☀ The Sanctuary ☀ teens with powers ☀ Closed!

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Once the drama cools down a bit, want a timeskip?

Yes, skip to when the FIRST army is arriving at the Sanctuary. But have the other armies arrive pretty quickly after the first.
Yes, skip to when the LAST army finally arrives at the Sanctuary.
Total votes : 10

Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby honeybee. » Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:15 am

Even Grace was surprised to see Ondine in the floor under her hammock and she fell out of hers on a regular basis, though her extreme reflexes woke her up and allowed her to land on her feet every time. She didn't come from the islands, so she wasn't used to the hammocks, instead when she'd volunteered to join the fight she'd been placed here. Ondine's Army was wonderful: Grace loved the islands, loved the dance of their sparring and Ondine was a brilliant general. Their was only one problem a lack of Myrtle. He was her best friend, one of the few she could fight alongside without her super reflexes getting in the way. With him Grace never needed to worry about this suffocating darkness for he could provide her with light whenever it was needed. They had known ,really, that'd their skills would place them in different armies but she'd still hoped they might have ended up together.

Ondine, however, never fell out of her hammock so to find her on the soft sand, laughing was rather unusual. One of the girls beside Grace went on to inquire over her well-being. Her reply was a little cryptic but they all understood this was something serious. They'd all felt the sudden sense of foreboding earlier in the day (or night, it was hard to tell) so this explanation was a little overdue. Grace sped out to gather everybody up, alerting them to an 'urgent meeting', before returning to where Ondine stood, ready,though in somewhat fearful anticipation, to hear this explanation.

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( ──── ♛ ❝ there's a fire starting in my heart !! ❞

Postby hellb0und » Mon Jun 26, 2017 2:37 pm

        ( ) - - THANA
        [ name thana akeldama age seventeen power hallucikinesis crush unlikely tags solara, kristina, samuel, and ivana ]

          Thana quickly deduced that her plan would no longer work, and everyone had been suspicious of her. It was apparent she would need to get out of here if she was going to survive. She was a ticking time bomb, just waiting to explode. Samuel was a disgracing imbecile, and continued to make her angrier. That's when she broke out into a fit of rage. She revealed her true identity and grabbed her weapons. Then Thana charged at Solara, taking her ax and beheading her. She went into a genocide run, grabbing her knives and violently throwing them at her next victim (which happened to be Kristina Imani). Quickly the female fell dead, a pool of blood forming itself around her. She tore the knife from where it had lodged itself and looked down at her now bloodstained clothes. Thana swiftly grabbed her flail and went after Samuel, knocking him dead in a matter of seconds. The blow hit him square in the temple. Then she turned to Ivana, who she found to be arrogant when it came to her appearance. Ahh, that's really too bad. Her knife made its way into Ivana's eye, and a cacophonous high-pitched scream erupted from her. Now Thana had blown her cover.

          [I was given permission by Spear of Justice to kill off these characters.]

        ( ) - - JENNIFER
        [ name jennifer dire age sixteen powers fire manipulation and accuracy crush gavotte tags regina and xia ]

          Jennifer woke up to the sound of what had been violent screaming. She had no clue what was going on, and quickly searched for any sign of a attack. There had been nothing. Instinctively her hands coated themselves in flames. She prepared herself for an attack as she made her way out of the forest. Her eyes narrowed, focusing on Xia stabbing Cyprian in the chest and Regina charging at her with her scythe. What the hell?! She had no clue what happened, although upon instinct turned herself into a living inferno. Regina looked as though she was going to kill Xia. There was no doubt in Jennifer's mind that she would, she never did trust Regina. Although she was also no Solara. "What the disgrace is going on?!" Her tone was harsh and merciless, and her eyes were narrowed further. Her eyes had grown crimson, and flames raged unforgivingly within her irises.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby TheFae » Tue Jun 27, 2017 11:10 am

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Xia and Jen

Regina jumped in between Xia and Cyprian, wielding her scythe and practically daring Xia with her eyes to attack her.
"Stay out of this, Jen. Xia practically killed Cyprian for an honest mistake." Regina snarled, her eyes never leaving the girl in front of her.
"Cyprian did not know about the curse. You cannot kill him without becoming exactly like Agatha and the people we are fighting against. If you kill him, I will kill you, understand?" She stated sternly to Xia. She wanted Xia to scream and attack her. She wanted Cyprian to be killed, and then Regina would kill Xia. She might even kill Jen if Jen tries to attack.
Regina wanted blood, and she didn't care whose life she took.

Location: Birvale Beach
Tagged: Thana, Solara, Everyone really

Amber was feeling really good about herself, until she looked at Solara. Even though Solara's eyes weren't open, it didn't take a genius to figure out she was upset. Amber was confused for a second, but then it dawned on her. She was not acting like an Alpha should, but like a dictator. She was acting like Alastair, and her stomach dropped. Amber was acting like everything she didn't want to be. She was shouting orders and demanding them to be followed through, and she just assumed the role was hers without even asking.
"Solara, I'm so-" Amber started to apologize, but she was stopped short as warm blood sprayed across her face and chest. The scream that worked it's way up her throat died when her idol's head rolled across the ground. Her tall body crashed to the ground, leaking blood. Before Amber could even react, the girl who was not Mrs. Aguado killed Kristina Imani and Sam. The scream finally worked it's way out of her throat, as Amber fell into a state of shock. Her whole body seized and she couldn't move a muscle except her throat. The girl then ran towards Ivana, and the high-pitched scream that followed, shook Amber out of her stupor. Instead of fear filling her body, rage quickly replaced it. Her eyes zeroed in on the girl, and she narrowed her eyes, her hands already sparking.
This girl signed her own death warrant by hurting her pack.
It was if the world had slowed when her hands came up on their own accord. Blood was roaring in her ears, and her vision was red. She had never been so angry in her life, and she released everything she had at this omega. The poor girl didn't even have time to scream before she was nothing more but a pile of ash, quickly washed away by the ocean.
Amber didn't even stop to admire her work, instead she plunged right into action. She did a quick 360, making sure everyone else was okay and safe before she ran to Ivana.
"It's going to be okay, Ivana. I promise everything will be okay." She stated calmly. If she was calm, so would Ivana.
Amber would allow herself to crash to earth later, when she could probably grieve. She fought back the tears as she realized she didn't get a chance to not only apologize to Solara, but also to Samuel and Kristina.
She also failed in protecting her own, and her heart felt like it wanted to stop beating. She buried the emotions as she looked at her sister, knowing she was the most important thing at the moment. The knife was out of her eye, but her eye was bleeding profusely. Amber knew how close the eye was to the brain, but Amber was certain Thana only touched Ivana's eye.
"I'm sorry for the headache, but it will help stop the bleeding." Amber explained, rubbing Ivana's shoulders before she pressed her thumb underneath Ivana's collar bone. In a few seconds, her sister went limp in her arms. Amber looked around, eyes scanning for something to press into Ivana's eye to help staunch the bleeding. Everyone's shirt was dirty and awful, and Amber realized she was still coated with Solara's blood.
"I am Sorcha, from Janice's army. I am sorry for failing you all and not catching Thana in time before she wrought so much destruction. Please let me assist you." An unknown girl stated to Amber. She immediately had her hand charged, ready to kill another if they were about to attack. Amber looked up, and she saw the sincerity on the girl's face, plus all of the muscles and bruises which had to signal a warrior. She nodded once, her voice filling thick, and she stopped the electricity that was sparking off of her hand. Sorcha immediately crouched over her sister and bandaged her to the best of her ability.
"I will watch over her for a few moments, if you want to talk to the rest of your group." Sorcha quietly murmured. "The area around you is safe, plus I will provide enough cover for you all to safely escape if needed." Amber nodded once more, not entirely trusting Sorcha but not having any other choice. Amber stood up on shaky legs and made her way over to Waverly.
"Waverly, I am so sorry about your brother." She whispered, immediately pulling him into a tight hug. She then looked at everyone else.
"I am also sorry for acting like a tyrant. I had no right too, and I do not know how to make it all up to you, especially because I failed in protecting everyone. It is no one's fault except mine for giving this awful woman the opportunity to attack. I promise, I will do everything within my power to make it all up to you in someway." She stated, her voice carrying. She was still clutching Waverly tightly, not ever wanting to let him go. She knew he would be in shock over his brother dying, but once again, Amber was only thinking about herself. She was thinking about Jonah dying before her eyes, and how she failed him.
She didn't want to let go of Waverly, because she was afraid she was going to fall off of the cliff, and she hated herself for it. She buried all of her emotions, suppressing everything as she thought of a way to get them to safety and away from this plagued beach.
"Is it okay with everyone if we move away from this beach?" Amber asked, forcing her voice to be steady. She just wanted to fall apart, but she would not allow herself to do so.

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for the strength of the pack is the wolf,
and the strength of the
wolf is the pack.

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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby ~Rue~ » Tue Jun 27, 2017 1:33 pm

[size=110](sorry guys, i was reading everything while offline (as usual i do when i dont post) but i was waiting for the manticore drama to be over so i can jump in without feeling really awkward because i would have just jumped in in the middle of a important scene xD its ok that you killed off kristina! i didnt know what to do wtih her anyway.)

I know I can't go after my sister, when she's in a mood it's impossible to talk calm with her, she will rather punch me in the head and i would never fight back I would just stand there having to take it. my litle sister is one of the few people l care about but I have to let her start to be in-dependent with all this war going on she has to grow up faster. I knew she woldn't handle the news that I lied to her that dad and not Solara killed mom well. I wish I could of told her myself, instead of her finding out in a dream. When I see that Jade is awake and se looks scared, I hug her. "You had a nightmare too.." I scowl as my heart pounds in anger"I think somehting is going on, I had a nightmare and so did my sister."
I sigh. "I hope your ok. Do you want to get some fresh air and..." I hear screaming from outside and frown. "Or maybe not, the others might be fighting again."

I was lookng for Solara when people start screaming and gettng angry, I scream as Xia stabs a random boy who I don't know and then people start fighting. I run up to them deciding to use my smallness to my advantage , no one will hit someone my size and if they do then everyone wll make them stop, I know this from experience because I actually lived in Windwoods where the girls liked to fight.
When I tried to fight them they wouldnt fight back and once one girl got mad at me, and hit me so the others got mad at HER. Regina explains whats going on and I cross my arms.
"Killing people won't bring him back!" I say. I'm angry too because Silas was my friend from windwoods but that doesn't mean klling people in revenge is right. "Can we please not fight, Jen maybe you could help break up this fight before things get a lot worse"

I am so busy cheering after the manticore dies by Amber that I don't realize what's going on until its too late, it's all a blur as the traitor kills everyone, I try to hel but I trip over my own feet and fall face first in the sand. Before he could get up Amber had already killed the traitor. She seems really upset and I don't blame her, I'm REALLY upset too, I AM SO ANGRY THE TRAITOR KILLED SOLARA AND MY MOTHER! I did't even get to say sorry for my mother for ignoring her, I was mad because she ditched me and my sister and joined Alastair but she's still my mother... The traitor ALSO killed Samuel who was kind of silly but I liked that kid, he ddn't deserve to die.
"Amber you're not a tyrant, we all messed up by not holding down the HORRIBLE traitor earlier." I say as I kick where the ashes used to be, I wish there was a body for me to beat up because I would SO beat a dead horse right now, except that girl is not a horse because I like horses and that girl has more the personality of a mosquito blood sucker. It makes sense because blood sucking mosquitoes are female meaning they are sexist, I wouldn't be surprised if that traitor was also racist and sexist, and all other -ists that mean prejudice things. They are also probably an Agatha governement supporter.
"We can totally leave this horrible place" I say. "Solara can probably find us, she will be fine." I then turn to Sorcha and smile and wave at her, but hten I realise my hands are fists and I am shaking with anger. I sigh and walk over hugging both Amber and Waverly "This should never have happened but hey, lightning never strikes twice so we know we will make sure something like this never happens again."

I can't believe me and Celeste couldn't fight aganst the manticore because our powers would be useless aganst it, I am getting SO angry. When the traitor appears I run forward. "YOU SON OF A DISGRACE I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" I scream at her but Amber zaps her into ash. I smile and kick the ash before its washed away. I then cross my arms at Amber. "Don't be so hard on yourself! You saved ALL of us Amber!" i clap her on the back. I smile because now Amber s asking for our opinion and not just telling us what to do, I like this leader ship better and I have to stay postive and think about only good things because everybody is upset after what happened. Then I turn to Celeste. "I'm ok with leaving the beach, how about you?" I also give the new girl a big smile, she is alot shorter than anyone else here but you can tell just by looking at her that she is strong and a fighter. I want to make friends with her immediately just from seeing her . "Thanks for helping us Sorcha, I'm Fern Birch and that is my brother Kale," I say pointing to my brother who is hugging everyone and looks like he mght cry (I hope not because that would be awkward)
Amber Already introdued waverly so I don't feel the need too, I don't want to acicdentally upst him even more because you know me, I am not too good at social stuff because I usually make people offended on accdent because I am loud and kind of rude oops. "This is Amber soare who is NOT a tyrant, you will soon find her brain is the size of my ego, which is very big by the way." I'm just trying ot keep everyones mind off the deaths by making fun of myself "This here is Celeste Rutherford." I put my arm around her . "You're watching Ivana Lin right now, I know her from the Clock Tower. She got stabbed in the eye by the horrible traitor" I scowl then catch myself, "but hey Amber got rid of that traitor. She saved us."
"Oh and we're actually traveling with Queen Solara, she should be back soon" I smile again hoping it doesn't look too fake, it probably does because I suck at acting, but I'm just trying to be positive so we dont all get as sad and angry. If its not helping then I will stop but how do I know if it's helping or not, well I will just have to watch and if someone tells me to shut up I guess I wll have to shut up.

(oops I almost typed a bad word instead of Birch for her last name :oops: embarrassed I'm glad i caught myself.)
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby SunnyJustice » Wed Jun 28, 2017 4:33 pm

The Island

Ondine Malaya wasn't surprised when Grace was the first to spread the word. Despite her young age, the girl was brilliant both in and out of combat. She had all the makings of a great future General for this army. Her talents were precisely suited to how Ondine's girls fought.
She ended up gathering all the girls within minutes. Unfortunately someone else also tagged along. It was Myrtle Adamson, the tiny boy who the islanders raised as their own. Ever since his father was murdered by his mother, and the island women beat that traitor Cayenne McKinley to death, there was a general consensus among most of the girls that Myrtle shouldn't join the army. Ondine especially wanted to protect the poor child. It was mostly why she started strictly enforcing the 'female warriors only' rule after the only male warrior's death. Alder Adamson.
"Hi Ondine! I heard the news," Myrtle said, then cheerfully threw his arms around her.
"Why are you here?"
"There's an important meeting, of course!" Myrtle let go of her. The tiny boy was still smiling as always. "Of course I'm gonna listen to what you have to say."
Ondine shook her head. "You can listen, Myrtle. But that's all."
"Okay!" The tagalong boy beamed. He grabbed his friend Grace's hand and gave it a little squeeze. Ondine always loved seeing her girls making friends. She smiled at the two, although she hoped the boy wouldn't get any wrong ideas. He was not joining the army. He would not die like his famly.
"So Benjamin Soare, my old friend, came to me in a dream," Ondine began. Ben had grown up in the islands. "We have a mission now. Agatha is growing stronger, and we have to stop her." She grabbed her swords, which had been leaning against the tree near her hammock. "I should make a dramatic battle speech... I'm not very good at those, but I'll try."
"We will join forces with the other armies, and take down the witch. Together with all of Hesenia, we can defeat the disgrace. We are warriors and our purpose is to defend the innocent! We can do this, girls!" Smiling in a slightly awkward manner, Ondine raised one of the swords into the air. Hopefully that was okay.


Celestial Tower / Dreams

Clotilda wasn't even embarrassed that she researched Jonah's name.
"Of course duh!" She said, pretending to be all offended that he was laughing. She failed to hide her own wide grin though. It was all teeth, like a wolf. Her smile didn't look like her father's, and she certainly looked nothing like her mother. Had Queen Solara ever actually smiled, anyway?
"And I am not a weed!!" She crossed her arms. "I'm allergic to weeds, in fact. That's why I'm also allergic to losers, such as that wannabe 'Xia' girl who's really ticking off my brother right now."
She had no idea how she knew this. Maybe she had more of her father's influence than she knew.
"You're lucky you're not a loser, or I would sneeze on you- that's pretty disgusting. Anyway I can't wait to show Blair who's boss." She smiled even wider as Jonah planted a very light kiss on her head. He was so cute when he was being all gentlemanly. Then he touched the sides of her head, and she closed her eyes. Oh she couldn't wait for this.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she found herself face-to-face with some woman with green eyes. She was tall (ugh why did everyone in Clove's life have to be tall?!) and covered with leaves and twigs. Her clothing was made from animal pelts or whatever. It looked really shabby and stupid.
"You look like a total mess," Clove told her to her face, just as the woman said rudely, "Why the heck am I dreaming about some silly kid?"
"A mess? YOU'RE one of those prissy city dwellers!" Blair shouted at her.
"A kid? A KID?!" Clove screeched with rage. "You have no idea who I am!! And don't get me started on where I live! I'm dead you little nerd!"
"Who are YOU calling little?!"
Clove made an enraged battle cry. She expected a knife or something to materialize in her hand, but instead, a stupid jack-in-the-box appeared in Blair's hand. Blair was in control of this dream. This wasn't fair.
"Oh, one of your little city rat toys?" Blair laughed. The jack-in-the box was playing a song that sounded very rude and taunting. Then the top flew open. Instead of a clown coming out, it was a hand giving Clove the pinky finger.
"I can't believe you." The knife thrower rolled her eyes. "I knew I was going to hate you. You tick me off."
"That's good!" Blair laughed even harder. "Anyway kid, what do you want? Lemme guess, it's about Agatha Loner and her army of clone monsters who are too stupid to rebel against their idiot leader."
Clotilda literally just stared at her.
"What? Surprised I already know?" Blair laughed. "Kiddo, the forest tells us secrets. We might be savages, but we're nowhere near stupid savages. You city rats just don't get it."
"I'm LEAVING." Clove turned around and ditched that loser.

When she woke up, she threw her arms in the air. "Blair already knew about Agatha. She said some disgrace about how the forest told her! And you know what's worse? She called me a kid and a city rat, and made a jack-in-the-box just to give me the finger!" She put up the pinky, just to show Jonah how offensive the gesture was. It was how you said 'disgrace you' without even saying a word. It was the most vulgar way to tell someone they sucked.
"And she was like half a foot taller than me," Clotilda sulked. Then she finally couldn't contain herself and burst out laughing. "That was so ridiculous! Who's next?"


The Sanctuary

Cyprian stopped in his tracks as the auburn-haired girl began screaming behind him. Someone was probably picking on her boyfriend or something. Cyprian turned around, since the girl was sounding more and more upset. He frowned deeper when he saw the tears streaming down her face. What was wrong with her? People these days just loved picking fights for no reason, didn't they.
"Hey kiddo, what's wrong?" He said gruffly, kind of feeling bad for her. She looked really emotional. Maybe it was the sight of her tears, but Cyprian was beginning to feel exhausted. Probably the weight of realizing he had just lost his best friend, and the fatigue from the journey. It was all catching up to him.
He was taken aback as the girl grabbed him by the shirt. What the disgrace was her issue? She was just randomly accusing him of murder. Cyprian was too tired for this, he didn't have time for the nonsense. He tried to pull away, but he didn't have the strength. He opened his mouth to explain himself-
- No sound came out.
A trident protruded from his chest.
Cyprian stared in shock into his assailant's furious eyes, cold blue and unforgiving. It took a second for the pain to hit, and then it was blinding. Through a haze of red, the boy felt the agony of the trident being wrenched out of him. He stumbled back and crumpled to the ground, colliding with something. He had no idea what. He struggled weakly to breathe, but his lungs failed him. Helpless panic began to take over as red faded to black.
The last thing he heard was multiple voices screaming in defiance and rage. At whom, Cyprian couldn't tell. He was filled with hatred at himself for being so stupid. He thought he would be accepted back into the group. What an idiotic lie he told himself. Here he was. Dying at the hands of the last people he trusted.
Dead, because he thought they would have the heart to save him.

Rowan was still trying to work his way through the mess of his emotions, when Flynn interrupted. He was needed for something dire. Someone must be seriously injured and in grave danger.
"I'm sorry," Rowan said to Lily regretfully, and then Flynn was pulling him. The healer boy wiped his tears, then tried his best to cooperate. Flynn was trying to get Rowan onto his back, so Rowan climbed up and put his hands on the younger boy's shoulders. He had to put away his emotions right now, as hard as it was. He hoped he wouldn't hurt Lily by going away right now. Rowan felt a stab in his heart at the thought that he might upset her. He had to take a deep breath.
"Can you tell me exactly what you want me to do?" Rowan said as calmly as he could. He needed to know in advance, so he wouldn't waste precious time making decisions once he was there.

Cilan had been lazing around on the lakeshore. That dream hadn't exactly been restful. Now he was more exhausted than he was before he slept. Fortunately he had actually slept for once, since all the times before had just been him dying. He had been so devastated since his mother died, although he often tried to hide his pain. Now she was back and he was starting to recover. Cilan had missed her so much.
The soft grass tickled at his exposed ankles and the back of his neck. Cilan could hear the sounds of crickets chirping again. They had been silent since the basilisk attack, but now they had returned. He listened to the rhythmic music of the night. Chirp, chirp... why had it stopped?
The silence was abruptly broken by screaming and shouting. Cilan's eyes snapped open and he instinctvely leaped to his feet. At the corner of the clearing, far from the cabin, Xia had impaled someone with a weapon. Cilan took off sprinting in that direction. Once he reached them, three other girls had already arrived. Jen, Regina, and Anna. Jen was enraged, Regina was ticked off but calmer as she explained the situation, and Anna was actually being reasonable. The eleven-year-old girl was trying to make everyone break up the fight.
Cilan was speechless for a second. He looked down at the body, which was completely motionless. Even the blood had stopped flowing from the gruesome wound. It was... It was his old rival Cyprian. They had shouted at each other and taunted each other, yet somehow remained part of the same group. Nobody had protested Cyprian's early departure from Windwoods with Jaai by his side. And now he was gone, and Jaai was nowhere to be seen either. The monsters and soldiers had already killed so many. Now add a violent, deadly confrontation from within the group itself.
Cilan would not stand for this. "What would Mother do?" He thought. Even as the words passed his mind, the Phoenix boy felt his will strengthen. He knew exactly what his role was. He was going to be a human shield.
He stepped in between Regina and Xia. When he spoke, his voice seemed to have dropped an octave, and his tone was as calm as the sun's steady rays.
"Anna is right," Cilan said evenly. "Revenge will only make things worse. Now, no more killing. If you really want to take out your anger that badly."
"And in that case, you can kill me."

When the screams cut through the silence, Luno only had to focus briefly to realize exactly what was going on. He even knew where Flynn was running off to. He was finding Rowan so the healer boy could hopefully fix things. The Soare boy was a fast thinker and an equally fast runner; he had super-speed.
Luno himself started to approach the kids, although he remained silent and watched from afar. His heart went out to these poor children. They were all just lost young souls. Silas was dead; Cyprian had been killed; he had fallen against Cadence and Cedar, who were gone as well.
Luno was trying to think of a way to calm everyone down, without having any more injuries. He considered singing a song. His voice would certainly soothe their tempers. But he felt off- he couldn't reach his gifts, and his telepathy was noticeably weaker than ever before. Maybe it was Agatha's influence from before weakening him.
He would need to calm them down normally. He started to walk towards them, making sure his body language showed he wasn't a threat to anyone. Cilan was standing in between the angry girls, buying him some time. Luno was so proud of his son. He was slowly starting to act like his mother. Speaking of whom, Luno couldn't feel her presence nor reach her. Hopefully she would come back soon and keep everything under control. In the meantime, Luno would do his best.


Birvale Beach

Waverly could feel the tension in the air. Solara seemed to be disapproving for some reason, and Waverly didn't understand why. It made him very uncomfortable though. At least it gave Samuel time to catch up. When the Queen finally started moving, she turned her back for one second and all Underworld broke loose.
Waverly couldn't move. It was like he was completely frozen as blood spilled all around him. The world began to spin, and everything seemed to blur into red. His mother, his mother had just... Waverly couldn't even process it. Amber incinerated the killer before Waverly could even blink. There was literally nothing left.
Waverly crumpled to his knees. This was all a nightmare gone horribly wrong. He knew there was something off about his mother. It wasn't her. Just before the killing spree started, Waverly had seen her true face. A young girl, smooth porcelain skin and sharp eyes like cold metal. Like the axe that beheaded Solara, like the knives that impaled Ivana and the Birch siblings' mother. Like the spiked flail that found its resting place in Samuel's head. Samuel...
Waverly crawled over to Samuel, who lay still in a pool of blood. The boy shakily reached for his brother's hand. It was cold and limp. Somehow Waverly remembered the arm-wrestling matches that Sammy would always win. The memory made everything worse. He couldn't stop trembling.
The boy looked up as a strange girl introduced herself. Sorcha was small but not petite; she was built like a soldier, a toughened fighter ready for anything. Her black hair was wild and blew in the howling wind. Her presence managed to make Waverly feel a little safer. Amber seemed ready to attack, and Waverly just shook his head silently. He wasn't sure if Amber saw him, but she turned off the electricity, much to his relief. Sorcha went to guard Ivana (who was thankfully alive) as Amber stood. She was walking towards him.
Waverly hoped he hadn't done something wrong. He was so upset, he must have messed something up. But no, he wasn't being punished. Amber hugged him and started to apologize.
That was when Waverly broke, and the tears began to fall uncontrollably. He clung to Amber and sobbed into her shoulder, feeling helpless and alone. Kale also joined the hug. Only after Fern introduced everyone, was Waverly calm enough to speak with coherent words. He raised his head from Amber's shoulder, and looked around at the bloodied scene. The Queen's remains seemed to have disintegrated into ash, thankfully. She wouldn't stay dead for long, would she? Waverly hated going to bed when people were upset at each other. He wanted to see Solara and Amber hug and make up. It would make him feel a lot better after all this.
"Before w-we go," Waverly managed to whisper with shaky breathing, "Can we put my brother in t-the ocean? My family, we hand our d-dead over to Mariana this way. And w-we should say goodbye to Ms. Birch too."
Although Waverly didn't know Fern and Kale's mother at all, he missed his own mother. Surely the siblings must be upset about having their mother murdered in front of them. Waverly could tell that Fern, at least, was hiding her grief with a big forced smile. Kale was visibly upset.
They had lost so many on this beach. Right by the ocean, Waverly's own element. Samuel's too. They were never going to get to swim together again, or fish on the dock with their tridents. Gone were the days of Samuel's breath-holding contests that he always cheated on with his underwater breathing. Gone were the days Waverly would fly in the air, only to execute fancy flips and dives before he hit the waves, splashing water all over his laughing brother. Now life was being hunted along the other refugees, underneath an eternal night.
When would this nightmare end?



"... It's so cold."

(Rest of Solara's part coming tomorrow.)
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby honeybee. » Thu Jun 29, 2017 7:27 am

Grace was giving Ondine almost her entire attention, after all- this was too important to be misheard, but she still immediately noticed Myrtle's arrival and her face split into a wide grin. Not even being part of a female only army could get rid of her friend. She watched as he hugged Ondine, she and the other islanders had basically adopted him after the death of his parents whilst Grace had made sure to visit more often until it had been clear that she belonged more in this army than any other. When Myrtle grabbed her hand she squeezed his in return, standing with him shoulder to shoulder as they listened to Ondine's words. She listened attentively, without making a sound until the real news was given. Then a shocked, "Agatha?!" Escaped her lips, intertwining with a few other surprised voices. She'd known it was bad, but not this bad (in fact, she's half believed that Agatha had only been a myth, used by parents to scare their children).The mutter died down quickly though, replaced by a steeled silence. Grace was ready, she would be happy to fight to protect the whole of Hesenia no matter the risk. She was ,however, suddenly a little glad of the no-Myrtle allowed rule in the army. She wouldn't have him risking himself against Agatha and getting hurt, once upon a time when they'd been very young she's told him she would ever let him get hurt ("Never. Ever.") and despite that being a childhood promise filled with innocence and naivety, she still planned to fulfil it as best she could. They listened to Ondine's 'battle speech', which though short and slightly awkward was rallying all the same. At the end, Grace raised her sword in the same manner as Ondine had and cried "Together!". Her cry was mirrored by some others.
"So what exactly is our plan?" Grace called, curiously, "Are we going to meet with the other armies and hunt Agatha down?"

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( ── ♛, ❝ but i've got thick skin and an elastic heart !! ❞

Postby hellb0und » Thu Jun 29, 2017 5:09 pm

        ( ) - - JENNIFER
        [ name jennifer dire age sixteen powers fire manipulation and accuracy crush gavotte tags none ]

          Jennifer looked down to find the grass beneath her had been reduced to ash. Raging flames licked at her heels, waiting to be set free. Her anger continued to grow, watching with narrowed eyes as Cadence and Cedar died a silent death. Cyprian fell and hit the two, now she'd have to break the news to Gavotte. Unless he found out for himself. Her fire threatened to turn the area into a charred wasteland, left to rot with the corpses that didn't escape. You're a monster, Jennifer. The sentence ricocheted within her head, it reminded her every passing second what she truly was. What everyone and everything turned her into. Jen reminded herself eventually he'd see her for who she really is. Violent. Distrustful. Manipulative. Deadly. And she'd hate him for it. She never did know Cyprian, although knew she wouldn't either way. Even if he'd still been here, she most likely wouldn't have said anything. She isolated herself all of her life, refusing to trust anyone. She had built walls around herself and they wouldn't be broken. Yes, she did allow someone into her life. Although this still didn't mean she necessarily trusted him. It could happen all over again, had she set it free. The school.. The lives.. Their piercing screams.. All it took was another small push, and she'd go over the edge. Fire was beautiful when used properly, but destructive when put into the wrong hands. She vowed to avoid another incident such as that.. To protect her family, something else she had failed to do. Another memory which would never cease from existence. The two people, the only people, in this world she was certain she had loved. Taken.

        ( ) - - VIVIEN
        [ name vivien dire age seventenn powers water manipulation crush none tags sorcha ]

          All hell broke loose in a short matter of time. The girl who everyone was skeptical of killed two people specifically. Solara would come back, eventually. Ivana.. Well, she took a knife to the eye. Vivien knew she had always been rather obsessive about how she looked, dressed in a tailored running outfit. She looked down at her clothes for a moment and found that her grey shirt, long worn down from months of wear, was stained in the familiar red sticky substance. She didn't complain and decided it really didn't matter. Now an unknown female by the name of Sorcha had joined them. She looked to be a warrior, having multiple scars that lined various parts of her body. She was particularly short. Her power was completely unknown to Vivien, "Hello Sorcha, I'm Vivien." She greeted her with a slight bob of her head. She was sent here to capture the female that had caused the abrupt chaos. She had since been turned to nothing but ash, soon swept and taken away by the ocean. She could take a pretty decent guess where she'd end up. Amber had returned to taking on the leader position, considering Solara was gone. "Yes, that's fine by me." She noted the slightest falters in Amber's voice. Everyone was forced to stay strong in times such as this. Vivien didn't necessarily have anyone to lose, which is why to them she had probably come off as unsympathetic. There's no one left that I love. She told herself this multiple times, and it was true. Her parents abandoned her and were most likely dead. If they weren't, she'd kill them herself. Or at least show them what kind of pain she was put through due to their actions. Had she tried to murder them she'd be deemed a killer, one that needs to be executed. As a result she forced herself to stay calm and focus on getting to The Sanctuary, leaving her wicked thoughts behind.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby passione » Thu Jun 29, 2017 7:33 pm

♘— ""

age † 17gender † femalepower † aura manipulationcrush † silas meistheme † xform † x
tagged † regina, cilan, everyone else

    The voices came quickly. Voices of her kin, or purely of her imagination. Flynn's carried through the air first. Xia didn't need to take her eyes off Cyprian's body to know that he had taken off to find someone who could patch things up. He was so logical and rational. Regina's voice practically pierced her eardrums. She wasn't screaming, but Xia just couldn't stand her. It was at this point that the girl shattered. Whatever cracks that ran through the porcelain which was her mental stability had now gone a full way around. She could no longer support herself. It was as if Silas' death had not registered with her before, and only now was she taking the hit.

    At first, Xia's only reply to Regina was silence. kill... one of our own... how dare.... Xia slowly turned towards the girl that she had spoken so kindly to earlier. Jen and Anna arrived shortly after. "...How dare... I...? How dare you! How dare you pin this on me! Why are you here? Why are you speaking? Why are your lips moving? ...Why are you breathing? What are you, Regina? You have no say in this. You are still you, not me. You are still as fake as you were when I met you mere hours ago. What have you lost, Regina?" Xia inquires slowly. She was monotone, blinking only once every ten seconds, exactly.

    Her voice crescendoes. Xia has completely disregarded Anna's words, disregarding her logic and collectiveness. She disregards the lives of everyone else in the same area as her, disregarding the serenity of this place, disregarding the fact that her friends were watching her. Silas' cold, dead and lidded eyes seemed to bore into the back of her neck like a laser beam. "...What have any of you lost?! Your parents? I never had any! They never wanted me! Your siblings? I don't know if mine ever existed! Your home? I found mine in shambles. I built it myself because no one could bother to help! Your friends? I was raised in an orphanage where they stuck a piece of hot metal on my arm because apparently, I was their property. No one talked to me. They left me in the corner and only asked me about words they couldn't define! I've defined the word 'solitude' far too many times for it to be a simple coincidence anymore."

    Xia choked on a sob, forgetting that she had already been crying. "...Or have you lost your lover? Because mine is laying dead on the ground and I don't have the heart to care if it's a mistake or not." She felt her blood running dry when Cilan came in to break up the feud between Regina and herself. "Children of the devil! I'll kill anyone who gets in my way! You're all in my head. All I have to do is wake up... And you'll all be gone... He'll be back... I won't know... anyone..." The anguish in her expression shifted into one of reminiscence but her pleasant memories of that fictional hug from her father did not stop her from driving her trident into Cilan's throat.


age † 17gender † femalepower † shadow manipulationcrush † n/atheme † xform † x
tagged † olivia

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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby SunnyJustice » Thu Jun 29, 2017 8:16 pm

The Island

Ondine honestly didn't have a plan. Oh great, she would need to think of one on the fly. Fortunately it wasn't that hard. Grace already had a suggestion.
"Well Grace! That sounds like a good idea!" She said over-enthusiastically. "I know the other Generals, kind of? So it won't be awkward meeting up with them, and beating up Agatha with them. We'll probably meet somewhere in Central Hesenia, but not in the Capital City... maybe Windwoods, or the other side of the mountains. We can leave after all the rafts are done, I already ordered a bunch to be made when I felt something was wrong. Now I guess we just need to wait. Umm okay sit down everyone, it's story time."
She threw the swords aside. They landed harmlessly in the sand near her hammock, although one narrowly missed slicing the canvas. Ondine then sat down cross-legged in the sand. She was still in her rest clothes, which were casual shorts and a big t-shirt. It used to be a bright blue, but the dye faded in time. It was now a washed-out pastel blue.
"So, I'm actually the replacement for the Sixth General. The other five- Janice, Camilla, Blair, Katharine, and Lanette- grew up together in Windwoods. They were all best friends, and another girl was in their group. Her name was Acacia Adamson." Ondine avoided eye contact with Myrtle. "She was Myrtle's aunt."
"Yay! I'm related to someone really cool and famous!" Myrtle said cheerfully, jumping up and down a few times. Ondine had to wait until he stopped yelling before she continued speaking.
"She was stabbed to death by a traitor in the village. The five girls killed the traitor, but the six of them had been in some prophecy together. I don't know the details about it because I wasn't in it, but anyway, they were supposed to lead the six armies of Hesenia. There were only five girls still alive though, and they picked me as a replacement for this army, because my mom Odette was already General. I got to know them a little, but they left to find their own new armies. So it's gonna be cool! Seeing them again!"
Myrtle turned to Grace and some of the other younger girls, with a slightly mischievous smile. "What about those rumors about the zombie?"
Ondine sighed. "I don't know what that has to do with anything, Myrtle."
"I told you Acacia was famous," He said and nudged Grace. "Come on guys, haven't you heard that she didn't die?"
Ondine shook her head, of course the naive kid was going to say ridiculous stuff. "The traitor stabbed her here, here, and even in the eye," She said, pointing to her heart, her throat, and overall being all dramatic about it. "I'm sure she's dead."
Honestly Ondine was a little worried that she might get replaced. She loved her job, she loved the girls. Yes she would still be in the army, but she would miss being its leader. But she wasn't extremely worried. Everything she had heard about Acacia, made Ondine sure the tall spearwoman wouldn't even want to lead this army. It was very opposite to her style.
Myrtle was staring at Grace like a puppy. "I'm sure there's some truth in the rumors! I heard my aunt's super tough!"
Ondine just chuckled. The naive child would never be allowed in this army, even if Acacia came back. They couldn't have him running up to enemies and... hugging them or whatever, making speeches about the goodness of humanity. Myrtle believed anything, as long as it sounded hopeful or something.


???- The Nightmare

"It's so cold."
The old former Queen of Hesenia opened her exhausted eyes. The thick blankets over her did nothing to stop the bitter cold from stinging. Outside the window, the endless night stretched above the Sanctuary. The sun had not risen yet. And it would never rise within the rest of her life, however short that may be.
Her son... Cilan had to kill her. End all this and save Hesenia. This eternal darkness would smother life if it persisted. Plants would wilt and so would the animals that fed upon them, until nothing remained. Solara could not allow this to happen. Sunrise had to come, and Cilan was the only one who could raise the sun again.
She heard the door opening. Solara didn't have the strength to even raise her head anymore, but she could still sense their presence. The children of the Sanctuary- her children- were there, with Jennifer at the forefront. She was flanked by the Evertons, the Imanis, Rowan, Flynn, Xia, Gavotte, Regina, Jade, Lily,... Cilan.
"... You have come to visit? Please... Come in," The Queen managed to say. Her voice, which once carried great power and weight despite its quiet volume, now lacked everything except that quiet volume.
The teenagers silently filled the room. Through her blurry vision, Solara could make out metallic glints. Each child was armed, even the eleven-year-olds. Solara was not sure why they were holding weapons. And why she could sense the rage radiating off them in waves, so intense not even she could miss it.
"... What is wrong... My children?"
Silently, Jennifer looked her directly in the eye. Somehow she did not flinch away. It was the first time Solara had made eye contact with someone other than Luno. The Queen looked at the enraged teenager, with only concern. She did not understand. And she understood even less, when Jennifer pulled back the bowstring and shot her.

"It's so cold..."
Solara awoke, not even glowing as she normally did upon revival. She hadn't seen her parents in the Underworld, nor her friends in Celestial Tower. She had simply returned immediately. No time to rest, not a chance to recover. She felt twice as weak as before.
"She came back again," Gavotte said, sighing. His voice held disgust.
She tried to meet Cilan's eyes, but he was looking down. He stood beside Mallory but didn't make contact. He looked so much smaller, frailer, than he should have been.
Mallory shook her head, then shifted into a snarling wolf with dark fur and darker intentions. She lunged, claws ready to strike. The Queen was only dreadfully confused.
"... I don't understand," She managed before the werewolf slashed her throat with sharp claws. And she knew she would return, as soon as this was over.

"It's so cold... why..."
"Why are you alive?" Said a voice as the Queen returned to consciousness.
"... I don't... I don't know..."
"There's no point," Came the reply. "You don't make a difference anymore."
Solara recognized it as Xia now. She was standing alone, without Silas by her side. In fact, Silas was absent from this room altogether. Was that why Solara's children were all so upset?
"... I know," She said, painfully forcing the words out. Didn't they understand she would continue to come back, unless Cilan finished her? And each time it would be worse. Agatha's grip around her heart was slowly tightening with each revival, each pointless death that offered her no reprieve from this torment.
"Nothing you do will change anything at all." Xia raised her trident.
"... No, Cilan must-"
Her words were cut short by three sharpened prongs sinking deep into her chest.

"It's so cold... so cold..."
She opened her eyes, but saw nothing. She was blind now and more helpless than ever before. She could not even detect the others' heat signatures, nor see their life forces glowing in the darkness. There was nothing but emptiness where she should have seen her children.
"Solara, we know Cilan has to kill you," Lily said patiently.
She tried to nod, but couldn't muster the strength. She tried to thank her for being reasonable, but no words came out. So she simply forced a faint smile upon her face.
"But," Rowan continued for her, "We all decided. We hate you too much to let you go easily."
"You need to pay for what you did to us," Flynn growled.
"You promised to protect us, but you let our families die. You let Silas die, and you didn't do a thing," Mayne whispered. "We will never forgive you."
"Is it my turn yet?" Anna's high-pitched voice chirped eagerly, interrupting everyone.
"Of course, sweetie," Regina said with a chuckle.
Solara felt the agonizing chill of the blade as it stabbed into her shoulder. Then again in her side. And her arm. Again and again, and she could not tell when the stabbing ended and the next revival brought her back to this nightmare.

"It's so cold... Please..."
"Alright, finally," Andy growled. "All of us together. Ready guys?"
A chorus of excited agreement rose from the other teenagers. All those who hadn't already attacked. The only voice missing was Cilan. Solara could only take the beating in silence, speaking not a word as fists and feet slammed into her relentlessly. As blades slashed and sliced. As the teenagers congratulated each other for a job well done.
"That's it, Mayne!" Timpani shouted her encouragement. "I knew you had it in you!"
"Nice job Andy! Kill the witch!" Jade cheered.
"Good work Eden!" Regina cooed.
Eventually the ruthless attack stopped. The teenagers left the room, whooping and cheering to one another. Boasting about how well they 'fought' against an opponent who could not fight back, and "Did you see the look on its face?"
They were referring to her as 'it' now.
There was nothing left but despair. Solara only wished for this all to stop. The teenagers were not attacking simply for no reason. They truly believed they were justified, they were avenging their friends and family. Solara could not blame them. She had let them down. She had long outlived her purpose, and she should not be here.
"... Why am I still here? ... It's so cold..."
A hand touched her shoulder. "I'm here."
"... My son," She mouthed, unable to speak. She could not even lift her arm and hold her child. The Queen wanted nothing more but one last hug. ... It's so cold...
"I know," Cilan said quietly. "I know."
She felt a blade being pressed against her throat. It would be over now. This was the time for last words,
"... I'm sorry..."
A long pause. Cilan seemed to be in deep thought.
"You should be. I will never call you 'Mother' again, Solara. You have let everyone down. Your purpose was to protect everyone, wasn't it?"
She knew what his next words would be.
"Well, Solara. You have failed your purpose."
The cold blade sliced across her neck, but the greatest pain was knowing her life had been for nothing. She had given her all, and failed the one thing she promised to do.
"It's so cold..."
But this was what she deserved.


Celestial Tower

"Ah!" Clove practically jumped out of her skin when a loud crash sounded. She sat up straight and turned around. Her enraged brother had appeared, and had sent his fist through the wall.
"Cilantro Solstice Adamson, what the actual disgrace!" Clotilda roared at him. But even as she shouted in rage toward her brother, she could see the scene that upset him so much. His memories were as clear as day to her.
"Jonah, can you see this?" She muttered, trying her best to focus that scene towards Jonah too. "Get a load of this Manticore-disgrace. I cannot even believe this."
Cilan hadn't punched anything again, but he was now kneeling on the ground silently. His fists were clenched, and he was glowing brighter than a hot coal out of Vulcana's forge. The carpet underneath him was blackening.
"You need to stop," Clove scolded him as she rose to her feet. "You are being ridiculous."
Could she really do Luno things? She focused hard and looked into her brother's mind. He was furious at one of Xia's comments in particular. "What have any of you lost?!"
He had lost his parents, watched his mother's assassins destroy his home before making it into their headquarters.. He had lost Amber, Clotilda, and all but four of the childhood friends he started his long journey with. And he himself had died so many times that Clove couldn't find a number within his mind to express it.
"Cilan, you can't even take her seriously at this point." Clotilda sighed. "She's only thinking of herself. Just wait until Mother gets back there, and puts everyone back in line."
"I had to kill you," Cilan snarled through gritted teeth. "I killed you with my own hands. She can't say those things."
"You still need to tone down the heat." Clove grabbed him by the collar. "Now."
Cilan closed his eyes and took deep breaths, as the glow slowly died around him. Clove stomped on the carpet which was still sending up small plumes of smoke. Now it was black. She would have to replace this disgraced up carpet. Clotilda saw that the houseplant on the desk was now crumbling and blackened. She was about to start yelling even more, except she noticed that tears were now streaming down her brother's face.
"I'm sorry," He whispered, and threw his arms around her legs. Clove looked down at him and crossed her arms. He looked so pitiful that she bent down and patted him awkwardly on the head.
"I'm going to keep you here, until you calm down." Clotilda sighed. "You can go back when you're ready to face Xia calmly. I promise nobody else is going to die, okay?"
"O-okay," Cilan said shakily. "Clove, I'm sorry."
"Why in the name of General Ada are you still apologizing."
"I'm sorry for killing you. I never told y-you. I was too ashamed, I wish I could just forget it. But I can't forget. What Xia said reminded me too much of w-what I did." Cilan was sobbing at this point.
Yeah, she didn't like to remember the fight with Titus Akeldama either. That stupid traitor. Clove had killed him viciously, but her wounds from the battle had been so bad, she didn't make it down the hallway. It had been her brother who found her. And he still had her favorite knife with him. Cilan hadn't liked the look in Clove's eyes when she saw that knife. He had definitely not liked when she made him use it.
Clotilda rolled her eyes. "I can't believe you're still upset over that. Sometimes the right thing to do, and the hardest thing to do, are one and the same."
"But I'm s-still a murde-"
"Shut your mouth, murder is unlawful killing. Trust me, Mother knows what you did. But she didn't execute you for it! So you're technically not a murderer. She still wrote 'Titus Akeldama' in her book as my killer." Clotilda turned around and looked at Jonah with an apologetic expression. This was so embarrassing. Hopefully Kelly didn't overhear this story about her death. Would she think Clove was a loser?!

[Xiabrine actually supplied me with Xia's quotes towards Solara in the third part of the nightmare. I'll give the rest of you a chance to catch up with Xia and the Sanctuary before I post for there. XD]
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby TheFae » Fri Jun 30, 2017 2:42 am

[BAD TWO FOR DOING THAT TO SOLARA. BAD TWO. *squirts with water*]

Location: Celestial Tower
Tagged: Clove, then Cilan

Jonah loved Clove, and all of her teasing. She brought light into his life, where he thought it was only filled with darkness. It was such a relief to have someone like Clove, who was always strong.
Jonah was beside Clove the whole time she interacted with Blair, and he was laughing so hard tears were streaming down his face. He left at the same time Clove did, and his laughs had died to just snickers.
"I was there. I saw everything, and heard everything. It was hilarious." He snickered, wiping at the tears from laughing. "That would have been a great comedy show." Jonah was surprised, however, that Blair knew about Agatha. He didn't know how the trees could physically speak to someone, unless they had a power to communicate with plants. It was a mystery to him, but it was also a quest for answers.
"I think we should get to Janice next-" Jonah started to say, but all of a sudden, Cilan appeared. His stomach dropped when he saw his face, and his protective instincts started to kick in. He didn't say anything as the siblings first saw each other, but then he saw the images Clove was sharing with him.
"What have any of you lost?" Xia had stated. It wasn't even directly to Regina, but to all of the members at the Sanctuary. Jonah felt enraged, his fists starting to shake as well. Everyone had lost someone, but most of the people there had lost everything, just like Xia. Jonah wanted to give her a piece of his mind, but he knew someone down there would handle it. He could not step in without disrupting the natural balance of the world.
Jonah watched Cilan and Clove interact, ready to step in if they needed it.
"Cilan, she had no right to spew that nonsense. Her mind is clouded because she is in shock, and in pain, but that does not mean she can take it out on anyone. Her killing you has to stop. I will be surprised if my little brother does not lose it when he gets Rowan back to the Sanctuary." Jonah gently stating, finally stepping up and wrapping his fingers around Clove's hand. He just needed reassurance that he was there. He didn't even care that Cilan killed Clove, he thought that they were both strong for it. They could never do anything that would make him think otherwise.
"I am very worried when Amber reaches Sanctuary. The killing of Cilan has to stop, or else she will lose it." Jonah murmured to Clove. He did not want to know what destruction Amber would wrought if someone took their anger out on Cilan and killed him.

Location: Celestial Tower, hiding in the Corner
Tagged: Jonah, Clove, and Cilan

Kelly and Ben left silently earlier, having heard a call from one of their confidants. Ben was still with them, hashing some more things out, but Kelly felt like she needed to return to her children. Especially when she heard a crash. She sifted in, but hid in the shadows in case they were play-fighting. She had learned her lesson before, when she sifted in during the middle of a play-fight and did more harm than good. She stayed in her spot, and listened, staying there just in case they needed a mom to step in. But as she listened, she felt more shadows clinging to her. Her blood was boiling, and she was visibly shaking.
"Love, what is wrong?" Ben asked her, using the mental path all couples in Celestial Tower seemed to have. Solara and Luno were the only couple she knew of who could communicate even when Solara was dead.
"Xia, one of the girls at the Sanctuary, killed Cilan out of rage because someone else killed her lover. She is losing it and spewing nonsense." Kelly growled to him, angry with Xia. Everyone had lost something. In fact, she should be thankful she didn't lose more. She doesn't know the pain of losing a parent, or even a child. While losing a lover is hard, she had no right to kill Cilan. Just as Kelly was about to step from the shadows, Cilan's voice cracked as he apologized to Clove.
She had already known the story of how Clove died. Ben and Kelly wanted to make sure the killers of those they loved had been dealt with. Whenever they were upset about something, they often visited those killers in General Ada's territory. When Kelly saw the shame on Clove's face, it broke her heart. She unveiled her cover and walked over silently as Jonah spoke.
"Cilan, you are stronger because you helped someone you loved. Clove was in pain and past the point of return. You did one of the most hardest things and let someone go whom you didn't want to leave. Killing someone to help them is not murder, it is an act of mercy." Kelly murmured, kneeling down and tipping his chin up so he looked in her eyes. She was speaking the truth, and she held the upmost respect for the Adamson family. Kelly then pulled him into her arms and held him close. Cilan needed his mom, but Solara was protecting her children. It was time for Kelly to protect her children. Kelly then pulled Clove down and into her arms as well, making sure they felt the love she was trying to convey.
"And Clove, there is nothing to be ashamed of. You did everything in your power, and you did not give up. You should not be embarrassed by how you died. Many warriors fall like you did. My husband did, and I don't love him any less. In fact, I love him more for it." She murmured into her ear. "I'll tell you the story whenever you want to hear it. It's actually rather funny." Kelly then kissed Clove's cheek, and then Cilan's cheek. They needed motherly love, and Kelly would give them all they needed.
"Tell me what I can do to help." She asked, leaning back just enough to look at her adopted children. She knew they would join the family eventually.

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Xia, Regina, and Everyone Else who is awake

Mayne awoke from his nightmare, heaving for air as sweat coated his entire body. He stumbled out of his bed, trying to clear his head of the nightmares that had plagued his sleep. He was alive in the real world, everything he had dreamt was fake. Mayne didn't touch anyone, nor wake them, as he slowly descended the stairs. With each step, the haze left his mind. When he reached the bottom, he was thinking clearly, and was calm. He then heard yelling, and quickened his pace until he was outside, ready to help.
He watched with horror as Regina and Xia squared off, but he calmed when Cilan jumped between the two. Cilan was the leader, the Alpha, and he could fix any situation.
But then Xia started shouting, each word stabbing at his heart. He empathized with Xia, but the words hurt him deeply. It sounded as if no one else has had the same troubles she had and that no one experienced pain. He kept his mouth shut, his eyes already watering with tears. His heart felt heavy, and it hurt, and all he wanted was Timpani. As he was watching, he saw Xia pull her hand back, her trident still dripping blood from Cyprian, who as lying dead on the ground. Mayne didn't even realize Cyprian was there, and he held back the cry he wanted to emit upon seeing him.
That cry didn't die in his throat, though, when Xia stabbed Cilan in the throat. He cried out as Cilan dropped dead, and something in him snapped.
"How dare you spew such words? Each of us have been through unimaginable situations, none more painfilled than another. We each have had our share of pain and hardship, an equal amount as you. How dare you belittle us and act like our lives have been filled with nothing but sunshine and rainbows?" Mayne spat, his voice hoarse and cracking. With each word, he stepped forward, but he did not pass Regina. Mayne did not want to die, especially without Timpani. He had not felt anger in a long time, especially like this. The last time he was this angry, was when he saw his sister die. His throat felt full and thick, his eyes stinging with renewed tears. His vision blurred, but it didn't stop him from seeing Xia's eyes. They were filled with pain, and they were crazy.
He then understood. She didn't know how to handle losing someone she loved. This was the first time she had lost someone close to her. Mayne took a slow step forward, and another, and another, until he was right in front of Xia. He gently pushed away the trident and took one more step forward, wrapping his arms around her in a hug. He allowed his talent to flow through his hands and wrapped her in blankets, except for the hand with the trident. Mayne had restrained her, and gently lowered both of them until he was holding her on the ground. He was petting her hair while shaking. She needed comfort, and Mayne would help her. A sob worked it's way up his throat as he relived the night of his family's ultimate demise, but he started rocking back and forth, humming a lullaby his father had sung to him until he had fallen asleep.

Location: On his way to Sanctuary, then Sanctuary
Tagged: Rowan, Luno, then Lily

Flynn's heart was racing, needing to get back to Sanctuary before anyone died, including Cyprian.
"Cyprian touched Silas and accidentally killed him due to the curse. Xia freaked and stabbed him in the chest. You have to save him." Flynn explained as he ran, holding onto Rowan's legs so tightly, he was afraid he would break them. He then burst into the clearing where everyone was, only to find Mayne cradling Xia who was burrito-ed in blankets. Flynn stopped, and gently put Rowan down as his eyes racked across the clearing. Cilan was lying still on the ground, and Flynn smelled the blood before he saw it. It was all he smelled, but then he saw that Cyprian was dead as well. The crazy amount of emotions that swung through him had his inner wolf step forward and force a shift. He dropped to the ground on all fours, shaking with the need to kill something. He stayed still though, breathing and trying to calm.
"Luno, can you tell Rowan that I will go get Lily?" Flynn asked his adopted father. He was snarling like a dog on rabies, but he didn't want to hurt anyone, especially when he saw all of the pain in everyone's eyes. If he knew what had happened, he probably would kill someone. Without another thought, Flynn turned around from which he came and ran towards Lily.

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Xia and Mayne

Regina was seeing red, and she almost killed Xia for the complete bull she was spewing.
"I am a girl filled with the same amount of pain you have!" Regina snarled, ready to cut her down where she stood. The only reason she was allowing Xia to talk, was because she needed the others to see how crazy she had become. It would be out of mercy to put her down like the animal she was.
When Xia stabbed Cilan, Regina finally reveled in the chaos around her. Everyone was on high alert, and a fight was about to break out. She smiled like a wolf, raising her arm, but stopping when Mayne started shouting. Who knew he could even raise his voice above a whisper? He then wrapped Xia in blankets, and then Flynn came back with Rowan. A lot of things were happening at once, and Regina's blood was still screaming for death. She needed to kill someone, but she didn't know who yet. Her mind was racing, but she lowered her arm. She would have to wait for another time, and it made her angry.

Location: Beach
Tagged: Her Pack

Amber listened to everyone, her heartbeat painful with each breath she took. Everyone was upset, and she had not even thought of burying everyone.
"Of course. We can bury our loved ones and set their spirits free before we move." Amber murmured, gently letting go of Waverly as she stood. "When we find a place to rest, we can all share our favorite stories and memories with everyone who had died today. For now, we can all say our goodbyes."
She took a step back, forcing herself to breath. Her mind was clearing though, and she was able to think rationally. She would not assume she was leader, and she would make sure people were happy with each decision that had to be made. Amber would be like Solara, and guide her pack. Alphas were not tyrants, they were protectors.
Amber smiled at Fern's speech, trying to keep the situation light. It was much appreciated.
"I also appreciate everyone's understanding and forgiveness. I know I do not deserve it." Amber stated. She then took a deep breath, and while the pain was still there, she knew she could tolerate it. Her pack would protect her like she would protect them.
After a few moments, Amber knew she had to nudge the funeral procession forward a little bit. She felt it in her bones that something wasn't right, and she didn't want anyone else to die.
"Waverly, would you like to carry Sam, or someone else? The same question applies to you, Kale. We are family, and we are mourning with you."

Location: Birvale Beach
Tagged: Vivien and Everyone Else

Sorcha felt ashamed of herself for not catching Thana earlier. She knew how dangerous the girl was, and she had failed in killing her. Sorcha also knew now was not the time to apologize, now was the time to help those she had failed. She stayed by Ivana's side, having heard of the Timekeeper's daughters. She made sure Ivana was still breathing, but she was also going to protect everyone until they were ready to move.
"Hello Vivien, it is very nice to meet you." She smiled at the brunette. Her turquoise eyes were captivating, and she seemed like a perfect candidate for an army. Sorcha's attention then snapped to a girl named Fern. She introduced herself, as well as her brother. Sorcha did not judge anyone, even though Fern seemed embarrassed by her emotional brother. Emotion was an important part of the grieving process, and Sorcha would make sure they did not accidentally hurt each other.
"I am at anyone's disposal if you need help. I will also protect you until we reach your intended destination." Sorcha stated, bowing her head. Sorcha had a feeling that while Janice will be upset she had not returned, she would also be okay with Sorcha staying.
It was her duty as a soldier to protect those who could not protect themselves.

[I think that is almost everyone? If I missed responding to someone, I'm sorry! XD]

she/her pronounsengineerwriter

for the strength of the pack is the wolf,
and the strength of the
wolf is the pack.

EruditeDistrict Ravenclaw

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