☽the last clan☾

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☽the last clan☾

Postby xayah » Thu Dec 28, 2017 10:16 am

▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁(The Four Great Clans Have Fallen)▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁

xxxFire has destroyed ThunderClan's forest and their camp is no more. The trees and earth are scorched and ash lays thick where lush grass once grew. Disease tore through ShadowClan leaving death in its wake. The invisible killer struck the clan at its core, rendering the medicine cats herbs useless and claiming as many as possible. Water spilled over the rivers banks, invading and flooding into RiverClan's camp. Those not fast enough to escape were swept away and drowned. Twolegs began construction in WindClan territory, bringing monsters far more terrifying than the ones that cross the thunderpath. Prey fled as soon as the beasts arrived and patrols that wondered too close lost warriors at the hands of the twolegs.
xxxThrough all of the madness only a few from each clan survived. Now they are left with no home and little hope. StarClan has sent no signs of their own to acknowledge or guide them, instead watching silently above. There is no telling what lies ahead or what dangers lurk unseen. New adventures await and new foes emerge. Where the remaining cats go from here and whether they can overcome this tragedy and band together is up to them. Will the few that are left be able to survive a journey to a new home? Or is all hope for the last clan gone...

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☽the last clan☾ rules

Postby xayah » Thu Dec 28, 2017 10:43 am


one. the leader, deputy, and med. cat will be chosen from the warriors and med. cats once we have started.
xxxxx-essentially, no leaders survived the destruction, any deputies that are left revert back to normal warrior
xxxxx status, and two medicine cats (+1 apprentice) will have successfully made it out alive.
two. be respectful in and out of character. no godmodding of any sort.
three. please be literate. i would like a minimum of two paragraphs (5 sentences). more is welcome!
four. be realistic.
five. you may have up to 3 cats.
six. drama! romance, rivalries, death, and betrayal- drama is encouraged but always consult me and anyone
involved before going ahead.

seven. keep forms and discussion in the designated thread.
eight. if you are inactive for a week without warning i will remove/kill your cats.
nine. reservations will last 48 hours.
ten. genders as well as what clan your cat(s) came from do not have to be even. but lets not have 9/10 males
from thunderclan

eleven. disable your signature when posting please!
twelve. have fun!
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☽the last clan☾ members

Postby xayah » Thu Dec 28, 2017 11:51 am

            Snowheart [♀/26/tc] Amplify

            Darkwhisker [♂/31/wc] razzberry

            med. cats & apprentice
            Hazeltail [♀/39/tc] Patrochilles.
            Petalstep [♀/32/wc] broken*
            Sorrelpaw [♀/10/sc] lumos.

            Goldenstorm [♀/24/tc] PrincessKitten
            Spottedcloud [♀/32/rc] Terrä
            Nightwind [♂/50/sc] broken*
            Robinflight [♀/42/rc] Destinystwilight
            Leopardspeck [♀/23/sc] imp.
            Copperstorm [♀/32/sc] razzberry
            Nightlight [♂/36/rc] The_Herbal_Lupin
            Ravenheart [♀/27/tc] ~Atlas~
            Cloverstorm [♀/20/wc] aseling
            Cherrystorm [♀/32/tc] Emberwhisker
            Darkflame [♂/34/rc] Emberwhisker
                        Nightpaw [♂/9/sc] Patrochilles.
                        Stormpaw [♂/12/tc] PrincessKitten
                        Lightningpaw [♀/8/rc] broken*
                        Leafpaw [♀/9/sc] imp.
                        Lichenpaw [♂/9/sc] imp.
                        Howlingpaw [♂/-/sc] ~Atlas~
                        Mosspaw [♀/10/wc] Emberwhisker

                        Roseclaw [♀/29/tc] PrincessKitten
                        Doveflight [♀/39/wc] slii

                        Goliath [♂/34] Jaculus
                        Sage [♂/30] Keriae
                        Chase [♀/10/ex sc] danny boi .

                        **crossed out cats are inactive
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☽the last clan☾ relations

Postby xayah » Thu Dec 28, 2017 2:57 pm

mentors & apprenticesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
___ mentors ___
___ mentors ___
___ mentors ___
___ mentors ___
___ mentors ___
___ mentors ___
romance & rivalriesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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☽the last clan☾ extra

Postby xayah » Thu Dec 28, 2017 3:34 pm


the surviving cats have made their way to Fourtrees but aren't sure what to do next.
    thunderclan - Oakstar(deceased), Snowheart(deputy), Eaglefur(med/deceased) & Hazeltail(med.)
    riverclan - Reedstar(deceased), Robinflight(deputy), Willowpelt(med/deceased)
    windclan - Troutstar(deceased), Darkwhisker(deputy), Petalstep(med.)
    shadowclan - Smallstar(deceased), Nightwind(deputy), Hollowgaze(med/deceased) & Sorrelpaw(med.)
it is currently the end of greenleaf. leaf-fall is approaching.

there are no known prophecies or omens. StarClan is silent.
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☽the last clan☾

Postby xayah » Thu Dec 28, 2017 3:41 pm


this rp is closed!
there are currently no spots remaining
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☽the last clan☾ [1]

Postby xayah » Tue Jan 16, 2018 9:05 am

      HAZELTAIL of ThunderClan
        tags; open // mentions; none // @; Fourtrees // feeling; scared, uneasy, lost
      Hazeltail's eyes scanned the empty clearing from where she perched atop the ridge leading into Fourtrees. Her claws worked nervously at the grass beneath her paws and her tail lashed behind her. She glanced over her shoulder, the forest she grew up in was nothing but a blur of scorched earth and dwindling plumes of smoke. A wave of emotion washed over her at the sight, the cold talons of fear gripping and squeezing at her heart. Despite the fire that destroyed the forest she couldn't help but feel as if she was drowning. Floods of memories surrounded her. From the first time she followed her mentor Eaglefur out of the gorse tunnel on an herb collecting mission to the day she returned from her journey to Highstones a full medicine cat. It was almost too much to look at. For a heartbeat she really did forget to breathe and found herself suddenly coughing and gasping for air. It took her a moment to regain her senses and calm down. With one last longing look at the home she'd known all her life Hazeltail dashed forward and down the ridge.

      Black stained paws carried Hazeltail aimlessly through the undergrowth. Her whole body felt numb yet simultaneously awake. A dull ringing in her ears clouded her head as she trudged forward. But that ringing in her ears soon morphed into the yowling of her clanmates. Their horrified screeches as the fire consumed their camp and chased them out of their dens. The memory sent an icy chill through her whole body. By the time Eaglefur had shaken her awake the air was already thick with smoke. She caught a glimpse of several cats tails as they escaped and she turned to collect what herbs she could but a loud hiss caught her attention. Behind her one of the warriors was rushing the elders from their den. The fire was already breaching the camp walls and there was almost too much smoke to see a mouse-length in front of her. Hazeltail charged blindly forward, her paws working faster than her brain. As she raced through the trees, narrowly avoiding becoming tangled in roots, the shouts and yelps of terror gradually faded behind her. She saw a few pelts streak past her but wasn't able to call out to them, too afraid of breathing in the toxic air. Now, as she came upon the four looming oaks, Hazeltail could hear nothing but the rustling of leaves.

      Fortunately the fire had not reached the hollow of Fourtrees. Hazeltail picked her way delicately through the brush until she came to stand below the Great Rock. She couldn't help but shiver while recalling the countless gatherings she'd attended at this very spot. Her eyes swept over the empty area and her jaws parted to take in the lingering scents of many cats. She felt a quick stab in her heart at the thought. Some of these scents were familiar, the scents of her clanmates mingled with those of the other three clans. Stale but nonetheless familiar. And just as suddenly as she had woken to the fire she could feel the guilt weighing her down. It was her job as medicine cat to see to the injuries of her clanmates and do all she could to ensure their health. As far back as she could remember Hazeltail cared deeply for each and every cat of ThunderClan and wanted nothing more than to be able to heal and help them. Now she only felt ashamed in herself for abandoning them in their time of need. She fell into a crouch, pressing her belly close to the cool earth, and closed her eyes. Surely she wasn't the only cat to survive? Please spare them, Starclan. she prayed before willing the heinous thoughts away.

      NIGHTPAW of ShadowClan
        tags; open // mentions; none // @; the Thunderpath // feeling; exhausted, afraid
      "Go find help. Get out of here, now!" The words echoed in Nightpaw's head. They were the last words his brother Rowanpaw had said to him as he took his final breaths, the sickness claiming his life like it had so many others. Utter chaos had erupted in the camp only hours prior when the first warrior was found dead in his nest. It was a silent killer no cat had seen coming, not even the medicine cat. Despite his best efforts he was unable to heal the ailing cats and soon succumbed to the same fate. Those that were well enough fled the camp in a panic. Nightpaw had watched with wide, grief-filled eyes, unsure of what to do or where to go. His dark eyes scanned the clearing only to be met with total devastation. Everywhere he looked there were bodies, limp and lifeless, scattered throughout. The caw of a bird overhead shook him from his trance and reminded him of Rowanpaw's final words. He had to go.

      Nightpaw wasn't sure exactly where to go, though. A part of him considered staying in the camp to bury the deceased and pay his respects. After all, who knew whether they all weren't already infected with whatever it was? Who was to say whether he would even make it halfway to the border before he too was overcome with sickness? Stop it, you mouse-brain, don't think like that. He mentally scolded himself. There was no time for being pessimistic. If the disease didn't kill him his attitude surely would. The least he could do was hold on to that little sliver of hope deep down. His brother had told him to get help and that's exactly what he planned to do. But where? Nightpaw paused to scent the air, taking in the familiar scents of prey but also the sour smell of sickness that lingered all around him. He felt as if the air itself was the culprit and soon he'd be making his way into the stars as his clanmates did. But the more he considered his fate the less he wanted to move.

      Exhaustion seeped into his bones. Nightpaw's whole body felt as if it were soaked, weighing him down till he couldn't even lift a paw. He wanted nothing more than to lay down right where he stood and close his eyes. Let sleep overcome him and hope and pray this was only a horrible dream. That he'd wake up, one of his friends prodding him in the side and his mentor calling him for the dawn patrol. And most importantly, his clanmates would still be alive. But that wasn't an option, was it? He may very well be the only cat from ShadowClan left and if that was the case he would do his best to at least warn the other clans. With his heart decided, Nightpaw shook the exhaustion from his pelt as if it were fleas and took off towards the ThunderClan border. He was just approaching the Thunderpath when his paws came to a sudden stop, the unmistakable acrid smell overpowering his senses, and wide eyes staring at the territory that lay just on the other side. He had never crossed the path by himself and yet that wasn't what had stopped him. His hope and determination to reach the other clans quickly dissolved and was replaced by fear as he looked on towards the destruction that was ThunderClan's forest.
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i. ☽ sorrelpaw && falcontail ☾

Postby sinopa » Wed Jan 17, 2018 3:29 pm

          x x x››› ›››. s o r r e l p a w

            The petite calico stared in horror at the sight before her, her dear mentor laying lifeless on the ground. His once healthy build was sunken in and reeked of sickness and death. His blind gaze, which gave him his name - Hollowgaze, staring lifelessly into the distance. She had been on her way to help another clanmate when she pretty much stumbled over his body. A wail escaped her chest as she stared at his once fluffy brown pelt as if waiting for his sides to rise and fall. When it never happened, Sorrelpaw, pressed her forehead against his head. "I'm so sorry," She whispered, slowly she turned away from her mentor and looked around the camp. It was an unfamiliar place now; bodies lined the clearing and nests. Several of her clanmates had already fled - making her wonder how far they've made it.

            Starclan had not offered any sign and has been silent the whole time - Sorrelpaw could only assume they are just as lost. The disease hit with barely a warning, they thought the first warrior just had a stomachache only for everything to become chaotic when someone found him dead in his nest. It continued for hours like that, Hollowgaze and Sorrelpaw had tried their hardest to see what herb could help but nothing they had did the trick. She felt like a failure.

            Shaking her head of the thoughts that were plaguing her, 'I've got to leave, there's nothing left here for Shadowclan anymore.' She quickly rushed towards the medicine cat den and began to grab a few essential herbs just in case. Carrying her leaf full of herbs, Sorrelpaw ran back into the camp center and looked around once more before running out of the entrance and into the pine forest that was more familiar now then the place she was leaving.

            The small she-cat rushed through the territory not stopping to look around as she ran, she didn't know where she was going just letting her paws carry her. She hoped that maybe one of the clans would be willing to offer help or perhaps she'd find some of her clanmates out here.

            Seeing the thunderpath ahead, the young she-cat picked up her pace, but once she came to the usually horrible smelling path, it was overpowered by the smell and smoke rushing from the fire that had eaten Thunderclan's territory. Her golden eyes were wide as she stared at the sight before her, the forest that the Thunderclan cats had called home was destroyed, a scorched wasteland.

            'Starclan, why is this happening?' She thought, looking to the sky. 'Please give us a sign.'

            Sorrelpaw turned, which caused her to spot a familiar form farther down the thunderpath also staring at the forest. She quickly ran towards the young ebony tom, "Nightpaw?" She meowed around the leaf in her teeth, her tone soft. "We should get out of here. Is there anyone else with you?" Sorrelpaw looked around but spotted no one else currently nearby.

            rank. former medicine cat apprentice of shadowclan x tagged. nightpaw x loc. thunderpath x crush. ... x w.c. 509

          x x x››› ›››. f a l c o n t a i l

            The water's current was dangerously strong as it rushed into the gorge. The rivers on Riverclan's territory had begun to flood only a few hours before and had destroyed their camp within minutes - sweeping cats out of their nests and taking them with no chance of escaping if they weren't quick enough.

            Beside the falls is where Falcontail sat, his pelt soaked and breathing rapidly from having just escaped the clutches of the water before plummeting down the falls himself. He let out a few coughs, a little bit of water dripping down his chin. He heaved a few more breathes before trying to get to his paws, but when he stood his legs shook from the exertion, and he had to plop back down on due to feeling like he couldn't hold himself.

            Falcontail was just about to go out hunting when the water began flooding into camp, a wave of water had swept him off his feet and started taking him towards the gorge. He was thankful that he was a powerful swimmer and was able to keep his head above the currents for the most of it before getting a grip on the land and being able to pull himself up out of the rapids. He still didn't understand the suddenness of the flooding though and prayed to Starclan that his clanmates were all okay.

            "What is going on?" The grey tabby asked himself. Falcontail sat there for several more moments before forcing himself get to his paws. He needed to go looking for anyone else that may have survived the sudden onslaught of flooding. He wasn't going to just sit around and hope for the best. So shaking out his pelt of all the water that would come out of it he began walking along the water edge, peering out into it - hoping to catch a glance of any familiar faces that maybe trying to fight the currents.

            rank. former warrior of riverclan x tagged. open x loc. near the falls x crush. ... x w.c. 328 .. not much muse for him ><
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[ ❊ ] ` cloverstorm

Postby aseling » Wed Jan 17, 2018 3:59 pm


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⊰ THE PASSIVE SOUL ⊱ ▬▬▬▬
❊ gender: female. ❊ age: 20 moons
❊ location: outlook. ❊ feeling: anxious, mournful
❊ tags: open.

Cloverstorm felt her heartbeat quicken as her leaf green eyes looked out on the sea of destruction
that the windclan territory was been reduced to. The once lively moor was flattened, the grass laid
limp and beaten without regard of what might lay within and what little prey that was left was not
nearly enough to sustain the remaining cats of the clan. Monsters continued their relentless barrage,
moving closer and closer to the heart of the territory Flamewhisker was right, she began her
thought, starclan has abandoned us. With a deep breath, Cloverstorm turned away from her
once beloved camp and began to set off towards the in hopes to see how far the damage extended.
At first, the she-cat started with a trot, but as the noise of the monsters drew closer, her paws moved
into a sprint as her hurried to her destination.

Suddenly, paws slipped from underneath the orange and white cat and her small body landed with a thud,
sliding forward from the sudden loss of momentum. The she-cat laid still with her sides heaving and a
twinge running along her side. White paws made no attempt of moving as her mind went blank as it tried
to catch up with reality. Most of her clan was dead, and her kin were no exception to that. All cats either
vanished, or starved from the fleeing prey. Cloverstorm took slow, but deep breath and carefully heaved
herself up, shaking the dirt that had clung to her soft pelt. Just calm down. she told herself with c
losed eyes, getting all worked up will get me nowhere. Get to the Outlook, after that to the Fourtrees.
The she-cat reminded herself with a sigh. With that, she set off once again, carrying on with the Outlook
in her sights.

Cloverstorm approached the Outlook with caution unsure if the twolegs had reached this far into the
moor or not. The wind that seemed to endlessly blow was no help as it scattered sent in every which
direction, making difficult to decipher what was near and what was far. The warrior mentally prepared
herself for what she was about to see. Shifting all her weight to her hind legs, she unsheathed sharp
white claws to burry into the soft soil. Then using all the strength she could muster, Cloverstorm launched
herself forward and onto the rock, scrambling to sink her claws into the hard surface and climb to the
top. Finally, as she made it up top the Outlook she felt a pure stone of dread dropping into the pit of her
stomach. Dull, pastel eyes looked out at an apocalyptic vison of what was once her beloved home. Monsters
ruled under the open sky, devouring everything in their path. There really was no going back; starclan had
abandoned them without warning of what was to come.

A few minutes felt like years to the she-cat. She saw no other cat, no one other than herself. Cloverstorm
could only pray to their reluctant ancestors that the surviving clanmate were alive. There was no telling if
the monsters had already invaded the other clans, and if that happened than surely they would all go the
fourtrees, for it was her last hope. Without wasting a second the she-cat abandoned her home without looking
back, for it was a time for change regardless if she was ready for it or not.

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☽ will you defeat them, your demons? ☾

Postby ataraxic_gone » Sun Jan 21, 2018 3:25 am

    ━━━━━━━━━━━━[🇴🇫 RIVERCLAN]
      Her eyes lay solemn in her skull as she stared at the body of her sister along the shore line. The water was still moving fast around her paws as she stood on the bank. The events that had just shook her clan just hours ago were still fresh in her mind but amongst the chaos there was an eerie calm in her mind. RobinFlight stepped out of the water reaching down to drag her sister the rest of the way to land, somewhere she would be safe for RobinFlight to bury her later on. RobinFlight's tail flicked with annoyance as she looked upwards. The once smooth slope that lead to fourtrees was now eaten away leaving a small over hang in it's place. Given time RobinFlight knew that the overhang would collapse and the slope would be there once more but until then she would have to jump. Clawing her way up onto the slope she caught sight of the owl tree, it's bark and leaves eaten away by flames with only charcoal remaining. Her ears fell to the back of her head a small hearty hiss escaping her maw out of panic. In the moment when the flood started it was possible to forget the fire burning next door.
      A shiver struck her pelt as the moments in the flood flashed by with vivid imagery. The shouts and cries of her clan-mates and the distant howls of the other clans. RobinFlight's teeth clenched; StarClan always had an odd way of showing their love. RobinFlight had been travelling with her sister to fourtrees for a quiet discussion and to get away from their clan-mates for sometime when the floods had started behind them. The ground had been sucked out from underneath their paws and trees from ThunderClan's territory had fallen into the river if they were too close to the never ending flow. But even with the water flowing the sisters knew that they couldn't just watch. They had gone through ThunderClan's territory for the briefest moment before finding an area behind sunning stones that was above the flood. The fire had started about then- or atleast that was where they had noticed it. The fear started to strike around then, the rush of adrenaline and the love of a mother fading out to leave only the hard truth, they would probably die here. They said their goodbyes then and there before pushing into their territory and splitting up. The path RobinFlight took ended up becoming flooded and it was only in the branches of trees that she found safety from the waters current. She had waited it out, watched in the distance as cats were washed away and she was helpless to stop it. Then the waters fell and there was nothing left behind. The camp was empty of any sign of life, even grass and reeds pulled from their roots and washed away. Empty and void RobinFlight headed towards fourtrees. She had run into another cat along the way who informed her that her sister had saved them but had been hit by something in the water- RobinFlight had stopped listening, at that point, asking them to leave the body and to head to fourtrees.
      RobinFlight shook herself from the thoughts that held her and moved forwards towards fourtrees, tail low and emotions missing from her face. She was strong of heart but all the emotions flowing through her left her feeling empty. She couldn't focus on one thing, guilt, fear, anxiety, anger, relief; they all flowed through her in equal strength. Stepping into fourtrees she caught sight of HazelTail and mindlessly walked towards the cat. It was a strange and driving pull the need to, amongst so much death, feel some warmth and familiarity. With her wet fur it was impossible to see the tears beginning to silently leak down her face as she sat by the side of the medicine cat silently. Her form was stiff as she continued to quietly battle a war of one hundred emotions.
    [female • 42 moons • former deputy • four trees;hazeltail • 673 • form]
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