━━━ ✧ // all the other kids. a warriors rp. OPEN!!!! ◜

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Re: ━━━ ✧ // all the other kids. a warriors rp. ◜

Postby V.Vulpes » Sat Dec 17, 2016 9:26 am

[Medicine Cat Apprentice of Fogclan] [She-Cat] [8 Moons] [Tagged: Cloudcatcher, Wiltpaw]xx
xxxSmokepaw twitched her whiskers at Wiltpaw's response as she thought of her own. "Well, Just because they're in our territory doesn't mean you should automatically hate em'" she ended up mewing softly, glancing to any nearby Dawnclan members to see if they were listening in, "I mean, we should if they were trying to invade, but they're not. They're just tryin' to get back on their paws." It just seemed so simple to Smokepaw, they didn't seem so threatening when they arrived. She knew things could change if they stayed and wanted their territory but right now it seemed to be fine. "Besides," the dark she-cat started again, "they all seem weak after their long journey. I don't think they'll be able to do anything to us right now."
xxxAs Smokepaw ended what she was saying, she looked to Wiltpaw, unaware that the other was staring so hard at her. It made her ears flick back awkwardly and once again she found herself pawing at the ground. Thinking she had said something wrong, Smokepaw asked, “Uhh… Sorry, did I say too much… Or uh, something out of turn?” She hadn’t meant to upset Wiltpaw but the glare she was giving Smokepaw was a bit unnerving. Almost the same look that her mother would give she almost laughed at this thought but didn’t dare say it to Wiltpaw.
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Re: ━━━ ✧ // all the other kids. a warriors rp. ◜

Postby MyLostShadow » Sun Dec 18, 2016 10:56 am

══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══ ══
➶ 34 moons ➶ Male ➶ Fogclan Outsider ➶ No crush ➶ Tags: Grizzlypaw ➶

Creek was taking his sweet time washing the blood from his face, and then proceeding to slowly clean his long, black and brown fur, each stroke of his rough tongue seeming to take far longer than what would be deemed necessary. When the tom had finally finished, he picked his large head up and allowed his eyes to scan the dense forest where the stream led towards the Moonpool, and then the other way, where the stream ran into a lake. It felt unnatural to be in Fogclan territory after so many moons away from the clan, and yet, every time he left the familiar terrain, he always found himself being drawn back, whether that be by the memories he had of the place, or a more logical reason, such as the prey, water, and shelter he knew he would find. The fog that often cloaked the territory was comforting, and made him feel safer than being in the open, away from the lands that he knew well and had grown up in. In recent days he had found himself being drawn much closer to the Fogclan camp than before, which was dangerous considering how often the territory was patrolled, though he refused to ever step foot inside his past clan's camp ever again. Maybe it was the fear of facing his mother after so long?

Creek stood and began heading towards the trees just as the scent of a Fogclan cat drifted his way. Freezing mid-step, Creek's fur stood on end as he debated whether he should run or not. Whatever his decision would have been, it seemed that the appearance of a Fogclanner, whose eyes seemed glued to the loner's pelt, made the decision for him. Is that...Grizzlykit? It would be Grizzypaw now though, I suppose. Creek had left only a few days after the kit had been born. He'd had a brother, if Creek had remembered correctly, though the kit hadn't survived.

"Grizzlypaw, is it? The muscular tom stepped forward, fur lying flat. He could take on this apprentice if it came to it, there was no doubting it. "I suppose you won't remember me...You were but a kit when I left" His tone wasn't hostile, nor showing any aggression, but it wasn't a warm, friendly voice either. Creek's tone was emotionless, perhaps a little curious too, though the slight edge gave away his fears of this apprentice running back and telling the clan he was here. He wouldn't be able to return to the territory ever again if they found out, and then where would he go?

Waiting for a response, Creek sat down and curled his tail over his paws. His body, however, was still tense, in case this apprentice decided to attack. He'd be ready. In the mean time, the tom tilted his head to the left slightly, amber eyes seemingly burning as he fixed Grizzlypaw with an unfeeling gaze.
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Re: ━━━ ✧ // all the other kids. a warriors rp. ◜

Postby CoolComrade » Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:33 am

grizzlypawninetomfogclan apprenticeno crushtags~creek

Grizzlypaw jumped almost a foxlength in the air when he heard the smooth voice say his name. The young apprentice, bristled, his claws instinctively digging into the ground.The tom in front of him could easily take him down, but Grizzlypaw didn't feel afraid. In fact, this... this loner seemed familiar, if anything. His claws retracted, and he took a step back. Why did this stranger smell, just a little, like someone Grizzlypaw knew? It was on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't place the scent.

"Who are you?" Grizzlypaw felt small. The apprentice forced himself to stand up straight, and his dark tabby fur to lie flat. "I'm not afraid of you," he said boldly, though inside he was quivering. "You shouldn't be here." His tail lashed side to side, in an effort to look intimidating. Again, he tried to convince himself that he didn't know this cat. This complete stranger was no one to him, even if they did look a little similar. Grizzlypaw took a step forward, squaring his shoulders to look tough. "I'll fight you."

The loner's calm gaze bothered Grizzlypaw. He looked too relaxed, too at home in the dense morning fog. And how did he know my name? the apprentice thought, his angry green gaze faltering for a moment. A shiver ran down his spine as he met again the steady amber stare of the cat across from him. Even if the apprentice didn't know the loner, the loner sure knew the apprentice. But why?
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Re: ━━━ ✧ // all the other kids. a warriors rp. ◜

Postby lysistraticmuse » Wed Dec 21, 2016 5:19 am

my dear laurens; wrote:
{warrior of dawnclan} {tom, 24 moons} {apprentice;; robinpaw} {mood;; shaken, anxious, wanting attention} {tags;; open, Littlepaw, Rosewhisker} {location;; Beside the entrance of the makeshift Dawnclan den} {word count;;}

      Breaths of the flames bit at his ankles, gnawing on his flesh when it caught up to him. A loud hiss escaped him as a tree came crashing down near him, hackles raised and eyes wide, the ebony form propelled himself over the burning trunk. He crashed into ground with a loud thump, dull pain crawling through his form as his limbs were sprawled out beneath him.

      His vision was blurry, everything around him a mash up of vibrant reds and oranges accompanied by the blood curdling screams of his clanmates that were trapped in the fire. He knew he had to get out, fast, but he couldn't leave his clan members to fend for themselves. Shaking his head furiously, he planned himself a route out of ground zero, and how to get as many cats out as he could. "EVERYONE, FOLLOW ME, WHEN NEED TO GET OUT NOW!," he screamed, spit spraying from his maw as he ran through camp. Nearly tripping over a small bundle in his path, he cursed under his breath. allowing the cats behind him to move out ahead. 'What's this thing?' he thought, leaning down to further examine the small ashy form. His eyes went wide as he identified the form as Snowpaw, the blind medicine cat apprentice laying unconscious. Realizing what little time they had as embers fell onto his fur, singeing and burning with a kiss, he snatched up the fae by her scruff and continued to run until the fire was of no immediate harm to them.

      Ebonycry was sick to his stomach by the time they were outside of the camp, and after he laid down Snowpaw against a solid tree trunk, he took a few paw-steps away and emptied his stomach contents onto the earth. Panic shook his body in racking tremors, but he forced himself to return to Snowpaw, his legs grateful for the relief brought on by collapsing on the ground. A light pink tongue moved quickly across the snowy apprentice's ash coated fur, as he tried to clean her up at least a little bit. Ebony looked up to the horizon, seeing the flame coated sky teasing the ground with its searing hot love, smoke whipping through the air. The fire was growing closer once again. The aroma of smoke suffocated all of the air around him, leaving only the sting of embers burning deep into his fur to remind him that he was still there, in present. Pale yellow eyes darted around the clearing, sweat weighing down his short, thick pelt. Flames crackled all around him, ash caking his paw pads and the skin bare from his scar, tail lashing frantically behind him. Ebony fur was bristled to the point where he resembled more of a porcupine and less of a feline. Spit cascaded onto the ground with a hiss, from both the ground and the tom. His chest heaved constantly despite his little movement, and he knew that he needed to get out, find his clan members and run. Away from the fire, away from his sister's burial place, away from his home.

      The moon above was oddly calm, almost menacingly so, as if StarClan was punishing them for something, but he didn't know quite what Dawnclan could have done to deserve this form of divine punishment. Shivers and coughs raked through his lithe body until he couldn't stand to move any longer, collapsing to the cold ground outside of any immediate danger. Every bone in his body felt numb and cracked, like he had been crushed by falling rocks in a sudden Avalanche. His vision was hazy, mind swimming, thoughts mushed around in waves. Only one had some form of clarity; this couldn't be their home anymore, Snowpaw collapsed next to him, a plum of snowy white falling over his side in the form of a tail. Ebonycry shifted his vision to the young cat, sY\ympathy running through him when he saw the girl's eyes. They were wide and glossy with tears, her body shaking with shivers and silent cries. She was scared. In his raspy choked voice he mourned out comforting mewls and sounds to Snowy as best as he could, forcing his body to move closer to the white cat. They stayed like this for quite some time.

      Moonlight illuminated the bodies of the two, ash making them look a dingy gray rather than their normal shining white and deep ebony as it further progressed in its move across the sky. A large part of the tom wanted to stay there for the night, no matter how in the open they were. He could still smell the burning of woods and a hint of flesh, bile rising to the edge of his throat at the thought of the lives that could have been lost. Who exactly would be left when he got reunited with the rest of his clan? It had been what felt like hours since they fled the scene of the fire, but his bones still felt as tired as they ever had. With a strained patience he forced himself onto his aching paws, nudging Snowpaw with his nose slightly.

      "Come on Snowy, we need to find our clan. I know it's hard, and your paws are hurting, but we can't wait any longer. There'll be more time to rest soon, I promise," Ebonycry croaked, helping the medicine cat onto his legs gently, wrapping his tail around the she-cat's side. Through the damning darkness, vision hindered by residual smoke, the hiked their way towards the sliver of a scent that remained of their clan's cats. When they finally came upon the battered group, his heart sank. Many of the familiar faces he loved were missing from the group, and even though it went unsaid, he could tell just what had happened from the faces of the present ones. Tears fell from his eyes, and for the first time that night he allowed himself to wail and mourn the loss of his home, everything he'd ever known. One face stood out from all the rest, especially for the fact that it wasn't there. Jetfrost hadn't made it, she was no where to be seen. Young and kind, she had undoubtedly caught the eye of the flirty tom, and was a friend to all of the clan. He didn't doubt that she had gone protecting her clan until the end, but it Was a searing pain to accept the realization that he would never see her smiling face ever again, never hear her beautiful laugh, and never get to tell her just how he felt about her. Claws sheathed into the ground, he let his tears fall freely until he couldn't shed anymore even if he tried.

      Ebonycry woke up with a start, his fur heavy with a thick coat of sweat, some beads still rolling down his heaving chest. The air within the TOO small den was way too thick, and he couldn't force himself to calm down in there. He shook out his ebony fur lightly, and tried to regain as much of his composure as he could before he started to head towards the exit.

      Littlepaw and Rosewhisker had gathered at the front of the den, blocking the only exit or entrance into the structure. With a practiced ease, he greeted the two with a kind purr and a flick of his tail over the shoulder of the apprentice. "Good morning you loves," he whispered, whiskers twitching as he struggled to maintain the volume of his usually booming voice. "I'm so cramped, I hope they don't mind me sitting outside of the den, it's too confined in here." Forcing a smile, he moved to step around the fluffy Apprentice and Molly to step into the camp currently bathed in the light of the early morning. His thoughts still weighed a heavy burden in his mind, sweat creating chills as the air cooled them rapidly. Shivers made tremors though his black form, and he quickly popped down to run his pinkish tongue through his fur to soothe the amount of chills he was facing. When the tremors stopped coming so violently he allowed himself to curl up beside the den's entry, paws tucked beneath his chest. Scents of unfamiliar cats flooded his senses, slight prickles of fear going down his spine. What was to be in store for Dawnclan? Very few of the Fogclanners had shown hide or hair around the camp, or even try and approach the alien cats. He hoped that the outcome to this situation wouldn't end in bloodshed or an unpleasant outcome for either clan.

      Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his leader Pansystar and Swiftbreeze conversing with whom he guessed to be their respective officials. An intimidating marbled cat with a long scar down her jaw walked beside his deputy, her orange eyes daggers into the tom's white fur splashes with grey markings. Hackles raised at what he perceived to be a lack of respect towards the entire clan, but he knew causing trouble by outcry wouldn't help matters any. A low hiss was what he settled for, flicking his tail across the earth as they disappeared from his sights. What he'd seen so far didn't give him the greatest of hopes of making new friends within the clan, but a tiny bit of hope still resided in him. Maybe time would prove him wrong, and the day would show him something to be grateful for.

{apprentice of dawnclan} {she-cat, 10 moons} {mentor;; hollyleaf} {mood;; hollyleaf (mention), Robinpaw} {tags;;} {location;; in the clearing of Fogclan} {word count;;}

      Snowpaw let her tail flick slowly behind her as she listened to the bi-colored she-cat speak, a smile on her face as she listened to her words with interest. "I can understand the trouble, when I did try and lay down there were too many paws in my sides for me to get a decent rest," she mused, interjecting quietly before returning to her quiet "serious listening" posture. The young Molly always found that this helped steer her concentration towards the task at hand, as she tended to get lost in her thoughts sometimes if she wasn't dealing with medical matters, this was probably why people said she took after her moth- Oh no. She was doing it again. Shaking herself back to the present, her ears pricked as she absorbed her companion's offer to go with her to speak to one of the Fogclanners.

      A strange sound, strangely similar to a mix between a purr and a yowl, escaped her as she needed the ground in anticipation, anxious to talk to one of them! There were so many possibilities for the outcomes of talking to them, good and bad, but she didn't know who to talk to. Sighing, her head whipped from facing the ground to the general direction of the ginger apprentice. "Oh, I'm just so excited! I know I should be at least a little more cautious in want to talk to potentially dangerous strangers- though they must be at least a little kind, they did take us in and all- and actually take my time in figuring out a plan, but I'm just so happy to be in an actual camp!," she spoke, breathless by the end of her rant, tail leaving marks in the dirt beneath her paws.

      The healer was fairly certain that her outburst would garner at least a few laughs from the future warrior, but she instead focused her mind on the scents of nearby Fogclan cats. There were tons of them ofcourse (I mean, this is their camp after all), but she couldn't really tell which ones seemed to be engaged in conversation, and which ones weren't. Admittedly, this definitely would be a situation in which sight would act as a great advantage for the she-cat. Her petite face scrunched up into a look of confusion, odd eyes shining with thoughts cranking up in the mind behind them.

      Snow turned to Robin with this look, a laugh in her tone as she spoke. "Robin, could you point us in the general direction of the ones that don't seem inherently busy? I'll admit, this is a time where sight would be a really great advantage!" Her bell-like laugh rung out in the clearing, a smile clearly on her face. Her lack of sight didn't bother her most of the time, though there were a few occasions where she absolutely longed for a miracle to make her eyes work just enough to see the beautiful faces of her clanmates, and the hues of the sky. Though, she supposed she wasn't bothered as much by it because she'd never experienced sight, unlike those who had their vision ripped from them without a shred of warning. Ah well, this would be a thought for another day.

      Shaking herself back to the present, a sinister smile made its way onto the pure fæ's face. "Say Birdie, should we try and find a cat that seems like they're a decent personality, or try for one who seems like they constantly have a burr stuck in their tail?"

{warrior of fogclan} {tom, 67 moons} {apprentice;; nettlepaw} {mood;; sociable, talkative, slightly sleepy} {tags;; open} {location;; in camp} {word count;;}

      Ice blue eyes blinked open with a tired daze, his tabby tail swishing behind him as he stalked around the edge of the mountain's hunting ground, a fresh rabbit carcass hanging from his jaws. He stopped for a moment, stretching out his back in a long arch, and then leaning down in a forward stretch. The small amounts of sun that peaked through the thick fog caressed his russet tinted fur as he rose once again, his crooked gait leading him further back towards where he'd buried the rest of his prey. Crookedbreath had been up since before dawn, a habit of his that he hadn't been able to shake since...the incident. It was too hard trying to sleep most nights, and besides, he had some extra time to gather during the day by doing this.

      Speaking of the day, he needed to plan out what he was to do about Nettlepaw, and to gather himself an opinion on the Dawnclan dillema. Late last night, a group of worn and a bit skinny looking cats came waltzing up by the camp ground, startling the fogclanners. Despite the disapproving opinions of many cats, Grousestar still agreed to take them in for at least the night. Crookedbreath agreed with his leader's decision actually, despite what many of his clanmates would suspect of him. The Tom thought it only best to help the cats, especially as his empathy towards them was quite high, especially as he had heard some of the horror stories of how they were driven from their territory. It was......unsettling to say the least, and extremely disturbing to do it at least some justice. And while he agreed that they should take them in, he hadn't a clue in Starclan as to what would happen next.

      There were some interesting faces there at least, their deputy seemed to be a smart one, and their medicine apprentice was a bit peculiar from what he'd seen. Crookedbreath wanted to get more information about them, to figure out exactly where he stood on the subject. A muffled sigh escaped his maw, tail drooping to slide against the ground as he walked, ice absorbing that he was far closer to camp than he expected to be.

      And he still hadn't made training plans for Nettlepaw. Mouse-dung.

      Oh well, there was still plenty of time in the day, and worst came to worst, he could always just make plans up on the fly. Crookedbreath hastily took the rest of his prey into his maw and headed back. He entered the camp just in time to see his apprentice almost make himself into crow food as he got dangerously close to running into Dogface. A muffled laugh escaped him, and he almost dropped his prey in a rare exclamation of humor. Smiling, he dropped his catches into the fresh kill pile carefully, and moved to sit by the medicine cat den in order to groom himself.

      He wondered if any interaction were to be had that morning, and he hoped that it did. The Tom could stand a good conversation for now.
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━━━ ✧ // looking for the light in your eyes. ◜

Postby mitski » Mon Dec 26, 2016 9:49 am

    -- ` W A N B R E E Z E !!
    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━ ━━━
    ( sex. male ) ( rank, deputy ) ( tagged. assembled cats ) ( words. 1568 )

      indent.the expression - if it even deserved such a name, as it was merely . . . blank - painted across the ragdoll's blue-tinted grey face was forbidding and . . . perhaps a tad bit uninviting, one lacking one pure subtance, for it held genuine levity, mirthlessness, blackness. however so, behind his eyes - two cresent moons in which held the palest shade of sky blue - flickered a small, growing flame of not only curiousity, but a sensation of restlessness, to the moments subsequent to the small assembly of cats - himself, pansystar, dogface, and grousestar. though they had been gathered within the the fogclan leader's den for quite some time, swanbreeze couldn't help but notice to how they were barely making progress. his paws itched to break away and tend to his clan, itched to observe, watch, and . . . learn. though the actions they served right now, being the meeting held in secrecy, held a high key of importance, the tom's ability to calculate and perceive was practically begging to be used. ah, dawnclan awaits us outside of this moment. might we finish this off soon? time is fading, dawn is breaking, and the sun is . . . rising- i certainly hope that this is what lays in the midst of pansystar's mind, as well. he blinked away his impatientness and refused to let his thoughts steal away the vision that layed before him - the tom, shifting his eyes to the glorious sight that layed just outside of the den - as like a kitten at play, the sun slowly peeked over the horizon, it's golden and bright orange rays basking all it could touch, reach. a spectrum of reds and yellows lit the newly awakened sky, the colours shining across the sprawling woods and landscape that belonged to the fogclanners. it almost looked to be aglow in fire . . . but, he found himself shocked to find that this sight, it did not remind him of the monstrous fires that blanketed his home, the flames that licked at the fur of his clan-mates paws . . . yes, he found his eyes wandering back to a certain sight - or . . . a certain she-cat - whom just happened to be this reminder-dogface. as he felt his eyes involunterily rest upon her tense form, he found himself to study her once more, found himself gazing at the slope of her chin - the bright white color that crept up the sides of it, only to just touch the beginning of her blackened snout - each and every individual strand of fur that shined, that looked . . . soft to the touch. and, well, her eyes. . . . she held a fire in the orbs, a bright red in which had it's ways of cooling back down to black before one could note of this. a fire that burned like a temper, as if it's leaping flames had a terrible anger toward the living world.

      indent.as a strange, unfamiliar feeling began to throb in the pit of his stomach, almost like a cluster of butterflies were stuck beneath his skins, trapped inside of his organs - begging to be freed with the strange feeling - he found himself switching his attention quicker than expected, his gaze snapping back to the smokey-faced, familiar she-cat that stood at his flank, though, it averted once more, as a voice with strong edges, yet corners dragged down with the affects of drowsyness filled the air, "greetings, swanbreeze, pansystar. i am grousestar, and this is my deputy, dogface,", the mottled tom begun. though his voice never faltered, the dawnclan deputy instantly picked up on his nervous state, well-hidden, yet still . . . out there enough for him - perceptive at best - to recognize. confident, yes, but uncertainty seems to be knawing at his - grousestar's - words. perhaps swanbreeze was the only one to take note of the faint note of this in his loud, clear voice, the small arch in his brow, his nervous tail twitch . . . perhaps. "i know your cats will need a bit of time to recover, for now. so i have an offer," grousestar, rotating his eyes between himself, pansystar, and then back once more, swanbreeze's eyes narrowed as the snowshoe tom's orbs seemed to turn to ice. an offer, negotation . . . ? what might this be? we must ponder. the tom parted his jaws, "your clan may stay here to recover for three moons only, to regain your strength. that will give you enough time to become familiar with the territory and to serve to us all by helping us hunt, so that the prey is equally distributed. after that, you're on your own, and there will be zero help from us at all.", his words came off as more of a declaration than a simple suggestion, though, swanbreeze did not blame him for this, as it was strictly the duty of a leader to protect his home, and he was doing just so . . . in a way. if giving the fogclanner's no other option but to accept his negotation, in return for safety and well-fed bellies, than so be it. "i think that is fair enough for you all. don't you agree?" he asked - or . . . declared, as it seemed - finishing, and leaving off in a tone that seemed almost like he was challenging them to . . . disregard his power, his stance in this situation? well, if a challenge was what he was looking for, swanbreeze did not think that he would get it, atleast on his part.

      indent.it was only then, that he picked up on the not only icey-untertones of his voice, but the sharp and threatening look at glazed over grousestar's eyes, grousestar's eyes that seemed to be pinned just, and only on swanbreeze, himself. he was not going to open his mouth, no, but rather return a look of pure . . . disconcern? a look shot at the fogclan leader in which occupied only one thing, blankness. he was careful, careful not to be intentionally cold with this stare of some sorts, his face lacking the mobility that one whom held this mindset normally had. his eyes made sure to rest on the pale blue of grousestar's iris, lingering there longer than the average cat would, or even, could. swanbreeze never took note of his ability to stare at one for long periods of time, without becoming of course, unsettled in any which way, but it did benefit him greatly. while the snowshoe was throwing daggers at him with his look, the ragdoll was, well . . . simply, returning this, however, with no more but an emotionless glare. having been so intune to the tom and his harsh, unexpected look of his, swanbreeze hadn't even noticed the she-cat next to grousestar - dogface - shoot an unforgiving glance at her leader, her shoulder's even so more tensed up, the muscles clenched, than in the previous moments. she spoke next, her voice harsher - yet calm - than expected, in comparison to the beauty she held in not only her eyes, but her face, scar and all, "it is nice to meet you both." swanbreeze absorbed her words with no more but a mere blink, his expression left unchanged. "the pleasure is all ours. my leader and i will not turn away hungry cats that are in need, especially when we are on the cusp of a long leaf-bare." the black and white paused with a blink of her own, before dipping her head, a symbol of respect to her leader, grousestar. and . . was that . . a cringe? a slight, tense of the body, a tightening of the shoulders, stance.. nearing the end of her words? you can hide from your emotions all you like, though, i can see right through those glass eyes, strange one. "i think that sounds like a great idea, grousestar. and, if you will it, i can organize multiple hunting parties as well as patrols for today."

      indent.she then moved to turn her sun-kissed orbs to swanbreeze, jerking her head upwards in the means of invitation, though surprised, swanbreeze did not give her the satisfaction of seeing this. "swanbreeze and i can split the territory. i will lead one half of the party, made up of dawnclan and fogclan individuals, and he the other. smaller hunting groups can be put in areas that we do not cover. that way, going about the hunting will be faster. more efficient." she met grousestar's eyes, seeming to search for confirmation, although her voice revealed her fearless and confident grip, before returning them to himself. now, his feelings floating neutrally, he turned his head slightly to the side in thought- awfully quick to rid of me, I see. though also very quick, to allow myself and my kind to venture our paws into unfamiliar territory.. territory owned by her clan. interesting.. again, very. the molly then, removed her eyes from swanbreeze, placing them now onto the mottled, grim-looking tom beside her, grousestar, "is that all right with you, sir?" she spoke, her words overflowing with a another, stronger sense of confidence, a kind that swanbreeze could actually, well, pick up on, while utilizing his skills of perception and their works, and read. thus, the dawnclan deputy felt oddly relieved, in a way that he could not explain. cold, yes, though not entirely. she does . . well, it seems she indeed, does possess the ability to feel, to express . . curling is long, feather-like tail over his paws, the dawnclanner shifted his attention to the snowshoe tom, while following dogface's gaze, while patiently waiting to absorb whatever it was that would happen next.
Last edited by mitski on Sat Dec 31, 2016 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ━━━ ✧ // all the other kids. a warriors rp. ◜

Postby feyre.archeron » Wed Dec 28, 2016 3:08 pm


seventeen moons
location: forest
tags: ashton

The soft silence of the day had been all that had lingered in Scorch’s ears. His thoughts trickling back to days when he had had an irritating voice at his side, but like a ghost that voice had vanished and with it the majority of memories. He remembered it had been a molly and she had had the most beautiful of tortoiseshell pelts, but even then he could barely keep his mind focused on her face before the picture shimmered and vanished, dancing through the air as though it had never really been there. For moons he tried to convince himself it was all a dream, some imaginary cat he had made up when his parents had orphaned him, but the thoughts always returned and eventually he got sick of telling himself the same story. So he embraced the small voice that occasionally pushed him forward through the dim of night, the pangs of hunger, and the dire thirst. It was the voice that kept him moving forward, his no longer delicate paws scraping the earth the voice had once walked. Did she still walk it? And where? With whom? Questions he would never have answered.
To the side there was a sharp intake of breath from a squirrel, midway up the tree as it spotted him and suddenly, a flurry of tiny pawsteps skittered up the tree, at last rustling the leaves and disappearing among its shadows. He tilted his head to the side, suddenly aware of the hunger that gnawed at his empty belly. He couldn’t remember the last time he ate but his stature said far too long ago. His once sleek orange pelt was dulled down, his once rounded stomach was turned inwards as if it held no sustenance, and his one strong muscular sides now showed signs of neglect, ribs poking out from his pelt. His face was narrowed by hunger and suddenly, he wondered how often he had forgotten to eat or just skipped it entirely. He turned from the tree from which the squirrel had vanished and put his soft pink nose to the air. The smell of the forest devoured him, casting him into a euphoric state. He could hear the birds singing but yet they seemed too far away. The scurry of creatures dancing across the forest floor made his jaw drop slightly, saliva making its way slowly from the corners of his mouth, down his maw.
A small mouse scurried in front of the large, spotted orange cat, his tail twitched, the only sign he was close by. However, when he inhaled the scent, it carried the toxic stench of the clan cats. His ears fell flat against his narrowed skull, lips curling upwards to reveal sharp canines, a look of utter distaste, but not was not the time to be choosy about his meals. So instead of avoiding the clan scented creature, he darted forward, his paws silent as they pressed against the cool floor of the forest. His body, slinking across the ground, belly fur moving against the grass that sprung up around him. When at last he was upon the poor creature, his maw parted and his jaws locked firmly around its neck. There was no screech, no sound of pain slipping from the creatures mouth as it’s life ebbed away between the hunters maw. When at last it’s body fell limp, its tail dangling from the tomcats jowls, he set the precious prey before him and ate his kill.
When his prey was gone, he sat back upon his bony haunches, his rough, pink tongue rasping along his nose. The scent of the moue clung to his paws and whiskers, making the rest of the forest seem as though there was a constant flurry of mice scittering to and fro between his paws. He attempted to shake the scent from his whiskers, though it was met with resistance and instead opted to groom himself before sauntering further into the forest. When at last the scent had dissipated from his paws he allowed his tongue to slide across the fur near his jaw and what he couldn’t grasp was wiped away with a quick swipe of his front paw. His stomach seemed to purr in approval of the meal, yet begged for more as he pushed himself to his paws. He was starving, that was clear, but a noise from some distance up caught his attention. Still smelling slightly of mouse, he lifted his maw and inhaled the scent. It was a cat, fumbling for a mouse from the sounds of it, or perhaps a squirrel, with the stench of prey entrapping him, he couldn’t be certain.
He caught sight of her pelt dancing through the shadows and the she paused, eyes turning to him so quickly he almost couldn’t look away, but he managed, and attempted to pretend, for at least a short moment that he had not seen her arrive but within the first few heartbeats, he turned his gaze to her, eyes soft yet confident. His tail lashed slightly but not so much in an aggressive way as it was in pure, blatant curiosity. “Hello” he spoke, his voice soft and warm, almost welcoming with a smidge of arrogance that was hard not to draw in molly’s. “Can I help you with anything?” he asked, a small laugh rolling from his maw, raising an eyebrow in an almost flirtatious manner, but as he stepped forward, the flirtation dripped from his pelt, as did the confidence. “Name’s Scorch, nice uh, attempt at catching the mouse there” he chuckled, his ears flicking forward, tail tip twitching in amusement. He allowed himself to sit back on his haunches, his eyes meeting hers not so much in a challenge but more so as a means to entice the molly.
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Postby Tsukỉ » Thu Dec 29, 2016 3:10 pm

xx -- STORMSTAR !!
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━
// female // 43 moons // leader of fogclan // no romantic interest // tagged : dog, swan, pansy //

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━
      xXxXx"Frankly, I wish for you to lead a good life after your short time with us-" Stormstar's eyes were directed at not at either of the deputies, but the younger Pansystar's aqua-blue eyes. A softened gaze from one leader to another.. "Let it be known that three moons is the only time we shall give you." This was the epitome of generosity.. Stormstar didn't enjoy the feeling, but she did it, disregarding her own personal digression; straying off topic to busy herself from clawing out her own skin. Not that she didn't know how painful it would be, but rather because her internal indecision was pretty stupid. In all honesty. Or in other terms, her kindness was particularly reserved for her own cats, rather than the ranks of others. Then again, maybe this was a conveying of her capriciousness; foiled up into a ball of dirt and born out into the world to mock her. However, there was one thing above all else that shocked the molly.. Dogface..? Well, it was more of a question than a statement. From all she knew, Dogface wasn't a loving cat, even abandoning her own kit, Wiltpaw, when things turned for the worse. The fully-black molly seemed distant and sour-faced, often sulking away in the corners of the territory, calling the medicine cat apprentice and her brother as her only friends. It never surprised Stormstar, (even though she hoped she would of been,) as Wiltpaw's mother had just thrown her away like crow-food when it happened. Though Dogface and her kit's relationship never entertained Stormstar herself, yet she still yearned to know a little more about that mysterious apprentice. Why their opinions oh-so-differed..? Dogface seemed oddly lenient with her(Stormstar's) decisions.. The idea was ridiculous, but was Dogface enjoying the company of the strangers-- DawnClanners? A miracle indeed.. supple one at that, considering cats tended to change, but to Stormstar, it held the same fringe of a mouse combusting into flames in the middle of a lake.. impossible- since she expected the charsimatic, (almost) jet-black she-cat's transition to be like a metamorphosis of a caterpillar's to a butterfly. Unchanged, scarred, inside and out.

      xXxXxSwanbreeze and Pansystar of-- no,--and DawnClan.. joining us for three moons. Stormstar began replaying that moment once or twice in her head; when the crisp words just crackled out of her mouth. Was this her first mistake? Acquainting herself with outsiders? As the doubt she tried to bury in the sand squealed out, creating a volcano of dirt particles, Stormstar began noticing her own discomfort. Me? Discomfort? she questioned herself, creating a rift in the conversation as she stammered for a few seconds, averting her gaze from the somewhat-confident Swanbreeze and the lacking-in-confidence Pansystar. I believe the best course of action is- rebuilding her composure, Stormstar tried to drag the conversation with something akin to alacrity. -to cajole them for a while..

      xXxXxThree moons was all the time she'd give them. FogClanners were proud and high-headed, but the pity Stormstar felt for the homeless cats was enough to make up for the small voice telling her 'what if they have something behind their sleeves'? No, they, the DawnClanners were pitiful at this point, left with no hope and no home to call their own; stooping as low as to asking for another Clan's help. They couldn't possibly do any harm to her Clan in this rugged state. ..And if Stormstar had let them down, FogClan would become the pathetic one, refusing help to a dying brood. The chocolate molly prickled her ears as she swiveled her head towards her deputy, Dogface, as if in slight doubt and question of her own words. Yet, she tried to convey this in her silent gaze rather than in her emotions-- Pansystar and Swanbreeze might be of no harm right now, but the future threat would always linger; especially when the three moons of collaboration was over. A clump of dried saliva made it's journey down the parched throat of the mighty leader. "The pleasure is all ours. my leader and i will not turn away hungry cats that are in need, especially when we are on the cusp of a long leaf-bare." Dogface began, blinking her eyes shut, perhaps a little shudder and regretful rumination on her part. Stormstar's ears perked up at the mention of hungry cats. The land had stretched out only far enough for the fruitful aura of prey and herbs to barely claw at the edges of FogClan territory, and beyond that was a solemn nothingness. DawnClan had been ruined completely, hadn't it? "i think that sounds like a great idea, Stormstar. and, if you will it, i can organize multiple hunting parties as well as patrols for today." "That does sound good," she meowed, rather empty-heartedly. Just because the tension had been broken, didn't mean the intensity of her decision just miraculously faded. Especially when an enemy Clan had just temporarily-- and saying temporarily with a bitter tongue.

      xXxXxBy now, her eagerness died-- a painful death rather than permeating into a buildup of self-loathing for her excitement, although Stormstar had expected it to happen. Expectations were never reality, weren't they? Wasn't it all the same with cats, land, StarClan, anything?

      xXxXx"is that all right with you, m'am?" Dogface's orange dilated pupils met Stormstar's rosy-brown for the second time, sending a small shiver down Stormstar's spine. But even with that, conducting respiration, she continued without a moment's delay-- "You have my blessing, Dogface." Stormstar replied, parting her sight with her then rejoining them with Pansystar's.. parting them once more then into Swanbreeze's matted face. "And I expect you to do the same, Pansystar- Swanbreeze," she concurrently meowed with some reassurance. "-to follow through and arrange patrols of your own." She almost scoffed, but hesitated as quickly as her muzzle twitched with anticipation. It was best that all hostility was kept to a minimum, since Stormstar was supposed to be the welcoming, warmhearted feline of the four... someone had to be amiable, right? Stormstar's pupils focused again on the opposing leader. She had been silent for a while, perhaps ruminating or just simply speechless. Was she waiting for a certain auditorial cue? Their eyes may have met, but Stormstar was concerned with it nevertheless. "We can disperse soon, if you wish," she added, dipping her head for an 'okay' to her proposal. There wasn't much left to be discussed now that everything seemed to be in way..

xx❄︎ -- WILTPAW !!
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━
// female // 12 moons // app of fogclan // crush on elkpaw // tagged : smoke, elk //

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━
      xXxXxA deadpan expression grandly adorned the she-cat's face. Wiltpaw's eyes opened widely, as Smokepaw spoke. ""Well, Just because they're in our territory doesn't mean you should automatically hate em?" The other she-cat seemed to be somewhat oblivious to whatever Wiltpaw wanted to go for, because that wasn't the point at all! "Well, Smokepaw, if a bunch of randos came to your den and wanted herbs," she meowed, the back of her mouth hurting from the speaking she was doing. "Would you do it?" That probably had stumped her, if Wiltpaw wasn't mistaken. The she-cat probably wouldn't-- obviously --that would go against Clan rule and such. Giving out our very resources to a bunch of rouges, for example. That wouldn't help FogClan's situation, would it? Same goes for DawnClan.. potiental ally or not, they were still our enemies in the end. After however many moons they would stay with them, if they were leaving at all, they would always be stray blood within the preserved lineages of FogClan. Everyone was being an absolute disgrace.. not anger, but disappointment washed over Wiltpaw. She was never the type to get fiery (beside the burning in her pelt, as mentioned countless times before) or hot-headed. Believe it or not. She gazed back at the medicine cat apprentice, with full intention to continue her chit-chat. "I mean, we should if they were trying to invade, but they're not. They're just tryin' to get back on their paws."

      xXxXxThere was probably no need to get cross with one of her only friends. "I know," she bitterly mumbled, a hint of disappointment emerging from her snout. Though she was an avid avdocet of driving out DawnClan, Smokepaw had somewhat of a point to her words.. they couldn't hurt us at all. "-but what right do they have?" Wiltpaw argued, no edge to her voice. As bluntly as possible, the jet-black molly decided against being as stubborn as she was. Her yellow orbs rested coldly on Smokepaw's. "Besides," the other she-cat revved herself up again. "They all seem weak after their long journey. I don't think they'll be able to do anything to us right now." Weak..? They were defenseless, but they weren't weak. It was only a matter of time that they would betray the warmth of FogClan, murder everyone, suckling out the juices before eating the shell of it whole. It was like eating a turtle.. you start with the tough head, until you have a small vertebrae that you puck out before throwing the shell away. It may sound disgusting, (turtle was never fit for Wiltpaw's pallet) but it was the reality of the situation. Wiltpaw's stare had now grown into a creepy glare, "Uhh… Sorry, did I say too much… Or uh, something out of turn?" meowed Smokepaw, the dark she-cat obviously nervous. "No," Wiltpaw murmured, masking her maw from the cold air. Her lungs were filled with the cool, almost icy breaths, which actually hurt.. but not as much as her tail, no. That thing was still pulsating with the worst kinds of pain.

      xXxXxDeeming the situation to awkward to continue, moved along, (ignoring the restrictions Cloudcatcher had given her, which was foolish, but most fit for her situation.) visiting the DawnClan's apprentice den. It was pretty shabby, small, but with some avail.. campy. If a storm were to pour its rain right then and there, the entire shelter would crash, leaving the twigs and such wet and scattered across the ground and its contents soaked. The contents were the cats, needless to say. They were bound to the thresholds, if she remembered correctly..? Not permitted to go over to the side of FogClan, and vice versa. Though nothing stood confidentially since the leaders and deputies hadn't made up their mind just yet. It was merely like.. a temporary standing, and any decision could be vetoed by anyone capable of taking on the duties. Basically, nothing was set in stone, and everything was bound to happen. Soon enough, Wiltpaw was accustomed to her solitude. She bounded by, swiftly as her feet could carry her; which wasn't that fast, considering her injuries. The jet-black molly treated herself for a little walk, viewing her surroundings carefully, as she passed by face by face, seeing a harmonious balance of FogClanners and DawnClanners, intermingling. Wiltpaw, again, sighed in disappointment, so aggravated by the outburst of friendship-- and the lack of aminosity, --per se. The potency of this, whatever it was, was bound to create some problems sometime down the line. Friendships that led to reluctance in battle. Loves that may sprout into huge battles. Crushes or alliances that have to be dumped out for the sake of the diversion in the two Clans. .. which, ultimately, wasn't even Wiltpaw's goal. She didn't want them here at all, not just their mere potential that annoyed her greatly. It was an amalgam of both, since they should be treated as not brothers but a mother to her son. One led from the other, and not by their side.. so in fact, Wiltpaw had to treat the threat of their mere status and the doubt of their loyalty with different views.. however difficult. It won't be long, Wiltpaw gave herself an imaginary pat on the back with her thoughts.

      xXxXxPerhaps I should just apologize to Smokepaw for my small fit.. Wiltpaw pondered, wander-struck with the newliness of everything around her. New faces and scents, all overflowing her senses. I may stand by my opinion, but it wouldn't hurt to mend it through. Understanding is key within friendships, after all.

      xXxXxWhen she was about to waddle back to Smokepaw with a small apology, she sighted something. But who was that..? A tom of emaculate good looks.. shining like the radiance of the sun as Wiltpaw continued her journey. Something about him.. his figure? Face? Voice? "Whitefrost, have you heard anything new about our situation? did pansystar mention anything about how long we are going to stay in fogclan's camp?" Oh, please, say something, just once more! She couldn't tell what was taking over her, but Wiltpaw was determine to make frie.. oh, who was she kidding-- he was a DawnClanner. And with her strong opposition against DawnClanners. With something inside her stomach, burning, Wiltpaw padded towards the sound and the small portion of the tom she could see.
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▸ robinpaw, apprentice of dawnclan, three

Postby Birchii » Fri Dec 30, 2016 7:58 pm

    🌩 ROBINPAW ;
      {eight moons}{molly}{dawnclan app}{fogclan camp}{snow; smoke+wilt (m)}

    xXxXxRobinpaw’s tail flicked ever so slowly behind her, lazily moving back and forth as she conversed with the white molly next to her, though she stopped once she realised Snowpaw was also doing so. Her ears twitched and turned slightly as she listened, both to Snowpaw, the camp activities, and the sounds of the territory around them as animals awoke and began to chatter amongst one another, hidden away from sight but still clearly heard. She almost allowed herself to be lost in the bird songs completely, enjoying the merry tunes of the creatures as the fluttered to and fro, hopping through the leaves and branches in the trees.

    xXxXxShe snapped back to the conversation as Snowpaw gave an excitable outburst, somewhat stunned at her enthusiasm, before breaking into a small bout of laughter. ‘How can she be so happy to meet strangers?’ she wondered, her laughter turning to a small giggle before ending completely. “I don’t know many dangerous clan cats who willingly let a bunch of strangers into their home,” she added, a large grin plastered on her face now, her bright amber eyes softened from their observing ways to look fondly at the Medicine Cat Apprentice. “I can’t say I agree entirely about being happy to be in a camp, since I was so young when we had to leave ours, but I must admit, it is a comforting feeling, having some stability again.”

    xXxXxHer dark honey eyes looked out towards the camp, returned back to their watchful state, and examined the cats once more. During the short time of her grooming and conversation with Snowpaw, a few more cats had filtered into the clearing, themselves sitting to groom or strike up conversations with friends. It was quite noticeable, even from a distance, which of the cats were FogClan and which were DawnClan, the latter being more slender and anxious than the former. The small ginger-and-white molly turned her head to look at Snowpaw once more, seeing the confusion on the blind molly’s face, and listened to her speak again.

    xXxXxThe fur on her shoulders raised slightly as she looked at the cats and finally realised the sense of divide between the two clans, flattening again as Snowpaw’s calming laugh soothed her wariness. “Always happy to be your eyes, Snowpaw, though I can’t really tell which cats are open to be spoken to and which aren’t myself…” she trailed off, wondering what it was like for the white feline beside her to deal with her blindness. ‘I suppose it’s easier to have never seen at all than it is to become blinded and need to adjust. If you’ve never witnessed sight, you won’t long for it again, I guess,’ she pondered silently, feeling a sense of respect towards the medicine cat apprentice to be able to go about life with no visible (no pun intended) qualms.

    xXxXx“I think I’ll pass on striking up a conversation with a grumpy old warrior. Too much uncertainty on leaving the talking with my ears still attached to my head,” the molly laughed, her face warming up at the idea of the pair – a skittish young apprentice and visionless molly – running for their lives whilst being chased by a large, angry tom. “No, I think we should stick to someone a bit more welcoming and less likely to tear us to shreds.” Robinpaw turned her head away once more, this time using her observant amber eyes to pick out a softer looking cat. Most of the FogClan cats had sat with another of their own clan, making for an unwelcoming position to the quiet molly.

    xXxXxHer gaze finally rested on a smaller she-cat, a smoky tabby who didn’t look all that older than Robinpaw herself. An older, darker-furred molly was walking, with uneven gait and sour-faced look, away from the younger feline. ‘I don’t think she’s too keen on having us here…’ Robinpaw thought, noting that she would keep herself tucked away from any conflict with the young, dark molly. She glanced at the smoky tabby again. The dark, chocolate eyes on the cat looked warm and inviting, and Robinpaw deemed her to look like a much kinder feline. “There’s a molly over there, Snowpaw. She looks to be a bit older than me, and she looks quite friendly. Maybe we could talk to her?” Robinpaw swivelled her head towards the white molly, her ears still pricked and waiting for any changes in the scenery. ‘I don’t know how she can be so brave, wanting to speak to complete strangers.’ The ginger-and-white apprentice was nervous at the idea of boldly approaching a new face, apprentice or not, as the number of situations that could arise from it was too much for Robinpaw to think about without wanting to bound away and find a peaceful corner of the forest, with only birdsong to keep her company. She shook the thought away as she shook her groomed fur, settling down again, awaiting response from Snowpaw.
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━━━ ✧ // three. ◜

Postby fire, » Sat Dec 31, 2016 5:45 pm

      '' ( ❀ ━ PANSYSTAR ! ) ''

      ( thirty moons ) • ( molly ) • ( dawnclan leader ) • ( leader's den ) • ( swanbreeze, stormstar, dogface )

      pansystar dipped her head in thanks, grateful that the fogclan leader had allowed them to stay for another three moons. she noticed that stormstar developed an edge in her voice, as if her thoughts were dancing through her mind as she tried to have the right words come out. the siamese could understand this, as stormstar was likely trying to avoid showing hostility. to be honest, the dawnclan leader expected the worst. when her clan had first arrived, she expected for them to be chased away on the spot, and even when they were escorted to fogclan camp, she still did not think that there would be much hope for her cats. after all, fogclan didn't have to be so kind, they could have just as easily chased dawnclan off and left them to fend for themselves. three moons or three days, pansystar would have taken up as much time as she could to let her clan rest. but even with this act of kindness, what would happen after their time was up? pansystar tried to hold her head up and see the bright side. they had to find territory, it was too big of a world to not have at least some scrap of forest that dawnclan could call home. however, worrisome thoughts continued to nag at the siamese, draining her happiness like a parasite. she kept pushing the thoughts of what could go wrong further back in her mind, trying to shake away the fact that there was a chance that her clan wouldn't make it and wouldn't find a home. even with this anxiety, she did not show these feelings outright to her peers. she had to be strong for dawnclan, she had kept telling herself that ever since the fire. she would not be swayed by fear, no matter how much of it crept into her thoughts.

      dogface was the one to initiate the conversation, and start it back up once more. confident with her words, the black-and-white molly spoke. "it is nice to meet you both. the pleasure is all ours. my leader and i will not turn away hungry cats that are in need, especially when we are on the cusp of a long leaf-bare." pansystar was a bit surprised by dogface's kindness, especially with her fierce looks, but regardless, the siamese was grateful for it. "swanbreeze and i can split the territory. i will lead one half of the party, made up of dawnclan and fogclan individuals, and he the other. smaller hunting groups can be put in areas that we do not cover. that way, going about the hunting will be faster. more efficient." the fogclan deputy then turned to stormstar, her gaze unwavering and still confident. pansystar couldn't lie, she envied the molly just a bit, wishing she could talk with pride in her mew like dogface could. regardless, the siamese leader continued to listen, until she was finished. "is that alright with you, ma'am?"

      stormstar spoke next. "you have my blessing, dogface.." pansystar didn't object. it wasn't a bad plan by any means, and the siamese didn't disagree with it. but even if she had, it's not like she had much of a choice. if dawnclan didn't abide by the fogclanner's rules, they'd surely be kicked out. her aqua gaze darted quickly to swanbreeze, hoping that her deputy would be okay with this plan as well. he didn't have much of a choice either, but she didn't want the majority of her clan to be unhappy. if they were, what was the point in staying? hopefully, though, dawnclan would abide by what stormstar and dogface decreed, at least until their three-moon stay passed. "and i expect you to do the same, pansystar- swanbreeze, to follow through and arrange patrols of your own." before pansystar spoke, the fogclan leader added, "we can disperse soon, if you wish." finally, pansystar spoke, her voice soft yet sure. "yes, of course. swanbreeze, you have my permission to go through with this, as well." turning back to the fogclanners, she continued on. "i hope that our clans can live together peacefully until our three-moon deadline is up. know that i am eternally grateful to you for allowing my clan to rest and recover here. we can begin this patrol whenever you see fit." pansystar dipped her head with appreciation and respect once more, praying to starclan that dawnclan and fogclan could get along, even with their differences.

      '' ( ☼ ━ FLASHSTEP ! ) ''

      ( twenty-seven moons ) • ( tom ) • ( fogclan warrior ) • ( warrior's den ) • ( rookpelt )

      flashstep was staring intently at the leader's den, trying to see what was going on. he was so engrossed in what was happening that he did not realize rookpelt was padding towards him, and thus the ginger tom did not notice his friend until he called his name. his ears perked in slight surprise, but he spoke to the black-and-white tom in a laid-back tone. "good morning, rookpelt." flashstep mewed, always in the mood to have him for company. "you can say that again! i've been catching nothing but the occasional squirrel for the past several days, and all of them are scrawny and have barely any meat on their bones. that's been the highlight of my week so far." the tom was half-joking, but it was true that almost nothing was happening as of late. that wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but dawnclan's arrival did give fogclan something to do, which flashstep did appreciate despite his wariness of the new clan. as for what's happening, all i can take from this is that they're going to discuss where dawnclan will end up, and hopefully it will be out of here. prey is growing scarcer by the day, and the last thing we need right now is more mouths to feed." flashstep had to admit that he was sounding a little selfish, but it was the truth. once prey went into hibernation, they were almost impossible to find. fogclan would need all the prey it could get if they were going to survive this leaf-bare, and sharing with a whole other clan of cats would only produce fights and death. hopefully they'd leave, and soon.

      "i feel the same way, but it seems we're not going anywhere until she and grousestar chat with the other clan's leader and deputy. i just hope they hurry it up, a good patrol always makes my worries fade away." he especially needed that now, since dawnclan's arrival and spouted up a bunch of worries from not just flashstep, but from every cat. dawnclan looked to be the worst out of all of them. just by the looks on their faces, the ginger tabby could tell that they were scarred by what happened to their camp, not to mention they were probably terrified of what might happen to them. for a moment, the tom felt a twinge of pity gnaw at his gut, but he dismissed it, knowing that they would have to fend for themselves. fogclan would help, but they wouldn't hold the other clans' paws the rest of the way. they'd be able to care for their own eventually if they were real clan cats. as rookpelt spoke again, flashstep nodded in agreement. "don't we all? i bet the cats with the fluffiest pelts still can feel the chill of leaf-bare down their spines. and if that's the case, then i just hope we'll be able to manage regardless of how warm our furs are." the ginger tom had heard somewhere that twoleg dens could make it feel like green-leaf the instant you went inside, and flashstep never thought he would say this, but that was something, and probably the only thing, he envied about kittypets. fogclan of course managed, but the cold still got to them, and the tom did silently wish that their dens could do that. it's probably just lies anyway. he thought, dismissing it as he turned his attention from his thoughts back to rookpelt.

      at the mention of dawnclan she-cats, flashstep couldn't suppress a chuckle. "maybe you will, but i intend to not complicate things." as he said those words, however, the ginger tabby knew he was lying, despite how much he was trying to convince himself what he said was true. when dawnclan first arrived, flashstep remembered locking eyes with a pitch-black molly. he didn't know her name or rank, but all that flashstep did know was that she was beautiful. her leaf-green eyes were brilliant, and her face was full of kindness. but even so, the ginger tom couldn't accept these thoughts. she was from dawnclan, he was from fogclan, and there was nothing he could do about it. that was all there was to it, and flashstep left it at that. at the mention of pansystar, his previous chuckle became a full-on laugh. "good luck trying to seduce the leader, of all cats." he mrrowed in amusement, nudging rookpelt back playfully in return.

      '' ( ❁ ━ DAISYPAW ! ) ''

      ( twelve moons ) • ( molly ) • ( dawnclan app. ) • ( fogclan camp clearing / hidden in the trees ) • ( nettlepaw )

      everything seemed to happen so fast. once he turned to meet her blue gaze, his own brightened up. but immediately after that, he began falling due to his sudden movements. daisypaw stood there helplessly as he began rolling over to where the leaders and deputies were conversing. the fogclan apprentice didn't stop until he met the tail of a black-and-white she-cat, which was the fogclan deputy, whose name she still could not recognize. the journey had left not just her, but the entirety of dawnclan tired and dazed. when they had first arrived, daisypaw was more concerned with getting some rest rather than learning the fogclan cats' names. yet something about this one intrigued her. maybe that was the reason she had come over to him in the first place. then again, the cream-colored molly could spot a few more unusual characters within fogclan, including that black and white she-cat that was the clan's deputy. maybe she came to this one because he seemed to be the friendliest, or maybe it was because his guard was down, focused on what the leaders and deputies were discussing. daisypaw felt regret tickle her pelt, as this apprentice seemed quite troublesome, but it was too late to back out now. she only prayed that they wouldn't get into trouble because of the accident.

      daisypaw watched as the white-and-gray tom fearfully get away from the deputy. she looked annoyed, which made the dawnclan apprentice a bit anxious. then the tom quickly apologized, his pelt bristling with surprise and some fear, him too probably hoping that the deputy wouldn't claw his ears off. but before she could respond, he swiftly darted back towards daisypaw, meeting her with a "run!" and his tail pulling her along, the cream-furred molly still dumbfounded as she watched all these sudden events unfold. together, they pounced into the safety of some fallen trees and branches, which would be their hiding spot until they made sure the fogclan deputy wasn't after them. daisypaw was shaken up, her fur standing on end and her heart beating so fast she could hear it in her ears. adrenaline still coursed through her body as she panted, still wondering about how she could have dragged herself into this situation just by stuttering a 'hello.'

      "sorry about that." the tom began, trying to collect himself along with daisypaw. he was probably as on edge as she was, praying that the fogclan deputy wouldn't give chase. "i was scared dogface might use me to line her nest. maybe even you too just for being so close." dogface. so that was the deputy's name. something about her seemed a bit terrifying, and daisypaw confirmed that she was not a cat to mess with. and yet, they just did. that thought made her heart sink even more. "its - it's not like I was scared. she doesn't scare me." the apprentice added, as if he was trying to regain his pride. daisypaw had to hold back a snort. he had looked pretty scared, but daisypaw couldn't talk. she was just as scared, if not terrified, of this 'dogface.' the molly seemed very irritable and quick to anger, a personality that the young molly didn't get along with. moving on, the tom's name was finally introduced.

      "my name is nettelpaw in case you were wondering." nettlepaw. he seemed nice, even if he was a bit clumsy. the dawnclan she-cat saw no harm in giving her own name. "m-my name's daisypaw. it's nice to meet you, even if it was a bit... exciting." that was one word for it. she didn't really have any others, besides terrifying, an adrenaline rush, et cetera. the cream-furred molly decided that it was as good a time as any to strike up a conversation, which is what she had originally intended. it was safe to say, though, that it didn't go quite as what daisypaw had planned. but regardless, the dawnclan apprentice spoke once more. "even if you say otherwise, that deputy of yours seemed pretty scary to me. she was glaring daggers at us when we ran, i'm sure." she mewed, her startled voice getting calmer as she conversed with nettlepaw.

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━━━ ✧ // iv, the beast. iii, the sun. ◜

Postby deftonesly » Sun Jan 01, 2017 6:37 am

--.-( ` -- OGFACE ! )
-----age. 41 m--rank. fog deputy--located. camp--tagged. storm, pansy, swan ; swan, cats--words. 2,127
----━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━
    more silence. more gazing. more unspoken messages exchanged between the leaders and their deputies. everyone seemed to be thinking about her plan━whether it was sound or would turn out to be a flop, whether cats would join and hunt in harmony or bicker amongst themselves. dogface remained standing as they deliberated, tail held high, whiskers snapping in the heavy mid-morning breeze. though she tried not to show how uncomfortable it made her, she noticed how swanbreeze's cloudy stare was on her constantly. how he was not looking away. where had this confidence, this open staring, been during their little contest earlier? how tall he was only added to the strange feeling that crawled through her fur; she wanted to say that he had to look up at her, but even standing he was taller. a massive, fluffy giant. when she met his gaze━just once, in the thick of the silence━she could see in his gorgeous eyes that he was trying to analyze her. it was something she did, too, to other cats━tried to figure out what their deal was, whether they were worth her time━so she recognized the intensity in his orbs with ease. but just because she knew how to pry a cat open like a squirrel does a nut, that didn't mean she stunk at hiding how she felt. she was even better at that, actually. with a hardly noticeable narrowing of her eyes at him, she . . glossed her sunset-kissed eyes over. fortified them, locking away the emotions that were fighting to be seen and branding them prisoners of her brain. just try to pick me apart now, you brute, she snapped at him inwardly. good luck. once my thoughts are tossed into the dirty rabbit tunnels of my mind, they never resurface. i don't know what you're trying to accomplish, but i know i don't like it. when the gray-masked tomcat did not obey her gesture to come hither, dogface almost twitched her whiskers in disbelief. no cat ignores me! when i ask someone to do something, they do it! what a disrespectful piece of rat liver . . annoyance sparked beneath her pelt and made her ribcage tighten around her lungs. how dare he?! she wanted to scream to the whole wide world.

    indent steam━something that she had not stuffed into a rabbit burrow━threatened to spill from her ears and nostrils as she stared at swanbreeze. her gaze was level and cool while upon him, but beneath the surface, she wanted to stick her snout right in his face and ask if he had a problem with her and her ideas. this was going to be a huge issue, she could already tell━her and swanbreeze, rival deputies. luckily, she was saved from all the things she wanted to snarl at him━all her pent-up ire, which was suddenly becoming harder and harder to hide━when stormstar shattered the tension. "that does sound good," the pale tortoiseshell mewed, with absolutely no enthusiasm in her voice. she sounded like she was utterly done with this entire thing, and . . was that a hint of a warning dogface caught, hidden in her words? was she warning dawnclan not to get too comfortable, and dogface not to get attached, during the next three moons? dogface swung her owlish head around to study her. she of all cats should know━blacktuft's daughter being her apprentice━that i don't do "getting attached". if growing attached to someone is a weakness━which it is━then i have never been more strong. the devilish, scarred she-cat curled her tail up and arched it across her back in a way that suggested triumph and glee upon . . noticing something. no matter stormstar's warning, she had not missed the shiver that scuttled down her leader's spine. it moved quickly down her back, and for a second dogface thought it was merely the wind riffling the older molly's fur, but then she saw the way stormstar was looking at her. their eye contact had made stormstar edgy, when it made the deputy as proud as a woodpecker that had just drilled a new hole. she tended to have that effect on others━after all, the constant dilation of her pupils could be unnerving━so she didn't blame her. no, all she did was enjoy the strange look in her leader's rosy-brown eyes.

    indent the entire side interaction only lasted for a bare minimum of five heartbeats, and then stormstar seemed to realize that not a minute more could be wasted. the day was already waning; the fog was beginning to burn off, so perhaps it was nearing sunhigh. "you have my blessing, dogface." of course i do. how could you turn down my plans? you'd be a fool to say no. that calm, empty-hearted stare turned to pansystar and swanbreeze then, and in that moment a huge relief seemed to fall over stormstar. she must be glad she doesn't have to look at me anymore. hah! a small trill of appreciation burst through dogface's veins when stormstar spoke to the blue-eyed dawnclanners, her tone oozing "since i'm allowing your clan to stay, you'd best agree to whatever we want". "and i expect you to do the same, pansystar, swanbreeze." that done, stormstar turned briskly from them and flicked her eyes toward the black-and-white cat at her left, giving her the "okay" with a dip of her head as well as a verbal acceptance, "we can disperse soon, if you wish." dogface gave her a small smirk and also ducked her head; she hoped the motion and the twist of her lips did not come off as sarcastic, because she was genuinely grateful to stormstar. faintly amused by the shiver she had spotted, but, still━she was glad that she was handing her such a big responsibility. they did not see eye-to-eye on most things, so this was a step in the right direction for them both.

    indent as the mottled cat lapsed into silence, pansystar came forward and mewed, voice soft as a petal from the flower she was named for, yet certain. "yes, of course. swanbreeze, you have my permission to go through with this, as well." her aqua stare switched between the still-standing, ever confident dogface and the now-quiet, unreadable stormstar. "i hope that our clans can live together peacefully until our three moon deadline is up. know that i am eternally grateful to you for allowing my clan to rest and recover here. we can begin this patrol whenever you see fit." a nod of the siamese's head concluded it all. and then the duty of pressing forward fell to dogface once more, because swanbreeze seemed at a bit of a loss for words. she loved how pansystar was expecting this hunting expedition to happen later; the younger molly just did not seem to get the sense of urgency that dogface always exuded . . the fact that when she thought of ideas or suggested patrols, she meant to send them out as soon as she found cats. she was businesslike at heart, and that was something the siamese was going to see really soon when she got this hunting thing rolling and organized by the time all the fog was gone. dogface stepped forward, tilting her head in a way that revealed the scar on her jaw all the more; it was pale and riveted by the dog's teeth in this lighting . . and was as scary as the rest of her. she meowed, ducking her head low to both leaders, and only slightly to swanbreeze, whom still had not come to stand at her side . . and whom she was still frustrated with. "thank you, both of you, for agreeing. if it's all the same to you two, i was thinking we should get a move on right away. if we wait any longer, we won't be back until midnight." the last sentence seemed like it should have been laughed or snorted━and it possibly could've been a joke if said by the right cat━but this was dogface talking here, and she never joked. she made the words sound like something serious and well-observed. "i want every cat to bed down tonight with a full belly," oh, what a lie━she only cared about the fate of fogclan, only wanted them healthy, "so we should head off as soon as possible."

    indent the deputy's words were brisk and hinted that there would be no room for error on swanbreeze's part. with every word she mewed, uttered easily as they were, they had an undertone of: "this is how this is going to go down. no objections." she bowed her head deeply again to pansystar and stormstar, wished them individual farewells that sounded a tad forced, and then swept off toward the center of the camp in a flurry of wide orange eyes and ebony-and-white fur, leaving a cinnamon-and-pine-tinted aroma in her wake. she did not even check to see if swanbreeze was following her; his thumping footsteps and the faint swish, swish, swish of his long leg feathers spoke for themselves. he walked behind her, and she was glad for it. mostly because she liked to lead and feel in control, but also because she did not think she could take being alone with those sky eyes. the other deputy did not utter a single word, but she could feel his gaze piercing the back of her neck, tracing the outline of her body as they moved through the fog. it was everything that she had dreaded, his eyes on her . . feeling like he was taking her apart layer by layer, learning her darkest secrets. learning that, for example, right now . . she wished she could teleport as far as she physically could━anywhere to get away from him. that is the very reason why i need to get dawnclan fed and out of our coats as soon as possible. because there are cats like swanbreeze━analytical, calm, probably able to see through anyone━and there are others that are curious, and are probably doing their best to discover why we're so strange . . maybe even at this moment. curiosity kills cats━and it won't just kill fogclan . . it'll be the end of us. i must make sure we get rid of every last dawnclanner before we are discovered for what we truly are: a clan that harbors cats with magical abilities. a clan that harbors cats like me. and i will get rid of every last one of them. including the ones with big blue eyes . . and gray masks . . and fur thick enough to drown in.

    indent she stopped once she was in a good spot━a patch of grass around which the fog had mostly cleared, and which the sun was starting to beam onto. she heard swanbreeze lope up beside her, but she did not give him the satisfaction of possibly seeing the fears in her eyes. dogface just gazed around camp with her piercing orbs, trying to spot dawnclan cats that looked in good shape, and searching for fogclanners that she trusted. she raised her tail high into the air and set her shoulders, yowling loudly into the still mid-morning and the whispers that were sprouting from cats' mouths at the sight of them. "cats of both fogclan and dawnclan, gather here if you either would like to hunt, or if you are strong enough to. there will be no patrols today until midnight, only hunting. swanbreeze and i will be taking two hunting parties, splitting the territory, and fogclan and dawnclan cats will be hunting with each other." she hesitated, twitching her ears as cats began to pour from the dens and trickle from the shadows; an entire swarm of faintly smoke-scented dawnclanners spilled from the bramble bush they had been given as shelter. she could see the questions in every cats' eyes - what is happening? why are we being forced to work together? how long are we going to be here? how long until these putrid dawnclanners are gone? where are the leaders? shouldn't they be handling this? - and she meowed, calmly, carefully, "i know that many of you are confused right now, but i promise you, stormstar and pansystar are figuring things out as i speak, and we will hear from them soon." at least, she hoped. would stormstar make a public announcement about the three moon deadline? dogface did not feel comfortable sharing the news herself, and she knew swanbreeze would not spread the word, either, not until pansystar willed it. so, that was all she bothered to disclose. and that was all she had the time to disclose, because suddenly cats were descending upon her left and right.

--.-( ` -- ITTLEPAW ! )
-----age. 11 m--rank. dawn app--located. makeshift den--tagged. rosewhisker--words. 1,833
----━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━
    littlepaw hoped that his exclamation had not frightened away the sandy warrior; he looked up at the tall male with almost pleading turquoise eyes. hardly any cat put up with him and his unneeded━often seen as annoying━questions and curiosities. would rosewhisker━shy, sweet rosewhisker━be able to put up with him? even now that he had managed to get himself under control and tone down his enthusiasm? the wee brindle-patterned cat almost purred with delight when the warrior flicked his ears, as if he was debating on coming closer or not. and he almost spontaneously combusted when he smiled down at him and came to sit at his side. littlepaw could tell that rosewhisker was put off by the questions, that his head was swimming, scrambling for a response to the onslaught of words. but he appreciated the fact that he did not give up and excuse himself. he stayed dead silent as he digested littlepaw's hissed sentences, carefully contemplating them. rosewhisker blinked his tender green orbs, murmuring softly ( at last ) whilst gazing down at the apprentice, "uh, well, i am as fine as i could be after the journey here. my paws still ache even after sleep, but thank you for asking littlepaw."

    indent a pause ensued, full of littlepaw's round eyes and the quiet warrior's patience and hesitation. then rosewhisker pressed on, voice laced with uncertainty and . . something akin to longing, because it was clear how much he wanted to get out and hunt. "i don’t know about the rest of those questions, but i hope that they let us hunt soon. i feel hungry enough to eat crowfood." they. funny how we are starting to refer to the mysterious fogclanners as "they" now. it is a good way to refer to them. they are so strange . . . so secretive. and we know next to nothing about them, spare for the fact that they've hidden themselves away into the mountains. i suppose the only possible way we can refer to them is as "they". seems appropriate, sad as it is. he glanced about, realizing in that moment how a lot of his clanmates had awoken . . how they were slipping from the bramble den to stand outside and eyeball fogclan, observe their daily life from a distance. either that, or they were sitting up in their nests, gazing around as if lost. tension was spiking the air; the dawnclan cats seemed edgy, like thorns had been stuffed into all of their pelts during the night. not to be hypocritical, because i sure as the stars above am as wary of fogclan as the next cat, but . . i find it sad that suspicions are already riding high. that a lack of trust is obvious. why can't every cat just get along? we've hardly been here a day! and already everyone's sizing the other up like prey that they want to gobble but are stubbornly nitpicking for maggots. for things to despise. he realized that he was getting too worked up about the concept━that he was reading into this far more than he should. to take his mind off of it, he focused on rosewhisker's last comments about how hungry he was. as if on cue, littlepaw's belly burst into a loud series of screeches. he suddenly became aware of how hollow his gut felt━how his stomach was doing its very best to cave in and eat itself. he glanced down at his wide girth, shamelessly, because he loved his pot belly. then he lifted his head and grinned wildly at rosewhisker, squinting his eyes in his cheekiness. "my stomach speaks for itself. i agree!" he continued to jabber. "of course, i only agree to some level, because i'm one of the worst hunters dawnclan has ever seen!" the tiny cat purred, the noise rumbling from his chest like a boom of thunder, it was so loud.

    indent "i don’t think we’re gonna join them." rosewhisker muttered after the two toms had exchanged chuckles about how starved they were. "no clan would want to split their territory with strangers. i wouldn't want to anyway. it'd be less food for everyone, and if there was an outbreak of, say, greencough, there would be less herbs to treat it as well . . ." yet another pause followed. rosewhisker swiveled his head to gaze outside with his fern-green orbs. "have you heard them say anything?" littlepaw too turned to peer through the bramble branches. he was silent for a few heartbeats as he processed the sandy cat's words. the warrior presented some good points. the cats were all in such close quarters, it would be easy for a virus to wriggle its way into the camp and infect one feline . . whom would then infect the rest of them. despite the potential lack of prey━and surplus of sickness━that the uniting of the clans offered, the brindle had to say that he . . he would be overjoyed if they joined forces. of course he wanted somewhere to sleep and food in his gut . . but to finally have a home after so long of trekking would be amazing. despite the secrets that everyone seemed to suspect that fogclan was withholding. this clan and this territory can provide all new experiences and friendships for us! we are both strong . . so just think of what could happen if we came together as one! the chub thought. his paws began to fizz with curiosity and nerves. his turquoise orbs ignited with excitement and something that had not been there for a while: hope.

    indent littlepaw turned his head away from the hole in the brambles, disagreeing but with no sign of aggression in his voice. "but, rosewhisker," his eyes widened a tad, almost in urgency, "what if . . . what if they are talking about us merging into one clan? i get what you're saying about fogclan not wanting to share, but how could they not discuss such matters? after all that has happened with the fire and the. ." great starclan, it was hard for him to get the words out! "scorching of our old home, do you think that pansystar and swanbreeze want to have a nice, friendly chat with the head cats of a rival clan? i mean . . i just. ." he was finding it awfully difficult to not give in, to not make the warrior happy by agreeing. because that was what he normally did: make sure everyone got along, roll over and take things if need be. for some reason, and he had no idea why, he was compelled to share his thoughts. hopefully the male would not get in a hissy fit about that? like he knew other individuals in the clan would? "i just really want this all to be over, y'know? i'm sick and tired of traveling all the time, hopping from one place to the next. we're always in such a hurry. but this clan is a sign of hope for me. maybe our long days of wandering have finally come to an end . . ? i . . i actually want to live here, or even become a fogclanner, if that's what it takes to finally rest. to find peace." the tomcat blinked in surprise with himself, and color began to blossom along his patterned cheeks. he felt the sudden urge to turn away, and he, sheepishly, did, directing his gaze to the twig-covered floor of the den. littlepaw murmured, suddenly shy, "sorry. i . . i ramble. what i said is not important. sorry." he purred the last word, having regained enough of his confidence to try to joke. "anyway, no, i haven't gathered anything. they're too far."

    indent then a flash of movement caught one of his turquoise orbs and he flicked his head toward it, wide-eyed. what he'd seen was a blurb of ebony fur, stalking out of the fog and into the middle of the camp . . and accompanying it was swanbreeze. littlepaw could recognize his mentor's long coat and gray mask anywhere, but seeing his mentor wasn't the best part. he almost snorted at how much smaller the black-and-white fogclan molly seemed; suddenly, seeing her standing next to swanbreeze made her a thousand times less intimidating. was the scar on her jaw smaller? her gaze brimming with less hate? littlepaw got to his paws when the short, muscular molly yowled in a voice so loud he suspected she had to be talking with all her breath and lung power. "cats of both fogclan and dawnclan, gather here if you either would like to hunt, or if you are strong enough to. there will be no patrols today until midnight, only hunting. swanbreeze and i will be taking two hunting parties, splitting the territory, and fogclan and dawnclan cats will be hunting with each other." he stepped aside, into rosewhisker, as a tidal wave of his clanmates surged up from the thorn-dotted floor of the bramble den and walked to the deputies. littlepaw himself didn't follow just yet. so that's the plan, then? one big massive hunting party made up of cats of both clans? that won't end well. what sort of idiot came up with that idea? we're going to tear each other apart, and my clanmates are so hungry that we probably won't obey the warrior code at all. i know i myself will probably fall upon the first thing i catch. he thought about it, realizing he had misheard, and then lapsing into confusion with the fogclan deputy's whole idea. wait, no, my bad━there's going to be two hunting parties. like that'll make any difference.

    indent even though littlepaw hated hunting, he knew that rosewhisker enjoyed it. that the lanky, sandy tomcat would love the opportunity to stretch his legs. littlepaw himself was more interested in exploring and talking to the warrior some more━he couldn't help wanting to talk rosewhisker's ears off . . he was the only cat that seemed willing to listen to him━but he of course took rosewhisker's desires into account. and both of their rumbling stomachs. he nudged the older tom with his tail once the majority of dawnclan had cleared out of the den, and craned his brindled head around to smile up at him. "well, i suppose you have your answer." he snorted. "stars, i sure am glad that something interesting is finally happening! should we go outside and join a party together? i'm excited about seeing the territory, mostly, but i want to stick with you, because you haven't turned away from me yet and are actually conversing with me, which is more than i can say for anyone else today. i mean, if accompanying you would be all right . ." he blinked, shuffling his paws and tilting his brows in a way that suggested he was uncomfortable with himself and his tendency to blabber too much.
Last edited by deftonesly on Fri Jan 27, 2017 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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