☀ The Last Defense ☀ no longer accepting! ☀

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Inanimate object ships??

Commander Acacia + sunlight
Commander Alder + the kitchen
Runt + trident
Parlando + bread
Total votes : 9

Re: ☀ The Last Defense ☀ no longer accepting! ☀

Postby honeybee. » Mon Jan 08, 2018 7:01 am

Lieutenant Liv Brie//18//Location-Training Cave//Tags-Xia;Eletha:Runt
Liv nodded as Xia said that she was going to head back to the training grounds. Before the other girl could get very far Runt appeared, incredibly dramatically and placed a crown on Eletha's head. "That was fast!" Liv exclaimed, slightly shocked. She chuckled a little as she stepped forwards to read the writing. Runt had took Xia's statement literally then, after all this was a 'crown that says "humanity will prevail"' or 'prevale' as it actually read though this only added to it's charm. "You've outdone yourself, Runt!" She told her, "Now Eletha has something that matches her regal charm and elegance!"
Olivia listened as Runt began a pledge ,without finishing it, and then asked them if they wanted to know what the crown came from. "I definitely do." Liv agreed, "You can barely tell that it was ever anything but a crown."
Perhaps that was exaggerating a little but for some piece of metal that had been bent into shape by Runt's bare hands it was a masterpiece. Certainly nobody else could do it without the tools.

Ant Lithorn//16//Location-Training Cave//Tags-Parlando;Kevin
Ant chuckled as Pearl suggested that the Commander had been tutored in cooking by his dad. "I feel like you'd know if your dad was Commander Alder's cooking teacher." He pointed out. Parlando then decided to start a pancake scented candles business and to use the gold to pay Alder to teach them cook. "I'm not sure I'd want Alder to teach me." He replied, grinning, "I would be terrified the entire time." He paused for a moment, thinking before adding, "I guess that might make me do better though. I'd be too afraid to fail!"
Ant waited for Parlando to put the plates away before snorting at his failed attempt at a commanding voice. Still grinning, he followed Pearl down the corridor
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Re: ☀ The Last Defense ☀ no longer accepting! ☀

Postby DetectiveLunar » Mon Jan 08, 2018 7:23 am

Sherlyn "Sher-sher" Hernandez//Female//16//Tags:Open

Sherlyn and Giovanni finally finished and had left the cafeteria. They were now at the training caves just sitting down with each other waiting for Alder to start training and for the others to finish their breakfast. "I'm bored!!" Giovanni whined like a small child. Sherlyn just sighed and replied in the most sarcastic tone,"Well do something then,child!" "I am not a child!" "Well you sure do sound like one!" Sherlyn shot back at him. Giovanni decided to stay silent after the small argument.

Giovanni "Gio" Persad//Male//15//Tags:Lieutenant
(Look at Sherlyn's post)

Sage Moonstone//Female//14//Tags:The whole Heroine Table (Because the thing is growing extremely fast!)

"I'd like to go with you!" Sage said kindly,"I'm done anyway." She said quickly eatting the last piece of pancake on her plate. "You never told me what your power is though,it's ok if you don't really know what it is but try a guess in that case." She said with a smile,she wanted to know just out of curiosity. She still wondered what her powers were but at the moment she was focused on possibly helping Aerissa with her powers.

Kevin "Flower Boy" Fernandez//15//Male//Tags:Wayne & Parlando

Kevin giggled,"We might need waaayyyy more than candle money to bribe him. From the way he acts he's not easily bribed or fooled." he said following Pearl. Suddenly Kevin thought of something,"Hey,I've heard that some of the other teens are getting powers,have you guys gotten powers yet?" he asked out of pure curiosity,"Just asking."
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Re: ☀ The Last Defense ☀ no longer accepting! ☀

Postby Pistol Annie #1 NPC » Mon Jan 08, 2018 7:28 am

Runt stood taller with her head held high, emboldened by Lieutenant Olivia's words. She felt like a real live blacksmith being commended for her awesome masterpiece!
When Liv actually wanted to hear the origin of this thing, Runt rubbed her hands together diabolically. Her lieutenant was much more friendly than Uncle Alder. Runt would probably not get into too much trouble... right?
"Alright, so I broke into the boys' dorms!" She started. Already she was being a bad puppy. "I ripped out one of the metal bars under Wayne's bed and turned it into a crown. Then I wrenched off what was left and used it to scrape that message. Oh, and don't worry. I washed the whole thing so it's not contaminated! I don't want Wayne germs starting an epipendemic in the Training Caves!"

* Tags: Liv, Xia, Eletha
* Epipendemic: A combination of Epidemic, Pandemic, and... "Epipen". Runt doesn't have great medical knowledge.


Anthony did have some good points there. Parlando nodded thoughtfully.
"Yeah, that's true. If Alder was my teacher, I might come down with some incurable disease and not come to class." He chuckled, making quotation-mark fingers at 'incurable disease'. Pearl could fake a cough, but he couldn't fake a broken leg. What if Alder checked and the leg wasn't broken? Pearl would end up having a broken neck! That would be quite a bit worse for his progress in the class.
Parlando smiled at Kevin. "That's also true. Scratch that idea. I think we're better off cooking by ourselves."
As they entered the main Training Cave, Pearl realized all the boulders had been shoved aside. All the entrance ways were unblocked, meaning the pool was open. The closest bathroom was beside there. Parlando led the way down that passage.
Kevin was talking about powers, which made Pearl chuckle. "Oh, well I tried to levitate a knife using telekinesis. I thought very hard at it. The knife didn't move, and nothing else happened, so that's a no for me. What about you?"

* Tags: Kevin, Ant
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Re: ☀ The Last Defense ☀ no longer accepting! ☀

Postby DetectiveLunar » Mon Jan 08, 2018 7:40 am

Sherlyn "Sher-sher" Hernandez//Female//16//Tags:Open

Sherlyn and Giovanni finally finished and had left the cafeteria. They were now at the training caves just sitting down with each other waiting for Alder to start training and for the others to finish their breakfast. "I'm bored!!" Giovanni whined like a small child. Sherlyn just sighed and replied in the most sarcastic tone,"Well do something then,child!" "I am not a child!" "Well you sure do sound like one!" Sherlyn shot back at him. Giovanni decided to stay silent after the small argument.

Giovanni "Gio" Persad//Male//15//Tags:Lieutenant
(Look at Sherlyn's post)

Sage Moonstone//Female//14//Tags:The whole Heroine Table (Because the thing is growing extremely fast!)

"I'd like to go with you!" Sage said kindly,"I'm done anyway." She said quickly eatting the last piece of pancake on her plate. "You never told me what your power is though,it's ok if you don't really know what it is but try a guess in that case." She said with a smile,she wanted to know just out of curiosity. She still wondered what her powers were but at the moment she was focused on possibly helping Aerissa with her powers.

Kevin "Flower Boy" Fernandez//15//Male//Tags:Ant & Parlando

Kevin laughed a bit,"Guess telekinesis isn't for you." he said kindly and then continued,"No,I haven't gotten my powers yet but I bet you I'll get them soon!" he said sounding enthusiastic. "What about you Ant? Have you found out your power or have any idea what it will be?" Kevin asked him.

(Ahh! I suddenly got Writer's Block!! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!)
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Re: ☀ The Last Defense ☀ No Longer Accepting ☀

Postby darcy_jensen » Mon Jan 08, 2018 9:19 am

    ✦ A E R I S S A ✦
    [seventeen] [bisexual] [water manipulation] [tags; sage, tyla]
    the blonde waited by the entrance to the cafeteria for sage after she announced that she too would attend free time at the pool. "I'll show you my power in a few minutes," ariessa laughed, hoping that she was correct in assuming her ability was water manipulation. the incident in the shower had certainly suggested so, but it would be good to experiment with a larger body of water. after stopping in the bathrooms to change into swimming appropriate attire, ari made her way down the rocky hallways to the pool room, assuming sage was in tow. "hello tyla," the seventeen year old greeted kindly upon entering, "sage and I are joining you, if that's alright?" of course, ariessa didn't want to intrude, especially if tyla was using the room as a form of relaxation.
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Re: ☀ The Last Defense ☀ no longer accepting! ☀

Postby honeybee. » Mon Jan 08, 2018 9:27 am

Lieutenant Liv Brie//18//Location-Training Cave//Tags-Xia;Eletha:Runt
Liv was even more curious when Runt began rubbing her hands together in the fashion of a cheesy movie villain. She looked stern when Runt began by saying she broke into the boys dorms, that would never be a good start. When Runt said it had been Wayne's bed she'd broken, traces of a smile began to appear on Liv's face. Obviously, breaking another person's bed was not great conduct but the entire barracks was unified in their hatred against Wayne. Plus, Liv was Lieutenant not the police, she wasn't going to chide Runt for it. "As long as you cleaned it." She replied, smiling at Runt's version of an epidemic, "I wouldn't want anyone catching his rudeness and bigotry. That was pretty ingenious though." She told Runt, "I would never have thought to use the metal off the beds."

Ant Lithorn//16//Location-Training Cave//Tags-Parlando;Kevin
Ant laughed at Pearl's air quotations. "I'd just sit at the back of the class and pretend to be invisible." He replied, "I wouldn't want to risk Alder finding out I was faking illness."
Antony nodded at Kevin. "He definitely wouldn't accept bribes from anyone." He agreed.
The boulder to the pool had been shoved aside ,as had many other boulders, so this was the path they took. "I wonder if that means we're doing something water based later." He said curiously, "Or of somebody has just decided to go swimming." Usually the boulders were only moved aside by Alder when the cave was going to be used.
Ant laughed at the reminder of Parlando and his attempt at telekinesis. "I haven't got a clue." Ant replied when Kevin asked him about his power, "I think it's all very bizarre. It doesn't seem quite real to think that we're all going to get these weird magical powers. I definitely don't feel magical."
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Re: ☀ The Last Defense ☀ no longer accepting! ☀

Postby DetectiveLunar » Mon Jan 08, 2018 10:25 am

Sherlyn "Sher-sher" Hernandez//Female//16//Tags:Open

Sherlyn and Giovanni finally finished and had left the cafeteria. They were now at the training caves just sitting down with each other waiting for Alder to start training and for the others to finish their breakfast. "I'm bored!!" Giovanni whined like a small child. Sherlyn just sighed and replied in the most sarcastic tone,"Well do something then,child!" "I am not a child!" "Well you sure do sound like one!" Sherlyn shot back at him. Giovanni decided to stay silent after the small argument.

Giovanni "Gio" Persad//Male//15//Tags:Lieutenant
(Look at Sherlyn's post)

Sage Moonstone//Female//14//Tags: Aerissa and Tyla

"Yay!" Sage said sounding like a child and followed behind her. After changing into blue and green shorts and a old dark blue shirt with a cat on it she followed behind Aerissa once again towards the pool room. When she noticed Tyla she just said,"Hello!" in a rather kind but childish tone. She waited for Tyla's reply since Aerissa has asked Tyla if it was ok for them to join her.

Kevin "Flower Boy" Fernandez//15//Male//Tags:Ant & Parlando

Kevin smiled,"That's what everyone says. Everyone's magical in their own way even without powers so I'd say you're magical even if you don't feel it." he said like some sort of wise child. "If it's weird to think we're all going to get magical powers then you can call me the weirdest weirdo around!" Kevin said giggling like a child. "I just know our powers are gonna be cool." Was the last thing Kevin said as he kept on following Pearl.

Meanwhile in Gardener Castle

Two pairs of feet could be heard pitter-pattering down the halls of the castle while slight child-like giggles echoed through out the castle casting an eerie aura as two small figures made their way towards the garden. "No one?" Asked a small child-like voice of a little girl. "None." Replied another voice. "Alright,come on Thomas." The little girl said grabbing her twin's hand and walking into the garden. "Ok Milly, we have to work quick. People might come." Thomas told Milly and looked around with an evil grin on his cute little face. "Ok." Was all Milly replied before they started their mission. After a few minutes they were done. The garden wasn't much of a garden now,flowers were either torn or ripped up in pieces and thrown all over the place,a few still stood in their original place but they had their petals picked off,there were a few holes here and there as well as a bunch of dirt thrown everywhere. Thomas and Milly had only gotten to a quarter of the garden but it looked like they had ruined half of the garden from all the mess. The twins quickly walked off as their giggled echoed through the halls. Their "little" mission had gone through perfectly without them getting caught. Thomas and Milly changed their minds,quickly went back and hid in a place they were sure no one would find them waiting for someone to discover the garden and their mess. To them the reaction of others to their mess was just like watching a cartoon. Entertaining.
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Re: ☀ The Last Defense ☀ no longer accepting! ☀

Postby Fenrhys, Wolf Queen » Tue Jan 09, 2018 2:21 pm

xxx𝑅𝒶𝒾𝓃 𝒯𝒶𝒷𝓇𝒾𝓈 ✥ Power: Haemokinetic Construct ✥ Form ✥ Tags: Ember/Rowan

The unconscious girl, despite her state felt something in her sleep. Something warm pressed against her and she couldn't help but smile. This warmth felt familiar on her fingers, but there was something else another warm and tingling feeling, this one unfamiliar. In this sudden flash of cold the warmth of whatever these two things were did wonders for her.

xxx𝔈𝔩𝔢𝔱𝔥𝔞 𝔄𝔯𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔢 ❈ Power: Sleep/Dream Induction ❈ Form ❈ Tags: Xia/Runt/Liv

The little girl was set to g put her dishes away when Runt came sprinting back in placing something heavy on her head, a crown as Eletha soon found out. The child jumped up in her seat and clapped feeling like a princess. Quickly the girl jumped up once Runt was done explaining her story of how this creation came to be.
"Thank you big sister Runt!" she squealed tackle hugging her happily.

xxx𝕂𝕚𝕥 𝔹𝕖𝕝𝕝 ✥ Power: Hypnosis ✥ Form ✥ Tags: Demetria

Relief flooded Kit, Demetria had returned his hug and even offered the idea of going to look around the area, so long as they stayed out of trouble of course. Kit nodded, "Yeah, exploring would be nice..." he said slowly, but in this place, was there really anywhere else to explore. Kit knew all the hiding places in these caves, as a kid he would duck out and avoid all the people. The boy decided it would be a better idea to let his friend choose where they went, he turned to her and asked, "So where do we want to go?" Kit repeated.
♛𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖊𝖙𝖑𝖞 𝕴 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖚𝖗𝖊♛

llI'm Fenrhys, by all means
llmessage me if you'd like to talk.
llI am a roleplayer, always looking
llfor someone to rp with me. I
llmay have slow responses at
lltimes though, when school and
llwork keep me busy. Anyways,
llhave a great day.




───────────────────────── for I am a warrior ──────────────────────────────────────────────
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Re: ☀ The Last Defense ☀ no longer accepting! ☀

Postby Pistol Annie #1 NPC » Tue Jan 09, 2018 2:31 pm

Parlando chuckled. Definitely telekinesis was not his thing. Mental powers were probably out of the question, and super-strength was taken already so that was unlikely. Maybe something involving cooking. Not fire though, Pearl wasn't particularly destructive even when he was angry.
"I hope we can swim later," Pearl said in response to Anthony. "Maybe Alder moved them aside for free period though. He must have done it earlier to keep the other teens out of his hair."
The big antisocial commander hated being bothered by anyone it seemed, so Pearl tried to stay out of his way. The guy looked like he could break someone in half. Better safe than sorry.
Pearl chuckled at Kevin's words. "I like the sound of that. Are there any powers you really want to get? Or those you would really hate to have."
As he entered the washroom, he held the door for his friends. Parlando was just used to it.
"I'd love to get something involving food. You know me and food. But I don't think I could handle being like Acacia- whatever that was, it sounded pretty unpleasant."

* Tags: Kevin, Ant


Oh no!! I'm gonna be fishflakes! For a second Runt thought she was gonna get into HUGE trouble from Lieutenant Olivia. But, much to her relief, her sister-in-arms seemed okay with what happened. Probably because Runt smashed up Wayne's bed and nobody else's.
"Phew! For a second I thought I was gonna be vulture food!" Runt admitted. "Thanks, I thought I could spare to use the metal bars because there's not just one. Wayne might get a surprise though. If his fat butt and his mattress fall through the frame, you can thank me!"
She tilted her head to the side, examining Eletha. The crown looked good on her. The silver-grey color was not something Runt would wear, but it looked super good on other girls. When Eletha hugged her, Runt excitedly hugged the kid back.
"Oh my god you're the best!! Anything for you, little nerd!" Runt messed up Eletha's hair affectionately. "Oh, and if you ever need a super tough heroine to beat up any bad guys, you know who to call!!"
"Hey Lieutenant, do you know what we're doing after lunch?" Runt asked Liv, grinning. She liked to call people by their title. As friendly and ridiculous as Runt was, she had a high respect for the chain of command.
"If it's Hunger Games, I call being Cato!!" She did an over-exaggerated motion of swinging a giant sword through the air while making whooshing noises. "Take that, you little dweebs!! Wait, does he say stuff like that?"

* Tags: Liv, Xia, Eletha


Blythe whistled a cheery tune as he skipped down the corridor. As he pushed open the golden gates leading to the garden, he stopped in his tracks as he saw the huge ridiculous mess. It looked like gophers had roughed up this place pretty bad. Holes and petals littered the ground. Flowers were shredded and strewn all over the floor, with dirt kicked up over some of them.
Although Blythe was still smiling, he was a tad bit worried about his adoptive father. King Haden loved his flowers. This garden was important to the Gardener Family apparently, it had been passed down through generations of caring Gardeners, and stood as a monument of sorts. People came here to find peace. They would tell the flowers their deepest wishes and regrets, they would confess the inner workings of their hearts to their silent petals. Blythe had heard all these stories about the garden's history. He also heard Commander Acacia had died here after saving humanity. Her ashes were laid to rest at the sunflowers.
"Yikes!" Blythe exclaimed aloud. "Dad is gonna freak if those guys wrecked his sunflowers!"
He jogged across the ruined garden, and his eyes widened when he saw the shredded sunflowers. Oh man! King Dad was gonna be upset for sure. He acted as a father to everyone, and over time Commander Acacia had become like a daughter to him. This was like smashing up her grave.
"I've gotta fix this! I can do this," Blythe muttered to himself. Yes, he was still smiling. He knew he could do it somehow. His tiny hands picked up the scattered petals, and he tried to piece them together like a puzzle. But they kept falling off.
"Hmm, maybe I gotta start from the bottom!" Blythe exclaimed. The sunflower's stem was snapped near the base. Blythe grabbed it and tried to stand it upright again. This didn't work either.
"Worry not! There's gotta be some way to fix you." Blythe held the sunflower and looked into its barren head. "I can't let Dad see you like this, okay?"
Much to his surprise, the flower head seemed to nod at him. Petals started to slowly regrow from all sides, yellow and lush. The stem straightened itself out and grew, becoming thicker and taller. The plant was regaining its strength before Blythe's stunned eyes.
It tilted its head at him curiously.
"Yes!! I knew you could do it!" Blythe patted the flower on its petals. It seemed delighted and full of life.
This was clearly not normal. Was this garden actually magical? Did the plants actually have Commander Acacia's spirit or something? Blythe wasn't sure, but he knew he could fix everything now. He couldn't help but smile as he turned to the other wilted sunflowers.
"Alright you guys! You're gonna be fine, just stand up nice and tall for me! I want you all looking picture perfect before Dad comes to water you!"
The sunflowers seemed excited at the thought of being watered, and they regrew their petals and broken stems faster than the first one. Two of them were trying to get taller than the other.
"Now, now." Blythe laughed. "You two are both tall enough! If you were humans, you would be like six-foot-eight by now!"
The two rival sunflowers settled down at his words.
They listened to me??
"You guys are so polite!" Blythe exclaimed. "Now to fix the rest of the garden!!"
He looked towards the rest of the wrecked garden with a smile. Blythe knew he could make this place look better than before. Hopefully Dad didn't get suspicious of it!

* Tags: Destructive Twins
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Re: ☀ The Last Defense ☀ no longer accepting! ☀

Postby honeybee. » Wed Jan 10, 2018 10:21 am

Lieutenant Liv Brie//18//Location-Training Cave//Tags-Xia;Eletha:Runt
Liv looked amused when Runt admitted to being scared of what she'd do for a second. "It's the Commander's job to dole out punishments and scare you all senseless." She told her with a smile, "I'm just here to make sure he doesn't scare you all so much you run off. We've gotta keep the morale up round here." She nodded cheerfully as Runt put the wonderful picture of Wayne falling through his bed in her mind.
Eletha's adorable joy at the crown was heartwarming and the Lieutenant grinned as she tackle hugged Runt, the younger girl definitely had the right idea about improving morale.
At the question of what the planned activity was for after lunch ,Olivia looked thoughtful. "To be honest, I actually haven't spoken to the Commander all morning. I have no clue what he's planning." She replied, the question putting her into her sensible Lieutenant mode, "I hope he'll agree with what I'm hoping to do and we can play some Capture the Flag. Tactics and teamwork will be just as crucial in a battle as skill even if the Commander sometimes seems to think he can win them with rage alone."
She shook her head with a chuckle at Runt pretending to be Cato from the Hunger Games. "Isn't he the permanently angry kid?" She asked her, "I'm pretty sure he didn't say stuff like that. You should just be Runt, she's even better than Cato. Probably stronger now, too."

Ant Lithorn//16//Location-Training Cave//Tags-Parlando;Kevin
Ant couldn't help but feel even more cheerful at Kevin's words. "Wow," he chuckled, "I think that was the most sentimental and motivating thing I've ever heard. You ought to make posters of it and stick them round the training caves for when we're all getting stabbed by each other with training weapons."
When Pearl asked the question one what they'd want and not want for powers Anthony looked thoughtful for a moment as he stepped into the washroom. "Maybe something that I could use to help protect everyone, like a shield or something." He replied, waving his hands dismissively. "I wouldn't want anything that would need lots of control, though. If you couldn't control it then you could run the risk of hurting someone and that would be awful. But Acacia's gift does sound pretty painful so nothing like that either."
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