Paleclan - Open, Prophecy Cats Available!

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Re: Paleclan - Open, Prophecy Cats Available!

Postby Len. » Fri Mar 10, 2017 7:03 pm

She-cat;; 30 moons;; Warrior;; Apprentice- Tawnypaw;; Tags- Blizzardstep,

      Their silence was glaringly obvious in contrast to the cacophony of sounds within the waking camp. Lightwing tried her best to ignore it, to think of something to do or say to make it less awkward. They'd been sitting here like this for the better part of the morning. After having decided to go on a hunt, she'd eaten a small meal and he'd struck up a conversation. The conversation had died, however, and now they sat stiffly next to each other, neither speaking. She had noticed her tail twitching three times since the talking had ceased, and each time had to force it to lie still.

      Her nervous energy began to rise, and she felt her skin grow hot as she became acutely aware of each socially awkward inch of herself, in comparison to the laid-back white tom lounging beside her. Stealing a glance at Blizzardstep was all it took to send her over the edge and she stood up rather abruptly.
      Well, she paused and cleared her throat. Shall we go then? Without giving him time to notice her discomfort she turned toward the camp entrance and began to make her way outside. She was sure not to walk too fast, as he still had to stand and catch up to her.

      She paused outside the camp wall to wait for BLizzardstep and took a deep breath of the fresh air in an effort to calm herself. The forest had a sort of soothing effect on her mental state. It was here she would come to be alone after the War, here she could relax without having to worry about other cats seeing her. Here she could focus on the patterns of the leaves in the trees, the tunes of the birds on the branches. She could feel the grass beneath her paws and tell herself that life moves on and she must as well. She knew her family watched over her still, and it was in the forest she felt closest to them. She felt her mother in every comforting embrace of the wind, could see her sister in the playful babbling of the brook. When she was in the forest, she could forget that she would no longer see them in camp, that she could no longer hunt with her sister or ask her mother for advice. She could forget the nightmares which haunted her sleeping hours. She could honor her loved ones' memories by enjoying the world as it was.

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Re: Paleclan - Warriors needed!

Postby Fairy Tail<3 » Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:12 pm

♛ Apprentice ♛ Eight moons ♛ She-cat ♛ Crush:: Open ♛
♛ Mentor:: -- ♛ Tags:: Bramblerush ♛

From where she sat, crouched next to the small stream of water, Tawnypaw watched the water roll over the pebbles with glassy, olive green eyes. Her small paws were still damp from when she had taken a morning dip in the creek shortly after her argument, and her pelt stuck up in a few different directions and pulled on her skin. Her cheek fur draped downward, giving her sad aura a pitiful appearance, all from a ruined morning where she held guilt heavy like stones in her heart. Sighing when she heard the faint words of the deputy dismissing a set of warriors, Tawnypaw wrenched herself from her sorrowful state and lifted herself to her paws with a great effort. Slowly and unwillingly, the long-haired calico made her way over to Bramblerush, unable to help dragging her paws the entire way. Upon her approach, she dropped her ears and lowered her tail, regret and worry written all over her face as she turned her face up to look at the senior warrior. "I am sorry for giving you such a rude awakening, it was foolish and very disrespectful of me to pick such an absurd time and place to... have a conflict." Pausing, she glanced around camp nervously, green eyes searching for the familiar black-and-white pelt, before returning themselves upon the she-cat before her.

♛ Warrior ♛ Twenty-seven moons ♛ Tom ♛ Crush:: Lightwing ♛
♛ Apprentice:: -- ♛ Tags:: Lightwing ♛

Blue orbs caught the pale morning light as he opened his eyes upon the sudden movement by his side, Blizzardstep adjusted himself to where his elbows were underneath him and he wasn't lounging back. It took a few seconds for him to process what had just happened, but quickly after realizing that they were headed out, the feathered white tom rolled himself onto his brown paws. With a little effort, he extended his legs into a standing position before he shook out his long pelt, which sent particles of dust dancing into the air. Unable to prevent the action, Blizzardstep sneezed loudly with a shake of his head and drew a paw to his nose to clear up the wet spot that dripped onto his snout. Turning his focus back onto the retreating figure, the ragdoll tom moved swiftly on his small paws, following after the pale grey she-cat as she exited camp. He was unable to notice the awkward atmosphere that had arisen in the silence, as he had enjoyed listening to the sounds of camp and enjoying the sun. Guilt began to eat at his stomach, making him more aware of how the she-cat may have felt in the situation.

Regret and guilt glinted in the lighting as he pulled himself from the entrance of the camp, his fur snagging slightly on the brambles and tugging out a few loose furs from his pelt. Due to his large size, it was often that he lost furs upon entering and exiting the camp, leaving behind white fur on the edges of branches. The light flecked his fur upon his exit, causing his pelt to glow in the small spots that were bathed in the light through the canopy of leaves. Squinting through the dappled sunlight, Blizzardstep quickly spotted the light grey shape against the rich greens and browns of the forest around them. Swiftly, the tom made his way over to her but remained a pace away in order to give her space, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. "Well, my dove, where to? A stroll in the wood first, or a hunt? If a walk, do you have a particular area of the territory you would like to head towards?" A soft smile crept onto the white face of the tom, his dark features framing his happy, blue gaze.

♛ Apprentice ♛ Eight moons ♛ Tom ♛ Crush:: Open ♛
♛ Mentor:: -- ♛ Tags:: Oddpaw ♛

Adjusting his paws uncomfortably from where he stood a few paces away from Oddpaw, the long-haired tom dropped his tail at the question that immediately spilled from the apprentice's maw. Frowning, unable to help himself from clenching his jaw, Swiftpaw quickly down-turned his gaze and stared at his paws with a sliver of hurt in his pale green eyes. Tail twitching from where it hung lowly behind him, Swiftpaw turned his gaze back toward Oddpaw while attempting to hide his pain. Clearing his throat, he flicked his tail and flexed his claws into the earth below his paws to make him feel stable. "Yes. Something happened." He muttered flatly, before digging his claws deeper into the earth and retracting them again. "Yes, I need advice. You know my sister. You understand her. You talk to her. She trusts you. Does she ever say.. Say anything about me? I hate... this feeling.. I want to make it up to her. I don't know what to do." Everything about his deep voice sounded forced and awkward coming from him, as some emotion slipped in and out of existence which was something rarely heard from the tom. He was often very precise in how he spoke and what he said, making sure to be flat and emotionless. This was a point where he couldn't help it, as his heart was heavier than his entire body, like the whole world was working to crush him.
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Postby Tsukỉ » Sun Mar 12, 2017 10:54 pm

    / . BRAMBLERUSH - /
    ━ ━ [[ ━ ━━━ ━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━ ━/
    xxxxxxfemale - deputy - 47 moons - tagged // tawny
    ━ ━ / ━ ━━━ ━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━ ━]]
    .........."Oh, Tawnypaw. It's alright." she meowed, looking ascance. She looked at the young apprentice witha sour expression, not because of any potiential anger, but the moreover bittersweet manner she acted with her sibling that morning. Siblings fighting was pretty.. sad, considering that Bramblerush had never truly experienced that sort of luxury of having littermates to share burdens with. She had friends, but the bond there was much further than of close blood-related kin. That's the true type of bond that the deputy yearned for. "Please don't do that again, Tawnypaw. I'm sure your brother didn't mean whatever he did.."
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Re: Paleclan - Open, Prophecy Cats Available!

Postby Len. » Mon Mar 13, 2017 7:55 am

She-cat;; 30 moons;; Warrior;; Apprentice- Tawnypaw;; Tags- Blizzardstep,

      Suddenly, outside in the forest, Lightwing was aware of just how tired she was. She had been training Tawnypaw intensely over the last few days, and had little time to herself. Not to mention the fact her nights were not exactly the most restful. On a normal day being in the forest invigorated her, gave her energy and made her want to hunt all day in its glorious peace. Today, however, she just didn't feel like it. The forest calmed her, put her chaotic mind at ease, and in the calm she was able to feel every exhausted muscle, every minute twitch of her left ear. She felt the way her paws dragged on the ground ever so slightly as she stepped a bit closer to the white tom before her. She noticed also that the more tired she was, the more she acted out of character. It was when she was exhausted from a day's training she would stay up conversing with the other apprentices when she was younger. It was after a tedious day rebuilding a den wall that she'd share tongues with her clanmates and relax in front of the others.
      She took a deep breath,
      You know, she sighed, it's not often I get the chance to simply be out here. Would you mind at all if we just walked for a bit? She really hoped he didn't notice her unusual lack of enthusiasm in a hunt; hoped also that after spending some time in the golden-washed forest of the early morning she'd feel up to going on one. There's a place I know where our stream pools, and there's an old maple that's grown sideways over it. It's a bit far, past the Great Tree a ways, but it's peaceful and well worth the trek. She'd discovered the place as an apprentice. It was a small but deep pool in a forest clearing that lay just inside the old Brambleclan border. It was surrounded by large, flat rocks with wildflowers filling the spaces between. The tree provided shade during Greenleaf, and was large enough a cat could walk out onto its branches that stretched over the water and look down at one's reflection. At sunhigh the pool cast blinding patterns from the sunlight on the trees around it, making them seem to dance in the light. It had become her hideaway since she'd found it. She could curl up on a branch and just watch the water ripple beneath her. She went there whenever she needed to get away from the busy life of the clan, from being a mentor, from responsibilities. It was her sanctuary.
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Postby leta » Tue Mar 14, 2017 9:40 pm

      -age. nine moons--rank. apprentice--tagged. oakfall
          snowpaw smiled in response to oakfall's praise, albeit with a bit of confusion. she thought that putting the prey back into a more distinguishable pile was a rather trivial act, though that was probably because she wasn't awake to experience the lovely performance which tawnypaw had put on beforehand. "i mean, the other apprentices -- i'm sure they're capable of reorganising a freshkill pile too, maybe they're just preoccupied with more important things?" she suggested with a little amusement in her tone, as she swept her gaze over the camp as if she just had to make sure she wasn't the only apprentice left or anything. that looked like the outline of swiftpaw and oddpaw in the dim light of the medicine cat den, and there was tawnypaw, who was speaking to bramblerush, and snowpaw noted that the calico looked kind of sad. she made a mental memo to ask tawnypaw if she was alright later. "anyway, yeah!" snowpaw turned back to face oakfall, a smile on her muzzle once more. "i'll teach them squirrels who's the boss around here..." she trailed off, a little thoughtfully. though she appreciated oakfall's jokes because they could cheer anyone up even if they were sad for days, right now was one of her occasional moments where she suddenly felt the need to question everything ever. "but if they get scared enough to never want to leave their tree trunks... we'll never be able to catch them again! unless we invent a new technique to fish squirrels right out of their nests." she shrugged to herself, narrowing her eyes in deep thought as if this was suddenly the most important topic she has ever considered. what was with her overthinking everything this morning? maybe she just needed to get out of camp and get some fresh air to take her mind off such meaningless things.
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