You Own It | horse x rider rp | open

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Postby evixtus » Mon Jan 08, 2018 6:03 am

      () ʜ ʏ ɴ ɴ }
      XXXXXXXXX seventeen } female } crush: none atm } horses: ravi, dystopia } tags: open

      Indentation The drive was smooth almost the entire way, thankfully. The only downfall was Ravi trying to start a fight with Dystopia over the separating rail in the trailer, but thankfully Cheyenne had prevented a fight by stopping in a quiet area and taking the two out one at a time so they could stretch their legs and nibble on what grass they could pick up from the gravel. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she put the truck into park, satisfied that she had made it over an exhausting forty-two hour road trip to finally reach the barn she would now call home. Pushing open the driver's door with all the strength she could muster, she let her feet hit the ground and stretched, comically shaking her legs in a weird fashion before throwing her arms above her head and yawning loudly.

      Well, she could've almost fallen asleep right at that moment, if it wasn't for the gelding in her three horse slant trailer whinnying loudly. Defeated, she opened the windows and watched as Ravi stuck his head out, nostrils flaring as he took in the new scents. On his right was the pinto warmblood, who lifted her chiseled head, mouth full of hay, and scanned the area around her, before returning to her food. Dystopia was used to going places, they'd travel days on end to eventing competitions. Sadly, this was Ravi's longest trip, overachieving from the ten hour ride they had driven last month. At the back, she unlatched the ramp from the swinging doors and let it gently hit the ground, then locking the doors to the sides of the trailer so she could remove the beasts from inside. Thankfully, CC knew that Dystopia would patiently wait while she lead Ravi into the barn and settled him in.

      The large Draught pranced at her shoulder, his shod hooves clopping noisily against the concrete flooring of the barn. This was normal for him, he was always excited about everything. Thankfully he'd settle down soon enough. After placing him in his stall and watching him for a few moments as he sniffed the bedding and raised his upper lip at the unfamiliar scents, she shook her head and smiled softly, pivoting on her heel and traveling her way back out to the trailer where Dystopia munched. The good mare stepped off of the ramp, moving her front feet, her back hooves planted as she stretched her neck out, thankful to be out of the trailer. It was roomy, but it could become cramped after long trips. This was always how she stretched once she removed herself from the trailer, even if they hauled five minutes down the road--she did it every. single. time.

      Once they made it into the stall, Cheyenne let her mare settle down while she returned to Ravi, and began to remove his standing wraps.

      () ʟ ʀ ɴ }
      XXXXXXXXX twenty-one } female } crush: none atm } horses: cosmo, passion } tags: open

      Indentation Passion was more then happy to get out of the trailer. They hadn't traveled far, maybe twelve hours at the most, but she was acting like the world was going to end. Her eyes were wide and she snorted at every single thing, prancing wildly around Flora as the small woman stood still, waiting for the liver chestnut mare to realize that the grass wasn't going to bite her leg off. She shifted her weight to her left leg, sighing heavily as her stunning blue eyes traveled to Cosmo, who had his lower lip drooped as he snoozed, his head leaning against the trailer. She had a large difference between the two horses. Passion was scared of everything in new places, but would soon settle down. Cosmo, he didn't give a second thought to where he was as long as there was food and he'd get belly scratches.

      Eventually, Passion decided that grass looked more appetizing than scary, so Florance took this as an opportunity to lead the young mare into the barn. The mare payed more attention to her surroundings than her handler, and stepped on the woman's foot, receiving a yank on the lead line and a warning smack to the chest. She knew better, and Flora wasn't going to let her get away with inappropriate behavior just because she was in an unfamiliar place. After reprimanding the Appendix, she let the mare walk into her stall, quickly removing the halter before she rolled in the bedding and locked up. Making her way back to the trailer, Cosmo still hadn't moved from his starting position.

      That stud could sleep the day away and he'd love it. He was lazy, really, but he knew his job well. He pinned his ears briefly as he was awoken from his nap, but soon got over his disturbance as he sniffed the air, attempting to peer into stalls to see other horses, occasionally nickering, before finally falling silent as he was introduced to his stall. He was pleased with it, especially with the bedding as he began to paw at it after Flora slipped him a peppermint and slipped off his halter. The brunette watched, amused, as Cosmo circled his stall and kicked the shavings into clumps in different areas. She didn't understand why he did it, but he did it, so she tolerated it. In fact, it was quite enjoyable to watch, especially when she was stressed. Just seeing him be his goofy self could calm her.

      () s ɴ ɪ ɢ }
      XXXXXXXXX nineteen } male } crush: none atm } horses: rico, ursula } tags: open

      Indentation Ursula's hip bumped into his chest as he removed her sheet. Shifting his green eyes to the mare who was tossing her head, he pursed his lips, knowing she did it on purpose. One of her favorite things was scratches, especially on her butt. She'd done it since she was a filly, demanding the rubs, and anybody who didn't know her would think that she was going to strike out. But in all reality, she just wanted butt scratches and she'd get mad if you didn't. Folding the large thing in half and then flopping it over the stall door, he turned just slightly to receive her haunches bumping him once more.

      Santiago sighed heavily before he took both hands and started scratching away at her dappled patches, starting just behind her barrel and moving to the base of her tail, noticing as she looked over her shoulder, eyes peering through her long forelock as her upper lip wiggled in satisfaction. Smirking at the gypsy's antics, he soon stopped as his hands began to ache. Thankfully, she had known to be satisfied with what she received. So once he finished, she turned away from him and grazed away on the grass cube in her hay bag. She was an easy to please mare, unlike somebody else. Speaking of the devil, he was whinnying nonstop the entire way they pulled into the driveway, walking into the barn, and even after he had been settled in his stall for almost thirty minutes. Rico was certainly a pain in the butt sometimes, since he basically never shut up, but he was a good horse nevertheless.

      As he walked into the sooty palomino's stall and gave him a nice rub down with a clean curry brush, he noticed a familiar mare walk by the stall--Passion, one of Ricochet's many offspring, one who just happened to be sold to his best friend's sister. Flora had fallen in love with the filly as soon as she had laid eyes on the small thing, and Santi couldn't fight against the begging eyes she gave him six years ago. He waved to the brunette, then returned to Rico as the stallion nudged him roughly, looking for some cookies hidden in his jean pockets.

      () ʀ s }
      XXXXXXXXX twenty-three } male } crush: none atm } horses: haskell, zeus } tags: open

      Indentation Marcus almost didn't want to take Zeus out of the trailer. He was mad. Horses in general were pretty dangerous, but when they were angry and 19 hands, they were nightmares. He had barely managed to get Haskell out of the trailer before the large Clydesdale attempted to start a fight with an angry roar and the lash of his massive hooves. Thankfully the young Westphalian stallion had skittered out of the trailer fast enough to avoid an accident waiting to happen. Sadly, the man knew that if he didn't take out the large black and white gelding, there would be chaos. He managed to put Haskell away without an issue, thankfully. As he ambled his way back out to the trailer, he passed Zeus' stall and pursed his lips in irritation. It was too small for the large draft.

      Gritting his teeth and kicking gravel as he meandered his way towards the hellish gelding, he shook his head, ran a hand through his dark hair, and finally decided that he better take the large monster out of the trailer now before later. As he opened the divider and revealed the large Clydesdale, he noticed the whites of his eyes showing, the heaving of his flanks. He had somewhat tired himself out with his tantrum, but not enough. Marc hastily made way of the trailer tie, hooking the lead line, and fleeing out of the float for his life as it began to shake. Zeus launched himself out of the trailer, roaring loudly and pounding his globe-sized hooves against the ground, dragging his handler along with him for a few feet before he finally settled.

      Marcus heaved a sigh of relief once he calmed down, petting his large shoulder and whispering soft words of encouragement. Soon, the whites of his eyes didn't show, and Zeus dropped his head to scavenge for any forage that was edible between the gravel. Thankfully, the splashed gelding was never this dangerous--he really was a sweet, lovable horse. He just got so cramped in trailers due to his large size that he'd get mad and extremely uncomfortable. Growde was almost relieved at the fact that it seemed like nobody saw his Clydesdale's tantrum.
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Re: You Own It | horse x rider rp | open

Postby leek » Mon Jan 08, 2018 6:54 am

nathaniel grey | 19 | horses; destiny, winter | crush; open | location; barn | tags; open

    Nate ran the soft brush across Destiny's withers, smiling as she let out a content nicker. She was perfect for their earlier ride, listening to every cue he gave her. He fed her one last mint before unclipping the cross-ties and leading her to her large stall. He slipped off her dark leather halter and hung it on her stall front. He patted her soft neck, bid her goodbye, and closed the stall door. As much as he would've liked to stay, he also had to ride his other horse, Winter. Winter was a young, green project horse he bought almost a year ago. He can be young and unpredictable, but he has great potential. Nate walked to the stall across from Destiny's, clicking his tongue to get the horses attention. He smiled when the familiar grey muzzle poked up, letting out a soft whinny. He opened the stall front and slipped on Winter's halter, talking softly to him. "I was thinking that we could check out the cross country course today? How does that sound? Maybe we could hit the trails as well." Trail riding was one of his favourite things to do, but he rarely had time to do so. He liked to take Winter off property to get him used to different things. Nate snapped out from his thoughts and pulled out a brush from his box and began to brush the young gelding.

brooklyn faye | 18 | horses; king | crush; open | location; barn | tags; open

    Brooke sat atop her large gelding, King, rocking slowly in the saddle as they approached a jump. It was a comfortable height,
    being around 3'0". Brooke counted the strides until the jump in her head. 3. 2. 1. Now! At the right moment, Brooklyn gently squeezed King's sides with her calves, rising out of the saddle and folding into a neat two-point. They landed on the other side, King letting out a snort and Brooklyn with a smile on her face. They slowed to a walk and Brooklyn patted his neck. "Good boy!" she cooed. For the last couple of days, they've been training rigorously, preparing for the up and coming show season. They were training to compete in the 3'0" division, a height class up from the previous year. She wanted to do well, and she knew she had to be prepared. After walking for a few more moments, Brooke gathered up her leather reins once again.
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Re: You Own It | horse x rider rp | open

Postby summerxstars » Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:37 pm

Antoinette Parker|Tags: Open|Current Location: Arena Outdoor/Jumping

Tony after a bit of debating pulled out her mare Lacy after a good decent while of settling, to jump. She wanted to work on some high jumps since the mare's energy needed to be released into something good. So, quickly she popped on all her jumper tack for the mare and led her out towards the arena. She dragged the mare around while setting the jumps higher.

After, setting up she unsuccessfully managed to not find any mounting blocks. Tony heaved a sigh leading the beautiful mare towards the gate. She made the mare pause and carefully popped on. Quickly she began to warm up. The well mannered mare bent her head at the trot looking like a gorgeous dressage horse. She pointed her toes looking all petty and perfect. Then, her canter was nice and an easy sit on the back.

Wrapping up warm up she went to a jump. She gave a squeeze asking for a step up to clear the 3'6 jump. She gave a tighter squeeze and finally stepped up. The mare then realized it was a jump. Under the ear bonnet her ears perked forwards happily. "1,2,3,4,5" she said aloud and they soared over with a gentle and polite long spot and a quick lead change. "Good girl Lacy" smiled Tony patting the proud mare.

Matthew Jones|Tags: Open|Location: Venturing Around Property

Frosts soft pink nose ventured through the ground searching for grass. He thought about jumping but, then decided against it.
He'd left his friends farm just today and had jumped early in the morning before he trailered them. So, if anything he'd take them both for a long graze. He allowed the tall clean white mare venture around as she grazed. Her body twitched a little and her tail flicked looking at peace. Matthew had always been thankful for Frost. She was always a calm mare and very eager to jump type.
But, during the rough patches the mare never backed off even when he rode her awfully with barely any effort or desire on his part. She'd always pull him through and show she was never gonna just abandon his trust. The bond the two had was amazing and during jumping it truly shone through. And, honestly in general. Matt carefully began to think of his plans for the next day. What'd he do and when and how.
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Re: You Own It | horse x rider rp | open

Postby heffalumps » Sat Jan 13, 2018 12:16 pm

Jordan Bradley McMurphey ~ 20 y.o ~ crush/gf ; open ~ tags ; open

Once Jordan had settled Beau into his stall with a decent supply of hay and water as well as a small toy in the far corner to keep the youngster occupied until a paddock was sorted out for the remainder of the time they were there, he saddle up the large white grey gelding and began to lead the horse towards the spare outdoor arena. The fact that there were no jumps set up in the nicely sized sand arena didn't bother the young man as a bit of flatwork would do good for the sometimes overly excitable eventing horse. "And whoa." he softly asked the gelding as he prepared to let himself into the arena and once inside slipped the reins over the geldings head before preparing both himself and the horse for him to mount.

Ruby Amelia Shulte~ 22 y.o ~ crush/bf ; res ~ tags ; James

Watching as the big dappled grey finally entered the pristine wooden stall, at this point Ruby was preparing herself to move off and away from the situation as it was most likely over. Not being the most socially confident girl in the world meant that she found it much easier to only ask if a person needed help and if not, she would move away, this had always been the case ever since she was just a little girl. When the male replied with a brief explanation to why the horse was acting like it was, she couldn't help but feel obligated to continue with polite conversation "A bit nervous is he?" he asked, curiously watching the behaviour that the so called Lancelot was exhibiting.

It was almost expected when the young man had asked a question, specifically one that co-aligned with the fact that she had been on her way to feed her horses when she had encountered the seemingly strange pair. Pausing for a moment before answering and followed her gaze to a small bay foal "Oh, yeah. I was just on my way there." she stuttered once she had returned to face him "You can come with me if you want, I'm not exactly great at giving directions." she suggested in an apologetic voice as she took a small step to the left as if to prepare herself to continue her way to the feed room.
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Re: You Own It | horse x rider rp | open

Postby inky. » Tue Jan 16, 2018 3:13 am

23~Male~Crush/gf: open~tagged: open

Nick rolled over in his bed. The sunlight burned through his eyelids and he hesitantly got up. His hair was sticking out and he had a large red mark on the side of his face where his hand was overnight. He shrugged and got in the shower, wondering what to do with Roulette today. By the time he got out, he figured a brisk racing training and then a nice peaceful trail ride would do. He threw on his worn jeans and a black t-shirt. He grabbed his sweatshirt and left, tugging it over his head and almost head butting a wall. He made his way over to the barn and got his tack. He looked around for a conversation while he saddled up His precious mare.
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Re: You Own It | horse x rider rp | open

Postby Wild Dog 100 » Tue Jan 16, 2018 3:35 pm

Leo Delango-eighteen yrs-No girlfriend-No crush-Location: Just arrived-Taggs: Open

Leo pulls into the lot where his trainer would fit. He still was unsure about this whole thing, but he was okay with giving it a try. He looks to the back of the truck to his cousin Ella who had fallen asleep. "Ella, were here." he said his accent coming through. He got out once she woke up. Walking to the back of the trailer and unloading Paisley. He smiled softly and led her over to the side where he tied her up. Doing the same with Ferraro. Leo looked around to his surprise no one was around where they were. But being respectful he awaited for someone to help them to where they are suppose to board the horses.

Ella Sawyer-Seventeen yrs-No boyfriend-No crush-Location: Just arrived-Taggs: Open

Ella could feel Leo shake her lightly and say they had arrived. She squinted her eyes as the sunlight shined into the truck. She sat up and stretched then got out. The air was crisp and smelt sweeter than back home. She walked around to see Leo already unloaded Ferraro. She walked back over and grabbed her bags from the tailgate of the truck. Then setting them down by the back of the trailer. She was excited for a new start but also nervous meeting new people.
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Re: You Own It | horse x rider rp | open

Postby inky. » Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:41 pm

23~Male~Crush/gf: open~tagged: Leo and Ella

Nick shrugged and grabbed Roulette’s lead rope. She shook her head at him, clearly annoyed that he was forcing her away from her breakfast. “You can eat when we get back.” He muttered to her. The two headed out of the barn, walking perfectly in sync. Nick pulled his eyes from the ground and saw two people, and horses, he didn’t recognize. “Be nice.” He told Roulette and walked over to them. “Hey there.” He greeted, his voice friendly and welcoming “Are ya looking for something?”
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Re: You Own It | horse x rider rp | open

Postby Wild Dog 100 » Thu Jan 18, 2018 11:32 am

Leo Delango-eighteen yrs-No girlfriend-No crush-Location: Just arrived-Taggs: Nick

Leo looked up from where he was grabbing stuff. "Yeah, actually where do we bored our horses? I mean obviously in the barn but are there assigned stalls?" he asked the guy that spoke. Looking at Ella as she walked away. Then back at him.

Ella Sawyer-Seventeen yrs-No boyfriend-No crush-Location: Just arrived-Taggs: Open

Ella listened as Leo spoke but then walked away to grab tack from the tack storage in the trailer. She grabbed her saddle that she just rode in and then her show saddle on the other hip. Handling both as setting the down by the horses.

(Sorry writers block. I'll do better on the next post.)
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Re: You Own It | horse x rider rp | open

Postby inky. » Thu Jan 18, 2018 12:29 pm

23~Male~Crush/gf: open~tagged: Leo and Ella

He rubbed his hand over his forehead and through his hair. He felt Roulette breathing down his neck and rubbing her nose against his shoulder. He lifted his other hand and patted her gently on the cheek. “Well,” he sighed “It depends. Did you contact the director? Normally, they’ll assign you a stall and make a nice lil’ name plate for ya.” He kicked at the gravel between his feet. His trusty steed stomped the ground, probably trying to get a fly. That or she was just annoyed that she wasn’t able to get onto her training. Nick’s gaze shifted to the two horses. They were beautiful creatures and he couldn’t wait to see them in the rink. He looked back at their two-legged companions and awaited their answer.
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Re: You Own It | horse x rider rp | open

Postby Wild Dog 100 » Thu Jan 18, 2018 3:44 pm

Leo Delango-eighteen yrs-No girlfriend-No crush-Location: Just arrived-Taggs: Nick

He nodded. "I do believe I did." he said looking over at Ella. "Well, we better get unpacked and moved in. Before these two get anymore impatience." he laughed grabbing the leads. "I'm Leo by the way." his accent peering through his words. He extended a hand for the other guy to shake. "If I don't find stalls with the names on it, then I'll message the director."

Ella Sawyer-Seventeen yrs-No boyfriend-No crush-Location: Just arrived-Taggs: Open

Ella stood quietly waiting to see what Leo was going to do.
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