Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby -goldleaf- » Wed Dec 20, 2017 1:03 pm

((I typed my reply at work and as soon as I hit submit something went wrong and I lost it all:/ just my luck. And no, Mirage, I don't mind at all if they run into Roan on their way back... it'll be an interesting reunion. Or Tanga could come find him, whatever you want really))

Lips itched with a bitter frown as Kirsten cast hollow eyes towards Maia, not grateful for the unsavory reminder of how far she had come. Her dark little ears twitched around in a shaky kind of pattern, focusing on so many things at once that she couldn't focus for more than a moment. It seemed that being in other wolves' presence had awakened her to the world more than she had previously been. Dark paws trailed off-beat blooms of ruby smears, swollen blisters pinching with every step.

"I don't know if I can say the same for you," she called lightly, or as lightly as she currently could. "It doesn't seem that you've ever had a real home." Emerald eyes narrowed just slightly, wincing at her own harsh words. though she meant them. These wild faes had been the root of her homes downfall, and as far as she knew of their history, they had moved around quite a bit.

Kirsten sucked in a soft breath, loosing a small snarl as her numb paw hit against a rock shard hard enough to send feeling back up her leg. "How are you here?" She growled, pausing to shake out her paw roughly, eyes blinking shut as she swayed with the motion unsteadily.
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Postby spiff » Wed Dec 20, 2017 1:57 pm

[ omg guys i think it's been literal years since i last posted here?? i only come onto cs for the pets these days, but i took a peek at my threads today and i was hella surprised to see this rp at the top even though i maybe shouldn't have been. it never ceases to amaze me that you guys always come back together, no matter how many months pass in between. this tiny, tight-knit community of rpers have been writing together for so, so long, and i'm truly grateful to have been a part of that even if only for a (comparatively) short while. thanks for putting up with my embarrassing middle/high school self; you guys played an indispensable role in the growth of my writing, even if you don't realize it.

sorry for the sappiness + spam lol i just skimmed some posts and they made me feel nostalgic. feel free to open up my characters' roles, i don't have anything else to offer, and carry on; you guys are rockstars. ]
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby Nellas » Wed Dec 20, 2017 2:24 pm

((hey Spiff oh my goodness! It's so nice to hear from you. (no need to apologize for the sappiness- I'm basically summoned by it.) I'm sorry to hear you won't be writing with us any more- thank you for everything you've done with us over the years!! I hope everything is going well for you and that you are getting to do things you enjoy <3))
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby *~WolfSoul~* » Wed Dec 20, 2017 2:48 pm

((Holy [removed], Spiff, it has been years. My jaw dropped when I saw your name on the thread, I have to say it's an absolute treat to hear from you after all this time. Thank you so much for your kind words, they mean a lot to us and to me. Message me anytime you'd like, I'd love to hear about how you've been <3))

The edge that presented itself in Katrina’s words washed over Beau’s ears and earned the dove not the disapproval or reprimand that it might have from a shores wolf, but instead she was rewarded, as though her irritation were not a stifling thing but an ember that stoked a greater flame. The loner tilted his head, rusty ears catching the lighting of the setting sun as azure eyes lidded halfway in a thoughtful expression. The light of Beau’s gaze in fact brightened in reaction to Katrina’s little show of temper, feeding off the display, like low-simmering embers being given a breath of air.

For a moment there was a lingering pause in which Beau seemed to have something to say just behind his pearly teeth, but he held it there, and a slow grin broke across his expression, sunny and rich like yolks out of a broken egg. “Well, Katrina,” he started, casting his gaze briefly around the street, which now was quiet like baited breath and shaded by the setting sun. “It’s my understanding that damn near everyone in this town has somewhere to be by sundown, and, honestly, I can’t wait to have free run of these streets once they go dark.” Another grin as his gaze fell to the dove once more, this one toothier than before, mischievous, a glowing promise of trouble behind his teeth. “But if you decide that you want some real, unbridled fun..." He nodded once, "Come find me.”
With a final lift of his brows in a gesture of both goodbye and invitation, Beau gave the stranger dove one last nod, azure eyes flicking over her face and meeting her crystalline gaze one last time before the baron turned from her and began moving back in the direction he had been headed. Rusty paws and flagging tail were soon gone, lean, wild form slipping quietly down an alley to disappear.

(With this, I'm ready for the skip ahead to the party.)

A thoughtful hum rumbled from within Saber’s deep chest in answer to Clarence’s words. It was a gentle acknowledgement of the weight of the worry that Saber could feel in his beta’s reply, neither adding to the concern nor making light of it. The lead hunter tilted his head slightly to give signal that he was taking a moment to draw together this thoughts in answer to Clarence’s question. In truth, Saber was distrustful of newcomers by nature, taking a long time to warm up to them. Though he shared his beta’s lack of trust in these newcomers, Saber could also see that Clarence needed more than just a sharing of sentiment – the beta was, as Saber often found him to be, entrenched in his own protective worry.

“You’re not alone in hesitating to let your guard down, especially regarding Jesse.” Saber began, sharing in his beta’s hesitation and hoping that having someone to split the sentiment with might ease the dark wolf’s mind. “He seems…” here Saber hesitated, lips pursing as he searched for a word that fit. Tense, skittish, electrified, capable of causing great harm and restrained from doing so only by some fraying ropes. “As wary of us as we are of him.” Saber finally settled on these words with a slow nod, eyes trained on the scarred figure across the camp steadily.

“But I think that you –" Saber turned his gaze now to rest evenly on Clarence “-will only be able to feel better about the situation by learning more about him. Nearly all of us are injured, perhaps two new bodies could be put to use. Enlist him to come along on a border patrol, or do some work to prepare for our journey in a few days’ time.” Saber knew the only way Clarence would truly find respite from his hyper-vigilance would be to get a better look at whatever threat Jesse might pose. The warm amber of Saber's eyes rested steady on his beta, their bronze hues melted metallic with the warm laziness of painkillers in his system - a look that had been rare since his parents passing. "And trust this pack of warriors, just as we trust you."
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby Nellas » Thu Dec 21, 2017 3:35 am

((That sounds good to me!))

In waiting for Saber’s reply, Clarence was content to simply rest in his packmate’s steady presence, though his eyes were ever fixed on the two newcomers. Saber’s words fell on attentively pricked ears, Clarence rumbling an agreement from deep in his throat. He took a certain carefully allowed comfort in Saber’s affirmation of his own fears, relieved somewhat to know that he wasn’t the only one. His tendency to over-worry - sometimes a curse, sometimes a blessing - was one the beta was well aware of, but with his inclination towards intense focus and hyper vigilance, it was often hard to curb on the occasion that it was truly irrational. After a beat, Clarence swiveled his dark head to fix his gaze now on Saber as the head hunter continued to offer his thoughts, listening quietly yet intensely until he was sure the other was done.

Clarence met the head hunter’s eyes at Saber’s last spoken words, melted warm amber matching against ocean-depth blues, taken somewhat by surprise at the expression of faith in him. At something of a loss for words, he could only look at Saber and hope the intensity of his gratitude shone through.

Instead of replying right away, the beta took a moment’s thought for himself, letting one of his enormous dark forepaws sift idly through the dirt at his feet as he did so, shiny black claws catching faintly in the softening afternoon light. “I think you’re right, Saber, that’s very wise,” he said slowly. “I appreciate your input - very much,” he continued, wanting to convey the true depth of his appreciation for his packmate and friend, but never quite having the exact right words for it.
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby -goldleaf- » Thu Dec 21, 2017 5:56 am

((I've written so many different versions of this reply. Also yes Mirage its okay for them to run into Roan if you want, it'll be an... interesting reunion. Or Tanga could come find him if you want))

Kirsten tossed her head an an abrupt little shake, loosing a short growl past dry lips. Hollow eyes cutting over to Maia with a twist in her lips. Never had her expressions been so easily readable, though the daze of her tired mind put a muddy fix on things. She let out another louder growl as her little episode had her tripping over a sharp rock. Her appearance was answer enough to the other dove's words, for she was the perfect picture of an over-travelled dove.

"Is there another pack here?" was her gruff response a few moments later, nose lifting to the breeze as she tried to pull in any scent of more wolves. She couldn't image these specific doves being on their own out here; for wherever they went they seemed to stick like a poison. Her emerald eyes cut again to Maia, observing the fae brokenly. She had found the other fae very agreeable once, was even sometimes nervous about befriending her for fear of ruining inter-relationships between their... savory siblings.
Last edited by -goldleaf- on Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby Zeena » Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:34 am

((Hey guys, thank you for accepting me! I feel like a slower RP is best for me at the moment while I try to get back into things haha. I will have limited access to the computer for the holidays and I don't want anyone to be stuck interacting with me when I can't reply, so I'll begin roleplaying once I can get full access again and I'll make a male character at that time as well! Thanks again for accepting me, I look forward to roleplaying with you all! ^^ ))


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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby The Royal Mirage » Wed Dec 27, 2017 8:04 pm

((Spiff- I don't think I could add anything more to what's already been said, thanks for joining us when you did and best of luck carrying on <3

Zeena- no problem at all, feel free to join in whenever you have the time ^^))

Rich scents wafted all about her as Elia, ever calm despite the importance of the procedure, carved hunks of roasted spiced venison into perfectly matching slices. The deep red colour of the meat's interior was a stark contrast to the blistery brown exterior, an arrangement that was always pleasing to the nobles of the pack. She had been saving this particular cut of meat from a rare hunting opportunity she had come across in the last week, when she had traveled to the wild orchard of fruit trees and seen a fat doe preparing for the coming winter. The two roast haunches were what remained from that day, the meat's freshness renewed with the fire's heat and the flavor of fresh herbs. The gilded silver tray was placed next to an assortment of other meats, including a wild-caught boar, cuts from two lambs from her own flock and several chickens, roasted with sweet fruit and spicy onions to flavour the flesh. A thin layer of sweat had accumulated on her brow with the intense work of the last few hours, contrasting the citrine jewels of her earrings and necklace, the only ornamentation she possessed. But it was worth it, as this job would pay handsomely.

Grassy eyes shifted sideways to the table of vegetation that had been laid out, decidedly less ornate than the meats, but no less impressive in its contents; many root vegetables, which had roasted with the meats, were steaming on their own shining trays, some left whole while others were mashed to a pleasant consistency. Tiny orange roots, carrots, were her crowning achievement of the day - those had been pan-seared in a mixture of piquant spices and fine liquor to give them an oddly intoxicating aroma. Deep red beets had alternately been treated quite simply, roasted in a mixture of salt and fats which brought out their natural sweetness, and a bowl of deep leafy greens went completely untouched by the heat of her flames, seasoned with a simple dressing of egg and rendered fat mixed with assorted spices. Foraged mushrooms, roasted in oil and charred very slightly, gave off a wild scent that made one feel as though surrounded by hot earth.

Fruits of the sea were positioned on the next table, one Elia was not quite as pleased to behold; while many dishes including fish were enjoyed by her packmates, the sugary fae was less keen on some of the more traditional dishes. Entire glazed salmon glistened undisturbed on their trays, the scent of delicately cooked flesh bringing a slight grimace to her lips. But her mouth couldn't help but water at the thought of the seared eel, hoping desperately that there would be some left over when the night was done. Fillets of smoked fish of many different kinds were laid out with round slices of lemon and citrus as their only accompaniment, while freshly caught molluscs were arranged to be enjoyed raw. Shellfish like crab and lobster had been steamed whole, the bright red of their carapaces enticing to behold, their trays accompanied by ramekins of lemon juice and melted sheep butter, the only accompaniment such delicacies really required. She was glad that the funds to purchase the raw materials from fishmongers was reimbursed by her employer, for she could not have acquired such a bountiful haul on her own.

However, the table of breads was one entirely cultivated, collected, and created by the chef, an impressive assortment involving different textures and spices, breads with or without seeds and nuts foraged so carefully over time. One in particular, made from a fermented yeast culture and the most finely ground wheat she could manage, was an aromatic splendor, with a slightly sour scent that urged one to dig into its crusty exterior. The table was again adorned with home-churned sheep butter, but was also host to a variety of slightly tangy cheeses, each as distinct from one another as the breads. Cheeses were one of the pricier things to provide for a client, and Elia was ecstatic that the party called for so much of it. The stinky blue wheel that she herself was not fond of, to the creamy delight of a tangy brie; these would provide for her small, cherished family more than much of the bigger, fancier items that were laid out to be feasted upon.

A blur of movement caught the young fae's eye, glancing in its direction to find Hamish working on the dessert tray. His neckerchief had been replaced with a simple cream collar just below his jawline, and his unruly pelt had been thoroughly washed and combed into a presentable array. As he carefully adjusted one of their newer creations, a golden cream cake make from soft cheese, egg, and sugar, Elia watched a tiny wrinkle of concentration form between his brows and smiled. She was so blessed to have him with her, and as the pup straightened up, the elder sister saw for a moment a flash of the wolf he would one day become, a sturdy, if not overly shaggy, baron. She would make a thousand cheeses, and cook hundreds of salmon just to see that future come to fruition. "Hamish," she called out, straightening herself out and padding over to the pup.

The young brute, previously lost in concentration, looked up at the sound of his sister's voice, less so a response to his name as it was a reaction to the familiar tone that she used only for him. "Did I do okay with the cheesecake?" he asked as she came over, glancing back to the confection to see if he had missed some crucial element. His questioning was put to rest by his sister's familiar yet rare chuckle, the true sound one that was low and warm, as he felt a paw reach to the constricting piece of cloth around his neck. Hazel orbs met his sister's as she straightened out his collar, perplexed at her gentle smile as her own unusually clean paws worked with a tenderness not lost on the youngster. A cautious smile began to curve at his own maw in return, before the opening of the kitchen door disrupted the familiar atmosphere.

As the silvery brute entered the kitchen, one of the two senior deltas who were hosting the party following at his heels, Delano's gold-flecked gaze landed first upon the two wolves inside, though he quickly looked away as the pair seemed to be having a moment. What may have made him ache to roll those glittering orbs in a sober state of mind had the beta instead focused on his own family, an unwelcome thought. He let his eyes, like those of his companion, rake over the vast array of food laid out on rolling tables, each looking more appealing than the last. "Guests will be arriving soon," he said, glancing back to the pair when he was sure they'd had enough time to compose themselves. Sure enough, the fae who seemed entirely too young to have prepared such a banquet stood at the ready, her fur combed in an immaculate yet subdued fashion; she was not showy, but by no means plain either, and her sturdy figure was still rounded with a bit of baby fat. The kind of fae Delano had discovered to be quite rare in his new home.

His companion, quick to agree that guests would soon be there, urged the two to begin moving the savory tables out into the main room - the desserts would come out later. Delano tuned out the brute's jabbering though, instead moving to help the young fae and a few other serving wolves with the task. He ignored the questioning gaze of those around him, too pleasantly buzzed to care as he gave his muscles a much-needed stretching. An unnaturally tall black brute carried the other end of the table, the tips of his ears and slope of his back dotted with snowy white, and Delano caught the other's caramel gaze gratefully when the table of food was placed in the banquet hall. "I've seen you around the pack before," he mused, voice not quite as gruff as it usually was as the brute pressed for conversation.

Aron felt slightly uncomfortable as the beta addressed him so casually, still recovering from the shock of being helped by the brute directly. Since joining the pack, Delano had always been rather... different from other high-ranking wolves,
but even still this new side was one the warrior had yet to encounter. "Yes sir," was his automatic response, glad his mouth seemed to at least be responsive while his thoughts tried to catch up with his surroundings. While Aron himself was simply adorned by small tiger-eye studs in each ear, his fur combed simply, the brute across from him was completely the opposite. A dark plate of armor adorned the other brute's chest and bracers of the same material were worn about his forelegs, both pieces inlaid with delicate gold filigree. Yet as polished as the beta's adornments were, his fur was still rough, appearing to be clean but swept up haphazardly in a windy embrace. He was still wild. A moment from the past flashed in his mind, of his sister trailing the brute one evening, and he wondered if Melanie was handling herself alright.

As the forest gaze continued to meet his own unflinchingly, Aron felt pressed for more information. "I'm providing security for tonight's festivities," he added belatedly, watching as the scruffy baron nodded, as though pleased with the information. "There's no need to worry about troublemakers, everything will run smoothly," he assured, though of course there was no way to guarantee such a thing. A gruff laugh cracked through the beta's pointed fangs, and he reassured Aron that he had no worries about such things, before simply leaving without excusing himself as the other tables were set up. It left Aron wondering just what had the usually morose brute in such a relaxed mood, though not for long as other servers and guards began rushing to position themselves. It wouldn't be long now.

((Okay, I am wiped out. But we can now start posting in the party - for some reason I was feeling particularly inspired to write about the setup, but feel free to write as though the party is already taking place. I would have started with Opal and Phaed as well, but... it's almost 3am and I just need to give it a rest for the night))
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby Nellas » Fri Dec 29, 2017 6:32 am

“This is more than just any party, Russet, remember that,” his mother said, fussing unsatisfied with the plush fur at his ruff. He stood silently, his face a mask of impassiveness as he received the latest of her comments and criticisms, his slender dark legs anchored to the ground as if made of stone. “This is the celebration of Alphess Adonia’s birth; I will have no mistakes made on this night. You look like a Forest wolf, fix your ruff before we go. I have other things to attend to.” She turned and exited the room, the aroma of her delicate flower scented perfume spilling into the air with the movement.

As soon as she was gone, he allowed himself a breath, attempting in vain to ease the knot of anxiety that had tangled itself in his chest. The only outward tell to reveal this surge of emotion laid in the brief moment in which he shut his eyes, obscuring their intense winedark depths for but a moment before he opened them again, outwardly composed. Gaze shifting to the mirror on the opposite wall, he regarded himself in a detached manner. The wolf looking back at him was a picture of proper and masculine attractiveness; washed, glossy fur, proudly curved neck and perked ears, defined jaw, lack of ornamentation highlighting instead his stormcloud coat. His nightdark fur, brushed through with flecks of silver mica, shone thus with tiny pinpricks of light like stars caught across the expanse of his finely scented coat. His ruff wasn’t quite tamed, so he took a moment to finish as his mother had ordered, and the effect was even worse. He didn’t know what he wanted to see when he looked in the mirror, but this wasn’t it. The subtle shimmer the mica afforded him was the only thing that felt even a little right.

By the time Blackbird arrived to the party, he had wrapped a fog so thickly around his heart that it no longer thrummed with the sticky, nebulous anxiety he felt earlier and instead settled like a stone in his chest. His parents, each of them the picture of severe, cold beauty, pressed him with sharply meaningful glances - behave yourself - before parting ways and leaving him to fend for himself. The tables of food, decadent and lavish, automatically made his mouth water - though he was well used to a fine meal, the array at the parties were always a step above and beyond. There weren’t many others yet- his parents had insisted on being right on time, not wanting to miss a thing, so instead of seeking any particular wolf out, Blackbird made his way over to one of the tables, intending on pouring himself a drink.

If Finch had taken special care to brush out his fur out in preparation for the party, well, why shouldn't he? It wasn't every day they celebrated Alphess Adonia's birth; it was an important occasion that he should certainly look his best for. Looking at himself in the mirror, he was moderately pleased with his appearance; he usually unruly fur in varying shades of rich earthy browns was slightly more tame than usual and framed his face complementingly, from which a pair of bright amber eyes shone out. The chocolate fur at his ruff flirted with the primrose ribbon Anna had fixed at his throat, further teasing out the sunny gold in his eyes.

The scents of vanilla mingled with lilac announced Anna’s presence in the doorway even before he turned to look at her, and when he did, the warmth of his smile was mirrored back in Anna’s answering fond expression.

“Are you ready to go?” she asked simply, to which her brother nodded decidedly. He looked as if he’d put more effort than usual into his appearance- not to say that Finch was generally unkempt; more just that he had tried especially hard this time. She wondered at the subtle change, but said nothing, instead stepping to the side of the doorway in a graceful movement in an invitation for him to accompany her, the pearlescent silks adorning her shoulders lifting in a breath of air with her movement. Finch stepped out ahead of her and she followed, each of them quiet as they tread along the path to the banquet hall. Flutters of excitement mixed with nervousness in Anna’s center as brother and sister traversed the darkening streets; the gentle dove tended to enjoy the parties immensely, yet her enjoyment was unfailingly tempered by a sense of not quite belonging. Next to the other wolves dressed in their finest, she felt a sense of plainness and ordinariness that no sky-hued eyeshadow or fine silver bracelets could quite fix.

The answering grin that spread across Beau’s face sent a chill down Katrina’s spine. His words burned in her memory: Come find me. And then he was gone, just as soon as he had appeared. Katrina’s head swum with the adrenaline of the encounter, and as she made her way home with her brooch in its carefully wrapped package, her mind was not on the party but on the undeniable intrigue of this stranger named Beau. On what he promised without promising.

“Katrina, dear, I was almost worried you wouldn’t be back in time,” her mother greeted her at the door, shaking her abruptly back into the present.

“Late for a party, me?” she replied, the words falling off her lips without needing to think. “I wouldn’t dream of such a thing.” The answering chuckle from her mother warmed her as they stepped inside together. The stone tile floor had heated since her early-morning adventure, reminding her of the result of the outing: the present she still carried.

“Mother, I have a gift for you,” Katrina said, her words lilting with her rising excitement as she presented the package, small creamy paws dancing in place as she watched her mother delicately take apart the wrapping and lift up the dark blue silk and the moonstone brooch.

“Oh, Katrina, this is beautiful,” her mother exclaimed, face lighting up in a delighted open smile that her daughter only got to see when they were away from others. “Where did you find this gorgeous brooch?” the older fae asked, holding it closer to her face to study the play of light over its finely crafted features. “It matches so perfectly with the silk.”

“From Opal, the jeweler,” Katrina supplied proudly, her quick-beating heart warming in her chest with her mother’s joy. “It would be just perfect to wear to the party, I was thinking,” she continued, her words quick with her bubbling excitement, “It brings out your eyes so well, with the silver and the blue.”

“Thank you so much, love,” her mother said sincerely, sweeping her daughter up into a tight hug. Katrina’s breath caught in her throat with sudden emotion, cherishing her mother’s closeness before she pulled back all too soon, always too soon. “I love it. And, Katrina…” The change in her mother’s tone of voice made her pause and look searchingly into the older dove’s face, whose features had tensed slightly with the change in subject. “Just… be careful tonight, please. I’d hate for a slip-up in etiquette to tarnish your night, dear, and, well… just keep in mind the importance of the celebration.”

“I’ll be careful, Mother,” she replied quickly, rolling with the blow without letting the other see how it had hurt her. “But not careful enough to alter who I am.”

Finch felt electrified with energy as he and Anna stepped into the banquet hall. It seemed they had arrived well enough on time, he noted gladly: the celebration wasn’t yet in full swing, but other wolves were already there, and the hall bubbled softly with conversation. Adrenaline tingled in his legs as he glanced around, taking stock of the guests, looking for -

“Finch! Anna!”

“Katrina,” he laughed by way of greeting as the familiar petite auburn fae danced up to the pair of them, adorned in silks of many bright colors that she managed to pull off by sheer force of charisma.
Anna merely smiled, doing her best to keep her cheerful demeanor polite and toned down, though as always, his sister’s true emotion betrayed itself in her liquid warm eyes.

“Fancy seeing the two of you here,” the sunny little couturier teased, “The two of you look as lovely as ever.”

“So do you,” Anna responded sincerely, her sweet smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as it grew. “Have you been here long?”
“No, I arrived only a little before you did,” Katrina said, her expression somehow mischievous in a way that Anna didn’t attempt to fathom and merely shook her head amusedly at.
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby The Royal Mirage » Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:24 am

"Mother, let me help you with that."

The sugar plum fae lifted delicate paws to her mother's fiery coat, adjusting the golden necklaces adorning the fae's neck. Bright red gemstones littered the elder dove's coat, bringing out the nervous expression in her deep wine-hued orbs. Citrine had adjusted well, changing rank so suddenly from warrior to senior delta when Opal's father, Onyx, had chosen her for his mate, yet parties such as these still brought out the fae's insecurities. Opal was patient however, styling her mother's fur and weaving dainty chains of gold and ruby into her beloved mother's silky tail. The bright orange colour, accented by golden sand markings, were so reminiscent of Amber's, the young jeweller couldn't help but feel a bit wistful as she looked over her mother's sturdy figure.

"Do I look alright, sweetheart?" she asked, lifting a paw and inspecting the clinking bracelets at her ankles, feeling soft silks rustling with the movement. "Will your father approve?"

Opal gave her mother a smile and reached forward to hug the fae, being careful not to entangle any of their finery in the motion. "You look stunning mama, you always do," she reassured, enjoying the returned squeeze for a moment longer before the faes broke from their embrace. "Now let's go downstairs, and you can ask father yourself how he likes it." The teasing tones were accented with a mischievous little smile, Citrine enjoying the moment of familiarity. Tonight she would have to be the perfect picture of a high-ranking fae, she couldn't let her own low-status affect her mates. It was a pressure she hated to impose on her beloved child, and yet, Opal always rose to the occasion perfectly, and even managed to make herself feel more at ease.


It was only in snatched glances that Elia could see her dishes being enjoyed, stopping her rushed passage between kitchen and hall briefly whenever she would notice a particularly choosy client placing delicacies onto their plate. Of course, no one ever filled their plates, it would be somehow unacceptable to take too much, but the chef had catered enough events to know a fuller, satisfied plate from a displeased, emptier plate. And it appeared that today was a fuller plate day, the sight warming her heart even as it raced with her back to the kitchen. "Hamish, how do the croissants look?" she asked before even glancing around to see where her brother was, only taking notice of his absence when he didn't pipe up immediately. A bolt of worry struck the young dove, though she attempted to settle her frayed nerves a moment. Hamish was working now too - as an apprentice, but still working - she tried to have faith that he was simply in the hall adjusting something else that she had missed. Padding over to the oven, she looked at the golden rolls of flaky pastry that seemed to be just hitting the perfect level of doneness, finding a hot mat and removing the tray to cool.

Hamish was in fact in the banquet hall, having spent a bit too long admiring the mound of steaming potatoes he had replaced on the vegetable table. 'Who could possibly eat all this food?' the pup wondered, hazel eyes straying to the nobles whose plates were barely filled, or those who managed to resist the feast altogether. What self control they must have, to not sniff with anticipation, to salivate at the sights and smells; perhaps growing up meant you enjoyed food less? Or maybe nobles just didn't like the kind of food he and Ellie made. The last thought set an uncharacteristic frown upon the young wolf's face.

"There's no place for such a sad face at a gathering such as this," a warm, familiar voice sounded. Hamish turned to see the golden figure of his tutor, Phaedrus, looking more polished than ever. The elder brute smiled, prompting a returning grin from the pup, who noticeably straightened his posture. Phaed took pride in all his young pupils, but Hamish was a special case even among them - the pup was unusually rambunctious and had difficulty keeping his emotions contained compared to other youngsters in the pack, and yet these very flaws made him somehow more endearing. Would the tutor feel remorse when, someday, Hamish grew up and no longer wagged his tail with reckless abandon? The brute reached to his face to adjust his spectacles, breaking the chain of thought. "Did you and Elia make this entire feast Hamish? It's quite impressive," he praised, watching closely as, sure enough, the young brute's smile widened to flash pointed puppy fangs.

'Of course nobles like our food, if Phaedrus approves then everyone else must just be waiting for the desserts!' the pup reasoned to himself, nodding his head vigorously before slowing, realizing he might be mussing his carefully combed fur. "We didn't catch the fish, but we cooked everything - the kitchen in this place is really big! You wouldn't believe how many ovens there are, I think Ellie was having too much fun with them," he gushed, before noticing the slightly raised brows of his tutor, signalling that he may have just overshared. Was it such a crime to share with a friend though? Hamish gave a bashful smile, looking down at his paws in apology. He would learn to be a proper wolf, so he could help his sister out. Then she wouldn't be so busy with work all the time, and they would be able to play.


A trio of finely dressed wolves entered the hall as the party began to fill up in earnest, the muted sound of the hired musicians playing a melody just loud enough to be heard beyond the bustling conversation. Opal followed her parents' lead in greeting the hosts and thanking them for the invitation, her smile bright yet proper as she complimented the venue as she had been taught. Each motion was practiced so often that they lent themselves a genuine air, and soon enough Opal had separated from the group to mingle for herself. A passing waiter offered her a delicate glass flute of something clear and bubbly, alcoholic from the scent, and likely very expensive. It would be rude to refuse, so she took one with a genuine 'thank you', taking a small sip to hold up appearances and, hopefully, calm her nerves. She put up a good front, and the distraction of delighting her hosts had been welcome, but now, on her own, Opal couldn't keep her gaze from wandering about the hall, heart quickening. Where was he?
Deviantart, Flight Rising, Divided We Stand, WME Challenge
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