⋙━━━━⚬➤ // blood sport // closed/pm owner

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━━━━ myra gato-del rio - two

Postby `sappho » Mon Feb 26, 2018 10:13 am


southside serpent member - werewolf - female - mentions: none - tags: america

      xxxthe werewolf smiled and sat down across from her friend. america, or as she called her, just erica, had been on of myra's best friends ever since she had joined the serpents. erica had actually been one of the biggest reasons that she had even joined the serpents in the first place. she nodded. "sure, i haven't eaten yet anyways," she said with a smile before she picked up on of the smaller slices of pizza. she took a large bite of the greasy slice, not really caring how 'lady-like' she looked. "i was just walking down the street and i saw my best friend eating at this restaurant so i decided to drop by," she said with a playful smirk. "this pizza is great!" she said enthusiastically, covering her mouth with her hand after hearing how loud she had been. "i should come her more often," she said with a short laugh, cocking her eyebrow. "so, how are you doing?" she asked, leaning back against the cushioned bench of the booth.
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Re: ⋙━━━━⚬➤ // blood sport // civilian spots only

Postby Casperphobia » Mon Feb 26, 2018 2:05 pm

Angel Helsing

human//nighthawk//infiltrator//tags: amelia

    "I'm in here, mi amor!" She called when her named was hollered. A large, tired smile formed on her lips as Angel saw Amelia come into the room. Once the other female sat next to her and put a hand on her back, the girl leaned on her, putting her head on Amy's shoulder. "Mostly, I guess. My head is pounding; Had to much to drink. Cassandra and I... hung out." She sighed at that last sentence. Angelica only did that when she really wanted to forget something. "And then I was an idiot and offered Cass some of my blood and of course she accepted, so there is that." All of a sudden, she could feel her chest tightening and her shoulders started to shake. Angel could feel her eyes start to water. "I didn't know what to do! If I told the nighthawks about the serpents' plans, then they would have suspected me and killed me. So I didn't say anything. And now we've lost part of the territory! I thought of myself, instead of the gang! And Cassandra knows I'm a spy because I got drunk. I-I'm ju-just... sorry..." Angelica could barely speak through her sobbing. She really hated Amelia seeing her like this. However, after always putting on a front and acting a lot tougher than she was, it drained her energy over time.
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⋙━━━━⚬➤ // blood sport // Cassandra 4

Postby daices. » Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:41 pm

First Day Back

Age; A Lot™
Race; Vampire
Clan; None - civilian
Tagged; Adelaide
And the Demons Keep Calling
Cassandra lounged back, listening to Adelaide talk as she waited for her drink. Giving another lascivious smile to the waitress as she arrived with the a steaming white cup (Cassandra delighted in the fact that the waitress flushed from her advances; she would have to visit that again later), Cassandra removed her gloves and tucked them into her breast pocket before taking a sip of the coffee. "Humans go through these inconvenient epidemics quite often; it's nothing to feel bad about, dear. Their population usually ends up recuperating anyways." Not an entirely comforting sentiment, but everything about Cassandra's thought processes were clinical to some extent. "It was a hassle to find uninfected humans to feed on for a while, though; thank goodness doctors remained a relatively safe staple for a while."

Cassandra gave Adelaide a sly smile, half hidden by the rim of her cup and steam wafting from within. "Yes, yes; no longer shy, for one thing. Instead of a nurse, a participant in a little gang, on the arm of their second. Quite a change in occupation, love. I heard the squabbling started up again, hm? The serpents edging along the coast. Interesting, really; a lot can happen within all the confusion of conflict." Her mind flashed back to last night, of Angelica grasping onto her arm and slurring her part as an infiltrator into her neck while influenced by a drunken haze, then back even further to wars long past. Slowly honing back on the present, just in time to catch Adelaide's followup comment, Cassandra settled back, giving herself a smooth once-over, holding her hands out in front of her with her fingers splayed. All the years generally melded together into a rather unintelligible cacophonous blur, but she did remember gaining a few new wounds, a thin scar scoring its way along her shoulder giving a dull twinge as she thought back on it. "A few new scars, perhaps; I did almost lose a finger to quite the rambunctious lion a couple years back. And this dress shirt; quite new, still, and I don't suppose we saw each other after our quick rendezvous, hm?" Cassandra's gaze, directed somewhere over Adelaide's shoulder as she reminisced, sharpened and drilled into Adelaide's own, her ever-present grin widening just slightly, an amused quirk at the corner of her mouth. "Anything other than that escapes my mind; how have I changed, my dear? Please, enlighten me."
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tripping in the world can be dangerous // 014

Postby Hellhound-My-Legend » Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:05 pm


┏--------------- ⊰ ↠ ⊱ ---------------┒
" i am all yours "

vamp // male // serpent

location ; --
tagged ; --
mentioned ; hunter


" willingly damned "
┗--------------- ⊰ ↠ ⊱ ---------------┙
    Shiloh watched as Hunter disappeared, his eyes following him until he was out of sight. The vampire shut his eyes for a second, just taking a moment to calm himself in the false-darkness behind them. He took in a breath; the playful smile had dropped from his face. With his distraction gone, his anxiety began to ebb back into his body bit by bit the further away Hunter walked. He shook his head, opening his eyes and turning to walk out the other end of the alley. He brought his hood up over his head, suddenly feeling colder than before despite the midday sun shining up above. He walked aimlessly for a few minutes, trying to get a hold of his mind as it swirled with unpleasant thoughts. Eventually he reached into the inner pocket of his jacket, dexterous fingers extracting a cigarette from the almost empty pack he kept there. He didn't generally smoke around other people, it was his stress relief and he didn't need anyone knowing anything about him, let alone his private vice. Luckily he knew enough people who shared the habit, so no one was ever suspicious when he showed up smelling like tobacco and nicotine. So he kept his head low as he took pulls of the smoke, feeling it burn in his lungs and heal before he took his next drag.

    He realized at some point that he was heading back to his apartment. He didn't change his direction, walking until he was at the base of the fire escape and making his way up the five flights of stairs to the same roof he had walked across hours previous. Shiloh dropped the finished smoke, crushing it under the heel of his boot. He ducked into his bedroom, and the first thing he noticed was how different the light was from the last time he'd been in here. As he stepped out of the way, the rays of daylight shone through, illuminating all the hundreds of hoarded objects Shiloh kept. If you looked around his bedroom - his whole apartment actually - you might be astonished to see just how many books were on every available surface; from the overflowing bookshelves to his desk top to the dark wooden floors, there were books everywhere. They were all stacked into somewhat neat towers, and unbeknownst to everyone else, arranged so that Shiloh knew where every book was kept. His room held all his favorite books - or at least the ones he reread the most often. Between the books, scattered around the room seemingly without order, were random objects. After a quick glance around you could pick out a few: a necklace dangling from the doorknob; picture frames stacked against a wall; a jacket carefully folded and an old tan cowboy hat atop a heap of books - the thin layer of dust signalling them as display rather than articles of clothing; a pair of spurs sitting on the table; shells and stones and too many keys for one home. Shiloh was sentimental; he kept things that he'd picked up over the years. Some things held far more value to him than others, but he kept them all nonetheless. He'd settled in Stonewood because his largest cache had been here, joining the Serpents had been more of an afterthought honestly.

    Shiloh blinked heavily, he hadn't slept much this week, barely getting in three hours over several days, but he hadn't felt tired until now. He shuffled over to his bed, drawing the heavy curtains and kicking off his boots on the way. With the room now cast in darkness he pulled his shades from his face, his vampiric eyes already perfectly adjusted to the dark as he flopped down onto the bed. He'd get a few hours now, wait out the day until he could go out tonight; finally have some fun.
Last edited by Hellhound-My-Legend on Wed Mar 07, 2018 11:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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b: post fourteen / a: post eleven

Postby moonkin » Thu Mar 01, 2018 10:42 am

    xxwerewolf. north side nighthawks. leader. tags. alya
      His hand comfortably placed in his jean pocket as they walked the dogs side-by-side. Bailey glancing over at Alya when she started to suggest foods and where they could stop. A small smile reaching out on his face at her - cute -rambling. “If you want, babe.” He replied to both questions, trailing his gaze over to really look toward her. Stopping at the convenience store wouldn’t hurt and if Ali was up for it, then he wasn’t going to complain. “Maybe grab some snacks while we’re there. Some of those sweets you like.” The werewolf added with a nudge of his elbow into her arm playfully.

    xxvampire. south side serpents. member. tags. avis
      A hum came from the vampire in reply to Avis as they started to walk toward his home. Ainsley did plan to not enter but, wouldn’t say no if he was invited in. It wasn’t like the ‘vampires can’t enter unless invited’ rumor that kept him, just out of a faux security for the humans; a manipulative play; twisting of the mind and emotions. All of what Ainsley could do with a few chosen words strung together in the right formation. “What do you do? Career wise.” He asked out of curiosity, glancing over to the boy who strolled the sidewalk beside him. He’d seen the ink cartridge before it was retrieved back into the grocery bag and took a guess that it had something to do with what Avis did.
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Postby whitney! » Tue Mar 06, 2018 6:17 am

───────[ the civilian photographer ]───────

x. icarus "iggy"
x. twenty-four
x. human civilian
x. bisex/rom
x. single, crushin'
x. photographer

    location; walking down the sidewalk xx tags/mentioned; callum

    The human nodded his head, looking around the sidewalks for tiny creatures exploring the concrete. He wondered how it would feel to be that small and to have titan-like beings scattered around you at all times. He let out a breath a bit too heavy in public, giving away he was in his thoughts more than he was in the present. Iggy had to admit in this big world of his that he sometimes did, in fact, feel as small as a bug. His light eyes closed for a moment as his lungs inhaled fresh air before he opened them again. Icarus looked over at Calum and smiled, realizing it had been a bit before he replied. He decided to play it off like he was trying to muster up a thought of where to go. "You're right, it is a bit early. Voyons voir.." Icarus said in thought, clicking his tongue against his front teeth without realizing he let a bit of his French tongue escape him. "If you say rooftop, I'm thinking high. However, I want a good shot. I wanna see the city in the back along with the sunset. Do you think you could make that happen?" He questioned the hybrid while continuously looking straight ahead.
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Postby whitney! » Tue Mar 06, 2018 6:41 am

───────[ the spiteful human ]───────

x. dahlia "dolly"
x. twenty-two
x. human serpent
x. hetero
x. single, crushin'
x. crim psych intern

    location; outside of melodic ink xx tags/mentioned; javi

    The brunette wasted no time practically racing to get into her car and change from black heels to her worn sneakers. She knew it would be quite a strange look wearing an worn out pair of Converse with a nice chiffon halter top, a black women's blazer, and some black jeggings, but this mujer was on a mission. Dahlia cursed herself in Spanish, realizing she had left her keys in her purse which just so happened to be at her intern desk. She rolled her coffee tinted eyes and took a deep breath, trying to figure out how to get into her car and catch up with the attractive homicide detective. She looked down at her hands with a smirk before placing one acrylic nail into her passenger side car door lock and wiggling her finger. It took all of thirty seconds but she finally managed to get it open with her navy, claw-like nails. The human snatched the heels off of her feet and almost instantly replaced them with the beaten shoes. Dahlia stood from the passenger seat while locking the car and shutting the door to her emerald hued Honda.

    Dahlia knew following him was risky, but she decided to do it anyways. She was curious what he was up to and what his antics were like. She wanted to study him, in a not-so-creepy way. Rather, she wanted to know if he was safe to trust. Her brunette locks swayed in the wind as she took long strides. It felt as if the concrete below her was nonexistent and she was just running through time. She didn't exactly care who she bumped into, muttering a 'lo siento' every ten steps for pushing past people on the sidewalk. Dahlia finally slowed down once her eyes met his figure walking into a coffee shop. "Damn it." The swear slipped from her mouth as she brushed oak colored locks from out of her face. Going in there would be a bit too obvious, so she decided to wait outside across the street from the coffee shop. Her eyes wandered from the window of the coffee shop, the sun blocking her from seeing what was inside as it reflected on the windows. She turned her head to the right, shifting her body a bit to see where she was standing. Behind her was a tattoo parlor and music shop all in one. It was a retro-esque store with flashing neon lights, giving a sort of psychic reader vibe to it. She wanted to go in- of course- with her being curious and all, but Dahlia knew she was on a mission. She shook her head and leaned back on the large window behind her, closing her eyes for a split second but keeping her ear open to listen for the coffee shop door ding.
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Postby whitney! » Tue Mar 06, 2018 7:18 am

───────[ the aggressive hybrid ]───────

x. kujore "kujo"
x. twenty-five
x. hybrid nighthawk
x. bisex/rom
x. single, crushin'
x. no current job

    location; his apartment xx tags/mentioned; nixx

    The hybrid smirked at the vamp, letting his fang-like canines once again show. Kujore felt like it was his signature look. He put an arm around Nixx and pulled him closer than he already was. He could feel the other's breath on his face because of the close proximity. He took a long leg and placed it upon the coffee table in the middle of the room. It was made of glass with black pieces holding it together. Cigarette ash trays were scattered along with newspapers, magazines, and napkins that had cup rings stained on them. Kujo lived like a dog- literally. He didn't mind, although he did kill the person who owned this apartment not even five months ago. So technically it wasn't his fault that it was this dirty.

    "Do you wanna go get dinner with me?"
    He practically blurted out. Kujore was thinking it but wasn't actually expecting to say it. A shade of deep red hid behind his flesh, afraid of rejection. "I mean," The dirty blonde stuttered out. "We don't have to. Like, we can order a pizza or I can make ramen or something. It doesn't matter to me. I'm just kind of hungry and..." Kujo huffed out in what seemed like one sentence. The fast paced talking had him slightly out of breath. Rambling and saying he didn't care was a very obvious attempt at covering up the truth. He wanted to go on a proper date with the vampire. Sure, Kujore was callous and cynical towards everyone else, but Nixx got him. Nixx understood his insanity because he, too, was a bit insane himself. He felt normal around the serpent, and he never felt this way around anyone.
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we were born to lose // 006

Postby Hellhound-My-Legend » Tue Mar 06, 2018 8:47 am


┏--------------- ⊰ ☘ ⊱ ---------------┒
"swans are beautiful creatures"

hyrbid // male // nighthawk

location ; --
tags ; icarus
mentions ; --


"with really ugly temperaments"
┗--------------- ⊰ ☘ ⊱ ---------------┙
    Callum felt his mouth twitch and an eyebrow arch momentarily at the French. He didn't speak much of it at all, but had spent some time in Nice a few decades ago so he could understand some. He hadn't found the need to say much, it turned out that his suggestive smile and wicked gaze were universally understood. He had to bite down on his growing smile as Icarus began to list his demands. He quickly glanced up to check where the sun was at, there were still a few hours till sunset, but he was sure they'd find a way to pass the time until then. The hybrid knew how meticulous photographers could be, and knowing Iggy he might find a thousand things to capture before the day was done.

    He turned to look at his companion, noting his steadfastly forward facing eyes. Callum made his smile form something more akin to a smirk - he had appearances to maintain after all - and let his words come out as a purr, "Oh I'm more than certain that I can satisfy your needs." He let his eyes flick away from Iggy for a second, but made sure he could still see him in his peripheral vision. "I'm sure our destination will be to your liking," the older of the two finished. His eyes quickly darted around, once again making his checks until he was sated, before he looked back to the human beside him.
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✧ ━ ❝ Ali : fourteen

Postby . nash . » Wed Mar 07, 2018 8:10 am

    ── ( ) lya ose
    ──────── ( deep down, you know you weren't built for fighting, but you are prepared to try!!
    [ ali 26||120 female a hybrid civilian location : street tagged : bailey mentions : briar..indirectly. ]

    xxxher rambling was just something everyone had to deal with if they were around her. she once tried to stop herself from doing it but it was a habit that she simply couldn't break. alya had found it annoying; still did really but come to terms that it was just a trait that would follow her for the rest of her prolonged life. ali left out a playful huff, looking towards him with an equally playful exasperated look. "you are no help, bail." the blonde grumbled out, carding her free hand's fingers through her hair and down her neck. the girl's eyes did light up at the mentions of sweet; almost instantly forgetting about planning for dinner or bailey's lack of helping. "then again, maybe you are a bit helpful." she corrected with a bright smile appearing back on her lips. "and now we really have to stop cause i wont stop thinking about those sweets until i do get them." she added in with ease, which was the truth. the hybrid had little control when it came to sweets, that was not some unknown secret. "maybe we could stop at the park too, it might be fun to get out of the shop for a little while." the girl added in randomly, ali didn't couldn't really remember the last time she was away from her shop for any real period of time. the hybrid was pretty much a home body, not wanting to run into anyone that might try and con her into something.
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