Create-A-Village V3.5

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

the unseen. 028.

Postby broken* » Wed Aug 24, 2022 3:55 am


population. 73 villagers. | required servings. 70.00 request. now│ yemens. 32
accepted species list

    much to gryphons dismay, the village leaders decide to allow guava to leave. perhaps someday she'll be found again and be willing to return; but for now, the village cannot spare the food.


    félagi had been in the village for over thirteen years now, whereas erling had only been in the village for about two years now. however, after the hobbit had joined the village, he and the goblin had seemed to become friends rather quickly, which everyone was excited about, as félagi had been known as a bit of a recluse until then. there were rumors going around the village that the two of them were romantically into each other, but neither of the men had admitted their feelings to the other yet, so these rumors were still unfounded. on this particular evening, félagi had asked erling to join him on a walk to the ridge, where they could watch the sun set in the most beautiful spot. they spent the time talking walking there talking about random things, although as the pair sat and watched the sun set in front of them, félagi made the first move, sliding his arm ever so slowly over the shoulders of erling. the hobbit immediately leaned into the embrace, and although no one knows what was spoken in those few moments, a kiss was shared between the two men; a kiss that was both a first and a last. not wanting the evening to end, the pair intertwined their fingers as they decided to take the long way back to the village; they knew the night's darkness meant it wasn't as safe, especially with all of the threats the village had faced recently, but they felt safe, as they were quite close to their home, and no where near the border.

    however, the men's peace was cut short as they walked directly into a trap; there was a net hidden under the fallen leaves of the trees, something that could have been noticed in the daylight, but in the darkness of the night it was nearly impossible to have spotted. the pair swung up in the air as the net hoisted them up, tangling them in a pile of flailing limbs and screeching voices. the pair was quickly silenced as their eyes shot down to where they heard what sounded like a metallic clang. there was a dark woman looking down at her fingernails in a bored fashion, her bright purple eyes occasionally flashing up to the pair in the air. "hey, i did my job. i found them and trapped them. now its your turn." the goblin opened his mouth as if to speak, but quickly realized that the woman wasn't talking to him as his bright pink eyes landed on the form of a dark-haired woman standing a few feet away from the first woman. this woman was leaning against a tree casually, a sword in either of her hands and appearing to sharpen them on one another as she scoffed. "well if you would get them down, i could do my job." the petite woman who had spoken first rolled her eyes, stepping forward before cracking the long whip in her hand several times before it cut through the tie holding the net up, causing the bodies to plummet to the ground with a loud thump. "go on then, fantasia. and be quick about it; someone's bound to come check out the sounds soon." the woman with her swords smiled manically as she stepped forward, brandishing her swords in the most comfortable manner. "with pleasure, alissa."
    when their roommate didn't come home by the time that he had told them he would be, brangwen grew restless. her partner navesa tried to calm the tufte imp, explaining that perhaps things had gone really well for erling with félagi and that he would be back soon. however, nothing that navesa said could sooth the unease in brangwen's stomach, and when midnight rolled around, she knew that something just had to be up. navesa was on bed rest due to getting a nasty infection in her arm after a hunting accident, but she sent her partner off to the high priestess' home with well wishes. brangwen knocked imperatively on the door of phoebe and sycamore, giving a 'sorry for bothering you' look when the high priestess arrived in a sleeping gown, rubbing her eyes as though she had just been woken up. "i'm so sorry for waking you up, high priestess. but my roommate erling never returned from his walk with félagi. they went out for a walk before sunset; that was nearly six hours ago. i'm just worried about him. could i go look for him?" immediately, it was as though a switch had been flipped in her brain, and she called for her husband to come down in a sharp voice. the nymph peeked his head from around the corner, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts, eyes expectant. "i don't want to bother felix; give him some time with his new children. gather some people with animals that can search the grounds; félagi and erling are missing. it could be nothing, but i'm not taking a chance."

    less than ten minutes passed by before the small group had gathered together on the edge of the village, right at the path that would lead them to the ridge where they had gone to watch the sun set hours prior. romeo with his hellhound caliban, ianira with her nundu achlys, astrid with her matagots danica, radinka, and andrik. obviously sycamore, phoebe, and brangwen were there as well. "alright team, weapons ready. lets go." sycamore's deep voice rang out, and the small emergency patrol made their way down the path at a quick pace. however, about halfway down to the ridge, the felines and canine began to snarl, and with a look at their handlers, each raced off into the trees to the right. the six villagers shared a quick look before running after the animals. the tufte imp fell to her knees in a heartbeat, a horrid wail escaping from her mouth as she saw the mangled body of her best friend. "sycamore, please ensure the body parts are collected and brought back to the village. i'm going to escort brangwen back to her home. astrid, would your cats stay behind to help if you return to wake up felix, samuel, medea, bernice, and reyinn? and have them meet at my home; we need to have a meeting immediately." the purple-haired elf nodded her head, murmuring to her cats some orders in her nature elvish tongue, before she turned back towards the road and bolted back down towards the village.

    𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔱
    ›consumption ; 14 melons, 6 carnivore scraps, 3 deer, 4 squirrel.
    ›request ; another shaman - a witch (species) who specializes in healing magic. natural skintone, natural or pale green hair, green/unnatural eyes.
    ›families ; n.a.
    ›medical ; argus rests for 1 of 3 posts. argus is seen by medea. ansel is seen by medea. navesa is seen by medea. alinta is seen by medea. karalyn is seen by medea. kendric is seen by medea. dario is seen by medea.
    ›rank changes ; abere is 8 years old & becomes a tester. bifrons is 8 years old & becomes a tester. amaryllis is 8 years old & becomes a tester. zuximi returns to her duties as a scout with her children becoming testers.

    ›hunting ; samuel, theron, erin, balmyr, ansel (+crystal - dragon) (+1 stone spear, first use)
    ›hunting ; lenore, brangwen, lereil, atlas, navesa (+maleficent & aurora - horses)
    ›hunting ; ianira, niikura, aalton, ash (+destrier - horse)(+cedar - fox)
    ›gathering ; maria, tola, baragon, masami, kumiko
    ›gathering ; aravis, guirec, alette, gryphon, tate (+papaya - bird)
    ›border ; romeo, shae, siffare, ariella, malva (+caliban - dog)
    ›border ; athena, solomon, enya, malila, seraphina
    ›border ; phoebe, felix, gnome, iolana, kailani (+draven - horse)
    ›scouting ; saga, alinta, chaya, dario, aiha, nehiti (+ papaya - bird)
    ›scouting ; sycamore, alfy, evanora, zuximi (+sycorax - dragon)

    ›marketplace ; n.a.
    ›farming ; abijam tends to x1 potato seed with adio; it blooms NOW. leo plants x1 melon seed. tama tends x1 cucumber seed with abeke; it blooms NOW. astrid plants x1 squash seed w/ karima.
    ›crafting ; n.a.

    ›assessment ; kendric is ready to re-attempt his assessment to become a gatherer. chantal is ready to attempt her assessment to become a shaman.
    ›testing ; aouli tests with the gatherers. abere, bifrons, & amaryllis test with the shaman.
    ›training ; talulla trains with arne in the animal identification skill. kasyn trains with yukio in the self-awareness skill. karalyn trains with zephyr in the poison identification skill. oletha trains with ciaran in the fishing skill.

    ›animals ; danica, radinka, andrik, achlys, & caliban go hunting to keep the pest population down.
    ›other ; n.a.
    ›notes ; anyone with '☪' mark next to name is safe from death rolls - preferably target names in red but anyone w/o the '☪' is fair game technically.
    ››reminder if someone is about to die under Medea’s care, she saves them the pain by turning them to stone.


      𝔥𝔦𝔤𝔥 𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔰𝔰
      ♦Phoebe Viotto | ♀ | 58 years
      ↪ ST - C3 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - D4 / X / witch

      ♦Bernice Argyris | ♀ | 151 years
      ↪ ST - B10 / HS - LW / HC - 37 / EC - D3 / X / gorgon
      Reyinn Fodett | ♀ | 143 years
      ↪ ST - E8 / HS - HC / HC - 24 / EC - F11 / X / gorgon
      ♦Medea Cirillo | ♀ | 61 years
      ↪ ST - J7 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - C5 / X / gorgon
      ↪ knowledge points: 30

      ☪♦Felix Akuma | ♂ | 60 years
      ↪ ST - G8 / HS - S / HC - 19 (tail 63) / EC - D5 / X / kitsuneborn
      ♦Sycamore Rivers | ⚥ | 61 years
      ↪ ST - B8 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - G4 / X / nymph
      ♦Samuel James Yunirick | ♂ | 87 years
      ↪ ST - D1 / HS - S / HC - 2 / EC - B8 / demon

      ☪♦Romeo Mortem | ♂ | 59 years
      ↪ ST - A1 / HS - LC / HC - 54 / EC - D4 / X / (trapped) demon
      ♦Malva Calimeris| ♀ | 56 years
      ↪ ST - L8 / HS - AC / HC - 2 / EC - F7 / X / siren
      Erling Diggle | ♂ | 54 years
      ↪ST - C1 / HS - HC / HC - 21 / EC - E4 / X / hobbit
      ♦Seraphina Solveig | ♀ | 53 years
      ↪ST - F6 / HS - HW / HC - 54 / EC - E4 / X / dragonborn
      Siffare Vuttata | ♀ | 52 years
      ↪ST - F2 / HS - LC / HC - 45 / EC - B2 / X / siren
      ♦Solomon Stellan | ♂ | 47 years
      ↪ ST - M1 / HS - S / HC - 5 / EC - D6 / X / nephilim
      ♦Kailani Itsaso | ♀ | 47 years
      ↪ST - H7 / HS - S / HC - 52 / EC - F10 / X / merfolk
      ♦Enya Miyuki | ♀ | 44 years
      ↪ST - E8 / HS - S / HC - 6 / EC - A8 / X / centaur
      ♦Athena Vitalis | ♀ | 44 years
      ↪ ST - M10 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - G10 / X / shapeshifter
      ♦Gnome Tomlin | ♂ | 40 years
      ↪ ST - I10 / HS - LC / HC - 23 / EC - B8 / X / naiad
      ♦Shae Margaery | ♀ | 26 years
      ↪ST - K8 / HS - LC / HC - 19 / EC - D5 / X / centaur.
      ☪♦Ariella Amitina-Dracos | ♀ | 25 years
      ↪ST - K1 / HS - LW / HC - 42 / EC - F8 / X / harpy.
      ♦Malila Lakelyn | ♀ | 24 years
      ↪ST - E3 / HS - HW / HC - 65 / EC - G4 / X / siren.
      ♦Iolana Delmore | ♀ | 21 years
      ↪ST - H7 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - D8 / X / merfolk
      ↪born with a twisted arm.

      ☪♦Zuximi Chikte | ♀ | 56 years
      ↪ ST - B2 / HS - HW / HC - 23 / EC - F4 / X / demon
      Argus Ariston | ♂ | 54 years
      ↪ST - D7 / HS - AC / HC - 59 / EC - F8 / X / merfolk.
      ☪♦Neheti Venus | ♀ | 52 years
      ↪ ST - J10 / HS - S / HC - 47 / EC - C8 / X / tiefling
      ♦Evanora Fowler | ♀ | 50 years
      ↪ST - I3 / HS - HW / HC - 32 / EC - D7 / X / witch
      ♦Saga Ström | ♀ | 50 years
      ↪ ST - H11 / HS - LC / HC - 28 / EC - D2 / X / dark elf
      ☪♦Aiha Atiyah | ♀ | 50 years
      ↪ ST - I8 / HS - HC / HC - 10 / EC - H4 / X / naiad
      ♦Alinta Aguya | ♀ | 49 years
      ↪ST - H5 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - F5 / X / powered human
      ↪ magma manipulation
      ♦Alfy Bourne | ♂ | 47 years
      ↪ST - D1 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - F9 / X / faun
      ♦Chaya Heryun | ♀ | 45 years
      ↪ ST - D1 / HS - LW / HC - 24 / EC - G3 / X / cervitaur
      ☪♦Yukio Enmei | ♂ | 41 years
      ↪ST - L4 / HS - LC / HC - 21 / EC - H8 / Y / shapeshifter
      ↪ (green tree python)
      ☪♦Dario Ondine | ♂ | 21 years
      ↪ST - D6 / HS - AC / HC - 34 / EC - H7 / X / fairy
      Masami Ogawa| ♀ | 71 years
      ↪ ST - K4 / HS - HW / HC - 21 / EC - C10 / X / vampire
      Félagi Brandr | ♂ | 63 years
      ↪ ST - A11 / HS - AC / HC - 6 / EC - A11 / X / goblin

      ☪♦Tama Sato | ♀ | 58 years
      ↪ ST-G2 / HS-HC / HC-36 / EC-B2 / X / wood elf
      ♦Kumiko Abiko | ♀ | 55 years
      ↪ST - A5 / HS - LW / HC - 24 / EC - C4 / X / kitsune
      ♦Maria Dracos | ♀ | 55 years
      ↪ ST - F6 / HS - LW / HC - 20 / EC - A6 / X / dryad
      ♦Leo Nivarus | ♂ | 53 years
      ↪ ST - C6 / HS - S / HC - 26 / EC - H1 / X / shapeshifter
      ↪ (hare, goat, horse, unk.)
      ♦Zephyr Fowler | ♂ | 52 years
      ↪ ST - F7 / HS - HC / HC - 41 / EC - A10 / X / kitsune
      ♦Tola Amitina | ♀ | 51 years
      ↪ ST - D9 / HS - AC / HC - 3 / EC - B5 / X / shapeshifter
      ↪ (red panda, elk, horse, unk.)
      ☪♦Alette Ondine | ♀ | 45 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - AC / HC - 56 / EC - A5 / X / fairy
      Guirec Cealin | ♂ | 43 years
      ↪ ST - D3 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - E8 / X / gnome
      ♦Tate Evander | ♂ | 42 years
      ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 55 / EC - G10 / X / dryad
      ☪♦Astrid Holm | ♀ | 42 years
      ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 35 / EC - A3 / X / elf
      ♦Baragon Ceaser | ♂ | 36 years
      ↪ST - E11 / HS - HC / HC - 21 / EC - F7 / X / kobold
      ♦Aravis Mars | ♀ | 32 years
      ↪ST - G8 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - C8 / X / faun
      ♦Gryphon Astaroth | ♂ | 31 years
      ↪ST - I2 / HS - S / HC - 22 / EC - F4 / X / gorgon
      ♦Abijam Cohen | ♂ | 25 years
      ↪ ST - L2 / HS - LW / HC - 6 / EC - G8 / X / merfolk
      ↪extra 30% chance of injury on any patrol.

      ♦Ansel Armani | ♂ | 104 years
      ↪ST - M10 / HS - HC / HC - 12 / EC - H7 / X / centaur
      Balmyr Tenhort | ♂ | 71 years
      ↪ ST - H5 / HS - S / HC - 39 / EC - F10 / X / hobbit
      ☪♦Erin Paxton | ♀ | 56 years
      ↪ ST - C10 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - G5 / X / light elf
      Lereil Vynlor | ♂ | 54 years
      ↪ST - E4 / HS - LC / HC - 1 / EC - F4 / X / winged person
      ☪♦Navesa Sítheach | ♀ | 51 years
      ↪ST - D3 / HS - HW / HC - 26 / EC - F8 / X / fairy
      ♦Arne Auzoux | ♂ | 51 years
      ↪ST - G4 / HS - HC / HC - 58 / EC - F6 / X / ent
      ♦Niikura Hisakawa | ♂ | 50 years
      ↪ ST - B6 / HS - S / HC - 62 / EC - F6 / X / orc
      ☪♦Aalton Delmore | ♂ | 48 years
      ↪ST - J1 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - D8 / merfolk
      ☪♦Brangwen Adham | ♀ | 43 years
      ↪ST - A10 / HS - LC / HC - 21 / EC - F2 / X / tufte imp
      ♦Ciaran Blagden| ♂ | 38 years
      ↪ST - M8 / HS - S / HC - 2 / EC - E9 / X / imp
      ♦Ianira Deyanira | ♀ | 37 years
      ↪ ST - C2 / HS - AC / HC - 26 / EC - A6 / X / demigod
      ☪♦Ash Everest | ⚲ | 34 years
      ↪ST - G4 / HS - S / HC - 41 / EC - D4 / X / faun
      ♦Atlas Pan | ♂ | 26 years
      ↪ST - A11 / HS - AC / HC - 41 / EC - E5 / X / centaur
      ♦Theron Zotikos | ♂ | 24 years
      ↪ST - H9 / HS - S / HC - 10 / EC - A4 / X / harpy
      ☪♦Lenore Lisha | ♀ | 23 years
      ↪ST - C5 / HS - LW / HC - 17 / EC - E1 / X / fairy

      ♦Talulla Ondine | ♀ | 21 years
      ↪ST - D6 / HS - / HC - 34 / EC - F5 / Y / fairy
      ↪born without an arm.
      ♦Kendric Fowler | ♂ | 21 years
      ↪ST - I3 / HS - HW / HC - 32 / EC - D7 / X / kitsune
      ☪♦Chantal Ondine | ♀ | 21 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - AC / HC - 56 / EC - F5 / Y / powered human
      ♦Kasyn Holm | ♂ | 18 years
      ↪ST - D9 / HS - LW / HC - 35 / EC - A3 / Y / elf
      ♦Karalyn Holm | ♀ | 18 years
      ↪ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 35 / EC - G7 / X / elf
      ♦Oletha Ström | ♀ | 18 years
      ↪ST - H11 / HS - LC / HC - 17 / EC - D2 / X / dark elf
      ♦Alaric Dester | ♂ | 16 years
      ↪ST - M1 / HS - LC / HC - 12 / EC - G5 / X / vampire

      ♦Abelia Laurel | ♀ | 35 years
      ↪ST - B4 / HS - HC / HC - 54 / EC - A1 / X / gnome.
      ♦Ahmya Ichika | ♀ | 53 years
      ↪ST - M8 / HS - LW / HC - 9 / EC - F9 / X / kitsuneborn

      ♦Kaiju Ceaser | ♀ | 02 years
      ↪ST - B4 / HS - LW / HC - 21 / EC - A1 / X / kobold
      ♦Inei Akuma | ♂ | 01 years
      ↪ST - G8 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - F9 / Y / kitsuneborn
      ♦Yami Ichika | ♀ | 01 years
      ↪ST - M8 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - F9 / X / kitsuneborn
      ♦Ankoku Akuma | ♂ | 01 years
      ↪ST - M8 / HS - LW / HC - 19 / EC - D5 / X / kitsuneborn
      ♦Aouli Azraq | ♂ | 10 years
      ↪ST - B3 / HS - LC / HC - 51 / EC - C4 / X / shapeshifter
      ♦Abere Chikte | ♀ | 08 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - LC / HC - 54 / EC - D4 / X / demon
      ♦Bifrons Mortem | ♂ | 08 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - LC / HC - 3 / EC - F4 / X / demon
      ♦Amaryllis Amitina-Dracos | ♀ | 08 years
      ↪ST - A3 / HS - LC / HC - 19 / EC - H2 / X / dryad

      𝔫𝔢𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔟𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔳𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔰
      north | liones kingdom | nightwolf950
      northeast | serendipity | lumos11
      east | old gatorsbite | mommanessy
      southeast | village name | user
      south | village name | user
      southwest | village name | user
      west | carmina abyssi | jazz
      northwest | village name | user
      nomadic | kanaka helu | chamrosh

      𝔪𝔞𝔭 wip!

      𝔞𝔯𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔳𝔢 here

      𝔣𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔢
      carnivore scraps | 1 serv | 3
      herbivore scraps | 1 serv | 6
      rabbit | 1 serv. | 16
      squirrel | 1 serv. | 20
      fish | 3 serv. | 16
      deer | 6 serv. | 2
      tebo | 6 serv. | 2
      carrots | 2 serv. | 7
      potatoes | 3 serv. | 6
      squash | 4 serv. | 6
      berries | 1 serv. | 4.25
      apples | 2 serv. | 6
      melons | 3 serv. | 14
      cucumbers | 4 serv. | 5

      𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔪 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔢
      x3 glass jewelry
      x1 gold jewelry
      x7 potato seed
      x1 squash seed
      x1 iron sword
      x3 carrot seed
      x6 melon seed
      x8 berry seed
      x2 vials medicine
      x3 cucumber seed
      x1 copper
      x2 herbs
      x1 sand
      x1 leather
      x1 cotton
      x1 gold ore
      x1 copper ore
      x1 stone pickaxes
      x1 iron dagger
      x1 blanket
      x2 stone spear (1st one used 1st time this post)
      x1 steel spear
      x1 traps
      x1 rope
      draven | ♂ | 24 yrs | thestrel | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler : phoebe
      crystal | ♀ | 25 yrs | ender dragon | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: erin (hunter)
      papaya | ♀ | 08 yrs | fwooper | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: nehiti (scout)
      danica | ♀ | 12 yrs | matagot | bred ; 1
      ⤷ handler: astrid
      achlys | ♀ | 11 yrs | nundu | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: ianira
      cedar | ♀ | 07 yrs | fox | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: ash (hunter)
      caliban | ♂ | 07 yrs | hellhound | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: romeo (guard)
      karima | ♀ | 07 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: guirec (gatherer)
      finley | ♂ | 07 yrs | dragon | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: talulla (hunter)
      adio | ♂ | 05 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: maria (gatherer)
      abeke | ♀ | 05 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: maria (gatherer)
      radinka | ♀ | 05 yrs | matagot mix | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: astrid
      andrik | ♂ | 05 yrs | matagot mix | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: astrid
      aurora | ♀ | 04 yrs | unicorn | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: lenore
      sycorax | ♀ | 04 yrs | wyvern | bred ; 0
      ⤷handler: zuximi
      juno | ♀ | 04 yrs | wyvern | bred ; 0
      ⤷handler: abere
      trinculo | ♂ | 04 yrs | wyvern | bred ; 0
      ⤷handler: bifrons
      maleficent | ♀ | 03 yrs | unicorn x thestral | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: lenore
      destrier | ♂ | 02 yrs | ghost horse | bred ; 0
      ⤷handler: ash

      ⋆tester ➾ aouli
      ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard.
      ⋆tester ➾ abere
      ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard
      ⋆tester ➾ bifrons
      ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard
      ⋆tester ➾ amaryllis
      ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard

      ⋆yukio ➾ kasyn
      diplomacy, knowledge of nature, self-defense, self-awareness, mapping.
      ⋆zephyr ➾ karalyn
      fruit identification, vegetable identification, poison identification, environmental preservation, farming.
      ⋆ciaran ➾ oletha
      tracking, trapping, fishing, stealth, animal preservation.
      ⋆ash ➾ talulla (hunter)
      ⤿tracking, trapping, fishing, stealth, animal identification.

      ⋆masami ➾ kendric (gatherer)
      ⤿fruit identification, vegetable identification, poison identification, environmental preservation, farming.
      ⋆medea ➾ chantal (shaman)
      ⤿animal physiology, human physiology, general medicine, infectious disease, surgery.

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magnolia rising - 000 (new beginnings)

Postby sharklord » Wed Aug 31, 2022 1:37 pm

lead knight
lead hunter
lead scout
all species are welcome,
but the species most common are:
meat; small fish, catfish, deer & shark
vegetables; dandelion greens, seagrass & kelp
fruits; sea grapes, apples & mangosteen

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
since magnolia rising will be replacing the thieves,
i have 5 villagers to start the new village with.
3 are from this readopt that were never
implemented. the other 2 are from the thieves.

starting villagers;
issac - transmale (AFAB), as the king (age 23)
(ST - B8 / HS - S / HC - 49 / EC - B6 / X / centaur)
delia - female, as a nurse, then lead hunter (age 32)
(ST - J3 / HS - LC / HC - 5 / EC - F3 / X / half-orc, gives birth in 2 posts)
stephen - male, as the lead knight (age 35)
(T - A2 / HS - LW / HC - 8 / EC - A8 / X / human)
nellie - female, as a nurse, then lead scout (age 27)
(ST - C3 | HS - LC | HC - 7 | EC - C3 | X | human, gives birth in 2 posts)
ismene - female, as an apprentice gatherer (age 14)
(ST - E9 | HS - LC | HC - 26 | EC - A6 | Y | naiad)

sorry about the weird coding, on mobile. ty!
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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Wed Aug 31, 2022 3:18 pm


Summer is here! During the summer, villagers will find the most food as animals have returned in full force while wild plants have reached their peak. The beautiful weather invites smoother births and fewer illnesses.

Doing replies and sub replies for...everyone! I am in a very good mood. :D

Simon's Villages
Aura Enclave | Carmina Abyssi | Cyrrane | Serendipity | SS Helldiver | Stars of Midnight | The Unseen | Zaffari

Spookypuff's Villages
Ataraxy | Black Crystal | Black Rock Weyrhold | Fireborn | ForgottenLand | Magehorn | Old Gatorsbite | Wooded Gardens

Skarrred's Villages
Elysian | Fenguard | Gray's Delta | Liones Kingdom | Magnolia Rising | Manifold Hive | Tealimor | The Mirror Dominion | Village of Rushing Waters

broken* wrote:

[ Ansel, Navesa, Alinta, Karalyn, Kendric, and Dario have all been healed and can return to their duties. Medea gains 6 KP from the experience. ]

[ Samuel's patrol catches x3 rabbits, x4 deer, and x1 squirrel. ]
[ Lenore's patrol catches x2 squirrels, x2 fish, and x1 rabbit. ]
[ Ianira's patrol catches x1 rabbit, x2 squirrels, and x2 fish. ]
[ Maria's patrol gathers x1 berry seed, x2 berries, x1 apple, and x1 melon. ]
[ Aravis's patrol gathers x1 apple seed, x1 carrot seed, x2 carrots, x1 apple, and x1 berry. ]
[ Romeo's patrol finds 17 yemons. ]
[ Athena's patrol finds 9 yemons. ]
[ Phoebe's patrol comes across a lone shepherd who appears human but explains that they can talk to herbivores and that the sheep are theirs. As the Unseen people and the shepherd talk, Phoebe gets a bit too close to one of the sheep who lashes out to bite her. Luckily, Draven steps in the way just in time but gets his wing bitten. He will either need Medea's attention, in which case he can resume patrols immediately, or 2 posts of rest in order to heal. The shepherd gives the patrol 14 yemons for the injury. ]
[ Saga's patrol finds 1 yemon. ]
[ Sycamore's patrol travels to the mountains to see if they can set up safe places in case the village gets attacked. Unfortunately, the location they chose turned out to be the domain of a nundu that didn't like the intrusion. The ensuing battle left Sycorax dead from the nundu's poisoning (although she saved Sycamore from dying instead) and Alfy with scraped hands. Alfy will need Medea's attention, in which case he can immediately return to his duties, or 1 post of rest to heal. They also find 3 yemons buried in the dirt near the nundu's territory. ]

[ Abijam's potato seed gives x7 potatoes and x1 seed. It will bloom for the last time in the next post. ]
[ Tama's cucumber seed gives x8 cucumbers and x1 seed. It will bloom for the last time in the next post. ]
[ Leo's melon seed is successfully planted and will bloom in the post after the next. ]
[ Astrid's squash seed is successfully planted and will bloom in the post after the next. ]

[ Kendric passes on his second attempt! Chantal isn't so lucky; she ends up misidentifying a plant and winds up majorly poisoning herself. Medea will need to heal her and Chantal will need to rest for 4 posts but the experience will leave a mark on her regardless; she has severe hearing loss in both ears and would have a 20% chance of losing x1 prey if she were a hunter. ]
[ All of the testers pass with no issues. ]
[ Talulla, Karalyn, and Oletha pass learn their respective skills but Kasyn's heart just isn't in it and he fails the session. ]

[ The animals find x5 carnivore scraps. ]

[ The Unseen is sent a shaman! Their traits are: ST - C6 / HS - S / HC - 48 / EC - H8 / Y / witch. ]

Vaporeon03 wrote:

[ Rosa and Selene catch x1 bird and x1 beetle. ]
[ Marcus and Vick catch x1 ant. ]
[ Rosa and Selene gather x1 mangosteen seed, x2 ackee, and x1 bamboo shoot. ]
[ Marcus and Vick gather x1 large leaf, x3 ackee, and x1 small leaf. ]
[ Rosa and Selene find a gatherer who gifts them 12 yemons. ]
[ Marcus and Vick find a hunter and warrior who have 9 yemons between them. ]
[ Rosa and Selene find an elderly insprite who is willing to join the hive in their final years. ]
[ Marcus and Vick come across a fire-lizard fair. How pretty! ]

[ Cyrus succeeds in testing for Dragonfly. ]

[ Selene gains 1 KP. ]

[ The gatherer's traits are: ST - E6 / HS - AC / HC - 6 / EC - A3 / X / insprite. ]
[ The hunter's traits are: ST - H8 / HS - AC / HC - 64 / EC - B8 / X / insprite. ]
[ The warrior's traits are: ST - M9 / HS - HW / HC - 46 / EC - G8 / X / insprite. ]
[ The elder's traits are: ST - A5 / HS - LC / HC - 13 / EC - A2 / Y / insprite. ]
[ If you haven't already, add 80 yemons to your archive. ]

w0ah wrote:

[ Callele's patrol gathers x1 wheat seed, x1 watermelon, x1 wheat, and x3 strawberries. Unfortunately, the patrol ends up having some bad luck between Roskva getting a rash on her arm, Drifa catching a mild case of the stomach flu, and Callele getting a nasty sinus infection. Roskva and Drifa will either need Thorsten's attention to return to their duties immediately or 1 post of rest but Callele's case is much more serious; she needs x1 vial of medicine or else she will die. ]
[ Baldr's patrol catches x2 rabbits, x1 shark, and x2 trout. ]
[ Helanthe's patrol finds a scout escorting a child. They give the patrol 20 yemons as a gift but Helanthe would have taken them in regardless and she tells them that as they head home. ]
[ Frigga's patrol comes across an abandoned kitten! Kildreal bends down to pick it up but it's a little older than it looks and bites his hand. What an auspicious entrance to the herd? He'll be fine; he just needs Thorsten's attention (in which case he can return to his duties immediately) or 1 post of rest. ]

[ Hallbera harvests x4 corn and x1 corn seed. It will bloom for a second time in the next post. ]

[ Aphrien passes his session. ]

[ Thyri can return to her duties and Thorsten gains 2 KP from the experience. ]
[ Thorsten gains 1 KP. ]

[ Runa gives birth to 3 puppies! ]

[ The scout's traits are: ST - E8 / HS - S / HC - 8 / EC - H7 / X / cervitaur. ]
[ The child's traits are: ST - B2 / HS - HW / HC - 23 / EC - C5 / X centaur. ]

obnixious wrote:

[ Usaeth can return to her duties. Eribaeg gains 2 KP from the experience. ]
[ Eribaeg realizes that as an alternative to healing Efeesz directly, he can use x1 vial of medicine although she will remain retired. ]
[ Eribaeg gains 1 KP. ]

[ Scribble and Liquaxis gather x1 mushroom, x1 gooseberry, x1 plum, and x1 potatoes. ]
[ Kishri's patrol catches x1 bat, x2 cony, and x1 badger. ]
[ Updog and Gwinmera catch x1 mole, x1 bat, x1 badger, and x1 cony. a complete set! ]
[ Between Paradox, Breyze, and the fire-lizards, they find x1 iron ore, x1 twine, x1 herb, x1 gold ore, x1 sand, x1 silver ore, and x1 compass. They also find 14 yemons. Score! ]
[ With the help of the fire-lizards, Cendis and Solnar find x1 sand, x1 gold ore, x1 silver ore, x1 stone pickaxe, and 8 yemons. Decent haul! ]
[ Andromeda's patrol finds a fire-lizard! It seems to want to join Black Crystal's lively fair. It's also holding 6 yemons. How adorable. ]
[ Geo's patrol finds an apprentice counting 7 yemons rather obsessively. They reassure the kid that they won't be turned out and take them home. ]

[ Leopold's mushroom seed is planted successfully and will bloom in the post after the next. ]
[ Pagni's plum seed wilts in the summer heat. ]

[ Nebula gains a skill. ]
[ Strykx passes his assessment! He had a case of the sniffles afterwards but some cuddles with cats cleared it right up. ]

[ The cats find x15 carnivore scraps. ]

[ Febreeze returns to Breyze with a chirrup of apology. ]
[ The apprentice's traits are: ST - J1 / HS - LC / HC - 4 / EC - F11 / X / elemental. ]
[ Jareth's request of a warrior has been granted! Their traits are: ST - H3 / HS - HW / HC - 13 / EC - D10 / Y / goblin. ]

selkirks wrote:

[ Orion catches x1 mackerel. ]
[ Orion finds a hunter. ]

[ The hunter's traits are: ST - I3 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - D2 / X / cat. ]
[ Orion's request of a shaman has been granted! Their traits are: ST - B9 / HS - LC / HC - 15 / EC - F4 / Y / big cat. ]

sharklord wrote:

[ Magnolia Rising has been founded! Issac's traits are: ST - B8 / HS - S / HC - 49 / EC - B6 / X / centaur. The other four will form the base of his kingdom. ]
[ Your mod will be Skarrred. ]
[ Your list of food and species has been accepted. ]
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magnolia rising - 001 (new beginnings)

Postby sharklord » Thu Sep 01, 2022 2:50 pm


/ population; 5 (0 animals) ♢ servings; 4.5 (fasting) ♢ yemons; 0 ♢ request; next post /

- issac wakes up on the beach of an island
- delia wakes up next, and the two then shake everyone else wake
- nellie and ismene are confused as to who the others are
- issac explains who he and delia are
- nellie introduces herself and ismene
- everyone looks at stephen who just sighs
- he finally introduces himself and issac gets to work organizing everyone
- they take a vote and issac is made king (yay)
- issac gives everyone their roles and they go to look for a place to start setting up


new members
⤷ issac, stephen, delia, nellie & ismene found magnolia rising
rank changes
⤷ n/a
⤷ none yet
food consuption
⤷ fasting 1/5
⤷ n/a
⤷ delia is due in 2 posts.

⤷ stephen patrols
⤷ n/a
⤷ n/a
⤷ issac looks for food
⤷ n/a

⤷ issac trains ismene in identification
⤷ n/a
⤷ n/a

- those with a red name are preferred for death rolls
- please avoid death rolls for those with a ❀ by their name


▏issac - ♂ (afab) - age 23 ❀
▏(ST - B8 / HS - S / HC - 49 / EC - B6 / X / centaur)
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00

lead knight
▏stephen - ♂ - age 35
▏(T - A2 / HS - LW / HC - 8 / EC - A8 / X / human)
lead hunter
delia - ♀ - age 32 ❀
(ST - J3 / HS - LC / HC - 5 / EC - F3 / X / half-orc)
lead scout
nellie - ♀ - age 27
(ST - C3 | HS - LC | HC - 7 | EC - C3 | X | human)


▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00

▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00


▏ismene - ♀ - age 14
▏(ST-E9 | HS-LC | HC-26 | EC-A6 | Y | naiad)
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏delia - ♀ - age 32 ❀
▏(ST - J3 / HS - LC / HC - 5 / EC - F3 / X / half-orc)
▏nellie - ♀ - age 27
▏(ST - C3 | HS - LC | HC - 7 | EC - C3 | X | human)
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00
▏name - ♂/♀ - age 00


▏on discord. pm for invite

food storage
small fish / 1 serving / +0 (0 servings)
catfish / 3 servings / +0 (0 servings)
deer / 6 servings / +0 (0 servings)
shark / 10 servings / +0 (0 servings)
dandelion greens / 2 servings / +0 (0 servings)
seagrass / 3 servings / +0 (0 servings)
kelp / 5 servings / +0 (0 servings)
sea grapes / 1 serving / +0 (0 servings)
apples / 2 serving / +0 (0 servings)
mangosteen / 3 serving / +0 (0 servings)

seed storage
▏seed / +0
▏seed / +0
▏seed / +0
▏seed / +0
▏seed / +0
▏seed / +0

item storage
▏item / +0
▏item / +0
▏item / +0
▏item / +0
▏item / +0
▏issac / ismene - 0 lessons
▏identification, specification, harvesting, storing
▏name / name - 0 lessons
▏lesson, lesson, lesson, lesson
▏name / name - 0 lessons
▏lesson, lesson, lesson, lesson
▏name / name - 0 lessons
▏lesson, lesson, lesson, lesson

▏passed: 0 / failed: 0
▏passed: 0 / failed: 0
▏passed: 0 / failed: 0

▏name (species) - ♂/♀ - age 00 - bred:
▏handler: name
▏name (species) - ♂/♀ - age 00 - bred:
▏handler: name
▏name (species) - ♂/♀ - age 00 - bred:
▏handler: name
Last edited by sharklord on Sun Sep 04, 2022 1:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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the unseen. 029.

Postby broken* » Sat Sep 03, 2022 5:04 am


population. 68 villagers. | required servings. 72.50 request. 2 posts │ yemens. 76
accepted species list

    zuximi cannot believe that her first time back on patrol after having spent the last few years taking care of her twins, that she experienced such a traumatic loss. sycorax had been her partner for four years now; she had basically raised the wyvern right alongside her son and daughter, and the wyvern was truly seen as part of the family. zuximi was grateful that her beautiful beast was strong enough to fly back to the village before she allowed the poison to take over her body; zuximi knew that sycorax would want to be buried close to the village, somewhere that her siblings could visit her. zuximi leaned heavily on her husband romeo at this time of grief, and although abere and biffrons were quite sad about the loss as well, they focused their efforts on comforting their mother as well.


    the hobbit and winged man had been joined by a strange set of circumstances for over fifteen years now, although the pair had only been members of the village of the unseen for a little under thirteen years now. they had joined together into a little band of six loners, all of whom had come from various walks of life through differing hardships, and their group had spent two years with just the six of them before joining the village. it was strange to think about how one-third of their chosen family was just gone; kerissa having been killed by a folly of arrows from the rogue group creeping up to their lands, and yarek had been killed by the same rogue group through a removal of his wings, causing blood loss. balmyr and lereil had chosen to live together in their house in the village ever since they joined, despite there being nothing romantic going on between the pair; they viewed each other much more like brothers. lereil's girlfriend cassia had moved in with them for about a year at one point, before she dropped dead during a training session with her apprentice from an unknown heart condition.

    lereil had been struggling for the last two years, since his girlfriend had died in the same month that their family members yarek and kerissa was killed. balmyr had never had a family of his own by blood, so the loss of two of his chosen family through such horrific means always weighed on his mind. balmyr and lereil chose to sit out on their back porch one evening as the sun was beginning to set, as the anniversary of cassia's death was coming up in a few days, and this time of year was particularly difficult for him. lereil had been planning to propose to her, and had never gotten the chance; he refused to get rid of the little black box that held the ring, no matter how painful to was to look at. masami happened to be passing by at that very moment, and overheard the mention of her close friend, which made her pause. slowly, the vampire approached the pair of men, her head bowed respectfully in greeting as she asked if they would like to take a walk with her. her eyes locked with the yellow-gold eyes of the winged man as she explained that she had been thinking of cassia, and had some memories that she would like to share if they cared to hear. the two hunters each grabbed their weapons that were leaning against the side of the house, lereil his knives and balmyr his sword, as they agreed to the walk, and the trio made their way down the path towards the forest.

    the trio had wound up settling down in a small clearing a few miles away from camp to give them a bit of privacy as they talked about their favorite memories of cassia. the trio were so caught up laughing at some story being told that they didn't hear the tell-tale sound of approaching steps, crunching on twigs or leaves in the underbrush. the trio was so engulfed in their own stories that they didn't hear the dark-haired woman whispering in unfamiliar languages to the three animals standing beside her, directing them as to what do to. the spotted hyena went straight for masami, using his aggression to overtake the strength of the vampire woman as he ripped at her. the albino anaconda went quickly for lereil, wrapping his body up tightly to prevent him from flying away to escape or warn anyone else, and tightened his body to suffocate the man. the large reindeer stag stomped on balmyr's arm, breaking it to keep him from using his sword, before he swung his massive antlers at the hobbit's head. once all three people were completely still, aside from the occasional twitching of spasming muscles, dahlia stepped out of the shadows and into the fading lights, a cruel smile on her face. she had an owl perched on one shoulder, a rat perched on the other shoulder, and a hare curled up in her arm being stroked slowly. "well done bud, asmodeus, bradley. one final thing before we go. callum." she called out into the darkness, and the heavily tattooed man stepped forward, a lighter clicking open and shut in his hand. he nodded his head at the woman, keeping silent, as he bent down next to the vampire woman's body, clicking the lighter on near her blowing the flames onto her body. "lets get out of her dahlia; they'll see the fire soon."

    𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔱
    ›consumption ; 6 potatoes, 6 melons, 6 cucumbers, 5 fish, 2 herbivore scrap.
    ›request ; n.a.
    ›families ; phoebe and sycamore officially get married; they "accidently" try for kids (hehe).
    ›medical ; argus rests for 2 of 3 posts. chantal rests for 1 of 4 posts. medea takes a look at chantal. medea takes a look at draven. medea takes a look at alfy. althea studies medicine.
    ›rank changes ; n.a.

    ›hunting ; samuel, theron, erin, ansel (+crystal - dragon) (+1 stone spear, 2nd use)
    ›hunting ; lenore, brangwen, atlas, navesa (+maleficent & aurora - horses)
    ›hunting ; ianira, niikura, aalton, ash (+destrier - horse)(+cedar - fox)
    ›gathering ; maria, tola, baragon, kumiko
    ›gathering ; aravis, guirec, alette, gryphon, tate (+papaya - bird)
    ›border ; romeo, shae, siffare, ariella, malva (+caliban - dog)
    ›border ; athena, solomon, enya, malila, seraphina
    ›border ; phoebe, felix, gnome, iolana, kailani (+draven - horse)
    ›scouting ; saga, alinta, chaya, dario, aiha, nehiti
    ›scouting ; sycamore, alfy, evanora, zuximi, kendric

    ›marketplace ; n.a.
    ›farming ; abijam tends to x1 potato seed with adio; it blooms for the last time now. leo tends to x1 melon seed; it blooms in 2 posts. tama tends x1 cucumber seed with abeke; it blooms for the last time now. astrid tends to x1 squash seed w/ karima; it blooms in 2 posts.
    ›crafting ; n.a.

    ›assessment ; talulla is ready to take her hunter assessment!
    ›testing ; aouli tests with the scouts. abere, bifrons, & amaryllis test with the gatherers.
    ›training ; kasyn trains with yukio in the self-awareness skill. karalyn trains with zephyr in the environmental preservation skill. oletha trains with ciaran in the stealth skill.

    ›animals ; danica, radinka, andrik, achlys, & caliban go hunting to keep the pest population down.
    ›other ; n.a.
    ›notes ; anyone with '☪' mark next to name is safe from death rolls - preferably target names in red but anyone w/o the '☪' is fair game technically.
    ››reminder if someone is about to die under Medea’s care, she saves them the pain by turning them to stone.


      𝔥𝔦𝔤𝔥 𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔰𝔰
      ♦Phoebe Viotto | ♀ | 59 years
      ↪ ST - C3 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - D4 / X / witch

      ♦Bernice Argyris | ♀ | 152 years
      ↪ ST - B10 / HS - LW / HC - 37 / EC - D3 / X / gorgon
      Reyinn Fodett | ♀ | 144 years
      ↪ ST - E8 / HS - HC / HC - 24 / EC - F11 / X / gorgon
      ♦Medea Cirillo | ♀ | 62 years
      ↪ ST - J7 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - C5 / X / gorgon
      ↪ knowledge points: 36
      ♦Althea Awen | ♀ | 25 years
      ↪ ST - C6 / HS - S / HC - 48 / EC - H8 / Y / witch
      ↪ knowledge points:

      ☪♦Felix Akuma | ♂ | 61 years
      ↪ ST - G8 / HS - S / HC - 19 (tail 63) / EC - D5 / X / kitsuneborn
      ♦Sycamore Rivers | ⚥ | 62 years
      ↪ ST - B8 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - G4 / X / nymph
      ♦Samuel James Yunirick | ♂ | 88 years
      ↪ ST - D1 / HS - S / HC - 2 / EC - B8 / demon

      ☪♦Romeo Mortem | ♂ | 60 years
      ↪ ST - A1 / HS - LC / HC - 54 / EC - D4 / X / (trapped) demon
      ♦Malva Calimeris| ♀ | 57 years
      ↪ ST - L8 / HS - AC / HC - 2 / EC - F7 / X / siren
      ♦Seraphina Solveig | ♀ | 54 years
      ↪ST - F6 / HS - HW / HC - 54 / EC - E4 / X / dragonborn
      Siffare Vuttata | ♀ | 53 years
      ↪ST - F2 / HS - LC / HC - 45 / EC - B2 / X / siren
      ♦Solomon Stellan | ♂ | 48 years
      ↪ ST - M1 / HS - S / HC - 5 / EC - D6 / X / nephilim
      ♦Kailani Itsaso | ♀ | 48 years
      ↪ST - H7 / HS - S / HC - 52 / EC - F10 / X / merfolk
      ♦Enya Miyuki | ♀ | 45 years
      ↪ST - E8 / HS - S / HC - 6 / EC - A8 / X / centaur
      ♦Athena Vitalis | ♀ | 45 years
      ↪ ST - M10 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - G10 / X / shapeshifter
      ♦Gnome Tomlin | ♂ | 41 years
      ↪ ST - I10 / HS - LC / HC - 23 / EC - B8 / X / naiad
      ♦Shae Margaery | ♀ | 27 years
      ↪ST - K8 / HS - LC / HC - 19 / EC - D5 / X / centaur.
      ☪♦Ariella Amitina-Dracos | ♀ | 26 years
      ↪ST - K1 / HS - LW / HC - 42 / EC - F8 / X / harpy.
      ♦Malila Lakelyn | ♀ | 25 years
      ↪ST - E3 / HS - HW / HC - 65 / EC - G4 / X / siren.
      ♦Iolana Delmore | ♀ | 22 years
      ↪ST - H7 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - D8 / X / merfolk
      ↪born with a twisted arm.

      ☪♦Zuximi Chikte | ♀ | 57 years
      ↪ ST - B2 / HS - HW / HC - 23 / EC - F4 / X / demon
      Argus Ariston | ♂ | 55 years
      ↪ST - D7 / HS - AC / HC - 59 / EC - F8 / X / merfolk.
      ☪♦Neheti Venus | ♀ | 53 years
      ↪ ST - J10 / HS - S / HC - 47 / EC - C8 / X / tiefling
      ♦Evanora Fowler | ♀ | 51 years
      ↪ST - I3 / HS - HW / HC - 32 / EC - D7 / X / witch
      ♦Saga Ström | ♀ | 51 years
      ↪ ST - H11 / HS - LC / HC - 28 / EC - D2 / X / dark elf
      ☪♦Aiha Atiyah | ♀ | 51 years
      ↪ ST - I8 / HS - HC / HC - 10 / EC - H4 / X / naiad
      ♦Alinta Aguya | ♀ | 50 years
      ↪ST - H5 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - F5 / X / powered human
      ↪ magma manipulation
      ♦Alfy Bourne | ♂ | 48 years
      ↪ST - D1 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - F9 / X / faun
      ♦Chaya Heryun | ♀ | 46 years
      ↪ ST - D1 / HS - LW / HC - 24 / EC - G3 / X / cervitaur
      ☪♦Yukio Enmei | ♂ | 42 years
      ↪ST - L4 / HS - LC / HC - 21 / EC - H8 / Y / shapeshifter
      ↪ (green tree python)
      ☪♦Dario Ondine | ♂ | 22 years
      ↪ST - D6 / HS - AC / HC - 34 / EC - H7 / X / fairy
      Masami Ogawa| ♀ | 72 years
      ↪ ST - K4 / HS - HW / HC - 21 / EC - C10 / X / vampire
      ☪♦Tama Sato | ♀ | 59 years
      ↪ ST-G2 / HS-HC / HC-36 / EC-B2 / X / wood elf
      ♦Kumiko Abiko | ♀ | 56 years
      ↪ST - A5 / HS - LW / HC - 24 / EC - C4 / X / kitsune
      ♦Maria Dracos | ♀ | 56 years
      ↪ ST - F6 / HS - LW / HC - 20 / EC - A6 / X / dryad
      ♦Leo Nivarus | ♂ | 54 years
      ↪ ST - C6 / HS - S / HC - 26 / EC - H1 / X / shapeshifter
      ↪ (hare, goat, horse, unk.)
      ♦Zephyr Fowler | ♂ | 53 years
      ↪ ST - F7 / HS - HC / HC - 41 / EC - A10 / X / kitsune
      ♦Tola Amitina | ♀ | 52 years
      ↪ ST - D9 / HS - AC / HC - 3 / EC - B5 / X / shapeshifter
      ↪ (red panda, elk, horse, unk.)
      ☪♦Alette Ondine | ♀ | 46 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - AC / HC - 56 / EC - A5 / X / fairy
      Guirec Cealin | ♂ | 44 years
      ↪ ST - D3 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - E8 / X / gnome
      ♦Tate Evander | ♂ | 43 years
      ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 55 / EC - G10 / X / dryad
      ☪♦Astrid Holm | ♀ | 43 years
      ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 35 / EC - A3 / X / elf
      ♦Baragon Ceaser | ♂ | 37 years
      ↪ST - E11 / HS - HC / HC - 21 / EC - F7 / X / kobold
      ♦Aravis Mars | ♀ | 33 years
      ↪ST - G8 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - C8 / X / faun
      ♦Gryphon Astaroth | ♂ | 32 years
      ↪ST - I2 / HS - S / HC - 22 / EC - F4 / X / gorgon
      ♦Abijam Cohen | ♂ | 26 years
      ↪ ST - L2 / HS - LW / HC - 6 / EC - G8 / X / merfolk
      ↪extra 30% chance of injury on any patrol.
      ♦Kendric Fowler | ♂ | 22 years
      ↪ST - I3 / HS - HW / HC - 32 / EC - D7 / X / kitsune

      ♦Ansel Armani | ♂ | 105 years
      ↪ST - M10 / HS - HC / HC - 12 / EC - H7 / X / centaur
      Balmyr Tenhort | ♂ | 72 years
      ↪ ST - H5 / HS - S / HC - 39 / EC - F10 / X / hobbit

      ☪♦Erin Paxton | ♀ | 57 years
      ↪ ST - C10 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - G5 / X / light elf
      Lereil Vynlor | ♂ | 55 years
      ↪ST - E4 / HS - LC / HC - 1 / EC - F4 / X / winged person
      ☪♦Navesa Sítheach | ♀ | 52 years
      ↪ST - D3 / HS - HW / HC - 26 / EC - F8 / X / fairy
      ♦Arne Auzoux | ♂ | 52 years
      ↪ST - G4 / HS - HC / HC - 58 / EC - F6 / X / ent
      ♦Niikura Hisakawa | ♂ | 51 years
      ↪ ST - B6 / HS - S / HC - 62 / EC - F6 / X / orc
      ☪♦Aalton Delmore | ♂ | 49 years
      ↪ST - J1 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - D8 / merfolk
      ☪♦Brangwen Adham | ♀ | 44 years
      ↪ST - A10 / HS - LC / HC - 21 / EC - F2 / X / tufte imp
      ♦Ciaran Blagden| ♂ | 39 years
      ↪ST - M8 / HS - S / HC - 2 / EC - E9 / X / imp
      ♦Ianira Deyanira | ♀ | 38 years
      ↪ ST - C2 / HS - AC / HC - 26 / EC - A6 / X / demigod
      ☪♦Ash Everest | ⚲ | 35 years
      ↪ST - G4 / HS - S / HC - 41 / EC - D4 / X / faun
      ♦Atlas Pan | ♂ | 27 years
      ↪ST - A11 / HS - AC / HC - 41 / EC - E5 / X / centaur
      ♦Theron Zotikos | ♂ | 25 years
      ↪ST - H9 / HS - S / HC - 10 / EC - A4 / X / harpy
      ☪♦Lenore Lisha | ♀ | 24 years
      ↪ST - C5 / HS - LW / HC - 17 / EC - E1 / X / fairy

      ♦Talulla Ondine | ♀ | 22 years
      ↪ST - D6 / HS - / HC - 34 / EC - F5 / Y / fairy
      ↪born without an arm.
      ☪♦Chantal Ondine | ♀ | 22 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - AC / HC - 56 / EC - F5 / Y / powered human
      ↪severe hearing loss in both ears.
      ♦Kasyn Holm | ♂ | 19 years
      ↪ST - D9 / HS - LW / HC - 35 / EC - A3 / Y / elf
      ♦Karalyn Holm | ♀ | 19 years
      ↪ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 35 / EC - G7 / X / elf
      ♦Oletha Ström | ♀ | 19 years
      ↪ST - H11 / HS - LC / HC - 17 / EC - D2 / X / dark elf
      ♦Alaric Dester | ♂ | 17 years
      ↪ST - M1 / HS - LC / HC - 12 / EC - G5 / X / vampire

      ♦Abelia Laurel | ♀ | 36 years
      ↪ST - B4 / HS - HC / HC - 54 / EC - A1 / X / gnome.
      ♦Ahmya Ichika | ♀ | 54 years
      ↪ST - M8 / HS - LW / HC - 9 / EC - F9 / X / kitsuneborn

      ♦Kaiju Ceaser | ♀ | 03 years
      ↪ST - B4 / HS - LW / HC - 21 / EC - A1 / X / kobold
      ♦Inei Akuma | ♂ | 02 years
      ↪ST - G8 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - F9 / Y / kitsuneborn
      ♦Yami Ichika | ♀ | 02 years
      ↪ST - M8 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - F9 / X / kitsuneborn
      ♦Ankoku Akuma | ♂ | 02 years
      ↪ST - M8 / HS - LW / HC - 19 / EC - D5 / X / kitsuneborn
      ♦Aouli Azraq | ♂ | 11 years
      ↪ST - B3 / HS - LC / HC - 51 / EC - C4 / X / shapeshifter
      ♦Abere Chikte | ♀ | 09 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - LC / HC - 54 / EC - D4 / X / demon
      ♦Bifrons Mortem | ♂ | 09 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - LC / HC - 3 / EC - F4 / X / demon
      ♦Amaryllis Amitina-Dracos | ♀ | 09 years
      ↪ST - A3 / HS - LC / HC - 19 / EC - H2 / X / dryad

      𝔫𝔢𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔟𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔳𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔰
      north | liones kingdom | nightwolf950
      northeast | serendipity | lumos11
      east | old gatorsbite | mommanessy
      southeast | village name | user
      south | village name | user
      southwest | village name | user
      west | carmina abyssi | jazz
      northwest | village name | user
      nomadic | kanaka helu | chamrosh

      𝔪𝔞𝔭 wip!

      𝔞𝔯𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔳𝔢 here

      𝔣𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔢
      carnivore scraps | 1 serv | 8
      herbivore scraps | 1 serv | 4
      rabbit | 1 serv. | 20
      squirrel | 1 serv. | 25
      fish | 3 serv. | 5
      deer | 6 serv. | 6
      tebo | 6 serv. | 2
      carrots | 2 serv. | 8
      potatoes | 3 serv. | 7
      squash | 4 serv. | 6
      berries | 1 serv. | 5.25
      apples | 2 serv. | 8
      melons | 3 serv. | 9
      cucumbers | 4 serv. | 7

      𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔪 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔢
      x3 glass jewelry
      x1 gold jewelry
      x8 potato seed
      x1 squash seed
      x1 apple seed
      x1 iron sword
      x4 carrot seed
      x6 melon seed
      x9 berry seed
      x2 vials medicine
      x4 cucumber seed
      x1 copper
      x2 herbs
      x1 sand
      x1 leather
      x1 cotton
      x1 gold ore
      x1 copper ore
      x1 stone pickaxes
      x1 iron dagger
      x1 blanket
      x1 stone spear
      x1 steel spear
      x1 traps
      x1 rope
      draven | ♂ | 24 yrs | thestrel | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler : phoebe
      crystal | ♀ | 25 yrs | ender dragon | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: erin (hunter)
      papaya | ♀ | 08 yrs | fwooper | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: nehiti (scout)
      danica | ♀ | 12 yrs | matagot | bred ; 1
      ⤷ handler: astrid
      achlys | ♀ | 11 yrs | nundu | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: ianira
      cedar | ♀ | 07 yrs | fox | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: ash (hunter)
      caliban | ♂ | 07 yrs | hellhound | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: romeo (guard)
      karima | ♀ | 07 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: guirec (gatherer)
      finley | ♂ | 07 yrs | dragon | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: talulla (hunter)
      adio | ♂ | 05 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: maria (gatherer)
      abeke | ♀ | 05 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: maria (gatherer)
      radinka | ♀ | 05 yrs | matagot mix | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: astrid
      andrik | ♂ | 05 yrs | matagot mix | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: astrid
      aurora | ♀ | 04 yrs | unicorn | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: lenore
      juno | ♀ | 04 yrs | wyvern | bred ; 0
      ⤷handler: abere
      trinculo | ♂ | 04 yrs | wyvern | bred ; 0
      ⤷handler: bifrons
      maleficent | ♀ | 03 yrs | unicorn x thestral | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: lenore
      destrier | ♂ | 02 yrs | ghost horse | bred ; 0
      ⤷handler: ash

      ⋆tester ➾ aouli
      ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard.
      ⋆tester ➾ abere
      ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard
      ⋆tester ➾ bifrons
      ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard
      ⋆tester ➾ amaryllis
      ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard

      ⋆yukio ➾ kasyn
      diplomacy, knowledge of nature, self-defense, self-awareness, mapping.
      ⋆zephyr ➾ karalyn
      fruit identification, vegetable identification, poison identification, environmental preservation, farming.
      ⋆ciaran ➾ oletha
      tracking, trapping, fishing, stealth, animal preservation.

      ⋆ash ➾ talulla (hunter)
      ⤿tracking, trapping, fishing, stealth, animal identification.
      ⋆medea ➾ chantal (shaman)
      ⤿animal physiology, human physiology, general medicine, infectious disease, surgery.

Last edited by broken* on Mon Sep 05, 2022 8:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Sun Sep 04, 2022 12:52 pm


Autumn is here! During the autumn, births will begin to increase in difficulty. Food availability will drop as animals begin to migrate and plants start to die. Fewer nomads are to be found and the odds of sickness begin to rise.

Just doing my regular replies + the one sub reply I forgot about last time.

Simon's Villages
Aura Enclave | Carmina Abyssi | Cyrrane | Serendipity | SS Helldiver | Stars of Midnight | The Unseen | Zaffari

iRoxy wrote:

[ Art's patrol gathers x1 corn and x1 strawberry. ]
[ Lux's patrol catches x1 goat and x1 mole. ]
[ Lux's patrol finds a gatherer. ]
[ Lux's patrol finds a hunter. ]

[ Ram gives birth to twins! For a bit, Ram's situation seems precarious but Halo stabilizes him and gains 2 KP in the process. ]

[ The gatherer's traits are: ST - L7 / HS - AC / HC - 27 / EC - B7 / X / insectipod. ]
[ The hunter's traits are: ST - D1 / HS - S / HC - 12 / EC - B10 / Y / harpy. ]
[ Ram's first child's traits are: ST - L1 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - E8 / X / demon. ]
[ Ram's second child's traits are: ST - L1 / HS - AC / HC - 53 / EC - E10 / X / demon. ]

broken* wrote:

[ Phoebe is now pregnant! She will give birth in 2 posts. Hopefully Nyx won't find out... ]
[ Draven and Chantal have been healed. Medea gains 2 KP from the experience. ]
[ Althea gains 1 KP. ]

[ With the help of Crystal and the spear, Samuel's patrol catches x3 rabbits, x1 fish, and x3 squirrels. ]
[ With the horses' help, Lenore's patrol catches x1 fish, x1 squirrel, x1 rabbit, and x1 deer. ]
[ With Destrier and Cedar's help, Ianira's patrol catches x1 deer, x2 squirrels, x1 fish, and x1 rabbit. During the patrol, Aalton trips and falls, breaking a finger. He will need Medea's attention or 2 posts of rest. A few days after the patrol, Ianira looks in the mirror and notices with some alarm that her scleras have turned red. It seems she has a mild case of pink eye! She will need Medea's attention or 1 post of rest. If either receives Medea's attention, they can return to patrols immediately. ]
[ Maria's patrol gathers x2 berries and x1 carrot. Kumiko does a stupid and walks into a low-hanging tree branch, thinking it was higher than it really was. She will need Medea's attention, in which case she can resume patrolling immediately, or 1 post of rest. ]
[ Aravis's patrol gathers x1 squash seed, x1 carrot, and x1 squash. Aravis and Guirec come down with a sinus and ear infection respectively a week later. Aravis's sinus infection is serious and will require both Medea's attention and 3 posts of rest, but Guirec's ear infection is much worse. His condition deteriorates quickly and Medea suspects that the infection had managed to spread to the brain. To reduce his suffering, she turns him to stone. ]
[ Romeo's patrol finds x1 stone spear. ]
[ Athena's patrol finds x1 stone pickaxe. ]
[ Phoebe's patrol finds x1 copper ore and x2 wood. ]
[ Saga's patrol finds a tebo! They take it home. ]
[ Sycamore's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]

[ Abijam's potato seed gives x8 potatoes and x1 seed. It wilts immediately afterwards. ]
[ Tama's cucumber seed gives x8 cucumbers and x1 seed. It wilts immediately afterwards. Abeke produces x4 herbivore scraps. ]

[ Talulla passes her hunter assessment! ]
[ Abere, Bifrons, and Amaryllis all succeed their tests. However, Aouli cuts his wrist in a sensitive spot and loses a lot of blood. Although Althea patches him up, the tester's condition continues to deteriorate and he passes in his sleep a few days later. ]
[ Karalyn is the only apprentice to do well this year; Kasyn simply fails his training while Oletha breaks her arm which will require Medea's attention and 3 posts of rest. ]

[ The animals find x4 carnivore scraps. ]
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Zaffari 17

Postby spookypuff » Mon Sep 05, 2022 4:41 am

────────────────{font: credit - code: credit}────────xxxxx

──────────{the hues of emotion}───────────

population: 48 (females: 20 - males: 20 - nonbinaries: 8)
animal population: 17 (females: 8 - males: 9)
servings: 38 (needed: 38 - eaten: 38 -)
next ancestral visit: next post
─────────────{paint a picture of our past}──────

─────────────────────{as we hurtle towards a destiny}──────────────────────────────────

xxxdo all your writing in here, there is a cut off you need to be aware of. this top line will look a bit wonky compared to the rest
but anyways write as much as you want just make sure to hit enter before you hit the point this line stops at, because otherwise
your text will go longer than the box. there is a bit of leeway for a bit more length, but not very much so do keep your eye on
how long your text is getting! Typically you should be able just to write to the end of the box in the writing area of a new post, but
you HAVE to hit enter before it automatically moves you down to the next line otherwise it will go out of the pretty box area!

↣ iyashi and mushi practice medicine
the group eat nine cucumbers and two passionfruits
junpei, hikari and koharu go on a border patrol
airi, chojin, ruby and midori go on a border patrol
soren, baylor and kaoru go on a scouting patrol
oana, teisatsu and li go on a scouting patrol
ryoshi, daichi, hiromi and raine go on a hunting patrol
orchid, jason, brick, hiroto and gamo go on a hunting patrol
shuyaku, herdis and shika go on a gathering patrol
amani, takahiko and shizuka go on a gathering patrol
atsushi goes to iyashi to get checked out
shin tests in scouting and shosei tests in fighting
unku and kanon learn how to scout
saki learns how to gather
mod note: im back baby

──────────────────────────────────────────{that is not meant to last}────────────────

──────────────────────{youth a canvas all in white}───────────────────────────────────
    xxxxxxxtelling starxxxxxxx
    airi | f. | fourtyone | kitsune
    ii↪ st-d4 / hs-lc / hc-7 / ec-c9 / x

    iyashi | m. | fourtythree | kitsune | nine
    ii↪ st-b4 / hs-lw / hc-46 / ec-b8 / x
    mushi | nb. | twentythree | human | four | zero
    ii↪ st-c7 / hs-s / hc-28 / ec-f3 / x

    xxxxxixxwar chiefxxxixxxx
    chojin | m. | fourtythree | harpy
    ii↪ st-c2 / hs-lc / hc-12 / ec-b3 / y

    xxxxxxxscout chiefxxxxxxx
    teisatsu | f. | fourtyone | harpy
    ii↪ st-j2 / hs-lw / hc-13 / ec-f2 / x

    xxxxxxhunting chiefxxxxxx
    hiromi | nb. | twentyeight | hybrid
    ii↪ st-b7 / hs-lw / hc-53 / ec-c9 / x

    xxxxxxxshaman app.xxxxxxx
    fujin | m. | twentytwo | harpy
    ii↪ st-h9 / hs-s / hc-1 / ec-g11 / x


    hikari | f. | thirtysix | kitsune
    ii↪ st-a11 / hs-hc / hc-12 / ec-e2 / x
    koharu | f. | thirtyfour | human
    ii↪ st-a10 / hs-lc / hc-12 / ec-h5 / x
    ruby | f. | fourtytwo | demigod
    ii↪ st-f9 / hs-hc / hc-10 / ec-g3 / x
    rhen | m. | fourtythree | demigod
    ii↪ st-e4 / hs-hw / hc-64 / ec-c4 / x
    junpei | m. | twentysix | kitsune
    ii↪ st-i6 / hs-s / hc-18 / ec-a6 / x

    oana | f. | thirtyfive | shapeshifter
    ii↪ st-e8 / hs-lc / hc-5 / ec-g3 / x
    kaoru | nb. | twentyseven | kitsune
    ii↪ st-h6 / hs-hw / hc-63 / ec-a1 / x
    nitin | m. | thirtyfour | human
    ii↪ st-a3 / hs-hc / hc-4 / ec-e1 / x
    baylor | m. | thirtyone | demigod
    ii↪ st-d8 / hs-lc / hc-6 / ec-a2 / x
    yoshi | nb. | twentynine | shapeshifter
    ii↪ st-l6 / hs-lw / hc-53 / ec-d11 / x
    kanade | f. | twentytwo | kitsune
    ii↪ st-d5 / hs-ac / hc-34 / ec-g1 / x
    soren | m. | thirtyeight | shapeshifter
    ii↪ st-a1 / hs-lc / hc-62 / ec-a5 / x
    nanami | f. | twentyfour | human
    ii↪ st-j10 / hs-lw / hc-32 / ec-a11 / x
    kori | m. | twentyfour | kitsune | four
    ii↪ st-c10 / hs-lc / hc-56 / ec-c10 / x

    ryoshi | m. | thirtytwo | kitsune
    ii↪ st-f4 / hs-s / hc-21 / ec-g10 / x
    orokana | nb. | thirtyone | kitsune
    ii↪ st-g3 / hs-lw / hc-51 / ec-e11 / x
    orchid | f. | thirtyone | human
    ii↪ st-c10 / hs-lw / hc-36 / ec-g10 / x
    jason | m. | fourtyone | demigod
    ii↪ st-e10 / hs-hw / hc-9 / ec-a3 / x
    brick | m. | fiftyseven | demigod
    ii↪ st-e1 / hs-hc / hc-17 / ec-e1 / x
    hiroto | m. | twentyeight | faun
    ii↪ st-i11 / hs-s / hc-33 / ec-a6 / x
    gamo | gf. (afab) | twentyseven | scorpifolk
    ii↪ st-a11 / hs-hw / hc-60 / ec-d11 / y
    raine | f. | thirty | water animalkin
    ii↪ st-m10 / hs-s / hc-14 / ec-c6 / x
    kohane | f. | twentyfive | faun
    ii↪ st-i8 / hs-lw / hc-40 / ec-f2 / x

    shuyaku | m. | thirtysix | kitsune
    ii↪ st-e7 / hs-hw / hc-46 / ec-c10 / x
    herdis | f. | sixty | shapeshifter
    ii↪ st-c7 / hs-lc / hc-18 / ec-e1 / x
    shika | nb. | thirtynine | faun
    ii↪ st-h1 / hs-s / hc-50 / ec-b9 / x
    amani | nb. | fourtyfour | human
    ii↪ st-b9 / hs-hc / hc-19 / ec-a10 / x
    takahiro | m. | twentysix | shapeshifter
    ii↪ st-i11 / hs-lw / hc-39 / ec-g9 / x
    shizuka | f. | twentysix | hybrid
    ii↪ st-d9 / hs-ac / hc-61 / ec-c4 / x

    atsushi | m. | seventeen | hybrid | two
    ii↪ st-f1 / hs-s / hc-65 / ec-a10 / x
    saki | f. | fourteen | kitsune | none
    ii↪ st-f3 / hs-lc / hc-21 / ec-c10 / x
    unku | f. | thirteen | human
    ii↪ st-a3 / hs-lc / hc-9 / ec-c7 / x
    kanon | f. | thirteen | kitsune
    ii↪ st-i6 / hs-hc / hc-46 / ec-h4 / y

    shin | m. | eleven | harpy
    ii↪ st-m11 / hs-lw / hc-2 / ec-e8 / x
    shosei | m. | ten | kitsune
    ii↪ st-f4 / hs-s / hc-21 / ec-e2 / x

    yua | f. | thirtyfour | hybrid
    ii↪ st-f2 / hs-lc / hc-65 / ec-d8 / x
    suzume | f. | thirty | harpy
    ii↪ st-e3 / hs-lc / hc-20 / ec-e7 / x
    shiho | f. | thirtyone | kitsune
    ii↪ st-g11 / hs-lc / hc-20 / ec-h5 / x

    manami | f. | five | kitsune
    ii↪ st-a3 / hs-lc / hc-9 / ec-c7 / x
    mafuyu | f. | six | harpy
    ii↪ st-j8 / hs-lw / hc-33 / ec-b3 / x
    blaze | f. | four | hybrid
    ii↪ st-e8 / hs-lw / hc-62 / ec-a11 / x
    touya | m. | one | human | blind (1-eye)
    ii↪ st-g11 / hs-lc / hc-20 / ec-c5 / x
    honami | f. | one | human
    ii↪ st-j5 / hs-hc / hc-63 / ec-h5 / y
    ken | m. | one | kitsune
    ii↪ st-j5 / hs-hc / hc-63 / ec-c5 / x

    audra | f. | seventynine | fire elemental
    ii↪ st-f10 / hs-lw / hc-32 / ec-a8 / x
    daiki | m. | eightyone | kitsune
    ii↪ st-j11 / hs-hw / hc-44 / ec-f9 / x
    pon | nb. | ninetyone | hybrid
    ii↪ st-f2 / hs-s / hc-35 / ec-e3 / x
    haruka | nb. | seventy | human
    ii↪ st-j11 / hs-ac / hc-1 / ec-g10 / y


──────────────────────────────────────────{not knowing what awaits}────────────────
───────────────────────{feel caresses of a brush}────────────────────────────────────
    xixxxxxally villagesxixxxxx
    black rock weyrhold | simonpet
    xisxxxenemy villagesxixxxs
    village name | owner
    village name | owner

    east | black rock weyrhold
    xxxxixxfood storagexxixxxx
    hare | 35 | 1
    chicken | 31 | 3
    squirrel | 37 | 1
    trout | 39 | 6
    mushroom | 35 | 2
    carrots | 34 | 3
    cucumber | 36 | 4
    dragonfruit | 38 | 2
    honeydew | 21 | 3
    passion fruit | 52 | 1

    xxxxixxitem storagexxixxxx
    leather | craftable | 1
    sand | craftable | 1
    stone | craftable | 1
    vial of medicine | non-craftable | 1
    wagon bag | non-craftable | 1
    iron ore | non-craftable | 1
    herb | non-craftable | 1
    twine | non-craftable | 1
    stone dagger | non-craftable | 1

    midori | female | nine | dragon | airi
    ii↪ bred: one | looks
    li | female | eight | dog
    ii↪ bred: one | looks
    ciel | male | seven | fox
    ii↪ bred: zero | looks
    daichi | male | six | horse
    ii↪ bred: zero | looks
    shard | male | six | ender dragon | brick
    ii↪ bred: zero | looks
    chie | male | five | cat
    ii↪ bred: zero | looks
    evren | female | five | minidragon | airi
    ii↪ bred: zero | looks
    izumi | female | five | cow
    ii↪ bred: zero | looks
    gojko | male | four | minidragon | iyashi
    ii↪ bred: zero | looks
    ryosuke | male | three | dragon | chojin
    ii↪ bred: one | looks
    mothyss | female | two | dragon | orchid
    ii↪ bred: zero | looks
    kyryg | male | two | dragon | hiromi
    ii↪ bred: zero | looks
    chitha | female | two | dragon | airi
    ii↪ bred: zero | looks
    bira | male | two | dragon | teisatsu
    ii↪ bred: zero | looks
    norsossus | female | two | dragon | chojin
    ii↪ bred: zero | looks
    kermit | male | two | dragon | airi
    ii↪ bred: zero | looks
    kaze | female | one | minidragon | fujin
    ii↪ bred: zero | looks


──────────────────────────────────────────{that which we know as fate}────────────────
Last edited by spookypuff on Fri Sep 09, 2022 1:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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the unseen. 030.

Postby broken* » Wed Sep 07, 2022 2:40 am


population. 66 villagers. | required servings. 70.75 request. 2 posts │ yemens. 76
accepted species list

    balmyr, lereil, masami guirec, & aouli are mourned.
    phoebe was out on her usual border patrol when she began feeling a bit light-headed; felix insisted that the high priestess take a seat off to the side of the path to rest for a moment. phoebe complained that she was fine and that it was nothing, but at the insistence of her patrol-mates, she sat down on a rather large boulder, taking some deep breaths. unfortunately, she wasn't caught soon enough, and the light-headedness turned into complete dizziness, and felix barely managed to hold the witch's head as she dropped like lead to the ground like deadweight, fainting quicker than anyone could have imagined. gnome and felix lifted her up from the ground and set her onto the back of her thestral draven, with iolana and kailani standing on either side of the equine as they began the long and slow walk back to the village.

    phoebe came to on horseback right as the patrol entered the village, and with a little help was able to get off of draven and made her way into medea the shaman's home. the rest of the patrol left them be, as the new shaman althea made her way to the home phoebe shared with her husband sycamore, to bring him in just in case something was seriously wrong. sycamore made his way into the room where his wife was undergoing tests, althea immediately stepping in and using her own magic to run some tests of her own. the gorgon healer's green eyes met with the high priestess' amber eyes, and a slow smile curled its way onto her face as the witch's husband gripped her hand tightly, expectant of the news. "it looks like you fainted because of a drop of blood pressure, which is very common during the first trimester. congratulations miss viotto and mister rivers, you are expecting a beautiful baby! its much too soon to determine if its just one, or the gender yet, but you are in fact pregnant, high priestess."

    "please, if we could keep this confidential for right now ladies. we weren't exactly planning this, and the timing isn't exactly ideal with the threats the village is facing right now." the sentry spoke very softly as he squeezed his wife's hand, sharing a knowing look with her as she nodded. the gorgon shaman shared a look of her own with her co-shaman before speaking again. "of course, sir sentry. we'll allow the two of you to decide when you want to tell everyone. i would just recommend that you take some time off of patrols for now." the couple held hands as sycamore helped phoebe off of the examination table and across the courtyard, back to their own house. as they sat down on their living room couch, phoebe was trying to take deep calming breaths, her amber eyes flittering rapidly around the space. "sycamore... what on earth are we going to do?..."

    𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔱
    ›consumption ; 6 melons, 8 potatoes, 2 deer, 17 squirrels.
    ›request ; n.a.
    ›families ; phoebe is due in 2 posts.
    ›medical ; argus rests for 3 of 3 posts. chantal rests for 2 of 4 posts. althea studies medicine. oletha rests for 1 of 3 posts. oletha is seen by medea. aravis rests for 1 of 3 posts. aravis is seen by medea. aalton is seen by medea. kumiko is seen by medea. ianira is seen by medea.
    ›rank changes ; n.a.

    ›hunting ; samuel, theron, erin, ansel (+crystal - dragon) (stone spear used 1st time)
    ›hunting ; lenore, brangwen, atlas, navesa (+maleficent & aurora - horses)
    ›hunting ; ianira, niikura, aalton, ash (+destrier - horse)(+cedar - fox)
    ›gathering ; zephyr, maria, tola, baragon, kumiko
    ›gathering ; kendric, alette, gryphon, tate (+papaya - bird)
    ›border ; romeo, shae, siffare, ariella, malva (+caliban - dog)
    ›border ; athena, solomon, malila, seraphina (use x1 glass jewelry)
    ›border ; felix, gnome, iolana, kailani, enya
    ›scouting ; saga, alinta, chaya, dario, aiha, nehiti
    ›scouting ; sycamore, alfy, evanora, zuximi, kendric

    ›marketplace ; n.a.
    ›farming ; abijam plants x1 potato seed with adio. leo tends to x1 melon seed w/ barke; it blooms in 2 posts. tama plants x1 cucumber seed with abeke. astrid tends to x1 squash seed w/ karima; it blooms in 2 posts.
    ›crafting ; n.a.

    ›assessment ; karalyn is ready to take her gatherer assessment!
    ›testing ; abere, bifrons, & amaryllis test with the scouts.
    ›training ; kasyn trains with yukio in the self-awareness skill. oletha trains with ciaran in the xxx skill.

    ›animals ; danica, radinka, andrik, achlys, & caliban go hunting to keep the pest population down.
    ›other ; cedar (fox) breeds with snuffles of black crystal.
    ›notes ; anyone with '☪' mark next to name is safe from death rolls - preferably target names in red but anyone w/o the '☪' is fair game technically.
    ››reminder if someone is about to die under Medea’s care, she saves them the pain by turning them to stone.


      𝔥𝔦𝔤𝔥 𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔰𝔰
      ♦Phoebe Viotto | ♀ | 60 years
      ↪ ST - C3 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - D4 / X / witch
      ↪ due to give birth in 2 posts.

      ♦Bernice Argyris | ♀ | 153 years
      ↪ ST - B10 / HS - LW / HC - 37 / EC - D3 / X / gorgon
      Reyinn Fodett | ♀ | 145 years
      ↪ ST - E8 / HS - HC / HC - 24 / EC - F11 / X / gorgon
      ♦Medea Cirillo | ♀ | 63 years
      ↪ ST - J7 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - C5 / X / gorgon
      ↪ knowledge points: 38
      ♦Althea Awen | ♀ | 26 years
      ↪ ST - C6 / HS - S / HC - 48 / EC - H8 / Y / witch
      ↪ knowledge points: 1

      ☪♦Felix Akuma | ♂ | 62 years
      ↪ ST - G8 / HS - S / HC - 19 (tail 63) / EC - D5 / X / kitsuneborn
      ♦Sycamore Rivers | ⚥ | 63 years
      ↪ ST - B8 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - G4 / X / nymph
      ♦Samuel James Yunirick | ♂ | 89 years
      ↪ ST - D1 / HS - S / HC - 2 / EC - B8 / demon

      ☪♦Romeo Mortem | ♂ | 61 years
      ↪ ST - A1 / HS - LC / HC - 54 / EC - D4 / X / (trapped) demon
      ♦Malva Calimeris| ♀ | 58 years
      ↪ ST - L8 / HS - AC / HC - 2 / EC - F7 / X / siren
      ♦Seraphina Solveig | ♀ | 55 years
      ↪ST - F6 / HS - HW / HC - 54 / EC - E4 / X / dragonborn
      Siffare Vuttata | ♀ | 54 years
      ↪ST - F2 / HS - LC / HC - 45 / EC - B2 / X / siren
      ♦Solomon Stellan | ♂ | 49 years
      ↪ ST - M1 / HS - S / HC - 5 / EC - D6 / X / nephilim
      ♦Kailani Itsaso | ♀ | 49 years
      ↪ST - H7 / HS - S / HC - 52 / EC - F10 / X / merfolk
      ♦Enya Miyuki | ♀ | 46 years
      ↪ST - E8 / HS - S / HC - 6 / EC - A8 / X / centaur
      ♦Athena Vitalis | ♀ | 46 years
      ↪ ST - M10 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - G10 / X / shapeshifter
      ♦Gnome Tomlin | ♂ | 42 years
      ↪ ST - I10 / HS - LC / HC - 23 / EC - B8 / X / naiad
      ♦Shae Margaery | ♀ | 28 years
      ↪ST - K8 / HS - LC / HC - 19 / EC - D5 / X / centaur.
      ☪♦Ariella Amitina-Dracos | ♀ | 27 years
      ↪ST - K1 / HS - LW / HC - 42 / EC - F8 / X / harpy.
      ♦Malila Lakelyn | ♀ | 26 years
      ↪ST - E3 / HS - HW / HC - 65 / EC - G4 / X / siren.
      ♦Iolana Delmore | ♀ | 23 years
      ↪ST - H7 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - D8 / X / merfolk
      ↪born with a twisted arm.

      ☪♦Zuximi Chikte | ♀ | 58 years
      ↪ ST - B2 / HS - HW / HC - 23 / EC - F4 / X / demon
      Argus Ariston | ♂ | 56 years
      ↪ST - D7 / HS - AC / HC - 59 / EC - F8 / X / merfolk.
      ☪♦Neheti Venus | ♀ | 54 years
      ↪ ST - J10 / HS - S / HC - 47 / EC - C8 / X / tiefling
      ♦Evanora Fowler | ♀ | 52 years
      ↪ST - I3 / HS - HW / HC - 32 / EC - D7 / X / witch
      ♦Saga Ström | ♀ | 52 years
      ↪ ST - H11 / HS - LC / HC - 28 / EC - D2 / X / dark elf
      ☪♦Aiha Atiyah | ♀ | 52 years
      ↪ ST - I8 / HS - HC / HC - 10 / EC - H4 / X / naiad
      ♦Alinta Aguya | ♀ | 51 years
      ↪ST - H5 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - F5 / X / powered human
      ↪ magma manipulation
      ♦Alfy Bourne | ♂ | 49 years
      ↪ST - D1 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - F9 / X / faun
      ♦Chaya Heryun | ♀ | 47 years
      ↪ ST - D1 / HS - LW / HC - 24 / EC - G3 / X / cervitaur
      ☪♦Yukio Enmei | ♂ | 43 years
      ↪ST - L4 / HS - LC / HC - 21 / EC - H8 / Y / shapeshifter
      ↪ (green tree python)
      ☪♦Dario Ondine | ♂ | 23 years
      ↪ST - D6 / HS - AC / HC - 34 / EC - H7 / X / fairy
      Masami Ogawa| ♀ | 73 years
      ↪ ST - K4 / HS - HW / HC - 21 / EC - C10 / X / vampire
      ☪♦Tama Sato | ♀ | 60 years
      ↪ ST-G2 / HS-HC / HC-36 / EC-B2 / X / wood elf
      ♦Kumiko Abiko | ♀ | 57 years
      ↪ST - A5 / HS - LW / HC - 24 / EC - C4 / X / kitsune
      ♦Maria Dracos | ♀ | 57 years
      ↪ ST - F6 / HS - LW / HC - 20 / EC - A6 / X / dryad
      ♦Leo Nivarus | ♂ | 55 years
      ↪ ST - C6 / HS - S / HC - 26 / EC - H1 / X / shapeshifter
      ↪ (hare, goat, horse, unk.)
      ♦Zephyr Fowler | ♂ | 54 years
      ↪ ST - F7 / HS - HC / HC - 41 / EC - A10 / X / kitsune
      ♦Tola Amitina | ♀ | 53 years
      ↪ ST - D9 / HS - AC / HC - 3 / EC - B5 / X / shapeshifter
      ↪ (red panda, elk, horse, unk.)
      ☪♦Alette Ondine | ♀ | 47 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - AC / HC - 56 / EC - A5 / X / fairy
      ♦Tate Evander | ♂ | 44 years
      ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 55 / EC - G10 / X / dryad
      ☪♦Astrid Holm | ♀ | 44 years
      ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 35 / EC - A3 / X / elf
      ♦Baragon Ceaser | ♂ | 38 years
      ↪ST - E11 / HS - HC / HC - 21 / EC - F7 / X / kobold
      ♦Aravis Mars | ♀ | 34 years
      ↪ST - G8 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - C8 / X / faun
      ♦Gryphon Astaroth | ♂ | 33 years
      ↪ST - I2 / HS - S / HC - 22 / EC - F4 / X / gorgon
      ♦Abijam Cohen | ♂ | 27 years
      ↪ ST - L2 / HS - LW / HC - 6 / EC - G8 / X / merfolk
      ↪extra 30% chance of injury on any patrol.
      ♦Kendric Fowler | ♂ | 23 years
      ↪ST - I3 / HS - HW / HC - 32 / EC - D7 / X / kitsune

      ♦Ansel Armani | ♂ | 106 years
      ↪ST - M10 / HS - HC / HC - 12 / EC - H7 / X / centaur
      Balmyr Tenhort | ♂ | 73 years
      ↪ ST - H5 / HS - S / HC - 39 / EC - F10 / X / hobbit

      ☪♦Erin Paxton | ♀ | 58 years
      ↪ ST - C10 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - G5 / X / light elf
      Lereil Vynlor | ♂ | 56 years
      ↪ST - E4 / HS - LC / HC - 1 / EC - F4 / X / winged person
      ☪♦Navesa Sítheach | ♀ | 53 years
      ↪ST - D3 / HS - HW / HC - 26 / EC - F8 / X / fairy
      ♦Arne Auzoux | ♂ | 53 years
      ↪ST - G4 / HS - HC / HC - 58 / EC - F6 / X / ent
      ♦Niikura Hisakawa | ♂ | 52 years
      ↪ ST - B6 / HS - S / HC - 62 / EC - F6 / X / orc
      ☪♦Aalton Delmore | ♂ | 50 years
      ↪ST - J1 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - D8 / merfolk
      ☪♦Brangwen Adham | ♀ | 45 years
      ↪ST - A10 / HS - LC / HC - 21 / EC - F2 / X / tufte imp
      ♦Ciaran Blagden| ♂ | 40 years
      ↪ST - M8 / HS - S / HC - 2 / EC - E9 / X / imp
      ♦Ianira Deyanira | ♀ | 39 years
      ↪ ST - C2 / HS - AC / HC - 26 / EC - A6 / X / demigod
      ☪♦Ash Everest | ⚲ | 36 years
      ↪ST - G4 / HS - S / HC - 41 / EC - D4 / X / faun
      ♦Atlas Pan | ♂ | 28 years
      ↪ST - A11 / HS - AC / HC - 41 / EC - E5 / X / centaur
      ♦Theron Zotikos | ♂ | 26 years
      ↪ST - H9 / HS - S / HC - 10 / EC - A4 / X / harpy
      ☪♦Lenore Lisha | ♀ | 25 years
      ↪ST - C5 / HS - LW / HC - 17 / EC - E1 / X / fairy
      ♦Talulla Ondine | ♀ | 23 years
      ↪ST - D6 / HS - / HC - 34 / EC - F5 / Y / fairy
      ↪born without an arm.

      ☪♦Chantal Ondine | ♀ | 23 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - AC / HC - 56 / EC - F5 / Y / powered human
      ↪severe hearing loss in both ears.
      ♦Kasyn Holm | ♂ | 20 years
      ↪ST - D9 / HS - LW / HC - 35 / EC - A3 / Y / elf
      ♦Karalyn Holm | ♀ | 20 years
      ↪ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 35 / EC - G7 / X / elf
      ♦Oletha Ström | ♀ | 20 years
      ↪ST - H11 / HS - LC / HC - 17 / EC - D2 / X / dark elf
      ♦Alaric Dester | ♂ | 18 years
      ↪ST - M1 / HS - LC / HC - 12 / EC - G5 / X / vampire

      ♦Abelia Laurel | ♀ | 37 years
      ↪ST - B4 / HS - HC / HC - 54 / EC - A1 / X / gnome.
      ♦Ahmya Ichika | ♀ | 55 years
      ↪ST - M8 / HS - LW / HC - 9 / EC - F9 / X / kitsuneborn

      ♦Kaiju Ceaser | ♀ | 04 years
      ↪ST - B4 / HS - LW / HC - 21 / EC - A1 / X / kobold
      ♦Inei Akuma | ♂ | 03 years
      ↪ST - G8 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - F9 / Y / kitsuneborn
      ♦Yami Ichika | ♀ | 03 years
      ↪ST - M8 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - F9 / X / kitsuneborn
      ♦Ankoku Akuma | ♂ | 03 years
      ↪ST - M8 / HS - LW / HC - 19 / EC - D5 / X / kitsuneborn
      ♦Abere Chikte | ♀ | 10 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - LC / HC - 54 / EC - D4 / X / demon
      ♦Bifrons Mortem | ♂ | 10 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - LC / HC - 3 / EC - F4 / X / demon
      ♦Amaryllis Amitina-Dracos | ♀ | 10 years
      ↪ST - A3 / HS - LC / HC - 19 / EC - H2 / X / dryad

      𝔫𝔢𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔟𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔳𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔰
      north | liones kingdom | nightwolf950
      northeast | serendipity | lumos11
      east | old gatorsbite | mommanessy
      southeast | village name | user
      south | village name | user
      southwest | village name | user
      west | carmina abyssi | jazz
      northwest | village name | user
      nomadic | kanaka helu | chamrosh

      𝔪𝔞𝔭 wip!

      𝔞𝔯𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔳𝔢 here

      𝔣𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔢
      carnivore scraps | 1 serv | 8
      herbivore scraps | 1 serv | 12
      rabbit | 1 serv. | 25
      squirrel | 1 serv. | 14
      fish | 3 serv. | 8
      deer | 6 serv. | 6
      tebo | 6 serv. | 2
      carrots | 2 serv. | 10
      potatoes | 3 serv. | 7
      squash | 4 serv. | 7
      berries | 1 serv. | 7.25
      apples | 2 serv. | 8
      melons | 3 serv. | 3
      cucumbers | 4 serv. | 15

      𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔪 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔢
      x2 glass jewelry
      x1 gold jewelry
      x8 potato seed
      x2 squash seed
      x1 apple seed
      x1 iron sword
      x4 carrot seed
      x6 melon seed
      x9 berry seed
      x2 vials medicine
      x4 cucumber seed
      x1 copper
      x2 herbs
      x1 sand
      x2 wood
      x1 leather
      x1 cotton
      x1 gold ore
      x2 copper ore
      x2 stone pickaxes
      x1 iron dagger
      x1 blanket
      x2 stone spear (1st one, 1st use)
      x1 steel spear
      x1 traps
      x1 rope
      draven | ♂ | 24 yrs | thestrel | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler : phoebe
      crystal | ♀ | 25 yrs | ender dragon | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: erin (hunter)
      papaya | ♀ | 08 yrs | fwooper | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: nehiti (scout)
      danica | ♀ | 12 yrs | matagot | bred ; 1
      ⤷ handler: astrid
      achlys | ♀ | 11 yrs | nundu | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: ianira
      cedar | ♀ | 07 yrs | fox | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: ash (hunter)
      caliban | ♂ | 07 yrs | hellhound | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: romeo (guard)
      karima | ♀ | 07 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: guirec (gatherer)
      finley | ♂ | 07 yrs | dragon | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: talulla (hunter)
      adio | ♂ | 05 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: maria (gatherer)
      abeke | ♀ | 05 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: maria (gatherer)
      radinka | ♀ | 05 yrs | matagot mix | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: astrid
      andrik | ♂ | 05 yrs | matagot mix | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: astrid
      aurora | ♀ | 04 yrs | unicorn | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: lenore
      juno | ♀ | 04 yrs | wyvern | bred ; 0
      ⤷handler: abere
      trinculo | ♂ | 04 yrs | wyvern | bred ; 0
      ⤷handler: bifrons
      maleficent | ♀ | 03 yrs | unicorn x thestral | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: lenore
      destrier | ♂ | 02 yrs | ghost horse | bred ; 0
      ⤷handler: ash
      barke| ♂ | 02 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: leo.

      ⋆tester ➾ abere
      ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard
      ⋆tester ➾ bifrons
      ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard
      ⋆tester ➾ amaryllis
      ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard

      ⋆yukio ➾ kasyn
      diplomacy, knowledge of nature, self-defense, self-awareness, mapping.
      ⋆zephyr ➾ karalyn
      fruit identification, vegetable identification, poison identification, environmental preservation, farming.
      ⋆ciaran ➾ oletha
      tracking, trapping, fishing, stealth, animal preservation.

      ⋆medea ➾ chantal (shaman)
      ⤿animal physiology, human physiology, general medicine, infectious disease, surgery.

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Black Rock Weyrhold 39

Postby Simonpet » Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:10 am

𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕣𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕨𝕖𝕪𝕣𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕕
Number of People: 109 (53 ♂ | 54 ♀ | 02 ⚤) | Number of Animals: 90 (52 c | 27 o | 11 h)
Next Visit to North: Post 39 | Yemons: 178 | Greenhouse: lvl 1 (7 seeds)
Families | Items and Food | Mentors | References

Ze'ku returns to BRW after visiting Cyrrane and informs Seanni that a pair have especially strong potential: Lyra and Selina. She gives the ok to bring them over for the next Impression. Ze'ku also mentions that he worries Cyrrane may be about to go through rough times given Myriam's demeanor and that they should up the number of patrols near their territory. N'reg and Seanni decide they will also open up the weyrhold for any Cyrranian refugees, should things get very bad.

Jarshonen and Rowan decide to adopt a child. Rowan thinks about her life and how happy she is.

The marketplace delegation brings back a pair of odd animals ("tebo") and a pregnant Spot (dog). When the puppies are born, they are extremely odd (but cute). BRW negotiates a bit with some Unseen reps for who gets which pups and each group comes away with three. The pups are homed and appear to be smarter than the average dog plus imprint on their owner in a way not too dissimilar to fire-lizards or dragons.

I wish to adopt!
Code of Child: 004
Name of Child: Anisha
Designated Partnership: Jarshonen & Rowan Starweaver

[ The villagers 21+ turns old (79) consume 79 servings: x6 bovines, x6 wherries, x1 redfruit, and x2 carrots. ]
[ The villagers 8-20 turns old (17) consume 8.5 servings: x8.5 small fish. ]
[ The animals (90) consume 22.5 servings: x1 small fish, x2 wherries, x1.5 redfruit, and x2 cucumbers. ]

[ The following villagers join: Bechal (Glasscrafter) and Miburrun (Starcrafter). ]
[ The following animals join: Fred, Pumba (cows/tebo), Sunset (fire-lizard), and Turkey (horse). ]
[ The following animals are born: Citron, Hellfire, Thorn (“dogs”/wyverns), Lucky (dog), Ash, Carmine, Firefox, Mark, Pinecone, and Rose (foxes). ]
[ The following villagers are born: none. ]
[ The following become testers: Minty. ]
[ The following become apprentices: none. ]
[ The following graduate: none. ]

[ Ayal leads Diatilon, Jarshonen, Neachunno, and Veashmorell on a gathering patrol. They bring Caling, Quest, and Speedy (birds). ]
[ Basil leads Hantyn, Kalliarrah, Kivee, and Miklo on a gathering patrol. They bring Batman, Redi, and Screech (birds). ]
[ Renolla leads Bansendon, Ezekiel, and Saltulo on a gathering patrol. They bring Aurora, Precious, and Savvy (birds). ]
[ Jesni leads Bess, Eden, Erisha, Kyniken, and S'gan on a hunting/fishing patrol. They bring Pumolth (dragon) and Ash, Mark, Red, and Sparky III (foxes). ]
[ Abesses leads Beallolril, Griengrilon, Nitia, and Tugall on a hunting patrol. They bring Ember, Moonflower, and Turkey (horses) and Firefox and Rusty (foxes). ]
[ Boldosh leads Balidosh, Jesse, Jomiovit, and M'sha on a hunting/fishing patrol. They bring Endyr and Currith (dragons) and Carmine, Pinecone, Rose, and Snowfall (foxes). ]
[ Baridna leads Alikit, Rowan, and Tigill on a border patrol. They take Chaser, Spot, and Yeller (dogs) and Breenu, Mant, and Zux (fire-lizards). ]
[ Rabrusull leads Aidan, Anna, Dulcia, and Bechal on a border patrol. They take Faith, Lucky, and Shadow (dogs) and Cari, Sunset, and Theseus (fire-lizards). ]
[ N'reg leads Fella, Miburrun, Soyah, T'gin, and Tutikko on a scout patrol. They bring Borinth, Diasrioth, Predath, and Noneth (dragons) and Thorn (dog/wyvern). ]
[ Ze'ku leads Mairmun, Rorria, Tollioma, V'bin, and Waxinnan on a scout patrol. They bring Hosurth, Siarlith, Kenralth, and Fareth (dragons). ]

[ Pepper looks after the blueberry seed with the help of bovine 12. It will bloom in 2 posts. ]
[ Tug looks after the redfruit seed with the help of bovine 14. It will bloom in 2 posts. ]
[ Ermid looks after the moonflower seed with the help of bovine 9. It will bloom in 1 post. ]
[ Borrin looks after the corn seed with the help of bovine 10. It blooms for the first time. ]
[ Ershar looks after the carrot seed with the help of bovine 11. It blooms for the first time. ]
[ Tholo looks after the carrot seed with the help of bovine 13. It blooms for the first time. ]

[ Seanni will be Samantha’s mentor while Sedah is pregnant. ]

[ Minty and Sencety test dragonriding. ]
[ Eryn, Ferrelion, and Lemmima test Harpercraft. ]
[ Gevol tests Woodcraft. ]
[ Hinraul and Narra test Tannercraft. ]
[ Illias tests being a LCS (Foster). ]
[ Perani tests Healercraft. ]
[ Riva and Teruna test Starcraft. ]
[ Sadia tests Glasscraft. ]

[ Ester and Tiennen train with their mentors, Lolardra and Eshni. ]
[ Dallumi and Samantha attempt to learn going between from F’dust and Seanni. ]

[ Fay (7 KP) and Fira (7 KP) study medicine. ]

[ Ezekiel and Jomiovit get married. ]
[ Hinraul and Lemmima get married. They try for children. ]
[ Tigill and V’bin get married. ]

[ Ermid and Eshni try for children. ]
[ Jarshonen and Rowan adopt a child. The form is posted above. ]

[ Hallitu and Riziolke will give birth in 2 posts. ]
[ Sedah will give birth in 1 post. Note: potential complications. ]
[ Benorri goes into labor! The father is Rabrusull. Shollun (16 KP) oversees. ]
[ Nilani goes into labor! The father is Bansendon. Shollun (16 KP) oversees. ]
[ Nebenni goes into labor! The father is Balidosh. Camilla (11 KP) oversees. ]

[ The 5 cats and 9 dogs hunt for scraps. ]

[ Dapple (dog) and Vex (fox) die of old age. ]

[ Cedric, Nella, Salano, Wedassea, and Ishai watch over the weyrbrats. ]
[ Hallitu, Riziolke, and Sedah rest during their pregnancies. ]

[ Hallitu, Tollioma, and Soyah return from the marketplace. They bring with them Fred and Pumba, two live tebo. ]

[ Please ask before killing anyone. All injuries are accepted. Underlined names have disabilities that affect the rolls. ]
[ Search patrols are special scout patrols where if anything other than “person(s) found” is rolled for, the patrol finds nothing. ]

[ If Akiniall, Dusteah, and/or Sharon fail to Impress, they will apprentice to the following Crafts: Smithcraft, Starcraft, and Harpercraft. ]

[ The following animals need references: Precious, Silence, Speedy (birds). ]
[ Lyra and Selina of Cyrrane will join in post 40. In post 40, Zerith will rise. ]


    G. Seanni | female | 63 turns | Rosanth ✰

    Junior Goldriders (01)
    G. Sedah | female | 43 turns | Zerith ✰

    B. N'reg | male | 58 turns | Predath ✰

    Wingleaders (02)
    B. M'sha | male | 38 turns | Currith ➵
    Bl. Ze'ku | male | 40 turns | Hosurth ✧

    Wingseconds (01)
    Gr. Tutikko | female | 28 turns | Diasrioth ✰

    Weyrlingmasters (01)
    Br. F'dust | male | 41 turns | Kimorth ✰
    Hunt Riders ➵ (03)
    B. S'gan | male | 25 turns | Pumolth
    Gr. Nebenni | female | 25 turns | Lanernuth
    Dr. Jesse | nonbinary | 30 turns | Endyr

    Scout Riders ✰ (04)
    Br. T'gin | male | 29 turns | Noneth
    Bl. V'bin | male | 28 turns | Fareth
    Gr. Rorria "Rory" | female | 30 turns | Siarlith
    Gr. Soyah | female | 40 turns | Borinth
    ↪ firelizards: Chirper

    Search Riders ✧ (02)
    Gr. Hallitu "Tutu" | female | 29 turns | Fayaraith
    Gr. Tollioma | female | 26 turns | Kenralth
    Weyrlings (2)
    Dallumi | female | 27 turns | Bluth
    Samantha | female | 19 turns | Harplith
    ↪ gifted with the piano


    Renolla | female | 58 turns
    ↪ birds: Aurora, Precious, Savvy

    Lower Caverns Staff (10)
    Bansendon | male | 38 turns
    ↪ birds: Piou
    Diatilon | female | 36 turns
    Hantyn | male | 45 turns
    ↪ birds: Batman, Redi, Screech
    Jarshonen "Jar" | male | 25 turns
    Kalliarrah "Kali" | female | 44 turns
    ↪ has ocular albinism
    Kivee | female | 56 turns
    Miklo | female | 67 turns
    ↪ birds: Catcher
    Nilani | female | 35 turns
    ↪ birds: Grace
    Saltul | male | 45 turns
    ↪ birds: Bandit, Chiral, Silence
    Veashmorell "Veash"| male | 48 turns
    ↪ birds: Caling, Quest, Speedy

    Fostering Staff (04)
    Cedric | male | 21 turns
    Nella | female | 49 turns
    Salano | female | 70 turns
    Wedassea | female | 70 turns

    Retirees (0)
    None yet

    Healercrafters (4)
    M. Shollun | male | 57 turns | 16 KP
    J. Camilla | female | 43 turns | 11 KP
    J. Fay | female | 46 turns | 7 KP
    ↪ familiar: Lilac | male | Costa's hummingbird
    J. Fira | female | 29 turns | 7 KP


    Farmercrafters (08)
    M. Borrin | male | 62 turns
    M. Ershar | male | 60 turns
    M. Thiolo | female | 41 turns
    J. Basil | female | 35 years
    J. Ermid | male | 31 turns
    J. Ezekiel "Zeke" | male | 22 turns
    J. Pepper | female | 39 turns
    ↪ familiar: Baxter | male | mt bluebird
    J. Tug | male | 37 years

    Woodcrafters (02)
    M. Ayal | female | 52 turns
    J. Neachunno "Chunno" | male | 35 turns

    Beastcrafters (05)
    M. Abesses | male | 61 turns
    M. Griengrilon | male | 41 turns
    ↪ horses: Ember, Moonflower, Turkey
    M. Nitia | female | 54 turns
    J. Jomiovit "Jom" | male | 21 turns
    J. Kyniken "Kye" | male | 42 turns
    Fishercrafters (05)
    M. Boldosh | male | 56 turns
    M. Jesni | female | 60 turns
    J. Balidosh | male | 25 turns
    J. Lolardra "Lola" | female | 43 turns
    J. Riziolke "Riz" | female | 25 turns

    Tannercrafters (05)
    M. Tugall | male | 54 turns
    J. Beallolril "Ril" | male | 29 turns
    J. Bess | female | 29 turns
    J. Eden | female | 29 turns
    J. Erisha | transfemale | 21 turns

    Glasscrafters (04)
    M. Baridna | female | 56 turns
    ↪ firelizards: Hel, Tolly
    J. Bechal | male | 21 turns
    J. Ishai | male | 23 turns
    J. Tigill | male | 25 turns
    ↪ firelizards: Breenu, Mant, Zux
    Smithcrafters (06)
    M. Rabrusull | male | 43 turns
    ↪ firelizards: Conni, Keten, Tixir
    J. Aidan | male | 44 turns
    ↪ familiar: Orgon | male | German Shepard
    ↪ firelizards: Rikal, Tukka, Zixel
    J. Alikit | male | 21 turns
    ↪ wyvern: Hellfire
    J. Anna "Nana" | female | 36 turns
    ↪ firelizards: Plum, Reggie
    J. Dulcia "Lucy" | nonbinary | 40 turns
    ↪ firelizards: Cari, Sunset, Theseus
    J. Rowan "Rory" | transfemale | 28 turns
    ↪ firelizards: Hush, Vivian

    Harpercrafters (03)
    M. Mairmun | male | 65 turns
    ↪ birds: Chirpy, Sky
    M. Waxinnan "Wax" | male | 54 turns
    J. Eshni | female | 34 turns
    ↪ firelizards: Wish
    ↪ wyvern: Citron

    Starcrafters (03)
    J. Benorri "Benny" | female | 46 turns
    J. Fella | female | 29 turns
    ↪ wyvern: Thorn
    J. Miburrun | male | 21 turns


    Apprentices (02)
    Ester "Esty" | female | 14 turns
    Tiennen "Tien" | male | 16 turns

    Candidates (10)
    Akiniall | male | 14 turns
    Dusteah "Teya" | female | 13 turns
    Gevol | transmale | 18 turns
    Hinraul | male | 26 turns
    Lemmima | female | 26 turns
    Narra | female | 19 turns
    Perani | female | 17 turns
    Riva | female | 20 turns
    Sharon | female | 14 turns
    Teruna | male | 20 turns
    Testers (05)
    Eryn | female | 10 turns
    Ferrelion "Ferri" | male | 10 turns
    Illias | male | 10 turns
    ↪ deaf in left ear
    Minty | female | 8 turns
    Sadia | female | 10 turns
    ↪ has ocular albinism
    Sencety | male | 9 turns

    Weyrbrats (13)
    Allona | female | 3 turns
    ↪ blind in right eye
    Amilya | female | 3 turns
    Bealiram | male | 3 turns
    Daniel "Danny" | male | 6 turns
    Ezra | male | 3 turns
    Fallon | male | 3 turns
    Farida | female | 7 turns
    Florisenthi "Floris" | male | 5 turns
    Gillam | male | 3 turns
    Grigolien "Greg" | male | 5 turns
    Harishni | female | 7 turns
    Kansan | male | 5 turns
    Mabill | female | 3 turns


    Birds (17)
    Aurora | female | 4 turns
    Bandit | male | 4 turns
    Batman | male | 5 turns
    Caling | male | 14 turns | b1
    Catcher | male | 12 turns | b1
    Chiral | female | 5 turns
    Chirpy | female | 7 turns | b1
    Grace | female | 12 turns
    Piou | male | 5 turns
    Precious | female | 2 turns
    Quest | male | 4 turns
    Redi | female | 14 turns | b1
    Savvy | female | 12 turns | b1
    Screech | male | 15 turns | b2
    Silence | female | 2 turns
    Sky | male | 10 turns | b1
    Speedy | male | 2 turns

    Cats (05)
    Dapper | male | 3 turns
    Fish | male | 6 turns
    Hazel | male | 8 turns | b1
    Mouse | female | 6 turns
    Soot | female | 8 turns

    Cows (08)
    Bovine 9 | female | 16 turns | b2
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Black Crystal [021]

Postby obnixious » Thu Sep 08, 2022 8:33 am

Number of People: 031
Number of Animals: 036
Servings Needed: 036
Next Visit to Ancestors: 1 Post


writing is wip <3

Black Crystal eats x3 bats, x2 moles, x2 badgers, 3 cony, x1 mushroom, x3 potatoes, x2 blackberries, and x2 gooseberries (36 servings)

Frimbaeg is giving birth this year! Eribaeg assists the best he can.


Usaeth and Cendis go on a border patrol with Snuffles and Flaik, and also bring an iron sword (protecting Snuffles)
Parados and Bletroldi go on a border patrol with Terbis and Cobbles
Solnar and Breyze go on a border patrol with Vreex and Febreeze

Geo and Box go on a scouting patrol with a stone pickaxe
Jar and Ekri go on a scouting patrol with Molasses and a stone dagger (protecting Jar)
Kryz and Andromeda go on a scouting patrol

Updog, Gwinmera, and Crefai go hunting with Mhilran and Oscuna
Kishri and Penelope go hunting with Zumit and a stone spear

Strykx cares for the mushroom plant
Leopold and Pagni go gathering and take the x1 use compass
Liquaxis and Scribble go gathering

Jareth shaves Sweetpea

Eribaeg and Nebula train


anyone with a ☤ requires attention from a Shaman
Efeesz requires medical attention (16+) or a vial of medicine in 3 posts or she dies]

    Village Residents wrote:
    Head Chief
    Jareth | | 55 | Goblin
    ↪ ST - I7 / HS - LC / HC - 62 / EC - D10 / X

    Eribaeg | | 59 | 16KP | Dwarf
    ↪ ST - C7 / HS - S / HC - 10 / EC - E6 / X

    War Chief
    Breyze | | 114 | Air Elemental
    ↪ ST - C3 / HS - LW / HC - 1 / EC - C1 / Y

    Scout Chief
    Kryz | ☿️ | 60 | Goblin
    ↪ ST - B11 / HS - LC / HC - 13 / EC - F11 / X

    Hunting Chief
    Kishri | | 53 | Salamanderkin
    ↪ ST - A11 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - F4 / X


    Cendis | | 68 | Fire Elemental
    ↪ ST - L7 / HS - LW / HC - 20 / EC - H2 / X
    Paradox | | 44 | Shapeshifter (7)

    ↪ wasp, gila monster, groundhog, bearded dragon, newt, tarantula, cassowary
    ↪ ST - G1 / HS - LW / HC - 50 / EC - H7 / X
    Bletroldi | | 37 | Goblin
    ↪ ST - H3 / HS - HW / HC - 13 / EC - D10 / Y
    Usaeth | | 37 | Dwarf
    ↪ST - H4 / HS - S / HC - 61 / EC - H10 / Y
    Solnar | | 28 | Dwarf
    ↪ ST - I8 / HS - LC / HC - 6 / EC - D4 / X
    Name | Gender | Age | Species
    ↪ N/A

    Geo | | 76 | Earth Elemental
    ↪ ST - E3 / HS - S / HC - 20 / EC - E7 / X
    Ekri | | 54 | Kobold
    ↪ ST - H2 / HS - LW / HC - 41 / EC - H11 / X
    Andromeda | | 42 | Batkin
    ↪ ST - C1 / HS - LC / HC - 42 / EC - D2 / X
    Box | | 39 | Goblin
    ↪ ST - G2 / HS - LC / HC - 37 / EC - A8 / X
    Jar | | 37 | Gelfling
    ↪ ST - I2 / HS - LW / HC - 17 / EC - E8 / X
    Name | Gender | Age | Species
    ↪ N/A

    Gwinmera | | 62 | Dwarf
    ↪ ST - J1 / HS - AC / HC - 23 / EC - H7 / X
    Penelope | | 46 | Vampire
    ↪ ST - B2 / HS - S / HC - 23 / EC - A2 / X
    Crefai | ☿️ | 33 | Troll
    ↪ ST - G4 / HS - HW / HC - 1 / EC - A9 / X
    Updog | | 29 | Goblin
    ↪ ST - G3 / HS - AC / HC - 37 / EC - A5 / X
    Name | Gender | Age | Species
    ↪ N/A

    Leopold | | 146 | Vampire
    ↪ ST - E9 / HS - LC / HC - 19 / EC - D11 / Y
    Liquaxis | ☿️ | 64 | Water Elemental
    ↪ ST - F4 / HS - S / HC - 45 / EC - H11 / X
    Pagni | | 44 | Powered Human
    ↪ ST - K8 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - B2 / X
    Scribble | | 38 | Shapeshifter (1)

    ↪ pangolin
    ↪ ST - C2 / HS - LC / HC - 6 / EC - B2 / X
    Strykx | | 21 | Goblin
    ↪ ST - L5 / HS - HC / HC - 10 / EC - B10 / X
    Name | Gender | Age | Species
    ↪ N/A


    Nebula | | 17 | Batkin
    ↪ ST - B4 / HS - LC / HC - 42 / EC - D1 / X
    Blizzy | | 14 | Ice Elemental
    ↪ ST - J1 / HS - LC / HC - 4 / EC - F11 / X
    Name | Gender | Age | Species
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age | Species
    ↪ N/A

    Frimbaeg | | 34 | Dwarf
    ↪ ST - B4 / HS - HC / HC - 16 / EC - G7 / X
    Mina | | 31 | Powered Human
    ↪ ST - E5 / HS - LW / HC - 56 / EC - F8 / X
    Name | Gender | Age | Species
    ↪ N/A

    Amar | | 4 | Powered Human
    ↪ ST - E5 / HS - LW / HC - 21 / EC - F8 / X
    Nihal | | 4 | Powered Human
    ↪ ST - D4 / HS - LW / HC - 21 / EC - G7 / X
    Rina | | 4 | Powered Human
    ↪ ST - E5 / HS - LW / HC - 21 / EC - F8 / Y
    Name | Gender | Age | Species
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age | Species
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age | Species
    ↪ N/A

    Information wrote:
    Ally Villages
    Village Name | Username
    Village Name | Username

    Enemy Villages
    Village Name | Username
    Village Name | Username

    Border Villages
    North | Village Name | Username
    East | Village Name | Username
    South | Village Name | Username
    West | Village Name | Username


    Food Storage
    Bat | x6 | 1 serving
    Mole | x5 | 1 serving
    Badger | x5 | 3 servings
    Cony | x6 | 3 servings
    Mushroom | x5 | 2 servings
    Potato | x9 | 3 servings
    Zucchini | x9 | 4 servings
    Blackberry | x10 | 1 serving
    Gooseberry | x11 | 1 serving
    Plum | x2 | 2 servings
    Total;; 142 servings

    Item Storage
    x120 Yemons
    x2 Blanket | x1 use
    x1 Compass | x1 use
    x1 Compass | x2 uses
    x2 Iron Sword | x2 uses
    x3 Stone Dagger | x1 use
    x2 Stone Pickaxe | x2 uses
    x1 Stone Spear | x2 uses
    x1 Vial of Medicine | x1 use
    x1 Mushroom Plant | next post
    x1 Blackberry Seed | plantable
    x2 Gooseberry Seed | plantable
    x1 Mushroom Seed | plantable
    x0 Plum Seed | plantable
    x2 Potato Seed | plantable
    x4 Zucchini Seed | plantable
    x15 Carnivore Scraps | craftable
    x3 Copper | craftable
    x4 Cotton | craftable
    x4 Gold | craftable
    x4 Herb | craftable
    x7 Iron | craftable
    x1 Leather | craftable
    x3 Sand | craftable
    x3 Silver | craftable
    x1 Steel | craftable
    x3 Stone | craftable
    x4 Twine | craftable
    x6 Wood | craftable


    Label | | 14 | Cat | 1 times bred | 🐱
    Lid | | 14 | Cat | 0 times bred | 🐱
    Fingers | | 14 | Cat | 1 times bred | 🐱
    Toes | | 11 | Cat | 1 times bred | solid chocolate tortie
    Logo | | 11 | Cat | 0 times bred | black broken tabby
    Nails | | 8 | Cat | 1 times bred | red tabby
    Tails | | 8 | Cat | 0 times bred | black tabby
    Wails | | 8 | Cat | 0 times bred | black broken tortie
    Neck | | 2 | Cat/Matagot | 0 Times Bred | 🐱
    Wrist | | 2 | Cat/Matagot | 0 Times Bred | 🐱
    Ankle | | 2 | Cat/Matagot | 0 Times Bred | 🐱
    Name | Gender | Age | Cat | Times Bred | 🐱

    Name | Gender | Age | Breed | Times Bred | 🐶

    Zumit | | 10 | Ice Dragon | 0 times bred | Kishri
    ☤Efeesz | | 8 | Ghost Dragon | 0 times bred | Kryz
    Molasses | | 5 | Shadow Dragon | 0 times bred | Jar
    Oscuna | | 4 | Acid Dragon | 0 times bred | Crefai
    Mhinduk | | 4 | Fire Dragon | 0 times bred | Usaeth
    Name | Gender | Age | Type of Dragon | Times Bred | Handler

    Terbis | 16 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Blue | Paradox
    Vreex | 16 | Fire-Lizard | 1 times bred | Green | Solnar
    Star | 16 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Green | Andromeda
    Cobbles | 16 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Green | Paradox
    Fardahr | 16 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Bronze | Eribaeg
    Firmis | 16 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Blue | Paradox
    Adryl | 16 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Bronze | Solnar
    Klusx | 16 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Green | Strykx
    Progs | 16 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Blue | Jareth
    Febreeze | 13 | Fire-Lizard | 1 times bred | Brown | Breyze
    Lyeslyl | 11 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Green | Eribaeg
    Doodle | 11 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Green | Scribble
    Reerx | 11 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Green | Updog
    Flaik | 11 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Blue | Cendis
    Claudia | 11 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Gold | Penelope
    Jelly | 11 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Brown | Jar
    Cyclonis | 5 | Fire-Lizard | 0 times bred | Bronze | Breyze
    Name | Age | Fire-Lizard | Times Bred | Colour | Handler

    Snuffles | | 5 | Fennec Fox | 0 times bred | 🦊
    Name | Gender | Age | Breed | Times Bred | 🦊

    Mhilran | | 6 | Blue Roan | 0 times bred | 🐴 | Gwinmera
    Name | Gender | Age | Breed | Times Bred | 🐴 | Handler

    Sweetpea | | 4 | Merino Sheep | 0 times bred | 🐑
    Name | Gender | Age | Breed | Times Bred | 🐑


    Eribaeg | Nebula | Healing | 3
    Kishri | Blizzy | Hunting | 0
    Mentor | Apprentice | Rank | Sessions

    Tester | Things Tested

    Name | Cause of Death

    Andromeda and ? | Nebula
    Mina and ? | Amar, Nihal, Rina
    Frimbaeg and ? | Due this year
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