⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯☆⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ L u m i n a r i e s ! ! !

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⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯☆⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ( post three )

Postby stranger danger » Sat Feb 17, 2018 9:43 am

    ( aurora ; borealis ; 19 years ; female ; bisexual ; rooftop somewhere ; open, danny ; feeling nostalgic )

    aurora hugged back, just as tight, blinking away the last of the tears. with a sigh, she nods, that's the one
    thing they really can't give up. smiling, she closes the scarpbook and looks up towards the skies. it's dingy,
    but she can't really remember clear blue skies. everything in her world now is kind of a sickly green, blueish color.
    "ooh, what if we could take a trip to the beach?" she suggests, smiling wide. it seemed impossible now,
    seeing how their responsibilities prevented them from doing anything too fun, and that most beaches were probably
    swarming with mutated creatures. she sighed, remembering back on sunny beach houses and late night bonfires.

    "i think the rest of the gang would enjoy it? what do you think?" she asks eyes landing
    on danny's. "it'd be so cool to find an intact beach house - you know we've always wanted one,"
    she chimes, moving her hand from danny's feathers to lace her fingers with his. watching a few feathers fall to the ground,
    she scrunches her face up. "is there such thing as a feather comb? i think you need one," she jokes,
    picking up a feather with her free hand. moving her other hand from danny's, she braids the feather in with her hair, not
    stopping until she was satisfied with her work. once done, she beamed at danny. "how do i look?"
    she asks, posing for her brother.
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Re: ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ✿⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ P i p e r [1] ! ! !

Postby nevermind. » Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:26 am

✿ Piper Wallace
["The Demonstrative"] [female] [34] [tags: noone]

Piper looked into the mirror over the small sink.
She collected her hair into a tight ponytail and tied it together with a hairtie.
It didn't look too neat, but it would have to do.
While eyeing herself in the mirror, she spotted a grey hair growing at her temple and she brushed her fingers over the slightly curly lock of hair.
A few years ago, she would have been shocked by this kind of discovery, but now she didn't care about such trivial things anymore. She couldn't afford to.
Now that she looked into the mirror carefully for the first time in who knows how long, she noticed she had wrinkles on her face too, mainly on her forehead.
Two thin lines in between her eyebrows on the bridge of her nose were especially deep, as well as three others spanning her entire forehead.
She had lead a life filled with sorrow and these wrinkles were the proof.
They were kind of like scars, come to think of it, except there was nothing glorious or brave about them.
Her eyes had dark bags underneath them, her lips were chapped and several small cuts and wounds, most of which of unknown origin, covered her entire face.
This was the effect a life on the streets had on a person.
With a sigh, she took her gaze off of the mirror and exited the bathroom.
Her home was tiny, it only had that bathroom, one small living room with a cooking corner and a tiny back room that couldn't fit more than a closet and a mattress on the floor.
Her trusty assault rifle hung on a nail on the wall right beside the broken tv and her smaller pistol was placed on the table in the corner of the living room.
It was a basement apartment and the front door was made of heavy steel and had multiple locks. It didn't have any windows. It was quite depressing, to be honest, but also the safest imaginable place for somebody like her to live.
It was situated on the outskirts of town, were people seldom went and the grip of the government wasn't as apparent.
It was depressing really, that this place, despite its many shortcomings, was better than what she had before the war broke out (which was next to nothing).

She dressed in a plaid shirt, dirty, baggy jeans, a long grey jacket with a hood that partly obscured her face and boots as she preferred to wear simple and functional clothes.
She didn't feel the need to wear an elaborate costume or mask since she didn't really have an identity before the war came, she'd been a nobody, useless to society.
Plus, she was pretty plain-looking and didn't have a very memorable appearance like some of the others luminaries who had mutations did.
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☆ danny ; 4 | ★ enzo ; 4

Postby bugbites » Sat Feb 24, 2018 3:17 am

⎯⎯⎯⎯ fun-loving ⎯⎯⎯⎯ male ⎯⎯⎯⎯ 19 ⎯⎯⎯⎯ tags; aurora, open ⎯⎯⎯⎯ form ⎯⎯⎯⎯

Danny smiled softly at the thought of a beach day. He had visited the beach a few times when he was very young, and it was one of the best days he had ever had. The only downside was that his skin was nearly purple from how burnt he had gotten. He did, however, come back with a slight tan. Now, though, due to being covered up to hide his identity, his skin was nearly paper white. Of course he'd always been pale, as is with most gingers, but now he looked almost like a ghost. Although he did look quite sickly, his white skin provided a nice contrast to the deep browns, blacks, and creams of his wings. He would have wished for angel-like wings, but no, they had gained the appearance of a red-tailed hawk's. He wasn't complaining, of course, but white would have provided the pure look the luminaries tried to push forward.
He nodded at his sister's question, sighing slightly. "I think we all need a beach day." He laughed. At the comment about his wings, he shrugged, causing another feather to fall. Maybe he'd start preening. That would certainly help in keeping them cleaner, but he was already always being compared to a bird, and preening certainly wouldn't help that cause. When she put the feather in her hair, he grinned again. "You certainly look like my sister," He answered, noting how even just one feather seemed to make them look even more related than ever. As adopted siblings, of different races nonetheless, no one ever guessed they were related. The luminaries only knew due to Danny and Aurora always being together and occasionally calling each other "brother" or "sister". They didn't look like siblings whatsoever, but their relationship definitely provided all the evidence needed to prove that they were family.
Danny put his hand above his eyes to shield them from the fiery light of the setting sun. Despite not having much to do in this run-down world, the days seemed to pass by quicker and quicker. There had been a few new signs around the city symbolizing a meeting of the luminaries tonight. "Think we should head to the meeting place soon?" He turned to his sister. The meeting place was an old building just outside of the city. No one went there due to it being outside the city's walls, and everyone knew that the city's walls were a dam holding back the deadly mutated creatures that had pretty much replaced the wildlife of the old world. Government workers stood post on top of the wall that had been built during the war, guns aimed to shoot any movement outside the city, so the luminaries had to be extremely cautious. Luckily, though, many of the employees that worked under the 'leader' hated how the world was and were on the luminaries side, often pretending they didn't see the movement under the light of the moon whenever the luminaries had to meet.

⎯⎯⎯⎯ the president ⎯⎯⎯⎯ male ⎯⎯⎯⎯ 26 ⎯⎯⎯⎯ tags; kirin ⎯⎯⎯⎯ form ⎯⎯⎯⎯

Enzo hissed when he heard someone's voice break through the shield he had put up in his mind, quickly turning to whoever the person was, ready to hurt someone. As soon as he saw it was Kirin, he immediately felt guilty about the thoughts of harming him that he had just had. "I- it's nothing," He answered, voice breaking. "It's nothing," He repeated, this time sounding much more confident and sure of his answer. He considered the idea of opening a window. The bedroom wasn't necessarily stuffy, there was some air movement whenever the door was opened, but it wasn't much. The air outside wasn't really fresh or clean, but it was something. He nodded at the proposition.
"That would be nice, thank you Kirin." He took a deep, shaky breath, and sat back down in his chair. He began rubbing his temples, trying to calm himself down. He was in control. Everyone knew that. No one would dare to try and take his power, especially not the timid assistant. Enzo trusted his friend. But still, everyone had their moments of doubt...
He too a deep breath again, leaning back in his chair. He was now calmed down enough to at least partake in conversation and eat a small meal. The higher ranks of the government rarely went hungry as Enzo made a point of feeding the most important people so they could stay in good health, but still, they normally ate only 2 small meals a day. It was enough to survive off of, sure, but also enough to ensure that everyone lost a good amount of weight. Under his suit, Enzo's ribs poked out slightly. He was skinny, that was for sure. It didn't help that he often went days without eating either due to stress, or worry that Kirin and Carter weren't getting enough to eat. He had to make sure the public figures stayed healthy and looked well to deceive the citizens and make them believe that the government was stronger than they truly were.
The president looked to the window, red light shining on the blinds but barely reaching the office. Seconds ticked by slowly in this room; everything felt slower. He took another deep breath before speaking. "We should send more troops out to the wall to make sure everything is going okay." He often worried about creatures getting past the weak soldiers that held their ground on the outskirts of the city. The soldiers were no match for hulk-like wolves or eagles as large as people with talons sharper than knives. All the worrying wasn't good for him, he knew, but he couldn't help it. This was his empire, and although it was easily seized, keeping an archaic society in order was not as easy.
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Kirin . five.

Postby Saxhleel » Mon Feb 26, 2018 8:00 am

    ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─────────────────────────
      [ Assistant ] shifts into animals [ location ] Enzo's home [ tagged ] Enzo

      For just a brief moment Enzo had sounded quite vulnerable but schooled his expression quickly, while they were friends Kirin couldn't say he knew him well enough to ask him to expose a weakness to him and so chose to move on with the conversation. With a dip of the head he strode over to the window and maneuvered his hands around the blinds without too much trouble to push open the window. He was momentarily surprised by the sight of of the sun burning hot and red on the horizon, when had it gotten so late in the day? It often felt that the days blurred together now, in Kirin's somewhat sleep deprived mind they sure seemed to. One long stretch of time where everyone just tried to survive the next minute with the occasional rest in between, whenever you could take one, he himself would find himself curling up in his bed in the middle of the day so he could feel relatively safer.

      He perked a little when addressed and turned to look over at Enzo with an easy smile, he then crossed the room back towards the desk and took a seat, setting about opening the flask between them. He poured a healthy amount into the lid as a make shift bowl and nudged that towards the president. It was funny, once he would have sneered at the thought of eating such a meal but now he couldn't really imagine anything better than the luxury of sharing a meal between friends. Kirin had no family to speak of and acknowledged that many citizens were perhaps too afraid to get close to him or were only being civil on account of his standing with the president.

      "Of course sir." He replied politely, "There has been a bit of unease at night time as of late due to reduced visibility but no actual trouble. It'd make everyone feel a little better to rotate in a few more troops. I'll see to it myself once I leave." Kirin made a mental note to speak to some of the de facto troop leaders about recruiting new soldiers, it wasn't the worst job in the world and payed well for danger money, it often enticed young men and women with something to prove.

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⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯☆⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ( post four )

Postby stranger danger » Mon Feb 26, 2018 8:42 am

    ( aurora ; borealis ; 19 years ; female ; bisexual ; rooftop somewhere ; open, danny ; feeling nostalgic )

    she picks up the other feather absent-mindedly and braids it into danny's hair. at the mention of the other
    luminaries, aurora sighed outwardly. "back to work i guess," she jokes, nodding in agreement.
    "what do you think they're up to?" she asks, looking up towards the sunset as well, referring
    to the others. suddenly, she perks up. "wouldn't it be like, so cool, if we ever had to do a covert mission
    and like, infiltrate the capital? who do you think would do it?"
    she asks, a childlike wonder glinting in her eyes.
    the idea was silly of course, they'd never had espionage training, and would probably be found out rather quickly.

    she messes with the idea of someone like hadley going undercover, and somehow miraculously not getting found
    out. giggling to herself, she swings her legs back onto the top of the building, and looks at her brother. "where's
    the meeting place again? i forgot."
    she states, laughing a little bit.

    ( im sorry this post was so short!! i just needed to get it up,,,)
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Re: ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯☆⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ L u m i n a r i e s ! ! !

Postby Pyra Ilver » Mon Feb 26, 2018 8:59 am


The sun was on its descent outside, lengthening the shadows in the warehouse. The walls were broken in many places, letting the dusk light into stain the floor. She should be going. It didn't do to be late to meetings, or indeed to hang about in one place for so long. Rouge pulled her hair tight and adjusted her mask, time to go meet the rest of the Luminaries. Honestly, she trusted most of them about as far as she could throw them, but this sort of thing was a necessary part of being a Luminary, abhorrent though the idea was for her.

"See you at the meeting," she said briefly to Hadley, before walking back out onto the street. It was far too conspicuous for them to go together through the streets, who knew who could be watching them. To have them traced would be a disaster. There were we cameras this far out, and that worked in her favour. Despite this she still stuck to the edges of the street, close to the walls of old homes.

She was pretty much the only one out here. Occasionally she would see dark shadowed eyed from within a door frame or window, but they would quickly disappear. The people knew she would not hurt them. The moment the hopeless found something to trust they held onto it. In her view that led to disaster.

Rose held herself to a higher standard. She had no power, no magic on her finger tips. She had herself. And that was all she could ever rely on. It was all well and good using a safety net, but one day it would be pulled away, and you would fall through the cracks. And in this world, once you fell, you could never get back up.

She would arrive promptly at the meeting, and hopefully without incidence.
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Re: ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯☆⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ L u m i n a r i e s ! ! !

Postby distressed_piglet » Mon Feb 26, 2018 5:27 pm


Carter Collins
assassin//25//cis male
straight//the streets//tags: open

Carter finished his task for the day just as the sun began to set. He was in no real rush as he walked through the mansion. The most exciting thing that could happen the rest of the night was arguing with the help in the mansion or dealing with citizens who felt the need to stir up trouble. He never did much during the night, unless a job told him so. With all of the scouts and soldiers that traveled throughout the forest and streets to finish business there was no real reason for Carter. His job description was simple. He did the dirty work no one else wanted to do. Sure, those working under the government was no walk in the park. Everyone had some dirt on their chest when it came to their jobs, but a job as an assassin? That topped everyone else besides Okirin and the President himself. Most everyone else considered him to have the most inhuman job of them all. It was obvious by the way everyone refused to look at him, or gave him a direct gaze that expressed their hatred. Carter could care less what others thought. His loyalty didn't lie with them. He was only concerned about his boss and making sure the city wasn't in ruins because of the Luminary. He let out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through his hair. He hadn't found any leads about the Luminary yet. All day he had been following around the town crier, listening to him repeat the story of the mural and the Luminary. He was telling people who the Luminary really were, and what they were up to. Everything he said had no real evidence to back it up. Though the mural was a depiction of the infamous crew, their faces were covered. It made it impossible to decipher who they really were. All any of them could do was make assumptions. Very few even knew what made them so special. Some citizens said they all had magical powers, and that the group could change their appearance, had the ability to read minds, and hypnotize people. Carter had no idea if any of these were true, or if they were just dramatic envisions of their so called heroes.

Scoffing at his thoughts, Carter brought himself back to reality. He stood outside an ever familiar door, even though he had never entered the room. Crouching down, he placed the envelope containing his instructions. The envelope also contained everything Carter had managed to jot down about the Luminary. It was never much. Never the same. He never returned with any leading clues when it came to the Luminary. Ask him to track down a thief with only one leading clue and he could easily track them. Hand him all the evidence collected about the mutants and he would always return empty-handed. The assassin felt as if he was on the edge of discovering something huge, but he just couldn't find the right angle to break through the glass. There was always tomorrow to fail again. Placing a single, solid knock on the President's door, Carter turned and walked down the hall. This was how he ended every day he had no solid evidence: walking away before he could be reprimanded or humiliated. It had nothing to do with the president, and everything to do with his own pride.


Hadley Montgomery
illuminated//24//cis female
sraight//slums//tags: rogue

Hadley crossed her arms over her chest, the dank home started to make her skin tingle. She was aching to leave the room, but she couldn't leave without discussing the matter at hand. They needed some good news to tell the rest of the gang. Otherwise they wouldn't have a game plan to stop these shipments. Rogue seemed just as eager to leave as she abruptly stood up after a loud squeak was heard inside the crate she had sat on. Abandoned homes were always crawling with disgusting critters, but they weren't crawling with spies. It was either deal with the mold and grime, or risk being caught. At least these meetings were always short. This one would be shorter than usual. They would have to be getting to the warehouse for a meeting soon.

Hadley sighed when Rogue told her all she had discovered that day. It wasn't much, and they weren't sure if it was actually true. However, it was all they had to go on. A drunk man's rumors were more of a lead than nothing at all. They would have something to talk about at least. Any shipment manned by the government was always worth fighting against. Hadley bit her lip, mulling over the information. The red head seemed sure that there was something dangerous in this shipment. They would have to be extra careful this time. Hadley was debating doing scout work herself as soon as the sun set, but she would be late for the meeting then. Between Hadley's knowledge of the docks and night vision and Rogue's information, the two could at least do some scout work if the others weren't ready to take on the mission.

She didn't know how long she had been lost in thought, but she did noticed the sun was beginning to set.
"See you at the meeting," Rogue said hastily. Hadley gave a small nod. "Take care." Hadley watched her slip out of the house. Hadley silently scoffed at herself. 'Take care' made it sound like she actually cared about the other Luminary. Well, it wasn't like she didn't care about her safety, but if it boiled down to only one of them making it without being caught she would want it to be herself. It was just how she always said goodbye. It wasn't too curt, and could have meaning if the recipient was someone she cared about. Old habits died hard. Hadley waited a moment before heading out of the house, sliding through a large crack in the wall so she was headed down a different street than Rogue was. She wasn't as worried about the red head's cover as she was her own. A mask could hide anyone identity. Being seen talking to the girl in the mask and you could easily be pegged as a target. A mask was both a blessing and a curse. It could hide you from being caught, but you learn to depend on it. Eventually your luck could run out. if you were to run around without the mask on and suddenly feel brave enough to do something stupid, you could easily be killed. All in all, Hadley decided not to take the risk with an alter identity. Hopefully, hidden identity or not, she could make it through the night.
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Re: ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯☆⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ L u m i n a r i e s ! ! !

Postby Kyoyo » Wed Mar 07, 2018 4:39 am

Adriana - - - The Graceful
Location: On her way to the warehouse/meeting from home

It was starting to become dusky outside before Adrian had had a chance to notice. She didn't have much of a sense of time, and often had no idea how many hours or days had passed. Life moved by in a blur for Adrian, as she was just trying her best to survive and live as comfortably as she could. She was late, and she strode down the dusty streets with a sense of urgency. She had to get home fast in order to change. Her skin was pale and her hair was platinum. As a luminary, she felt like she had to cover everything in order to keep her identity a secret. When she went out as light she usually wore a hood that she had crafted to stay attached to her head by inserting a wire and tying a strip around her pony tail. This way her hair would stay hidden and held back comfortably. She wore a black mask which contrasted with her skin in an, what she considered, and appealing way. The rest of her outfit was plain, nothing too special. It was comfortable enough that she could easily move around and exert herself physically, and it looked fit her form well, which was an aspect that she probably only appreciated.

After fitting her hood, Adrian made a quick exit from the place where she hid her belongings. She kept this place separate from her home so that it would be harder to track her normal identity. It was getting much too dark and she would have to be quick. It was a good thing she had the capabilities to move at inhuman speeds. Adrian resembled a gazelle as she bounded through the streets, at this point, knowing the way by heart. Her hood flapped in protest to the wind, but it wouldn't fall from her head.

Adrian slowed as she neared the warehouse as to not rouse suspicion from the guards at the walls. Sticking close to the protective walls of the nearby buildings, she made her way to the warehouse with quick precision, stopping outside to catch her breath. She leaned against a wall, catching her breath, and composing herself. With a careful breath, Adriana strode in with a confident composure, something outside of her normal wallflower appearance.

Last bumped by Kyoyo on Wed Mar 07, 2018 4:39 am.
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