Kalon Fanclub V.3 [CLOSED]

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Kalontines Day is coming up! Do your Kalons have sweethearts?

No, and they're happy!
No, but they want one!
-waggles eyebrows-
Total votes : 340

Re: Kalon Fanclub V.3 [New Poll]

Postby heartleafed » Thu Jan 25, 2018 5:38 am

        @thatpinkthing; ah what a lovely new babe, i love that shine, i also wish i had suggestions for myos but i'm not great with this stuff most of the time :'))
        @astral; i hope you get your approvals soon, also i love alyoshas blushy cheeks, so good
        @ghod; that actually seems like it could be a fun game so long as it's done good naturedly!
        @takk; so many nice kids, i hope you can find relationships for them all

      i. ooc
        potentially looking for a third for this breeding between my boy and capone's
        i have a kit picker so we'd all be getting one for sure, only hang up is that me and capone both have to sign off on the third
        i'd prefer another kal with ear edits but that's all i can think of right now
Image{ mars ` he ` toyhou.se }
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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.3

Postby Kyar » Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:11 am

Oh hey!! I hope that crossed out message means you've found the perfect offer for that handsome little kit! I've seen them around and I was surprised you hadn't gotten any interest - or maybe it just wasn't the perfect offer lol. I love the black and white hair/tail. They look super snazzy on that soft gray design. :) And my gosh… Meren looks INCREDIBLE. I absolutely love the new hairdo but he was a stunning kalon to start with - so it's no surprise the light facial hair just made him all the more handsome. Although since he's a kit I'm imagining the awkward stubble phase that definitely had to happen before that majestic new look… lol. I can't wait to see him around!
Welcome to the FC! Lol. :) And my gosh what an adorable kalon - he looks like a very lovable little fluff. I can see what you're saying though - those markings aren't exactly a breeze to recreate I can imagine. But he's really adorable - reminds me of a little chipmunk. :) Custom lined kalons are always really eye-catching too - so I don't doubt you're gonna get trade offers! I just hope you find someone you really connect to or if you'd like to keep him - that you're able to find a way to draw him without losing your mind lol. :) It's always good to continue practicing your art regardless though! You'll have to show us some of your stuff sometime!
Ooh - that sounds awesome!! I've always wanted a tablet - but now I'm gonna need to get a new computer first before I'll even have the capacity to add any new software. So. It'll be a while I'm thinking. But regardless of my issues lol - I'll be looking forward to seeing what you do with yours!! :) Is it possible to see the partier look in Aleyx's face? Because I think I do lol. He just looks like the type who will storm into a room and everyone cheers… oh boy. Or the kid that you have to pull down off the roof and tell him to get his shirt back on. Like dude. Stop. He's really gorgeous though - sticksandstones did a marvelous job! I might look into relationships later… I might be too busy - I dunno. We'll see! But I'm intrigued by your moodboard shop - I'm really awful at making them myself so I might need to see what you can do!
@naomi !
I've always been a fan of Ainsley's design - he's one of those simple-but-sweet kalons that's got just the right amount of color for pizazz and enough design work to be unique and interesting without going over the top. :) Unfortunately I'm not in the market for more OOC breedings right now - I've got a lot on my plate as it is - but I do wish you luck finding the partner(s) of your dreams for each of them! A TV show??? That sounds… incredibly interesting. I have no idea what you guys are gonna end up doing but I'll definitely stick around to find out! It sounds like a really fun idea for sure! Keep us updated!! :)
Oh wow - Landon is super pretty? I don't know why he strikes me so much but those simple brown markings with that vibrant tail shine and the fluffy little backmane - now that's a good combination! It's so incredibly sweet of you to give him out to a non-owner - I know he's gonna find an excellent home and make someone very very happy. :) Natural colored kalons are so popular too - I bet you've got at least a few people really excited! I'll be looking forward to seeing where he ends up!! Good luck in choosing him the perfect new home!
@peach tea!
Omg I'm so sorry but I kinda had to laugh at the "Here's hoping!! … okay nope." because all stream experiences of mine get like that at some point lol. Things just start breaking and falling apart and… streams are SUPER fun but not always easy. I do hope you're able to get one up and running sometime though! They're such a blast to join and to host so fingers crossed you can find yourself the perfect platform and get streaming someday soon! :)
@high noon
I swear like not in a bad way at all but I see your name on the FC and go "Stream?" You're like the master of streaming Red - it's wonderful. Now if I were only ever actually around on my desktop while you're doing it… *deep sigh* I've been to a couple in the past but I've also been like… super busy so I haven't been able to really hang out and enjoy the experience. Though your artwork is incredible and definitely always worth at least popping in given the opportunity. :) I'm always thoroughly impressed with what I see - so keep it up! I'm sure this one was another blast that I missed out on. Lol.
I actually don't have any growths I'm really dying to get done right now - but I'm sure you'll have plenty of people taking you up on that offer anyway! It's not always easy to find a good growth artist - and best of luck saving up for that edit item you're after! :) Howl is so gorgeous - I love the nomadic lifestyle and I think it's one of the most fun stories to play around with personally! I'll never stop staring at his hair though like… dude. Aranea just… looks the part omg. If there's ever been a design that reflects the character perfectly it might just be this one. I wouldn't mess with her! I think the demon romance thing could be really interesting too - not sure if I know of any demonic kalons though… hm. Ajax is super cute - he just sounds like a fun person to hang out with and a really chill guy. 10/10 would hang out again. I definitely remember Azalea though!! She was part of your prompt for one of my readopts waaaay back in the day omg. It's so good to see her around again! Nhadala… Nhadala… I had to run that name through my head a few times to figure out what I THINK it sounds like lol. She's really pretty though - had some edits done since I last saw her?? I do wish you the best in finding romance! Truth be told I'm not that great at getting out and offering relationship stuff these days because I keep getting overwhelmed when I do that so I'm trying not to start up too many new things at once. But I do wish you the best in finding some relationships for all your kids!!
I'm sobbing this is the most brilliant thing you've done yet and Y'ALL ARE TOO POWERFUL this thread is going to actually kill me. Brilliant, ghod, just brilliant. How did I not see this even sooner??? Amazing. Wow. So far it seems like it's going just fine!! I generally trust the community not to go too far - and the nice thing is those who aren't interested don't have to get involved. So hopefully it can continue nicely - it seems like a really great idea to get a good-natured laugh!
Your avatar is too fabulous I'm sorry I got distracted staring. Oh what? A new kalon? Oh!! He's super cute omg look at that faaaaace. I want to protect that little green fluff omg. To be completely honest I've never seen or really gotten into Hamilton… but… I can see the old-fashioned hairstyle reflected there lol. It's pretty snazzy. I like. He's just overall way too cute for me. I love him!!!
Ooooh. Those are some really pretty kids! Alyosha's glitter is to die for… she looks like one of those super fancy cupcakes that you'd see at like a banquet sort of thing. Like too pretty to eat but they also look so tasty. I was staring at Horus for a while trying to figure out why he seemed so familiar… and then I went back and checked out his NB ticket and realized he's the child of one of the lizard adopts! I own one of the RUs - which totally explains why he had this strange sense of familiarity about him although I've definitely never seen him before. What a cool design though really - those colors are super vibrant and awesome. :) You definitely rocked both of those growths! The only thing is you'll probably have to either add an artist/staff member to the oekaki ref or post an "Under cover" image so they can check it out for you and get them approved! It'll be really cool to see them without the cover… covering them lol. Hopefully that can happen pretty quickly too!
I KNOW RIGHT? There is way too much talent in this community. I'm not even sure what competition you're talking about lol. But whatever it was - hopefully you've gotten some sleep and survived and all that. That's a really impressive block of replies though - nice job! :) I know a lot of people really appreciate you taking the time to respond so nice work getting so many people involved and feeling welcome! And congrats on Addi! What a strange story… huh. I can't say I've ever experienced anything quite like that but it's a really cool thought - to think that you eventually came around to bumping up from just an HM to getting one of the RUs. That's probably not a very common occurrence! She's got such a lovely coat color too - I can totally see why you went for the spunky adventurous idea. :) A stunt double is a risky job though - hopefully she doesn't end up getting herself hurt! You'll have to show us that piece of all your kalons when you're done too - that sounds like a really cool undertaking - if a rather time-consuming one! For your kalsona - I wish I could say I knew you enough to help??? Ah. But I would go for things like your favorite songs, favorite childhood memories, that sort of thing! It's super hard to define yourself but like… go with the colors that always have spoken to you and maybe find something that'll fit in with your interests. :) As for the common MYO… I voted for the fight kal because you said fight kal and how could you not pick fight kal. It's too much.
Somehow your post ninja'd me - sorry about that! But omg - what soft and beautiful children!! I definitely don't have a kalon angelic enough to fit into that pair lol. They're so fluffy and sweet and I love it to bits. They're gonna have an amazing back - no doubt! I'll be really curious to see if you do end up choosing a third partner who that's gonna be. They're both so beautiful! I have a feeling I'll know right away the instant that NB is posted. They're just too much! Best of luck finding another kalon to add to the mix - I'm sure you'll choose someone wonderful!

Hello again everyone! Man - if I could only get around to posting here more often. So much has happened since last time!!
I'll apologize in advance that this is going to be… a very large post I think. I'll try to keep it under control though!
I do have a lot of artwork I really really want to share but I think I'm going to leave that for later. Can't have that many images in one post!

Contest Update:

Just gonna throw this out there - if you've entered one of my kit readoptions I'm still working on judging though I plan to have a final decision made before this weekend! Stay tuned. :) And thank you for your patience!

Seeking Critique:

I'm very pleased I was able to finish my first NB artist entry yesterday!
I would greatly appreciate any critique or feedback so that I can improve for the next one - I'd love to hear your thoughts! The image link will take you to the thread where you can see them full size and let me know if you notice anything I could work on! Thank you so much in advance for any feedback!

Grown Up:

Thanks to the wonderful and talented Sanara my lovely baby Dove has been grown up! :)
I still need to work on her personality quite a bit - but I've finally decided that she identifies as transgender female! Well - she identifies as female, but isn't biologically. You know how it goes. I do know that she's not a very decisive kit though, and will occasionally slip back into her assigned gender if she's feeling particularly nervous about her new identity. She second-guesses herself all the time and seems to have gotten her dad Ambrose's more timid personality. That's really all I know right now - but hopefully I'll be able to develop her more in the near future! I've had… a lot going on lol.

New Faces:

This will probably the biggest part of my post! I have a LOT of new faces to introduce to you all! I guess this is what happens when you don't post here for a full month. I'll try to keep them really brief!

Sybil - Female - Medieval - Made by Sixbane
Pretty and quick-witted, look - but don't touch. Her words are her poison. Best not to be fooled by a pretty face. Her intentions may not be outwardly malicious, but she knows how to take advantage of a supple heart.

Beatrice - Female - Medieval - Made by Sixbane
Born to Lorna in secret, her mother's shame has hidden away this distant piece of royalty. Beatrice was sent to shore, cared for by the wife of a fisherman when she found the child in the surf. Before long, the attention brought by the child caused such strife for the family they had no choice but to send her away, out into the sea to care for herself. Unaware of her true history, Beatrice seeks to remember while her mother seeks to forget.

Ebon Avrich - Male - Futuristic (Dystopian) - Given to my by Doktor Monty, thank you so much!!
Ebon took an internship at Progress Labs early in his career. At seventeen years old, he's already working in some of the most complex programs. The labs may not be so straightforward as they seem, and Ebon has yet to learn the true depth of everything happening there. But the bright and shining idea of helping save the world, rid it of the warfare that has torn it to bits, is enough to keep him satisfied. But what other intentions does the lab really have for this clever young scientist?

Finley - Male - Modern
Isolde's twin brother, you'll rarely see one without the other. Fin is the king of selfies and has little aspiration other than a wistful dream of traveling the world. You wouldn't believe what he goes through to keep his hair under control under the ocean waves - who even knew they made product for that? He's a delight to spend time with, but doesn't always have the best sense of the big picture in life. He's flouncy, bad with money, and a sweetheart, but a little misguided at times.

Isolde - Female - Modern
Always at her brother's side, Finley's lack of ambition has rubbed off a bit on his sister. Rather than trying to find her own way, she's always following after his tumultuous wishes and laughing the days away. She has a great time, but would rather like to think a handsome, rich young man will come sweep her off her feet and care for her the rest of her days than to actually try to get her own feet on the ground, so to speak. Life under the sea is blissful, so why worry? The frivolous lifestyle can't last forever, but for now, why not enjoy it?

Tourmaline - ??? - Modern - Made by naumachy
No one seems quite sure what gender they are - it's impossible to tell. But their voice is so silky smooth it doesn't really seem to matter. A very good listener, not much of a talker, Tourmaline spends their time under the sea and wandering around shore, collecting shells, pearls, and stories. Somewhere along the way, someone made the mistake of introducing them to Pokemon. They went through quite a serious effort to figure out how to get a game console that can be carried around hundreds of meters below the surface. That and a lot of special packaging. It's not odd to find them washed up on shore trying to catch a shiny, but they'll always stop for a good round of conversation. They seem to always need to stay moving, however, and would love to braid shells and other ocean trinkets into your hair while you're around. Their lifestyle is rather quiet but you'll never catch Tourmaline looking down.


If you're interested in developing any relationships with any of my kalons, please don't hesitate to PM me but do understand that I have a lot of PMs going in and out most of the time and sometimes I forget to respond. I will try my best to keep up with anything but please don't hesitate to send me another message to give me a poke! :) I would love to develop more relationships but that can be a little tricky to balance for me - so you'll need a little patience - sorry about that! I would definitely be down to share Discord info though - it's usually a little easier for me to HC there versus here.
I'm not looking for any RPs right now as I already can't keep up with the ones I am involved in… again - my apologies!

I think that's finally all for today - phew!
I'll come back to share the artwork I've received recently soon I hope!
Have a good day y'all.
Please contact me here or on TH - I will no longer be using Discord!
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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.3

Postby buny » Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:28 am

xxxxx@kyar - goodness what a long post!!! I'll do my best to make a nice reply for you ahhh!!
Your NB entry is really lovely!! The top two kits are simply lovely!! The only odd thing that I find odd about the bottom one is the layer of blue markings?? The markings and color for it are amazing, but the blue stands out a bit oddly almost?? I'm not sure how you could fix it, and honestly it's not too weird and would be an amazing nursery kit design!! Dove is simply adorable, and their aging is so well done!! All of your new kalons are adorable and lovely, and I wish you luck with relationships!!!
xxxxx@leyendecker - Wow I love those two so much! I wish you the best of luck finding a third party for that breeding!!
xxxxx@ThatPinkThing - It's so nice of you to do really long replies! It feels really good when everyone is mentioned; and I also try my best to include a nice chunk of replies a well! Also wow Addi is simply adorable?? She's so sparkly and cute!! I also voted in your strawpoll~ qvq
xxxxx@astral - your growths look lovely!! I hope they get approved for you soon!
xxxxx@Vagabond - wowie zowie Sammy is stinking adorable!!! His little ponytail gives me sooo much life oomph qvq
xxxxx@ghod - ooo a new game thread??? Sign me uppppp -ok hand emoji-
xxxxx@Takk - Wow all of your kalons are super lovely, and their little personality snippets were amazing to read!! I hope you find the relationships you're looking for!!

xxxxxI'm going to have that MYO design and aging that I owe done by tomorrow!! It's taken me a little while since I've had to restart the aging like... 5 times since Sai just is not liking that file!! >:Y
xxxxxIts snowing again up where I am, and I hope the weather is being decent for all of you guys!!

xxxxxIt's probably a bit much for me to keep reposting this, but all of my kalons are open for friendships!! I know that I've said that I'd only be willing to headcanon in a fantasy setting in the past, but I've been developing them some for modern AUs as well; so pretty much any sort of AU is good now!!
xxxxxI swear I don't bite, and would like to headcanon some new friendships for my kiddos with someone outside of my main friend circle!! QvQ
xxxxxPlease have 'relationship' in your title somewhere so that the PM gets sorted properly!!

MYO Designs
xxxxxI'm opening up one MYO design slot!! It's for free, so theres some limits on what I can do for you guys!!

xxxxxHere's a sta.sh link to design examples!! There's two folders to separate Kalon-specific designs from other species & whatnot!!

xxxxxI don't do the following though, so keep these in mind before you send me a PM!!
xxxxx1. Really long + Detailed Hair (I'm not that great at it (//v//) I'm more than willing to do the design + body edits if you want to get another artist to do the hair for you!!)
xxxxx2. Any kalons with more than 3 rare or up traits (I'm willing to do a 1 leg. MYO with some payment though!!)
xxxxx3. No detailed galaxy or spatter/blended sort of designs!! I'm better at designs with clear markings or gradients!!!
xxxxx4. I can't make your kalon on oekaki! It will be an offsite reference using the official offsite lines!!

If you are interested, please send me a PM with MYO in the title somewhere; as well as some of your ideas for your MYO so I can get an idea of if I can do it or not!! qvq

Slots been taken!!!
Last edited by buny on Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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KF V.3

Postby wriolette enjoyer » Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:44 am

@ strinisaur - i wish you the best of luck for relationships, and take it easy in the myo making process. do not rush yourself too much!
@ kyar - dove is such a babe! actually, all of your new kals are amazing and beautiful, congrats on all of them.
@ leyendecker - good luck on finding a breeding partner!
@ ThatPinkThing - the smol tiger babe is just perfect, ah jealous! <3 congrats on her.
i. trading
so, i haven't posted in quite a while and im sorry,, i have been dead for quite a long time ;w;
i have decided to seek out trades for all my babes (some have grew but i haven't updated it yet so im very sorry ;A;
my children are here!
he/him, adult, into genshin impact.

i occasionally pop in time to time to see what's new.
i do not trade my pets.
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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.3

Postby hayzel » Thu Jan 25, 2018 7:33 am

    -------- ( replies ) --------
    pg. 862
    @cotton - oh that icon is adorable! i'm glad you could get some offers on it! i'ts very cute.
    @skygold - that kalon is gorgeous! i hope you find a fitting name. i love how the whiskers
    have been done on them. the halo and the shine are super nice as well, congrats on them!
    all of your new kalons are wonderful. athena is very pretty. good luck trading as well.
    @saturnus - good to see you again! i love all of your design, oh my gosh. the kalon is so
    nice to look at. the colour palette is very nice and i love the piercings on the horns. congrats!
    @bogator - ah i'm sorry you'r feeling a little down :( i hope you feel better soon. it's super ni
    ce of you to do free art though! i'm probably a bit late now, but good luck!
    @nyota - ohh i love the ears and the shades :0 congrats on them. good luck tradingas well!!
    @killua - wow the kits are so pretty. i love altair, the blacks and purples go so nicely together
    and i have a soft spot for lion tails. congrats on them both, they're wonderful kits!
    @kanadensis - congrats on all the hms dude. timo is very pleasing, blue and grey is a colour
    combo i'm pretty fond of. i love the shine and good luck breeding!

    pg. 863
    @benjeep - oof i hope you found someone to trade with. the edits that cica did look amazing
    and i adore the kits design. definitely a dream kit, congrats on him
    @koro-san - oh i love the colours of the kalon! i've always adored more natural coloured kalons.
    te little chick shine is adorable as well. good luck trading! i'm sure you'll get a lot of offers.
    @paris. - another very nice kalon! congrats and gl with your moodboard shop :0 i might order
    some time.
    @naomi - good luck with ooc/ic breedings! i'd offer but i'm not looking for one right now. the
    kalon tb show sounds interesting, i can't wait ot find out more.
    @kydashing - good luck finding an owner!
    @peachtea - damn i'm sorry the stream didn't work D: perhaps it will in the future.
    @highnoon - i hope you had a good stream!

    pg. 864
    @astral - gl getting growth approval! alyosha is very nice
    @thatpinkthing - congrats on your new kal! and that's a lot of replies pf. this is the first time i've done
    so many.
    @leyendecker - gl! i'm not looking to do a breeding right now, but i hope you find some offers :0
    @kyar - ohhh your designs are wonderful, good luck with becoming a nursery artist!

    sorry for not replying to everyone on a page;; i have an essay i need to start due tomorrow oOPS

    to anybody who pmed me about designing my common myo -- thank you for offering,
    but i'm going to try and trade it away to see if i get any offers! thank you though c:

    -----------( introductions )---------
    my kalon florence has finally got a growth! she was done by the amazing _silentsiren_ who did an
    absolutely amazing job on her <3
    looking for all types of relations for her, including possible romance? although i may be a bit pickier.
    florence - she/her - lesbian - modern
    florence is an aspiring broadway actress. since she was a kit, she has always dreamed of being
    on the stage. as a kit she was extremely snobby and acted too good for everybody, but as she
    got older and reached young adulthood, she realised that the way she was acting was quite ch
    ildish and pathetic. she had very few friends that actually enjoyed her presence. as a result,
    she moved away to a new city to start over again. she became more quiet and resverved and is
    anxious about what others think of her. she still dreams on being on broadway, but is more terri
    fied than ever.

    -------------( trades )---------------
    unfortunately i haven't connected to my kalon grace so well. i adore her design, however i'm
    reallly struggling to develop her a lot. she was from an ooc breeding, so she doesn't have any
    relations. she has a blank slate with 3/3 breeding slots! she is off oekaki though. i'm also off
    of cooldown and i don't fancy waiting months to trade.

    as well as grace, i have a common myo i'd like to put up for trade offers and i have enough to buy 2
    uncommon myos if anybody is interested! please just pm me <3
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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.3 [New Poll]

Postby elio. » Thu Jan 25, 2018 7:57 am

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ replies ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
- hayzel - what an adorable growth !! Good luck trading Grace !
- grell sutcliff - good luck getting offers !
- strinisaur - so nice of you to do free myos !! Good luck with relationships also !

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ growths ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
sooo I kinda promised I'd get my sister a growth for her kit, mura
and also my kit, rhett (bottom right). I have about 200 points in my
deviantart and 242c$ over here, sadly don't really have the pets to spare.
just pm me with examples n prices if you would like to work something out !!

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ trading ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
I have just lost connection with a lot of my kals so I've decided to try and
get them a new loving home! My uft kals.
I'm on cooldown until like March 17th since I've got some trades planned !!
I have a big soft spot for munchkins and natural/pastel designs

If I haven't answered your reply is just means I'm thinking about it <3
last time I'm probably gonna repost this mm

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ art shop ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
hey!! I and a couple of buddies decided to open up a joint art shop
come check us out over at the fruit stand.
we'd love some commissions!!
In desperate need of c$ before kal store closes
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kal fc

Postby womp womp » Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:27 am

Code: Select all
--- page 864 ---

@astral. -- aye good luck getting your growths
approved !! the two are gorgeous kals, i cant
wait to see them when theyre approved <3 i
especially like alyosha's design pfft ^^;

@ThatPinkThing -- i know !! competitions are
super hard to judge since theres so many good
ideas and the effort people put into comps is
amazing. but congrats on addi !! gosh, her
design was done super nicely ^^ and oof,
yall gotta vote for edgy mcgee than ks

@leyendecker -- aaay good luck finding
a third kal to include in the breeding ^^
both kals are already super beautiful,
and whenever the kits are made i bet
theyre gonna be stunners. i own a single
kal with an ear edit but im tentative on
her breeding slots pfft.

@Kyar -- oh darn, i love how thoughtful
your replies are !! im sure everyone you
replied to appreciates them ^^ but aye,
dont stress it with the judging !! i
scanned through a lot of people's forms
and man, thats gonna be a hard decision
when deciding the winner. theres so
many amazing forms, whoever wins
em will be a lucky ducky for sure :")
and dUDE ,, that nb entry is on point.
if those were official kits whoever owned
 them would be su per lucky oh man. and im
cryin', all of those kalons are downright
gorgeous. im gonna steal all of them ok ok

@strinisaur -- wheezes, oh no sai why. just
yell @ sai until it likes to file lmao. but ye,
its been an icy mayhem where i live, but
not much snow pff. but onto actual kalon
related replies ,, good luck finding relationships
for your kals !! i quickly took a peek at
them and lemme say that shae is such a
cutie give them to me thanks bye

@grell sutcliff ;, -- welcome back from the
dead and welcome 2 kalons :") but
good luck trading your kalons !! all of them
are precious oh my gosh <33

@hayzel -- oof good luck w/ your essay :")
but holy darn florence is a stunner !! i love
her colours and her hair ,, im j e a l o u s wow.
but good luck finding relationships with the
 darling ^^ also good luck trading grace <3
she has a simple yet sweet design :'0

@pineapples -- oh my g osh both mura and rhett are
gorgeous kits. but good luck finding growths for the
two babes ^^ good luck trading as well <3 i hope you
 find an offer you especially like !!
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@benjeep -- oOf meren looks amazing !! cica did
brilliant with his edits ^^ i cant wait to see the
art you do for the babe, hes a stunner 4 sure.

@Koro-san -- welcome to the kalon fanclub !!
but oh my dear goodness, gus is one of the
cutest kalons ive ever laid eyes on. im sure
youll get a good trade offer for him, he has
a super nice colour palette <33

@.paris. -- sticksandstones did a super duper
good job on making your myo !! i especially love
their hair not gonna lie pft. and darn, who doesnt
love edgy kals :"))) but good luck finding relationships
for your kals !! and oo i might take a peek at your
moodboard shop soon <3

@naomi ! -- good luck finding a breeding partner,
i always love seeing when someone finds a
breeding partner and then theres the most
gorgeous kits in the nursery pffft. and oh snap,
have fun with the 'tv show' !! its a super nice
idea and i bet youll have tons of fun w/ it ^^

@Kydashing -- aa ,, good luck finding a non-owner
for that babe !! non owner comps are always
super nice since someone will get their first
ever kalon, which is honestly such an
amazing feeling tbh <3

@peach tea! -- oof, rip the stream tbh. its too
bad that you didnt get the stream to work, but
if it did work i bet it wouldve been a super
nice stream !!

@high noon -- aa have fun in the stream if it
already hasnt ended tsk ^^ i hope you feel
better soon, drawing is a good way to get rid
of stress and the such <3

@Takk -- good luck w/ finding relationships !!
also can i say howl is such a pretty kal, his
design is super nice to look at and his colours
remind me of something antique, almost ??
but overall hes a stunning kal ^^

@ghod -- oh my god, i just looked at the game
and im dying. you just created a gold mine
right there. i hope it gets to stay since a lot
of the replies are sup er funny ngl <3

@Vagabond -- crying ill start you commission
sooner or later i promise :") but oh man,
congrats on the new kal !! he has such an
innocent expression what a good boi

    tfw you spend all ur time on replies and youre probably not gonna finish your post ,, but hey yall !! im slidin' into the kalon fanclub because i have a new kal i wanna introduce that i won two weeks ago and was too lazy to post about it within those two weeks oops haaa

    meet blaise !! im gonna be redoing her history since i was a bit dead inside when i was writing it for her form ,, but i love her fiery design oh man. shes an energetic kal whos too blunt. :") feel free to pm me if you wanna hc a friendly relationship with her, and possibly romance ?? she can also have enemies too :">

    i have to go in like ten minutes so the overall post is p short ,, but bye yall <3
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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.3

Postby ArizonaT3a » Thu Jan 25, 2018 12:09 pm

Heya guys, I hope everyone is doing okay! ^^ I should be pumping out three nbs tonight, and then I'll be free of them for a bit! Then hopefully the last two ru's as well!

Just wanted to stop by and announce a few things <3


I know I wasn't going to be doing growths anymore, but I'm making an exception and opening up 4 slots!
The 4 slots can also be for a transfer or myo instead if you'd prefer!

They're going to be for DA points
Base price starting from 200 and going up to around 650 depending on edits and complexity!!

Here are my examples:
(some of these are old, my apologies!)

1 - Chaosin - PAID
2 - OPEN
3 - OPEN
4 - OPEN



All Kalons up above are for trade, some are more tentative than others. I will trade multiple for a Kalon I like possibly!


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@ Diamond Sapphire - That's a lot of replies ; o ; <3 Congrats on your new Kalon though, they're adorable! The colors are so soft and simple too ~
@ pineapples - Good luck getting everything you need, done! Along with finding trades, I hope you get some amazing offers!
@ hayzel - Aww congrats on the growth, she is so pretty! And good luck with trades as well, I'm sorry to hear about your disconnection!
@ grell sutcliff ;, - Good luck trading your babes, I hope you get great offers and find a Kalon or two you like!!
@ strinisaur - Good luck finding relationships of any sorts, if you'd like, feel free to hmu! I have plenty of Kalons in need of friends or really anything! Especially a lot of fantasy medieval babes! I can't wait to see all the designs you make, I bet they'll be gorgeous <33
@ Kyar - Good luck judging your kit readopts! I bet they'll go to good homes, you're such a kind person for adopting so many beans out. ^^ Also THAT ENTRY IS BEAUTIFUL, I love the top left one, the design and edits are so smooth! I wish you all the luck! And congrats on all of your beans, Tourmaline is so beautiful and unique, and I'm so happy to see Alva's grandbabies!
@ leyendecker - Good luck finding offers!! I hope that you get some beautiful kalons for your babes to breed with ^^

Sorry for the lack of replies guys, next time I'll try to do more!
Last edited by ArizonaT3a on Thu Jan 25, 2018 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.3

Postby iuno. » Thu Jan 25, 2018 12:16 pm

    hello everybody :> i hope everyone is doing good! just got home from a non-anticipated doctor's appointment and everything went okay so woo. sorry for the short post though, i'm not feeling to well.

    i. trades
    per usual, i am looking at trade offers on my kals because i can't seem to connect fully or have lost some interest in them. here they are! anastasia, aries, arleen, and hypnos are strictly off-limits. some will be harder than others (avery and isaac) to get from me, but feel free to offer on anyone that i didn't list! cupid, troye, and uzi are the least tentative. i'm mostly interested in kalons, but will look at myos as well (besides common myo)! i like lots of different color palettes, but pinks and blues aren't my favorite. i may be able to trade now, but there's a chance i might have to wait until next month, so please be aware of that! just pm me and i'll try my best to get back to you asap!

    @Diamone Sapphire - congrats on blaise! her design is lovely.
    @pineapples - good luck finding growths and trade offers! i hope you find what you're looking for.
    @hayzel - florence is lovely!! what a pretty baby:0 & good luck trading grace.
    @Akemi-chan - oh man, i would commission you if i had the points, best of luck! & good luck trading as well!

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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.3

Postby MelMellyMel » Thu Jan 25, 2018 1:32 pm

Code: Select all
@iuno. - Oof, good luck with trading! You got some pretty Kals available, but I'm just too attached to my own to even attempt an offer.
@Akemi-chan - Wish I could afford a slot, but I sadly can't. </3
@Diamond Sapphire - Such a sweet girl! I'll think about pming to ask about a possible friendship between one of my Kals. :")
@pineapples - Good luck getting those growths! I'm currently in the same boat.
@hayzel -
@grell sutcliff;, - Good luck trading!
@strinisaur - I'll definitely think about pming you about relationships! My Kalons are in desperate need of those.
@Kyar - All your new Kalons, ahhh! <3 So jealous. :"P
@leyendecker - I don't have any Kalons worthy enough to offer, but I wish you luck in finding a third Kalon for your breeding!
@ThatPinkThing - Ahh, Addi so precious! I'll also definitely vote.

First off, I'm sorry for my absence in the fanclub lately (though I doubt anyone noticed, or cared). However, I was finally able to catch a nursery slot with Sixbane for a breeding between my Remus and Cyber;'s Alroy. We rolled two kits, and I'm super excited to see how they turn out! In the year+ I've been a part of the Kalon community, this is only my second ever breeding. :")

My girl Vinny is 9 months overdue! I'm getting a bit desperate in regards to getting her growth done, but that doesn't change the fact that I don't have much to offer in payment. The best I could do is paying in art, or possibly coding? (I'm pretty new to coding, but I could try my best). Please pm me with some examples of past growths if you're at all interested in helping me out! <3
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panromantic if you were wondering. Well, that's all I can think
to say for now, hope you're having a great day/night!
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