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Postby BucketORandomness » Wed Mar 29, 2017 9:16 am

((So, this is also a character sheet thing for PTEN. I've been writing and thinking about the world and story and such nonstop for a while and wanted to show some background I might not be able to cover in the story. Consider it like a bonus round, if you want >^.^< If you would like more more often, I can do these pretty easily at school, so this full time student can be thinking full time story ;) It can become, like, an encyclopedia thing with all the characters, and then important places, maybe even important events, can be linked as well c: Don't forget to comment! It makes me sparkle >^.^<))
Project VIIIB.10-28 (Nikki)

Age: Appearance stopped aging somewhere in the late teens, even though many thousand years have passed
Gender: Female
Power: Can turn body into a pliable metal alloy, and can control the various pieces independently
Hair: Wavey, down, short, silvery blonde
Skin: Pale, solid, cold, slight metallic sheen
Face:Silvery eyes, slightly angular features, squared jaw
Height: 5'4"
Top--Tan sweatshirt, black turtleneck, scarred arms
Bottom--Long cargo pants hide prosthetic left leg
Shoes--Hiking boots with long black socks
Other: Prosthetic leg is made by staff and cannot be turned into metal
General: Boistrous, defensive, agressive, controlling
Likes: Appearing strong, the cross-project partner, winning
Dislikes: Prosthetic leg, magnets, orders, needles, weakness
Habits: Hides skin, self isolation, cuts, snaps fingers when impatient
Grown from a single cell, Project 28 was grown at facility 10 of the combined VIIIB bunkers focused on developing beings who could become important renewable resources for the population. Project 28 was developed with an ability towards metals. Training began to teach the project to turn various regions of their form into metal.
Training increased, and metal could now be regularly harvested from the bloodstream. A proposal of a cross-project experiment was accepted from Bunker IB.11. Untreated metal harvested from Project 28 was used, though the results were violent. Project 28 was shown to still have a physical connection with the untreated metal. Scars were registered on the project's non-dominant arm, and all sharp object were banned from the project's accessibility. Involvement in the cross-project increased, and the project was moved to Bunker IB.11 for ease of access. At the bunker, reactions to the cross-project grew more severe, so the experiment was put on temporary hold. During an accident, the project lost its left leg and went dormant for a number of years.
The project was reanimated when a team from Bunker Element investigated a lack of reports from Bunker IB.11. Of the five surviving projects, Project VIIIB.10-28 recovered fastest at Bunker Element and was taught of the new prefix added to its identification code. The code name also assigned to the project was "Nikki." Project VIIIB.10-28 was taught self-defense and excelled at combat training, despite the prosthetic leg acquired because of the accident. The project appeared to grow close with its confidential cross-project partner "Copper," especially after the experiments resumed in Bunker Element. When Project IB.11-29 defected, evidence of a negative impact on the project's psyche were reported. This new occurrence was studied, as the project appeared to have developed an unprecedented personality shift as a response to the cross-project experiment. The project has since been used as a part of a force to recover and reanimate other projects while still helping to create new and more durable weapons. Results of the activities have trended positive thus far, though connections similar to the one with Project IB.11-29 have not been reported since.
Last edited by BucketORandomness on Fri May 04, 2018 5:18 am, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: Bucket's Writing Bucket

Postby Ranger of the North » Wed Mar 29, 2017 8:31 pm

I like these so much <3.<3
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Re: Bucket's Writing Bucket

Postby BucketORandomness » Fri Mar 31, 2017 11:01 am

Ranger of the North wrote:
I like these so much <3.<3

Yay! I'm glad you enjoy them so much >^.^<


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Periodic Tales of An Elemental Nature

Postby BucketORandomness » Thu Apr 27, 2017 8:34 am

((This is the next installment of PTEN. Enjoy >^.^<))

xxxxxFor the next day, and for many days after his initial meeting with Copper, Sirius developed a regular routine. Early in the morning, he would wake up and leave the house to escape the questions of the neighbors. They seemed to think he had all the answers to everything, now, which he thought was absurd. They asked him what to do about the strangers who kept calling over the wall. Everyone avoided the strangers since the Orb had reacted so badly to them, though the aversion didn’t stop them from trying.
xxxxxAfter Sirius managed to dodge a couple of notoriously cantankerous grannies, he made his way to the center column. The walk seemed to Sirius to be somewhat quicker than the times he had come before his meeting with Copper. He attributed it to excitement as he came in sight of the enormous pillar. It towered above him, and he smiled in anticipation as he pulled the sun carving out of his pocket.
xxxxxThe pillar took a moment to absorb the carving and his hand before creating the now familiar platform that took him up to talk with Copper. The ride was smooth, if a little strange this time. The platform felt somehow smaller, since it no longer went all the way out to his knees when he sat. Could there be something wrong? All worries left his mind as he was welcomed into Copper’s little sanctum. Her brow was wrinkled in something like worry, which didn’t fit her features at all.
xxxxx“Hello, Copper,” he said, putting a smile on his face. Hers was a little slow in returning, but it was there. They talked like they normally did, conversing in Sirius’s normal inflection. He thought the way Copper spoke was strangely beautiful and almost exotic. They talked about what he had done the day before, the city below, the people living there. Sirius avoided talking about the outsiders for as long as he could, but his curiosity got the best of him in the natural silences of their conversation.
xxxxx“Copper, why did the metal in the wall act the way it did when the outsiders tried trading through the wall?” he asked. His quiet question reverberated in the Orb for a short time, and he began wondering if he had asked something wrong. At least she had let him stay inside.
xxxxx“My metal is part of me,” she said slowly. Her gaze had turned to her knees as they sat on the curving floor of the Orb. “What they offered . . . hurts. It doesn’t like being part of me,” the girl continued. Quickly, as though she had simply commented on the color of his shirt, she lifted her head and smiled brightly. “What about Jeha? How is the herdsman?” she asked smoothly.
xxxxxSirius looked at Copper, confused for a moment. It had sounded like she knew what the metal was without needing to touch it. Refocusing on the question, he answered, “I told you about Jeha yesterday, right? He’s not normally this needy, but he’s been saying the best pastures have been disappearing. I think his age is finally catching up with him.” He grinned at the memory of the old man. Their conversation flowed for a little while longer, but Sirius could feel that it was time to go.
xxxxx“Goodbye,” he said, waving to his special friend as he sank through the floor. The platform again felt a little small, but his descent was soon over. He stepped away from the column and stretched, enjoying the open space.
xxxxx“Finished wit yer meetn’?” a creaky voice said from the bushes. Sirius turned quickly and saw a man sitting bent over a gnarled branch and surrounded by small, fluffy animals. His skin was dark, and dust caked in its folds. His gapped grin was followed by a husky chuckle. “That thing you been doin’ in the Orb ain't easy t’hide,” he said, rising and shuffling over to the stunned Sirius.
xxxxx“I thought I was rather discrete, Jeha,” Sirius muttered, looking at one of the man’s dusty sandals. He began to worry about others who might have seen him going to meet Copper. “You won’t tell, right? Or stop me?” he asked urgently. How would he tell Copper if Jeha told the city and stopped him from coming to visit her?
xxxxx“Don’ worry yer footies. I’d only tell me flurries, though I may keep yer secrit if I knew what you been doin’ up there,” he said, suggestively leaning against his staff. The little fluffy animals amiably meandered nearby, some resting by his feet while the younger ones played games of chase.
xxxxxSirius didn’t want to give up his special secret with Copper, but he really didn’t want the old man to blab about his visits. Finally, he relented to tell the herdsman at least a few details. “You better not tell anyone,” he warned before he launched into what he had been doing.
xxxxxJeha listened with a small grin on his face as Sirius described Copper and how she lived inside the Orb. Sirius had only meant to explain the most minimal portions of his encounters, but Jeha had a way of listening that seemed to draw the details out of him like a thirsty man drinking water. Sirius explained how the metal was a living thing, and how it brought her food. He told Jeha about Copper’s strange statement and wondered out loud if she really did control the metal.
xxxxxWhen the young man finished, Jeha chuckled. “I bet she’s as wonderful as you say she is. Wonderen’ now if I can’t meet ‘er,” the old man said, getting up from a comfortably seated position. Sirius wondered what Jeha had been talking about as he and his herd ambled away. Could Copper actually come down and meet the old man? He contemplated how he would ask her as he wandered back to the city and into a whirlwind of whispers.


xxxxx“But, I don’t want to! That’s me!” I protest, pulling my tanned arm away from the extraction machine.
xxxxx“Do you want to protect others from the bombs?” a familiar face asks.
xxxxx“Yes, but the machine hurts. And whatever they do afterwards hurts, too. Why can’t I protect others myself? I’m not weak,” I say, turning my skin to metal. I am shiny, hard, cold, and strong. As my mentor tries to convince me more, the metal moves deeper. I feel strong, secure, dependable, and wanted. My muscles turn to the same shiny substance. My blood runs cold. My heart screeches on metal hinges in its new metal casing. I am strong.
xxxxxI am moving! I slide out of shape and towards the wall. It hurts! It hurts! I resist! It feels like a magnet, pulling me in so many directions. “Stop it!” I cry. My mentor rushes over, and so do a couple white-coats.
xxxxx“Cross-project, abort! Abort!” a white-coat says into a little metal earpiece. The magnet goes away, though it’s still there. The magnet is dull, but I reform my vulnerable shape. The metal is gone, the shiny defenses retracted. They had betrayed me. Who can I trust now?

xxxxxI shivered slightly as the quiet knock on my Orb signaled Sirius had arrived. I let him in like normal and tried to smile at him, but I think he noticed how strained it was. Sirius always found a way to make me smile for real. The conversation flowed from topic to topic, and I found that I could understand his strange dialect without needing to think too much about what he was saying. It was another wonderful thing to add to our growing commonality.
xxxxx“Copper, why did the metal in the wall act the way it did when the outsiders tried trading through the wall?” Sirius asked suddenly. The question caught me off-guard, and I fought back the memories.
xxxxxI scream, resisting the pull of that magnet. It hurts! It hurts! “Stop it! Stop it!”
xxxxx“Project VIIIB.10-28 resisting cross-project. Report on your end?” a dispassionate voice says from behind the screen of bodies. They hold me. They keep me. It hurts! “Reset cross-project. Resume again after both projects recover.” No!

xxxxx“My metal is part of me,” I said slowly, mentally shaking off the memory. Why did I expect to find cargo pants instead of my gray sweats? “What they offered . . . hurts. It doesn’t like being part of me,” I finished. This topic was not the most comfortable in the world. I quickly thought of a good, neutral topic to talk about. “What about Jeha? How is the herdsman?” I tried, not looking at Sirius.
xxxxxHe seemed to know what I was trying to do, but I was grateful that he did not try to push the subject. Our conversation did not seem to hold as much interest as it had earlier. I found myself thinking two things were true, even though they weren’t. I didn’t trust anyone, but I trusted Noble. And Sirius.
xxxxxSirius was saying something about fields disappearing, which made no sense. Well, actually, it did, but I didn’t explain why. We kept talking about nothing until Sirius apparently noticed my mood. He made some sort of excuse I didn't listen to and said goodbye, which was the signal to let him down.
xxxxxI asked my metal, and it responded. Why did everything feel slow and warm?
xxxxxThe vehicle bumps over yet another uneven road. Why does every site always have this same smell? I coat my arms in metal. Now, we have to get out of the truck. We walk through dust, and all the warm air presses down on me. The magnet is still there, but I’ve learned to deal with it. My leg clanks as it kicks something metal, and I look in disgust at the two different metals. The metal moved deeper.

xxxxxSomething definitely felt wrong. Whose legs were those? They didn’t look like mine. These don’t look like my legs.
xxxxxMy metal shifts uncertainly underneath me, and I instinctively reached out and tried to steady it. It didn’t steady, though. It shifted more, and alarms suddenly screamed. It was the wall again! What was wrong? I sealed up my wall, reaching desperately for Sirius. I had to keep him safe! Where was he?!
((I think this is coming out pretty well. I still have more plans, though nothing is being planned whenever I sit down to write it. Just from experience, it's way easier to write when you've planned out what's going to happen.
Last edited by BucketORandomness on Fri May 04, 2018 5:18 am, edited 2 times in total.


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Periodic Tales of An Elemental Nature

Postby BucketORandomness » Thu May 04, 2017 11:18 am

((Here's another PTEN update, but it's got a change in perspectives!))

xxxxxA subtle vibration runs through the floor. Then another one follows. Can the floor really feel like water? I’m pretty sure it’s a solid.
xxxxxAn alarm sounds, and one of my friends cries out. Suddenly, warmth. Heat, pounding ever part of me. Burning, penetrating every molecule. An intense light, trying to incinerate me and my new friends.
xxxxx“No!” I cry out. My defenses rise. I am metal. I am impenetrable. I am hot! I still burn! Cool shade. I feel strangely separate. I am cooling. This is nice. Why can't I feel my toes?

xxxxxI woke with a start, sitting up straight in my travel cot as a terrible chill raised the hairs on my arms. I quickly turned that outermost layer of skin into a glossy silver surface. However childish it may have appeared, I always thought my armor could deflect even my bad dreams for a while.
xxxxxI let the dream disappear as my foot hit the dirt that marked the floor of my tent. The magnet was still there, in and out of the dream, but I forcefully left that train of thought as I put on the familiar prosthetic leg that had become a part of my existence.
xxxxxThe dull gray of morning sunlight filtered through the door at the front, and I made my way out to the bustle of camp. Projects ran every which way, and the common soldier-scientists collectively called “Menials” had frantic looks on their faces.
xxxxx“You’re up! Commander has called a meeting,” I heard someone say. I turned to give them a blinding glare and discovered Noble. He was pretty chill, sometimes even ice cold, but all of the projects respected him. After all, he was Commander’s blind second, the most successful project during and after the War.
xxxxx“Alright, alright. I’m coming,”I muttered, maneuvering my prosthetic leg almost casually into a jog. Menials jumped out of the way, and I even managed to trip one of the new projects on the mission. Stupid newbie. Noble kept pace confidently behind me, giving me the weirdest feeling of being watched.
xxxxxThe tent Noble and I approached was a little more than just a tent. It had four distinct walls on the inside, and the peaked roof was much taller than any of the tents elsewhere in the camp. Two Hounds stood guard at the entrance, watching all passersby with cold, canine eyes. I glared back on our way through the entrance.
xxxxxLarge furry beasts snarl and gnash their teeth on metal bars as I enter the training arena. “Hound 4. Not the strongest, but not a runt. Good luck,” a familiar voice says. They're tall, and they seem warmer than that Noble fellow. I prepare myself, favoring my new prosthetic leg. Hound 4 leaps at me, and the fight begins.

xxxxxI stepped into the shade that was under the tent. Commander was there, along with a couple more Hounds and Alpha. Menials scuttled about as if trying to escape the collective gazes of the assembled projects. I lifted my chin and pretended to ignore them all.
xxxxx“It is time to prove your worth once more,” a deep voice boomed into the empty space. It always struck me how effortless Commander made the weight of command appear. “The project we are currently pursuing defected back during the war. Our records indicate that it has an affinity for controlling metals,” he continued. I could feel the metal rise to my skin, then sink deeper and deeper. Had he found out?
xxxxx“Since you can turn into a metal alloy, Nikki, we want you to infiltrate the barrier and make a gateway for operatives to penetrate to the core,” Noble said. The plan was dangerous, especially after… That.
xxxxxI scream, resisting the pull of that magnet. It hurts! It hurts! “Stop it! Stop it!”
xxxxx“Project VIIIB.10-28 resisting cross-project. Report on your end?” a dispassionate voice says from behind the screen of bodies. They hold me. They keep me. It hurts! “Reset cross-project. Resume again after both projects recover.” No

xxxxxThe other project had never recovered, though I still let a few drops of metal find their way to that other project in the protection of my tent sometimes. Noble had put a hand on my shoulder as Commander waited for a response. They both knew how likely it was I would lose myself in the barrier, but at least they were letting me decide if I wanted to do it willingly.
xxxxx“Alright,” I said, almost laughing at the completely confused look on Alpha’s face. I had to do this. I had to prove my worth. “When does the operation start?” I asked, mainly to keep myself from turning into a statue.
xxxxx“You should have offered it when we learned of the defect’s identification!” Alpha barked gruffly, recovering from his previous confusion. Commander lifted a silencing hand, but he did not contradict Alpha.
xxxxx“I understand. I’ll be ready as soon as the other party members are,” I said, refusing to break eye contact. I was not afraid of any of them. Commander nodded slightly and I dismissed myself. It felt like my control was slipping again.
xxxxxI took a walk around the camp, looking up at the imposing metal net I would have to become part of in order to complete the new mission.
xxxxxCarefully, I let my blood turn to metal. I felt a drip fall from my fingertips and relinquished control of that small part. The drop quivered in the dirt before slowly creeping toward the ever present magnet.
xxxxxI lie in bed, staring at the ceiling. There is a weird pulling sensation, like a magnet. None of the others who share my room understand the feeling. They don't have a cross-project partner like I do. It is nice. The magnet reminds me of the other project I am linked to, and also of how I am special. I am special, especially to my partner.

xxxxxOn an impulse, I started to follow the drop as it calmly rolled through the grass. I knew I was just avoiding the thought of the mission, but I continued anyway. The small drop picked up speed, and soon I was jogging to keep up.
xxxxx“Oh! Someone is excited to please Commander,” a voice like gravel teased. I immediately stopped jogging and looked up. Of course Cal was part of the team. He was nothing but a caustic mountain of muscle, but he was a senior member who followed orders well. What he had said finally registered in my head, and I looked around. The net was disturbingly close, and I quickly covered up a shudder.
xxxxx“If I’m excited to please, you must be more so,” I replied as haughtily as I could manage. It probably wasn't a good idea to provoke the clod, but Cal had started it, and I never backed down from a challenge.
xxxxx“Like I’d try to please Commander! He’s about as pleased as a the ice caps are warm,” Cal scoffed. I resisted the urge to laugh, resulting in a slight twitching of my lip. “Oh, but I’m a fool! You're not here to impress Commander. Noble is much easier to please,” he said with an evil gleam.
xxxxx“What? No!” I hissed. I wasn't trying to impress or please anyone! Cal had just killed the humor in the air. My metal moved deeper in defense. “I am not so weak,” I growled, my voice coming out almost as guttural as Alpha’s.
xxxxx“You're right. You are even weaker,” Cal taunted. I was about to launch myself at the offending oaf when a Hound burst in between us. I turned to where the Hound had come from, already knowing who would be there.
xxxxx“I am not upset. Yet. Now, explain” Alpha said, turning judgemental and haughty eyes in my direction. I sniffed in disdain and turned my back on both of them. I didn't need to answer to either of these buffoons.
xxxxx“No time for explanations. Nikki,” Noble’s voice said from behind Alpha’s form. With an explosive sigh, I walked forward and faced the protective net. I had been avoiding this, but now I could prove my worth.
xxxxxI took a deep breath, then turned every last remnant of myself into metal. Cal hurried me to make the gate already. The magnet grew stronger. I let go of my human shape and left my prosthetic behind. The magnet was stronger. I interspersed into the wall.
xxxxxA scream. My form! My mission! The magnet intensified. I stretched. Even more. Someone called. I pulled myself together. Stepped inside the wall. I fought the memories, and the magnet faded.
xxxxxI stumbled to the ground as I resumed my normal form. I removed my metal to remove the magnet.
xxxxx“Nikki, are you injured?” I heard someone ask. I shook my head, then looked down at the grass, trying to balance myself on my leg. My clothes had been cleaned yesterday, but now…
xxxxxThere was a bright red everywhere I looked, slowly turning dull and dark as it dried. The net. Had the metal actually bled?
((So, this is Nikki, and I'm excited to finish the next section. Just so you know, I actually do have a set of rules for how Jeha talks, so it isn't just random contractions everywhere! ;) Also, I hope to get to describing flurries at some point in the next section. They are absolutely adorable in my opinion >^.^<
Last edited by BucketORandomness on Fri May 04, 2018 5:18 am, edited 2 times in total.


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Postby BucketORandomness » Mon May 08, 2017 9:47 am

mistakes have been made

xxxxxWhoops! Looks like I double posted this story! Sorry for the duplication and the unnecessary confusion.
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Postby BucketORandomness » Sat May 13, 2017 10:41 am

Sorry you had to miss it, but I'm yoinking this over to my deviantart since I'm still pretty proud of it. If you want to read it, I'm using the same username: BucketORandomness
((A/N: This one is for the now-familiar thread. PTEN has been put on hold cuz it's such an amazing prompt. It reminded me of the one forever ago. You know the one with the campfire and the demons and stuff and FUN! I wanted to write another piece from the same kind of perspective, so I chose cathedral stones. After I tried to write it the first time, I realized the stones probably had a longer life span and I hadn't really gotten the passage of time across very well. I think I managed to get that across fairly well in this time around. I suppose I could try to follow the first god's trip to demonhood, but I'm not sure I want to elucidate that story at this time >^.^<))
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Postby BucketORandomness » Thu Jun 22, 2017 7:54 am


This is the sassy princess from the mind of Pyjaks, a wonderful user participating in Camp NaNo ((a writing challenge with support groups)) with me for the month of July. Sorry this is not another thing to read, but you all will be happy to know that my challenge is to write 50,000 words for PTEN over the course of July, so lots of chapters to come! *great rejoicing and celebratory noises*

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((Side note: If any of you want me to do one of your characters, just send me a PM and I'll do my best >^.^<))
Last edited by BucketORandomness on Fri May 04, 2018 5:19 am, edited 2 times in total.


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The Block

Postby BucketORandomness » Fri Jun 23, 2017 5:35 am

Once upon a time, in a far-off place, in a different time and part of space, the forest grew. It grew from a single plant, now covering nearly all the planet's size. It grew over land and on top of seas. Over volcanoes grew mighty trees. Plants grew and ruled, but there are some destined to rule again. They live, even now, in caves full of trees whose ripening fruit softly glowed in their leaves. The denizens grew, not as tall as the trees, but bowed and hunched over to avoid hitting leaves that would cut furred arms if too high they did reach. Those with scales were charged with this task. Those with scales were protected against leaves with razor sharp edges and lived in the trees. They harvested fruits for all those below, the furred ones whose lot was living below. Harvesters learned to take care of the light, to avoid picking too much and eternal night. However, there was one who seemed not to fit, their armor too splotchy and scales too thick. They were cut by the leaves, but the ground was not steady, and the fish did not bite from her footsteps so heavy. The others with scales and the others with fur shunned her and pushed her to a rock-strewn clearing and the hut within.The hut had been made from old fallen trees whose leaves had been plucked and who had been brought to be the protective walls and sturdy floors, a home for her and sometimes more. Into each tree was carefully carved a story apiece, some short, some large. Short tales and proverbs, long epics she heard from mealtime chatter in both tree and ground. But somehow she thought there had to be more, more than these trees that held nothing in store for young storyteller or a member who could not fulfill any job, for her armor too splotchy and scales too thick, for the leaves were not home, not to her. A time then came once every few moons when those others would gather and listen late to the tales told in logs, both old and new, from the trees to below, from the furred to the scaled. They came and heard stories the Odd one did tell from inside her wooden tree shell. She told a new story and recorded it, too. Her stories were legends from elders who told of a world up above their stony alcove where both tree and scaled lived in times long ago. She told of descent into caves to escape the onslaught if the trees and their growing hostility. The stories all knew but were somehow now new. The Odd one believed, and so did a few, that the caves they now lived in at sometime were new. The trees had not been here to light up the dark, the leaves not too close to leave them all scars. The Odd one had friends; two, if exact. One's scales shining bright, the other's fur in wet mats. They spoke in hushed tones of explored passages around. New trees, trees with teeth and some without fruit had been found. The Odd one recorded these all on special wood stowed under the floor in alcoves of dirt and space. The elders could not know of these adventures. It would be a disgrace. The Odd one went out and did what she could. She stripped fallen trees and brought back their wood. She carved in new stories and news and orders, then put them together with muddy mortar. The matted and shiny came back with a cry, pushing the Odd one to her hut and inside. They took out the carvings from under the floor and pointed and scratched, for they had found more. More past the river than ran underground. More past the boulders and stones that looked round. More past the groves of blade leaf trees, more for a little Odd one and three, for the leaves she lived in were not her home. Once upon a time, in a far-off place, in a different time and part of space, there was one who seemed not to fit, her armor too splotchy and scales too thick. She was cut by the leaves, but the ground was not steady, and the fish did not bite from her footsteps so heavy. Her stories were legends from elders who told of a world up above their stony alcove where both tree and scaled lived in times long ago. Odd believed, and so did her friends. One's scales shining bright, the other's fur in wet mats. They found a way out of the trees with their leaves, and they brought it to Odd to come with. At meal time, they left, exited all three, Shine with Mat, and Odd in the lead. They crept past the Harvesters, furred friend and foe, and made it once more to the edge of the known. Odd had her wood with its maps carved inside, and Mat would have said she looked more alive standing before what was forbidden, and not staying hidden inside her hut of stories and wood. Shine went first to part curtains of leaves that cut Odd and Mat as they would carefully leave. Then Mat would test earth, where walking was sound, and Odd would take notes on what was around. In this way the trio left the caves. The trio left the caves, though they did not know it outright. The world outside was dark as well, when last time it had been light. The map Odd had made with Shine and Mat's help confused them now greatly, for where was the shelf Mat had seen with the strange tree that had water for leaves? And where were the bright glowing fruits high above all the strange, distant branches of hidden alcoves? "Aren't those them?" Mat asked Shine. "Nope. Not at all. Those fruits are not mine." So Mat and Shine turned as if to go back, but Odd stayed above in this world that was new and the ground didn't waver. "Go home if you want. I'm staying up here," Odd said to her friends when they drew again near, "The ground here is solid, and I can walk without fear of cuts from the leaves because they're so far. I will study and note all these peculiar things, like the trees that don't hurt and that plant there that sings." Shine and Mat were at this point unsure, but Odd took her map and made them one more. "You come back next mealtime, I'll come back if lonely. We'll tell each other stories, and I'll pay attention closely to the news of my leaving. Now go, before elders decide for the evening to search."

((A/N: Ew! Look at that ugly, unformatted block of text! Fear not, I will format again at some point. This started as a thing I did when bored on the Camp NaNo chat feature every half hour of nothingness, so it's a little different. Not even got a story line yet, though, so that could get interesting. I will edit this at some later date, thank you for your patience.))
Last edited by BucketORandomness on Fri May 04, 2018 5:19 am, edited 3 times in total.


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Re: Bucket's Writing Bucket

Postby BucketORandomness » Sat Jun 24, 2017 8:03 am

Guess what! PTEN has its own thread now! >^.^< This way, those uninterested don't have to read all the random bits and pieces for it, and all of the material related to PTEN is all in one place! *great rejoicing and celebratory noises* To the one who wanted to bookmark/subscribe, go ahead, and to whoever wanted PTEN stuff to stay here, I apologize and hope you will be willing to bookmark/subscribe another thread and continue reading!


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