Discovery by Rohan.

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Time spent 16 hours, 25 minutes
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by Rohan.


Postby Rohan. » Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:08 pm

When she woke, it was with panic. It was as though something had suddenly jump started her body, her heartbeat speeding up, lungs filling with air in shallow gulps. Her eyes searched wildly for… for something as she struggled with failing gasps to scream. But silence reigned in the room, only the sound of frantic breathing could be heard.
She was the last to wake. The others had already taken their leave from the den they’d all been confined to during their slumber, onto the outside world with guardians or one another. As her breathing steadied, she struggled to think, mind too fuzzy to formulate coherence. Reverting back to instinct, she searched.
Observant as she was, her analysis of the room took little time; she was within a smaller room off a large cavern. There were three lions within the cavern, a brown male, red male and a blue female, quietly talking amongst themselves. Unfamiliarity bred contempt, her eyes narrowed as she slunk forward, body moving gracefully across the large cavern before she leapt.
It happened in a moment; the blue lioness whipped her head about- golden eyes piercing the females own. She barely got a snarl out before time seemed to slow, suspending her in air, her movement slowed to a near halt. The other lions seemed unaffected, the red brute swung his claws, connecting harshly with her side and throwing her to the ground. In a moment, he loomed over her, a fierce protectiveness within his eyes.
Time lurched forward, her snarl finally finding its place on her maw as the red brute held her to the ground. The other two pooled around her. The lioness pressed her nose gently into the brutes shoulder before settling beside her. Though it was the brown lion, his expression curious, yet cautious. She was sure she could tear him to shreds.
Words were exchanged, though some were unfamiliar- alien to her ears. Akeno? Yejida? What had happened? What had changed? She barely caught the words that were finally directed at her.
“Whats your name?” “Where did you come from?” It was the lioness- she had kind eyes, but that had never stopped anyone before… Before what? When? She struggled- both physically and mentally- to release the hold these lions had on her. What element could restrict her memories? Why would they be asking these questions
“She’s like the others. There’s something… wrong. It reminds me of how Ecko and the cubs felt when they first came to us. Something from the past- a lost soul of a sort. I can feel it with death. There’s something lost- things are missing from their minds. The telepathic lions cant locate them though, cant find the shards of their thoughts. Ethereal, I wish I had better news, you know that. But she may be so lost shes feral, but with her awakening- something has changed.”
“But she shares common grounds as the others? The element is unfamiliar?”

While the brown and blue lions spoke, the red lion stared down at her, slowly, he stepped off her, risking everything with only a raised brow to show he understood his actions. Unfamiliarity bred contempt, but.. they had yet to truly harm her. She slowly rolled to her side starring at the red lion as though her were testing her. She awaited his punishment, her movements likely pushing his boundaries. Still, the ground was hard, and she ached. Something felt caught in her throat, her bones ached as though she’d been still for too long. She searched the room once more, eyes thoroughly scoping it out- only coming to halt when she spotted a small crevice filled with water.
She struggled to her paws, but a harsh growl kept her from moving further. She stared longingly at the water, only to have the red lion notice her turmoil and nod to her. A silent agreement- she made her way slowly to the crevice. She could feel their eyes on her, but the red lions low voice told them of her actions- nothing was done to stop her.
While thankful for the water- she took the small get away to take inventory of herself. No visible wounds, an ache deep in her joints, an unquenchable thirst, and a burning hole in her memory, no knowledge of what had happened to put her here.
She barely noticed when the red male came to join her, his presence was oddly calming. She eyed him curiously, but remained silent until he introduced himself; Akeno. When he again requested her name, she racked her memories for anything that would tell her of herself, but only one name seemed right;

┏━━━━━━━━ ♦ ━━━━━━━━┓

xx»username: Rohan.
xx»l.o.c. name:Metsastys
xx»name meaning:The hunter in finnish
xx»age:3,212- The youngest dreamer

━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━
Art by Hobbit Geek<3
Last edited by Rohan. on Tue Aug 30, 2016 2:06 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Postby Rohan. » Wed Aug 17, 2016 7:23 pm

It was several days later when things began to return to normality around her. At least, that is what Yejida insisted. Metsastys still struggled with her memories, struggled feeling calm around these lions that surged in and out of the den to look at her and talk like she was some… some article for them to gaze at in awe- to be locked away for their use only. It was agony being stuck in the den for so long, only Yejida and Akeno kept her from lashing out at these fools.

Yejida and Akeno… They were her saving grace for the first few days. The blood lion knew well how she was feeling; Lost, Confused, like there was something more to her appearance. They had long discussions on his own appearance, about the other lionesses, about the pride that she now stood within. Yejida was her rock, ever calm, ever insightful for when her confusion melted down to anger and then overwhelming sadness. She was insistent that she just needed time, time and familiarity and things would begin to look up, but even while she said the words, both females knew she was lying. There was something deathly wrong with the lionesses appearances.

Still- Stys tried to follow their lead, keeping her emotions and instincts in check, playing nice, observing the lions that came in and out- searching for any bit of recognition, for any insight into her lost memory, anything. Still, nothing. After months of dealing with it, she’d had enough. She needed to see the others- no matter if the pride wanted to keep her away from them.
As she lay to sleep the night that marked her first year amongst the pride, a familiar feeling washed over her- a strong need to move, to go deeper. Normally she fought the feeling and rested peacefully amongst her own dreams, though there were a few times when she explored the feeling and expanded her consciousness- leading her to explore not only her own dreamscape, but others’ as well. Tonight, she dove deeper than before, searching for familiarity that had tinged upon her consciousness before when she explored.

Stumbling around the pridelands in the dreamscapes were very disorientating, the few areas she’d been allowed in in her waking state were the only solid pieces, the rest of the scape seemed to move, twist, change with the different dreamers’ views on their home that provided her with the ability to move like this. However it didn’t take her long to find the familiar humming that occasionally rang through the dreamscape, solidifying the area it came from. Other sleeping lions made noises, but none like that. It was one of the others, she was sure of it.

Approaching the area, she moved into a hunters crouch, taking a moment to robe herself in the shadows of the dreamscape to creep undetected. It had fooled other lions, but to this purple lioness, it did nothing. Their eyes met, a small smile passing the females maw as she moved closer. Stys fought her instincts, fight or flight, and stood her ground- her eyes flaring as she held the females gaze.

“I am Lunaria. I see you, yet I do not know you. Who are you?”
“A name amongst thousands, and yet meaningless, Who are you?”

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Perceptive - Wild - Cunning - Dedicated - Cynical

        »having or showing keenness of insight, understanding, or intuition
      With her memory all but gone, Metsastys was left with only the present to take in. Her suspicions of the pride and her natural instincts and leftover fragments of who she used to be told her to be on the look out for anything. Her mind is a whirlwind of observations taken into account of everyone she's met. Even her closest friend has been analysed in search for ulterior motives. Stys' observative habits goes further than noticing things about lions, she takes note of the environment she is in, whether it be the land and sky, or the tension she may walk into. Not one for surprises, shes always on the look out.

        »living in a state of nature; not tamed or domesticated: feral
      Metsastys awoke with terror and an empty mind. With no idea of what was going on or who or where she was, instincts kicked in and lead her. While she has calmed and understands more of the environment she has been recovering in, she still has feral habits, and reverts to instincts when in dire situations. She's largely reliant on her gut instinct when it comes down to trusting and following.

        »skill employed in a shrewd or sly manner, as in deceiving; craftiness; guile.
      Even though Stys has little to no idea of who or where or when she is, her mind is still as sharp as it was 3,000 years ago. She knows that to uncover her and the other lionesses pasts, she must be sharp and crafty, putting together the pieces until the truth reveals its self.

        »wholly committed to something, as to an ideal, political cause, or personal goal
      While Stys, of course, takes a part within the pride to maintain a sense of normality, she isnt one to give up her goals. Her dedication to her goals and loved ones will drive her to the brink of exhaustion, and is surely one of her best qualities. Its a loyalty to the cause or the person. In her own personal goals, its a necessity to find who she was and what happened, for her, and the other lionesses.
      Her dedication is also shown later in life in her fighting and relations. She would be known to train in her free time, wanting to the be the strongest with her physical form as well as her elemental prowess. She would look out for those she knows and hope that they stay true to themselves and their own goals.

        »distrusting or disparaging the motives of others
      In her years upon waking within the pride, Metsastys is hard to get to know well. She is secretive and unsure who she can trust, even amongst her sisters. Even after finding her memories of the events that led to the fog saving their souls, she stays cynical of the close bonds that others try to form.

»rank:before memory; pride member|| after memory; warrior fighter
»signature moves:
        »the element of dreams gives the user a unique set of skills unlike anything the pride has ever seen. Unknown to the lions, the users have had to learn their on their own, testing and retesting their skills before truely knowing what they capable of.
        Metsastys' strongest use of her element is one of stealth and information. She calls it Dream Walking, or occasionally, fade walking. This ability allows her to go into a deep sleep and access her element at its strongest. The ability lets her wander dream of her own making, or others'. In use of the whole prides dreams, she can construct dream scapes to wander and search. Basically- by drawing on the memories and dreams of the lions around her of the area they're in, she can reconstruct their home and allow her to more accurately plant herself into certain dreamers minds by finding their strongest point of their home and channeling it to enter their dreams.
        The capability is also very useful for finding information from lions in talks. With the ability she can find the lion and have a secure conversation with them without the worry of others listening in. It however will only be remembered by Stys as most lions do not remember their dreams clearly.
        As this is her most used power within the element, she can channel it strong enough to cloak herself within the dreams and hide from lions so they wont even notice her. Unlike some of the other lionesses that may leave behind a sort of patronus in the dreams that they visit. However, to those that Stys lets herself be seen by, or to other dream lionesses, she may be remembered by the slight glow her pelt gives off from the speckled 'stars' on her pelt.

        Strong against; Most elements, especially the natural elements(air, fire, water, earth) | Weak against; Psychics, Telepathy, Space?

        »When in battle, the elements strongest weapon can be used as defense or offense. While Metsastys isn't strong with this ability, it is one she works on to master for the battle field. In the attack, she releases a deafening roar that puts anyone who hears it into a deep dreamlike state. It will freeze the lions in their place, causing their muscles to tense into a paralysis. In this state, Stys can either run, attack, or enter her own dreamstate and toy with her prey.

        Strong against; Most elements | Weak against; Psychics, Telepathy, Sound, Barrier Magic

        »Simple enough to explain. With a touch, Stys can use her element to influence the lions mind to cause it to be extremely tired and weak. This is especially a useful tactic for sabotage, or simply getting a pesky cub to sleep. The ability wont immediately send the lion into a slumber, but will however make it a very appealing idea. If nothing else, it makes the lions day rather miserable. A well-rested lion could be immune to the touch, though it may make them a little lazier throughout the day.

        Strong against; Most elements | Weak against; Psychics, Telepathy, Space, an incredibly well-rested lion

        »With this ability the user would be able to infiltrate the dreams of their victim and twist the dreams of the victim into their worst nightmares, making it a horrid experience. Though not only that, they could combine this ability with Comatose and prevent the user from waking from the terrors. This ability would be an exception interrogation tactic to gather information that is needed.

        Strong against; Most elements | Weak against; Psychics, Telepathy,Barrier Magic

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Last edited by Rohan. on Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:23 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby Rohan. » Tue Aug 23, 2016 5:10 pm


“I am Lunaria. I see you, yet I do not know you. Who are you?”
“A name amongst thousands, and yet meaningless, Who are you?”

A slight shake of her head was all that she gave, though her smile did not leave. Metsastys fidgeted nervously. This lion was clearly different than the others within this pride, though she was hesitant to conclude it was about their elements, not without further investigation. Yejida had mentioned that psychic lions could peer into the minds of others- perhaps one had found her and was doing this. She narrowed her eyes at the lion, skirting around the area Lunaria stood.
“I am me, and if you want more information, I want some in return.”
A slow nod was the first of Lunaria’s responces, her calm demeanor never changing. It allowed Stys to relax, her nerves settling as a soothing feeling brushed over her. As the two lionesses settled to their haunches across from one another, the questions began.
First was merely getting to know one another. Both were dream elementals, both unsure of what series of unfortunate events had left them without memory and with an unfamiliar pride. Lunaria admitted to seeing Stys before in the caverns when she first woke. Stys admitted to nearly attacking the first lion she saw when awaking- it was better that the other dreamers had left. With the exchange of questions, she realized how little she truly knew about the others- having only just met the first of them.
“It is curious to why your guardians have kept you from the rest of us. Perhaps your volatile reactions led them to careful considerations of it?”
“I know not, but it wont last any longer. This was meant to happen. I need to find more, meet the rest, we must piece together what happened.”
Stys growled, her once calm form shifting into a restless pace. “I cant stand not knowing. Surely someone must know.”
“Metsastys, relax. Anger with them will help nothing.”
“What do you remember of it?”

A wry smile crossed Lunaria’s maw. “I believe it was my turn for the question.”
“You asked a question- rhetoric or not, it counts. Answer mine now.”
A huff of breath escaped the female, whether out of exasperation or simply to focus as she closed her eyes, thinking on her memories. After a long pause, Lunaria shook her head. “All I remember, is a overwhelming sense of being at ease. To me- it was calming. All I remember is my emotions. It was as though all I knew was acceptance of the fog that took us.”
“Everyone will die, few accept it. But when you do, it is a very calming affect. Perhaps it was like that. Perhaps it simply means nothing. In the end- I was at peace. That is my memory. Now here is my question; Why is this so important?”
“I must know what happened. If nothing else- I want the peace you have already found for my own.”

The two lionesses shared a tense gaze, before Lunaria finally nodded. “Tell me what you discover. I would suggest finding the others. Goodnight Metsastys.”

──────•{ ♦ }•──────

She woke with a start, eyes flitting about by the sudden closure that Lunaria had given her dreams. She would try to return to them- but she knew it would be in vain. The sun was coming up, and with the sun, came the pride. Yejida and Akeno would soon be waking, and they’d likely expect her to aid the pride in some sort of way.
She rose slowly, joints aching as she moved out of the dens, mindlessly walking out of the prides dens and into the wilds. A soft hiss escaped her jaws; they didn’t understand how important this was to her. They wanted to desperately- and perhaps Akeno would be closer to it if he hadn’t given up years ago- but they just couldn’t understand what it was like.
She didn’t realize she had made it out of the prides land until she refocused and found herself crouched in the unknown. With a look about the area- she realized she’d unknowingly began a hunt, her prey, A lone Amani, lurked only feet away, nibbling on some sparse grass. It seemed natural to hunt- a little rusty, but still natural. It was odd to her- as the lions that lived with the pride all said that hunting was unheard of, the dust that surrounded them kept them nourished and strong.
Even without the biting hunger in her belly- the test of her unknown ability kept her watching the Amani. Finally, as the creature turned to move away, she pounced. Powerful claws captured the Amani before it could run, though its instincts kicked in as it turned to fight, its teeth bared.
Something in her just knew what this could mean. The lioness avoided its first bite, batting its head aside with a powerful swipe, though it didn’t render it helpess. As the Amani turned to deliver its second attack, she moved with a swiftness- striking it with her tail- her element flowing through the prongs on her tail into the creature. Within moments, the Amani fell unconscious- though not dead. Metsastys stared in confusion. Never had she been able to do such a thing. A single touch to put something into a deep slumber? No element had been able to do such a thing. She shook her head, settling down to deliver the final kill, and enjoy her meager meal while she could.


When she she lay to sleep that night, troubled thoughts kept her awake after others had fallen asleep. Though when she finally drifted into a slumber, she was far from her troubled thoughts. Metsastys woke to a striking hunger, her dreamscape an unknown landscape with a lion nearby. The lion took long strides in a pace, every few steps casting a glance again towards her.
“Lunaria had mentioned you lived. I had to see it with my own eyes. I had no idea you would be so easy to find. “ The lioness scoffed, as though offended by her easy catch. It was a chilling feeling to Stys, to feel like the prey.
Metsastys stood, watching the prowling lioness with caution. “If Lunaria sent you, she must trust you. If you’re conscious in dreams, you must share something with us.”
Another scoff from the lioness, “Do you not know your own element? Of course I share it.” She paused in her prowling, moving to sit across from Stys. “This place. Do you know it?”
To sit across from the lioness was unnerving. She had a wild look about her, much like Akeno had told her she had. A similarity called to her. Metsastys slowly shook her head, casting looks about the unfamiliar cavern. It was dark, menacing. Dark shadows of lions- as though the other lioness couldn’t remember pelts, but could remember company- stalked around the cavern. A quiet rumble of inaudible conversations all around them, the grit of sand under her paws told her they weren’t in the pride lands, but she couldn’t think of where else they could be. The pride lions only knew of a few outposts that could survive the harsh environments. The Oasis, the unknown where rebels lurk, and the rebels camp that their enemy rested in. Of course there was off planet areas, and the prison planet- but this air clearly felt as though it was on planet. She took in scent- some smells seemed to mimic pridelands, others unfamiliar lions. Blood was a strong scent that stood out amongst the others though. She looked about for the source, though only finding lions lurking about a large pile of bones and flesh- some of them resembling lions.
A grimace followed the realization of death about them. Her eyes moved back to the heavy gaze the other lioness. “What sort of nightmare is this? The death and decay, the ever hungry feeling that even affects us? Why would you dream of this?”
“This is my only memory. The only thought of my past I can see clearly and remain in in my dreams. Do you not know it? Do you not see it as well?”
Metsastys stared at her, the haunted look of the female was understandable now that she knew. Though she couldn’t understand why this was all she could find. It was unknown, somewhere that neither of them could possibly know, it resembled nothing of the pride lands.
“Metsastys, get out of here. This need not haunt more of us.”

Her eyes widened. The last time she had been dismissed by a dreamer, she awoke. “Wait! What’s your name?!”
“Iokaste. Now leave me.”

──────•{ ♦ }•──────

Waking with a groan, it only took a few minutes before exhaustion over took her body and took her back into the dreams that Iokaste had woken her from. Even with her body well into a deep slumber, her element took her mind on an adventure. Her paws moved swiftly through the tall grass of the pridelands turning to a rough grit of sand, screeches all around her as she huffed out her breaths with each stride. Beside her, a second lioness’ paws pounded against the ground.
“Hurry!” The lioness called out, looking back over her shoulder- surprise filling her pink eyes as she realized that for once there was someone with her in this nightmare.
Metsastys could hear a loud roar of anger, the words that would have been called out lost to the dream. Anger boiled in Stys’ veins as she followed the lioness, their paws thundering across the sand, shadows catching up with them in every stride. With a bold stroke, Stys turned on her paws, releasing a deafening roar in the direction of the shadows of lions.
Like glass, the dreamscape fractured and fell to shards at their feet. All around them the dream had shattered. The lioness stared at them in terror, each new fall causing her to leap away and flinch at the sound.
As horror clouded the other lioness, Metsastys kept her distance, eyes wide and unsure of what to do. The poor female was terrified, something she hadn’t seen in such a long time. Still, the other lioness seemed to realize that despite the rest of the dream falling apart, Stys remained.
“Who are you?! What have you done?”
Stys straightened upon being addressed, instinctually lifting her head in defiance of the others anger. “I am Metsastys, Who are you?” She called, keeping a clear distance between the two of them. “What was that? What happened?”
“You stopped it! How did you do that? How could you possibly have done that?! Its always here, no matter how I try to avoid it..”
She finally shakes her head, eyes seeming to narrow, “I am Pythia. How did you come upon this?”
Stys stiffened at the barrage of questions. It seemed familiar to her confusion upon waking when she first awoke to the pride. A similar view it seems upon confusion. “I was asleep and dreaming and suddenly it turned dark, the sky became angry and you ran past me, with you, the dream turned dark and the yelling began. I believe you invaded my dreams with your own.” Stys’ confident words turned to a whisper as she spoke, her final words barely audible as she began putting pieces together. Her eyes closed as she tried to remember the scene, but all she could remember is the stench and sand.
“Thank you for ending it.” Pythia’s words brought her from her thoughts. Though the thanks was short and curt, Stys accepted it with a nod.
“What happens? In the end? Do they catch you?”
Pythia merely shook her head in response, her eyes darkening as she thought further on the dream. “It fades to dark. I can’t help but think I die in the end. It just goes from running, to blackness, to an overwhelming white, and then I wake up every morning and return to it almost every night.” A sigh escaped Pythias jaw as she looked away, down at the shards around her paws. “The white creeps up like a fog, but.. it’s almost like its calming..” She looked up at Stys, eyes meeting for the first time. “Do you have these dreams as well?”
Stys shook her head slowly, “Im afraid I do not, but I want to know why.. is.. Is there any more that you can tell me? How do you die? Do you know what causes the blackness?”
Pythia’s eyes narrow at the questions, her once curious nature turning cautious to untrusting. She stood and stalked towards the largest fragment of her dream, staring into it. “I have nothing more to say” she murmured, pawing at the fragment.
With the silence overwhelming the two females, Stys finally stood to take her leave, annoyance leading her away from Pythia’s dreams, releasing her hold on her element, letting her dreams take her into a slumber.

──────•{ ♦ }•──────

The day was hard at work, the sun beating down on the lions as they worked. Today, Stys aided the pride lions in fixing up a new den for the newest members of the pride. It was all new to Stys, the feeling of new life was completely unreal seemingly as though she had wandered into a new world. Still Orianna and Khazix cubs needed a nice home and the new parents would need a den large enough for their new family. The pride was chattering about themselves as they worked on gather materials for the dens, happy for the couples announcement and luck.
Stys didn’t know many of the pride lions around, but she lent her voice in a few times to their conversations, keeping a smile on her maw as they gathered soft furs and material for a small nest for the cubs. The work kept her mind busy though, and that’s what mattered.
So much so that she nearly didn’t notice it when a strange green lioness wandered past her, bumping her shoulder roughly, a burning sting shooting its way up her shoulder. A yelp couldn’t even make it to her throat before she was on the ground- around them lions slowly took note, but Metsastys was long gone in a deep subconscious state.


She’d been wandering for ages before her leg began to burn again- a tight burning sensation in her shoulder, in the dreamscape, it presented itself with a glowing green iridescence glow that followed her veins up and down the leg, connecting to two deeper green prong marks. Almost like she’d been poisoned, however, it was clear that this poison was meant to lead Stys here- with its faint throbbing seeming to grow stronger the closer she wandered to whatever its source was.
Closer and closer she wandered before she finally came upon the gritty surface that the dreamscape seemed to recognize from another dreamer- creating the sandy landscape before them with its darkened dens and sickly smells. The grit under her paws clung to her fur as she sped her pace to find a clear source. “Hello? Is anyone out here?”
As if her words triggered it, the landscape shifted to match something more like Iokaste’s dreams, but still being similar to what was shown before. She shifted on her paws, taking in the surroundings quietly until a young male caught her eye. Unlike the rest, he was vibrant in the dreamscape. It was clear that they were somewhere that held other dreamers.
She watched silently as he wandered- barking out orders and snapping to various lions about. It was as though he was a leader- yet none of the other lions knew it, they all stared confused, yet compliant. The dream continued on as such for minutes, the male parading about like some leader of the pride, but slowly the other lions began to become aggravated, lashed out, would snap back at him. It was as though she was watching his very best dream become his worst nightmare. When she thought little else could go wrong- another lion pounced on him, clawing at his belly and leaving him shuddering on the ground. He was calling out, crying that the dreamers would save him- that the fog would take the terrible lions one day. The once tyrannical brute of a male, had shifted before her very eyes into a cub crying cub stories to the camp.
Finally she’d had enough, rising to her paws she wandered over to him. Her voice soothed his fright, the small cub climbing to his paws to meet her, hiding behind her paws as though something were to come for him. “Hush now, cub, what are you crying about?”
“These lions deserve what is coming to them. Their leader is as terrible as these people have always had.”
He responded, idly sniffing at her paws, before curling around them. “They used to say that the terrible leaders of the unknown hoarded lions of great power and that something would come and kill them all someday.”
“Who are these people? What have they done to you?”
The male gave a strange look at her for her question, but none the less gave a faint shrug. “They are the rebellion, theyre always doing something wrong. The leader doesn’t like me, born wrong I guess.”
She tsked quietly, the two of them having quiet conversation as the cub grew impatient with her questions, once he finally began to calm, Stys took her leave.
The ache in her shoulder remained, the green waves present, but no longer throbbing. Whatever had caused its pain and oddity seemed to be here. Stys watched the young cub quietly morph back into an adult as she fixed the dream, finding the reality of his dream had been messed with from when she had began watching.
As she strode off- something caught her attention- a screech came from behind her, the males voice ringing out once more. Though unlike before, when she returned a green lioness lurked nearby. With the lions attention on the young male, she crept silently through the dreams gritty landscape until she was nearby. “What are we doing here today?”
The question seemed to be enough to scare the lioness in the least. The lions posture immediately straightening, and head flicking to where the sound came from, however to Stys’ surprise, sightless eyes stared at her. “I! I- I was just watching this lions dreams.. He.. He seemed to be having a nightmare.. I fix things like this.”
The surprise seemed to have gotten the lioness, but soon her confidence came back to her. Her demeanor changed to a sickly sweet innocent sort of lion, but she could hardly see past the facts. Stys narrowed her eyes at the lion, her suspicion unsee to the green fae. “Of course.. I often wonder where the source of these very nightmares begin.. So often I find most lions peaceful in their slumber.”
The lioness beside her followed her movements with her head, ears flicking every which way as slight posture changes and movements happened. A small smile staying upon her face despite her body language showing her discomfort. Metsastys could barely contain a snort at the façade. Perhaps it would have fooled her if she hadn’t visited this dream before. Likely so infact. But at this point, she was only suspicious. “Do you happen to know this lion?”
The lioness shook her head in response, “No, dear, I only felt his pain and decided to reach out. So often are these rebel lions in need of a little help in their slumber, and who am I to deny a gift I can so kindly bestow upon them.” A small giggle escaped the lion. “But it seems you may have already beat me to it.”
She could barely contain the questions she had for the lioness, but a game was afoot and she was never one to quit. “Of course, the poor brute was having a terrible case of little man syndrome and I aided him in making it quite obvious. Made the poor bugger a cub to aid that.” She gave a tsk, “I was to leave him when I heard his cries of anguish once more. You wouldn’t happen to know of this, would you?”
The lion seemed ready to reply before the question was asked. Though her smile remained it took only seconds for her to round on Stys. The lioness easily caught Metsastys off guard- her shoulder catching Stys and throwing her to the ground. Looming above the blind lioness snarled, “Cut the crap. You know what has transpired here and you know it was of little other than games. What are you playing at?”
It was a complete 180, although not entirely unexpected, the attack was enough to catch her offguard. Stys glared up at the lioness, her teeth baring in response as her back legs came up in defense to catch the lioness in her belly. However before she could get a good footing to throw the lioness off- she moved from above to the side, allowing Stys movement without having to fight for it.
“Why hide your nature if youre going to taint you façade so easily?”
“Curiosity mostly; Lunaria told of a new lioness woken from her dreams with our abilities. Most of the others are as lost as the day they awoke. I wanted to see if you were the same.”
“So why the act? Who are you anyways?”
“I am Nisanyafia, and I do what I must. Do tell me though, what do you remember?”
“Metsastys. My memories are bare, only beginning to fill from information shown by the others. This was similar to what Iokaste showed me, yet different.. Theres more to it now, more depth. Is this a real location?”

The lioness gave her a long look, before giving a small shrug. “I would assume so. The lion we’ve tortured is real in the least. It seems his memories have filled the gaps neither of us possess.” With that Nisanyafia moved to her paws, passing by Metsastys with a small brush of the fur.
With the touch, the pain from her shoulder seared burning pain, a bright fog shifted over her eyes and she fell to the ground. Moments later, her eyes opened as she took in a deep breath, finding herself surrounded by other lions that whispered caution and curiosity.
“What happened?”
“It seems like you passed out… Are you alright??”

──────•{ ♦ }•──────

Days past before Metsastys allowed herself into her element again, slipping past the embraces of slumber into the walking sleep that she so often traversed while her body rested. She wandered quietly, aimlessly, lost in thoughts of the mystery that had laid itself out in front of her of not only her past but the past of the other lionesses that lived within the pride.
Akeno and Yejida had allowed her to finally meet a few of the other lionesses, but without the element to tie them all together- as it mostly presented itself in sleep- they weren’t as close as she wished she could have gotten with them. She had only wished she’d been able to find stories from the other lionesses. Even so. Caligo was beautiful, Yvaine was smart and her horn interested Metsastys to no end. Shaylee seemed to be one that was looking towards the future rather than the past- but she admired the willingness towards wanting to teach cubs and futher their educations. She found herself annoyed that the names of the two with the most magic presented had escaped her, but the drooling lady and the winged goddess were very interesting, and both were ones that Stys wanted to investigate more on in the future.
It was hours before Stys realized deep into her thoughts that she was beginning to find ties between the lioness’ stories. All of them turned back to the rebels in some way, or atleast it seemed. The landscape was similar at least, and that brute had told her of the rebels child story had included some sort of escape. It seemed odd though that Lunaria’s calming aura she felt was so at odds with the terror and angst that the other lions held in the memory, though the more she analyzed, perhaps it may have been just Lunarias personality- she would perhaps find an escape calming. Though it was rather chilling that both she and Pythia had mentioned death..
In any case- the landscape was a major key. The sandy grit, the smells, the darkened cave that seemed ominous in many indescribable ways; it was show most clearly by Iokaste, but it was also where Pythia was running from and where Nisanfyia was lurking for the young male.
Deep in her thoughts, it was the smell that Metsastys first noticed; A putrid rotting scent that clouded the air was the first sign of the lion ahead of her, the second was the ranting from far ahead of her.
“It could come at any time and I would only remember what we’ve done now. We wouldn’t know what it is or if it will save us. What if it takes me when Im finally thriving, will I ever be able to settle? Would I ever be able to have a family without the fear of this… this.. this fog from taking them as well!?” The lioness ahead was raging, her voice sporatically lifting and falling like thunder in the hills, her eyes lit like lightening, tail thrashing behind her as she paced circles in a sandy patch.
The lioness noticed her first, her pacing coming to a frantic halt as she hissed loudly. “You would be taken by it too! I can smell it on you!” She leapt forward, closing the space between them and stalking towards her. In almost a moment, the tension in the area faded, leaving Stys boggled as the lioness suddenly leaned into her, a shudder running through the lionesses form. “Oh Metsastys, how I hate our curse.” She wailed, her weight leaning heavily onto Stys’ form.
For the first time since she’d woken, Stys was speechless. The electric shift of the mood had left her shell shocked and unsure of how to proceed, afraid of hitting a trigger point within the lioness. “It will be alright.” She cooed, trying to shift easily to take the weight in more comfortably with the two of them, settling down into her haunches and wrapping a paw around the other female.
“How? How could it ever be okay? Lunaria said she doesn’t know what would come of us, none of us seem to know a thing about ourselves! All I can remember is this fog washing over me, thick and white and all around voices yelling out and then silence. Just the fog. And then I woke up here. It took me, and Itll take us again. What if we just begin to settle and it comes again?”
The rapid fire questions of the panicked lioness caught Stys off guard once again, seeming to find this a norm in the interctions she’d be having with this lioness. She didn’t know how to ease the lionesses worries, less of all she barely even knew the gal, not even a name. It was a good start though,“Easy, easy, What is your name?” She cooed out once more, her whispers of good nature seeming to give atleast some calm to the lioness.
“Ah well Somnia, I’m in search of answers. If Lunaria has told you of me, she has likely told you of this as well. I believe I have some ideas, but I need time. If youll trust me with your time, ill try to bring you information to soothe your mind. Does that sound fair?”
The lioness nodded, finally pulling her head from Metsastys’ chest. However the two didn’t leave far from one another as Somnia calmed down, instead, they curled together and chatted quietly until the sun was rising within the sky of the outside world and life called them from their dreams.

──────•{ ♦ }•──────

Days had passed before Metsastys found herself sleeping again. Her mind had been in such a whirl with all the information gathered from the 5 lionesses, she’d been much too busy to fall into much more than a short nap. Still, she had a significant lead; the dream lionesses had been taken from somewhere- or some time. They’d seemingly had been stolen away by something, though Lunaria seemed to think that it saved them rather than stole them- despite Somnia’s hatred of it. The territory was definitely in the unknown, something similar to the rebels territory- if not that area exactly. Still there were things that weren’t connecting- weren’t truly explaining why they had been in a slumber while every other lion awoke.
She ached to find the truth to their past, but everyone had seemed to agree- sleep was necessary. Lunaria and Yejida insisted.


Hours turned to days, days turned to weeks, weeks into months, months to a year. Many that had not known her slowly forgot about her, the other lionesses- especially those that had not been around her in their element, were slowly losing touch with her. All were barred from her sleep, none aside from the dream lionesses, healers, Yejida and her family, and Ethereal were allowed to see her, but yet none could reach her through her slumber. If not for the slow rise and fall of her chest, and the heart beating her blood through her veins- she would be thought dead.

Unknown to the lions that had watched over her, from the moment her eyes had closed, she was locked into a thick slumber by the very fog that had brought them in the first place. It was a dangerous game she had been playing, one that could very well mean life or death for her and any lions that may know of the full truth. The fog was a tricky thing. As she slept, it revealed all to her, though it was an inevitable realization that even some of this truth would be recovered to never be uncovered. Something in her knew it was too good to be true to suddenly have all this knowledge at her finger tips.

At the depths of this knowledge, she knew the fog was bad. She was greatful for its return of her soul to the living- but past that she knew their return was a terrible omen and a terrible power to unleash. It was the source of their strongest weapon, but one that they would never again be able to access unless the state of the world worsened. Change would have to come, and from the knowledge gained of her past life- she knew just how, and who, to deal the change to.


On the dawn of the second year to the dreamers arrival, she woke.

When she woke, this time it was with clarity. Clarity and anger. Despite the multitudes of visitors and her fellow dreamers and the family that took her in, she refused to speak, aside from demanding Ethereal. Even Somnia's worried whimpers received no reply from Metsastys. She only stared forward in silence, watching the entrance to the den for the leader to arrive.

Finally as Ethereal stepped into the den, Stys stood to meet his gaze. Silence fell over the den, ruining the steady chatter of conversation that the other lions had picked up while her silence drug on.

In a moment, she lunged forward, gasps ringing out from the other lions thinking that she was attacking their leader. However, in a moment, she was positioned behind him, her tail flicking irritably as her gaze flicked passed the other lions in the den.
"I want a promise before I tell of anything. I want a guarantee."

"A guarantee? A guarantee of what if I ask?"

"I want in a warriors position, in a position where I will be fighting the rebellion head on. I want them dead."

Ethereal's gaze shifted to Yejida in question, a pleading look in his eye for her to step in. However, she kept back, jaw agape- never having expected something of this from her.

"I will grant this."

With the promise of her revenge, Stys revealed their story. With the story of the 12 lioness' deaths, came the tale of the mysterious fog that had collected and preserved their souls and the ominous message that followed its coming.
She told of their past ancestors, who's war was fought almost 3,000 years ago.... Time was ticking faster, as was the oncoming onslaught destined to ensue. For in her vision she saw the war with the lions who started it all. The original lions - along with all their bloodshed and sins. Though blurry, she attested to their identity, describing them as if she had been there so long ago.... turns out she was. They all were.

The fog that carried their slumbering souls was the same fog that swept the lands nearly 3,000 years ago. It was lost with history - and turned to dust to be forgotten, until now. She spoke of things she just couldn't know off hand. And when sent to see a psychic her tale was confirmed.

In their past life they had been kept in tight quarters once the war broke out. Their gifts more powerful than most who lived in that time...and their insight and influence too strong to leave unchecked. So on the dawn of the first revolution.... all of them were rounded up and kept hidden within the reaches of the rebels. The leader, an air elemental known only for his deed as the "lake massacre" wanted to ensure his survival in the war and his reign. So, he tasked the females to do his bidding in exchange for their lives. But when the war changed out of his favor...the bloody ruler did not want the girls to fall into the prides hands. Instead while they slept that night, the leader had them killed.

On that night appeared the fog. Who's fingers crawled into every crevice and cave....washing across the lands, scooping up the souls that had been shed, before disappearing. Only a handful of lions saw it appear....and when the rest awoke from their slumbers they did not believe the words spoken. Soon the fog dwindled from being a becoming a tall becoming nothing but cold air left lingering on lips. However, there was more to this fog than just the potent dream state of which it could leave you..... the fog was also a sign.

Never in lion history save for the initial appearance has the fog been seen. And now, as the civil war brakes into the deepest depths of bloodshed and destruction, the fog appears once again. The blood moon shared the bad omen of destruction and war....and the fog is the accompanying sign to it. For both to appear, lion kind is in a dark place, left darker unless the civil war is squashed for good. But for now, the fog brings new friends, new faces and hope for a peaceful planet once again.

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        »Owned by Oblivion Wing
        Stys views Lunaria as a sort of motherly figure amongst the other dream lionesses and refers to her for advise on how to try to live normally after she remembers everything. She often sees Lunaria as a central unit of the lions- someone who is willing to reach out to all of them to pass info, advise, or general friendliness to them.
        Stys is likely the closest to Lunaria in trust and friendliness.

        »owned by -Willow
        Nisa and Stys have a very rocky relationship as the two females got off on the wrong foot. Stys doesn't trust Nisa due to her ruse she's tried pulling on every one. The two can tolerate and work together but will rarely be able to trust or be anything more than work companions to one another due to the deep mistrust and darkness between them.
        After learning the full truth over their past, Stys may approach Nisa about it and the two may be able to bridge a gap- but that will be for Willow and I to hash out c;

        »Owned by Shattered Beazt
        Iokaste would likely interest Stys, but she'd have a hard time getting close to the female until everything is revealed. After the truth is revealed, the two may bond over stories and past lives. Stys would enjoy listening to Iokaste's tales and take in the other females views on the world, their past, or even fantasties the female may come up with.

        »Owned by Pety
        Somnia often presents herself as a sibling of sorts, she acts young and often needs a steady hand to hold to when her mood shifts dramatically. Stys is there when she can to provide that to her, the two could be found chattering quietly curled together on particularly hard days for Somnia or days when Stys needs someone to voice her thoughts to.

        »Owned by Dragoncool97
        Pythia Stys tries to connect with but has a harder time due to her independent nature and their first encounter. Stys still struggles to understand the encounter fully and Pythias harsh reactions to the dreams she had been sick within

      Yvaine, Caligo, Shaylee, as well as the unnamed lionesses
        »Owned by HobbitGeek, ItsTuesdayAgain, Broken*, and TheArcaneKitsune, plus Drooling dame and AetherWing were sadly not met by Metsastys for her to form much of an opinion on them, she has only what shes seen or heard of them from the lionesses that she has met.
        However, she would be interested in meeting each of these lionesses as she wants to know all of the dreamers that the fog saved and delivered to the pride. ^^

      Ruby, Sapphire, and Gem
        »Owned by Willow
        After living with Yejida and Akeno for her time since her awakening, she had grown quite fond of the family, though had only heard little about the nomadic cubs. When she first met them, she showed caution about how she acted, attempting to not ask too many questions about them or their travels, but eventually eased into a relation where she could feel at ease around them.

        When they introduced Gem into the mix, She was unsure at first. A new element meant a new worry into the mix of the terrors of the world, she could only think of how the terror Air leader had misused a powerful element to cause death and terror across the rebellion ages ago. She worried quietly over the cub for a long time before finally giving into treating the cub as a cub instead of a weapon. They may still be rocky, but can atleast share stories and thoughts openly.

      Yejida and Akeno
        »Owned by Willow
        Yejida and Akeno were one of the few lions to meet Metsastys when she first awoke, but they not only met her first- they ended up being her guardian for her time adjusting to pride life.
        They grew to be her closest confidents. Yejida was always patient with her, able to impart wisdom upon her in her times of need. Akeno was, however, her first friend. He understood where she was coming from- Waking to a new life in a place never before seen. They had a unique bond that Yejida couldnt quite replicate, however the pair hold a fond spot in Stys' heart for the kindness and friendship they had shown her- despite her first reaction being to attack them.

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Last edited by Rohan. on Tue Aug 30, 2016 4:51 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby Rohan. » Tue Aug 23, 2016 5:11 pm

┏━━━━━━━━━━━ ♦ ━━━━━━━━━━━┓
    aLIEz - Cover by AmaLee,
      originally from Aldnoah.Zero
    Scars - I Prevail
    Lost in Thoughts All Alone - Cover by AmaLee,
      originally from Fire Emblem Fates
    Again - Cover by AmaLee,
      Originally from Fullmetal Alchemist
┗━━━━━━━━━━━ ♦ ━━━━━━━━━━━┛
┏━━━━━━━━ ♦ ━━━━━━━━┓
    On the Prowl- by Rohan.
    Ready for Attack - by Rohan.
    Relaxation - by Hobbit Geek
    As it is - by Mortikat
┗━━━━━━━━ ♦ ━━━━━━━━┛
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