Create-A-Village V3.5

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Black Rock Weyrhold 33

Postby Simonpet » Sat Apr 11, 2020 1:38 pm

𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕣𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕨𝕖𝕪𝕣𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕕
Number of People: 82 (38 ♂ | 43 ♀ | 01 ⚤)
Number of Animals: 65
Next Visit to North: April 17, 2020
Families | Items and Food | Mentors | References

Sedah sat, elbows on the table and backs of the hands supporting her head. The meeting was about to start and she couldn't be more excited to hear about the marketplace. Rorria, the dragonrider assigned to the group, had refused to say anything other than "It had been interesting" and that "Wax would explain better". Absolutely insufferable.

"What's with the big fish?" asked N'reg, who was leaning back in his chair. Curo hopped from his arm onto his head and let out a cheep.

Wax grinned. "It's a shark," he said, "from Carmina Abyssi. That's what's been giving the Fishers trouble, by the way." Seanni blinked and turned her head slightly, inviting Wax to continue. "Sharks are big sea creatures, like dolphins but more dangerous," he explained. "They're not intelligent and some of them are good for eating. And," he said quickly, noticing Seanni's mouth about to open, "Carmina Abyssi is this 'village' of sirens. I'm not exactly sure what that means but they live in the water and they seem pretty dangerous. They made a few references to where they live and I think they travel a bit between waterways but it seems they live close to us."

"Jesni won't like hearing about it," Renolla commented. "She's been thinking about going closer to Cyrrane to fish."

"I think we can reach an agreement," said Wax confidently. "They seem dangerous, yes, but we have dragons and we could contact some Dolphineers in case we need protection from them."

"We should warn the villages by the water," mused Seanni. "They'd probably like to know."

"Mekhanikos and Cyrrane know. I met with some of their representatives."

"And how are they?" asked N'reg, a gleam in his eye. The brief silence that followed made Sedah's heart drop.[/color]

Wax sighed. "There was...a situation," he said, voice brimming with emotion. "Keiran didn't elaborate but I got the feeling it was bad. I don't know why they didn't contact us but maybe they couldn't spare the people. Or they thought they could handle it themselves."

"Keiran?" asked Seanni. "Wasn't he-"

"Ei," Wax interjected. "Weird pronouns but they're not human. It would probably make more sense if we could speak their original language."

"Wasn't ei," Seanni continued, "one of the reps sent to the Impression?"

Wax nodded. "Nice kid. Grown a lot since then."

"Keiran?" Sedah interjected. "Who're they?"

Wax turned to her. "A golem. A sapient pile of rocks is the simplest way of putting it but from what I've learned, they're like...a natural byproduct of magic. The lands surrounding Mekhanikos used to be much more magical and the golems had more power then. Something happened and they were deactivated until Ackerley stumbled across them. Keiran's one of the earliest ones to wake."

Sedah nodded. She vaguely remembered now. "Borinth's clutch, right?"

"Yep!" replied Wax. "Now, there's something else I've got to tell you 'bout." The dragonriders and Renolla leaned in slightly and Curo whistled invitingly. "There's this village, Beacontown, and they also have dragons. But they're strange dragons. Their rider, Jesse, has this big purple-and-black dragon."

"Purple. And black?" Sedah asked. "I am going to urghh!" she muttered. Rorria had been holding out!

Seanni looked over and tried to look stern. But even she couldn't hide her amusement and interest. "There's nothing wrong with their dragon?" she pressed. "It's just...that way?"

Wax nodded. "And she had scales." He raised a hand to prevent anyone else from speaking. "I've been thinking. If we can extend friendship to Beacontown, we could get some new blood." N'reg's face immediately wrinkled with disgust. "No no, listen," Wax said quickly. "Endyr's a female and we've got a few male dragons who probably aren't ever going to mate otherwise. We don't need to try matching her with a bronze--we shouldn't--but we could ask for volunteers from the brownriders and blueriders."

"And what purpose would it serve?"

"Friendship. Alliance. We'd get more dragons and we could broaden our lineages. If the offspring are healthy, we could reach out to other villages and offer them one of these eggs in return for goods or a closer relationship."

"I like it," said Sedah, heart beating a bit quickly. By Faranath, she was almost 40 turns. She didn't need to be this nervous. "More alliances are always helpful. And it would be nice to have other options just in case."

Seanni made a sound halfway between a chuckle and a sigh. "We'll consider it."

Wax nodded sharply. "Now, let's get back to the sirens."

"We'll talk about it when we have Jesni in here," said Renolla. "I wouldn't do anything without consulting her."

The meeting went on for a little while after that as they discussed what Wax's marketplace group had brought back and what they could bring in the future. There was still no word from Mournstead, which worried Seanni, and Wax promised to see if he could check out the area. The five of them left the room when the sun had started to set, surprising Sedah at how long the meeting had been. She'd have to be quick if she didn't want to miss dinner; Veash's cooking was pretty good and she hoped to get home before food got cold. She said her goodbyes to the others and hurried home.

Fudiom watched helplessly as the cat--the gray one with darker stripes--knocked the cup off the table, spilling what little water remained. His reaction time wasn't what it used to be and thankfully, the cup was made of plastic. He sighed and waggled his finger at the cat who, in response, did absolutely nothing. He was waiting for Rowan and Ezekiel to show up for their weekly visit and it couldn't come soon enough. He wasn't sure why he'd been given the cats and had decided to give them to the siblings as soon as possible. They needed the animals more than he did, cute as they were.

Finally, there was a a knock on the door. Fudiom struggled to stand and stood for a moment, steadying himself, before walking to open the door. Rowan's beaming face greeted him and he smiled, moving for a hug.

"Uh uh!" she said, taking a step back. "I don't want you to squish the cake."

Fudiom raised an eyebrow. "And who made it?"

"H-Anna did," said Zeke, stumbling over his cousin's name slightly. Fudiom had long ago picked up on the oddity but who was he to pry? Years of experience and being married to a Harper had gifted him with a certain circumspectness with these subjects.

"Traitor," said Rowan, no heat in her voice. "We were supposed to take credit!"

Zeke's face was the picture of innocence. "Well, aren't we told not to lie?"

Fudiom chuckled and waved them into his home. "My husband is cleaning the instruments," he said apologetically. "He'll come out eventually." The siblings nodded as they entered. Rowan immediately focused on the cats, her eyes widening and her mouth opening in a silent exclamation of surprise.

"You have cats," she said in a hushed tone, careful to set the cake down on the center of the table.

Fudiom smiled. "Well, I was actually going to give them to the two of you. Seems like you'd be good owners for the pair."

"Cats? For us?" asked Zeke in a quavering voice. Fudiom looked over at him to see tears welling in his eyes. "Are- Are you sure?"

"If you'll take them," replied Fudiom gently, "yes." Zeke burst into tears, little awful sobs coming from him. Rowan immediately moved to hug him tightly. Fudiom was puzzled. What about cats had upset the boy so much?

"Is there...?" he started to ask but Rowan cut him off.

"It'll be okay," she said in a somewhat strained voice. "He's just...happy?" The sounds that Zeke was making didn't sound happy but again, Fudiom didn't pry. He didn't know much about where their family had come from but they'd clearly had a bad time. He moved to hug the pair and Rowan let him, shifting her grip for easier access. Zeke lay his head against Fudiom's chest--he was nearly to his shoulder!--and sobbed quietly. The three of them stood, waiting for Zeke to calm down. Finally, he extracted himself from both Rowan and Fudiom's grips and wiped his eyes, sniffling a bit.

"I'm fine," he said gruffly, cheeks turning a faint red. "...fine."

"Sit down," commanded Fudiom. "Let me get you some juice." Zeke nodded, and he and Rowan sat at the table. Fudiom heard them whisper but ignored them as he took the bottle of pear juice from the fridge. It was nice to have a modernized house, he thought idly. More and more had electricity and the inventions that had sprang from it, making life easier for everyone. He poured the juice into three cups and brought them to the table. He went back for a knife and some plates so that he could cut the cake. He figured that it couldn't hurt. And besides, he was eager to try it; Anna liked to experiment with recipes so everything from her was an adventure.

"Now that we've decided you're keeping the cats," he said, looking from Zeke to Rowan and back again, "we'll need to talk about how to treat them properly." The children--they weren't children but they were like the grandchildren he'd never had--nodded. They talked over the cake, a fruit cake that was just a little bitter from the citron, and the mood was very much improved. By the time the siblings left, carrying the cats carefully, Zeke was about bursting with smiles and Rowan was much less tense. Fudiom closed the door with a sense of wistfulness. Today had ended well.

The wedding was a grand event, guests and decorations everywhere. Eshni hadn't been a big part of the planning but she knew that her mom had been in it. Fira hadn't complained and in fact had admitted that she was glad someone else was doing most of the heavy lifing; all she'd needed to do was to suggest a few things here and there--mostly things that she and Ril simply had to have--and Jesni would take care of the rest. Now, Eshni appreciated her mother's work; tables were full of food and the stage where the happy couple would marry was covered in Southern flowers. It was chilly, expected up North, but it didn't take away the joy that was watching her little brother becoming a husband.

The harper was droning on about oaths and love, and Eshni turned to Ermid. The two of them locked eyes and smiled. "By Faranath am I glad that Wax was much more brief," she muttered. Ermid made a shushing motion and winked. Eshni smirked, hand unconsciously moving to her belly. It was heavily swollen and she had worried about making the trip the long way, but cross-continental ships were getting faster by the turn. Besides, it had let her relax for the few days she'd been at sea and she thanked her Fisher blood that she hadn't gotten seasick.

"I now pronounce you, man and wife!"

As Ril and Fira kissed, Eshni joined in the cheering and clapping. Fira blushed deeply and the pair pulled away a moment later. "Do we get cake now?" asked Sharon, standing by Jesni's side.

"Yes yes," replied Jesni distractedly, still smiling proudly. "You'll get your cake in a moment. Go congratulate your brother first."

"Yeah!" said Esty excitedly. "C'mon, Sherry!" She tugged her twin and the two of them ran to the happy couple, who embraced the children. Eshni's hand found Ermid's and she relived her own wedding. What a wonderful day it had been. Hopefully, her brother would remember today just as fondly.

It had been a struggle to capture the horse in the first place, given how prone they were to screaming and running from dragons. Or dropping dead of what seemed to be a heart attack. But Rosanth had finally managed to snatch up the gray horse and carry it back to the weyrhold. Ze'ku had been the one to point it out; a lone horse seemingly not part of any herd or belonging to any one person. So why not bring it back home and try to tame it? Surely someone would have experience with horses.

"Rosanth can't keep holding the horse forever," said Ze'ku with a frown and crossed arms. They'd finally landed in the East Weyrhold near the livestock pens, and Mairmun had offered to find one of the Crafters or staff to take over.

Seanni grimaced. "She agrees. She's not happy with how the horse keeps struggling." Actually, what Rosanth was saying was a bit more...elaborate than that but she didn't feel the need to explain.

Ze'ku snorted. "Want me to grab a rope? Hosurth and I'd be back quick."

Seanni shrugged. "Sure?" Not two seconds after she said that, Ze'ku leaped onto Hosurth and the two went between. A few moments later, a grubby Griengrilon emerged from the pens with Mairmun a few steps behind. As soon as the tan, blond-haired man saw the horse's head peeking out of Rosanth's paw, he stopped and his eyes widened visibly.

"Where did you get that," he said flatly. As if realizing that he sounded disapproving, he added: "I mean, that looks beautiful! Can I see it?"

Seanni grimaced. "Unless you have a way of restraining it, not yet. Ze'ku's off to get some rope."

Griengrilon exhaled sharply. "Understandable. Well-"

Just then, Hosurth burst into existance and let out a soft cry of success. Evidently, Ze'ku had managed to get some suitable restraint. The blue landed with a thump and Ze'ku slid off, nearly falling as he got tangled with the rather long rope he held in his hands. Seanni rushed forward and Griengrilon started to but stopped, apparently remembering that he was still dirty from the livestock. Ze'ku was untangled without too much difficulty and he held out the rope to Griengrilon wordlessly. The Beastcrafter took it.

"So, how am I supposed to tie down the horse if it can," Griengrilon gestured to the open space surrounding them, "run free?"

Seanni, Ze'ku and Mairmun looked at each other and shrugged. "You told me that you had experience with horses," said Mairmun, somewhat defensively.

"Just because my dad bred horses doesn't mean that I can chase one down!"

Seanni facepalmed and spoke through her hand, which muffled her voice somewhat. "Rosanth is offering to hold the horse until you have it secure."

"That should work. Yes," said Griengrilon with a more confident bob of his head, "that would be good."

It took some time but finally, Griengrilon had created a makeshift halter for the horse and Rosanth had been able to hop a bit further away to avoid spooking the poor horse. The four weyrholders just stood there, looking at the gray horse with some combination of pride, relief, and confusion.

"What happens now?" asked Ze'ku, breaking the silence.

"I take her to the pens, I suppose," said Griengrilon. "And yes it's a she. Do you want a full explanation of how I know?" he asked in response to Ze'ku opening his mouth slightly.

Seanni rolled her eyes. "Think we might need to expand the stables?"

"That would be nice," Griengrilon admitted. "But only if it wouldn't cost much. I don't want to burden the weyrhold."

Seanni waved a hand dismissively. "It's no large expense. I'm sure that Ayal has contacts and between her, Chunno, and anyone they can press into service, it'll be finished soon." Griengrilon looked visibly relieved. "Are you going to give her a name?"

Griengrilon made a little choking sound. "Now? You want me to name her now?"

"I meant if you had-"

Griengrilon's brows furrowed with sudden inspiration. "Moonflower!"

Now, it was Seanni's turn to be surprised. From the looks of confusion on Ze'ku and Mairmun's faces, she knew she wasn't the only one. "She's nothing like a moonflower...?"

"She's gray, like the moon, and is delicate like the fruit." Griengrilon's tone held no room for argument, despite the fact that Mairmun started coughing and had to turn away.

Seanni made a small motion. "She's all yours, I suppose." Moonflower? Really?

Don't lie and tell me that you're any better at naming, said Rosanth. I could say the same about Curo.

Hey! It's a perfectly serviceable name. Seanni crossed her arms contrarily.

Rosanth snorted and her eyes whirled with green and blue.

I've accomplished something!
Achievement You've Accomplished: Savvy Barter
Total Prizes: 10 yemons

I wish to adopt!
Code of Child: 004
Name of Child: Ferrilion

[ The humans of Black Rock Weyrhold 21+ turns old (60) consume 60 servings: x5 bovines and x5 wherries. ]
[ The humans of Black Rock Weyrhold 6-20 turns old (16) consume 8 servings: x2 cucumbers. ]
[ The carnivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold (49) consume 12.25 servings: x2 bovines and x1.25 small fish. ]
[ The omnivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold (09) consume 2.25 servings: x2.25 redfruit. ]
[ The herbivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold (07) consume 1.75 servings: x1.75 redfruit. ]

[ The following animals are welcomed to the Weyrhold: Chirpy, a bird, Hazel and Soot, cats, Moonflower, a horse. ]
[ The following births are welcomed to the Weyrhold: Eshni's child, Harishni Singer, and Fay's twins, Daniel and Farida Barkridge. ]
[ The following villagers are welcomed to the Weyrhold: Dallumi, Candidate. ]
[ The following Crafters have been promoted to Master: none. ]
[ The following Crafters have completed their training: none. ]
[ The following dragonriders have completed their training: none. ]
[ The following weyrbrats have finished testing: none. ]

[ Mairmun leads Benorri, Eshni, Fella, and Waxinnan on a scouting patrol. They bring Faith and Shadow, dogs. ]
[ Baridna leads Aidan, Dulcia, Rabrusull, and Tigill on a border patrol. They bring Chaser and Dapple, dogs, and Vex, a fox. ]
[ Jesni leads Balidosh, Beallolril, Boldosh, M'sha, and Tugall on a fishing patrol. They bring Currith, a dragon. ]
[ Abesses leads Griengrilon, Jomiovit, Kyniken, and Nitia on a hunting patrol. They bring Moonflower, a horse. ]
[ Borrin leads Ayal, Fudiom, Kalliarrah, Kivee, and Miklo on a gathering patrol. They bring Screech, a bird. ]
[ Diatilon leads Hantyn, Jarshonen, Neachunno, Saltul, and Veashmorell on a gathering patrol. They bring Sky, a bird. ]
[ Camilla, Fay, Fira, and Shollun research medicine. ]

[ Rorria and Ze'ku go on Search. They ride Siarlith and Hosurth, dragons. ]
[ Seanni and Tutikko go on Search. They ride Rosanth and Diasrioth, dragons. ]
[ N'reg and Soyah go on Search. They ride Predath and Borinth, dragons. ]

[ Ermid looks after cucumber seed 1 with the help of bovine 6. It will bloom in two posts. ]
[ Pepper looks after cucumber seed 2 with the help of bovine 9. It will bloom in two posts. ]

[ N/A ]

[ Akiniall tests Woodcraft. ]
[ Ester and Sharon test Harpercraft. ]
[ Tiennen tests Tannercraft. ]

[ Abesses teaches Jomiovit in Beastcraft. ]
[ Anna teaches Rowan in Smithcraft. ]
[ Ershar teaches Ezekiel in Farmercraft. ]
[ Lolardra teaches Riziolke in Fishercraft. ]

[ F'dust teaches R'den and S'gan doing between. ]
[ F'dust teaches Hallitu and V'bin formation riding. ]
[ F'dust teaches Nebenni and Tollioma leadership. ]
[ Sedah teaches Myracle formation riding. ]

[ N/A ]

[ Beallolril and Fira get married and try for children. They take the last name of Hemlock. ]
[ Tigill and Tollioma try for children. ]
[ Veashmorell and Camilla get married and try for children. They take the last name of Cooke. ]

[ Nilani will give birth in 1 post. ]
[ Thiolo will give birth in 1 post. ]

[ The two cats hunt for mice. ]
[ The five dogs hunt for carnivore scraps. ]

[ Bovine 7 is killed for meat and leather. ]

[ Autumn and Sprout (dogs) die of extreme old age. ]
[ Shulli and Tirvam (fire-lizards) die of old age. ]

[ Nella, Salano, and Wedassea stay back to care for weyrbrats between 0-7 turns. ]
[ Bansendon, Hinraul, Lemmima, and Renolla stays back to do weyrhold duties. ]

[ Seanni requests a candidate. ]

[ Ayal, Bansendon, Fella, Fudiom, Kivee, Rorria (and Siarlith), and Waxinnan return from the marketplace. They bring with them the following: x2 sharks, x1 tuna, x2 cats (skilled animal), x1 blackberry seed, and x1 asparagus seed. ]

[ From now on, I will be noting traits in the References. When a female is giving birth, I will link to the parents' traits so that you can roll for the children. ]
[ Ferrilion will be adopted by Fella and Rorria. ]

[ Please don't kill anyone. Injuries of any severity are fine if rolled. ]
[ Familiars are not counted as skilled animals and as such, will not need to be fed but also can't participate in patrols. ]

[ Currently, I'm not accepting new villagers from border/scout patrols. ]
[ "Search" is a scout patrol solely for villagers of candidate rank. If anyone other than "person(s) found" is rolled, the Searcher finds nothing. ]

[ The Weyrleader's wing (WW) is composed of dragonriders who only go on scout patrols. ]
[ The hunting wing (HW) is composed of dragonriders who only go on hunting/fishing patrols. ]

[ Caling and Redi (birds) will breed in 1 post. ]
[ Calma and Han (fire-lizards) will breed in 2 posts. ]
[ Bovines 11 and 10 will breed in 3 posts. ]
[ Catcher and Savvy (birds) will breed in 3 posts. ]
[ Catcher and Savvy (birds) will breed in 5 posts. ]
[ Zerith and Currith (dragons) will breed in 6 posts. ]

[ Seanni will retire as Weyrwoman when she is 70 turns. ]


G. Seanni | female | 57 turns | X | Rosanth

Junior Goldriders (1)
G. Sedah | female | 37 turns | X | Zerith

Retired Dragonriders (0)

Renolla | female | 52 turns | Y

Lower Caverns Staff (14)
Bansendon | male | 32 turns | X
Diatilon | female | 30 turns | Y
Fudiom | male | 71 turns | X
Hantyn | male | 39 turns | Y
Jarshonen "Jar" | male | 19 turns | X
Kalliarrah "Kali" | female | 38 turns | X
↪ has ocular albinism
Kivee | female | 50 turns | X
Miklo | female | 61 turns | X
Nella | female | 43 turns | X
↪ Fostering staff
Nilani | female | 29 turns | X
Salano | female | 64 turns | X
↪ Fostering staff
Saltul | male | 39 turns | X
Veashmorell "Veash"| male | 42 turns | X
Wedassea | female | 64 turns | X
↪ Fostering staff

Weyrbrats (11)
Akiniall | male | 8 turns | X
Daniel "Danny" | male | 1 turn | X
Dusteah "Teya" | female | 7 turns | X
Ester "Esty" | female | 8 turns | X
Eryn | female | 4 turns | X
Farida | female | 1 turn | X
Harishni | female | 1 turn | X
Illias | male | 4 turns | X
↪ deaf in left ear
Sadia | female | 4 turns | X
↪ has ocular albinism
Sharon | female | 8 turns | X
Tiennen "Tien" | male | 10 turns | X
Beastcrafters (5)
M. Abesses | male | 55 turns | X
M. Griengrilon | male | 35 turns | X
J. Jomiovit "Jom" | male | 15 turns | X
J. Kyniken "Kye" | male | 36 turns | Y
M. Nitia | female | 48 turns | X

Farmercrafters (6)
M. Borrin | male | 56 turns | X
J. Ermid | male | 25 turns | X
M. Ershar | male | 54 turns | X
A. Ezekiel "Zeke" | male | 16 turns | X
J. Pepper | female | 33 turns | X | Baxter
M. Thiolo | female | 35 turns | X

Fishercrafters (5)
J. Balidosh | male | 19 turns | X
M. Boldosh | male | 50 turns | X
M. Jesni | female | 54 turns | X
J. Lolardra "Lola" | female | 37 turns | Y
A. Riziolke "Riz" | female | 19 turns | X

Glasscrafters (2)
M. Baridna | female | 50 turns | X
J. Tigill | male | 19 turns | X

Harpercrafters (3)
J. Eshni | female | 28 turns | X
M. Mairmun | male | 59 turns | X
M. Waxinnan "Wax" | male | 48 turns | X

Healercrafters (4)
J. Camilla | female | 37 turns | 7 KP | X
J. Fay | female | 40 turns | 4 KP | X
J. Fira | female | 23 turns | 5 KP | X
M. Shollun | male | 51 turns | 13 KP | Y

Smithcrafters (5)
J. Aidan | male | 38 turns | X | Orgon
J. Anna "Nana" | female | 30 turns | Y
J. Dulcia "Lucy" | nonbinary | 34 turns | X
↪ uses "they"/"them" pronouns
A. Rowan "Rory" | female | 22 turns | X
M. Rabrusull | male | 37 turns | X

Starcrafters (2)
J. Benorri "Benny" | female | 40 turns | X
J. Fella | female | 23 turns | X

Tannercrafters (2)
J. Beallolril "Ril" | male | 23 turns | X
M. Tugall | male | 48 turns | X

Woodcrafters (2)
M. Ayal | female | 46 turns | Y
J. Neachunno "Chunno" | male | 29 turns | X
B. N'reg | male | 52 turns | X | Predath | WW

Wingleaders (0)

Wingseconds (1)
Gr. Tutikko | female | 22 turns | X | Diasrioth | WW

Dragonriders (4)
B. M'sha | male | 32 turns | X | Currith | HW
Gr. Rorria "Rory" | female | 24 turns | X | Siarlith | WW
Gr. Soyah | female | 34 turns | X | Borinth | WW
Bl. Ze'ku | male | 34 turns | X | Hosurth | WW

Weyrlingmasters (1)
Br. F'dust | male | 35 turns | X | Kimorth

Weyrlings (8)
Gr. Hallitu "Tutu" | female | 23 turns | X | Fayaraith
G. Myracle "Myra" | female | 34 years | X | Manth
Gr. Nebenni | female | 19 turns | X | Lanernuth
Br. R'den | male | 33 years | X | Daresith
↪ has a permanent limp
B. S'gan | male | 19 turns | X | Pumolth
Br. T'gin | male | 23 turns | X | Noneth
Gr. Tollioma | female | 20 turns | X | Tollioma
Bl. V'bin | male | 22 turns | Y | Fareth

Candidates (3)
Dallumi | female | 21 turns | Y
Hinraul | male | 20 turns | X
Lemmima | female | 20 turns | X


Working Animals (8)
Bovine 6 | male | 21 turns | b2 | bovine
Bovine 7 | female | 21 turns | b1 | bovine
Bovine 9 | female | 10 turns | b1 | bovine
Bovine 10 | male | 6 turns | bovine
Bovine 11 | male | 6 turns | bovine
Bovine 12 | female | 4 turns | bovine
Moonflower | female | 1 turn | horse | Griengrilon
Vex | female | 5 turns | fox

Pets (15)
Caling | male | 8 turns | hawk | Veashmorell
Catcher | male | 6 turns | hawk | Miklo
Chaser | male | 4 turns | b1 | canine
Chirpy | female | 1 turn | hawk x sparrow | Fudiom
Dapple | male | 7 turns | canine
Faith | female | 4 turns | canine
Grace | female | 6 turns | hawk | Nilani
Hazel | male | 2 turns | cat
Redi | female | 8 turns | hawk | Hantyn
Savvy | female | 6 turns | hawk | Renolla
Screech | male | 9 turns | b2 | hawk | Hantyn
Shadow | female | 4 turns | canine
Sky | male | 4 turns | b1 | falcon | Fudiom
Soot | female | 2 turns | cat
Yeller | male | 4 turns | canine

Familiars (3)
Baxter | male | mountain bluebird | Pepper
Lilac | male | Costa's hummingbird | Fay
Orgon | male | German Shepard | Aidan
Dragons (17)
Borinth | green | 20 turns | b1 | Soyah
Currith | bronze | 15 turns | M'sha
Daresith | brown | 4 turns | R'den
Diasrioth | green | 8 turns | Tutikko
Fareth | blue | 4 turns | V'bin
Fayaraith | green | 4 turns | Hallitu
Hosurth | blue | 20 turns | Ze'ku
Kenralth | green | 4 turns | Tollioma
Kimorth | brown | 20 turns | b1 | F'dust
Lanernuth | green | 4 turns | Nebenni
Manth | gold | 4 turns | Myracle
Noneth | brown | 8 turns | T'gin
Predath | bronze | 26 turns | b2 | N'reg
Pumolth | bronze | 4 turns | S'gan
Rosanth | gold | 30 turns | b2 | Seanni
Siarlith | green | 8 turns | Rorria
Zerith | gold | 20 turns | Sedah

Fire-Lizards (25)
Breenu | green | 2 turns | Tigill
Calma | green | 13 turns | Soyah
Cari | gold | 2 turns | Dulcia
Chirper | brown | 4 turns | Soyah
Conni | blue | 2 turns | Rabrusull
Curo | green | 21 turns | b2 | Seanni
Fire | bronze | 24 turns | b2 | Abesses
Gala | green | 13 turns | Ze'ku
Gen | bronze | 21 turns | b1 | Baridna
Han | brown | 13 turns | F'dust
Hel | green | 2 turns | Baridna
Keten | green | 2 turns | Rabrusull
Kolu | green | 21 turns | b1 | Renolla
Mant | blue | 2 turns | Tigill
Reggie | green | 4 turns | Anna
Rikal | green | 2 turns | Aidan
Ritter | blue | 13 turns | Sedah
Theseus | blue | 2 turns | Dulcia
Tixir | bronze | 2 turns | Rabrusull
Tolly | bronze | 2 turns | Baridna
Tukka | green | 2 turns | Aidan
Wish | green | 4 turns | Eshni
Zixel | blue | 2 turns | Aidan
Zor | brown | 24 turns | b2 | Ershar
Zux | green | 2 turns | Tigill
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Re: Create-A-Village V3

Postby Ju_is_Lucky » Sun Apr 12, 2020 2:32 am

Number of People: 16
Number of Animals: 3
Servings Needed: 12
Next Visit to Ancestors: April 25th 2020

Naris feet felt heavy. She tried to run, but she couldn’t anymore. Yazawa limed after her, his leg burned. It looked painful, but not too severe. They ran all the way back here, as good as they could. Half a mile maybe? Nari couldn’t tell. The adrenalin made her numb to her surroundings.
Her breath came out heavy. She didn’t just run here she also had a screeching little Fire-Lizard in her arms. The little thing tried to wiggle free, too exhausted to still fight back. On the other hand, she also carried Aiha on her back. She was badly burned. Nari didn’t know if it was the shook or her injury that made her pass out.
They were still far away from the village. Way too far to run. Nari started to panic. Yazawa would get there with his injury without that much trouble, but Aiha? Nari couldn’t lose someone. Not that way. She made herself responsible for all of them. She wished she would have been the one in Aiha’s shoes. How could she lead these people when she couldn’t protect them properly? She had to bring her back as fast as possible.
Fighting against the ever-growing pain in her legs and logic that there is no way she could run that far, she started to run again. Yazawa shouted something, but she couldn’t hear it, all she could hear was the blood rushing through her ears. If she had to, she would come back for him, but Aiha was more important now. She stumbled now and then, but she had to go on. She had to!
And then a voice came out of the woods. It was loud and sounded angry, and familiar, but she couldn’t recognize it. “Hello?!” She shouted in the direction. The voice stopped abruptly, and everything was quiet again. Had she imagined the voice? No. Just shortly after Iki and Tama came through the woods, looking at her in shock.
Without thinking she put the Fire-Lizard in Tama's arms. The small animals had stopped struggling, too tired to go on. Nari turned Iki. “you have to bring Aiha back.” She said in a low voice. He took the young woman in his arms without protests. “What happened?” He asked worriedly. Out of breath, Nari said quietly “We were attacked, by a hoard of Fire-Lizards.” She turned away and started to walk away. “Where are you going?!” Iki screamed shocked. “I have to go find Yazawa again… I left him behind.” “Let us come with y-“ “NO!” She screamed at him, imminently regretting it. “You have to bring Aiha back.” “Let me come with you at least,” Tama said stepping closer to her. Nari looked at Iki. His eyes were pleading to take Tama with her and she sight. “Okay.”
The two women supported Yazawa at each side. Nari and he were almost the same height, so she was on the side with his bad leg. It took them several minutes, maybe even an hour to get back to the village.
Iki ran up to them immediately. For a short moment he looked angry again, but that changed when he came closer to them. He took Yazawa carefully from them, guiding the young man to Yanagi's hut, to sit in front of it with him. Ryann and Mae came to her. Asking questions and talking about… something.
Nari couldn’t remember what they actually said, nor what she answered. Both of them sat her down after a while. She thinks they tried to calm her down and reassure her, but everything was a blur. After some time Suga came to her. They just sat there not talking, trying to encourage her or making her feel better. They were just there. After some time, they took Naris hand in theirs slowly stroking the back of it.
“I should have seen that coming… I should have prevented that.” Her voice was quiet and low. Her eyes were fixated on the floor. “What if she dies? It would be all my fault…” Her voice cracked, squeezing Suga's hand hard. They squeezed firmly back waiting until Nari looked at them.
“There is nothing you could have done to prevent this… somethings just happen.” They looked Nari in the eyes, their voice calm. They wanted to say something more but the door of Yanagi's hut swung open, making Nari jump on her feet.
She looked at Yanagi. The older woman’s hair was a mess, she looked distressed and almost helpless. For a short moment, Nari felt like her heart stopped for a beat. “How… How is she.” She asked shakily, almost scared to know the answer. Yanagi stared at her for a few heartbeats “I don’t know…. For now, she is stable, but I can’t say she will make it with serenity.” It wasn’t what Nari hoped for, but she still exhaled relived.
With just a few steps Yanagi stepped closer throwing her arms around Nari. She pulled her into a tight hug. After a moment Nari laid her arms around Yanagi's waist pressing her closer. “At least you are not hurt,” Yanagi whispered softly into her ear before pulling away and looking at Yazawa. “Okay… put your leg up I will look at it.”

Suga goes on a hunting patrol with Niikura, Gamo, and Yuma (Fox)
Iki goes gathering and takes Tama with him
Ame, Nari and Demura (dog) go on a border patrol
Yanagi tends to Aiha
Nari asks for an apprentice

0-5 = 4 persons (0 needed)
6-20 = 0 persons (0 needed)
21+ = 12 (12 needed)
Total 12 servings needed (3 Zucchini)
3 animals that need flesh =3/4 (some deer 3/4)
0 animals that need fruits or vegetables = 0
0 animals that can eat anything = 0

Iki and Noya breaker up

Ryann joins with her 3 kids
Suga is promoted to Hunting Chief

Ame becomes Kodas handler

Yanagi treats Aiha


Pineapple seed blooms in 2 posts
Banana seed bloom this post

Other things
I got a (mayor wip) Archive


Notes to mod
Spirit animals have no skills and need no food
Name colour meaning
Green = Please don’t kill them. Their important for the story or have a specific death planed for story purposes
Yellow = normal
Red = Please target these especially for death rolls

    Head Chief
    Nari | Female (amab) | 26 years
    ↪ ST - G3 / HS - S / HC - 15 / EC - H5 / X / reptilian

    Yanagi | Female (afab)| 29 years | 4 Knowledge Points
    ↪ ST - K6 / HS - HW / HC - 38 / EC - D1 / X / spacefolk

    War Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Ame | Male (amab) | 22 years
    ↪ ST - I1 / HS - LW / HC - 23 / EC - A6 / X / robot
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Scout Chief
    Yazawa | Male (afab) | 23 years (rests this post)
    ↪ ST - C3 / HS - S / HC - 16 / EC - C7 / X / animalkin/ Horse Anthro

    Aiha | Female (afab)| 22 years (in Yanagis care)
    ↪ ST - I8 / HS - HC / HC - 10 / EC - H4 / X / naiad
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Hunting Chief
    Suga | Genderfluid (amab) | 24 years
    ↪ ST - L5 / HS - LC / HC - 41 / EC - A8 / Y / half-devil.
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Niikura male (amab)| 22 years
    ↪ ST - B6 / HS - S / HC - 62 / EC - F6 / X / orc
    Gamo | Genderfluid (afab) |22 years
    ↪ST - A11 / HS - HW / HC - 60 / EC - D11 / Y / scorpifolk
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Iki | Male (amab) | 32 years
    ↪ ST - H7 / HS - LW / HC - 60 / EC - H11 / X / robot
    Tama | Female (afab) | 30 years
    ↪ ST-G2 / HS-HC / HC-36 / EC-B2 / X / Wood Elf
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Noya | Female (afab) | 27 years
    ↪ ST - M11 / HS - AC / HC - 30 / EC - D10 / Y / dwarf
    Ryann | female (afab) | 31 years | daughter of Hecate
    ↪ ST - A6 / HS - LC / HC - 13 / EC - B6 / X / demigod
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Asano | Female (afab)| 2 years
    ↪ N/A
    Endellion | female (afab) | 4 years | granddaughter of Hecate
    ↪ ST - A6 / HS - LW / HC - 13 / EC - D2 / X / demigod
    Genie | male (amab) | 4 years | grandson of Hecate
    ↪ ST - A6 / HS - LW / HC - 65 / EC - D1 / Y / demigod
    ↪ twisted arm
    Sol | male (amab)| 4 years | grandson of Hecate
    ↪ ST - A6 / HS - LC / HC - 13 / EC - A7 / X / demigod
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Mae | Female | 53 years
    ↪ ST - E6 / HS - HC / HC - 16 / EC - H6 / X / dwarf.
    ↪ one arm missing
    Name | Gender | Age

    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Bad Mist Mountain | Savannaten010
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Pig| 0x | 3 servings each (0 servings left)
Deer | 1x and some| 6 servings each (10 +3/4 servings left)
Boar| 2x | 3 servings each (6 servings left)
Badger | 3x| 3 servings each (9 servings left)
Broccoli| 1x | 3 servings each (3 servings left)
Zucchini| 1x | 4 servings each (4 servings left)
Onion| 1x |3 servings each (3 servings left)
Banana| 6x | 2 servings each (12 servings left)
Plum| 4x |2 servings each (8 servings left)
Pineapple| 1x | 3 servings each (3 servings left)

Banana seed | 2x |
Pineapple seed | 0x |
Plum seed | 0x |

Item Storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Yama | Female | 3 years | fox | 0x times bred | Looks
Demura | Female | 3 years | dog | 0x times bred | Looks
Koda | Male | 0 years | 0x times bred | belongs to Ame| [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Weird-Yellow-Hedgehog- Thingy | Female | 1 years | Lowland Streaked Tenrec | Bound to Asano | Looks
Nut | Female | 3 years | Squirrel |Bound to Endellion | Looks
Fluff | Male | 3 years | Muskrat | Bound to Genie | Looks
Wam | Male | 3 years | Goat | Bound to Sol | Looks
Name | Gender | Age | Species | Bound to # | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Mae and ? | Noya
Noya and Iki | Asano
Name and Name | Kids
Last edited by Ju_is_Lucky on Wed Apr 15, 2020 6:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Sun Apr 12, 2020 6:39 am


During the fall, birthings will be difficult and the chances of mothers and children dying during birth will rise dramatically without the help of a skilled shaman. There is also a lessened chance of catching prey and gathering food or finding new people and skilled animals. The odds of sickness begin to rise.

Villages are advised to be more careful on patrols, as they're more likely to encounter predators looking for a safe place to hide. Despite this danger, children will be rejoicing as the leaves once again begin to change colors and fall, giving them plenty to play with. It may be prudent for established villages begin reaching out to neighboring territories and secure trading routes so that they'll last through the winter.

We've got two Discord servers now, the official CAV Discord and the CA-Games server. If you wish to join them, PM me for the links. Please contact me if I've made a mistake!

Afathrath | Beacontown | Carmina Abyssi | Cyrrane | Dovefeather | Havensake | Iron Rosette | Kanaka Helu | Littlekeep | Mekhanikos | Solaris Canyon | The Wayfarer | Westhaven

julian. wrote:

[ Burri gathers x1 pomegranate seed, x1 pomegranate, and x1 blueberry. ]
[ Mulmi gathers x1 pomegranate and x1 blueberry. ]

[ The tomato seed fails to grow in the hardened ground. ]
[ The oat seed is successfully planted and will bloom in 2 posts. ]
[ The pomegranate seed will bloom in 1 post. ]

[ Fithid needs 1 more post of rest in order to recover. ]

[ The Arur Fargothen grant Burri's request of an ahedesmap. Their traits are: ST - D7 / HS - S / HC - 25 / EC - E6 / X / rauthrafa. ]

[ Afathrath's yemon count (+10) has been updated. ]

Stormt4lon wrote:

[ Brick's patrol catches x1 sheep and x1 chicken. ]
[ Stella gathers x1 chorus fruit seed and x1 apple. ]
[ Romeo and Dustin find nothing of interest. ]
[ Soren's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Ivy gains 1 KP. ]

[ The potato seed fails to grow in the hardened ground. ]
[ The apple seed will bloom in 1 post. ]
[ The potato seed blooms for the first time! It gives x1 potato seed and x5 potatoes. It wilts immediately afterwards. ]

[ Gabriel and Ivor are healed. They can resume their normal duties. ]

[ Endyr lays a clutch of 9 eggs! Unfortunately, 3 fail to hatch. ]

[ Herobrine grants Romeo's request of a tester. Their traits are: ST - B2 / HS - S / HC - 22 / EC - A5 / X / elf. ]

spasticjazzhands wrote:

[ Trevor and Ikehu catch x1 mackerel and x1 shark. ]
[ Huhū and Kanikau gather x1 coconut seed and x1 seagrass. ]
[ Anaia finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Koe finds nothing of interest. However, in a moderate depression after the year's events, she comes home and finds that she managed to pick up many scratches. She will simply need a brief checkup from Olakino and can be expected to return to her duties immediately. ]

[ Keiki successfully tests gathering. ]

[ Keiki being paralyzed means that she is unable to swim as well. Every time she goes on any patrol, she has a 30% chance of receiving an injury due to being clumsier and slower. She will need 1 post to recover from any other injuries that she suffered. Thankfully, Olakino's intervention prevented something more serious such as brain damage. ]

[ The CAV gods mourn the losses of lives. ]

hazilnut wrote:

[ Aiofe's patrol catches x2 trouts and x1 beaver. ]
[ Keiran gathers x1 blackberry seed, x1 asparagus seed, x1 asparagus, and x1 blackberry. ]
[ Amicus's patrol finds evidence of a wolf pack that's been wandering the territory. Eagle Eyes and Cider continually whine and pull the patrol in various directions until they come across a wolf pup. It's clearly a runt that was abandoned, and Custos scoops it up, unwilling to let it die. They take it back to Mekhanikos where it can be named and socialized. ]
[ Sequitur's patrol finds a hunter. ]
[ Ackerley gains 3 KP. ]

[ The first hopniss seed blooms for the second time! It gives x1 hopniss seed and x6 hopniss. It wilts immediately afterwards. ]
[ The second hopniss seed blooms for the first time! It gives x2 hopniss seeds and x2 hopniss. It will bloom for a second time in the next post. ]

[ Ninian successfully tests the warrior rank. ]

[ Aiofe and Amicus are successful in conducting a ballad! They produced one animated. ]

[ Princeps successfully makes x1 glass. ]

[ Fletcher has been healed successfully. ]

[ The hunter's traits are: ST - L11 / HS - HW / HC - 59 / EC - D4 / X / golem. ]
[ Aiofe and Amicus's animated's traits are: ST - G2 / HS - LC / HC - 11 / EC - H5 / X / animated. ]

[ Mekhanikos receives x2 rabbits, x2 beavers, x1 deer, x1 trout, x4 dandelion greens, x1 hopniss, x1 asparagus, x4 blackberries, and x2 apples from the advent calendar. ]
[ Mekhanikos receives x1 dragon from the advent calendar. ]
Last edited by Simonpet on Sun Apr 12, 2020 2:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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—Afathrath [6]

Postby PARK » Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:05 am

Number of People: 5 (4m; 1f; 0o)
Number of Animals: 0
Servings Needed: 4 (1 blueberry, 1 pomegranate removed from storage)
Next Visit to The Depths: 5/11/2020

allowed races wrote:only rauthrafa can join unless i ask for something else !

appearance notes wrote:skin tones can be A-, B-, C-, D-, E-, F-, and H-1 only, natural skin colors for rats
hair (fur) color can be all natural colors, but mainly brown or black, white/grey is less common
hair (fur) style is normally straight, rarely heavy curls (rex), even more rarely hairless
eye color should be brown or black, or rarely pink (eg. a rauth is albino, extremely rare)


[Fithid rests his injured leg]

[Ghudu studies medicine]

[Mulmi tends to the crops]
[Mulmi gathers]

[Burri gathers]

    Fithid | Male | 30
    ↪ ST - D7 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - E6 / X / rauthrafa

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Ghidu | Male | 18 | 0KP
    ↪ ST - D7 / HS - S / HC - 25 / EC - E6 / X / rauthrafa
    Name | Gender | Age | Knowledge Points
    ↪ N/A

    Mulmi | Male | 34
    ↪ ST - D10 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - B7 / Y / rauthrafa
    Burri | Female | 26
    ↪ ST - A2 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - E4 / X / rauthrafa

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Aresmoathudh—apprentices (age 13-18)
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Afehudh—testers (age 8-12)
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Esoti | Male | 6
    ↪ ST - E2 / HS - S / HC - 2 / EC - E7 / X / rauthrafa
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Trout | 0 | 6 servings
Tench | 3 | 3 servings
Perch | 2 | 3 servings
Frog | 2 | 1 servings
Pumpkin | 1 | 5 servings
Tomato | 3 | 3 servings
Oat | 6 | 1 servings
Pomegranate | 4 | 3 servings
Pear | 5 | 2 servings
Blueberry | 3 | 1 servings

Item Storage
Wood | 1 | craftable
Sand | 1 | craftable
Pomegranate seed | 1

Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids
Name and Name | Kids
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Re: Create-A-Village V3

Postby jazz. » Tue Apr 14, 2020 4:02 pm


sírєns: 11
αnímαls: 14
sєrvíngs: 14.5 ish
surfαcє vísít: later

I've accomplished something!
Achievement(s) You've Accomplished:
Reinventing the Wheel
Total Prizes: 10 yemons

The Abyssi eats one shark and one kelp (15 servings).

Trevor, Wahi (hippocampus), Ikehu, and Nahesa (sea dragon) hunt.
Huhū, Kekolu (fire-lizard), and Kanikau, Leoū (hippocampus), and Gula (fire-lizard) gather.
Anaia, Aukā (hippocampus), and Keleawe (fire-lizard) patrol.
Mahalo, Piha, and Lani (fire-lizard) scout for sirens and animals.

Olakino doesn't use the vial of medicine on Koe. Koe is now completely blind. Koe rests.
Keiki tests with Anaia for Warrior-ing.
Mahalo joins as a scout.
Piha crafts a steel sword using one wood and two steel.

(( new sirens are fine ))
(( injuries are fine, no deaths without consulting me first ;) ))

    ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ cαptαín ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Kanikau | female | 39 y |
    ST - F11 / HS - AC / HC - 47 / EC - E8 / X / siren

    ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ mєdíc ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Olakino | male | 50 y | 4 KP |
    ST - E7 / HS - HW / HC - 27 / EC - G10 / Y / siren

    ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ wαrríσrs ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Anaia | female | 38 y |
    ST - D9 / HS - LC / HC - 24 / EC - C10 / X / siren

    ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ scσuts ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Piha | male | 36 y |
    ST - F5 / HS - AC / HC - 21 / EC - H6 / X / shifting-siren

    ↪ african gray parrot shift
    ↪ missing left hand
    Koe | female | 36 y |
    ST - C11 / HS - LW / HC - 2 / EC - E2 / Y / siren

    ↪ completely blind
    Mahalo | male (afab) | 29 y |
    ST - E10 / HS - S / HC - 17 / EC - G5 / X / siren

    ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ huntєrs ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Trevor | male | 48 y |
    ST - F11 / HS - S / HC - 29 / EC - H6 / Y / siren

    Ikehu | female | 32 y |
    ST - A9 / HS - S / HC - 52 / EC - C7 / X / siren

    ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ gαthєrєrs ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Huhū | male | 40 y |
    ST - F9 / HS - S / HC - 48 / EC - E8 / X / siren

    ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ αpprєntícєs ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ tєstєrs ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Keiki | female | 13 y |
    ST - D1 / HS - S / HC -55 / EC - E10 / X / siren

    ↪ paralyzed from waist down
    ↪ tested for hunting
    ↪ tested for gathering
    ↪ tested for leading

    ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ thє чσung ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Tiana | female | 4 y |
    ST - L8 / HS - HW / HC - 19 / EC - H3 / X / powered-siren

    ↪ able to breathe anywhere

    ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ єldєrs ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ rєlαtíσnshíps ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Hilahila engaged to Bale
    Everyone hates Paakiki
    Huhū has resentment towards Paakiki
    Trevor and Olakino are standoffish towards each other
    Olakino is intimidating at times
    Anaia and Huki are professional towards each other
    Kanikau and Trevor disagree on morals
    Kanikau and Trevor has a deep respect for one another
    Ikehu LOVES alcohol
    Anaia loves animals
    Ikehu is bonded to Nahesa
    Kanikau is Nani's handler
    Trevor is Wahi's handler
    Koe and Kanikau heavily dislike each other
    Huki is bonded to Gula
    Anaia is bonded to Keleawe
    Trevor definitely does NOT fancy Olakino
    Ikehu and Koe casually dated for about six months
    Trevor and Olakino are dating
    Kanikau is now bonded to Gula
    Ōma'oma'o is bonded to Olakino
    Ululā'au is bonded to Olakino
    Kawa is bonded to Olakino
    Kekolu is bonded to Huhū
    Lani is bonded to Piha
    Nalu is bonded to Keiki

¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ thє turnєd ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Kanikua | Turned by unknown
    Hilahila | Turned by Kanikau
    Trevor | Turned by unknown
    Huhū | Turned by Paakiki
    Paakiki | Turned by unknown
    Ikehu | Turned by unknown
    Huki | Turned by unknown
    Anaia | Turned by unknown
    Bale | Turned by Hilahila
    Olakino | Turned by unknown
    Piha | Turned by Huki
    Koe | Turned by unknown
    Keiki | Turned by unknown
    Tiana | Turned by Huhū
    Mahalo | Turned by unknown
¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ αllíєs ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
none yet

¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ єnєmíєs ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
Sereia | deimos

¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ вσrdєrs ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
North | ocean/rocky shore with trees | BRW | simon
East | headwaters of river | Cyrrane | Arya
South | bright coral reef | Sitria | stormt4lon
West | open ocean | Sereia | deimos

¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ fσσd stσrαgє ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
17 | Cod | 3 servings
16 | Mackerel | 3 servings
2 | Tuna | 6 servings
9 | Shark | 10 servings
7 | Kelp | 5 servings
11 | Seagrass | 3 servings
1 | Seaweed | 5 servings
8 | Coconut | 3 servings
13 | Apple | 2 servings
15 | Orange | 2 servings

¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ ítєm stσrαgє ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
3 | Coconut Seed |
1 | Kelp Seed |
1 | Orange Seed |
1 | Seaweed Seed |
1 | Backpack | 6 uses left
1 | Compass | 2 uses left
1 | Iron Sword | 2 uses left
1 | Saddle | 20 uses left
1 | Saddlebag | 8 uses left
2 | Staff | 4 uses left (total)
1 | Steel Dagger | 1 use left
1 | Steel Sword | 3 uses left
1 | Stone Dagger | 1 use left
1 | Vial of Medicine | 1 use left
1 | Wagon bag | 10 uses left
3 | Copper | craftable
2 | Cotton | craftable
4 | Gold | craftable
1 | Iron | craftable
2 | Leather | craftable
6 | Sand | craftable
2 | Silver | craftable
5 | Steel | craftable
4 | Stone | craftable
2 | Twine | craftable
1 | Wood | craftable

¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ pєts ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
Nahesa | female | 246 y | sea dragon | 0/2 bred | Ω | Ikehu
↪ increases chance of catching an extra piece of prey
↪ reduces chance of injuries on scouting patrols by 30%
↪ reduces the chance of death on scouting patrols by 50%
↪ reduces the market travel time by 1 post if taken with
a party of 10-15 villagers
Wahi | mare | 8 y | hippocampus hybrid | 1/2 bred | Ω | Trevor
↪ 20% chance of catching extra piece of prey
↪ reduces the chance of injuries on scouting patrols by 20%
↪ reduces the chance of death on scouting patrols by 50%
↪ reduces the market travel time by 1 post
↪ increases the chance of more items from planted crops by 30%
Leoū | stallion | 8 y | hippocampus |1/2 bred | Ω | Kanikau
↪ 20% chance of catching extra piece of prey
↪ reduces the chance of injuries on scouting patrols by 20%
↪ reduces the chance of death on scouting patrols by 50%
↪ reduces the market travel time by 1 post
Gula | female | 7 y | fire-lizard |1/2 bred | Ω | Kanikau
↪ increase chances of finding materials and items on patrols
Keleawe | male | 7 y | fire-lizard |1/2 bred | Ω | Anaia
↪ increase chances of finding materials and items on patrols
Polū | male | 4 y | fire-lizard |0/2 bred | Ω | Koe
↪ increase chances of finding materials and items on patrols
Aurunci | sow | 4 y | otter |0/2 bred | Ω | Trevor
↪ reduce chances of getting villagers ill
↪ 30% chance of catching 1-4 mice worth ¼ serving each
Trieste | sow | 3 y | otter |0/2 bred | Ω | Trevor
↪ reduce chances of getting villagers ill
↪ 30% chance of catching 1-4 mice worth ¼ serving each
Tergeste | boar | 3 y | otter |0/2 bred | Ω | Trevor
↪ reduce chances of getting villagers ill
↪ 30% chance of catching 1-4 mice worth ¼ serving each
Aukā | stallion | 3 y | hippocampus |0/2 bred | Ω | Anaia
↪ 20% chance of catching extra piece of prey
↪ reduces the chance of injuries on scouting patrols by 20%
↪ reduces the chance of death on scouting patrols by 50%
↪ reduces the market travel time by 1 post
Kekolu | male | 2 y | fire-lizard |0/2 bred | Ω | Huhū
↪ increase chances of finding materials and items on patrols
Ōma'oma'o | male | 2 y | fire-lizard |0/2 bred | Ω | Olakino
↪ increase chances of finding materials and items on patrols
Kawa | female | 2 y | fire-lizard |0/2 bred | Ω | Olakino
↪ increase chances of finding materials and items on patrols
Ululā'au | male | 2 y | fire-lizard |0/2 bred | Ω | Olakino
↪ increase chances of finding materials and items on patrols
Lani | female | 2 y | fire-lizard |0/2 bred | Ω | Piha
↪ increase chances of finding materials and items on patrols
Nalu | female | 2 y | fire-lizard |0/2 bred | Ω | Keiki
↪ increase chances of finding materials and items on patrols

¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ mєntσrs ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸ dєcєαsєd ¸,.•º˚º•.,¸¸,.•º˚º•.,¸
    Hilahila | female | 27 y | | bled out
    ST - A9 / HS - LC / HC - 11 / EC - F6 / X / siren

    Bale | male | 37 y | | killed by Hilahila
    ST - F11 / HS - HC / HC - 10 / EC - F2 / X / siren

    Paakiki | female | 77 y | | killed by Huhū
    ST - E8 / HS - LW / HC - 30 / EC - H9 / X / siren

    Nani | mare | 14 y | hippocampus | Ω| killed by Huki
    Huki | male | 32 y | | killed by Anaia
    ST - A8 / HS - HW / HC - 34 / EC - C3 / X / siren

    ↪ tail torn, slower

font: shardee
Last edited by jazz. on Mon May 11, 2020 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create-A-Village V3

Postby Wolfypoof » Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:05 pm

Season: Fall
During the fall, birthings will be difficult and the chances of mothers and children dying during birth will rise dramatically without the help of a skilled shaman. There is also a lessened chance of catching prey and gathering food or finding new people and skilled animals. The odds of sickness begin to rise.

Announcements: Let me know if I missed anything!

Black Rock Weyrhold| Mournstead | Skyhelm | Liones Kingdom | Vertwyn |Vale of Archaic Corybantic | Foxbane Village | Sereia| Valhalla | Alnwick| Noble Red | Zaffari | Moria | Threshold of Solace | Ellesmere | The Qulisan Empire

w0ah wrote:Image
actions for year 004.─ alcesimus, plautia, domitia, & loreia hunt and patrol throughout the territory.xxxxxxxxx
─ cario sets out on a gathering patrol throughout the territory.
─ belpharo researches medicine.
─ cario tills the soil and attempts to plant the radish seed

[Alcesimus, Plautia, Domitia and Loreia hunt x1 moose and x1 rabbit]
[Alcesimus, Plautia, Domitia and Loreia find a hunter. Their traits are ST-D9 | HS-LC | HC-61 | EC-C3 | X | Half-orc]
[Cario gathers x1 broccoli, x1 spinach and x1 radish seed]]
[Belpharo gains 1 KP]
[The radish seed has been planted and will grow in two posts]

noctenne wrote:Image

↘ hunting parties
i• the vale: mykal

i• dawn: mykal

i• midday: mykal

i• evening: mykal

i• felir’s hill request: mykal requests a sark of the slough
i• consumption: fasting post 1/5 [ 0 servings ]

[Mykal hunts x1 hare and x1 caribou]
[Mykal finds a scout. Their traits are ST-D1 | HS-HC | HC-23 | EC-F5 | X | Wood Elf]
[Mykal finds a gatherer. Their traits are ST-B7 | HS-HC - HC-62 | EC-C6 | X | Wood Elf]
[Mykal gathers x1 pepper and x1 chorus fruit]
[Mykal receives a sark of the slough. Their traits are ST-A5 | HS-LW | HC-26 | EC-E5 | X | Centaur]

Ariento wrote:Qulisan Empire
Jael asks The Great Rebel for a gatherer
Jael goes on a gathering patrol
Jael goes on a border patrol
Jael goes on a scouting patrol

[Jael receives a gatherer. Their traits are ST-A11 | HS-LW | HC-21 | EC-E1 | X | Human]
[Jael gathers x1 glowing mushroom and x1 eyeberries]
[Jael finds nothing of interest]
[Jael finds a scout. Their traits are ST-D7 | HS-HW | HC-11 | EC-B2 | X | Witch/Wizard]
[Mod note: Remember that regardless of how many food your village actually has, to list how much servings the food should be! ^ ^]

Simonpet wrote:𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕣𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕨𝕖𝕪𝕣𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕕
I've accomplished something!
Achievement You've Accomplished: Savvy Barter
Total Prizes: 10 yemons

I wish to adopt!
Code of Child: 004
Name of Child: Ferrilion

[ The humans of Black Rock Weyrhold 21+ turns old (60) consume 60 servings: x5 bovines and x5 wherries. ]
[ The humans of Black Rock Weyrhold 6-20 turns old (16) consume 8 servings: x2 cucumbers. ]
[ The carnivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold (49) consume 12.25 servings: x2 bovines and x1.25 small fish. ]
[ The omnivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold (09) consume 2.25 servings: x2.25 redfruit. ]
[ The herbivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold (07) consume 1.75 servings: x1.75 redfruit. ]

[ The following animals are welcomed to the Weyrhold: Chirpy, a bird, Hazel and Soot, cats, Moonflower, a horse. ]
[ The following births are welcomed to the Weyrhold: Eshni's child, Harishni Singer, and Fay's twins, Daniel and Farida Barkridge. ]
[ The following villagers are welcomed to the Weyrhold: Dallumi, Candidate. ]
[ The following Crafters have been promoted to Master: none. ]
[ The following Crafters have completed their training: none. ]
[ The following dragonriders have completed their training: none. ]
[ The following weyrbrats have finished testing: none. ]

[ Mairmun leads Benorri, Eshni, Fella, and Waxinnan on a scouting patrol. They bring Faith and Shadow, dogs. ]
[ Baridna leads Aidan, Dulcia, Rabrusull, and Tigill on a border patrol. They bring Chaser and Dapple, dogs, and Vex, a fox. ]
[ Jesni leads Balidosh, Beallolril, Boldosh, M'sha, and Tugall on a fishing patrol. They bring Currith, a dragon. ]
[ Abesses leads Griengrilon, Jomiovit, Kyniken, and Nitia on a hunting patrol. They bring Moonflower, a horse. ]
[ Borrin leads Ayal, Fudiom, Kalliarrah, Kivee, and Miklo on a gathering patrol. They bring Screech, a bird. ]
[ Diatilon leads Hantyn, Jarshonen, Neachunno, Saltul, and Veashmorell on a gathering patrol. They bring Sky, a bird. ]
[ Camilla, Fay, Fira, and Shollun research medicine. ]

[ Rorria and Ze'ku go on Search. They ride Siarlith and Hosurth, dragons. ]
[ Seanni and Tutikko go on Search. They ride Rosanth and Diasrioth, dragons. ]
[ N'reg and Soyah go on Search. They ride Predath and Borinth, dragons. ]

[ Ermid looks after cucumber seed 1 with the help of bovine 6. It will bloom in two posts. ]
[ Pepper looks after cucumber seed 2 with the help of bovine 9. It will bloom in two posts. ]

[ N/A ]

[ Akiniall tests Woodcraft. ]
[ Ester and Sharon test Harpercraft. ]
[ Tiennen tests Tannercraft. ]

[ Abesses teaches Jomiovit in Beastcraft. ]
[ Anna teaches Rowan in Smithcraft. ]
[ Ershar teaches Ezekiel in Farmercraft. ]
[ Lolardra teaches Riziolke in Fishercraft. ]

[ F'dust teaches R'den and S'gan doing between. ]
[ F'dust teaches Hallitu and V'bin formation riding. ]
[ F'dust teaches Nebenni and Tollioma leadership. ]
[ Sedah teaches Myracle formation riding. ]

[ N/A ]

[ Beallolril and Fira get married and try for children. They take the last name of Hemlock. ]
[ Tigill and Tollioma try for children. ]
[ Veashmorell and Camilla get married and try for children. They take the last name of Cooke. ]

[ Nilani will give birth in 1 post. ]
[ Thiolo will give birth in 1 post. ]

[ The two cats hunt for mice. ]
[ The five dogs hunt for carnivore scraps. ]

[ Bovine 7 is killed for meat and leather. ]

[ Autumn and Sprout (dogs) die of extreme old age. ]
[ Shulli and Tirvam (fire-lizards) die of old age. ]

[ Nella, Salano, and Wedassea stay back to care for weyrbrats between 0-7 turns. ]
[ Bansendon, Hinraul, Lemmima, and Renolla stays back to do weyrhold duties. ]

[ Seanni requests a candidate. ]

[ Ayal, Bansendon, Fella, Fudiom, Kivee, Rorria (and Siarlith), and Waxinnan return from the marketplace. They bring with them the following: x2 sharks, x1 tuna, x2 cats (skilled animal), x1 blackberry seed, and x1 asparagus seed. ]

[You have received 10 yemons!]
[The child is yours!]
[Mairmun, Benorri, Eshni, Fella and Waxinnan find nothing of interest]
[Baridna, Aidan, Dulcia, Rabrusull and Tigill run into a wild dog pack! Thankfully, the patrol was able to fend them off with no injuries. However, the pack leaves behind a young puppy which they take back with them. They also find a hunter. Their traits are ST-D2 | HS-LC | HC-63 | EC-G6 | X | Human]
[Jesni, Balidosh, Beallolri, Boldosh, M'sha and Tugull fish x2 small fish and x3 large fish]
[Abesses, Griengrilon, Jomiovit, Kyniken and Nitia hunt x2 wherry and x3 bovine]
[Borrin, Ayal, Fudiom, Kalliarrah, Kivee and Miklo gather x1 blueberry, x1 corn, x1 moonflower fruit and x1 moonflower fruit seed][Diatilon, Hantyn, Jarshonen, Neachunno, Saltul and Veashmorell gather x3 moonflower fruit, x1 moonflower fruit seed and x1 redfruit seed]
[Camilla, Fay and Fira gain 1 KP. Shollun fails to gain KP]
[Rorria and Ze'ku find nothing]
[Seanni and Tutikko find a candidate. Their traits are ST-B3 | HS-HW | HC-65 | EC-E6 | X | Human]
[N'reg and Soyah find nothing]
[Akiniall, Ester, Sharon and Tiennen successfully test their respective ranks]
[Jomiovit, Rowan, Ezekiel and Riziolke all learn a skill in their respective ranks]
[R'den and S'gan learn going between]
[Hallitu and V'bin learn formation riding]
[Nebenni and Tollioma learn leadership]
[Myracle learns formation riding]
[Fira, Tollioma and Camilla are now all pregnant and will give birth in two posts!]
[Seanni receives a candidate. Their traits are ST-C2 | HS-HC | HC-10 | EC-A7 | Human]
Last edited by Wolfypoof on Sun Aug 23, 2020 9:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create-A-Village V3

Postby Norway05171814 » Thu Apr 16, 2020 6:44 am

Number of People: 6
Number of Animals: 0
Servings Needed: 6
Next Visit to Ancestors: March 23

Put your post of what your people are doing here

- Cenäth Boshut hunts.
- Bukèt Lanlar patrols the border.
- Id Shutost scouts.
- Osod Ikal practices medicine
- Lor Keskallogem trains Dastot Avan Tan in being an Expeditioner
- Lor Keskallogem scouts
- Cenäth Boshut requests a Chief Hunter

    Cenäth Boshut | Female | 55
    ↪ ST - A7 / HS - HC / HC - 1 / EC - D3 / X / dwarf

    Chief Doctor
    Osod Ikal | Female | 46 | Knowledge Points
    ↪ ST-D9 | HS-S | HC-17 | EC-G2 | X | Dwarf
    1 kp

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Bukèt Lanlar | Male | 33
    ↪ ST-D1 | HS-S | HC-62 | EC-B5 | X | Dwarf
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Expedition Leader
    Lor Keskallogem | Female| 41
    ↪ ST-C2 | HS-AC | HC-1 | EC-C6 | X | DwarfN/A

    Id Shutost | Male | 36
    ↪ ST-E2 | HS-HC | HC-26 | EC-H7 | X | Dwarf
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Chief Hunter
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Dastot Avan Tan | Female | 23
    ↪ ST-B9 | HS-S | HC-21 | EC-E2 | X | Dwarf
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Sheep | 3 | 3
Bat | 1 | 1
Deer | 1 | 6
Elk | 0 | 6
Mushroom | 0 | 2
Beetroot | 1 | 3
Turnip | 3 | 3
Boysenberry | 3 | 1
Starfruit | 1 | 2
Cantaloupe | 0 | 3

Item Storage
Cantaloupe seed | 1 | plantable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids
Name and Name | Kids
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Postby salvation. » Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:27 pm

|population:total:029;females:0015;males:014|serving size:026 ½|next request:4-29-20 |mod:stormt4lon|

Sanguis was quiet. The normal bustle of the town square was empty. the word of bryant’s death spread like a wildfire, and it wasn’t long before the king and queen of Sanguis heard of the news. Panic began to spread, and it didn’t help that Hana claimed that he had been murdered. In an attempt to come to some sort of conclusion on what to do, Evangeline called forth the first ever council meeting.

“Evangeline couldn’t make it to the meeting today.” Arlo stated standing up. “As you know, our child is to be born soon and Alice has said that she needs to rest for the time being.”
He sat back down, his green eyes scanning the round table at all the people gathered. His eyes stopped at Sable who was sitting in between Blake and Jericho. he remembered what Bryant had told him, about Sable and Xander, how they were not in Sanguis for the right reasons. He drew in a deep breath. “I’m sure you have all heard about what happened to Bryant, and after some more investigation, we have concluded that he was murdered.”
“Do you have any idea who could’ve done it?” Lester asked.
“As of the moment no.” Arlo paused. “But since he was found near the border, we suspect outsiders.”
“So you think there might be people outside of Sanguis?”
“What I want to know is why Bryant was even out there alone.” Alice said, joining into the conversation. “He wasn’t on a patrol, he would’ve been with others.”
“Maybe it wasn’t an outsider Arlo.” Lester replied.
Arlo’s eyebrows furrowed. “Are you saying that it was someone inside Sanguis?”
“It's possible.” Alice sighed, then she glanced quickly over at Sable, it was quick but Arlo noticed it.
“What do you all think?”
“There's a small chance, but I can’t think of anyone who would do that. Especially to Bryant, he was a nice guy.” Blake spoke up.
“For all we know it could’ve been one of the new people.” Sable said, finally inserting herself into the discussion.
“What makes you think that?” Arlo asked.
“Well they haven’t been here long… we don’t know their intentions.” Sable shrugged her shoulders. “For all we know they could’ve killed Bryant.”
Arlo looked back at the group, to his surprise some were nodding their heads showing signs of agreement. “Well, we all have interesting theories, I’ll have Blake and and his soldiers look further into this. Council dismissed.”
People started getting up and moving away from the table, a few lingered talking in groups. Sable, Blake, and Jericho stood near the exit of the hall chatting amongst themselves. Alice was the only one to approach Arlo.
“It was someone from Sanguis.” She promptly stated.
“What? Do you think it was one of the newcomers?”
She shook her head. “No. I think you and I both know who it could’ve been.”
“I have to talk with Evangeline about this-”
“No.” Alice’s expression was urgent. “Don’t tell her.”
“Why not?”
“Haven’t you noticed? She’s been acting odd lately, like she stuck in some trance.” She paused. “I think it has something to do with how Sable got on the council.”
“Evangeline trusts her for some reason.” He crossed his arms. “What are you getting at?”
“I don’t think that Sable is telling the truth about who she is.” She looked around making sure no one was watching. “And I think Bryant and Evangeline found out.”

Jericho was making his way back from the council meeting, he was in deep thought. Someone had killed Bryant, and he agreed with Alice that it was probably someone inside Sanguis. Still the thought made him uneasy, there was a killer among them, and they might kill someone else.
He pushed open the wooden door to the house he shared with Winair, she was waiting inside for him with Anai. Winair quickly sprung up from her chair and ran towards Jericho.
“Jeri! How was the meeting? Did they find out who killed Bryant?” She began to bombard him with more questions.
“Calm down. No we didn’t find out who killed Bryant.” Jericho calmly replied, taking a seat in the third chair at the table.
“Then what did you guys talk about?” Anai asked.
“We came up with some theories. We think someone in Sanguis killed him.”
Winair’s eyes grew wide. “Someone in the kingdom!”
“I don’t think that it was anyone who’s been here for a long time. Sable thinks it's one of the newcomers.”
Anai scoffed and rolled her eyes. “I’m not too fond of that Sable girl. She just showed up and acts like she owns the place.”
“Anai’s just a little mad because she thought she was going to get on the council.” Winair whispered to Jericho.
“I’m not too sure it was one of the newcomers.” Jericho sighed. “It just doesn’t seem right.”
The trio fell silent. But it was short as the silence was broken by a yell.
“What in the-” Anai said standing up.
Winair grabbed Anai’s arm as Jericho led them outside.
“Get this damn creature under control!” Beeze hissed.
Azroth, Lester’s dragon, had Beeze pinned to the ground with his large arm. “I don’t know what's going on!” Lester shouted.
“What happened?” Jericho asked quickly, rushing in to help.
“I don’t know, he just started attacking Beeze.”
A crowd was starting to gather as Beeze managed to get the dragon off of him. Sable and Xander emerged from the circle.
“Beeze, what are you doing?” She yelled.
“Don’t look at me. His dragon started attacking me.” Beeze pointed at Lester.
Sable glared at him, Lester raised his hands up in protest. “I don’t know what’s wrong with Azroth. He doesn’t normally do this.”
Azroth growled, looking like he was going to attack Sable this time. Jericho quickly noticed that flames burst from her hands.
“Woah woah woah.” He stood in between the two opposing parties. “We don’t need a fight here guys, lets all just calm down.”
“He controls that thing right?” Sable shouted. “He probably set it against Beeze.”
“I didn’t do that.” Lester said through gritted teeth.
“Sure. For all we know, that thing is going to kill Beeze.” She paused. “Maybe it even killed Bryant.”
Jericho grabbed Sable. “What are you doing?”
“Making a point.”
“By blaming the dragon? We don’t know what or who killed Bryant.”
“Sorry. But I’m trying to protect Sanguis.” She tugged her arm away from his grasp. “Come on Beeze.”
Jericho watched Xander, Sable, and Beeze leave and the crowd began to disperse. Lester came forward looking panicked. “I don’t know what happened, Azroth just got angry and attacked, I swear he didn’t mean to hurt anyone.”
“Hey, I believe you.” Jericho reassured him.
“I- I don’t know what-”
Winair and Anai moved closer to where Jericho was.
“Calm down Lester.” Winair said calmly. “No one thinks Azroth hurt anyone.”
Jericho looked at Anai. “Can you take him home? I need to go make sure Sable doesn’t… do anything else.”
Anai nodded her head.
Jericho left them heading in the same direction that Sable went. He knew she lived somewhere near the area she left in. He never talked to her much so he didn’t know for sure. He stopped just as he was about to turn the corner, he could hear them talking.
“Oh get over yourself Beeze, the darn thing didn’t even hurt you.” Sable groaned.
“It attacked me!”
“Nice job blaming the dragon.” Xander laughed.
“Shut up.”
“What are we gonna do now? I heard they’re gonna start looking into people who live here for who killed Bryant.” Xander said.
“Well we’re obviously going to frame someone now aren’t we.”
“Well clearly those two brats that have been causing us a whole lot of trouble.”
“Ares and Elsa?”
“Yes Ares and Elsa! I swear! You are the dumbest sometimes Xander.”
“You guys need to keep it down.” Beeze stated. “We don’t want anyone to hear you two idiots spilling the whole plan, because then we’d have to kill someone else!”
Not wanting to hear anymore Jericho ran from his place hiding, it was Sable who did it. Of course it was, he needed to tell someone. But something nagged at him, maybe they knew, that's why they killed Bryant because he knew and he probably told someone. He glanced up at the castle, the candlelight becoming more visible as the sun set. He needed to warn Ares and Elsa.

─they consume 5 peaches,1 corn, 2 cows and ½ of a rabbit
new arrivals:
─eric quilver (soldier)
─evangeline requests a scout (demon please)
mod notes:
─council members can't be found
─demons can now join sanguis (natural skin, unnatural eyes/hair)
─anai, kasandra, azroth, and lester go hunting
─sloane, xander, and arlo go hunting
─raegan, zara, and sable go scouting
─blake, beeze, nickolas, and altair go scouting
assessments/rank changes:
─darius is old enough to become a tester!
─evangeline elects a council
─jericho, winair, and giada go gathering
─elsa, ares, clayton, and lyle go gathering
─evangeline gives birth
medic duties:
─hana and alice study medicine

─evangeline ithor|37 years|female|
─arlo cornett|42 years|male|
─blake aldritch|38 years|male|
─nickolas petrichor|37 years|male|
─raegan olero|27 years|female|
─ares hilthorn|26 years|female|
─eric quilver |21 years|male|▲
head scout:
─sable johnson|28 years|female|
─beeze|27 years|male|
─zara whelan|23 years|female|
⤷traits:st-a10/hc-29/hs-s/ec-g11/x/fire ele
─anai salvani|32 years|female|
─kasandra wolfe|37 years|female|
─xander sykes|27 years|male|
─sloane hagen|24 years|female|
─jericho callum|35 years|male|
─winair artonia|29 years|female|
─giada|34 years|female|
─elsa frest|27 years|male|
⤷traits:st-a1/hs-hc/hc-41/ec-h11/x/ice ele
─clayton ayers|23 years|male|
⤷traits:st-b8/hs-lw/hc-48/ec-g8/x/earth ele
─lyle cortes|22 years|male|
⤷traits:st-e11/hs-hc/hc-56/ec-d9/x/fire ele
─darius|9 years|male|
─leon glover|1 year|male|▲
─robin glover|1 year|female|▲
⤷traits: st-a9/hs-hw/hc-40/ec-e7/x/fire-ele
─hilda glover|1 year|female|▲
⤷traits: st-e8 /hs-lw/hc-55/ec-h5/y/fire-ele
─raelynn glover|26 years|female|
─audra tarrell|71 years old|female|
⤷traits:st-f10/hs-lw/hc-32/ec-a8/x/fire ele

head hunter:
─lester wier|27 years|male|
─sable johnson
─blake aldritch
─lester wier
─alice flint
─jericho callum
─alice flint|30 years|female|
─hana|28 years|female|

food storage:
─rabbit|1 serving|x18
─squirrel|1 serving|x11
─chicken|3 servings|x11
─cow|6 servings|x6
─wheat|1 serving|x21
─potato|3 servings|x7
─corn|4 servings|x10
─strawberry|1 serving|x15
─peaches|2 servings|x11
─watermelon|4 servings|x8
─altair|female|14 years|dog|bred=0
─lyari|male|10 years|dog|bred=0
─bovi|male|8 years|ox|bred=0
─humphrey|male|3 years|bird|bred=0
─spots|female|7 years|horse|bred=0
⤷owner: lester wier
item storage:
─peach seed|x3
─potato seed|x2
─corn seed|x3
─watermelon seed|x3
─strawberry seed|x3
─wheat seed|x2

─name|name|# of training sessions
─name|name|# of training sessions
─bryant graves|30 years|murdered by sable
─name|age|cause of death
─raeylnn|leon, robin, hilda

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Re: Storm's Replies

Postby Springtalon » Sat Apr 18, 2020 10:23 am


Winds start to pick up, bringing a chill in the air. Winter, and the snow that comes with it is right around the corner. Villages would do well to stockpile food, otherwise they might just find themselves running out...

If you'd like an invite to the Create a Village discord, feel free to ask me or one of the other staff!
Feel free to dm me if I messed something up!
Sorry replies are a bit late, had some really bad mental days earlier this week and completely forgot to do these

Atarienis | Bad Mist Mountain | Black Crystal | Fairborne | Kekunan Clan | Luna Sirenis | Phoenix Grove | Rain Town | Sanguis] | Somnium Falls | The Sanctuary | Tortuga

UnhollyFireFly wrote:
Number of People: 16
Number of Animals: 3
Servings Needed: 12
Next Visit to Ancestors: April 25th 2020

Suga goes on a hunting patrol with Niikura, Gamo, and Yuma (Fox)
Iki goes gathering and takes Tama with him
Ame, Nari and Demura (dog) go on a border patrol
Yanagi tends to Aiha
Nari asks for an apprentice

[ hunting ]
suga's patrol catches x1 badger!

[ gathering ]
iki's patrol gathers x1 onion

[ border patrol ]
ame's patrol didn't find anything of interest

[ healing ]
yanagi was able to heal aiha's injuries. aiha will still need another post of rest before she can return to her duties

[ other ]
nari's request has been heard and honored by the ancestors, who have sent an apprentice!
the apprentices traits are: ST-G3 / HS-LW / HC- 3 / EC- A4 / X / human

salvation. wrote:
|population:total:029;females:0015;males:014|serving size:026 ½|next request:4-29-20 |mod:stormt4lon|

─they consume 5 peaches,1 corn, 2 cows and ½ of a rabbit
new arrivals:
─eric quilver (soldier)
─evangeline requests a scout (demon please)
mod notes:
─council members can't be found
─demons can now join sanguis (natural skin, unnatural eyes/hair)
─anai, kasandra, azroth, and lester go hunting
─sloane, xander, and arlo go hunting
─raegan, zara, and sable go scouting
─blake, beeze, nickolas, and altair go scouting
assessments/rank changes:
─darius is old enough to become a tester!
─evangeline elects a council
─jericho, winair, and giada go gathering
─elsa, ares, clayton, and lyle go gathering
─evangeline gives birth
medic duties:
─hana and alice study medicine


[ hunting ]
anai's patrol caught three chickens!
sloane's patrol caught two rabbits

[ scouting ]
nothing of event happened on raegans patrol
while blake's patrol was on their way back home, they found a small cat, shivering in the cold. they decided to bring the feline back home!

[ gathering ]
jericho's patrol gathered two peaches!
elsa's patrol gathered five strawberries!

[ medicine ]
neither hana nor alice gained any kp

[ births ]
evangeline had a single child!
their traits are: ST-C6 / HS-LW / HC-7 / EC-B2 / X / Human

[ other ]
the ancestors honor evangeline's request!
the scout's traits are: ST-E9 / HS-HW / HC-34 / EC-F4 / Demon
the ancestors cheer as darius is made into a student, and wish him luck as he studies his future career choices!
once we've
if we stand as
someday becomes
and a prayer becomes a
and the strike starts here
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Re: Create-A-Village V3

Postby Springtalon » Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:31 am

( population: thirty-seven) ( ♂ 11 ♀ 19 ☿️ 03 ) ( animal count: eight ) ( next god request: seven days )
( notes for simon: anyone with a ✦ can be rolled for death)


    ➺ sitria feeds! they consume three squid, five pineapple, six plums,
    and two watermelon (40 servings)
    ➺ athena asks for a gathering chief
    ➺ everyone comes home from the market
    ➺ euphrasia puts on the glass jewelry
    ➺ euphrasia, odessa, kamryn, logan, and annath go on border patrol
    with maka (manokit)
    ➺ nina, leslie,gloria and dylan go on a scouting patrol with iris (dragon)
    ➺ alex studies medicine
    ➺ elena, taylor, matsui, james, gwen, and bianca go hunting with mako
    (shark), tide (dragon), orchid (dragon), and speckle (manokit)
    ➺ rafael, aiden, mason, pike, and jason go gathering
    ➺ marisa teaches calypso how to fight with her animal (spelyn, a manokit)
    ➺ kairi gives birth!

    head chief.
    athena davis • shapeshifter • 42 • female (afab)
    ↪ ST - C11 / HS - S / HC - 9 / EC - C5 / X
    ↪ shifts: orca

    war chief.
    euphrasia brown • shapeshifter • 42 • female (amab)
    ↪ ST - B4 / HS - HW / HC - 1 / EC - C6 / Y
    ↪ shifts: landshark

    odessa turner • merfolk • 58 • female (afab)
    ↪ ST - B11 / HS - S / HC - 62 / EC - A3 / X
    marisa nores • siren • 42 • female (afab)
    ↪ ST - D5 / HS - LC / HC - 10 / EC - G4 / X
    annath knight • half-demon merfolk • 38 • non-binary (amab)
    ↪ ST - G10 / HS - S / HC - 7 / EC - A11 / Y
    kamryn hurley • naiad • 36 • female (afab)
    ↪ ST - D3 / HS - LW / HC - 4 / EC - G1 / X
    logan kelly • powered human • 28 • male (amab)
    ↪ power: aquatic adaptation
    ↪ ST - A5 / HS - AC / HC - 17 / EC - E7 / X

    scout chief.
    nina stanley • water elemental • 48 • female (afab)
    ↪ ST - B8 / HS - S / HC - 38 / EC - C10 / Y

    leslie knight • siren • 41 • female (amab)
    ↪ ST - F10 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - G11 / X
    dylan perry • powered human • 41 • male (amab)
    ↪ power: can breathe in any substance
    ↪ ST - B4 / HS - HW / HC - 20 / EC - H3 / Y
    gloria ross • naiad • 30 • female (afab)
    ↪ ST - A7 / HS - AC / HC - 18 / EC - F5 / X

    calypso knight • siren • 19 • female (amab)
    ↪ ST - A10 / HS - LC / HC - 19 / EC - B11 / X

    isa murphy • fishkin • 38 • female (afab)
    ↪ ST - C11 / HS - LW / HC - 5 / EC - F7 / X
    freya hurley • powered human • 36 • female (afab)
    ↪ power: can breathe in any substance
    ↪ paralyzed from the waist down
    ↪ ST - L8 / HS - HW / HC - 10 / EC - H3 / X
    kairi rikara • powered human • 24 • female (afab)
    ↪ power: can grow gills
    ↪ ST - M6 / HS - LC / HC - 48 / EC - G2 / X
    lola murphy • fishkin • 6 • female (afab)
    ↪ ST - B4 / HS - LW / HC - 5 / EC - / X

    alex alocer • naiad • 40 • non-binary (amab) • 4 kp
    ↪ ST - B6 / HS - S / HC -2 / EC - E5 / Y

    hunting chief.
    elena montoya • water elemental • 47 • female (afab)
    ↪ ST - C6 / HS - LC / HC - 6 / EC - G1 / X

    taylor hunt • powered human • 41 • female (afab)
    ↪ ST - C10 / HS - S / HC - 14 / EC - C1 / X
    matsui nishi • powered human • 32 • female (afab)
    ↪ ST - A1 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - A5 / X
    james carson • shapeshifter • 30 • male (amab)
    ↪ ST - B5 / HS - HW / HC - 43 / EC - E8 / Y
    ↪ shifts:lemon shark
    gwen anderson • siren • 22 • female (afab)
    ↪ ST - I2 / HS - LC / HC - 2 / EC - H3 / X
    bianca knight • siren • 20 • female (amab)
    ↪ ST - F5 / HS - LC / HC - 2 / EC - F11 / X

    gathering chief.
    to be named

    rafael alocer • shapeshifter • 52 • male (amab)
    ↪ ST - D9 / HS - LW / HC - 18 / EC - E2 / Y
    ↪ shifts: manta ray
    aiden murphy • naiad • 43 • male (amab)
    ↪ ST - B4 / HS - LW / HC - 12 / EC - E7 / X
    mason jackson • merfolk • 42 • male (amab)
    ↪ ST - B3 / HS - LW / HC - 5 / EC - E11 / X
    pike hurely • half-demon siren • 38 • male (amab)
    ↪ ST - H5 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - C11 / X
    jason knight • naiad • 37 • male (afab)
    ↪ ST - F1 / HS - S / HC - 13 / EC - B4 / X

    calypso knight • siren • 18 • female (amab)
    ↪ trained by marisa
    ↪ knows self-defense, patrol
    ↪ ST - A10 / HS - LC / HC - 19 / EC - B11 / X

    [url]✧[/url] name • species • age • gender (agab)


    kale newans • half-demon satyr • 37 • male (amab)
    ↪ ST - M10 / HS - LC / HC - 40 / EC - F3 / X
    ↪ notes: daughter of aphrodite, gatherer
    juniper hanson • demigoddess • 32 • female (afab)
    ↪ ST - F10 / HS - S / HC - 24 / EC - C2 / X
    ↪ notes: daughter of aphrodite, gatherer
    senzo katsuki • fairy • 26 • non-binary (amab)
    ↪ ST - A2 / HS - LW / HC - 24 / EC - C2 / X
    ↪ notes: xhe/xhem, head of the outpost (warrior)
    ray vairy • vampire • 23 • male (amab)
    ↪ ST - J2 / HS - S / HC - 2 / EC - A8 / X
    ↪ notes: scout
    kaydon cross • pink robinkin • 22 • female (afab)
    ↪ ST - D10 / HS - LW / HC - 60 / EC - G4 / X
    ↪ notes: warrior
    zachary knight • demigod • 22 • male (amab)
    ↪ ST - D10 / HS - LW / HC - 60 / EC - G4 / X
    ↪ notes: son of ares, warrior

    kelp • eastern sea dragon • 5 • female • 1/2 • athena
    mako • tiger shark • 4 • male • 1/2 • matsui
    iris • eastern sea dragon • 2 • female • 0/2 • gloria
    tide • eastern sea dragon • 2 • male • 0/2 • bianca
    orchid • eastern sea dragon • 2 • female • 0/2 • gwen
    spelyn • manokit • 2 • female • 0/2 • calypso
    maka • manokit • 2 • female • 0/2 • logan
    speckle • manokit • 1 • female • 0/2 • taylor

    akitai williams • naiad • 24 • female (afab)
    ↪ ST - M7 / HS - LC / HC - 39 / EC - H8 / X
    ↪ cause of death: enraged manitee
    skylar pearson • powered human • 25 • female (afab)
    ↪ ST - L11 / HS - HW / HC - 22 / EC - F6 / X
    ↪ cause of death: enraged manitee
    village relations
    kanaka helu - treaty village - five posts until tribute

    south - carmani abyssi

    small fish | one | one
    medium fish | five | three
    large fish | one | six
    squid | zero | six
    potato | five | two
    carrot | six | two
    plum | six | one
    pineapple | nine | two
    watermelon | five | two
    pumpkin | one | two

    plum seed | will bloom next post
    pumpkin seed | will bloom this post
    pineapple seed 1 | unplanted
    pineapple seed 2 | unplanted
    pineapple seed 3 | unplanted

    item storage
    herbs | two
    cotton | two
    wood | three
    iron | one
    twine | one
    sand | one
    silver | one

    backpack | used to carry 4 extra things to the market | 5/6
    vial of medicine | used to heal or gain kp | 1/1
    stone spear | grants +1 prey | 2/2
    stone dagger | grants +10% survival rate | 1/1
    yemons | 15

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