(( ❝ ♕. ── ROYALS // a wolf roleplay [open].

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[♕] ─ ❝ after tournaments?

sanctus + sanctum drama.
natural disaster.
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Re: (( ❝ ♕. ── ROYALS // a wolf roleplay [open].

Postby vi‎ ‎ » Mon Sep 11, 2017 1:19 pm

( ✤ . ───── nyla!
      (nyla) (pack:sanctus) (rank: pup) (tags: silas) (words: 191 )
      scared, nyla pounced a few steps back, almost slipping into the stream. a nefas... the pup cocked her head and inquired to herself about silas' ranking. "hi silas, i was just talking to my friend in the reflection." she replied calmly and wiggled her ears. shifting her paws closer to the stream, she drank a bit of the water,"hey friend, what's happening to you?" confused, the pup walked a few steps backward and realized that the image she was seeing, wasn't really that real.

      nyla always thought about her mom and dad. she had lost them during a wildfire when she was even younger than she was- it was horrifying. a couple of bears walked by her and took her in, nurtured her until she was old enough, and finally said goodbye. nyla still wishes that she could visit them yet again, but the couple knew it was best for her to grow, and turn into a real wolf-
      one who would inspire others to be like her, not just like her, but to become a nice character of what nyla has done already.
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Re: (( ❝ ♕. ── ROYALS // a wolf roleplay [open].

Postby Doodle_Bunny » Tue Sep 12, 2017 9:55 am

{gender. male} {rank. Medicus} {pack. Sanctum} {word count. } {tags. Eden, Jaren}
Caelum spun around at the shout, dropping the leaves and bristling, a snarl tugging at his lips. He blinked, realizing that it was only Jaren. Caelum straightened out from his half-crouch, shaking his fur out and forcing the fur on the back of his neck to lie flat. He rolled his eyes and swept up the leaves he dropped with a paw, giving a half-amused glance to Jaren.

"Very frightening," he said to the younger wolf, nipping at his shoulder playfully, "Though we don't have the time for this right now..."

Caelum turned his head as Eden walked up to him, looking crestfallen. He looked at the leaf in her jaws and sighed slightly. It wasn't destroyed, but they would have to use it quickly if there was going to be any use for it at all. But he wasn't about to tell Eden that.
She looked like she was suffering enough over a single leaf. He rested his muzzle against her forehead reassuringly, "It can be used within the day," he said, "Don't worry--mint isn't a particularly rare herb anyways--one leaf won't be the end of the world."

Even as he said that, Caelum felt a slight uncertainty tugging at him. Sure, there was enough for one tournament, but the pile of leaves they had collected was nowhere near the amount he would have liked it to be before winter came. Caelum knew he still had to restock his stores and although there were several patches of mint growing on their territory, this was the largest one and seeing how much was left didn't bode well for the other areas. What scared him even more was that mint was hearty--it could grow in several places but there were rarer herbs that he was most definitely running low on and the fact that the mint was dwindling already meant that the other herbs would be too. Caelum shook his head, clearing the disruptive thoughts. One thing at a time, he reminded himself, I just need to make sure everyone gets away without being crippled today.

••¤(`×[¤ נαяεη ¤]×´)¤••

i. Gender= Male ii.Location = Sanctum Camp iii. Rank = Custos iv. Age = 2 Years v. Tag = Caelum, Eden

Jaren was caught in raucous laughter. Rolling in the green grass, kicking his golden legs, and holding his sides as they ached.

His laughter finally let up enough to let him speak. Though, he only managed to sputter out, "You... you should have seen your faces! Those were the best!" The laughter took over once again, just as much as before.

Though that laughter wouldn't last long with their response. It was hardly what he wanted. In fact, it was practically the opposite.

"Aw, what?" Jaren rolled over and stood back up, "Can't you take a few moments off? There's a ton of plants everywhere to grab! They're not going anywhere!"


Word Count: 111
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Postby ataraxic_gone » Wed Sep 13, 2017 1:32 am

    Gender;; male | Rank;; medicus | Scent;; herbs and dust | Words;; 301 | Tagged;; branna |
    xxxA faint heat formed over his cheek bones as he realised how sincere Branna's words were. "Thank-you" he murmured, still somewhat caught up in the memories which had gripped him momentarily. But as the memories faded a feeling of love lapped over his heart, as if it were deep in an ocean of fondness. "What about you?" He asked, eyes meeting hers without the hesitation that had been plaguing him all morning. "Surely a great wolf would have been behind training someone as brilliant as yourself," Muru said, breaking the eye contact to look ahead at the path, his words were sincere as he spoke. After regaining his sense of direction he paused in his tracks, looking both left and right before heading off the trail and down hill. He had in that short moment recalled where he was and what lay on the ground near him, it was just south of where they stood, down a the slight hill they stood on and under some thick brambles. He looked back to her as he turned off the trail, "Give me a moment," He woofed, ears tilted backwards to listen to Branna as she spoke. Halfway down the slope of the earth he paused dipping his head down, plucking something from the ground.

    xxxTurning to Branna, a small chunk of Valerian in his mouth. A small floral plant that decorated some of the open fields and in other cases, the bases of taller plants. It's flowers grew in clusters, with pink bases to the flowers. He hesitated momentarily, looking at Branna before leaning over her. The clump was placed neatly behind her ear before Muru shied away from the lupa. His nose dipped slightly in respect before mumbling something quietly under his breath, "-for when you have someone you care about."

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(( ❝ ♕. ── we're bigger than we ever dreamed // 006.

Postby paper planets » Wed Sep 13, 2017 2:32 pm

── ( ) ──────────── (( RANNA !!! ✰✰✰
    " you’re something special, you are the little fang !!! "
    ( branna ) . ( sanctus ) . ( custos ) . ( sanctus territory ) . ( tags - muru )

        At Muru's question, Branna let her own thoughts wander. They wandered deep into the depths of her oceanic mind, travelling to the dark below where she hoped the shadows would hide her memories. She had never truly had a mentor. No one to guide her, no one to watch over her. Just a pack full of chaotic wolves with flashing teeth and rumbling growls. Almost like thunder and lightning, they were. She had vivid memories of the unorderly pack, despite being very young while she was part of the pack. She couldn't count how many times she would see wolves face off, growls rumbling in the depths of their chests like thunder and the flash of lightning as snarls erupted from their maws, lips pulled back to reveal yellowing teeth and dull gums. Her previous pack was barely a pack. There was never truly an alpha, just a few gauntly wolves attacking each other at every chance they got, trying to have the most dominance. Her parents were cautious wolves and only stayed with the pack in hopes that there would be safety for their pup with more wolves. They were mere subordinates, possibly even omegas. If ranks even existed in that so-called pack.

        Her life moved on and as she was nearing becoming a yearling her parents were found dead in their den. The crazed pack turned on the young female, blaming her and taunting her, asking why she killed her parents, malicious grins stretching across their muzzles. Often looking to the treetops, where a raven began to caw ominously after that fateful day, and finding that as proof of her being guilty. Ravens were a sign of bad luck and were rumoured to follow the cursed ones, the ones who had things to hide. Perhaps their intentions were to turn Branna into one of them, a blood-thirsty, power-hungry wolf, or perhaps they found her weak, like her parents, and wanted her gone. Maybe they even saw a true challenge reflecting in her hard, determined eyes, her eyes which were filled with the stone-cold ambition and hardened confidence even at a young age. Perhaps they feared her. Maybe even more so once the raven appeared. They feared the one who wasn't afraid to kill. That's why they wanted her gone. The reason, she will never know, all she does know is that she ran once she became a year old, the pitch-black raven following her.

        Branna could just say that the raven was her mentor, but that would be untrue. He had no name, he only served a reminder of the past. The background noise that wouldn't stop buzzing in her ears, that guilt, that sadness, that betrayal. Though, he did become a sort of company on cold and lonely winter nights when the moon cast terrifying shadows across the earth.

        After years of living as a wandering loner she came across a border. A pack on one side, a pack on the other side. She looked up at her unwanted companion, sitting on a low branch to her left and cawing obnoxiously. So, she listened to the unlucky bird and walked up the territory, soon finding herself under Raine's rule. The raven didn't seem to follow her and she took that as a note to forget her past, forget what she had done and what she hadn't. That life was over. She had paid her dues. Though, she sometimes wondered if the raven had just been a figment of her imagination, her conscience eating away at her. But then she would remember the sound of it's wings following her and it's loud caw as it demanded her attention. She would never admit it, but nightmares often haunted her about the raven as well as her old pack and sometimes she would hear a crow and jump, expecting to look up and see her raven staring down at her quizzically, she imagined him saying, "Hah! You thought I was gone, Branna?" And shaking his feathered head, clacking his beak together sharply to tisk her for such foolish thoughts. But, Branna kept those fears within her and she left her past behind, hid it the depths of the ocean which had settled in her mind. She became a custos and followed Raine. She made a loyal friend and - oh - what would her dear Muru say if she were to tell him of the thing she had been accused of.

        The dark-pelted female shook her head and refocused on the world around her. She looked at Muru, who had now stopped, "I never truly had a mentor, it was just me until I joined Raine's pack," she said simply, tucking away the memories, even though a part of her reached out for Muru and longed to tell him everything and let him see her. Maybe he would understand. There was a split second where she was sure she was about to open her mouth and say something, anything. Tell him about the terrible things she witnessed in her old pack or about her raven. But, before she could spill, he was walking off, excusing himself quickly. She swallowed down the words, pulling her ears pack and letting her shoulders sag slightly as his back was turned. Though, the small moment of weakness evaporated as Muru began to walk her way once more. She lifted her head and stared at the bundle in his mouth. Herbs? Why didn't he put them in Suki's bag? she wondered as he neared her.

        Branna stiffened slightly as Muru leaned close, gently placing the bunch of flowers behind her ear. As he leaned back, looking shy, she felt herself break down, the walls cracking and a look of gratitude showed itself on her face. A pure, soft gratitude. The gesture made her heart swell and her ears heat up and she averted her gaze, a smile on her muzzle. For a moment, with the beautiful flowers atop her head and Muru speaking softly before her, everything else was unimportant. For once the young wolf wasn't worrying about the tournaments or becoming vicarium, she wasn't worried about that. All that mattered, and all that should forever matter, was this feeling exploding within her chest. This feeling so powerful it seemed to take away her breath. She would remember this feeling, and this moment that only they shared, forever. She looked up slowly and met Muru's gaze, "We care for each other, Muru," she stated softly. She didn't know what else to say, she didn't know how to express the brilliance that she felt within her. Hopefully her dear Muru would understand that she was trying to say that she cares for him and she hoped he cares for her.

── ( ) ──────────── (( DEN !!! ✰✰✰
    " careful creature made friends with time ... "
    ( eden ) . ( sanctum ) . ( custos ) . ( sanctum forest ) . ( tags - caelum, jaren )

        Eden felt slightly better after Caelum spoke and she nodded slowly, "Okay, I'll collect a few more leaves," she said with a dip of her head. The custos turned towards Jaren and she sighed softly at his words. Usually she would smile at his playful attitude, but this wasn't the time for playing around. She looked at the male and spoke in a quiet confidence, "There aren't unlimited herbs, especially with winter coming. Plus, Caelum will be using many herbs to heal those who get injured in the tournaments today and he still wants some left over for future injuries. This is serious," she said, then she spoke agin in an attempt to get Jaren to help them, "You acted us quite good, so if there was an actual danger, we wouldn't have been able to properly defend ourselves. Perhaps you could be a look-out for us, watch for danger and circle the area," and offered with a little glint in her eye, hopefully that would persuade him.

        After that, she returned to the mint plant, carefully plucked a few more leaves and dropped them by the Medicus. Then, the pale-furred female lifted her head and looked around, "What's next?" she questioned, looking curiously at the different plants around them.

── ( ) ──────────── (( EIFER !!! ✰✰✰
    " i will never lose the love for the arriving, but i'm born to leave. "
    ( keifer ) . ( no pack ) . ( outsider ) . ( in between sanctus & sanctum ) . ( tags - sanctum patrol & rhaeyns (mentioned) )

        Keifer had wandered around all morning, he had managed to catch a scrawny squirrel, probably running into one of the pack's territory, and he had eaten it quickly before moving on between the borders. His ears were alert for the sounds around him, searching for pack wolves and more prey. Though, no wolves seemed to show up until he caught the scent of another loner mixed with the dominant scent of a male pack wolf. He scrunched his nose, catching a glimpse of the female loner and a tall, dark-pelted male before her. Not wanting to get caught up with that, he took a wide half-circle path around the two, padding through the other pack's territory on his way.

        After the other wolves were behind him he stared into that pack's territory, glanced behind him and then proceeded to sniff around at the border. He was definitely one for messing around with pack wolves, he just didn't want to interact with them. He looked around, sniffing at both pack's borders before heading into the one where the other loner was, she would be a distraction for him to enter the territory unnoticed.
Last edited by paper planets on Thu Sep 14, 2017 3:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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❝ ♕. ── 04 & 03

Postby laf » Wed Sep 13, 2017 3:56 pm

    sanctus custos
    located outside camp
    feeling energized
    rhaegar bounded after his matriarch, trailing a wolf's-length behind her. she was fully capable of leading them to their destination. the crisp breeze ruffled his thick fur and he lifted his nose, inhaling the scents of the forest. he caught the scent of the deer a heartbeat after raine did and instinctively slowed his pace. when raine paused, he dropped into a stalking position, maneuvering around her to a point a few lengths to her right. rhaegar peered out from behind the cover of the brush, following raine's gaze to a buck trailing behind the others. adrenaline flooded his veins. rhaegar couldn't even remember the last time he'd been on a proper hunt. days were usually spent patrolling or doing odd jobs around the camp. even more reason to climb the ranks, he'd determined. he paused, muscles tense, watching the sliver of raine's pelt he could see in the undergrowth. when she burst free he sprang forward, his muscular hindquarters launching him on. rhaegar maintained his position to the side of raine and when her charge prompted the buck to veer to one side, he was there ready to attack. he leapt, teeth bared and claws extended, catching the buck on the side and scouring a pair of deep gashes into its flesh. rhaegar swerved to avoid the deer's scrambling hooves, running just behind it for a distance and waiting for another moment to attack.

    located in the woods
    speaking with rian
    feeling tense
    rhaenys cursed herself silently as the larger wolf stalked closer. standing upwind? smart move, rhaenys. the reddish she-wolf sized up her opponent. he was clearly more than a match for her and attacking while in a disadvantageous position, not to mention in this stranger's literal territory, would be foolish. instead, rhaenys poured as much ice into her gaze as she could muster, rising from her defensive crouch but still remaining tense. "yes, i reckon, there certainly is a first time for everything," rhaenys remarked. "i've no business with your kind." the sentence had devolved to a disdainful scoff at its conclusion. though rhaenys was once herself a pack wolf, she had never truly respected the hierarchy or the concept of territory. "good sir, if i may," rhaenys said, then paused, ears twitching. "pardon me if my manners aren't as squeaky-clean as you pack wolves', i'm afraid my dear mother found little time to educate me. but what, specifically, makes this land yours? ground-breaking, i know, but, acquaintance, i live here as well." rhaenys was suddenly grateful for her wit, because her skin was crawling more and more with each second that passed with her participating in the exchange. maybe irritating this wolf wasn't the most safe idea, but what did she have to lose? "listen, acquaintance, dear friend of mine," rhaenys continued, sparing a glance around her. the wolf seemed to be alone. "you seem very dedicated to this life of yours. shame, really, but your choice. i've taken nothing from you, and a simple misstep took me into your dear pack's territory. if you would be so inclined as to allow me to leave, i hardly think i will seek out this specific sort of interaction again. unless you can think of a reason to the contrary."
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❝ ♛ taking your chemicals !! // iv.

Postby artemis, » Thu Sep 14, 2017 12:44 pm

      ( ) - - LAELYNN ! !
      age. four years rank. custos location. sanctum camp feeling. hostile tags. rian, rhaenys, the patrol

        xxxxxxLaelynn followed Rian through the brush, though her eyes were more concentrated on the surroundings rather than the large black wolf in front of her. She found patrols more interesting than what could chance within camp. Her nose reached ahead as scents danced about the air, making the fur on the female's neck rise with apprehension. Turning a corner, her eyes fixed upon another female whom she'd identified as an outsider. Her hackles rose, but her jaw kept closed as she swallowed, her dark blue eyes narrowed at the sight of the wolf, though her shoulders relaxed once they began to converse, though it was a very tense exchange.
        xxxxxxThe wolf's remarks, however, sent an unwanted spark down the white wolf's spine. She took an almost frustrated breath, although a comeback desperately wanted to free itself from the prison that was her tongue. Knowing the pack had to obtain a strong image to pretty much everyone, she bit the side of her own cheek to maintain a strong hold on her words. Lae knew her place, and in light of that she decided it would best to stay quiet unless her actions were called upon.
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(( ❝ ♕. ── i got new rules, i count 'em !! // iii.

Postby haru ; » Thu Sep 14, 2017 2:35 pm

        ASTA─────── ✰ ✰ ✰
        i. four years old ii. custos of sanctum iii. tense and alert iv. sanctum camp v. tagged: the patrol, rhaenys

        xxxxxEden left to join Caelum with the herbs, and Asta was left to follow Rian as they silently slipped away from the camp centre. Her paws barely left rustles in the undergrowth and fallen leaves underfoot as she weaved through the bush, ears and nose standing at attention for any unfamiliar or out-of-place scents and sounds. The morning breeze ran its fingers through her fur almost tenderly, and she flicked her tail slightly in response. Her spine was tingling with the mixture of various smells dancing in the air — damp soil, the very faint trace of blood, deer and rabbits, and... Loner? With a sudden start, Asta seized the situation with a low warning growl rolling from her tongue. There was an unrecognisable scent in the air which instantly set her on edge. Strange, she mused. Because loners didn't usually stray this deep into pack territory. Either this fae was very brave, or very stupid. Rian would bark a command and the entire pack could come raining upon her in a second. She had herself in a dangerous place here.

        xxxxxThey rounded the corner, and the newcomer fully came into view. Asta studied her, not making a sound, though she was very tempted to show her fangs. When the fae spoke, a flash of anger rippled through her. One would think a lone loner would know when to hold her tongue. She would be very lucky to be spared by their Patriarch after speaking to him in such a manner. Even though Asta respected each and every wolf, there was a time and place for everything. And this, wasn't a moment to uphold your dignity and reputation. Asta wasn't willing to draw any blood lest necessary. And if Rian gave the go, she and Laelynn would have no choice but to spring. A two (or three) against one attack wasn't quite fair in Asta's eyes.

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Postby ataraxic_gone » Thu Sep 14, 2017 3:15 pm

    Gender;; male | Rank;; sanctus medicus | Scent;; herbs and dust | Words;; 645 | Tagged;; branna |
    xxxHis nose twitched slightly, his eyes becoming glassy as tears welled in his sockets. He had been longing to hear those words for so long, it was as if a great weight had be lifted from his shoulders and he felt liberated. He bumped his head against Branna's, his heart pounding softly in his chest. "I know," he spoke softly and clearly. "And we have each other, that's all we need, I-" He fell silent, the words caught somewhere between his heart and chest. The words of love and trust that bubbled to his mind and the overwhelming urge to tell her how much she meant to him. He started walking again, this time his side pressed closely to hers, the need to close the distance that had been plaguing him for the longest time. He hoped it was in the air, how he felt and that she could sense the emotions that welled to mind and clouded his fore-thought. He wanted this moment to be plastered into his mind, like the stars in the sky. If this moment out-lived him, he wouldn't be upset, he would carry it with him through the afterlife.

    xxxWith a mellowed voice he spoke soft words to Branna, "I know-" He started, pausing just in time to rephrase his sentence. "You can't participate in the tournaments today, if someone hurt you-" He looked away, shying, his vision falling to the ground before looking back to Branna, saying with a shaky laugh, "Silas wouldn't be the only one walking with a limp." The path up ahead opened to a sunny clearing, birch trees were scattered lightly over the ground, towering above the other shrubbery of the area. He rubbed his head against Branna's shoulder before departing her side. His ears flickered upwards with full alert, in the distance to the east was nothing more than birdsong, but towards the west he could make out chatter. He stood alert for a moment, eyes closed listening to hear if the noise was moving towards them. When it showed no sign of growth or fade he shrugged his shoulders, looking to Branna to see if she had heard what he had. He gave her a confident look, he knew that no matter what came of those voices in the distance, together there was nothing that could stop them.

    xxxAs he completely left her side there was a hesitation. As if some connection had been broken the second he could no longer feel her warmth. He wanted nothing more than to be by her side once more but pushed forward, towards a specific birch amongst the group. He moved onto his hind legs, scaling up the tree with practised ease. He opened his jaw, fiddling with on the trunk of the tree. It was a sharp and rigid rock, wedged deep into the core of the tree. It took some prying but after a moment it released, causing Muru to stumble backwards. In it's wake a thin stream of sap began pouring out of the tree. It's movement pulsed almost like a heartbeat out of the tree's veins. He moved back into a sitting position, nose diving deep into his human bag, plucking some cotton bolls from it's base. He moved back up onto the surface of the bark, shoving one of the cotton bolls against the open hole, waiting for the boll to become damp before tucking it away and starting with a fresh cotton boll. He paused every now and then, listening to the noise coming from the border. Once he was finished he walked back towards Branna, feeling deeply relieved as he pressed back against her side. A slight whimper in his chest. He didn't want this to end so soon; what if this moment was simply for here and once they returned to camp everything would start over once more?

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(( ❝ ♕. ── we're bigger than we ever dreamed // 007.

Postby paper planets » Thu Sep 14, 2017 5:09 pm

── ( ) ──────────── (( RANNA !!! ✰✰✰
    " you’re something special, you are the little fang !!! "
    ( branna ) . ( sanctus ) . ( custos ) . ( sanctus territory ) . ( tags - muru )

        Branna felt as if she was drifting through this everlasting moment of bliss. No worries. No troubles. Just her and Muru living in their own little world. And she would be happy to stay tucked away in this blissful environment forever as long as she had Muru by her side. When she saw the expression that overtook Muru's face she felt her legs weaken and she felt like she would crumple to the ground. She wasn't exactly sure how he made her feel this way or even what this feeling was. She also didn't know when these feelings began to show up. It was just sudden. But, she never wanted them to go away. When their foreheads made contact it was like a gust of air that threatened to sweep her off her feet, at that moment it felt like a connection was created between them. At his words she was sure that she was about to have teary eyes. We have eachother.. she repeated in her mind, that's all we need. She had longed to to feel wanted for her whole life and now it was happening. Everything was falling into place. She gave a small nod in reply, keeping her voice would be weak and would show vulnerability if she tried to speak.

        When the two began walking again she was highly aware of Muru's pelt brushing against hers. His light and her dark fur mingled and they walked and it caused a little shiver to pass down her spine. It almost felt like they were connected, not exactly physical, but something that seemed beyond her reach. She couldn't see it, smell it or hear it, she could only feel it and that was quite possibly the most important thing. This connection that ran through them was refreshing, like a cool breeze on a hot, summer day. The cool breeze weaving through her fur and cooling her down. It was new and foreign. She didn't really know what to do. She didn't know what was right and wrong. She could only feel, but she feared that wasn't enough. How could she show how she felt when she was even sure how she felt? How could she show these emotions mingling within her when she had never truly been shown love, when she hadn't felt a gentle touch or heard a caring voice speaking to her? Her memories of her parents were foggy and clouded, her mind too full of vicious wolves to remember the tender moments. She truly didn't know, but this foreign feeling that settled deep within her soul made her want to try, want to learn how to express the feelings trapped within her.

        Branna looked towards Muru as he spoke in a mellow voice and she furrowed her brows in confusion and tilted her head as he words registered in her mind. She felt that warmth spread over her heart as she realized he was being protective of her, but she pushed it away quickly, "But, it's what I have to do, Muru. To get a respectful rank in this pack and to prove to Raine that I'm willing to fight," she said almost defensively. But, she cooled her temper and looked down, "It's what I want. I won't get hurt, okay. I know how to defend myself, I did it for years before I joined Sanctus," she muttered quietly and she glanced at Muru after she spoke, "I promise."

        After her words it seemed as if they had reached their destination. The path opened up to a large clearing with towering birch trees scattered around and, as the sun shone through the clustered leaves, a mottled pattern of sun was shining on the undergrowth beneath the trees. This place seemed to add to the feeling of this being a secret blissful world that only the two of them shared. Branna came back to the surreal reality as she felt Muru rub his head against her shoulder affectionately. She smiled sheepishly and, as he took a few steps away, her eyes stayed glued in his tan and white pelt as the sun fell upon it, illuminating the medicus in a golden glow. She was so caught up with the alluring look of Muru in the surreal atmosphere that she almost missed the distant sounds of wolves coming from the border. The black fur along her neck bristled and her yellow-amber eyes stared off in the direction of the sound, waiting to see if the sound was approaching. Though, it seemed to be fixed in the one spot, so she left it alone. Once her eyes drifted away she met Muru's confidence gaze and she lifted her chin, mirroring the feeling that radiated off of him. They could face whatever challenged came their way.

        The young custos watched as Muru walked further into the meadow and she subconsciously took a few slow and hestiant steps after him, as if that foreign feeling of a connection between them was pulling her towards him, as if she couldn't be separated from him. As if they were connected by an invisible string that kept them close to one another. She felt a pang deep within her chest, but she shook it off and instead focused on her dear Muru. Branna watched as he gracefully and skillfully scaled a tree to reveal a hole in the bark, where thick sap began flowing out. She continued to watch in awe as he poked cotton bolls into the sap swiftly and she knew that this was something he did often due to how at ease he looked.

        Once he finished his practiced trick, Muru began to walk back to her. She smiled as a look of relief was clear on his face and her tail lifted, swaying back and forth lazily and, as he got closer, the pace of her wagging tail increased. As he pressed back to her side she felt completely content. She wanted to stay in this beautiful clearing forever. She let out a small, happy sigh and turned to press her nose onto the thick fur around Muru's neck. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest, so loud that she felt it in her mouth and in her ears. She was nervous, she wasn't sure if this act was the right thing to do. But, his fur was soft and the warmth had spread out from her heart and all to way to the tip of her tail as she inhaled his distinct scent. It flooded her senses and she blocked out everything else, just living in this moment.

        Branna pulled her head back to look at Muru as she heard a small, vulnerable whimper sound in his chest. Her ears flicked back, thinking she had done something wrong, but after searching his face she knew it was something else. Though, it seemed to successfully bring her back to life and she let out a soft sigh as she looked down at her paws, "Muru," she said reluctantly, "What are your beliefs about ravens, what do they symbolize or mean?" she asked. The female pressed her body close to Muru's, finding comfort in his presence as she was scared about his answer. The medicus was spiritual, she knew that, maybe he had a different idea about ravens, maybe one that shed a positive light on her past. Well, she hoped at least.
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Postby ataraxic_gone » Thu Sep 14, 2017 6:52 pm

    Gender;; male | Rank;; sanctus medicus | Scent;; herbs and dust | Words;; 519 | Tagged;; branna |
    xxxMuru rested his head on her side, he had been thinking about what she said, and while it pained him to see her get injured he knew that it was just how it had to be. He let out a deep sigh, breathing in Branna's scent, a smile forming on his maw, revealing pearly white teeth. The smile showed no signs of fading as his chest continued to well with happiness. His ears perked when the question was raised regarding ravens and he pulled his head away from her to look forward into the forest. It did come to mind that the question was rather out of the blue but he didn't mind answering; after all the world of spirit's and totems was one that followed him everywhere he went. It was one of his favourite things, his eyes fell to Branna as he considered his other favourite things and he he closed his eyes happily soaking in the feelings between them. "The Raven is the totem of playfulness and creativity, they bring light to darkness and are messengers from the spirit realm," he summarised. He was quiet for a moment as he thought, it wasn't everyday someone took interest in his knowledge and he'd be lying if the lack of constant recital had made some of his knowledge duller to his memory. "They have the ability to bend time and reality to travel wherever they need to be, just to send a message. It can sometimes be a sign of change, or a message of knowledge, insight or guidance." Muru paused once more, a little hesitant, "Most people think they symbolise death, which is only half true. They are one of the few who travel with the dead to ensure they make their way to the stars in one piece!" He chuckled lightly at the thoughts which followed, it was a fond chuckle, the one of someone who had seen mischief in the world be righted before. "There are some spirits, mostly of the fox variety that will attempt to lead the souls of the deceased astray, for what purpose no-one knows. It is the Eagle, Owl and Raven that keep us safe on the inevitable journey to the afterlife."

    xxxHe looked around momentarily, pieces clicking together as he spotted a raven in the distant trees, watching them with beady eyes, "I take it he belongs to you?" He asked curiously, his voice laced with fondness as he spoke. His eyes roamed momentarily, curious as to whether his totems were around; the deer and the owl. He knew for a fact that his deer totem, who was named Arilla would love to see him now but the threat of a hunting patrol most likely kept her at bay. He scanned the tree's once more and wasn't surprised to see a complete lack of his feathered companion. The owl totems where never ones for making appearances during the day, he was certain that come night he would see him flying over head proudly. But right now, Muru decided he was right where he needed to be, by Branna's side.

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