{♕} All your little lies...

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{♕} All your little lies...

Postby Pyra Ilver » Thu Feb 22, 2018 4:40 am

The kingdoms of Glariss and Miven have been at war for fifty years. Two rulers who hated each other deeply, and no solutions. Until now, the King of Glariss fell ill in a winter harsher than any seen before, and the Queen was murdered in her bed by a traitor in her court.

Finally, after the passing of the old monarchs, a solution was reached between the two kingdoms, the crown prince and princess would marry, and peace would come in their union. But, not all are happy with the arrangement. Someone within the castle is set to kill the soon to be married pair, and they will stop at nothing to reach their goal.
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{♕} General information & rules

Postby Pyra Ilver » Thu Feb 22, 2018 4:56 am


General information~

The world in which this is set has been at war for many years, most people do not remember a time when there was not any war. There is one thing all countries agree on, that magic is evil and should be suppressed. Magic is innate to a select few, and if they were to be discovered would be sent to the gallows. There are two main lands, Glariss and Miven, more about them is below.


1) Standard CS rules apply

2) This is semi-lit, so two decent paragraphs each time ( about 200 words), more is always welcome. Though, quality over quantity.

3) You may have two characters, one from each kingdom, having said that, you may not take two royals or characters said to be in a relationship or have a crush on each other.

4) LBTQ+ accepting, excluding the two to be wed, who should like the opposite gender (anything except homo- or asexual basically), or if a crush or relationship is pre-established, sexuality should then allow for that.

5) Please be active, and post at least once every two days.

6) Reserves are 48 hours, and must be through pm

7) I will choose who the assassin will be through a random generator. If you don't want your character to be the killer, just put it somewhere in your form or pm me (obviously the princess and crown prince won't be it)
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Postby Pyra Ilver » Thu Feb 22, 2018 5:15 am


Glariss is richer than Miven. Their economy is thriving, and due to vast gold reserves and natural resources, have a wide range of trade links. The system favours the wealthy. Magic here is treated based on class. The rich are free to go, the poor must die. The old queen died of disease after falling ill in a harsh winter.


The Crown Prince-
-He is bid to wed the princess of Miven.
-Believes his duty is to marry her and end the war.
-Hates magic with a passion.
-Has a secret crush on the songbird.
Raymond De Fleur ~ male ~ 23 ~ bisexual ~ cas,

Little Prince-
-little brother of the crown prince.
-He is hiding a relationship with the stable boy,
as it is below his station.
-Is fascinated by magic.
Remington De Fleur ~ male ~ 17 ~ homosexual (closeted) ~ atmosphere.

The spy-
-gathers intelligent and protects the royal family.
-Hates her Miven counterpart.
-Magic is heightened senses,
allowed free
-has a crush on the Crown Prince
Eris Depraysie ~ female ~ 21 ~ heterosexual ~ Pyra

Head guard-
-in charge of maintaining security
based on the information of the spy.
-Has a crush on the princess.
Matteo Vitali ~ male ~ 24 ~ bisexual ~ outkast

-singer for entertainment.
-She has magic, she can charm speak,
convincing anyone of anything she wants,
hers is illegal.
Isabella Starr ~ female ~ 22 ~ bisexual ~ crazy in wonderland

Stable boy-
-manages horses.
-In secret relationship with little Prince.
-Has magic, can talk to horses, his is illegal
Aleksandr Blomgren ~ male ~ 16 ~ homosexual (closeted) ~ BlackPearl44
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Postby Pyra Ilver » Thu Feb 22, 2018 5:57 am



Miven is the poorer of the two kingdoms. Most of their people are impoverished, having to work the land for profit. However, the King was known for lavish parties and overspending. The old king was murdered by a rogue assassin from within their own ranks, leaving them weak and forcing them to accept the terms. Magic here is treated the same every time no matter the wealth, death.

The Crown princess-
-she is fiercely loyal to her people
-knows this is what she must do
to protect them.
-Is neutral on magic.
Saelyra Agiar ~ female ~ 23 ~ bisexual ~ BlackPearl44

The spy-
-gathers information for the court
-Is new after the old spy was discharged
following the assassination.
-Hates his Glariss counterpart.
-Equally trained to the other.
-Has magic in compelling people to tell the truth,
everyone believes he is just unusually good
at interrogation.
Darius Neale ~ male ~ 22 ~ bisexual ~ Keriae

Lady in waiting-
-the princesses best friend
-notorious gossip.
-Head over heels for the head guard.
Katherine Queen ~ female ~ 23 ~ bisexual ~ crazy-in-wonderland

-protects the princess.
-Childhood friend of the spy
-has a crush on the lady in waiting.
Lauren Adams ~ female ~ 22 ~ homosexual ~ Topaz

-the illegitimate son of the old king
-Tagged along in disguise as a guard.
-Has a crush on the Glariss spy.
Rowan Fletcher ~ male ~ 23 ~ heterosexual ~ J.Sparrow
Last edited by Pyra Ilver on Fri Mar 02, 2018 5:23 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: {♕} All your little lies...

Postby Pyra Ilver » Sat Feb 24, 2018 2:04 am

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Re: {♕} All your little lies...

Postby Pyra Ilver » Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:05 am

We begin in the castle of Glariss, the Miven party has arrived the night before, and today proceedings start in the marriage. Your character can meet anyone in the castle they should wish. It is a few hours after dawn.

Glariss spy ♢ ♦ ♢ 21 ♢ ♦ ♢ hetero ♢ ♦ ♢ with ~ x

Eris had been pacing for several hours in front of the fire in her room. She had been there when the other kingdom's people had arrived, and she didn't like it. There were too many unknowns about this entire situation. It made her very uncomfortable. Nothing much had happened when they came, no fanfare or grand announcement, it was just her watching them enter and a few half-asleep guards. The spy was not a superstitious person, but the rain pounding down all night could not have made her feel more uneasy. She supposed it came from her company growing up, her trainer was, and the soldiers she spent time with.

Not to mention with this engagement came Darius. How was she supposed to consider him an ally? She trusted him about as far as she could throw him. But in the end, it was just her duty as a servant of the crown.

After the castle had begun to stir, Eris headed down to the gardens. Several people avoided her as she walked past, she wasn't very popular among the workers here. To them she was dangerous- and they weren't wrong. She just wished she wasn't treated like a monster because of it. The only person who hadn't seen her that way was the head cook. She would always sneak her biscuits and cakes when she was younger, and as she grew was always there with open arms. But she had moved on a few years ago, leaving Eris friendless.

She reached the palace gardens, in full bloom despite the battering rain the night before. Her favourites were the purple irises. They always looked so beautiful. Eris sat on the grass in front of them, she had afforded herself a break after last night's work. And soon she doubted there would be any time for a break.
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{♕} Darius Neale - Post One

Postby Keriae » Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:44 am

      xxxxxxxxmale // 22 years // location: servant's quarters // tagged: open
      xxxxxxxxThe journey to the court at Glariss had been... not long, exactly. Just boring, and Darius had found nothing to do. He had been unable to leave his queen's side - Saelyra hadn't ordered it, but there was little need in him going ahead, not when an extra pair of fighting hands to defend her was better.

      xxxxxxxxSo he had rode alongside the party, ears peeled for danger. Even though he had no heard anything, not a sliver of information to say that this marriage was a trap, it would not do to let his guard down. Their king had died, and so had his predecessor. He had something to prove, and he had his queen to keep alive. He had not even spoken to Lauren on the journey, too preoccupied.

      xxxxxxxxAnd so they had arrived, late the night before. The party had been ushered in, and sent their separate ways. Of course, Darius' room was in the servant's quarters. There, he had been given a late supper from the kitchens - just scraps of the leftover dinner, but warm. He had stripped off his clothes to dry by the little fire, and settled in for a couple of hours sleep.

      xxxxxxxxAwake before the dawn, the spy had then broke his fast with a small heel of bread and a mug of ale, and decided to learn his way around this castle. The sooner he knew the secret passageways and corridors, the sooner he could disappear somewhere and reappear somewhere else, the better. And it would not harm to see who was about.

      xxxxxxxxWith his sword on his hip and his parrying blade fastened to his belt, the Miven spy left his rooms with a purpose. Even though this was a different country, so far it followed a similar layout to the Miven castle. And it was quiet in the morning - all he could hear was his own echoing footsteps and the morning chorus of songbirds. The weather promised a pleasant day.
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♕ Isabella Starr #1

Postby crazy-in-wonderland » Wed Feb 28, 2018 8:14 am

Isabella Starr
Female| 22 years of age| Songbird| power; Charm speak (Unaware)| Tags; Darius OOC; Prepare for Darius to be annoyed at my adorable marshmallow.

Isabella had been awake most of the night unable to sleep with such excitement. She had gotten a glimpse of the Miven escorts and princess before they were hurried inside the castle. She hadn't pried any further, though the journey was not long to their castle she knew it was best to let everyone adjust before bursting with questions of their country.

By dawn however, this novelty had worn off and as Izzy dressed she hoped she would be able to run into one of the Miven courtiers. Though Izzy was an important entertainer for the court she had asked to stay in the servants dwellings in one of the spare rooms. She didn't like all the pomp of the other rooms that they had showed her and while she was grateful to have her talents recognised she was content with her little corner of the world.

Izzy dressed simple, a dark wine flowy dress while she braided a piece of her hair before putting an accessory of a flower into her hair. She knew it would be a nice day so she left most of her hair down. Izzy hadn't been this excited to meet new people in a while. Though she was happy with her own circle of friends it was always nice to gain more. Izzy left her room and made her way down the hall, humming away to herself as she did so. Almost instantly she spotted a Miven courtier and she quickened her pace to catch up to the man.

"Good Morning," she said as she stepped beside him. She wasn't sure if her footsteps had been heard but she thought she'd approach anyway. "You're from Miven are you not? I've never seen you before and I know just about everyone so I guess you aren't from around here." she paused looking at his features, he was handsome but Izzy didn't get flirting so she would never try. "My name's Isabella, Isabella Starr, I'm an entertainer in the castle. I mostly sing." she paused blushing slightly, "Sorry I tend to blabble when I'm excited, and I love meeting new people.
I never got your name?"

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location:castle+stables| tags:open

Postby icxacruz » Wed Feb 28, 2018 9:42 am

remi: the little prince

remi woke up tangled in blankets. his comforter wrapped around his legs in a painful twist and most of his pillows had be thrown off the bed. he groaned and tried to untangle himself. when he finally did, he slowly got out of bed. he examined the mess he'd made and sighed. he could hear people busting around his room, which he'd locked the door of. he quietly got dressed into a plain twill suit and slipped on some huge loafers that were way too big for him. he didn't bother looking in the mirror, he didn't really care how he looked. he grabbed his deck of cards from his nightstand and put it in his pockets, he lever went anywhere without them.

remi silently walked down the hall, trying to avoid every person possible. his huge shoes clicked on the floor and echoed back through the high ceilings. a maid was walking towards him, "morning prince remington." she said as she walked past. "m-morning." remi was startled, he though she was going to tell him to clean up or something. he was getting a bit hungry, but he didn't want to go into the dining hall or a common room, risk running into his family or someone else. he whizzed down the corridors and down the stairs to the kitchen. the kitchen had a back door, if he ran, grabbed a breakfast roll and then bold outside, he could escape the hectic morning.

he looked if anyone was coming down the hall; coast clear. he then spotted the breakfast rolls, fresh with butter oozing out. and just like that, he was off. he dodged kitchen staff, grabbed two rolls and didn't look back. the staff was shouting at him to come back, remi bursted through the door and out into fresh air. he sighed, mission accomplished.

remi wandered down to the village, he said good morning to passing people, the gasped at him and snickered. he ate the rolls with content, he was very happy with himself. they were very good, the fresh bred seemed to melt in his mouth. he decided to go to the stables, and see the horses and aleksandr. he walked to the stables and knocked on the stable door."hullo? anyone around?" he smiled to himself, this morning was turning out to be pretty okay.
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Re: {♕} All your little lies...

Postby >Topaz< » Wed Feb 28, 2018 12:24 pm

Lauren Adams
Miven Guard / Female / Homosexual / 22 / Servant's Quarters / Open

It had been a long road to journey to Glariss. Lauren could still feel her boots in the stirrups of her horse as she rode beside her queen. The entire night she had kept her wits about her, not daring to let her thoughts wander. Ever since the death of the king, she had been careful and cautious. She was treating this job with seriousness, and she wouldn't let anything or rather anyone stand in her way. As Glariss loomed on the horizon, she couldn't help but feel a pang of longing for home. If she could have things her way, Lauren would still be in her old room, getting ready to rest for the night. Instead, she was escorting her queen to be wed to a king of a kingdom she had been raised to despise. It all seemed viciously ironic. She glanced at Darius to see how her friend was holding up, and saw that his poker face was still as intact as ever.

That night, she was escorted to the servant's quarters. Of course she was. What was she to expect? Respect from Glariss? She knew the odds were better that she would see pigs fly. She put down her small chest of belongings, not bothering to unpack yet, and almost immediately fell asleep.

She woke up to find herself wincing as red light flooded into her room. Dawn had arrived, and she would never have to worry about missing it in her new quarters. With a sigh, she kicked off her covers and got dressed.

She pulled on a pair of black pants and a white blouse. Lauren stared uncertainly at her armor, wondering if she should clad herself in that as a precaution. The armor didn't provide the best protection, as it was made out of a collection of iron and leather, but she trusted it more than any armor that Glariss could derive. She decided against wearing it, though. However, she grabbed her knife and stuck it in a slit of her boot. She knew she couldn't be too careful.

Lauren began a walk around the castle. She realized she hadn't eaten breakfast when she felt her hands began to shake, but she just couldn't even think about food at the moment. She knew she must not be feeling well. There was one thing she was craving, and that was a strong drink. She hadn't thought to bring anything, but maybe Darius had.

Speaking of which, where had her comrade gone? But turning a corner revealed the answer. There her companion stood with the songbird Isabella. Lauren couldn't help but smile at the sight. Isabella was pretty, she couldn't lie. And something about her bright spirit captivated her. But she could see Isabella thought Darius was just as pretty himself. If only he could teach me how to attract women the way he does. She felt her lips pull up in a smirk at the thought.
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