❝ Scattered Dust ❞ } a witch roleplay

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Re: ❝ Scattered Dust ❞ } a witch roleplay

Postby crazy-in-wonderland » Wed Oct 04, 2017 5:22 am

Katherine Queen | El sol | Location; Home, fiddlers Tags; open

Katherine rose from her bed after only a few hours of sleep, she had been up most of the night working on her assignments due for the next day of school. To be honest that's what she would tell her mother if she asked why she had bags under her eyes but the real reason was that she had spent most of the day before and all of the last night watching a new series online, one that had completely engrossed her until she looked out of the window to see the sun slowly beginning to peak its head out of the dark blue sky. She had dressed in her most comfortable outfit, a woolly polo neck dress with tights and her staple leather jacket, which she never left the house without. She grabbed her purse and decided the best way to start the day was with one of the best coffee in town. She left the house in such a hurry that she ended up going back into put shoes on. She laughed at herself before whispering,"So sleep deprived". She shut the door slowly behind her to not wake up her parents before heading down to fiddlers. Once she was close enough she began to think about what she wanted, and she wanted nothing better than coffee with cream and sugar with a blueberry cheesecake muffin. She smiled as she pulled the door of the shop open only to run into Elysia talking to Fleuretta. She gave them both a polite smile, though she knew them well from the coven she couldn't let it on, after all, no one knew what they were or what they did in their spare time. "Good morning girls, I didn't expect to see anyone up this early in the morning. How have you two been?"she said as she inhaled the smell of food and her mouth began to water with hunger. She had completely forgotten to eat last night and her stomach hated her for it."Ugh, I'm absolutely starved!" Katherine exclaimed.
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Postby SilentMelody » Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:29 am

      callantha jade devereaυх
      ( sexuality ) lesbian ( rank ) las estrella ( location ) blackwater woods ( tags ) ayvin
        a leaf fluttered down and tickled her nose, startling her awake. callantha sat up in the large, hollow trunk that she now called home and rubbed her nose furiously, angered that her sleep had been disturbed. she rarely got sleep anymore, and she slept as much as she could; lately it was getting harder to do so, as she didn't have a proper shelter, and the nights were getting colder. callie pulled down the sleeves of her sweater and rubbed her hands together with a small shiver. she'd warm herself up.

        the clearing where the coven met would be the perfect place to make a large fire, and it would destroy anything other than wood. callantha gathered bundles of sticks and twigs as she walked in the general direction of the clearing, humming to herself. simultaneously, she was summoning the fire in her veins and pushing it throughout her body, which helped to warm her up.

        callie finally arrived and dumped the pieces of wood in the center, scattered about somewhat but enough to catch fire. coaxing the flames out, she aimed her hands at the wood and furrowed her brow as she concentrated. "c'mon," she muttered under her breath and clenched her fists once before opening them, her fingers splayed out towards the sticks. flames danced and flew through the air before striking the wood, catching fire swiftly.

        maybe i'm getting better, callantha mused to herself and smiled before settling down next to the fire, sighing happily. although, it only occured to her then that something was off -- someone else was here. callie glanced around and narrowed her eyes, trying to find the other person.
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❝ Zariah: one // Thomas: wip ❞

Postby cooper. » Wed Oct 04, 2017 5:58 pm

zariah g. stroher
tagged: open
rank: el polvo
location: home > fiddler
ooc: i typed this in notes
instead of on cs and
there was legit a
moment where i tried
to zoom in... i’m dumb
you guys
also on my phone so idk
if this is long or not
but i’ll check on my
laptop later

          zariah woke up suddenly and on the floor, struggling to breathe and sweating like a horse after a workout. her muscles ached and her throat felt as if she had been screaming, the nightmare had returned for a night. the incessant knocking at the door told her that she hadn’t been completely quiet and that she had probably woken her brother up. "hey zariah, i know you woke up. sounded like you jumped off the bed..." thomas groggily joked, his voice still raspy from sleep. ”look, just tell me that you’re good and whether or not you’re going back to sleep or not.” zariah nodded uncomfortably as jf he could see her through the door and tried to push the words out of her throat. ”i’m fine thomas. i’m wide awake, want to run to fiddler?” zariah nodded to herself and pushed herself up from the floor and moved towards the bathroom to get ready. her muscles tightened and screamed as she moved causing her to groan with frustration. vivid pictures of the nightmare flashed through her mind as she cleaned her face and started her morning routine. the crash still haunted her, the crash that changed everything and gave her a second family to love.

          zariah sat down at the piano in front of her window and softly played songs as she calmed herself and her anxiety. the notes flowed from her memory and to the keys as she played a song that her biological family passed down through the generations. it was a slow and eerie tune that they had called the ‘moonlight waltz.’ occasionally zariah would play it and watch as thomas would try to help nimue or alessandra practice the waltz. she would laugh softly as her sisters would accidentally step on his foot or stumble and get frustrated. she heard the door open as one of her sisters slipped into her room trying to be quiet as she closed the door behind her. ”riah, do you think you could teach me how to play the moonlight waltz?” nimue, the youngest in the family, asked quietly. ”to teach you the waltz i will have to teach you to simply play the piano first. you need to decide if you’re up to that and then you need to ask mom and dad if you could make time for it. if they say yes then of course i would teach you... with time.” zariah smiled softly as she finished the song and plopped down on her bed next to nimue. for the next twenty minutes they joked around as zariah made nimue help her choose the outfit for her day. it was an occasional occurrence between them that helped nimue to feel closer to zariah as she feared that as her siblings got older they would forget about her.

          zariah walked down the stairs and waited for when thomas would come clamoring into the living room muttering about something or asking dozens of questions. she could hear his heavy footsteps rumbling down the stairs as his head soon poked out around the stairs with an overeager smile. ”sometimes... i forget you’re like an energizer bunny...” she joked at him and with a smirk as his ‘good morning world’ attitude perked her up. next came the game of twenty questions as the two began to walk from their house on hill avenue, one of the few that was on the road. zariah blatantly answered thomas’s determined curiosity about her sleep, giving the answers with ease. are you okay? did you know you screamed at one point? is it the same as when you were younger? should I be worried? want me to sleep on the floor? he laughed at his last question and smiled softly as zariah gave him answers he found to be satisfactory. everything was fine and would be fine, they both knew that.

          they stood in line together as they patiently waited for their turn to order. zariah talked to thomas about their younger siblings and laughed about their parents already making them learn the old ways of their family. zariah knee that soon somebody would walk in and probably want to talk with thomas and catch up with him. her brother was just someone that everyone could get along with. that being said they had a lot of friends in common despite how abrasive zariah could be at times, eventually everyone just got used to her sense of humor and started to be friends with her too. while zariah loved her brother she hoped that someone would come up and save her from the questioning looks thomas would shoot her as she spoke to see if she was really okay or just faking it. while he cared and he showed it often she was hoping he’d drop it by now, he was only reminding her of it and not letting her forget it had happened.

thomas r. stroher
tagged: open
rank: human
location: home > town
ooc: finally posted thomas... the
next friggin day

        thomas woke up to a scream coming from the room down the hall, zariah’s room. her screams were the worst kind of alarm clock, you could hear the pain she felt as she relived her darkest moment and thomas regretted not being able to erase her pain. thomas put a shirt on and walked over to zariah’s door as he heard a loud thud. he assumed it was zariah falling out of her bed in panic as she sometimes did but if he was being honest this morning it sounded as if she cannonballed into the floor. thomas began knocking on the door incessantly like sheldon on the big bang theory would do. with no response to his knocking thomas spoke into the door hoping that zariah would answer him to an extent. "hey zariah, i know you woke up. sounded like you jumped off the bed..." thomas joked, his voice raspy coming with a light laugh at the first words to come out of his mouth today. ”look, just tell me that you’re good and whether or not you’re going back to sleep or not.” thomas sighed a bit in relief as she spoke up. ”i’m fine thomas. i’m wide awake, want to run to fiddler?” thomas replied with a yes and left to go back to his room and get ready for the day. as he walked down the hallway he peeked into alessandra’s room to finding her sleeping like a rock and chuckled knowing that anything rarely woke her. then he checked in on nimue and saw that she was already up and brushing her hair in anticipation of going to zariah’s room once she started to play the piano. thomas didn’t bother to say anything to nimue, they had a connection of speaking without words. thomas made it back to his room and immediately went to turn on the shower water. showering would help to clear his mind and turn him into his true morning self. plus it would give zariah ample time to mess around on her piano after she was ready.

        the music from zariah’s piano carried from her room all throughout the house and as always made thomas want to dance. the melody that she played was the melody he knew her mother had taught her. zariah would often recount the times that she would play and watch her parents dance. it was humbling when she played for him and their siblings. thomas calmly got dressed and began to pick up the slight mess he made during his running around and rummaging through his closet. thomas often joked he was sometimes like a girl because the number of sisters he had supposedly made him indecisive on what outfit he should wear each day. he’d often leave his room and find nimue just to ask if his outfit was presentable. thomas looked in the mirror once last time as he attempted to tame his hair more. while today his hair wasn’t as unruly as usual he still couldn’t get it to listen to him as much as he would like.

        thomas ran down the stairs with the assumption that zariah was probably waiting on him and already ready to begin walking. he smiled excitedly at her as he came around the corner of the stairs. as they began their walk Thomas bombarded her with questions and she calmly answered them. yes i’m fine. i figures as much. has it ever been any different? don’t worry. stop being weird. she laughed as they entered the fiddler and stood in line. he found her answers to be enough for the time being and decided against further questioning. thomas watched people quietly as zariah and he laughed about their parents and siblings.

        thomas found himself looking around and wandering what he wanted when he realized he wasn’t even that hungry and he was never really big on coffee either. he knew zariah might be disappointed to hear that he was about to leave but he wouldn’t really be happy with food now and much preferred to be walking around or maybe even go for a run. ”hey so i’m going to go ahead and cut out, I’m just not that hungry and have way too much energy to stand in line. i’ll see you later tonight at home.” thomas said to zariah with a small smile as he walked out of the fiddler and started to aimlessly walk around the town. he wasn’t sure if he wanted to go for a run in the woods, take the hike up the creek or just walk around the shops. until he figured it out he’d probably just walk around and head towards his house so he didn’t look completely purposeless.
Last edited by cooper. on Thu Oct 05, 2017 4:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby oops. » Thu Oct 05, 2017 1:31 am

|| female || hekate || fiddler || elysia & katherine ||

      the witch was fiddling the sleeve of the indigo peacoat she had thrown on earlier when the shop's door opened with a twinkle. turning around, relief seemed to ooze out of every pour on fleuretta's face as she let out a sigh and smiled at elysia, now she didn't have to sit in mind-numbing silence as she waited to order her breakfast. "oh elysia, I'm so happy I bumped into you," flora's silver eyes flickered to the ground where they landed on the other witch's bare feet, a sight that made her smile even more as she leaned in closer to elysia so that they could talk quietly. "I actually need help with something for tonight." she mumbled quietly to the other girl. out of all the girls in the coven elysia was the best to go to when you were in the need of some kind of plant, which was why fleuretta eagerly sought her aid. the hekate never had a knack for plants, it seemed like any one of them that she tried to take care of died in a matter of days, so most often than not she avoided all plants unless her job called upon seeking them out, like now.

      she was about to go into further detail of what she needed when a brunette slid in line behind them. glancing over elysia's shoulder, fleuretta's eyes landed on katherine as the newcomer gave the two of them a greeting smile. "g'morning," the hekate said, her eyes travelling to the bruising skin beneath katherine's eyes, a telltale sign that the witch hadn't gotten much sleep that night. "ugh, I'd honestly rather be in bed right now but I've got things to do." the groan left flora's mouth a little too loudly causing of few bystanders to give the three girls quick glances. one particular older man even glared at them before whispering to his companion something, fleuretta figured, that was about them. the curly haired witch didn't mind the attention of the other customers, the steady buzz of conversation and the occasional yelling out of orders made her positive that no one would hear their coven talk unless they were intentionally trying to listen in, and only a few other citizens in burfield who weren't witches knew about the coven and fleuretta saw none of their faces as she glanced around the shop, distracted for a heartbeat before returning her attention back to the conversation she was having.

      "I was going through antonia's book last night and I found this really cool thing that I'd like to try." her voice was once again low as she glanced at both girls to see their reactions, hopefully, like her, they'd be eager to learn something new, mostly when it was something that came from antonia's book of shadows, a thick leather bounded note book that fleuretta had found in her room the day antonia disappeared. the journal was just one out of the many mysterys that surrounded the old hekate, within its pages were the thoughts of other witches and their spells,.

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      kidanika ✦

      Postby darcy_jensen » Thu Oct 05, 2017 11:20 am

        ✦ K I D A N I K A ✦
        [las estrellas] [nineteen] [pansexual] [tags; minjae]

        a pair of hazel eyes scanned her surroundings in a combination of unease and wonder. despite being alive for nineteen years, kidanika was always cautious when crossing roads. Although the town she resided in wasn’t particularly large, there was absolutely no harm in looking both ways, even if there was a lack of traffic. throwing her silky blonde hair over her shoulder, nika let the crisp air fill her lungs, an instinctive smile spreading across her face. there were few things she adored as much as going for a run in the early morning. with a confident grin and a burst of energy, nika pushed off the concrete road with one of her bare feet, compelling her body into starting to sprint. 

        it wasn’t uncommon for the girl to drift off, lost in her own thoughts, once she began running. it was a freeing process, one that was rather therapeutic, both physically and mentally. kidanika was grateful that her parents were accepting in terms of letting her run her own life. she couldn’t imagine having to live like some of the other covern members; sneaking out to attend the meetings. her parents trusted her to not be doing drugs or anything illegal, so she could do what she wanted, as long as she was safe.

        passing through the different streets that she had called home for her entire life, the blonde began to relax, letting herself free from the anxiety that being a witch came with. she was constantly worried about one of her friends, or the entire covern, being discovered. none of them chose to be gifted with talents and magic, and they didn't choose to live this anxiety-ridden life. shaking her head slightly, she refocused on the path she was running. as she began to plan a little thank you letter she would write to her mother, nika ran straight into someone, sending her sprawling onto the concrete path. letting out a pained groan, she looked up to apologise to whomever she crashed into. her gaze came across a tall boy with bleached blonde hair, someone she didn’t seem to recognise. “I’m so sorry,” she started, wincing as she stood up. she could see a bleeding graze on her elbow and rolled her eyes at the sight. “I’m Nika.”
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      ||Song Minjae

      Postby vega. » Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:22 pm

        ───── - ◉ - ─────
        Song Minjae
        el polvo

        tags Nika
        location town; streets

        ───── - ◉ - ─────
        Minjae was awoken that morning with breakfast waiting for him downstairs, as a typical day went. The boy dressed in a casual style, a long white sleeved shirt and dark jeans, and refused to tame his hair despite the maids insisting upon him with a comb. After shooing them off, he sauntered down a bold mahogany staircase, his steps echoing along his way down, to the huge dining table meant to seat ten where he spent most of his meals alone with the dull company of the maids on stand by. They weren't much of conversationalist, simply doing their job. His only company was a stupid black cat eyeing him lazily on the far end on the table.

        His aunt was on a business trip and the keeper of the house was the main butler who answered the door and doubled as a little secretary and acquired Minjae anything he needed with just a phone-call. Downing the southern style breakfast of pancakes and eggs and toast he quickly left the uncomfortable silence. This time he was not met by a maid, but by Mr.Farley, the butler. He presented Minjae with his grey jacket and gloves, as if he read the boy's mind and his impulse to leave the vast Oaklands house located a half mile off of oaklands blvd.
        "It's a little snappy outside, Mr.Song."
        "I'll be alright." Minjae nodded. This weather was nothing he couldn't tolerate. Outside a driver in a white Lexus waited for him to take him wherever he wanted to go. In a minute he was off and soon his thoughts settled as there was more to see after they entered the heart of Burfield. The buildings were small, but decent and gave off an antique-like aura. Without many clouds the sky the day was bright, and a slight breeze shuffled the already called leaves from the surrounding forest across the streets.

        He left the car, stepping out onto the sidewalk at the side of the street. Behind him his driver pulled away, and the boy cocked his head, deciding which way to explore first in this place called Burfield. That's when something shoved him in the back and caused him to stumble. He wheeled around, ready to size up to whomever would even touch him. However, when he looked down and saw that it was just a young woman seemingly around his age. He sighed and as she stood, taking in her features while at the same town trying to figure out how she could blatantly collide with him. With the expression on her face he could tell she was probably thinking the same.
        He glanced at her bare feet and scoffed quietly, "You shouldn't be running around like that, especially if you can't pay attention."

        His comments were brutal nonetheless, but he pulled out a silk handkerchief from the inner pocket of his coat and dabbed it on Nika's elbow without even asking. If his mother hadn't hammered manners into him before she had passed, he may as well have simple walked away without saying anything, so it was better than nothing.
        "Minjae." He added, adding emphasizing on the two syllables english speakers seemed to botch all the time. He had thought about giving himself an easier name, but hadn't found the time or motivation to look into it. Minjae wanted to be called Minjae, and he'd make sure people said it right.
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      Re: kidanika ✦

      Postby darcy_jensen » Thu Oct 05, 2017 3:44 pm

        ✦ K I D A N I K A ✦
        [las estrellas] [nineteen] [pansexual] [tags; minjae]

        nika kept her eyes downcast in shame, her cheeks flushed with pink tones. she was holding her tongue from profusely apologising, as it probably wouldn’t serve much use. he didn’t seem like someone who would instantly forgive her clumsiness. then again, it probably was very irritating to have been smacked into so early in the morning, so she didn't blame the boy. well, that's the exercise session for today over.

        “Are you new here?” she asked softly, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips when he began to tend to her small wound. burfield wasn’t the largest town, so it was quite easy to remember all of its occupants. and she definitely would have remembered this boy, with his untamed white hair and brown eyes. he was very pretty and had a unique name. although in saying that, most people in the town had strange names, nika herself included. as he dabbed at her elbow, she took a moment to appreciate his clothing. it was quite the contrast to her running shorts, cropped top and lack of shoes. although the outfit was rather revealing, she liked that it gave her ability to move freely, and showed off her spinal tattoo. now that she'd stopped running, the chill was starting to set in a little, and a tiny shiver made its way down her bare legs.

        “I’ll buy you a coffee if you’d like,” she suggested in a cheerful tone, excited that the idea had come into her mind. it would give her the chance to warm up, and she could offer a gesture that would indicate her sincere apology. although there was every chance the newcomer didn’t drink the caffeinated liquid, it was polite to ask, especially since she’d crashed right into him. I wonder if he's an el polvo, she thought to herself, considering the possibility of it being true, it'd be nice to another male in the covern.
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      Re: ↣ Elysia: two \\ Ayvin: two ↢

      Postby Xaeli » Thu Oct 05, 2017 10:58 pm

        E L Y S I A
        xxx( rank: las estrellas ) ( location: fiddler ) ( tags: fleuretta & katherine )

          the spark of excitement that gleaming within fleuretta's eyes sent a wave of hope washing over elysia. it was a look that told her that her help would indeed be required for whatever magical fun would be had today, and she would be very happy to provide as much assistance as needed. "whatever you need me to do, i'm on it." she quietly replied with a nod, already predicting that flora would most likely be looking for a plant of some kind to be used in a potion or ritual. elysia was always the one helping with anything plant related, especially since she had such a large garden that lay behind her house. along with her beloved growths and the expansive research that she had conducted on the many different plants that could be used by the coven, it made her the best witch to turn to when in need of anything related to her profession; and elysia was quite proud of this fact. the young witch had to stop herself from bouncing on the tip of her toes as her clear excitement began to build in the smile that slowly and gently grew into the corners of her lips.

          elysia almost jumped out of fright as fleuretta suddenly made the presence of katherine known. she spun around quite quickly, giving the sol the usual bright and cheery smile. "oh, good morning. i didn't see you there." elysia laughed sheepishly. it seemed that she had caught herself between the two highest ranking members of the coven, which definitely wasn't anything to complain about. if anything, she was quite happy to be included and trusted by them, it just made the coven feel even more like a family.

          she turned back to look at fleuretta as she began talking again, the mention of the book of shadows catching elysia's attention very easily, especially since the hekate considered the 'thing' that she had found to be 'really cool'. it was enough to leave elys standing with her doe-eyes gleaming like a child at christmas. "ooo~," she marvelled, trying not to bring too much attention to herself as she quickly hushed her words. "sounds like fun, i can't wait!" at this point, elysia had become so invested in the thought of whatever fleuretta had found that she completely forgot that they were standing in line at the fiddler, and the worry about what she would be having for breakfast was suddenly very insignificant.

        A Y V I N
        xxx( rank: el hueco ) ( location: blackwater woods ) ( tags: callantha )

          it had been a short while of sitting in a numb trance, ayvin's surroundings being nothing but a blur as she continued to stare at those damned hands of hers. she let a deep sigh release a great amount of strain that had built on her chest as she forced her dark green eyes to look anywhere but her palms, which led her to gaze off in the direction of the clearing. it seemed that she didn't want to let herself off so easily when it came to things that brought back sour memories, though some memories of that place were sweet, memories that consisted of antonia's teachings and comforts. but ayvin scowled at the thought of all those other witches who stained the memories.

          ayvin paused for a second, something in her senses making her reel back to reality as she pushed herself off the tree that she sat against, her body going stiff as she realised what had caught her attention. the scent of smoke was beginning to waft into the area, offending the young hueco's nose as she continued to look towards the clearing where the smell seemed to be coming from. it was definitely strange. a forest fire couldn't be a possibility unless someone in this quaint little town suddenly decided to become an arsonist, and the coven didn't usually gather in the clearing at this time. ayvin's interests were peaked as she quickly hauled herself onto her feet.

          of course it was a stupid idea for her to go anywhere near the clearing, but she knew that it was too late once she could actually see the tree-less spot that housed the rocks which she used to sit and sleep on so often. she didn't really care about this however, as ayvin instead let a smirk cross her face at the sight of a disgustingly familiar face. she leaned her lithe body against a tree that bordered the clearing, and she crossed her arms. "i would be very careful if i was you, callantha. we wouldn't want to be starting any forest-fires, now would we?" ayvin teased the young witch with a monotonous tone that did not match the passive-aggressive nature of her approach. but she didn't really care what callantha thought of this, ayvin was only trying to find something to take her mind of the numbness that had been spreading through her body ever since the day of antonia's disappearance.
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      Re: ||Song Minjae

      Postby vega. » Sun Oct 08, 2017 9:29 am

        ───── - ◉ - ─────
        Song Minjae
        el polvo

        theme: x
        tags: Nika
        location: town; streets

        ───── - ◉ - ─────
        A sudden gust of wind caused the trees a long the street to shiver, shaking down more of the yellowed leaves from it's branches. An unkempt lock of white hair fell over his dark eyes that weren't necessarily friendly at the moment. Minjae set his free hand in his pocket as he replied, "Not really, i've been here for a month." He shrugged. Time seemed to have gone much slower than a month. In fact, it dragged on, being homeschooled and hardly interacting with other people outside his family or house keeping staff, and going through a continuous cycle. Every now and then Minjae would get calls from his friends in South Korea and Macau, but it wasn't the same, as much as he wished it to be. Just another example of how reluctant he was to change. Especially now.

        "You can keep this.", Minjae told her, handing Nika the silk handkerchief he used to clean up her scratches on the back on her arm. he had other like it, and never actually used them for any other reason then making him look professional when he needed to be. The boy almost turned away if not for her next question, which caused him to pause and his eyes to wander for a moment in thought. He started to think that it wasn't worth his time, but it was better to go around with some one who knew the place than to walk aimlessly around a town he had only just started to find interest in getting to know.

        "Chua, why not." he told her, gesturing for Nika to lead the way towards where they would acquire the coffee, and where Minjae might sight-see along the way. If there was anything to sight-see that is. He felt another chilly breeze and wondered how that crazy woman would be running around with no shoes. "Let's hurry up though." he added, not only for himself but also for her sake. he didn't like to admit even to himself that he would feel bad if she got sick hanging around out here.

        chua: 'ok' or 'sure'
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      Re: ❝ Scattered Dust ❞ } a witch roleplay

      Postby crazy-in-wonderland » Mon Oct 09, 2017 6:29 am

      Katherine Queen | El sol | Location; fiddlers |Tags; Elysia,Fleuretta

      Katherine smiled at Elysia, "Sorry hadn't meant to sneak up on you like that" she apologised. She let a giggle leave her lips as Fleuretta's groan caused people to turn around. She watched as they turned their attention back to the till in front of them and she leaned in closer to Fleuretta. "Seriously? I'd be up for helping out. You know if you need it. That's kinda what I'm here for right? This is so exciting. What is it? What do you need?" she felt like she had just attacked her with questions, "Sorry I got a bit too excited." Katherine had been wanting to ask Fleuretta about Antonia's book for some time now. It was after all one of the only things left behind by Antonia before she disappeared. Katherine had always wondered where Antonia had gone if she had wanted to leave or was forced to. If she was alright. These thoughts sometimes caused Katherine to stay awake at night. She would always remember her first Hekate with fond memories but now was not the time to think about her. Katherine leaned back from the two girls to see the queue had shuffled along and she nudged Fleuretta's arm softly to tell her. She shuffled along the queue and before Fleuretta could tell them of her plans for the night, the barista asked for their order. Katherine looked at the two, "Order what you like, its my treat today." she smiled softly before ordering for herself, "Can I get a black coffee with a blueberry cheesecake muffin please and thank you."
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