Sʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ Wᴀʀs Mᴜʟᴛɪғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ RP

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Re: Sʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ Wᴀʀs Mᴜʟᴛɪғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ RP

Postby Ploegy » Sat May 27, 2017 4:30 pm

Claus ft Lucas
Male || 14 || Pansexual || Crush: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) || Orange Pairing || Mother 3 || Tagged: Shiemi, Rin, Terra & Lucas

    A soft laugh escaped from Lucas' lips again as the aura from around him finally vanished, showing that he was now fully healed from whatever injuries he had. "Well someone's gotta bring it up and he's not going to. Besides, don't think I didn't see that you missed the Masked Man. How cute," the blonde replied nonchalantly. He wasn't going to bring it up, but he figured Claus had no memory of it and it would only make his twin more flustered to prove his point.

    Hearing Lucas continue on, he couldn't believe what he was saying. His brother wouldn't lie though. Not like this. He was too innocent to lie right to his face in a moment like this. That only made his cheeks grow hotter. "Will you shut up already, Lucas! I think you're making my fire psi act up or something," he said, trying to find some kind of excuse for why his face was becoming so hot. It was the only thing he could think of without admitting anything.

    Shaking his head playfully, the younger twin rose to his feet. It was amusing how Claus was reacting. Leave it to him to try and find excuses for his own feelings. "Might as well make a move now. That partner of yours isn't here anymore so you can have whatever you want, Clausy." Rufflinf the redhead's hair as he passed him on his way to Rin and Shiemi, Claus felt his hands drop from his face. He was speechless. His eyes followed Lucas for a moment until they averted to Terra. She was just as embarrassed as he was.

    "Uh, I'm sorry for him. H-He's just out of it after you know d-dying and all that," he managed to spit out. Now he was starting to stutter like his brother always did when he first met people. How embarrassing. Dropping his gaze to his lap he wasn't sure how to make any of this less awkward than it already was. Was there even any way someone could like a deeply flawed person like himself? He doubted it. Yet Lucas had said she had kissed the Masked Man. He wanted to question it, but he felt it wasn't his place to.

Male || 14 || Pansexual || Crush: None || Yellow Pairing || Earthbound / Mother 2 || Tagged: Cream

    A voice caught his attention after wandering quietly through the halls. It was feminine from the sounds of it. Could it possibly belong to his new partner? It was possible, though he wouldn't get his hopes up. At this point could he even be excited over anything in this place? All it did was keep throwing him back to the start and putting him with someone new. It was tiring. Pulling his hat off for a moment, he ran his fingers through his messy hair before plopping it back down. Maybe this place realized how powerful he actually was which was why it was holding him back. It wouldn't surprise him. Pushing the thought off, his eyes landed upon Cream as she came into view and he cocked his head. "Uh, hi," he said awkwardly in her direction.

Male || 22 || Pansexual || Crush: Definitely || Lime Pairing || Fire Emblem Fates || Tagged: C.C, Kousei & Kari

    (Gonna wait till we come up with a floor)

Female || 17 || Heterosexual || Crush: <3 || Indigo Pairing || Pokemon || Tagged: Brendan

    Walking into the room, it didn't seem dangerous at all. Like he had stated, it just seemed like a storage area. That seemed rather strange in itself. "No, I don't see anything but boxes in this place," she replied as she made her way around the boxes. Why would a floor like this even exist? This whole place just made her question so many things and it was annoying. Stopping at his side, her eyes moved over to the plushies she had seen in countless secret bases back home. That only brought up another question. Why were they here? Rubbing her temples, she let a soft sigh escape her lips. "This place just keeps getting more and more confusing."

Female || 20 || Heterosexual || Crush: None || Orchid Pairing || Pokemon || Tagged: Urushihara

    "So at some point you lead those things in battle? How interesting," she remarked. Here she was thinking he wasn't much of a fighter, but if he had been a part of some army, he could fight. She assumed it was only in the form she had seen on the first floor though. Deciding not to question it any farther, she returned her Milotic to its ball before looking around the flaming area. She had a better question anyways. "So, you seem familiar with this place? What is it?" To her it just looked like another forest, but it lacked the Pokemon she was used to seeing roaming around. Then again why would any Pokemon stay around in a forest fire? They were smart enough to escape and find shelter.

Female || 22 || Demisexual || Crush: None || Royal Blue Pairing || Fire Emblem Awakening || Tagged: Zeref

    At the sound of her name, everything seemed to snap in her. Lifting her head to look toward him, everything seemed to appear red to her. "Robin? Pft. You've mistaken," she said. Whatever had previously been whispering to her was now in control. Leaving her weapons on the ground, the tactician rose to her feet again and let a stifled laugh escape her lips, revealing the fangs that were now present in her mouth. "I must thank you for leading the Plegian to me again. She's one hard one to track down. Too bad we couldn't full transform. Her body sadly couldn't take anymore of the magic in so I had to settle on this." Letting a fake sigh escape her lips, Grima walked around Zeref as if sizing him up. She could tell that he was powerful. Maybe even powerful enough to take her down, especially in this half-bred form. Now it would be a different story if the full dragon transformation had taken place since at full power Grima was considered a god and only the power of Naga was powerful enough to put her to rest.

    Stopping in front of the male, she folded her arms over her chest and gave him a toothy grin. "I suppose I should introduce myself, though then again why would I? I can tell the girl wasn't overly fond of you either or at least not of your way of doing things. She is a soldier you know. She's used to working and fighting along others. You however, you do things your own way. I guess that makes the two of us a lot like each other." By no means did Grima ever rely on others to fight her battles. All she needed was the perfect specimen to merge with which was why Robin had been born. "You know she thought you two could be friends, but I'm here to make sure she never comes back. Humans don't deserve happiness anyways. So I'll give you the choice now. You can gladly go on and be free of the girl or you can try to tear her away from me."

Male || 118 (Appears 18) || Bicurious || Crush: <3 || Sapphire Pairing || Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild || Tagged: Zelda & Fallon

    As soon as he walked into the next area, he was met by an eerie silence. That was not what he wanted at all. Lifting his shield up to cover the lower half of his face, the Hylian felt wary of what might come out now. It didn't take long for the sound of metal claws hitting the tile floor to catch his attention. Quickly reaching over his shoulder, he pulled his sword from its place just as he was met by the familiar red beam of light targeting him. "Princess, you ought to stay on those stairs. There are guardians in this place," he warned. In his moment of distracted, the guardian released its attack and instantly pushed him back as it collided with his shield. Skidding back a few feet, he let a low grunt escape his lips before narrowing his eyes. Of all the things he hadn't wanted to see, why did these things have to show up.

Princess Peach
Female || 23 || Heterosexual || Crush: None || Bronze Pairing || Super Mario || Tagged: Ganondorf

    "Why must this place be so complicated?" she sighed. It seemed that they were getting almost nowhere which truly was a disappointment. There were so many winding halls with no doors along them. That was what really felt strange to her. She had been in plenty of castles in her days, but none quite like this one. It really offered very few options thus far which could be a good and bad thing. With limited options they couldn't get off track which was good, but it only made the place feel much creepier than she wanted it do be.

Male || 18 || Bisexual || Crush: None || Dandelion Pairing || Pokemon Special || Tagged: Sora

    Listening to her, it sounded a lot like the problems they had previously faced, well except the virus part and none of the dex holders had turned, though he heard one of the ones from Unova had formerly been apart of the evil organization there and it wasn't like Silver had a clean record either with being the son of Giovanni and all. "Hm, interesting. It really is odd how similar yet different our homes are. It really makes me wonder how many other worlds are very similar to them as well," he mused as he tapped his fingers against the table. This wasn't the kind of stuff he ever thought he'd be thinking about. Actually, thinking about anything besides gambling and flirting was a rarity.

Female || 19 || Bisexual || Crush: None || Black Pairing || Attack on Titan || Tagged: Akihito

    "I think this still is the room. A room that oddly resembles a scene I'm used to seeing back home," she remarked. Could this be what was happening right now back home? She couldn't tell and she couldn't pick out any familiar faces in the troops that rushed past. It was almost as if they had very little interest in the two of them. It was probably because they weren't in their way that they didn't even bother to address them. Looking back at her partner as he suggested taking cover, she nodded. If this actually was some kind of challenge, she already knew what the soldiers passing them were fearing."If we keep low what they're going to attack hopefully won't notice us." She wasn't one to run away from a titan, but she was still confused by what was going on and she had to think of Akihito first. Grabbing his arm, she lead him to the only hiding place there was behind a couple of trees. "I have no clue how we would get to my home, but if this is real, the last thing we need is to get caught by a couple of titans."

Captain Ness
Male || 15 || Demisexual || Crush: None || Blush Pairing || NTNE Mother AU || Tagged: Madelyn

    He wouldn't argue with her, though he didn't ever believe in promises anymore. Stepping into the new room, his eyes instantly settled on the dragon that awaited them. Never before had he seen such a creature, though he had hard there was one that existed somewhere in their land. Porky always told him they would find it some day, but they never did. Not that it really bothered him anyways. Why should he be bothered with creatures when he knew exactly what the king would do with them? It wasn't like he only made human chimeras. He experimented with animals too and it made him sick to even see it. Forcing himself to focus on what was happening, he watched as Madelyn began to skip toward the large creature, proving that she knew them. He was prepared for some awkward reunion, but he was taken by surprise by what actually happened.

    As much as he hated to be the hero, he couldn't let her just die here. She was too close to the dragon though for him to simply use a psi attack and call it good. He'd have to get her away first. That wouldn't be too hard. Disappearing from his place near the door, he reappeared in front of his partner with his twisted smile on his face. "Over my dead body," he snarled lowly at the dragon before quickly turning to wrap his arms around Madelyn. Vanishing again, the pair reappeared back near the entrance. At least now he'd have room to work with. "Sorry I can't be a shoulder to cry on or whatever that saying is, but I got some punks to teach a lesson to."

    Letting her go, he turned back to look toward the Reni and the soldiers that stood behind her. Being outnumbered wasn't anything new to him. Most missions it happened since he had to be sent alone to assure the army didn't lose soldiers from his rampages. "I'll give you one chance to back down otherwise I will show you what, I, Captain of the Pigmask Army, can do." His claws twitched with excitement as he lifted his other hand up, allowing a golden aura to form around it. He wasn't one that would normally start with one of his most powerful attacks, but he'd need to take out some of the soldiers if he wanted any chance of making it out of here.

Lady Palutena
Female || Unknown || Heterosexual || Crush: None || Sage Pairing || Kid Icarus || Tagged: Yukio

    "No, it is not magic. This is my my clairvoyance so to say. I suppose it is no secret anymore, but I am not a human. Actually, I am a goddess," she said. It wasn't exactly clairvoyance, but she wasn't sure how else she could explain it. Many of her abilities could be difficult to explain. Resting her staff at her side, she allowed a soft smile to cross her lips. Just from looking at what was going on with the boy's brother, she couldn't help but feel amused by it. "If you would like to join him you're more than welcome to simply walk into that and it will teleport you there. I thought it might be useful since you want to get to him so badly. It's the least I can do to help out." Normally she wouldn't give in so quickly, but this felt important. Besides, it seemed that her so called partner didn't have much interest in her since he was so focused on his twin. That was alright though. It was something she couldn't understand, but she would respect it.

Female || 16 || Pansexual || Crush: None || Green Pairing || Fire Emblem Awakening || Tagged: Open

    When both sets of eyes were on her, she froze momentarily. She felt that she had just interrupted something, but she wouldn't dare ask what. Besides, it was none of her business. "My name is Lissa," she introduced with a small bow of her head. "I've been looking around this place for others forever and you two are the first ones I've come upon. I hope I'm not bothering you or anything." Maybe she should have thought of that before she entered the room. She couldn't contain her excitement though. She had wanted to be around others so she didn't feel so useless.
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Re: Sʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ Wᴀʀs Mᴜʟᴛɪғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ RP

Postby recherché. » Sun May 28, 2017 5:29 am


✧ Ayluin Xyrn.
x Pairing Tan. xx Age 18 years. xxDestined with Nowi.xx Powers/Weapons Bow and Arrows.


      Tagged Nowi.
        "Pour them? On you?" Ayluin let out a chuckle as he took a vial out and popped it open, nibbling on his lip. He didn't exactly want to pour them on her, because he could probably drown her, but he shrugged it off. Sniffing the liquid in the vial, he let out a small huff and tipped it over her head slightly, making sure to only pour a drop on her head. As he waited for the results, he put the lid back on and stuffed the other vials in his pocket. The male's heart was beating and he kept an eye on Nowi.


♥ Kaori Miyazono
x Pairing Coral. xx Age 16 years. xe hxDestined with Kristian.xx Powers/Weapons Violin.


      Tagged Kristian.
        With a slow nod at his first sentence, her smile had faded slightly and she looked up at him. Just because he killed his doppelgangers doesn't mean that he's going to kill her, right? With a shrug, she shook the thought off and glanced up at the ceiling, not knowing how they'd get out. She just wanted to be outside, enjoy some fresh air and bask in the sunlight, "That's okay.. Just as long as you don't kill me."


◉ Yukine.
x Pairing Magenta. xx Age 20 years. xxDestined with Prince.xx Powers/Weapons Turns into a Katana.


      Tagged Jae, Yato, Hiyori, Mirajane.
        Yukine offered a smile at Hiyori and then towards Yato, wanting to go over there and comfort him but at the same time, he knew it wasn't his place. Nobody was going anywhere so he just stayed put, not wanting to get separated from anybody since he hated being lonely. His cheerful mood has disappeared once he realized Yato's mood. He could feel the emotion. It tightened Yukine's chest.


♛ Arthur Pendragon.
x Pairing Violet. xx Age 16 years. xxDestined with Malour.xx Powers/Weapons Longsword.


      Tagged Malour.
        A small smile was on his lips as she spoke of the village being peaceful, but it was gone when she had called him 'Ben'.
        Arthur just nodded and kept his mouth shut as he stood himself up straight and adverted her gaze. The fact that she called him by someone else's name kind of bothered him, but he didn't know why. Deciding to pry, he asked, "Who's Ben?"


♫ Luka Megurine.
x Pairing Vermilion. xx Age 20 years. xxDestined with Soul.xx Powers/Weapons None.


      Tagged Soul.
        Luka honestly didn't know what to say after that. She decided to stay silent and just follow after them. At least they both had problems about confessing, because they had something in common. As she felt something grab her arm, she had to make sure that it was him and nothing else. Realizing it was his hand, she relaxed slightly and shrugged, "Should we go in?"
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Re: Sʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ Wᴀʀs Mᴜʟᴛɪғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ RP

Postby starlette » Sun May 28, 2017 6:20 am

Max Caulfield - 18 - Female - Bisexual - Navy Pairing - Crush: None - Tags: Linkle
Hearing her partner call out, the photographer turned towards the source of the voice and smiled in the Hylian's direction. "Alright!" Max called out in response. Tucking a few more objects safely away in her bag, all that was left was to carry the larger items to the middle of the room. With a small pile in hand, Max carefully made her way towards the middle of the room and gently placed them down near Linkle's things. They'd have to check to make sure they had all of the items on the list, but Max had faith that they found everything. "Okay, let's make sure we've finished that list and then we can get out of this room," the girl said as she opened her bag to take out the smaller objects she found.

Ava Ire - 15 - Female - Bisexual - Maroon Pairing - Crush: None - Tags: Obi
The girl could tell Obi was hesitant. No, she wasn't okay. All Ava ever wanted was to find people that accepted and cared for her, and when she finally found others like that, she lost one of them moments later. "No," she squeaked, letting go of his wrist. Her defenses shattered. Hot tears began to stream down her cheeks and heaving sobs shook Ava's small form. "I called her a friend! I t-trusted her! And n-now she's gone!" Perhaps Obi wouldn't understand why her reaction to all of this was so emotional. To Ava, this was a familiar cycle that the girl constantly repeated thanks to her spectral tormentor, Wrathia. Ava would let her guard down around someone, and when the time was right, something would stop her from having a decent relationship with them. And by becoming attached to Mako, Ava allowed this unfortunate string of events to repeat themselves. And it could very well happen again with Obi. The girl grit her teeth. It wasn't fair. It wasn't right. Rubbing her eyes, the redhead turned away from Obi and looked down at her shoes, finding it too hard to look at him.
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Re: Sʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ Wᴀʀs Mᴜʟᴛɪғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ RP

Postby Amethyst The Gem » Sun May 28, 2017 6:39 am

Malour tensed, quickly realizing her mistake. "No one." She lied, "it's nothing. Just forget I ever said anything." She hoped that Arthur would comply, because otherwise she would have some explaining to do, and it would not be fun in the slightest.
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Re: Sʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ Wᴀʀs Mᴜʟᴛɪғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ RP

Postby Wolfan Terror » Sun May 28, 2017 9:09 am

Mercury Black | 20 | Male | Heterosexual | RWBY | Silver Pairing | Tags: Kana
The male took one look at the girl, before giving a shrug. "Okay, I believe you, I guess." He said, with real sincerity behind the words. It frankly wasn't that hard to believe, since he encountered people with out there semblances all the time. Hell, his own partner in crime could make people see dragons if she wanted to, and there were those that could make literal clones of themselves. Couple strange stuff like that together, finding out someone had a fortune telling semblance really wasn't that hard to believe. Giving a smirk and crossing his arms, he looked at her. "Okay then... what's my future look like?"

Hanzō Urushihara / Lucifer | 19 | Male | Bisexual | The Devil Is a Part-Timer! | Orchid Pairing | Tags: Caitlyn
"Well... I believe we're in one of the many forests that litter the Western Continent of Ente Isla, my home world. Though, I hesitate to say that, since I can't imagine this being anything but an illusion. Especially since this can't be an accurate depiction of present day. This must be an illusion set during my assault to purge the continent of humanity." He glanced to the side, watching the fire that raged around them, though didn't attempt to burn the area in which they stood. Holding out a hand to touch the flames, he quickly pulled it back when it began to burn him. Funny, Urushihara had been beginning to imagine that there was no danger at all, but it seemed that wasn't the case. "I remember setting the fires myself to make sure that no one could escape." Giving a sigh, he rubbed the back of his neck. "What a pain that I ended up getting struck down in the end." He murmured under his breath.

Alcor | 20 | Male | Aromatic | Gravity Falls (AU) | Pear Pairing | Tag: Gilbert
Noticing that he might have gone a bit too far in his antics, he hesitated, feeling slightly bad, but waved it off. "Well, I wouldn't be much of a demon if I couldn't send people screaming, now would I? There's a reason only the most foolish dare to summon me." Alcor chuckled to himself, dreamily thinking of one of the times he'd been summoned by a person offering a child's soul for riches beyond his belief. That man's soul had tasted vile, but the look of surprise on the child's face had been worth it. Noticing that he was getting off track, he focused back onto Gilbert, giving a smirk. "Waking up? Well, that's easy. If anything, you're only not waking up due to my presence forcing you to stay asleep. But getting back to the waking world can be arranged." And with a click of his fingers, he cut off the dream, waking up his partner and finding himself back in the physical world.

Qrow Branwen | 38 | Male | Pansexual | RWBY | Cyan Pairing | Tags: Edward
He nodded when he answered, a slightly smile slipping onto his face before disppearing when his partner asked him about the symptoms. It made Qrow pale ever so slightly as he remembered the pain he'd been put through, shaking his head and sighing before replying. "Well, first you should expect a burning sensation where you were cut, which progressively gets more painful as time goes on. Aside from that... coughing up purple blood and it soon becoming too hard to even move as your body starts to shut down. I... I just hope you don't get to that stage like I did."

Feral Heiss | 28 | Male | Heterosexual | Strays Comic | Aquamarine Pairing | Tags: Vivi, Hige
He couldn't help but smile slightly as he watched the duck swallow the leaf. Yeah... Not many herbal medicine's tasted all that nice, but it was always better than the alternative of having to deal with the pain. Nodding as Vivi thanked him, he soon began to walk towards the exit of the room at her mention of continuing. He'd almost forgotten that they were still at the early stages of the rooms, they weren't even halfway done. It would have been rude to think that he didn't like the prospect of staying her with them for a long time. But he certainly wanted to get back to his world as soon as possible, not wanting to leave Meela all on her own.

Lena Oxton | 26 | Female | Bisexual | Overwatch | Oynx Pairing | Tags: Gareki
"Well, I wouldn't exactly call myself okay... But this'll have to do, I'm afraid." She chuckled, wandering around the room as she began to adjust the strange reality of beginning intangible ninety percent of the time now. Though to her she seemed to be walking normally, it anybody else it would have looked like she was flickering out of existence and appearing at a different part of the room. "Hehe, sorry that you had to get stuck with a weird partner like me. Look's like I'll be pretty useless in a fight right now." Right now she could probably still use her pistols, though the shots would be just as intangible as her.

Madelyn Adelaide | 13 | Female | Heterosexual | TwoKinds | Blush Pairing| Tags: Captain
The girl was all about ready to give up to her fate, too confused and afraid to do anything otherwise. Normally to get past hard moments like this she'd put on a smile and try to make it seem positive in some way. But how... How could she even do that in this case? However the words of Captain made her look up, yelping slightly as he wrapped her arms around her, and soon found herself back at the entrance. Her hands shaking slightly as she tried to understand what was happening, she looked up at her partner, her eyes still blurry. "Ness... Don't..." Maddie mumbled, but it was so quite she was unsure if he'd even hear it. Letting him kill random soldiers was one thing, but letting him kill those from her own army...? She wasn't sure if she could stand it, and wouldn't it land her in even more trouble.

The dragon Reni gave a snort as she looked down at the seemingly ordinary human. "You do not scare me, human. Nor does your rank among your army. I'm afraid you must not know the power a dragon possesses, I exceed that of the highest ranks of any army. Are you so foolish as to believe yourself capable of taking my down all by yourself?" Irritated by his nerve, the dragon roared, unleashing a blazing fireball at Captain.
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Re: Sʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ Wᴀʀs Mᴜʟᴛɪғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ RP

Postby Probably a Doctor » Sun May 28, 2017 12:01 pm

V e n d a nxxK r i s h n a nxxx
Human - 27 - Male - Tags; Elizabeta
He frowned a little while watching the water
"I dunno.." he answered and bit his lip
He didn't know how his eyes would react to the water, seeing how they were mechanical
"I'm not that good of a swimmer.."
And moved to undo his shirt, so it wouldn't weigh him down
"How long does it go for..?"

G a n o n d o r fxxD r a g m i r exxx
Humanoid - Unknown - Male - Tags; Peach
He blinked as they turned the corner, and upon seeing the same hallway they went down, he frowned
Didn't they just go down that hall? With the same carpet, paintings and such?
With the same abrupt corner at the end as well?
"This isn't good.." he growled while starting for the corner
Little did they know they were stuck in a loop of endless halls..

K r i s t i a nxxH e i l b u r gxxx
Medic - 20 - Male - Tags; Kaori
He sighed and visibly relaxed while smiling
"Ah.. no.. nein I vould never kill you.." he chuckled
Before rubbing his forehead
No.. he couldn't do such a thing to her
"I vould never hurt you.."

E d w a r dxxR i c h t o f e nxxx
Æther God - 105 - Male - Tags; Qrow
He sighed and looked down, thinking for a moment
There wasn't any burning sensations now.. so he was safe
"Alright.. zank you.." he said while smiling again
"You.. have been very good to me, Qrow.."
Walking along with him by his side

D e l lxxC o n a g h e rxxx
Winged Human - 19 - Male - Tags; Aerak
He let out a soft chuckle and shook his head
"Shoot.. ah hope not.." he said with a smile
"Ah wouldn't want te be dead.."
His eyes couldn't help but wander down to his paper before he tilted his head and smiled
"Well now.. there's a funny lil' thing.." he said while looking at his paper, and looking at the male
"You wouldn't happen to be.. Ko Aerak now would'ja?"
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Re: Sʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ Wᴀʀs Mᴜʟᴛɪғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ RP

Postby Ploegy » Mon May 29, 2017 8:19 am

Female || 17 || Pansexual || Crush: None || Navy Pairing || Hyrule Warriors Legends || Tagged: Max

    Watching her partner come over, she smiled as she put her things down. "Hopefully this is everything we needed because I don't want to find out what happens when we can't get everything together," she said as she rubbed the back of her neck. Crouching down with her list in hand, she began to look over the items that were present and compare them to the list. Some of things she wasn't even sure what they were, but counting over how many items there were compared to the list she could conclude that they probably were something that she needed. "I think we have everything actually. I wonder what happens now." She barely had finished speaking when she felt the floor began to move. The items began to fall into the opening and her eyes grew wide, but it didn't take her long to realize the hole was a staircase.

Female || 1000 (Appears 16) || Pansexual || Crush: Meep || Tan Pairing || Fire Emblem Awakening || Tagged: Ayluin

    Feeling the liquid drop onto her head, she waited a moment to see what kind of reaction she would have. It didn't take long for a strange feeling to overcome her and she quickly moved away from him just in case she was about to return to her normal size. Being forced out of her manakete form, the dragonkin returned to her human form and grew in size, but that wasn't all. Instead of having her usual long ears, they were replaced by cat ears and her hands were transformed into paws. Behind her a tail appeared as well. Huffing softly, she held one of the paws out in front of her. "So now I'm a cat person instead of a dragon. How boring," she remarked.

Female || 20 || Heterosexual || Crush: None || Orchid Pairing || Pokemon || Tagged: Urushihara

    Walking away from him as she listened to him speak, the trainer was interested by all of this. She had never seen anything like this back home. Fires were put out quickly by Pokemon though for the most part everything was rather peaceful anyways. There were the occasional feuds between teams during tournaments, but other than that they typically got along and didn't get in each others way. "Sounds like you lived in quite an interesting place. Much different than what I thought it was like," she remarked. It didn't make her think any differently of him anyways. It wasn't like she could have imagined exactly what the place he came like was like.

Princess Peach
Female || 23 || Heterosexual || Crush: None || Bronze Pairing || Super Mario || Tagged: Ganondorf

    This was even worse than she had expected. Now what were they supposed to do? Walking in circles wasn't going to get them anywhere. There really wasn't the option of turning back either. She really wasn't sure what to do in this kind of situation since she had never been in it before. There had to be some way out of it though, right? Looking around, she wondered if the exit might be hidden from sight. She wasn't sure where though. Lifting her parasol from her shoulder she tapped it against the wall trying to see if she could find a hollow space in it.

Captain Ness
Male || 15 || Demisexual || Crush: None || Blush Pairing || NTNE Mother AU || Tagged: Madelyn

    He could hear his partner, but doing nothing wasn't going to get them anywhere either. All he knew was how to fight his way out of things these days. The pacifist hero he previously had been was far gone. "I can't do that," he directed back toward Madelyn. It was in those few seconds of being distracted he felt the fireball collide with his body. The pain didn't bother him all too much, but the impact did send him backwards. Hitting the ground, he felt his arm dislodge itself and a grunt escaped his lips. As he sat up the metal arm that had his clawed hand slid out from his coat. "Guess I'll just have to do it with one arm now."

    Climbing to his feet, he pushed the arm aside so it wouldn't get damaged while he fought. He'd have to get it back on once he was done anyways so he didn't need it getting stepped on or anything like that. Looks like his lust for any kind of blood wouldn't be happening at all. What a bummer. Lifting his hand up, the golden aura returned to it. "Now that wasn't very nice to knock my arm off like that. I guess I'll just have to show you what I can truly do." Snapping his fingers together, out of nowhere a barrage of shooting stars began to rain down around the dragon and soldiers. He made sure to get them as close as possible without trying to hit any of them. Not yet at least. He'd use it as his final warning for them before he truly got serious about unleashing a full on attack. Maybe if they saw how powerful he actually was, they'd back down. If they didn't then he couldn't play around anymore. Already without his arm, he could only use his psi which in some ways was more dangerous than the claws he had.
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Re: Sʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ Wᴀʀs Mᴜʟᴛɪғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ RP

Postby recherché. » Mon May 29, 2017 11:26 am


✧ Ayluin Xyrn.
x Pairing Tan. xx Age 18 years. xxDestined with Nowi.xx Powers/Weapons Bow and Arrows.


      Tagged Nowi.
        Ayluin watched the transformation with a straight face and he stared in awe as he saw the final result of the potion.
        He only laughed at her sarcasm and he gently patted her head with a small sigh of amusement, "You know, I think I like you better as a cat." The elf had joked and he crossed his arms over his chest, "I don't think we should risk any more potions. This is good enough, right?" Ayluin raised a brow, eyeing her.


♥ Kaori Miyazono
x Pairing Coral. xx Age 16 years. xe hxDestined with Kristian.xx Powers/Weapons Violin.


      Tagged Kristian.
        Her heart warmed at his words and she chewed on her lip as her cheeks flushed a bit. Running her fingers through her hair, she let out a small sigh and nodded her head, glancing up at him once more, "You could never hurt me? Are you sure?" She questioned, a small giggle escaping, "I'm already in pain anyway." She shrugged.


♛ Arthur Pendragon.
x Pairing Violet. xx Age 16 years. xxDestined with Malour.xx Powers/Weapons Longsword.


      Tagged Malour.
        The King didn't particularly want to pry since it seemed like the person meant a lot to her, and he never forced things upon his subjects at Camelot, so he's never going to force her to say anything about the guy. With an audible sigh, Arthur looked over at her and held out his hand, "I'm sorry that I asked."
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Re: Sʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ Wᴀʀs Mᴜʟᴛɪғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ RP

Postby Amethyst The Gem » Mon May 29, 2017 11:29 am

Malour shook her head, a distressed look flashing momentarily across her face. "No, it's not your fault. I shouldn't have said that. I admit I would be rather disturbed if I was suddenly called by another person's name. I'm the one who should be apologizing."
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Re: Sʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ Wᴀʀs Mᴜʟᴛɪғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ RP

Postby AcetheKidd » Mon May 29, 2017 3:31 pm

Male||18||Heterosexual||Crush; ♥||Pokemon oras||Tags; May

Brendan nodded in agreement and put the plushies back in the box. Those seem to be different from the plushies he seen..he couldn't put his finger on it..and it was kinda bothering him. The boy sighed and grabbed another box." Yeah, its kinda making me really nervous to be honest." Brendan opened the box, seeing more stuff from their world. Pokeball..even saw a pair of his old running shoes."Maybe there is some medicine in one of these boxes? i really do hope so.." Brendan muttered. moving on to the next box...he opened it and found and odd egg inside." An Egg??? ok..yeah, this place is strange.."

14|Female| Heterosexual|Digimon Adventure Tri| Crush:|Tags:Kousei, C.C, Corrin


Female||Heterosexual ||15||Peach|| blue Exorcist||Crush; ♡||Tags; Lucas, Rin,Terra,Claus

"O-Oh Rin! im sorry! i-i didn't mean to..i.." The girl said, pausing when Rin Kissed her back. Her face turned hotter then a pepper..is actually had the same color as well. The poor girl, all she could do was cover her face and squealed a little..it wasn't to high pitch, barely noticeable. The girl was so ashamed and embarrassed, but was really happy as well." I guess i did deserve that~" the girl felt Kuro rubbing against her leg and picked him up in her arms, rubbing the demon on the back. Her face still red and covered it back up with one hand. She didn't want Rin to see her like this."Sorry rin..for putting you and the others through all this mess.."

Princess Vivi
Female||20+||aquamarine? ||Heterosexual||One piece ||Crush;None. .yet||Tags; Feral

[Did we come up with a room idea?]

Female||117 [17]||Brown||Loz;Botw||Heterosexual||Crush; ♡||Tags: Link

Zelda Froze up when he saw the Guardian and clutched her fist together. All those horrible memories begin to flow back in her mind, which caused her heart to beat like drum. The princess even felt tears forming her eyes as she stood there. Then a frown came across her face as she wiped her eyes..now wasn't the time to be scared..she was going to be useful..she wasn't going to let Link almost die again. She did as he said and stayed back, taking the bow that was given to her from her back. Zelda then aimed it carefully at the "Eye" of the machine and shot a arrow to slow it down. Maybe this would help Link at least

Male||18-19||ivory||Show by rock||Demisexual||Crush;||Tags;Megami

[Coming up with an idea, i might have so i'll post it in OOC thread]

Female||17||Dandelion||Digimon Adventures:Tri||Heterosexual ||Crush;||Tags; Gold

" Yeah, or words does seem very familiar~ im sure there are a million more words like ours out there some where."Sora was finished eating and pushed the plate to the side, tapping her fingers on the table."I feel like we are in the center of the millions of universes. It may sound confusing, so sorry..and i don't think i can explain it. A-Anyway, are you ready to go? we can stay a little longer if you need to?"

Male||19|| fuchsia||AOT OC|| Demisexual|| Crush: None||Tags: open

Dakota sighed, pushing his glasses on his his face. He had not idea what was going on here..but this wasn't his normal room. There was no windows and the halls looked very different. The boy thought it was Callie pulling a prank on him, which he deserved, then started to realized that it wasn't the case. The biggest questions on his mind was..where the hell was he? who is this matchmaker guy, what was the deal with the soulmate thing? and how could he get out this strange place. The answers will soon be revealed to him maybe. Dakota inhaled a deep breath before peeking out the door and slowly walked into the halls."H-hello..am i the only here or..." his glasses begin to fog up as he moved down the hall. His heart was also beating against his chest like a drum

Male|| 18-19||Grape||Show By Rock||Pansexual||Crush:None||Tags:

Titan noticed that Orion wasn't there any more, which left him confused. The unicorn looked around the room and even the previous room for him, but couldn't find the bison anywhere."What the hell..where did he vanished off to?" the little creature who was there was gone to,which made him slightly nervous. Maybe he should stay put until someone came along? he was kinda to spooked to go ahead alone. " I guess i can wait here a little longer.."

Female||16||Carmine || Beyond the boundary||Heterosexual||Crush: None||Tags: Karma

Mirai glanced over at Karma and nodded. The youmu that blocked her way roared in anger and sung another fist at the girl but she manged to dodge it. She didn't hesitate to make another run for the door and slid into the next room, tripping on something soft."Grass??" the girl looked up, checking her surroundings. This room looked like a mini green house. It had plants and trees, she even heard some birds." Wow..are we in a greenhouse or something? How do we even get out of these place." Mirai pulled her self up, wiping her glasses off once she did. Maybe there was something to guide them out?

Male||15||Blue Exorcist||Heterosexual||Crush: None||Tags: palutena

Yukio had a rather shocked look on his face when Palutena said was the goddess. He didn't think gods and goddesses existed." A goddess you day. Well..since we are confessing, i'll tell you right now that im the son of Satan. However, i don't have any demonic powers like my brother." Of course he did..they where still hidden inside him, growing stronger slowly. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to tell a goddess that he was part demon..but oh well. Maybe he wouldn't smite him down. Anyway, he looked at Rin and sighed."Nah, no thanks. We can go through this place together. Also, that would be just rude to leave you like that...im sure Rin will be fine." he smiled faintly."Anyway,shall we leave now."

Female||13||Yellow||Sonik the hedgehog ||Asexual -heterosexual ||Crush; none||Tags;-

Cream had saw a human boy approach him and paused abit. He didn't seem all that scary, so there was no use for her being scared."Um...Hello there. Who are you?" Cream asked."Im Cream, this is my friend Cheese..ummm..we are kinda lost, and yeah." the young girl wasn't sure what to say at moment. She just wondered where they where at the moment and wanted to make her way out."Excuse..but do you know where we are? i woke up in a room and said something about matchmaker, and soulmates, and someone called Nes.."

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