Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Roseclan - [1]

Postby ?lady luck? » Mon May 08, 2017 10:13 am


Number of Cats: | ♂: 1 | ♀: 0 | Cats: 1 |
Next Moonpool Visit: Now

Spiderstar looked around his new camp and sighed, the rain was rather annoying to him and he growled a little. He was rather a grumpy ill mannered cat today, he blamed the cold weather was brewing ahead. He wasn't a really big fan of the weather, he had been in his territory alone for awhile now and it was beautiful during New-Leaf and Green-Leaf, and even Leaf-Fall but Leaf-Bare was the worst and everything lost it's color and it's beauty. He shifted from where he was laying in the den, Spiderstar was forcing himself to go to the moonpool today to ask for a deputy.

After a long time he pulled himself up from his nest and started his way to the moonpool, it was a longer walk and he was going to probably hate it with the cold. He had met the Coastclan leader the other day and she didn't seem to actually like him, he knew he rubbed her the wrong way and he could care less if he did or not. She was his neighbour so she was going to have to deal with him.

[Spiderstar asks for a deputy at the Moonpool.]

      Spiderstar | 36 | Tom | ¤
      Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]

      Medicine Cat:
      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]

      Medicine Cat Apprentice:
      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]

      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]

      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]

      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]

      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]

      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]
Ally Clans:
Clan | User
Clan | User

Enemy Clans
Clan | User

Border Clans
Northern Field | Sedgeclan | enchanted
Western Forest | Clan
Eastern Forest | Clan
Southern Beach | Coastclan | cosmos

Medicine Store
Alder Bark | x0 |
Bark from an alder tree is good for healing toothaches.
Burdock Root | x0 |
This herb is used to treat infections, and is especially g
ood for rat bites.
Catmint | x0 |
This herb is good for treating white cough and green co
Chervile Root | x0 |
This herb is used to keep away and treat infections.
Comfrey | X0 |
This herb is used to put broken bone on the right path fo
r mending.
Daisy Leaves | x0 |
This herb is used to soothe aching joints.
Elder Leaves | x0 |
This herb can be used to help treat sprains.
Feaverfew |x0 |
This herb is used to cool feverish cats and treat headaches.
Lavender | x0 | This herb is used to treat coughs and fevers.
It can also be used to calm a cat in the event of a nervous break
down or severe shock.
Marigold | x0 |
This herb is used to keep wounds from getting infected. It can al
so heal sores.
Nettle Leaves | x0 |
This herb is used to keep down the swelling of a wound.
Oak Leaves | x0 |
This herb is used to stop bleeding from a wound and to fight infe
Poppy Seeds | x0 | This seed is used to numb pain and help a cat
Snake Root | x0 | This herb is used to counter the effects of pois
Yarrow | x0 | This herb is used to make a cat vomit. This action
expels poisons from the body.
Cobwebs | x0 |
Cobwebs are used to stop bleeding.
Honey | x0 |
Honey is used to treat sore throats.
Wild Garlic | x0 | Rolling in this herb can help to keep infection o
ut of wounds. It is also good for rat bites.

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Hare | x0 | 3 servings
Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
Mice | x0 | 1 servings
Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
Shrew | x0 | 1 servings
Pheasant | x0 | 3 servings
Total | 0 | 0 servings

Necessary Skills: Stealth, Combat
Common Skills: Speed, Climbing, Tracking,
Rare Skills: Swimming, Fishing

Mentor | Apprentice | * | * | * | *
Mentor | Apprentice | * | * | * | *


Deceased Cats:
Cat Name | Age | Cause of Death
Last edited by ?lady luck? on Fri May 12, 2017 3:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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clan replies / 027.

Postby deimido » Mon May 08, 2017 12:43 pm

- Weather Report -
Current Season: Leaf-fall.
Leaf-fall is quickly coming to a close, bringing in the chilled air of Leaf-bare in its final days, tiny specks of falling snow decorate the Clans though thankfully it is not enough to completely blanket the earth. Due to the cold weather, it is not recommended sending cats out on multiple patrols due to the increased chance of getting sick.

RuneClan's reply is here. | ReedClan and AsterClan's replies are here. | SlipClan's reply is here. | BirchClan, JinxClan, and ShadeClan's replies are here. | WishClan and StoneClan's replies are here. | RippleClan's reply is here. | SorrelClan's reply is here. | ThornClan's reply is here.

WrenClan | raven walker wrote:Image

(Hareflight, Darktree and Thistlepelt are hunting)
(The clan has eaten 1 big bird.)

The three toms made idle conversation with each other in-between breaks as they hunted, Thistlepelt making a note to tell Pumastar of the cold weather once he had returned. With StarClan's blessings, prey didn't seem to be hiding during this outing, and two pieces of prey were securely brought back to camp.
While hunting, your patrol caught one shrew and one small bird.

rainbowcatfish8888 | SilentClan wrote:Image

[hunting patrol: Appleclaw, Pepperfrost, Sunshadow, Whitewhisker]
[looking for herbs: Buzzardflight, Lynxpaw]
[border patrol: Brightsky, Coaldust]
[Lavendernose is kitting!]

Brightsky's curious green eyes would often trail on Coaldust's figure as the dark tom walk in front of her, clearly she was curious about his feelings given that he was on the patrol that Ivystar was in shortly before losing her first life, but the older warrior wasn't exactly sure how to answer them. Brightsky's nose twitched as the scent of a new cat was found nearby, Coaldust paused in his steps as he scented it too. The new nodded at each other and approached the smell, finding a young cat sheltering under a log, grumbling about the cold.
While on patrol, Brightsky and Coaldust found an apprentice.
While hunting, your cats caught two ermines and two voles.
While herb picking, Buzzardflight and Lynxpaw gathered hawkweed and heather nectar.
Lavendernose gave birth to two kittens!

FallClan | Tomato Sauce wrote:𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚗

Duskstar goes on a border patrol near his east border!

The leader was confident in his newly founded Clan, assuring himself that it would grow in due time. He spent his day marking his new borders and was about to return home after the sun was starting to set, he was stopped by the curious mew of a loner who asked him what his business in this place was. After an explanation, the cat decided to join.
While on patrol, Duskstar found a warrior/deputy.

QuartzClan | Sunnymcsun wrote:Image

[Flarepaw is now Flarestone!
Amberpelt and Poppyflight hunt.
Dapplewish patrols again (follows the scent)
Nightfeather searches for herbs.
The clan consumes one bird.
QuartzClan's tradition has been founded!]

Dapplewish was both surprised and slightly suspicious that the loner's scent was both fading and mingled into something else as she padded farther into the outskirts of QuartzClan territory. What she found at its end was nothing but a lone black-and-white kit, who's scent was very familiar to the loner she had been seeking. The kit was sniffling pitifully, claiming that their mother had simply left them here and had not returned in days and that what little prey she had left for them was quickly running out. Dapplewish felt a stab of sympathy towards the kit's plight, and invited them to join her in her Clan: they quickly agreed.
While on patrol, Dapplewish found a kit!
While hunting, Amberpelt and Poppyflight catch one bird.
While herb picking, Nightfeather gathered stinging nettle.

FlowClan | catbookdo wrote:FlowClan

(The clan eats the squirrel.)
(Pebblestar goes to the Moonpool, and asks for a warrior.)
(Rookpelt goes hunting.)
(Sparrowstep looks for herbs.)

Pebblestar woke up feeling a little chiller then he had been when he first arrived to the Moonpool, and with a concerned frown, he realized that Leaf-bare was not far off from arriving now. The leader was glad he had asked for a warrior now, as more cats in his Clan meant a little more help in the coming season. The soft sound of approaching paw steps signaled the arrival of another cat in the Moonpool's hollow, a gray tabby with blue eyes mewed a greeting to Pebblestar and explained that they were the cat he asked StarClan for.
StarClan has given you a warrior.
While hunting, Rookpelt caught a carp.
While herb picking, Sparrowstep gathered dock.

StreamClan | justice'n'joy wrote:Ripplestar decided to launch yet another attack on EchoClan. He had planned it so perfectly, it seemed that nothing could go wrong.
Ripplestar proudly led his battalion through the forest. It consisted of Gingerflash, Tigerwing, Ashflower and others. Unfortunately, they ran into a PineClan patrol marking the borders. Hearing the yowls of the fight EchoClan sent a patrol to help their ally. Squirrelstar took revenge on all Ripplestar's attacks, killing all nine lives at once, sending him to StarClan.
Most of the others died in the StreamClan patrol except Ashflower, who was chased back to camp. She managed to get almost everyone to leave, except the cocky few who wanted to die protecting their Clan. Young cats like Bigears. They did die, but that didn't help their Clan a jot.
Twoface stared at Ratpaw, who was pinning him with a snarl. The StreamClan tom gave a whimper of pain. "This is it. Our friendship... our friendship meant nothing to you?" He gave a choked cry."I trusted you! I... I loved y-" Ratpaw hissed, "There was nothing between us!" as he slashed his claws across Twoface's throat.
As soon as every last StreamClan cat was killed or chased off, Squirrelstar raised her tail for silence. "This ground is soaked in the blood of our enemy. Although more land is always great, I think this land is now cursed. Who agrees?" About everyone nodded their approval. Mintstar grinned, "StreamClan has been defeated."

Tui led her young kits through the forest, Bouncefire up ahead with Mallowsplash and Flintberry. They were the only ones who'd stuck together through this ordeal. "I hope Blacktail is okay.." Flintberry mewed, "I didn't see him leave..." Mallowsplash gave his sister a comforting lick, "I heard him say to Skyflower he would see if he could join Silverstar."
Suddenly they heard rustling in the long grass close by. Everyone stopped, fur on end and stared at the direction. Three heads popped up. Lilyblaze, Softslip and Chirpfang. Everyone let out a sigh of relief. Chirpfang looked at Mallowsplash, who appears to be in control. "May we join you?" He meowed. Mallowsplash smiled. "Of course! You're our Clanmates!"
Soon they arrived at twolegplace. Tui's youngest kit, Pixiekit looked up at her mother with sleepy eyes. "I had da weirdest dweam, Mumma, where all da bad, bad, nasty cats chased us from da nursery but I know we're saf-" she dropped into a sleep.
Tui looked up. The other cats were talking about becoming twolegplace loners. "My kits and I will live as kittypets with warmth and safety." Bouncefire looked at his mate with betrayal in his eyes. "You're leaving me?"
"Yes, Bouncefire, we are through."
Tui picked up the sleeping Pixiekit and led her kits to a nearby den.

-16 moons later-
Pixiekit is older now. She has been having confusing dreams about groups of cats and her, in charge. Soon she realized maybe these dreams were showing her her destiny! She padded outside and her the whispers of hundreds of cats in her empty garden, "StreamClan! StreamClan is back! Pixiestar, it's time to lead..." The sleek black she-cat was confused. Time to lead? She was ready.
-StreamClan's Back-

Brief flashes of familiarity ran through the molly's head as she traversed through uncharted land after receiving her nine lives as if she had walked in forests and been surrounded by trees many moons ago even though she knew it wasn't the case. Pixiestar had been raised a housecat up until the spiritual brings of StarClan told her of her true calling in life, perhaps it was them now that was leading her through this. The black cat pushed herself through a cluster of plants and widened her eyes as she saw a spacious clearing in front of her, and she swiftly affirmed that this was where StreamClan would live.
StreamClan has been founded.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Mimu » Mon May 08, 2017 2:16 pm


This clan was the first clan around the uk near the North with 3 other clans called Creekclan,Spirtclan and Seaclan. Humans don't know about this clan at all only the cats who live around this small little town forest area called Unknown forest. Ashclan has be strong. They have lost and won threw other battles with the 3 clans. They are sometimes low on food but they will all ways stand strong. If anything will try and take them down This clan can win it.

Ashclan lives in a dark forest and in the middle it's only light that shines down onto the clan area. Big long river at the side of them where some of them sit and talk about there day but then the sigh light as gone all cats need to go back to the clan and the leader and deputy have to count all 18 cats to see if they are live and good. When the night falls the rivers will become heavy and the Prey will come out. Some cats stay up and watch over to see if anyone is coming to attack. The leader and the Deputy have to sleep in the night and come back into the day when the sun light as hit there clan floor.
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Yewclan [3]

Postby eltonn » Mon May 08, 2017 2:50 pm

Number of Cats: 08

[ it's who we are ]

          Yewstar | 56 | Tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Thorntoes | 43 | Shecat | X

          Medicine Cat:
          No cat knows the ways of healing.
          app. Owl Flutter | 12 | Shecat | X

          Applespeck | 26 | Shecat | X
          Houndheart | 27 | Tom | X
          Foxpelt | 23 | Tom | X
          Howard | 71 | Tom X

          No cats are training under the code.

          Figfur | 23 | Shecat | X

          The clan is kitless.

          The clan contains none of old.
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username[/quote]

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile: x03pp
    Mouse | x0 | 0 servings
    Vole | x0 | 0 servings
    Shrew | x0 | 0 servings
    Squirrel | x2 | 4 servings
    Rabbit | x1 | 2 servings
    Forest Birds | x1 | 3 servings

    forest birds as in robins, thrushes, finches, jays, sparrows etc

    No cats are under training.

    Deceased Cats:
    Flurry | Euthinized ;-;

    Thorntoes and Applespeck are half-sisters.
    Figfur and Flurry were mates, and are expecting.
    Houndheart likes Applespeck.
    Yewstar and Figfur are trial mates.

"Are you kidding me? Owl Flutter and I are perfectly capable of taking care of Figfur!" "No, you're dead and she's still learning. We need a full medicine cat not only to make sure her kitting goes alright, but in case anything bad happens to the clan!" "Yewstar, what kind of bad things would happen to us? The clan is literally in the middle of nowhere! It's not like some random hoard of cats is going to try and murder us in our sleep!" "How do you know we're safe? Are you're magic 'future starclan visions' showing you? Because so far, all they've done is cause problems!" "You're the one causing a problem here!" The two toms were nose-to-nose, living versus dead, leader versus warrior. Howard watched this entire exchange quietly, drawing his paw over his ears in a nonchalant manner. He had only recently joined the clan, but not much actually bothered the laid-back tom. Yewstar hissed loudly, his pelt puffing up. "I'm not arguing with a cat who won't see logical reason!" The black tom turned and stomped to the entrance. "I'm going to the gathering- Foxpelt, Howard, and Thorntoes will go with me." After a brief moment of thinking, he added. "Flurry is in charge until I'm back. Go to him if you have any problems."


That was four days ago, and it concerned Figfur that the gathering group hadn't returned yet. Was it really that far? Ever since her and Yewstar were paired, she felt a small growing affection for the tom. But that couldn't break her love of Flurry, who spent time with her every day, showing Owl Flutter the herbs in the nursery so that Figfur wouldn't be left alone. She almost purred, thinking of the white tom. A sudden pain stopped her, and Figfur's eyes widened. "Flurry!"

{ Thorntoes and Foxpelt border patrol }
{ Howard, Applespeck and Houndheart hunt }
{ Figfur's kits are due! }
{ Owl Flutter looks for herbs }
{ On his way back from the gathering, Yewstar goes to the moonpool and asks for a full med cat.

[could i request a black/almost all black tom?]
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Katrione » Mon May 08, 2017 3:27 pm

The first snow of leafbare has truly fallen. The sparkling snow blankets every Clan's territory, still untouched by the paws of Clan cats.
Be careful with sending out the same cat in multiple patrols, since they are very likely to catch a cold, which can lead to whitecough and even greencough. Prey will be less likely to be caught, but you will find new cats, since most of them are searching for shelter from the cold.


Simonpet wrote:
Once more, it was time to visit the Moonpool. Honeystar was proud of her clan and how much it had grown, although she worried that with the coming leafbare, they wouldn't be able to catch enough prey to feed the clan, especially the four kits. The long trek to the Moonpool took the whole day as usual, and once there, she lapped up some of the water. When she awoke, she was in the familiar mists, although she swore that faded trees could now be seen and thought she could hear the screaming of cats in the far distance.

"Cats of Starclan," she began, "I ask you once more for a warrior. I fear that with the coming of leafbare, we may not have enough cats to hunt and patrol our borders." She paused as she realized that the cries had faded away. Was this an omen of what was to come? "Also, I please ask of you that our clan may stay out of conflict. Thank you." When she awoke, Honeystar shook her head, mildly disturbed by her dream. However, she brushed off her worries and started home.

Before going to the Moonpool, Honeystar had told Birchnose that some patrols had needed to be set up. So Birchnose decided to go on a border patrol and had assigned Briarwhisker and Dawnstorm to go hunting together. She had noticed that they didn't seem to get along very well, but would talk to them only if it got out of hand.

The patrol seemed to be going along uneventfully, until a dark brown tom barreled out of the bushes, panting. "Are you clan?" he asked.

Birchnose nodded slowly. Who was this cat? "Yes," she said. "Who're you?"

"Aspenfire of Streamclan," he said. Then, as though struck with a sudden realization, he moaned, "Oh, Bouncefire..."

"Let's get you to Crowcloud," Birchnose said, alarmed. It was clear that something terrible had happened, but she didn't know what. The two padded back to camp, and Crowcloud approached them, initially calm but then surprised and worried once he saw Aspenfire.

"What happened?" he asked Birchnose.

"I don't know," she replied. "I just found him on the patrol."

"Let's take a look at you," said Crowcloud, approaching Aspenfire. He led the other tom to the medicine cat's den where the pair remained. I'm the meantime, Birchnose went over to the nursery, where Duckpelt lay half-asleep, kits curled near her.

"How are the kits?"

"They're doing well, thank you. What were you talking about?"

Birchnose hesitated for a moment. Should she tell? "A tom called Aspenfire showed up, claiming to be of Streamclan. I don't know what happened, but it seems bad."

Duckpelt nodded, eyes shining with worry. She looked at her kits nervously before finally saying, "I hope that he'll get better soon."

"So do I."

Honeystar returned late that evening, when she first heard what the rest of the clan already knew: Aspenfire of Streamclan had taken refuge in Forestclan. Aspenfire had been taken out of the medicine cat's den and was now explaining what had happened in front of the clan including Duckpelt and her kits, who needed to be constantly reminded that they needed to be quiet. Everyone was gathered just under the Speaker's Tree; even Honeystar was on the ground.

"There was a battle," said Aspenfire in a trembling voice. "Ripplestar and our clan against Squirrelstar and her clan. It was a disaster. Squirrelstar killed Ripplestar so quickly..." He paused, recalling the battle. "I don't know who lived or who died. I did my best; I think I wounded some but I just... I just ran." He bowed his head in shame.

"You're safe here now," said Honeystar soothingly. "You have a home in Forestclan if you wish."

Aspenfire nodded slowly, taking a shaky breath. "I do," he said. "And..."

"And what?" prodded Honeystar.

"I want to change my name. I don't want to be reminded..." He trailed off, leaving the others to wonder why.

"Then by the powers of Starclan," said Honeystar, "I rename you...Alderclaw!"

"Alderclaw! Alderclaw" cheered the clan. Even the kits got into the spirit, cheering as loud as they could.

The newly renamed Alderclaw gave a shy smile. He had a new home now. He would never forget, but he could rest and heal. And someday, see his former clanmates in Starclan.

Forestclan consumes 3 servings (one trout)
Honeystar visits the Moonpool and asks for a warrior
Birchnose goes on a patrol and finds Aspenfire
Briarwhisker and Dawnstorm go hunting
Acornstream and Applepaw train
Aspenfire is renamed Alderclaw

Honeystar blinked her eyes open, her tail swishing a few times. The she-cat raised her head, looking around the cave. After speaking with Starclan, Honeystar decided to stay the night to get some rest. The long-haired tabby got to her paws,
licking her paw a few times and drawing it over her face before heading out of the Moonpool cave.

"Hello!" Honeystar recoiled in shock at the sound of a new voice. A white and black cat stood at the entrance to the cave, it's bobbed tail wiggling in excitement. "I'm here, just as you requested!'

[ Starclan has sent you a warrior ]
[ Briarwhisker and Dawnstorm caught a pigeon and hare while hunting ]
[ Applepaw learned the Tracking skill while training ]


Mika. wrote:

This clan was the first clan around the uk near the North with 3 other clans called Creekclan,Spirtclan and Seaclan. Humans don't know about this clan at all only the cats who live around this small little town forest area called Unknown forest. Ashclan has be strong. They have lost and won threw other battles with the 3 clans. They are sometimes low on food but they will all ways stand strong. If anything will try and take them down This clan can win it.

Ashclan lives in a dark forest and in the middle it's only light that shines down onto the clan area. Big long river at the side of them where some of them sit and talk about there day but then the sigh light as gone all cats need to go back to the clan and the leader and deputy have to count all 18 cats to see if they are live and good. When the night falls the rivers will become heavy and the Prey will come out. Some cats stay up and watch over to see if anyone is coming to attack. The leader and the Deputy have to sleep in the night and come back into the day when the sun light as hit there clan floor.

[ Ashclan has been founded ]


save seedcakes wrote:
"Are you kidding me? Owl Flutter and I are perfectly capable of taking care of Figfur!" "No, you're dead and she's still learning. We need a full medicine cat not only to make sure her kitting goes alright, but in case anything bad happens to the clan!" "Yewstar, what kind of bad things would happen to us? The clan is literally in the middle of nowhere! It's not like some random hoard of cats is going to try and murder us in our sleep!" "How do you know we're safe? Are you're magic 'future starclan visions' showing you? Because so far, all they've done is cause problems!" "You're the one causing a problem here!" The two toms were nose-to-nose, living versus dead, leader versus warrior. Howard watched this entire exchange quietly, drawing his paw over his ears in a nonchalant manner. He had only recently joined the clan, but not much actually bothered the laid-back tom. Yewstar hissed loudly, his pelt puffing up. "I'm not arguing with a cat who won't see logical reason!" The black tom turned and stomped to the entrance. "I'm going to the gathering- Foxpelt, Howard, and Thorntoes will go with me." After a brief moment of thinking, he added. "Flurry is in charge until I'm back. Go to him if you have any problems."


That was four days ago, and it concerned Figfur that the gathering group hadn't returned yet. Was it really that far? Ever since her and Yewstar were paired, she felt a small growing affection for the tom. But that couldn't break her love of Flurry, who spent time with her every day, showing Owl Flutter the herbs in the nursery so that Figfur wouldn't be left alone. She almost purred, thinking of the white tom. A sudden pain stopped her, and Figfur's eyes widened. "Flurry!"

{ Thorntoes and Foxpelt border patrol }
{ Howard, Applespeck and Houndheart hunt }
{ Figfur's kits are due! }
{ Owl Flutter looks for herbs }
{ On his way back from the gathering, Yewstar goes to the moonpool and asks for a full med cat.

[could i request a black/almost all black tom?]

Flurry crouched next to Figfur, a worried look in his eyes. He wished that he could comfort his mate- was she even that anymore? Owl Flutter hurried in and out of the den, bringing herbs that she had stored in her den. "Will this work?" She kept asking Flurry. Flurry looked at the herbs each time, telling her yes or no, only for her to disappear again.

The white tom turned back to Figfur. "Everything will be fine."

[ Figfur gave birth to four kits ]
[ Sadly, the first kit passed away shortly after birth. Starclan will look over it's new star ]
[ Thorntoes and Foxpelt found a medicine cat while on patrol ]
[ Pick 5 herbs from here to start off your store ]
[ Howard, Applespeck and Houndheart caught a rabbit and sparrow while hunting ]
[ Owl Flutter found comfrey root and daisy leaves while herb hunting ]
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Re: Create A Clan - Gustclan - 15

Postby Chamrosh » Mon May 08, 2017 6:40 pm

Chamrosh wrote:
Number of Cats: 11 (2 of which are kits)

[center][size=85]Boulderdash sighed in relief as the last kit was born, and started licking her new kits adoringly, curling around them and checking they were all okay- and two of them were. The other’s body was shaking weakly, like a leaf quivering before it fell off its branch. The kit shook, its mouth opening and only a tiny rasp being heard, before it closed its eyes, and fell still.
The other kits stayed exactly how they were, pressed up against their mother. Boulderdash turned her attention to the still kit, trying to lick her awake, or get her attention. She could hear Harrierpelt telling her something, and to move away from the kit, but this was her kit! Why would she move away from her, her beautiful, beautiful little kit? Her chest wasn’t moving, so Boulderdash started furiously licking.
Maybe she couldn’t feel the kit’s breath because it was just that gentle!
“Boulderdash, she’s gone.” Harrierpelt’s voice was showing far more strain than hers; but he’d just seen his first failure as a medicine cat, as well as the loss of his oldest kit. He started pulling the darkest kit away from his mate, so the others could stay warm without the body, but Boulderdash wouldn’t move.
“No! No, she’s not dead, she’s just a light breather!”
Harrierpelt whimpered slightly, wishing that were true. “I don’t want our other kits to rest next to Death in their first days. The others are perfectly fine. I…I’m sure she’s with Starclan.”
“She’s just a kit, she can’t be gone already!”
Outside, Heronstar called for the cats to gather for Shellkit and Droserakit’s apprentice ceremony. He didn’t want to leave his kits next to their dead sister, so quickly whipped her out and placed her just outside of Boulderdash’s embrace. She could still see her if she wanted to, but at least the living kits were now safely next to their mother. “I’ll be back” Harrierpelt said, though he doubted he could be heard over his mate’s crying.
Heronstar could hear that something had gone wrong with the kitting almost as soon as she started the ceremony. But now was the designated time, and it was likely that having the other cats away from her would help with her grief, or shock, or pity. Heronstar silently gave Myrtleclaw a look, trying to say with his eyes that if he wanted to go to comfort Boulderdash, he was more than welcome to do so, as long as he came back quickly.
Heronstar took a big breath, knowing this was her first time to do this, and that it was a big moment for her kits and that she didn’t want whatever had gone wrong to over shadow it. Hopefully it was only something small, like one kit having a club foot, although she knew from the sounds it couldn’t be that.
“Shellkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed." Heronstar noticed Harrierpelt walking close to where she had positioned herself, but thought that was just him taking a position he felt best as medicine cat for whatever reason, so continued. “From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Shellpaw. Your mentor will be Argusheart. I hope Argusheart will pass down all she knows on to you.” Harrierpelt was positively twitching, and it was obvious Myrtleclaw had seen this as he looked like he was on the verge of bolting for the nursery.
Heronstar couldn’t stop half way through, but she also knew it was her duty to let her warrior see how his kits were, so she sped up for the second part. “Argusheart, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have shown yourself to be skilful and determined. You will be the mentor of Shellpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him.”
Argusheart seemed to know exactly what to do, as did Shellpaw, because, unlike Droserakit, Shellpaw had been paying proper attention and not getting quite so excited while their mother explained the ceremony; and they touched their noses together as per tradition. Droserakit was paying very close attention to this part- or at least, he would have been if Myrtleclaw hadn’t been fidgeting so much right next to him.
Heronstar gave Myrtleclaw another look as soon as the clan had finished chanting Shellpaw’s name. Shellpaw seemed quite confused by it, almost disorientated.
“Myrtleclaw, you may check on your mate, but be back shortly.”
Harrierpelt interrupted after the tom had only taken a few steps over. “One of the kits is dead.” His voice cracked on the last word, and Myrtleclaw’s run to the entrance to the dens stopped mid-step, and he looked around, distraught, but continued with only a second’s pause.
Heronstar puffed, sad for her friends and warriors’ loss. And she looked at Droserakit looking impatient next to his brother, and knew that she had to continue before long.
True to form, Droserapaw entirely forgot how to react at the end of the ceremony as a Myrtleclaw-with-now-red-eyes bent over to touch his nose. Later, he’d blame sympathy towards his mentor’s loss. Really, he just felt hollow inside. It was the first death he’d ever even heard of, and it was clear it must be a horrible thing for Myrtleclaw to have to go through.
Although kits often died very young, Gustclan had had yet to experience a death, and to experience a death first of one so young felt very wrong. It was for this reason that Heronstar decided to call the gathering about it. It wasn’t much more formal than them all giving Boulderdash and Myrtleclaw their sympathies a moment before had been.
Harrierpelt seemed entirely distraught too; but it was the first death he’d had on the job, and there was a good chance that the young medicine cat had yet to really realise how many deaths a large clan would have to face. Heronstar sympathised quite strongly with him, and his regrets at a single mistake which had lead to a kit’s death, if there had even been anything he could have done differently. Harrierpelt howled away inside, unable to act on his feelings of sorrow in case he was punished but devastated by the loss of his kit, especially while he was the medicine cat.
Harrierpelt jumped up onto the top of a ledge in the nursery, where all the others now were, including the kits. It was their sister, after all.
“Boulderdash, seeing as of the… delicate manner of the situation, you have assigned your eldest a name, haven’t you?”
Boulderdash nodded, and with a sort of pained pride spoke out “Elmkit. I thought tha’ she could use a strong name to represent the strong cat I know she would ‘ave been ‘ere.” And then she took in a huge rasping breath. The other cats tried not to make it obvious they’d all seen it (except Shellpaw, who seemed to be acting as if he’d lost a kit too, burrowing in tight against Droserapaw’s fur, and sobbing hard, and therefore actually hadn’t noticed it).
Heronstar nodded slowly, allowing Boulderdash a few seconds to reclaim her repose. Elmkit lay as if in sleep in front of her, on the floor. She didn’t think other clans had a ceremony just for this. She knew this was more common than an apprentice’s death, but that didn’t mean that a kit’s passing wasn’t worth remembering. She mulled over the words, thinking of how to change the apprentices’ death ceremony to be more appropriate for a kit. She only spoke when she was sure that she had the right words to say, meaning she seemed to sit there for a long time, before speaking slowly, softly, and precisely.
“I ask my warrior ancestors to look down on Elmkit. She may not have had the time to become a warrior or learn your ways with Gustclan, but she surely had the heart of a warrior. Let Starclan receive her as an apprentice, under the tutelage of all of our ancestors between your clans, so that she may learn your code as a part of Starclan. May she receive the name she truly would have earned in time among you.”
She prayed to Starclan she wouldn’t have to repeat that soon, silently, at the end.
Myrtleclaw bounded in to the nursery, and nuzzled the tiny kits. He licked the dead kit just once, silently grateful for Harrierpelt having moved it, as it would make the separation less difficult when it had to happen.
He didn’t try to say he was sorry, or anything like that, which everyone who’s faced death knows doesn’t help. Instead, he pulled in close to her side, making a fuss of the remaining kits, and trying to take her mind off of it, as her best friend.
When it became clear that Boulderdash wouldn’t calm down like that, he started to tell a story of their kit – who he almost without consultation named Elmfang- and all the great things she’d be able to do in Starclan. It didn’t help much, but it was clear this would become a tradition between this litter, talking about their sister growing up at the same time in Starclan.
“I like Elmkit. Think I’ suits her. She’ll be strong enough to dazzle all the other Starclan cats when she gets there.”
Also Earlier
Myrtleclaw, Boulderdash and Harrierpelt sat together, around the kits. Or rather, the toms sat, and Boulderdash lay, curled around her remaining two kits. Myrtleclaw, helpfully, said that they looked very similar and it might be hard to tell them apart at first. Very helpful.
“Myrtleclaw already named the dead kit, Elmkit. I thou’ tha’ we’d all help name the other two, ri’? I don’t want their foster pa or their actual pa not liking their names.” Myrtleclaw was a little surprised he was being asked to help here, really; he’d already named one.
Boulderdash looked between her two favourite toms (for rather different reasons) and was hit by what she thought was a stroke of genius. “A bird and a plan’.”
It took a few seconds for the toms to realise what she was saying, and what she meant by that. “You mean that we name them based on that?”
Boulderdash nodded. “If I like them, we use them.”
Both toms sat quietly. Harrierpelt spoke first, although it was still a while. “Sparrowkit.” Boulderdash beamed.
Myrtleclaw was trying to think of plants he knew had some importance to the clans now, which was a lot harder than Harrierpelt’s idea. “Fennelkit?” Boulderdash shook her head slightly, not liking the suggestion. “Maybe something tough-sounding to pair with her sister. Nettlekit?” Boulderdash nodded, and with no further pause, bent to each kit, licked each once and said that kit’s name as she did. She clearly had say over which was which.
“Argusheart’s taking me out hunting with Pearstone today.” Shellpaw said, almost flatly, to his brother.
Droserapaw was a little envious of that. But mostly he was concerned. His brother wasn’t going to have him to look after him. What if something happened? He knew it was a silly concern because neither of them had been trained in how to fight yet, but his brother always seemed so awkward, and Droserapaw still worried for him.

[Sparrowkit and Nettlekit are born]
[Harrierpelt and Boulderdash stay in camp to look after Sparrowkit and Nettlekit]
[Myrtleclaw decides to stay at camp to guard, and train Droserapaw nearby]
[Heronstar and Chubtail go on patrol]
[Pearstone goes hunting, and Argusheart and Shellpaw come along to train]
[Gustclan consumes 1 + ½ Squirrels – 3 portions]
[RIP, Elmkit, let Starclan receive her as a (future) warrior]

( *snuggles the tiny kits* *gives extra snuggles for tiny little Elmkit who will never receive snuggles from her mother Dn: *
(And yes, Sparrowkit and Nettlekit being told stories about Elmkit in Starclan will be a thing)

I think this works Okay as a bump...
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StreamClan's Return - 2

Postby justice'n'joy » Mon May 08, 2017 7:15 pm

Number of Cats: 2

[Pixiestar goes to the moonpool]
[Minnowleap goes hunting.]

After some questions about each other, they decided to get on with Clan life. Pixiestar loomed around. "Do you have any knowledge about helping me lead?" She asked.
"No but I'd be willing to learn...?" Her grandfather replied.
"If StarClan obliges, you may be my deputy." She meowed. "Maybe I'll ask for an apprentice while we are there for you..."
          Pixiestar | 19 | She-cat| X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name| Age | gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Minnowleap | 56 | tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Name | usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Squirrel | x0 | 0 servings
    Deer | x0 | 0 servings
    Mouse | x0 | 0 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 0 servings
    Vole | x0 | 0 servings
    Fish | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by justice'n'joy on Thu May 11, 2017 6:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Mimu » Tue May 09, 2017 2:46 am

Number of Cats: | ♂: 0 | ♀: 1 | Cats: 1 |
next patrol: Now
next moonpool visit: 15/05/2017

Emberstar Woke up into her den looking up seeing a warm cralling up at the side. Shaking her head as she got up, she walked out. The sun light hit her face making her flinch her head back, Giving of a little sigh she looked up at the sky seeing no clouds near by. Flicking her tail, walking all the way to a tree that was big with vines hanging of with leaves falling down slowly.One hit her nose slowly as she shook it off. Grabbing some leaves from the ground making her way to her den putting the leaves onto her sleeping spot. "Well, looks like it's going to be a normal day."

Sitting on the high rock looking over at the clan land with no cats around, she sighed. Flicking her tail at nothing she closed her eyes seeing black then the sun light. She got up and started to walk into the forest more. She knew other clan will be at the moonpool .She hopes that starclan Will be nice to him and give her a nice strong Warrior.

{Moonpool; Emberstar goes to the moonpool and Requesting a warrior}

          Emberstar | 27 Moons | Female | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username[/quote]

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile (Empty):
    Chipmunks (Squirrels) | x0 | 2 servings
    Chickadees (Birds) | x0 | 1 servings
    Woodpeckers (Birds) | x0 | 1 servings
    Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
    Eagles (Birds) | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by Mimu on Tue May 09, 2017 9:28 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby ☆ѕтαяяу ѕкιєѕ☆ » Tue May 09, 2017 2:51 am

Number of Cats: 13
Toms: 6 || Mollies: 7

When the small Gathering patrol returned, they all dispersed, and Talonstar goes to check on Mottledlight. He's surprised when he sees Firekit playing mossball with a mostly-black kit. Mottledlight is simply watching them, tail flicking happily. "Dapplewish found him on patrol. She said that he told her his mother had left and hadn't returned in days. Of course, I volunteered to take care of him."
"What's his name?" Talonstar asks, sitting next to the calico queen.
"He said it was Mark. I think Barkkit would fit him, if he doesn't mind," Mottledlight says. She already looks fond of the small kit.
"I think Barkkit is perfect," Talonstar purrs.

"Blackpaw, get up! It's almost sunhigh, lazy badger," Turtlefur says, whiskers twitching in amusement as she prods her apprentice awake.
"I'm up, I'm up," Blackpaw groans, getting to his paws.
"I know what will get you up," Turtlefur says mischievously. She flicks her tail for him to follow her as she walks out of camp.

"Flarestone, Rosetail," Snowheart calls.
The two she-cats poke their heads from the warrior's den.
"You two are patrolling," Snowheart says.
The two head out, closely followed by the deputy who's going on a solo hunt to let the others rest.

[Nightfeather gathers herbs
Snowheart is hunting
Rosetail and Flarestone are patrolling
Turtlefur trains Blackpaw]

          Talonstar | 42 moons | Male | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Snowheart | 39 moons | Male | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Nightfeather | 34 moons | Female | X

          Turtlefur | 49 moons | Female | X
          Amberpelt | 68 moons | Male | X
          Rosetail | 22 moons | Female | X
          Poppyflight | 28 moons | Female | X
          Dapplewish | 35 moons | Female | X
          Flarestone | 14 moons | Female | X

          Blackpaw | 10 moons | Male | X

          Mottledlight | 45 moons | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Firekit | 5 moons | Male | X
          Barkkit | 5 moons | Male | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    SwallowClan | Arya22
    BlueClan | miss universe
    SorrelClan | Skygold[/quote]

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | HowlingClan | ✘ Fear of Reality
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | SorrelClan | SkyGold
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Catmint (1x) | Cures greencough
    Cobwebs (1x) | Stops bleeding, keeps poultices in place, etc.
    Marigold (1x) | Stops infection, stops bleeding. Helps with join inflammation.
    Tansy (1x) | Cures coughs, infected wounds, poisons. Helps prevent greencough. Soothes throats.
    Feverfew (1x) | Brings down fevers, heals aches.
    Wintergreen (1x) | Treats wounds and some poisons.
    Alder bark (1x) | Eases toothaches.
    Borage (1x) | Helps queens with milk. Can bring down fevers.
    Horsetail (1x) | Treats infections, stops bleeding.
    Sorrel (1x) | Traveling herb; builds up appetite.
    Sweet-sedge (1x) | Eases infections.
    Parsley (1x) | Can dry up milk in queens, cures bellyache
    Celandine (1x) | Soothes damaged eyes
    Stinging Nettle (1x) | Induces vomiting, brings down swelling

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x1 | 1 servings
    Voles | x1 | 1 servings
    Shrews | x1 | 1 servings
    Squirrels | x1 | 2 servings
    Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
    Birds | x1 | 3 servings

    Turtlefur | Blackpaw | 1 | Climbing
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Mottledlight and unknown | Firekit, Barkkit (adopted)
    Name and Name | Kits
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Simonpet » Tue May 09, 2017 3:49 am

Number of Cats: 14
Kits Due In: N/A
Next Moonpool Visit: 05/13/2017

"Dawnstorm and Snowfoot will go on a hunting patrol," announced Birchnose from just below the Speaker's Tree. "I will go on a border patrol with Alderclaw." There were no complaints uttered about the assignments, although the deputy heard Dawnstorm complaining to Snowfoot about how cold the snow was, while she replied that his fur was so thick that he should have the best time of them all. Birchnose smiled, glad that the clan was getting along well. She waited until the hunting patrol left before she padded outside the camp with Alderclaw.

Outside the protection of the bushes and trees surrounding the camp, the air was freezing and there was snow everywhere. Birchnose wrinkled her nose, stepping lightly.

"You don't like the snow?" commented Alderclaw. He had taken well to his transition from Streamclan to Forestclan, but refused to say anything more than necessary. He had, however, expressed interest in the knowledge that Whisperpaw had escaped and also found refuge in another clan.

"Not really," said Birchnose. "I've never experienced it this strongly, and I'm worried that we won't find enough prey."

"Don't worry," he said reassuringly. "The snows aren't too bad; you just have to exercise to keep warm."

"Thanks for the tip," said Birchnose glumly.

"Cheer up," said Alderclaw enthusiastically. "It's beautiful out here, isn't it?"

"I suppose it is."

"I've never been out in the snow!" exclaimed Snowfoot, bounding through the snow, Dawnstorm struggling to follow. "It's's so beautiful!"

"But cold! And do you even know how to hunt? You have to be quiet!"

"I haven't seen you be quiet all that much!"

Dawnstorm laughed. Snowfoot was right. He rather liked the molly, as she was much more positive than the glum Briarwhisker. Or maybe she was like that just around him, considering she seemed to be good friends with Birchnose. Why didn't she like him? He was just trying to be nice!

"Are you thinking of Briarwhisker again?" Snowfoot's voice jolted Dawnstorm out of his thoughts.

"Yeah," he sighed. "I just don't get why she doesn't like me."

Snowfoot stopped and waited for him to catch up. "Listen," she said seriously. "If she doesn't like you, then why do you spend so much time with her? She doesn't deserve a tom like you if she can't see how kind and funny you are."

Dawnstorm blinked with surprise. He hadn't really thought about it that way. Why was he pining after a friendship that would clearly never happen? "I guess... I guess you're right," he said slowly. A moment later, he realized where this was going and he felt himself heat up. Was he ready for a relationship? He didn't know, but he liked Snowfoot and it was clear that she liked him. He'd just wait and see where the future took them. Maybe someday, he'd be like Acornstream, a proud father. He purred as the image came into his mind and a moment later, motioned with his tail for Snowfoot to follow him.

"Why can't we go outside? I wanna play in the snow!" complained Boulderkit.

"Because it's cold and I don't want you to get a cough," said Duckpelt patiently. Her kits were such sweethearts, and her motherly instincts swelled as she thought about the possibility of any of them getting hurt. She had just started allowing the toms to come into the nursery, although preferred that she take the kits outside for them to be with the clan.

"I'll never get a cough!" declared Boulderkit.

"But if you do," said Dustkit seriously, "I'll heal you. I wanna be like Crowcloud when I grow up!"

Duckpelt stared at Dustkit in surprise. The tiny molly had never declared anything so bold. "Are you sure?" she asked. "That means that you'll never have kits or a mate. Why don't you first try warrior training, and then switch to medicine cat training if you still want to?"

Dustkit cocked her head, thinking. "Sure!" she said, rolling on her back.

Barleykit squealed with delight. "Honeystar!"

Indeed, the leader was shaking her fur just outside the den, and then stepped into it. "It's nice and cozy in here," Honeystar said approvingly. "And how are you four?" she asked.

"Five! Momma's here too!" That was Adderkit, always concerned about family. Even though Duckpelt knew that she shouldn't pick favorites, Adderkit and Boulderkit were her favorite kits.

"Alright," chuckled Honeystar. "Five."

"I'm good," chirped Boulderkit.

"Thank you for checking in, Honeystar," said Duckpelt.

"It's always a pleasure," Honeystar replied. "I enjoy being around your little ones."

"I'm not little," said Boulderkit indignatiously. "I'm big!"

The two mollies looked at each other and chuckled. "Is she always like this?"

"Sometimes worse. Why can't you be as quiet as Dustkit?" Duckpelt sighed.

"'Cause quiet's no fun!" That was Barleykit, who piped up before her siblings could.

"How about we play the silent game?" Briarwhisker sat outside the den, looking amused.

"Briarisker!" called Adderkit happily.



"What's the silent game?" asked Dustkit.

"It's when you're quiet, and if you talk, you lose!" explained Briarwhisker.

"Let's play!" said Barleykit.

"Yeah!" chimed in Boulderkit.

"Alright, the game!"

Acornstream first decided to start with sparring practice, to warm up. Applepaw was eager to start and they wrestled for a bit. Then, they did some hunting practice, including some tree hunting. While Applepaw still wasn't eager to be up in the trees, he did well, catching a small bird.

"You can give that to Duckpelt when we get back to camp," Acornstream said once Applepaw had come down, bird in his jaws. The apprentice mumbled a complaint. "You don't want anyone to starve, do you?" Applepaw shook his head. "Good."

Applepaw buried the bird and they went to the river, which was close by. Though the surface was mostly frozen over, neither wanted to risk their safety.

"Not today," decided Acornstream. Instead, they went to Crowcloud's Stream where they first rested between tree roots before continuing Applepaw's training.

Forestclan consumes 4 servings (one hare, one mouse)
Birchnose and Alderclaw go on a border patrol
Dawnstorm and Snowfoot go on a hunting patrol
Acornstream and Applepaw train

    Honeystar | 31 moons | Molly | X
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

    Birchnose | 26 moons | Molly | X

    Medicine Cat:
    Crowcloud | 30 moons | Tom | X

    Acornstream | 27 moons | Tom | X
    Alderclaw | 28 moons | Tom | X
    Briarwhisker | 23 moons | Molly | X
    Dawnstorm | 22 moons | Tom | X
    Snowfoot | 20 moons | Molly | X

    Applepaw | 10 moons | Tom | X

    Duckpelt | 29 moons | Molly | X

    Adderkit | 3 moons | Tom | Right
    Barleykit | 3 moons | Molly | X
    Boulderkit | 3 moons | Molly | Left
    Dustkit | 3 moons | Molly | X

    Ally Clans:
    Thicketclan | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name
    Northwest | Wrenclan
    East | Clan Name
    South | Clan Name
    Southeast | Caveclan
    Southwest | Gustclan
    West | Clan Name

    Medicine Store
    Cobweb | x1
    Coltsfoot | x1
    Comfrey root | x1
    Dried oak leaf | x1
    Feverfew | x1
    Juniper berries | x1
    Marigold | x1
    Poppy seeds | x1
    Raspberry leaves | x1
    Stinging nettle | x1
    Tansy | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile
    Hare | x1 | 3 servings
    Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
    Vole | x1 | 1 serving

    Acornstream | Applepaw | 4 | hunting, fighting, climbing,

    Deceased Cats
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Duckpelt + Acornstream = Adderkit, Barleykit, Boulderkit, Dustkit
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