Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Hexclan's Twenty-Sixth Moon

Postby vampiress_fox » Thu Sep 24, 2020 12:46 pm

Determined to Defy the Odds
Number of Cats: Fourty-Nine | Males - 24 | Females - 25
Month: Twenty-Six
Next Moonpool visit: 9/30
Next Gathering: ? 12 pm UTC
Next Med Cat Gathering: ? 12 pm UTC
Moderator: Kazin
Notes: For Clan Collar Quests, you can roll whether they succeed or fail unless I specify otherwise.
Written descriptions for cats would be preferred over pictures, please.
Cat Creator I use to make reference pics

posting before work, no time to write something

[Moonpool Visit: None]
[Rank Changes: Palehorse and Silverpond join as warriors, Darktail joins as an Elder; Silverpaw, Mistpaw, Fogpaw, and Stormpaw return successful from their quests and are welcomed as full warriors of Hexclan, being given the names Silvercloud, Mistheart, Fogfoot, and Stormtail respectively; Breezepaw continues his training as an apprentice for this moon]
[Collar Quest: None]
[Mate Announcements: None]
[Elder Activities: None]
[Training: Umeko/Breezepaw, Shelltail/Dandelionpaw, Whitesun/Sparrowpaw, Firefoot/Ravenpaw, Darkthorn/Crowpaw, Sunclaw/Harepaw, Moontail/Darkpaw, Rosebud/Dovepaw]
[Medicine Den: None]
[Medicine Cat Practice: 28th moon]
[Herb Gathering: Rosebud and Dovepaw gathers herbs]
[Dawn Hunting Patrol: Windstorm, Smokestripe, Jackrabbit, Blackflower, Mistheart]
[Sun-High Border Patrol: Darkstar, Silverpond, Moonshadow, Blackpelt, Fogfoot]
[Dusk Hunting Patrol: Gingerstorm, Waveskimmer, Emberclaw, Teatree, Sunrisesnow]
[Moon-High Border Patrol: Santa, Palehorse, Snowbell, Silvervloud, Stormtail]

          Darkstar | 44 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Santa | 39 moons | Male | Portrait Collar | No Mate

          Medicine Cat:
          Rosebud | 35 moons | Male | Portrait Collar | Cannot take a Mate
          Skill Points: 5

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Dovepaw | 7 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | Cannot Take a Mate
          Skills Learned 0/8 (0 failed): Herb Recognition, Herb Search, Herb Storage, First Aide, Wound Binding, Bone Setting, Physical Therapy, Bedside Manner
          Skill Points: 1

          (48-71) Senior Warriors:
          Umeko (Originally of Evanora's Reach) | 96 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Windstorm | 56 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | No Mate

          (16-47) Warriors:
          Smokestripe | 45 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Gingerstorm | 35 moons | Male | Portrait Collar | Mated to Jackrabbit
          Jackrabbit | 34 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | Mated to Gingerstorm
          Waveskimmer | 33 moons | Male | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Moonshadow | 30 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Emberclaw | 29 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | Mated to Snowbell
          Whitesun | 28 moons | Male | Portrait Collar | Mated to Hollynight
          Hollynight | 28 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | Mated to Whitesun
          Snowbell | 28 moons | Male | Portrait Collar | Mated to Emberclaw
          Blackflower | 25 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Curlyfur | 25 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Palehorse | 24 moons | Male | Portrait [url]Collar[/url] | No Mate
          Firefoot | 23 moons |Male |Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Blackpelt | 23 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Whitesnow | 20 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | Mated to Shelltail
          Shelltail | 20 moons | Male | Portrait Collar | Mated to Whitesnow
          Iceriver | 19 moons | Female | [url=Link]Portrait[/url] [url=Link]Collar[/url] (longhaired blue colorpoint with blue eyes) | No Mate
          Sunclaw | 19 moons | Male | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Moontail | 19 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Darkthorn | 18 moons | Male | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Teatree | 18 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Silverpond | 18 moons | Female | [url]Portrait[/url] [url]Collar[/url] ( longhaired silver tabby with white markings, and golden eyes. The cat has a large scar across their side, and a torn ear) | No Mate
          Silvercloud | 17 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Mistheart | 17 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Fogfoot | 17 moons | Male | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Stormtail | 17 moons | Male | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Sunrisesnow | 16 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | No Mate

          (6-16) Apprentices:
          Breezepaw | 17 moons | Male | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Dandelionpaw | 11 moon | Female | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Ravenpaw | 10 moons | Male | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Sparrowpaw | 10 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Crowpaw | 10 moons | Male | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Harepaw | 8 moons | Male | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Darkpaw | 8 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | No Mate

          (18-71) Queens:
          Curlyfur | 2 kits
          Hollynight | 2 kits
          Whitesnow | Due in 1 moons
          Iceriver | Due in 1 moons

          (0-5) Kits:
          Bearkit | 2 moons | Male | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Nightkit | 2 moons | Male | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Riverkit | 1 moons | Female | Portrait collar (Shorthaired Calico with Green Eyes) | No Mate
          Creekkit | 1 moons | Male | Portrait Collar (Shorthaired Ginger Tabby, White Tail Tip, Green Eyes) | No Mate

          (72-108) Elders:
          Greystripe | 94 moons | Male | Arthritis, Limp in back left leg | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Priest | 85 moons | Male | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Mistysmoke | 75 moons | Female | Portrait Collar | No Mate
          Darktail | 72 moons | Male | [url]Portrait[/url] [url]Collar[/url] (shorthaired solid black cat with green eyes, and small scars littering their pelt) | No Mate

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. (failed) | 0/9 Skills Learned | Learned: Offense, Defense, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Climbing, Digging, Tracking, Battlefield Healing
    Umeko | Breezepaw | 10 (3 failed) | 7/9 Skills Learned | Learned: Offense, Defense, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Climbing, Digging, Tracking, Battlefield Healing
    Shelltail | Dandelionpaw | 4 (1 failed) | 3/9 Skills Learned | Learned: Offense, Defense, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Climbing, Digging, Tracking, Battlefield Healing
    Firefoot | Ravenpaw | 3 (0 failed) | 3/9 Skills Learned | Learned: Offense, Defense, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Climbing, Digging, Tracking, Battlefield Healing
    Whitesun | Sparrowpaw | 3 (0 failed) | 3/9 Skills Learned | Learned: Offense, Defense, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Climbing, Digging, Tracking, Battlefield Healing
    Darkthorn | Crowpaw | 3 (1 failed) | 2/9 Skills Learned | Learned: Offense, Defense, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Climbing, Digging, Tracking, Battlefield Healing
    Sunclaw | Harepaw | 1 (0 failed) | 1/9 Skills Learned | Learned: Offense, Defense, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Climbing, Digging, Tracking, Battlefield Healing
    Moontail | Darkpaw | 1 (0 failed) | 1/9 Skills Learned | Learned: Offense, Defense, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Climbing, Digging, Tracking, Battlefield Healing

    Family Trees:
    Darkstar's Family Tree
    Smokestripe's Family Tree
    Gingerstorm/Jackrabbit's Family Tree
    Snowbell/Emberclaw's Family Tree
    Sunclaw Family Tree
    Moontail Family Tree
    [url=Link]Curlyfur Family Tree[/url]
    Whitesun/Hollynight Family Tree : WIP
    Shelltail/Whitesnow Family Tree : WIP
    Iceriver Family Tree : WIP

    Medicine Den:

    Medicine Store
    Medicinal Herb or Poison
    Usage, Effect, Treatment
    [x1]Alder Tree/Alder Bark | Chewed Eases tooth aches
    [x0]Beech Tree/Beech Nuts/Beech Leaves | Unkown Nuts are good for attracting prey
    [x1]Bindweed | Helps bind sticks together When combined with sticks, can help mend a broken leg and keep it in place
    [x0]Birch Sap | Unknown Unknown Suspected as another cure for yellowcough, though not proven
    [x2]Blackberries/Blackberry Leaves | These leaves are chewed into a pulp. Mixed into a poultice to ease the pain of bee stings.
    [x0]The Blazing Star/Smoothstem Blazingstar | Unknown A rare herb that was used to cure the early settlers of an unknown disease
    [x1]Borage/Borage Leaves | Chewed and eaten. It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers. Helps sooth bad bellies and relieves tight chests
    [x1]Bright Eyes/Garden Phlox | Crushed into a poultice mixture Mix with lovage to help cure coughs
    [x1]Broom | Ground into a poultice Used in poultices that can help broken legs and wounds
    [x1]Burdock/Burdock Root | The root is dug up, the soil is washed off, and then it is chewed into a pulp. Soothes and heals rat bites, especially if they are infected. Can give cats a bellyache if they eat too much of it. Numbs rat bite to the point a cat cannot feel the pain. Also good for infected paws and other sores.
    [x1]Burnet | A traveling herb. The leaves are swallowed. Used to give strength. Good for expecting queens.
    [x0]Catchweed/Catchweed Bedstraw/Catchweed Burs | The burrs are put on the pelt where poultices are. Stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin.
    [x1]Catmint/Catnip | Eaten Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough. Can be considered dangerous in extremely high dosages.
    [x0]Celandine/Celandine Poppy/Greater Celandine | Crushed into juice and trickled into the eye. Soothes weakened or damaged eyes.
    [x0]Chamomile | Eaten Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind. Also given to traveling cats for strength.
    [x2]Chervil | Chewed to extract the juice of the leaves or the root. For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used during kitting.
    [x1]Chickweed | Eaten Treats greencough, though catnip is often preferred.
    [x0]Cob Nuts | Made into ointments. Unknown
    [x0]Cobwebs | Press over wound. To soak up and stop, or slow, the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.
    [x1]Coltsfoot | Leaves chewed into a pulp. Eases breathing or kitten-cough, as well as cracked or sore pads.
    [x3]Comfrey Root | Roots are chewed into a poultice. Can also be lined in one's nest. Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds. Also used for wrenched claws. Can be used for itching or for inflammation on stiff joints. Also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest. Can be used for burns.
    [x1]Daisy Leaf | Chewed into a paste. Eases the pain of aching joints. It is also a traveling herb.
    [x0]Dandelion | The white liquid is thought to be applied to bee stings. Leaves can be chewed. The roots can also be used to help cure the effects of meadow saffron poisoning Thought to soothe and heal bee stings. Its leaves can also be chewed to act like a painkiller.
    [x1]Dock/Dock Leaf | Chewed up and applied to scratches. Similar to sorrel. Also can be put in one's nest during sleep. Soothes scratches, though can sting when being applied. Soothes sore pads. If placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds. Can be used to help practice healing on Clanmates.
    [x1]Elder Leaves | Turned into a poultice Soothes sprains
    [x2]Fennel | Stalks are broken and juice is squeezed into the receiver's mouth. Helps pain in the hips.
    [x1]Feverfew | Eaten. Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches.
    [x1]Goatweed | Unknown Eases grief.
    [x0]Goldenrod | Chewed into a poultice. Good for healing wounds.
    [x1]Hawkweed | Unknown Like Catmint/Catnip but not as strong.
    [x0]Heather Nectar | Included in herbal mixtures. Makes swallowing easier and sweetens mixtures.
    [x1]Honey | Eaten, or given by moss soaked in it. Soothes infections, is a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats, helps cats swallow other concoctions, helps soothe coughing, and gives energy.
    [x0]Horsetail | Chewed to a poultice, and applied to wounds. Treats infections and stops bleeding.
    [x0]Ivy Leaf | To store herbs
    [x1]Juniper Berries | Chewed and eaten. Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, and helps troubled breathing. It is also used to help calm cats.
    [x0]Lamb's Ear | Unknown Gives a cat strength.
    [x0]Laurel Leaf | Making herb wraps
    [x1]Lavender | Placed under a cats nose and is to be inhaled constantly. Or rubbed/placed on an animal's body to hide the scent of death. Cures fever and chills. Also used to hide the scent of death.
    [x1]Lovage | Unknown If it is mixed with bright-eye, it can help cure coughs.
    [x1]Lungwort | Eaten Cures yellowcough.
    [x1]Mallow Leaves | Eaten Soothes bellyache.
    [x0]Marigold | Petals or leaves chewed in a poultice. Juice can be used as well. Stops infection. Stops bleeding. Used for inflammation of stiff joints.
    [x0]Mint | Rubbed on a dead body. Hides the scent of death.
    [x0]Moss | Used to soak up fluid.
    [x0]Mouse Bile | The liquid is stored in moss and dabbed onto ticks embedded in pelt. Kills ticks.
    [x3]Dried Oak Leaf | The dried leaves are to be stored in a dry location until the time of usage, when they are chewed into a thick poultice and spread on a wound. Stops infection from setting in.
    [x1]Parsley | Eaten Stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, don't need milk anymore, or are producing too much milk. Also used to cure bellyache.
    [x0]Poppy Seeds | Chewed on. They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain. Not recommended for nursing queens.
    [x0]Ragwort Leaves | Crushed and chewed; mixed with juniper berries, it can help aching joints. Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.
    [x1]Ragwort | Thought to give cats extra strength. Like lamb's ear, ragwort gives a cat extra strength and energy.
    [x1]Raspberry Leaves | It could be a painkiller, or help stop bleeding during kitting. Could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding.
    [x0]Rosemary | Put on the pelt of a dead cat to prepare for burial. Hides the scent of death.
    [x0]Rush | Used to bind broken bones. Helps hold a broken limb in place, such as casts for Twolegs.
    [x0]Snakeroot | Thought to be applied to wounds. Thought to heal poison, especially snake bites.
    [x0]Sorrel | Eaten Traveling herb, can also build up appetite.
    [x3]Stick | Cats in pain bite it when other medicine is either unavailable or not recommended. Also used to help broken legs heal. Distracts cats from pain. Recommended for queens giving birth.
    [x1]Stinging Nettle | The seeds are eaten by a cat who's swallowed poison, or the leaves are chewed into a poultice for a wound. The stems can also be chewed. Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, respectively. Can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones. Helps with wounds. Chewing the stems helps fight against infection.
    [x0]Sweet-Sedge | One must swallow the sap. Eases infection.
    [x1]Tansy | To be consumed, but only in small doses. Cures coughs. Can be used to cure wounds and poisons. Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats. Can be extremely dangerous to pregnant cats.
    [x0]Tormentil | Chewed and put on the wound. Its root is good for treating all wounds and extracting poison.
    [x1]Thyme | Leaves can be chewed on. Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
    [x0]Traveling Herbs | sorrel, daisy, chamomile and burnet. Eaten When mixed together, they suppress hunger pains and give a cat strength.
    [x0]Watermint | It is usually chewed into a pulp, and then eaten. Eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache.
    [x1]Wild Garlic | One must roll in it. Draws out poison in rat bites. Prevents infection.
    [x2]Willow Bark | Unknown Eases Pain
    [x0]Willow Leaves | Eaten Stops vomiting.
    [x0]Wintergreen | Unknown Treats wounds and some poisons.
    [x0]Wood Sorrel | Coming Soon Coming Soon
    [x1]Yarrow | Its leaves are chewed into a poultice that can be given to cats or applied to a wound depending on the situation. Extracts poison from wounds. Will make a cat vomit up toxins. The ointment will soften and help heal cracked pads.
    [x0]Deathberries | Yarrow Sometimes used to kill other cats by making them eat the berry. Kills a cat within minutes when consumed.
    [x0]Foxglove Seeds | They are used to treat the heart They can easily cause paralysis and heart failure
    [x0]Holly Berries | Unknown Unknown Similar to Deathberries, though not as severe; they are still a danger to kits.
    [x0]Meadow Saffron | Dandelion Root Unknown Poisonous Not poisonous to prey, but poisonour to a cat that eats said prey.
    [x0]Deadly Nightshade | To quickly kill a cat who cannot be saved quickly. Poisonous.
    [x0]Water Hemlock | Yarrow Unknown Causes writhing, pain, and foaming at the mouth.

    Fresh Kill Pile (49-55 cats)
    Clan consumes 9 servings: 3 rabbits
    1 serving | Chipmunk | x9
    1 serving | Mouse | x7
    1 serving | Vole | x7
    2 servings | Squirrel | x5
    3 servings | Rabbit | x4
    3 servings | Fish | x6
    3 servings | Bird | x4

    Northern | Big Water (a great lake)
    Southern (Pine Forest) | Appleclan | hot-second
    Eastern (Marshland) | The Cove | Lumos12
    Western | Two-Leg Village

    Ally Clans:
    Clan | Owner
    Hazelclan | sharpshooter.

    Enemy Clans
    Clan | Owner

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Treefrost | Badger attack

    Clan Tradition:
    When an apprentice is ready to become a warrior, they shall go on a week long quest into the Two-Leg territory on the western boarder, where they will look for a monkey by the name of Fitzgerald, and he will make their new clan collar for them. If they succeed then they shall be welcomed back to the clan as a full warrior, if they do not then they will have to train for an additional moon before they are able to try again. If they fail a second time, they are banished from the clan for weakness and a disrespect for clan tradition and law.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby SLUGTHEORY » Thu Sep 24, 2020 2:31 pm

Clan Archive

Preference: Line art | Mod: Duplex | Number of Cats: 21 | Next Starclan Visit: None | Servings: 3 | Pebbles: 31 ✧ - Can see Starclan cats

Mudbomb stalked into the nursery to visit Shinegaze and Daisykit. He was a tad bit worried about his daughter's injury but he knew she was strong and would get through it. "Good morning Mudbomb." Shinegaze whispered. The other queens were sleeping as it was still a bit early. "How is Applepaw doing?" She asked. "She is a bit frustrated cause we are postponing her warrior ceremony but otherwise, her wound is doing better thanks to Rustleg." Shinegaze smiled sweetly and nodded. "I'm glad! I'm so proud too. She is finally going to be a warrior." Mudbomb nodded. "Well, I might as well gather the patrol for the morning. I'll visit you later when Daisykit is awake." He touched his nose to her head and rose to his paws.

Echopaw fluttered her eyes. She barely got any sleep like normal, which was probably one of the reasons she is angry all the time. Ever since the kits from Mistyclan left she had gone back to her grumpy self. She looked at Wasppaw who was still sleeping, and rolled her eyes as she stretched her way out of the den. She stalked towards the medicine den to visit Applepaw. "Hi Echopaw." Applepaw's ears perked up. "How did you sleep?" Echopaw didn't answer. "Congrats on your assessment." She looked to the side. Applepaw could tell she meant it. "Thanks." She smiled. "How is your wound?" Echopaw asked, staring at her paws. "It's doing better." She sighed. Echopaw turned to her. "You alright?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm just annoyed about my ceremony." Applepaw looked over to her wound and scoffed. "I'm sure it'll heal soon." Echopaw looked down at her. "I guess you are right." There was and awkward silence for a moment until Duckglow padded in to find her apprentice. "Echopaw!" The two apprentices looked over to the warrior. "Yes Duckglow?" Echopaw looked up at her mentor. "It's time for yours and Wasppaws assessment!" Duckglow stood tall. Echopaw smiled probably the most Applepaw had ever seen. "Goodluck Echopaw! Don't end up like me." She smirked. Echopaw shook her head slowly as they left the den.

↳ Otterdream (warrior)
↳ The cats from Mistyclan have returned to their home.
Medicine cat alerts:
↳ Rustleg tends to Applepaw's wounds. (-1 cobweb.)
↳ None
↳ Butterflywing and Clarkpaw train!
↳ Wasppaw has her assessment (this time cause she is of age now)!
↳ Echopaw has her assessment!
↳ Applepaw sustains minor bleeding. (Healed)
Prey consumed:
↳ X1 squirrel
Mod notes/Leader requests:
↳ You may roll for one of Loststar's deaths, she is getting to be an old lady.
↳ Note: Postponing Applepaws warrior ceremony due to her injury.
↳ Thank you, glad to be back!

Hunting: Loststar, Mudbomb, and Blackbird
Patrolling: Leopardstorm and Tigerblaze
Gathering herbs: Rustleg

Prey store: Rodents ( Rats, voles, mice, shrews. ) Amphibians ( Frogs/toads and turtles. )

          Loststar | 67 moons | She-cat | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Mudbomb | 44 moons | Tom | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Rustleg | 56 moons | She-cat | X
          Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

          Duckglow | 26 moons | She-cat | X
          Shinegaze | 39 moons | She-cat | X | In nursery.
          Smokebelly | 64 moons | Tom | X
          Butterflywing | 23 moons | She-cat | X
          Blackbird | 21 moons | She-cat | X
          Tigerblaze | 21 moons | Tom | X
          Otterdream | 20 moons | Tom | X

          Applepaw | 18 moons | She-cat | X
          Echopaw | 12 moons | She-cat | X
          Wasppaw 12 moons | She-cat | X
          Clarkpaw | 10 moons | Tom | X

          Silverwater | 41 moons | She-cat | X
          Mocha | 42 moons | She-cat | X
          Shinegaze | 41 moons | She-cat | X

          Daisykit | 3 moons | She-cat | X
          Cacaokit | 3 moons | Tom | X
          Honeykit | 3 moons | Tom | X
          Sugarkit | 3 moons | Tom | X
          Dewkit | 3 moons | She-cat | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
[list]Ally Clans:
Mistyclan | Talonpawthewarrior
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Clan Name | Username
Northeast | Chessclan | sharpiesandhamilton
East | Mistyclan | Talonpawthewarrior
South | Clan Name | Username
Southwest | Clan Name | User
West | Clan Name | Username

Medicine Store
Cobweb | X0
Burdock Root | X2

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mice | x0 | Two servings
Squirrels | x0 | Two servings
Vole | x1 | One serving
Frog | x1 | One servings
Prey | x0 | 0 servings
Prey | x0 | 0 servings

Mudbomb | Applepaw | 4 sessions. + 1 assessment | Hunting-Fighting-Swimming-Stealth
Duckglow | Echopaw | 4 sessions. | Hunting-Fighting-Tracking-Stealth
Smokebelly | Wasppaw | 4 sessions. + 1 assessment | Hunting-Fighting-Swimming-Climbing
Butterflywing | Clarkpaw | 2 session. | Hunting-Fighting

Deceased Cats:
Cat Name | Cause of Death
Cat Name | Cause of Death


All cats in Marshclan are aggressive and battle hungry. Insulting each other as jokes, play fighting but way more violent then how kits would and starting random battles. With a strict leader that does not take mistakes lightly, they are battle hungry. They live in a morass, a wet land being overlapped with shallow ponds. The ponds drown grass and just barely touch the trunks of surrounding willows. The cats hunt amphibians, rodents and small birds. They are known as: Rigorous or intolerable.
Last edited by SLUGTHEORY on Fri Sep 25, 2020 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

ᵀ ᴴ
ᴰ ᴬ
ᴬ ᶠ

previously known as LadyStardust!!

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🎀ᵖᵐˢ: ᵒᵖᵉⁿ🎀
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SpruceClan | 27

Postby ponz » Thu Sep 24, 2020 3:24 pm

clan population: 56 | next starclan visit: september 23rd (today) | servings: 09 | mod: katrione | pebbles: 199 | archive: x

writing in progress !!

- sparrowstar and heathersong are faced with the startling reality that they are parents now. cricketpounce and ramsey are overjoyed to welcome two more kittens. hollypaw is mildly overwhelmed, but excited by the prospect.
- sunpaw and fadedpaw act their age
- ivyblossom struggles with the responsibilities of being a deputy and filling in for sparrowstar while he spends time with his kits. goldenheart and cardinaltail step in to help.
- cinderstorm spends some time with jayswoop and daisystem. tired of third-wheeling, he heads to the nursery.
- on the far side of the mountain, opposite where spruceclan makes its home, something strange is happening. a conversation, a bargain, a ghost.


SpruceClan consumes 3 birds

[ Sparrowstar asks nothing of StarClan this moon ]

Rank Changes & Newcomers
[ SpruceClan celebrates the birth of Duskkit and Dawnkit! ]
[ SpruceClan celebrates the birth of Adderkit and Butterflykit! ]
[ Saturnkit is welcomed to SpruceClan! ]
[ Emberpaw takes their final assessment! If they pass, they will be known as Emberglow ]

[ Cricketpounce, Mintfur, Coffeebean, Cardinaltail, Ashfang, and Goldenheart hunt ]
[ Smokestep, Ramsey, Thistleflight, Softlight, Crowears, and Cloudchaser hunt ]
[ Tallthorn, Brambletuft, Cherryclaw, Pineshade, Tidepool, and Hailsplash hunt ]
[ Ivyblossom, Cinderstorm, Violetspark, Daisystem, Jayswoop, and Houndjaw hunt ]
[ Sparrowstar, Ivyblossom, Branchbreak, Blastburn, Fernpelt, and Riverhowl patrol ]
[ Applefall and Honeyfrost search for herbs ]

Apprentice & Skills
[ Emberpaw takes their final assessment ]
[ Cardinaltail and Fadedpaw train in climbing ]
[ Pineshade and Sunpaw train in climbing ]
[ Finchwing and Hollypaw train in battle ]

Kitting & Healing
[ Fig's kits will arrive in two moons ]

[ x2 chervil and x3 frogs are added from the Anniversary Calendar! ]

* Please do not kill any cats marked with a ✧ symbol.
* Injury and illness rolls are fine, but please don't roll for death on patrols!

      Sparrowstar | 62 moons | male | x
      Lives: ★★★★★★★

      ✧ Ivyblossom | 32 moons | female | x

      Applefall | 57 moons | male | x
      Skill Points: ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

      ✧ Honeyfrost | 21 moons | female | x
      Skill Points: ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

      Ramsey | 62 moons | male | x
      Brambletuft | 58 moons | male | x
      Cricketpounce | 57 moons | male | x
      ✧ Riverhowl | 56 moons | female | x
      Blastburn | 50 moons | male | x
      ✧ Fernpelt | 49 moons | female | x
      Hailsplash | 49 moons | male | x
      Smokestep | 48 moons | male | x
      Houndjaw | 46 moons | male | x
      ✧ Tallthorn | 45 moons | male | x
      Branchbreak | 43 moons | nb (afab) | x
      Tidepool | 39 moons | male | x
      Pineshade | 37 moons | male | x
      Finchwing | 35 moons | female | x
      ✧ Cardinaltail | 31 moons | male | x
      Cloudchaser | 29 moons | female | x
      Goldenheart | 25 moons | male | x
      ✧ Cherryclaw | 25 moons | female | x
      ✧ Mintfur | 24 moons | male | x
      ✧ Thistleflight | 22 moons | female | x
      ✧ Coffeebean | 21 moons | female (amab) | x
      ✧ Softlight | 21 moons | male | x
      Ashfang | 15 moons | female | x
      ✧ Cinderstorm | 15 moons | male | x
      Jayswoop | 15 moons | male | x
      Dovechirp | 14 moons | female | x
      Crowears | 14 moons | male | x
      Daisystem | 14 moons | female | x
      Violetspark | 14 moons | male | x

      ✧ Badgerstripe | 18 moons | male | x
    Emberpaw | 12 moons | nb (amab) | x
    Hollypaw | 10 moons | female | x
    ✧ Sunpaw | 9 moons | female | x
    ✧ Fadedpaw | 9 moons | male | x

    ✧ Heathersong | 60 moons | female | x
    Roselight | 55 moons | female | x
    ✧ Briarmask | 52 moons | female | x

    Magpiekit | 5 moons | female | x
    Warblerkit | 5 moons | male (afab) | x
    Saturnkit | 3 moons | male | x
    ✧ Swankit | 2 moons | female | x
    Pigeonkit | 2 moons | male | x
    ✧ Squirrelkit | 2 moons | female | x
    Sleetkit | 2 moons | male | x
    Thunderkit | 2 moons | female | x
    ✧ Greykit | 2 moons | female | x
    ✧ Duskkit | 1 moon | female | x
    ✧ Dawnkit | 1 moon | female | x
    Adderkit | 1 moon | male | x
    Butterflykit | 1 moon | female | x

    Redwhisker | 122 moons | male (afab) | x
    Mistywind | 108 moons | female | x

    Snow Hare | x 10 | 3 servings
    Bird | x 7 | 3 servings
    Small Fish | x 11 | 2 servings
    Ermine | x 11 | 2 servings
    Frog | x 13 | 1 servings
    Mouse | x 12 | 1 servings


    Cherryclaw | Emberpaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle
    Finchwing | Hollypaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle
    Cardinaltail | Fadedpaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle
    Pineshade | Sunpaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle

    Nightfang | shoved off mountain | StarClan
    Ravenswoop | killed by Badgerpaw | StarClan

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The Gladiators; LavenderClan Reborn = 021 (007) [A1]

Postby sharklord » Fri Sep 25, 2020 2:40 am

font credImage
mod; hazilnut | cats; 41 (males; 16 / females; 22 / other; 2) | servings; 7 | pebbles; 50 | next request; september 25th, 2020| due dates; salmonsnap (1 moon)

A C T I O N Q U E U E;
- wolfstone does not make a request this moon
- thirteen has joined the gladiators
- nimbuspaw has joined the gladiators
- the gladiators consume x1 small fish, x1 rabbit & x1 seagull
- coyotekit & kingfisherkit join the rascals
- sealpaw joins the students
- magpiepaw takes her assessment! she will be named magpiecrest
- moose looks for herbs
- wolfstone, nutmegtwist & auroralight patrol
- stoneglare, doughtnut & northwind patrol
- ivysky takes blazetail, mothleaf, mousehop, beaverfur & brightbee
- whiskerwing takes neptune, lanternflicker, thirteen, hickorybay & lyrefern
- juniperpaw trains in advanced hunting
- lynxpaw trains in hunting
- turtlepaw trains in fighting
- cherrypaw trains in fighting
- thunderpaw trains in fighting
- brackenpaw trains in fighting
- skipperpaw trains in fighting
- phoenixpaw trains in fighting
- sealpaw trains in wayfinding
- n/a
- magpiepaw & juniperpaw need their growths soon!
- 10 cats until the tournament may start
- 5 legionnaires until the tournament begins
- xx fights xx
- xx fights xx
- xx fights xx
- xx fights xx
- xx fights xx
- xx fights xx
- xx fights xx


        wrtiting goes here :)
all cats are fine for injury rolls except for cats with this (✧) symbol, and cats with this (✦) symbol are preferred for death rolls

♔ 𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚛
    wolfstone | ♂ | 67m |
    stoneglare | ♂ | 35m |
    moose | ♀ (amab) | 42m |
    elkhorn | ♀ | 39m |
𝚖𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚌'𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝
    name | ♂/♀ | #m | [url=link]✦✧✩[/url]
    ivysky | ♀ | 49m |
    whiskerwing | ♂ | 44m |
    nutmegtwist | ♀ | 43m |
    beaverfur | ♀ | 43m |
    blazetail | ♂ | 41m |
    neptune | ♀ | 39m |
    mothleaf | ♀ | 38m |
    claymask | ♂ | 36m |
    lanternflicker | ♀ | 34m |
    mousehop | ♂ | 32m |
    hickorybay | ♂/♀ | 29m |
    doughnut | ♂ | 27m |
    lyrefern | ♀ | 25m |
    brightbee | ♀ | 21m |
    thirteen | ♀ | 20m |
    northwind | ♀ | 17m |
    auroralight | ♀ | 17m |
    name | ♂/♀ | #m | [url=link]✦✧✩[/url]
    name | ♂/♀ | #m | [url=link]✦✧✩[/url]
    name | ♂/♀ | #m | [url=link]✦✧✩[/url]
    name | ♂/♀ | #m | [url=link]✦✧✩[/url]
    name | ♂/♀ | #m | [url=link]✦✧✩[/url]
    name | ♂/♀ | #m | [url=link]✦✧✩[/url]
    name | ♂/♀ | #m | [url=link]✦✧✩[/url]
    name | ♂/♀ | #m | [url=link]✦✧✩[/url]
    name | ♂/♀ | #m | [url=link]✦✧✩[/url]
    name | ♂/♀ | #m | [url=link]✦✧✩[/url]
    name | ♂/♀ | #m | [url=link]✦✧✩[/url]
    magpiepaw | ♀ | 12m |
    juniperpaw | ♀ | 12m |
    turtlepaw | ♀ | 10m |
    lynxpaw | ♂ | 10m |
    cherrypaw | ♀ | 10m |
    nimbuspaw | ♀ | 10m |
    thunderpaw | ♂ | 9m |
    brackenpaw | ♂ | 8m |
    skipperpaw | ♂ | 8m |
    phoenixpaw | ♀ | 8m |
    sealpaw | ♂ | 7m |
    name | ♂/♀ | #m | [url=link]✦✧✩[/url]
    name | ♂/♀ | #m | [url=link]✦✧✩[/url]
𝚛𝚊𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚜 (cats 6 moons old)
    coyotepaw | ♂ | 6m |
    kingfisherpaw | ♀ | 6m |
    name | ♂/♀ | #m | [url=link]✦✧✩[/url]
    name | ♂/♀ | #m | [url=link]✦✧✩[/url]
    kalypso | ♀ | 50m |
    salmonsnap | ♀ | 25m |
    name | ♂/♀ | #m | [url=link]✦✧✩[/url]
    name | ♂/♀ | #m | [url=link]✦✧✩[/url]
    sun | ♂ | 3m |
    fawn | ♀ | 3m |
    rowangaze | ♂ | 107m |
    robinstep | ♀ | 104m |


clan | user
clan | user
clan | user

clan | user
clan | user
clan | user

x1 lavender | x0 mint
x0 goldenrod | x2 rush
x1 wild garlic | x1 lovage
x1 cobwebs | x1 dock leaf
x1 coltsfoot | x1 bright-eye
x1 cedaline | x1 ragwort
x1 chamomile | x2 stinging nettles
x1 bindweed | x1 stick | x0 feverfew
x0 poppy seed | x0 deathberry
x0 burdock | x1 sweet-sedge
x1 tansy | x1 dragon cassia

[url]cat[/url] | cause
[url]cat[/url] | cause
[url]cat[/url] | cause

dragon & neptune | magpiepaw, juniperpaw & jaypaw, lichenkit
unknown & kokofur | northwind & auroralight, featherkit
unknown & ivysky | turtlepaw & lynxpaw, lambkit
frostspiral & kalypso | brackenpaw & fernkit
unknown & sunnyglow | skipperpaw & phoenixpaw
blazetail & petaldance | petalpaw & thunderpaw
wolfstone & swanstar | bearpaw, crowpaw, hawkpaw, coyotepaw & kingfisherpaw
zephyr & elkhorn | fawn & sun
hickorybay & salmonsnap | kits
clams | x6 | 1 serving (6 servings)
bats | x6 | 1 serving (6 servings)
small fish | x2 | 2 servings (4 servings)
rabbits | x2 | 2 servings (4 servings)
rats | x3 | 2 servings (6 servings)
seagulls | x7 | 3 servings (21 servings)

stoneglare | magpiepaw | 5 complete
hickorybay | juniperpaw | 4
wayfinding, fighting, hunting,
advanced fighting, advanced hunting

lyrefern | lynxpaw | 2
wayfinding, fighting, hunting,
advanced fighting, advanced hunting

mothleaf | turtlepaw | 1
wayfinding, fighting, hunting,
advanced fighting, advanced hunting

wolfstone | cherrypaw | 1
wayfinding, fighting, hunting,
advanced fighting, advanced hunting

mousehop | thunderpaw | 1
wayfinding, fighting, hunting,
advanced fighting, advanced hunting

blazetail | brackenpaw | 1
wayfinding, fighting, hunting,
advanced fighting, advanced hunting

beaverfur | skipperpaw | 1
wayfinding, fighting, hunting,
advanced fighting, advanced hunting

laternflicker | phoenixpaw | 1
wayfinding, fighting, hunting,
advanced fighting, advanced hunting

thirteen | nimbuspaw | 0
wayfinding, fighting, hunting,
advanced fighting, advanced hunting

ivysky | sealpaw | 0
wayfinding, fighting, hunting,
advanced fighting, advanced hunting

whiskerwing | coyotepaw | 0
wayfinding, fighting, hunting,
advanced fighting, advanced hunting

brightbee | kingfisherpaw | 0
wayfinding, fighting, hunting,
advanced fighting, advanced hunting

mentor | apprentice | 0
wayfinding, fighting, hunting,
advanced fighting, advanced hunting
Last edited by sharklord on Tue Sep 29, 2020 3:09 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby ~Vincent-Valentine~ » Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:36 am

Conquest Avenue Number of Cats: 1 | Next Starclan Visit: In three dawns | Pebbles: 20

Conquest stalked amongst the dry rye with ease, his golden eyes glinting. His ancestors had promised him that they'd help him make a clan, a better life for all cats around. Conquest always believed in his ancestors, no matter what they said. He put full faith into them that they'd know best for him. He'd just hoped that his soon-to-be clanmates would understand that.
Conquest peered through the barbed wall, the forest leading away from the sacred lands. Perhaps some cats would come running to him, desperate to leave the cold grasps of those filthy humans. Or... maybe they liked being with them. Nonetheless, Conquest had to rescue some cats from human's dens.
Conquest searches for stray cats to join his clan

          Conquest | 36 dawns | Male | Longhair ginger and white tabby with golden eyes
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Amnesty's Mates:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Toads | x0 | 0 servings
    Crows | x0 | 0 servings
    Songbird | x0 | 0 servings
    Shrew | x0 | 0 servings
    Mole | x0 | 0 servings
    Weasel | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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Chaosclan 038

Postby Kazin » Fri Sep 25, 2020 1:17 pm

Font credit
Number of cats: 93 | 42 ♀ | 47 ♂ | 4 nonbinary
Servings Needed: 14, next at 91 | Next Request: anytime | Mod: deimos
Writing Archive | Herb/Pebble Storage | Mates/Families


      Link to Chapter
      --Organization for the two separate groups.
      --Small read, but important as Raptorstar gains his confidence in leading back, and Crowcatcher grows into her position.


        New Members;;
        ➸ Dovelily's kits are named Inkkit, Cuckookit, and Persimmonkit. Kiwituft's kits are named Caramelkit and Chocolatekit; Dovelily agrees to keep watch over them alongside their three. The new queen is named Yuccagrowl.

        ➸ Rookfang, Longbranch, Daggershade, Gilaspike, Sagebird, and Pandamask hunt.
        ➸ Raptorstar, Zephyrsnap, Maddersneak, Rosepond, Nymphglare, and Cascadepaw hunt.
        ➸ Otterleap, Cricketstripe, Tsunamibite, Kestrelchaser, Eclipsefrost, and Kiwituft hunt.
        ➸ Riverecho, Flameraven, Nightshadesting, Bambooscratch, Strawberryleaf, and Nutmegwasp hunt.

        ➸ Skippercloud, Buzzardshade, Thistlepath, Peppermask, Apricotblossom, and Cicadapaw patrol the borders.
        ➸ Snowbriar, Fireflyglint, Snowybranch, Walnutblaze, Minkbriar, and Falconshine patrol the borders.

        ➸ Sunflicker gathers herbs.
        ➸ Jaggedpaw trains in illnesses.
        ➸ Phoenixfur is resting moon 2/2. Dogbanespark is resting moon 3/3. Perchstrike is resting moon 2/2.

        ➸ Atlasrain's stud kits arrive in 1 moon.
        Genetics: N/A
        ➸ Yuccagrowl's kits are due in 2 moons.

        ➸ Shrikepaw and Twigpaw train in hunting.
        ➸ Lemonpaw trains in tracking.
        ➸ none train in fighting.
        ➸ Finpaw and Tadpolepaw train in stealth.
        ➸ Lavenderpaw trains in swimming.

        Rank Changes;;
        ➸ Cobrakit, Wolfkit, and Nightingalekit become apprentices this moon!
        Mentor(s): Kestrelchaser, Rosepond, Eclipsefrost
        ➸ Marigoldpaw, Mosquitopaw, Mudpaw, Nimbuspaw, and Twilightpaw take their assessments this moon! Passing will yield these names; Marigoldclaw, Mosquitoflight, Mudstomp, Nimbuspelt, and Twilightpounce. Marigold, Mosquito, and Nimbus would be Scouts - Mud and Twilight would be Hunters.
        ➸ Crowcatcher, in charge of camp during the disappearance of the leaders, names Atlasrain as a Soldier.

        ➸ not this moon.

        ➸ Chaosclan consumes 2 pigeons, 2 hares, and 1 squirrel.
        ➸ A storm separates many cats from main camp. They will be listed in italics and will not be sent on patrols with cats from the 'main camp,' only with others in italics.
        ➸ Cicadapaw, Locustpaw, Lavenderpaw, and Tadpolepaw receive new mentors; Peppermask, Perchstrike, Phoenixfur, and Falconshine.


        Notes: In case of a death roll, please do not kill any marked with ♦. Injuries are fair game for all!

        ➸ Apprentices that don't need growths/can remain on their current lines (disregard if growths have already been done for them); Marigoldpaw, Jaggedpaw.

        Apprentices I'd like grown [please take as much time as you need!!]: Mosquitopaw, Locustpaw, Cicadapaw, Grasshopperpaw, Mudpaw, Cascadepaw, Nimbuspaw, Twilightpaw, Lavenderpaw, Finpaw, Tadpolepaw.

        ➸ I'd prefer apprentices remain on kit lines until they become warriors, or get their full growths when they reach apprenticeship, to make it easier on the artists <3 Whichever is fine with me.


    Raptorstar | | 65 moons | ★★★☆☆
    Songbirdstar | | 67 moons | ★★☆☆

    Soldiers [3 max]
    Atlasrain ♦ | | 47 moons
    Crowcatcher ♦ | | 38 moons
    Zephyrsnap | | 30 moons

    Amberdawn | | 61 moons
    --> 5 Skill Points

    Sunflicker ♦ | | 23 moons
    --> 5 skill points
    Jaggedpaw ♦ | | 13 moons

    Rookfang | | 70 moons
    Starlingblink | | 64 moons
    Longbranch ♦ | | 59 moons
    Almondcloud | | 58 moons
    Otterleap | | 57 moons
    Daggershade ♦ | | 51 moons
    Cinnamonflight ♦ | nb (afab) | 50 moons (powers)
    Marshminnow ♦ | | 49 moons
    Cricketstripe | | 47 moons
    Tsunamibite | | 43 moons
    Riverecho | | 34 moons
    Gilaspike ♦ | nb (afab) | 29 moons
    Eclipsefrost | | 28 moons
    Sagebird ♦ | | 26 moons
    Kestrelchaser | | 26 moons
    Kiwituft ♦ | | 26 moons
    Pandamask ♦ | | 23 moons
    Flameraven ♦ | | 23 moons
    Nightshadesting | | 20 moons
    Maddersneak ♦ | | 20 moons
    Bambooscratch | | 20 moons
    Rosepond ♦ | | 19 moons
    Strawberryleaf | | 19 moons
    Infernopetal ♦ | | 18 moons
    Sharkfrost ♦ | | 18 moons
    Nymphglare ♦ | | 16 moons
    Nutmegwasp | | 13 moons
    Name | ♀/♂ | moons
    Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Sparkbreeze | | 45 moons
Yuccagrowl | | 29 moons
Dovelily | nb (afab) | 24 moons

Jasminekit ♦ | | 5 moons
Saffronkit ♦ | | 5 moons
Mockingbirdkit ♦ | | 2 moons
Loonkit ♦ | | 2 moons
Lyrekit ♦ | | 2 moons
Blackbirdkit ♦ | | 2 moons
Pyrekit ♦ | | 1 moons
Caramelkit | | 0 moons
Chocolatekit | | 0 moons
Inkkit | | 0 moons
Cuckookit | | 0 moons
Persimmonkit | | 0 moons

Moosefreckle | | 75 moons
Icetuft | | 80 moons
Nightmint ♦ | | 104 moons
Littledust | | 124 moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Buzzardshade ♦ | | 65 moons
Minkbriar | | 57 moons
Phoenixfur | | 51 moons
Skippercloud ♦ | | 49 moons
Cocoablaze ♦ | | 40 moons
Perchstrike ♦ | | 38 moons
Falconshine | | 30 moons
Ferretscar | | 30 moons
Sulphurstripe | | 28 moons
Condorglide | | 26 moons
Basilthorn | nb (afab) | 26 moons
Thistlepath ♦ | | 26 moons
Peppermask ♦ | | 25 moons

Snowbriar ♦ | (afab) | 24 moons
Fireflyglint ♦ | | 23 moons
Snowybranch ♦ | | 21 moons
Dogbanespark | | 20 moons
Apricotblossom ♦ | | 19 moons
Walnutblaze ♦ | | 19 moons
Skatetooth | | 18 moons
Azuregaze ♦ | | 16 moons

Marigoldpaw | (amab) | 15 moons
Mosquitopaw | | 12 moons
Locustpaw | | 12 moons
Cicadapaw ♦ | | 12 moons
Grasshopperpaw | | 12 moons
Mudpaw | | 12 moons
Cascadepaw ♦ | | 12 moons
Nimbuspaw | | 12 moons
Twilightpaw | | 12 moons
Lavenderpaw | | 11 moons
Finpaw | | 10 moons
Tadpolepaw | | 10 moons
Lemonpaw | | 8 moons
Shrikepaw | | 7 moons
Twigpaw ♦ | | 7 moons
Cobrapaw | | 6 moons
Wolfpaw ♦ | | 6 moons
Nightingalepaw | | 6 moons


    Ally/Enemy Clans
    Name | Username | relationship
    Name | Username | relationship

    Border Clans
    North | Ravenclan | inky.
    East | Twistedclan | spasticjazzhands
    South | Steamclan | Katrione
    West | Name | Username
    Southwest | Scarabclan | broken*

    Deceased Cats
    Raptorstar (Life 1) | hawk attack
    Pecankit ♀ | stillborn
    Songbirdstar (Life 1) | hypothermia
    Ravenstrike | hypothermia
    Scorchkit ♀ | stillborn
    Flickerheart ♀ | rockslide
    Wrenbreeze ♀ | rockslide
    Duskwillow ♀ | infection
    Coyotesong ♂ | dogs
    Tigerkit ♂ | weakness at birth
    Pythonkit ♂ | weakness at birth
    Beebuzz ♂ | training accident
    Darkspider ♀ | training accident
    Satyrpaw ♂ | training accident
    Indigopaw ♂ | training accident
    Honeypaw ♀ | training accident
    Petalsong | ♀ | Raptorstar/Buzzardshade fight
    Beechkit ♂ | birth
    Fallencrow ♂ | storm
    Sealshine ♀ | storm
    Chickadeefeather ♀ | storm
    Firebolt ♂ | storm
    Hazelfreckle ♀ | storm
    Jasperstone ♂ | storm
    Pearflower ♀ | storm
    Pikapounce nb | storm
    Emberlily ♀ | storm
    Fritillarystreak ♀ | storm
    Volcanodusk ♂ | storm
    Thymesnap ♀ | storm
    Skymouse ♀ | storm
    Mooncinder nb | storm
    Weevilsnap ♂ | storm
    Heatherglow ♀ | storm
    Raptorstar (life 3) | storm
    Songbirdstar (life 2) | storm
    Hickorypounce ♂ | tree branch

    Cat Notes
    Atlasrain has limited vision in his remaining eye.
    Icetuft is blind.
    Tsunamibite is blind.
    Sharkfrost is blind.
    Prey Pile
    prey | servings | amount
    Mouse | 1 | 6
    Squirrel | 2 | 4 [-1]
    Hare | 3 | 3 [-2]
    Shrew | 1 | 5
    Rat | 2 | 5
    Pigeon | 3 | 3 [-2]
    Stoat | 2 | 0
    Minnow | 1 | 7

    Mentor | Apprentice | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim*
    *The swim skill is optional*

    Sulphurstripe | Marigoldpaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Minkbriar | Mosquitopaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Perchstrike | Locustpaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Peppermask | Cicadapaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Basilthorn | Grasshopperpaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Cricketstripe | Mudpaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Maddersneak | Cascadepaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Fireflyglint | Nimbuspaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Hickorypounce | Twilightpaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Phoenixfur | Lavenderpaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Condorglide | Finpaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Falconshine | Tadpolepaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Snowybranch | Lemonpaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Sunflicker | Jaggedpaw | Herbs(adv.), Illness(adv.), Wounds(adv.), Poisons, Admin.,
    Walnutblaze | Shrikepaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Sagebird | Twigpaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Kestrelchaser | Cobrapaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Rosepond | Wolfpaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Eclipsefrost | Nightingalepaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
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✧ VagaryClan : 024 ✧

Postby [kat] » Fri Sep 25, 2020 6:42 pm


Number of Cats: 84 | Next StarClan Visit: 10/2/20 | Pebbles: 229

✧ i have a plan now!!

          ♂️| Riverstar | 71 moons |
          Lives: ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦

          ❂ ♂️| Rookspots | 99 moons |

          𝕞𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕥
          ♂️| Fadedsun | 82 moons |
          Skill Points: ❀❀❀❀❀
          𝕞𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕥 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕖
          ❂ ♀️| Copperpaw | 12 moons |

          ❂ ♂️| Blazethroat | 72 moons |
          ❂ ♂️| Cottontuft | 68 moons |
          ♂️| Fallowsquall | 67 moons |
          ❂ ♀️| Lilacshadow | 66 moons |
          ♂️ | Thorndash | 62 moons |
          ❂ ♀️| Lynxface | 58 moons |
          ❂ ♂️| Shellsnap | 57 moons |
          ❂ ♂️| Hickoryheart | 56 moons |
          ➵ three legs
          ❂ ♂️| Rumblecloud | 55 moons |
          ❂ ♀️| Vividgaze | 51 moons |
          ♂️| Branchberry | 47 moons |
          ♀️| Briarthorn | 45 moons |
          ❂ ♂️| Hailclaw | 45 moons |
          ♂️| Mistytail | 44 moons |
          ❂ ♀️ | Shadowcall | 42 moons |
          ♂️ | Hazefrost | 41 moons |
          ♀️ | Coralcreek | 41 moons |
          ♂️ | Cedarbranch | 40 moons |
          ♀️| Emberhaze | 38 moons |
          ♀️| Fernglow | 35 moons |
          ♀️| Cracklestorm | 35 moons |
          ♂️| Ashfall | 34 moons |
          ♂️| Lionleap | 31 moons |
          ❂ ♀️| Coalstream | 30 moons |
          ♀️| Honeybee | 27 moons |
          ♂️| Waxwhisker | 26 moons |
          ❂ ♂️| Rustfoot | 25 moons |
          ♂️| Bluesky | 25 moons |
          ♀️| Sweetpetal | 24 moons |
          ❂ ♀️| Nightflash | 23 moons |
          ♀️| Ravenfeather | 23 moons |
          ♂️| Rainwatcher | 21 moons |
          ♂️| Sharprunner | 21 moons |
          ♀️| Hopfrog | 21 moons |
          ♂️| Pinefrost | 21 moons |
          ❂ ♀️| Softlight | 21 moons |
          ❂ ♂️| Leafgale | 21 moons |
          ♀️| Turtlesplash | 20 moons |
          ♂️| Sloeberry | 20 moons |
          ♂️| Foxcatcher | 17 moons |

          ♀️| Sunpaw | 13 moons |
          ♂️| Moonpaw | 13 moons |
          ♀️| Poppypaw | 13 moons |
          ❂ ♀️| Silverpaw | 12 moons |
          ❂ ♂️| Ironpaw | 12 moons |
          ♂️| Pewterpaw | 12 moons |
          ♂️| Steelpaw | 12 moons |
          ❂ ♂️| Whorlpaw | 8 moons |
          ♂️| Prairiepaw | 8 moons |
          ♀️| Cinderpaw | 6 moons |
          ♂️| Smokepaw | 6 moons |
          ➵ deaf

          ❂ ♀️ | Smallshadow | 87 moons |
          ♀️| Burnstripe | 64 moons |
          ♀️| Brindlebirch | 62 moons |
          ➵ permanent queen
          ♀️| Minkmuzzle | 49 moons |
          ♀️| Frecklewing | 43 moons |
          ♀️| Goldengaze | 39 moons |
          ♀️| Lotusfall | 38 moons |
          ♀️| Iceblink | 32 moons |
          ➵ due in 2m
          ♀️ | Snowynight | 31 moons |

          ♂️| Fierykit | 5 moons |
          ♀️| Bubblekit | 5 moons |
          ♂️| Granitekit | 5 moons |
          ♂️| Marblekit | 5 moons |
          ♀️| Glasskit | 5 moons |
          ♂️| Woodkit | 5 moons |
          ♀️| Quartzkit | 5 moons |
          ♂️| Flamekit | 3 moons |
          ♀️| Topazkit | 3 moons |
          ♂️| Diamondkit | 3 moons |
          ♂️| Stormkit | 2 moons |
          ♀️| Fogkit | 2 moons |
          ♀️| Lilykit | 2 moons |
          ♀️| Ebonykit | 2 moons |
          ➵ autoimmune disorder
          ♀️| Otterkit | 2 moons |
          ♂️| Stoatkit | 2 moons |
          ♀️| Rabbitkit | 2 moons |
          ♀️| Ferretkit | 2 moons |

          ♀️| Mouseear | 161 moons |
          ♂️| Mistclaw | 143 moons |
    North | IslandClan | 爆殺王
    Northeast | BearClan | inky.
    East | ChessClan | sharpiesandhamilton
    Southeast | GroveClan | solyn
    South | PineClan | deimos
    Southwest | Flos Vitae | spasticjazzhands
    West | Shadowed Kingdom | Immortes
    Northwest | Highgarden | eagle,

    𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕓 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕖
    Cobweb | x2 | stops bleeding
    Comfrey | x2 | soothes wounds, itches, stiffness, or burns
    Catmint | x1 | remedies greencough and whitecough
    Poppy seeds | x1 | eases shock and pain, promotes sleep
    Marigold | x3 | stops infection and bleeding
    Feverfew | x3 | reduces fever and headaches
    Stinging nettle | x0 | reduces swelling and infections, helps
    with broken bones and wounds
    Dock | x2 | soothes scratches and sore pads, eases pain
    Raspberry leaves | x3 | eases pain, reduces bleeding
    Catchweed | x1 | prevents poultices from being rubbed off
    Deathberries | x1 | poison for mercy kills
    Wild garlic | x3 | prevents infection, extracts poison from bites
    Yarrow | x1 | extracts poison from wounds, induces vomiting to
    remove toxins, softens and heals cracked pads
    Willow leaf | x3 | stops vomiting
    Stick | x1 | distracts cats from pain (especially during birth), can
    be made into splints
    Horsetail | x2 | treats infections, stops bleeding
    Chervil | x1 | treats infected wounds and bellyaches, can be used
    during kitting
    Borage | x1 | helps queens produce milk, brings down fevers,
    soothes stomachaches and tight chests
    Comfrey root | x1 | repairs broken bones, soothes wounds,
    itching, inflammation, burns, stiffness, and wrenched claws
    Thyme | x1 | calms nervousness, anxiety, and shock
    Honey | x1 | soothes coughing, infections, and sore throats
    Mallow | x1 | soothes bellyache
    Dandelion | x1 | heals beestings and can be chewed as
    a painkiller
    Hawkweed | x1 | similar to catmint but less effective
    Fennel | x1 | helps hip pain
    Coltsfoot | x1 | eases breathing, kitten cough, and cracked or
    sore pads
    Mouse bile | x1 | kills ticks
    Alder bark | x1 | eases toothaches
    Blackberry leaves | x2 | eases bee stings
    Ragwort leaves | x1 | soothes aching joints; gives strength
    Burnet | x2 | gives strength; good for queens
    Tormentil | x2 | treats wounds; extracts poison
    Sorrel | x2 | builds up appetite

    𝕗𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕙-𝕜𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕡𝕚𝕝𝕖
    Mice (1 serving) | x4 | 4 servings
    Vole (1 serving) | x6 | 6 servings
    Rabbit (2 servings) | x6 | 12 servings
    Squirrel (2 servings) | x2 | 4 servings
    Small Fish (2 servings) | x10 | 20 servings
    Bird (3 servings) | x2 | 6 servings
    Big Fish (3 servings) | x3 | 9 servings

    Mistytail | Sunpaw | 4/4 | Fighting, Climbing, Tracking,
    Cedarbranch | Moonpaw | 5/4 | Hunting, Fighting, Climbing,
    Tracking, Swimming
    Lynxface | Poppypaw | 3/4 | Hunting, Fighting, Swimming
    Blazethroat | Silverpaw | 4/4 | Hunting, Fighting, Climbing,
    Riverstar | Ironpaw | 4/4 | Fighting, Climbing, Tracking,
    Coralcreek | Pewterpaw | 3/4 | Fighting, Climbing, Hunting
    Briarthorn | Steelpaw | 2/4 | Fighting, Climbing
    Fadedsun | Copperpaw | 3/4 | Herb identification,
    Wound treatment, Kitting
    Cottontuft | Whorlpaw | 1/4 | Hunting
    Ashfall | Prairiepaw | 1/4 | Hunting
    Bluesky | Cinderpaw | 0/4 | Moves
    Branchberry | Smokepaw | 0/4 | Moves

    Smallshadow and Unknown | Coalstream
    Vividgaze and Rider | Rainwatcher, Sharprunner, Hopfrog, Pinefrost,
    Softlight, Leafgale
    Unknown and Unknown | Turtlesplash, Sloeberry
    Brindlebirch and Unknown | Sunpaw, Moonpaw
    Silverbee and Unknown | Silverpaw, Ironpaw,
    Copperpaw, Pewterpaw, Steelpaw
    Amberlight and Cottontuft | Whorlpaw and Agaterust
    Fernglow and Unknown | Cinderkit, Smokekit
    Marigoldstep and Fallowsquall | Fierykit, Bubblekit, Granitekit
    Frecklewing and Unknown | Marblekit, Glasskit, Woodkit, Quartzkit
    Burnstripe and Firemouse | Flamekit, Glowkit
    Goldengaze and Lorde | Topazkit, Diamondkit
    Smallshadow and Rookspots | Stormkit, Fogkit
    Minkmuzzle and Unknown | Otterkit, Stoatkit, Rabbitkit,
    Ferretkit, Volekit
    Lotusfall and Splitfire | Lilykit
    Snowynight and Goosewing | Ebonykit

    𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕖𝕕
    Mintstep | Killed by fox trap
    Silverbee | Died from birthing complications
    Volekit | Weak after birth

➵ Cracklestorm (anniversary random custom), Lionleap (zodiac event), and Emberhaze (anniversary custom) join VagaryClan.
➵ Cinderkit and Smokekit have been promoted to apprentices. Their mentors are Bluesky and Branchberry.
➵ Sunpaw and Moonpaw attempt their warrior assessments.
➵ Coralcreek teaches Pewterpaw swimming.
➵ Lynxface teaches Poppypaw climbing.
➵ Cottontuft and Ashfall teach Whorlpaw and Prairiepaw fighting.
➵ Fadedsun teaches Copperpaw illness treatment.
➵ Softlight, Turtlesplash, Vividgaze, Hickoryheart, Mistytail, and Cedarbranch go on a hunting patrol.
➵ Coalstream, Leafgale, Hailclaw, Sloeberry, Hazefrost, and Lynxface go on a hunting patrol.
➵ Rainwatcher, Cottontuft, Sweetpetal, Hopfrog, Thorndash, and Pinefrost go on a border patrol.
➵ Fallowsquall, Rustfoot, Shellsnap, Waxwhisker, and Rumblecloud go on a border patrol.
➵ Shadowcall, Sharprunner, Blazethroat, Ravenfeather, and Briarthorn go on a border patrol.
➵ Fadedsun and Copperpaw search for herbs.
➵ Hazefrost's and Thorndash's stud kits should arrive this moon (actually last moon but shh).
➵ VagaryClan consume 6 rabbits and 2 voles (14 servings).
➵ Riverstar requests a warrior.

𝕞𝕠𝕕 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖𝕤
➵ Please no deaths right now except for stillborn kits! Injuries/sickness of any severity are fine.
➵ Please don't find any kits or queens on border patrols for now.
➵ Vividgaze, Rainwatcher, Sharprunner, Hopfrog, Pinefrost, Softlight, and Leafgale all have powers that can activate at any time, see here.
➵ Please don't target cats marked with ❂ for deaths or severe injuries.


██ Please contact Mr. Johnson in the control tower, ██

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SuburbClan - Founding

Postby Ariento » Sat Sep 26, 2020 12:02 pm

"Yeah, you know they just live in these massive groups. And they've got these weird names, two words smashed together. I tried out living with them, but it just wasn't for me. I can't be tied down to one place."

The loner's story had stuck with Angel long after she had left, and as their boredom with their life of leisure grew they hatched a plan. They'd make their own Clan, and invite all their kittypet friends to join it. They'd meet during the day and do Clan cat things, and at night go back home to their housefolk.

It was a great plan! As long as they steered clear of the dogs, cars, and rowdy teenagers, the suburbs they lived in were pretty safe. Most natural predators there were nocturnal, so the cats of Angel's Clan wouldn't have to worry about running into them. Only hawks ventured out during the day, and they were only a threat to young kits. Not even starvation was truly a threat, because even if the Clan couldn't catch the local birds and rodents there was always kibble or wet food waiting at home.

Neutering, spaying, and the housefolk tradition of taking kittens away were things Angel knew they had to be wary of. They didn't have any answers to those problems yet, but hopefully they'd figure it out when the time came.

That's how Angel became Angelstar, leader of SuburbClan.

For my founder, can I have a pure white cat please? Eye color and fur length don't matter. I've made more than 5 posts on my other Clans so I believe I can start with lineart this time.
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[ ☆ ─ pineclan ] [ ☆ ─ 088 ]

Postby deimido » Sat Sep 26, 2020 2:10 pm

      𐰷 population. 195 • pebbles. 123 • servings. 028 • prey types. 012 • patrols. 010 • last reply. heremoderator. kazin • archive. HERE 𐰶
      im gonna b backfiling for months
      𐰷 newcomers --- ❝ minkstar welcomes the following into pineclan!❞
      - atlaskit & plumkit (celestial beings)
      - troutkit & ospreykit (sandwhisker's litter)

      𐰷 leaving --- ❝ minkstar wishes the following cats farewell.❞
      - magpiewhisker's death is mourned by pineclan; some of his close family takes a moon off of duties to grieve.
      aspenheart, asterwhisker, lavenderstream, acornclaw, carppaw, mockingpaw.

      rank changes --- ❝ minkstar gathers everyone for a clan meeting.❞
      - n/a.

      𐰷 border patrols --- ❝ minkstar organizes the following patrols.❞
      [1] siskinfang, lemontail, poorwillface, scalestorm, buzzardstep, wheatcloud.
      [2] pearlnose, larkclaw, sparrowtail, velvetrabbit, luciastorm, grousetail.
      [3] coyotefang, swamppaw, crystalkeeper, chipmunkstorm, larkclaw, firestream.
      [4] ratnose, knollstream, saddleface, ptarmiganfoot, hyenatooth, grosbeakcloud.
      [5] egrettail, julius, eaglewhisker, bluegaze, nymphclaw, teaselclaw.

      𐰷 hunting patrols --- ❝ ratnose organizes the following patrols.❞
      [1] wasptail, gadwallwhisker, hawknose, alyssumstream, daffodilheart, grebestream.
      [2] ramhorn, lilacpounce, bearcloud, waspfur, dandeliontail, sorrelnose.
      [3] comfreyfang, kingfisherstorm, mallardclaw, mottlecloud, raisincloud, phoebewhisker.
      [4] mottlecloud, camasfang, yarrowstream, mallardclaw, darkcloud, aspenheart.
      [5] chickadeefur, skimmercloud, hazelstorm, juncofang, deerstep, oakpaw.

      𐰷 medical --- ❝ weaselstorm oversees the following proceedings.❞
      - weaselstorm, shadeleaf, and poppynose go herb gathering.
      - pikaflower is given +1 burdock root; 1/1 moon of rest. [subtracted from archive]
      - turtlefur is given +1 comfrey root and +1 poppy seed; 1/3 moons. [subtracted from archive]

      𐰷 families ---
      - veerypelt is kitting! weaselstorm attends the kitting; +1 dandelion and +1 honey are set on standby in case they're needed.
      (the birth father of the litter is unknown so go wild kazin - mom's geno if you need a ref: Ll / bb / XoXo / Dd / aa / Mcmc / II / Wsw)

      - wigeonfoot is kitting! poppynose attends the kitting.
      the father is lemon.

      𐰷 training sessions --- ❝ mentors and apprentices proceed to the training hollow.❞
      [1; learning any med. cat skill. ] cloudpaw.
      [2; learning any warrior skill. ] oakpaw, birchpaw, stormpaw, hailpaw, sato, swamppaw.
      [3; learning the hunting skill. ] n/a.
      [4; learning the stalking skill. ] mottlepaw, kingletpaw, crescentpaw, skypaw, fleetpaw, silverpaw, gracklepaw, fennelpaw, oreganopaw, cardinalpaw.

      𐰷 final assessments --- ❝ the apprentices ready themselves for one last test.❞
      - pinyonpaw (-stream), chicorypaw (-tail), and elfinpaw (-flower) attempt their final assessments!

      𐰷 prey consumed --- (already subtracted from archive.)
      - n/a.

      𐰷 notes to mod + notes to self
      -- i'd like for kits to get their growths once they become apprentices!

      -- cats with red names in my allegiances list are ones i'd prefer being targeted in the event that death rolls occur, but every cat is fair game for injuries; every queen in my nursery can also be targeted for death rolls, regardless of whether their names are in red or not.
      -- cats with blue names in my action queue have powers, which can be checked out by clicking the "[P]" link next to their name in my allegiances.
          Minkstar, 85, molly, 9 lives


          Senior Warriors
          Wasptail, 92, molly
          Ramhorn, 92, tom
          Turtlefur, 88, molly
          Comfreyfang, 85, molly
          Mottlecloud, 85, molly
          Eaglewhisker 80, tom
          Velvetrabbit, 80, molly
          Chickadeefur, 79, molly
          Rosefur, 78, molly
          Asphodelface, 77, tom
          Phoebewhisker, 75, molly
          Lizardstripe, 74, tom
          Larkclaw, 74, tom
          Aspenheart, 73, tom
          Flamefang, 73, tom
          Pikaflower, 73, molly
          Cloudyspots, 73, molly
          Waspfur, 73, tom
          Lizardstream, 72, molly

          Warriors (CONT.)
          Birchstripe, 43, molly
          Ashstorm, 43, molly
          Elmfur, 43, tom
          Lightclaw, 40, tom
          Morningheart, 40, molly
          Bitternpelt, 36, molly
          Grousetail, 35, nb
          Luciastorm, 35, tom
          Orangeclaw, 34, molly
          Hazelstorm, 34, tom
          Ryeheart, 34, molly
          Cloverheart, 34, tom
          Wheatcloud, 34, molly
          Yarrowstream, 34, tom
          Brindlewhisker, 34, molly
          Lichenstream, 34, molly
          Pinkstorm, 34, tom
          Raisincloud, 34, tom
          Wrinklenose, 34, tom
          Daymoss, 34, tom
          Warriors (CONT.)
          Skipperflower, 20, tom
          Checkerwhisker, 20, tom
          Thrushclaw, 20, molly
          Pipitclaw, 20, tom
          Pepperstorm, 20, molly
          Tarragonface, 19, tom
          Pipsissewapelt, 19, tom
          Bearcloud, 19, tom [P]
          Ploverheart, 19, molly
          Buzzardflower, 18, tom
          Grosbeakcloud, 17, molly
          Buttercuppelt, 16, molly
          Eveningfoot, 15, molly
          Harlequinpelt, 14, molly
          Fogface, 14, tom
          Burdockwhisker, 14, tom
          Nymphclaw, 14, tom
          Satyrstream, 14, tom
          Cariboupelt, 14, molly

          Ratnose, 59, tom


          Shadowclaw, 69, tom
          Daisystorm, 67, molly
          Hyenatooth, 66, molly
          Robincloud, 66, tom
          Camasfang, 66, tom
          Oatfur, 62, tom
          Vervaincloud, 60, tom
          Blissheart, 59, tom
          Buzzardstep, 59, tom
          Julius, 58, tom
          Sparrowtail, 58, tom
          Waxwhisker, 56, molly
          Shuri, 55, molly
          Juniperpelt, 54, tom
          Egrettail, 54, tom
          Orchidnose, 54, molly
          Juncofang, 54, tom
          Frostflower, 54, molly
          Acornclaw, 53, molly
          Firestream, 52, tom

          Warriors (CONT.)
          Grayhood, 34, molly
          Newtflower, 33, molly
          Shadowfoot, 33, tom
          Lemontail, 33, molly
          Rufousheart, 33, tom
          Wrenflower, 33, molly
          Teaselclaw, 33, tom
          Coyotefang, 33, molly
          Asami, 33, molly
          Kingfisherstorm, 32, tom
          Goshawkheart, 31, molly
          Gadwallwhisker, 31, tom [P]
          Ferretfang, 31, tom
          Crystalkeeper, 31, tom
          Mistflower, 30, molly
          Chipmunkstorm, 30, molly
          Goldenflower, 30, molly
          Deerstep, 29, molly
          Russettail, 29, tom
          Darkcloud, 29, molly
          Cloudpaw, 17, tom
          Pinyonpaw, 14, molly
          Chicorypaw, 14, tom
          Elfinpaw, 14, molly
          Carppaw, 13, molly
          Mockingpaw, 12, molly
          Oakpaw, 11, molly
          Birchpaw, 11, molly
          Stormpaw, 11, tom
          Hailpaw, 11, tom
          Sato, 10, molly
          Swamppaw, 10, molly
          Mottlepaw, 7, molly
          Kingletpaw, 7, molly
          Crescentpaw, 7, molly
          Skypaw, 7, molly
          Fleetpaw, 7, tom
          deaf in right ear.
          Silverpaw, 7, molly
          Gracklepaw, 7, tom
          Fennelpaw, 7, tom
          Oreganopaw, 7, tom
          Cardinalpaw, 7, tom
          Medicine Cats
          Weaselstorm, 88, tom, 5SP
          Shadeleaf, 58, molly, 5SP
          Poppynose, 36, tom, 5SP

          Warriors (CONT.)
          Snakeshade, 52, tom
          Arnicatail, 52, molly
          Darkclover, 51, tom
          Lilacpounce, 51, molly
          Warblerfoot, 49, tom
          Alyssumstream, 49, tom
          Cedarfoot, 49, tom
          Maplenose, 48, molly
          Pearlnose, 47, tom
          Bluegaze, 47, tom
          Marigoldclaw, 45, tom
          Dandeliontail, 45, nb
          Patchmuzzle, 45, tom
          Sheepcoat, 45, molly
          Sorrelfrost, 45, tom
          Asterwhisker, 45, molly
          Lavenderstream, 45, molly
          Grebestream, 45, tom
          Siskinfang, 45, tom
          Hawknose, 45, molly
          full blindness.
          Warriors (CONT.)
          Sorrelnose, 29, tom
          Harrierwhisker, 28, tom
          Peregrineheart, 28, tom
          Elkfoot, 28, tom
          Dipperfoot, 27, tom
          Ptarmiganfoot, 27, molly
          Scalestorm, 26, molly
          Knollstream, 25, molly
          Graynose, 25, tom
          Skimmercloud, 25, molly
          Jasminefur, 25, molly
          partial deaf & blindness.
          Hawkweedfoot, 25, tom
          Oriolestep, 24, molly
          Daffodilheart, 23, tom
          Foxfang, 23, tom
          Bahiafang, 22, molly
          Saddleface, 22, molly
          Prairienose, 22, molly
          Pennantpelt, 21, tom
          Sandwhisker, 37, molly
          Veerypelt, 37, molly - [0]
          Mallardclaw, 35, tom
          Salamanderstep, 34, molly
          Poorwillface, 31, molly [P]
          Wigeonfoot, 31, molly - [0]
          Ringlettail, 22, molly - [2]
          Buffleheadkit, 5, tom
          Bobolinkkit, 5, tom
          Buntingkit, 5, molly
          Bulbulkit, 5, molly
          Tanagerkit, 5, tom
          Turkeykit, 5, tom
          ↳ full deafness.
          Penstemonkit, 5, molly
          Fritillarykit, 3, molly
          Weaverkit, 3, tom
          Scorpionkit, 3, molly
          Heathkit, 3, molly
          Mothkit, 3, tom
          Skinkkit, 3, molly
          Atlaskit, 3, molly
          Plumkit, 3, tom
          Troutkit, 0, molly
          Ospreykit, 0, tom
          Ashenclaw, 119, tom
          Sheepclaw, 115, molly
          Ravenfur, 105, tom
          Duckfoot, 105, tom
          bad hind leg.
          Mintsun, 104, molly
          Swiftfang, 103, molly
          Skunknose, 102, molly
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Shiningclan 056

Postby Kazin » Sat Sep 26, 2020 3:41 pm

font credit
Number of Cats: 050 | 27 ♂ | 22 ♀ | 01 nb | 18 servings needed next serving at 56
Next Starclan visit: anytime | Pebbles: 165
Herb Storage | Deceased Cats | Mates / Family

got to catch up... soon hopefully


[ New Arrivals ]
↠ N/A

[ Hunting ]
↠ Sandcloud, Hollyfoot, Snailheart, Coppersplash, Rainspark, and Minkstream hunt.
↠ Rowanwhisker, Peachblaze, Seedfrost, Maplecloud, Thornstrike, and Ivyflash hunt.

[ Border Patrols ]
↠ Slatefang, Deerleg, Raspberryfur, Jasmineclaw, Cosmosheart, and Sunspeckle patrol the borders.

[ Med Den ]
↠ Timberleaf & Bluepaw gather herbs.

[ Rank Up ]
↠ Newtpaw, Stormpaw, and Blizzardpaw take their warrior assessments; if they pass, they will be known as Newtstream, Stormecho, and Blizzardsong.

[ Family Happenings ]
↠ Flowerpetal is due in 1 moons.
↠ Cindersong is due in 2 moons.

[ Training ]
↠ Hunting: Currantpaw
↠ Stealth: Cypresspaw and Plumpaw
↠ Swimming: Lightningpaw and Citruspaw
↠ Fighting: Turtlepaw, Icepaw, Coyotepaw, and Smokepaw
↠ Tracking: Thunderpaw

[ Deaths ]
↠ none.

[ Other/Request ]
↠ Shiningclan consumes 6 hares [18 servings]
In Hard Mode!

↠ Permanent notes: Lineart please! c:
↠ Cats marked with a ✸ are ones I would prefer to not die.

      Scorchstar | 78 moons | ♂ |
      Lives: ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

      Slatefang ✸ | 50 moons | ♀ |

      Medicine Cats
      Timberleaf ✸ | 46 moons | ♂ |
      Bluepaw ✸ | 8 moons | ♂ |

      Thornstrike | 67 moons | ♂ |
      Birchstorm | 61 moons | ♂ |
      Raspberryfur | 58 moons | ♀ |
      Maplecloud | 57 moons | ♀ |
      Appleclaw | 57 moons | ♂ |
      Deerleg ✸ | 56 moons | ♂ |
      Cindersong ✸ | 50 moons | ♀ |
      Sandcloud ✸ | 48 moons | ♀ |
      Hollyfoot | 48 moons | ♀ |
      Hailstep | 35 moons | ♂ |
      Snailheart ✸ | 34 moons | ♂ |
      Coppersplash ✸ | 33 moons | ♂ |
      Dunewhisker | 32 moons | ♂ |
      Rainspark ✸ | 29 moons | ♂ |
      Minkstream | 29 moons | ♀ |
      Brightflame ✸ | 28 moons | ♂ |
      Ivyflash | 27 moons | ♀ |
      Rowanwhisker ✸ | 27 moons | ♀ |
      Peachblaze | 27 moons | ♀ |
      Seedfrost | 27 moons | ♂ |
      Dustgaze | 24 moons | ♀ |
      Shriketuft ✸ | 24 moons | ♂ |
      Mottlecloud ✸ | 23 moons | ♂ |
      Jasmineclaw | 22 moons | ♂ |
      Cosmosheart | 22 moons | nb (amab) |
      Mousedrift ✸ | 19 moons | ♂ |
      Warriors (cont.)
      Shrewfoot | 19 moons | ♂ |
      Shimmersky | 19 moons | ♀ |
      Sunspeckle | 17 moons | ♀ |

      Turtlepaw | 13 moons | ♀ |
      Newtpaw | 13 moons | ♀ |
      Lightningpaw | 12 moons | ♂ |
      Thunderpaw ✸ | 12 moons | ♂ |
      Stormpaw | 12 moons | ♀ |
      Blizzardpaw | 12 moons | ♀ |
      Icepaw | 12 moons | ♂ |
      Coyotepaw ✸ | 12 moons | ♂ |
      Smokepaw ✸ | 12 moons | ♀ |
      Citruspaw ✸ | 10 moons | ♂ |
      Otterpaw | 10 moons | ♀ |
      Cypresspaw | 9 moons | ♀ |
      Currantpaw | 8 moons | ♀ |
      Plumpaw | 8 moons | ♂ |

      Honeyflame | 42 moons | ♀ |
      Flowerpetal | 25 moons | ♀ |

      Ashkit | 1 moons | ♀ |

      Darkspots | 103 moons | ♂ |
      Sunnystripe | 107 moons | ♂ |


Available skills | Hunting, Stealth,
Swimming, Fighting, Tracking...

Mentor | Apprentice | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Slatefang | Turtlepaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Deerleg | Newtpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Ivyflash | Lightningpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Seedfrost | Thunderpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Shriketuft | Stormpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Dustgaze | Blizzardpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Mottlecloud | Icepaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Shrewfoot | Coyotepaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Coppersplash | Smokepaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Rowanwhisker | Citruspaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Thornstrike | Otterpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Sandcloud | Cypresspaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Dunewhisker | Currantpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Brightflame | Plumpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Ally Clans: none (open)
Enemy clans: none (open)

North | Mountainclan | Cloudtail_Warrior4
South | open | user
East | open | user
West | open | user

filler filler filler
filler filler filler
filler filler filler
filler filler filler
Fresh-Kill Pile
Mouse | x10 | 1 serving
Hare | x11 | 3 servings
Bird | x10 | 3 servings
Small fish | x10 | 2 servings
Squirrel | x10 | 2 servings
Frog | x7 | 1 serving
Rabbit | x9 | 2 servings

6 hares being eaten
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