and general body language, and Daisykit had proved to be a fast learner. Emberheat had discovered that, although Daisykit could indeed hear, she would respond better to non-verbal cues.

    Beckoning the kit with her tail, Daisykit bounded over to Sealstar, purring as they intertwined tails. The three walked together slowly, in peace.
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new clan member;; as cold as any stone

Postby aergia » Thu Apr 26, 2018 5:41 pm

new clan member
as cold as any stone
word count;; 420

    When they found me I was almost dead. I laid there in pain, gasping for air weakly. Dying. I knew it was only a matter of time before the inevitable happened, I caused too much trouble that hit too far home. My injuries were extensive; all I could feel was my blood pooling around my body. I can barely remember anything except the warmth. I blacked out.

    I was awoken to a pale grey and cream molly’s face above mine. I could feel her paws on my injuries only because of the pain she brought with every touch. I thought she was torturing me further at the time, unaware of the herbs my body was being covered with.

    “She’s too cold Sealstar.” The molly said. “I don’t know if she’ll make it.”

    “We have to try.” A sharp voice came before I slipped from consciousness.

    I was awoken to a sharp pain in my side. I hissed at a cat who was putting stinging leaves onto my wounds but she continued anyway. After a time, the pain passed and I regretted trying to prevent her from healing me. I found out her name was Embercloud and that I had made it away from Slash, the gang and everything else. I was confused, where was Felix?

    I would come to learn of the monster he had become from other who faced him. After my injuries healed I was named an apprentice of OceanClan, Maplepaw, forsaking my old name Jade. I knew a few of the others already, cats who had been ‘disappeared’ by Slash’s gang only to wind up in the same predicament as I had. But not all would survive.

    Moons passed quickly, I never completely healed from my injuries but I was a good warrior all the same. I trained well, gained my warrior name, my life was at ease. But I missed Felix still. When I saw him attack Sealstar all those moons later I realised I had lost him to a fate worse than death.

    Forgiving him was easy, much too simple. Embercloud had found him in the same place where she’d found me, bleeding out onto the forest floor. His injuries weren’t as bad as mine had been and much of the clan resented him. Some still do. I understand why, truly, but I could never stop loving him. I taught him much about being a warrior of OceanClan, he soaked up the knowledge intently. Some parts were harder than others, but we made it work.
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relationship;; first and second

Postby aergia » Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:12 pm

first and second
word count;; 190
characters;; sealstar, sedgefur

    Sealstar and Sedgefur spend a great deal of time together, as most leaders and deputies should. Sealstar takes the higher position of authority (obviously) over the clan but still values and listens to his opinions and ideas. Their relationship is quite a strange one, they first met when Sedgefur was a gang member and tried to kill Embercloud but instead battled Sealstar and lost, horrifically.

    Sealstar’s first impression of Sedgefur, known only as ‘Beast’ at the time, was extremely negative. She saw him as an emotionless brute, which was true for the time. It took a great many moons after he came to OceanClan, almost dead, to forgive him. But not ever to forget. Sedgefur was a fierce warrior, even as an apprentice. Sealstar had half a mind about giving him the warrior name Sedgeclaw but ultimately decided against it.

    In the present day the two get along much better; Sealstar understands him more, as does Sedgefur about her. She has never doubted that she made the right choice in choosing him as her deputy, his determined nature has proved useful to the clan with organising controls and defending borders.
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new clan member;; it must be genetic

Postby aergia » Wed May 09, 2018 10:16 pm

new clan member
it must be genetic
word count;; 369

    Tansypaw had been what you call a ‘problem’ kit, even when she was still known as Buttermilk. She was constantly up to no good, incessantly terrorising her twolegs goldfish. Her mother Biscuit felt if she didn’t do something soon, her daughters energy would destroy something important. Remembering her long ago brother Cocoa who had experienced similar problems in his youth, she set out to find him.

    Unbeknownst to her, Cocoa was no longer know by that name, instead he was Eaglefeather, a warrior of OceanClan. She had heard rumours about the clan, but had no idea that her only brother was a part of them. One night, Biscuit set out into the forest, an eager Buttermilk following behind. Unsure where to start, Biscuit knew only that she should stay away from known gang territory. They spent much of the night wandering the edge of the forest, too scared to venture far from the lights of the humanplace.

    “Shh,” Biscuit said suddenly, hushing her daughter. A strange but familiar scent lingered in the air and pointed them deeper to the forest. The mother and kit duo eventually stumbled upon a patrol of 3 cats, one of them Eaglefeather.





    The long lost brother and sister reunited in a blur of pelts as they rushed to towards the other. The two remaining cats, as well as Buttermilk, looked on in confusion. Biscuit and Cocoa began speaking to each other rapidly, their voices bouncing off the trees. Both spoke just as quickly as the other. Buttermilk saw this as her opportunity to push in and introduce herself to her uncle.

    As expected, Buttermilk joined OceanClan without any hesitation and was proud of her new name: Tansypaw. She flourished under the lifestyle of a clan cat, sometimes flourishing a bit too much. Her constant energy has made her a truly fierce fighter and intelligent hunter as she learnt to focus. Having her uncle as a mentor also helped as he understood her nature and just how to curb some of her more volatile ideas. Although she can no longer see her mother as frequently as she would like, Tansypaw wouldn’t trade her spot as an apprentice of OceanClan for anything.
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new clan member;; blinded by the light

Postby aergia » Sat May 19, 2018 6:59 pm

new clan member
blinded by the light
word count;; 944

    A small bird flittered dangerously close to the piercing blue eyes of a cat. Ellie looked at it in contempt before lifting a lazy paw and swatting it away, her sheathed claws barely scraping it. With a shrill chirp it alerted all other nearby birds to her presence, soon the whole forest was alive and screaming for her to leave. Grumbling to her feet, she left; her peaceful rest was disturbed anyway.

    The forest was alive with new life this time of year, the cold had well and truly ended. It had been a while since Ellie had been to the ocean, she could scent its ever familiar spray in the air. Padding along, she came to a cliff with the ocean churning below her. Gazing out, she watched the horizon as the sun warmed her pointed fur. She had memories of this place, of familiar and familial faces.

    “I wonder where he is now?” she thought aloud.

    “Where who is?” an all too familiar voice came.

    Spinning around, Ellie came face-to-face with an almost perfect copy of herself.

    “That scar’s new.” She stated blandly, looking at her brother’s torn ear.

    “Good to see you too Ellie, how’s life treating you?” he laughed.

    “It’s been two winters since I last saw you Smokey. Where have you been?”

    “I’ve been right here,” Smokey responded, a cheeky gleam in his eyes. “I’m known as Smokefang now.”

    “That’s a stupid name, smoke doesn’t have fangs.” She snorted.

    “That’s, um, really not how it works.” Smokefang trailed off, looking weirdly at his sister. “Why are you here anyway?”

    “You know me, always a wanderer. Thought you were the same?”

    “I used to be.” Smokefang paused momentarily. “Can I introduce you to someone?”

    After some reluctance, Ellie agreed. She was to come back to this place tonight just after moonhigh.

    • ~ • ~ •

    The brilliant white glow of the moon illuminated her pelt, reflecting its rays onto her surroundings. She quickly picked up her brothers’ scent, as well as another, a female scent. Beside Smokefang stood a large grey molly who practically radiated authority. To have such an impression without even speaking truly shocked Ellie.

    “Smokefang has told me much about you, Ellie.” She spoke, her voice calm but strong.

    “Afraid I can’t say the same about you, I don’t even know your name.” Ellie responded, trying to control her voice in the same manner.

    The grey molly let out a small chuckle. “Don’t worry, I can tend to that. I am Sealstar” She said, guiding Ellie away from the ocean.

    The two walked for much of the night, at first only speaking of Ellie. As the night wore on, Ellie learnt much about Sealstar and her clan, OceanClan. The idea that cats could live together with no blood relation both shocked and thrilled her.

    “I mean no offense, but what’s with the strange names?” Ellie paused.

    “It is our tradition to name our warriors after their skills. The first part of the name is most often given at birth and represents their pelt colour. The second half represents that they have become a warrior and often, but not always, represents a skill of theirs. Your brother, Smokefang, showed prowess in both hunting and fighting when he was an apprentice and quickly gained his warrior name. Some take longer. It all depends on the cat.” She finished, sitting beside a hollow tree stump.

    “I wasn’t that good.” Smokefang said suddenly, appearing from behind a bush. “The camp is beginning to awaken for dawn, shall I tell Sedgefur to organise the dawn patrol?”

    “No, I would like to this morning. Would you like to come Ellie?”

    Ellie soon found herself traipsing through the undergrowth flanked by Sealstar, her brother and a molly named Maplestorm. She was introduced to the full extent of OceanClan territory as they remarked their borders. Smokefang caught a sparrow on the way, but instead of eating it, carried it all the way back to camp.

    “Feed one's elders, queens and kits before warriors and apprentices.” Sealstar said, reading her mind. “It is our Code.”

    Ellie said nothing as they continued back to camp and witnessed as her brother dropped the bird onto a pile of prey which was surprisingly large for a group of cats this size.

    “Have you made a decision?” Sealstar approached her, alone. “You are under no obligation nor have any need to hurry, it took Smokefang many moons to make his choice.”

    “I have,” she responded, remembering Sealstar’s word to taunt Smokefang with later. “I would be proud to join OceanClan.”

    Sealstar let out a delighted purr and swiftly leapt from the ground up to a large branch.

    “OceanClan! We are called to look upon our fellow cat in a new light as she becomes a member of our Clan.” Sealstar’s voice rang out across the clearing. Everywhere, cats of all ages, sizes and colours appeared.

    “Ellie, you have come to our clan as a loner, a wanderer. Do you swear to leave your old life behind?”

    “I do.”

    “Do you promise to be loyal to OceanClan and place the needs of your clan above your own individual needs?”

    “I do.”

    “Do you promise to uphold the warrior code?”

    “I do.”

    “By the powers of StarClan, I name you Dawnpaw, apprentice of OceanClan. You will be trained to become a warrior by myself, Sealstar.”

    “Dawnpaw! Dawnpaw! Dawnpaw!” voices echoed around her as Sealstar leapt down to place herself beside her.

    “Welcome to OceanClan.” Smokefang said, appearing besides her.

    “At least I didn’t take as long as you.” She smirked, watching Smokefang bristle besides her before playfully swatting him with a paw.
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