Create A Tribe - (v.1) - v.2 open!

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

replies no. 2

Postby starshine, » Tue Dec 26, 2017 4:55 pm

winter solstice. wrote:
Tribe of the Shrouded Mist
Number of Cats: 4 (3M / 1F)
Next Request: December 31, 2017
Archive Thread: Link

[ Needle and Flight hunt. ]
[ Twig and Stoneskipper patrol the borders (near the Thunderpath). ]
[ While on patrol, Stoneskipper looks for herbs. ]
[ Stoneskipper returns to the Pool of Shimmering Ripples and requests for a Tribe-guard. ]

Stoneskipper sat silently in the camp after returning successfully with Twig, his ears alert and waiting for Needle and Flight to
return with the prey. He stood up quickly as he heard the crackling of the brambles and twigs at the camp's entrance. He was
welcomed by a newcomer, Needle and Flight just behind. "We found this one hiding in a vacant badger den, what should we do
with him?"
Flight spoke, Stoneskipper scanned the cat and nodded towards Flight, "Our ancestors have answered our
He meowed and led the cat into camp.

Needle and Flight return successfully with x1 Shrew and x1 Hare
Twig and Stoneskipper find nothing suspicious while partroling, just a few paw tracks
Stoneskipper finds x1 Chamomile
Stoneskipper's wish has been granted, a potential Cave-Guard arrives at camp

(Sorry for taking so long, it's been a long weekend :o:)
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๐”ฑ๐”ฅ๐”ข ๐”ฑ๐”ฏ๐”ฆ๐”Ÿ๐”ข ๐”ฌ๐”ฃ ๐” ๐”ฏ๐”ฒ๐”ช๐”Ÿ๐”ฉ๐”ฆ๐”ซ๐”ค ๐”ฐ๐”ฑ๐”ฌ๐”ซ๐”ข [004]

Postby Grey_Hoodie » Tue Dec 26, 2017 6:29 pm

Number of Cats โฆ‰ 007 โฆŠ 3 Males - - 4 Females
Prey Consumed โฆ‰ 002 โฆŠ 3 servings - - 1x Small Fish & 1x Shrew

The storms had settled significantly since the start of winter, and all that remained as a reminder was the vast blanket of snow stretching far out into the distance. Antler couldnโ€™t say he enjoyed it much. Prey was scarce already due to the colder temperatures, but he was struggling to catch even a whiff of something, what when each and every careful pawstep still had the hardened snow cracking beneath him. There was little he could do other than glare at the offending cracks, and glare he did. Antlerโ€™s annoyed huffing echoed throughout the empty forest, seeming bouncing off of the frost coated trunks of dormant trees.
Storm and Haze had gone off on their own after the trio set up the dayโ€™s temporary home base. He knew of at least four or five other cats that would not stand to remain under Ospreyโ€™s rule, and the pair had likely gone in search of them. It was his sole duty to provide food from the three of them now. Antler felt a wash of pride run through him. It felt good to be relied on and he was determined to do his best for the new, wandering tribe that Storm was so determined to establish.
There was a crunching far out in the distance. Antlerโ€™s ears swiveled forward to catch as much of the sound as possible, quickly identifying it as something heavy wandering across the snow. The tom cursed his dark pelt for being unable to camouflage him in the midst of winter, but moved to dive beneath the brush as he usually would. His movements were slow, methodical, and as quiet as he could keep them on top of the shaky snow. One wrong step andโ€ฆ
The emptiness of the forest only amplified the noise, and Antlerโ€™s green gaze dropped to his toes. It was almost like nature was mocking him with the way the snow curved and dipped only slightly beneath his toes. So small a mark, and yet his cover was now blown. Silence took over quickly after the echo softened and the pause seemed to go on for ages. Antler was almost certain that whatever had been making noise before had taken off, but another part of him knew he should have heard something to indicate a retreat.
The tabby tom took careful steps backward, drawing his lithe body out from beneath the branches of the small bush. He carefully maneuvered around it, trying to find spots in the snow that wouldnโ€™t result in any more noise. He seemed to have little luck, and Antler could only make progress forward by shifting his weight ever so carefully from paw to paw. So focused was he, the tom didnโ€™t even notice a new presence up ahead of him. It was the clearing of the catโ€™s throat that drew his attention. Before him was a small molly, tucked into a defensive ball with her tail wrapped tight around her. Antler immediately stopped walking, and his tail waved high in the air behind him.
โ€œHello,โ€ He called, pausing to offer the dilute tortie an opportunity to reply. When she didnโ€™t say a word, the tom continued in a warm, welcoming tone, โ€œAre you hurt? My friends can provide you cover and I can fetch a meal for you.โ€
The molly tucked her nose beneath her tail, eyes rolling closed as a shuddering breath ran through her thin body. Her jaw lifted only slightly to keep her words from becoming muffled, โ€œNo. โ€˜m just cold.โ€
Antler tried to hide the worry threatening to appear on his face at the sound of the mollyโ€™s voice. He couldnโ€™t imagine how raw her throat must feel simply based on how scratchy her words came out. She shuddered again, and the tom fought the urge to approach her and curl around her. He had grown so used to the action when with Storm and Haze that he almost forgot that other cats might find it invasive and odd. โ€œJust cold?โ€ he asked, โ€œOr are you sick as well? If you come with me, my friend might be able to help. She works with herbs.โ€
โ€œNnnโ€ฆ โ€˜ust col-,โ€ The molly broke out into violent coughing, her own frame shuddering and shivering from the effort to keep herself from rolling onto her side. Antler dashed forward, providing himself to be leaned upon. The heat the molly harbored was overwhelming, and the tom wasnโ€™t at all surprised when he found himself panting in an attempt to cool down.
โ€œIโ€™m taking you back with me,โ€ Antler decided, taking slow steps back towards the trioโ€™s makeshift camp. The molly appeared delirious, her repeated words inflicted with variant tones that suggested she wanted to have a much different conversation. Antler was having no of it and dragged the molly when her legs stopped moving. Perhaps she didnโ€™t want the help, but he was no decent cat at all if he would have just walked away.
Despite her protests, the tom headed off back to Storm. Hopefully sheโ€™d have a cure.
Storm scurried about the makeshift camp. She knew she should be more organized about where she put her herbs, but sometimes she just couldnโ€™t be bothered. Except now. Antler had returned with a very sick molly, and the tom had almost fainted from worry when the healer had revealed the sick cat carried kits. Storm couldnโ€™t manage to find what she needed and after tripping over Ospreyโ€™s runaway to-be for the thousandth time, she sent a seething glare around the camp until her fellow tribesmates scattered.
Antler ducked away back into the forest, the young to-be, Fog, tagging along after him. Haze had gone off to seek any stragglers flooding out of the old tribe. Storm was left to wildly run from corner to corner in search of something that might be of aid to the ill molly. Very little came to mind and she turned, rather suddenly, toward the newest cat to have joined their little posse. Frost had once belonged to the former tribe and had been good friends with Stormโ€™s mother. Her kit, Merlin, was new to the grey and white molly, however. She had left before the young thing had been born. Bursting from her jaws came a relatively calm command despite the adrenaline pumping through the healerโ€™s veins, โ€œStay away from her โ€“ I wonโ€™t risk either of you getting sick โ€“ but should she begin to vomit, give her the willow leaves and juniper berries. They may help a little, at least until I can come back with something else.โ€
Merlin hid behind his motherโ€™s back, closing his eyes to hide the fear he felt. Storm couldnโ€™t help but feel a little guilty, knowing she was most definitely the cause behind it. At Frostโ€™s determined nod, the grey molly tore off out into the forest. She wouldnโ€™t mind much, and she knew it, but every little thing counted. Storm only hoped sheโ€™d be able to find the right things.

[Doe was readopted from former tribe, Tribe of Shattered Ice]
[Doe has greencough.]
[Antler takes Fog training.]
[Antler and Fog go hunting.]
[Storm goes herb-hunting.]
[Haze goes on a border patrol.]


{Storm} Front Sitting Atop Mountain | 23 moons | Female | X

Paragon's Reserve:
Name | Rank | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Rank | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Rank | [url=link]X[/url]

    {Antler} That Scars Willow Tree | 32 moons | Male | X
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Hunter Tag-Alongs:
    {Fog} That Veils Horizon | 6 moons | Female | X
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    {Haze} That Seeps Through Trees | 28 moons | Male | X
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Guard Tag-Alongs:
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    {Frost} The Blankets Pine Needles | 45 moons | Female | X
    {Doe} Lingering at Frozen Brook | 27 moons | Female | X
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    {Merlin} That Dives After Prey | 4 moons | Male | X
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Frost and ??? | Merlin, ???
      Doe and ??? | tbd
      Name and Name | Kits
    Antler | Fog | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

        Ally Tribes:
        Tribe Name | Username
        Tribe Name | Username
      North | Tribe Name | Username
      Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
      Northwest | Tribe name | Username
      South | Tribe Name | Username
      Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
      Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
      East | Tribe Name | Username
      West | Tribe Name | Username
      Enemy Tribes:
      Tribe Name | Username
      Tribe Name | Username

      Fresh-Kill Pile:
      Mice | x0 | 1 servings
      Shrew | x0 | 1 servings
      Ermine | x2 | 2 servings
      Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
      Birds | x2 | 3 servings
      Hare | x0 | 3 servings
      Medicine Store:
      [1] Cobwebs | Used to soak up and stop bleeding. It may be used to bind broken bones.
      [1] Elder Leaves | Used as a poultice to soothe sprains.
      [1] Juniper Berries | Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, and helps troubled breathing. Acts as a sedative.
      [1] Sorrel | Used as a traveling herb. Can also be used to build up appetite.
      [1] Willow Leaves | Stops Vomiting
      [x] Herb | Usage

    Last edited by Grey_Hoodie on Tue Dec 26, 2017 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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    Bel's trial replies {001}

    Postby clarke, » Tue Dec 26, 2017 7:07 pm

    Grey_Hoodie wrote:

    [Doe was readopted from former tribe, Tribe of Shattered Ice]
    [Doe has greencough.]
    [Antler takes Fog training.]
    [Antler and Fog go hunting.]
    [Storm goes herb-hunting.]
    [Haze goes on a border patrol.]

    Storm's memories overwhelmed her, flickering through her brain like a minnow through a pool as she tried to recall anything that might help save the pregnant kit-mother. She was due in two moons, and Storm feared that she would lose the kits before they even had a chance to breathe. An image appeared in her head, of a plant that she had seen once before. It's sweet tempting scent drifted over her nose and she leapt to her paws. Thank you Tribe of Endless Hunting, I know what I need now!

    [ Doe will need catmint{for the cough} and tansy{for the fever}.]
    [ Fog learns stealth while training. ]
    [ Antler and Fog catch x1 shrew and x1 hare. ]
    [ Storm collects catmint. ]
    [ Haze comes across a loner and its sibling.
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    ๐”ฑ๐”ฅ๐”ข ๐”ฑ๐”ฏ๐”ฆ๐”Ÿ๐”ข ๐”ฌ๐”ฃ ๐” ๐”ฏ๐”ฒ๐”ช๐”Ÿ๐”ฉ๐”ฆ๐”ซ๐”ค ๐”ฐ๐”ฑ๐”ฌ๐”ซ๐”ข [005]

    Postby Grey_Hoodie » Tue Dec 26, 2017 7:51 pm

    Number of Cats โฆ‰ 009 โฆŠ 4 Males - - 5 Females
    Prey Consumed โฆ‰ 002 โฆŠ 3 servings - - 1x Shrew & 1x Ermine

    ...incredibly sleepy. words will actually be here tomorrow xp

    [Storm uses 1x catmint on Doe.]
    [Storm goes herb-hunting.]
    [Antler and Fog go training.]
    [Antler, Light, and Fog go hunting.]
    [Haze and Bear go training.]
    [Haze and Bear go on a border patrol.]


    {Storm} Front Sitting Atop Mountain | 24 moons | Female | X

    Paragon's Reserve:
    Name | Rank | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Rank | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Rank | [url=link]X[/url]

      {Antler} That Scars Willow Tree | 33 moons | Male | X
      {Light} That Glows Behind Icicle | 16 moons | Male | X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Hunter Tag-Alongs:
      {Fog} That Veils Horizon | 7 moons | Female | X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      {Haze} That Seeps Through Trees | 29 moons | Male | X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Guard Tag-Alongs:
      {Bear} That Shivers Within Den | 8 moons | Female | X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      {Frost} The Blankets Pine Needles | 46 moons | Female | X
      {Doe} Lingering at Frozen Brook | 28 moons | Female | X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      {Merlin} That Dives After Prey | 5 moons | Male | X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Frost and ??? | Merlin, ???
      Doe and ??? | tbd
      ??? and ??? | Light, ???, Bear, ???
      Name and Name | Kits
      Antler | Fog | 1 training session | Stealth - - - - -
      Haze | Bear | No. of training session | Moves
      Mentor | To-be | No. of training session | Moves
      Deceased Cats:
      Cat Name | Cause of Death
      Cat Name | Cause of Death

          Ally Tribes:
          Tribe Name | Username
          Tribe Name | Username
        North | Tribe Name | Username
        Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
        Northwest | Tribe name | Username
        South | Tribe Name | Username
        Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
        Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
        East | Tribe Name | Username
        West | Tribe Name | Username
        Enemy Tribes:
        Tribe Name | Username
        Tribe Name | Username

        Fresh-Kill Pile:
        Mice | x0 | 1 servings
        Shrew | x0 | 1 servings
        Ermine | x1 | 2 servings
        Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
        Birds | x2 | 3 servings
        Hare | x1 | 3 servings
        Medicine Store:
        [1] Cobwebs | Used to soak up and stop bleeding. It may be used to bind broken bones.
        [1] Elder Leaves | Used as a poultice to soothe sprains.
        [1] Juniper Berries | Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, and helps troubled breathing. Acts as a sedative.
        [1] Sorrel | Used as a traveling herb. Can also be used to build up appetite.
        [1] Willow Leaves | Stops Vomiting
        [x] Herb | Usage

      Last edited by Grey_Hoodie on Wed Dec 27, 2017 4:21 am, edited 8 times in total.
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      Re: Create a Tribe (v.1)

      Postby cloudy days » Tue Dec 26, 2017 9:21 pm

      Tribe Of Shimmering Dawn
      Number of Cats: 6 She-cats, 5 Toms.
      Next Pool of Shimmering Truth visit: 7 Days


      Gemteller's tail gently swayed in the breeze, her paws carefully forging through the snow-covered path. It was as if wading through the thick and ferocious muds of a vast swamp. "Ivy," she said softly, not taking her eyes off the glistening snow. It seemed they were closer to the cave mouth then they had been in the past Sun Glow. "Yes Gemteller?" Ivy asked quietly, her ears twitching. "It it always this snowy here?" the younger she-cat asked, her ivy-green gaze down in attempt to shield her face from being buffeted by the light snow. Ivy's pelt was rather damp from the snow, so as she shivered she wished if it could possibly become sunnier. Gemteller was rather tired of her complaining about the snow, but she kept her calming smile. "I smell other cats." she continued. "How can you smell anything in this snow?" Ivy asked in wonder. "It's far to-"

      "Recent!" A voice echoed from the distance. "Recent tracks are leading this way." the voice continued eagerly. As Ivy and Gemteller crouched in the snow something moved. A tom had jumped out of nowhere, his dappled pelt standing out in the snow. As the voice's owner came closer he pounced on the owner of it. Another one of the voices jumped out of nowhere and attacked the tom who was attacking the other she-cat. As the one pulling him off stopped him, the one who had been attacked turned round furiously. "What do we have here? A puny rouge?" she asked angrily. The tom lashed out, but the speaker swiped his muzzle wither her claws. The second she-cat who was holding him down backed away slowly, bumping into Ivy. "Oof! Who are you?" she purred quietly, quickly aware of the fact that the she-cat still staring in anger at the tom had focused her attention on her. "Intruders, Wind? Oh more puny rouges." Gemteller calmly sat up, ready to speak. "Wel-" "They have different tribe scents, Dawnteller." Wind added. "I am the Teller of Crystal Stones. Gemteller is what everybody calls me however. I was the healer for the tribe of Glowing Gems." Gemteller took a deep breath, her tribe's memories still with her. "Oh, another weakling from those tribes that have disbanded." Dawnteller smirked. "And who is your friend?" Ivy growled, her hackles raised. "Why should I tell you what my name is?" she paused. "I don't tell my name to random rouges." Dawnteller growled a reply, "Come with me. Even if you are too stubborn to do anything at least come to my strong tribe." huffing angrily, Ivy followed, and so did the tom for some reason. Hesitantly Gemteller joined them.

      As they made their way back to the cave a loud squeal followed. "Ember! How delighted I am to see you again!" the tom's mouth twitched at the corners, but his frown stayed the same. "Hhm. Shadow, a pleasure to see you again," he purred slowly. "Ember?" Acorn's mew came from the cave mouth. Shadow's smile stretched wider, like she was a serpent with prey that wouldn't escape. "It is you?" he continued, his voice moving closer as the young tom walked towards them. "Oh." as he spoke again Shadow leaned over him. "Welcome your brother, Acorn! Don't you miss him?" she meowed slyly. Her paw caught his muzzle, and the younger tom winced. "Treat him with respect! Do you want your brother to be lost in the snow?" As Acorn opened his mouth she continued. Ember awkwardly sat there, his tail tip betraying any emotion he felt. As Ember grumbled something she leaned forward with a threatening stare. "I shall be watching, Acorn. Any misbehaving and that will be it." she continued, stalking away like the serpent consuming it's prey. "And Ember, report to me if our little brother misbehaves."
      "She's mad." Ember grumbled. Acorn nodded. "Can I go now?" Ember nodded hesitantly. As the younger tom walked away, everybody else followed him into the cave. Ember sat just outside.
      "She's planning something." his mind whirled as he remembered things she had done in the past. "The tribe is not safe with her here."

      [Dawnteller goes to The Pool Of Shimmering Truth to ask for a To-Be]
      [Dawnteller goes Herb Hunting]
      [Dew, Minnow, Shadow, Ivy and Swan go on a Hunting patrol]
      [Wind, Crystal, Ember and Dawnteller go on a Border Patrol]
      [Oak and Acorn go training: Battle Strategy]
      [Oak and Wind become mates!]
      [The tribe consumes 3 servings]


              Teller Of Shimmering Dawn
              34 Moons | She-cat | โ„๏ธ

              Swan That Glides Gracefully
              21 Moons | She-cat | โ„๏ธ
              Sun That Shines Through Storm
              22 moons | Tom | โ„๏ธ
              Panther that Lurks in Shadow
              28 Moons | She-cat | โ„๏ธ
              Ivy that Creeps Along Walls
              22 Moons | She-cat | โ„๏ธ
              Minnow that Dashes through Water
              32 Moons | She-cat | โ„๏ธ

              Oak That Stands Tall
              33 Moons | Tom | โ„๏ธ
              Wind That Soars Across Sky
              33 Moons | She-cat | โ„๏ธ
              Crystal That Shines Brightly
              44 Moons | She-cat | โ„๏ธ
              Ember that Glows Brightly
              28 Moons | Tom | โ„๏ธ

              Healer to-be:
              Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

              Acorn that Lies Under Oak
              | 6 Moons | Tom | Gale-Guardian โ„๏ธ
              Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]โ„๏ธ[/url]

              Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]โ„๏ธ[/url]
              Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]โ„๏ธ[/url]

              Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]โ„๏ธ[/url]
              Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]โ„๏ธ[/url]

              Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]โ„๏ธ[/url]
              Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]โ„๏ธ[/url]

      Oak | Acorn | 1 training session | Battle - - - -
      Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves

      Deceased Cats:
      Cat Name | Cause of Death
      Cat Name | Cause of Death

      ?? and ?? | Shadow, Ember, Sibling. Acorn, sibling.
      Name and Name | Kits
        Ally Tribes:
        Tribe Name | Username
        Tribe Name | Username

        Enemy Tribes:
        Tribe Name | Username
        Tribe Name | Username

        North | Tribe Name | Username
        East | Tribe Name | Username
        South | Tribe Name | Username
        West | Tribe Name | Username
        Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
        Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
        Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
        Northwest | Tribe name | Username

        Medicine Store:
        Catmint | Best remedy
        for greencough.
        Can also be used for whitecough. | x2
        Chervil | For infected
        wounds and bellyache.
        Can also be used when kitting. | x1
        Comfrey Root | Repairs
        broken bones or
        soothes wounds. Also used for
        wrenched claws and shoulders.
        Can be used for itching or
        for inflammation on stiff joints.
        Can be used on burns. | x1
        Lavender | Cures fever and chills.
        Also used to hide death's scent. | x1
        Yarrow | Extracts poison from
        wounds. Will make a cat vomit up toxins.
        The ointment will soften and help heal
        cracked pads. | x1
        Horsetail | x1
        Cobweb | x1

        Fresh-Kill Pile:
        Small Fish | x1 | 2 servings
        Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings
        Vole | x3 | 1 servings
        Frog | x2 | 1 servings
        Ermine | x1 | 2 servings
        Rabbit | x0 | 3 servings
        Total: 10 servings
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      cloudy days
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      flooding waters [1]

      Postby imp. » Wed Dec 27, 2017 3:47 am

      ๏ผด๏ผฒ๏ผฉ๏ผข๏ผฅ ๏ผฏ๏ผฆ ๏ผฆ๏ผฌ๏ผฏ๏ผฏ๏ผค๏ผฉ๏ผฎ๏ผง ๏ผท๏ผก๏ผด๏ผฅ๏ผฒ๏ผณ

      The Tribe had been hidden away for years. Only ghosts of what-once-was had remained behind the sacred waterfall, forever hiding in the cave guarded by the crashing waters. The rainforest wasn't home to many cats, especially not Clan ones. The cats here were vicious, and had no code that they lived by. Jaguars, panthers, tigers, and even ocelots. The Tribe claimed to be descendants of these cats, and others seemed to believe them. The only difference was that the tribe had a home. A home behind a waterfall placed in a piece of sanctuary, hidden with the coverage of the rainforest.

      In the rainforest, the Tribe of Flooding Waters has two camps. One as a backup, and one as a main. Their main place is hidden behind a large pool and waterfall, and they have to swim across to be able to access camp. Behind the waterfall is a cave, with tunnels that let them access smaller caves. They have one escape route in the middle of all the tunnels, and that leads to to the top of the waterfall. They can speak with their ancestors at the back of the cave system.

      Common Cat Breeds;
      - Oriental Shorthair
      - Siamese
      - Bengal
      - Ocicat
      - Egyptian Mau
      - Manx
      - Devon Rex
      - Bombay
      - Singapura
      - Bobtail
      - Javanese
      - Colorpoint Shorthair
      - Savannah
      - Toyger
      - Abyssinian
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      trial mod post ;; 1 [ flooding waters ]

      Postby morrissey » Wed Dec 27, 2017 4:06 am

      weather;; winter, known as leaf-bare among the tribes. the ground and water are beginning to freeze, and kittens are experiencing their first snow. it's harder to patrol now, as if you send a cat out multiple times in the same post they have a larger chance of catching a cold, and if you send them out within 2 posts of them catching a cold, it will progress to white or greencough. births are harder, so it's advised you plan around this season. it's harder to catch prey, and it seems new cats stay to themselves in this season.
      imp. wrote:
      ๏ผด๏ผฒ๏ผฉ๏ผข๏ผฅ ๏ผฏ๏ผฆ ๏ผฆ๏ผฌ๏ผฏ๏ผฏ๏ผค๏ผฉ๏ผฎ๏ผง ๏ผท๏ผก๏ผด๏ผฅ๏ผฒ๏ผณ
      "ah, falcon that strikes bramble. long time, no see." a mystic grey-and-white molly stood at the end of a cliff, looking down to observe the water that rushed below. starlight pooled around her paws, and around the entire scene. behind her was a dark brown tabby, rather muscular, scars from his previous life decorating his coat. "stream where pebbles shine," he said, voice deeper than the ocean, seafoam eyes sparkling mischievously. "i assume you've heard the news?" the molly, stream, nodded calmly. "it seems the waterfall will be occupied soon," she mewed, glancing over her shoulder to look at the tom. falcon dipped his head, sitting down on the smooth rock. "do you know who will lead this tribe?" he inquired, studying her figure. stream glanced away, eyes darkening. "it seem no-one knows who she is," the molly murmured. "i guess we'll just have to wait and see."
      [ the tribe of flooding waters has been founded. they bring with them five herbs for their tribe. ]
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      trial mod tribe replies // 02.

      Postby notwearingsocks » Wed Dec 27, 2017 4:19 am

      winter: snow is falling in flurries, the ground thick with ice. it's very chilly, now, and cats with thin coats will find it harder to venture out. prey is much scarcer, and any cats that patrols encounter will be more than willing to join the tribe, as braving the weather alone is a dangerous task.

      ~Glaceon~ wrote:
      Tribe Of Shimmering Dawn

      [Dawnteller goes to The Pool Of Shimmering Truth to ask for a To-Be]
      [Dawnteller goes Herb Hunting]
      [Dew, Minnow, Shadow, Ivy and Swan go on a Hunting patrol]
      [Wind, Crystal, Ember and Dawnteller go on a Border Patrol]
      [Oak and Acorn go training: Battle Strategy]
      [Oak and Wind become mates!]
      [The tribe consumes 3 servings]

      [ the tribe of endless hunting grants dawnteller's request - they send her a to-be ]
      [ dawnteller finds x1 chervil ]
      [ the hunting patrol was successful! they bring back x1 vole and x1 small fish ]
      [ the border patrol encounters a kit-mother and her two kits ]
      [ acorn learns the battle strategy skill! ]
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      dancing lights

      Postby akame, » Wed Dec 27, 2017 8:15 am

        The tribe's territory is a combination of swamp and marsh. The territory is always covered in fog whether its thick that it becomes a solid color or that it looks like the mist that comes out of your mouth on a cold day. Either way outsiders will definitely get lost in their territory. Think twice on where you step though! You could mistaken growing algae on water for grass and fall right into deep-leveled water. Fallen trees have acted like bridges for Tribe Of Dancing Lights cats and swimming (although it's definitely not recommended) its not all gloomy, dark, and wet here though, the area is always lit up by lighting bugs. It may seem dark and and gloomy for outsiders but step one paw into the place and wait for the moon to meet with the night sky and twinkling stars and They'll will promise you a free magical light-show that will make-up for the darkness.

        Tradition (note that they refer to Starclan as 'Burning Stars' ):
        -Burning Stars chooses the new Healer by sending fireflies down to touch the chosen cat. How do they tell that the firefly is sent by Burning Stars you ask? Well, to make it simple Burning Stars forbids the fireflies to touch a cat without their consent, only fireflies that are sent by Burning Stars will touch the next Healer and only them. This only happens at firefly season where the tribe is all gathered around. [ note that the next-healer is not always presented every season. ]

        -The Firefly season is a must-attend for Tribe of Dancing Lights. Not only for the tribe to see who might just be the next Healer but its a spectacular show that was presented to the tribe ever sense it was founded.

        -Apprentice's future ranks are decided on the day of their ceremonies by what type of prey they catch:
        snake: Natural Guardians. Guardians have 3 different departments: Nursery Guardians, Ruler Guardians, and Entrance Guardians. These cats are intimidating and won't back down on a fight. They will likely try to avoid a fight but if you become more of a threat to whatever they're protecting, they won't hesitate to strike! ( Guardians are like Cave-Guards )

        bird: Natural Messengers. Messengers are cats that have extremely good noses and can track the deepest of scents. A Messenger's job is to scout for anything in or out of camp that could bring any news whether good or bad to the tribe; reporting to the teller for any suspicions.

        mouse/frogs Natural Prey-Hunters. Rumors say that those who catch frogs are better at leaping into the air for birds and those who catch mouse's are better at hiding their presence and stalking.
      Last edited by akame, on Mon Jan 01, 2018 10:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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      Bel's trial replies {002}

      Postby clarke, » Wed Dec 27, 2017 8:23 am

      Weather: Snow is falling heavily and cats sent on more than one activity in a day have a risk of getting ill. It is more rare to find cats around your clan's territory and prey is scarce. But prey you do find will be easy to catch, and most cats you come across are more likely to join your tribe.

      Grey_Hoodie wrote:

      [Storm uses 1x catmint on Doe.]
      [Storm goes herb-hunting.]
      [Antler and Fog go training.]
      [Antler, Light, and Fog go hunting.]
      [Haze and Bear go training.]
      [Haze and Bear go on a border patrol.]

      It was eerily quiet when the loner went into labor, and even more quiet when her two kits were born. Her heart swelled when she saw the ginger kit reflected her mate- her only love, quite clearly. But she was starving, and her stomach seemed to echo with emptiness. She had no choice but to stand and find food, or else her beloved kits would have no milk. As she left the defenseless kits alone, she felt a tugging at her heart. But it was not an option to stay- she had to leave. She tracked a mouse, it's tiny prints and sweet scent overwhelming her senses. Her paws were small and light, but still she sunk into the deep snow and left imprints behind her. As the mouse came into view, something behind her snapped! and the tiny creature fled into cover. She wheeled around, only to be greeted by a massive cat- with fangs longer than the kit-mother's paws. She let out a ferocious hiss, but was no match for the predator. Her last thoughts were of her beloved ginger mate- and the two kits she had left behind.

      [ Doe begins to feel better, but her fever is still high ]
      [ Storm discovers lavender and catmint.]
      [ Fog learns the hunting skill. ]
      [ Antler's hunting patrol catches x2 mice. ]
      [ Bear learns the battle skill. ]
      [ Bear discovers two abandoned kits. ]
      [ Fog and Bear catch whitecough. ]
      Last edited by clarke, on Wed Dec 27, 2017 10:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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