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Postby AlyKay » Sat Oct 07, 2017 12:33 pm

𝘚 𝑎 𝒳 𝑜 𝑛... "Take off the mask when you are speaking to me"
Brute 4 years Mentions; none Tags; none, open Location; Headed back to camp

Darkness blanketed the earth as Mother Nature continued to hit her snooze button. Not a soul stirred,
even the morning song birds were still nestled deep in their nest. A cool breeze swirled through the air but not
an animal around was there to welcome it with shivers, except Saxon. It gently tugged at the brutes white pelt
before waltzing through the leaves of the evergreens. Sighing heavily, it was early, too early for any wolf to be
about, anything sane would still be buried deep within its den. But not the charismatic brute he had been unable
to sleep and therefore had dismissed himself from camp. Taking on the dim of early morning like a duck to water,
he’d walked until the sun had brightened the sky to a murky grey.

Easing himself to a stop he sniffed the air, he was fairly far from camp now, but could be back within only a matter
of minutes if he travelled quickly. But there was no need for speed on this fine morning; the air was crisp welcoming
in the coming of winter. It would be here before they knew it. Relaxing his muscles, Saxon eased himself onto his
haunches yawning; he chuckled maybe next time he would stay in bed. But the sunrise thrilled him. To watch the sun
paint explicit hues across the sky was something that amazed his eyes. He was no crafty brute himself, herbs were
like a puzzle with a million pieces and hunting was just a lost cause. What was even the meaning of quiet anyways?

Before he knew it, he was lost in the beauty of the morning as the song birds began to sing their opening chorus.
The world was bundling up and coming alive. Smiling he looked to his left almost expecting someone to be sitting beside
him, but he was alone. A rare cause for sure, it seemed as if he always had someone around, alone time was a rare thing,
especially in a pack like his. It wasn’t long before just a few moments of watching the sunrise had turned into an hour or
maybe an hour and a half of daydreaming about life and the things he wanted to accomplish, like a rank promotion.
Raising himself to his paws Saxon turned his back on the morning sun and began to travel the path he had walked before.
Attempting to step in the exact same paw prints he had made earlier that morning, just for the sheer fun it.
No rush, the pack wouldn’t fall apart without him.

➼ ➼ ➼
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Postby ataraxic_gone » Sun Oct 08, 2017 12:56 pm

      Form;; X| Pups;; X | Gender;; female | Rank;; pup watcher | Scent;; winter | Words;; 285| Tagged;; saxon|
      xxxxxThere was a moment of chatter between the group, talk of their day exchanged between despereaux and calypso. But as a faint rustling sounded from outside of the camp Mercy moved her attention to the entrance of their pack's camp. Intrigued as to who had left early enough and becoming tired of the same old conversation she moved to make conversation else where with whoever was now returning. A low commanding growl echoed from her maw, calling her pups to her side. Although preoccupied with their own entertainment the group of youngsters peeled away from their devices to follow their watcher. Despite her even gate, the impure lupa halted in her steps as Saxon became visible. A snide smile appeared on Autumns face and the young lupa shouldered Luca to get his attention. "Mercy's going to flirt with him" She explained, giggling at the thought of adults exchanging strange glances. A shallow laugh escaped Mercy's chest as she moved towards the lupus, shoulder's relaxing as her movement became fluid.

      xxxxxMercy dipped her head with much respect to Saxon, after all it was rare for a wolf to truly catch her eye and It would be a lie to say that she wasn't unrelentless when she wanted something. Luckily for most, Mercy never truly wanted, she had preferences but not want or need. "How was the sunrise," Mercy asked, knowing that the wolf had certainly been out longer than most. At her feet a young Ari shuffled anxiously wanting to play with Saxon but weary of how much the full grown wolf dwarfed him. Mercy took note of this, also appreciating it herself how even she was on the tad smaller side, standing next to Saxon.

      Note;; moving on.
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Postby AlyKay » Sun Oct 08, 2017 2:19 pm

𝘚 𝑎 𝒳 𝑜 𝑛... "Take off the mask when you are speaking to me"
Brute 4 years Mentions;Ari, Mercy Tags;Mercy Location; Camp

The white brute was too caught up in stepping in his old paw prints to even notice the fea at first, as
he mimicked his stride on the way to see the sunset. Saxon began to realize how lazy he had walked; some steps
were short and choppy where others were exaggeratingly long. In mid step he caught movement ahead of him, it
was another wolf, and all eyes were on him. You’re totally busted he thought, abruptly ending his little game.
Flicking his tail a smile creased the corners of his maw; it was Mercy and her pups. As he approached them, he dipped
his cranium in a welcoming manner. Mercy may not be pure, but through his eyes she was one of them, a wolf and a
pack member, someone to be respected. Chuckling as she popped her question, his head tilted, as he listened to her
voice. “As beautiful as ever, I think I may be its number one fan. Seeing that no one else enjoys midnight walks to
such an extravagant show. Certainly beats the morning chatter

It was only after he’d spoke that he noticed the fragile brute standing guard at Mercy’s paws. Saxon knew the pup
was adopted, you could look at the litter tell he wasn’t like the rest. Tail wagging Saxon asked “May I?” as he lowered
himself onto his belly so that he was more at Ari’s level; his white tail gently sweeping the ground. Of course Saxon
knew Mercy, and he knew of her pups, he had just never taken the time to respectfully greet them like a wolf should.

Well aren’t you just a handsome little devil, and what might your name be?” Saxon asked looking at the feeble pup,
he wasn’t sure of how to interact with things smaller than him and in this case much younger than he. He hadn’t grown
up around puppies; his job was to make sure the packs borders were safe. Despite his socialite personality puppies had
just never made the list of his top acquaintances. Even though Ari was small compared to the other pups, something
about him stood out to Saxon, he made the brutes gut feel warm, almost fatherly.

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Re: of the night ✰ open, lots of ranks

Postby beignet » Mon Oct 09, 2017 6:11 am

k a u r i
four years old
prospect peak pack: delta
tag: saxon
      Kauri blinked, her vision blurred, now awoken by the sunlight that had streamed into her den from the morning. There was something entirely spectacular about such an inconsequential event. She'd never had a moment to take pause for the better part of her life, and with that she longingly retraced the many steps back to her pack. She watched as the smoldering flames reared themselves, climbing as they engulfed the forest surrounding her. Kauri stared blankly as the flames flickered, spitting so that it's sparks dissipated into the air, the dark smoke, blackened like the ravens and crows that escaped into the night slowly began to overcome them. She was stuck, unable to move as though she'd grown into the ground of the forest she'd called home for many years, reduced to the same fate. It only lasted a moment before she moved, her claws scraping against the untouched soil as she lured herself from her home in the hopes that she may at least save those she shared it with. No one would escape the blazing inferno though, only her and Kodiak. With that, she heaved herself to her paws, her ears twitching at the slightest sound. The crunch of the cool snow was never one to grow old, though her pads lost their feeling as she stood. Kauri shook herself, so as to rid herself of the memories that have followed her as did the wildfire. But now she knows what it feels like before the fire comes, she knows what the forest feels like, how it quakes and the animals move. She had to move and she knew that to be her ultimate truth.

      Her amber eyes grazed the white that lay before her. She found herself paying less attention to the other wolves gathering here and there; she faced the forest with an unrelenting gaze and chuffed—she shook her maw slightly, her tanned fur standing on end as she stood stiffly like the crisp morning air. Suddenly she found herself pacing forward, her paws dragging through the icey white, dampening them and making her body jolt with the sudden shock of the cold. She held no particular appearance, these days Kauri had looked and felt like a ghost of her past more than anything, a certain defeat she was not familiar with. It was unlike Kauri, for she was not particularly soft of heart, she was strong as her previous position had demanded, and her strength was not exlusive to her physical presence, nor her will—defeat was not a remote concept and while it seemed she'd forgotten such, her entire being had not. She trekked towards the wolves, her sullen gaze finding itself upon Saxon.

k o d I a k
three years old
prospect peak pack: scout
tag: none
      Kodiak had been awake for a long while. It seemed as though he'd not yet slept since that day where the flames tugged his fur and called his name, luring him to them. He was drawn to the destruction that had robbed him of his purpose. He didn't regard himself to be particularly useful since his entrance into this pack. He was well-built, but he no longer clothed himself in strength. He was beginning to take on a bony appearance, his ribs protruded strikingly with his blackened pelt barely clinging to them. Kodiak hadn't eaten in days, weeks perhaps; he'd stopped keeping time when he'd lost his cause for keeping it. He lay his head to his paws, and huffed, his breath painted in white from the cold, the white flakes scattering themselves in his wake. There was nothing for Kodiak to say, nothing to do, no reason to move, not anymore. "Avian," he begged, his voice quiet and shaky. He pressed his nose to the biting snow, turning it up until his snout was buried beneath, he closed his eyes, willing her to return to him. He lifted his head heavily, pulling his head back so that his ears lay flat, his mouth agape as he howled in grief.

      > Hopefully this'll do. A couple years out of practice, with any luck, it'll come easier with time.
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( ‟ ✦ areto & fenris ━━ one )

Postby razzberry » Mon Oct 09, 2017 6:50 am

    (( ──────⊱ARETO ! !
      five years ▰ feminine ▰ lead scout ▰ scent of lavender ▰ tags:

      Her paws dug frantically, delving deeper into the narrow gap in the ground where her prey had taken refuge. Dirt flew up behind her, dusting her silver coat with a thin sheet of brown, yet Areto paid it no mind - clearly far more concerned about having her teeth sink into the plump flesh that had so cunningly slipped out of her grasp. Soft grunts fell out of her mouth as she stretched her legs into the rabbit den as far as they would go, claws extended in hopes that they would grip onto the flesh of her escaped prey. The fae opened her eyes, focusing once more on the scents around her and all but shot up on all four paws upon realizing the rabbit scent was beginning to fade. Her narrow snout lifted to the air and out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of the light brown body bouncing across the clearing. "How the heck..." she thought to herself, gritting her teeth before pelting after the rabbit. The lead scout had always loved the thrill of the chase, yet had opted for her current rank rather than joining the ranks of the hunters. She found herself to be far more useful as a scout, at being able to observe her surrounding and others without being detected until she wanted to be. Though her tracking skills were by far among the best within the pack, capable of pinpointing and holding onto a scent for miles.

      Areto's long strides carried her across the forest floor, quickly gaining on the rabbit. As the distance began to close, the fae's mouth began to water and her body became anxious to finish this chase so she could devour it. As the rabbit leapt over a log, Areto took advantage of it's vulnerability in mid-air, propelling herself forward with powerful hind legs, jaws open wide as thorn-sharp canines grasped the rabbits body, crushing it's spine instantly. Landing deftly on her paws, Areto quickly gave a fatal bite to the rabbit's neck, putting it out of it's pain. Gathering the body in her jaws, the lead scout set off back towards the camp her pack shared, her stomach growling the whole journey back. Around the scent of rabbit that filled her nose, Areto picked up another scent as she ambled back towards the camp, this time it belonged to a pack mate. Before she had time to distinguish who it was, the thin ebony frame belonging to Kodiak came into view. Her eyes settled on the brute who was settled down in the snow, and to her shock she watched as he raised his head heavily and let out a sorrowful howl. It shook Areto and it was almost as if she could feel the weight of grief that he portrayed into that howl. She silently wondered what had the brute in such a fragile state, though she knew that each and every wolf in the pack had a past that came back to haunt them every now and then or, like her and supposedly Kodiak, pasts that never stopped haunting them. The snow underfoot crunched softly as she padded towards the meek looking brute, letting her jaws part so the rabbit could fall to the ground in front of his paws.

      "You should eat" the lead scout offered, lowering her head to push the plump rabbit carcass closer to the black wolf in front of her. Areto chose not to comment on the grief that Kodiak so clearly was plagued with, it wasn't her style to invade another's privacy unless they came to her first. She had noticed how he had stopped eating, she was pretty sure the whole pack had. It was hard to miss his lack of food with the increasing prominency of his ribs and bones.
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Re: of the night ✰ open, lots of ranks

Postby beignet » Mon Oct 09, 2017 7:25 am

k o d I a k
three years old
prospect peak pack: scout
tag: areto
      Kodiak lowered his head, gazing sullenly into the depths of the forest. His eyes averted their course when the she-wolf came into view, her silver coat blending with her surroundings. He could feel himself shrinking, sinking into the white as he shied from her view, though to no avail. Kodiak couldn't remember when he last spoke to anyone, if at all, and he wasn't particularly inclined to begin doing so. He stared at the ground for a long while, not looking up even as the pelt fell to the ground. He felt the ground recoil and he felt uneasy, drawn back to his own memories, their rigidity piercing him. Somber, yellow eyes, he gazed up, and with a fleeting glance his eyes momentarily met those of Areto's. He sighed, his deep breath escaping as though it were his last. He stared at the animal's carcass sorrowfully, then nosing it back towards her before returning his snout to the frosty snow. He flicked his tail only slightly, kicking up a few specks of snow so that they fell back to the earth as silently as he had.

      He looked up once more, his eyes glossy as though he weren't there. He stared for a long while, his piercing amber eyes unmoving, frozen in time. He was falling away, fading fast. It should have been him. A gust of wind ruffled his fur, intertwining itself in his hairs, knotting them before pulling away. He closed his eyes for but a moment, lured to sleep, he drifted momentarily into unconsciousness. He remembered the cold, and suddenly he was there. He was gently gripping the scruff of Avian's neck, leading to her den despite having been blinded by the icy snow that was pelting him. He'd let go just before her den, though the wind carried him not more than three steps to the right when something tripped him. He stepped forward in his attempts to regain his balance, only to roll off the edge of the small hill their dens had been perched on. He rolled, and rolled, his yelps silenced by the wind. He struck the bottom, plundering into the depths of the dense snow. It was dark. He could not hear. He could not see. He could not speak. The storm seemed to subside, the flakes slowly covering him, tucking him in inaudibly. His remaining thoughts before drifting into complete and utter unconsciousness were of Avian, and when he woke, she was beside him unbeknownst to him at the time. He'd stirred silently, chilling frost sticking to his pelt. He groaned faintly, a sudden pain sending a jolt through his body. Kodiak blinked warily, his eyes heavy. His body lay limply on the floor of the den as he attempted to raise his head, a sudden warmth beside him; he tilted his head just enough to discover Kauri had laid beside him. Briefly touching his nose to hers, his head collapsed to the ground, his strength dwindling. He was numb; unable to move, unable to see Avian whom had been his main concern. He gathered his strength before pulling himself to his paws; stumbling, he turned, recognizing the familiar she-wolf who lay only a few feet from him. He padded sluggishly to her side, not caring to glance back at his sister or offer her a slight nod for her concern. He prodded Avian with his nose, padding behind her, he laid quietly beside her, tucking his numb paws tightly under her body and wrapping his tail around her flank. His voice quivered, obvious in his weakness, "T-till death do us part. I-in sickness and in health. Words my forebears had spoken, though I lacked the knowledge to understand them, though I do now."He solemnly lay his head on her neck, his eyes closing, unaware if they are to open again, he drifted into an undisturbed slumber.

      He dreamt quietly. His desires remained as they'd been those past few days. Every fiber of his being was of Avian; his thoughts, his desires, his dreams, his concerns. She'd never strayed from his mind, nor had the thought that he had not been worthy of her. It puzzled him how he had been so fortunate as to discover such a creature, or wolf, one that did not care for his rank, his past, or any of the sort. She'd shown him love and respect and he'd only hoped to return the same. The pups were now grown, the boy playful and daring, while the girl was shy and soft-spoken. The flowers bloomed, and the weather was warm, a light breeze accompanying it. They ran through the dandelions, chasing after ladybugs and other curious creatures. He looks beside him where Avian sat quietly in all her beauty and splendor, unknowing of her genuinity and beauty. Her frame was familiar, the sun kissing her pelt warmly as she lifted her maw to the air, the fresh and crisp air of spring lingering. A smile broke his emotionless face as he spoke, "I do not know where I'd have been without you. You are radiating." His eyes met hers, glimmering in the warmth of the bright sun. She was beautiful. She was perfect. She loved him, as he loved her. Was this to be his future? His life? Kodiak was hopeful it was to be so. His mind drifted as he was lured into his thoughts.

      His memories retraced themselves, etching them permanently as he followed his past. Every moment with her had been a gift to him, but a moment without her was worse than death itself. The cold was one of his last memories of her, of keeping her warm.
      He thought he'd lose her to ice if anything, but he lost her in fire. And from this, he thought there'd be no return.

      > I integrated an old piece I wrote from a few years ago between he and Avian to give some context.
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finch [six]

Postby versemi » Tue Oct 10, 2017 11:55 am

        ☾ ━ ━━ f i n c h
        i. male ii. hunter iii. six and a half years iv. woods outside of camp v. tags; kerei, open

        "Finch? What're you doing here?" To say the least, Finch was quite realized to find out that it was Kerei, a friendly wolf rather than an outsider. Letting out a short, quick sigh, he snickered to himself, thinking how foolish he looked.

        "Yeah, it's me." He carefully made his way to the rock where she stood. He never noticed how fragile she looked, but nonetheless, she was a friendly wolf. "I didn't know who the wolf was that left, so I chose to follow.
        What're you doing out here
        ?" Without letting her finish, he continued. "Do you want to go back to the camp?" He slowly lowered himself to the ground.

        "I don't want you to get hurt, that's all."
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Re: of the night ✰ open, lots of ranks

Postby klue » Tue Oct 10, 2017 1:34 pm

    K i r e i
    ━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
    Gender- female • Rank- hunter •
    ━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
    xxxKirei smiled gently as her co-hunter entered the clearing. They had hardly had this much interaction before, and she had to admit, it made her a bit nervous. Not in a bad way, of course.

    "I like to come out here to think. It's much more peaceful than at camp sometimes. The she-wolf replied. Her ears perked up as he suggested going back to the camp.
    "Do they need us at camp? It's safe out here, probably much more so now that you're here."
    she said matter-of-factly. It was true. She had never been the fiersest or strongest of the bunch, but she had never run into any danger here.
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Re: of the night ✰ open, lots of ranks

Postby jungwonie » Wed Oct 11, 2017 11:42 am

// ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ // ʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀ // ᴄʀᴜꜱʜ. ɴᴏɴᴇ // ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ. // ᴛᴀɢꜱ. ᴏᴘᴇɴ //

ivy awoke slowly. she'd had a rough night of tossing and turning in her little designated space. after once finally being able to fall asleep, it'd almost been morning. her sleep felt like a millisecond. she sat up, rousing herself from slumber to release a yawn. her eyes took a moment to adjust before she headed away from the shaded area she called her bed. her eyesight fell to black, the sunlight making her pupils dilate. the hunter stood for a moment before looking around her pack's territory. she trotted over to where you could see down the valley and peered down at the trees. her eyes searched around for any look for prey, but came up empty. her bottom jaw quivered, allowing her to whimper and turn back around and start towards her perch under the shade. the sun was already beating down on her coat, allowing the remaining snow on the ground to deplete as spring neared.
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finch [seven]

Postby versemi » Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:24 pm

        ☾ ━ ━━ f i n c h
        i. male ii. hunter iii. six and a half years iv. woods outside of camp v. tags; kerei, open

        "Do they need us at camp? It's safe out here, probably much more so now that you're here."

        "No, no, no one needs us right now." He looked down to his paws, feeling foolish once again. "You just never know what is out here..." Looking left to right and then back to Kerei before playfully pouncing onto her. He carefully gnawed on her neck, making sure not to hurt her, but sooner or later he let the fellow wolf take over. Going limp, he snickered and let out a playful howl as if he was hurt.

        "Show me how you hunt, whether it is a hare or a deer.."
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