Re: Lunar New Year Adopts -- Dragon

Postby casiopea » Thu Feb 22, 2018 1:27 am

username: cobras | name: graciela robin | gender: female


      As soon as Graciela set foot in her room, she knew something was wrong. The windows were open all the way. Did she ever leave the windows open? No, I guess not, she thought. She reached down and picked up a book from the floor. This was...odd. She usually kept her books organized neatly on the what seemed to be billions of bookshelves in her large room. Graciela continued to look around and pinpointed certain places that looked off. Her posters seemed to be untouched. Her large, fluffy beanbag chairs and pillows looked pretty organized. She was sure she never kept that area neat...

      A sudden thought came to head, and she made a dive towards her bed. Could they have possibly found her stash? Surely not...she kept them as well hidden as she possibly could...or did she?

      Reaching far under her bed she took out a very large box and sighed when she found that it was still heavy and full of things. But did it feel too heavy? She quickly pulled it out from under her bed and looked inside it. All her notebooks, which were completely untouched and glossy, were gone! They were replaced with some shiny looking rocks. Each rock was a different color, some with swirled patterns, other with jagged, sharp patterns. They all looked paper thin and upon close inspection they didn't seem to be rocks at all.

      Graciela dug through...whatever those things were, and at the very bottom of the box, she found a note.

      It read, in very messy handwriting: If you wish to know the whereabouts of your precious notebooks, crack each one of these rocks carefully. Each one contains one word, these words are hints as to where each notebook is hidden. Follow them carefully, for the fate of your notebooks depends on it. If you fail to find all of your notebooks before 3 AM tonight, you will never find them again. Good luck!

      Graciela ripped the paper angrily and growled. How would she be able to open all these "rocks" carefully? She knew her big, clumsy paws would get in the way and she'd mess everything up. She looked off into the distance, deep in thought. Suddenly her eyes lit up, and she got up and shouted.


      She heard the sound of hurried footsteps coming down the hall, and Julian poked his head in the doorway, caprisun in hand.

      "Yeah?" he said tiredly. "What?"

      "I, well, I...someone stole from me."

      "What...exactly was stolen from you?" Julian said looking around her room.

      "My, uh, my..." Graciela's face went red. She gestured helplessly at the box in front of her and Julian seemed to understand.

      "Really? Someone stole all your notebooks?" he sighed, sipping his caprisun. "Why does it matter? It's not like you ever use those notebooks."

      Graciela's face turned even redder, and her sheepish smile turned into a scowl. "Those notebooks are special, okay? Of course I'm planning to use them! One of them is a diary, I'm gonna use another one as a planner, then another one for my stories, and that pink fluffy one? I'm using that one as a sketchbook!"

      Julian sat down with yet again another sigh and watched as Graciela kept making angry gestures. He ducked to avoid one of her arms, then took another sip of his caprisun.

      "First of all, can you help me carefully crack Apparently, they all contain hints as to where each of my notebooks are. Please?"

      "Haven't you tried," Julian began, picking up one of the rocks, "throwing them at the wall and cracking them open that way?"

      "No! Don't do that!" Graciela shrieked. She grabbed at the rock in Julian's hands and it cracked easily. A paper fluttered to the floor, which read: flowers.

      "Well there's your first hint." Julian sighed.


      After a couple of hours cracking "rocks" and searching for notebooks, Graciela and Julian were down to looking for the very last notebook. They all looked extremely tired and dirty, and they had explored a large variety of strange places. Graciela, however, was still very determined to find her notebooks. Julian could really care less, but he'd tagged along to help her out.

      The two made their way down a dark street and took a left, which led them to a very vibrant looking garden. Trees lined the wavy paths, they swayed in the breeze as if beckoning the newcomers to step closer, to follow the path. The two did follow the path very carefully and very quietly.

      Finally, the two reached a bench, and Graciela gasped as she spotted something fluffy and pink right under the bench.

      "My sketchbook!" she said and she dived towards it.

      Julian did not pay any attention at her reunion with the fluffy monstrosity she held in her hands, instead, he looked around warily. Did he just see a bush rattle?

      Just then, something darted into the open. It seemed to be gripping something that shone and sparkled very brightly in the half-light, and Graciela let out a very loud gasp.

      "No way! That's my special notebook! I knew something was still missing!"

      She ran towards the figure and tackled whoever it was, then wrested her notebook from its grip. "So you're the one who took my notebooks! Wait, Benni? Is that you?"

      "Please get off me," Benni said weakly, pushing his dark hair out of his face.


      Graciela spent the rest of the night yelling at Benni for stealing her notebooks, then threatened to break into his house and take all his action figures. Benni's face paled.

      Julian, who was cackling at this point, stepped in. "Calm down! Please guys, I think I might be actually dying."

      "After all," he continued, winking at Benni, "it was just a joke! It was our joke."

      The two of them laughed as Graciela turned red with anger. Let's just say it didn't end well for Julian and Benni.

[ 995 / 1000 words ]

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Re: Lunar New Year Adopts -- Dragon

Postby ~Levi~ » Thu Feb 22, 2018 1:40 am

username: ~Levi~
name: Kai
gender: male

The cavern was large with jagged granite spears jutting out from the walls, softened by a thin film of moss that blanketed the ceiling and cave floor. Staggering stalagmites and terrifying stalactites struggled to meet, supporting the ceiling from collapsing and created a maze like landscape, split only by a snaking river, dark but hauntingly beautiful, shining with an unnatural glow. The air was fresh from where Kai And Pip stood frozen, silhouetted on the edge of the ravine unable to take there eyes from the view before them, but it promised to become dank and humid when they descended. Kai and Pip found that it was eerily quiet except for the un-rhythmic sound of water dripping down and echoing towards them and the whisper of a faint wind on their backs that came from the exit.

Kai swallowed nervously, breathing in the stifling scent deeply, letting it feel up his longs before breathing out slowly, then Kai fluffed up his fur in an attempt to feel braver and started by taking a step towards the passage that wound down towards the floor, before pausing to look at Pip and give him a small nod of encouragement. They had been planning this exhibition for months, to try and find the lost treasure, turning back to the front he started to descend, at first the air remained pretty fresh but slowly it became danker, and colder, making his fur puff up in an attempt to keep warm as his nerves rose. The gradient became steeper and the rock more slippery as moss had started to climb upwards, as if it too were trying to escape the darkness bellow.

When they finally reach the bottom Kai sucked in a quick breath, the stalagmites were huge, towering like fossilized trees and the stalactites hung from above as spears waiting to fall and pierce anyone unlucky enough. Looking closer Kai could see that there were fungi growing amongst the moss, creating a ghostly glow that pushed the darkness back to a vague dimness. The sound of water echoed louder now that it did before and despite the ground being made of rock it smelt earthier. Pip stayed close now, pressed against his flank providing comforting warmth in the otherwise desolate area.

They headed deeper into the cave and while it got darker thee also became more vegetation. Thick wines, as thick as ones waist hung down from the ceiling or snaked there way down columns of stone, with large cup like flowers that seemed to be iridescent released a sweet smell. Ferns had also started to appear, at first no taller than knee height, the waist height, then shoulder height, before they to towered over the two explorers creating patchwork shadows.

Finally they reached a dead end where the vegetation grew too thick even for them, and Kai and Pip were forced to span along the length look for any weaknesses and eventually they found one, where the river disappeared behind a thick veil of vines and leaves. Kai approached the edge of the river, it did not look too deep but the water was foaming, hinting at the strong currents.

“We have no choice but to keep moving forward, we can do this” Pip says softly, making Kai startle for a second. Gingerly the sunk into the water, shivering as they became drenched immediately, the water was ice cold, yanking at there fur to try and get them to trip despite how they stayed close to the edge. The two approached the veil of vines before a loud splash caused Kai to whip around only to see that Pip was submerged, Kai stuck his head under gripping Pip by the scruff, receiving a large gulp of the fresh water while doing so.

Kai continued to help pull Pip through the foliage and water, backing out through the veil, and out of the water before turning to look around in relief, before going completely still. This cavern wash bathed in golden light that came from the mountains of gold that lay on the ground, spilling out of hollows and sliding gown piles creating a tinkering noise. But it was just gold, there were sapphires, rubies, emeralds, diamonds, even rare steels and bones that had been bleached or rusted slightly over the passage of time.

There was certainly more that the few bags of gold that Pip and Kai had been expecting, a lot more. Kai glanced back to look at Pip only to see that Pip, still soaking wet, wash rushing from one pile to anther collecting gems, gold, maps and charts. Their long journey was finally paying off.

755/ 1000
Last edited by ~Levi~ on Mon Feb 26, 2018 10:57 am, edited 3 times in total.
“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” ― Charles Darwin
“Learn to value yourself, which means: fight for your happiness.” ― Ayn Rand
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” ― Bernard M. Baruch

“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -

And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -

I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.
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Re: Lunar New Year Adopts -- Dragon

Postby teabug » Thu Feb 22, 2018 1:40 am

res! ♡
HAHA man i have no idea what to put here oh well

tbh im not very good at this game xx tehe

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Re: Lunar New Year Adopts -- Dragon

Postby beeqlass » Thu Feb 22, 2018 2:05 am

      story/art: (1 art piece or up to 1000 words)

      -live in the nokiza region
      -mentor to noriyuki
      -lost his gODAMN FOSsil collection
      -plot twist: hekeriki and kurami stole them
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Re: Lunar New Year Adopts -- Dragon

Postby Softea » Thu Feb 22, 2018 2:09 am

username: Softea
name: Ouroboros ‘The Dragon’
gender: male
“Life Goes On...
Though the dream may have ended, and the nightmare. Has started.”

Ouroboros was the loneliest dragon in the world. Although he had many reasons to be so lonely. He was in fact not a dragon, but exiled from his homeland for looking so. He set a great fire to his village, but not from his lungs, or from his chest, but from an accident when trying to save a friend. He lost his best friend, and the village had blamed him for it, though it was not Ouroboros’s fault. Abondened as a young kit, left to fend for himself he had learnt to be alone. So it did not bother him that no on would even look at him before they turn away and ran. The people who found him when he had wandered into their village as a young kit had named him Ouroboros, after the great dragon said to show an infinite cycle. The infinite cycle to him, was that he could never break his so called cycle.

Parakeet wandered through the dark forest, in between the great mountains of Uwranustou(Oo-ran-ooze-toe). In the center rested a great village, a village with power only kalon-kind could dream of. Gifted to them by the great, and ancient gods above. Of course Parakeet didn’t believe this and only thought it to be legend. Until that fateful day in the forest of Uwranustou.

Ouroboros had stood on the edge of a great rock, over a beautiful river flowing high from the mountains, to down below in the great lakes. That’s when Parakeet had showed up, staring at the magnificent being before her. All she saw was the shape of a dragon, while the sun hit his back with an eerie glow. It made her nervous, and him twice as so.
“Hello? Who goes there!” She called, frightened
“Why, why hello there young maiden.” Ouroboros stared down at her, his eyes afire from him talking to someone,
“And who are you?” He asked, taking a walk towards the water, before jumping in and swimming as he stared at her.
“I am Parakeet, a humble explorer, archaeologist, paleontologist, and geologist. But who are you, young fellow?” Parakeet questioned
“I am Ouroboros, the exiled kalon from the great village within.”

Parakeet was quite confused, why was such a nice kalon exiled?
“I know we have only just met, but will you help me achieve my treasure? It has been taken by a great and powerful force.”
Parakeet was taken aback
“I don’t see why not. I am a archaelogist, so I would love to come on this adventure with you.”

They stared through the trees at the mighty village that rested just below them. The heart of the village seemed to glow like burning embers of blue fire.
Ouroboros jumped down and started to walk towards it, as people hushed away into their homes.
“Of course, still exiled after all these years. I may be a thousand years old, but I only have 500-1,000 years more to go. Such silly little things.” Ouroboros sighed
“As long as the heart of the village glows, I will be alive, but I must protect it by bringing it with me.” Ouroboros coughed.
Parakeet knew something was off. Maybe that means the embers were burning out.
She followed him, and off they went to retrieve his treausre through the city. But not before the people had noticed, and hidden if away somewhere of great security.

Ouroboros coughed, and had started to limp as they got closer, Parakeet knew that something was in fact, wrong. She had only just met him, but yet she felt a strong connection with him. It was extaordinary.
“You are fascinating” Ouroboros inquired,
“We have only just met, but yet you come to help me retrieve my treasure.” Ouroboros smiled
“It was no problem, after all, what are friends for?” Parakeet smiled back. What a warm and pleasant feeling Ouroboros gave off.

They reached the cave where the treasure was held, the blue light just poking out of the side of the rock. They fought, they fought and they fought their way through the kalon guards, but they made it. They made it to Ouroboros’s treasure. The glowing blue embers beaming in his face, he grabbed a brown, small bag, and scooped up the small gem.
“This is the only thing keeping me alive.” He paused
“This was left for me by my mother.” He coughed
“It is a great promise for me. My mothers promise that she still lives. It keeps me alive knowing that I will one day find her” Ouroboros smiled weakly, but it glowed like a thousand suns. But Parakeets heart ached. For that was no rock showing that his mother was still alive, no. That rock was just a glowing amythyst that somehow projects the suns light and glows. It was showing no meaning of life whatsoever.
But she smiled back,
Knowing that if he ever knew,
His adventure would end.

(Note: he is not immortal and he does not live for ever, in this au the people of that great village live to be around 1,500-2,000 years old. But they die eventually.)
Last edited by Softea on Mon Feb 26, 2018 3:42 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Lunar New Year Adopts -- Dragon

Postby Gaycko » Thu Feb 22, 2018 2:22 am

Formerly Seven of Sushi!
Call me Red or Seven please if just chatting casually
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Re: Lunar New Year Adopts -- Dragon

Postby doge fruit » Thu Feb 22, 2018 2:30 am

doge fruit


Kiyomi Aoi

'pure beauty' 'blue'




.:: treasure thief ::.
{featuring my kal, Rio!

"I've loved old, antique things for as long as I can remember. I'm not sure why I have that weird addiction but it grew to big for me to end it. I had to keep it going. Anyways, because of that, most of the people I befriended were experts and sellers of old things so I got a steady stream of objects to fuel my hoard. I collected things from jewelry to books to furniture to even some cars. Anything that was from the 60s and above was fair game in my eyes.

As my hoard grew, I don't have much space in my home to keep up with my items. A dear friend of mine showed me a secluded cave near the beach one day and suggested I could store my hoard there, or at

ahahaha oml, too lazy w.i.p
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Re: Lunar New Year Adopts -- Dragon

Postby kidcandy » Thu Feb 22, 2018 3:00 am

    username: aello
    name: sammael // 龙裔 - or dragon borne, as the villagers call him.
    In Jewish mythology, this is the name of an archangel, a fallen angel, the Angel of Death or Poison, the accuser, seducer, and destroyer famously known as The Grim Reaper. He is said to be both good and evil, having been one of the heavenly host. The Talmud states: "the evil Spirit, Satan, and Sama'el the Angel of Death, are the same"; and Samael is also therein equated with the biblical serpent who tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. He is called the Prince of Darkness and chief of the Dragons of Evil and is held responsible for the scorching wind of the desert called the simoom. It is also sometimes rendered "venom of God."

    gender: male
    story/art: please click the image to take you to the full comic. make sure you zoom in so you can see the comic clearly!


    [someone stole all of his gold/trinkets from his cave and part of that gold was were king Alaric's gold was, so now Alaric is p.o'ed. they gotta go find it together]
Last edited by kidcandy on Mon Feb 26, 2018 6:06 am, edited 6 times in total.

info wrote:
kidcandy || she-they || gemini
my kalons + my characters

going to school and working full
time currently. back from a 5yr
hiatus, bare with me while i get
back in the swing of things. feel
free to message me abt kalon

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Re: Lunar New Year Adopts -- Dragon

Postby sentimental » Thu Feb 22, 2018 3:02 am

username: sentimental_android
name: Weiryn (Ryn for short!)
gender: male.

ryn is an incredibly childish kal, and spends the majority of his free time collecting marbles!
one day, he loses a bag of new glass water-themed marbles and heads to the cafe where he thought
he left them after conversing with his friend, jaques. jaques sadly isn't on his shift and ryn has
to resort to the help of easily-confused loren, which doesn't turn out quite as planned!

dw, jaques saved ryn later by delivering the missing marbles to his apartment

Last edited by sentimental on Sun Feb 25, 2018 6:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
it's going to be christmas soon, keito

> loml > fern
>msg > charas
>mayo > trello
lyn senti
i'm in my
cringe era
right now.
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Re: Lunar New Year Adopts -- Dragon

Postby sun struck » Thu Feb 22, 2018 3:10 am

username: Sun Struck
name: Cyrus
gender: Male
The mystery of Cyrus's vandalized cookie hoard?
I...Think it's solved^w^

Cyrus and my Kalsona Orion<3
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