⋙━━━━⚬➤ // blood sport // closed/pm owner

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Re: ⋙━━━━⚬➤ h;; 6 // a;; 2

Postby eldritch hound » Fri Feb 23, 2018 4:59 am

      – — h u n t e r k n i g h t // ♠
    age . twenty-one | gender . male | location . alley | tags . shiloh | species . vampire | gang . serpents
    hunter smiled and nodded absentmindedly before gazing up at shiloh completely, taking the opportunity, his eyes now moving to scan
    the older vampires eyes for the first time that day. he sighed and nodded with acceptance this time
    ``yea, i know.`` he smiled with a
    soft and distant tone and shrugged heavy shoulders before rolling his eyes behind his shades grasping the bag of scarlet blood once
    again as shiloh dumped it into his lap. he gave a half-hearted smile
    ``i'm just so new,`` he pouted, words dripping with plead in such a
    way that he tried to guilt-trip his companion.

    having a hunch that it wouldn't - or didn't - work, he got to his feet. brushing off any dirt that happened to be attracted to his clothes and
    ran his hand through his messy, chocolate-brown hair once again. he offered his empty hand for shiloh to help him up onto his own feet. he
    smiled and lowered his shades down to the tip of his nose, just low enough to shield his eyes from the bright alley but low enough for shi to
    see his sparkling brown eyes
    ``i promise to try own next time.`` he reassured and pulled shiloh into a freindly hug before pulling away.

    he sighed and rolled his shoulders in their sockets, giving a soft yet audible crack of escaping air then turned his attention back to shiloh
    ``are you aright, though?`` he questioned, cocking his head gingerly to the side, worry starting to set in.
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tripping in the world can be dangerous // 007

Postby Hellhound-My-Legend » Fri Feb 23, 2018 6:39 am


┏--------------- ⊰ ↠ ⊱ ---------------┒
" i am all yours "

vamp // male // serpent

location ; --
tagged ; hunter
mentioned ; --


" willingly damned "
┗--------------- ⊰ ↠ ⊱ ---------------┙
    Shiloh felt something in him relax when Hunter's eyes came into view, feeling better now that he could see the emotions there. He let out a tired sigh and rolled his green-hazel eyes as he helped the boy up, momentarily caught off guard by the hug. He had always enjoyed physical touch, especially when it came from people he cared about, finding it reassuring and stabilizing, a way to come back to himself. The embrace was gone as quickly as it had arrived however, and Shiloh kept his features schooled. Hearing Hunter crack his joints immediately had him craving to do the same, twisting his neck to hear it pop almost compulsively.

    At the younger vampire's question, he looked down to the ground. He took a drag from his blood bag, filling his mouth with the liquid until he had no room left and was forced to swallow. The Serpent finally let his gaze move back to Hunter, "It's been longer than I usually like since I've had blood from the vein," he explained, tone even, careful. "Just makes me a bit...Antsy. But I'll go out tonight, find someone to sink my teeth into." He paused, eyes moving over the other vamp. "You could come if you wanted." He hadn't seen Hunter feed on anyone since he'd turned, wondering suddenly if he had gotten the chance, and silently cursing himself that he hadn't been there to control the situation if he had. It could be dangerous to let a new vampire go wild on a human; he could end up killing them a bit too easily. Although he supposed most places had security for that very reason.
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Re: ⋙━━━━⚬➤ h;; 6 // a;; 2

Postby eldritch hound » Fri Feb 23, 2018 8:25 am

      – — h u n t e r k n i g h t // ♠
    age . twenty-one | gender . male | location . alley | tags . shiloh | species . vampire | gang . serpents
    hunter looked a little uneasy with the long silence between the answering of his question. his eyes narrowed slightly in concern. he
    continued to cautiously watching him, with a slight fascination. eventually being brought back to reality by shiloh's shallow,
    calming voice. bringing his head back to an upright position after it had started to hurt a little, he blinked blankly
    ``you really want
    me to come? of all people?``
    he gave a soft scoff of disbelief ``i can barely drink bagged blood at the moment let alone fresh.`` he
    grimaced not really believing shiloh honestly wanted him to come. he would probably muck it up anyway, either taking too much or
    hurting the...volunteer? did they even volunteer?

    he gave a shudder as he thought about it
    ``tell you what, i'll let you know when im, uhm, prepared? i don't think i want to just yet.`` he
    gave another cold shudder, how weird would it look if he got caught, would he accidentally kill them? god, why was he so paranoid about
    this. he sighed and rubbed his face in his hands before pushing his shades back up his face and onto the bridge of his nose.
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tripping in the world can be dangerous // 008

Postby Hellhound-My-Legend » Fri Feb 23, 2018 8:58 am


┏--------------- ⊰ ↠ ⊱ ---------------┒
" i am all yours "

vamp // male // serpent

location ; --
tagged ; hunter
mentioned ; --


" willingly damned "
┗--------------- ⊰ ↠ ⊱ ---------------┙
    Shiloh's frown deepened as he listened to Hunter speak; making his excuses. He knew that it could be difficult to adjust to life as a vampire, it changed a lot about one's perspective, but Hunter was being strangely avoidant. He let his eyes flick all over the boy, taking in every piece of information he could. Most older supernatural beings were better at reading people, simply by practice, however, Shiloh had actively spent one-hundred-and-seventy-nine years honing what he would call the 'art' of observation. It was clear to him that there was something concerning to Hunter about drinking blood, with the feigned nonchalance concerning his hunger, him not wanting to drink in public, or even off of someone willing.

    Shiloh allowed his face to soften, frown lines disappearing as he relaxed his posture. "Hunter," he spoke slowly, deliberately, choosing each word, "What's going on?" He didn't want to make any accusations or assumptions - at least not out loud - but he wanted to know what was the cause of the young vampire's behavior. His tone left little room for argument, although he wasn't about to let himself think Hunter wouldn't at least try to anyway.
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⋙━━━━⚬➤ h;; 7 // a;; 2

Postby eldritch hound » Fri Feb 23, 2018 10:34 am

      – — h u n t e r k n i g h t // ♠
    age . twenty-one | gender . male | location . alley | tags . shiloh | species . vampire | gang . serpents
    hunter let a groan escape his lips, muffled by his hands. he slowly took his hands away from his face and lowered them to his side
    with a soft 'flump'. he gave shiloh an exasperated look, his eyes tinted with a soft red around the edges
    ``it doesn't matter, it's stupid.``
    he muttered in a huff, looking at the ground and shrugged, letting a few minutes pass
    ``sure, i'll come i guess,.`` he mewled with a
    pained smile, trying his hardest to hide himself. he let out a silent growl. how come shiloh aways managed to get under his skin.

    he usually did this when he was alone, when things got too much, he often left, either to his apartment or to the park to listen to
    the birds, but ever since he met shiloh, he felt he was that little bit more open. and he absolutely hated it.

    giving his head a violent shake to clear his head, he looked up at shiloh, a smile on his face
    ``i don't want to bore you anyway.`` he
    shrugged, regaining his previous calm composure
    ``just an old family thing, i guess, nothing to worry about, and i don't want you
    worrying about me. you're god knows how many centuries old, i've barely gone a week as a vampire, i'll get the hang of it...eventually.``

    he said in an absent-minded and hollow voice, his words heavily honeyed, trying to hard to convince him.
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⋙━━━━⚬➤ J. Doe

Postby Sunelix » Fri Feb 23, 2018 5:18 pm

      ᴀᴠɪs ʙʀᴏɴᴛᴇ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━♚
      xxxxxx25 year old human ━━ greyromantic ━━ tags: open ━━ location: market/about

        "Careful, it's practically world war III out there, ya know. There was a homicide 'round here," the lady behind the stand shakes her head briskly, a few hairs fly everywhere, "can't believe they'd committed it. So close, too."

        "Really? who?" who was it? God, was it in the heart of the city?

        The cashier waves her hand flippantly, as though she can't be burdened to recover the memory of a fellow resident's lost life.

        How reassuring.

        " 'M not sure, they say the body was torn to shreds," the clerk's eyes blew wide then, evidently in the throws of excitement and entirely enthralled by the idea of a gruesome murder. Avis weakly returns it with the beginning of a crooked smile, but it quickly falls into a natural grimace

        That's brutal, to not even be able to tell the attacker's state. Was it really that decimated? How sadistic is this shop owner? Sadistic, it could've been her. Oh jeez, he was downright paranoid. But he had a right to be, didn't he? Maybe he should tell her━

        The teller's too wrapped up to notice Avis's contorted face, or how all train of thought flowing through his mind has abruptly ceased. He laughs awkwardly during her, misdirected, dramatic pause, "Anyways, it was pretty close by, 'bout a mile or two away?" She cocks her head in thought, stares at the cash register while Avis swallows thickly, "I'd prep up if I were you." Her gaze flickers towards him and for a moment he's hyperaware of the lousy dark jeans, button-up beneath a hoodie get-up he's got going on.

        Then he remembers she's forced to wear khakis and the fleeting startle self consciousness dissipates as quickly as it came.

        She glances over at the steel knife he'd planned to purchase, picks it up to scan, and then lifts it toward Avis, "Nice."

        It's silly to flinch when it's still prepackaged, but he can't help it. The news is still pushing through the informational turmoil he's experiencing, "Thanks. It's for food though, not fur," The clerk shrugs again and he chuckles, just to break the silence while Clarice (Name card, he always forgets to check out the name card. He's been here at least five times, jeez) packs away his items. He gathers the bag in one arm, chirps out a small bye, stay safe, and beelines out of there.

        He's scowling down at the groceries in his hands for a solid five minutes before he looks up and realizes that he's accidentally startled a passerby, with said contorted face, into tripping over air. Goody.

        He books it down the main street and heads towards home, shifting the weight in his arms every few steps while he contemplates the severity of the growing situation

        I'm a journalist for Pete's sakes, I write about this kinda stuff, it should be a gold mine. But, man, the rivalry is starting to flow out of hand, and with tensions rising, is it worth it to stay? What if I pique the interest of a━

        A crack in the cement strains his grip on his items, and his train of thought is severed as he sacrifices it to scramble for a grip on whatever dignity he can grapple for while looking like a madman about to tumble in the middle of a (semi-busy, jeez where is everyone?) sidewalk

        An item tumbles, thankfully only a small ink cartridge, and Avis sighs with enough force to deflate and nearly double over. He wonders for a moment if it'll crinkle the dress shirt beneath his leather pilot's jacket and straightens, somewhat reluctantly

        Avis bends at the waist delicately, careful not to spill anything more from the bag, and is slightly grateful for the distraction. It's a welcome embrace away from the constantly strained gears of his overworked thought process. His fingers brush over the rim of the package, gently so, and slowly reigns himself back up, eyes trained on the small thing

        Lost in thought
Last edited by Sunelix on Sun Feb 25, 2018 6:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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b: post twelve / a: post nine

Postby moonkin » Fri Feb 23, 2018 6:35 pm

    xxwerewolf. north side nighthawks. leader. tags. alya
      His eyes slid over to her when she started with her own comebacks, a smirk playing on his lips. Bailey watched the dogs as they came to from Alya's command, watching them as they patiently waited for their leashes to be clipped to their collars. His gaze trailed from the canines to her hand that held out the dog he had chosen's leash, taking it with a playful mocking laugh. "You're very funny." He commented, securing the leash in hand in case Aries decided to bolt once they were outside. He'd never walked these dogs before in his life, let alone barely knew them. But, considering his want to stay more often, Bailey figured it'd give him time to get to know the canines as well as their owner. Not a bad perk at all. "Lead the way, babe." He teased, swooping his hand out toward the exits, dramatically dipping his head and swinging his arm back to his chest in a bow once she passed.

    xxvampire. south side serpents. member. tags. briar
      Catching Briar's smirk went without being pointed out for a few seconds as he wondered what was so amusing to her. It took a minute of thinking until he spoke up, his gaze staying high above her head and watching everyone around him. It was more or less to kill time than to search for food or a nice bed of the rich to sleep in. He rarely stayed at his own place with how frequent he indulged in the 'sins' of the world. Ainsley during the 1920's would've shunned him today. Either way, it was both him doing what he loved despite being total opposites. Like a flip of the same coin.. that eventually, only had one side. "Why're you smirking?" He questioned, looking down at her yet again through the bottom corner of his dark shades.
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⋙━━━━⚬➤ // blood sport // Cassandra 3

Postby daices. » Fri Feb 23, 2018 9:16 pm

First Day Back

Age; A Lot™
Race; Vampire
Clan; None - civilian
Tagged; Adelaide
And the Demons Keep Calling
Cassandra shut the door with a click, Angelica already pushed to the back of her mind. She pulled her phone out and checked for traces of blood, running a manicured nail over her teeth. Satisfied, she pocketed her phone and shrugged on her vest, fishing her sunglasses and velvet gloves out of her vest pocket right as she reached the door. The sun was peeking over the distant mountains at this point; Cassandra made it a habit to dress so that an optimum amount of her skin would be covered- hence the suits and sophisticated wear; they managed to cover near all of her skin while not compromising style or impressions. It was also the reason that all the jewelry she wore was silver, from the choker around her neck to the slim rings on her fingers. Sunlight still managed to prickle uncomfortably along her face, like everything touched by light was on the verge of falling asleep. Swallowing her discomfort like she had for millennia, Cassandra meandered her way down the street, largely ignoring everyone out at this time. They were of no consequence.

A familiar cafe slowly came into Cassandra's view; for her short stay in New Jersey, she had found that they had the best approximation of a cappuccino in the area. The door opened with a merry twinkle, and Cassandra removed and closed her sunglasses with a definitive snap. Giving the lone waitress working a grin and a wink, a sharp gaze slowly scanned the slight spread of occupants, landing on Adelaide after a few moments. Gliding over, Cassandra slid into the seat across from the woman, giving Adelaide a slight grin, she first waved over the waitress and ordered her coffee, before settling into her seat and steepling her fingers. "Adela, my dear; how long has it been?" Her grin widened, like she knew exactly how long it was. "Last I saw you, you were still working to help the humans that succumbed to influenza. Poor souls, dying in such a manner." Cassandra didn't really care; a few humans were nothing, and they always replenished their population so quickly. "You've changed quite a bit since then, hm? No longer human... Among other things."
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tripping in the world can be dangerous // 009

Postby Hellhound-My-Legend » Fri Feb 23, 2018 10:07 pm


┏--------------- ⊰ ↠ ⊱ ---------------┒
" i am all yours "

vamp // male // serpent

location ; --
tagged ; hunter
mentioned ; --


" willingly damned "
┗--------------- ⊰ ↠ ⊱ ---------------┙
    There was a brief moment where Shiloh could see Hunter let down his guard, emotions out in the open for but a few seconds, but it was gone quickly. Shiloh bit down on the inside of his cheek to stop himself from trying to keep him open. It was obvious from the moment the met Hunter that he was a very closed off person, cold even in some regards, so to see him like that was clearly a rare occurrence. He didn't need anyone pushing him to talk about things he didn't want to, Shiloh would never be that person. So instead of pressing the issue, he decided to rather be happy with the win he had achieved - Hunter coming with tonight, and, hopefully, managing to feed - and instead turn his attention to banter. "Hey don't get snarky over there, that's my job," he joked, tone back to being light, teasing. "Besides I'm only just getting close to two centuries, I'm not that old." He smiled over at the younger vampire, humor painting the expression.

    It did seem old when he thought about it too long; it was more years than any human could ever experience and he'd always been aware of the privilege it actually was to be able to live through the changing times. Not all vampires saw it that way, even he didn't all the time; some saw it a bit more like a curse, a never ending journey that exhausts and drains the life from you until you may as well be dead. Maybe Shiloh just isn't old enough to understand that, but he does get a bit dreary from time to time. He'd suffered greatly in his life, too many times his heart had been ripped from his chest in grief; too many people he'd lost. He sometimes wondered if Death followed him around specifically, but always promptly decided that Death probably had better things to do that follow around a random, eyeliner-wearing vampire.
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⋙━━━━⚬➤ h;; 7 // a;; 2

Postby eldritch hound » Sat Feb 24, 2018 5:34 am

      – — h u n t e r k n i g h t // ♠
    age . twenty-one | gender . male | location . alley | tags . shiloh | species . vampire | gang . serpents
    Hunter gave a chuckle and nodded “if you say so.” He grinned in a joking tone, gently and playfully pushing Shiloh. He had definitely
    lightened up now, happier than he was just a few seconds ago. Giving a soft sigh and a laugh
    “seems pretty old to me, two centuries
    isn’t exactly young.”
    He croaked in a dismissive demeanour.

    His face went blank momentarily. He hadn’t actually thought about the consequences that came with being a vampire, he could grow to
    be more than his fair share of life, watching everybody that didn’t happen to be a vampire eventually leave him. It must be hard, to be
    alive for two centuries, watching loved ones and friends die.

    He shot shiloh a short apologetic look and a sincerely supportive smile
    “sorry,” he shrugged. He shouldn’t be acting the way he was, it had
    got to be infuriating and he didn’t want to thrust his problems onto his newly designated - hopefully mutual - friendship and Shiloh probably
    had his own problems to worry about than worry about this random kid who was stupid enough to wander down and get stabbed and
    pathetically call for help. It was his own fault and he still wished Shiloh had let him die, or better yet, never met him. He was pathetic,
    too scared to drink blood, regardless that it was impossible to survive without given his new vampiric status. His problems were his to get over
    and his alone. He had to give drinking fresh blood ago, either that or get used to bagged blood and learn to survive on that. He gave a soft,
    uncontrollable shudder in thought. He screwed everything up in his life, it was his fault his birth parents didn’t want him, he was undoubtedly
    a financial burden, and it was his fault that his adopted parents abused him. It was more likely than not, anyway.

    It didn’t occur to him how stupid it must look to be staring blankly at Shiloh, his eyes glazed over in thought, his arms hanging loosely at
    his side and his body rigid and unmoving.

    Snapping out of his mind, he gave another smile and the shine returned to his eyes.
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