✦ ❝what a day!❞ open!

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Re: ✦ ❝what a day!❞ open!

Postby royal! » Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:41 am

        apprenticexxxxtomxxxx11 moonsxxxxfeeling gloomyxxxxtagged cherryflower, cloudstep

        Stagpaw's shoulders were low, but his head looked to the ground, his eyes focused on what seemed his paws. His body ached from his past non-stop training. All of the pressure and pain had hit down on him like a storm, he'd wish for it to be over and for a rainbow to appear in his depressed state, but recovering would take awhile. He looked up to spot his newest mentor chatting to the grieving medicine cat. He got up and moved near his two clanmates. "I have a wound on my shoulder," he avowed looking up to the two. He turned around to show his scarred shoulder to Cherryflower. "I've had it for awhile... but it never got any treatment so I wouldn't want it to get infected," he mumbled, following up to his recent statement. It had hurt for a day or two but the more he used it the less pain he had received.
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Re: ✦ ❝what a day!❞ open!

Postby Roseshine12 » Thu Apr 20, 2017 12:33 pm

31M | She-cat | Medicine Cat | Ashclan (Formerly: Irisclan) | No Crush | Tagged: Cloudstep, Stagpaw

Cherryflower looked over at Cloudstep and nodded her head. She noted how he looked like he was about to fall over... but then again, most of the clan looked like that after the training the rogues put everyone through and the escape from the fire. "Thank you, Cloudstep. The thought is appreciated," she gave a half-hearted but still true smile at the tom. She knew well from past experience that he couldn't pick out one herb from another even if his life depended on it but she was humbled by the thought of his offer still. She was about to insist that she check him out anyway though when his apprentice, Stagpaw, came up to her and admitted his shoulder wound to her.

She looked at the wound and gently sniffed at it. He was lucky it wasn't infected but the smell said it was beginning to be. She wasn't surprised. With all of the soot and ash and smoke from the fire, she'd find it a miracle that he wasn't getting the beginnings of one. She turned to Cloudstep now. "Can you do me a favor and instead of searching for herbs can you look the other apprentices and warriors over to make certain they don't have wounds that need to be looked at either from the rogues or from the fire?" she asked with a small smile at the warrior. She then pawed something from the herb pile and pushed it over to Cloudstep. It was chamomile, a white flower with a yellow center. "Also, can you eat one of these flowers for yourself and give one to anyone else who seems fatigued? It should help restore enough of their energy to hunt for food for us for the day. Also, if anyone seems like they're dazed and they have white gums and their breathing is rapid or irregular, send them to me immediately," she informed.

Once she was assured of that, she dipped her head to Cloudstep before then rummaging through her herb pile again. She took a dried leaf from the pile in her mouth and began to chew it up to the best of her ability into a poultice-like state before she placed it onto Stagpaw's shoulder wound. It was already healed over so the only thing she could do was to put some dried oak leaf poultice on it to prevent any infection from getting into it. "This should help prevent any infection. If you find yourself rubbing the poultice off more often than not, let me know right away, alright, Stagpaw?" she questioned, gently nuzzling the apprentice before then pawing a bluish-black berry to him. "Also, you might be in need of this. It should help soothe the aching in your body from all of your training," she informed gently. Ever since the fire, she had been gathering as many herbs as she could on a large fern leaf to drag with them. She didn't have a choice. While they were few, they were also still many when you take into account how many wounds must be counted among them not just from the fire but from the rogues as well.
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✦ ❝following our dreams!❞ Wish/Faith

Postby ataraxic_gone » Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:45 pm

      -The Adventurous | 7m, Female, Outsider | Scent; Dust and Daisies | Tagged; Open-
    Golden eyes scanned the scenery, nose twitching at the scent of destruction that still laced the air. Wish sneezed, falling onto her back, slowly rolling to her side as she sneezed a couple times more. Looking up her brother eyed her off; face tilted in slight amusement. It was unfair that he didn't react as bad as her too the floating pieces of soot that were picked up whenever they pushed past bushes or other large plants. The sneezing finally stopped and Wish brushed her paw over her tongue to clean her face. Looking at her with the same expression as before was her brother, Faith. Finally stepping up onto her feet she tucked her tail around her body as she sat pretty. She continued cleaning herself until stopping mid swipe. Wish looked over the near mirror image of herself that was Faith and slowly extended a paw, placing it on his face.

    Slowly Faith craned backwards, avoiding the paw to the best of his ability; face still holding the same dumb-founded expression. All the same neither of them would call the other's bluff in this game of 'don't touch me'. Pushing her paw forward once more, Faith began to tilt backwards before tumbling onto his back and down the hill the two sat on. The she-cat's face scrunched up and a laugh echoed out of her throat, "WHAT?" she shouted standing up on her paws she made her way over to her brother. Naturally fate had planned it's own form of karma and with a slip of the paw Wish went tumbling down the hill landing on top of Faith. Snorting the two began to erupt in giggles.

    They were both hungry, Faith was a terrible hunter and Wish was still coming to grips with hidden talents she hadn't unlocked. However they were happy and that mostly made up for the absence of food. Wish stood up, nose twitching, "Which direction did the star cats say you had to head?" she asked as she took in the smell of the world around them. "They are lurking on my peripheral, I don't know what they want now" Faith confessed, voice low in honest admission. Wish huffed, clearly her brother no-longer wanted to go on adventures, perhaps they could turn back now? She shook her head and looked around, "Well the sparrows are telling me we head up that river!" Faith rolled his eyes, he always did when Wish said something stupid like 'the sparrows' telling her to do something. Ignoring the roll of eyes the two took off slowly beginning to make their way up river.
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Re: ✦ ❝what a day!❞ open!

Postby c a l a m i t y » Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:32 am

// Tornface
|29 moons//She-cat//Queen| Scent; Mint grass, smoke | Tags; Cherryflower, Stagpaw, Cloudstep

    The great fire had swept across the lands, surprising each and every cat, those that were left in a form a daze. Tornface lifted her head up instinctively at the sound of footfalls nearby, although this was ultimately useless, her blank eyes glancing about and the smell of soot and ash blocking her nostrils so that she was unable to identify who had just arrived. As the cat spoke, she instantly recognised the voice to belong to their medicine cat, Cherryflower. Tornface gave a small grunt as she attempted to shift over into a position where she could stand up, but failed to do so, huffing a little as she decided it'd be much easier to get her attention. "Cherryflower," her voice gentle was quite hoarse, the amount of smoke she had inhaled having dried out her throat. "I could do with some help." The she-cat was exausted from the walk she'd made, accompanied by Cherryflower herself, and she was struggling to get up, her legs somewhat weak. It seemed that Stagpaw had just been given some form of medical attention, and there was probably a few more cats to help too. Right now, Tornface just wanted to be standing or sitting, rather than being on her flank, knowing they'd probably be setting off again, her throat also begging her for a drink.

// Leopardstream
|47 moons//Tom//Warrior| Scent; Pine | Tags; The clan//Open

    Leopardstream sat further away from the rest of the cats in the clan. Since losing their leader and being worked tirelessly by the rouges earlier, his muscles had ached, practically eternally, but he was the last concern the clan needed. Some of them didn't even seem to get the loss of the whole situation, and so he watched with a confused look at the small chattering group before looking back towards the ash covered grass, the burnt forest lingering in his mind.
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Re: ✦ ❝what a day!❞ open!

Postby Saxhleel » Fri Apr 21, 2017 10:31 am


    Warrior| With Clan| Tagged; Cherryflower, Stagpaw, Tornface, Leopardstream

      Cloudsteps face fell when he heard the small voice of his new apprentice, where had that wound come from? Maybe if he'd been watching him more closely.... No, now was not the time for more regrets. He pressed a swift, affectionate lick to the younger Toms uninjured shoulder, offering him comfort as best he could in the grip of this panic. Stagpaw was in good paws with Cherryflower, he had no qualms about leaving his side. His pale green eyes moved to the she-cat when she addressed him, and he repeated the instructions she gave in his mind with a dutiful seriousness. "Right away Cherryflower"

      Cloudstep did as she asked, he chewed up the little white flower with little hesitance, but his displease with its sharp taste was evident on his face. Twitching his whiskers he took the remaining flowers in his teeth by the petals. When Tornface approached them, heavily pregnant and clearly haggard with fatigue he wasted no time in dropping one of the flowers by her paws. She seemed about ready to drop. He dipped his head as he passed her, blinking slowly in a familial greeting before pressing on across the clearing to check the warriors and apprentices over for anything serious. He started with Leopardstream, known as a bit of a prickly Tom, but surely he wouldn't be stubborn enough to refuse help right now. Padding towards the older tom he mewed "Leopardstream? Are you injured?"

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thistlerunner one • firefly one

Postby sunfool » Fri Apr 21, 2017 11:41 am

      warrior • she-cat • thirty-three moons • scent: burnt oak • tags: Leopardstream, Cricketpaw / anyone who wants to join the hunt

      xxxxxThistlerunner's thin auburn tail was tightly clinging to her torso. She was looking around; observing each and everyone of her devastated clanmates. They were weak and thin, basically miserable. The fire had swallowed everyone's high-spirits and smiles whole, and some didn't even make it. Her slim head quickly turned to a familiar voice only to see that it was the clan's medicine cat, Cherryflower. "Thanks for the offer," she grumbled. Her voice cracked, as if she was a rose, the thorns from the stem were prickling her neck. It was a horrible side effect from inhaling the toxic air, only time would tell if it would go away, and Thistle wanted it to be right away. A small sigh let loose from her tired jaw. This is Irisclan. We are suppose to be sharing laughs. It was something she couldn't help, her intense nature could never comfort a cat.

      xxxxx"Anyone up for a quick hunt?" she asked loosely, her tone was loud and rough. No matter what, Thistlerunner could always have a boisterous attitude any day of the week. She padded over to Cricketpaw, her own apprentice who Thistle was quite fond. Her cheerful attitude was something she could use in her regular day life. "You could come along, Cricketpaw," she offered to the young she-cat. She let out a small smile, "unless you need to rest of course." She added quickly, realizing the apprentice must be exhausted after the long trip.

      apprentice • tom • ten moons • scent: fresh mud • tags: wish, faith

      xxxxxFirefly made his way to the lengthy river, parched from his long hunt to only come back with nothing. He of course shrugged it off, maybe it was just one of those bad luck days. He took a couple sips of the crystal clear water, licking his dry chops afterwards. He laid down soaking up the hot sun's rays. What can you do when you're a tired tom like Firefly. He was sick and tired of his old schedule, he wished for something to come up but what can you do when you're a careless rogue, something his father had always beamed to his sons. Before he could close an eye his ears perked to only hear two cats bickering. They were old and familiar voices clouding his head.

      xxxxxWish and Faith, two siblings Firefly had met briefly but enjoyed their company. He could see their fluffy grey coats from the distance. "Hey, did you two go on an adventure without me?" he yelled from across the river. He rolled over to only tumble to his paws. He stretched dramatically, loosening his tight limbs. "What are you guys doing here?" he asked. Firefly asked a lot of questions, the most frequent would be can I join? A question he asked to any strangers, he was a talkative tom almost open to talk to anyone.
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Re: ✦ ❝what a day!❞ open!

Postby royal! » Fri Apr 21, 2017 1:31 pm

        apprenticexxxxtomxxxx11 moonsxxxxfeeling gloomyxxxxtagged cherryflower, cloudstep

        Stagpaw nodded to the medicine cat, "okay, thank you." He responded quietly. He gave a quick and nimble lick to his mentor's ear, trying to give him slight assurance. "I, I could hang around and help you," he stuttered to Cloudstep. He turned around to eat the almost violet berry, if he was to be moving around he would need to rest his joints. His reaction was priceless, simply disgust. Ever since he was a kit he has had sensitive taste buds, he has even had troubles digesting normal prey. He shook his head trying to get rid of the bitter taste in his mouth. A quite chuckle came from his mouth, amused at how he reacted so whimsically. Normally Stagpaw would be greatly embarrassed by a moment like this, but he was too tired to notice nor care. It was really great to laugh after all the commotion with the clan.
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Re: ✦ ❝what a day!❞ open!

Postby Roseshine12 » Fri Apr 21, 2017 2:39 pm

31M | She-cat | Medicine Cat | Ashclan (Formerly: Irisclan) | No Crush | Scent: Herbs/Blood | Tagged: Cloudstep, Stagpaw, Tornface

Cherryflower smiled at Cloudstep's eagerness to help and licked the top of his head gently in a grateful manner for him not putting up a fuss with eating the flower. She couldn't have someone fighting with her at this moment. She was struggling herself emotionally as it was and infighting would likely break her. This was why she sought to keep her emotional struggles to herself and hide them. So many of them were dealing with very similar feelings to herself and she didn't want to make them suffer more by worrying about if they would have a medicine cat or not. She had to keep face and stay strong, for the good of the clan, lest they simply fall right alongside her.

She then smiled at Stagpaw's response and dipped her head to him in a gentle nod. "Anytime, Stagpaw," she reassured with a lick to his own ear after he'd done so with his mentor. She couldn't help but let out a small laugh at the reaction he had to the berry's bitter taste but yet it was a relieving laugh though at the same time one that made her sad. Still, she smiled through it and watched as he ate the berry before swiveling an ear at a hoarse voice that was barely heard, turning to look at the Queen as she tried to stumble her way over.

She looked over at Tornface as she spoke. This was the exact reason she had everyone stop at the river. She looked back at Stagpaw. "Actually, Stagpaw, when you've finished eating that up, can you scrape some moss and dip it in the river for Tornface? She needs water," she gently ordered the apprentice without actually ordering him. She would need all the help she can get without having her apprentice at her side. She then snatched up the fern's stem and gently dragged it over to Tornface's side, placing it down next to her as Cloudstep gave her a chamomile flower. "Eat the flower that Cloudstep placed in front of you, please. It should help your exhaustion for now," she informed, gently placing her nose to the Queen to make her lay back down as she struggled to get up. "Right now, you need to rest as much as possible whenever we stop. Don't exert yourself while you're weak or the kits won't make it through this," she gently reprimanded, her own voice a little hoarse still but just earlier, when she was by the river, she had gotten a drink so her throat was a lot better. She made a mental note to go in search of honey the first time they came upon trees that weren't touched by the fire.
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Re: ✦ ❝what a day!❞ open!

Postby c a l a m i t y » Sat Apr 22, 2017 4:56 am

// Tornface
|29 moons//She-cat//Queen| Scent; Mint grass, smoke | Tags; Cherryflower, Stagpaw, Cloudstep

    The she-cat coughed once or twice, yet another reaction of her parched throat. The flower in front of her had a sickly smell and after a quick feel around with her whiskers, she found it, eating it as Cherryflower had asked. A sharp tang ran through her mouth, and although she instantly recognised the flower, for many times she'd eaten it before, it was still a strange taste to get over. Afterwards she attempted to at least track the medicine cat's footfalls so she would end up talking to nothing as she did sometimes. "Thankyou." She struggled wincing at the confusing tastes in her throat and the difficulty she had swallowing. Then she placed her head back down with another huff. The queen wanted to be done with these problems, and her heart still secretly ached for her lost mate; their leader. "When are we to move? We cannot stay here forever." Tornface wasn't quite sure if this was a positive comment or not, but she knew that nothing would be here for them that would protect them from the elements. The leftover cats of Ashclan would probably appreciate shelter, as much as she would. Although the fire had taken hold in the morning, the sun would warm up through the day and become boiling again. She was unsure if the medicine cat would know, though. From the time she had spent in her den, blindly staring at the walls or Cherryflower, the cat had seemed troubled by the lack of Starclan's communication after the fire.

// Leopardstream
|47 moons//Tom//Warrior| Scent; Pine | Tags; Thistlerunner, Cricketpaw, Cloudstep

    Having been focused upon floor more than anything else, Leopardstream's stern gaze snapped up to Cloudstep as they approached. His tail flicked. An ear twitched. "Honestly, I'm fine. Give them to the cats that need it more." This was pretty untrue. His mucsles ached from the work he'd undergone, but he didn't want any thought of the place anymore. He also knew the taste of the flower wasn't one that he enjoyed. Finished, and overhearing Thistlerunner, he stood, glancing back to Cloudstep as he moved closer toward the she-cat and her apprentice. "I'd be up for a hunt. We're going to need a load of prey to get us through this..." A shiver ran through him, but he dared not show this, and glanced over at Cricketpaw. It was a shame, but he always seemed to scare the younger cats off. Maybe it was for the better.
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Re: ✦ ❝what a day!❞ open!

Postby heart shaped box » Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:33 pm

    ..... apprentice | 11 moons | she-cat | tagged; thistlerunner, leopardstream

    Although exhaustion lingered in her muscles, Cricketpaw stood up when her mentor approached, amiably twitching her tail. "I'd love to come on a hunt," she told Thistlerunner. It wasn't a lie, necessarily - before all of this had happened, she'd enjoyed hunting with her clanmates. It was freeing to stalk through the lush forest, honing in on the birdsong and the faint scent trails of rodents, and it was rewarding to contribute to the clan. But they weren't in the forest any longer, and her chest tightened a bit when she realized she'd never hunt in the same places again.
    She quickly licked the fur on her chest, bringing herself out of her head and back to the present moment. "I can rest later. We need food." Cricketpaw smiled in return at her mentor, and flexed her claws in the dirt. She wondered if there'd be fish in the river, since she'd never caught fish before and had always wanted to try. "Hi, Leopardstream." she nodded at the tom. "I'm ready to go whenever you guys are."
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