Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread--CLOSED

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Re: Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread

Postby broken* » Sat Dec 02, 2017 8:48 am

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Re: Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread

Postby Mechanic Drone » Tue Dec 19, 2017 6:08 pm

Username: Mechanic Drone
Your lion: Klay
 Klay awoke with a large drawn out yawn escaping with mouth. With a huff he rolled over trying to ignore the fact it was time for him to awaken to patrol the border. After a moment a slight chill seemed to creep into his spine making him shiver voilently. Grumpling he got to his feet and began to put his armor onfor the day.
The cold continued to nip at him and he shrugged it off, assuming he had simply spent to much time around Valhalla and her warm fiery pelt. Once suited up Klay left his den only to enter what seemed like an alien world. Snow covered everything within the pridelands. In awe Klay looked around, ice and snow for as far as he could see. He had only ever heard of worlds covered in snow, though being so young had never actually been to one himself which made the winter wonderland even more spectacular.
After a moment he looked down and slowly walked out of his den, his paws crunching into the snow under his feet. With a smile that looked like it belonged to a cub Klay took off sprinting into the snow. Though it seemed out of character of Klay for him to act like a cub without actually playing with them Klay couldnt help but run around like a child. Slowly Klay slowed his pace to a trot as he approched his patrol group. He wasnt quite sure why the snow was there but he was grateful, it was a great start to the day.
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Re: Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread

Postby Penultima » Wed Dec 20, 2017 3:56 am

Username: Penultima
Your lion: Acacius
Acacius was in the middle of a regular patrol when he felt it. A soft, cool breeze snuck up behind him that made the hairs on the back of his mane rise, the way they do when someone whispers just out of reach. It happened slowly, creeping, then all at once, a gust of frosty-cold air that blew the male lion onto his face in the stubbly grass. Cold, large, and wet clumps of half-frozen snow-sleet pelted his fur with it, and groaning, he picked himself up and sped along his route looking for the nearest shelter. He did not like the cold.
He found a large tree with twisted, knotted roots, and pushed himself as far underneath them as he could squeeze himself. Watching, soaked, Acacius growled softly to himself as the sleet slowly morphed into fat clumps of snow as the air temperature dropped even further, piling up on the muddy ground. He closed his eyes as the wind stung them, whistling through the bare branches above, and inevitably, dozed off as the wind howled in the white world outside.
When he came to, it was eerily silent. Blinking sleep out of his eyes, Acacius saw a thick blanket of whiteness covering every inch of the landscape, sparkling in its undisturbed, dazzling new state. Maybe winter wasn’t so bad after all. Maybe, just maybe, he could appreciate the beauty of it for once. Clambering out from under the roots, icicles clinging to his fur, he stretched, scrunching his massive paws in the fresh snow. His back leg caught on a root, and tripping, the force from his body shook the tree, raining a branch-load of powdering snow all over the lion. "Forget that!" Acacius said outloud, once again cold and wet as he trudged off back to the pride.

(301 words)


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Re: Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread

Postby Pengu. » Fri Dec 29, 2017 6:56 am

Username: Pengu.
Your lions: Baequaz and Kaiden (w/ Khazix, Icarus, Pandora)

There was a chill in the air that made it difficult for the young forger to uncurl himself from his den this morning. Kaiden opened one eye and looked around to find his home empty, his parents and siblings gone for the day, leaving him shivering in the rocky abode all alone. Weather did not seem to change much on the lion’s planet so the cause for today’s disturbance was puzzling to him. “The forge should be much warmer than this frigid place…” he yawned, shaking as he rose and ran off to sweet, sweet warmth.

When Kaiden arrived he was greeted with a blank stare from Khazix, his father, before the lion returned to forging a new armor piece for an eager warrior. What is he so uptight about this morning? Kaiden wondered, shuffling to his spot and letting the fire sooth his muscles, letting tiny drops of water fall as the ice on his coat melted. His father was always like this but never to Kaiden. To his sister, Bae, or his brother Icarus - sure - but never to Kaiden. “You are not working today.” Khazix said lowly, striking intrigue in his son. “Why not?” Kaiden chattered, teeth clacking in the cold as he tried to speak. As a workaholic, it was unusual for him to be told not to work.

“I need you to keep an eye on your sister.” Kaiden furrowed his brow. “Why do I need to watch Kaiya?”

“Your other sister…”

Kaiden grumbled and slumped to the ground looking at his paws. “Is Baequaz the reason I am shivering my tail off in this snowstorm?” he sighed, breathing out heavily enough to cause breath of fire to come from his mouth, melting the snow at his feet. Khazix stopped what he was doing and gave a sigh of his own. “She is in love…” he grumbled, shaking his head in disapproval before returning to his job.


Kaiden was forced to venture back outside. How would he even find her in this storm? Everything. Was. White. Baequaz certainly couldn’t fly in this weather, so he would not need to look toward the sky. If she was the cause, she would be at the center of it. “The coldest part… great… just great….” Each step felt like a mile and his paws were frozen and numb. Wind whipped up around him and the snow was swirling around. Lions were running left and right trying to find shield from the storm - other than the ice lions that is. They seemed to quite enjoy it. Not Kaiden. He was made of fire and metal - not ice like his mother and siblings.

“Kaiden!” a voice cried out. “Isn’t it just wonderful!” Baequaz squealed, jumping and frolicking around in the white fluff as happy as a cub. “Maybe for you. Can’t you see what you are doing? Everyone is freezing out here.” Kaiden growled, sitting down at her side. Bae brushed him off and flopped down on the ground, rolling around and attempting to make something the lion’s equivalent of a snow angel. “But I am in loooove Kaiden and I can’t control myself. It just feels so wonderful.”

If this was what love did to someone’s powers he wanted no part of it. What would happen if Kaiden experienced this? Would fire rain down from the sky because he was a fire elemental? Come to think of it… so was Bae…. Kaiden looked up toward the sky and gulped. Maybe snow wasn’t so bad after all.

“Isn’t love supposed to be, you know, warm and inviting. Not frigid and cold….?” Kaiden asked, shivering as snow whipped around him. “Oh what would you know about love Kaiden?” Bae scoffed, pouncing into the snow and sending it all over her brother. Bae narrowed her eyes at him, Kaiden not budging, and she finally relented. “Fine…”

The intensity dropped immediately. No snow whipped around and billowed in the sky - instead, it drifted softly, lightly to the ground. “Thank you.” Kaiden smiled. Lions emerged from their dens and looked up to the sky - cubs starting running around and having their own version of a snowball fight - lovers huddled together for warmth. It was beautiful, in a way. Maybe a snow day wan’t bad after all.

A ball of snow hit him straight in the face, knocking him to his senses. Kaiden gasped while his brother, Icarus, hooted and hollered in the distance with his mate Pandora snickering behind. “Oh that is it, you are dead…” Kaiden yelled, running after them. Bae trailed behind, quickly catching up and running beside him. “See? Isn’t the snow better than being stuck working all day?” she winked. Kaiden grumbled but smiled over to her. “Just for one day.” He admitted, the siblings hurling their own balls of snow at their opponents.


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Re: Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread

Postby Red weasel » Mon Jan 01, 2018 8:43 pm

Closed! results in a bit!

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Re: Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread

Postby Mechanic Drone » Tue Jan 02, 2018 6:23 pm

Username: Mechanic Drone
Your lion: Nirav
Nirav's overall goal in life is somewhat shrowded and unknown. Originally wanting to help the Oasis find out information on the Rebellion his goals became clouded as he pushed all he knew about himself away for the safety of the Oasis. Now rather than gaining information for the Oasis he gains it more for himself as a means to protect himself and ensure he will always be in a good spot so to speak. Nirav was thrilled when he gained Arknon's trust when comcinving him he was a mute but in doing so almost molded Nirav into what he wanted Nirav to be. Nirav now strives to become the best he can be and continue to climb the ranks of the rebellion, though he can't help being kind and helping others along the way, though he insures no one knows of his good deeds.
Though at the end of the day Nirav is now loyal to the Rebellion he still does think from time to time of how much brighter the planet of Locren would be without the drawn out civil war. He remebers stories about how they as a species where guardians of the galaxies and how it was their job, no, their duty to help keep the balance amongst hundreds and thousands of planets and though he would never admit to it or let others know he wanted to go back to that time. Though how were they supposed to care for others when they couldn't even care for their own kind. Nirav will continue to fight till it is all over, but he has grown tired of all the pointless violence.
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Re: Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread

Postby starry--knight » Sun Jan 21, 2018 7:19 pm

Username: Starry—Knight
Your lion: Lazarus
Lazarus was born in a time of great misdeeds and heinous acts. A time where Merikh, responsible of the lake cub massacre and the deaths of the dream lionesses, reigned with a cruel and mighty fist. It was a time of self preservation, where good and bad intertwined for the sake of another breath. It was here that Lazarus served under Merikh, and turned a blind eye to the deaths of parents and cubs alike. He believed what he was doing was wrong, but his desire to live outweighed the guilt that often plagued his mind. However after meeting Yvaine, one of the dream lionesses, and falling in Love he attempted to correct his crimes through trying to save her and her sisters. When they were killed in cold blood, Lazarus ran once again in an attempt to save his life, and has been trying to make up for it ever since.

After meeting Ethereal on Earth and realizing he has a second chance to make peace with all the wrong he had done, Lazarus attempted to clear his name. Serving Ethereal and their cause at the slightest hope at redemption. His life goal is to make up for all the wrong he did, allowed to do, and sat idly by for. So far this goal has slowly been met, Lazarus joining within the ranks of the Prides army, helping where he can around the pride lands themselves, and trying to make it up to Yvaine, the one who he promised to save, but came too late.

(257 words)
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Re: Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread

Postby Pengu. » Mon Jan 22, 2018 5:32 am

Username: Pengu.
Your lion: Argider
From the moment he was born, Argider was raised with the dream of becoming Head Tracker. His parents, a highly esteemed tracker duo, had begun his training early in the hopes their son would one day exceed their ranks and expectations. They wanted nothing but the best for him and Argider obsessed himself with his dream in his younger years. Not only did he want to bring honor and pride to his parents. Argider wanted to serve the Alpha and the Pride the best way he knew how - bringing back escaped prisoners and traitors. His desire for this rank only became worse after the death of his parents - but the dream shifted with an ulterior motive. Argider wanted to become Head Tracker with one goal in mind - not to live up to his late parent’s expectations, but to kill the lion who had murdered them - Hyperion. With more means at his disposal if he was in that position, Argider felt he had a better chance of fulfilling his life goal. Argider began to abandon all personal relationships and only focus on his work-related ones that would help him get further in his attempt at vengeance. But now he goal seems to be shifting in a different, unexpected direction. Upon meeting a strange lioness outside of the pride, Seraphina, Argider has found someone he can relate to for the first time in his life. Revenge no longer seems to be at the forefront of his mind. Argider is still unsure if he wants to give up his hopes and dreams of bringing Hyperion back into custody, but Seraphina has given him a reason to try - reason for something better, a reason to grow, and a reason to move on. His life’s goal may be shifting in a direction he had not intended it to be but only time will tell if he can let go of the past.

[323 Words]


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Re: Prompts

Postby broken* » Tue Jan 23, 2018 1:11 pm

Username: broken*
Your lion: Lyra
Story: (word count - 318)
after lyra lost her brothers to the harsh reality of the war between the rebellion and the pride, her mind was set on one thing and one thing alone. avenging them, in whatever way possible. she became a rebel herself, but remained within the pride as a spy to forward important information to aerona and/or arknon. it wasn't the entire pride she had problems with, more specifically two lions; nemilos and uzumati. the two murderers who had killed her brothers out of nothing but cold blood and hatred. this had started a fire within lyra that nothing but revenge would fill, at least that's what she thought.

she first had a chance at vengeance against nemilos when she got close to his son, aris. aris looked up to lyra, and because he was so young and naive, she poisoned his mind with falsehoods about the rebellion and the war. ultimately, she stole him away in the dead of night, leaving him at the rebel camp with her partner mitul, and returned to the pride before anyone awoke to realize he was gone. seeing the anger on his face and the agony in his eyes made it all worth it to lyra. but as she and her partner began to raise the little cub, she found herself growing attached to him, and truly feels like his mother now. within the rebellion he is known as her son, no questions asked.

but raising aris gave lyra a new goal in life, a new passion she had never before thought she would have. her partner mitul was wonderful with the little cub, and lyra began to wonder what life would be like if they had cubs of their own, a family. she now hopes, once the war is over and everything is safe, she and mitul can create this family for themselves, with as many cubs as they can handle.

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Re: Lions of the Cosmos: Contest of the Month Thread

Postby NARANDA » Tue Jan 30, 2018 4:31 pm

Username: NARANDA
Your lion: Aquila
Story: (255 Words)
I can not say I had much of a goal before I met Aquilo. Well, when I was young I wanted to live up to my father's reputation, but now that he is gone and the war has begun I just feel pain being in the pride. When I met Aquilo my new goal became to learn from him so I could survive in the outside world. I knew some about how to survive, but I never stayed out long enough that I had to hunt and eat meat. I relied on the sand to keep me alive and my home base was the pride where my family still resides, well, where they did reside. With Elsinore out hunting for revenge and Artemis busy with her extended family, I have felt the pride becoming less like home. Aquilo started teaching me to hunt, survive, and fight. My goal is to learn how to survive so that I am less of a hindrance to him especially after our first meeting. I nearly got him killed when we ran into each other for the first time. Some rebels followed us thinking he was harboring me and wanting both of us dead. I did not know how to fight like a warrior and we were outnumbered though not by much. I probably would be dead if I had not found him that day and I don't want to risk nearly getting him killed again. I plan to never hold him back with my lack of knowledge ever again.

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