Lions of the Cosmos Adopts #126 by Rohan.

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Lions of the Cosmos Adopts #126

Postby Rohan. » Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:18 pm

Lions of the Cosmos Civil War
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This is adopt No. 125 of Version 5 of L.O.C! To be eligible to adopt you must mark the main thread, and fill out the form below! You must fill out a form for this LoC. This community is focused around participation and just really being a part of the group. If you are not up for being active in the community, please do not apply :c


Unlike most days on Lochren, their arrival was brought in by a gust of strong winds carrying snow and ice. Chilly weather sucked the warmth from each lions pelt as the winds brought in blizzard like conditions. From the snow and ice, this lion has shown themselves. Where did they come from? What brought them here? Who is their traveling companion?

I Love this ladies design omg i almost kept it but i have no ideas for her... so yall get a chance ;D

This will be an impress me competition, you're going to have to show me you have good ideas and will love and use her.
You will have unlimited edits and extras. However, all must be posted in one single post here; no off site forms, no forms elsewhere on cs.
I will judge on the character made: how in depth you go in their character and practically everything that makes them tick! Make a really interesting and unique loc!

Make sure you stay within LOC lore! If you have any questions regarding lore, I will be more than happy to provide an answer!

Please do not hide forms! As much as I dislike disqualifying good work, if you don't show your progress as you go, I will only believe you were hiding your form! Post your work in pieces!


Without further ado, Your skeleton form;
Code: Select all
[b]Gender;[/b] Female
[b]Element;[/b] Cold
[b]Rank+Affliation;[/b] Can be anything! Pride / Rebel/ Nomad
[b]Relationships with 127;[/b] OPTIONAL
 (NOTICE;; Cannot be mates, romantic partners, etc.)

please add more!


Please ask all questions on the parent thread or DM me!~~
Last edited by Rohan. on Sun Jan 14, 2018 2:17 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Lions of the Cosmos Adopts #126

Postby NARANDA » Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:21 pm

Username; NARANDA || Partner; Broken*
Name; Seren (Welsh - "Star") || Gender; Female || Element; Cold
By Canwell (DA)

I have chosen the position of nomad, or that is at least what I am considered. I live among a small group or pride of lions in the ravine. As much as I like to explore this will always be my home base. I do not think I could leave to join the pride or their rebel enemies. My loyalty belongs to my brother though for now. I probably would not follow him if he did something such as joined the rebels, but since we are both living in the ravine I will look after him like he looks after me until maybe I find that special someone. Why have I chosen this path? Not all lions on either side or good or bad. There are some of each and honestly, I would only feel constant guilt if I had to choice one side and leave all my friends on the other, or if I had to hurt a kind innocent lion on the other side.

Cautious | Alert | Survivalist | Unwasteful
She very cautious when it comes to her environment. She never leaves her den without checking and scanning the sky and surrounding terrain for any signs of danger. She moves from one place to another very quickly and tries to stay out in the open as little as possible. She is almost always alert with her ears perked and scanning the landscape every so often for danger. She is a survivalist and always finding the most efficient ways to get a job done such as hunting or water gathering. She does not waste food or keep more water then she needs. She makes sure all food not currently being eaten is frozen and food is the resource she finds the most precious. She does not stand for others stealing her food and when she is eating she might be a little food aggressive if they try and pull her food away from her.

Curious | Extroverted | Excitable About New Lions | Motherly | Overprotective
She is curious about this new world and all the new forms of life she has never seen before, but she is mostly curious about her own kind since her parents and Torbjorn's family were the only other Lions of the Cosmos she has ever known before they found they arch. She can be very excitable when being introduced to a new lion for the first time, and often will ask them plenty of questions about them and just their species in general. She often asks older lions if they knew her parents, curious if there was anyone on the planet who might have known them before they vanished. She loves cubs especially and can be very motherly when it comes to cubs she meets or is watching over. She loves helping watch the cubs in their little pride in the ravine. When she is watching over cubs she can be a little overprotective though and freaks out when they are not within her sights at all times. She gains most of her energy and finds she prefers to spend more of her time around other lions whether it's just chatting away, playing games with the cubs, or even tasks such as hunting or fetching supplies with another lion, she loves to help if it means being around others.

Elegant | Optimistic | Naive
She always moves with an elegant and almost quiet purpose with her head high. It is an elegance more from practice then by nature due to the weight of her antlers. She finds it easier to move with her head up high and straight though she has since become stronger then when her horns first grew in. She is an optimistic lioness though to fit her head high movements, trying to see the positive in everything, if she can only think of negatives she will generally keep them to herself, but she loves to try and cheer others up or give them hope in dreary situations. She can be a little naive and too trusting when she meets a new lion for the first time. She will approach them and get all excited without thinking about them possibly holding harmful intentions or ideals. Her excitement just takes over and she forgets to think a little.

Elemental Abilities:
Quick Melt - Can quicken the melting process or thaw ice and snow that would not normally melt. Much easier with snow or ice that she created, but can still be done with ice or snow formed naturally or by other elementals. If formed by ice elementals she can melt it as they form it, though this takes a lot of energy. Natural snow or ice takes a little more energy then ice or snow she created, but not as energy consuming as that formed by elementals. Normally used to thaw her food that she has stored or to unfreeze an ally when they are frozen in an attack. Can also partially unfreeze and ice elemental's attacks, but never fully melts them before they hit.

Takeover- Can take control over entire storms and lighten or worsen the intensity. This is more tiring if another ice or cold elemental is forming the storm. It takes less energy to control or take control of storms formed naturally or that she has formed herself. After she met Torbjorn she would use this technique to have the worst of their planet's winds flow around them instead of directly into them. This allowed them to move more quickly as well as keep the cold of the wind further away.

Core Freeze - Can freeze a target to its core. Not instantaneously, but over a short amount of time. How long it takes is determined by the mass of the target and the larger the target the more energy it takes to finish the job. This can require a lot of concentration and is not good as a quick attack but more to finish off an enemy if absolutely necessary. Can be used in a one on one fight but takes a lot out of her and does not always worse if they manage to make her lose her concentration. When fighting she will often use her antlers, bending her head down so her antlers are pointed towards the enemy, to keep them at bay while she performs this ability.

Encasement - Instead of freezing the target itself she can surround them in a thick encasement of ice. Also used for storing food which she holds very precious. Much easier and takes a lot less energy then her Core Freeze ability, she is more likely to use this in battle before Core Freeze. She can form the ice quicker and can slow or halt an enemy if she is fast enough to form the ice. The thicker the ice the more energy it takes, as well as how much of her target she decides to cover. Covering just the paws takes a lot less energy then freezing over an entire lion.

Ice Shield - She can use her element to create shields of ice. She can create thick walls that can slow or stop an attack, or she can create patches of ice over the surface of her body when the attacker is too close to create a separate shield. This hardened surface can protect her from claws and harm the attacking lion if they hit it hard enough or hit the ice in the wrong way. Ice patches are not efficient against attacks that rely on brute force though instead of claws since she can still be flung, knocked to the ground, or possibly receive nasty bruises or broken bones if the attacker is strong enough.

Greatest Fear:
Seren is afraid of being left behind or abandoned like her parents had been. Now that she has found Lochren she hopes to never leave the planet where there are other lions besides herself and her family. She does still have nightmares about being left alone. Sometimes it is after the death of her parents when she is left to wander the Wasteland, sometimes she dreams that everyone on the planet just one day disappears. She has found comfort in the little pride in the ravine and is determined to look after them and help them as best she can as a way to thank them for welcoming her in and giving her a place to call home and more to call family. She just hopes they think of her enough to never leave her behind if something were to ever happen, that if they had to run in the middle of the night then they would wake her and bring her with them.

Dream or Goal:
Seren loves cubs and ever since she stepped foot on Lochren she has had a major soft spot for cubs. When she visited the pride for the first time she learned about cub trainers and has since dreamed of taking on such a role that allows her to work with and teach the young. She has been trying to implement something similar in their little ravine group, and has offered her services as a babysitter for the few cubs in the group. She hopes things will continue to go well with her little lessons and babysitting program and she dreads the day the cubs grow into adults and leave the little group of cubs she watches over. If the pride was not at war she thinks she might have been willing to join them and become a cub trainer for them since they have so many more cubs in need of such guidance, but for now she is content with teaching the ravine cubs all she can.

By CrimsonCatFish

With 127 (Torbjorn);
We are siblings, he is my brother. I do not mean by blood, but in spirit he is and always will be my brother. After the loss of my parents he was all I had. My history is a testimony to our relationship and my observations of Lochren. I love him like my brother and doubt I would be alive right now if it were not for him. I was never taught to survive outside the hotspot I grew up in and knew very little about our birth planet until his death. Torbjorn is my family and savior and I will do all I can to support him in this new world.

Mysterious Lioness (Istas) - Friend/Acquaintance
I met her after running into some lions attacking her. She was outnumbered four to one, cornered, and injured. I could not help myself, I stopped to help after seeing them refusing to back down. She is a quiet thing. Actually I’ve never heard her speak at all. She has adopted a boy who calls her ‘Sister’ but other then that I don’t know what she is called, let alone her real name. I do not mind though. She seems a little shy and is honestly a sweet thing. She kept trying to pay me back with food or herbs, but I am just glad I could help her. She was one of my first friends on this world outside of the ravine and I am grateful to meet another lion who has chosen to stay out of the pride and war.
Tatsu & Nizo's Seika - Friends/Acquaintancea
I ran into them when I saw a flash of light and felt a more intense heat. I had never felt such sudden heat before and so I could not help but be curious. They were laughing and told me they were practicing something, but I can not really remember. I do remember a lot of fire, deep laughter, and Seika trying to stay hidden. It was quite an amusing sight. It was also good to know there were other groups out in the unknown lands staying out of the war. First Istas and now these two along with their entire family. The Unknown Lands suddenly felt a lot less lonely.
Diana - Acquaintance (Enemy?)
I only met her once but I will never forget that meeting. I do think I surprised her with my excited "hellos" and questions. I later learned she is currently a part of the pride, but boy is she a little scary. I guess even the pride has a few scary lions. I learned what her element was the hard way. I swear she nearly gave me a heart attack with her reaction. She does fascinate me with her unusual and seemingly rare element, but I've learned something... Don't surprised her! My fur is still staticy from that meeting and it won't come out...
Squirrel's Damon - Friend
He is one of the few friends I made at the pride when we went to visit for the first time. He is such a sweet guy and I think he was just as curious about me as I was about him. It was a little awkward at first, but it was actually kind of cute how awkward he was. We kept firing questions back and forth at each other. He welcomed me in fairly easily and I am glad to know there are such great lions on this world who are so welcoming! I can't wait to make even more friends!
Willow's Uzumati - Acquaintance (Enemy?)
I ran into him during my short visit to the pride and rushed up to him in all my excitement of meeting new lions and trying to find out as much as I could about our new home. I guess he must have been grumpy or something because the other time I heard such deep angry growls was when Torbjorn thought The Beast was nearby and he only did that because he was angry at the beast. I didn't really get too much of a chance to talk to him since he just kinda snapped at me to "get lost" and then Kouhei showed up and ushered me away. I'll have to be more careful not to approach lions when they are having a bad day.
Kouhei - Friend
Uzumati's uncle, I was surprised to find him ushering me away from his nephew, but he is such a friendly guy. He let me ask like a million questions which I was very grateful for. He helped me learn a lot about Lochren and the pride. He also suggested that maybe I join in on some of the cub training sessions, I could learn a lot from the cub trainers. I think that would be fun! He also told me about his mate who had stories written in her caves. Oh goodness would I love to see those! Apparently she is currently taking a break from the show business due to cubs on the way. I'm definitely gonna have to come visit once they arrive!
Willow's Sakae - Acquaintance
I ran into her once and she is not a bad lioness! She was so calm and willing to answer my questions about the rebels who I was just as curious about as I was about the pride. I now know not all rebels are evil, they just have different beliefs. I could never bring myself to fight for either side after meeting this lioness, who knows what friendly lions I might end up having to kill if forced to join the war efforts. She is an acquaintance for now, but maybe she could be a friend one day if she would be okay with having a nomad for a friend, and I could never harm a friend.
Nizo's Inna - Friend
I went to check out some of the cub training as Kouhei had suggested... so many cubs! Well, I met Inna there! He was so kind and friendly and worked very well with his students. He let me join in and play with all the cubs, it was so much fun! He let me ask him questions as well about how to teach cubs and what it's like working with them. I think he showed me what my dream job is. Cub trainer! I would get to work with cubs all the time! All the adorable little chubby cuteness to teach and play with! Inna is definitely a friend and someone I hope can help me learn how to become a great cub trainer.
Vraska's Kuchli - Friend
Oh my! He is probably just as fluffy as I am, well, except all his fluff is gathered around his neck and tail making him look a little more floofy then myself. Okay, he probably is more floofy. I wonder how he handles the heat up here... Well, he is such a nice and friendly fella and I would definitely consider him a friend! I am glad he was at the pride when I visited as he was so welcoming and sweet! He also didn't mind me hugging that fluffy mane of his, I just had to, it was way too tempting!

I was born not in Lochren but on a world unnamed. Wasteland would have been a great way to describe it, that is personally what I call it. Mostly consisting of ice and snow, little pockets of heat surrounded by ice walls so thick and tall that nothing in that world could ever reach the top. Inside these spaces were the only places where plants grew and prey survived. There was not much for plants though, at least as far as I knew. I assumed all these hot pockets were like the one I grew up in. I was nearly an adult before I ever stepped foot outside of this little world on an orb of ice that I lived in. Most of it was grass with a few straggly trees barely holding on to life. Some prey, I am not sure what to call them, we just called them food, lived there with us, though sometimes they moved on. Only my father left the hot pocket to retrieve food for us when there was little. He knew some of how to survive outside of the hot pocket, but he never let me leave that place myself, with or without him. Our hot pocket had a tunnel in the wall large enough for us and prey to pass through one at a time, it was how my father left and returned, it was how the prey traveled in and out when needed. Our planet did not have a warm orange colored sun like some of the suns I have heard about, no, this was light blue in color bathing the world a blue tinge. It kept the planet cool, allowing just enough light to see but never enough to stir the eternal snow that blanketed this floating orb of ice.

My parents did not ever talk much about the situation that left them stranded on this deserted world free of sentient beings, well beings that thought like us. They relied on instinct to survive, we relied on careful thoughts and knowledge that we were aware of thinking. I do know they were left behind and were never able to find their way back to the thing they called an arch. They described it to me like the tunnel that opened up into our little home, but instead of just bringing you past a wall it brought you across the universe. I could never imagine such a thing. How could a tunnel bring you across the universe without a huge tunnel being seen across the sky? And if this was true then why did we not hunt down this arch? Okay, I get the beast lurking outside the hot pockets could be a little problem, but what would be the point of just waiting for us to die? Torbjorn's family survived out there after all, why couldn't we? I did not know much about them either, they only showed up once or twice and did not speak much with my parents, it was still good to know we weren't the only ones here on this desolate world, but I wish they would visit more often. It's so lonely being trapped within these icy walls.

"Daddy, what's out there?" the little brown cub looked up to the large male who was sorting some of his latest catch for storage and for eating while fresh. He always liked to have a stock of frozen food waiting, that was obvious by the space he carved into the icy walls of the hot pocket and that was pretty full with frozen meat. She glanced from the storage space to her father again. "Out where?" he asked, not looking up from his work. "You know where daddy. Outside the walls, on the other side of the tunnel!". He finally paused and looked up. "What's out there is not for cubs Seren." The cub sat down and pouted. She had tried before to sneak out, but her mother seemed to have nothing better to do then keep her away from the one thing she was so curious about. She had explored the hot pocket so much that she knew it better then she knew herself. The male sighed. "Out there is snow and ice, lots of it. All you can see if the blue of the sun reflecting off the white blanket that covers the ground. It is a place of cold and death. She tilted her head. "Ice is so pretty though and the cold is so refreshing! I love when we get a cold breeze. It ruffles my fur and cools the skin." Her father chuckled. "Well then, I guess you will just have to wait for a cool breeze or relax closer to the walls. The ice of the walls can be refreshing to lean against." She sighed and picked herself up, once again wandering about the small hot pocket that was her entire world with only the company of her parents and the occasional food on legs.

She formed friends from ice sculptures and kept them in a small den carved into the icy walls. Her father made the den for her friends so they had a place to stay that was their very own. It kept them cool enough that they would not melt and so she could play with them again and again. She would play tag with them, play pretend, sometimes hide-and-seek. Though it always went her way and she always knew where he friends were going to run or hide. Games were not easy with her icy friends.
She climbed trees which as a cub became so easy she had to start teaching herself tricks among the branches to make this activity more interesting. When her horns started to get larger tree climbing became a lot more of a welcome challenge.
She carved into the icy walls of the hot pocket images of things she could only imagine from the stories she got out of her parents, though she was told most were just fables or legends from their home world, not the stories of her parents of their experiences. She wishes she heard more of those kind of stories, wish she knew more about her parents before the Wasteland. The reachable space on the walls were nearly completely covered in imaginary scenes that she carved over her many years in the small space that was her world.
She also spent a lot of time trying to sneak out of the hot pocket, but that never went well. Her mother seemed to have nothing better to do then watch over the little cub and prevent her from ever reaching the tunnel leading in and out and the mysteries that laid beyond.

My horns were nearly completely grown in, my fur was thicker then my father's and mother's both, though my mother's fur was just a little thinner as if she was just short of being made for this world. I was a little under a hundred Lochren years old when I lost my father. He never let me or my mother leave much, sometimes my mother did after quarreling with him over it, but that was not often. I remember he said farewell as he usually did. He looked at me with a smile on his face as leaned forward and lightly tapped the tips of his antlers against my own. "Remember what I taught you?" he asked. He always asked. He was such a worrier, I always rolled my eyes at the stupid question. "Don't leave the fortress unless we absolutely have to". I looked him in the eyes and rolled my eyes. My mother just watched and chuckled with a shake of her head. He had always returned, sometimes with food, sometimes without. I never imagined that that would be the last moment I ever saw him alive, well, ever saw him at all. The times my father returned from a hunting trip were always my favorite times, such sweet memories.
"Daddy! Your home!" The brown cub rushed across the field, disturbing the nearly still grass. She has little stubs growing upon her head and her fur was thicker then before. The little ball of fluff leaped from the ground with horrible aim and nearly flew past her father. The male dropped his prey and snatched the cub in mid-air. She grinned as she was place on the ground, her father rolling his eyes and grinning. "Have you been a good girl while I have been gone?" He asked, raising a brow. "I've been an angel!" She sat straight and looked proud of herself. "Oh! Daddy look! I think my horns got bigger! See! See!" She bounced excitedly in place. "Haha! Indeed they have. Goodness, would you look at those things! Soon I won't be able to kiss you on the forehead anymore." He grinned. "They are not that big daddy." She rolled her eyes and then chuckled, unable to hold back. She then looked to the prey on the ground in front of them. "Can I help daddy?" She gave him a pleading look. "Alright, but no eating any of it before meal time." He gave her a warning look. "I promise daddy!" She tried to pick up the prey but could not get it to budge. Her father picked up one end in his jaw and allowed her to follow next to him, holding up a leg in her mouth to keep it from dragging.

He had been gone too long and so we knew something had happened. What it was we never knew, he was just gone. The prey in our hot pocket was gone, migrating to a place with better food for them, and our reserves of food were almost used up. We had to leave or else we would starve to death. I wish we had not. It was so cold outside of our little home and I never imagined the longer I was out there the colder it would get. It seemed that way anyways. I was very happy for my thick fur then and the longer we wandered the thicker and heavier it seemed to get. I lost track of time out there, sometimes missing a night of sleep or sleeping through the day when we found safe shelter. Safe shelter to protect us from the elements and the only other predator on the planet was hard to come by and my mother's element of water did not help.

I was not strong enough or practiced enough to calm or redirect the storm, nor did we find shelter to protect us from the freezing winds and icy cold. My mother was weak from hunger and no matter how much I tried to cover her from the cold it took her. I don't think the cold and hunger was all that killed her, I think she gave up. I could not leave her to The Beast. I sat there in the freezing winds with frozen tears clinging to the fur of my cheeks. I watched as the slow forming ice surrounding the figure who looked like she was at peace, like she was asleep and would wake up any moment. I knew the ice would never melt, not on a planet so cold without a sun that warmed the surface. I turned my back to icy statue in the middle of the wilderness and continued on.
"Mommy, we need to keep moving. It's gotten too cold to stay still out here. I know you need rest, but I am sure if we just go a little further..." The older lioness turned her head away, not lifting herself from the cold snow. "Alright, we'll stop. I'll do my best to keep you warm!" The younger female smiled and snuggled close to her mother. She listened to the snow and concentrated. The wind shifted slightly around them, but it hit them with full force once and a while, breaking her concentration. She had never been in such storms before and her inexperience from years of being in the hot pocket had weakened her abilities. She lifted her head often and scanned the skies around, then lowered it to cover her eyes, given them a break from the chilling snow that flew in the wind. "Mom, I can't keep the storm away. We should move." She was silent. "Mom?" She shuffled to nudge her mother's cheek, but there was no response. "Mom?! Mom!" Her cries were lost to the howling winds that intensified. They raged around her as if feeding off her pain. "Don't leave me! I need you! Please!" The tears that ran from her eyes froze upon her cheeks before they could slip away to the ground below. "I don't want to be alone..."

She tried to free her fur from the frozen tears that clung to her cheeks as she watched the ice form around the only family she had left. She was gone. The ice was crystal clear and froze the lioness in time. She was curled up with her eyes closed as if she were asleep. She looked so peaceful and yet so sad. She waited even after the ice was fully formed. She knew it would never melt, no light touching the planet would ever be hot enough to remove the eternal casing. The snow now landed softly upon the makeshift grave and it slowly vanished beneath a white blanket as if to wish her a goodnight. The young lioness, now alone, stood and turned from the place. She would never return there, she was determined to find the place her parents had dreamed of returning, but she didn't have much to go on. She walked through the snow under the blue light of the sun and didn't look back at the grave that vanished into the storm.

I found another hot pocket, so calm and peaceful, but also so quiet. Not a soul stirred in the lonely place, my paws displacing the grass was the only sign of life. There was no prey and only signs of them not returning. The grass was eaten down to the root and many bare patches covered the field. I only stayed long enough to rest my bones that now ached from walking through the blinding snow. I left the safety in hopes of finding prey, or maybe the only other lions on the planet. At least they would know how to survive unlike myself. I searched for any sign of where the prey or my fellow lions had gone until I finally came across another hot pocket. I searched the walls for any entrance but the only one seemed to be a little too high up. There seemed to be something within the ice though. Something brown, but not like the grass or dirt I have ever seen, and it was a strange patch among the colors inside. I found the marks upon the wall and realized my claws nearly fit perfectly. I started to scratch into the ice that was already weakened.

It took a bit but with help from my element and my claws I forced my way through the icy wall. My paws hurt from scrapping against the tough surface, but what I found inside was worth it. "Torbjorn?" I whispered as I slowly approached the figure and nudged him. I felt so much joy at the sight of the male not much older then myself. I stayed with him and never let him out of my sight. He was all I had, and I soon learned I was all he had. We wandered that Wasteland together for many years before we found the arch our parents had mentioned in a place so hard to reach. We waited and waited, before we finally stepped through. Torbjorn may say we caused a snowstorm that swallowed the whole planet for a short time, but I do not fully remember that. I do remember the different colors in the sky and around us, moving to a planet that was not entirely blue was a strange experience for me.

She lowered her head and eyed the strange metal arch worn with age and lack of care. Who knew what would be on the other side or even if the arch really would really bring them to where they wanted to go. She took a deep breathe and took a step forward with Torbjorn at her side. Her paws felt the strange stone and she glanced with wide eyes around the space. She scanned the skies for predators, waited for raging icy winds to tear at her pelt, but she was met with stone with a small layer of snow that followed the pair from the Wasteland. At least it was a little when she looked around for the first time. The sky was was so many colors and yet the strip of sky was thin. Around them were high walls of stone unlike the walls of ice around the hot pocket that was her whole world before her father's disappearance. She moved slowly as if the ground might vanish beneath her, watching for falling stones or large flying beasts. She was so used to checking for the beast every time she left a hot pocket, she treated this new world the same way. Despite being so careful she was amazed by the many colors. The blue tinge of her world was gone and in its place were the clear colors of her world. So beautiful, so many, so unusual without the bluish tint covering everything.

Maybe I was too excited about the new lions we met in the ravine that I did not pay attention to the snow. The ravine was darker then the land above, but the cool air and the company made this place my home. They welcomed us and as we were leaving to visit the main pride and the alpha they told us they would be waiting for our return. I do not remember a time before that where I shed such happy tears. There were others waiting for us, waiting for us at 'home'. I did not mind the pride, it was amazing. So many lions of all shapes and sizes, and the cub! So many cubs! They were all so adorable! The place was too warm for me though, and all I could think about where the lions back in the ravine, waiting for us to return home. I also could not abandon Torbjorn after all we had been through. I followed him back to the ravine, back to our new family, back to our home.
They surrounded the two lions, the female looking around wide-eyed at the large group. She had never seen so many lions in one place before. It had always been just herself and her parents except for the few occasions Torbjorn and his family visited their little hot pocket. This was different though. They all looked so curious and surprised, but the cubs... oh goodness... the cubs. She could not help but fall for their adorable chubby faces as they watched from behind parents or among the paws of the adults. They all looked so eager to see what the parents had come to discover. "Oh my goodness! Torbjorn! Cubs, look at the cubs! They are so cute!" She beamed as she scanned the crowd. "And lions, so many lions! We aren't alone anymore!" She may have spoken louder then necessary in her excitement as she fidgeted and grinned in place. She wanted to rush forward and meet all the new faces, but she had no idea where to begin. So many lions to meet, so many lions to speak to and get to know. It wasn't just her and her brother anymore! They weren't alone anymore!


A special thanks to everyone who helped me out! Broken for teaming up with me. All the friendship owners for letting me use their lions. Squirrelspirit and Sun Bear for listening and even helping me out with a few things! Also a special thanks to the artists of the art above, the pieces are beautiful and I absolutely adore them! <3
Note; I am willing to change my story so she does not meet 127 until after she finds Lochren if I win, but my partner does not.
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Re: Lions of the Cosmos Adopts #126

Postby Charboo » Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:23 pm

Tentative mark! I love this gal's colors!

She/her || Pisces
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Pixels done by Sun bear.
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Re: Lions of the Cosmos Adopts #126

Postby CO1LD » Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:36 pm

Username: oneinthecold
Name; Eira
Gender; Female
Element; Cold
Rank+Affliation; Nomad
-Spunky at times
-Dont ask her age...
Relationships with 127;
They are friends that, when ever they run into each other, hang out and talk about what they've found over their journeys. Maybe even trading valuables and trinkets.
Grew up in a cold region where they worshiped elk and horned animals. When she was gifted with the antlers they began to make her the elder and prophecy teller. Knowing all that was foolishness she became a nomad to explore the world and cultures to compare to her's.
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Re: Lions of the Cosmos Adopts #126

Postby Medd-Lee » Sat Dec 02, 2017 4:00 pm

Username: Meddled.
Name; Mjöll
Gender; Female
Element; Cold
Rank+Affliation; Nomad
Relationships with 127; adoptive siblings; parnered with Stonefly

-little Caliga group
-unknown lands?
-wandered off and met Balthy
Needs more lol

Getting those horns stuck together lol
Wild and perky, but also kinda confused 24/7

please add more!

Dropping :3
Last edited by Medd-Lee on Wed Dec 06, 2017 12:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
unnessecary links wrote:Characters(old, LOL)
My SMWs(closed)
Flight Rising(idk why)
3k+ Chickens(active!)

Hi! I'm Medd! They/them please.
I am sometimes hard to reach on CS! If you need me quickly try Toyhouse(Medd-Lee), thanks!
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Re: Lions of the Cosmos Adopts #126

Postby lichenfeather » Sat Dec 02, 2017 5:31 pm

Marking with the name Persia, partner is River Song

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Re: Lions of the Cosmos Adopts #126

Postby Penultima » Sat Dec 02, 2017 7:06 pm



Stella Maris (Latin translation to "North Star")


245 years

- A lion with the gift over cold can: bend whole storms to their will or freeze an enemy to their core. They can breath and turn someone to ice or thaw snow. The true capability of a lion with this gift is unknown.

Maris' abilities with her element include many attributes. This includes:
- Turning someone or something to ice by touch if she wills it.
- Freezing an enemy in place, rendering them unable to move.
- Altering the direction of the wind, temperature, and air pressure to create, change, or end cold winter storms.

Although Maris is fairly in touch with her abilities, she doesn't take them too seriously. Generally, when she does use them, they're more in a playful or prankster kind of way, since she loves to joke around with friends. Now, if someone really annoyed her, or actually hurt her in some way, she has been known to use some of her powers in more sinister ways, but you really have to push her buttons far enough to make her snap. However, her favorite joking use of her element is to subtly make someone near her grow cold slowly, just enough that they don't notice for a while. Eventually they'll catch on and tell her to cut it out, resulting in everyone else, including Maris, roaring with laughter.

Rebel more or less, with occasional sympathetic leanings towards both members among the rebels, nomads, and the pride, depending on the lion or cause. She grew up in the pride, and remained unassociated with the war or controversies for a fairly long while, but after a major personality shift caused from relentlessly being used and unappreciated, as well as discovering more offensive uses for her elemental abilities, she discovered her allegiance had shifted to the opposing view. They may do many things among the rebels that aren't ideal, but at least they're honest about their motives and their cause, which is all Maris needs to accept and understand.


Stella Maris is a highly emotional lioness, with many dynamic and quickly-changing feelings that are irregular and unpredictable, even to herself. She often is confused by her emotions, and often feels a little wary at the way they seem to have a mind and schedule of their own, or lack thereof. She once was soft, overly giving, and self-deprecating to be a people-pleaser for everyone. After enough bullying and emotional stress, she decided to turn her life around before it destroyed her, and became hardened, removing herself from those who do bad in the name of good, or in other words, the pride. Justice is her mantra, and she joined the rebels to prove her resolve. On the outside nowadays, Maris is cold, hardened, and although still vastly emotional, stands up for herself and what she believes to be right. She's so poignant about standing up for herself that she does it to a fault, and the once people-pleaser attitude is now quite egocentric. Regardless, to those few who still prove their loyalty to her, her well-being, and the justice that she so staunchly supports, she is a most devoted friend, and would do anything to help them, as well as fight anyone who tries to hurt them.
On a less serious note, Maris is a very attentive listener, and tends to be a wonderful advice giver. She doesn’t have a favorite color, and if asked, will tell you her favorite color is “rainbow”. She also has an indescribable fear of butterflies and their creepy little legs, a point many friends tease her on. She’s fairly creative, although will deny being very artistic, but nonetheless enjoys making things with ribbon and fabric, which make for good gifts to others. Despite being of the Cold element, Maris loves the summer and warm weather, but is perfectly comfortable in cold, snowy days as well.

-~Relationships with 127~-
Teenage close friend who was very transformative in shaping her identity to who she is today. Her nickname for him is "Cam", and she's the only one who calls him that, and is allowed to by him. Through thick and thin, he is always there for her, and her for him, although generally she's the one more in need of patience and care. They grew up together in a very monumental and delicate part of their maturation years, and can always rely on each other, even if their relationship is now across pride and rebel lines. Affiliation doesn't matter to them, and the war is far out of each others' minds when it comes to being together.

-~Other Relationships~-
Acacius: Another childhood friend. Canie grew up near her birthplace, and was her best friend throughout her youngest years. They grew distant after Acacius became more involved with training for the pride, but they have begun seeing each other more frequently in their young adult life nowadays. Like Cam,
Acacius doesn't judge Maris for leaving the pride, and shares many of her sentiments, which is helping bring them closer together.

Klay: After the trauma of his father's attack and mother's death, Klay was in a rough place, and Maris took it upon herself to provide a helping and caring shoulder to lean on as he dealt with the emotional pain. She was able to connect with him due to her own emotionally traumatic and abusive history, and still visits him every now and then to check in on him.


Maris grew up in a kind, protective, and constantly present family on Lochren, and in turn was kind, protective, and constantly present in her friend's lives. As good-hearted and thoughtful as that may sound, it wasn't all happiness and sunshine. Maris dutifully sacrificed everything; her time, happiness, and self-confidence to assure that everyone else in her community was satisfied. This kind of habit led to other lions using her, and taking advantage of her willingness to serve and make them happy that she allowed herself to get walked all over like a doormat. For a majority of her childhood, being kind to everyone was a wonderful thing, because she could make friends easily, and the adult lions just thought that she was the sweetest little girl. Despite being well regarded among her elders and family, her social life with peers was fraught with bullying and subsequent anxiety. Desperate to please others and fit in with the crowd, she molded herself to become exactly who all of her friends told her she should be, and forced herself to become a go-getter in order to be noticed and liked.
Into her later teen years, Maris suffered from an extreme lack of self-confidence and care for herself; all that mattered was that she was important in other lions' lives. She was funny, loud, talkative, and a push-over. She was well liked, just as she thought she wanted to be, and finally found her "in" group that made her feel desired and significant. Among this group of friends was a goofy, brutally honest, and painfully extroverted male, Cam, who she took a particular affinity for, and they became fast friends almost immediately. He showed her what it meant to be loved in a brotherly way, to be accepted and wanted, and it meant the world to Maris. He was her lifeline.
Their favorite past-time was decorating each other's elaborate antlers with rainbow ribbons and having deep conversations late into the night. While their peers grew more focused on being warriors, cub trainers or guards, the two were lost in their own world where everything was calm, quiet, beautiful, and friendly. Life couldn't go wrong, or do her any wrong.

Alas, the warm and golden light of toil-free friendship had to fade one day. Maris never cared to play with her elemental powers much, nor did she care in her happy little world. While heading out to visit some friends, she overheard some them talking about how much of a weak, worthless, and door-mat lioness she was, and how much everyone disliked her in actuality. She felt fake and betrayed, and it ignited a spark inside her that she didn't realize existed. In a fit of rage, a blisteringly cold storm stirred up in the atmosphere above, and when the others looked up in alarm, she walked out and directed shards of hail to pelt at them from the sky. They ran in terror and confusion, tripping and yelping from the ice stabbing into their sides.
Following that incident, Maris went on with life as usual, but there was a little thing inside of her, a naive innocence, that evaporated like a flame on ice.
She grew cold towards the world, much like her element. She became more defiant, fiery, and bold. Most told her she was overdoing the response, to be careful, and not be so blatantly and harshly rebellious, but she didn't care. She was a new lioness. She wouldn't be pushed around anymore, and used as an emotional doormat. This worried her Cam the most, and he was afraid that she was going to loose herself completely in this new angsty state of being. But she was determinedly strong, fierce, and not to be messed with again.
She became less involved with the silly and petty discussions with her friends, and more involved with the world, the Pride, and of course, the war.
The war, which had only waged in the distant back caverns of Maris' mind, was brought into harsh reality in one fateful winter after her revelation. While heading north one night, she heard a disturbance up ahead. Creeping carefully, she happened upon a terrible scene; pride members, including lions she knew, attacking and bearing down upon cornered rebel lions, who were outnumbered and wounded. Before Maris could even think or react to the situation, the rebels were killed in a flurry of claws, fire, and various other elemental onslaughts. Mercilessly, the pride lions left their quarry in the mud, armor glinting and clanking as they moved off towards the west, satisfied with another victory for the Cause. Their victims lie on the ground, still, the mud as red as the blood trees above them. Rage filled Maris like river, a burning desire for justice in the wake of this terrible and unjust aggression. They were outnumbered! The cruelty!
Without a thought about what she was doing, Maris tore after the hunting party, determined to release the heavy hammer or judgement upon those in the wrong. She caught up quickly to their leisurely pace, and before they had time to register their surprise, she roared in anger, a wintery bluster swirling their manes and clattering their armor. The lions yelped in surprise as ice coated their fur, building up layer upon layer with frozen crystals and in no more than a minute, the group was frozen to the ground in monumental boulders of jagged ice. Sides heaving, Maris looked down upon them in distain, but surprisingly without satisfaction,
a bitter metallic tang on her dry tongue. Suddenly frightened at what she'd done, Maris ran, ran until her sides burned from stitches.
Since that day, Maris has more or less supported the rebellion. However, her one true friend in the pride through all of this is still her dear friend, Cam. Never shaken, his friendship kept her sane, and he can always help calm her down and talk out emotions to try to better understand herself. He doesn't judge her decision to leave the pride, and continues to provide Maris with an exceptional example that the pride isn't all cruel in her eyes. She fights now for the rebel cause, hoping that both a new leader, as well as doing away with the old traditions and rules, will lead the lions of the cosmos into a more peaceful and just era.

Last edited by Penultima on Tue Jan 09, 2018 10:24 am, edited 26 times in total.

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Embla; Frozenover Avenger

Postby Aravel » Sun Dec 03, 2017 7:46 am

      Note to readers: I really hope you enjoy reading over this! Some of the coding may appear differently if you are reading it on mobile or on smaller screens. To save you the trouble, I have a screenshot of my form here. Thank you again! <333


        Username: sun bear
        Partner: Red Weasel

        Name; Embla
        Gender; Female
        Element; Cold
        Affliation; Nomad


      Element of Cold (Highlights);


        "A lion with the gift over cold
        can: bend whole storms to
        their will or freeze an enemy
        to their core. They can breath
        and turn someone to ice or
        thaw snow. The true capability
        of a lion with this gift is

        Embla's abilities are similar to Ice, but her abilities are a lot more powerful and more erratic. Embla's element specializes more with the ability to control the heat energy in things rather than the ice/water itself. Because of this, she can easily disarm a fire or lava elemental simply by taking the energy and heat away from their element.

        • Restrict; Embla is able to use her ability to draw out all energy any given object or animal, forcing them to stay perfectly still. At her highest ability, she can force even the energy within cells to be drawn out, preventing all movement, action, even thinking, as that requires energy to do. The body will undoubtedly go cold, but will be perfectly preserved if Embla allows it.
        • Frostbite; Embla can change the temperature of any given thing, including lions, to dangerously cold temperatures and to what degree the victim freezes. If frozen down to a molecular level, the victim is very easily shattered.
        • Solidify; Embla is able to solidify liquids and plasmas due to taking away the energy. She could solidify a star, theoretically.
        • Cold Fire; Embla's cold ability can create a kind of energy that produces cold rather than heat. Because of this, she is able to create a cold version of fire. It's pure energy and when touched, freezes whatever dares get too close. This cold fire makes great projectiles and frostbite is common when coming in contact with such energy.
        • Atmosphere Control; Embla is able to suck the energy out of the wide expanse of atmosphere, which can make the temperature drop to dangerous levels. This can also turn rain into snow or ice.

      A Time of "Peace" (History Part 1);

        History remembers the years of Giddeon's reign as the time of peace and greatness. But did you ever wonder what it took to achieve that peace? Embla does. Having been born in a "rebellious" group that fended for themselves with every last scrap and bone, her and her family survived as long as they could. She persevered in her training and she was on her way to becoming one of her group's brightest hopes. Her group believed that diversity was a beautiful thing and that small groups of lions were unique in their cultures and brought different aspects out of lions that couldn't be achieved in a large single pride which forced lions to conform to their ways. Her group, for instance, were beautiful in that they deserved to survive and they fought hard for their survival, unlike the pride and their gold dust. From the start, Embla was pitted against the tyrant Giddeon and his spreading of his soft-growing pride and rules.

        Embla was only a cub when the pride ravaged her camp, claiming the group to be part of the rebellion. Her family and friends were murdered in the name of peace before her eyes.

        The group's cubs were sent back to become part of the pride. They figured cubs were still impressionable and they could persuade them to see their side of story. The lions proclaimed their families to be murderers and thieves and were bound to cause destruction. Embla submitted to the Pride, knowing she couldn't survive on her own, but she never forgot.


        Time passed and Embla was a full grown lioness with unmatchable skills. Her training in her former group had really helped her along, and the pride was very impressed with her training. She even had helped a few of her training mates and taught them some of the ways of her group, hoping to keep their memory alive. One of these training mates was her best friend, Boreas.

        After the reign of Giddeon ended, Embla and Boreas were instructed to find the alpha who was awaiting their presence one day after training. This took Embla by surprise, and naturally, she was skeptical of situation, but she obeyed. Boreas, on the other hand, seemed honored to be called to the alpha, and he was clearly excited to have the chance to speak with him. Upon entering his chambers, the two lions were left alone with the alpha and another lion, who Embla felt oddly familiar with, despite being unable to recall where she knew the lion from. The alpha began speaking, and Embla still remembers his words clearly.

        "This world has changed drastically in the past few hundreds of years. The rebellious savages are no more and peace reigns here on Lochren, but it cannot reign forever. We have been watching you two and have decided to choose you for a special mission due to your incredible abilities and your friendship. Lions here grow up and learn how to spread peace across the stars and galaxies, but we have something else in mind for the two of you..."


        The next 10 years of Embla's and Boreas's life were dedicated to their special training, separated from all the other lions who were trained to go across the galaxy. The two spent a lot of time together and a lot of time with the alpha and the odd psychic lion they met the day they were assigned their mission. They were trained separately too. Embla was assigned to be the leader of the mission and would be responsible for their safety and brute force. Boreas was specialized to negotiate and was the peace-maker of the two. Together, they were an elite team. Their training was rigorous, physical, mental, and emotional. They were the Pride's best shot, and if they failed their mission, no one would be able to complete it.

        Finally the highly anticipated day came. Their training was finished, they were ready to begin their journey. The two lions were permitted to say their goodbyes, although they had to be careful to say their farewells without explaining their mission. Embla remembered waiting and watching Boreas say goodbye to all his friends and family, while she had no one. Her only friend was coming with her, but she began feeling bitter and she was looking forward to leave this place forever.

        When Boreas was finished, the two of them followed the alpha and his psychic advisor across Lochren to a place where no lions go- a place the two of them would be safe until it was time. The alpha and psychic lion said their goodbyes to Boreas and Embla, and mentioned how proud of them they were, and then gave them each a gift: a set of collars and bands, so they would always remember their home.


        It began at their pads and worked it's way up to their toes, then paws, legs, and bellies. The aching cold nipped at them and tore at them. The blood in their veins turned icy with each unbearable second, but Embla felt more alive than ever. Soon the ice enveloped the two, layer by layer until they were covered by huge mountains of ice. Their perfectly preserved bodies had to endure the greatest enemy known to any living thing: time.

          A swirling darkness bounced around the psychic's head, which slowly brightened to show flashing scenes of the distant future. Battles raged on, blood spilling, death and destruction filled the air. On top of all of it was a great horned lioness with a malicious grin and cold blue eyes: his granddaughter.

          "Alpha, the deed is done. The vision will be fulfilled now that we have done our part. Peace will reign in the future again, no more blood will be spilt, fighting will cease. Your heroes will arise when Lochren needs them most, thanks to you. Your name will be celebrated."

      Awakening (History Part 2);


        "Awaken... your time has come..."

        The Alpha's soft words, sent by his element of Time, grew louder as consciousness came back to her mind, like an alarm clock. Blue eyes flashed open, but only darkness shown through the thick layers of ice. She made it, undisturbed, thousands of years into the future. Her body was still frozen over, and she'd have to begin the long process of thawing herself and Boreas too if he wasn't awake yet.

        Her brain ached massively, as though the pain of the ice collected until she awoke, and she felt dizzy and tired, as if she hadn't slept enough. But she had to do it now, this was what she'd been training for. She closed her eyes and began to focus. The mountain of ice surrounding her would not easily budge, but she had to break it. Embla imagined the ice in her mind and soon saw it melting into giant puddles- rivers would form from it and flow into the nearby river. She focused more. The ice was melting at an incredible rate, shrinking in size exponentially. The cold water surrounding them began lapping at the ice and waves were created. Embla focused more. Her body soon began producing extreme amounts of heat. Although she was trapped in ice still, her veins were flowing again, but Embla was running out of air to breathe. Pain struck her head and she felt her strength draining. Wooziness swept over her, but she gave it one more shot. Her eyes were squeezed tight, her mind flashing images of ice shattering. She let out a cry with the last of her energy- the lack of air was suffocating her, it was all still dark. Her body was producing too much heat, taking in too much oxygen. She wouldn't make it.

        C R A C K

        Embla's eyes were closed and her body began falling to the cold again. The unconscious consumed her. The cracked ice let in little light to where Embla's body lay. A voice in the distance called. "Embla?" It rang.

        The ice around her began falling apart, and the cold water began seeping in, brushing at Embla's fur. "Embla, come on." Boreas called, concerned for his friend. "Wake up, it's time."

        Cold eyes slowly opened from the body. "B-Boreas?" Embla called.

        She gave several deep breaths before mustering the strength to stand up. Her brain started feeling relief as oxygen freely flowed. the icy cold water seeped into her, but it seemed to only give her strength now. "Let's go, Boreas."


        The two lions walked along the tattered ground, which was marred with war scars. The world seemed so foreign to Embla and she couldn't make out anything that she recognized. Even the sky shining bright with stars seemed like a different sky. It was uncomfortable at first, but Embla soon realized the greatness of the opportunity; she was able to make a new start.

        The two met many small groups of lions on their travels, which Embla happily embraced. She was the quieter of the two, though, so she left Boreas to do the talking. His training was evident, and his conversations were smooth and eloquent. He talked about the need for peace in the lands and how the Pride was the best way to survive. He encouraged rejoining the pride and finding their place within it because strength came in numbers.

        Embla slowly became agitated towards this approach for peace however. It was clear that their idea of peace was quite different from each other's, though she said nothing at first. After some time, Embla began snapping at Boreas whenever he made remarks of the oh-so-great pride. She hoped he would soon come to the realization on his own that groups of lions with different beliefs didn't just mesh together so easily.

        However Boreas' joy and speeches went without falter. In fact, he seemed to only better his skills at preaching and Embla could barely listen to it any longer. Her tolerance for Boreas' ideas was ebbing away. One night Embla decided it was time to deal with the issue. She spoke her mind a little too freely, to which Boreas was taken aback. It was quite clear they had completely different ideas of peace and she believed Boreas needed to rethink his position. She tried to get him to see the evils of having a large group together like the Pride had, and how the blending of their traditions squashed all diversity and ways of life. It was simple though; that way of life was all Boreas had ever experienced before and hadn't known any other way. It hurt her to do it, but Embla realized she couldn't stay here with Boreas anymore. His pleading for her to stay only made it harder for her to leave her friend, but she had to do something, and no matter what, she knew she wouldn't be able to convince Boreas. Boreas' pleading finally did it though. She broke off the friendship, snapping at him, the pain and hurt feeding her anger. That night, Embla walked away from him and left her collar and rings with him.


        Since Embla walked out on Boreas, she's been on her own, spreading peace in her own way and gathering lions to follow her, even if that peace involves fighting and war to obtain it. She's been encouraging lions not to give in to the pride and to not let them take over their group. She's told her her tales to lions willing to hear it and taken anyone under her wing who has embraced it. She has vowed to rebuild her original group with the same traditions and laws and she has vowed to destroy the Pride in the process, like it destroyed her group.



      Sentimental • Loyal • Vengeful • Calculating

        Naturally, Embla is sentimental towards her old home, which was destroyed before her eyes as a cub. But her loyalty to her original group in unmistakable; it's what fuels all her motives. Because of the injustice to her people, Embla has taken it upon herself to avenge them one way or another and she will do whatever it takes to get there. She is always planning her next step, the best, most strategic way to interact with other lions to get what she wants. Although not so eloquent, Embla knows she can resort to her fighting skills should she need to.

      Survivor-Mentality • Self-Reliant • Strong-Willed • Confident • Proud

        Ever since her separation from her group, Embla has always felt she could rely on no one but herself, especially among the lions that slaughtered her family. She has always had to do whatever it takes to survive, and for most of her life, that was how she would think. She made sure to train hard and never grow soft from being part of Pride. Despite having access to the gold dust, Embla always hunted for her same food if she could to ensure herself that she was capable of hunting. She's always been headstrong in her decisions and doesn't undermine herself. This isn't always a good thing however. Embla's pride is great and prevents her from admitting her mistakes.

      Reserved • Abrasive • Placid • Argumentative

        Embla's communication skills are extremely lacking. She is naturally shy and will refrain from talking if she can help it. However, when she does speak, she often does so with the intention of getting the things she need and heeds no attention to the way other lion's feel. In other words, she's concise and to the point, as well as brutally honest. Her inattention to other lions' feelings is a result of her own hardened heart. It takes a lot for Embla to become upset at little things and commonly brushes them off. On the flip side, Embla does get passionate about the morals and traditions she was raised on, and doesn't take them being trampled over lightly. This fierceness leads her to fight and often argue for what she believes is worth fighting for.


        Embla has several different aspirations, most of which relate back to her home and her plan for vengeance. Her mind is swallowed captive by these motives that it drives her to accomplish these. Embla uses little time to consider other aspirations, as it's just not as important to her at the moment. She has waited for the perfect time to chase after these, even if that meant waiting thousands of years.

        • Recreate her group; Embla sees the opportunity in this future land to remake her group so that memory lives on. Her group was beautiful family of lions that raised and trained Embla when she was young. Their memory lives on in her mind, but she wants the memory to live on forever. It is her goal to recreate the group, and to encourage other groups with similar stories to the same. In her group, she plans to implement the same rules and traditions just as they were when she lived there. She's been so set on doing this for many years now, and with the state of how things are, there couldn't be a better time to do it. With the number of lions seeking a new leader and the chaos happening on the planet, Embla knows she will be able to pull desperate lions out and give them food and safety, and eventually a home.
        • Avenge her group; Embla is still bitter towards the pride. Despite that these are all new lions living in the Pride, she can't stand to see that the Pride lives off the foundation made from her family's bones. In her mind the pride is soft and undeserving, they grow lazy because it's numbers allow it. She fully supports the rebellion in their goal to take the Pride down, although she doesn't want anyone else to be able to rule over her. If the rebellion doesn't destroy the Pride, Embla is sure to so that groups can live in peace again without the fear of the large tyrant group ruling over the land. While Embla seeks peace in the end, she knows there must come a point where the Pride has to pay for what they did.
        • Start a family; Embla's reason for starting a family isn't the normal case of love. While the idea of love sounds nice, to Embla it sound unrealistic at the moment. Her main reason for wanting to start a family is because that's one of the best ways to create a group, and Embla knows that she is more likely to trust her own raised flesh and blood over strangers.


      Relationship with Boreas;


        Embla's relationship with Boreas is an important one. She never knew him until she was taken in by the pride, at which point, she was a terrified, mistrusting cub. She refused to talk to anyone for the longest time and when she did, it was insanely hard for her to fit in. Boreas was the only cub to persistently try to talk to her or get to know her, and after a little bit of his pestering, Embla relented. He was her only friend and he meant a great deal to Embla. She never was able to understand his kindness.

        Embla always found Boreas to be soft though. He grew up in the Pride where he didn't have to struggle to find his next meal or worry about whether his group was safe. He'd never seen the horrors of the world, but he never got to enjoy the freedom of it either. She felt sorry for him and his lack of experience. He was like a bird that lived in captivity it's whole life and never was free to soar the skies.

        Despite how Embla felt about soft Boreas, she greatly appreciated his company and the two were always together back when they lived in the Pride. They trained together mostly, and Embla often showed him the skills she learned from her home. They often told stories and joked around about little things, but Boreas never understood what life for Embla was really like. He couldn't understand why she would want to live outside the Pride or why all the little groups of lions were a good thing.

        That's why when she came to modern day Lochren, it's why she had to leave Boreas behind. He still carried his naive beliefs and she carried her ambitions for recreating her group. Their inability to agree on their mission was too great of a thing to force. At this point, Embla still completely considered Boreas her best friend.

        However, as time progressed, Boreas only got more adamant in his mission. It was clear he would do it with or without Embla. This didn't hurt Embla, but what did was her inability to find lions for her group that hadn't been convinced by Boreas to see his way. This led to great frustrations with her. To her, it seemed Boreas was working to spite her. He supported the pride fully and she couldn't bear it. Her goal was to end the pride and his was to better it. She would see him over and over, and to hear his pleas again at first made her saddened. Over time though it hardened to anger, like Boreas wanted her to forget her entire past, culture, and family. She couldn't accept that. She soon began hating Boreas.

        The two of them have grown to despise each other to the point where they would be glad to see the other dead. In the end, Embla feels betrayed by his loyalty to the pride and the soft life. He has gotten in the way of her goals physically and emotionally, to her, it would be better for him to die than to exist anymore and trouble her further.


      Special Thanks to:
      xxx• Red Weasel
      xxx• Demonthief.
      xxx• Squirrelspirit
      xxx• Stonefly (Triggered Canadian)
      xxx• Armoury

      For watching while I streamed my form the past few days!
Last edited by Aravel on Sun Jan 21, 2018 3:00 pm, edited 31 times in total.
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Re: Lions of the Cosmos Adopts #126

Postby Mechanic Drone » Mon Dec 04, 2017 4:21 pm

Marking to watch >3< if anyone needs a pride relation I have klay lol
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Re: Lions of the Cosmos Adopts #126

Postby ParadoxPony » Tue Dec 05, 2017 6:28 pm

Username: ParadoxPony
Name; Sehar
Gender; Female
Element; Cold
Rank+Affliation; Nomad
Personality; Outspoken and snarky but has a soft spot to a select few behind closed doors.
Relationships with 127; Adopted siblings.
Other; Partner is Stonefly.

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