Re: Viscet #1688 — Air

Postby Mint Chip » Sat Jul 29, 2017 8:37 am

hesitant res;; not sure yet butthis babe is gorgeous <3

    username: Mint Chip
    name: August Maxwell
    gender: male
    theme song: Stand Out
      This song essentially describes August's personality and viewpoint. While August isn't about fame and fortune, he is about making a name and a way for himself. When August heard real music for the first time, he was immediately drawn and the music had him mesmerized without him even realizing it. His soul entwined with the rhythm. When he grew into his teenage years his was beginning to lose hope and beginning to settle but ultimately chose to stand out instead. His goals and determination are what makes this song suit him, it's what makes it his theme. He would do anything to get his shot and to prove that he is more than worth being noticed. He displays his talent proudly and puts himself out there without any fear because he knows he has to make an impact. Show people that he's there and show them why he deserves to be. In the end, he did more than just merely stand out and he was certainly recognized and popularized by his talent. But it was his desire and drive that brought him to where he was. I also selected this song because immediately when I saw this viscet I could not get the image of Powerline from the Goofy Movie out of my head, something about it all clicked and this character was just set into motion. Plus the charisma and character that is just exuded from that song (and the character Powerline) I can just imagine August having once he grew to be the popstar he grew into being.
      (260 words)

    do they face any challenges? how do they overcome their challenges?:
    an interview with a popstar wrote:
    "We have a very special guest today here on our show." The show host says to the audience and the camera as he stands to greet their guest. "Let's welcome the whirlwind sensation, August Maxwell!" Applause and cheers resound as a well-dressed viscet makes his way to the stage. The brightly colored male reaches out at a hand to the show host to shake before they both take their seat.

    "It's great to have you here, August." The host says as he straights up his cards.

    "It's great to be here. Thank you again for having me, it is truly a treat to be here." August says in earnest as he shifted in his seat and rests one leg over the other awaiting the host to speak again.

    In the small pause between speaking, there are a few cheers from fans among the crowd. The host grins and motions for them to continue and there is a roar of cheers and applause again for the popstar. August smiles brightly, obviously very flattered and somewhat embarrassed by the outburst of cheers. He flashes them all a grin and it's as if the audience exploded into even more cheers like during his live performances on stage.

    "Well, I don't even think we need to ask you anything. Just having you here seems to be a huge hit." The show host joked with August who just laughed in return and agreed. It took several minutes before the audience calmed back down even for them to all be more serious and for the host to be able to ask his first question. "Hope you don't mind answering a few questions for us, we do have a few we're rather curious about."

    "Oh yes, of course. I did come here with that intention though we did seem to get a little off base." August said with another light chuckle, "But ask away." He relaxed against the seat for the time, not seeming at all nervous about any of the potential questions that could be coming.

    "Alright, well I'm sure we're all dying to know what got you into music. Did you always know you'd be a popstar?" The host asked with some curiosity.

    "I never imagined I'd come as far as I have today considering where I started. I feel I'm incredibly blessed to be able to perform live and make music for the radio as well. It's still really surreal to me. It's been three years and it still feels like a dream to be here." August admitted, he paused a moment before continuing, "but to answer the question you asked first, I first realized my passion for music and singing when I was a small boy. It might not seem like much but I can remember the exact day. I was six or maybe seven and my family and I got the chance to see a live performance by a wonderful singer in our local town. The music, the melody of her voice and everything about the experience changed my entire perspective. That's what genuinely first got me into music."

    The audience and the host both seemed rather surprised. The host cleared his throat as he regained himself, "Really now? One experience when you were a child left that sort of impact on your life?" The host still seemed shocked, "That's rather impressive. Well, when did you start performing and writing your own music?"

    August thought that one over a little before settling on the answer, "About five-ish years ago actually. It's been a bit of a journey getting to this point but I started singing and performing on stage about five years ago. I've been scribbling down lyrics to songs for years before that even but I never imagined those few lines scribbled here and there on napkins or whatever I could get a hold of to write down my thoughts would turn into such popular songs." He smiled, his eyes showing how humbled he was by all of this as he looked out to the audience. "and it's all thanks to the people who encouraged me and my wonderful fans." There was an applause and some "awes" among the audience before August looked back to the host.

    "Only five years? Surprising. You're extremely talented, August, did you have schooling or any special tutors to teach you how to play or write?" The host questioned.

    August shook his head, "No, I didn't have anything like that. I taught myself mostly and had some input from people I've met along the way."

    "No schooling or anything? Really? So you taught yourself to play and to write music and you've only been performing for roughly five years. You're quite the success, August, I would have thought you had come from less humble beginnings" The show host admitted.

    "Well," August replied, "It's easy to judge a book by its cover but it's another to flip through its pages and know the truth." There was a silence and the audience seemed to be listening with baited breath. "Like I said before, I consider myself to be very blessed. I didn't start out with a leg up or really any form of a headstart. My family was rather poor actually and we didn't have a lot." He kept his charming smile intact as he spoke, "Things were bleak for quite a while but one day I made a decision. A decision to follow my dream and to make something of myself. With only the clothes on my back and that dream in my heart I left the only life I ever knew for a chance in the city." His smile faltered only a moment as he continued, "and at first I thought I had made a terrible mistake. It felt like every door was closing in my face and I was roaming the streets for a long time just barely getting by. It was a long six years but I never let myself stay discouraged. And one day," He snapped his fingers, "just like that, I went from living in a rundown shack to the presidential suite of a very nice hotel. And it's been like that ever since it's been one wonderful surprise after the next." There were a few tears that escaped his eyes but he still smiled, "And all of that has brought me to today. To having the luxury of sitting here answering your questions and being able to say that all of the sacrifices were worth it."

    The host was speechless as was the audience for several minutes. Many were in tears with just the small exert from August Maxwell's life. They were in awe of his boldness and the strength it had taken him to get where he was. There were touched by his story and shocked by his humbleness. After a couple more minutes of silence, the audience stood to their feet and cheered. They cheered as they had never cheered before and August's heart swelled as he watched the audience. He twitched an ear as he heard a closer applause. He turned to look to the host who was also standing and applauding him as well. As August had said you simply cannot judge a person by where they are or how they look now because you just don't know what challenges they had to face to get to where they are and to become who they are now.
    (1240 words)

    Story 1 - Beginnings wrote:It was a normal evening for this dusty, little town. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, everyone going about their normal routines. Except for one family. One family were eagerly expecting the newest addition to their family. It was hours of waiting with anticipation before the announcement of the new bundle of fluff was finally born. His bright pelt was striking much like his father's, but as his eyes opened and were revealed to be equally as bright it was obvious there was a spark of his mother in there too. The parents smiled to one another as they took their son into their arms and cleaned him up to prepare to show their two daughters their baby brother. As the mother worked on cleaning up the baby, his ears unfolded and twitched bringing attention to just how large and unique they were. The father had gone to get the girls but came back to check on his wife and son, startled at the sight of those bizarre ears. At first, both parents just looked to one another, uncertain of what to say to the other but as their small child began to whimper both of their gazes softened as they gazed at him.

    "He certainly is special isn't he?" The mother said softly as she finished cleaning up her son. She wrapped him in a warm blanket and held him close to soothe him.

    "That he is." The father agreed as he stepped over, an arm around his wife as the other was gently placed on his son to help soothe him. "What shall we name him?" He asked quietly as the child's whimpers subsided into quiet little coos.

    "We had so many names discussed but none seem quite right anymore, do they?" The mother thought, she smiled as she gazed at her bright little child. "His pelt is as bright as yours."

    "No, I believe he shines brighter." The father replied.

    The mother raised an eyebrow at her husband before shaking her head, "He reminds me of a sunny day. Reminds me of summer."

    "Perhaps August then?" The father offered. The name felt right but it felt as though it were missing something.

    "It's good, I think it suits him." The mother replied, "But perhaps we should also name him after your father?"

    "Maxwell?" The father questioned her, at first the name sounded odd and ill-fitting but he thought it over some. "August Maxwell." The more he thought about it the more he liked it. "Yes, I think this name will take him far."

    "Then it's settled." The mother replied with a smile as she looked down to her son. "Hello, my little August. My beautifully bright son." She nuzzled her face softly against her son who continued to coo and make happy quiet noises. "Come on now my dear, let's go show the girls. I'm certain they're eager to meet their baby brother."

    The girls were very eager to meet August and awed at his unique trait but after that passed they were just happy to have a baby brother. The family of four was now five and couldn't be happier. This small town felt bigger, even if only for a short time, with the addition of their new child. And for a short time, everything was alright.



    In the first few years of August's young life, things changed a lot for his family. They moved several times, each house seemed to get smaller and smaller. Jobs were hard to hold on to and money was tight but his parents always made the best of it for him and his sisters. August never thought much about not having money, he had everything he wanted most of the time but there was never much that he wanted either. He loved to spend his time in the backyard just playing with whatever he could find and playing pretend with his sisters. It wasn't until his sisters were a bit older that he really started to understand how little they really had.

    When August was around five when his sisters started helping their mother. His mother did odds and ends jobs, usually mending cloth items as well as creating clothing. His sisters worked hard to help their mother finish her orders and take on new ones just to help their family make ends meet. Things were harder now but they had been for a while, August just had never noticed. His parents, his sisters, they all had so little time for him now while trying to provide the funds to keep them all fed, clothed and with a roof over their heads. At first, he didn't understand any of it, he felt like he was being pushed away or that they were forgetting about him but the exhaustion and desperation were something he couldn't ignore even if he didn't understand it fully. It spurred something in him even as young as he was to try and be more helpful. He didn't know how to help really, and he couldn't learn to sew quite like his sisters yet without pricking himself too often. While his mother appreciated the attempts he made she told him she had a better job for him and sent him out to collect wood for the fire. August was quite small still so he couldn't carry more than a couple big sticks at a time but he did his best making trips all day long to bring as much wood back to help. He was so desperate to make a difference and to help his family even if it was a little bit. He was praised by his father on days he wasn't too exhausted to notice all the hard work that August had done but most days he was just too exhausted to properly do so.

    August worked hard every day except for days when the weather was too bad and his mother wouldn't let him. His diligence was certainly something to admire and it made his parents quite proud to see such a determination in such a small body. When August was a little over six and a half his parents had saved back just enough extra money to treat their kids by taking them to the county fair that year. It was only the second or third fair that his sisters had ever been too but it was the first fair that August would attend. They all got tickets and eagerly ran around to play games and ride on as many of the fair rides as they could manage. August was in the middle of waiting in line to get on a ride with his sisters when he heard something. His large ears twitched some as he caught the sound of something different. The sound of a voice in a way he hadn't ever heard really. He looked around, swiveling his ears in every direction until he pin pointed the direction the beautiful voice was coming from. Without even thinking he began walking from the line he had been waiting in towards the sound of the voice. He swayed a little as the sound of the voice grew louder as he neared.

    There was a small crowd standing between him and the voice but he weaved in between legs until he found himself in front of a platform. He looked up and his eyes widened in awe as he saw a beautiful woman singing. The emotion and power in what she was singing made everything else melt away, all August could hear or see was this woman singing as her band played. He swayed with the music, his young mind couldn't even process or recognize most of the words she sang but the sound of her song brought tears to his eyes. He couldn't explain it but he could feel every emotion of the song through her voice and he loved every minute of it. He stayed there in the front of the crowd, watching and listening in awe until the performance ended and his parents, who had been frantically looking for him, found him and dragged him away from the stage. They scolded him for running off like that but August just smiled with eyes still so full of wonder. He asked a million questions that night on the way home, about the singer and what she was singing. About the music, the melody and the band. He asked so many questions that his parents could in no way answer but they did their best to answer him as best they could. And thus his love of music was born. Now when he went out to work to collect wood for the fire, he would hum and sing things that he made up or thought of. Sometimes he'd even hum the melody of the song that woman had sang.
    (1480 words)

    Story 2 - Hard Times wrote:As August began to grow into his preteen years everything got harder. His mother had a harder time finding work as did his sisters and his father was struggling a lot to keep up with the workload at the factory job he had. August couldn't go with his father to the factory and his mother wasn't getting enough business for him to help out there. He began taking up yard work jobs for the neighbors and things like trash pick up. Any type of manual labor he could find that could bring in some extra money to help his family. The economy was in a recession so after a while, even those sorts of jobs were hard to find. His family was beginning to go more and more without. He was powerless to help as well.

    Things only persisted to become more difficult. Workers were getting laid off from the factory and his father only barely managed to keep his job. But now his work load has tripled and he was even more stressed as he tried to keep his job and keep up with the demands being made of him. August said goodbye to one of his older sisters as she married into a family that lived up state and was better off financially. With one less person to feed it was a little easier to manage but only barely. His other sister married within the next year and moved away too. Now it was just him and his parents, struggling to get by as best they could. August did all he could still working more odd jobs and saving back whatever he could for in case they need more. He refused to spend a cent on himself as he worked tirelessly to try and improve their financial situation.

    For a short while, it seemed like things were beginning to look up. With only the three of them to feed they had more money to properly pay their bills and scrape by with enough left over to afford food as well. It was still stressful and busy times but at least they could afford their way of living for the time. August was still saving back everything he earned while he helped provide a little of that money towards food and anything his parents couldn't cover. In those few years, he had learned how to properly sew and helped his mother out with that when he wasn't out working his odd jobs. However, it seemed like just as soon as they were getting everything back in order to get them back to breaking even that everything began to fall apart again. August was just a few days short of sixteen when he received word on the job that his father was in the hospital. His father has gotten injured during an accident at the factory and his right arm was broken and messed up quite badly. They were told that he would be out of work for a few months at the minimum. This wasn't the news any of them wanted to hear at all but the news that came next was far worse.

    Due to his father's injury, the factory managed to find a loop hole that allowed them to get out of paying any sort of workman's comp as well as laying him off. Without his father's job, everything became harder. There was no way of paying back the hospital bills as well as keeping up with all their bills. This particular bind ended up getting their house taken from them and left them all on the street, still fighting to survive. August had tried to offer all he had to try and stop from losing their home but his mother said it wouldn't have helped and that he needed to keep it to survive. They had all hit rock bottom, they had nowhere to live and very little to eat beyond what his parents could manage to bring in. His father's arm still in a sling and mostly unusable and his mother working her fingers to the bone trying to keep them as fed and clothed as they could. She managed to get them a small shack to live in that had barely one bedroom. There were no furnishing beyond a wood stove in the front room.

    This was where August found himself just shortly after turning seventeen. He was laying on the floor in front of the wood stove, staying as warm as he could there. It was a bitterly cold winter, and although he had argued they should sleep in the main room to stay warmer they insisted they wouldn't so he could sleep more comfortably. He laid there, exhausted but unable to sleep as he started at the stove and the dim light flickering through the vent on the door. His mind was blank as he laid there, just so tired and feeling hopeless. He was working himself to death but for what? For this meager way of living? His heart twisted in pain as he tried to push back the despair he felt.

    There has to be more to life that this. There has to be.

    It's all he could think. It was more of a desperate plea than a definite statement or thought. He sighed quietly as he kept his eyes trained on the flickering light.

    What if there isn't more than this? What if there is never more than this for me?

    It was at that point that something in August snapped. He shifted upright, No, there has to be more than this. He told himself, determined that there must be. In that moment, a melody was brought to memory. His heart leaped as a thought, a crazy thought, occurred to him for the first time in his life.

    What if I leave and aspire to be like that singer?

    The thought was crazy. August knew so little about anything beyond manual labor, he didn't have much schooling or really anything that could aid him in aspiring to this goal. But everything in him felt that this was right somehow, that this thought was meant for him. It was his destiny, he just knew it. Much like how he had done when he was a child, he rose to his feet and followed his heart without thinking about much else. He grabbed a pen and paper, leaving behind all the money he had earned over the years except for a couple bills. He wrote a goodbye note to his parents, telling them he was leaving the money for them so they could buy food and survive the winter. He promised to make them proud and that he would be back one day. He felt some tears as he wrote his goodbye and signed with "love your son, August". He packed the few things he had to take with including one of his mother's spare sewing kits in case he needed it. He didn't look back, not once as he took himself and his things and stepped out into the cold that night. He breathed in the crisp winter air and made his way to the train tracks. He walked along them a long way until he heard a train coming, he was looking for a specific night train that always headed into what he'd always heard called "music city" and that was the train he was going to get on. He watched a couple pass as he walked along the tracks before his train came, he watched for an open cart and made his run. He managed to jump and latch hold of the door of the train car.

    He wasn't alone though as a hand reached out to him, helping him into the train car. There were several young and old individuals who had hopped the same train car aiming for the Music City to make their break. This both excited and terrified August. He was excited to see others aspiring to make their way, and having company for the trip was always nice but he feared how many of them would make it. He shook those thoughts from his mind though as he conversed with the strangers on his journey. During the train car ride which was several days long, he learned a lot about each of them and also learned much from each of them. He learned a few tips to help him and even learned a few chords on an instrument called a guitar. August may not have known how hard this road would be to travel but he was more than determined that this road would lead to his destiny.
    (1449 words)

    Story 3 - Holding out for the Dream wrote:The train was beginning to slow as it was coming up to the city. Everyone who had hitched a ride on the train was gathering their things and were about to make their jump off. After all, they hadn't paid so staying on the entire ride was out of the question. August was nervous and uncertain about this for it seemed everyone else knew what they were doing so he prepared himself as he watched a few jump off. He waited until the right moment and jumped off right after one of the guys he had gotten to know some what well in the past several days. He landed alright but lost his balance and fell over. He laughed a little at himself as he pushed himself up and brushed off the snow from his clothes and fur. He picked up his things and prepared himself for the trek into the city.

    It was nightfall when he and a couple others reached the city. August's eyes lit up with wonder just as they had when he was a child at the sounds of all the music and the sight of all the bright neon lights. It was beautiful. He marveled at it for a few minutes before one of the guys he had traveled into the city with nudged him and began walking again. He didn't know where he was going or really anything to expect so he continued to follow after the few others he had walked this far with. Some of them knew a bit more about the city and its lay out. Some already had places to stay for the night while others didn't. August was one of the ones that didn't, so he and the handful of others that didn't found a place in an alley that would keep them sheltered from the weather and kept warm by a lit trash can with some other strangers that knew more about the city. He learned much that night, both helpful and worrisome things. He was told by many of them there that this was a city where dreams died and that likely most of them would end up homeless like the rest of these strangers were but he was also told several things that gave him hope that he could do this. He was too stubborn to give up after only just arriving.

    The first several days were days spent out in the weather. He spent every day asking around and trying to find the right people he was looking for to help aid him in his pursuit of his dream. Each day seemed to be a new lesson learned and often was filled with a lot of disappointment but August was determined to succeed. He had to. He had to make his parents proud and he had to make a way for himself. The days turned to weeks and weeks to months as he struggled to get by. It was hard here to get a job, to get a meal and to continue to aspire towards his dream. Everywhere he turned seemed to be a dead end for a while but he managed to find a low paying job for a while bussing tables. This job gave him a lot of opportunities to meet and see a lot of people even if he didn't talk to him. He committed them to memory and learned much about them and took notes of the things he heard. He earned enough money to buy a guitar as well as rent a small apartment. It wasn't much but it was everything to him. He practiced daily, every day when he got home from work regardless of how tired he was. He'd lay on his bed and practice his chords. He'd play until his fingers were too sore to play anymore or until he fell asleep playing.

    In the first hard year of living on his own in this city, he learned a lot. He bussed a lot of tables, learned how to play his guitar and began practicing writing his own music. It was raw and rough but he would scribble down whatever came to him on any pieces of paper he could find. Even when he was at work, he'd jot it down on a napkin and stuff it in his pocket to work with later. At it stood he still wasn't being recognized or even given the time of day to show off his raw talent and skill. But nothing discouraged him, his heart was set on the dream of becoming a singer and moving people as that singer had when he was but a child. As time went on his job began to give him less time, cutting back on workers if what they said. He still worked his hardest and tried to pick up a second job for his time off but work was scarce. August lacked a full textbook education with certificate though he was everything but uneducated. But any jobs he applied for minus a few lousy jobs required him to have a certificate or diploma to prove his level of intelligence. This discouraged him some but he would do what he had to do to get by as he continued to keep his dream alive.

    During the middle of the second year in this city, August thought his luck was beginning to turn around. He had talked with some of the local establishments that allowed live music and got a couple of gigs. For these gigs he was given songs they wanted him to sing and told how to sing them but he didn't like doing that. He felt like a cheap copycat and the pay was beyond sub par for the hours of music and singing he'd provide. Some gigs would draw crowds and others would draw critics. He begged to sing his own music, in the style he was developing but he was always shut down. Told that if he didn't do what they wanted then they would find someone else. August was in a place that was still tight on money so he did what he had to for a while until the managers of the establishments found other aspiring young artists who they liked better or could pay less for the "same product".

    Every door August thought was open was closing again. He was finding it harder and harder to keep his meager apartment and his job continued to cut him on hours. Eventually, he fell behind on his rent and was evicted without a second thought. Back out onto the streets, the viscet was sent to fend for himself with only what little clothes he owned and his guitar. He managed to keep his job for a little while before they let him off for being in such rough shape when he came into work. At the start of year three, he was homeless, jobless and nearly penniless entirely. Some days he let himself fall into despair but most days he remained determined and did whatever he could to try and make enough money for his next meal. He began playing music in the local park every few days to earn a few bucks which helped get him by for a few months until the winter came. There were fewer people roaming the parks or out and about in the weather so many fewer people willing to donate money for the music he played. Still, August would play, play his music and sing into the wind and cold. His heart entwined with the melody and the words he sang out, even when no one was there to hear them.

    Another harsh year of living off of whatever charitable people would give him and the dream all but forgotten. August was growing weaker and thinner from the years of living on the streets and hardly surviving. He was growing tired and his spirit losing hope a little more each passing day. He had given up on seeking out individuals who could give him a shot, he had given up on being seen, all he could focus on was giving his all to the people on the street in hopes for their pity and charity. He was at the end of his rope, much longer and he would have no other choice but to give up.

    But it just so happened that on that day, just an ordinary day, a very prestigious man was making his way through the park. A cell phone to one ear as he walked briskly with somewhere to be. He had no intentions of stopping or anything else but making his way to his next destination. But a sound caught him off guard, a melody and beat that stopped him completely. The man lowered the phone from his ear as he listened to the sound. To the sound of someone's soul pouring out in the form of a cascading melody. The man turned, closing his phone as he began following the sound of the music straight to where August was playing. August was playing as if no one was there, singing his heart out as the few that had gathered watched and listened. The man stood there, intrigued and surprised by what he was witnessing. He stayed until the end of the song when August finally looked around at the small crowd with a tired smile. When August's eyes met the businessman's he had no idea just how much his life was about to change all thanks to this chance encounter.
    (1596 words)

    Story 4 - Overnight Sensation wrote:That chance encounter led to the businessman introducing himself as Mr. Holts who invited August out to lunch. August had been hesitant, wary of the stranger's kindness but also feeling a bit embarrassed by his outward appearance. Still, Mr. Holts insisted and eventually August agreed, packing up his guitar and things before walking with the stranger. On the way to the restaurant, Mr. Holt asked about August, asked his name and how long he'd been in the city.

    August hesitated some before being open with the stranger. He told his story about being inspired as a young boy and then finding himself in a hopeless situation that pushed him to pursue his dream of becoming a singer. He talked for a while about his experiences, finding it to be nice to have someone listen to his story. Someone who seemed to genuinely care and was interested in where he came from as well as his aspirations. By the time August had finished his telling of his story thus far and his current situation they had arrived at a rather nice restaurant. Mr. Holts didn't even seem to flinch as he walked towards the door but August had stopped, lowering his ears a bit.

    "Sir, I can't go in there," August said, feeling uncomfortably self-conscious now as he realized just how filthy and disheveled he looked.

    "Nonsense." Mr. Holts replied simply, looking back to him. "You did agree to come with me, yes? Don't want to go back on your word now do you?"

    August felt a little trapped now, "Well, no, but sir--"

    Mr. Holts cut him off, "Then come along. I promised you a meal and you certainly could use it. Besides I have a proposition I'd like to talk to you about that I think you'd be interested in."

    "A proposition, sir?" August questioned, he was curious but still felt self-conscious. He looked up to see the man looking back at him, beckoning him to follow. After a few more moments of hesitation, August relented and followed Mr. Holts into the pristine establishment. As he entered he was greeted with an odd look from the man in the front but when Mr. Holts requested a table for the both of them that look went away. August still felt uncomfortable walking through the restaurant looking as he did but once he was seated he felt a bit better. Mr. Holts had arranged a table towards the back that was a bit less in the open which was rather nice August had to admit. He had never been in a restaurant so grand as this one and he knew just by the outside of the menu that the prices on the food would be far too high for anything he could afford.

    "Sir, this is a rather pricey place. I'm quite alright." August said, trying to persuade the businessman that he didn't need him to buy him anything. Mr. Holts just looked to him with a raised eyebrow that didn't believe anything he had just said and August relented again. "If you insist, sir."

    August was still trying to pick the least pricey looking items on the menu when the waiter came by to get their drink orders and left rolls for them in the meantime. Mr. Holts sighed a bit as he watched August, he knew what to order the boy and ordered for the both of them when the waiter came back with their drinks before August even had the chance to interject. After their order was placed they began talking again. At first, it was simple small talk and more discussion on what August had been doing in the recent year and any gigs he had previously. In no time at all their food had arrived and they began eating.

    It wasn't until Mr. Holts was about half finished with his food that he brought up the proposition he had mentioned earlier. "So August, I mentioned a proposition earlier to you. Are you still curious as to what that is?" He watched August pause from eating a moment, his mouth was full so he just nodded eagerly. He swiveled his ears forward curiously to listen as Mr. Holts help back a small chuckle, "Very well. I took you as the curious sort." He shifted a bit to rest his arms against the table. "Well, I haven't told you what I was doing before I saw you in the park." August looked at him curiously, he hadn't even thought to ask before about that. "Well, I was taking a shortcut through the park to get back to my work. I was actually talking with one of my employees when I heard you singing in the park. I was intrigued by the sound and followed it to you. I have to say I'm quite impressed with your talent. You've got such a unique but yet soulful sound to your voice when you sing. I simply had to find the source and I was not at all disappointed to see you there." August blinked, tilting his head in confusion.

    "Have you ever heard of Sunflare Studios?" Mr. Holts watched as August's eyes lit up brightly. "Oh? So I take it you do then?" He smiled as he watched August nod vigorously, still hungrily eating. Poor kid has been starving but I can tell he's hungry for more than just food. He mused to himself before he spoke again, "Well that's good. I take it you know that it mostly deals with pop, dance, R&B and rock genre artists, right?" August looked at little uncertain. "Well that's no matter, the genre is easy to teach," Mr. Holts said with a chuckle. "What you were singing in the park you told me earlier you wrote it?" He watched August nod, "Well I found it to be rather impressive honestly." He paused a moment before clearing his throat, "I suppose I should cut to the chase. August, how would you feel about being given a shot to be the next pop idol?"

    August dropped his fork and choked a little on his food before swallowing hard. He looked to Mr. Holts with shock that turned to surprise and then to tears. "W-what?" He squeaked before trying to clear his throat. His eyes sparkling with the tears and hope that danced across them, "You said me? Me as a pop singer? For--" He was getting too choked up to speak now. "For Sunflare Studios? But how?"

    Mr. Holts could see the hope in his gaze and the fear as well. "I am a producer and manager of that studio." The realization of that was almost too much for August. "And I believe you'd be a wonderful asset. I think you'll go far, kid if you're up for it."

    August was still in shock, he wiped his eyes quickly, drying them as best he could. "Yes, yes please, sir. I am. I would be honored." He meant it with every fiber of his being.

    From there it was as if everything just began falling into place. The first order of business was to get August off the streets. That was easily enough done for Mr. Holts as he set August up with a hotel temporarily before getting him a small apartment near the studio to use until he was making radio hits and could get his own apartment. Sunflare Studios was known for a lot of great hits and very popular artists so when August was introduced to the team that would be working with him and teaching him he was greeted with a lot of eagerness and expectation. They knew that if their boss had handpicked this boy that he must be something special. Within the first month, August had a few demos of some lightly modified songs of his very own ready to show Mr. Holts. The process was exhilarating and everything August had hoped for and so much more. When Mr. Holts said the tracks were ready they re-recorded one of the tracks they thought would make the best first debut hit and sent it out to the radio stations to begin playing. Within weeks it was played for the first time and it was as if the world was hooked.

    August rose in the charts right out the gate. No one knew who this new artist was and many believed he'd be just another one hit wonder until his second and third singles hit. Each of those holding one of the weekly top ten spots for more than two consecutive weeks. In only a few months time, August had climbed to one of the most popular artists of the season and his fame only continued to rise. As the money began steadily coming in August couldn't help but to feel overwhelmed with gratitude towards Mr. Holts and the studio that helped make his dreams a reality. He began to write home now, realizing how much he missed his parents now and included money for them as well. He promised he'd come back home soon to visit and tell them all about his journey. He smiled fondly as he signed the letter and sent it out. He couldn't wait to see them again and to return home to see everyone again.
    (1550 words)

    Lyrics: Stand Out | Artist: Tevin Campbell
Last edited by Mint Chip on Sun Aug 20, 2017 5:15 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: Viscet #1688 — Air

Postby Shadow Striker » Tue Aug 08, 2017 8:00 pm

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Re: Viscet #1688 — Air

Postby Matreats » Wed Aug 09, 2017 12:14 pm


Basic Info wrote:

Aderyn (Ari) Ellis
(Means ‘bird’ in Welsh)

⊱Kind of a punk
⊱Does what she needs to to get what she wants/needs
⊱Homeless, world traveler
⊱She’ll pickpocket you without a second thought (watch your wallet!)
⊱Involved in one too many gang conflicts
⊱Will do stupid things to get money if she needs it



“People don’t truly care about other people. Every action, no matter how kind it seems, has a motive behind it.”
Ari believes that there are very few, if any, people who still have the motive to be kind to others just for the sake of being a good person.

“I’ve got nothing to lose, so why not?”
She doesn’t have a good perspective about what’s right and what’s not. If it seems fun or profitable, she’ll do it.

⊱ Gets distracted extremely easily
⊱ Can’t focus on one thing too long
⊱ Not a very social viscet
⊱ Feels like she has nothing to lose
⊱ Gets into a lot of trouble/mischief
⊱ Hardly makes friends because she doesn’t
stay in an area for too long

⊱ Agile and fast
⊱ Quick thinker
⊱ Slow to anger
⊱ Confident
⊱ Able to solve problems/think of
solutions to things quickly

⊱ Doesn’t have a reason for what she does other
than she’s bored/has nothing else to do
⊱ Severely demotivated (extreme mood swings)
⊱ Doesn’t know what she wants to do with her life
⊱ Doesn’t know or understand why she’s here
⊱ Wants to have a purpose

༺༒༻Physical/Mental disabilities༺༒༻

⊱ To be truly free from all her worries
⊱ To have a purpose

⊱ Nature
⊱ Sweet food
⊱ Fast-paced life
⊱ Water, rain, the ocean
⊱ Heavily populated areas that provide a
surplus of locations for her to keep hidden
⊱ Places untouched by industry and others
⊱ Having the freedom to choose what she
does/where she goes
⊱ Fall and spring
⊱ Daytime

⊱ Interaction with others
⊱ Spicy/sour foods
⊱ Being forced to do something
⊱ Oppression or oppressive people
⊱ Summer and winter (basically extreme temperatures)
⊱ Anything massively destructive
⊱ Nighttime - there are things that are
easily hidden in the dark
⊱ Fire

⊱ Being unable to find a way out of a situation
⊱ Disappointing herself
⊱ Getting close to someone and leaving
them because of her erratic lifestyle

Theme Song wrote:

༺༒༻Theme song༺༒༻

Roots (Imagine Dragons)
This is Ari’s theme song because I feel it describes her personality and herself. The song talks about how there are bad days in everybody’s lives, but you have to have the bad days to have the good ones. Ari is constantly having mood swings and trying to figure out what she wants to become, and trouble often finds her because of choices she makes when she is confused and doesn’t know where to go from her position. This song describes her during the days when she is low and feels like the universe is against her. The chorus describes her journey to find a place where she can settle, and to find out what she truly wants and lives for (her true roots). Although the lyrics and sound of the song is depressing, it stands for a better and brighter tomorrow that can only be built by you alone.

What Challenges Do They Have? wrote:
༺༒༻What challenges do they face and how do they overcome them?༺༒༻

Ari’s biggest challenge in her life is her struggle to understand and figure out what she wants to become. At first glance, this seems simple, but it’s the problems that come from yourself that are the hardest to overcome.
Despite her confidence, she doesn’t know what she wants from life or herself. This frustrates her to no end. She can maneuver around and fix other problems that face her without much of a problem, but the one thing she can’t fix is staring her directly in the face, all day, every day. She doesn’t know what to think or what to do about it, so she tries her best to distract herself.

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Extras wrote:

Aderyn bounded through the narrow street, her paws rapidly pounding the stone beneath her. It was only a matter of seconds before he realized what she’d done. An ear-splitting screech bounced off the alleyway’s brick walls, and Ari grimaced as her ears rung painfully with the gang boss’s voice. There it was.

“It’s FAKE!
Angry shouts and furious yells echoed back the way Ari had come, and she kicked herself into gear, forcing her legs to move faster. The sound of gunshots and pursuing pawsteps started seconds later, nearly rumbling the ground underneath her feet.

Ari had come to Roakin that same day, knowing the enormous city’s easy pickings weren’t going to last forever. A while back, the viscets that lived in Roakin were far from careful, drank too much, and in general just a carefree, lazy going group. They lived in valley, their city nestled safely in the center of two almost impassable mountain ranges. Their society was closed, and they didn’t have much to fear except the state of their fragile economy. Their careless attitudes had attracted quite a large number of gangs, who had decided to settle after seeing how easy they could snipe a little something from a passerby. Life was almost too easy for those who made a living off of pickpocketing others.

As time went on and the amount of gangs grew, people started to notice that something was afoot. Although most retained their carelessness, others realized that they would have to be more wary. Ari would have thought that the entire city would have figured this out by now, but apparently these people preferred to pretend that nothing was wrong.

The viscets with publicity and influence refused to change their naive lifestyle, knowing that if everyone found out what was happening, they would leave and seek for safer places to live, therefore shattering what little stability there was in the city’s economy. Ari knew that this couldn’t last forever, so she had decided to take a quick detour to Roakin to grab what she could and continue on the road. She had just sold a counterfeit jewel to one of the more widely known gang leaders in the city less than thirty seconds ago, and took off with the money before anything else could be said.

Ari doubted that Deste had given her the amount of money he said he had, which she expected, but she had no reason to complain. Free money was free money... if she could get away successfully.

Ari turned right at the next fork, not daring to look back at her pursuers. She could tell they were gaining on her. Not good. It was true that she was fast, faster than most viscets, but these guys knew the city and its backroads much more than she did. Judging by the size of their hideout and the amount of members, Deste’s team had been living here for at least three years. Ari swore as she stumbled over an upended rock, disrupting her balance and making her hit her shoulder against the wall. She grit her teeth as she lost some of her precious speed, and pushed herself to run harder, faster, despite the sharp pain that coursed through her right leg whenever it touched the ground. Her small slip-up had allowed the viscets behind her to catch up, and now they were just barely fifteen feet behind her.

Starting to panic, Ari began turning corners rapidly and at random, not knowing where she was going or where she was. The viscets followed, sliding around the turns almost effortlessly. She had severely underestimated them. It was almost as if they knew every stone, every wall, every length of the city by heart-

Ari skidded around yet another intersection and gasped as she was met with three, large, snarling viscets, guns aimed at her head. Knowing that she wouldn’t be able to stop in time, Ari charged full speed at the viscet on the left, hoping to knock him off guard and push through him. With the force of her entire body, she lowered her head and collided with the viscet head on. She felt the air rush out of his chest as she made contact, and she shoved him out of the way as he attempted to recover from the blow. Her unexpected attack knocked the three viscet’s guns out of their paws and skidding across the ground.

In a final attempt to stop her, one of the gang members lunged for his fallen comrade’s gun and let a bullet loose a split second before Ari was hidden behind another alley wall. She shrieked as the bullet ripped through her left shoulder, setting fire to her nerves. Her injured leg collapsed from underneath her and she stumbled, unable to run any longer.
Ari cried out when someone’s paws hit her square in the back, her legs giving out as their full weight fell on top of her. The others viscets were immediately upon her, holding her four legs to the ground with bone crushing force as one ripped the satchel of money out of her mouth. Every movement hurt so badly, but despite it, Ari continued to struggle and whip her tail at the surrounding viscets. Her efforts were to no avail, and she was only shoved harder against the cold stone. Her shoulder burned as if someone were pressing a hot brand into her skin, and she could feel her own warm blood soak her fur. She let out a small whimper as someone set their paws too close to her injury.

“Mmm,” a voice hummed, the owner of it stepping over Ari’s wriggling body to stand in front of her. “Color me impressed that you almost managed to slip out of my paws. Almost,” he emphasized, bending his front legs so he could look Ari in the eyes. His confident smirk was so irritating, the simple smile conveying his triumph over her. She had to get away- there was no telling what they would do to her after she had stolen from them.

Her desperation taking over, Ari turned her head and bit the paw holding her back down and lunged for Deste. The gang leader showed no signs of reaction as she snapped her jaws closed just a hair’s width from his face. She would have reached him if it weren’t for the striped viscet that had tackled her before. The green male grabbed a pawful of her mane and harshly yanked backwards, forcing a pained yelp from the smaller viscet.

Deste tsked as more of his followers came to hold Ari down, one keeping her head to the ground so she couldn’t attempt to bite anyone else. “And a female nonetheless,” Deste continued as if nothing happened, taking the pouch of money from a member and attaching it to his belt.

Don’t speak, don’t speak- Ari repeated the order again and again in her mind, willing herself to keep quiet. Nothing she could say would make her predicament better, and would likely make it worse for herself.

“I’ll admit, we have gotten a bit careless, or else you wouldn’t have gotten away so easily,” he said with a sigh. “Your little trick was mediocre, average at the best, and I should have been a bit more suspicious when a lone girl came up to me, offering to sell a rare gemstone.” He let out a loud laugh, the scorning sound making Ari flatten her ears.
“Now I might have to kill you,” he said, almost regretfully. Deste reached out and took one of Ari’s feathery ears in his paw, studying it curiously. “Such a shame to waste something so unique and beautiful,” he purred, running his sharp claws through her sunset-colored fur. The feeling of his claws tangled in Ari’s pelt was far from comfortable; she hated it when others touched her. A low growl of defiance formed in Ari’s throat at his unwanted touch and flicked her tail angrily, her fur bristling.

He hummed again before taking a step back and swishing his tail towards the other gang members. “Take her someplace where no one will find her body. I don’t have time to deal with anything else today.”

Ari immediately froze as the reality of her situation set in, panic coursing through her body at an inhuman rate. I’m going to die here, was all she could think as the surrounding viscets forced her to her feet and shoved her forward. There was no escape; she was flanked by burly males much stronger than her on all sides, and the narrow alleyway made it practically impossible to maneuver around them even if she did miraculously get free.

Her brain was working double time, taking into consideration everything that could possibly aid in her escape.

Use the other viscets’ height to jump up the wall. Try to climb it myself. Offer money that I don’t have. Threaten to kill one of them. Try to take them all on by myself. Bargain. Lie. Each of her ideas were more reckless and likely to fail than the last, and she had to prevent herself from screeching in frustration.

Fake it. The thought entered her head, and the second she realized it might be plausible, she started breathing in and out, hard and fast. In. Out. In. Out. She was already starting to get dizzy, but she kept going, exaggerating her breaths even more. In. Out. In. It was hard to concentrate on breathing when her shoulder hurt so bad… Out. In. Out. In-

“What’s wrong with you?” an irritated voice questioned. Ari said nothing, but kept up the act, refusing to look to the viscet who had addressed her. She kept her eyes trained on the ground, focusing on taking one step after the other, ignoring all urges to face her questioner. When the female viscet didn’t respond, another male swiped his claws across her muzzle. Ari forced herself to ignore the sharp sting of her sliced skin.

“Lin asked you a question,” he growled, bringing his face down to her level. “Answer.”

Suddenly, she stopped, startling the viscets around her. She rolled her eyes back and relaxed her muscles, letting her body fall sideways and thump to the ground. With a final heaving breath, she closed her eyes. It wasn’t too hard to fake fainting, especially with how tired she already was.

Ari heard one of the viscets curse loudly.

“Great, now you two have gone and made her hyperventilate herself to death,” another accused scornfully.

“She’s fine.”

Ari recognized that voice as Lin’s. She felt a hard kick to her flank, and someone huff.

“Looks pretty dead to me.”

“She’s not dead,” Lin snapped. “She’s just unconscious, but it doesn’t matter. If anything it makes our job easier. Mishka, Raven, pick her up.” His commanding voice made Ari want to flinch back. The two viscets who Lin had ordered shouldered Ari’s body onto the two of them in an uncomfortable position, with her two front legs over the first’s back, and her back ones over the second’s, leaving her mid-section to dangle between them.

The party continued walking(not without some annoyed grumbles from the others), and Ari let herself be bounced around for a few minutes longer, until she was completely certain the males had let down their guard. Without warning, she rolled off Mishka's and Raven’s backs and sprang to life, turning tail and bounding down the alleyway before any of Deste’s followers could even blink.

Not waiting for them to give chase, Ari dashed through the narrow streets, dodging small puddles of murky water and rotting crates. She had to bite back a cry every time her muscles contracted, her injured shoulder screaming as she worked it harder than ever before.

Trying to locate where she was was almost useless now, so she abandoned the thought as she turned into a sharp 90 degree corner. Dead end. Ari’s escape now seemed hopeless with the solid brick wall less than a hundred feet from her. She would die here and waste away in the dark. The loud shouts and yells of the gang members, and possible Deste himself, were already so close despite Ari’s head start. She had to make a decision. Now.

Cursing herself for what she was about to do, Ari jumped onto the nearest crate, and using her momentum, leaped towards the wall of the dead end. She hooked her claws into the uneven brick as she came down, hissing as they were jerked painfully by her own body weight. Despite her mind wanting to succumb to her exhaustion, she started climbing, the top within a paw’s reach when guns started firing behind her.

“No, you fools! You can’t shoot her now!” Deste’s furious wail was too late, and the others immediately realized their mistake. Bullets pinged and bounced off the enclosed space, going completely rogue and hitting anything and anyone that happened to be in their path. Ari grimaced at their stupidity; any self-respecting gunsman should have known that shooting in a place like this could get them and their comrades killed.

Using the panic and distraction to her advantage, Ari lifted a paw up and over the top of the wall. She dug her claws into the hard surface, and with the aid of her adrenaline, heaved herself over the brink. She could hear Deste shouting for someone to climb up after her, but she supposed that several of his followers were hurt or dead because of their fatal mistake.
Ari had to keep moving. She wasn’t safe yet, not while she was still in Roakin. Her legs shaking like twigs in a windstorm, Ari stood up and started moving across the rooftops, heading for the outskirts of the city, where there were more places to hide. She never looked back, even when the shouts were lost in the bustle of the city and she knew that she was far from the danger.

Houses were starting to become sparse, and it was becoming increasingly hard to jump from one roof to another, especially with an injured leg. Reluctantly, Ari moved to the edge of the rooftop she was on, and dropped to the ground. She sucked in a breath as her sudden loss of movement jolted her damaged shoulder. Her exhaustion was so overwhelming that she could barely stand, but she forced herself to continue onwards. Spots were already starting to appear in her vision, making it harder to see where she was placing her paws with every step.

Ari could feel her consciousness fading, but she fought it violently as she glanced around for a place to hide. She spotted a large tree with a small rock outcropping not too far away, and dragged herself over to it before collapsing behind the cover. She was still too close to Roakin to be truly safe, but at the moment, it didn’t really matter. If she had the choice, she would have picked a place to stop that was much farther from the city, but her body and mind were too tired to take another step. She had an overpowering desire to just relax and sleep, but she knew that if she did, then she would be even more vulnerable than she already was.

Ari took a deep breath, letting the sharp scent of mountain grass fill her lungs. That was a close call. Too close. She would be more wary next time; she had to be.

Next time? Would there even be a next time? Should there be one? Ari rolled over onto her chest, her nose lowered into the grass. A light breeze made the grass sway, tickling her nose and brushing against her fur. Why was she doing this? Ari fought the urge to close her eyes. Was she really so confused that she would purposely go searching for danger? Granted, if she knew how much trouble this whole situation would have been before, she would have never gotten herself into it in the first place. But did that really matter?

She could keep doing this, searching for something challenging and exciting to keep herself from going crazy, raising the stakes higher and higher each time until finally, it would be too much. The thought of what she had been doing scared her now. Was she really to the point that she would do something so extreme just to escape her own thoughts?

No. Ari wasn’t dead, and that is what mattered. Immediately, she shoved away all of her previous thoughts. I’m alive, and I’ll learn from my mistakes so something like this won’t happen again. I’m strong. I can do this. Some small parts of her still doubted, but she blocked them out, once again mentally building a wall of her own confidence around herself. Whatever problems she had, she would sort them out later. Tomorrow's thrills were what she lived for.

(Words - 2827)




Thoughts wrote:
Oh my heavens I'm so nervous everybody's forms are so good aaaaaa
I'm honestly so in love with this viscet's design <3
I wanted to do so much more with this post, but with the amount of things going on in my town with the eclipse coming up, it's been so hard to make time to do the things that I want. Despite that, I'm still happy how this came out!
Wings and flight have always been my favorite things (along with space), and because of that, I connect on a personal level with this particular viscet. Although she is nothing like me, she is more of a person that was based off one of my characteristics and I let it go from there. I'm super excited for anyone who wins this gorgeous 'cet, and I hope you love them as much as I do! :)
Last edited by Matreats on Sun Aug 20, 2017 4:59 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Viscet #1688 — Air

Postby Abraxis » Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:41 pm

username: Abraxis
name: Ariel
theme song: Bring It by Trapt
This is her theme song because, she loves facing challenges, and finding ways to overcome them, so she can be even more unstoppable, powerful. Whenever she faces challenges whether they be easy or difficult, she is always saying "Bring it on" when she's facing opponents (especially powerful opponents) she says "So bring it on hotshot, lets see what your made of, show me what you can do, and il show you just what I am capable of" Just fits her continuous fighting spirit , so she went with it,

do they face any challenges? how do they overcome their challenges?:

Ariel loves a good challenge in her everyday life. Though about the only challenges she actually faces are against her opponents, and rivals, whenever she is fighting. She loves getting cocky during some of her skirmish's, as to provoke her opponent she's always caught saying things like this, "Well, are you going to show me what your really capable of, or are you just going to play suppresser" since she loves facing opponents when they are their highest form of power.

She gets a thrill, tons of excitement from facing opponents that are stronger than her. Once she had to deal with the legendary Drax in a one versus one sparing match to test her power. Now Drax he's rather conservative of his power, likes to hold back a lot. Now that doesn't mean he wont go all out if he needs to, cause he most definitely will if he needs to. In those moments when he needs to use more power, make no mistake he will exert more power, to negate, overpower, redirect his opponents attacks, he is an expert in strategic combat.

The entire time these two viscets are in fights, or even watching others fight they study their opponents how they move, fight, react to attacks, how much power they exert, how they think, etc. Now in her fight with Drax, she had to find a way to over power, or out pace him, cause she knew there was no way she was going to be able to out think him. Ever since she trained herself to better control her power, she has been out pacing every opponent she has ever came across. But just because you have speed on your side doesn't mean your always going to win, but at the same time can be strongest viscet alive, if you don't have enough speed, you wont be able to make contact with your opponent.

So in order to defeat Drax in their sparing match, she decided to focuse on maintaining her speed while increasing her power, by concentrating, condensing all of the air around her paw, to allow her to hit harder than she ever has before. Sometimes she uses her wing like ears to fly (wich she also did against Drax), become faster than she is on the ground, thus increasing her speed several times over.

She only uses those two technics combined if she knows theirs no other way to win. Out of all of her opponents Drax is the first to actually survive that kind of attack, since they were only sparing. She stopped her advance when Drax called "Alright, Ariel I accept my defeat". Confused Ariel stops moving using her ears to stay airborne, crosses her arms, says "You accept defeat? You knew the moment this technic made contact with you, you'd lose anyway didn't you?" Nodding his head in agreement "Yes, the moment you started condensing the air around your paws, and the second you went airborne, I knew I had little chance to win. However, I've also noticed your not at your full power yet. If you'd like I can teach you. Help you become stronger than you can ever imagine." Ariel accepts his offer, becomes one of his students. Within the course of just a week, reaches a power she's been trying to reach for over thirteen years. Some say "once Ariel goes airborne, theirs very little anyone can do to stop her", since if she wants to, can move faster than the eye can comprehend. Thus making her appear to vanish, when she is actually just moving faster than her opponents can see.

(605 words)
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Re: Viscet #1688 — Air

Postby magpiemochi. » Sat Aug 19, 2017 7:56 am

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Re: Viscet #1688 — Air

Postby magpiemochi. » Sun Aug 20, 2017 2:16 pm

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Re: Viscet #1688 — Air

Postby magpiemochi. » Sun Aug 20, 2017 5:06 pm

okay! I'm officially closing this at 1:30am. Any edits that need to be made, please make them now! Any edits made after 1:30am will disqualify you!

okie dokie! this is now closed for judging. I can't promise it won't take a while though!! These forms are frickin amazing <33 Definitely going to have a handful of judges help me with this one. Thank you all for entering!!

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Re: Viscet #1688 — Air

Postby lex » Sun Aug 20, 2017 5:32 pm

marking to see the winner <3
just kidding im back a little
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Re: Viscet #1688 — Air

Postby Vixen Luo » Sun Aug 20, 2017 5:34 pm

    good luck peeps!!! >o<
    please stop asking me to give you my viscets. thank you!
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Re: Viscet #1688 — Air

Postby ShrimpnamedLuka » Sun Aug 20, 2017 5:37 pm

marking to see winner ;0;
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