The Sunless Plain - Multifandom Roleplay - O/A Later

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the doctor // everyone

Postby puppypillar » Wed Sep 13, 2017 9:33 am

    The dark went on for eons.
    The Doctor was running, running through the blackness, listening to the rhythmic noise of his shoes hitting the smooth stone below. A lantern in one hand, he ran, looking for any sign of anything. It was all the same. The air tasted like nothing, and he couldn't place a time period on it, or day, or even temperature. It was driving him insane.
    He didn't know how long he'd been there. All he knew is that it had been awhile. He had woken up standing, in the middle of that realm, after dying. It was an experience he never thought he'd imagine. And, to make it worse, the small cuts littering his face weren't healing.
    He knew he died. He'd felt everything shut off, his hearts stopping, cells ceasing to move. The pain had been unimaginable. But, instead of healing, instead of the familiar feel of oncoming regeneration, he woke up here.

    The Doctor opened his mouth to shout again, to try and catch anyone's attention, when he felt his shoe get caught on a a particularly bumpy section of the ground. He hadn't been paying attention. With a slight intake of breath he fell forward, landing face-first on the ground. He was in.. a hole. A large hole. With a stream. A hollow or dip in the ground with a small stream, to be technical.
    His cuts stung from the movement, and he felt a new bruise starting to appear on his chest. Great. He pushed himself off the ground, blinking in the dark around. His lantern wasn't broken, thank rassilon, and he crawled toward it, grabbing it before standing up once more.
    He was dazed, and at first he didn't realize that there were other lights. Other lanterns. Other people! A half-smile shown on his face, but as he moved to say hello, a deafening sound echoed through the nothingness. A.. lion's roar? No, it was something else.. He couldn't place it. Whatever it was, though, it sounded large and threatening.
    He looked toward the noise, and there, perched on the side of the dip, was a beast. In the dark, he could only make out it's humongous size, and a few minute details. It had large, red glowing eyes and a rustled mane. He could also slightly see claws, reflecting off the light of the six lanterns around.
    For once in his long life, the Doctor didn't know what to say. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out, nothing came to mind. He fumbled for his sonic screwdriver, holding it in his hand like a weapon. His brain had come to a halt, and his hearts beat quickly. He was scared. Before, he'd thought regenerating from his current incarnation would be hell, but now he wished he could just go back to Earth, see his friends, and die in a golden flame like he usually did.
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Re: The Sunless Plain - Multifandom Roleplay - Open and Acce

Postby Keluvan » Wed Sep 13, 2017 11:48 am

What month were it anyway? What year were it? I mean, I remembered it bein' July 7th back 'ome, but did this place 'ave days? There weren't a sun, so there were nowt t'tell 'ow much time 'ad passed.

My lantern flickered in t'eternal twilight, fadin' and sparkin' like a dyin' forge. I 'ad no clue 'ow long it could chug along, but in t'end, did it really matter? This place were just a flat plane o' stone, and I 'ad nowt to fuel my light with. If only I 'ad brought some gasoline with me or summat like that; but I 'ad no gasoline-- I instead found missen with my 9mm. Which would've left me right chuffed... if it 'ad any bullets; some'ow they 'ad been left behind in transit. And that left it no more dangerous than a toy. Well, I could allus just bash someone over t'head with it, but you simply couldn't really give a bad guy a brayin' with that sort of weapon.

As I were thinkin' of how t'make use of my gun, I discovered first-'and that this place 'ad were a little more lively than I thought-- summat growled in't darkness, and I dared t'see what it were. A lion with red eyes roared in my face, and I'd be kiddin' ya if I said I weren't flayed. And while I didn't scream, I immediately turned and ran as fast as my legs would carry me. And then I toppled end-over-end down t'side of an 'ill, my lantern rollin' past me into t'darkness. While my journey down'ill were long and painful, when I reached t'bottom, I found that nowt o' me were 'armed on t'trip down.

I pulled missen back on t'my feet, rubbin' my sore arms and glancin' around t' find my lantern. It 'ad landed several meters away, barely visible. I walked towards it, and I were about t'pick it up when I 'eard summat movin' in't black. If my gun were loaded, I'd've whipped it out o' my 'olster, but that weren't t'case, so I grabbed t'light as fast as I could and braced missen for what I would see. Better whatever were in front o' me than t'ravenous feline behind me.

As it were, t'thing in front o' me weren't a beast, but rather a lass. She were lithe, 'er chestnut 'air coverin' 'er lugs. She 'ad searched for a stone, 'appen t'prepare for an attack from t' lion... and now that I saw it again, I realized that it 'ad already dropped down, ready to brawl. I did t' same, pantomiming t' t'stranger that my gun weren't loaded. With one last glance, I saw other lights-- a man in a nice suit and... what were that smell? The weird bunny mascot that were some'ow movin' 'ad t'stench o' death about it. Not like it 'ad just killed somebody, but rather it were as if it 'ad been decayin' for decades. I shuddered, hopin' that all o' us together could bray this beast.

(I don't apologize for the accent-- I live for the Yorkshire accent.)
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Re: The Sunless Plain - Multifandom Roleplay - Open and Acce

Postby Egg With Legs » Wed Sep 13, 2017 11:08 pm

The Lion steps forward quietly, the front of its body coming fully into view. The first thing that seems out of the ordinary, aside from its white fur, is its bulk. The Lion, though the guesstimate may be a bit innacturate, looks like it could stand shoulder to shoulder with a troll, and has the muscles to match. The second thingb out of the ordinary are the hands. Yes, not paws, hands. Scaled up human hands adorned with curled claws instead of nails, and bare of fur.

The Lion leaps down the side of the slope, bounding from point to point with cat-like grace, landing closest to Lucy and Holly. Glancing at Springtrap and The Doctor, it locks its gaze onto Holly, and begins to circle around her, silent as the grave, seemingly unaware of Lucy's presence behind it.
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Re: The Sunless Plain - Multifandom Roleplay - Open and Acce

Postby InfectedHau » Thu Sep 14, 2017 4:07 am

At only a meter tall, there were plenty of things that towered over Holly, her current companions included, but this thing was big even by human standards. Easily the size of a fully grown troll, with physiology that seemed to be a chaotic mishmash of human and feline. Holly was not at all confident they'd be able to do any damage to it, especially since all they had were stones. The human female had a gun, but nine millimeter bullets wouldn't do much against something this size.
Maybe there was another way. Holly wasn't sure what language the thing spoke, if any, but she could still try talking to it. The gift of tongues didn't require any magic, and most animal dialects were included in it. Hopefully this thing spoke lion.
Pushing the sickly-sweet scent of decay from her mind (a separate issue, one she'd bring up after they weren't about to be mauled to death), Holly looked the creature dead in the eyes, a low, feline growl emanating from deep in her throat. A challenge, of sorts. Don't mess with me.
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Re: The Sunless Plain - Multifandom Roleplay - Open and Acce

Postby CAPTHA » Thu Sep 14, 2017 11:51 am


Bismuth had been running for what felt like eons before she stumbled into this crater-like area with a lion like creature on a perch, who had just let out an unearthly cry before it began to crawl down. There were still many questions swimming in her mind but that didn't matter now. She glanced at the other beings. Two humans (or what she assumed were), something that appeared to be human but had longer ears, and a moving pile of metal that almost looked like it could be a human, despite the foul stench and long rabbit like ears. As she was surveying the area the lion had stepped over to the long eared human, seemingly not even noticing the fact she had arrived. Alarmed, she grabbed a stone and began scraping it on the ground, hoping to sharpen it without making too much noise. The strange human seemed to have it under control but that might not last long.

(sorry for not getting a post in earlier)
Heh sorry I've not exactly been posting for months..........
Just me I guess...
School doesn't help either though...
I'll try and be more active but for now here's a cute picture of a dog!
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the doctor // everyone

Postby puppypillar » Thu Sep 14, 2017 1:31 pm

    He stared at the beast as it sauntered confidently into the light of the six lanterns. It let out a low, undescrible growl, it's hand-paws slapping unceremoniously on the ground. The long, shiny claws that extended from it's fingernails only made the sight worse. It's snow white fur was tousled and matted, still in the timeless terrain. It was huge, larger than anyone would expect.
    The Doctor stumbled, taking a few steps back to give himself and the creature more room apart. It didn't seem to notice him, yet.
    He needed to know what it was-- he aimed at the creature, almost dropping it on the ground, fumbling with it around in his hand before he got it to point directly. He aimed, and pressed the button.
    Nothing happened.

    The Doctor gasped at himself, pulling the sonic back toward his chest. He examined it with precision, and it should've been in working order. Hell, it wasn't even scratched!
    He frowned. Something was wrong, terribly, terribly wrong. He glanced back at up at the beast, who was circling toward one of the more distant lantern lights. The glow reflected off a very short humanoid, their eyes wide in what was either fear or confidence, it was hard to tell from a distance. His hearts skipped their beats for a second, afraid that the humanoid would be torn apart right in front of his eyes, but no. They opened their mouth, and an audible growl palpated the dense silence. The Doctor slightly cocked his head-- What?
    Confused, intrigued, frightened, and a whole bunch of other complicated feelings, the Time Lord walked forward, closer and closer to the beast and the humanoid. A scent struck his nose, the smell of a rotting corpse. At first he believed it was the creature, it's natural odor, but his nose said otherwise. He turned his head to the side, spotting a roughed up rabbit-shaped animatronic, no doubt the origin of the odor. His concentration was switched, as his alien brain went off with a bunch of random educated guesses on what the thing could be.
    He shook his head. No, the animatronic wasn't in danger. The smell was bad, but he could deal with it, it's not like the scent was very new to him. The creature had been holding a lantern, something that he knew meant friendly. Or at least not murderous to the other lantern holders. He turned back toward the humanoid, creeping ever closer, now a good twenty feet away. In hindsight, twenty feet wasn't actually that much to the beast. It could kill him in one swift blow from that distance if it chose to do so.
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Re: The Sunless Plain - Multifandom Roleplay - Open and Acce

Postby Keluvan » Thu Sep 14, 2017 5:02 pm

I 'eld t'stone tightly in my 'and, crouched in a battle stance with t' likes o' an arrow'ead in my grasp.. Definitely not my weapon o' choice, but when life giz you lemons... make stony lemonade.

T'beast finally showed itsen, prowlin' into view. As first impressions 'ad told me, t'thing were in fact, a lion. An albino one at that-- could lions even be albino? Certainly strange bu-- wait those weren't paws; by gum why did this monster 'ave 'uman 'ands? Nowt about that looked okay! This thing weren't okay!

I shuffled in place, flayed by t'creature in front o' me. But t'little lass next t' me didn't seem all that bothered by it. No, instead she were... growling at it? Were she mad? I weren't sure if she were tryin' t'intimidate it or talk t'it (t'latter option would've been right out 'ad I not 'eard a story or two about t' assistant of Prof's father and 'is way with animals), but either way I could bet that things would end badly. ...Although if she could some'ow convince this amalgam t'leave us alone, I didn't want t' interrupt 'er.

So I backed up a bit, just far enough t' be out o' t'line o' initial fire, but close enough t' lend a 'and should t'negotiations fall through.
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Re: The Sunless Plain - Multifandom Roleplay - Open and Acce

Postby Egg With Legs » Fri Sep 15, 2017 4:48 am

When Holly spoke in the tongue of lions, a strange look crosses its face. A strange combination of nostalgia, sadness, and rage. Unfortunately, it only lasted a mere moment, and it appears that the rage was the emotion to stick. Having Holly stuck between it and the slope upward, the Lion threw itself foreward, unleashing another man-roar and attempting to pin her beneath its hands seemingly for a swift deathblow.

Meanwhile, Bismuth did manage to actually sharpen the stone, more through pounding it against another her stone into a sharp point.
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Re: The Sunless Plain - Multifandom Roleplay - Open and Acce

Postby InfectedHau » Fri Sep 15, 2017 7:24 am

Holly thought she saw a flicker of recognition in the creature's eyes, but it vanished as the beast let out another roar-yell and lunged forwards, its creepy hand-paws grasping for her throat. So much for the gift of tongues. Holly sprang forwards as well, diving towards the ground and tucking into a roll, hoping to get either underneath or behind the creature. Either option was preferable to having her head ripped off.
Hopefully the others could keep the beast distracted for a bit. Holly wasn't sure they'd be able to kill it, but there was perhaps something else she could try. She'd only ever done it once before, and then she'd had all her magic, but hopefully it would work the same without it.
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Re: the doctor // everyone

Postby puppypillar » Fri Sep 15, 2017 9:09 am

    The Doctor stood there, hearts racing in his chest. The humanoid was pinned underneath the man-lion's hand paws, and she was scrabbling to get loose. He felt useless. He opened his mouth once again to speak, but he did not know what to say. Useless, he was useless.
    He glanced down at his sonic screwdriver, then back at the beast. Oh, he was so stupid. So stupid and bloody ignorant. He let out a breath, a tiny smile appearing on his battered face. He set his lantern on the ground. Then, with great grace, he chucked the sonic device right at the man-lion's flank.
    It flew through the air valiantly, twirling in all it's deactivated glory. Despite it's amazing flight, right as it made contact with the creature it bounced off, acting as a bouncy ball to a sidewalk, landing pitifully a few feet away from him.
    The Doctor's smile disappeared, but the sonic had done it's duty. However, the humanoid was now slightly out of the range of the man-lion's fatal swipe, slightly dimming the whole necessity of throwing the screwdriver, but it still was helpful. Distracting the beast while the humanoid escaped. He took a slight step forward, raw confidence and adrenaline fueling his aching body.

    [ wb ]
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