No Rest for the Wicked or Moral

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No Rest for the Wicked or Moral - Chapter Nine

Postby Nocte Luna » Wed Dec 07, 2016 2:58 pm

The librarian, a kind man with slightly greying brown hair beckoned her over. Geneva had never quite caught his name, but the librarian had always been helpful in her years of study, finding books and resources filled with information and beautifully illustrated pictures. As she approached, the man seemed much happier than before.

“I’m so glad you’re here, my dear princess. Your mother has been here every day, and spent hours reading and sobbing. I’ve sent maids, servants, and even guards back to the corner table in an attempt to get her up and working on something more productive. Perhaps you would be able to help get here somewhere more restful?” He inquired, pleading voice matching his grey eyes.
“I will do my best. Her well-being matters very much to me. While I am with her, I would like you to find another book that is similar to the last one I borrowed. I finished it this morning, and it was quite intriguing.”

Geneva wandered off, leaving the librarian to scurry towards one of the bookshelves. The large shelves lined the walls, and all ten feet in height were covered in shelves. Various little tables and desks were spread around the large room, and as Geneva made her way through the labyrinth of books, she heard quiet sobs growing louder and louder. Following the noise, she found her mother hunched over a desk, tears dripping down into the book.

“Mother?” Her voice filled with concern as she approached, slowing down to give her mother a second.

“Geneva. Oh, my dear, it’s so good to see you.” Her mother turned slightly, grey eyes red and watery with tears. Her light skin was the palest Geneva had ever seen. Her mother’s skin had always been lighter hers, but the amount of white that had seeped into the paler skin was terrifying. Geneva reached out a hand to smooth back a few stray hairs that had flown up, defying gravity.

Cara’s hand clasped her own, and the young woman had to stop herself from gasping due to the icy touch.

“Mother, are you feeling well?” Geneva inquired, closing her hand around the queen’s to help give it some warmth.

“Yes, I’m fine, my dear.” Geneva frowned. It was unlike her mother to use contractions, seeing as she was the one who had carried the royal bloodline, and thus had been trained for years to speak as properly as possible. However, Geneva was not observant, and relied on her small amount of psychological training to deduce that something was wrong.

Naturally, it was with poor choice that she made the following decision.

“We can go to a bed so you can read your book more comfortably, hm?” Geneva hummed, keeping her hand with her mother in case she needed the support to stand up. As her mother began to rise, she did so shakily at first, then stronger and stronger until she was standing.

“There, much better. I can take your book, and we can leave.” Geneva let go of her mother’s hand, and almost instantly, Cara Ederny’s eyes fluttered shut and she collapsed to the ground, the carpet barely masking the loud thud that echoed around the room.

Geneva’s hands flew to her mouth in shock, and she froze for half a second before rushing through the library.

“Hello? Someone! Please!” Her voice sounded more panicked than she intended it to, but she desperately needed help.

Luckily for her, the librarian was not far away, and he came rushing around the corner. “Princess, what happened?”

“My mother fainted, she must be returned to her room to get some rest immediately. Call whoever you can.” Her voice had begun to calm down, though she was still in shock. She knew her mother’s condition wasn’t the best, but this was terrifying.

Numbly, she sat down in a chair, needing a moment of rest. She kneaded her temples with her fingers, trying to calm down. Geneva closed her eyes and relaxed for a just a few minutes, listening to the footsteps rushing in and out and the voices that floated around her. One voice stood out in the fog surrounding her mind.

“Princess. Princess?” A maid gently tapped her shoulder, and finally the princess opened her eyes. “You will have to inform your father, most of the help is attending to your mother or is ill.”

With that, Geneva rushed out of the room, hurrying down the stairs and not even bothering to knock before entering the throne room. The king, along with Captains Blakely and Atasan, were deep in discussion. Looking up, the king looked rather annoyed.

“Princess Geneva, you were not invited to attend this meeting. What business do you have, interrupting us?”

“Father, you must come with me. Mother-“ Not another word was necessary before the king was up and out of his seat, rushing down the hall. As an afterthought, he turned around, stopping for a second. “This meeting will reconvene in ten minutes. I have important matters to attend to.”

The duo hurried out of the room, climbing the stairs as quickly as possible and entering the first room on the left hand side of the second floor.

Servants milled around, some preparing medicines, a few removing the heavy layers of clothing, and a few dipping strips of cloth into cool water and gently patting the queen’s face and neck with the damp cloths.

The king sighed softly, looking down at his daughter. She could barely look at the figure lying before her, keeping her eyes trained on the ground.

“She will be fine. I promise.”

Geneva nodded, still not wanting to look at her mother.

“Look at me. Just for a minute.”

The girl turned, facing her father and staring into his brown eyes with her matching eyes that were beginning to fill with tears.

“My dear, I promise, she will be fine. It is terrifying, yes. But you know as well as I that she may not be the strongest. We will be strong. Not strong for her, strong with her. Let her take her time and recover. Believe me, this state is not one I would wish upon anyone, especially her. I love her, too.”

Geneva nodded once more, eyes falling back to her feet and the carpet, which was suddenly very interesting. Arms wrapped around her body, pulling her close to her father’s body. For once, Geneva didn’t mind the affection. It was comforting to be held by someone who cared. The duo stayed there for a minute, finally releasing the tight hold.

“I am afraid I have a meeting to attend to, Geneva. However, we can still dine together this evening once I have finished all royal duties.”

“And what of mother?”

“We will kept notified, should her condition change. She will remain here until she feels better.”

It was acceptable for the time being, and the pair left, Geneva leaving her father as she walked down the hallway towards the library once again.

The librarian had found a book she wanted in the time that had elapsed, and Geneva found her way back to her study, sitting down to relax, even if it was just for a minute.
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No Rest for the Wicked or Moral - Chapter Nine - Author's No

Postby Nocte Luna » Wed Dec 07, 2016 2:59 pm

Dear Reader,

Holy cow. I should have written this sooner. I’m having so many regrets right now. I just came home from work and I’m dead tired. I also saw the aftermath of a car accident that happened probably about a minute before I arrived, which is kind of nerve wracking.
I should probably get some sleep.

But, a fun fact – today is one of the only days I haven’t worked extensively on this piece. I deserve a little break. I finished (or at least I think I finished) Chapter Eleven this morning so I’m still ahead.

Also, I’m willing to do more stuff if any of you want to see ‘extra’ stuff – layout of the castle, etc. Just fun little extra stuff that won’t ruin the plot.

As usual, comments, questions go below, critiques to PM.

Love from,
Nocte Luna
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Re: No Rest for the Wicked or Moral

Postby Ranger of the North » Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:43 pm

Oh no! Has she been poisoned??

oh my gosh poor you! That must have been awful! :|
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No Rest for the Wicked or Moral - Chapter Ten

Postby Nocte Luna » Thu Dec 08, 2016 1:57 pm

“Geneva? Geneva.” The floating voice surrounded Geneva, making her squirm uncomfortably. Her eyes popped open and she pushed a black curl out of her face, sitting back up in her chair.
“This is the third time you have fallen asleep. You really must get some rest one of these nights.” Her tutor, a short, middle aged man named Percy Iles, stood over Geneva, looking very displeased.

“I know practicing sitting is not very interesting, but there’s not much a king – queen, sorry, my lady – does other than sit around for most of the day.”

Looking out at the books, papers, quills, and inkwells that were scattered all over the table, all materials in varying conditions of chaos and disorder, Geneva wondered why she couldn’t do anything else. All these things to learn, and yet sitting was high in priority?

“We’ll quit with that. Throne room manners will be practiced later on in the week. You are the princess, so I will let you chose what we study next. Formal etiquette, dealing with and addressing civilians, military strategy, or foreign diplomacy, it is up to you, my dear.”

“I chose…formal etiquette.” Geneva smiled.

“Well, princess, you always seemed to like dancing, even if you were never especially good at it. Time to see how rusty your skills have gotten.”

Rolling her eyes, Geneva stood up, fluffing out her layers of tulle that made up her pale blue outfit. Making her way to Peter, she stopped a couple steps away from him.

“This used to be easier when I was shorter than you.”

“Quiet, dear, dancing doesn’t require conversation.”

The two met, standing together, and with a quick count off, the pair began their way around the room.

“Careful, Geneva. You’re not leading the dance, that’s my job. You focus on your steps. Look more delicate, step quietly.”

Geneva sighed, trying to land lightly on her toes and barely push off for each turn.

“Better. Spot more through the corners, stay focused.”

Finally, the pair slowed, and the room turned from a mess of swirled colors to individual objects.

“After a dance, what do you say to your partner?”

“It was a pleasure to spend this portion of the evening with you.” Geneva curtsied politely.

“Very good, princess, very good. You remember all etiquette from the balls, it seems. We will meet in a few minutes at the formal entrance to practice greeting other royal visitors. Until then, take a break, maybe a quick nap would do you some good.”

Geneva gave Iles a soft smile before opening the door and slowly making her way down the second floor hallway to the staircase. She bounded down the stairs, finding her way to the walkway and made a right turn, striding towards the formal entrance and leaning on the railing, watching everyone around her.

Since the cold had snuck into the kingdom, the gardeners had tried their best to keep the flowers looking well, but those that had not already been trimmed were drooping or already dead. The grass was carefully kept, as there had not been much snow yet. A few gardeners still roamed about, though many had been sent home for a break.

The sound of feet behind her was no longer startling, the palace had been filled with guests lately, either messengers from other nations far beyond the castle with condolences that arrived five days later, consultations with king about security and the winter months, or one of the three planners that had been hired to take care of the Year’s End Ball.

The ball was a massive event that only the highest ranking members were allowed to attend. Until a member of the royal family was at least 16, if not 18, they were not allowed to attend. It was one of the most important events hosted at the castle, but also one of the few, making it extremely exclusive.

Geneva stretched up again, watching small figures in the distance race about. They slowly drew closer and closer, and the clatter of hooves became more and more prominent as about 15 horses galloped forward, towards the formal entrance. The princess frowned, watching horses approach, and promptly hurried down the steps, skirts in one hand. The horses slowed as they came closer to the garden and wandered onto the stone paths, and Geneva frowned, recognizing all the horses.

Guards rushed down the steps and the horses stepped back, nervous. A large group of guards had followed her down the stairs and were approaching the horses.

"Just stay calm, no big movements or they will take off again. These are the royal horses, they are well trained."

She carefully approached her own mount, a bay with white feet and a stripe down his face. Grabbing him by his halter, she kept a hand on him, watching his nostrils flare with anxiety. The princess gently patted her horse, staying calm and relaxed. Slowly, the guards made their way to the horses, starting to lead them back to the stable, a guard taking the horse from Geneva.

"Princess, we were supposed to meet up here, not in the gardens!" Iles called down, beckoning the girl up. "I will be there in my own time!" She called back, making her way back to large marble staircase.

Questions floated through Geneva's mind. Who had let out the horses? And why?
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No Rest for the Wicked or Moral - Chapter Ten - Author's Not

Postby Nocte Luna » Thu Dec 08, 2016 1:58 pm

Dear Reader,

I’ve got pages and pages of planning stuff, so finally, all my author’s notes had to change to a new document. I think four pages of author’s notes definitely constitutes a fresh document.

I’m thinking about making more graphic stuff or doing some formatting for posts so everything is just a bit cleaner. What do you think about that? Let me know if you have ideas of things you’d like to see.

Also I’m trying to reformat my document that has the whole story. Boy oh boy that’s fun. 23 pages and over 10,000 words is quite a lot to try and reformat.

I’m still also trying to stay ahead so when I start to get busy, I don’t have to frantically write chapter, I’m trying to plan it all out ahead of time.

I’m still tired, but I still appreciate if you’re reading this.

Comments, questions below, critiques via PM.

Love from,
Nocte Luna
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No Rest for the Wicked or Moral - Chapter Eleven

Postby Nocte Luna » Fri Dec 09, 2016 1:40 pm

The 19th of December, a Friday

Dear Lady Bella Cabernale,

I received your letter a couple days ago, however, much has happened around The Castle at Marrford, including many events that have affected my family. All events are very strange, and I know not what to think of them. Yet, I still believe they are worth discussing with you.

Firstly, know that you must keep this secret. It is barely discussed in my family, and if you know of my mother’s condition, then she is not in the best mindset to receive such news. This past Tuesday, I nearly was killed. A man in a black cloak was on the first floor, and just as I was about to go take a walk through the gardens, he threw a knife at my head. Luckily, the royal guards were there to warn me, and did eventually catch the man. I realize now how terrifying that incident was, and how lucky I am to be writing you this letter.

Next, I must note one of the stranger incidents. I am still unaware (though not blissfully so) of what happened. Somehow, all of our herd escaped their barn and was roaming the grounds for goodness knows how long. Again, the royal guards were particularly helpful in assisting me with bringing the horses back to their barn. This was on Wednesday.

Also on Wednesday, when I looked outside my bedroom window when I awoke, I found there was a figure, climbing the mountain outside. When I came back, he was completely gone. I do not know if he completed his trek or if he came back down, or where he is now.

Wednesday evening I found blood splattered on the castle wall. Again, I do not know where it came from.

Thursday was relatively uneventful, except a few members of our wait staff were missing. Other members of the help who have already been sent home for the season are being sent out to check the missing members’ homes for signs of their arrival.

Perhaps these are warnings or threats against my family, but I know not why they would wish to hurt us.

Looking back at part of this previous letter, I note my mother’s condition. It has worsened quite significantly. On Tuesday after a short confrontation, I found her in the library. In an attempt to get her to rest, I helped her stand. She promptly fainted, and has not awoken since. All of the help are becoming more and more concerned.

Father is still father. He sits in his throne, weaves around certain subjects, and discusses problems with the event planners for the upcoming ball.

I hear this year will be one of the best years of the ball. Music will be only the best, as per usual, but there are whispers of ice sculptures and hundreds of handmade chocolates. Whatever occurs will be quite wonderful.

Of course, nothing will be quite as wonderful as seeing you again. The funeral was too solemn of an occasion to speak with you, but I anticipate you and I spending plenty of time together.

If time and messengers allow, please send me a letter as soon as possible, letting me know when you arrive so that I may clear my schedule in an effort to see you more. Our meetings are scare but our relationship is stronger than so many.

I anxiously await both your letter and your arrival.

Love from,
Princess Geneva Ederny
Next in line for the throne

December 19th
Friday Evening

Unto The Successor Princess Geneva,

I could not restrain myself enough to wait one week. I have found much evidence that indicates murder. Yet, I will wait the allotted number of days until presenting my evidence to you.

Should you become convinced by the evidence, I recommend making a trip to Marrford with my accompaniment to let you see how life in the city truly is. Along with this recommendation, I suggest finding plainer, more simple clothes to wear.

I look forward to this coming Tuesday.

I am honored to be your most humble and obedient servant.

Captain Amos Blakely

The 20th of December, a Saturday

Captain Blakely,

I will give you the benefit of the doubt. I have ordered a dress, a very simple one, and matching cloak to be made should I find your evidence sufficient enough to launch an investigation.

Yet I still wonder why you have chosen to tell me about this, and not my father.

Princess Geneva Ederny
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No Rest for the Wicked or Moral - Chapter Eleven - Author's

Postby Nocte Luna » Fri Dec 09, 2016 1:40 pm

Dear Reader,

I hope you liked the letters. I honestly didn’t think making a huge time skip would matter too much, but I wanted to be a lazy author just for a little bit and write events without having to actually write them. Besides, devoting a whole chapter to some little events that would be on different days than the more major events didn’t make sense. Thus, letters were born.

I’m still working away at future chapters, though with all the academic-type writing I’ve had to do lately, I’m getting a little bit tired of writing. When inspiration strikes, I’ll write about a paragraph or so (about 3-9 lines per paragraph) but I haven’t done very much serious work. I’ve still got plenty of ideas, and the plot has really started to shape itself, which makes my work so much easier. Usually I end up just going and powering through a whole chapter.

We’ll see what I get done tomorrow; I should have a bit more time to get stuff done.

Seriously, if anyone has any comments or questions, please post them! It’s great to hear from anyone who reads this, and even if I don’t respond, know that I’ve marked this thread so I check it pretty constantly.

And, I am looking for some honest critique, so if you know anyone, feel free to send a PM.

Love from,
Nocte Luna
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Re: No Rest for the Wicked or Moral

Postby Ranger of the North » Fri Dec 09, 2016 2:28 pm

Oo I liked the letters! Yikes, finding blood on the wall would be creepy O.O
Staff disappearing, huh? This seems to point more and more to murder...

I would pm you some critique, but I find so few mistakes that there doesn't seem to be much point :D
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No Rest for the Wicked or Moral - Chapter Twelve

Postby Nocte Luna » Sat Dec 10, 2016 2:13 pm

Visibility was poor on Tuesday. The fog that permeated the chilly air was thick and heavy. Frost coated everything, and beyond that, the fog made it hard to see more than half a mile.

It was early morning, and breakfast had been consumed. Thomas and Geneva had followed up breakfast with a visit to the queen. After waiting for days for any change in condition, the duo had begun to visit the queen after breakfast and dinner just to see her.

"I'm afraid nothing has changed. Her body has physically begun to move away from exhaustion, but she still hasn't recovered fully." The nurse explained, tucking another blanket over Cara.

The king sighed, taking his wife’s frigid hand into his own. Geneva dipped her head, listening to the quiet conversation between her father and the nurse. After a few minutes, the pair left, pausing just outside the king’s study.

“With all that’s happened over the past week, I must ask you to remain near the castle, at least until the ball is over. The farthest you may travel on your own is to the stable. If you chose to go beyond there, including the graveyard, you must be accompanied by a guard, many of whom are now more alert and able to defend you.”

“Yes, Father. If I wish to travel outside of the grounds, may I?”

“I request that no such action happen until after the ball. Even with a guard, it could be dangerous.”

“I understand.”

With that, the pair split off. Geneva had no true intentions on leaving the castle, as it was not a typical activity for her, but knowing her boundary was important.

The first real activity of the morning was a dress fitting for a trifecta of new gowns. The first was the dress of a commoner, which was kept in secret and measured very quickly. The second gown was a final consultation for her Year’s End Ball gown, which was nearly complete, but the corset seemed tighter every time she tried the dress on. The final gown was for her coronation, which Geneva hoped was not in the near future.

Standing and waiting for dresses was always boring, so oftentimes the princess did rather ridiculous things to keep herself busy. She would sing little songs, her voice floating around the room as if it were a cloud. Sometimes, she would recite random pieces of information she knew, whether it was about the flowers in the garden or bits and pieces of teachings she remembered from years ago. Oftentimes, it would lead to her standing on one leg, making a small hop, and switching which foot she stood on, still reciting facts or trying to sing softly.

By the time the fitting was finished, Geneva was panting slightly from her athletic attempts that included hopping on one foot and stretching her hands behind her head and doing a back bend. When she emerged from the fitting room, Iles awaited, leading her to the library to practice some manners and improve her public speaking performance. The day sped along, and before long, the next item on the princess’ schedule was her meeting with Captain Blakely.

The two were supposed to meet in the library, so Geneva remained in the library after her lesson with Iles for a good few minutes before she heard the sound of footsteps entering the library.

The princess sat up straighter, watching the Head Guard appear around the bookshelf and slide into the chair across from Geneva. He seemed very serious as he laid out his materials.

“Good afternoon, Princess Geneva.” Blakely stated formally, not yet making eye contact and continuing his organization.

“Good afternoon, Captain Blakely.” She responded politely, clasping her hands and resting them on the table in front of her and peering down at the information in front of her. “Whenever you see fit to begin, you may start.”

And so he did. A few points were the same as the last time, but much more thoroughly expanded on, with specific details that were previously unsaid as well as a few statements that were added to give more appeal to the argument.

“Overall, I think the possibility of murder was ruled out too quickly, as there was nothing visibly plaguing him.” Blakely ended. “What do you believe now, princess? Should I, no, I mean we, continue to investigate?” He held out his hand, reaching towards the princess.

Delicately, Geneva placed her hand in his, his fingers clasping around hers and gently pulling the young woman to her feet.

“We should prepare for our trip to Marrford. Do you have the required uniform?”

“Of course. It awaits me, hidden in my room.”

“Very good. When shall we make the journey?”

“I have the morning to myself tomorrow, after breakfast and a visit with my mother. However, I am not completely sure we will be able to leave with no trouble.”

At the mention of Geneva’s mother, Blakely released her hand and placed his over his heart, dipping his head in respect. “What leads you to believe there will be trouble?”

“My father discouraged me from leaving the castle grounds, even with a guard I am not allowed to leave.”

“I will escort you out, pretending like you do not belong on the grounds. Wear the clothing of a common person, and keep your head down. Do not hide flaws, look simple and plain.”
"And, I will be of a higher rank than you for the time that we spend in the city. No one can know your name, princess. Chose a different name so that if anyone requests to know who you are you do not appear to be the princess."

"Just for tomorrow, I will be Autumn."

"Very good. I will meet you tomorrow after your midday meal on the second floor. Goodbye, Autumn."

"Goodbye, Captain Blakely."
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No Rest for the Wicked or Moral - Chapter Twelve - Author's

Postby Nocte Luna » Sat Dec 10, 2016 2:13 pm

Dear Reader,

Sometimes, it’s hard to remember what goes on in which chapter. I had completely forgotten about most of this chapter, but it’s pretty important. This really gets events set in motion, and you’ll see some more stuff tomorrow.

The setting in this chapter is crucial, and actually based on a really foggy day from earlier this week. Lots of intense fog meant I had to include it in the setting, and I think it worked really well for this piece.

Now that I’m mostly done with my academic writing, so I’ll actually start to enjoy writing a lot more now. I also should get a little bit more time to keep writing, therefore I can stay even more ahead of the game and continue to forget what chapter I have to post.

You know the drill!

Love from,
Nocte Luna
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