When Worlds Collide~An Original Story by Captain Plucky

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When Worlds Collide~An Original Story by Captain Plucky

Postby Captain Plucky » Sun Sep 04, 2016 6:14 pm

pooopChristine landed on the stone floor softly, taking a quiet breath in. Brushing herself off, she allowed her scales to shimmer in the warm sun for a bit. Yes, it was just another day in the dragon kingdom. Well, no, except for one thing. Today, her father, Alard, had sent for her, which was very rare. After all, he was very busy, and for good reasons. If you had to direct all citizens, soldiers, and nobles in your city, wouldn't you have you head buried in work? Thank goodness he had princes ruling over his other, less-but-still important towns.
pooopMaking sure she looked presentable, she approached the Castle, making sure her posture was perfect and her walking well-paced: not too fast, not too slow. There was no wait to see his highness, so Christine let the servant lead her right to Alard. As usual, the ruler was on his throne, Queen Kritana sitting right beside him. His highness was a massive, strong yet swift looking dragon; with red scales and black stripes trailing behind his maroon eyes. The princess's hand subconsciously trailed to the dark blue stripes behind hers, this was proof that she was of royal blood. The Queen, Kritana, was majestic and beautiful, with ivory scales and navy blue stripes behind her black eyes. The kings expression was at it's default state, demanding respect and obedience. Kritana's, however, was more merciful and sympathetic.
pooop"My King and father," Christine greeted kindly with a bow. "What would you need of me?" she questioned, keeping her bowing position still. As you can tell, it is very important to the princess to keep her posture and manners. Christine was taught as a young dragonet that, no matter what, you must never forget etiquette.
pooop"Christine," Kritana started in a sweet tone, her husband staring at the girl before him evenly with a piercing, all-knowing glare. "It's time for you to finally see the world out of our kingdom, and fulfill your true destiny." the dragoness informed.
pooop"As you know," Alard chimed before the dragon girl could respond. "Our enemies, The Fallen Tribe, has had one of our most important artifacts for a long, long time." he arched his neck back, his chest muscles rippling in response. "But, before I tell you more about your mission...Christine, I must make sure you know what you will be dealing with; and what our people have been struggling with for a long, long time." he rose up slowly from his throne, his ginormous size now becoming completely obvious. He strolled up to the dragonet, who had risen from her bow.
"Once, a long, long time ago, The Fallen Tribe and ours used to be one. Until..." he growled at the memories, clenching one of his paws in anger. "A NobleDragon, named Elymas, did something unheard of. He crossed our pure blood with that of a Human. A humans." he flicked his forked black tongue in and out, composing himself and letting his fury die down. "Attempts were made to kill this human girl and her offspring. However, insolent commoner dragons had sided with Elymas. Even with a war, and desperate attempts to try and make sure this horrible act did not spread, we failed. Even if we did win the war, I would have preferred for Elymas and his children to be crushed beneath my talons." he shook his head briefly, sharply, realizing that he had gotten too immersed in the story.
pooop"Father..." Christine breathed, "Is-is this why me, you, and mother can transform from humans to dragons? Were we, in the beginning, purely dragons?" she inquired, "Yes, my daughter." Kritana replied, letting Alard take a break to relax. "It is both a blessing, and a curse. While now, as royal's, we can trick humans in that form, we can never unlock our true power as dragons. That is...not without our artifact. The Sphere of Revolution, made in the war by a human mage to help Elymas win, this is what you must retrieve." she looked down at the obsidian floor, her blue curved horns catching the light that came through the massive windows of the throne room. "But, if the common dragons are the ones who bred with the humans, then why do only Royal's have this power of transformation now?" the Princess's head was swimming with questions and intrigue, but she was having trouble processing all of the information at one time. Perhaps if she stopped asking about so many things, that would help. "Because King Ajax's men, the ruler back then, eliminated every dragon but Elymas and his blasted dragonets." Alard responded, "I am ashamed to be part of his offspring. Christine," he put on of his paws on one of his daughter's shoulder.
"You must look far and wide for this Sphere, keeping your wits and determination about you always. Ajax forbid it's in Elymas's kingdom, which I fear is what it is in. My Princess," he cooed, "If you ever do find yourself in his kingdom, interact with as little people as you can. In this kingdom, only Royal's can transform from human into dragon. It is the same there for obvious reasons. This means that, under no circumstances, should you change into your dragon form. Even if it means someone else has to die, do not do it. EVER." The King of dragons commanded sternly. But, after a pause, his eyes softened, and, for a split second, they teared up. Christine loved Alard very much, and Alard loved his daughter more than anything in the entire universe. Her safety and well being was his entire life.
pooopSo, to send her out into such a dangerous world, even if it meant the good for his kingdom, it was heartbreaking. "But, please, don't be afraid," he went on, worrying that perhaps he was piling on commands and information too much at a little period of time. "You are such a smart, beautiful, and deadly young Princess. As long as you trust your instincts and keep the goal in front of you, why," he grinned confidently, flashing his black, sharp fangs. "You could destroy worlds!" he exclaimed in a laugh. "My baby girl," Kritana rushed to Christine and gave her a hug, stroking her horns as well. "Please, prepare as much as you need to before you go. But, sadly, I can only allow you a week to do so. B-because.." she tugged at her eyelids, but the tears refused to be foiled, and came pouring down the Queen's well-kept face. "I want you to leave as soon as you can, so I won't change my mind!" Kritana sobbed, hugging her child once again. "Mommy!" Christine objected, aggressively shutting her eyelids. "Don't cry! If you c-cry, I cry!" she howled, holding on tightly to Kritana and letting those persistent tears play their role. Alard looked at the two, a longing to do what what Kritana was doing in his face. But, for whatever reason, he didn't join in, but watched instead. After a while, though, he decided to intervene. "Hey. Listen!" he said sharply, a sudden aching in his chest coming on as he said the harsh, cold words. "That's enough crying, you need to be strong, got it? You are a dragon, and dragons don't cry. I will pardon you this time, but really. Keep your dignity." he separated Kritana and Christine from each other, and gave his Princess a kiss on the head.
pooop"You are power, you are compassion, yet you are untouchable. You must be untouchable. Remember that. Now, go and get ready, Christine, I have other people to attend to." he gestured to the door with his head, but avoided eye contact. Christine wiped her eyes, looked at Kritana, and, with a pathetic sniffle, ran out the door. "Alard!" The Queen hissed in sudden engagement, her face stiff with fury. "What type of way was that to treat a dragonet about to do something literally life-changing for two kingdoms? And your own daughter, too?!?" she arched her ears dangerously back, fighting back the urge to claw the floor. "Kritana, please try to understand." he begged quietly, calmly. "I did that...to keep her on her toes. People in the world lash out just like I did now, and Christine needs to be prepared for that." "Oh, so doing that one time in probably the most fragile part of her life will definitely prepare her. Great! That TOTALLY makes SENSE!" she roared sarcastically, bitterly. She could not BELIEVE her husband right now!! "Oh, so you've forgotten about her life-long-training where random dragons and store owners seem nice but then yell at her for a stupid reason. And about staged fight where she either breaks it up, or wins it. That is...not like you." he responded coolly. Kritana's breathing slowed down, and her face seemed to be relaxing more. "Oh, yes, I remember that." she blushed, "forgive me, my King, I acted rashly, and was only worried about Christine. I just want her to stay out of trouble." "I know, my Queen," Alard replied,
pooop"I want her to stay out of trouble, too."
I love any and all comments, feedback, and critique! Whether it be negative or positive topics, I love to talk to people about my books! You are free to post on this and share your ideas or questions, all I ask is that it's not anything off topic. Thank you, and have a absolutely wonderful day! <3
Last edited by Captain Plucky on Thu Nov 30, 2017 2:19 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: When Worlds Collide~An Original Story by Captain Plucky

Postby Captain Plucky » Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:20 am

pooopAs Christine got ready for her quest, her father's parting words were ringing in her ears.
pooop"You are power, you are compassion, yet you are untouchable. You must be untouchable." These phrases meant a lot to the dragonet now, but what did it really mean? How could one be compassionate but still not be hurt, or untouchable, by others? Was she just reading it too deeply? What if it simply meant to be as unfeeling as possible? Well, if that was the case, Alard wouldn't have thrown in the word "compassion". With a frown, Christine realized how long she would have to be in her human form. This meant she would need new clothes, weapons, and most important of all, new behavior. The Princess had mostly stayed in her dragon form the most of her life, having no need to turn into a scrawny, weaker version of herself. Perhaps that's why her dad told her that she was power, or to be power.
pooopIf only I would give myself more time to think about these things, but I really should leave as soon as I can. It would be better for everyone that way. she thought to herself grimly, longingly. Kritana had people clothes, and Alard had weapons, so Christine took what she needed and flew out of the kingdom on her journey. The sky was a deep, infinite blue and the breeze itself seemed to be encouraging her to keep on going and to never look back. Because, at this fragile moment, looking back meant turning back. And Christine couldn't stand for that. Then, a realization struck her. She was suppose to be in her human form, getting as much practice as she could before interacting with anyone. Looking down wildly at the forest, making sure no one was watching, she landed and got her human clothes out. Christine's scales started to disappear, and her black horn's changed into long, red curly hair. The light blue stripes remained behind her white eyes, and the girl realized with agitation that she would have to hide that somehow. What if someone knew about dragons that could turn into humans and her mission was compromised? Maybe if she made it look more like commoners birthmark, that would be enough. She put on her brown leather clothes and equipped her sword.
pooop"I hope I don't need to use that, because I have no idea how to." she mumbled to herself as she stared at the steel sword. Christine sat down and got out a book that was on human behavior. Before she talked to anyone, or had the possible chance to, she needed to know more about them. That way, she would have the upper hand and not seem so foreign.

(Christine, in the Bible, means "Anointed."
Alard means "Noble Ruler."
Kritana means "Pure."
Elymas means "Corrupted."
Ajax means "Power."
Aldia means "Just, honest, equal."
Xander means "Defender of the people." which is incredibly ironic.
Faul means "weak."
Sephtis means "eternal death."
Matthew means "gift of God."
Aikia means "torture."
Malus means "evil.")
Last edited by Captain Plucky on Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:47 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: When Worlds Collide~An Original Story by Captain Plucky

Postby Captain Plucky » Mon Sep 05, 2016 2:46 pm

pooopChristine skipped out of the woods, confident about how much knowledge she had about human behavior. She had no idea if she was still in the dragon kingdom, or if a village was close to her, but she wasn't worried. As long as the Princess held onto her humanity, she would fit in just fine. So that meant not seeming so superior, not asserting authority by burning someone close to the offender, and no tearing her enemy's open. The book she read was made by a Royal Dragon author, and that helped Christine understand it. She had no idea that humans didn't brandish their fangs when they wanted to intimidate. Instead, they shouted, or pounded one of their paws on something close to them.
pooop"I like showing my fangs better." she hummed, nit-picking her plan to see if they were any flaws. Well, it wasn't really a plan, it was more like a secret identity.
pooopI am a cheerful, seemingly-innocent mercenary, who will kill for any amount of gold. I will joke that I am more greedy than a dragon! Ha-ha, maybe that's a bit too close to the edge... Almost tripping over a rock, Christine decided that skipping wasn't a good idea. Especially since night was falling. She frowned at the sky, seeing stars start to pop out and shine in an inviting manner to her. It was if they were trying to sabotage her, shouting in the blackness:
pooop"Christine! Princess of the dragons! The sky is calling you! Let your wings engulf us! Let the wind comfort you once again!" She refused the call, starting to really notice that this was going to be a trying journey. How desperate would she become in the end, just for a leniency she used to always have? How much would she throw away in the quest, just to let her horns appear so she could simply admire them? Oh, how she hoped by Ajax that it would never come to such a velocity of longing. "Ugh, is there a town anywhere near here?" she sighed, frustrated. Squinting her eyes, she saw some light in the distance. She walked a little faster, and started to hear sound. Finally, after a short sprint, she saw what she wanted. A village, a human village! Thank goodness!
Making sure that her expression didn't seem suspicious, she kept to the walls of the stores and houses as she entered the town. Despite that, Christine still would accidentally bump into some people. It wasn't terribly crowded, but it was enough to make you feel a little uncomfortable. "Excuse me, sir?" she called to a stranger, looking for directions to an inn.
pooop"Don't bother me, girly!" he snapped back, storming past her. The Dragon Princess's cheeks puffed up a little in anger, how dare that man talk to royalty like that! If he only knew who she was, then he would be begging for his life! Now, now, don't blow it. You've only been here for a minute, so try to be more like you said you'd be. she grasped her head and breathed out, glancing around for signs. One cabin had a sign next to it which said "The Sweating Horse." So, despite questioning the name, Christine took a chance and went in.
Last edited by Captain Plucky on Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: When Worlds Collide~An Original Story by Captain Plucky

Postby Ranger of the North » Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:50 pm

Mark :D
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Re: When Worlds Collide~An Original Story by Captain Plucky

Postby Captain Plucky » Tue Sep 06, 2016 6:44 am

(*Overexcited squeal* Thanks!)

pooopThis was..the exact opposite of home for Christine. In the dragon Kingdom, there were little-to-no inns since everyone pretty much had a home. And, even if there was one, it was quiet, well kept, and everyone was polite. But this...this was as different as you could get. The whole cabin was smelly, loud, and distracting. Men yelled drunken exclamations while women laughed and shrieked playfully. The dragon Princess snorted at the sight of these females. They were so scantily clothed that it made her wonder how Elymas could have ever chosen a human as a wife. Disgusting. Pushing down her annoyance and blocking out the sound, she continued to the desk; remembering the characteristics of her human form.
pooop"Hello!" she greeted cheerfully, giving the barmen a little wave and smile. "I'd like to rent a room."
pooop"Oh, you'd 'like' a room?" the innkeeper replied sarcastically. At this moment, if Christine had the ability, she would've drawn her ears back. But apparently human ears weren't that cool. But what was she supposed to respond with? Her book didn't cover this!! "I want a room." she said sternly, gritting her teeth. All of the shouting was starting to get to her, but she did her best to hide that fact. "That's more like it!" the man yelled, bursting in laughter. Once again, the dragonet thought of how uncool people ears were..."That'll be ten coin," he stated, and Christine handed him the currency. "Your rooms upstairs, the one to the far right." he said, eyeing the money. With a nod of parting to the innkeeper, she traversed up the stairs and unlocked her room. Locking the door behind her, she buried her head in the bed as her backpack made a plopping sound on the floor.
pooopWhy does it seem like this stupid noise is only getting LOUDER?! the girl put her pillow above her head, but it gave her no avail. I wonder if I decided to burn this place down, if people would figure out it was ME who did it... staring at the roof, she noticed how flammable it looked. Why did I even rent this room? I could've just stayed in the woods. I am so incompetent! At least then I would be able to see the stars. Here I can only see temptation for fire. Sighing, she tried to get comfortable. After a while, thankfully, the sound died down. Christine took the opportunity and feel asleep.
pooopUntil she heard footsteps in her room.
Last edited by Captain Plucky on Tue Jan 31, 2017 5:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: When Worlds Collide~An Original Story by Captain Plucky

Postby Captain Plucky » Tue Sep 06, 2016 7:38 am

pooopChristine felt around madly for her sword, trying to keep calm. The footsteps were cautious and seemingly planned out, and almost impossible to hear. At this moment Christine was extremely thankful for her above-average hearing. But, where there was a helpful feature, there was always a flaw. It was almost pitch black in the room, and the dragonet can't see in the dark. At all. Getting a good grip on her sword hit, she threw the candle on her nightstand in the darkness. Something lightly hopped out of the way as the candle holder clinked on the wood floor. Straining her ears, she jumped out of bed and raised her sword above her head, cutting downwards in one swift, deadly motion. Something in the blackness winced, grunting silently with a new feeling of pain. A match suddenly appeared in the room and, with the speed of a whip, the room was lightly lighted.
pooop"What!?" Christine gasped, surprised at the almost immediate lighting. Looking around the room, her eyes finally met the offender's. It was a man, with black, intimidating armor and a masked face.
pooop"Oh." he said, seeming just as surprised. His covered face was illuminated warmly by the match he was holding, showing off a innocent, quite vibe; despite the princess's untrustworthy feeling of him. "You're not a nobleman." "Obviously!" Christine exclaimed, "What on Earth are you doing in my room?!" she yelled. The man adjusted his gloves, avoiding the question. His shoulder was bleeding, but he gave it no concern. It was almost as if Christine didn't even hit him. "Sorry about this. I was told someone else would be staying here tonight." he stared at Christine with diamond blue, blank eyes. "But I should have expected a pretty girl to just intervene and take whatever room she wanted in this place. I apologize again, and will now take my leave." he got something out of a small pouch and looked at them with skill. "Wait! You can't leave! I have more ques-" and then, black smoke appeared before Christine. When it cleared, the man was gone.
pooop"-tions. Great." she huffed, closing her door and this time barring it with a chair. The dragon princess was too tired to go chasing mysterious apologizers in the middle of the night, so she just went back to bed.
(Ref for new character.)
Last edited by Captain Plucky on Wed Nov 29, 2017 4:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: When Worlds Collide~An Original Story by Captain Plucky

Postby Ranger of the North » Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:44 am

"Mysterious apologisers" hahaha XD
Well, good luck, Christine!
That was close...
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Re: When Worlds Collide~An Original Story by Captain Plucky

Postby Captain Plucky » Tue Sep 06, 2016 12:55 pm

(You can say that again! Thank you for supporting my little dragon princess!!)

pooopSomehow, the day Christine woke up to was even louder than the night. Except, in such a different way. When she went downstairs, women were bawling their eyes out and men...well, they were still yelling. But instead of cheerfully shouting at one another, it seemed much more hostile and accusing. Some of the guys, however, stayed quiet or sent curses to the sky.
pooop"What's going on?" she asked aloud, inspecting the area. What was everyone so upset about? pooop"Someone was murdered last night. A Nobleman, by the name of Lucifer the Great. He was very popular and rich, such a shame to see that none of that gold will go into my inn anymore." he gestured his hand to the door outside, where Knights gathered around a massive, extravagant coffin. Villagers were doing the same things out there as they did inside: crying and yelling at each other. Some were even bold enough to accuse the knights of doing this crime.
pooopKnights...a maiden's best friend and a dragon's worst enemy. Christine thought as she went out the door and traveled to the marketplace. So..how should I feel about them? The dragonet bought some food, made an attempt at sharpening her sword at the blacksmith, and went on her way. I guess how a maiden feels, since I'm trying to hide that I'm a dragon. As she walked, her mind trailed to the Nobleman. Why was he killed? Who killed him? Wait a second. The princess stopped in her tracks. Words spoken to her before rang in her ears.
pooop"You're not a nobleman..." "Sorry about this. I was told someone else would be staying here tonight." The girl slapped herself in the face. By Ajax! I should've tried to find him, I could've prevented a death! She kicked a rock next to her, upset with her herself. Christine took a deep breath in, then out. I didn't even know him. Father told me not to interact with a lot of people, and that's what I've been doing. So OBVIOUSLY I must be doing things right! Brushing off the feeling, she traversed into yet another forest. My, a lot of things in the human world were flammable! It's a wonder how they've survived so close to the dragon kingdom...Oh yeah, speaking of dragon kingdom...
I have no idea where the fallen tribe is. Great. Looks like I have to find myself a map, or something.
She smiled to herself, but in such a horrific and disgusted way that if you saw it, you'd know that she had messed something up. I literally forgot the most important thing about my quest. Finding the place that I'm supposed to gosh-darn it go! Do they even put their tribe on a map???? My Kingdom sure doesn't!! Heck, that's probably why we don't get bothered by these no-scalies! GREAT! There was no way that the princess was going to go back to her home just for her map. So, it looked like she would just have to find another way...
Last edited by Captain Plucky on Tue Jan 31, 2017 5:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: When Worlds Collide~An Original Story by Captain Plucky

Postby Ranger of the North » Tue Sep 06, 2016 1:35 pm

Dun dun DUNNNN...
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Re: When Worlds Collide~An Original Story by Captain Plucky

Postby Captain Plucky » Tue Sep 06, 2016 2:36 pm

(Apparently, despite hearing soft footsteps very well, Christine couldn't hear her brain screaming at her that she had no idea where she was going.)

pooopIt was very hot today, and Christine hated heat. In the dragon Kingdom, the days' always had a cool breeze in them. But here, it was humid and sweaty and all-around uncomfortable. How did humans live in this horrible weather? And, more importantly, why did they even have it? Couldn't they just get some mages to make some rain? Then again, were there still human mages?
pooopOkay, that's enough questions for now. I have to figure out how to get to the Fallen Tribe. With a frown, she realized that if she wanted to get there, she would have to ask herself more questions. And she had already asked herself a lot of them, so might as well sort out the ones that are already there. As she contemplated the weather and mages, the woods just kept on going. Birds sang happily in the trees, and squirrels scampered up said trees whilst protecting their precious food. Foxes would pop out, see Christine and stare, then walk away, seemingly uninterested. And, very rarely, the princess see would a deer or elk hopping carelessly in the distance. The dragonet had no idea how to hunt, or at least not in her human form; so she let these creatures be. Besides, those squirrels looked surprisingly aggressive. Food must be in low stock this season. As sunlight made the girl's red hair shine like fire, she looked up, hearing a waterfall in the distance.
pooopI will allow myself one more question: when are humans supposed to bathe? she wondered as she approached the lake. It was a massive pond, with water so clear that you could see every stone and fish in the body of water. Well, I guess it's better safe than sorry, I might as well take a bath. She decided. But, something bothered her. She didn't feel comfortable undressing, especially since this was a new form. And, on top of that, Christine didn't even know if there were other people in the area. So, to be safe, and using the excuse "I'm washing my armor, too," the dragon princess dived right in. The water was nice and cool, a nice change from the dry, stuffy, and hot air. She swam around for a bit, scaring poor fishes and frogs to death. Enjoying her bath, she dived deep into the water, secretly looking for more Koi to terrorize. Then, she saw one, facing away from her as it breathed in a tranquil manner. Ha ha ha.. Christine thought, swimming as silently as she could.
Now you, and all of the fish people, will know why you fear the Princess of the Dragons! Mwa ha haaaa! She grabbed the fish, and a cold chill went up her spine. You know what? This whole "only one question at a time" policy isn't working out. From now on, I'm just going to let them "flow". Ha--water pun! This fish, it didn't feel like it should. It wasn't slippery, it didn't even flinch when Christine caught it. Instead, it stayed there, still feeling like...metal. Cold, hard, steel. She tried to yank it closer to her so she could inspect it better. And, when she did, something in the water clicked. Christine submerged, needing some air and answers, her mouth gaped open.
pooop"The waterfall..." she whispered, swimming to it. "It's-gone! What?!" In it's place, there was rock, with something looking like a lever on the far right. Not knowing what to expect, Christine got on the rock's surface pulled it, and the whole, narrow wall opened in front of her. Without better judgment, the girl went in, her fist footstep echoed by the whole, seemingly vast room/rooms. Shutting one of her eyes, she took another step: nothing.
pooopNo backlash, no poison arrows, nothing. Just echoes. "Hello?" Christine called, walking at her normal pace. Then, abruptly, lights flashed all around her. This...was a feeling she has had before.
pooop"Oh." a man said, looking the waterlogged girl up and down. "This is...quite unexpected. Hi." squinting her eyes, something hit her. "You!" she exclaimed, "You-I saw you last night!" "Yes, and I saw you too. And, might I say, it's nice to see you again." he replied in a much more relaxed tone than the dragonet would've liked. Unlike last night, the mysterious man had his mask off, revealing his full face. "Why...exactly did you kill that guy? Lucifer the Great?" she inquired, feeling like she was losing ground in the talk while being so surprised and gasping all the time. "The reason anyone kills: gold." he said, brushing off his gauntlets and giving his cape a quick stroke as well. "You sound like me." Christine said with a smirk, reminding herself of her secret, human identity. "I'm guessing your a mercenary like me, too." she guessed.
pooopThe black-armored man scoffed in a superior way, frowning. "I do hope that was a joke. I am much more professional than your common mercenary." he gestured to his wardrobe and well-kept face in a bold, cocky way. Christine actually laughed at his antic, so much for her idea that humans didn't act superior!
And, with a newfound smile, the man laughed along. "So," the princess started, wiping the tears of joy from her pure, light blue eyes. "What's your name?"
"Xander." he chuckled, "You?"
"Christine." she said, still smiling. "So, tell me," she started, "What's with this lair? Is this what makes you professional?" she asked, looking around the room. The wall was lined with torches, and expensive-looking leather furniture speckled the place as well. In the very middle of the room, there was a big, warm fireplace. "I guess in a way, it does." Xander said, running his hand through his brown, curly hair. "This is just something that keeps the knights off of my trail, and entertains me at the same time. Not to mention gives me bragging rights to those who are smart enough to find it. I'm impressed with you." he rested his head on his hand, relaxed. "Oh, thanks," Christine said, blushing a little bit.
pooop"Speaking of bragging rights, might I show you around? You've earned it." Xander suggested, holding out his hand invitingly. "Well, sure! I'd love to know more about this place. And about you, too!" Christine said confidently, taking Xander's hand. "Really?" he echoed, surprised. He grasped Christine's hand softly, staring at it. " That sounds nice. And, if I'm being honest, I would like to know more about you, too."

(In honor of Lucifer The Great, I have bestowed upon this non-developed character a theme song.
rest in memes
now it's only dreams.)
Last edited by Captain Plucky on Tue Jan 31, 2017 5:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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