▷ Create A Myth → of Griffins // v.1

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: ▷ Create A Myth → of Griffins // v.1

Postby cloudy days » Wed Jan 24, 2018 8:09 pm

➳ Myth of Forgotten Shadows ➳
Number of Griffins: 2
Next Ancestors Visit: 4 Days

"Red!" Talon hissed. Two crimson eyes turned towards her, alight with magic. "Yes?" he asked innocently, and stopped plucking feathers of a rotting bird hidden under the ivy of the mountain wall. "Get Whirlwind now." she cawed. " 'Kay." he mumbled. "The moon will rise soon, and it is time to gather." she continued, half to herself but also addressing him. "A voodoo ritual?" he teased. "If you say that again I will feed you to the crows." she snapped, her eyes glittering with menace. " 'Kay!"
"The light of the moon..." Whirlwind muttered, his blue eyes round. "The perfect time to be-" he stopped as Talon flew out of the clouds and landed neatly on a rock just above where they sat. "Whirlwind and Red, would you please rise. Under the light of the moon," she waited. When they came she spoke again. "I announce you to be mentor and trainee under the darkness of our ancestors, and you shall rise to become stronger together." the mentor touched beaks with his trainee shyly. As he drew his head away his eyes met Talon's. His eyes shone brighter.

After Red had been sent to his nest to rest Whirlwind approached Talon cautiously."what are you here for?" her tone was gentler then it had been since he had first seen her. "I wanted to see you." he commented nervously. She tilted her head to one side, her sharp green eyes narrowed but glinting playfully. "I... I was wondering, w-would you hunt with me?" he asked. "S-sure!" she burst out, before her eyes grew embarrassed.

Talon and Whirlwind patrol]
[Talon and Whirlwind hunt]
[Whirlwind and Red hunt together to get experience (hunting training)]

          Talon the Shadow Master
          41 Moons | Female |

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Surgeon Apprentice:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          War Admiral:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Hunting Admiral:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Whirlwind the Quick Clawed
          39 Moons | Male |
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Red | 6 Moons | Male |
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Young Talons:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Scarred Ones:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Myths:
    Myth Name | Username
    Myth Name | Username

    Enemy Myths
    Myth Name | Username
    Myth Name | Username

    North | Myth Name | Username
    East | Myth Name | Username
    South | Myth Name | Username
    West | Myth Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Rats | x1 | 1 servings
    Bats | x0 | 2 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings
    Deer | x1 | 3 servings
    Hawk | x1 | 3 servings

    Whirlwind | Red | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Griffins:
    Name | Cause of Death
    Name | Cause of Death

    Family / Relationships:
    Name and Name | Cubs
    Name and Name | Cubs
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cloudy days
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▷ the knights of ren, 3

Postby goneeeeee :) » Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:35 am

xborders n ‘ open e ‘ open
xis ‘ open w ‘ open

xallies open
xenemies open

xprey stock
xideer ‘ 1 ‘ 3 servings
ximountain goat ‘ x1 ’ 2 servings
xielk ‘ 0 ‘ 2 servings
ximink ‘ 0 ‘ 2 servings
xihawk ‘ 1 ‘ 2 servings
xieagle ‘ 0 ‘ 2 servings

xmedicine stock
xiherb ‘ 0 ‘ usage

master of the knights of ren
ren ‘ 33m ‘ ♂
lives: ★★★★★★★★

admiral of the knights of ren
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

physician recruit
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

battle technician
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

niklaus ‘ 32m ‘ ♂
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

rey ‘ 32m ‘ ♀ due 2m
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

number of griffins three [ males 2 females 1 ]

post;; will write up later !!

▷ border patrol — niklaus
▷ hunting party + border patrol — ren + rey

family & mates
name and name ‘ kits
name and name ‘ kits
name and name ‘ kits
name and name ‘ kits
name and name ‘ kits
name and name ‘ kits

mentor ‘ app. ‘ number of sessions ‘ moves
mentor ‘ app. ‘ number of sessions ‘ moves
mentor ‘ app. ‘ number of sessions ‘ moves
mentor ‘ app. ‘ number of sessions ‘ moves

deceased griffins
name ‘ cause of death
name ‘ cause of death
name ‘ cause of death
name ‘ cause of death
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goneeeeee :)
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▷ myth of dappled leaves, second moon

Postby skywalker, » Sat Jan 27, 2018 12:04 pm


number of griffins ; 1
females | 1 | males | 0 |

Softly Falling Snow | female | twenty-one moons

    second in command
name | gender | age

All-Seeing Scar | male | twenty-one moons

    shaman apprentice
name | gender | age

name | gender | age
name | gender | age
name | gender | age
name | gender | age

name | gender | age
name | gender | age
name | gender | age
name | gender | age

name | gender | age
name | gender | age
name | gender | age

name | gender | age
name | gender | age
name | gender | age

    retired griffins
name | age | gender

second moon, first chapter

Snow had just visited The Sleeping Tree and requested a new Myth Member. She had been a bit nervous; what if they didn't grant her a member? Nonsense! They just made her leader, and promised her help! She was just anxious is all. That's when she saw a bright light, and heard Pepper's bubbly voice in her ears "Here he is! He's quiet the pawful, but he's really helpful, promise!" She chirped, and that's when the light dimmed, and a large grey male with bandages wrapped around his leg appeared. He blinked slowly at her, and that's when she noticed a huge scar running right through his right eye, making it a milky white in colour. His other eye was green. She blinked quickly, before he grunted "Greetings, Gently Falling Snow. I'm All-Seeing Scar. Please just called me Scar however" he said. His voice was gruff, and he spoke slowly. She nodded softly at him "W-Welcome to the Myth of Dappled Leaves, Scar" She whispered, and he dipped his head to her.

It was an awkward walk back, neither of them talking. When they arrived outside the lichen covered entrance, Snow smiled awkwardly "Uhh... Here we are!" She said, and Scar nodded "I know. I did live here at some point" he said, and he pushed through the lichen, leaving Snow slack-jawed and extremely confused. He lived here before?! Does that mean.. He was dead until just a few minutes ago?! She felt her head nearly explode in that moment, but shook it off and quickly followed him inside the Yawning Cave. When she had arrived, she saw Scar's tail disappearing into the Shaman's den, and quickly followed him inside, squeezing her body inside. When she made it into the main den, she widened her eyes and looked towards Scar who was already arranging some herbs onto the shelves "So you're the healer then? Cool!" She said, and Scar looked towards her and deadpanned "Cool? Is that something leaders say?" He asked, and Snow instantly blushed "S-Sorry! I mean... Wonderful, we need a healer to make sure we are all healthy!" She said, puffing out her chest. Scar just chuckled at her childish behaviour, and looked towards the ceiling, the crystals above twinkling slightly "Ahh, Pepper, what have you started?"

Snow had decided to get out of The Yawning Cave and explore the clans boarders a bit. She hummed softly as she stretched her wings and flapped them, disturbing the plants and life around her as she walked. Her steps were light as a feather, and she wasn't really paying attention to anything around her. That's when she heard something. She perked her ears and sniffed the air. It smelt.. Unfamiliar. She narrowed her eyes slightly, and raised her wings in defence just in case. She crept further into the territory, on the look out for the thing that made the noise, following it's scent...

( Snow tracks the scent wearily )
( Snow goes hunting )
( Scar goes herb hunting )


herb storage
Cobwebs | x0 | Stops bleeding wounds
Juniper Berries | x0 | Helps to calm nerves, belly aches and gives strength
Burdock Root | x0 | Treats infected Rat Bites
Horsetail | x0 | Treats infections and stops bleeding.
Catmint | x0 | Cures Green-Cough

prey storage
deer | x1 | 3 servings
hawks | x0 | 3 servings
big fish | x0 | 3 servings
rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
small fish | x0 | 2 servings
mice | x1 | 1 serving

deceased griffins
no currently !

none currently !

Star Walkers
Sneezing Pepper, or just Pepper - little energetic female
Burly Lion, or just Lion - big bulky male
Little Stormcloud, or just Storm - smaller male
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[myth of hidden feathers] [two]

Postby ~ moth ~ » Sat Jan 27, 2018 2:09 pm

мyтн oғ нιdden ғeaтнerѕ
nυмвer oғ grιғғιnѕ :: two [males || one] [females || one]
neхт ѕтarlιgнт vιѕιѕт :: one // twenty eight // eighteen
ѕervιng :: two



after a day of hunting smoke was pleased with herself. she had managed to catch a mountain goat, something that was new hunting for her, and a mouse which was easy enough to catch. she had deposited her prey back the cave. once more she dove down into the valley below. she wanted to explore her new home. she needed to get familiar with the terrain if she wished to know where the best hunting spots were, what places were dangerous, and where she might find some more griffins. sadly, though, while patrolling her territory she found nothing of interest. this bummed smoke out a little. but as she flew through the air smoke noticed that down below the shadows began to get longer, eating away at everything as the sky darkened. the full moon rose bright and clear. this was her cue to go to the starlight cave and meet with the ancestors. turning back smoke flew toward the mountain, her wings rapidly beating along with her heart.


upon finding the entrance to the underground cave, smoke froze. did she really want to go through with this? become a leader of something that she had never heard of until the other day. would she be good at it? her worries started to overflow, but she pushed her anxiety aside. she had to do this. if she didn't then something special would be lost forever. stepping into the tunnel entrance, smoke started to smoke her descent into the darkness. after what seemed like all night smoke emerged from the tunnel into a large cavern. stalagmites hung from the caverns ceiling, dripping water down into pools. in the center of the cavern stood a large, white, glowing crystal like mineral. smoke slowly walked toward the crystal. she had never seen anything like it before, but something inside told her that she needed to touch her forehead to it, so that's what she did. almost immediately did she fall into a sleep.

at first everything seemed pretty normal. she stood in the new/old camp of hidden feathers. wind blew into the cave, feathers whisking into the cave. the feathers flew around, forming the shape of a griffin. smoke sat and bowed her head as he stepped forward toward her. she recognized this griffin. it was the one who had guided her to the lost cave of hidden feathers. smoke, rise. he ordered, smoke complying. she stood, staring up at the larger griffin. he stood proud and elegant. i have brought you here to bring back the ways of the myth of hidden feathers. it has been long lost, our traditions fading, thus making us fade. he began, his voice spreading over the cave. but there was one last hope for our myth, a descendant of our blood. i, eagle, sit before the griffins of hidden feathers. on this night i bring forth the rightful. the one who will revive our lost ways and breathe life back into our myth. smoke, i announce that you are the new rightful. the old rightful stepped forward, pressing his forehead against smokes forehead.

stepping back, eagle seemed to smile to himself, possibly pleased with his choice of rightful. thank you, eagle, i am truly honored. smoke said, trying to keep her voice under control. this was all too much for her. eagle nodded, his form starting to shimmer. daylight is coming so we must leave. but you will find a gift waiting for you, young rightful. with those last words a wind blew through the cave. the griffin before her turned back into a pile of feathers, the wind picking them up and bringing them out of the cave.

opening her eyes, smoke exhaled. the cavern was dark, the echo of water droplets reverberating off of the cavern walls. stretching out her legs as she stood up, smoke shook sleep from her body. she was trying to process what she saw in her dream. she wondered what eagle had meant about a gift. looking around the cavern she saw nothing had changed. had he been joking with her? smoke made her way from the cavern to the tunnel leading back outside. once outside she stared up and the sky. it was shades of pink, orange, and blue. clouds lazily drifted around. stretching out her wings smoke fluttered them for moment to remove stiffness from them. she then took off to the skies, heading back to the cave.

when smoke entered the cave, she quickly noticed something was off. lying on the ground was a single green feather. what was it doing there? who did it belong to? was that who still in the cave? questions arose in smokes mind. walking past the feather smoke followed a noise which was coming from one of the side caves on the far wall. someone was definitely in the cave. very quietly smoke peeked her head into the smaller cave. it was hard to see in the dark cave, but smoke could make out the shape of another griffin. stepping back, smoke stood up tall. whoever you are, exit the cave and show yourself. smoke ordered. she hadn't actually expected for the other to obey her, but out of the side cave came a green feathered griffin. what are you doing in my cave? smoke questioned, warily eyeing the newcomer. i was sent here by a griffin named eagle. he came to me in my dreams, telling me to seek out the myth of hidden feathers and its rightful smoke. he casually said, his ears perking up. i'm guessing you're smoke? i'm lichen, your new healer.


[hunting patrol :: smoke]
[boarder patrol :: smoke]
[herb hunting :: lichen]


smoke || thirty - one || female ||
lives :: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

rιgнтғυl υpcoмιng
name || twenty - eight || male || [url=url][/url]

lichen || age || gender ||

нealer υpcoмιng
name || age || gender || [url=url][/url]

name || age || gender || [url=url][/url]

name || age || gender || [url=url][/url]

name || age || gender || [url=url][/url]

name || age || gender || [url=url][/url]

name || age || gender || [url=url][/url]
      ally мyтнѕ
      myth name || username

      eneмy мyтнѕ
      myth name || username

      north || myth name || username
      north east || myth name || username
      east || myth name || username
      south east || myth name || username
      south || myth name || username
      south west || myth name || username
      west || myth name || username
      north west || myth name || username


      мedιcιne ѕтore
      borage leaves || increases milk in mothers + brings down fevers || zero
      burdock root || cures infection || one
      catmint || cures greencough || zero
      chervil || helps infection + roots cure bellyache || zero
      cobweb || stops bleeding || one
      coltsfoot || helps shortness of breath || zero
      comfry || soothes wounds + helps mend broken bones || zero
      deathberries || kills || zero
      dock || soothes scratches || zero
      dried oak leaf || stops infection || zero
      feverfew || cools body temperature || zero
      golden rod || helps heals wounds || zero
      honey || soothes throats of smoke inhalation || zero
      horsetail || helps infected wounds || one
      juniper berries || soothes bellyache + breathing trouble || zero
      lavender || cures fevers || zero
      marigold || stops infection || zero
      mouse bile || removes ticks || zero
      poppy seeds || soothes pain + shock and distress || one
      stinging nettle || dispels poison + brings down swelling || zero
      tansy || cures cough || zero
      thyme || calms anxiety || zero
      watermint || helps bellyache || zero
      wild garlic || prevents infection || one
      yarrow || expels poison from wounds + ingested causes vomiting || zero

      ғreѕн ĸιll
      mice || one || two servings
      fish || zero || two servings
      haer || zero || two servings
      hawk || zero || two servings
      snake || zero || two servings
      mountain goat || one || three servings


      follower || upcoming
      move || move || move || move

      ғallen ғeaтнerѕ
      name || cause of death

      тwo вιrdѕ oғ a ғeaтнer
      unknown + unknown || smoke
      unknown + unknown || lichen
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~ moth ~
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▷ Create A Myth → of Griffins

Postby imperials » Sat Jan 27, 2018 3:34 pm


    Newleaf ▷ It is now full fledged new-leaf! the fully melted water from snow in the last leaf-bare have caused waters to run high and it is highly advised for apprentices, kits, queens, and elders to not go near them. there is a lot of prey running around and also a lot of randomly roaming rouges, loners, and kittypets who could pose threats to your myth.

    every 5 replies i do, the seasons will change ! [ 3 / 5 ]

    i will be responding to every post every 1-3 days depending on how busy i am, you will often find when ill post replies below! if there is no 'time' limit as to when ill be posting, expect ill generally post whenever i feel the need to <:!

    next replies ▷ [ when 2 or more posts are posted again ]

    ** you do not have to take "servings" into account until your 3rd post so you may stock up on prey before hand!


    [ myth of forgotten shadows ] [ knights of ren ] [ myth of hidden feathers ] [ myth of dappled leaves ]


~Glaceon~ wrote:
➳ Myth of Forgotten Shadows ➳
Talon and Whirlwind patrol]
[Talon and Whirlwind hunt]
[Whirlwind and Red hunt together to get experience (hunting training)]

[ talon and whirlwind's patrol goes normal ]
[ while hunting, talon and whirlwind acquired x2 deer, x1 rat, and x1 bat ]
[ Red learned the hunting skill - 1 ]

starkiller. wrote:
▷ border patrol — niklaus
▷ hunting party + border patrol — ren + rey

[ rey is due in 1 moon ]
[ while on border patrol, niklaus found a potential physician ]
[ while hunting, ren and rey acquired x2 hawk, x1 eagle, and x1 mink ]
[ ren and rey patrolled the border ]

skywalker, wrote:

( Snow tracks the scent wearily )
( Snow goes hunting )
( Scar goes herb hunting )

[ snow tracked the scent to a hole in the ground. inside she found a cowering potential apprentice. due to them being a past abandoned [ kitty-pet ], they had their wings clipped at a young age. this trait can be hereditary now when they breed. ]
[ while hunting, snow acquired x1 big fish and x1 deer ]
[ while herb hunting, scar acquired x1 horsetail and x1 cobwebs ]

surrounded by idiots wrote:
мyтн oғ нιdden ғeaтнerѕ

[hunting patrol :: smoke]
[boarder patrol :: smoke]
[herb hunting :: lichen]

[ while hunting, smoke acquired x2 hawk ]
[ while on boarder patrol, smoke found a potential follower ]
[ while herb hunting, lichen acquired x2 tansy and x1 dock ]
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Re: ▷ Create A Myth → of Griffins // v.1

Postby cloudy days » Sun Jan 28, 2018 8:30 pm

➳ Myth of Forgotten Shadows ➳
Number of Griffins: 2
Next Ancestors Visit: Now

Red brought out his talons, hissing and snarling. His crimson wings flapped viciously. "Be gone, you ugly rat!" he snapped, before pausing. "But actually rats are tasty." he muttered, the fiery spark gone from his eyes. Whirlwind shook his head. "This is battle training. You don't hunt, you fight and defend." he muttered disapprovingly. "Oh. Well can we hunt later?" Red asked eagerly. "I shall ask Talon if you can tag along. Now focus on your training, if I'm am enemy, what do you do?' Whirlwind demanded, lifting up his head with his beak open to snap at him. "Attack! For a bigger enemy you outspeed them, and for a smaller enemy you-" before he could speak Whirlwind was already ahead of him, viciously lunging over him. Red sped underneath his legs and darted to the side, nearly toppling the older griffin over. "Good!" Whirlwind nodded approvingly.

Talon and Whirlwind patrol]
[Talon, Whirlwind and Red hunt]
[Talon asks for an Accomplice]
[Whirlwind and Red train: Battle]
[The myth consumes 2 servings]

          Talon the Shadow Master
          42 Moons | Female |

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Surgeon Apprentice:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          War Admiral:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Hunting Admiral:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Whirlwind the Quick Clawed
          40 Moons | Male |
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Red | 7 Moons | Male |
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Young Talons:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Scarred Ones:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Myths:
    Myth Name | Username
    Myth Name | Username

    Enemy Myths
    Myth Name | Username
    Myth Name | Username

    North | Myth Name | Username
    East | Myth Name | Username
    South | Myth Name | Username
    West | Myth Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Rats | x2 | 1 servings
    Bats | x1 | 2 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings
    Deer | x3 | 3 servings
    Hawk | x1 | 3 servings

    Whirlwind | Red | 1 training sessions | Hunting
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Griffins:
    Name | Cause of Death
    Name | Cause of Death

    Family / Relationships:
    Name and Name | Cubs
    Name and Name | Cubs
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cloudy days
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▷ the knights of ren, four

Postby goneeeeee :) » Sun Feb 11, 2018 2:17 pm

xborders n ‘ open e ‘ open
xis ‘ open w ‘ open

xallies open
xenemies open

xprey stock
xideer ‘ 1 ‘ 3 servings
ximountain goat ‘ x1 ’ 2 servings
xielk ‘ 0 ‘ 2 servings
ximink ‘ 1 ‘ 2 servings
xihawk ‘ 3 ‘ 6 servings
xieagle ‘ 1 ‘ 2 servings

xmedicine stock
xiherb ‘ 0 ‘ usage

master of the knights of ren
ren ‘ 33m ‘ ♂
lives: ★★★★★★★★

admiral of the knights of ren
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

okami ‘ 30m ‘ ♀

physician recruit
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

battle technician
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

niklaus ‘ 32m ‘ ♂
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

rey ‘ 32m ‘ ♀ due 1m
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

’ name ‘ age ‘ gender
’ name ‘ age ‘ gender

number of griffins four [ males 2 females 2 ]

post;; will write up later, going on vacation

▷ new griffins — okami, physician
▷ border patrol — niklaus
▷ hunting party + border patrol — ren + rey
▷ herb gathering — okami

family & mates
name and name ‘ kits
name and name ‘ kits
name and name ‘ kits
name and name ‘ kits
name and name ‘ kits
name and name ‘ kits

mentor ‘ app. ‘ number of sessions ‘ moves
mentor ‘ app. ‘ number of sessions ‘ moves
mentor ‘ app. ‘ number of sessions ‘ moves
mentor ‘ app. ‘ number of sessions ‘ moves

deceased griffins
name ‘ cause of death
name ‘ cause of death
name ‘ cause of death
name ‘ cause of death

Last bumped by goneeeeee :) on Sun Feb 11, 2018 2:17 pm.
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goneeeeee :)
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