BITE (romance) [open & accepting]

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BITE (romance) [open & accepting]

Postby coyotebluff » Sun Jul 23, 2017 4:34 am



London is a beautiful place to live, especially when you're with someone you love. There's so much to do, the possibilities are endless. Going to concerts and throwing parties and walking on the beach and cliff diving and making out in the bathroom of an ice rink and creating your own outdoor theatre with all your friends and causing mischief around the city. These things are fun on their own, but doing them with someone you love makes it the experience of a lifetime. Maybe you've found the one you want to spend the rest of your life with, or maybe you haven't. Either way, grab someone you love by the wrist and go have fun with them because you're in London.


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rules and characters

Postby coyotebluff » Sun Jul 23, 2017 4:43 am


All of Tess's rules apply
Be active
Be respectful to everyone
Hate the character, not the player
Write with detail and literacy
I'm a sucker for drama and romance
Please have realistic characters
LGBT+ accepting
Do whatever you guys want, just don't get us in trouble

jordan sands // 19 // male // lioness;
violet james // 17 // female // NightWolf950
johnny kane // 19 // male // NightWolf950
amethyst dallas // 18 // female // NightWolf950
benjamin smith // 21 // male // NightWolf950
adeline vernet // 19 // female // ~Demon~
creed marsh // 20 // male // roses-!
dawn jenkins // 19 // female // roses-!
reagan tracee // 18 // female // jaedina
jace ramsey // 19 // male // jaedina
isabela martinez // 18 // female // brownie.
ramona williams // 21 // female // brownie.
sterling darling // 19 // male // Imperfect
genevieve ann tailleur // 20 // female // Imperfect
jason lawrence // 19 // male // smaug
timothy // 18 // male // Starry Night
vincent // 18 // male // Starry Night
darcy swan // 18 // female // TheCrazyDriver8
marysa alington // 18 // female // Its Possible
renly jacob // 18 // male // queen_2.o
gisele kailey // 16 // female // queen_2.o
angel // 18 // male // queen_2.o
roman northwood // 18 // male // queen_2.o
clara mixton // 18 // female // ToxicHeaven
jasper kipton // 20 // male // Toxic Heaven
Last edited by coyotebluff on Tue Jul 25, 2017 1:17 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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jordan lochlann sands

Postby coyotebluff » Sun Jul 23, 2017 4:44 am


name; jordan lochlann sands
nickname; on occasion, jordy
age; 19
gender; cis-male
appearance; tall, thin, bit of muscle
height; 6'
modifications; ears pierced
role; lead vocalist for band one

ethnicity; english
sexuality; wait and see (;
crush; open (;
significant other; none yet

Jordan first comes off to be a bit of an ass, but that's not entirely true. He's actually quite talkative once you get him going and is the type of boy to strike up a conversation with anyone. He tends to show a lot of interest in peoples lives and the things they tell him, and he'll ask questions to keep the conversation going. He cares a lot about people and will try to help them in any way possible, especially people he's close with. He hates seeing people get hurt, it makes him feel awful and he'll do whatever it takes to make them feel better. He's quite the gentleman as well, using good manners and putting others first every chance he gets. He can even be a little flirt when he wants to, and he'll corner anyone with his smooth words and mock seductiveness. He's got zero boundaries and will do whatever the hell he wants to when he wants to. He's absolutely shameless and does not care whatsoever about what others think of him. He loves joking around and having fun, and he's actually quite funny. He makes really good company and is a good person to be around to do anything with.
Jordan is definitely adventurous, being first to try new things and have thrilling experiences. He hates being stuck inside and would rather be out getting into trouble than watching the telly all day. He's restless and can't sit still, he always has to be moving or doing something whether it be tapping it fingers or taking a jog. His relentlessness makes both his mind and body stronger. He's quite athletic and likes to exercise on a regular basis, making him a bit muscular and definitely fast and strong. He's also very intelligent, both street smart and school smart. He's very observant and notices everything around him, being quick to react. Things stick in his mind and he doesn't forget easily, making him very clever and able to figure things out easily. He has a massive passion for music. To him, music is everything. He's in love with so many bands and artists, and they mean a lot to him. He has an incredible singing voice and is willing to sing any time, anywhere. He's also very good at guitar and bass, often doing covers of songs he loves. Jordy strives to be a musician one day, always playing at local bars or in subway stations with his friends. He'd be willing to talk about and express his love for music all day if someone let him, it's a big deal for him. Music is one thing aside from exercise that eases his restlessness.
However, Jordan isn't always as great as he seems. He does have a temper and he doesn't tolerate stupidity. He tends to snap at people quite often and gets irritated at little things. He hates when things don't go his way and will get heated up even if he knows he can fix it. He also can't stand fake people. Anyone who acts better than they are, who tries to overrun him or just do anything he doesn't like at all he wants nothing to do with. He certainly won't hesitate to give anyone a piece of his mind and put them in their place. He will just be straight up mean to people, sometimes. Jordan will show anyone who's boss, and it's almost always going to be him. He also won't think twice about physically hurting someone if they've earned it. He gets in trouble a lot due to physical fighting, and it makes him feel good when he can leave someone bruised and bloody on the floor. Especially if he's earned himself a black eye in the process. He's a bit menacing, yes. Meanness isn't his only flaw, though. Jordan will have panic attacks on occasion, and he's not sure what causes them but they just happen and he can't control it. He doesn't like very many people to know this, so he keeps it to himself and acts as if nothing happened when he gets better. He lowkey hates it, though. He's also really afraid of the dark, believe it or not. He doesn't like going outside at night by himself, and it even spooks him when he's walking through his house with the lights off. Jordan also has the tendency to completely ignore people without meaning to, no matter if their new or a really close friend. He doesn't try to, it just happens and it's nothing personal. Even after ignoring someone for even days on end, he still thinks the same of that person and goes back to them like he hasn't been ignoring them for days. He'll act like he didn't do anything, because he truly doesn't think he did.
Overall, Jordy is honestly such a great guy and he doesn't mean to do the bad things he does unless he's upset over something or someone. Don't get him wrong, just be careful.
Last edited by coyotebluff on Mon Jul 24, 2017 12:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: BITE (romance) [open & accepting]

Postby NightWolf950 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 6:51 am


Name; Violet James
Nickname; Vi
Age; 17
Birthday; August 16th
Gender; Female
Sexuality; Heterosexual
Height; 5'3"
Weight; 130 lbs
Accent; English
Ethnicity; American/German
Personality; Violet is shy at first but can quickly warm up to any one. She is slightly bi-polar, her moods changing randomly from time to time. She fears people will judge her because of it. Violet also struggles with depression, hiding her pain fairly well and only cracks when she can't take it any more.
Likes; Music, staying up late, video games, animals (preferably dogs), rain, singing (in secret), cuddling
Dislikes; Being teased, thunderstorms, spiders, girly things, horror movies, being home alone
Crush; n/a
Relations; n/a
Family; n/a
Other; Johnny is her best friend. He's also like an older brother to her. She wears glasses when she's to lazy to put in her contacts.


Name; Johnny Kane
Nickname; n/a
Age; 19
Birthday; September 3rd
Gender; Male
Sexuality; Bisexual, female preference
Height; 6'3"
Weight; 180 lbs
Accent; English with a slight southern accent (from Arizona)
Ethnicity; American/German
Personality; Johnny, a tall guy who tends to intimidate most people he interacts with. His quiet nature and stand offish personality tends to drive others away or have them frozen in fear. However, Johnny, is a very thoughtful guy who enjoys nature. He is a bit overprotective of his best friend, as she is like his little sister. It's best not to anger him.
Likes; Music, smoking, being with Violet, quiet clear nights, singing, writing music/poetry
Dislikes; Bright things, snow, being bugged when he is thinking
Crush; n/a
Relations; n/a
Family; Younger sister named Kayla
Other; Best friends with Violet. She's like a younger sister to him.


Name; Amethyst Dallas
Nickname; Amy
Age; 18
Birthday; December 7th
Gender; Female
Sexuality; Demisexual, male preference
Height; 5'6"
Weight; 137 lbs
Accent; English
Ethnicity; American
Personality; Amethyst's problem is with everyone, but her sister. Her attitude tends to push most away, but those who stick around quickly gain her trust. Hot-headed and not easy to work with. She's got a fiery passion that burns with in. All in all Amethyst is a hot-head who has an attitude with just about everyone. However past that rough exterior she's a sweet heart who will protect anyone she cares for.
Likes; Snow, being outside, singing, flowers, photography
Dislikes; Being trapped inside, small spaces, bugs, hot days
Crush; n/a
Relations; n/a
Family; Has a younger sister named Mackenzie
Other; When not studying she is out taking pictures


Name; Benjamin Smith
Nickname; Ben
Age; 21
Birthday; September 3rd
Gender; Male
Sexuality; Bisexual
Height; 6'1"
Weight; 183 lbs
Accent; English
Ethnicity; American
Personality; Benjamin is very stubborn and will put up a fight before letting anyone push him around. He prefers to be alone but doesn't mind company as long as his company isn't idiotic. He can sometimes come off as a bit of a hot head. Benjamin tends to become very aggressive and rude when he feels threatened or is aggravated to much. Benjamin is also a big flirt and can't help himself around cute girls/boys.
Likes; Music, tattoos, drinking, Summer, flirting, submissive people (he tends to take advantage of those weaker then him)
Dislikes; The cold, talkative people, losing, mistakes, being scolded
Crush; n/a
Relations; n/a
Family; n/a
Other; Wears a black crown and dog collar all the time
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Re: BITE (romance) [open & accepting]

Postby Rainee. » Sun Jul 23, 2017 7:16 am

Full Name: Adeline Vernet
Nickname: Addie
Age: 19
Gender; Female
Adeline is around 5'2 and weights 112. She has a thin frame, that is kept in shape by exercising on a daily basis. Her hair is rather short, and dyed grayish white. Her symmetrical face sports prominent freckles that are complemented nicely by her light skin. Her blueish-green eyes point downward near the apex of her inner corner.
Modifications: She has her bellybutton priced, and is really considering getting her septum.

Ethnicity: French
Sexuality: Adeline doesn't like labels, but she's keeping her options open
Crush: N/A

Adeline's life is driven by her fun, adventurous personality. Whether it's hiking through mountains, taking a boat out to the ocean, or even just aimlessly wondering through a small town, Adeline is down with it. Going to parties and just living life is something that she loves to do. It's not really even just the fact that its a wild party, but the knowledge that Adeline is making memories that she will never forget is where the adventure pays off for her. With this adventurous nature though, Adeline does like to occasionally rest and binge watch some Netflix shows. When it comes to other people Adeline is pretty considerate of their feelings, she tries harder then most people to keep her friends and family happy. She will go to get lengths to prevent the people around her from getting angry. Although Adeline is a very nice and considerate girl, her patience can run thin. She will put up with peoples bad attitudes for a while, but eventually it can get tiresome. If Adeline gets pushed to the edge of her patience, she will become very angry and emotional, telling everyone what they have done wrong to upset her.
This brings us to Adeline's emotional demeanor. Adeline is in pretty good control of her emotions. She doesn't really get upset about most things, although there are certain pet peeves that can set her off. Basically they consist of, people bullying, being rude, inconsiderate, ignorance, and people who walk to slow. Seriously the last one seems dumb, but Adeline has a real thing about people who do anything slow. Overall, she is a pretty down to earth, happy person.
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Re: BITE (romance) [open & accepting]

Postby lameloserlexi » Sun Jul 23, 2017 10:06 am


    Name: Creed Marsh
    Age: Twenty
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Bisexual, mostly men

    Tattoos: x (right shoulder blade)
    Physical Description: He's about 5'10 with a decent amount of muscle with average weight
    Hair Color: Brown
    Eye Color: Dark brown, almost black

    Personality: He can be quite the jerk. He hates everyone and everything around him. However, with that in mind, he seems happy all the time. With all the hate inside of him, he laughs at everything, even the most dark and twisted joke. Creed loves laughing at sad and dark things because to him, it doesn't matter since they're all going to die anyway. He's got a dark mindset and can't really bring himself to care about other people. He's usually out for himself since he's never hand anyone around him to care much.
    History: Creed was born in Dover and raised, a much smaller town than London. In the town, his parents were known for being bad parents and for their fights in public. He stayed at school most of the time, and they would give him money for the month to take care of himself since they were always at work and would sometimes stay in a hotel just to ignore each other. He honestly hates his parents, but he grew up as a jaded and spiteful person. However, he fell in love with a freshmen guy in his junior year. The kid was always happy, he saw the positive things in life. They started talking in the library and the other taught Creed to at least laugh at the negatives, since he never saw anything positive. When they finally started going out, there were a lot of misunderstandings and his boyfriend thought he was cheating. So, in the end, the kid left him and even left the school. He threw away his feelings for that kid and later in life moved to London, living with his favorite cousin.
    Relations: Dawn Jenkins (cousin), no siblings


    Name: Dawn Jenkins
    Age: Nineteen
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Tattoo: x (right foot) x (left arm)
    Physical Description: She's 5'6 with good muscle and is normal in weight
    Hair Color: Dyed purple, originally brown
    Eye Color: Hazel

    Personality: She's really jaded, she honestly doesn't care that much about herself. However, she's really socially awkward in large groups of people if Creed isn't around. If he is hanging out with her as well, she'll be the life of the party, which can show her natural personality. She can be pretty sweet to those she thinks deserve it, but doesn't care about the general public. Dawn's never trusted many people, but can learn to trust them quickly if she sees fit.
    History: Dawn was born to rich parents with a younger brother and sister who she thinks are pretty okay. She was never close with her family, but she loves her cousin. She didn't get to see him much when she was little, but when they did see each other, his attitude influenced her some. She isn't sure if Creed loves her as family as she does for him, but is glad that they at least live together now.
    Relations: Creed Marsh (cousin), Angel Jenkins (younger sister, 15) Jay Jenkins (younger brother, 17) (siblings open to play)
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Re: BITE (romance) [open & accepting]

Postby coyotebluff » Sun Jul 23, 2017 11:26 am

all accepted, and i've updated the character list c:
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Re: BITE (romance) [open & accepting]

Postby lameloserlexi » Sun Jul 23, 2017 12:27 pm

    When would we start the roleplay? Just wondering! ))
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Re: BITE (romance) [open & accepting]

Postby coyotebluff » Sun Jul 23, 2017 1:09 pm

roses - ! wrote:
    When would we start the roleplay? Just wondering! ))

soon, hopefully
a couple people said they'd join
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Re: BITE (romance) [open & accepting]

Postby jaedina » Mon Jul 24, 2017 4:40 am


Reagan Tracee


+ Trait:Reagan is witty and smart. she is a quick thinker. She is extremely kind and warm hearted. She is funny and loves to make others laugh.
- Trait:Reagan is extremely shy when it comes to first meetings, or even the second. She is anxiety ridden and thinks of the worst to come out of everything she does. She rarely is able to show people her true self due to her anxiety and lack of confidence.


Other:Has sleeve tattoo on left arm.
Loves flower crowns.

Jace Ramsey

Nickname:Lays-Becuase of his love of potato chips. Jay.
Nationality:Italian; American
Accent: New Jersey

+ Trait:Jace is a social trouble maker. He can make people laugh easily and can find enjoyment in being someone's company but also being alone. He's very relaxed most of the time.
- Traits:Jace can be very protective of his things. He loves to show off and takes it to his head, and he hates losing.


Other:Has sleeve tattoo on left arm
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