[ Create A Tribe ] - [ V.2 ] - [ Open ]

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill


Postby w0ah » Fri Mar 30, 2018 4:21 am

          ▬▬▬▬▬(TRIBE OF BURNED CLAWS)▬▬▬▬▬
    Long ago, when tribes all around were just forming, a small gang of felines rose from the shadows. This group called themselves the Tribe of Silent Calls. Having been tossed aside from their former clans, or been mistreated as rogues, this distressed group of felines longed for change, and change is exactly what they got... For many years, and many generations, the tribe lived on peacefully. They thrived among each other and alongside other clans or tribes. But that was soon to end. One dry, arid summer, a fire struck the forest the tribe once held residence among. The tribe was caught off-guard by this sudden terror, and therefore it caused many casualties. Loved-ones, friends, and mentors perished among the flames, and others died from inhaling too much smoke. Not only was their tribe burnt to crisps, but so was their home. Driven from the forests, these saddened felines took refuge in a much different home. Now, the decedents of these forest-dwelling cats reside in the city of Valparaíso, Chile, where many dogs and cats roam as strays alike. Life is not easy here, but these are resilient felines, and they will not let one tragedy bring the entire tribe to an end...

    The tribe's main residence is among this abandoned house, of which the city hasn't really paid much attention to. With the lack of money really available for the cost of tearing it down, they've decided to leave this building up as a sort-of landmark and tourist-attraction. However, humans are banned from entering the building, and this gives the cats an advantage for protection from these creatures, that are almost constantly surrounding them, and give them little to no privacy. Inside of the house, or rather mansion, the rooms and levels are divided depending on rank of the cats. The lowest ranking cats, such as the retired, reside among the lower level, which has two empty bedrooms and an open space for gathering. The rickety stairs takes one up to the second floor, which is mainly just bedrooms. Ranks on this level include the cavalry ( prey-hunters & guards ), the second's ( to-be's ), and the brood-mothers ( mothers ) with their littleuns ( kits ). Going up another flight of stairs, one will find themselves on the third floor, which is also the final floor of the mansion. There are two bedrooms here. Ranks on this level is the shaman ( healer/leader) and the shamans second ( healer-to-be ).

    Although there is much of the city for this tribe to explore, they mainly stick to a small region that they inhabit and patrol. Outside of the home that they call their camp, the streets outside are mainly like this, with intricate art and graffiti covering every inch of the walls. Some of the paths that wind through the city are cobblestone, concrete, asphalt, and otherwise dirt. Alleyways and steps take one higher up into the hills, and also make for easier navigation and ways to escape. Although there isn't much wildlife and vegetation among the city, many birds, mice, rats, and delicious treats found from digging through the garbage are their main source of food. Also, some kind humans will like to put out bowls with water and food for the cats to snack on. But there is one disadvantage from living in this bustling city... the dogs. Everywhere are stray dogs. Although most aren't hostile, others can be quite aggressive, and will attack the cats. The tribe has to constantly be on alert for humans and dogs when they go out exploring. But other than that, they aren't bothered by anyone or anything at all, for the humans usually tend to just leave all of the strays alone.

    The felines among the Tribe of Burned Claws are known for being ruthless, with their main focus only on their own survival, and no one else's. All of the cats are extremely loyal to their tribe, and betrayal is taken very harshly. A cat that is found to have betrayed their tribe is executed by the shaman himself, and all other cats are forced to watch, no matter their rank or age. Training for becoming a member of the cavalry is a tough experience, and sometimes not all cats make it. However, this tough lifestyle for the tribe seems to work for them, as it weeds out the weak and only lets the strong survive, which is what the tribe needs in order to prosper for long. They have learned over time that there is no room for weakness among survival in the city.

    Shaman - healer/leader of the tribe
    Shamans' Second - healer-to-be
    Guard - protector of the shaman & the shamans' second
    Cavalry - prey-hunters & guards combined
    Seconds - apprentices/to-be's of the cavalry members
    Brood-mothers - mothers
    Littleuns - kits
    Retired - elders
    Weaklings - like omegas, the weakest of the tribe

    Common breeds are mainly short-haired cats only, and rarely hairless or very long-haired breeds. The summers among the city get very warm, and therefore a long-haired cat would overheat. Also, commonly curly-haired cats are welcomed, as they are seen as more attractive or beautiful.

    American Shorthair, Oriental shorthair, Abyssinian, Egyptian Mau, European shorthair, Siamese, Tonkinese, LaPerm, Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, and more...

    ( May I request this cat to be my founder? )
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tribe replies / 002.

Postby deimido » Fri Mar 30, 2018 11:07 am

- Weather Report -
Current Season: Autumn.
The autumn air is cool and welcome after a hot summer, leaves are falling from trees at a steady rate and it won't be long until all are stripped bare until spring comes again. Prey will be starting to hide now and predators are starting to come into the tribe's borders.

[ 000 / 010 replied to ]
[Burning Suns] [Golden Dawns] [Sinking Willows]
[Whistling Trees] [Flowing Brook] [Wasted Dreams]
[Silver Moonlight] [Clear Lake] [Lost Rains]
[Falling Water]

Tribe of Endless Dark | Dinolil1 wrote:

We're not afraid of the dark, we are the dark.

''I'll show you! I'll show you all!'' spat a bloody-eared molly, fangs bared into a snarl. ''Leave now!'' growled a tom, as pale as a wraith. ''And never return.'' Eyes swam in the hazy dusk around her, unblinking and uncaring. ''Why? Why should I?'' She retorted, pelt bristling with outrage. ''What did I do? Breathe?'' Another spoke, eyes as bright as coal-fires. ''You broke the rules, you murdered another.'' A small and unassuming molly stepped out of the dark. ''Don't try and deny it, snake-heart, we all saw you.'' She grimaced at the blood on her ears, ignoring the curses that slipped like time from her mouth. ''You're wrong! You're so wrong, so dead wrong!'' The bloodied-eared molly hissed, stamping her paws. ''I'll show you all.'' she promised, glaring at the wraith-like tom. ''Leave, traitor.'' The tom ordered. ''And promise me only one thing; that you'll never show your face around here.''

A tribe with poor morals, it is said that the leader was borne not of flesh but of shadow. The tribe of endless dark dwells in the city, and makes it's home in any alley it finds, preferring to wander rather than choose any set territory. With few allies, this tribe is as tight as family can get and blood is of little concern to them, just so as long as you're willing to spill it for another. They hunt pigeons, rats and raid bins for scraps; this tribe isn't particularly fussy. With no belief in the Tribe of Endless hunting, they rely on their reputation and charm of their individual cats to rope in members.

Welcome to the tribe of endless dark!

        ➤ The Tribe of Endless Dark has been founded !! The first healer takes five herbs of their choice to begin stocking their medicine store.

        ➤ Your mod will be A Fox's Tail !!
Buzoku of Falling Water | ossa di cervo wrote:
The Buzoku of Falling Water are a tender group. They pride stealth and integrity above brute strength and muscle. The cats higher up in rank are generally very intelligent cats and experts at being sneaky. While they are generally very peaceful fights still happen among the ranks. Most of the fights are over she-cats as males like to show themselves as worthy mates.

healer → ekōrisunā (echo listener)
healer to-be → wakai ekō (young echo)
prey-hunters → hoshoku-sha (prey seeker)
guards → kanshi-in (wardens)
to-bes → shinseiji (neophyte)
kit-mothers → oya (parent)
kits → wakamono (youth)
elders → senpai (seniors)

mentors → sensei
family → kazoku
deceased → kojin
prey → emono

the tribe lives near a river in the surrounding trees. they hunt among the river rocks and in the water itself as well as sometimes hunting in the trees as the cats are adept at climbing and bouncing between branches. the sacred place that the ekōrisunā visits is called the waterfall's echo and is a small cave hidden behind a waterfall.

the tribe is mostly made up of Japanese Bobtails, Oriental Shorthairs, Siamese, Balinese, Korats and Singapuras, but they do welcome all cats. High ranks are reserved for those of pure bloodlines and outstanding qualities.

may i request a japanese bobtail as my founder?

        ➤ The Buzoku of Falling Water has been founded !! The first ekōrisunā takes five herbs of their choice to begin stocking their medicine store.

        ➤ Your mod will be ⠀⠀⠀quindecim !!
Tribe of Golden Dawns | marya d. wrote:

[ the tribe does not eat for one post. ]
[ dew, oak, owl, and breeze take their assessment[pass or fail]. ]
[ maple goes into labor: father is a silver tabby maine coon with brown eyes. ]
[ owl, breeze, dew, oak, leaf, and branch train ]
[ shade, stone, lark, smoke, wolf, and willow train ]
[ rook, lake, forest, oak, wolf, and lark hunt ]
[ sky, song, creek, owl, breeze, and shade hunt ]
[ dust, flicker, and stone hunt ]
[ cormorant, amber, alder, storm, smoke, and branch go on patrol ]
[ dusk, hawk, fire, hound, bear, and willow go on patrol ]
[ dawnseeker searches for herbs ]
[ swoop and song take a walk, where they encounter the rouges. neither survive. ]

        ➤ The Tribe of Golden Dawns has one post remaining before they begin to starve.
        ➤ Dew has successfully passed her assessment !!
        ➤ Oak has successfully passed her assessment !!
        ➤ Owl has successfully passed his assessment !!
        ➤ Breeze has unfortunately failed her assessment, she can try again next moon.
        ➤ Maple has given birth to a litter of three! Unfortunately, one of the kits is stillborn. (1; tom) (1; tom) (3; molly)
        ➤ Owl learned endurance !!
        ➤ Breeze learned fishing !!
        ➤ Dew learned climbing !!
        ➤ Oak and Leaf learned stalking !!
        ➤ Branch and Stone learned stealth !!
        ➤ Shade, Lark, Smoke, Wolf, and Willow learned hunting !!
        ➤ Rook's hunting patrol returned with +1 bird, +1 big fish, and +1 squirrel.
        ➤ Sky's hunting patrol returned with +1 small fish and +2 voles.
        ➤ Dust's hunting patrol returned with +1 small fish.
        ➤ Cormorant's border patrol encountered a potential sky-mother with her three smallpaws who wish to join the Golden Dawns, if the tribe refuses, she and her litter will leave and never come back.
        ➤ Dusk's border patrol goes on uneventfully.
        ➤ Dawnseeker returns home with +1 deathberries and +1 stinging nettle.
        ➤ Swoop and Song now rest among the stars, where they will watch over the Tribe of Golden Dawns forever.
Tribe of Silver Moonlight | ramos me with a bike wrote:

[The Tribe eats x3 mice and one bat ]
[Moon Searcher - patrol]
[Leopard & Lightning - patrol]
[Sparrow, Leopard, Lightning & Ember - hunting]
[Moon Searcher & Lightning - patrol]
[Salmon, Poppy, Ember & Bee - hunt/training]
[Ember & Lightning - become mates, no kits]

        ➤ Moon Searcher encountered a potential fisher who wishes to join the Silver Moonlight, if he refuses, they will leave and never come back.
        ➤ Leopard and Lightning encounter a potential fighter who wishes to join the Silver Moonlight, if they refuse, the cat will leave and never come back.
        ➤ Sparrow's hunting patrol returns home with +2 large fish.
        ➤ Moon Searcher and Lightning have an eventful patrol.
        ➤ Salmon teaches Poppy the fishing move, and Poppy catches +1 small fish as a result.
        ➤ Ember teaches Bee how to hunt, though he comes back empty-pawed.
        ➤ May the Tribe of Endless Hunting grant Ember and Lightning moons of happiness together.
Tribe of Burned Claws | w0ah wrote:
          ▬▬▬▬▬(TRIBE OF BURNED CLAWS)▬▬▬▬▬
    Long ago, when tribes all around were just forming, a small gang of felines rose from the shadows. This group called themselves the Tribe of Silent Calls. Having been tossed aside from their former clans, or been mistreated as rogues, this distressed group of felines longed for change, and change is exactly what they got... For many years, and many generations, the tribe lived on peacefully. They thrived among each other and alongside other clans or tribes. But that was soon to end. One dry, arid summer, a fire struck the forest the tribe once held residence among. The tribe was caught off-guard by this sudden terror, and therefore it caused many casualties. Loved-ones, friends, and mentors perished among the flames, and others died from inhaling too much smoke. Not only was their tribe burnt to crisps, but so was their home. Driven from the forests, these saddened felines took refuge in a much different home. Now, the decedents of these forest-dwelling cats reside in the city of Valparaíso, Chile, where many dogs and cats roam as strays alike. Life is not easy here, but these are resilient felines, and they will not let one tragedy bring the entire tribe to an end...

    The tribe's main residence is among this abandoned house, of which the city hasn't really paid much attention to. With the lack of money really available for the cost of tearing it down, they've decided to leave this building up as a sort-of landmark and tourist-attraction. However, humans are banned from entering the building, and this gives the cats an advantage for protection from these creatures, that are almost constantly surrounding them, and give them little to no privacy. Inside of the house, or rather mansion, the rooms and levels are divided depending on rank of the cats. The lowest ranking cats, such as the retired, reside among the lower level, which has two empty bedrooms and an open space for gathering. The rickety stairs takes one up to the second floor, which is mainly just bedrooms. Ranks on this level include the cavalry ( prey-hunters & guards ), the second's ( to-be's ), and the brood-mothers ( mothers ) with their littleuns ( kits ). Going up another flight of stairs, one will find themselves on the third floor, which is also the final floor of the mansion. There are two bedrooms here. Ranks on this level is the shaman ( healer/leader) and the shamans second ( healer-to-be ).

    Although there is much of the city for this tribe to explore, they mainly stick to a small region that they inhabit and patrol. Outside of the home that they call their camp, the streets outside are mainly like this, with intricate art and graffiti covering every inch of the walls. Some of the paths that wind through the city are cobblestone, concrete, asphalt, and otherwise dirt. Alleyways and steps take one higher up into the hills, and also make for easier navigation and ways to escape. Although there isn't much wildlife and vegetation among the city, many birds, mice, rats, and delicious treats found from digging through the garbage are their main source of food. Also, some kind humans will like to put out bowls with water and food for the cats to snack on. But there is one disadvantage from living in this bustling city... the dogs. Everywhere are stray dogs. Although most aren't hostile, others can be quite aggressive, and will attack the cats. The tribe has to constantly be on alert for humans and dogs when they go out exploring. But other than that, they aren't bothered by anyone or anything at all, for the humans usually tend to just leave all of the strays alone.

    The felines among the Tribe of Burned Claws are known for being ruthless, with their main focus only on their own survival, and no one else's. All of the cats are extremely loyal to their tribe, and betrayal is taken very harshly. A cat that is found to have betrayed their tribe is executed by the shaman himself, and all other cats are forced to watch, no matter their rank or age. Training for becoming a member of the cavalry is a tough experience, and sometimes not all cats make it. However, this tough lifestyle for the tribe seems to work for them, as it weeds out the weak and only lets the strong survive, which is what the tribe needs in order to prosper for long. They have learned over time that there is no room for weakness among survival in the city.

    Shaman - healer/leader of the tribe
    Shamans' Second - healer-to-be
    Guard - protector of the shaman & the shamans' second
    Cavalry - prey-hunters & guards combined
    Seconds - apprentices/to-be's of the cavalry members
    Brood-mothers - mothers
    Littleuns - kits
    Retired - elders
    Weaklings - like omegas, the weakest of the tribe

    Common breeds are mainly short-haired cats only, and rarely hairless or very long-haired breeds. The summers among the city get very warm, and therefore a long-haired cat would overheat. Also, commonly curly-haired cats are welcomed, as they are seen as more attractive or beautiful.

    American Shorthair, Oriental shorthair, Abyssinian, Egyptian Mau, European shorthair, Siamese, Tonkinese, LaPerm, Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, and more...

    ( May I request this cat to be my founder? )

        ➤ The Tribe of Burned Claws has been founded !! The first shaman takes five herbs of their choice to begin stocking their medicine store.

        ➤ Your mod will be Katrione !!
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[ TRIBE OF BURNED CLAWS ] --- post 1

Postby w0ah » Fri Mar 30, 2018 11:41 am

starting post | next post
i. tribe inhabitants - 001 felines
she-cats; 000 | toms; 001
ii. greeting of ancestors - now
iii. kits due - name, posts | name, posts
iv. cats w/ shaman - name, name, name
v. servings required - 002


[ snake asks the ancestors for a member of the cavalry ]
[ snake patrols the streets of the city ]
[ snake sets out on a hunt ]

        Swishing his lengthy tail from side to side, Snake looked out from one of the intact windows of the third
        level. People below moved about, not paying mind to the visible silhouette of the feline sitting on the
        windowsill. Up there, no one paid mind to the cats, nor did they really care. It was the perfect place to
        take residence. Now all that mattered to Snake was finding others that were willing to join him. It woul
        dn't be that hard, really, as many desperate cats roamed the streets in search of protection and safety
        among numbers. It was a hard life to live on the streets, and Snake knew it himself. For many moons he
        was alone, until the idea of continuing his ancestor's legacy became apparent to him. Let the Tribe of
        Burned Claws reign on.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬(THE RANKS)▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

        shaman -
        eyes of a snake - 25m - ♂ - oriental - x
        ⤷ no mate, no offspringxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        shamans' second
        name - age - ♂♀ - breed - x
        ⤷ no mate, no offspringxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        guard -
        name - age - ♂♀ - breed - x
        ⤷ no mate, no offspring

        cavalry -
        name - age - ♂♀ - breed - x
        ⤷ no mate, no offspring
        name - age - ♂♀ - breed - x
        ⤷ no mate, no offspring
        name - age - ♂♀ - breed - x
        ⤷ no mate, no offspringxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        seconds -
        name - age - ♂♀ - breed - x
        ⤷ mentor
        name - age - ♂♀ - breed - x
        ⤷ mentor
        name - age - ♂♀ - breed - x
        ⤷ mentorxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        brood-mothers -
        name - age - ♀ - breed - x
        ⤷ mate, kits
        name - age - ♀ - breed - x
        ⤷ mate, kits
        name - age - ♀ -breed - x
        ⤷ mate, kits

        littleuns -
        name - age - ♂♀ - breed - x
        ⤷ mother, father, siblings
        name - age - ♂♀ - breed - x
        ⤷ mother, father, siblings
        name - age - ♂♀ - breed - x
        ⤷ mother, father, siblingsxxxxxxxxx.xxx
        retired -
        name - age - ♂♀ - breed - x
        ⤷ no mate, no offspring
        name - age - ♂♀ - breed - x
        ⤷ no mate, no offspring
        name - age - ♂♀ - breed - x
        ⤷ no mate, no offspringxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        weaklings -
        name - age - ♂♀ - breed - x
        ⤷ no mate, no offspring
        name - age - ♂♀ - breed - x
        ⤷ no mate, no offspring
        name - age - ♂♀ - breed - x
        ⤷ no mate, no offspring

        relations -
        name & name
        name & name
        name & namexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx
        mentors -
        name = name
        name = name
        name = namexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx
        deceased cats -
        name | cause of death
        name | cause of death
        name | cause of death

        herb storage -
        catmint | remedy for greencough | x01
        chervil | infected wounds and bellyache | x01
        cobwebs | stops bleeding | x01
        comfrey root | repairs broken bones | x01
        lungwort | cures yellowcough | x01xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        prey stock -
        mice | x00
        squirrels | x00
        birds | x00
Last edited by w0ah on Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Fox's Replies | #1 | Next Reply: 4/1/18

Postby xi'rika » Fri Mar 30, 2018 11:49 am

The changing leaves creates a dazzling array of color that
seems to fill the feeling of loss at the coming winter with
a warm and festive atmosphere. Even though the frequency
of prey is decreasing, nothing can conquer the welcoming
feeling of Autumn. Unfortunately with the coming of winter
your cats are more likely to encounter predators such as
foxes or badgers and will need to stock up on kitting herbs
such as fennel, chervil, ragwort leaves and raspberry leaves.


My Tribes:
Crystal StreamsCalm Waters
Rolling ThunderFallen Snow
➳ Falling Blossoms
➳ Snowy Pines ➳ Broken Skulls
Looming OaksEndless Dark
Tempest Tossed Seas


NightWolf950 // Tribe of Falling Blossoms wrote:

The tribe consumes x2 fish and x1 mouse


Will edit later


{Blossomteller asks for kit for Shadow and Owl
Blossomteller and Acorn gather herbs
Shadow and Owl becomes mates
Hunting 1: Sand, Fire, Flame, Mouse, Spark, and Cricket
Hunting 2: Raven, Pebble, Sun, Fish, Dew, and Fawn
Patrol 1: Dust, Wolf, and Fang
Patrol 2: Talon, Thunder, and Frost
Training: Song/Wave}

      ➳ The stars have granted Shadow and Owl a kit that is old enough to eat prey

      ➳ Blossomteller and Acorn gather 1x Alder Bark and 1x Blackberry leaf

      ➳ The first hunting patrol successfully hunts 2x Mouse and a Rabbit

      ➳ The second hunting patrol catches 1x Small Fish, a Vole, and a Mouse

      ➳ Dust, Wolf and Fang find a cat

      ➳ The second patrol finds nothing of interest

      ➳ Wave learns Hunting

      ➳ Thunder, Pebble, and Wolf take their final assessment and all pass


inky. // Tribe of Snowy Pines wrote:
* Tribe of Snowy Pines *

Owl paced around the cave that made up his camp. His fluffy tail swished along the floor behind him and his paws made soft thumping noises as he placed them down. This is what he filled his day with; constant worrying about how we was going to survive. Sure, this past moon had been easy, but without the safe feeling of tribemates, he couldn't help but fear the future. He knew he couldn't go back to his old Tribe. If there was even a tribe to go back to. Rogues had invaded his home, taking over the cats who listened and killing the ones who didn't. His stomach flipped when he remembered his mother. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that she had refused to follow the rogue leaders. She was the most brave, stubborn and strong-willed she-cat Owl had ever known. He hoped that she was alive. In fact, he sent up a quick, silent prayer to The Stars that she was safe somewhere. Shaking out his thick pelt, he decided to look around the area. He wasn't hungry, and he had no other cats to feed, so he turned around and entered the long tunnel that branched out from the main camp. He slowly crawled his way down and eventually made it to the grassy forest floor. He squeezed his way into the clearing and stared up at the countless pine trees that loomed above him, reaching at the sky. Smiling, he headed west, exploring his new territory.

[Owl patrols the pine forest, possibly looking for a cat to join the Tribe]

      ➳ Owl finds a cat

      Don't forget to fill out your list of prey found in your territory!


ilhdc7 // Tribe of Broken Skulls wrote:

Skull, or as he now called himself, Skullteller, found his way into the empty, overgrown, and faded park that once was decorates with children of all ages. Now, the weeds were as tall as 6 feet, and you could barely see the play castle that was bilt for human delight. His paws padded hard against the grassy ground, and he looked for his siblings among the weeds. He knew they were nearby, and, being the eldest of three, he was going to pull a sibling card to get them to join. He had a brother and a sister, and both always dreamed of starting the original tribe again.

skullteller looks for his brother and sister.
skullteller requests a tribe guard from the ancestors

      ➳ Skullteller has found one of his siblings

      ➳ Skullteller's request has been fulfilled, a Tribe Guard has a arrived


Cloudpelt // Tribe of Howling Dogs wrote:My tribe is called the Tribe of Howling Dogs. They live in New York City, where cats and dogs are common. The have adapted to the city. They got their name from the stray dogs that howl endlessly into the night. They live in an abandoned hotel that is on the outskirts of the city, but still gets many twolegs and stray dogs and cats. There are 5 floors total to the Hotel. The first floor is the entrance, which is empty. The cats can get up the floors using the staircase. The second floor holds all of the extra moss, feathers, and other things for nests. The third floor is where all of the prey is. The fourth floor holds the herbs, and the fifth is the living space for the cats. They mostly get long-haired cats, but it isn’t uncommon to see medium and short fur cats also. They are well respected since these cats live in a harsh climate. They aren’t afraid to fight and even steal cats and herbs from other tribes, even their allies! They have assigned mates. The Healer is Mates with the leader. Only cats without a partner may have romances within other tribes. They are fierce and strong. You would not want to be in their path. They are amazingly strong at fighting, with an almost perfect balance. A few flaws are that they are quick to judge. Oh yeah, another thing.. if they deem an Eminence unfit.. they overthrow the Eminence and kill them. The strongest cat that dealt the most damage becomes the Eminence. These cats kill other cats for fun.

Ranks are..

Teller - Eminence

Teller to-be - Eminence Novitiate

Guard - Guard

Fighter - Fighter

Prey-hunters - Hunters

To-bes - Novitiate

Kits - Kits

- Kit Helpers

Kit-Mothers - Renaissance

Elders - Scars

They are strange names, but they picked up a lot from twolegs.

      ➳ The Tribe of Howling Dogs has been founded! Take five herbs to start your stock of medicine

      ➳ Your mod will be winter solstice.
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Re: [ Create A Tribe ] - [ V.2 ] - [ Open ]

Postby inky. » Fri Mar 30, 2018 12:22 pm

* Tribe of Snowy Pines *
Number of Cats: 2

Owl got up, arching his back and stretching out his paws one at a time. He shook out his thick pelt and stepped out of his den, taking in a breath of the fresh mountain air that floated into the cave from the gaping hole that let him view the territory. As he sat, he heard soft paws approach him from behind. "Good morning!" a cat meowed cheerfully. Owl turned to face his companion, a smile crossing his face. "Morning Maple!" He purred "How did you sleep?" Maple sat beside him, curling his long, fluffy tai around his paws. "Eh. It was ok. I've been here for a moon but I'm still getting used to sleeping on stone." The tom admitted, chuckling nervously. Owl nodded. "I understand," he reassured "it took me a while too. But I'm sure you'll get used to it. When you go on your patrol, you can get more moss and stuff if you wish." Over the moon that the two had been together, Owl and Maple had gotten quite close. In fact, they considered each other as brothers to a point. Maple nodded and got to his feet. "Yea, maybe." he sighed "What will you do today?" Owl glanced over his shoulder at the small prey heap that was laying in the middle of the camp. "I suppose I'll get us some food. Our tribe's small now, but it's always good to have extra food." he decided. He got to his feet and nodded at Maple. "See you later." The ginger tom meowed, dipping his head. Owl nodded in response and the two went their separate ways.

[Owl hunts]
[Maple patrols]

          Owl That Flies At Night | 33 moons | male | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Maple Leaves That Fall | 27 moons | male | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Healer to-be:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    Enemy Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    North | Tribe Name | Username
    East | Tribe Name | Username
    South | Tribe Name | Username
    West | Tribe Name | Username
    Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
    Northwest | Tribe name | Username

    Medicine Store:
    Cobweb | Stop bleeding | x1
    Dock | Soothes scratches and sore paw pads | x1
    Poppy Seeds | Helps a cat to sleep; ease pain | x1
    Goldenrod | Heals Wounds | x1
    Marigold | Cures Infection | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x0 | 1 serving
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Birds | x0 | 3 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 1-2 servings
    Vole | x0 | 1 servings

    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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Re: tribe of broken skulls - a start

Postby ilhdc7 » Fri Mar 30, 2018 12:40 pm

Number of Cats: three

Skullteller searched the long blades of grass, his tail sweeping over the dirt that was once nicely kept. His eyes carefully watched the weeds for any sign of another cat. Before long, he caught the scent of his brother, Shadow, and the smell of a female cat. His brother had always dreamed of finding a mate one day. He cleared his throat, "Shadow!" A head popped up out of the weeds, "What?" Skullteller shook his coat free of any dirt particles, "The tribe. I'm starting it again. The ancestors allowed me to. I am now Skullteller." His brother paused, "Really?"

Skullteller laughed, "Yeah, really, wanna join, you and your mate?" He heard some whispering before a tall, and lanky female entered his vision. He sized her up, before decided that she would make a good guard while Shadow hunted. "We just need Burn now."

skullteller looks for his sister burn.
shadow hunts for food.
flicker guards skullteller.
flicker and shadow are mates. (no kits)

          teller of broken skulls, 30, tom, skullteller

          shadow of twisted tree, 30, tom, shadow

          flicker of dying fire, 20, molly, flicker

          Healer to-be:
          name, age, gender, [url=link]call name[/url]

          name, age, gender, [url=link]call name[/url]

          name, age, gender, [url=link]call name[/url]

          name, age, gender, [url=link]call name[/url]

          name, age, gender, [url=link]call name[/url]
    Ally Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    Enemy Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    North | Tribe Name | Username
    East | Tribe Name | Username
    South | Tribe Name | Username
    West | Tribe Name | Username
    Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
    Northwest | Tribe name | Username

    Medicine Store:
    x1 catmint
    x1 lambs ears
    x1 juniper berry
    x1 poppyseed
    x1 goldenrod

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    mice | x0 | 0 servings
    rats | x0 | 0 servings
    bird eggs | x0 | 0 servings
    pigeons | x0 | 0 servings
    sparrow | x0 | 0 servings
    squirrel | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Manyteller & Moray | Skullteller, Shadow, & Burn
    Shadow & Flicker | None Yet
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falling streams 001

Postby faerie; » Fri Mar 30, 2018 3:09 pm

tribe of falling streams !!

about ::
cats apart of this tribe maintain an air of swift politeness, sizing up their opponents and using their wits to get their way.
they blend in well with their surroundings, often sporting long, sleek coats fit for a swim down a stream. the most common pelt colors include white, cream, and grey, among lighter pelts. tabbies are a rare sight, but colorpoints and the like are simply uncommon. these cats seem to resemble the following breeds most often - ragdoll, colorpoint siamese, siberian, birman, turkish angora, somali, and manx.

territory :: this tribe lives near the ocean, a few feet below the surface in a series of shallow tunnels and caves. they often eat fish, water voles, birds, and mice.

personality :: the falling stream cats are arrogant, cocky, and confident. they are smart and quick-witted, fast to analyze a situation and weasel themselves out of one. they are muscular and lean, almost itching for a fight around every corner. they anticipate and plan obsessively; other tribes see it as harmful, they see it as a way of life. these cats harbor severe trust issues, which can even affect their relationships with other tribe members. alas, they feed each other, and that's enough.

[ asking for this cat to be a possible founder ]
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Re: [ Create A Tribe ] - [ V.2 ] - [ Open ]

Postby carpe noctem. » Fri Mar 30, 2018 3:57 pm

    ( population. ) 01 ( males. ) 01 ( females. ) 00 ( servings. ) 02

    text here.

    ( umbria goes out hunting )
    ( umbria requests a guardian )
    ( umbria searches for any recruits )

    preeminent sciamano
    umbria - 17 - ♂
    ↬ teller of roaring tempest

    heir to the premier
    name - age - gender

    council of sol
    name - age - gender
    ↬ the wise
    name - age - gender
    ↬ the brave
    name - age - gender
    ↬ the charitable

    guardians of the exalted
    name - age - gender
    name - age - gender
    name - age - gender
    name - age - gender
    name - age - gender

the division
name - age - gender
name - age - gender

the nursing
name - age - gender

name - age - gender

the young
name - age - gender

the eldest
name - age - gender

enemies and allies
tribe - alliance - user
tribe - alliance - user

north - tribe - user
east - tribe - user
south - tribe - user
west - tribe - user
northeast - tribe - user
southeast - tribe - user
southwest - tribe - user
northwest - tribe - user

herb storage
herb - 0x - usage
herb - 0x - usage
herb - 0x - usage
herb - 0x - usage
herb - 0x - usage

prey pile
minnow - 1x - 0x
lizard - 1x - 0x
mouse - 1x - 0x
snake - 2x - 0x
weasel - 2x - 0x
hare - 3x - 0x
large fish - 3x - 0x

mentor - name - 0x
↬ skills learnt

the deceased
name - age - cause

name - name
↬ offspring
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Re: [ Create A Tribe ] - [ V.2 ] - [ Open ]

Postby NightWolf950 » Fri Mar 30, 2018 4:19 pm

Number of Cats: 26 (13 males | 13 females)
Next Ancestor visit: April 6th
Servings Needed: 5

The tribe consumes x4 voles and x1 mouse




{Blossomteller asks fro a cat of any rank
Shadow and Owl stay back to bond with Dragonfly

Gathering Herbs: Blossomteller and Acorn
Hunting: Sand, Fire, Sun, Spark, Dew, and Pebble
Hunting: Flame, Raven, Mouse, Cricket, Fawn, and Soft
Patrolling: Song, Talon, Fang, and Frost
Patrolling: Dust, Wolf, and Thunder
Training: Song/Wave}

Teller of Falling Blossoms | 60 moons | She-cat | Blossomteller

Sand that dances in the breeze | 63 moons | Tom | Sand
Fire that burns through forest | 55 moons | She-cat | Fire
Sun's casting shadow | 72 moons | Tom | Sun
Flame that never dies | 22 moons | Tom | Flame
Raven that soars through storm | 50 moons | She-cat | Raven
Mouse hiding in tall grass | 51 moons | She-cat Mouse
Spark of fading embers | 63 moons | She-cat | Spark
Cricket that chirps quietly | 51 moons | Tom | Cricket
Dew from morning grass | 52 moons | She-cat | Dew
Fawn that glides through air | 39 moons | She-cat | Fawn
Pebble next to boulder | 13 moons | She-cat | Pebble
Soft step from puma | 30 moons | She-cat | Soft

Shadow of stalking tiger | 58 moons | Tom | Shadow
Owl from great tree | 57 moons | Tom | Owl
Song from morning dove | 58 moons | She-cat | Song
Dust that drifts through wind | 60 moons | Tom | Dust
Talon of swooping eagle | 63 moons | Tom | Talon
Fang of hissing viper | 51 moons | Tom | Fang
Frost that shimmers in light | 42 moons | She-cat | Frost
Wolf that howls in night | 13 moons | Tom | Wolf
Thunder of coming storm | 13 moons | Tom | Thunder

Healer to-be:
Acorn from ancient oak | 12 moons | Tom | Acorn

Fish leaping from river | 12 moons | She-cat | Fish
{Training to be: Hunter}
Wave that crashes on shore | 12 moons | She-cat | Wave
{Training to be: Guard}


Dragonfly that flies high | 4 moons | Tom | Dragonfly



Blossomteller | Acorn | 3 | herbs reorganization, understanding messages from ancients, healing procedures, herb storing
Song | Wave | 2 | hunting, tracking, defense, offense


Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mice | x2 | 1 serving
Vole | x0 | 1 serving
Rabbit | x2 | 2 servings
Squirrel | x3 | 2 servings
Small fish | x2 | 2 servings
All birds | x2 | 3 servings

Medicine Store
Alder Bark | eases toothaches - 1
Bindweed | helps keep broken bones in place - 0
Blackberry leaves | eases the swelling of bee stings - 1
Borage leaves | produces more and better milk, brings fevers down - 0
Bright-eye | mixed with lovage it can help cure coughs - 0
Broom | used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds - 0
Burdock root | helps with infected rat bites - 0
Burnet | keeps a cat's strength up - 0
Catchweed | stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin - 0
Catmint | a treatment herb for Greencough/Whitecough - 1
Celandine | soothes damaged eyes - 0
Chamomile | strengthens the heart/soothes the mind, helps with strength - 2
Chervil | treats greencough, though catmint is often preferred - 0
Chickweed | treats greencough - 0
Cobwebs | stops bleeding - 1
Coltsfoot | eases breathing/kitten-cough, as well as cracked/sore pads - 1
Comfrey root | repairs broken bones/soothes wounds, helps burns - 1
Daisy leaf | eases aching joints - 0
Dandelion | sooth bee stings, also acts as a pain killer - 0
Dock | soothes scratches/sore pads/wounds - 0
Dried oak leaves | used to stop infections - 0
Elder leaves | soothes sprains - 0
Fennel | helps hip pain - 1
Feverfew | reduces temp. for cats with fever/chills, heals aches/pains, helps headaches - 0
Foxglove seeds | x - 1
Goatweed | eases anxiety and grief - 0
Goldenrod | helsp healing wounds - 1
Hawkweed | like catmint - 0
Heather Nectar | makes swallowing easier - 0
Honey | soothes infections/sore throats/coughs - 0
Horsetail | used to treat infections and stop bleeding - 0
Juniper berries| soothes bellyaches, calms cats, gives strength, helps with breathing - 1
Lamb's ear | gives strength - 0
Lavender | cures fevers and chills - 0
Lovage | mixed with bright-eye, it can help cure coughs - 0
Lungwort | cures yellow-cough - 0
Mallow Leaves | soothes bellyaches - 0
Marigold | stops infection/bleeding, helps inflammation of stiff joints - 1
Mint | hides scent of death - 1
Mouse bile | helps get ticks off - 1
Dried oak leaf | stops infection from setting in - 0
Parsley | stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, cures bellyaches - 0
Poppyseeds | helps with sleep, ease pain, helps sooth shock/distress - 2
Ragwort leaves | treats aching joints, keeps strength up - 2
Ragwort | gives extra strength and energy - 2
Raspberry leaves | eases pain, stops bleeding - 0
Rosemary | hides scent of death - 0
Rush | helps hold broken limbs in place - 1
Stinging nettle | induces vomiting, brings down swelling - 1
Sweet-sedge | eases infection - 2
Tansy | cures coughs/wounds/poisons, soothes throats, helps prevent greencough - 1
Tormentil | root helps treat wounds and extract poison - 1
Thyme | calms nervousness/anxiety and cats in shock - 1
Watermint | eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache - 0
Wild garlic | prevents infection - 0
Willow Bark | eases pain - 0
Willow leaves | stops vomiting - 0
Wintergreen | treats wounds and some poisons - 0
Yarrow | extracts poisons, helps cat vomit up toxins - 1

Sun was once Sunteller of the Tribe of Burning Eclipse
Sand and Flame are originally from the Tribe of Burning Eclipse
Mouse is the mother of Wolf, Thunder, and Pebble
Mouse is the adoptive mother of Acorn and Fish
Talon and Spark are siblings
Fang and Cricket are brothers
Shadow and Owl are mates
Shadow and Owl adopted Dragonfly

Deceased Cats:

Ally Tribes:
Tribe Name | Username

Enemy Tribes:
Tribe Name | Username

North | Tribe Name | Username
East | Tribe Name | Username
South | Tribe Name | Username
West | Tribe Name | Username
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Re: [ Create A Tribe ] - [ V.2 ] - [ Open ]

Postby Dinolil1 » Fri Mar 30, 2018 7:19 pm


We're not afraid of the dark, we are the dark.
Number of Cats: One

As she left the camp, a small apprentice had shoved some mint leaves in front of her; leaves used to hide a death, disguise the scent of blood, disease and bile. ''For a killer.'' They sneered and darted off, black and white pelt disappearing behind a row of shiny cylinders (bins). The others crowed with laughter, taking in turns to jeer at the ragged molly as she vanished into the smog and shadow of the streets. Blood speckled her pelt and Night made no attempt to clean it off, considering it'd be banal to do so after it felt like the entire world regarded her as a killer.

When she was younger, she'd lived near the sea; it was vast, dangerous and powerful. Night respected the sea and in turn, it felt as though the sea spared her life countless times; that time when she fell into it, the time when a crab seized her paw, that time when her brother tried to drown her. But still, Night was alive and if she had the respect of the sea, then it didn't matter if the tribe cast her out.

But then again, Night realized, she was nowhere near the sea and even if she knew how to get there, it was kind of silly thinking that it'd remember her, if it'd ever remembered her. Slinking past a group of loud twolegs, Night chuckled weakly and ducked into a small side-alley. ''How stupid am I?'' She put her bundle of leaves and seeds down, curling around it like a queen would a kitten. ''How stupid are they?'' Night corrected herself, looking over her shoulder.

Night goes on a patrol; possible cat encounter?

          Night of no stars | 35 | Female | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Healer to-be:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    Enemy Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    North | Tribe Name | Username
    East | Tribe Name | Username
    South | Tribe Name | Username
    West | Tribe Name | Username
    Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
    Northwest | Tribe name | Username

    Medicine Store:
    Poppy Seeds | Aids sleep, shock, pain
    Catnip | Cures GreenCough and WhiteCough
    Mint | Hides the scent of death
    Daisy | Eases aching joints
    Burdock | Aids the healing of rat bites

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Rat | x0 | 2 servings
    Pigeon | x0 | 2 servings
    Mouse | x0 | 1 servings
    Crow | x0 | 2 servings
    N/A | x0 | 0 servings
    N/A | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits

I believe that you are purrfect!

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