[♛ \\ the red mountains] -- discussion/characters

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[♛ \\ the red mountains] -- discussion/characters

Postby unnamed » Fri Jan 26, 2018 2:08 pm


this is the discussion and character thread for the roleplay, the red mountains
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-- hermes ¡¡ death's messenger

Postby unnamed » Fri Jan 26, 2018 2:27 pm




name ⇀ hermes
gender ⇀ male
age ⇀ six years
season born ⇀ winter
pack ⇀ valley pack
rank ⇀ alpha

pelt color ⇀ russet w/ browns
eye color ⇀ deep amber
body type ⇀ sturdy/muscular
marks ⇀ multiple scars
scent ⇀ pine & earth
voice ⇀ deep & husky

sexuality ⇀ heterosexual
crush ⇀ alaska
mate ⇀ none
pups ⇀ none

appearance ⇀ when one walks into battle hermes may be one of the last wolves you'll ever want to see opposite you, he has a massive and looming figure that is packed tightly with muscle that ripples underneath his fur. this wolf is built for battle with both large jaws and paws. his fur is a vibrant russet color and along his back are browns ranging from light to dark covering it. his muzzle, chest, and belly are a creamy white color. hermes posses a pair of deep set amber eyes that typically appear welcoming and warm. from his years spent as a fighter his body is littered with scars, the most prominent ones appear on his right shoulder where one can see where another wolf dug their claws into him as well as a deep scar across his muzzle. overall hermes has a rather rugged appearance.
personality ⇀ although he gives off the appearance of a rather brutish figure - the typical stereotype of a fighter - hermes is far from it. he is actually a fairly noble wolf and holds himself in high regards, he avoids arguments with others around him as he typically finds them pointless. you'll sooner see the wolf staring at someone yelling at him before he ever engages them. a calm demeanor surrounds him when he isn't engaged in fights and he is actually very level-headed, he's good at settling disputes when he decides to lend his time to it although as always he prefers to avoid them. this particular brute is loyal to a fault and will stand by his alpha even when he feels they are doing wrong or making the wrong decision. although he will always remain loyal he will express his belief when he feels it necessary. he often comes across as a grumpy wolf as he doesn't engage heavily in meaningless conversation. though he'll never admit it he longs for a mate but for now keeps himself content and busy within the pack's ranks. hermes is a ruthless wolf when it comes to battle and unless told otherwise believes firmly in there being no survivors, above all else he seeks to win in war.
Last edited by unnamed on Sun Jan 28, 2018 6:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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dahlia ▸ the intelligent

Postby unnamed » Fri Jan 26, 2018 2:28 pm

name. dahlia age. two years gender. female pack. valley rank. pup-sitter
crush. none mate. none pups. none voice. quiet & smooth scent. lilac


appearance. dahlia is one of those wolves most don't even see due to her small stature. though she isn't weak
she just remains on the shorter side as height goes. however one can tell by looking at her that she's a sturdy
female even if she isn't one with much muscle; although it's clear by looking at her that she wasn't built for m
uch, her body doesn't have enough muscle to claim her as a fighter and her legs aren't long enough to name h
er as a hunter. she has a thick gray pelt that is littered with patches and spots of varying other grays. she doe
s have a noticeable black spot on the upper part of her muzzle as well as around her ears. her eyes are a dark
brown and typically appear warm towards others. she makes up in personality what she lacks in appearance.
personality. one of the first things most wolves notice about dahlia is her intelligence, she has a mind like a ste
el trap and remembers anything anyone may tell her so for those who like their secrets to get lost she isn't the
one to tell. she's enjoys making herself useful and is constantly searching for something to do that will occupy
her time with. it's easy to see that's she's the type who is full of energy and is always looking to release it, a tra
it which makes her long for the idea of being able to run freely without a guard standing over her shoulder. tho
ugh she is intelligent she is still young and lacks much of the wisdom that most would associate with it but as ti
me goes on she tries to learn though one shouldn't be going toher for advice just yet. she is a bit flighty and oft
en seems to be lost in her own world until someone snaps her back to reality. even in conversation she may oft
en - and without warning - deviate from the topic and begin speaking about something completely different. he
r young age has kept her extremely timid still to this day and she is easily overwhelmed in the face of great exci
tement, should there be a major battle or something of the like dahlia would likely freeze up and find herself in
capable of doing anything. she's a caring wolf though and always those around her how they are doing. she'd alw
ays choose another's health over her own.
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Re: [♛ \\ the red mountains] -- discussion/characters

Postby unnamed » Fri Jan 26, 2018 2:28 pm

Hermes' Relationships

shiloh ↳ [≂] ah yes, the alpha's trusted beta, hermes can still
remember the beta's entrance into the pack and from the first
moment that shiloh could speak the two's differing opinions sh
owed. despite this hermes treasures both shiloh's viewpoints a
s well as the other's friendship. he values having someone who
is so willing to question his tactics while bringing their very ow
n wisdom into the leadership of the pack
carrot ↳ [≈] hermes has neither a feeling of love or hate for t
he huntress. he considers her valuable in keeping the pack feed
due to her innate hunting ability but at the same time he finds
her personality as a whole to be a slightly unpleasant. he feels s
he thinks far too highly of herself while at the same time realize
s she feels males as a gender aren't worth much despite those wh
o are considered leaders
alaska ↳ [≂, ღ] hermes' respect for this particular fae is in part
due to the fact that he's never been quite able to match her whe
n he's accompanied hunters on hunts. but his affection has grown
beyond simply respect and he's developed a slight puphood crush.
he sees her as a force to be reckon with and admires greatly her
determination and desire to do her part in caring for the pack. t
hough he isn't quite ready to admit it hermes has a bit of a crush.
castiel ↳ [≈] hermes isn't quite sure how to feel about this partic
ular brute. On one hand he respects the other for their position a
nd their impressive fighting abilities which match his own. Howev
er, he also realizes that castiel is a bit of the softer type on the in
side and that being the lead fighter wasn't necessairly his first int
erest. for the most part hermes leaves him to his work.
Dahlia's Relationships

shiloh ↳ [≂] though she speaks to him rarely rarely dahlia finds
the beta's calm demeanor to be refreshing among some of the pa
ck. she admires his respect of life around them and that he isn't q
uite as willing to kill as their alpha. she has respect for the beta a
nd sees him as a proper fit for the role he occupies.
carrot ↳ [≃] dahlia is, quite frankly, not a fan of the huntress. sh
e finds her to be quite overwhelming and dislikes the other fae's f
lirty nature. being a pup sitter who values maturity and responsib
ilty the other female's immature nature often clashes with her ow
n and she invests in time spent away from the other. she also beli
eves the other wolf to be arrogant so while she doesn't necessaril
y dislike the hunter she certainly doesn't care for her either.
alaska ↳ [≈] dahlia has interacted very little with the lead huntre
ss other than the odd times the other has brought food to the pup
s and dahlia has been present. while she views alaska as a great h
untress and excellent lead for the others she has no true feelings t
owards the other. she is friendly when the other is present but rar
ely would go out of her way to speak.
castiel ↳ [≈] dahlia is not the fighting type, nor the argumentative
type and therefore tends to leave the fighters alone as a whole. w
hile she truthfully carries no personal feelings towards the brute s
he sees him as somewhat of a decent individual though doesn't dar
e try to speak with him. she's petrified of the idea of him having a
temper and disliking something that she says. dahlia's timid nature
prevents her from truly learning about the other wolf in any sort of
way and she is perfectly okay with that.

legend: [≂] - positive [≃] - negative [≈] - neutral [ღ] - love interest
Last edited by unnamed on Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:12 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [♛ \\ the red mountains] -- discussion/characters

Postby ⠀vega » Fri Jan 26, 2018 9:37 pm




★★★★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★

Shiloh | male | 4 years | Beta | mate | ??crush?? | | pups.if.any.names.here |

★★★★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★★★★


Captivated in tight clusters of enriching fur,
Shiloh’s physique is basked in an onyx sea-
pushing waves of feathers from his forear
ms reluctantly coiling over his tenuous dew
claws. Hooked deeply within his tactile pa
ws, which is a petite diameter from the pas
tern to fore claw. Despite how long/lanky h
e may seem to appear his eyes are one of t
he greatest luxuries he possesses. There mo
lten ambers blossoming in each iris, emitting
a soft honey glow to any wolf willing to peer
in. Two active ears jut from the top of his s
kull. However, one is scornfully decapitated.
Flesh chunks wielded from his grasp, leaving
a stump, envying the privilege of sound.



★★★★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★★★★

-- 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒐𝒏 --

★★★★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★★★★

To Shiloh the seasons come and go like old friends. They bring memories of seasons past and the pro
mise of seasons to come. They dance by him changing gradually in their back and forth way, two ste
ps forward and one step back. And like time itself we cannot halt them, he cannot hang on to spring
or keep the summer with him for longer. Each has their time, their moment, their season. And to Sh
iloh that’s the way he likes it, he can almost simulate a bilingual language spoken between him and-
his quarry. He speaks to them before he hunts to him the moving herbivores put forth there sick to
him as peace for his utmost respects in the circle of life. When the guilt comes again to haunt him o
their killing unnecessarily. After all this time it still cuts just as deep, but its visits are less frequent
and softer in duration. He reminds himself that whilst He cannot undo his or others misdeeds, he de
dedicates his life to walking in the light.


★★★★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★★★★
𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒕𝒐 ..
★★★★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★★★★
『CODING CREDITS !! The_Herbal_Lupin (Me)

To him, there is more wisdom in the emotions o
f a young child than in all the tomes in all the l
ibraries of the world. Though it's true that the
young can be selfish, they react how we all shou
ld when they learn another is hungry or hurt.

Last edited by ⠀vega on Sat Jan 27, 2018 4:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [♛ \\ the red mountains] -- discussion/characters

Postby unnamed » Sat Jan 27, 2018 2:09 am

      accepted c:
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Re: [♛ \\ the red mountains] -- discussion/characters

Postby ⠀vega » Sat Jan 27, 2018 4:39 am

Awesome, I hope you like him. I thought him
and Hermes characters would be a bit of
drama since they have different views on
battles and hunting. XD
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Re: [♛ \\ the red mountains] -- discussion/characters

Postby Bubbled Aurora » Sat Jan 27, 2018 4:52 am

Age: 6
Gender: female
carrot is a sassy,immature and flirty wolf if you ever meet her be careful as she takes trust to seriously, she has an amazing scent and hunts perfectly (she is trying out for hunter)
Appearance: A ginger wolf with beautiful blue eyes
Likes: flirting,hunting,protecting and food
Hates: rains,bees and coyotes

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Re: [♛ \\ the red mountains] -- discussion/characters

Postby unnamed » Sat Jan 27, 2018 5:18 pm

      @The_Herbal_Lupin, i can definitely see them butting heads quite often but on the low retaining a great respect for each other and slight brotherly love lol, i really do like him though

      @M A N G L E, before you can be accepted please add more detail to your form including a more detailed personality as well as including the rank of your wolf. if you simply feel you lack in writing personalities but believe you're still capable of keeping up with the roleplay than feel free to send me a writing sample c:
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Re: [♛ \\ the red mountains] -- discussion/characters

Postby ⠀vega » Sat Jan 27, 2018 10:30 pm

Ahh, thx I love your ginger fluffball tooo. XD
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