( ✗ - SALEM REBORN open

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✗ - four

Postby razzberry » Sun May 14, 2017 11:53 am

alias ; the viper // female // four years // demon assassin // location ; salem woods // mentioned ; -- // tags; open

    -- open for interaction

female // four years // guardian beta // location ; pangaea camp // mentioned ; // tags; diageo, malakai

    the beta pondered over malakai's words, letting them sink in before she nodded her head absently. whether she thought katana had something to do with it or not, she had bigger problems to worry about. such as the impending threat the demons posed and how they kept losing pack mates to those vile creatures. " i feel like i should wish for peace...but i know that wishing is a lost cause. a long shot. i've realized that peace is only achieved by fighting for it" dremora sighed, her eyes taking on a faraway look "but lupus knows we've fought enough for our peace. but we never get it". the beta was never able to fully express her desires and problems around the others because she was the type of wolf to take on the burden's of other's and putting them above her own. she doesn't like speaking her problems or worries aloud to most, but malakai was like a brother to her and she knew that he would want her to express her worries to him just as she would like him to do to her. the beta's head turned to the side as diageo approached and squatted down beside them and she dipped her head in return. "more patrollers are dead? how many has that been in total? our numbers are already dwindling enough as it is, and when some of us get ahold of the demons, they always manage to escape--but we never see them again." the delta's words spoke truth - the demons always found a way to slither out of their grasp whenever the guardians managed to get ahold of them. it was immensely frustrating."too many to count. more than i'd like to admit. those vile animals have no remorse and kill whatever they like to. how something is able to live without a heart is beyond me. but somehow those monsters do" dremora spoke, nose wrinkling in distaste as she spoke of the heartless creatures who resided not far from them.

male // six years // guardian lead fighter // location ; pangaea camp // mentioned ; // tags; dremora, diageo

    listening to the fae who had grown up beside him and his brother speak of something that truly bothered her, made him feel for her. dremora hadn't had a good past, what with her parent's disloyalty to her. her father had left his last mate who happened to be the mother of aerix, an assassin the the salem ranks, before taking on her own mother as his new mate. her father's disloyalty had caused more then enough problems for dremora, having set the vicious assassin out for her head and whatnot. her mother had left both her and her father, fleeing the pack and any loyalties and family she had. then, worst of all, from what malakai knew, dremora's father had accused her of spewing lies to her mother which led up to her abandoning them. he was as unstable a wolf as they came and that, mixed with his lethal temper, was a dangerous combination and he had tried to kill his own daughter out of rage that his mate left him. malakai felt no remorse or regret when he had sunk his teeth into the brute's throat. felt nothing when he ended the abusive wolf's life. he felt nothing because he knew that his best friend would be free of his torment from that moment on.

    "we will get our peace - one day. i promise you that, remy" malakai replied, the faraway look in her eyes pained him to see. she was the closest thing to a sister he and cicero had ever had and both males were very protective of her. the male's large head tilted a fraction when he saw the delta approaching, dipping his head in a polite greeting to diageo. "those demons will meet their demise soon enough. whether it be at our own paws or at the hands of something greater then all of us" he added in, nodding in agreement to what both his beta and delta said.

female // four years // demon hunter // location ; salem camp // mentioned ; -- // tags; balthazar

    "oh, I'm pretty far gone, i don't know if you could corrupt me any further. you're welcome to try,", those words were like music to her ears and fuel to the corrupt fire blazing within her. balthazar was one of the only wolves who actually peaked the silver fae's interest, in any and all ways possible. he wasn't as predictable as the rest of her pack was. the only other individual who was nearly as unpredictable as balthazar was would without a doubt be her alpha, but that's to be expected from akela. cypher's vivid amber gaze bore into balthazar, a humorous glint lightening up the soft brown optics of the fae. she watched as the brute tauntingly rolled to expose more of his vulnerable belly, and the hunter's claws worked into the earth beneath her as her nerves picked up and her adrenaline followed suite. he was challenging her and, had it been anyone else they would have multiple gashes on their neck from her claws, but it was balthazar and she loved the challenge he threw at her. smirking, cypher stretched out her long legs and her lean body."honey, c'mon. you know me. permission is not a requirement for my corruption methods" the long legged, silver fae took a few steps in his direction before she slowly circled the brute on the ground, the sly smirk that sat cunningly atop her maw teased and goaded the ebony brute. "scared? me? you're about as scary aas a field mouse, my dear balth" cypher rebutted, shortening his name in the same manner he had done for her, which had served to tingle her nerve endings.

male // five years // guardian hunter // location ; pangaea camp // mentioned ; -- // tags; kanti, kalani, iolani

    -- wb for him, feel free to tag him

female // four years // guardian hunter // location ; pangaea camp // mentioned ; -- // tags; loki

    as her racing heart settled from the repetitive nightmare that haunted her in slumber, goliath faced the ebony hunter once again. so far her morning had not been off to a reputable start. first the dreadful nightmare that brought her past flaring up again in her mind, then in her troubled daze she practically barrelled into loki, a fellow hunter among her pack. she silently reprimanded herself, eyes closing briefly as she struggled to regain a bit of her sanity that had been swallowed up by the nightmare."it's okay" came loki's reply, and he sounded honest but the red fae lifted her eyes to be sure. his tone had not betrayed him,
    and neither did the genuine smile that crossed the brute's face as his gaze rested on her own. the yearling in her shied away from the kindness loki was displaying towards her and wanted nothing more than to turn around and blush. however goliath's gaze simply flicked sideways briefly, her paws shuffling for a few seconds before she managed to calm the giddiness that rose within her, shoving it down and choosing to ignore it. the clearing of a throat - more specifically, the clearing of loki's throat - brought her out of her stupor and lured her gaze up towards him once again. "how has it been with you? you know, ever since the war began." goliath blinked a couple of times, unsure of how to respond to the comment, precisely because she wasn't able to gauge how she had been. goliath didn't even know what it was like to "be herself" anymore - not since the fire that annihilated her pack and her only remaining family. a part of her died that day and she wasn't sure she was ever going to be able to be herself again. a pensive look crossed the fae's face as she pondered over loki's question, weighing out her options. "it feels like there's always a war going on, somewhere..." the hunter's velvety rose spoke gently. for as long as she could remember, the red fae had been fighting enough wars, though not all of hers involved an entire other party who wanted nothing more then to slaughter her. no, her's usually involved loss, grief, and never ending chain of guilt and self hatred. goliath brought herself back to the present once again and focused her attention back on her conversation with the fellow hunter. "i've been...coping. how are you holding up?" she answered, her deep slate-colored eyes fixed softly on the brute.
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Re: ( ✗ - six

Postby Durnehviir » Mon May 15, 2017 8:09 am

Durnehviir wrote:G L I T C HT SΔVΔ
    [age: 5 years] [rank: delta] [pack: demons]
    [sex: brute] [scent: fire wood & rain] [crush: adryan]
    [mentions: adryan] [tags: adryan] [mood: indifferent]
      The dark male listened to Adryan. Her typical neutral self has returned, though it confused the brute on what she was feeling, but he could only read her expressions so deeply. "Sometimes these new bloods piss me off. They act all big to the crimson's faces in an attempt to add authority to their pathetic egos. I hate the fact I sound like an overreactive pup whining about bullcrap, but I just get so annoyed sometimes it's ridiculous." Glitch nodded before shaking his head. "I do agree with you. The new bloods are rather annoying but if they weren't as capable as they are they would just be more bodies for Pangea to throw at us. They're definitely not as strong as the wolves that are originally from Salem, but at least they're strong enough to fight against the pathetic pack called the Angels." The Savage turned and looked at Adryan as he walked. "I wouldn't necessarily say you sound like a whining pup- because you dont. Its just you speaking your mind, which is also the truth. They are very annoying and have stupid, pathetic egos and wouldn't last five minutes against a Crimson face in a fight. Someone needs to show them that they're not as strong as they think they are." His voice was rather calm, but there was definitely an edge to his words. He knew exactly what Adryan was talking about and the wolves were started to get really cocky, and beginning to piss off the original Salem wolves. The females next words caught him more off guard than he expected.
      "Did you partake in any hunts today? Minimize the population of Pangaea?" Glitch furrowed his brow and frowned. "Sadly, no I did not. Ive been stuck at camp for the past few days. There's been too much going on and I dont think Akela would want me just roaming around and bossing wolves around like I normally do. He wants certain things done and I wont go anywhere or do anything unless he addresses me to do so. I dont want another incident where my rank is torn from me and im placed as an omega." Glitch shrugged slightly before returning his expression to neutral.

    [age: 6½ years] [rank: guard] [pack: demons]
    [sex: brute] [scent: apple & cinnamon] [crush: --]
    [mentions: --] [tags: open] [mood: --]
      words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words

    [age: 5 years] [rank: fighter] [pack: demons]
    [sex: fae] [scent: pine & vanilla] [crush: --]
    [mentions: --] [tags: npc] [mood: lol]
      The large dark pelted fighter ran through the woods like a chicken with its head cut off. She ran like her life depended on it; though technically it didn't. Vex sprinted after a slick, slimy male outsider that she caught hunting on the demons territory. The brute was fast and it gave the Jikninki the jitters. Running through the woods got her blood pumping and made her exciting as the wind blew through her fur. With each stride, the fae was gaining on the brutes tale. She could see he was getting tired and he was rapidly panting. A grotesque grin formed on her maw before she lunged into the air and the two wolves tumbled on the ground. Fangs and claws were crazily going through the air as growls escaped from both of them. Vex landed on top of the male and pinned him down with ease. Despite knowing that what the rate did was agaisnt normal wolf laws, she gave him props for not whimpering. She would enjoy the fact that he would put up a fight.
      Vex stood on top of the male as the two of them gained their breath back. The small, slender male had a huge grin upon his maw which made Vex rather confused. "Oh you petty female. All excited that you caught some ol' tiny male that hasn't eaten in days. I hope you feel good about yourself you weak minded fae. If I was in my prime I'd rip you to spreads." Vex snapped her head in his direction and stared at him with wide eyes before spewing out a rumble of cackled laughter which easily set the male on edge. "Do you really think I give a damn on what you would've done. Clearly you're not capabale of doing pretty much anything which is why you're in the state that you're in. Maybe if you'd be in your prime you wouldn't be in this predicament." Her grin grew wild as she neared her jaws closer to his ear. The feelings of him squiring underneath of her made her chuckle. "You have no mind set on the price you will pay for hunting on demon territory. Sadly for you, you ran into one of the most.. wicked wolves that's part of this pack and I will gladly tear you to shreds. I take pride in my kills and you will be in a world of pain. Maybe if you don't piss me off, it will be quicker than my usual." Vex was basically a lose cannon when it came to wolves she didn't know, didn't care about or disliked. When she is around pack members, she is more... normal, but is still considered crazy. "You don't scare me. I've never seen you, nor do I even know your name, nor do I care to ask. You're probably to crazy stupid female that has no respect for pack laws and is babied by the rest of the pack." Vex snapped her jaws around her throat but didn't cut off his airway completely. She made him gasp for breathes that were just enough to keep him alive. Soon she slowly closed her canines around his jugular and could feel the warm crimson liquid seep into her mouth. His gasps before more frequent and more exaggerated. Soon the males body went limp and the Jikininki easily tossed the males body agaisnt a tree and heard satisfying snaps of his bones before she began to trot off back to camp.

    [age: 6½ years] [rank: fighter] [pack: demons]
    [sex: fae] [scent: pine & mint] [crush: --]
    [mentions: --] [tags: open] [mood: --]
      words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words

    [age: 5½ years] [rank: fighter] [pack: guardian]
    [sex: fae] [scent: lemon & pine] [crush: --]
    [mentions: --] [tags: open] [mood: --]
      words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words

    [age: 8½] [rank: guard] [pack: demons]
    [sex: brute] [scent: white wine] [crush: --]
    [mentions: --] [tags: open] [mood: --]
      words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words

    [age: 3 years] [rank: spy] [pack: guardians]
    [sex: fae] [scent: coffee & vanilla] [crush: --]
    [mentions: --] [tags: gabriel] [mood: eh]
      "Don't sell yourself short, Love. You are strong. I've seen it. Time and time again, Cal. I say you're strong because it is the honest truth, Love," The females ears flicked as if she were confused, though she ignored it and accepted the males constant compliments on her strength, though she still didn't understand why he thought the way that he did. She let out a small sigh, but his next words left her speechless. "I like you," He definitely doesnt mean he has romantic feelings towards me. He is just being nice and saying that he likes me as a friend. No wolf likes me more than just a friend. A lot of the times I dont even think I have friends. Calypso's ears fell to her cranium, but no words left her maw. It seemed as if her stomach was in her throat and she didnt really know how to respond. "I didn't think I had any friends. The blue fae perked up slightly. She was a little happier knowing that the brute was indeed her friend. Calypso didnt want to think that the brutes words were for more romantic reasons. She wasnt sure if she felt the same, though maybe she did.
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{ ۞ ─ 5

Postby royalty. » Tue May 16, 2017 5:05 pm

    indentationThe brute listened intently while Adryan had spoken, which she slightly admired about the brute. She always felt like she had someone to talk to, someone to be comfortable around. "I do agree with you. The new bloods are rather annoying but if they weren't as capable as they are they would just be more bodies for Pangea to throw at us. They're definitely not as strong as the wolves that are originally from Salem, but at least they're strong enough to fight against the pathetic pack called the Guardians." Adryan scoffed, nodding her head and looking up when she noticed Glitch had turned his head as he walked to address her more properly. She did agree with him, but she would never come to fully respecting newbloods, no matter what the circumstance. She was Salem born and all of her friends in her circle (except Zavia and Glitch, weird enough) were crimsons as well, and she really only got along with the wolves in her circle so anyone else wasn't much of a problem.

    "I wouldn't necessarily say you sound like a whining pup- because you don't." Adryan huffed a short laugh, nodding and looking downwards but quickly turning her expressions back neutral. "Its just you speaking your mind, which is also the truth. They are very annoying and have stupid, pathetic egos and wouldn't last five minutes against a Crimson in a fight. Someone needs to show them that they're not as strong as they think they are." Although Glitch's voice was rather calm, he did have a slight edge added onto his words. Adryan nodded in reply, glad that the brute agreed with her but also still slightly annoyed with the newbloods in general, especially Dracul. He felt godly because of his larger size and what he claims as 'skill', but Adryan undoubtfully could take him in a fight, no questions asked. She would die for the chance to show Dracul he growled at the wrong fae.

    At her next question, Glitch furrowed his brow and frowned. "Sadly, no I did not." Adryan gave a slow half nod, slightly disappointed that he hadn't. Although doing so would be against her father's rules, she had broken them every single day and told herself earlier she would be breaking her promise. "I've been stuck at camp for the past few days, as there's been too much going on and I don't think Akela would want me just roaming around and bossing wolves around like I normally do. He wants certain things done and I won't go anywhere or do anything unless he addresses me to do so. I don't want another incident where my rank is torn from me and is placed as an omega." Glitch shrugged as Adryan recalled the moment long ago when Glitch was ripped from the rank he had worked so much for and placed as the weakest point in the pack, a punishment given to him because he broke one of the largest and most important rules in Salem history. Normally Akela would have killed the brute, but since Adryan warned Akela of what might happen in the fight involving Glitch retaliating in Blakely's fight, the alpha took his daughter's word and tried not to react too violently. "Yes, that was indeed a terrible punishment. Luckily Akela didn't react too violently but it was embarrassing to see you moved to omega so easily. Hopefully, we can never see that circumstance again."

[ voice of scarlett johansson ] [ scent: mint&cranberry ] [ assassin ] [ fae ] [ four years ] [ tags : glitch ] [ mentions : akela, blakely, dracul ] [ location : camp ]

    indentationZavia looked genuinely pissed off when he snapped her and, in all honesty,
    he felt almost embarrassed. But he just nodded to her and walked the other direction, clearly careless of how rude he sounded. He walked back to his den, the fall leaves crunching under his feet as he took a long way there. As he reached his destination, he almost immediately rushed in and lay down. What a morning. He couldn't help but think of the war between both packs, and how it really started. This pathetic fighting between both packs all started with border issues. Border issues! Now they've got nineteen dead wolves in the last month and we've got twenty-three. They have turned violent against us and are trying to kill off our numbers so that when the war comes, they can easily have an upperhand against us. Akela couldn't help but scoff to himself at the thought, laying his head down on his paws as he relaxed in hopes to fall asleep. They are foolish for thinking this way. We may not have the numbers but we've got power over the others. We are always one foot ahead of them in this war and- Akela quickly broke from his thoughts, his ears perking up as he raised his head at the faint sound of a bark. He rolled his eyes, not thinking much of it and deciding to try to go to sleep regardless. I deserve it.

[ voice of idris elba] [ scent: metal&cedar ] [ alpha ] [ brute ] [ seven years ] [ tags : zavia ] [ mentions : x ] [ location : alpha den ]

    indentationIn reply to the flirty grin the fae had shot him, Diablo was quick to roll his eyes at her. Lilith couldn't help but smirk slyly, pleased that she had indeed annoyed the brute. Everyone here thinks I'm a hopeless flirt, but once I get on their nerves I can do anything to piss them off. So in the end, really, I win. Lilith's manipulative instincts were easily underestimated in Salem. There were indeed some capable manipulatives in the Demons, however Lilith was far smarter than everyone had anticipated. With her skill, she could easily control anyone and anything with no hesitation or struggle. If you had ever gotten annoyed by Lilith ever, you were now one of her targets. Onc she annoyed or angered a wolf, she could instantly read their true feelings for her and their expressions were easy to read, regardless of whether or not they hid emotions. After this, Lilith would talk around and find out more about a wolf's past and use that against them, as well as past mates and friends. She was powerful, and a death bringer, soon earning the alias of The Reaper.

    Dracul spoke again, breaking the shewolf from her thoughts she had been so elegantly lost in. "I sometimes think about assassinating Katana." He continued, almost growling at the mention of the Guardian's name. Lilith rolled her eyes. "I do, as well, but I would never do it. Like I said earlier, she's in the wrong pack." Diablo nodded, replying soon as well. "Yes, I suppose she is a pretty good fighter," Diablo seemed to think before he added the next set of words. "And the problem about this war is we're outnumbered, and we have fewer wolves. and it's like we're losing wolves every minute."

    Lilith shook her head, disagreeing with the brute. "Our lack of numbers is no problem. Hell, we could have five of us here and still have a 70/30 chance. What the problem is, Diablo, is how they're taking it to their advantage. We need more fighters and patrollers so they roam about where the guards are. We don't have enough patrollers so the guards take over some duties. And so many of us are belatedly going against Akela's wishes and killing wolves, which in return, as a punishment, Akela dishes out wolves omega duties, like he did with Zavia earlier today."

[ voice of margo robbie ] [ scent: mint&roses ] [ beta ] [ fae ] [ five years ] [ tags : diablo ] [ mentions : akela, zavia, katana ] [ location : woods-camp ]


[ voice of jensen ackles ] [ scent: balsam&amber ] [ fighter ] [ brute ] [ five and a half years ] [ tags : adryan, lilith, akela ] [ mentions : -- ] [ location : woods-camp ]


[ voice of misha collins ] [ scent: cedar&maple ] [ fighter] [ brute ] [ five years ] [ tags : alusia ] [ mentions : adryan, akela ] [ location : camp ]

    indentationThe brown pelted fae grinned as she watched the other fae's expressions lightened, spreading a relaxed feeling through her body and allowing her muscles to release from its alert state and sit down on the ground softly. "I know that last time they almost got me, but I swear I was so close to getting inside their camp I could almost taste it." Ruby nodded, understanding her words yet feeling the slight exaggeration added to them. It wasn't common for Lehkuna to exaggerate her stories and, in all honesty, it was. "That's why your lucky to have me, kid," she woofed, giving her the nickname 'kid' as a result of the two-year age difference between the two. "I wasn't born a loner- I was from their pack. I was so independent I left, but luckily I was already close with some of the crimsons that they allowed me to do so. We're still close- Akela, Adryan, Azazel, Castiel, Alusia, Lilith, Marionette, Two-face, and I- I just prefer the outlands. The demons are rather.... violent. It's annoying hearing their rants about how amazing blood it and how slow they make their kills." She rolled her eyes.

    But all got serious when Ruby heard Lehkuna's voice tone drop, a weary look expressed on her face. "The war is growing near. I saw one too many dead wolves. from both packs. It isn't my fight, but I want to help the wolves of Pangaea. They've never been a threat to Outlanders and it's the least I can do." Her voice came out as pained, as if she struggled to form her words. Of course this recent war between both Pangaea and Salem packs was the topic of everyone's discussion. Personally, it annoyed the hell out of Ruby. She was an outlander, so why should she care? Yes, they were indeed her friends (well, at least some of them ), but they were more than capable of defending themselves and they wouldn't be dying anytime soon. Pangaea may have their advantage in numbers, but Salem wolves were much more capable. They are strong, vicious fighters and Pangaea are mainly full of hunters and patrollers, along with the occasional guard. Still, there was no way Salem would lose this battle.

    Ruby inhaled sharply, a slight feeling of disgust running over her, but she forced a somewhat annoyed smile and spoke. "Pangaea?" She confirmed, inhaling sharply once again. "Y-yes, of course. But Pangea, really? They're weak, and they are not as good as you may think them to be." She exhaled slowly, trying to get rid of the annoyed look on her face but it was no use. "I can assure you, kid, that Pangaea is no the pack you should be putting your ass on the line for. If anything you should try to fight for Salem." Although, Ruby tried her hardest not the laugh at her last statement. There is no way Salem would ever accept a wolf like Lehkuna.

    As rude and judgemental as it sounded, what Ruby was thinking wasn't a lie. Not only was Lehkuna a pup and a born Outlander, there was no discussion on the fact that Lehkuna was weak. She would not only struggle to fit in skill wise, but she was far too soft to fit in personality wise. Ruby would know- she's Salem born. But do I really miss Salem? It was a question that commonly lingered in the thief's mind, one that ached at her thoughts. Although she didn't fit in with most Salem wolves, the fae really enjoyed the adventure, the adrenaline rushes, and her frequent time with her friends. Salem excited her, really, but in the end, it seemed Ruby's rebellious ways and thieving skills were meant for that of an Outlander. Thus, she left home and took shelter in the Outlands.

[ voice of genevieve cortese ] [ scent: lavender&rain ] [ loner ] [ fae ] [ four years ] [ tags : lehkuna ] [ mentions : adryan+friends ] [ location : outlands ]

    indentationAlusia couldn't help but feel guilty for what was about to break out. She stood there, unable to actually speak before Raziel broke in. "Leave her alone, Hannah." Raziel's voice came out hard and cold, dripping venom with amber eyes blazing. When the Demon bared her fangs, the wolf by the name Hannah returned the favour as well. Don't do that, Miss. You don't know what the Executioner is capable of. Or, maybe she did, really. All Salem wolves were strong so it really was expected. But even with this being the case, clearly this Hannah wolf wasn't afraid of Raziel whatsoever. Why was that? Alusia didn't quite know, but the wolf's outburst surprised her greatly.

    "Get off Pangaea territory, you Salem scum!" Alusia's ears flicked as the wolf snapped at the two. The outburst was understandable, seeing as the pair had indeed trespassed on territory, yet what the fae had just done was something that took bravery. A crapload of bravery. Raziel snapped at the Pangaea fae and then turned back to Alusia momentarily, her voice seeming to soften up as she spoke to the wolf she called a friend. "Go back to camp, Lu. I'll get the herbs for Blake. Don't worry about it. I'll see you later, alright?" Alusia forced a nod, but as she backed away she couldn't keep going. Out of the corner of her eye, Alusia noticed Marionette peeping around the corner, but she didn't panic until a familiar scent was caught in her nostrils. Oh, dear.As Azazel entered the group, Alusia held her breath. She knew this would end badly.

    "What's the problem, darling?" The brute asked Raziel, a slur to his voice that most females found lustful and charming. Without waiting for a reply, the brute seemed to look Hannah up and down, smirking as he did so, before speaking once more. "What are you gonna do, pretty? There aren't many herbs in Salem and it isn't a crime to borrow some from your lands. Maybe if you hadn't killed a vast majority of our wolves and injured many we wouldn't be needing special herbs, hmm?" Azazel laughed, before his expressions suddenly dropped, a scary look replacing the once flirty one and amber eyes locking with Hannah's. "Now get yourself together and leave my sight. We won't cause a problem if you just listen to me, mkay?" Alusia walked forward again, moving slightly beside Raziel but staying close for safety. Zay, what are you doing?

[ voice of emma stone ] [ scent: rain&roses ] [ patroller ] [ fae ] [ four years ] [ tags : azazel, raziel, hannah ] [ mentions : marionette ] [ location : pangaea camp ]

    LOKI -
    indentationLoki listened with interest, nodding along as she spoke although he couldn't really focus. Being a slight flirt, he couldn't help but check out her appearence as she spoke of how she coped. She was beautiful indeed, but her personality truly mesmerized Loki. He cleared his throat abruptly and returned to reality, nodding and pretending like he heard what she said only to say something entirely stupid. "Copying what?" The brute quickly realized he mixed up his words and immediatly grew red. "I-I mean, yeah, I've been coping too. It's, uh, crazy heh." [ major wb man ]

[ voice of robert downey jr ] [ scent: pine] [ hunter ] [ brute ] [ six years ] [ tags : goliath ] [ mentions : -- ] [ location : woods ]

    indentation[ I already know I'm gonna have wb smh ] Katana nodded to Kaliska, soon walking away from the scene and towards her den, thinking as she did so. I want to believe she won't tell Kanti, but if I don't anytime soon will she end up spilling the details to her? I can't have omega duties again. I understand that we are the freakin 'Pack of Peace' or whatever the hell she says, but Pangaea needs to boost their ego! She rolled her eyes. We are constantly trash talked and looked down upon because we always want to keep this good for nothing title. Ever since Kanti became the alpha, we have been softer as ever. Our borders are poorly guarded and our patrollers barely walk anywhere. This was why Katana was always guarding borders and patrolling. She was a spy and indeed looked upon Salem camp every so often, but was more interested in protecting her packmates rather than nosing about the opposing packs. [ yikes okay wb badly ]

[ voice of troian bellisario ] [ scent: maple ] [ spy ] [ fae ] [ four years ] [ tags : alone ] [ mentions : kanti ] [ location : den ]

    indentation"O...death." A sweet, soft sound escaping the fae's mouth as she ran her claw over the body of a small fae, a loner she had killed just before. She hummed a tone she knew too well, a song she heard from a human area on what humans called a television. "O, death." She sang the spooky melody in an eerie tone, her voice slurring the words as she hummed the soft tune. "Hmm, hmm, hmm." She watched as blood swelled in the wake of where her claws ran over, crimson liquid beginning to gather up and stain itself in the fur. "Won't you spare me over another year." She looked up, her entirely pale face and dark body glistening in the sunlight. "Well what is this that I can't see," She ran the back of her hand over its underbelly, quickly thrusting her claws into the wolf's stomach. "With ice cold hands takin' hold of me," She bit her bottom lip slightly as she unsheathed her claws from the stomach, her own paws soon stained wth the blood that poured from the wound.

    The eerie fae got up, her pawpads almost squishing as she walked to another wolf, a loner just like the previous one she killed. She ignored the cries of the wolf as she tuned out the sounds and repeated the three soft hums. "When God is gone and the Devil takes hold," The wolf had already been badly injured and couldn't properly stand up, making it easier for the fae to sit down by it's side and begin to slowly scratch at it's stomach. "Who will have mercy on your soul," She ran her claws over the stomach, practically teasing the wolf by not causing any scratches, instead grazing the soft flesh. "No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold," Her light blue eyes glistened eagerly as she played, her voice soft and little as she sung the strange tune. "Nothing satisfies me but your soul," She slowly moved her arms over the stomach, almost hugging the fae as she closed her eyes and inhaled slowly. "O, Death," This time, the fae moved so that she was directly over the wolf, four paws on either side as she stood on over the wolf.

    "Well I am Death, none can excel," She slowly lowered her rear to sit on top of the wolf. "I'll open the door to heaven or hell," She took her paws, placing it on the wolf's chests and continuing to ignore its pleas. "O Death," She slowly dragged her paws upwards until they came in contact with its throat. Again, the fae pleaded some more. "O Death," She pressed her paws against the wolf's throat, holding her strong grip and watching as the wolf choked out strangled sounds. She inhaled again, closing her eyes and looking upwards as she hummed the last words in her song. "My name is Death and the end is here." With one swift, easy move, the Whisper dug her claws into the fae's throat, blood spilling as the wolf died seconds later. Marionette opened her eyes, looking down at the stiff and humming slowly three more times, quickly cutting herself off when she heard a growl not far away.

    She quickly got up and slowly walked to the area, watching as a few wolves started arguing. She tilted her head, realizing that they were all on Pangaea territory. She felt a bump in her shoulder, watching as Azazel came into the area. "Marionette," he greeted as he glared at the scene before him. "Want to go?" She asked, but Azazel shook his head. "I go, you stay," and with that, she obeyed his commands and watched as he entered himself into the argument.

[ voice of angelina jolie ] [ scent: strong mint ] [ patroller ] [ fae ] [ four years ] [ tags : azazel ] [ mentions : -- ] [ location : pangaea camp ]


[ voice of ben mckenzie ] [ scent: cedar&maple ] [ fighter ] [ brute ] [ five and a half years ] [ tags :xx ] [ mentions : xx ] [ location : xx ]

    KARMA -

[ voice of ruth connel ] [ scent: rose&lavender ] [ fighter ] [ fae ] [ five years ] [ tags :xx ] [ mentions : xx ] [ location : xx ]


[ voice of lauren cohan ] [ scent: rose&lavender ] [ guard ] [ fae ] [ six years ] [ tags :xx ] [ mentions : xx ] [ location : xx ]


[ voice of jared padalecki ] [ scent: amber&hazel ] [ guard ] [ brute ] [ six years ] [ tags :xx ] [ mentions : xx ] [ location : xx ]

    TWO - FACE

[ voice of hugh jackman ] [ scent: amber&mint ] [ guard ] [ brute ] [ seven years ] [ tags :xx ] [ mentions : xx ] [ location : xx ]
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( ✗ - lehkuna three

Postby kartharon » Tue May 16, 2017 7:52 pm

    lehkuna the loner !!

      lehkuna started as the fae mentioned her prior alliance to the salem pack. she had no idea they were from the same pack. and it seemed that ruby wasn't aware of this either. her thoughts plunged into the horror she felt among her prior packmates, knowing that in the end, there was no one she felt she could trust. lehkuna and ruby were what you could call close, but their home lives were something neither wolf had bothered to speak of. the dark black hair that rested on her nape stood on end as the nightmares ensued, but lehkuna didn't allow this to show on her face.

      as she spoke of pangea, lehkuna couldn't help but note the disgust and clear annoyance in her features. this was where they differed. though ruby had left the salem wolves, she clearly felt some sort of loyalty to their pack unlike lehkuna. she did not feel an ounce of respect for those she had left behind. even her siblings, who spat in good riddance after her disappearance. she debated back and forth between telling the outlander the truth of her birth, but she was sure that ruby would only frown upon her actions. she may even refuse lehkuna's presence and that was a risk she did not want to take.

      so instead, she merely nodded her head and appeared to look thoughtful. the words that came from her mouth were the mere opposite of what she felt. "you're right, you know. i didn't ever think about the strength that salem wolves inherit. it would be a lot easier to fight for the side who's going to win." her voice was nonchalant and she didn't even hesitate with her words. nothing but avid support littered her features and the only thing that betrayed her was the voice inside her head calling herself a liar. on the outside it appeared that all was calm in her mind.

      "i had no idea you came from salem! i've never even seen the inside of their camp but it's always been a dream of mine." although it was contradictory compared to what she had just been saying (and also she lived in the camp so her whole sentence was a blatant lie), lehkuna acted as if those wolves she compared to demons were her family. far from it. she would support pangea with her life if that meant good riddance to the salem wolves. they were a plague to the forest.

        outlander | twenty-eight moons | female | outlands | smells of sweet pine
        tagged; ruby | mentioned; none
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Postby haru ; » Wed May 17, 2017 7:43 pm


    ── THE HAWK ──

      She resisted the urge to smile as Dracul dropped down in a hunting's crouch, then stalked towards her like a phantom in the night, before playfully bumping into her side. The action did make her lose her balance for a split second — especially since the male was so large — but before long Victorie twisted gracefully and nipped at the tip of his ear. It should have been just enough to tear off a tiny clump of fur, though it would not have hurt in any sense. "I know what you mean. The constant yappings sometimes make me want to rip someone's head off, but you would think you would get used to it and grow insane like them after living in Salem all your life." Golden orbs clashed into a darker pair, somewhat searchingly. It was hard to tell what was truly hiding behind Dracul's seemingly cold and hard exterior. It could be anger or annoyance for all she knew; it just showed how good he was at hiding his emotions. Victorie could disguise just as well, but when she was emotional, especially furious, it sort of showed in her movements and flashing fangs and penetrating eyes that could slice through diamond.

      But for now, away from the hubbub in camp, he was in a good mood and that was all that mattered for now.

      She heard Dracul call out a name. Mazikeen. Mazikeen? The Patroller! Victorie never saw much of the elusive wolf, but what conversations she had with her were always pleasant. Part of her was surprised to find the fae out so far from camp, but then again so was herself. "Hello, Mazikeen," the Lead Huntress began, her words flowing off her tongue effortlessly as she regarded the fellow wolf with a little prick off her right ear.


        gender; fae xranking; lead huntress of salem xvoice; think angelina jolie xscent; jasmines and sandalwood xlocation; salem camp xtagged; aerix,
        dracul, mazikeen
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( ✗ - Unbroken Silence ) Six

Postby .KeithKogane » Thu May 18, 2017 2:43 am

...[☁] Kanti
...Fᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ | Pᴀɴɢᴀᴇᴀ Aʟᴘʜᴀ | Fᴏᴜʀ

...ᴛᴀɢɢᴇᴅ| --
...ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ| Camp

Feel free to tag her

...[☽] Dʀᴀᴄᴜʟ
...Mᴀʟᴇ | Sᴀʟᴇᴍ Fɪɢʜᴛᴇʀ | Fɪᴠᴇ & Hᴀʟғ

...ᴛᴀɢɢᴇᴅ| Victorie/Mazikeen
...ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ| Forest

"They're worse than pups," Dracul growled out of annoyance in response to Victorie. The pack he belonged to had so many problems, definitely with each other. Salem horns hating on new bloods; most new bloods just trying to prove themselves. Many often considered Dracul a new blood, being foreigner yet he was born there. Him and Kanti both. Yet they had both left after their parents died. The brute just somehow wandered back into the pit of death, his sister unknowingly at first getting stuck in as well. They haven't seen each other in a long time. He knows she's alive. All the talk of wolves wanting to kill her makes his blood boil, yet he keeps his cool. Dracul's face reveals nothing.

He waited for the lead huntress to finish her greeting out of politeness, though he did have some genuine concern for the female patroller. If she wasn't careful, she could end up dead like the rest of them. "I would suggest being careful out there, but we're coming with you." The male began, turning his head slightly to see if Victorie would have any complaints. He didn't think she wanted to go back to camp, yet she may not want to walk more or even spend more time with the large brute. His golden pupils scanned Mazikeen's body, and eyebrow slightly propping up. She looked nervous and on edge, her tail flicking occasionally. Something told the brute that patrolling wasn't what she originally planned yet he didn't push. Instead Dracul padded forward, flicking the patroller with his tail while walking past,"Its a riot back in camp and someone's gotta protect you two."
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( ✗ - post four

Postby I'm done delete me. » Thu May 18, 2017 3:10 am

        xxxxxxxx age: three || scent: lavender || crush: dracul || tags: victorie & dracul || pack: salem ||
        rank: patroller

        as victorie greeted her it sound as she wasn't to impressed seeing her but she wasn't going to take that to heart she knew some didn't like her and well she didn't most of pack either but maze was polite hello victorie, nice to see you" she said with a slightly bow to her head, her rank was more higher than what maze is. to be a leader must be great to be able to tell others what to do, she wondered what that was like although she thought no one would really do what she would say. her eyes perked up as he said that he was coming with maze on her patrol but then she went over that sentence in her mind once again 'we're' coming with you maze, 'we're' she huffed a little hoping it would of just been dracul instead of victorie so she was able to be alone with him as so he could get to know her. it was a kind gesture but she didn't want the two along with her. but again she couldn't really say 'i don't want victorie to come that would just make the situation worse for her, victorie could easily kill her.
        xxxxxxxxxxx as the brute padded towards her it made her tail wag, being closer to him made her more nervous but as he flicked her with his tail she shivered. it was as if he had touched all the nervous in her body but she slowly started to calm down and relax a bit more. as he said he wanted to protect the both of us, her tail wagged once again hehe, he wants to protect me, what a charming wolf she thought as she bowed her head towards "that's kind of you but i can take care of myself" she said to him as she just wanted to see his next reaction no you can't maze you stupid wolf she thought to herself as she knew she was weak but she needed to see what this wolf would say. although, she hoped that he would still remain with her as she had wanted to be with him for months and this would be turning down his offer to be able to be alone with him for a while that's if victorie were to leave the two then it might ruin her day.
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✶ kaliska -- {4}

Postby The Alpha » Thu May 18, 2017 12:23 pm

-----ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴠᴇɴɢᴇʀ-----

┏--------------- ⊰ ✶ ⊱ ---------------┒
"And just in time, in the right place...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
⊰ Guardian - Lead Spy ⊱
Age ⊱ 6 Years
Gender ⊱ Female
Scent ⊱ Cedarwood, apples
Location ⊱ Pangaea Forest
Mentioned ⊱ Marionette
Tags ⊱ Hannah, Alusia, Raziel, Azazel
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
...suddenly I will play my ace."
┗--------------- ⊰ ✶ ⊱ ---------------┙
The time she had spent warming in the sun proved to be just as it was; time consuming and with little advantage other than that. Thinking it better to return to the patrol she had been walking before the murder of the three patrollers she watched, the red and cream female had quickly taken her leave of the Guardian's camp and set out once more on her trek. She often did not say when she would be heading out on a patrol and perhaps that was not entirely a good thing. Should something happen, it would be best if someone knew where Kaliska was when it became clear that she was needed. Today had not been the time to change that pattern though as Kanti was quite busy herself just as Demora was. The ice-eyed fae passed silently over a fallen and dead tree truck as she let her thought begin to whirl. They were already at war and things had really only been proclamation at this point, but with so many constant deaths...on both sides of the borders too. How many times had she pondered this today? It was too many to count, but still, she did not force the thoughts away. The signs were all around her; a great war of the bloodiest battles was fast approaching.

The Lead spy suddenly halted in her tracks, her ears flickering over to the side at the sound of voices. She recognized the tone of voice and the sound of it. Hannah. By the shrillness of her tone and the volume...Kaliska quickly altered her course and headed straight for the sound. She weaved around bushes and trees to stay out of sight but also to avoid the dead leaves and branches that would give away her position. Not that it truly mattered. She quickly came upon the scene; Hannah standing before three Salem wolves - though she also scented another nearby - and they were not standing at the border. True, only two stood closer to Hannah than the others, but the fact that it was the Beta and Azazel that had trespassed and were making the tension rise the most here meant that this situation was getting worse by the minute. Her icy gaze narrowed as she listened to Azazel's words to Hannah, her gaze flickering over to Alusia who was standing by Raziel now. Her expression confirmed what the Lead Spy was thinking and she hummed softly in her throat. As the "HellHound" threatened Hannah to leave, Kaliska decided to make her presence known now, moving from her cover on quiet paws as her icy gaze locked onto Azazel as he seemed to be the loudest barking voice at this moment, "If our borders were not trespassed as frequently as they are and our patrollers not killed on sight, I'm sure there would be fewer deaths on both sides."

The red and cream furred she-wolf stepped up beside Hannah, her expression devoid of any true expression though her eyes were still rather narrowed and her posture relaxed though held high as she stood before these Salem trespassers. She turned her gaze to her fellow Guardian first however and said, "Stay calm, Hannah. Do not play into their paws so easily." She knew the game well; make the opponent angry and reckless and start a fight. Make it so you moved out of self-defense rather than attacking first. That was hardly necessary for him to play however regarding his demon-like strength. It seemed no wolf could survive an honorable one on one fight against the Hellhound and so none were known now to match him, much like many of the higher ranking Salem wolves. Why? When has a Salem wolf ever been known to be honorable? "This is the second time today that you have trespassed onto our territory, Azazel, and the first time was at the cost of some of our ranks. Do not think this will be forgotten or pass on without consequences."

She then added, looking to all of them, "Had it been just one or perhaps two patrollers that came looking for such herbs, this could have perhaps gone unnoticed for the sake of those in pain though Salem wolves they may be. However, seeing as there are four of you here - and only one of you being a patroller - I can't help but wonder if this was meant to be a set up for an ambush." Kaliska narrowed her icy gaze as she lowered her tone a bit and confirmed, "And so this cannot go unnoticed." She kept her words fair and truthful, looking at what she saw, heard and observed about the situation, but that meant nothing to a pack such as Salem. She expected an argument here and a fight if she was unlucky enough. Still, it can't be helped as she refused to let those patrollers die in vain and she would not leave Hannah here to fend for herself against them. And thus begins this war... She couldn't help thinking.
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( ✗ - Unbroken Silence ) Seven

Postby .KeithKogane » Thu May 18, 2017 4:13 pm

...[☁] Kanti
...Fᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ | Pᴀɴɢᴀᴇᴀ Aʟᴘʜᴀ | Fᴏᴜʀ

...ᴛᴀɢɢᴇᴅ| --
...ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ| Camp

Feel free to tag her

...[☽] Dʀᴀᴄᴜʟ
...Mᴀʟᴇ | Sᴀʟᴇᴍ Fɪɢʜᴛᴇʀ | Fɪᴠᴇ & Hᴀʟғ

...ᴛᴀɢɢᴇᴅ| Victorie/Mazikeen
...ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ| Forest

Mazikeen seemed to be keen on getting rid of the pair. Maybe just getting rid of Dracul. He didn't walk very far, just a few steps before slowling to a hault. His head turned around slightly to look the patroller up and down, raising an eyebrow in question. No words came out of his mouth as he turned his large body around to look at the two females he was with. Both definitely contrasted from each other; besides their pelts. Victorie stood tall, her chest slightly puffed out and looked genuinely confident. Mazikeen on the other hand looked as if she was trying to make herself small or more.. Dainty if you will. Yet both were dainty compare to his stocky body. He'd crush the two of them by just throwing his weight around. "You say that now," His voice rumbled in his throat, rolling his eyes slightly,"Just wait till you find someone who wants to kill you.

When mentioning the word 'kill', the fighters head turned to the dead loner who lay not that far away. His own blood pooled around his body almost just to get the point across. It definitely wasn't a painless death; not as if the wild animal deserved anything less. "Or if you find something as big as me," Dracul spoke again, shaking out his fur before standing back up to his normal height,"Neither of you could stand a chance on your own." There was no smirk on his lips, no cockiness flowing off his body. Not even irritation. But almost concern. And definite honesty. The lead huntress could surely do him damage but with his keen and unusual digging ability, Victorie would be as good as then loner. Mazikeen would be his equivalent to fighting a pup from what he knows. The brute hasn't seen the patroller fight unless it's to get away; and it may not even be effective against someone who wants her dead.
The brute's gaze flickered between the two before leaping forward onto Mazikeen. It was quick and silent, pinning her body down to the dirt, his teeth drawn back into a silent growl. And just like that she couldn't be dead. His golden eyes stared down hardly into the female that was below him before a speakin once again,"Never let your guard down, even with those you trust." Dracul held her in place, his large paws on either side of Mazikeen's head before getting up and walking away. He was a little closer to Victorie, turning his head to look at her as she watched everything unfold in front of her. "Coming?" He questioned softly, flicking his ear before nodding into the direction the patroller wasn't going in.
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( ✗ - post five

Postby I'm done delete me. » Thu May 18, 2017 11:02 pm

        xxxxxxxx age: three || scent: lavender || crush: dracul || tags: victorie & dracul || pack: salem ||
        rank: patroller

        the young fae watched the brute walk away dammit maze, keep your damn mouth shut. you've lost your chance now her ears pinned back against her skull seeing that he was leaving her. however, soon as he turned around, she perked up and her ears were perked once again to show she wasn't upset. she watched the black wolf in front of her wondering what he was doing as he stood there looking at the two. with a tilt of her head she wondering if he liked victorie, she didn't see why not. she was a pretty fae, strong and lead huntress, she would be irresistible for brutes. unlike maze, low rank, weak and well she wasn't exactly like the others in the pack she wasn't 'cruel'. the fae took a step back as he spoke, with a low dip of her head as he seemed annoyed with what she had said. but what he added made her heart sink, she knew probably may wanted to kill her in the pack and wouldn't hesitate to like victorie she was pretty she wanted maze dead. she knew anyone could easily take her down, just she never really thought about it. maze watched as he turned his head towards the carcass of the wolf they had killed, her ears pinned back once again. it was her fault to let the loner into the territory, although she never came across him before she was meant to keep an eye out for them. but, the poor innocent soul probably didn't see it coming, he maybe trying to steal food because he couldn't hunt himself. she knew she shouldn't react to what they did but she was slightly angered by this.
        xxxxxxxxxxxher attention turned back to the brute that was speaking, she let him continue speaking but she was to angry to really focus on what he was saying. but then her attention turned back to the brute as he had pinned her to the floor, a slight whimper escaped her maw. her eyes met his as he got his point across he was right i shouldn't trust anyone not even him she thought to herself as he remained pinning her until he got off her. she then rolled to get up onto all fours. the fae watched as he went back to the other female with a slight growl she responded to his question "no i can look after myself" she told him with another growl she left them. she trotted deeper into the woods to get away from the two. her emotions were mixed although she didn't know how to feel. anger was mostly taking over her and she wanted to take it out on something. she wished she was just out of this pack, and escape to the guardians but if she did escape she mostly likely to be killed. she was wrong to love someone in the pack although she had met one nice brute she had a crush on in this pack but now he was gone as well, she knew she had to move on. but, to have a crush on dracul was a mistake of hers and well she can't help who she likes. she wished she had someone to talk to in this pack but she didn't really have anyone to talk to about it, she needed help.
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