No Rest for the Wicked or Moral

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No Rest for the Wicked or Moral - Chapter Seventeen

Postby Nocte Luna » Fri Dec 16, 2016 2:02 pm

For just a few seconds, everything continued just as it had all evening. But as the slam of the doors echoed through the hall, everything seemed to move in slow motion for a half second before the room erupted into chaos.

Captain Blakely spun Geneva so that his taller frame hid her from anyone who was near the door.

"Princess, in the next few minutes, I ask that you make good decisions. Consider your safety above all else. I do have a sword -" He patted his hip where the sword rested, "-But I hope we can resolve this peacefully."

"Captain, you really must increase security. This the second incident in a month."

"Attention, esteemed guests." A voice rung from the direction of the doors. Geneva and the captain were far from the doors, so Geneva raised onto her toes to see what was going on. Captain Blakely pressed onto her shoulder in an effort to keep her down so she wasn’t noticeable.

“I have the honor to be with you all tonight. This is a truly historic moment.” The voice became clearer, and Geneva finally succumbed to the pressure on her upper arm, sinking down to her heels. It was a woman, voice deep, but still holding the timbre of a voice similar to the queen’s.

“You all are very important officials, luckily for me. But I ask for only two of you to come forth. Do not lie to me and bring me any sort of doubles. Please step forward, King Thomas and Princess Geneva.”

The ballroom was silent for a minute, void of movement. Geneva took a slow step forward, but Captain Blakely pulled her back, hissing into her ear, “You cannot go, princess, that is dangerous. I know not why this woman requests your presence, but it will not be pure intentions.”

“I know, Captain. But if any of our guests were to become injured because of something I dared not do, it is far worse than anything that could happen to me. I have no plan, therefore I must ask you to formulate some sort of plan with Captain Atasan. Stay quiet, do not draw attention to yourselves.” Geneva responded, dipping her head and straightening back up again.

She took another step forward, hesitating slightly, but continuing along towards the front of the ballroom. A quiet gasp was heard as everyone turned to look towards the princess, the rustling of her skirts becoming louder than the silence that permeated the room.

Geneva kept her chin up, making her way through the sea of people that stepped aside. When she arrived by the doors, she finally saw the woman for the first time. Her face seemed distorted slightly, but she wore no mask, only an entirely black outfit to hide her in the night surrounding the castle.

She approached the woman, but kept her distance, staying about eight feet away.

“Oh good! We have the princess with us, now we just need the king, wherever he’s gotten off to. Don’t be afraid, my dear, you can come much closer.” The woman smiled broadly, beckoning Geneva to take a few steps forward.

Geneva stayed in the same place, refusing to move, however, the woman drew closer.

“I do hope your father does arrive soon, I wouldn’t wish to lay a hand on your pretty face.” The woman began to circle Geneva, slowly getting closer and closer.

“King Thomas, don’t take your time, I have patience, but not very much remaining. Your daughter was much more willing, thank goodness.” The woman hummed, standing so she was just behind and to the right of Geneva.

“What do you want from us?” Geneva asked quietly, turning her head just the slightest.

“Dear princess, so young and naïve. How I wish you would understand, but your sheltered life has led you to believe that everything is paradise, in all aspects of the nation. Yet despite your ‘best efforts’ there is still life that you think below you. Your family has done nothing to change the lives of those to the north.”

“There is no one who lives to the north, there is only mountains.”

“Again, my dear, so naïve. Did you ever think there was anyone beyond those mountains? Some nation, cast out, perhaps?”

“What? This is a lie. I have never known of such lands, and I doubt my father has heard of them, either. No one is cast out, everyone is to be given food and shelter at the very least by word of the king.”

“Not our people. Ferevor prospers while Helal barely survives. What kind of a king would cast out people into the mountains, full of rugged terrain with barely enough food to survive? It’s been too long, princess, we rightfully deserve recognition, a throne, and a homeland.”

“I…why have you decided to ask my father and I?”

“It was your throne that decided to cast us out from your land. Our rightful land is in the east, a large valley.”

“Why now?”

“To show all of the nations that Ferevor is not free from sin. Public humiliation seems to be the only way for any of you to understand the importance.”

“Well…perhaps some sort of arrangement can be made.” Geneva turned, but footsteps behind her made her stop dead in her tracks.

“Not without my approval. However, this is neither the time nor place for such a discussion. Leave us in peace, go back to the mountains.” The king made his appearance, causing waves through the people as skirts swished. On either side of him, Captains Atasan and Blakely stood, hands resting on their swords, ready to draw.

“I request another meeting with a few of my people and myself. Not now, perhaps, but tomorrow.” The woman said, keeping her distance the same, not threatened by the swords.

“Leave us, and there will be a meeting tomorrow at ten in the morning. Remain, and my head guards will escort you out.”

The woman nodded, leaving the room with the doors wide open. The two guards, who still remained outside the doors, left with her.
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No Rest for the Wicked or Moral - Chapter Seventeen - Author

Postby Nocte Luna » Fri Dec 16, 2016 2:03 pm

Dear Reader,

I started this chapter three days ago. I wrote about a paragraph and stopped. I remembered yesterday that I had to do this. Naturally, Author Panic Mode TM ensued.

So I just took my time, and holy cow, it’s a shorter chapter. Wow. Lots of dialogue and fun stuff happening, though. I’m pretty happy with it, though.

Luckily, I’ve gained a bit of muse, so I’ve plowed through almost four more chapters. Some a little drier than others, but I think the wait will be worth it.

Love from,
Nocte Luna
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Re: No Rest for the Wicked or Moral

Postby Nocte Luna » Sat Dec 17, 2016 4:47 pm

Technical difficulties make it difficult to post. More tomorrow.
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No Rest for the Wicked or Moral - Chapter Eighteen

Postby Nocte Luna » Sun Dec 18, 2016 2:20 pm

“The festivities shall commence, however, I understand if anyone wishes to go to bed.” The king announced loudly in the quiet chatter that followed.

The musicians struck a slower, but still exciting piece of music, which added much warmth back into the cold, chilly air that had seeped into the ballroom.

Both captains and her father approached, towering over the princess.

“My dear, are you alright? Did she physically do anything to harm you?” Her father asked, looking over his daughter to check for any obvious injuries.

“No, but for a short time, I was fearful that she was. After all that has happened, I was concerned with the thought of death.”

“And we are very glad that you are alright, Princess Geneva.” Captain Atasan added, giving a small nod out of relief.

“I suggest you get some rest, my dear. It has been a long evening. But before you leave, we will be hosting a short security council in the morning. 8:30 AM sharp in the Royal Hall, the four of us will meet to discuss the events that occurred this evening and all the security threats. Princess Geneva, we will also discuss your travels to Varal.”

With the subject of her leave from Ferevor, Geneva frowned. She did not wish to think of such things, however, her father seemed set in his ways. But she would find a way out of the journey, she could argue for herself and make a convincing enough argument to ensure she would not have to leave.

“I believe that is all for the evening. Geneva, please get some rest before tomorrow, I request that you leave now.”

“Yes, father.” Geneva was quiet and submissive for once, nodding to the head guards before making her way out of the doors and turning almost directly to make her way up the dimly lit staircase.

No candles were lit in her bedroom, so Geneva undressed as darkness pooled around her, the half-moon glowing through her window. She wrapped her cloak around her, tucking herself underneath layers and layers of thick blankets, falling into a restless sleep.

Her mind played with her, pulling from her deepest worries and fears. The ghost of her brother haunted her that night, his voice coming from light years away and echoing in her brain. People wandered in and out of her dreams, and Geneva woke up early, panicked by what her thoughts had produced.

The princess began her day early, changing into a very simple light blue gown. Everything from the previous night had been carefully tucked away, except for her crown, which Geneva placed carefully on the small platform atop her vanity, made just for the crown.

Her cloak still lay hidden beneath her blankets, so she pulled it from the warm mess, wrapping it around her shoulders to help protect her from the wind. She made her way downstairs to the dining room, eating a quick meal before any of the dignitaries arrived. As a couple of the visitors began to filter their way into the hall, Geneva requested that some tea be sent to her bedroom, and hurried out before anyone could speak to her.

For a while, Geneva drank her tea and relaxed, reading a couple books beneath her blankets before she had to attend the meeting. When the time to leave arrived, the black haired woman exited and swiftly walked to the Royal Hall, finding the doors bolted shut and the two head guards waiting outside.

Directly at 8:30, the doors opened, and the trio stepped inside, both captains bowing while Geneva made her way to the front of the long hall, stopping before her father.

“We have called this meeting for obvious reasons. After the woman from last night was able to enter the grounds, she made her way all the way to the palace and was able to enter the ballroom on one of the most important nights of the year.” The king stated, turning towards both captains. “How was this able to happen?”

Captain Atasan was first to respond, tucking his hands behind his back. “My lord, I sent a tail after the woman. She came through the graveyard, and used the night to help prevent her from being seen on the walkway around the first floor. She came from the mountain, though I do not believe we should add any sort of permanent guard through the graveyard.”

“I agree with Captain Atasan, and would like to propose that we separate patrols. Patrols usually last just as long as a standing guard, such as the one outside these doors, however, they patrol the grounds and the castle. There is currently only one patrol per shift. I motion that we have two different patrols, one for the grounds, and one for the castle itself.” Captain Blakely proposed, nodding in agreement with Captain Atasan.

“Geneva, what do you believe? Will this plan assist the guards?” Her father asked, folding his hands.

Geneva was surprised that her father had asked, but was not entirely unprepared. “Well, I believe in our present situation that three patrols may be sufficient. One patrol for the castle, two for the grounds, just to ensure that all is well. Our grounds are rather large, so more than one may be beneficial. Though, that brings on the concern of how many guards we have, and with the additional training they are receiving, how thinly stretched your forces may be.”

“Thank you, Geneva, that was a good analyzation of the situation. I will agree with my daughter, and though I was reluctant to place some of the reserve on duty, I will ask that more guards come out reserve and that the minimum age for training will be lowered by one year, so that we may have more active guards on duty. For now, we have three patrols per shift, however, should this strain our forces, it will be reduced to two patrols. This decree will be written and signed within the next two days, for security of the family.”

The head guards nodded, Geneva tipping her chin up just slightly. She had never been able to assist in a decision like that before, and felt very proud of her work.

“Now, for a more serious issue, the reason why last night’s incident occurred. I will be having a discussion with the supposed ‘queen’ representing the people of Helal this morning. I request that both captains remain, for I know not her true intentions. I have many questions to ask her, but I must ask each of you first: Do you know anything of Helal, this woman, or what lies beyond the mountain? I have never been told of any sort of culture beyond the nations whose dignitaries are in our presence.”

“As a child, there were stories that were assumed to be just stories of Mountain People. They were different, maybe even a little scary to children. None of the stories were necessarily…positive. They were all just regarded as stories, but I doubt any of the stereotypes are true.” Captain Blakely responded, brow furrowing.

“I believe your caution is very wise, my lord, we do not know this woman or her intentions. Remaining here would be my honor. However, unlike Captain Blakely, I have not heard such tales. I am much older, so that may account for my lack of knowledge. Captain, what sorts of things have been said about the Mountain People?”

“With all due respect, I dare not say them. They are very insulting, and – “ Captain Blakely glanced down at Geneva, “ – In such polite company, repeating them would be very wrong.”

“Very well. There is no need to know what has been said about the Helal people, having any sort of prejudice towards them could make any sort of relation go badly with them. Thus, I will go in knowing hardly anything.” Thomas responded, slightly bitter.

“Father, what if the library had information? One of the servants could go off and see if any royal decrees had declared that a certain amount of people were to be removed from the valley in the east.” Geneva proposed.

“A good idea, however, it would take hours to find the decree, and we know not how long they have been banished to the mountains. Otherwise, I would request such an action.”

Geneva nodded. “Do we have any other matters to discuss?”

“Yes. Both heads of guard can remain here. We still need to discuss Princess Geneva’s arrangement for traveling to Varal.” The king stated, noting the confused expressions on the guards’ faces.

“My daughter will be traveling to Varal in approximately one week’s time to remain with her mother and continue her studies in peace. Her travel arrangements need to be completely secured by the end of this meeting, because her safety is key.”

“Of course. It will be sad to see you leave, princess, but perhaps it will be better for your safety.” Captain Blakley responded, dipping his head with respect. Captain Atasan followed the same motion, mumbling something along the same lines as Blakely.

“So, what proposals do you have to ensure my daughter’s safety?”

“Firstly, I recommend not telling anyone, besides those who must know, that the princess is leaving Ferevor,” Captain Atasan responded quickly, “For that has always been extremely important when anyone of this household has left the country.”

“Send her off when other dignitaries leave. If any remain on the day she leaves, they can leave around the same time so it does not seem like she is leaving Ferevor, only dignitaries leaving.” Captain Blakely recommended.

“Keep the security team small. It becomes very obvious who is the most important very quickly when there is too much security. Use the minimum necessary.” Captain Atasan nodded, agreeing with the other head guard.

“Is that all? I would like to believe that she will be safe, but I still worry.”

Geneva tapped her foot, slightly impatient.

“Yes, that is all. All the security should be sufficient to keep the princess safe.” Captain Atasan said after a brief second of thought.

“Then you are dismissed, princess. I will send you off in four days with some of the other dignitaries. Be ready to leave after noon.”

“Yes, father.” Geneva dipped her head and exited, walking through the broad doors into the sunlight.
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No Rest for the Wicked or Moral - Chapter Eighteen - Author'

Postby Nocte Luna » Sun Dec 18, 2016 2:21 pm

Dear Reader,

I’m working on chapter twenty one right now. I wrote a whole bunch of stuff in just a couple of days, but now I haven’t had time to right. Time to write a bunch more.

In other words, I’m currently at 20,000 words! Wowie! 2/5 of the way to a novel, I guess. I never though I’d write this much, but I have and it’s great.

I’m also super hyped when I write because I listen to LOTR/Hobbit, Thor, Captain America, and Pirates of the Caribbean while I’m writing, and I get all these exciting songs that make even slow scenes feel more exciting.

I’ve got to go get some more writing done.

Love from,
Nocte Luna
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No Rest for the Wicked or Moral - Chapter Twenty

Postby Nocte Luna » Mon Dec 19, 2016 2:51 pm

The 1st of January, a Thursday

Dear Lady Bella Cabernale,

It is unfortunate your family had to leave so quickly to care for your younger brother, I wish your family the best health.

I miss seeing you already, and I will miss you even more, for I am going to be leaving Ferevor for Varal in a few days. Our long correspondence times will begin to grow longer when I am farther away from you. One can only hope that the mail will be fast in Varal, so I may speak to you when I desire.

Unfortunately, I will be starting to pack soon, so I have little time remaining to try and finish this letter.

Strange things, much more concrete than last time, are still occurring, yet I am still leaving. As a future ruler of our nation, I do not believe I should be leaving in such a time. Instead I should remain and learn of the diplomatic matters that haunt my father.

Yet my father ordered me to leave, so I must obey, both as his daughter and a citizen who respects him.

At least I will see my mother and know when she is better.

For now, I must leave, and hope your response comes to the correct location.

Love from,
Princess Geneva Ederny
Next In Line for the Throne of Ferevor

January 2cd
Friday Morning

Unto The Successor Princess Geneva,

After being notified of your leaving, I have decided to suspend the investigation until both you and I can regularly meet face to face to discuss matters of extreme importance.

I hope to see you soon, and that our meeting will be in good spirits, not out of some painful event.

I wish you safe travels, princess.

I am honored to be your most humble and obedient servant.

Captain Amos Blakely
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No Rest for the Wicked or Moral - Chapter Nineteen - Author'

Postby Nocte Luna » Mon Dec 19, 2016 2:58 pm

Dear Reader,

More letters! Yay! I really like writing the letters because I can give a lot of details without having to write out all sorts of little scenes that don’t really make sense or have a place in any one chapter. Plus, it’s really nice to get to write from more than one character’s perspective and get to see some other ways of interacting.

Unfortunately, I can't always write a lot, so I apologize for when I can't update every single day. I'll probably slow down around Christmastime, since that tends to be very busy for me. I don't think many people would be online to read it when I would post anyways.

I've also had some computer issues (my computer crashed while writing this author's note, then fixed all the previous issues I had when I turned my computer back on) so hopefully those won't slow me down too much.

Love from,
Nocte Luna
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No Rest for the Wicked or Moral - Chapter Twenty

Postby Nocte Luna » Tue Dec 20, 2016 2:43 pm

It was with a heavy heart (and heavier bags) that Geneva stepped up into the carriage that was supposed to take her away from her home. After years of hardly ever leaving the castle, let alone leaving the country, she finally had a chance to leave, and yet here she stood, her heart begging her to fight to stay.

She finally sat down, pulling her cloak off and wrapping it over herself like a blanket. However, she was forced to stop when her father poked his head into the carriage.

“Goodbye, my dear. I will send letters and I expect some responses if your mother’s condition changes. I love you, and your mother as well.” The king stated, reaching his arms out for a quick hug.

“Goodbye, father. I will miss you and Ferevor while I am away.” She wrapped her arms around her father, closing her eyes for a second before drawing away.

“For security, these will be the men guarding you. This is Filgal, and this is Kefan.” Her father moved aside while two guards stepped into the carriage.

Filgal was short but had a bit of muscle on him with wide shoulders and dark brown hair. Kefan was taller with a thinner build and strawberry blonde hair. Both of them were relatively new guards, so neither knew what to say or do. Geneva simply nodded at the duo, tucking herself into the corner and wrapping her cloak over herself.

“I suggest you take a seat before the carriage gets moving.” The princess suggested, motioning to the seats opposite her. The two men did as the woman suggested, Kefan closing the door before the carriage jolted forward.

It was a long journey through Ferevor until they arrived at the eastern border. It was slightly south of where they intended to be, however, there was no faster way to get to Varal.

The snow had gotten deeper the farther south the carriage traveled, but luckily most of the roads were well-maintained by those who lived nearby, so much of the snow had been cleared. Just before the small train of carriages was about to enter the neighboring nation to the east, Clerale, a couple carriages split off to continue heading south. The three carriages that remained took the road and continued east, into Clerale.

After a little while, only two carriages remained, and the night had fallen completely. The clouds covered the half-moon completely, giving no light to the world below.

The carriage en route to the very eastern portion of Clerale began to slow down, for their journey was nearing its end, but the carriage holding the princess of Ferevor trundled on, down the snowy road.

Geneva was sound asleep, warm beneath her cloak, when Filgal began to speak Geneva’s name, voice growing louder and louder in an attempt to wake her. Finally, she woke up, slightly chilly but still relaxed.

“Yes? What is it?”

“We are almost in Varal, princess. Sorry to wake you, but I thought you would like to know.”

“Oh, thank you. I have no quarrel with being aware of where we are in our journey.”

A few minutes passed in silence, but as the sound of galloping hooves approached, Geneva frowned. “Do you hear that?”

“The hooves, my lady?” Filgal responded.

“Yes, I wonder why someone approaches.” Geneva frowned.

Filgal daringly stood up, opening the door just a little to stare outside at what was going on. When he pulled his head back into the carriage, his face was white from fear and slightly red from the cold.

“Princess, whoever they are, they have a sword. I suggest we try to leave.”

A loud thud emerged from the same side as Geneva was on. The force from whatever it was rocked the carriage, causing the horses to slow down slightly.

“Princess, I suggest you move away from there.” In less than a second, Geneva had moved from one side of the carriage to the other, cloak wrapped around herself.

Both Filgral and Kefan were in attack stances, ready to fight.

“My lady, I would be ready to leave at any moment. There’s plenty of snow outside, so don’t be afraid to jump.” Kefan urged, drawing a knife. Geneva visibly paled, anxiety flaring up. Her hand was at the handle for the door on the opposite side of the carriage, ready to open the door and jump if need be.

The door opposite Geneva rattled, almost open. Filgral moved forward, even with Kefan.

“If you’re going to jump, do it soon.” Filgral said tensely, drawing his knife as well.

“I will, just one more minute of preparation.” Geneva said, trying to calm her beating heart and convince herself to jump.

The door slammed open, and the cold air rushed in, along with a dark figure.

“Go!” Both guards exclaimed, pushing forward against the figure.

Geneva took a deep breath, stood on the edge of the carriage, and pushed off, falling so that her shoulder would hit the ground first. She landed in a pile of snow, which quickly impacted her fall. It was about three feet deep, so it took her a minute to sit up. The carriage soon disappeared in the distance, and she was left alone.

After about five minutes, Geneva stood up, removing herself from the snowbank and brushing the snow from her clothes. She did not dare walk along the road so late at night, for whatever had come to the carriage could certainly come back towards Geneva.

She stayed where she was for a little while longer, but it began to get colder much more quickly. Her cloak was wrapped around her shoulders, but the snow had made her clothes slightly damp.

Soon, she began to lose track of time and began to shiver. At first, she tried to move around to get blood flowing through her body, but nothing seemed warm her up, so she resorted to sitting in the snow bank.

Geneva’s vision was beginning to blur slightly when hooves came racing down the road, slowing when they saw the figure in the snowbank. She had fallen backwards from the dizziness, and black seeped from the corners of her vision towards the center of her eyes.

“Princess?” The voice seemed like it was miles away. “Princess Geneva?” The voice said again. She could barely focus. Everything was shaky, shaking. It was cold. Focus on one thing, the voice.

“Yes.” She said simply, teeth chattering. Geneva managed to get the one word out before she was pulled from the snowbank and her cold, damp cloak was replaced with a much larger, thicker cloak. She swayed, unsteady, and instantly three sets of arms held her upright.

“Princess, can you tell who this is?” The voice asked. One hand came forward, stabilized her shoulder. “How many fingers am I holding up?”

“’S too dark…” Geneva mumbled, nearly tipping over.

“Princess, please, tell me you know who I am.” The voice asked again.

“’S cold…” The princess mumbled once more. Finally she succumbed to the black clouding her vision and fainted, falling sideways into a set of arms that caught her.
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No Rest for the Wicked or Moral - Chapter Twenty - Author's

Postby Nocte Luna » Tue Dec 20, 2016 2:44 pm

Dear Reader,

Holy cow. Lots of stuff going down. It’s intense. This is the scene that came to me really clearly, like it was part of a movie or something. It could be, but maybe that’s just my mind inflating everything.

I’m actually writing this note before I start getting ready to post this, which is kind of incredible.

I also keep almost forgetting to post more, whoops. It’ll get done though.

If you like this story, I’d love if you could share it or post your thoughts and comments! Any sort of feedback is greatly appreciated!

Love from,
Nocte Luna
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Re: No Rest for the Wicked or Moral

Postby Nocte Luna » Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:21 pm

Sorry all but I'm working on something really important and I can't post tonight.
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