☀ The Sanctuary ☀ teens with powers ☀ Closed!

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Once the drama cools down a bit, want a timeskip?

Yes, skip to when the FIRST army is arriving at the Sanctuary. But have the other armies arrive pretty quickly after the first.
Yes, skip to when the LAST army finally arrives at the Sanctuary.
Total votes : 10

Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon Jul 24, 2017 10:53 am

Birvale Forest

Darius gave Kale the most charming smile he could come up with. It was more crooked and sly than anything handsome-looking, well that was what other people said about his sharklike grin. Darius thought they were pretty stupid. Sharks were cool. So Darius was cool and his smile was dazzling. Enough said.
He just wanted these kiddos to trust him. Was that too much to ask? He was no different from them, well except for his bad work ethic and his attitude. But hey. Who were they to judge? They were all spoiled little princesses who got preferential treatment. Darius on the other hand, he worked for Alastair. Judgement from all sides.
"Don't worry bro, wouldn't dream of it." Darius chuckled when Kale threatened something about what would happen if he disrespected Amber. Now, Darius hadn't actually disrespected Amber in particular in the Clock Tower. Mostly it was Ivana, who wore those pretty dresses and walked in that girly way. Being rude was kind of how he flirted with 'normal people', so these losers needed to shut up. Darius just wanted to get to the Sanctuary and find Regina. He had been in love with the tall, blonde beauty since the day she arrived in Parliament. Annoying Ivana was just a funny pasttime.
Darius honestly saw Regina as some kind of goddess, beyond human beauty. He would dream of her every night, and if he didn't, he would rewrite his dream so she appeared. Mostly it was stuff like overthrowing Alastair and ruling the throne together. They would be so powerful, they would control the sun and moon together once they took down Luno. And Darius would give his beautiful Queen the first choice.
"Lead the way, Soare," Darius said to Amber with a lopsided grin. He hoped the screaming was coming from the Sanctuary. Had Regina already killed that traitorous old Loony and his annoying son? Darius hoped at least Cilan was left alive for him to kill personally. Hopefully the others wouldn't get in the way. People like that needed to be dealt with. Honestly, Darius and Regina would make much better world leaders of Hesenia. And that was him being humble about their power.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby TheFae » Mon Jul 24, 2017 12:07 pm

17 going on ...
Location: Celestial Tower
Tagged: Clove

Jonah smiled at her teasing, loving how they could just be themselves when they were together. "You do have much better territory than she does. I mean, who else gets the pleasure of protecting a ruggedly handsome male?" He smiled, bopping her nose, and then grabbing her hand.
"I have this great book series you'll like. Fighting, strong feminine character who is a complete badas- I mean Alpha." He smiled, correcting himself at the last second. He then pulled her along until they were in the library, which had more books than Jonah would ever be able to read.
"I'll just get you a pile of books, in case you don't like a few of my picks." He smiled, dropping her hand. "I'll be back lickety split!" Jonah then disappeared into the stacks.

Location: Birvale Beach
Tagged: Solara and the rest of her friends

Sorcha's blood was only running hotter as she guided Solara back to camp. She was so weakened from her recent rebirth, she was barely able to be heard. Sorcha immediately had her arms blaze with her fire, trying to think thoughts that would only make her flames hotter.
"We'll get you better. We're almost back at camp." Sorcha murmured, head snapping to the screams in the distance. She then saw three figures run towards it, and she knew it was Amber. She would stay behind and help the rest of the others, protecting them and trying to redeem herself. She had failed big time, but she would repay her debt even if it meant dying.
Sorcha stumbled back into camp with Solara, and she gently put the taller woman down on a log. She then grabbed a few sticks and put them in the center of the circle and set it aflame.
"I will gather more wood. She needs body heat, so cuddle or let her hold you." Sorcha instructed, her basic needs for survival starting to kick in. She then went back into the forest, searching for a ton of wood.
Sorcha had a feeling she was going to need to build a pyre.

Location: Camp then Sanctuary
Tagged: Her Pack, then her missing Family

Amber's blood was singing with the need to protect, and she was ready to fry Darius. He hasn't really disrespected her, per say, but he has disrespected her sister.
"We'll always be careful." Amber smiled at Waverly, hugging him from the side. She then heard Kale sticking up for her, and she couldn't help but smile. He was definitely a good pack member, perhaps a dominant one at that.
"I am going towards the screaming." Amber answered Kale's first question, but then she contemplated the next one. "There is safety in numbers. You may join me." As much as she wanted him to stay here with the rest of the group, she might need him. If something happened to her, she would need him to return and get the group away from there. She knew Darius would never follow through, so Kale was the best bet.
"Let's go." Amber stated, turning and starting to run towards the screaming. She just hoped everyone could keep up.

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Cilan and Everyone Else

Flynn was going to support Cilan in whatever he did. And when Cilan dropped to his knees as Agatha disintegrated, Flynn rushed to his side, sliding in. He gave his friend a once-over, worried that he was hurt physically.
"I know my mother would be wrecking havoc upon the world. Your mother would probably be protecting us, like she normally does." Flynn murmured, his blood boiling. "But she's not here, and neither is your mother." He didn't say it to be mean, but someone needed to step up and take control before everything spiraled out of control. He had the utmost respect for Solara, and the fact that she wasn't here worried him.
"You're the next one the leadership falls too. So what are we going to do, Alpha?" Flynn asked, turning to his Alpha. If anyone dared try to defy Cilan, he would bring them to their knees. Flynn's emotions were off the charts, but his main priority was helping his Alpha.

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: The Imbeciles, the Omega, and her Prince-Consort

Regina noticed Mayne was rubbing her back as she vomitted. After a few moments, Regina's stomach had calmed down from all of her fake crying and sobbing. She probably looked blotchy and hideous, but it didn't matter. She wasn't trying to impress anyone here.
"Thank you, Mayne." She rasped, wiping at her mouth. Regina looked around, only to find Cilan on his knees and Xia stripping out of her armor then walking away. She didn't care about Xia. Let her drown.
"So what are we going to do, Alpha?" Flynn asked, looking directly at the kneeling Cilan. Regina lost control for a moment.
"We leave this cursed place and get more numbers! Only a fool would stay here." She snarled, taking a step forward. "There is nothing left of this place, and we need as many allies as we can get." She wanted to take out Cilan now. She saw how Flynn was acting with him, how Mayne and Timpani respected him. Cilan would be a forced to be reckoned with if he was King, and she had to make sure he would never be King. She was straying so far from her original plan, that she was thoroughly confused on how to proceed. She opened her mouth to snarl more when three new figures emerged from the trees. Eyes of gold and silver met her own, and Regina cursed in her mind.
Amber Soare was alive, and she was here, in the Sanctuary. Her eyes roamed over the next person, a cute looking boy with eyes of brightest green. He looked fun to play with, but her thoughts stopped when the last person walked in. His sharklike smile that was all perfect white teeth, those captivating teal eyes, the perfect brown hair: Darius Winters. The boy of her dreams, the one she would never betray. Unless it was for a good reason.
"What were you just saying, Regina? Something about how Cilan is not a capable leader?" Amber practically purred, having already surveyed the clearing. Regina wanted Darius away from her. She knew all about Amber, how she would take control of a situation and become a tyrant when stressed. How Amber could make someone turn into ash, almost as powerful as the Timekeeper himself.
"It's nice to see you too, Sparky." Regina sneered, glancing at Darius once more. She then realized she must have looked a mess and for the first time in her life, she was extremely self-conscious. She ran her hands through her hair and wiped her mouth once more, making sure all vomit was gone. She finally had a confidant, someone she could rely on and help her.
"Just for the record, Cilan is a Prince in his own right. Anyone who does not listen to him, or challenges his power are fools and after they finish answering to him, they will answer to me." Amber declared, subtly claiming her title of Royal Guard. Amber's eyes then landed on Flynn and Cilan, and Regina saw something inside of her break. Tears weld up in her enemy's eyes, and Regina smirked.
"Oh, you didn't know they survived? I thought someone told you?" Regina taunted, smiling like a cat. Flynn's eyes then landed on Regina, fury making them glow brightly.
"Let me catch you all up. Solara abandoned us, multiple times, Luno just died, and I killed Agatha. Flynn is now a wolf, just like his girlfriend who used to be Cilan's girlfriend. Said girlfriend, named Mal, would kill Cilan whenever she was frustrated. Jennifer is a hot-headed fire wielder who forced Gavotte, Cilan's cousin I believe, into a relationship. Xia lost the only person who had ever loved her, and decided to throw a petty tantrum and declare that no one else had it harder than her, which is still bull by the way. Mayne and Timpani are in a relationship, but I ignore them most of the time since nothing happens. Hmmm, what else. Oh there are these weird new people whose family name doesn't really matter, and I just ignore them." Regina smiled, strutting forward despite Flynn's snarling. Amber's eyes were conveying nothing.
"Cilan here has only died and came back, and has done nothing else of use. So tell me, oh great intelligent one, why he is qualified to be a great leader?" Regina taunted, crossing her arms and stepping forward.
"That is not the full story-" Flynn started to growl, but Amber just cut him a glance. He promptly stopped, and Regina smiled wider. The Tyrant was already starting to spread her wings and grow her horns.
"He is a great leader because he cares for the wellbeing of his people over the wellbeing of himself." Amber smoothly replied, walking forward. She passed Regina and went straight to Cilan. She grabbing his hand, and helped him stand up. Amber hugged Cilan briefly, obviously not saying everything she wanted to say. Her eyes then cut back to Regina with enough ice in them, she could have froze Solara's fire.
"He is infinitely times the person you are, and he will be the best King Hesenia has ever seen." She stated with such confidence, even Regina believed her for a moment. Amber then turned towards Cilan and kneeled on one knee while bowing her head.
"I, Amber Fey Soare, pledge my fidelity to the Prince of Hesenia, son to the Moon and Sun. My live is his to do as he sees fit, and my loyalty will be unwavering until the day I die." She boldly declared. She then bared her neck to Cilan, and Regina's mouth dropped open. She knew of the weird Soare customs. They only bared their necks to people who they thought were their superiors. Regina backed up until she was next to Darius, and she reached out and brushed his fingers with her own.
She had her ally, and now Hesenia will fall, starting with the Soares.

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for the strength of the pack is the wolf,
and the strength of the
wolf is the pack.

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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon Jul 24, 2017 1:21 pm

[Replying to Fae later! I won't be on tomorrow.]

The Underworld

Azuline chuckled, hiding her discomfort. "Many men. I was one of Alastair's soldiers. Kidnapped into the system actually. They wanted me because of my bloodline probably."
There was no use whining about her past. She had to face her mistakes and be courageous. If she was going to be a coward, then she was a hypocrite. She hated those fools who ran away from all conflict. They were her favorite types to beat up and shove in a ditch to be rained on.
A wicked smile formed on the redheaded girl's face. "I'd love to mess with those idiots and give them revenge. They have been nothing but trouble."


The Desert

Acacia brushed her messy hair out of the deep cut along her forehead. Hair care was not among the spearwoman's priorities. She was rather incompetent at even a simple ponytail, which was why her hair continuously spilled out of it. Often it was worse after a fight and she forgot to fix it.
She had considered cutting it short, but there was some sentimental value about her hair. For some reason, even though the rest of her seemed mostly dead, her hair continued to grow at a slow pace. Acacia hadn't cut it since her 'death'. Its length reminded her of how long she had 'lived' like this.
How long ago she had murdered her own father.
Peregrine's antics snapped her out of her thoughts. The boy stumbled forward to catch a waterskin, and put too much effort into catching it. He clung onto it for dear life, but fell over and got a faceful of sand.
"Haha thanff Vaxaff!" Peregrine mumbled, then spat out a mouthful of sand. He quickly opened it up and drank all the contents, gulping it down without stopping for breath. He then got to his feet, looking completely energized for a moment before he clutched his stomach. "I think I drank too much. Sorry."
"You can ride on my back again," Acacia offered.
"I can walk, but thank you ma'am." Peregrine actually managed to meet her eyes and smile. He quickly looked away though and walked on, sticking close to Vaxas.
Acacia looked down at Blythe, who was still unconscious. It would be best if they returned to camp as soon as possible, before his condition worsened somehow.


Capital City

Something was happening at the Clock Tower. Alastair could hear enraged yelling, along with a sound that resembled thunder and lightning. He broke into a run as fast as he could. It sounded like a storm, one born from a violent clash against Vulcana and Albina, like the battles of old that nearly tore Hesenia apart. Those fights had spawned death and evil for the first time. Zelkova, the reaper, was the far lesser of two evils. Agatha on the other hand...
It sounded like she was destroying the entire tower. Was Alastair too late? He quickened his pace, regretting not bringing his sword. He would have liked to take revenge for everything Agatha did to him.
The screaming and horrible noise died to silence as Alastair finally reached the tower. Now someone was crying in the back. Alastair walked around the curved walls, until he reached Adam Lin. He was kneeling over-
Oh Livius no.
Alastair was too late. The Timekeeper's wife and youngest child had been viciously slaughtered, staining the faded yellowish grass with splatters of bright red. Adam was sobbing uncontrollably, sparks dancing an aimless path off his body and fizzling to their deaths on the ruined grass.
This was a bad time. Alastair would give Adam a moment, and come back soon. He turned to leave.
"Don't walk away, Alastair Brown." Adam turned around and fixed the king with an electrifying glare. His hands lit up with deadly arcs of electricity flaring between them. "Unless you want to leave Hesenia without a king right now, you should start explaining yourself."
Alastair sighed softly. He would have to tell the truth and face up to his mistakes. If he lied, he would end up destroying himself even worse. There was no outwitting the Timekeeper.
"I should not have allowed my assassins to do as they please. I allowed Darius to come here, but I found out he wanted to betray your family. I came to stop him. Mr. Lin, I'm sorry I did not get here in time." Alastair found it extremely hard to apologize, even at a time like this. He had to dig his nails into his palms.
"Does Darius use a sword?" Adam demanded. "Come closer and take a look, Alastair."
Alastair stepped forward without fear. Even though Adam had just lost his family, Alastair was not bowing to some librarian looking white-collar civilian. He was the King. The Timekeeper was lucky he was still alive at this point, for his insolence and horrible attitude.
As he drew close, however, Alastair began to understand why Adam was acting this way. The bodies had been slashed with straight, bold marks that must have been made with a sword. The King's temper flared. How dare Darius attempt to frame this on him? There would be bloody death for this. The traitorous little twerp just wanted to cause anarchy, didn't he. Just like those irritating kids who caused trouble constantly for him. No. He was worse than even Mallory Everton.
Alastair then saw something that made the scene worse. An arrow shaft still embedded in Clair Lin's head. It looked as if someone had pulled it out in a hurry, trying to hide the evidence, and snapped the shaft while trying to remove it completely. He knelt down to take a closer look.
"What are you doing." Adam demanded with gritted teeth.
"Have you seen this?" Alastair carefully tilted Clair's limp head to the side. Adam seemed about to murder him, but the electricity died from his hands when he saw the arrow shaft. Alastair knew he could prove his innocence now. Everyone knew he hated ranged weapons.
"Keep your hands off. I'll remove it," Adam told him sternly.
Alastair held his hands in the air and stepped back, allowing the Timekeeper to do the work. He was honestly using so much effort to hold his anger back. He could not stand Adam or his bratty daughters. Although he did feel bad for the sorry state of their family, it didn't make Adam entitled to disrespect his King.
Once Adam had pulled out the arrow shaft, he wiped it on his already dirty shirt and examined it closely. "I've seen this before," He muttered.
Alastair's gut twisted with uneasiness. "Hand that over."
Adam clenched his jaw, but gave Alastair the broken arrow. The King had a sinking feeling as he recognized the ornate shape of the arrowhead, a dainty four-pointed star. He cleaned it off further, only to see the tip was made from expensive silver. This was his wife's arrow.
"Atalanta," Alastair growled. His voice seemed to have dropped an octave.
"What do you mean?"
"To think my own wife would betray us like this." Alastair's grip tightened until he snapped the broken arrow into several more pieces. He was upset beyond words. As furious as he appeared, he was more hurt than angry. Now he had nobody in his family who supported him. His daughter was dead and hated him beyond the grave. His son had never liked him. And his wife had turned traitor against the whole kingdom.
Alastair never truly loved her. He only married her because of his parents' final wish for him. This proved that Atalanta never loved him back, either. As selfish as it was, he was still upset that she had deserted him.
Adam had fallen silent. The 'brainy Timekeeper' finally understood, didn't he. Still, Alastair felt the need to explain. Just to show Adam that he wasn't as smart as everyone thought he was.
"Atalanta did this. She tried to frame the deaths on me by slashing their bodies with a sword," Alastair told Adam, purposely not using the words 'my wife' or 'my Queen'.
The sound of crackling electricity grew louder.
"I had these arrows custom made for her. No one else owns these," Alastair explained as calmly as he could. Both of them were trying not to blow up at each other, but it was difficult. Clearly the Timekeeper despised the King as much as the King despised the Timekeeper. They would never be friends, Alastair was sure of that. But he needed Adam to understand. Hesenia would fall into more despair if their electricity or their ruler disappeared, either of them.
"Are you going to do anything?" Adam challenged him.
Alastair almost punched the fool in the face right there, but he took a deep breath and paused before speaking. "Yes. The punishment for treason is death."
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( ──── ♛, ❝ i don't wanna fall, fall away !! ❞

Postby hellb0und » Mon Jul 24, 2017 3:43 pm

        ( ) - - JENNIFER
        [ name jennifer dire age sixteen powers fire manipulation and accuracy crush gavotte tags gavotte ]

          Jennifer was about to respond to Anna when all hell broke loose. The high pitched screams of Regina could be heard further off, although grew louder as she came closer. The blonde came charging into the clearing and began going on about how Agatha had killed Luno. She didn't know how to react, because she had an unmistakable hatred for both Solara and Luno. This had not meant she liked King Alastair in any way. She had her own rebellion. What the Celestial Couple had done was save their own skin, hiding while everyone else got destroyed. That was when Agatha's nefarious cackle echoed throughout the clearing, but quickly ended as she was slaughtered by Regina. Her scythe struck Agatha's neck and her head battered the ground. She ran over and began puking while crying, Mayne immediately comforting her. Regina's act quickly dropped when Flynn asked Cilantro what they should do, and she began acting as though she was the leader. Jennifer did agree with her, why would they stay here? This place no longer held any sort of blessing, which was rather obvious by the darkness that had since settled over the area. That was when a small group entered the clearing, and the only one she could recognize was Amber Soare. That was when Regina and Amber began brawling, immediately Jennifer caught Regina's comment about her. She was about to reply when the female continued. Suddenly Amber got down and one knee and bore her neck, which was rather odd. It must mean something big considering it even shut Regina up. She had enough of this bull, and was more than ready to turn everyone and everything here to ash. Jen walked away towards the tree, where she found Gavotte still asleep. Planting a still burning hand on his shoulder she shook him. She'd have to explain the recent events to him once he was awake.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby SunnyJustice » Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:21 am

"Nobody gets you because you're mine." Clotilda crackled her knuckles with a wicked grin. She was superior over all the Generals put together, and also much better at protecting people. Just because the Generals were bigger didn't mean they were better. Yes, even Lanette was taller. Clove was actually 5'3"-point-something tall, but she rounded up to 5'4" because the 'point-something' had to count for something. It made her mad because her mom was a ridiculous giant, and her little baby brother was approaching her height (probably).
Clove had finally figured out why she wasn't a phoenix. If she was one, then clearly she would be too powerful. She would give General Ada a run for her money.
Once they entered the library, she flopped down on the nearest couch. This place had the most comfy seating. "Great! I hope you're talking about the series I'm thinking of," She said. The only reason she hadn't bought copies of all those books during her lifetime, was because she was pretty sure a bad word appeared at one point. Cilan would see it and start saying it. Clotilda really had a baby brother. He was so annoying.
Now that she was ninety-nine percent certain she had Luno powers, she decided to tune in on Cilan. Xia had probably calmed down and shut up. Clotilda reclined on the couch with a big grin. She couldn't wait to spy on her brother. She closed her eyes and focused on his irritating face...
What the actual Underworld?
A huge fight was breaking out in the Sanctuary, which looked so destroyed. The moon no longer shone and everything was dark. The plants appeared to have been burned up, probably by that blonde teenager Jennifer. Everyone was taking sides and Regina wanted to leave.
"No you idiots! You can't leave!" Clotilda silently yelled at them. She knew they would not hear her. None of them had a connection with her that was strong as...
... As strong as her connection with Cilan.
"Cilan! Can you hear me?" Clove tried again, focusing on him. She had to tell him everything. He didn't know enough information to stand a chance against Regina's arguments, which was Clotilda's fault. Yes, for once she wasn't gonna pin the blame on somebody else.
She should have told him she was notifying all the Generals to find the Sanctuary. She should have told him that Solara was coming to find him, and she was almost home. She should have told her brother everything.
It was too late for regrets now. But never too late to make amends.


Waverly nodded at Amber and hugged her back. He knew she would be alright. Once she left, though, he honestly felt tense and on edge. He was grateful when Sorcha arrived back at their makeshift camp with Queen Solara. The girl's arms were ablaze, but the flames didn't harm her or even her clothes. It was impressive she was supporting the Queen's weight on her shoulders. Waverly didn't know how to fight. Having a strong and brave soldier like Sorcha on guard made him feel a lot better. Solara, on the other hand, didn't seem to be in great shape. Sorcha sat her down on a log, and the Queen said something Waverly couldn't quite hear. From reading her lips, she appeared to be thanking the young soldier. She was so quiet.
"Are you alright, y-your majesty?" Waverly asked her gently as Sorcha kindled the fire. He instinctively snapped to attention as she started giving instructions. Sorcha had natural authority in her voice. Waverly nodded quickly, but he wished she wouldn't leave. He wouldn't protest against orders though. At least the others were here, and most of them knew how to fight. Ivana was still unconscious on the ground and Solara seemed to be concerned for her. This gave Waverly an idea.
He shakily rose to his feet. The blood immediately rushed into his legs, and he stumbled, barely catching Fern's shoulder. "Sorry," He murmured softly as he righted himself. The redhead boy went to Ivana's side and knelt down, first making sure she was alive. He was so worried too. Fortunately she did have a pulse, and she was breathing fine. He slid his arms under her and tried to stand up.
Waverly expected this to be impossible, but Ivana was a lot lighter than he thought. He lifted her with great effort, but at least he could pick her up. Trembling from the exertion, he half stumbled over to Solara's log. The Queen took Ivana into her arms and cradled her like a tiny child. Her expression seemed to shift slightly. She still appeared very troubled, but she seemed to have calmed down a little.
Waverly felt better too, but he was still shaking. He sat down at Solara's feet and leaned against her leg like a cat, expecting her to be very warm and comfortable. He practically froze with horror as he realized how cold she was. Colder than Waverly himself, who had just come out of the ocean.
Waverly didn't feel like he was living in Hesenia anymore. His family was dead, and everything familiar was gone. Now they lived in a world where the sky was always dark, and even the sun was cold to the touch.


Cilan took deep breaths as he listened to Flynn's words. He was thankful for his friend's unwavering loyalty. The Adamsons and Soares had always been like family. Speaking of which, as childish as it sounded, the phoenix just wanted a hug from his mom right now.
Their journey had proven that nobody would get what they wanted. None of them would be able to rest. Not until Agatha was dead, and peace had returned to Hesenia.
And Cilan was determined to make that happen.
He had regained his composure, and he was about to announce his plan to rebuild this place. There was a burning feeling in his heart, now that he had seen Agatha with his own eyes. Danger was closer than ever. If Cilan's father couldn't even protect them, then Cilan would do it himself. He needed everyone's support first.
Support was not the first thing he received.
Regina started screaming her own orders to leave, her voice a harsh and furious snarl. Gone was her facade of trauma after Luno's death. She wasn't even making an effort to hide her extreme rage.
Cilan tilted his head up, facing Regina calmly. And then someone entered the clearing.
Someone he never expected to see again.
"This is not goodbye forever. I'm still your Royal Guard. I still have to protect my prince don't I?"
"I'll always be your prince. I'm going to b-be a good boy so I can be king one day."

Cilan could not even bring himself to speak her name. He swore his heart had stopped, but somehow he was still standing. He was still here. Amber was still here.
"Always together, always forever, right?"
"... Always."

Darius easily ran alongside the brunette girl, feeling superior and powerful even as she pulled him along. Everyone here was a snooty little child. Darius would never bow to anyone except his future Queen.
They entered a clearing with a bunch of other annoying teenagers swarming around. All fighting and bickering like normal whiny kids- totally not cool. Darius didn't want to babysit. He was gonna get the disgrace outta here, as soon as Amber got her dirty hands off him. Maybe he would kill some of these dweebs to shut them up. His smile was more predatory than ever, until he heard Amber say Regina's name.
His smirk widened, but there was awe in his eyes as they landed upon the tall beauty. His eyes traced her beautiful hourglass figure up to her gorgeous face. Darius considered everyone beneath him, except her. He wanted Regina to be his Queen. They would rule the world side by side, and be the best monarchs Hesenia had ever seen. They could fix all the mistakes of Solara and Luno, of Alastair and Atalanta. Darius would build Regina a beach resort that would compare to her own beauty, which was unparalleled by any human being. He would bring her the sun and moon from the sky, if she wanted them. He would even cook for her every day.
Regina greeted Amber with pride in her voice. That's my girl, Darius thought. His hungry eyes took in every inch of her, from her graceful hands to her baby blue eyes. She was far superior to Amber, that little brat who was now back-talking the future Queen. How dare she!
Of course, Regina stayed calm and collected. Her poise matched her hourglass physique and stunning smile. She was far superior to Amber in maturity, leadership, and of course beauty. Darius ignored the whining little Soares as he listened intently to all Regina had to say. She was dissing these pathetic kids. Serves them right for being irritating. Darius hadn't even met them, and he already knew he hated these annoying little brats.
Amber was saying nonsense about this one shorter boy, calling him a great leader and future King. Darius just snorted with laughter. That little thing, a King? What a hilarious joke! That was Darius' rightful throne, and these little kids better know it. He was certainly not forfeiting to little ants who were half his size.
Amber was saying some dramatic crap while bowing stupidly, and showing off her neck. What was even her problem? Soares and Adamsons were so weird. Darius didn't understand them, nor did he want to. He just smirked mockingly towards the idiots. All of a sudden he realized Regina was walking backwards towards him. He had this great view of her perfect hair, her flowing blonde locks that cascaded down her shoulders like waterfalls of liquid gold.
She extended an elegant hand and touched his fingers. Darius took her hand like the charming gentleman he clearly was. Emboldened, with pounding heart, he prepared to take a stand.

Timpani had followed Mayne, and now was standing behind him, both hands on his shoulders. She did not approve of this ridiculous behavior coming from everybody around her. Regina and Darius were spouting accusations. Although some of the words held truth, it seemed like the blonde was just looking for a fight. Everyone appeared to be escalating the argument, intentionally or not.
Timpani sighed. She had just broken up one fight. Now they were at it again. At least Xia had gone to the lake, and wouldn't get involved this time. Rowan was still on his knees, and appeared to be cowering. He was behind Regina and Darius and had gone completely unnoticed. He probably wanted to stay that way.
So who was gonna play the hero? The obvious answers.
"You good to break up another fight, kitten?" Timpani asked the smaller boy, rubbing his slender shoulders with her broad, surprisingly gentle hands. "I'm with you all the way."

Gavotte woke with a start as unbearable heat touched him. He flinched away, swatting at his burning shoulder. The flames wouldn't go out, so he dropped to the ground and rolled to stifle them.
He sat back up. Although his expression was calm, he was very upset. The sleeve of his t-shirt had been scorched to nothing, and a raw patch of burnt skin showed underneath. Jen was at his tree, and had come to wake him up. Everyone was fighting and arguing. There seemed to be more people than before.
Gavotte sighed and rose to his feet. The grass beneath was completely dead. Most of it was burned up, and the rest had simply wilted helplessly. The moon no longer shone overhead. The silver glow that once bathed the Sanctuary was gone. Gavotte looked from Jen, to the fight.
"Thank you for waking me up. Do you want to go somewhere quiet and talk?" He asked her calmly. Staying here with everyone screaming and battling would not help anyone. It would probably make Jen angry too and things would get worse. Once Gavotte understood, he could maybe help out.

Cilan was still in shock at Amber's sudden appearance. He couldn't speak a word when she hugged him, then helped him to his feet. More so when she declared her eternal loyalty and bared her neck. He knew about this custom, but he had never personally seen it before. Cilan could confirm that his heart was one hundred percent not beating, and he was only here through pure determination.
He would not back down.
"No leader should get decided by blood," Darius spoke out. "Just 'cause you're Adamsons and Soares, doesn't give you an excuse to be high and mighty."
"Then what makes a leader?" Cilan asked him, having regained his voice. It didn't even waver. "I want to help people. I want to save the world. It's not about shouting orders at people and expecting them to obey. It's about love."
Darius just started laughing at him like he was a baby. Cilan wasn't sure what to say next. He knew they couldn't leave the Sanctuary until his mother returned. Cilan needed to know how to raise the sun again. They would be a beacon to everyone in the world who wanted to take a stand against Agatha. But how did he say this, and how would he argue?
"... Can you hear me? Cilan!"
It was his sister's voice. She wasn't here, but somehow she was speaking into his mind, the way Dad always would. Cilan had a feeling this stalemate would soon be over.
"The six armies of Hesenia are coming to the Sanctuary to help. Mother is almost there, and she's not alone. You just need to hold on," Clove told him quickly. Her sentences all ran together, but he could understand every word.
"We will stand our ground," Cilan said calmly. He spoke not only to Regina, but to everyone here. "As a phoenix, I speak with both the dead and living. My mother Solara is about to return, and others are coming to find us. Including the six Hesenian armies. We will not be alone in our fight against Agatha, and we will support each other the whole way."
'We will support each other'. Now that was an order.
"If anyone disagrees, feel free to leave. I won't stop you." Cilan realized then how much his voice sounded like his mother. "As for the rest of us, we will not let anything shake us. As soon as Solara is home, I'll raise the sun again."
Yes, he knew it for certain. He was ready and he knew exactly what to do.
"I am my mother's son."
He placed a gentle hand under Amber's chin and tilted her head up. "You and Hesenia have my loyalty and support forever, no matter how many deaths I die."
He almost choked on his own words, but he managed to keep his composure. He would save the tears for later (and he definitely had a lot of tears). He wouldn't let Regina and Darius see him cry.
"I'll stand by you until the sky falls, my friend and future Queen."
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby ~Rue~ » Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:27 am

Andy Imani || 17 year old male || weather manipulation
with: jade

I sigh in relief, I thought she might push me away but she accepts my hand and I give her a rare smile, Jade might not be like the tall and blond girls outside but to me she is more beautiful than all of them. I have more in common with her than them either because I would rather not be social with 20 other people.
"What do you want to do?" I ask. "maybe we could find books to read."

Anna Imani || 11 year old female || shapeshifting into small animals
with: xia

I don't know what even is wrong to make everybody start fighting again, at least Jen is not fighting this time but I guess Gavotte is the only person who can calm down Jen. I walk over the lake and sit down beside xia.I just give her a hug. No matter what Regina says I just feel bad for everybody now and i am so tired of them always fighting.

Kale Birch || 17 year old male || photosynthesis/light from hands
with: pack

I HATE DARIUS. I glare back at the taller boy hating his guts. I cant even control the light glowing from my hands because I am so angry and I just follow Amber. I like that she is giving Darus silent treatment because he deserves it. I will never forgive him for disrespecting my alpha he, will NOT get away with this.
"Thank you Amber." I say loyally shining my hands to the path in front of us so we can see better as we run, I run beside amber but a little bit behind her (knowing i am not the leader).
When we get to the clearing there are other people EVERYWHERE, Amber runs over to a black haired boy. It's the Prince Cilantro! I smile and run over to them , trying to ignore the annoying blondie girl who is screaming at everybody but I can't hold myself back when she , now joined by Darius starts dissing Solara and my friends.
"Shut up you traitor." I snap to Darius hating him more and more. I stand beside Amber and Cilan. "You heard them, we're staying right here and you can pack up and LEAVE if you have anything against them or their plans." I turn to Amber and Cilan , I bow my head so i am not showing off my height (taller than both Amber and Cilan and right now its making me uncomfortable). "I also promise to be loyal to you and Solara for ever. Nothing will make me doubt you or Mot-" I correct myself "Solara." I almost called her mother but I wont do that in front of these weirdos (not-dumb-but-just-RUDE blonde and the TRAITOR Darius).
I do see Solara as like a mom to me, more than my own mom who was nver there. I miss my mother and I still loved her but i always looked up to Solara. it is taking a lot of grit for me to not KILL the people who are disrespecting her. nobodoy talks trash about my mom. No matter what she did she must have had a reason, a good reason to protect people so these idiots can just shut up. I hate them so much.

Fern Birch || 16 year old female || photosynthesis/plant telepathy
with: pack

I frown hoping I didn't make celeste upset, she seems tense. I rub her back. "Hey are you ok?"
Sorcha comes back and start ordering us around. I sigh not liking this but she knows what to do but I don't so I just nod. "Sure buddy." I say.
I get really worried for Solara and the state of her, Waverly puts ivana in her arms and I go to help but the skinny boy already lifted her into Solara's arms. I didn't exepct this (no offense) I just thought Waverly was not that strong in the arms. He is leaning against her leg now. I turn to Celeste. "Cel let's hug the living DAYLIGHTS out of her, get it?" I joke trying to keep things light, I sit down on one side of Solara and put my arms around her.
"You're a good woman Solara." I say, not sure what to say, I just say the first thing that comes in my head. "You're a good mom, can I call you that? My brother always does even when I tell him that's weird. I just tease him ALL the time" I am rambling now ,and smiling widely, the way I do when I'm trying really hard to make sure things don't get too dark or depressing (I hate when that happens gaaahh)!
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby artemis, » Thu Jul 27, 2017 2:32 pm

      ♛ -- MALLORY ! !

      ( mallory everton ) - - ( cis female ) - - ( sixteen ) - - ( werewolf/animal telepathy ) - - ( tagging death )

        Mallory's eyes shot open, her pupils constricting from the act of waking. Her eyes darted around as she tried to get her bearings, though she knew where she was. Sitting up, she used her sleeve to wipe the cold sweat from her forehead. She felt different, although that came as no surprise to her considering what she had just been through. Without another thought, she got up. Just a nightmare. The court, the cabin.. it was not real. She thought with a slightly faltering breath. Shortly after, she laid back down though she could hear ruckus outside. Mallory was attempting to quietly catch her breath and steady the pounding of her heart. After a little while, she sat up and hurriedly wiped the dried tears from her face. She lowered her head slightly. But she felt weak, like she had just climbed a redwood tree with no breaks in between. Bringing her head back up, she was still trembling vaguely. That was easily one of the worst dreams she'd ever experienced, and she was careful to blink for too long, in fear of having to relive the nightmares that danced under her eyelids. However she felt confused. Surely she couldn't have just fainted right on the spot and had a terrifying dream? She was too relieved to be awake, though, to question the events as much as she would've in any other situation. Deciding it would be best to join the others, she got to her feet, however her legs felt like they could give way at any over-excertion. Sighing, she walked out of the cabin's entrance, though she felt something was wrong. Looking up, she could see the darkness that had engulfed everything in her sight, and she knew the light of the moon was created by none other than Luno's existence in Hesenia. If there was no light, there was no Luno. With that conclusion, she came to the painful realization he was gone. With a very sorrowful sigh, she turned the corner to the dreadful scene that had unfolded in her absence. Cilan looked like he had just took on every single evil being ever created, in addition to the shock of Amber's return. At this sight, she felt immediately unsure of what to do, so she walked as quietly as possible, up to Waverly. Seeing as he was leaning against Solara's leg, she had to bend down to make sure he heard her. "Umm... can you give me an update as to what has happened here?" She perplexed, her eyes still locked onto the entire event taking place before them. It did take her a little while to realize she hadn't recieved a reply, and that caused her to become even more worried. "Hello..?" She gulped. No answer. Panic began to rise in her stomach, and she had risen to find that nobody reacted to her movement, which did not surprise her one bit, if you were to consider the level of shock involved. She waved her hand in front of Waverly's face, seeing no reaction. "What the disgrace?!" She muttered with urgency, and her initial thought was morbid. I bet these nightmares aren't over yet. She thought. However everything felt so real, yet she didn't feel right. She walked in front of Cilan and Amber, recieving no retort. She then tried something else. Reaching her hand forward, she attempted to tap Amber's shoulder, and to her speculations, she did not recieve a reply. But Mallory's hand did not firmly touch Amber's shoulder. In fact, it slipped right through Amber! Panic was the only emotion that circled the girl's head, and she turned, the color draining from her face. She then dashed back to the cabin to find herself, laying there, motionless, on the ground. Wait.. this isn't happening.. she thought with anxiety. Soon, the truth hit her like a thousand arrows. Without a word, she almost choked on her own thoughts as she dropped near her lifeless vessel.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby honeybee. » Sat Jul 29, 2017 8:07 am

Grace laughed gleefully at the thought of the Royal family downing huge jugs of water in order to cool their tongues whilst she and Myrtle swirled beautiful bright colours across the walls. Then Alastair would need to sit down and hold court or whatever it was he did on his throne only a centipede would be sitting there instead. Thinking about it, a centipede would probably make a better King than him. She loved the over-dramatic gasp that Myrtle did, you could always tell what he was thinking. Glancing sheepishly at Ondine, who had been awoken by Myrtle's exclamation, she murmured "It's the perfect prank!" as her friend vanished to hide behind her back, fearful of Ondine's (non-existent) wrath. Grace's face split into a grin as Ondine told them it was time to grab everything they needed. "Does this mean that we're leaving?" She asked eagerly, her expression both excited and nervous, "And that Myrtle's coming too?" Before the General could reply she continued hurriedly, "You must let him come! Not to fight, of course, but we need him to stay with us so he can stay safe. We couldn't possibly leave him here alone to await Agatha's attacks." She glanced up at Ondine hopefully, anxious for a response before turning to Myrtle and grabbing his hand. "Come on Myrtle, let's go. You can help me pack my stuff first!"
Grace ran to her hut, towing the smaller boy behind her and pushed into the room she shared with multiple other girls. First things first she pulled out her spare pair of swords, sharp and gleaming and wrapped in a soft blue cost for protection. She placed them carefully in the bottom of a bag before going into her chest of drawers to grab some neatly folded piles of clothes. "Hey Myrtle, could you grab the two books from under my bed?" She asked as she pushed the clothes into her bag. One book was from her childhood, a child's book of all the different beasts of Hesenia-manticores and the like-that her mother had got her. The other was the parting gift from her uncle, a book on the many already discovered powers that exist and their uses in battle containing an occasional annotation he'd written. "Then I'm done and we can carry on to your hut."

Samuel "Sam" Brie ~ 34 years old ~ Male ~ 5'6" ~ Sword~ Seer
Fate: Living. Now he no longer needs to look after his niece, Grace, he is continuing with travelling about Hesenia conducting research in 'determination', though the attack of Agatha may make this slightly more difficult.
Other: Grace's uncle. I may make a full form for Sam at some point.

Leah Brie ~ 33 years old ~ Female ~ 5'7" ~ Bow and Arrow ~ Healing
Fate: Dead. I am yet to decide on the cause.
Other: Grace's mother

Natalie (she/her)
Current Interests: FE3H

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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby passione » Sun Jul 30, 2017 6:36 pm

♘— ""

age † 17gender † femalepower † aura manipulationcrush † silas meistheme † xform † x
tagged † anna

    The cool water of the lake wanted Xia to tremble. It wanted her to feel remorse for what she had previously done. Xia had killed the prince of Hesenia, son of the usurper, and soon after, killed the true crown prince. Xia had been angered but then was calmed down by Mayne. What a magical power he had. Luno’s death had done it for her. Xia didn’t believe for a second that Agatha was the one who killed him. She may have been an evil and vile woman, but Agatha was the type of person to watch her cronies do her dirty work for her. She loved using people and watching misery spread. Why would she do her work on her own?

    Xia couldn’t feel the water touch her skin as she sat below the surface, thinking. What she did feel was a smaller girl’s arms wrap around her. Why would anyone else be down here? She opens her eyes, vision blurring due to water rushing past. Touching a tattooed rune on her forearm, a sphere of aura forms around Xia and Anna, sapping oxygen from above. “What’re you doing here?” Xia’s voice echoed through the bubble of air.

    She’d regret using the remainders of her power to have a conversation. Because Xia’s amulet was out of reach, she only had a small amount of power left which was stored within her arms. It’d be gone in ten minutes, and she’d have to return to the surface where the fight was breaking out. It was Regina and a newcomer versus Cilan and Amber Soare. That was as much as she knew. As far as Xia’s thoughts went, she believed Regina was here to tear things apart. So, no matter where anyone else stood, no matter what Regina’s opinion was, Xia was going to stick with Cilan. She was going to remain loyal to the Adamson royal family even after death.


age † 17gender † femalepower † shadow manipulationcrush † n/atheme † xform † x
tagged † azuline

    “I see.” Amelia nodded. “So was I. Maybe I had seen you around previously, but I did spend my time out of the Capital since I worked as an assassin.” She wished she had her sword right now, but it was left in the throne room where she had died. Now, they had to find a way to prank those idiots. Maybe Azuline would have an idea.

    “I don’t think my powers are present anymore, but I do have my wings. I can take to the sky at any point. Maybe… Dive bomb them or something while you tell ‘em everything that’s wrong with ‘em. I got no better ideas than that. What do you say?”


age † 17gender † malepower † enhanced reflexescrush † akiria saitotheme † xform † x
tagged † blythe, peregrine, acacia

    Vaxas stared at Peregrine with an expression that was completely void of emotion. He blinked quickly at the boy, wondering why the absolute disgrace he was in an army. He wouldn’t live for a second with Camilla. “You’re uh…” Vaxas shook his head in something between disappointment and irritation. This would have been something to laugh at if they weren’t in the disgracing desert. “You’re magical, Peregrine. I’ve never quite met anyone like you.”

    Vaxas didn’t mean it as an insult, he was just genuinely surprised that the boy decided to down the entire waterskin. There was quite a bit in there, enough to last him a day. Now, it was all inside Peregrine. They would need to get back to camp quickly. He didn’t want anyone to die of thirst. Blythe would need some water when he wakes up. Vaxas placed a hand on Peregrine’s head, ruffling his hair. He followed Camilla’s orders and got the job done. He ran out of water and found two more people than he initially planned to. He’d better get a reward for this.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby TheFae » Mon Jul 31, 2017 7:21 am

17 going on ... this is getting old, I need new material
Location: Celestial Tower
Tagged: Clove

Jonah smiled wider when Clove called him hers. It was weird, but it brought great comfort to him knowing that she was possessive over him almost as much, if not more, than he was over her. Clove was his as well, his to love, tease, bicker, and cuddle. He didn't care if she was smaller (he found it rather cute, but he would never tell her that) than the Generals, she had the dominance of an Alpha.
He was glad he couldn't really feel pain in the afterlife, or else his cheeks would be begging to die. He couldn't stop smiling in Clove's presence. Just being near her made him happy.
He came back only to find panic on Clove's face, or at least a little bit of panic. His mate never showed weakness, but Jonah knew her so well, he could read her almost as well as any of his books. He just sat next to her, reaching out and holding her hand. He didn't want to interrupt her, but he would let her know in his own way that he was there for her.

Location: Outskirts of Sanctuary
Tagged: Those Under Her Debt

Sorcha came back with an armful of wood, carefully setting them in a tent-like fashion for a fire. She then allowed the fire that always simmered in her blood to leak out of her pores. There was immediately a fire, providing both warmth and light. Sorcha turned around, about to address the group, only to see everyone in the light now.
They all looked tired, and dead. Especially that girl whom Solara was holding.
"Tell me what you need. Food? Water? Sleep?" Sorcha asked, looking at everyone. She was worried now, and Sorcha never worried. She felt desperate, and prayed to whoever was listening.
"To whoever is listening that wants good restored in the world, please help, and help quickly before there is more unnecessary death." She silently prayed, ready to sell her soul if need be.

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Timpani

Mayne leaned back into Timpani, just enjoying her strength. "I am good to break up another fight, but I do not know if it's the time. I think Cilan, and I guess now Amber, need to establish themselves as leaders." Mayne murmured, just watching everything unfold. He had sudden clarity, that all he wanted was peace. He didn't want war, and he wasn't completely behind either side.
"Besides, this is just establishing the three sides." Mayne murmured. "The Loyalists, the Peacemakers, and the Rebels."
He hated War.

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Her Pack, her King, and Her Enemy

Amber's heart has never beat so hard, especially when Darius dare undermine Cilan's leadership. Amber had stayed in her position, waiting for Cilan to respond. He was her King, and he was strong and brave. He would make a great ruler, and Amber would enjoy protecting him. She listened to him, ready to do whatever he asked, but he gently tilted her chin up. Her eyes met his, and she saw the emotion in them. It was enough to knock her breath away. She felt tears well in her eyes, and she allowed only one to fall.
"I'll stand by you until the sky falls, my friend and future Queen." He stated with such confidence, such composure, Amber wasn't sure she heard him right. It took a second to sink in, but then she was up and holding Cilan close. She hugged him tightly, digging her face into his neck for a moment.
"I love you, my King. I always have, and I always will." She whispered so quietly, only he would be able to hear. She then leaned out of the embrace, and turned around, standing beside Cilan as a unified front. She was holding his hand tightly, but only to reassure her that this was real.
"You may do as you please, Regina, but know this." Amber stated, her eyes now cold and hardened as she stared down her enemy. "If you are supporting her, I will not hesitate to take you down with me." Amber did not mind those who would not want to choose a side, she would still protect them with her life, but those who dared try to go against Cilan - against her - they would die. She then turned to Cilan, her voice and gaze softening immensely.
"There is a group I traveled with, who are currently residing on the outskirts of the Sanctuary. I think it would be best to go retrieve them and bring them here. They need help, and healing." Amber gently murmured. She didn't know who to trust her, but she knew Cilan would. "Who can travel with me to go get them? I also have a sneaking suspicion that Solara is with them." The love that was shining in her eyes, the love she was trying to convey until she had a moment alone with Cilan, was more powerful than anything she has ever felt.
It was almost like a fairytale.

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Her Prince Consort, and the Imbeciles

Regina did not say a word, and only watched. Darius had truth in his words, immense truth, but Cilan seemed to be able to deflect them. Her blood started boiling, but Cilan was also revealing vital information.
Like the fact that the six Hesenian armies were coming to the Sanctuary to help against Agatha, and that Solara was close by.
And that Cilan could communicate with the dead. Regina just tried not to smile. She was already forming a plan, when her eyes landed on Flynn. He was frozen with shock, and he had not uttered a single thing since his sister had come back. He hadn't even moved.
"Fine, Amber, I hear your ultimatum. So here is mine." Regina smiled, knowing what to say. Her hand slipped into Darius's, showing her that they were just as much as a unified couple as Amber and Cilan were.
"If you are against me, I will make sure your precious pack will fall before your very eyes, and I will separate you both for eternity." Regina threatened. She then smiled slyly, knowing Amber would read between the lies. Amber and Cilan would be the last ones standing on their side, rendered useless, and on different sides of the country.
Regina just now had extra incentive to make sure their lives were a living nightmare.

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for the strength of the pack is the wolf,
and the strength of the
wolf is the pack.

EruditeDistrict Ravenclaw

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