Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

♕ highgarden | seven

Postby eagle, » Sun Mar 31, 2019 5:39 pm

      total 25
      servings 5
      ________________ Image ________________

      gods now
      kitting tulipstream
      injury none
      archive here

paragraphblood pounded in hornetpaw's ears when he drew himself forward through the tall grass of the mother's grounds. with the warm weather coming in full force, highgarden's entire territory seemed to be lush with growth. the young tom's belly fur brushed against the grass, and he held back the urge to rise from the ground, lest he reveal himself. in the distance, he could make out the sound of pawsteps in the grass, of a cat walking carelessly through the trees, and he pressed on. the task was simple: to find tigerpaw before tigerpaw could find him. for the first time in moons, hornetpaw felt focused on his training, and he hoped that he would finally succeed, that he would be able to satisfy dippernose, who had grown a tendency to become frustrated during training. though hornetpaw would be willing to admit that it was his own fault for being distracted most of the time.
paragraphthe wind shifted, making hornetpaw freeze in his tracks, pressing closer to the ground, praying to the mother that he would still be downwind of the rustling, where he assumed tigerpaw was. he knew that smallheart and dippernose weren't far off, watching the apprentices stalk one another in the grass. at any rate, tigerpaw was old enough to receive his full name any day, and he had mastered most of his skills in hollowclan, though it seemed that smallheart and tawnyrose agreed that he would spend at least another moon as a thorn. tigerpaw, as far as hornetpaw could tell, wasn't upset about that. if anything, he seemed plenty content to keep training.
paragraphwhen the air settled, hornetpaw began again, pausing only several steps away from the rustling when another noise came from behind him, the crunch of grass and a twig under a paw. in the time it took him to turn, hornetpaw found himself bowled over, tigerpaw's larger, more toned body on top of his own. his friend smiled broadly in his moment of triumph, though hornetpaw could only ask, "if you were stalking me, then who was i following?" he questioned. tigerpaw's expression froze and he lifted his head. the grass shifted suddenly, as if a cat was turning around, until it exploded. without saying anything, tigerpaw disengaged from hornetpaw to follow in pursuit, hornetpaw scrambling to his paws to follow. whoever it was, however, was faster than either of them, and not even tigerpaw's long legs allowed him to keep up. when they reached the edge of the tall grass, the clearing opened up before them, empty save a single leaf falling from a tree.
paragraphby the time dippernose and smallheart found their thorns, the friends were looking blankly at one another. "what was that?" tigerpaw asked hornetpaw, who shrugged in turn.
paragraph"i thought it was you," he said.
paragraphtigerpaw shook his head, though it was clear that it was not the case. his gaze followed smallheart, who padded in the direction the stranger had run off to, his nose raised to the wind. "we'll have to tell tawnyrose and softglow, have them organize a patrol," he said at last, looking back to dippernose, who nodded in turn. with that, the knights gathered the two thorns, deciding that it was time for them to return to camp. dippernose and smallheart led the way back, tigerpaw and hornetpaw following several steps behind.
paragraphwhen it became clear that smallheart and dippernose were too engrossed in their own conversation to listen to the thorns, tigerpaw leaned down, closer to hornetpaw to whisper in his ear. "what are the odds that it's that groveclan apprentice you like so much?" he said, his tone light and teasing, though there was a glimmer of curiosity in his eyes, as if he truly believed that it might be midnightpaw. hornetpaw, in turn, swiped half-heartedly at his friend.
paragraph"don't be dumb," hornetpaw said. "he's going to be a warrior soon, he has better things to do than hide in the mother's grounds." tigerpaw leveled his stare at hornetpaw, who ducked his head at last. "besides, he's just a friend," he said, "we just hang out at gatherings sometimes."
paragraph"right," tigerpaw mused, his tail tip flicking. "and we'll just pretend that you don't stare off over the border whenever you get a chance."
paragraph"i do not!" hornetpaw snapped, lowering his voice when dippernose glanced back at them, his ears pricked. tigerpaw waved the knight off, and hornetpaw lowered his voice, "i don't," he repeated. in response, tigerpaw mustered a laugh, giving hornetpaw no chance for a proper retort before he trotted ahead to catch up with dippernose and smallheart.

paragraphas the days passed, more reports came forward of patrols spotting strange cats in the territory. for the most part, tawnyrose and bluetcrest seemed unimpressed by the reports, brushing the incidents off as passing loners or rogues. softglow sat with the queen and her attendant when they discussed these matters among themselves, though he found it clear with each day that passed how immature the pair truly was, more concerned with their daily dose of sun than looking any further into the instances. when pressed, tawnyrose stated that they had more important matters to attend to - making sure that there was fresh-kill, that the thorns were being properly trained, that iguanakit would be given her rank as a thorn soon. while it was true that it all needed to be handled, softglow also found the queen's instance not to worry all the more troubling.
paragraphafter flickersky and hurricanejaw mentioned a fresh scent by the rose lake - a scent that they agreed was not groveclan - softglow found himself pacing in merlinsong's den, finding solace in the herbalist's company. any member of the clan, merlinsong included, would likely say that the herbalist was eccentric and strange. he had eyes that looked through a cat's pelt, and a laugh that was pitched, but his den was cozy and warm, even without iguanakit to keep it lively. in times of stress, listening to merlinsong talk and breathing in the thick air of herbs was a welcome retreat to softglow, who basked in it. "iguanakit keeps coming through to ask me who her mentor will be," merlinsong was saying while he sorted his herbs, either not caring or not noticing how softglow paced back and forth in the den. "i keep telling her that no one tells me anything, that i just sit here all day and talk to the gods, that i'm not interested in what the rest of you are doing out there."
paragraph"you say that like you don't do anything important for highgarden. you do," softglow argued, momentarily forgetting about his other stresses. "you do more than most other cats around here."
paragraphat that, merlinsong paused and sat back on his haunches. his eyes we half-lidded, lazy, and he regarded the king for a long moment. finally, he pushed aside a pile of leaves and nodded towards the empty space in front of him. "sit," he urged, "all of your pacing is making my fur crawl."
paragraphsoftglow obeyed the herbalist, taking the spot with a slight nod, then ducking his head to smooth down his chest fur. when merlinsong asked what was wrong, softglow hesitated for a moment, looking towards the den's entrance, as if to make sure that no one was lingering there, that there were no ears to hear his complaints and spread them. as far as he was concerned, there was already too much about him that was spread among the roses and knights. the fact of the matter was that rumors and half-truths spread quickly, that highgarden bred big mouths. merlinsong, however, was the one cat softglow believed he truly could trust. he was an outsider too. "it's tawnyrose and bluetcrest," softglow said quietly, looking down at his paws. "they don't like me, i get that. but i'm the king, and they don't seem to care what happens outside of the camp. all of the roses and thorns are seeing strangers on our territory, and it's dangerous. but tawnyrose - she neglects the big problems." softglow sighed then, dared to glance up at merlinsong, who was listening carefully, his head tipped slightly to one side.
paragraphat last, merlinsong rose to his paws and stretched, his spine angled and claws gripping the floor of his den. softglow met his gaze, curious, and merlinsong tipped his head towards the entrance. "let's go deal with it ourselves then. i need to gather herbs, and you have strangers to find," he said, heading out before softglow could say anything further. the king hurried after the herbalist, stammering:
paragraph"it could be dangerous, though, we shouldn't go alone," he argued, to which merlinsong laughed.
paragraph"alone? of course not, that's why you'll be coming too." softglow paused then, his blue eyes wide, though merlinsong pressed on, halfway across the camp. he glanced over his shoulder, waiting, and softglow hurried after him. together, they walked side by side out of the camp and to find the strangers that had been causing so much trouble lately.

paragraphafter leaving azedga, it had been storm who decided that the best move for he and prometheus would be to change their names, to try and find a new clan to call their own. the journey had been a long one, crossing through many territories until they finally happened upon the valley of roses. more than once, they caught scents of loners and passerbys, and it was also clear that a clan lived in the territory, and they ran into patrols more than once. when they were certain that they were encountering patrols, that this was a clan, they got together. it was prometheus' idea to take new names, lest they ever be tied back to their past. they couldn't yet trust these cats, though they were well-aware of the dangers that staying without a group posed. they had the advantage of sticking together, but that might also make them appear as a bigger threat to the clan.
paragraphso prometheus called himself birchflame, storm changed his name to clovershine. and so it was. they stayed back, watching the patrols, tried to understand these strangers. they discovered that the clan was small, unlike the larger clan they came from. they lived in the heart of the valley, it seemed, and they rarely crossed into the stretch of thin trees, though they frequented the surrounding patches of their territory. the cats appeared much different than the scarred ice nation cats they had come to know over the past seasons, and clovershine came to recognize several of the cats - a striped apprentice-aged tom, his black and white mentor, and a pretty ginger molly who carried her head high and commanded whatever patrol she was on. early on, clovershine realized that birchflame was keeping an eye out for the molly. when asked, birchflame shrugged his shoulders and brushed clovershine off, saying that he just thought she might be the leader. clovershine wasn't entirely convinced that was the sole reason.
paragraphthe sun was high when birchflame left clovershine, saying that he was going to hunt, that it would be better if they stayed apart, as there would be less of a chance that they would be seen. so clovershine stayed put in their hiding spot, venturing out only when the sun began to dip closer towards the horizon, still no sign of birchflame. the shadows of the sparse trees stretched across the ground like scars, warping the further the sun moved, and clovershine busied himself by keeping watch, waiting for his only remaining friend to return. movement caught the corner of clovershine's eyes, and he twisted his neck to see a lithe gray cat emerge from between the trees, and clovershine immediately tensed, prepared to run. the wind shifted, bringing the cat's scent across his muzzle, and it became clear that this was one of the clan cats. "you're on highgarden's territory," the cat called, his pale green eyes reflecting the setting sun.
paragraphinstead of replying, clovershine turned. while he trusted his fighting abilities, he doubted that it would work out well in the end. he didn't know what this cat was capable of, this cat who lived in this territory, who could return to the valley to bring the rest of the clan to hunt clovershine down. running, in that moment, seemed to be the most logical move. however, when he turned, he found himself face to face with another tom with brilliant blue eyes. "allow me to introduce myself," the second cat said, effectively blocking clovershine's path. he was outnumbered, outmatched. fear and uncertainty kept his paws rooted. "my name is softglow, and i am the king of highgarden. this is my friend, merlinsong," he said, nodding towards the darker gray tom, who came ever closer, trapping clovershine between the pair.
paragraph"what's your name?" the first cat, merlinsong, asked, and clovershine hesitated for a moment.
paragraphhis old name tasted sweet on the tip of his tongue, inviting him to say it aloud, but birchflame's words echoed in his head. it was better if no one ever knew where they came from. "clovershine," he said bluntly, his eyes flickering between the two highgarden cats.
paragraph"are you alone?" that was the king, softglow.
paragraphclovershine nodded. "yes, clearly."
paragraph"then why don't i believe you?" despite his name, softglow's voice was distant and cold, cutting into clovershine, accusing him.
paragraph"do you see another cat here?" clovershine hissed in return. despite himself, his tail lashed and he felt his fur began to bristle along his spine, defensive over his lie. he balked at the fact that a tom named softglow would accuse him of lying. however, before he could say anything further, birchflame's voice sounded through the trees.
paragraph"clovershine," birchflame called out, and the white tom felt the anger drain from his body as soon as it had come. birchflame carried himself with grace and poise, standing tall, his expression void of emotion when he approached his friend and the strangers. his gaze trailed across the highgarden cats, and he addressed them when he spoke next. "please excuse my friend. we've suffered greatly over the past several moons. it's made us wary of strangers," he said, and clovershine nodded, swallowing down the bitter taste of his pride. "my name is birchflame. we come alone, looking for refuge." in that moment, his glance cut to clovershine, who met it with his own gaze. it was a look that said trust me, play along, we'll talk later. it was a look that clovershine was inclined to trust.
paragraph"we can take you to see the queen, so you may present yourselves to her. if it is a home you're looking for, tawnyrose will decide if you are welcome," softglow said, and birchflame dipped his head.
paragraph"there is nothing that we would want more." and so they followed the king into the valley flourished with roses, and clovershine put his trust in whatever plan birchflame concocted along the way.

paragraphtigerpaw and hornetpaw lazed in the warm evening sun, their muscles sore from training, when iguanakit darted out of merlinsong's den and over to them. the small seedling skidded to a stop between the thorns, her tail sticking straight up, and she kneaded the ground with her forepaws, still panting when she began to speak to them hurriedly. "i think i found out who my mentor is going to be," she said quietly, just loud enough for her friends to hear.
paragraphtigerpaw and hornetpaw exchanged a quick glance, and tigerpaw sat up. "you've been saying this for the past moon. you've said every cat in the clan expect hornetpaw and merlinsong. you've even said that i'm going to be your mentor, and i'm not even a knight yet." behind tigerpaw, hornetpaw let out a laugh, though iguanakit huffed indignantly at her friends.
paragraph"i thought that tawnyrose was going to give you your name," she argued, sighing again when tigerpaw shrugged, unimpressed. "fine, fine, but this time i actually figured it out. i heard bluetcrest and hurricanejaw talking," iguanakit said, lowering her voice even further and glancing over her shoulder, which prompted hornetpaw to comment that her subtly was lacking. iguanakit sent hornetpaw a withering glance, then directed her attention to tigerpaw. "bluetcrest said that tawnyrose would give me my new name in a few days, that he would be training me."
paragraphsince the black and white tom's arrival, he had been rather quiet, speaking mainly to dippernose and merlinsong. mentions floated by of a mate and kits in another clan, though neither tigerpaw nor hornetpaw had the time or chance to properly meet hurricanejaw, or the two strange warriors merlinsong and softglow brought back. across the clearing, clovershine and birchflame were speaking in low voices, contrasting where flickersky and swiftheart were talking and acting out the events of their hunting patrol to smallheart and mapleshadow, the latter of which looking entirely unimpressed.
paragraph"you're sure?" tigerpaw asked, and iguanakit hummed happily, flashing a broad grin. "i'm happy for you," tigerpaw said, leaning forward to lick iguanakit between her ears, to which she backed away and swiped a paw in his direction. with that, the conversation shifted, and hornetpaw glance up at tigerpaw.
paragraph"any news about your assessment?" he asked, to which tigerpaw sighed and shook his head.
paragraph"no," he admitted, disappointment lining his tone. "smallheart said he talked to bluetcrest and tawnyrose earlier this moon, but he hasn't mentioned it since."
paragraphiguanakit padded forward and flopped down on her side next to hornetpaw. "are you worried?" she asked, blinking earnestly up at tigerpaw.
paragraphtigerpaw shuffled his forepaws and shrugged his shoulders, pretending to be nonchalant, though his nose wrinkled and the gesture was unconvincing. "a little, i guess," he murmured. "but that's natural, right? i wasn't even trained in highgarden. it would make sense that i would nervous, right?"
paragraph"sure it is," hornetpaw assured his best friend, reaching up to nudge tigerpaw's shoulder with his nose. "but you're ready. you're bigger than smallheart and faster than dippernose."
paragraph"and a better swimmer than hornetpaw," iguanakit chimed in, squeaking when hornetpaw nipped her ear. her tail lashed and she reached out a paw to bat against his nose. "hey - it's not my fault that it's true." the trio laughed softly, and tigerpaw broke the silence, looking down at hornetpaw.
paragraph"have you seen him recently?" he asked, rolling his eyes when hornetpaw glanced away and mumbled an answer. "it's not like it's a secret, we all know that he's the reason why you're so distracted all of the time."
paragraphtigerpaw opened his mouth to continue speaking, but hornetpaw stood up suddenly, his previous amusement gone. "just drop it, tigerpaw. we're just friends and i like talking to him sometimes. but he's from a different clan and it doesn't mean anything. alright?" he said, eyes burning. tigerpaw and iguanakit held their tongues, and hornetpaw turned towards their den, muttering that he was tired and going to sleep.
paragraphafter he was gone, tigerpaw and iguanakit shared a long glance, ending only when iguanakit stood and brushed past tigerpaw, headed back to merlinsong's den. "stupid tom," she muttered, and tigerpaw couldn't help but agree.

paragraphever since he left echoclan in the wake of the red plague, hurricanejaw sought a chance for something new, which he found in highgarden, but he also mulled over his past choices. he wondered if he did the right thing - leaving echoclan, that is - or if he should have stayed, or should have tried to find a way to make his life better without running away. the thing was, hurricanejaw had never seen himself as the type to flee. he thought of himself as steadfast, maybe a little headstrong, but sure of himself. after nearly two moons in highgarden, he accepted that his choice was his choice, that there wasn't any turning back, though his gaze remained set on the horizon even still.
paragraphafter softglow found clovershine and birchflame, the clan thought that the sightings of strangers would end, though flickersky reported spotting a small, thorn-aged cat by the old tower, and smallheart and tigerpaw both claimed seeing a group of cats on the way to the training hollow, though no one had gotten a close enough view. dippernose mentioned that hornetpaw had seen a smaller cat in the mother's ground earlier that moon, but nothing could truly be confirmed. however, after nearly a full moon of listening to the knights and roses talk about what they saw, tawnyrose decided to send out a patrol to find the cats and bring them to her, so that she could speak with them.
paragraph"what do you think tawnyrose is going to do with them?" that was flickersky, who bounded alongside birchflame, who flicked his ear. no on had been present for when tawnyrose, softglow, and bluetcrest met with clovershine and birchflame, though the pair had been announced to the rest of highgarden that afternoon, presented as new members. whatever happened then, hurricanejaw could only assume based on when he first met the queen.
paragraph"invite them to join, i'd suppose," swiftheart piped up from the rear of the patrol. ahead, dippernose pressed forward to lead the patrol. smallheart flanked the other side of the patrol, and hurricanejaw spotted him sniffing curiously at a bush, though he rejoined the group by the time flickersky spoke up again.
paragraph"maybe she'll chase them away. they've been staying in our territory for too long. they probably don't even want to join. if that's what they wanted, they could have done that by now if they weren't hiding," she said, shooting birchflame a sideways glance when the ginger tom snorted, though he offered no further comment, and flickersky didn't ask. with a flick of her tail, she picked up her paws to catch up wit dippernose, who disappeared over a gentle ridge. through the trees, the old tower came into view, and hurricanejaw felt his muscles tense under his fur, flushed with sudden anxiety. he urged his paws to move faster, to catch up with dippernose as well, motivated with the sudden need to see the cats before the others.
paragraphwhen they were gathered together, dippernose signaled with his tail, urging the patrol to be quiet. "you can hear their voices," he whispered, and the group quieted themselves. sure enough, a multitude of voices carried on the wind, and birchflame broke the silence.
paragraph"there are a lot of them," the tom said, and hurricanejaw could see him counting their numbers, comparing them to the possible number of intruders. flickersky guessed that there were four, smallheart guessed six, and hurricanejaw mentally concluded that there were at least eight - too many for their patrol to handle if it came to fighting. in turn, dippernose looked at his patrol and came up with the plan to send a cat closer to investigate. swiftheart stepped up, volunteering, though dippernose looked uneasy. before he could think of anything better, hurricanejaw offered himself, and dippernose narrowed his eyes slightly, but nodded.
paragraph"don't start any trouble," dippernose murmured softly, "see how many there are and come back." hurricanejaw agreed, and he was off. keeping his body low to the ground, hurricanejaw crossed through the field that led to the old tower, which had been, reportedly, empty as long as any highgarden cat could tell. that is, until hurricanejaw heard the voices coming from inside, and he pressed on through the entrance, which sloped inward to where the cats were gathered.
paragraphhe stuck to the shadows of the tower, in the corners where he wouldn't be seen as easily, and padded slowly through the spaces, until he saw the first flash of fur. indeed, the cat was small, hardly any bigger than iguanakit, and he realized that the cat must be apprentice-aged, until he saw several other smaller cats huddled together around a half-eaten mouse. then he saw the back of the first tom, younger than swiftheart, and another grooming a molly with a belly swollen, clearly pregnant. it was in the same moment when paw steps brushed the ground behind him, and hurricanejaw turned just as a body smacked into his. he found himself pinned on his back, face-to-face with a long-furred gray and white tom, who snarled in his face. "who are you?" the tom hissed, and hurricanejaw stared up at him, overcome with the sense that he knew this cat, had seen this cat before, that he should know exactly who this was. and then he heard her voice.
paragraph"hurricanejaw?" the strange tom twisted his head at the sound of his mate's voice, and hurricanejaw couldn't held the laugh that tore from his throat, oddly-pitched and near-hysterical. "is that you?" she asked, and her voice swam into view.
paragraph"maplelily," he breathed out in turn, feeling light-headed. "what are you doing here?"
paragraph"i could ask you the same thing," she said, and hurricanejaw turned his head as much as he could while under the tom's grip. hurricanejaw could see several other pairs of paws, and maplelily spoke up, "waveclan disbanded. newtmask, get off of him." hurricanejaw sat up when newtmask disengaged, and he looked out at the other cats with maplelily, surprised to find his kits looking back at him. as if reading his mind, maplelily continued, "we didn't have anywhere to go. we thought about echoclan, but everything happened so quickly. we wound up here, and we've been hiding from the clan that lives here."
paragraph"i left echoclan," hurricanejaw heard himself say aloud, saw the way maplelily's eyes widened, though he continued to look at his four kits. "it just wasn't for me anymore. but this clan took me in. they have a leader, she calls herself queen. i'm sure she would take you all in as well," he said, aware that the patrol was waiting for him, that he only had a matter of time before they came after him, to make sure that he hadn't been killed. if not for maplelily, he might have been. at last he met his mate's eyes. "i'l protect you. all of you," he said, sure of himself.
paragraph"tulipstream is due any day now," one of the other toms said, voice rough from where he was standing protectively in front of the pretty molly. bassflow, hurricanejaw recognized with a start, maplelily's brother. "do you have a medicine cat?" he asked, and hurricanejaw nodded.
paragraph"we do. please, let me help." again, he looked towards his kits, so small, with wary eyes still full of hope, hoping that he would bring them to a safe place. "let me take you to highgarden."

[ added cats ] birchflame and clovershine x, maplelily's family x
[ consumption ] highgarden eats one big fish and two mice
[ gods visit ] tawnyrose asks the gods for a rose
[ kitting ] tulipstream is kitting. merlinsong uses x1 chervil. bassflow is her mate
[ rank changes ] iguanakit is old enough to become a thorn, her mentor will be hurricanejaw
tigerpaw is ready to take his assessment. if he passes, he will be named tigergaze
[ hunting 1 ] tawnyrose, bluetcrest, hurricanejaw, maplelily, smokemane, and flickersky hunt
[ hunting 2 ] softglow, mapleshadow, swiftheart, sunglow, and smallheart hunt
[ training ] hornetpaw, cougarpaw, racoonpaw, foxpaw, and wolfpaw learn how to hunt
[ herb hunting ] merlinsong
[ notes to mod ]

            tulipstream, 27m, ♀
            - mates with bassflow
            - kitting: now
            name, age, gender

            iguanakit, 6m, ♀
            name, age, gender

            name, age, gender
            name, age, gender

            allies & enemies & borders


            total x30
            mouse | x20 | 1 servings
            vole | x2 | 1 servings
            squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
            rabbit | x1 | 2 servings
            big fish | x2 | 3 servings
            finch | x0 | 3 servings

            dippernose, hornetpaw, 1
            smallheart, tigerpaw, 4
            bassflow, cougarpaw, 0
            newtmask, racoonpaw, 0
            birchflame, foxpaw, 0
            clovershine, wolfpaw, 0
            mentor, thorn, 0


            family trees
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby Dinolil1 » Sun Mar 31, 2019 11:34 pm

Kindness heals what was broken, mercy clears what was marred and peace brings back what was lost.
Number of Cats: 73 | Males: 35 | Females: 38 | Last Post: X | Territory

''So, when am I going to learn the leader skill?'' Plumpaw asked earnestly, staring expectantly at the soft-grey molly. It was no secret that Plumpaw thought herself a god in miniature, that she felt that she could do what Fritillarystar and Garlicstar before her had failed to do. What her old clan had failed to do. ''And when are you going to stop snickering at me? This is very important, you know.'' The ginger molly huffed, looking increasingly disgrunted. First, her brother had laughed at her. Then her mother and finally her mentor was laughing at her! How could they not see she had a destiny to follow? That her name was embellished in the stars? That she would reform the very core of what made MoorClan, MoorClan.

Her first act? To change it's name, they didn't live on a moor and it was boring. She wanted something that would scare the other clans, tell them who exactly they were dealing with! They were so much more than their territory, they were their hardships and victories, their deaths and losses - They would be GhostClan, their ancestors in their hearts and courage in their souls! Plumpaw puffed out her chest, impatiently waiting for Jayfrost to stop mocking her. ''Well? What do you say?''

With twinkling blue eyes, Jayfrost shook with mirth. ''Firstly, are you really calling this clan GhostClan?'' There was nothing wrong with a terrifying or more metaphorical name, she just found it so be slightly ostentatious of Plumpaw - Would it be better to appear unassuming? So that when the time did come to fight, the other clans wouldn't know what to expect?

''I don't know, I might call it WraithClan or GhoulClan.''

Jayfrost let out a snort of laughter, shaking her head softly. ''You have big plans, don'tcha.'' She murmured quietly, nudging her apprentice along with one paw - Pearpaw had been taken out by Thriftclaw a while ago and she didn't want Plumpaw to fall too far behind her brother - She got the feeling that the ginger molly would not like that very much, and would wholly blame it all on Jayfrost. ''I must admit, GhoulClan sounds pretty neat.'' She mused, nodding sagely. ''I'll have to speak to Starlingtail.''

The black cat awoke at the sound of his name, leaf green-eyes stuck in a permanent scowl as he stared at Jayfrost from across the camp. ''About what?'' Starlingtail rose to his paws, shaking his tired limbs out one by one. ''Is your apprentice being naughty?'' He turned slowly to Plumpaw, looking sternly at the ginger molly. ''I can take care of her.'' Starlingtail rumbled.

''I hope by take care of her, you don't mean kill me.'' Plumpaw piped up, almost offended by the notion that she would ever shirk the rules - That was Pearpaw's forte, she much preferred to follow them to a T and order others about. ''And I'm never naughty!''

Jayfrost nuzzled her shadow-dark friend, purring with delight. ''About a clan-name, don't worry, I have the little rascal under control.'' The silver molly winked at Plumpaw, smiling kindly at her. ''Don't worry about him, Starling's just annoyed he didn't get an apprentice.'' She bat him gently on the nose, chuckling softly. ''Maybe next time, Lilystream's kits are due to become apprentices in a moon.'' Jayfrost reasoned. ''Maybe you'll get to mentor them if you smiled more, Grumpytail.''

“Oh shut up.” Starlingtail grumbled, waving Jayfrost away with one paw. “I can smile when I feel like smiling.” The black cat retorted adamantly, tail lashing angrily. “Didn’t you have an apprentice to train?” Starlingtail looked at the empty space where Plumpaw once stood. “Better find her, Garlicstar will lose her mind if another cat goes missing.” He smiled tauntingly, green eyes shining with mirth. “Bet you wish I was her mentor now.”

Scrambling wildly through the woods, Jayfrost called out for Plumpaw until her throat grew hoarse - She could be anywhere by now and the fog that swallowed cats whole crept between the dark trunks was starting to seep from every rotting crevice. Although she had only been there a few days, Jayfrost had quickly learned the strange things that went on in these woods. The strange voices, the figures in your peripherals, and the claw marks gouged way too high and deep for it have been the work of a badger or fox.

''Hey, Jayfrost.'' Thriftclaw called out, emerging from a clearing with Plumpaw and Pearpaw in tow. ''Lookin' for Plumpaw?'' The ragged molly's voice was gruff, but not kind as she nudged the insolent molly towards Jayfrost. ''She ran into me and disrupted Pearpaw's training, just when I got him to finally listen to me.'' Thriftclaw's amber eyes seemed to burn down at the twins, something wild in their depths. ''Laurelfur was a better listener than these two, they would've driven me mad.'' A pause. ''They have driven me mad.'' Stalking quietly past Jayfrost, Thriftclaw glanced at her as though to beckon her back to camp - There was no time left, noon had arrived with it's thick fog, and they could not risk staying out any longer. Although the two mollies rarely conversed or even acknowledged one another, there was a sense of kinship.

They were mentors and they would keep their apprentices safe.


The cat looked as though made of snow, drifting as silently as the sweep of an owl's wing through the dark undergrowth. An assortment of plants decorated her pelt - Fennel, elder, borage, nettle, mint, allium, peony, baby's breath, Anne's lace, violets pansies, hydrangeas and chrysanthemums. It looked as though the molly was trying to become nature itself, to nurture life where her pelt was the stark reminder of leafbare, cold and cruel and callous. ''Hello there...'' Her voice had a song-like quality, as she approached the patrol without fear. ''My name is Blizzardstone, former clan-cat and now travelling healer.''


Larknose wondered if he reached his paw out he would feel the oppression that buzzed heavily in the air. The torbie didn't doubt it, as he crept out of the shadow of the mountain into the dark forest. Twisted faces stared at him from the rot-worn bark, and Larknose had to stifle a whimper, not wanting to look like a coward in front of his clan-mates. They plodded leisurely behind him, although their wary eyes gave away traces of their caution - It was a strange forest and the apprentices had made up rumours about roots that emerged from the earth and snatched you away, wailing into the dark. It was the only explanation for what they heard at night, they had decided.

''Lovely day, innit?'' Murkfang muttered, shouldering Larknose so hard that he nearly fell over. ''Could do with more sunshine, huh?'' Her yellow eyes shimmered like frosted buttercups. The smog-grey molly led the patrol, tail held at a lofty height and chin slightly inclined - A usually quiet she-cat, Murkfang had a surprisingly bossy streak about her and seemed to quite like taking charge wherever she could. Not that the patrol was doing anything that the other patrols weren't already doing. ''I can't remember the last time I felt dry...'' Her voice was scratchy, as though she had been swallowing thorns in her spare time.

The third cat did not reply, scoffing and marching off pointedly - Smudgeflower was a sweetheart around the nursery but everywhere else, he was about as charming as a hornet. Nobody knew much about Smudgeflower, and nobody cared to get to know him - Cloverheart had tried once and had been soundly told to peas off. Before the others could comment on his rudeness, Smudgeflower had disappeared around a thick oak-trunk after a shrew and emerged with his head held aloft proudly. Prey was thin on the ground and it was a proud moment as any if you could catch it. ''Couldn't let this rascal get away.'' Smudgeflower pointed out, blue-green eyes glimmering like a leaf-strewn pond. ''After-all, we've got kits to look after.''

''Always thinking of the kits, aren't you?'' Murkfang grinned, bouncing through the wet leaves. ''I'm surprised you don't have any yourself.'' The dark molly scrutinized Smudgeflower for a heart-beat, looking ponderous before stalking past him with a soft grunt. ''You'd make some fine-looking specimens.'' Murkfang smirked, flicking his nose with the tip of her tail.

''That's gross.'' Smudgeflower grimaced, speeding up so that they could disperse and Smudgeflower hide in the depths of the cavern. ''Never speak ever again, you disgusting hag.'' He grizzled, shouldering past Larknose in his haste to return home. The woods shivered as a frost-bitten wind cleaved its way through the dark - The creek rumbled in the distance, a vicious scar sloughed through the muddy earth. The three stole away like grave robbers, ears pricked and eyes alert.

And yet they did not see the black-eyed figure, shimmering like a cobweb in sunlight.



That was all she could say before being tackled into a hug that nearly swept her off her paws. Smallwhisker hadn't seen that grey and white pelt in moons, and he looked so big now - The last she had seen Craneheart was when he had been tiny! A kit! ''Craneheart, you're smothering me.'' Smallwhisker rumbled softly, pressing her paws up against his fluffy white chest. Rusty purrs stumbled out from the back of her throat - Smallwhisker, for all her shock, the tortoiseshell was glad to see him again. ''...You survived too?'' Her hazel-green eyes shimmered as she peered around him to spot Bleakpelt and Firefang too. ''I thought you died.''

''Surprise! I'm alive.'' Craneheart smiled amicably, dragging himself back onto his paws. ''I can't believe it.'' The grey tom sniffled, holding back tears - He and Smallwhisker hadn't been best friends, but to see her still alive, heart still beating? It was enough to shake Craneheart to his core. He'd been so alone since Cuckookit had died. He was no stranger to how the JinxClan cats saw him - The son of a tyrant and a fool. Craneheart was just glad that he had Bleakpelt to relate to. ''I...I can't believe it...'' Shaking, Craneheart sat hunched over, smokey-grey tail coiled around his paws - It was all too much.

''Where's Cuckookit? Did he make it?'' Smallwhisker's voice was hopeful for the first time in moons, so much so that it startled Trouttail and Lampreypelt who'd been eavesdropping nearby. ''He's probably got some warrior name now, hasn't he?'' Smallwhisker added, although her eyes dulled to see Craneheart looking so dejected - And then it hit her. ''...He's dead, isn't he?''

Craneheart nodded sadly, closing his eyes. ''Apparently Swanstar killed him.'' She was not his mother, not anymore - Images of Cuckookit's broken body flashed where motherly eyes had once been. Craneheart wondered if she'd ever loved either of them, ever loved Sagestar. ''Bleakpelt told me.'' The grey tom glanced over to his half-brother, who was speaking quietly to the leader. In their moons growing up, Craneheart had been so grateful for Bleakpelt's presence - He had heard those barbed words, and he knew that Bleakpelt took them all in his stride. If he hadn't been there, Craneheart wasn't sure what he would do. ''W-what about Ternkit?''

''He...he died too.'' Smallwhisker replied with a curt nod, staring grimly at the grass. ''Nettlefang killed him, we named him Ternheart.'' The tortoiseshell murmured, raking her claws angrily through the earth for a second. ''How could they? How could they take our brothers away?'' Smallwhisker shook her head, muttering under her breath. It had been moons now, but she still woke up in the night, wondering where Nightclaw and Ternheart were. It came as a shock every time when she remember they were dead.

Resting his head on Smallwhisker's chest, Craneheart confessed quietly that he did not know - Why did some cats die? And others live? It was an age-old question with nary an answer. ''Ternheart? That suits him.'' Craneheart whispered. ''At least they won't be suffering anymore, the Stars will look after them both.'' Closing his eyes, Craneheart listened to the falling of the rain before he spoke. ''I'm just happy I found you.'' He sniffled, shaking slightly. ''We're not alone anymore.''

Smallwhisker smiled sadly, huddled close to Craneheart - Most of the clan had retreated for the ivy-strewn caverns, watching the rain through narrow eyes, leaving the two friends alone. The rain dripped off their long whiskers, a soft murmur drawn around them like a veil.

Quietly, they lamented over their lost brothers and clanmates.


Border Patrol - Stormflower, Honeynose and Burdockfoot.
Border Patrol - Dawnpool, Swallowstorm and Copperberry.
Hunting Patrol - Ratwhisker, Owlgaze and Lichenface.
Hunting Patrol - Starlingtail, Adderleap and Slatenose.
Herb Patrol - Lampreypelt, Smallwhisker and Trouttail.
Training - Pearpaw, Plumpaw, Newtpaw, Mallowpaw, Teaselpaw, Thistlepaw, Eveningpaw and Firpaw.


    Garlicstar | 53 | Female | X
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★ (Never visited StarClan)

    Dawnpool | 82 | Female | X | Blind
    Bramblefur | 75 | Male |X | Half of face ripped
    Yarrowshine | 33 | Female | X

    Braircloud | 78 | Male |X

    Medicine Cat:
    Trouttail | 64 | Female | X
    Lampreypelt | 60 | Male |X
    Smallwhisker | 40 | Female | X

    Smudgeflower | 86 | Male |X
    Murkfang | 81 | Female | X
    Shadowfang | 78 | Male |X
    Cloverheart | 78 | Male |X
    Fogwhisker | 78 | Female | X
    Bleakpelt | 67 | Male |X
    Poppypelt | 65 | Female | X
    Firefang | 64 | Female | X
    Adderleap | 62 | Female | X
    Antfoot | 56 | Male |X
    Larknose | 55 | Male (Trans) |X
    Thriftclaw | 51 | Female | X
    Pansycloud | 49 | Female | X
    Linnettail | 48 | Female | X
    Mistclaw | 48 | Male |X
    Sedgefrost | 48 | Female | X
    Privetpath | 47 | Male |X | Left (Loga) |Powers
    Sloestem | 47 | Female | X | Right (Lili) | Powers
    Lichenface | 47 | Female | X
    Starlingtail | 45 | Male |X
    Jayfrost | 44 | Female | X
    Ratwhisker | 42 | Male |X
    Burdockfoot | 41 | Female | X
    Honeynose | 40 | Female | X
    Craneheart | 37| Male |X
    Copperberry | 35 | Female | X
    Slatenose | 35 | Male |X
    Swallowstorm | 33 | Male |X | Powers
    Blizzardstone | 33 | Female | X
    Hawktuft | 31 | Male |X
    Darkfur | 31 | Male |X
    Aspenthroat | 31 | Male |X
    Gooseflight | 31 | Female | X | Powers
    Iceheart | 31 | Male |X
    Elmstorm | 30 | Female | X
    Hazelstone | 30 | Male |X | Blind
    Laurelfur | 21 | Male |X
    Stormflower | 21 | Male |X
    Froststrike | 21 | Female | X
    Crowfoot |19 | Male |X
    Owlgaze | 19 | Female | X
    Foxflower | 19 | Male |X | Blind in one eye
    Partridgepelt | 19 | Male |X
    Juniperbounce | 18 | Male |X
    Waxwing | 16 | Male |X
    Beetlestep | 16 | Female | X
    Magpiefeather | 16 | Female | X

    Mallowpaw | 17 | Male |X
    Newtpaw | 17 | Female | X
    Plumpaw | 6 | Female | X | Left (NB)
    Pearpaw |6 | Male |X | Right
    Firpaw | 6 | Female | X
    Eveningpaw | 6 | Female | X
    Teaselpaw |6 | Male |X
    Thistlepaw |6 | Male |X

    Fennelclaw | 39 | Female | X

    Daisykit |5 | Male |X
    Chervilkit | 5 | Male |X
    Comfreykit | 5 | Female | X
    Hemlockkit | 5 | Female | X
    Mothkit | 4 | Female | X
    Beekit |4 | Male |X

    Ivystripe |106 | Male |X | Mute
    Patchthorn | 100 | Male |X
    Mudfoot | 94 | Female | X


    North: ForestClan
    West: ClayClan

    Medicine Store:
    Catnip - Cures GreenCough - 1
    Comfrey Root - Cures burns, eases swelling, itching, stiffness and wounds - 0
    Goatweed - Eases anxiety and grief - 1
    Goldenrod - Heals wounds - 1
    Lamb's ear - Gives strength - 1
    Poppy Seeds - Brings rest - 0
    Borage - Produces milk and brings down fevers - 1
    Juniper - Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, aids troubled breathing and calms down cats - 1
    Mint -
    Honey -
    Mallow -
    Stick -
    Bindweed -
    Lungwort -
    Burnet -

    Fresh-kill Pile:
    Mouse | x4 | 1 serving
    Vole | x3 | 1 serving
    Squirrel | x3 | 2 servings
    Blackbird | x3 | 2 servings
    Pigeon | x2 | 2 servings
    Pheasant | x5 | 3 servings


    Cloverheart | Mallowpaw | Hunting, Fighting
    Shadowfang | Newtpaw | Hunting,
    Jayfrost | Plumpaw |
    Thriftclaw | Pearpaw |
    Smudgeflower | Firpaw |
    Mistclaw | Eveningpaw |
    Murkfang | Thistlepaw |
    Sedgefrost | Teaselpaw |

    Deceased Cats:
    Ternpaw (heart) | (Died aged 8 moons) | Male | X– Killed by Snailstep
    Nettlefang |(Died aged 50 moons) | Male | X- Drowned in the stream
    Stonenose | ( Died aged 46 moons) | Male |X - Killed by an adder
    Swift |(Died aged 25 moons) | Male | X - Killed by Bramblefur; bloodloss
    Nightclaw | ( Died aged 51 moons) | Female |X - Killed by Hollytail; bloodloss
    Dustfoot | ( Died aged 70 moons) | Male |X - Killed by Lightning; bloodloss
    Hollytail | (Died aged 56 moons) | Female | X - Drowned in stream
    Darkheart |(Died aged 31 moons) | Female | X - Killed by Lightning
    Wrenkit (leaf) |(Died aged 0 moons) | Female | X - stillborn
    Kestrelkit (wing) |(Died aged 0 moons) | Female | X - stillborn
    Cherrykit (frost) |(Died aged 0 moons) | Female | X - stillborn
    Elderwhisker | ( Died aged 36 moons) | Male |X - Killed by a fox
    Ravenflower | ( Died aged 80 moons | Female | X - Killed by Snailstep
    Maplepaw (briar) |(Died aged 6 moons) | Male |X - Killed by Snailstep
    Snailstep | (Died aged 61 moons) | Male |X - Drowned in the stream
    Neritefang | ( Died aged 310 moons) | Female | X | Blind - Died of old age complications
    Swanstar | (Died aged 103 moons) | Female | X - Slain by Fritillarystar
    Fritillarystar | ( Died aged 70 moons) | Female | X - Slain by Swanstar
    Lilystream | (Died aged 25 moons) | Female | X - Birth complications
    Oakfeather | (Died aged 94 moons | Female | X - Smoke in lungs
    Firepool | (Died aged 35 moons) | Female | X - Killed by fire
    Harefoot | (Died aged 75 moons) | Male | X - Crushed by a burning timber
    Lizardpath | (Died aged 51 moons) | Male |X | Blind | - Ran into fire
    Rookwing | (Died aged 50 moons) | Male |X - Broken neck
    Smokeheart | (Died aged 47 moons) | Male |X - Crushed by a burning timber
    Mintfang | (Died aged 17 moons) | Male |X - Killed by fire
    Morningkit (throat) | (Died aged 2 moons) | Male |X - Crushed by a burning timber
    Yewkit (face) | (Died aged 2 moons) | Female | X - Crushed by a burning timber
    Silverpaw (stem) | (Died aged 9 moons) | Female | X - Killed by fire
    Fumitorystorm | (Died aged 30 moons) | Female | X | Killed by heart-attack


    Oakfeather & Dustfoot - Elmstorm, Hazelstone and Beechstripe
    Andrew & Sean - Privetpath (Loga) and Sloestem (Lili)
    Braircloud & Bramblefur
    Hollytail & Dawnpool
    Poppypelt & Adderleap
    Pansycloud & Linnettail
    Snailstep & Fritillarystar - Cherrykit/frost, Kestrelkit/wing and Maplepaw/briar
    Fogwhisker & Blaze - Stormflower, Wrenkit/leaf and Mintfang
    Nightclaw & Crowley - Smallwhisker and Ternpaw/heart
    ??? & Burdockfoot - Silverpaw
    Cedar & Fumitorystorm - Firkit, Yewkit, Thistlekit, Teaselkit, Eveningkit, Morningkit
    Vervainthroat & Lilystream - Chervilkit, Comfreykit, Daisykit, Hemlockkit
    Smokeheart & Pansystep - Foxflower, Crowfoot, Owlgaze, Dogwish, Hawkkit, Kestrelkit
    Swanstar & Mudwhisker - Bleakpelt
    Swanstar & Sagestar - Cuckookit & Craneheart

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amberclan ` 55

Postby faerie; » Mon Apr 01, 2019 7:30 am


          notes for simon / substitutes !!
          demelza finds x1 cat per patrol.
          jasper finds x1 cat per patrol. x
          adanya finds x1 cat per patrol.
          bolded names have powers. xxx

          clan count 64 females xx males xx servings 13 moonpool thursday





“well sure, I can get that much.” olivebranch mewed, collecting flurryheart's bundle of muddy leaves. the two had been working on another section of the warrior's den all through the morning.

flurryheart thanked him before turning towards the cool shade of a nearby tree. olivebranch picked the bundle apart, sticking the muddy leaves into the cracks of the rocks. he had a skip in his step as he worked around the exterior of the den, patching up any holes or missing stretches of thistle and bramble.

ivystripe and turtlefur followed their patrol back into camp. the scent of eagle bled from their gashes. olivebranch wouldn’t’ve recognized their entrance if the camp hadn’t nearly gasped in unison.

“what happened to you?” cicadaflutter ducked out from under the protective shade, brushing her cheek against her deputy’s.

smoke’s rising shook her head momentarily, slowly meeting her mate’s gaze. “we found a dead eagle. well, not entirely dead. it shot up and gave us the scare of our lives.” she grew louder, announcing to any eavesdropping cats.

ivoryfang slunk behind the patrol, sporting a deep gash in her shoulder. panicked, ivystripe and turtlefur turned to help her to the medicine cat’s den as smoke’s rising continued. “although we’re generally alright, i’d like to suggest that only warriors are to go out of camp. always leave in pairs or more, as long as the threat lingers.”

olivebranch looked to his deputy as he watched his daughters escort ivoryfang away. worried and confused, he weaved his way through the crowd. “smoke’s rising,” he mewed softly. the black molly turned to him. his expression was filled with concern, and smoke’s rising wished she could wash it away. she knew how overprotective the old tom was of his daughters, and she couldn’t blame him for looking like such a nervous wreck. “are they alright?”

the deputy’s gaze softened. “they’re fine, olivebranch. don’t overwork yourself.” she purred with a tone of pity, which just caused olivebranch to knit his eyebrows together.

“ah, i’m fine. flurryheart and i were just patching up the dens.” he explained. as he tried to keep a conversation with his deputy, his gaze kept catching on the medicine cat’s den. “could i see them?” he asked, paws restless with sudden energy. smoke’s rising could barely nod her head before olivebranch was off.

“must’ve been scary out there, yeah?” sunnysprout made smalltalk as she sniffed out her pile of chamomile. ivoryfang had already been fitted with a treatment of comfrey and cobweb bandaging, but she could barely move due to the pain shooting through her shoulder.

the molly nodded slowly, looking to the medicine cat. sunnysprout presented a leafy dish of chamomile and feverfew for ivoryfang. she left the warrior alone as she consulted ivystripe and turtlefur near the entrance of the den.

ivystripe seemed the most concerned about her senior warrior, eyes drifting to the ground. “turtlefur and i could’ve kept that eagle grounded if we had just leapt on it.” she remarked to sunnysprout, who hushed her.

“it was neither of your faults.” she mewed, ear pricking as ivoryfang put in her two cents.

the cream molly shifted to look to her two warriors. “don’t be harsh on yourselves.” the bags under her eyes were apparent as the sun shone through the leafy bramble ceiling. ivoryfang was a strong and respected warrior; seeing her so beat down just terrified ivystripe.

“i’m sorry, ivoryfang.” her gaze was drilled into the ground now; sunnysprout brought her muzzle up with a nudge of her cheek. the medicine cat’s smile put her at ease, although she knew she would regret this patrol for weeks to come.

[new cats]

[ patrols ]
↳ hunt: mousecurl, dawntuft, crow's frost, cricketcall, tansybloom, duskwillow
↳ hunt: mudspots, ivoryfang, boulderfoot, applenose, barknose, ivystripe

↳ border: admonium, brindleclaw, brookrunner, goosecloud, turtlefur, antheart
↳ border: shellskip, lionwatcher, oakstem, woodfern, kumonryu, cicadaflutter
no new cats

↳ herbs: bumbletail, poppyleaf, sunnysprout, bea

[ training ]

olivepaw, mallowpaw, mintpaw, amare, sanura
( hunting, swimming )

[ assessments & ceremonies ]
the following apprentices attempt their warrior assessment. if passed, they will recieve the warrior name that follows.
beechpaw / beechstripe
foxpaw / foxwhisker
minkpaw / minktuft
rowanpaw / rowanclaw
marigoldpaw / marigoldstripe
cinnamonpaw / cinnamonpelt
cardinalpaw / cardinalwing

[ kitting ]

[ deaths & injuries ]

[ used herbs ]

[ other ]
applenose and mudspots try for kits. (needs to be pregnant for plotline into ame's clan)
willowtail and goosecloud try for kits.

amberclan takes a moon to consider their options on returning home.

the following cats leave for reasons unknown:

jasper and beetlekit leave to join gali's fireclan.
swan finds a new home in inky.'s vineclan.
cinnamonpaw finds a new home in night's marshclan.

[the clan consumes x11 vole.]

          ferretstar | 72m | tom | x
          lives: ★★★★

          swan | 51m | tom | x

          smoke's rising | 73m | molly | x

          medicine cat:
          bumbletail | 81m | tom | x
          bea | 77m | molly | x
          poppyleaf | 48m | molly | x
          sunnysprout | 19m | molly | x

          ⇁ patients

          senior warriors:
          orchidstep | 76m | she-cat |x
          kumonryu | 73m | tom | x
          cicadaflutter | 76m | she-cat | x
          dawntuft | 80m | she-cat | x
          brandy | 73m | molly | x

          goosecloud | 52m | tom | x
          boulderfoot | 52m | tom | x
          shellskip | 52m | tom | x
          lionwatcher | 48m | molly | x
          brookrunner | 48m | molly | x
          brindleclaw | 48m | tom | x
          admonium | 59m | tom | x
          demelza | 59m | molly | x
          ivystripe | 42m | molly | x
          turtlefur | 42m | molly | x
          mousecurl | 39m | molly | x
          rabbitclaw | 37m | tom | x
          jasper | 33m | tom | x
          mudspots | 62m | tom | x
          cricketcall | 29m | tom | x
          antheart | 42m | tom | x
          duskwillow | 37m | tom | x
          tansybloom | 26m | molly | x
          barknose | 23m | tom | x
          oakstem | 29m | tom | x
          applenose | 54m | molly | x
          locustwing | 17m | molly | x
          mapleheart | 17m | tom | x
          crow's frost | 46m | tom | x
          ivoryfang | 48m | molly | x
          fenneltuft | 55m | molly | x
          willowtail | 55m | molly | x

          disabled warriors who cannot meet the daily quota
          of hunting and patrolling. instead, they learn about
          herbs, help kitting, and do other daily clan tasks.

          flurryheart | 44m | molly | x
          woodfern | 28m | molly | x
          olivebranch | 73m | tom | x


          beechpaw | 12m | tom | x
          foxpaw | 12m | molly | x
          minkpaw | 12m | molly | x
          rowanpaw | 12m | tom | x
          marigoldpaw | 12m | molly | x
          mothpaw | 12m | molly | x
          pearpaw | 12m | tom | x
          cinnamonpaw | 12m | trans-tom | x
          cardinalpaw | 12m | tom | x
          mallowpaw | 8m | molly | x
          mintpaw | 8m | tom | x
          olivepaw | 8m | tom | x
          amare | 8m | tom | x
          sanura | 8m | molly | x
          pebblepaw | 7m | molly | x
          wolfpaw | 7m | tom | x

          kings & queens:


          fostered kits:
          beetlekit | 2m | molly | x

          sarafina | 1m | molly | x
          beka | 1m | molly | x
          kirabo | 1m | tom | x

          falconwatcher | 118m | tom | x
          dogtooth | 89m | molly | x
          ale | 93m | tom | x
          lilystripe | 92m | molly | x

    medicine store
    borage leaves | produces milk, helps fever | x4
    catmint | greencough remedy | x6
    chervil | infected wounds, bellyaches, kitting | x1
    cobwebs | bandage | x1
    goldenrod | healing wounds | x2 x0
    watermint | bellyache remedy | x5
    goatweed | eases anxiety, grief | x1
    lavender | fever and chill remedy | x1
    poppy seeds | eases pain, helps sleep, soothes shock | x6
    broom | poultice for broken limbs and wounds | x3
    tansy | cures coughs, wounds and poisons. | x3
    chervil | infected wounds, bellyaches | x1
    oak leaves | stops infection from setting in | x1
    thyme | calms anxiety, shock, stress | x2
    yarrow | extracts poison, causes vomitting | x2
    marigold | stops infection and bleeding | x4
    juniper berries | calms, soothes aches | x1
    comfrey | eases stiffness, broken joints | x2
    sweetsedge | eases infection | x3
    cob nuts | x2
    heather nectar | x3
    alder bark | x2
    dandelion | x1
    hawk/chickweed | x4
    mouse bile | x5
    blackberry | x2
    lambs ear | x2
    rush | x2
    parsley | x1
    garlic | x1
    nettle | x1
    chamomile | x2
    mallow | x3
    ragwort | x3
    rosemary | x2
    horsetail | x4
    bindweed | x1
    willow bark | x2
    burdock | x2
    daisy leaf | x1
    lovage | x2
    mint | x3
    oak leaf | x3
    foxglove seeds | x1
    juniper | x1
    elder leaf | x0
    raspberry leaf | x1
    dock | x3
    catchweed | x1
    ivy leaf | x2
    stick | x3
    honey | x1
    celadine | x4
    willow leaves | x2
    colt's foot | x4
    bright-eye | x1
    beech | x1
    blazing star | x1

    fresh-kill pile:
    mouse | x23 | 1 servings
    vole |x12 x1 | 1 servings
    squirrel | x13 | 2 servings
    rabbit | x21 | 2 servings
    small fish | x5 | 2 servings
    big fish | x2 | 3 servings

    update soon dude

    deceased cats:
    larkstream | greencough
    patch | greencough poisoned
    almondflower & unnamed kit | birthing complications
    otterstripe | drowned
    blackpatch | poisoned
    rattlepaw, viperpaw | drowning
    lilypaw | fox attack
    squirreltuft | greencough
    dovewatcher | frostbite & greencough
    dragonfly | childbirth
    coppertooth | patrol attack
    chestnut | patrol attack
    thriftkit, redkit, beetlekit | kitcough
    hollykit | full paralysis

    orchidstep & father | goosecloud, boulderfoot, mist, shellskip
    dawntuft & father | poppyleaf, ivoryfang, lionwatcher
    tigerspring & father | brookrunner, brindleclaw, sheepheart
    owlbloom & lightningstripe | otterstripe, nettleflower, mintfur
    cicadaflutter & ferretfur | locustpaw
    brandy & olivebranch | ivystripe, turtlefur
    newtberry & starling | stormpaw, flypaw
    willowtail & goosecloud | petalpaw, valerianpaw, minnowpaw
    flurryheart & brindleclaw | maplepaw, peachpaw (adopted)
    pigeonfoot & unnamed father | tansybloom, lilypaw
    almondflower & sunpeak | dippertuft, cottonleaf, juniperclaw, sagefur, fawntail
    demelza & admonium | millie, beau, jasper, freya, adanya
    sootstar & rivergum |rattlepaw, viperpaw
    adanya & cricketcall | amare, sanura
    bea & bumbletail | mallowkit, mintkit, olivekit, hollykit
    dragonfly & antheart | foxkit, minkkit, marigoldkit, rowankit, beekit
    applenose & mudspots | beetlekit, mothkit, redkit, cloverkit, thriftkit
    adanya & duskwillow | beka, sarafina, kirabo
Last edited by faerie; on Mon Apr 08, 2019 7:41 am, edited 4 times in total.
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◉ Kat's Replies ◉ ⅠⅠⅠ-ⅩⅩⅪ-ⅯⅯⅩⅨ | 03-31-19

Postby Katrione » Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:57 am

- W E A T H E R -
      Greenleaf- A young apprentice crouched in the middle of a large dip in the ground, their eyes wide in alarm as they looked around and realized the dip was where the river had been several days before. They had noticed recently that the river was going lower but they didn't think the river would disappear, leaving only tiny puddles and dying fish behind. Dogs will be sighted in the territories much more since the Twolegs seem to enjoy spending time outside during the hot moons. It seems that Greenleaf has reached it's peak and it'll be a hard time for the Clans until the cool winds of Leaf-fall come again.
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── - M O DN O T E S -
      •If you would like to join our Discord, please PM me or one of the mods for an invite link.

      •A member suggested to use this thread for more herb options. If a herb you don't recognize from the official herb list is given to you, please go here or message me for help!
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── - M A I NC L A N S -

- S E C O N DC L A N S -
inky. wrote:

► Tawnystar patrols

► Tawnystar hunts

solyn wrote:

✦ servings consumed
13/13 - x10 mice and x1 bird
✦ clan events
thunderspark and juniperstorm are on rest for 2 moons after encountering the dog
mousestone's patrol returns from echoclan
dusklight and dawnblossom teach emberpaw and hazelpaw advanced battle
adderstorm & harepuddle teach oakpaw and quailpaw stalking
spidernose and goldleaf search for herbs
✦ patrols
hunting -
1 - shadowtail, dustfang, harrierstreak, falconpaw, longriver, burrcall
2 - hawkthorn, squirrelwhisker, avocetnose, ternflutter, sandcatcher, cormorantpath
3 - roseclaw, pinefeather, willowthroat, grouseclaw, meadowfang, burningcloud
4 - sootface, fawnrunner, mistcreek, deerstripe, midnightstream, ripplemist
border -
1 - flintburr, kererucall, sedgefire, wolverinejaw, cinderpaw, elkbounce

      [ Emberpaw and Hazelpaw learned the Advanced Battle skill ]
      [ Oakpaw and Quailpaw learned the Stalk skill ]
      [ Spidernose and Goldleaf gathered feverfew, goatweed, hawkweed and heather nectar ]
      [ Shadowtail's patrol caught three mice ]
      [ Hawkthorn's patrol caught three mice ]
      [ Roseclaw's patrol caught a mouse, a bird and a squirrel ]
      [ Sootface's patrol caught a mouse, a bird and a rabbit ]
      [ Flintburr's patrol caught scent of a young queen and her litter ]
Kazin wrote:

New cats/rank up:
--> Owlpaw tries again at her warrior assessment. If she passes, her warrior name will be Owltalon.
--> Hailpaw tries his warrior assessment. If he passes, his warrior name will be Hailstep.

--> Birchstorm, Argentfang, Ferretclaw, Hollyfoot, and Bramblepond patrol.
--> Nightfrost, Daisypatch, Thymetail, Darkthunder, Honeyflame, and Emberthorn hunt.
--> Asterlight, Appleclaw, Ashbreeze, and Rivergaze hunt.

--> Rainpaw, Minkpaw, and Martenpaw train in hunting with Scorchstar and Snowflower.
--> Dunepaw trains in fighting with Deerleg.
--> Sorrelpaw trains in tracking with Cindersong.

--> Cindersong and Rabbitmask wish to try for kits.

--> ShiningClan consumes 2 rabbits and a squirrel [8 servings].
--> Sootstripe has been declared missing - his body was found by Cricketheart not long after. He appears to have been murdered, presumably by a cat in Shiningclan.

      [ Starclan weeps as a new star joins their skies. Sootstripe will be well looked after ]
      [ Owlpaw and Hailpaw both passed their final assessments! ]
      [ Owlpaw and Hailpaw are now warriors: Owltalon and Hailstep! ]
      [ Birchstorm's patrol found a warrior ]
      [ Nightfrost's patrol caught three birds ]
      [ Asterlight's patrol managed to catch two fish ]
      [ Rainpaw, Minkpaw and Martenpaw learned the Hunt skill ]
      [ Dunepaw learned the Fight skill ]
      [ Sorrelpaw learned the Track skill ]
      [ Cindersong is expecting kits! They're due in two moons ]
Yukon_ wrote:

【Moons Action】

[New Arrivals]
↪ Minnowstripe, Cottonkit, Silk-kit, Dapplesplash, Stormclaw,
Astershadow, Mountainpaw, Ridgepaw.
↪ Proof for Dapple and Storm: link
↪ Proof for Aster, Mountain, Ridge: link

↪ WaspStar, GlacierShadow, Beesting, RiverSpray, Leto, and Six-claws hunt.
↪ Astershadow, Dapplesplash, Apollo, Persephone, and Mountainpaw hunt.
↪ WillowTuft, Fennelwhisker, GrayCloud, LilacSong, Stormclaw, and Alois patrol.
↪ Minnowstripe, Ares, Artemis, and Ridgepaw patrol.
↪ QuailScratch and BurnetPaw search for herbs.

↪ Waspstar requests

[Rank changes]
↪ Clearpaw takes his assessment, if he passes he shall be known as Cleargaze.
↪ All the 6 moon old kits become apprentices!
↪ Leto goes back to a subject.

↪ BurnetPaw trains for basic
↪ All the new apprentices
train for hunting.

↪ Beesting and Graycloud become mates.
They don't get a surrogate.

↪ Nobleclan a stoat and a mountain hare.

      [ Waspstar's patrol caught three common minnows ]
      [ Astershadow's patrol caught two red squirrels ]
      [ Willowtuft's patrol found a guard ]
      [ Minnowstripe's patrol found a guard ]
      [ Quailscratch and Burnetpaw gathered broom, burdock root and burnet ]
      [ Sadly, Clearpaw didn't pass their final assessment. They will need to wait until next moon to retake the assessment ]
      [ Apollo, Persephone, Ares and Artemis are now students! ]
      [ Burnetpaw learned the Basic Hunt skill ]
      [ Mod Notes: New apprentices can't learn a skill in the same post they become an apprentice ]
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Hazilnut's Sub Replies | 03-31-19 | March 31st, 2019

Postby Katrione » Mon Apr 01, 2019 12:27 pm

k a e d e wrote:

VenomStar takes the eggs.
Loudbreeze goes looking for a medicine cat/apprentice
VenomStar goes looking for a queen/warrior
The clan chooses six prey. this consists of
Small Fish
Another two mice
a frog
and two minnows

      [ Today must be Loudbreeze's lucky day. The she-cat doesn't have to search long before she finds a medicine cat ]
      [ Please pick five herbs from here to start off your medicine store ]
      [ Venomstar found a young warrior while on patrol ]
      [ Mod Notes: For future posts, you can't request specific cats/ranks outside of Moonpool visits ]
Dinolil1 wrote:

Border Patrol - Stormflower, Honeynose and Burdockfoot.
Border Patrol - Dawnpool, Swallowstorm and Copperberry.
Hunting Patrol - Ratwhisker, Owlgaze and Lichenface.
Hunting Patrol - Starlingtail, Adderleap and Slatenose.
Herb Patrol - Lampreypelt, Smallwhisker and Trouttail.
Training - Pearpaw, Plumpaw, Newtpaw, Mallowpaw, Teaselpaw, Thistlepaw, Eveningpaw and Firpaw.

      [ Stormflower's patrol found a warrior ]
      [ Dawnpool's patrol found nothing important ]
      [ Ratwhisker's patrol caught a pigeon ]
      [ Starlingtail's patrol caught a squirrel ]
      [ The medicine cats gathered alder bark, beech leaves and bindweed ]
      [ Mallowpaw learned the Climb skill ]
      [ Newtpaw, Plumpaw, Pearpaw, Firpaw, Eveningpaw, Thistlepaw and Teaselpaw learned the Fight skill ]
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Postby our promise. » Mon Apr 01, 2019 1:07 pm

Number of Cats: 4

loudbreeze stopped dead as she spotted a small, fluffy tom scrounging around the territory of spiderclan. she crouched, before pouncing out and tackling down the tom, fur bristling, before stopping as the tom helplessly squirmed.
"who are you, tom?"
"my name is crowpelt," the tom gasped as loudbreeze backed away, sitting on her haunches. "for my fluffed up pelt. i'm a medicine cat, or at least that's what i think you clan cats call them."
"you have disgust in your voice."
crowpelt sighed, rolling his eyes. "i'm aware," he meowed, getting to his paws. "clan cats did not treat me fairly."
as the tom slid away from loudbreeze, the deputy stared at him thoughtfully. "we can change that," she meowed quickly, pouncing towards crowpelt, and padding circles around him. "venomstar is kind, and would treat you well," she began, "and the rest of us as well, we really, really need you."
crowpelt froze, turning his head to meet loudbreeze's gaze. his head then drooped and loudbreeze laughed in success, and the two cats turned and padded back
crowpelt is the new medicine cat of spiderclan

venomstar's head sprung up as a young tom worked beside her. she stared and watched as loudbreeze entered with a strange tom.
"venomstar," loudbreeze purred, "crowpelt is a healer, a medicine cat. for us!"
"glad!" the leader rushed over, staring at a surprised tom. "and you two are just in time, i've found a warrior to appoint us."
"nightpatch," the tom who was beside her padded up to the three, "a pleasure."
"we're sure," loudbreeze meowed, grinning. she then turned her head and stared venomstar right in the eye as the molly ordered the two away. "can we trust these cats?"
"you're such a mouse-brain."
"a spider-brain, i'm smart," loudbreeze meowed deeply, before turning to watch nightpatch and crowpelt.
"you can take nightpatch on a hunting patrol then."
"and crowpelt?"
"crowpelt looks too old to betray us," venomstar reassured, dragging her tail across loudbreeze's pelt. "nightpatch! go on a hunting patrol with our deputy loudbreeze, please."
nightpatch rushed over, purring, but stopped as his stomach grumbled. "uh."
"crowpelt!" venomstar called to the tom who was placing down a leaf of herbs. "we're having a clan eat."
"great," crowpelt meowed tired, and the four sat together, eating, before loudbreeze and nightpatch set off to hunt.

(I'll try and remember!)
the clan eats (1) small fish
crowpelt has these herbs with him:
blackberry leaf
borage leaf

loudbreeze and nightpatch go on a hunting patrol
(for note look at the prey i already have, including fish

          venomstar | fifty-one moons | molly | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          loudbreeze | twenty-nine moons | molly | X

          Medicine Cat:
          crowpelt | fifty-nine moons | tom | X

          nightpatch | nineteen moons | tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | VineClan | inky.
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | DuskClan | avenoir.
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    bindweed | x1 | Helps bind sticks together/can help mend a broken leg and keep it in-place
    blackberry leaves | x1 | These leaves are chewed into a pulp/Mixed into a poultice to ease the pain of bee stings
    cobwebs | x1 | helps protect wounds
    borage leaves | x2 | It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers. Helps sooth bad bellies and relieves tight chests

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x3 | 1 servings
    Egg | x3 | 1 servings
    Minnow | x2 | 1 servings
    Frog | x1 | 1 servings
    Small fish | x0 | 1 servings
    Large Fish | x1 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by our promise. on Sat Apr 06, 2019 4:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Winter Solstice's Sub Replies | 04-01-19 | April 1st, 2019

Postby Katrione » Mon Apr 01, 2019 1:28 pm

sharpiesandhamilton wrote:
(( welcomes ;; ➵ jaggedclan welcomes eveningpounce [ left ] and kestrelcloud as warriors.
➵ jaggedclan welcomes sagetalon as a warrior.

hunting ;; ➵ mountainsong, witherthorn, and cherrystep hunt.
➵ sagetalon, eveningpounce, and egretmuzzle hunt.

patrols ;; ➵ frostfall, kestrelcloud, ospreycloud, and summitstar check out the fox scent.
➵ cinderflame, sunstreak, ravenpaw, and shadowflame patrol.

herb searching ;; ➵ none this moon.

kittings ;; ➵ none this moon.

new mates ;; ➵ sunstreak asks egretmuzzle to be his mate but they do not wish to try for kits.
➵ frostfall asks mountainsong to be his mate but they do not wish to try for kits.

new ranks ;; ➵ featherkit is six moons old and is now ready to become an apprentice. summitstar would like her to be apprenticed to witherthorn.

training ;; ➵ sunstreak trains ravenpaw in climbing.

assessments ;; ➵ none this moon.

requests ;; ➵ none this moon.

consumes ;; ➵ jaggedclan consumes two hares and one mouse.

notes for mod ;; ➵ none this moon. ))

      [ Mountainsong's patrol caught a mountain bird ]
      [ Sagetalon's patrol caught a shrew ]
      [ Frostfall's patrol tracked the fox scent trail until their northern border. The patrol can either cross the border to make sure the fox is fully gone or they can leave it be and hope the fox doesn't return ]
      [ Cinderflame's patrol found two warrior-aged littermates ]
      [ Featherkit is now an apprentice: Featherpaw! ]
spasticjazzhands wrote:

The Clan consumes three mice and one vole (7 servings).
Wolfclaw, Ruststripe, Toadsplash, Claystream, Sagefeather, and Birchwhisker hunt.
Briarwhisper, Stonefrost, Sunchaser, Rainsong, Valleyrunner, and Crowtalon hunt.
Windcall, Nightpelt, Flameleap, Honeytail, Graybelly, and Rushingflame hunt.

Neritefang, Minnowflash, and Starlingsky patrol.

Spottednose and Galalight hunt for herbs.

After sharing a vole after patrols, Wolfclaw and Sagefeather feel slightly ill and go to the medicine cat den.

All eligible apprentices train in Hunting.

Thunderpaw attempts his warrior assessment! If he passes, he shall be called Thundercry.
Willowpaw attempts her warrior assessment! If she passes, she shall be called Willowbranch.
Goosepaw attempts his warrior assessment! If he passes, he shall be called Goosedawn.
Maplepaw attempts her warrior assessment! If she passes, she shall be called Maplebreeze.
Stormpaw attempts his warrior assessment! If he passes, he shall be called Stormheart.

Silverstem goes into labor! Spottednose and Galalight assist. Wolfclaw is the father.

Minnowflash, Graybelly, and Windcall join from WhisperClan!

Next moon, I think Wolfclaw and Sagefeather will die just an FYI... : )

      [ Wolfclaw's patrol caught three magpies ]
      [ Briarwhisper's patrol caught two thrushes and a shrew ]
      [ Windcall's patrol caught two mice and a shrew ]
      [ Neritefang's patrol found a warrior ]
      [ Spottednose and Galalight gathered broom, burdock root and celandine ]
      [ Thunderpaw, Willowpaw, Goosepaw, Maplepaw and Stormpaw all passed their final assessments! ]
      [ Thunderpaw, Willowpaw, Goosepaw, Maplepaw and Stormpaw are now warriors: Thundercry, Willowbranch, Goosedawn, Maplebreeze and Stormheart! ]
      [ Silverstem gave birth to five kits! ( one ) ( two ) ( three ) ( four ) ( five ) Without Spottednose and Galaflight's help, Silverstem and her whole litter would've passed away ]
honey--bee wrote:

xxxxxxxxmoonstone: settingstar asks for a warrior
xxxxxxxxfood: LakeClan consumes 2 thrush and 2 mice for 8 servings
xxxxxxxxpatrols: hunting:
settingstar, firetail, whitepuddle, stonepaw, tansypatch and bluefire hunt at the lake
willowfrost, sorrelrose, coppernose, pigeonbelly, dapplepaw and canarysong hunt in the forest
wolfwatcher, rookclaw, bearshadow and juniperspot hunt at the river
border: xx

olivepaw, russetpaw, dapplepaw, mintpaw and thistlepaw train.
xxxxxxxxcamp life: lakeclan welcomes wolfwatcher, juniperspot, bearshadow and willowfrost. leopardpaw goes through his final warrior assessment, after moons of training and resting in the medicine den.
xxxxxxxxextra: xx

      [ Starclan grants Settingstar's request and sends Lakeclan a warrior ]
      [ Settingstar's patrol caught three waterfowls ]
      [ Willowfrost's patrol caught three thrushes ]
      [ Wolfwatcher's patrol caught two voles ]
      [ Olivepaw, Russetpaw, Dapplepaw learned the Climb skill ]
      [ Mintpaw and Thistlepaw learned the Fight skill ]
      [ Leopardpaw passed his final assessment! ]
~Glaceon~ wrote:
Larch's Advance

[Aurorapond, Tortoisecreek, Jaypaw, Bluepaw and Cloverpaw join from WhisperClan.]
[Sunflower, Copper, Wavecall, Night Breeze, Rainwing and Pumpkin patrol, keeping an eye on the movements of the badger]
[Simon, Meadow, Silver Sun, Dogbite and Bramblespirit hunt]
[Wavecall and Beepaw train: Fishing]
[Jaypaw and Meadow train: Climbing]
[Bluepaw and Night Breeze train: Climbing]
[Cloverpaw and Bramblespirit train: Climbing]
[Realising the incompetence of his leader's fighting skills, Flame trains with Simon to improve his understanding of battle]
[Flame also helps the clan to train to fight against the badger, the clan will attack it next moon. Meanwhile, a guard is placed by the camp entrance to protect the camp in case the badger dares to go to the camp]
[Copper and Pumpkin become mates!]
[Birdsong and Cedar are granted rest, along with 1x Dock Leaves to help with Cedar's scratches. While in camp, they make sure to recover, but also help with den repairs.]
[Tipwhisker, Birdsong and Silver Sun search for herbs that will help with injuries after driving out the badger]
[Larch's Advance consumes 5 servings]

      [ Simon's patrol caught three voles ]
      [ Beepaw learned the Fish skill ]
      [ Jaypaw, Bluepaw and Cloverpaw learned the Climb skill ]
      [ Copper is expecting kits! They are due in two moons ]
      [ The medicine cats gathered horsetail, marigold and dried oak leaves ]
      [ Mod Notes: I didn't reply to the parts referring to the badgers since I don't know what you and Winter have planned with this plot ]
DiamondDogg wrote:

{With the kits weened, Snowstar visits the Starpool and asks for a permanent queen}
{Swiftwind attempts to teach Snowpaw hunting and fighting I. Swiftwind notices that Snowpaw isn't great at fighting}
{Applegaze, Blackdash, and Turtlepatch hunt near the Training Trees (sandy clearing surrounded by large oaks)}
{Autumngaze and Slatepelt hunt near the river}

Mod Notes: If possible, can Snowpaw's chance for learning fighting be lower by a percent or two?

XXXXX-Hunting- [Applegaze, Blackdash, Turtlepatch] [Autumngaze, Slatepelt]
XXXXX-Border- [N/A]
XXXXX-Herb Gathering- [N/A]
XXXXXSwiftwind, Snowpaw - Hunting, Fighting I

      [ Starclan grants Snowstar's request and sends Silverclan a permanent queen. Luckily, this she-cat seems to be heavily pregnant and will give birth in one moon ]
      [ Snowpaw easily learns the Hunt skill ]
      [ Applegaze's patrol caught a large bird ]
      [ Autumngaze's patrol caught two mice ]
Last edited by Katrione on Thu Apr 04, 2019 11:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby inky. » Mon Apr 01, 2019 1:30 pm

population three xxx servings fasting moon 2 xxx star visit whenever xxx kittings n/a xxx to find Petalsong, Briarflame
tawnystar watched as the two new members of vineclan walked past the rubble
and into the clear-ish space of camp. tawnystar dropped from her perch on the top of her den to greet
them "hey you two!" she purred "how did it go?".
nightleaf shifted and gave an embarrassed chuckle. "w-well, i think we're both
trying to get used to the territory. you gave an amazing tour but it'll take time."
she explained.
tawnystar giggled and nodded. "to be honest, it would be kind of odd if you got it right
she smiled at the two "how about we go out together in a bit. before that,
though, why don't we go lounge in the sun."
nodded enthusiastically and the three found a nice, warm spot and spent a while talking and laughing.

patrol tawnystar, nighleaf, gorsepaw xx hunt tawnystar, nightleaf xx training gorsepaw (hunting) xx herbs n/a
allies clan, user xi clan, user xi clan, user xxx enemies clan, user xi clan, user xi clan, user
borders n﹥ clan, user xxx e﹥ clan, user xxx s﹥ spiderclan, kaede xxx w﹥ clan, user

food x0 mouse, 1 serving xi x0 shrew, 1 serving xi x0 rabbit, 2 serving xi
x0 squirrel, 2 serving xi x0 hare, 3 serving xi x1 bird, 3 serving
medicine x0 herb xi x0 herb xi x0 herb xi x0 herb xi x0 herb xi x0 herb xi x0 herb xi x0 herb xi

𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐢 tawnystar, 34m, ♀
𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐢 t★★★★★★★★★

𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 name, age, ♀♂

𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐥 name, age, ♀♂
𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐥 name, age, ♀♂

𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜 name, age, ♀♂

𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 nightleaf, 23m, ♀
𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 name, age, ♀♂
𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 name, age, ♀♂

𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 gorsepaw, 9m, ♂
𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 name, age, ♀♂

𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬 name, age, ♀♂
𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬 name, age, ♀♂

𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐬 name, age, ♀♂
𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐬 name, age, ♀♂

𝐞𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 name, age, ♀♂
𝐞𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 name, age, ♀♂
Last edited by inky. on Mon Apr 01, 2019 2:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[ clan replies ] [ 020 ]

Postby deimido » Mon Apr 01, 2019 1:31 pm

    terraclan, lagoonclan, hazeclan, eanakhclan, kwamiclan,
    snakeclan, rainclan, evanora's reach, glassclan, dewclan
    gatorclan, strikersclan
    owlclan, hickoryclan, northernclan, the neighborhood

    the territories are in full bloom and prey
    is running rampant, making them an easy
    catch. queens and kits will be much more
    likely to survive during birth and new cat
    s are still likely to be found. however, the
    chance for drought and dehydration is hig
    her and predators, while unlikely, are mo
    re dangerous than ever due to the abund
    ant resources.

    descriptor © simon | coding © w0ah


    toadlegs's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 rabbit.
    ↪ +1 stoat.


    emberflight's patrol encountered . .
    ↪ nothing of note!


    twistedcloud returns with . .
    ↪ +1 sweet-sedge.
    ↪ +1 deadly nightshade.


    no training this moon!

      mod notes
      ↪ your apprentices have not undergone any training sessions and have therefore learned 0 skills. they will not learn anything unless they're
      taken out to train, which should be listed along with the rest of your clan's actions.


    banshee's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 squirrel.
    ↪ +1 bird.
    ↪ +1 mouse.

    finchfeather's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 bird.
    ↪ +1 rabbit.
    ↪ +1 shrew.

    beewing's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 stoat.
    ↪ +1 bird.

    rosethorn's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 bird.
    ↪ +1 stoat.


    pumpkin's patrol encountered . .
    ↪ a warrior.

    foxfire's patrol encountered . .
    ↪ nothing of note!

    sedgeling's patrol encountered . .
    ↪ a spiky bush! injuries listed

    sparkfire's patrol encountered . .
    ↪ an apprentice.


    the med. cats return with . .
    ↪ +2 fennel.
    ↪ +1 dried oak leaf.


    the apps. learned . .
    apple > healing procedures.
    skull > stalking.
    hornet > hunting.
    cypress > defense.
    sycamore > hunting.
    light > defense.
    patch > stalking.
    butterfly > hunting.
    flicker > stalking.
    flash > offense.
    cinnamon > nothing..
    splash > nothing..

      warrior ceremonies
      ↪ hazeclan has four new warriors; mudshade, chestnutblaze, flarefeather, and faintcloud!

      apprentice ceremonies
      ↪ hazeclan has four new apprentices; magpiepaw, jaypaw, beetlepaw, and peridotpaw!

      ↪ elmbranch, against her better judgement, charged through a bramble patch in an attempt to catch a squirrel. the spikes clawed into her skin, and
      she came back with nothing but complaints of injury. she'll need +1 wintergreen.

      mod notes
      ↪ flare and faint will need new images! their old ones broke.
      ↪ i noticed you didn't have suffixes listed so i gave them their own! you're free to choose whatever names you wish if you
      had some in mind!


    pinefeather's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 mice.
    ↪ +1 hare.


    leafthorn's patrol encountered . .
    ↪ a guardian & a councilor.


    the med. cats found . .
    ↪ water hemlock patch. *


    the apps. learned . .
    mintpaw > patrolling.
    skuapaw > hunting.

      trying for kits
      ↪ peonyplant has announced that she and hornetwing are expecting their first litter! she'll be due in two moons.

      gathering *
      boulderwhip and aloeshade successfully tore the water hemlock patch apart. there will be no risk of finding water hemlock for the
      remainder of greenleaf, and for a majority of leaf-fall.

      mod notes
      ↪ don't forgot to give ironclaw an age in the next post!


    wispstar's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 bird.


    no patrolling this moon!


    thymewing gathered . .
    ↪ +1 horsetail.
    ↪ +1 dock.


    no training this moon!

      mod notes
      ↪ please list six types of prey that your clan catches, so that i know what to give you!


    hollyfeather's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 rabbit.
    ↪ +1 bird.

    brackenstrike's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +3 voles.
    ↪ +1 small fish.


    thunderjaw's patrol encountered . .
    ↪ nothing of note. it's almost eerily
    quiet, especially after today.


    poppywish returns with . .
    ↪ +2 chervil.


    the apps. learned . .
    whisper > swimming.
    gale > swimming.

      ↪ sleetstar has given birth to a litter of two! one tom and one molly.

      ↪ one of thunderjaw's wounds is getting infected, he'll need +1 chervil.
      ↪ with the battle over, midnightblaze has become aware of just how tired and sore it left him. he'll need two moons of rest to get back on
      his feet.
      ↪ while brackenstrike, hollyfeather, summitsky, and hawkeyes have sustained injuries, poppywish deems them fit and healthy, they'll all just
      need to ensure that they keep their wounds clean.

      ↪ poppywish tried all he possibly could for the young apprentice, but galepaw's wounds proved to great for medicine to heal. the spirits of
      starclan welcome her to their hunting grounds...
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strikersclan five

Postby Lokisaurus » Mon Apr 01, 2019 2:50 pm

number of cats [ 07 ] servings needed [ 03 ]

cypressjaw, wispstar and frogjumper go hunting
three cats from waveclan approach strikersclan's borders
wispstar allows them to join
wispstar, blazestar and thymewing go to the moonpool
(no cat is necessary, unless you wanna roll/gimme a catto)
blazestar becomes co-leader
brindlepaw becomes cypressjaw's apprentice
wispstar goes on patrol with blazestar
wispstar and blazestar become mates
frogjumper and panthersnap go hunting
cypressjaw trains with brindlepaw
thymewing searches for herbs
the clan consumes x1 blackbird

Wispstar's tail was flicking to-and-fro - she was annoyed. Cypressjaw moved to her shoulder, his ears pinned against his head.
His leader was staring at the small family with narrowed eyes, her fur bristling. He could see that she found them to be trespassers, threats. Two of the cats clearly saw this, and the larger of the two had her tail wrapped around the other. The more confident one, a ginger and white tabby tom, simply stepped forward - challenging Wispstar directly.

"My name is Blazestar, formerly of WaveClan. My territory has become uninhabitable, so my clan has been forced to seek new homes. We ask for asylum among your ranks."

Wispstar snorted. "If StarClan willed your clan to be dispersed, perhaps you should not be using a leader's name." Her gaze turned to the two she-cats. Cypressjaw saw her gaze soften. "Are they the only ones you mean to bring with you?" She rasped at the other leader. He nodded.

"My mate and daughter, Panthersnap and Brindlepaw."

Cypressjaw felt Frogjumper approach his side. The lanky tom scuffled a bit, and they both held a breath while Wispstar contemplated the strangers' plea. Her ears twitched. Once. Twice. Then she huffed and turned, gesturing for the three to follow her.

"Alright. I will allow you to join us. Come. I will have my medicine cat examine you before you get settled in."


Panthersnap fell in step with Blazestar, her eyes focused on Brindlepaw, who had decided to sprint ahead to talk to the biggest warrior of the bunch. She could feel her neck hairs standing on end. "I thought you had ended our relationship." She said stiffly.

Blazestar did not look at her. "It is easier to explain travelling with a mother and her kit if you have a personal investment in them."

Panthersnap hissed softly, careful not to alert the others. "Brindlepaw is not a kit. She would be a warrior by now if you were not so stubborn! She has proven herself to be capable, so very capable and -"

"And she did not finish her assessment, therefore, she will continue to be an apprentice, until she has actually proved herself."
Blazestar's whisper was as vicious as her own. He was so sure of himself, so very, very confident. Panthersnap wished she could tear his personality away as easily as she tore through brambles.

"I am glad that our daughter's future is not dependent on such a biased mind anymore." She growled. Blazestar opened his mouth to respond, but Panthersnap had already trotted ahead to join Brindlepaw in talking to Cypressjaw.


"Wispstar. May I speak with you?" Wispstar could pin-point Blazestar at the entrance of her den, despite the gloom. She blinked a few times. How late was it? Shouldn't this cat be fast asleep, happy that he had a nest to rest in? She shook the thought away and stood to accommodate the younger leader.

"Of course. What is so urgent that you had to wake me?"

Blazestar's eyes glinted in the dim moonlight. "StarClan came to me. They told me of old stories of your clan, how it was built upon two leaders' commitment to saving their clans by uniting together as one. I believe this vision was an omen."

Wispstar yawned. "Two she-cats and a mouse is not a clan, but I am glad that you gathered some old nursery tales to serenade me back to sleep."

Blazestar forced his fur to lie flat. It would take a bit more to convince this old rabbit-chaser than he thought. "Consider this then. We travel to the Moonpool. We ask your ancestors if they accept my proposal. If they do not, I renounce my given name and my lives to be a warrior."

Wispstar nodded absently. "Yes, yes. There is nothing wrong with asking, I suppose, and I have yet to bring Thymewing to the Moonpool. Get some rest. We leave at sun-high."


Wispstar gestured for the two cats to touch the shimmering water. Thymewing and Blazestar reached out, their noses barely touching the illuminated liquid. The leader watched as the two drifted into sleep, even though their ears stayed perked up, as if listening for their warrior ancestors. Content with the idea that Thymewing would report anything unusual, Wispstar took to guarding them while they slept. StarClan did not need her just yet.


Thymewing woke first. She sprang up from her crouching position, her green eyes wide. Wispstar turned, moving to soothe the younger cat. She rasped her tongue over the medicine cat’s ears.

“Did they frighten you?” She asked. Thymewing nodded.

“They were… incredible. They were made of star-light, and their eyes held secrets older than the trees themselves.”

Wispstar purred. “Did you see Blazestar within your dream?”

Thymewing shook her head. “A large tom told me that StrikersClan having two leaders would be the beginning of a new era. He warned me to be cautious, though. Fire is a light, and it burns us a path, but the path is often made in destruction and kindled by innocence.”

A shiver passed over the tortoiseshell. Both a blessing and a burden. Wispstar gazed at the still-slumbering form of Blazestar, her mind whirling. What awful things could he do to her clan if she gave him to power to do so? Would he destroy everything she had worked for? Was she wrong to judge him so harshly so soon?

She turned her gaze back to Thymewing. “What do you propose?”

“I think having another figure-head will keep StrikersClan a-float, especially since you have not chosen a deputy. And besides, he must be careful. StarClan stripped him of his extra lives, as his lives were a gift from WaveClan cats, to lead WaveClanners.”

Wispstar nodded as Blazestar began to stir. “Thank you, Thymewing. I believe that Blazestar will be a valuable asset to our clan -” She paused, and waited for Blazestar to stand next to her before continuing, “- as StrikersClan’s second leader.”


“Cats of the singing stars, please join me at the Gathering Bush.” Brindlepaw’s ears perked up as she heard the leader’s call, though it was… funny. She stifled a small giggle, though Cypressjaw and Frogjumper caught it.

“What’s so funny?” The larger of the two warriors asked. Brindlepaw flicked an ear.

“Nothing, really. It’s just… my dad just said ‘all cats old enough to swim.’ Why does she say ‘singing stars?’”

Frogjumper purred at the apprentice’s curiosity. “It’s just a StrikersClan thing. If you ever have some downtime, I would ask Wispstar herself. She tells the story way better than either of us.”
Brindlepaw nodded, and turned her gaze to Wispstar, who had opened her mouth to begin her announcements.

“I’m sure you have noticed our three newest members. Welcome, Panthersnap, Blazestar, and Brindlepaw. Panthersnap will be a wonderful addition to our warriors.”

Panthersnap drew a paw over her ear as the cats around her cheered in agreement. ‘Thank you.’ She mouthed to each of them.

“Brindlepaw, I am aware that your final assessment was postponed due to your clan’s disbandment. I’m afraid that I must pair you with a mentor until you learn to fight and hunt like a StrikersClan cat. Your mentor will be Cypressjaw. I will assess you myself in three moons’ time.”

Brindlepaw nodded. Beside her, Cypressjaw shuffled excitedly. The apprentice smiled - she was going to get her warrior name soon! As long as she put in some super effort to learn the territory and the prey, that was. Was there a stream within the borders?

Her train of thought was interrupted quickly, as Wispstar continued to speak.

“And Blazestar. StrikersClan has not had two leaders within its ranks for many seasons. Thymewing believes that this is an omen from StarClan. I will take you on as my co-leader. I pray that this new era of StrikersClan will please our ancestors.”

Blazestar looked positively smug. Brindlepaw glanced at her mother from across the small ring of cats. She looked furious, her claws scoring the earth. Brindlepaw gulped. She hoped her mother’s anger would subside after a while. It would be no fun living with her and Blazestar if they were just bickering all the time.


Blazestar let out a growl as yet another bit of prey got away from him. Wispstar had called it an ermine, but he was pretty sure that it was just annoyance incarnate. The older leader let out a small chuckle.

“You’ll get it.” She meowed assuredly. Blazestar wanted to box her ears. Of course he would get it, he was no kit! Instead, he plastered a smile onto his face and turned to meet her eye.

“To be completely honest, Wispstar, I am preoccupied by other thoughts at the moment.”

Wispstar narrowed her eyes. “Other thoughts?”

“Yes. I was informed by StarClan that the old StrikersClan leaders were mates, in order to fully unite the two clans by blood. Do you find the idea of renewing that tradition abhorrent?”

Blazestar watched as a series of emotions flickered on the she-cat’s face. Shock, suspicion, anger, guilt. Her expression eventually settled on wary.

“It is not against any of my beliefs, but what of Panthersnap? And Brindlepaw?”

Blazestar shook his head, putting on a sullen face. “My mate and I have unfortunately separated. She is very upset that I was not able to keep our clan together. Perhaps now I may have a second chance?”

Wispstar hesitated. One tail twitch. A second. “I..” She took in a breath. “I will accept your proposal, then, but this doesn’t halt your training. Let’s see if you can snag that blackbird up ahead.”


          Wispstar | 81 M | ♀️ | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★
          Blazestar | 51 M | ♂️ | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Thymewing | 30 M | ♀️ | X

          Cypressjaw | 36 M | ♂️ | X
          Frogjumper | 30 M | ♂️ | X
          Panthersnap | 47 M | ♀️ | X

          Brindlepaw | 12 M | ♀️ | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Blazestar + Panthersnap = Brindlepaw
          Name and Name | Kits
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Cobweb | x1
    Borage | x1
    Catmint | x1
    Marigold | x1
    Coltsfoot | x1
    Horsetail | x1
    Dock | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
    Field Mice | x0 | 1 servings
    Squirrels | x1 | 2 servings
    Blackbirds | x3 | 3 servings
    Ermines | x1 | 2 servings

    Cypressjaw | Brindlepaw | 3 | Fish, Swim, Hunting
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
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