The Sunless Plain - Multifandom Roleplay - O/A Later

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Re: The Sunless Plain - Multifandom Roleplay - Open and Acce

Postby CAPTHA » Sat Sep 16, 2017 10:51 am


Bismuth smiled, having successfully sharpened the stone. She looked up to find the male "human" had thrown a very strange stick at the strange lion. The stick thing had been enough to distract it giving the small, long eared human the chance to escape. The male stepped out with the apperence of confidence. Bismuth watched, gripping her now sharpened stone. She grabbed her lantern she had forgotten even existed. She took a breath and hesitated but joined him, ready to attack with her sharpened stone. A bead of sweat rolled down her face. She cleared her throat and nodded as a greeting. She was going to say something but couldn't quite find her voice. So she just watched the lion's movements in silence.
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Re: The Sunless Plain - Multifandom Roleplay - Open and Acce

Postby Keluvan » Sat Sep 16, 2017 5:42 pm

Were... were it actually workin'? T'feline hesitated, 'appen rememberin' summat, and for a long moment, I thought t'young lass 'ad actually done it. ...And then it launched itsen at 'er, and everythin' fell through. Surprisin'ly enough, she 'adn't been shredded t'pieces, instead rollin' out o' t'way like she were trained in combat maneuvers. Actually, that explained t'strange getup she were wearing; 'appen she were part o' some sort o' mobile police unit? She looked a little too young for it, but...

Anyway, I stepped forward, ready t'distract t'beast, but summat else already caught its eye-- someone 'ad tossed a screwdriver o' sorts towards it, and while it bounced off like the monster were made out o' rubber, it did its job. T'lion started t'turn, its attention grabbed by t'man in't fancy suit. And 'e were just standin' there and bracin' 'issen like a madman. Sorta like t'Prof, actually.

Either way, I followed t'creature off t't'side, ready t' throw my stone if t'beast got too close t't'guy.
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Re: The Sunless Plain - Multifandom Roleplay - Open and Acce

Postby Egg With Legs » Sat Sep 16, 2017 10:34 pm

After flying over Holly, the Lion quickly turned around, facing her once more. Fortunately (or unfortunately for the doctor) this also meant that the screwdriver beaned the Lion in the face. Snarling in rage, it bolted past Holly and Lucy toward the doctor. But, halfway there, it saw a much more threatening target. A target that it wanted disarmed. Pivoting on a dime, the Lion would dash past the Doctor and bash Bismuth in the head with its hand. Of course, this is before we take into account any outside intervention when it dashed past Holly and Lucy.

And, for anyone not distracted by combat, a light blue speck appears on the horizon, high in the sky...
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Re: The Sunless Plain - Multifandom Roleplay - O/A Later

Postby sniper tf2 » Sun Sep 17, 2017 5:38 am

wilson percival higgsbury
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Wilson had woken up not long ago, terrified of his surroundings. At first, he felt it was some sort of nightmare or hallucination, did he finally go insane?
But after god knows how much time of stumbling around in fear, he noticed this wasn't any of them. This was real, he didn't take the realization kindly. Even if he could see other flights in the sunless abyss, he was still terrified. He could hears roars and heavy movement,
as it was a large creature moving, everything was just too much.
His shaking legs couldn't handle the weight of his frail body, causing him to fall to the ground. He was pathetic, a shaking, crying mess, hiding for his life as he held the lantern close to him. The light that came from it was the only thing that kept him from breaking down.

In his blind fit of fear, he did notice a small speck of blue in the sunless sky, he would've thought about it more if he wasn't fearing for his life and sanity.

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Re: The Sunless Plain - Multifandom Roleplay - O/A Later

Postby InfectedHau » Sun Sep 17, 2017 6:46 am

Having escaped death for the moment, Holly took a second to analyze the battlefield, her eyes flicking to and from various points of interest with a speed born from decades of practice. Three of her companions were human, one appeared to be some sort of animatronic, and the final one... she wasn't quite sure what it was. It was humanoid, but that was really all she could tell at a glance. None of them were equipped to take out something like this, she doubted even the six of them together could bring it down.

Still, that didn't mean she couldn't try. As the lion bounded past, Holly jumped forwards, reaching for its mane with her free hand. It was a crazy idea, but it was all she had. She needed to get on top of it if she wanted to do any real damage, her stature made her useless on the ground.
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Re: The Sunless Plain - Multifandom Roleplay - Open and Acce

Postby CAPTHA » Sun Sep 17, 2017 2:52 pm


Bismuth wasn't at all surprised when the lion thing had turned their way. What surprised her was that it was charging for her, instead of the male she was standing next to. 'Must've seen the rock.' she thought to herself. The most surprising thing was that the small, long eared woman had reached for the mane of the lion in what appeared some sort of attempt to ride it. She attempted to line the sharpened rock with were she thought the throat of the lion would be. If she managed to do this correctly she could end this whole thing. Glaring, she braced for impact, still holding the rock in place. She was ready to do anything for her safety and the safety of these strangers as she knew they would be useful. Yet she also knew this could end horribly for her, the long eared humanoid, and the male she was next to.
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Re: The Sunless Plain - Multifandom Roleplay - O/A Later

Postby Keluvan » Sun Sep 17, 2017 3:23 pm

Welp, R.I.P, poor gentleman. Actually no, t'beast decided t'ignore 'im and instead it turned and charged towards someone else; t'be 'onest, t'newbie were quite t'colorful one, what with t'blue skin and rainbow 'air. She 'ad a sharp stone in 'er 'and though. She might be able t' 'andle 'erssen.

For t'briefest moment, I registered t'fact that someone else 'ad appeared, alongside a blue light in t'sky, but my attention were pulled away because o' t'lass 'ad thrown caution t't'wind and attempted t'straddle t'monster's mane. Welp, now or never! I rushed in as well, readying my rock and swingin' it down at its flank, 'oping t' take advantage o' all t'distractions.
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Re: The Sunless Plain - Multifandom Roleplay - O/A Later

Postby Egg With Legs » Sun Sep 17, 2017 11:24 pm

Rewinding back to when the beast bolted, Lucy had managed to hit the lion with her rock. Abliet, it was a glancing blow, but enough to cause the beast to stumble and swing at her with one of its paws, trying to at least injure her before it continued its blitz. It was also enough of a distraction to allow Holly to hop on, much to its chagrin. Not discouraged, it still chared Bismuth, but with a bit of a twist due to its new passenger. About a meter or two away from its target, it threw its weight to the side and tubled like a log. If all went according to plan, and both Bismuth and its importu rider were knocked off, it would then try to pin the hopefully disoriented prey, using its paws to pin Bismuth in her weapon arm and just hold Holly down by her chest.

Meanwhile, that blue speck appears to be getting closer. But, now that it's closer, it doesn't look so much like a speck anymore. More like a absolutely gigantic bird, with claws outstretched.
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Re: The Sunless Plain - Multifandom Roleplay - O/A Later

Postby InfectedHau » Tue Sep 19, 2017 5:00 am

Holly hung on grimly as her unwilling mount twisted and bucked beneath her, once again lamenting the absence of her Neutrino. Of all her gear, really. There wasn't a tool in her arsenal that wouldn't have been useful here. Hopefully it was lying around here somewhere.

As Holly raised her arm to bash the lion's head in, it twisted once more and rolled over, slamming the unfortunate elf onto the stones. All the air left her lungs at once, and spots swam before her eyes as she relinquished her grip on the lion's mane. Before she could even think of recovering, there was a paw on her chest and a snarling beast in her face.
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Re: The Sunless Plain - Multifandom Roleplay - O/A Later

Postby sniper tf2 » Wed Sep 20, 2017 11:25 am

wilson percival higgsbury
male//29//don't starve//at; the stream//tags; everyone.

Wilson panicked so much more as he got a good view at said light. Noticing how it wasn't a light, it was a huge bird, bigger than what he remembers. Why does nature ruin some of the most fascinating animals?
He squirmed away in fear, his sobbing becoming louder, the fact it was going for them was unsettling. He held his lantern close to him for comfort, trying not too get too close to the fight.

[took too long, sorry about that]

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