St. Vincent's High. New- OPEN

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Re: St. Vincent's High. New- OPEN

Postby Skyet » Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:37 pm

name: Lockie Fraser
age: 16
gender: male
clique: Dancer
crush: open
tags: Mavis and AilÍs
Lockie nodded, laughing quietly to himself. As the teacher began to talk, he sat up and began to pay attention. They were doing a bit about the Battle of Culloden, and how that impacted on movement to the USA. Lockie knew a few girls had crushes on him, some because he was famous in a sense, others because he danced.

He never really paid any attention to it though. Not while the YAGP was just around the corner. However, that didn't mean Lockie would say no.
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Re: St. Vincent's High. New- OPEN

Postby rainbowwrowell » Wed Feb 21, 2018 3:55 am

Mavis walked into the class with Emily, "Sorry Im late." They murmured and sat down. Mavis sat down beside Lockie as it was one of the only free seats. Emily sat at the back of the class
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Re: St. Vincent's High. New- OPEN

Postby _Human_ » Wed Feb 21, 2018 5:32 am

Name: Yuka Nakamura
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Tags: Open
Location: Hallway
Crush: Open
Yuka clutched her books to her chest as she jogged. Her hair in a pony tail. Her sneakers made quiet squeaks on the floor as she jogged. She slowed down, looking at her schedule as she tried to find her class. It was her first day in a new school and she was already late. She sighed and looked around at the different class rooms.
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Re: St. Vincent's High. New- OPEN

Postby Skyet » Wed Feb 21, 2018 8:15 am

name: Lockie Fraser
age: 16
gender: male
clique: Dancer
crush: open
tags: Mavis and AilÍs
Lockie looked up as Mavis walked in. "You alright?"He often wondered about his classmates. He knew a few were famous too, but the normal ones. What they did after school instead of dance practice for hours, or what they did on the weekend instead of masterclasses'. Sighing, he turned back to the notes he was writing.

Much of it was misspelled, or incorrect grammar. Lockie didn't care, he could still read it and understand what he wrote. How the teachers managed to understand his homework was anyones guess.
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Re: St. Vincent's High. New- OPEN

Postby rainbowwrowell » Wed Feb 21, 2018 8:34 am

''Sis was sick...'' She murmured. She looked down at her empty copy and soon began to write. ''She wasnt really up for coming back. But I'm leaving soon enough anyways so she can come with me''
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Postby i·dée fixe » Fri Mar 02, 2018 6:28 am

    𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕓𝕚𝕥𝕤𝕜𝕪

    mentions : kira, lockie, jericho, & angelo
    mood: motivated

    He knew he was late, but frankly, he didn't care too much. But he wasn't late because he overslept. On the contrary, he always woke up very early in the morning. What really kept him from getting to school on time most days was his daily routine of practicing his violin for 10 minutes in the morning. He always plans for it to be his quick fix to get him energized and excited for the day, but he would often get lost in his playing and loose track of time, which happened today.

    As soon as he reached his high school, Constantine unplugged his headphones and paused his music. He caught a glance of someone's 1969 Ford Mustang and someone else's motorcycle as he headed for the entrance. He knew what kinds of people attended his school, but damn. They're probably filthy rich, he guessed. Dismissing the thought as he quickly made his way towards his locker, he glanced at a girl with an olive complexion near his locker. He figured that he'd have all year long to introduce himself, and getting to class asap should be prioritized. Constantine began to put his violin case in his locker - when to his surprise - it didn't fit. A part of his case was still protruding out, preventing him from closing his locker effectively. "Great", he grumbled, before shoving it in even more and trying all sorts of ways to get it to fit - none of which worked. "whatever", he remarked with a defeated grin, before taking it out, holding it by the handle, and closing his locker. It'd be a drag, but what could he do about it?
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Re: St. Vincent's High. New- OPEN

Postby Binx_It » Mon Mar 05, 2018 12:43 pm

Desiree Renne Wilde{Desi}
✨Role:Music Composer✨Specialty:Guitar✨Crush:Open✨

Desiree quickly grabbed the things she needed, "gahhhh in soooo late!" She whined to herself running off to class, stepping in she gave an apologetic face. "I am so so so sorry!" She said taking a seat next to her brother in the back right corner of the room.

Aaron Cody Wilde{Codster}

Aaron sat in the back right corner of class, listening to the teach. Despite him being a jock he knew he couldn't ever be on a team without good grades so he multitasked by studying school work an practicing sports. He snickered seeing his sister late, "pfft your late again baby sis?" He mumbled under his breath a smirk on his face as he scoffed at him. He was only teasing as she was rarely ever late, and he couldn't help but mess with her.
Young Adult//Still Behaves Like A Kid//Gamer//Manga & Anime Fan

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Re: St. Vincent's High. New- OPEN

Postby rainbowwrowell » Mon Mar 05, 2018 7:01 pm

Emily sighed and played on her phone under the desk. Smirking as the teacher came over and she hid it. She sighed and looked at him. He was still speaking about stuff like grammar for english class.
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luke (3) kira (3) gabe (3)

Postby komi-san » Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:48 pm

    seventeen / male / rapper / location: class / tags: ailís / x

    xxxxxA sigh, near inaudible, escaped Lucas' lips as he twirled his pencil between his index and middle finger. If he had to pick a least favorite period, it would certainly be history. All of the wars and horrible events... it was much too serious for Luke and his immature tastes. But anything was better than being mauled by a crowd like he was earlier, Luke supposed. He'd just have to try and pay attention, however hard that may be. Picking his head up, Luke sat a little straighter but continued to twirl his pencil.

    xxxxxTrying not to daydream as the teacher talked about some battle -- the Battle of Culloden? He wasn't sure -- the feeling of eyes on him made Luke perk up. Looking over his shoulder, he scanned the other students to try and catch who was staring. Unfortunately, he saw nothing; whoever it was must've been pretty quick. Still, in his search, Luke's eyes landed on a girl with a head of noticeable red hair [Ailís], sitting diagonally behind him. 'Is that the girl from before?' he wondered. With her head turned, Lucas couldn't be completely certain. As if on cue, her posture shifted, just enough for him to see her attractive face, with pale skin and hazel eyes. Sure enough, it was the girl from that morning.

    xxxxxLuke grinned and whispered, "Hi." He wasn't sure if she would even notice him, but he'd still try. And he didn't worry much getting scolded by the teacher since they were currently occupied with some kid who'd been throwing spitballs. "Guess we have this class together, huh?"

    sixteen / female / new kid / location: hallway / tags: yuka / x

    xxxxxRing, ring, ring. The sound of the tardy bell seemed to mock Kira as she groaned, her plan to get to class on time having been foiled. Normally she'd be pretty ticked off at herself, but Kira reminded herself that today the teachers would probably be more relaxed about new students being late. After all, it was only the first day and they couldn't expect new people not to get lost in the school's numerous hallways. Kira slowed, allowing her pace to become less like running and more like speed walking.

    xxxxxLooking around the classrooms and reading the labels to see if any matched the one on her schedule, Kira nearly bumped into some girl. "Ah, sorry," she muttered before noticing what the girl was doing. As Kira had been doing moments before, she also seemed to be looking for her classroom -- yet in a much more urgent manner than Kira was. "At least I'm not the only new kid here," Kira said, half towards the girl and half towards herself.

    eighteen / male / loner / location: class / tags: mentions desiree + aaron / x

    xxxxxWhen Gabe arrived in class, he was disappointed to see that his usual spot in the corner was taken by a tall, brown-haired boy [Aaron]. The situation was inconvenient, but as he still wanted to sit in the back, Gabe sat in the back with a desk in between them. The tall boy, Gabe now recognized, was a member of the 'jock' clique at school. Jocks weren't known for their kindness, so Gabe tried making himself as unnoticeable as possible, hoping for no confrontations. Fortunately, it seemed the guy wasn't interested in messing with Gabe.

    xxxxxLess than a minute later, a girl came in, making herself known. After apologizing for being tardy, she came to sit in the spot between Gabe and the jock. Even if the guy hadn't called her 'baby sis', Gabe probably would've been able to figure out they were siblings. Their similar appearances were one clue. But as he wasn't planning on interacting, Gabe turned his focus into the teacher who was talking to some misbehaving kid. Leaning back in his chair impatiently, he waited for the teacher to resume talking. The sooner this class went by, the better.
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Re: St. Vincent's High. New- OPEN

Postby JuniperRoss » Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:43 pm

Location: Front Office
Tags: None & Open
Mood: Frustrated

I sigh, looking over my schedule. I hate this school and it's only my first day. My mom's words just keep ringing through my head. 'This'll be good for you. You're only 16. I don't want Hollywood to take you away from me yet.' But that's exactly what I want; for Hollywood to sweep me up, to be embraced in the luxury my father worked so hard for. I definitely didn't want to be in high school. This new school is smaller than my previous one, but I knew it was full of big shots. Just gotta show 'em who's boss, I think to myself and I stuff my schedule into my binder and walk towards my next class.

Location: Class
Tags: None & Open
Wearing: [removed]
Mood: Bored

I silently doodle on the corner of the desk, not really paying attention to the teacher. I'm not really invested in class at the moment, a first for me. I usually love school, but at this very moment I kind of just want to leave. But instead I sit up straight and blink myself into focus. I hastily scrawl some notes into my notebook, easily catching on to the subject although I wasn't paying attention half the class.

Location: Hallway
Tags: None & Open
Wearing: [removed]
Mood: Bored

I swing the bathroom pass around as I lean against the wall. I don't feel bad in the slightest that I'm using the pass to get some phone time. I hadn't been on Instagram in a full hour, and I was physically dying. Okay, maybe that was a bit dramatic, but still. I type away on my phone, hoping I could con someone to give me the answers to the worksheet later.
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