Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Katrione » Sat Nov 25, 2017 12:30 pm

Leaf-Fall- The air has a slight nip to it, easily finding its way inside dens, so make sure to repair your dens and patch any cracks. The twolegs and their dogs won't come into the Clan territories as often as they do in greenleaf, but you will still see them from time to time. Foxes and badgers are now more commonly found, so be careful. Kitting will start to become harder during this time.


oceanz wrote:
from the moment maplestar woke up, she knew something was off. something just didn't feel right to her. the auburn colored cat looked down at her kits, cuddled up sleeping silently against her. she smiled softly and looked around, seeing that rowanclaw had already gotten up. it was nice being the only queen in the nursery at the time, rowanclaw was able to spend a lot of time with them. she wanted to speak to rowanclaw about her concerns, but she didn't want to wake the kits. maplestar cautiously began to get up, successfully not waking the kits, and made her way towards the entrance of the nursery. she peeked her head out and saw that just a few other members were awake. rowanclaw sat talking with their newest member, acornnose, mudslide was sorting his herbs as usual and dawnwing was basking in the sun with snowshoe. maplestar approached her mate and acornnose, waving her tail in greeting. "good morning you two.. I hope you both had a good nights rest." she purred, giving rowanclaw a quick nuzzle. rowanclaw purred back in response and nodded. acornnose gave her a bright smile, "oh yes. I slept great, it's easier to sleep when you know where your sleeping is safe." the young tom responded. maplestar smiled, "I'm glad you feel safe here acornnose." maplestar responded. "now that you're awake, I was thinking that maybe reedsong, acornnose, toadstool and I could patrol the south border.. this time of the season sometimes the foxes get too close on that side. we could go check and make sure everything is calm." rowanclaw suggested, giving maplestar an uncomfortable feeling. she was quiet a moment before slowly nodding, "alright.. how about after a hunting patrol though? I'll send out pearlstone, dawnwing and snowshoe for that, and please.. be careful." maplestar agreed, waving her tail at pearlstone who just emerged from the warriors den. "sounds good to me, I'll go check up on the kits while you speak to pearlstone then." rowanclaw ended, nodding goodbye to acornnose and nuzzling maplestar before making his way to the nursery. maplestar smiled at acornnose before padding over to greet pearlstone and discuss patrols with her. "I feel a little uneasy today.. so be careful when you're out hunting." maplestar ended, looking towards dawnwing and snowshoe. pearlstone smiled and set her tail gently on maplestar's shoulder, "when am I not careful dear maplestar." the deputy purred before padding over to the two warriors and leaving camp.
"alright everyone, let's head out.. and you heard maplestar, we have to be careful." rowanclaw announced, facing his patrol. the hunting patrol had had a good run, no problems and they felt like everything was calm in the forest, but maplestar was still concerned. rowanclaw waited for everyone to nod in agreement before turning around and leading the way out of camp. the 4 cats made there way through the forest towards the south border, everything seemed to be fine. rowanclaw glanced over at toadstool, who seemed a little nervous, "everything alright toadstool?" the tom asked quietly, not trying to draw any attention towards her. the small cat looked up at him and shrugged, "yeah. I just don't like the idea of foxes. they freak me out." toadstool responded with a dramatic shiver. rowanclaw smiled and let out a small laugh, "I'm sure we'll be fine. we haven't seen a fox around here in a while." toadstool looked forward, seeming to be a little more comfortable. once they reached the border however, rowanclaw felt a little off. he quickly shook the feeling away, it was probably just influenced by toadstool's nervous energy. "alright, let's spread out a little to cover more ground.. but stay within hearing and seeing distance alright?" rowanclaw announced, waiting for the mews of understanding and padding off. he searched for any signs that any other animals had been around. he saw a few deer tracks, about a day old, some raccoon prints that were just a few hours old... but raccoons weren't a big threat at all. rowanclaw froze where he was, staring at the ground, there it was... a fox print. rowanclaw shook his head and brought himself closer to the ground, was he just seeing things? no. that was a fox print.. and it was fresh. the fur on the back of rowanclaw's neck stood up straight and his head shot up, the birds had stopped chirping, he began looking around for everyone else, they had to leave now. they could deal with a fox when they had more numbers, they would come back. to fight one now with only a few cats would to be too much of a risk. rowanclaw made his way over to toadstool quickly, "toadstool, we have to leave now, where's reedsong and aco-" he was cut off by a loud yowl of terror not too far away. he immediately recognized it as acornnose's, rowanclaw exchanged a look of horror with toadstool before they sprinted off in the direction it came from. it was like a nightmare, rowanclaw froze at first, shocked. there it was, the fox, clamped down on acornnose's back right leg as reedsong was on it's back, digging his claws and fangs into it. rowanclaw shook his head as if to wake himself off and hissed at the fox, darting towards it and leaping on, digging his claws into it. it was a young fox, stronger than older ones but could easily be scared off by this many cats. the fight was a blurr, rowanclaw saw reedsong get knocked off right after the fox let go of acornnose. rowanclaw took this opportunity to swipe at the fox's face, catching it's cheek. the fox yipped in pain and bared it's teeth, coming straight for him. before it could reach him, reedsong was back, clinging onto the fox once more. the fox turned quickly, able to grab onto reedsong and flung him again. the two fought with all they had, and within a few more minutes of gnashing teeth and swiping claws, the fox was off... running off the territory. panting, rowanclaw and reedsong stood side be side, watching the fox run. it was then they both seemed to remember acornnose and whipped around to face him. the tabby tom laid on the forest floor, clearly in shock, and bleeding. his head was supported by the deeply concerned toadstool, who looked up at the two other cats desperately. "we have to get him to mudslide as fast as possible." rowanclaw declared, the cats quickly found a good way to carry acornnose and dashed back to the camp. they were greeted by anxious members, all with wide, horrified eyes. mudslide was at their side in an instant, helping them take the new warrior to the medicine cat den and set him down in a nest. it seemed like forever as mudslide treated acornnose, wrapping the tom's leg and giving him some painkillers. when mudslide emerged, he announced to the clan that acornnose would be fine, he just needed some time to heal. the medicine cat ushered the rest of the patrol inside, treating their wounds as well.
"you were right." rowanclaw sighed, leaning on maplestar as he watched the kits settle down to go to sleep."you're always right. I should've been more careful.." he continued, hanging his head. maplestar turned to him and set her nose on his shoulder for a moment, attempting to comfort him. "this is not your fault.. we haven't had a fox around in a long time. how were you to know there was going to be one here? today?" she responded softly. rowanclaw was silent, looking down at his paws. he should've just stayed in camp, what if acornnose had died? what if the fox just hadn't let go of reedsong? rowanclaw only looked up once maplestar motioned him to with her tail, "rowanclaw, darling, please don't beat yourself up." she said, looking at him with loving eyes, "you said the fox was young.. it's probably too scared to come back, it sounded like you all fought very well.. and very bravely.. everything will be okay.." rowanclaw nodded and rested his head on her shoulder once more.
snowshoe sat staring at reedsong as he hungrily ate a thrush. how was he so okay? was everything just fine? she looked him up and down, examining the spots the fox had got him. the thought brought tears to her eyes. reedsong did a double take and stopped eating and sat up when he noticed the tears in her eyes. "snow what's wrong? why are you crying?" he asked, concerned. snowshoe sniffed and looked into his eyes, "you're acting like everything's okay. like you didn't just get attacked by a-a fox." she responded in a quiet, shaky voice. reedsong let out a small sigh and offered her a weak smile, "everything is okay. acornnose got hurt but he's alive and mud said he's going to be okay. the fox is gone, it's not coming back, it's all okay." he said, inching closer to her. snowshoe shook her head and looked down, not saying anything. "snow, love, what can I do for you?" reedsong asked desperately, wanting to help her stop crying. "what if I had lost you?" snowshoe whispered, continuing to stare at the ground. "but darling, you didn't.. I'm here, I'm right here." snowshoe looked up, glaring at him, "but what if I did? what if you had died?" she spat, her voice angry but her expression sad. reedsong was quiet, he had no answer for her at the moment. she sat staring at him for another heartbeat before taking a deep breath, "I just.. I love you so much reedsong.. I don't know what I'd do without you. A world without you.. I can't imagine it." she said, quiet again. reedsong moved closer to her and nuzzled her. "I'm sorry I scared you.. but I'm here and I'm alive.. and I'm not going anywhere." he said softly.
[the clan consumes 3 servings of food]
[pearlstone, dawnwing and snowshoe go hunting]
[maplestar stays in camp with the kits]
[rowanclaw, acornnose, reedsong and toadstool chase off a fox away from the territory]
[mudslide uses cobweb for the injured warriros and dandelion/cobweb on acornnose]
[mudslide goes looking for more herbs]
[snowshoe and reedsong try for kits]
[toadstool and pealstone guard the camp during the night]

[ Pearlstone, Dawnwing and Snowshoe caught two voles and a trout while hunting ]
[ Rowanclaw, Acornnose, Reedsong and Toadstool chase the fox away successfully ]
[ Mudslide gathered cobweb and dandelion while herb hunting ]
[ Snowshoe is expecting kits! They are due in two moons ]


bel. wrote:
Reefstar latched his teeth and bit down hard against a crab's shell, causing it to hang limp in his mouth. Reeds rustled with the wind as an unfamiliar aroma drifted through his scent glands. Ears erect, he turned his head in the direction of the odor. A wiry tom emerged, his pelt plastered against his frame revealing lean, rolling muscles. His pelage dripped, splattering water all over Reefstar as the intruder shook his mass. "I'm the leader of MarineClan. Surely you smelt the borders? Why have you crossed into clan territory?" The black tom said curtly, his lip curling to reveal glinting incisors stained with crimson from his catch.
"I was following someone," The newcomer said bluntly, his voice dripping like saturated honey. "Her name is Amy, she spoke of cats with stars in their fur, nonense, I say- but nonetheless I have regretted sending my mate away, and have come to retrieve her." He finished, amber eyes bored and indifferent to the threat laced in Reefstar's voice. Then, mockingly, "Don't act so surprised, I know you have her. Her scent is all over you." Reefstar's black ear twitched in slight disbelief, then he conceedingly nodded.
"I'll escort you there, but I must warn you, she may not want to leave." The gray and white tom only shrugged, as if not convinced by Reefstar's words. He watched as the leader picked up his prey from the sandy flooring, before trailing beside the other tom and following in silence. When they arrived at camp, Brightstream ducked out of her den and looked- a mixture of pain and shock- at her mate. "Storm." She echoed, her voice suddenly small and shy like a mouse.
"Amy." Storm said, strolling over to her a trailing his tail over spine. Reefstar shifted uncomfortably, jealousy surging through him like waves.
"I- it's Brightstream now."
"You can't change your name, Amy."
"S-Starclan told me to. Reefstar helped pick it out." She whispered, shouldering her way past her mate to stand at Reefstar's shoulder.
"That's right. Bright because of her kindness, and stream because of her ability to swim and her gracefulness." Reefstar added, resting his tail tip on the she-cat's shoulder.
"So you've given your delusions names?" Storm scoffed, shaking his head. Then, strictly he added, "You're coming home, now."
"N-no." Brightstream declined, leaning against Reefstar for support.
Disbelief turned to anger, turned to wrath. Then, in the blink of in eye, it was replaced by a smoldering gaze. "Fine, then I'll be staying." He meowed curtly, whisking around and hitting Reefstar's nose with his tail. Together, Brightstream and MarineClan's leader watched as he disappeared into a den. Reefstar cleared his throat, then delicately he said,
"Your mate?"
"I- I left him when I heard StarClan's calling. He's not so bad. He will make a fine and loyal warrior one day, when he accepts I cannot help him achieve his ambitions." She murmured quietly, almost apologetically.
"There are rules here. If he cannot follow the warrior code, I will banish him." Reefstar said, flinching away from Brightstream as if she had raked her claws across his muzzle. "StarClan forbids mates, let you remember that." The she-cat gazed at him sadly, fondness sparkling in her eyes for a moment. Then, she nodded.
"I will go speak with StarClan, for guidance."
→ Brightstream visits StarClan and asks for a pregnant queen, and to bless one of the litter to be her apprentice.
→ Reefstar and Storm accompany Brightstream to the border, then begin a hunting patrol, as Reefstar instructs Storm about the Warrior Code. They fight many times. Over where the borders should be, the best way to fight, but underlying it all.. the two tom cats were fighting over Brightstream.

[ Starclan has sent Marineclan a queen. She is due in two moons ]
[ Reefstar and Storm caught two trouts and a squirrel while hunting ]


marya d. wrote:
one moon ago
houndstar and sootpaw were on their way back from their hunting session, their prey in their jaws, when they heard a voice speak from behind them.
"er, hello?" behind the adderclan cats stood three loners, a light orange tom standing in front. houndstar noticed the older she-cat, however, and took note of her before facing the tom again. "who might you be?" he said, his voice a little bit deep. he slid in front of sootpaw, just in case. the young she-cat squeaked in anger. "hey! i can't see the new cats!" sootpaw raced to meet them. "hi there! i'm sootpaw of adderclan! who are you? you look lost. i bet i can help!"
"sootpaw, come back here," houndstar hissed, and the small she-cat scuttled back to houndstar. the tom chuckled in amusement. "no need to fret, sir," he meowed, eyes meeting houndstar's steadily. "my name is rowanflame. these two cats with me are sunsong and willowfeather." he gestured to the tom and the she-cat, respectively. "we would like to know if we could join your clan."
[ scene here that is awkward for me to write out hA ]
wip writing 0 muse SORRY

[ rowanflame, willowfeather, and sunsong join the clan ]
[ rowanflame become's sootpaw's mentor ]
[ rowanflame and sootpaw train, wickerfur tags along (battle skill?) ]
[ houndstar and sunsong go on a border patrol ]
[ rowanflame, willowfeather, and sootpaw go on a hunting patrol ]
[ houndstar asks willowfeather to carry his kits ]
[ wickerfur looks for herbs ]
[ sunsong has been requested to help skyclan with their war. he will go ]

[ Sootpaw learned the Battle skill while training ]
[ Houndstar and Sunsong found a battalion while on patrol ]
[ Rowanflame, Willowfeather and Sootpaw caught two voles and a mouse while hunting ]
[ Willowfeather is expecting kits! They are due in two moons ]
[ Wickerfur gathered comfrey and cobwebs while herb hunting ]
[ Sunsong has gone to help Skyclan ]


Ember! wrote:
◇•°•ⓢⓣⓔⓛⓛⓐⓡⓒⓛⓐⓝ •°•◇
"We'll rise up; take our place in the sky
And our names will be sung as legends"

    Stellarclan was founded by a fiery passion to succeed.
    Pride. Ambition. Courage. Strength. It is said that these virtues are a must; that they course through the veins of each and every Stellarclan cat. They come in all colors, patterns, shapes and sizes. This diversity is greatly supported in Stellarclan. Stellarclan cats are said to have strong beliefs. They are very supportive of their allies, but very hostile to those who appose them. In general, the are reputed to be a strong-willed and ambitious clan that has the potential to be either quite aggressive, or quite kind.

    Stellarclan resides on a rather large, forested island. It is big enough to support a fair variety of herbs and prey, as well as the clan that has settled there. Stellarclan's island is located on a lake. On most sides of their island, the waters are far too deep to swim safely. However, the fourth side has a chain of islands and relatively shallow waters connecting them to the rocky shore, where they also have a small stretch of territory claimed.
    A near lack of predators is an upside of their isolation, but their island home means that natural disasters are absolutely devastating.
    Their camp is on the main island, and is based around the tallest tree on the lake. This tree is where the leader speaks with Starclan and makes announcements to the clan. This tree is regarded as sacred, and if you are not the leader, deputy, or shaman, it is considered taboo to climb it.

    Stellarclan has a unique hierarchy. The cats of Stellarclan are divided into warriors, hunters, swifts, and healers. Warriors are the protectors of the clan and its borders. The hunters are the ones in charge of feeding the clan. The swifts are jack of all trades, and required to be light on their paws. Healers gather herbs and take care of all in the clan.
    The warriors, hunters, and swifts each have a chief heading them. Chiefs are voted into power by the clan. They are chosen through being the the most respected, skilled, and wise cat of their division. While deputies are still chosen directly by the leader, it isn't rare for a former chief to be chosen as one. A chief helps keep charge of their respective group, and represents them in decisions made among the clan.
    The healer division is headed not by a chief, but by a shaman. The shaman is like the chief, but they are also required to have a firm connection with Starclan. They represent both the healers and the voice of the ancestors among Stellarclan.
    Newcomers must take an assessment to see which rank they are best suited for. They are then assigned to that rank. New apprentices must take an assessment as well. It is required that they learn all the basic skills, and have advanced knowledge in their respective specialties.

(I wrote this pretty late at night, sorry if it's super nonsensical. ^^;;)

[ Stellerclan has been founded ]
[ Your mod will still be Deimos ]


stranger danger wrote:
leopardrunner had proven himself a valuable asset, and upon arrival, was promoted due to his excellent fishing and swimming skills. it was necessary - for a few kits will be soon to become apprentices, and the clan needs all the help it can get. as well as a boost in help, leopardrunner immediately warmed up to the leader, happily chatting with her about the weather, old dreams, their stories of youth, all while smokestep fumed silently in a corner. poor thing.

meanwhile, mintdew found herself relieved of kit duties. her three babies were out in camp, exploring their new world - they would have to come to know it very well anyway. as the oldest, viperkit was in the lead, a shining determination in his eye as she marched forwards, his sisters on trotting along behind him. ivykit was trying to mimic him - head held high, tail erect - while poor little pebblekit was barely keeping up, sneezing all the way. sweetpaw watched from a distance, tail wrapped delicately around her paws. worry sparked in her eyes.

"uh, mintdew?" she called into the nursery. the queen emerged shaking the moss from her fur while she stepped out of the warm nursery.

"hey 'paw. what's up?" she asks, looking out towards her kits and stopping on pebblekit.
"it's pebblekit," she answers, looking from the kit to the queen. "she looks ill." her gaze meets the queen, and mintdew hurried out into the clearing, sweeping her two oldest with her tail, and picking up pebblekit by the scruff. "thanks sweetpaw, could you go get quailstep? i want to make sure she's alright. " asks the queen, and sweetpaw concurs, running off towards the medicine den. viperkit sniffs near his sister delicately, frowning. "mama,
will pebble be okay?"
he asks, warily, and mintdew did her best to smile through her daughter's scruff. "yes baby, she'll be fine," she answers, her eyes flickering down to her daughter. 'please starclan,' she says to herself, sending up a short prayer as quailstep beckons the family into the medicine cat's den.

"pebblekit will be fine," quailstep concludes after awhile, pebblekit shivering in a mass of fur in the middle of his den. "she's contracted a bought of kitten-cough, it'll be fine once i'm done here, i'll have to go find some more coltsfoot..." began mumbling about something, and took pebblekit in the back for treatment.

will add more later, just glad i got this up oml

{the clan consumed: a squirrel}
{smokestep and leopardrunner went on a patrol.}
{ravenpounce, rosespark, briarstar, and sweetpaw went hunting.}
{briarstar teaches sweetpaw how to fish. training for: fishing skill}
{viperkit, ivykit, and pebblekit went exploring in the snow and pebblekit caught a cold.}
{quailstep went searching for herbs.}
{quailstep used one coltsfoot.}

Smokestep and Leopardrunner found a warrior while on patrol ]
[ Ravenpounce, Rosespark, Briarstar and Sweetpaw caught two squirrels and a frog while hunting ]
[ Sweetpaw learned the Fishing skill while training ]
[ Pebblekit will need x1 feverfew for her cold ]
[ Quailstep gathered feverfew and lavender while herb hunting ]


roses - ! wrote:

    Waveclan prides themselves on being a strong set of cats. They are not ones to antagonize a fight for no reason, but they wont back down from one either. If they have an enemy clan, they will be willing to kidnap an apprentice for blackmail. With their clanmates, everyone is close. A cat's business is not just their own in Waveclan, everyone is nosy with each other and seems entitled to know. Every cat is treated like family, even the rouges they accept into the clan. They love to keep their territory vast, often sending out as many cats as they can on border patrols to keep dangerous outsiders away.


  • The Treasure's Cove is where most washed-up twoleg items and driftwood end up. During high-tide, it's filled with water, cats can only enter once it's low-tide. However, no apprentice or younger warrior is even allowed in there due to the dangers of how quickly high-tide rolls in.

  • The Broken Bridge is right by the ocean. It was obviously made my twolegs, but no twolegs have been seen at this beach in a long time. Waveclan sometimes uses it to build leg muscle for apprentices, but also helps with getting down to the beach.

  • The Grass Patch holds many herbs that can be used by the medicine cat. Often, there are also birds and small rodents around trying to find something to eat.

  • The Fishing Grounds is the most common place the cats will find fish to eat. They can easily swim around this area as apprentices and the water usually only comes up to the warrior's chest. Often Mackerel and Smelts are found here, which are good for filling the clan's bellies. However, they can only fish during low-tide as high-tide usually gets to deep for the cats.

  • The camp is a large bramble den that was previously a family fox den. Once abandoned, the cats took over and now collectivly sleep together in a moss bed pile. Kits, queens, and elders sleep in the middle for protection. The leader, deputy, warriors, and apprentices have no assigned area so they all sleep together in a ring around the weaker cats. The sick cats, on the other hand, must sleep in the deepest corner of the bramble den with the medicine cat and herbs, this is to caution from spreading sickness. Most cats never stay in the bramble den, only kits and queens being forced to stay in. Elders usually leave and rest along the beach side.


  • Foxes (Common)
  • Aggressive Raccoons (Rare)
  • Wild Coyote (Uncommon)
  • Hawks/Falcons (Common)


  • The Long Hunt: Once an apprentice wants to become a warrior, they must leave the territory for a full moon (one post, will be given name in the next post). The cat will then come back on the night of a no moon, bringing as much prey as they could find. With this, it is said to give the cat experience to work on themselves, as it's a strong believe in the clan that cats cannot support others if they can't even support themselves. They are either sent in groups of two or three. Once the group comes back, the group will have to tell their mentors who they believe is ready or not ready. If every cat deems one of them not ready, then they will have to re-do their hunt another time.

  • Burial: When a cat dies, the closest cats only will sit vigil. However, the rest of the clan has to go out to collect a sea shell for every good memory they have with the passed cat. Once the cat is buried, all the collected shells would be laid on top of the grave as to keep all the good memories known instead of the sad ones. For that night, the three close cats do not have to sit silently, they can talk fondly of the cat and remember all the happy times with them. To these cats, they know death as a happy time as the cat gets to move onto Starclan and enjoy peace instead of struggle.

[ Waveclan has been founded ]
[ I will still be your mod ]


amethyst14 wrote:
"Okay! I'll count and you all hide! Ready? One..Twooo...Threee..." Pipitkit meowed as she closed her eyes tightly. All the other kits ran off and hid the best they could as she counted, the only rule was that they stay inside the camp. Pipitkit buried her face into her nest inside the nursery as she continued to count, her ears twitched at all the sounds, hopefully she could hear any clues as to where the others are hiding.

Applekit went over to where Perchkit and Poppykit practiced their walking. Their eyes had been opened for some time now but they struggled to gain their balance, Lizardstream was watching them with caring eyes. Applekit stopped in front of them "Want to play hide and seek?'' She squeaked to them.

The two kits looked at her and smiled before they looked at their mother, she was shaking her head "Not yet Applekit, they need to get a little bigger first. Why don't you take Erminekit with you?"

Applekit looked over at him, he was bigger than Perchkit and Poppykit, he was pretty well balanced and more advanced than Lizardstream's two kits even though they were born around the same time. Applekit shook her head "No, we don't want to play with a traitor, he might cheat or hurt us." She meowed rather loudly.

Erminekit heard what she had said and waited for her to leave before asking Lizardstream "What is a traitor? Why does everyone call me that?" He pouted.

Lizardstream sighed "That's a story for your uncle to tell you. Why don't you go and see if you can find him in camp? Better yet why don't you just wait here for him?" Erminekit nodded and sighed before he pressed himself against the molly, she flinched at his touch but pushed through it and forced a purr. Erminekit could tell though that she was uncomfortable with his action and moved slightly, a chill swept into the nursery and he shivered at the cool breeze. Lizardstream flicked her tail so it covered him, though he would rather be close to her for the warmth but didn't bother to bring it up.

Cloudstar had finally made his way out of his den. He had lost count now on how many times he had asked Starclan to send him a cat and they ignored him. Some cats thought he was just pouting but didn't see a need for more cats to join Briarclan. To the leader it seemed as though none of the cats cared anyways. It made him think how many actually believed in them. How many cats would even die for Briarclan? He couldn't help but wonder.

Cloudstar picked up a fish from the bottom of the fresh kill pile and padded away with it. He was to busy with his thoughts and looking around at the busy cats in camp. He didn't notice that the fish was bad until he took a big bite and swallowed. No cat noticed him shiver and convulse, no cat noticed he lost a life just then. No cat except Sagestorm, who watched from the shadows with a pleased smirk on his face. It wasn't until Cloudstar came to again and looked straight at him did Sagestorm yowl for help.

Archpool was one of the first cats to see what was happening, how Cloudstar seemed to be chocking. He knew by the sight of the half rotted fish that the leader took a bite of the poison and he ran into his den. Archpool brought out the last of his yarrow and shoved it down Cloudstar's throat. The medicine cat was pleased to see that the leader rid himself of the poison before he went unconscious once more. Two lives lost due to food poisoning.

When Cloudstar came to he shot straight up "What is everyone looking at?!" He spat at all the worried eyes locked on him.

Coppereyes was the one that stepped forward and told the leader flatly "Due to your mouse brained actions, you ate poisoned fish. It was rotting Cloudstar, how could you not see it?" He asked.

Cloudstar narrowed his eyes "Why do i have to explain myself to you?! I am the leader! I'm the leader!" He growled repeatedly. The concern in some cat's eyes turned to anger while some turned to unease. Cloudstar saw this and looked to Sagestorm "Here is a cat I can trust! Sagestorm, I want you to throw out all the fish. Every single one."

Sagestorm looked at the leader "Ar-are you sure? That's at least half the fresh kill. And with leaf bare just around the corner too..." there was obvious shock from the tom but he didn't get the chance to continue.

Cloudstar snapped at the deputy "You do as I say or I will find me a cat who will listen. Maybe they would rather be my deputy too!" He spat.

Sagestorm held back his anger and forced himself to say "Sorry sir, it won't happen again. I'll get rid of all the fish." Cloudstar snorted at him and waited for the tom to get to work before turning away and disappearing into his den once more. He left the clan muttering, angry and worried. Archpool sighed and shook his head before he went back to his den to get some rest.

Brambletuft saw that Mudpuddle and Sunnypaw had come back to camp. They bother panting even in the cool weather. The Molly got up and padded towards the tom, her tail high in greeting. Brambletuft let out a meow to get his attention, it worked because he looked at her and padded towards her as well.

"Is something wrong?" Mudpuddle asked with a hint of worry. He looked the long haired tabby over and saw that she was completely fine.

Brambletuft chuckled "I'm fine, can't I chat with you and there not be something wrong?" Once they were close enough she rubbed against him lightly with a purr before asking him "Want to share a rabbit with me?"

Mudpuddle shivered at her touch, it felt nice however and he scowled when her warmth left his. It wasn't there for long though with the offer to share food and he nodded "Would I! I even bet I could eat the whole thing, been training since before sun rise." Mudpuddle lead the way to the fresh kill pile and grabbed the biggest rabbit he could find before trotting over to where Brambletuft sat.

"You are going to share right? And not eat the whole thing like you said?" The molly teased.

Mudpuddle dropped the rabbit and shoved it towards her "I guess we will see right? Anyways, mollies first!" He meowed cheerfully before laying down. He made sure their pelts didn't touch, not wanting to risk the end of this uncommon occasion.

Brambletuft looked at the rabbit and smiled at Mudpuddle. When he laid down a whisker length away she had to force the frown away. The molly started to nibble on the rabbit, not really hungry anymore. It was quiet between the two now and though it seemed like an awkward silence it was not, it was peaceful.

Mudpuddle studied the molly who was starting to stare off in space. A silly smile spread across his face, he knew this feeling that was spreading through him and couldn't help but stare at her. That was when Mudpuddle shook his head and decided that now was the perfect time, it was time for him to voice his feelings for her. It frightened him of course, he didn't want to be reflected but now he didn't care anymore. He just wanted to be with her, to call her his.

Just as Mudpuddle moved ever so slightly in her direction he was ambushed. Russetmist had pounced on him! Mudpuddle growled at the tom "Get off will you?! Can't you see that I am busy?" He growled.

Russetmist laughed "What? You nibbling on that rabbit too?" Russetmist knew what he was going to do. The look and determination on the tom's face said it all for Russetmist. "We have apprentices to train now, no time for all that other stuff." He reminded.

Brambletuft didn't get what the two were really talking about, having not seen Mudpuddle's face just a few seconds before. "There is time to eat, we can't possibly train on an empty stomach you know?" She took another bite of the rabbit as if to emphasize.

Russetmist shook his head and looked at Mudpuddle with knowing eyes "Can't train on a full belly either." Russetmist left then, he was sure that Mudpuddle understood what he meant.

Mudpuddle rolled his eyes "What makes you think I will be full? I have been training all morning with Sunnypaw. Unlike you I don't sleep away the good part of the day to train." Though he knew exactly what Russetmist said about a full belly. He looked at Brambletuft and smiled before quickly striking out and stealing the rabbit from her "My turn!" He laughed before digging in.

Brambletuft rolled her eyes but smiled anyways. She decided to groom her self and eventually push herself towards Mudpuddle, her side was against his by the time she had finished. Though he hadn't even noticed as he focused on the rabbit, or did he?

Archpool stirred in his sleep, a nightmare was going on. What he saw wasn't as terrifying as the words that echoed through his dream:

"A storm is coming, full of grey.
Death will come and evil will rise.
Tensions will grow and the briars will break.
Loyalties will be tested, innocents will be punished.
To late to turn back and save your fate.

Flashes of red and grey behind a screen of darkness flashed behind his eyes. Just as a flash of red rang through his dream it slowly turned to a fire. It was warm, it was unpleasant. The smoke had come to him with a strange sent of another herb, one he did not recognize just yet. Just then a glow of orange came through the fire, it was more white than yellow. It was warm and it meant good. There was a sense of protectiveness from the light, it made the scene change. Archpool was no longer amidst the fire but in the cool night sky, stars surrounded him.

"Head our warning Archpool, Cloudstar has become blind. It is to late for him to listen, it is up to you to see the way. Guide the one we show you, show him the way. It will be difficult but he will bring change, he will step up to lead. He will see the evil and he will see the good. He will protect."

Archpool tried to ask who was he, who was the cat that would save them but when he tried to speak the images in his mind seemed to bend and sway. The image of a cat with the pride and stance of a lion. Archpool didn't get a good look like he was meant to as Owlpaw woke him. "Archpool, you are talking in your sleep!" the molly meowed in her usual quiet voice.

[Apprentice Training Archpool trains Owlpaw.
All apprentices but Leafpaw and Rockpaw train.
[Border Patrol 1 Sagestorm, Coppereyes, Waspfur, Lichenfern, Breezerunner and Rabbitheart go after the rogues.]
[Border Patrol 2 Dawnflower, Foxclaw, Vixenspirit, Finchfin, Willowdusk and Mottlepaw patrol the rest of the borders.]
[Hunting Patrol 1 Patchpelt, Brambletuft, Mudpuddle, Runningpaw, Sandpaw and Sunnypaw hunt by the lake.]
[Hunting Patrol 2 Russetmist, Ryestone, Quailwing, Sparrowclaw, Murdochpaw and Blazepaw hunt in the forest.]
[Camp Guard Archpool, Mutesoft, Quickpaw, Rockpaw and Owlpaw stay in camp to look after the weak and injured.]
[Injured Tigerflower is in a coma for 2 more moons.
Leafpaw has a sprained foot.
Resinmoon has developed a nasty cough.
Finchfin hides a gash under her chest.
Cloudstar suffers from sever food poisoning.
[Death Cloudstar loses 2 lives to food poisoning.]
[Herb Used 1 Yarrow was used on Cloudstar.]
[Moonstone I know it is the usual one cat only kind of thing but since I have had you not send any, would it be alright if you could send this cat and his mate? If not then the one cat I would like first is the second one.]
[Prey Eaten 2 Quail (6 servings) 1 Small Fish (2 servings) 1 Mouse (1 serving)]
[Prey All fish was tossed away, due to the two lives Cloudstar has lost.]

[ Owlpaw learned what herbs to use to hide the smell of Death on cat's pelts after they pass ]
[ Runningpaw learned the Battle skill while training ]
[ Sandpaw, Mottlepaw, Sunnypaw, Blazepaw, Quickpaw and Murdochpaw learned the Swimming skill while training ]
[ Sagestorm, Coppereyes, Waspfur, Lichenfern, Breezerunner and Rabbitheart found the rogues: a queen and her kit, while on patrol ]
[ Dawnflower, Foxclaw, Vixenspirit, Finchfin, Willowdusk and Mottlepaw found a warrior and his mate while on patrol ]
[ Patchpelt, Brambletuft, Mudpuddle, Runningpaw, Sandpaw and Sunnypaw caught two water voles and a small fish while hunting ]
[ Russetmist, Ryestone, Quailwing, Sparrowclaw, Murdochpaw and Blazepaw caught two quails and a mouse while hunting ]
[ Leafpaw will need x1 elder leaves and a moon of rest for his sprain ]
[ Resinmoon will need x1 honey to soothe his cough ]
[ Archpool used x1 yarrow for Cloudstar's food poisoning ]


Simonpet wrote:
"And from now on," declared Honeystar, standing upon Crowcloud's Boulder, "Scorchpaw will be known as Scorchpelt. His determination, kindness, and optimism will be highly valued by both Forestclan and Starclan."

Scorchpelt stood proudly at the base of the boulder, looking out at the crowd. Forestclan would move back to their camp in a few moons, but for now Honeystar had decided to let the brambles and trees regrow. He wished that he could have earned his warrior name earlier, but though he had passed his assessments, he had been too busy helping with moving the camp to their current location to recieve his warrior name. However, Honeystar had assured him that his help only made him more worthy of his name.

"Scorchpelt! Scorchpelt!" cheered the clan. Scorchpelt grinned.

Barleystream could hardly believe that Honeystar had joined her patrol by the river. She had initially argued that it might not be safe, that the river might be high, but the leader hadn't listened, insisting that it was her duty. Barleystream couldn't really argue with that, and so had accepted Honeystar's presence.

"It's a beautiful day," sighed Falconflower, "after all the destruction."

Palefur nodded vigorously. "If only I could patrol more often!" he exclaimed.

"Why can't you?" asked Falconflower, curious.

"Because my fur's too thin," Palefur replied. "I might as well have no coat during leafbare."

Alderclaw winced. "At least the greenleafs are hot."

"That they are," agreed Palefur amiably.

It was at that moment that changed Forestclan forever. Barleystream would remember the moment for seasons. She saw Alderclaw trip on a small branch as they talked, and fall into the river. It happened so quickly, that for an instant, the patrol was quiet. Then, Falconflower leaped into the water with Honeystar close behind. Palefur and Barleystream froze and looked at each other. Then, they too, leaped into the water.

The river was cold and Barleystream let it carry her downstream, closer to her clanmates. She paddled her legs, gaining ground. She could see Honeystar holding Falconflower in her jaws, with Alderclaw nowhere in sight. The leader turned around and her eyes widened. Her grip slackened and Falconflower was swept away. Without another word, Barleystream started backpedaling. The river was too strong. Best to save Honeystar and Palefur while she could.

Honeystar and Barleystream returned to camp carrying Palefur, who was in shock after his swim in the frigid river. The clan immediately swarmed to them, demanding to know what happened but Birchnose's voice rose above the rest.

"Where's Alderclaw? Where's my mate?"

Honeystar looked at Birchnose wearily. "I tried," she said in a hoarse whisper. "The river was too strong."

Forestclan consumes 7 servings (one mouse, two birds)
Scorchpaw --> Scorchpelt
Badgerpaw and Fritillarypaw train
Dawnpaw and Neritepaw train (climbing or fighting)
Dustleaf uses x1 honey on Dippercloud and x1 tansy on Palefur
Dustleaf goes herb hunting
Honeystar loses one life
Alderclaw and Falconflower die
Palefur is in shock
Forestclan gives away 3 large fish to Tempestclan, 2 large fish and 2 birds to Stagclan, 3 hares and 2 squirrels to Lilyclan, 1 fish and 3 shrews to Skyclan

[ Scorchpaw is now a warrior: Scorchpelt! ]
[ Badgerpaw and Fritillarypaw learned the Tracking skill while training ]
[ Dawnpaw and Neritepaw learned the Climbing skill while training ]
[ Dustleaf gathered thyme and willow leaves while herb hunting ]
[ Starclan has two new stars among its skies. Alderclaw and Falconflower will be well looked after ]
[ Palefur will need x1 thyme for his shock ]


skywalker, wrote:
Bearstar flicked his ears slightly as he spoke with Mapleflower. The kits were crowding the nursery with their size, and it was obvious they were almost 6 moons "Just a while more, Mapleflower." He chuckled to his best friend while she heaved a great, dramatic sigh "I love them so much, but they get under my fur sometimes. Now with Leopardeyes in the nursery, it's gonna be even more crowded." She chuckled, while she watched Flamekit bat at Poppykit playfully. Batkit was once again helping Heronstream sort through poppyseeds, his huge ears twitched every so often. Bearstar watched Batkit with interest, and looked towards Mapleflower. The she-cat was lovingly watching both her sons, her bright green eyes sparkling. Bearstar smiled happily, and breathed in deeply. His clan was doing well. He could feel Hickoryflower smiling down at him from Starclan, and he feels pride for how far he has come.

Jackdawkit stuck his tongue out at Creamkit, and she did the exact same thing right on back to him. They leaped at each other, and started tussling in the dirt, batting at each others ears and mrrowing with ferocious intent. Well, not really. Honeynose laughed as she talked with Fallingbirch, who was stoic faced as usual, but you could basically see the happiness radiating off him in waves as he made his beloved laugh. Flamekit and Poppykit were playing with a feather, their attention totally caught up in it.

Lilacpounce felt... awkward, to say the least. This was all extremely new to her. She had never had a family before, always having to look out for herself in the big, bad world. She had come across these clan cats before, but she didn't know if they had bad intents, so she just left them alone. When they pursued her, she had felt threatened, but was shocked when she realized they just wanted to offer her a place within their ranks. She, of course, being the fabulous cat she was, replied with sass and a bit of rudeness, but agreed to join non-the-less. She was actually enjoying herself for once, but still couldn't shake the awkward feeling. Maybe she needed some friends. She had tried talking to that Wolfstep guy, but he just seemed mad a grumpy all the time. Maybe if she talked to him some more, he would open up ??

( Leopardeyes and Acornfur are expecting kits ! )
( Heronstream, Fawnleap and Wolfstep went to collect herbs ! )
( Lilacpounce, Fallingbirch, Gullrunner and Acornfur went hunting ! )
( Bearstar, Fawnleap, Robinpaw, Otterpaw and Fallingbirch went on boarder patrol ! )
( Robinpaw went training for the swimming skill ! )
( Otterpaw went training for the hunting skill ! )
( The clan consumed 1 big fish and 1 mouse = 4 servings )

[ Leopardeyes is expecting kits! They are due in two moons ]
[ Heronstream, Fawnleap and Wolfstep gathered sorrel and tormentil while herb hunting ]
[ Lilacpounce, Fallingbirch, Gullrunner and Acornfur caught two mice and a big fish while hunting ]
[ Bearstar, Fawnleap, Robinpaw, Otterpaw and Fallingbirch found an apprentice
while on patrol ]
[ Robinpaw learned the Swimming skill while training ]
[ Otterpaw learned the Hunting skill while training ]


mr.kingrichard wrote:Hey I kinda forgot about my Clan, is it ok if I start over?]]

[ Yes, you may ]
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby mr.kingrichard » Sat Nov 25, 2017 12:40 pm

Number of Cats: 1

Deepstar flicked an ear as the wind ruffled his thick orange and white tabby fur. Amber-green eyes stared at his empty camp.

He was going to need cats to fill it. First, he needed a medicine cat.

Deepstar traveled to the Moonpool to pray. "StarClan, please, send us a medicine cat. If our Clan is to get strong, we will need one."

          Deepstar | 50 moons | Cis tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits

((No worries, I found my Clan, thank you!))
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby clarke, » Sat Nov 25, 2017 12:48 pm

bel. wrote:
Number of Cats: 2 Tom Cats | 1 She-Cat
Next Moon-Pool visit Now {November 23rd}

Nearly a week had past since Reefstar was given his nine lives, and as he glanced at the barely filled fresh-kill pile, he beckoned to Storm with his tail. As the wiry tom approached him, muscles rolling underneath his pelt, the black tom cat blinked at him and cleared his throat. "I'm staying here with Conch, I need you to go out hunting." He held up his tail when Storm began to protest, and continued. "When you get back, and when Brightstream returns from gathering herbs, I will leave and cross the twoleg bridge and find loners or kittypets that might hold promise for our clan. There aren't many mouths to feed right now, but when Conch's kits come, I suspect we will need the extra sets of claws."


For a moment, Storm considered disobeying the arrogant tom. You can hunt, can't you? He thought bitterly, though he bit his tongue and nodded. On his way out of camp, he headed to the sandy shores and began stalking, his long tail waving like a feathery banner behind him. Underneath the scorching sun, he felt his insomnia's affects more deeply than he had before; being the only hunter in the clan- aside from when Reefstar wasn't catsitting- and not being able to sleep stabbed at his paw steps. Before, he had only needed to hunt for himself and Amy- no, Brightstream now- and one kill sufficed for them. But providing for a pregnant- and rather moody- she-cat, Brightstream, himself, and Reefstar was hard. He had considered speaking to Brightstream, after all she was the only cat he knew in Reefclan, and she was the medicine cat. But even when the two had been mates, Storm never told her of the nightmares that haunted him everytime he closed his eyes. It was better to stay awake, than risk the torment. Stumbling, he felt his paws touch the cool ocean water, waves lapping at the fur on his legs. He purred, gazing out at the endless water with admiration in his gaze.
"Storm?" A quiet meow came from behind him, filling his ears with a gentle melody.


Brightstream gazed longingly at her old mate, guilt surging through her like a tsunami tide. Still, she tentatively called his name, approaching him from behind, her fur brushing his as she circled around him. Her paws hit the cold water, taking in the sensation that filled her hot fur. Silence filled the air for a moment, before Brightstream awkwardly said, "We live in a beautiful place."
Storm faced her, his mouth set in a grim smile before he replied. "I'm supposed to be hunting." He responded curtly.
Oh my love, what happened to us? Brightstream thought, before she could silence her mind. She casted her gaze downward towards the water, watching as an anchovy flickered by. Quick as an adder, her forepaw lashed out and she hooked her claws around the warm flesh and knocked the prey onto the sand. Storm nipped it's spine before it could flop away.
"There you go then." She echoed, gathering her herbs and heading into the pine forest. Despite her loyalty to Starclan, she knew she would always love Storm, however arrogant he might be. He cared for her and protected her for many years, ever since her very first mate, and first love- abandoned her when she was injured. It seemed wrong to leave him for a clan life, but she knew in her heart that Starclan had chosen right. Brightstream would always be loyal to the Warrior Code, even if it meant breaking her own heart doing it.


Conch perked her head up at the sound of her name leaving Reefstar's mouth, and she felt an unfamiliar inclination shoot through her. Flicking her tail at her own ignorance, she heaved herself to her paws and made her way to Reefstar; a stubborn expression set on her face. "I can hunt my own prey." She pointed out, beginning to groom her long fur. Reefstar gave her a crooked smile, then shook his head.
"Storm can hunt, then when your kits are born and ready to eat fresh-kill, you may hunt for yourself." He reasoned with her, gentleness coaxing her.
"If only Silver was still here. He would have made a good warrior." She whispered, her mouth turning downward with grief.
"I wish he was, too. What happened to him?" Reefstar asked gently, resting the tip of his tail on her shoulder. Conch shook her head, glancing back up at him.
"We didn't love each other. These kits were an accident. But he was determined to provide for them. He went swimming, to catch fish... find a pearl for me, he said... But he never came back. The waves swallowed him whole. I can still hear his cries. He didn't beg for his life, no. He begged for mine, and my kits. Begged that someone might provide for me while I was nursing. And..." She paused, glancing back up at Reefstar. "Here you are." She whispered, folding her ears against her head shyly. The black tom's paw gently rested against hers for the briefest of moments as he murmured back,
"And here I'll stay."

→ Storm hunts by the ocean.
→ Brightstream gathers herbs.
→ Reefstar goes to the twoleg place to find clan recruits.

Reefstar | 46 moons | Male
A large, muscular black tom with white on his chest and pale green eyes.
He's level headed, slow to anger, humble, and fair to even the smallest kit.
Lives: 9/9

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Medicine Cat:
Brightstream | 20 moons | Female
A tabby she-cat with white legs and a chest, and striking amber eyes.
She is gentle, composed, intellectual, and curious about all things.

Storm | 22 moons | Male
A handsome, wiry and with tom with gray striped splotches.
He is arrogant, quick to speak, and romantically inclined.
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Conch | 36 moons | Female | Pregnant
A beautiful, long hair gray and white cat with distinct black stripes
on her face. She is very peaceful. She gets along with everyone.
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Clan Name | Username
East | Clan Name | Username
South | Clan Name | Username
West | Clan Name | Username

Medicine Store
x1 | Borage | Helps a queen's milk to come.
x1 | Cobweb | Stops bleeding and binds wounds.
x1 | Comfrey Root | Sooths itching, inflamation,
and stiffness.
x1 | Juniper Berry | Helps breathing, gives strength,
and soothes bellies.
x1 | Marigold | Stops infection, stops bleeding, lowers

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Trout | x0 | 3 servings
Tuna | x0 | 3 servings
Salmon | x0 | 3 servings
Anchovy | x0 | 2 servings
Crab | x1 | 2 servings
Oyster | x0 | 2 servings
Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
Frog | x0 | 1 serving
Lizard | x0 | 1 serving
Sparrow | x0 | 2 servings
Finch | x0 | 1 serving

Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

Deceased Cats:
Cat Name | Cause of Death
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kits
Name and Name | Kits

This is my most recent post, Kat <3
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Katrione » Sat Nov 25, 2017 1:04 pm

bel. wrote:
Nearly a week had past since Reefstar was given his nine lives, and as he glanced at the barely filled fresh-kill pile, he beckoned to Storm with his tail. As the wiry tom approached him, muscles rolling underneath his pelt, the black tom cat blinked at him and cleared his throat. "I'm staying here with Conch, I need you to go out hunting." He held up his tail when Storm began to protest, and continued. "When you get back, and when Brightstream returns from gathering herbs, I will leave and cross the twoleg bridge and find loners or kittypets that might hold promise for our clan. There aren't many mouths to feed right now, but when Conch's kits come, I suspect we will need the extra sets of claws."


For a moment, Storm considered disobeying the arrogant tom. You can hunt, can't you? He thought bitterly, though he bit his tongue and nodded. On his way out of camp, he headed to the sandy shores and began stalking, his long tail waving like a feathery banner behind him. Underneath the scorching sun, he felt his insomnia's affects more deeply than he had before; being the only hunter in the clan- aside from when Reefstar wasn't catsitting- and not being able to sleep stabbed at his paw steps. Before, he had only needed to hunt for himself and Amy- no, Brightstream now- and one kill sufficed for them. But providing for a pregnant- and rather moody- she-cat, Brightstream, himself, and Reefstar was hard. He had considered speaking to Brightstream, after all she was the only cat he knew in Reefclan, and she was the medicine cat. But even when the two had been mates, Storm never told her of the nightmares that haunted him everytime he closed his eyes. It was better to stay awake, than risk the torment. Stumbling, he felt his paws touch the cool ocean water, waves lapping at the fur on his legs. He purred, gazing out at the endless water with admiration in his gaze.
"Storm?" A quiet meow came from behind him, filling his ears with a gentle melody.


Brightstream gazed longingly at her old mate, guilt surging through her like a tsunami tide. Still, she tentatively called his name, approaching him from behind, her fur brushing his as she circled around him. Her paws hit the cold water, taking in the sensation that filled her hot fur. Silence filled the air for a moment, before Brightstream awkwardly said, "We live in a beautiful place."
Storm faced her, his mouth set in a grim smile before he replied. "I'm supposed to be hunting." He responded curtly.
Oh my love, what happened to us? Brightstream thought, before she could silence her mind. She casted her gaze downward towards the water, watching as an anchovy flickered by. Quick as an adder, her forepaw lashed out and she hooked her claws around the warm flesh and knocked the prey onto the sand. Storm nipped it's spine before it could flop away.
"There you go then." She echoed, gathering her herbs and heading into the pine forest. Despite her loyalty to Starclan, she knew she would always love Storm, however arrogant he might be. He cared for her and protected her for many years, ever since her very first mate, and first love- abandoned her when she was injured. It seemed wrong to leave him for a clan life, but she knew in her heart that Starclan had chosen right. Brightstream would always be loyal to the Warrior Code, even if it meant breaking her own heart doing it.


Conch perked her head up at the sound of her name leaving Reefstar's mouth, and she felt an unfamiliar inclination shoot through her. Flicking her tail at her own ignorance, she heaved herself to her paws and made her way to Reefstar; a stubborn expression set on her face. "I can hunt my own prey." She pointed out, beginning to groom her long fur. Reefstar gave her a crooked smile, then shook his head.
"Storm can hunt, then when your kits are born and ready to eat fresh-kill, you may hunt for yourself." He reasoned with her, gentleness coaxing her.
"If only Silver was still here. He would have made a good warrior." She whispered, her mouth turning downward with grief.
"I wish he was, too. What happened to him?" Reefstar asked gently, resting the tip of his tail on her shoulder. Conch shook her head, glancing back up at him.
"We didn't love each other. These kits were an accident. But he was determined to provide for them. He went swimming, to catch fish... find a pearl for me, he said... But he never came back. The waves swallowed him whole. I can still hear his cries. He didn't beg for his life, no. He begged for mine, and my kits. Begged that someone might provide for me while I was nursing. And..." She paused, glancing back up at Reefstar. "Here you are." She whispered, folding her ears against her head shyly. The black tom's paw gently rested against hers for the briefest of moments as he murmured back,
"And here I'll stay."[/left]
[center]→ Storm hunts by the ocean.
→ Brightstream gathers herbs.
→ Reefstar goes to the twoleg place to find clan recruits.

[ Storm caught two sparrows and a salmon while hunting ]
[ Brightstream gathered feverfew and tormentil while herb hunting ]
[ Reefstar found a warrior while on patrol ]
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-- zephyrine's replies no.29

Postby ashton. » Sat Nov 25, 2017 1:30 pm

      weather: leaf-fall.
      it is beginning to get cooler with the arrival of leaf-fall, but not much else has changed from the green-leaf weather. trees' leaves have yet to change their colors, and many foxes and badgers still roam the territories. however, kitting will begin to get harder as we approach leaf-bare.

Galipaygo wrote:

As the warm summer sun broke through the cover of the leaves above, clan cats lurked where there was shade and water to keep themselves cool. It was a hot day for the clan, and not many were ready for it. Only Saltwind seemed to not bake under the sun. “Why do you all seem so tired?” he would ask his fellow clanmated who clearly didn’t want to here his words. “Why you little pile of dung! We are cats with thick pelts and here you are asking what in Starclan is wrong with us?!” Birchfur spat venomously at the deputy. Timberstar could only watch as his deputy and warrior fought over the temperature of the day. He shook his head as a tired expression fell over his face. “Oh Starclan, please let my clan survive themselves this greenleaf” he said to himself as he turned his face up to look at the sky. It was a crystal clear day, one they hadn’t expected would bring such heat.
Suddenly, Timberstar heard Birchfur yowl with rage and storm out of camp quickly, leaving Saltwind alone to scowl. This indeed would be a very troubling moon... After a while of letting Saltwind sulk alone, Timberstar walked up to him. “You know, if you really like Birchfur you don’t have to be so rude to her” the leader said, looking at his deputy. Saltwind almost choked at what his leader just said. Like?! Timberstar, are you insane?! She is an agrivating shecat that always keeps to herself until it’s the most inconvenient for everyone! How could anyone like that?!” he thundered. Timberstar couldn’t help but break out laughing at what Saltwind retorted. “If you say so! How about we go on a boarder patrol to clear your mind” he proposed. The deputy sighed and nodded in agreement and they both left to patrol the boarders.

Birchfur hunts near the stream
Saltwind and Timberstar patrol the North and West boarders
Hollypelt herb hunts
Birchfur and Timberstar hunt
Fernheart and Saltwind patrol the South and East boarders
The clan consumes a small fish - 2 servings!

      birchfur caught a big fish!
      saltwind + timberstar found an apprentice!
      hollypelt found celandine + sweet-sedge!
      birchfur + timberstar caught a squirrel!
      fernheart + saltwind's patrol was uneventful.

CheshireWonderland wrote:

[BluebellClan uses two servings of catfish]
[Honeystar asks StarClan for a warrior]
[Smokecloud, Honeystar, and Mothbloom go hunting]
[Mothbloom searches for herbs]
[Honeystar and Smokecloud go on a border patrol]
[Smokecloud reveals his age; backstory is still unknown]

      starclan has granted you a warrior!
      smokecloud, honeystar, + mothbloom caught a vole + a rabbit!
      mothbloom found dock + wild garlic!
      honeystar + smokecloud caught the scent of a rogue! return to chase it off or invite it to join your clan.

starkiller. wrote:

    wiry muscles rippled underneath a long, thick dark-furred pelt. golden eyes
    narrowed with hostility, chin raised high. long legs led to a well-sprung ribc-
    age, to broad shoulders and then a narrow back leading to flexible hips and
    a long tail. a magnificent head with a strong jaw, a muzzle with scars rakin-
    g across it and battle scarred ears. lean paws leading to unusually long cla-
    ws, safely sheathed for now. "who are you, and why are you in my dreams?"

    nine cats stood in a tight, strict line, but the most peculiar thing about th-
    em was the starlight glittering in their fur and the silver pooling around th-
    eir paws. one cat stepped forward then, a light-boned small she-cat with f
    ur the color of a stormy sky and wide, clear blue eyes. "you've been chosen."

    "chosen for what?" the tom growled. "I've never done anything."

    the tom could sense the agitation of the other eight cats, yet they rema-
    ined patient as the she-cat spoke again. "twig, my name is mistystar, a-
    and I was the leader of garrisonclan before the fire swept through our h-
    ome. we've chosen you to rebuild our once-mighty clan in the forest."

    twig's muzzle wrinkled as he pulled back his lips in a grimace. he had h-
    eard of the warrior clans, and everyone knew the tales of garrisonclan.
    he hesitated, then gave a sigh. "alright. what do you want me to do?"


    what in the world just happened? the tom wondered when he woke
    the next morning. "ah, now I remember." twig had been his name fr-
    om the day he was born, but now he has a new name — lionstar, wh-
    ich was what starclan had renamed him as they gave him his nine li-
    ves. he was to lead and rebuild garrisonclan by getting more cats.

    [Lionstar asks for a deputy and a queen to start off his clan]
    [Lionstar goes on a patrol to find more cats]

      on his patrol, lionstar found the deputy starclan sent!
      [ sorry, you can only request one cat from the moonpool :c ]

Whispering Moon wrote:

Stormcloud padded across the forest floor, every step disturbing a leaf or a twig. He could smell mouse and hear the shuffling of many small creatures in the undergrowth. Satisfied, he purred, dashing through the shafts of sunlight like an apprentice their first day out of the camp. "Thank Starclan leaf-bare is gone", Stormcloud muttered contentedly. Melonstar had sent him off on a patrol by the thunderpath. "Who knows what those crazy monsters are doing there!" He recalled her words, and a rush of warmth spread through him. "Melonstar is such a stupid fur-ball", he chuckled to himself. As he neared the thunderpath, he could hear the deafening roar of the monsters and smell their acrid tang. But, wait- something was wrong. Stormcloud snapped to awareness, his eyes narrowing as he opened his mouth. "Cat", he growled. Dropping into a hunter's crouch, he followed the scent until he could see two dark figures in the distance. Over the loud roar of the thunderpath, he could just make out their words. "What are we going to do now?" One of them wailed. It's voice sounded desperate, as if it had lost all hope. "Quiet!" The second cat hissed. "This isn't our territory! There could be cats out here waiting to kill us..." The first cat whimpered, and Stormcloud chuckled to himself softly, but the sound was abruptly cut off. Stormcloud gasped in horror as a dark figure swerved off of the thunderpath, heading for the strangers. "A monster?!" Stormcloud sprang to his feet. "But they're not supposed to go on the grass!" Shaking with disbelief, he opened his mouth and yowled as loud as he could. "Stop! There's a monster! Watch ou-" The two cats had swerved their heads in his direction, and now, their panic-stricken screams overlapped his and reverberated through the forest. Stormcloud felt bile rising in his throat as the cats were hit, and gagged at the fresh stench of blood. The monster ran on, unaware of the cats it had just hurt, and Stormcloud swayed on his paws. The forest dimmed and it seemed like the only thing he could see was the cat hit, a white she-cat, lying on the floor, her pelt soaked with blood and her eyes half-open. "Where's the other cat? Wasn't she hit too?" Stormcloud wondered dimly, not really caring. He spotted her at the edge of the clearing; she had some blood on her left leg but seemed to be okay. She glanced at him, and Stormcloud noticed she was carrying some cobweb. The strange cat padded over and spat out the cobweb next to the white cat. He stared at the white cat's dull eyes with pity, wondering what kind of life she could have had before this tragedy. Ready to walk away, he stifled a gasp as confusion flickered in the eyes that had been so dull seconds before. The white cat muttered something unintelligible, then closed her eyes and sighed. At this point, the other, younger cat had sat down next to Stormcloud and was putting cobweb on the white cat's wounds. "H-how did she survive?" Stormcloud gasped. The strange cat looked at him gravely. "She crouched when the monster was about to hit her", the cat said. "I'm pretty sure only her legs were hurt. Look; that's where all of the wounds are." Stormcloud was surprised to see that that was, indeed, true. "But wouldn't that mean that it would have broken her legs and spine?" He asked in amazement. The cat sighed. "You see, she was standing sideways, and she crouched, so the monster would only have hit the lower part of her legs since there's some space under it. When she was hit, the force would have made her roll away, which would have prevented further damage." She ran her paws across the cat's legs and flank. "The bone's certainly broken here", she said with concern. "I'm not sure if she'll ever be able to run properly... Although there's a big enough chance." At that, the white cat roused again and whimpered. The younger cat stroked the white cat's head, whispering words of reassurance. Soon, the white cat closed her eyes and drifted into a troubled sleep. Stormcloud shook his head, trying to clear it. It was as if he was in a trance, and he desperately needed to wake up from it. "What's wrong with me?" He wondered. "Oh god... how did that monster go off of the thunderpath?! Does this mean we have to be constantly alert? Who says there isn't a monster in the camp right now, slowly draining away each of Melonstar's nine lives?" Stormcloud hissed, warding off his rising anxiety. As he looked at the strange cat tending to the white cat's wounds, a question formed in his head. "What is your name? Who are you?" he demanded, although his voice sounded tired. The cat turned around to him. "My name is Tranquilitywhisper. I was sent here to be your medicine cat." Stormcloud's eyes widened. "Now, let me get back to work." Stormcloud watched for a moment, then swallowed and opened his mouth. "And what's... her name?" Stormcloud nodded his head at the white cat. Tranquilitywhisper sighed. "It's Arrowfang." With a final sniff at the cat, Tranquilitywhisper stood up. "Let's get her back to camp. I have a herb store stashed in one of the oak trees nearby." Stormcloud nodded, and crouched down as Tranquilitywhisper gently lifted Arrowfang onto his shoulders. He staggered, but caught his balance and started walking toward the camp. Tranquilitywhisper stood by his side, steadying Arrowfang.
- - - - - - - - - -
"Melonstar!" Melonstar looked up as Tranquilitywhisper came running toward her, her fur covered in moss and bits of dried herb. "Melonstar!" She called again, and this time Melonstar rose to her feet. "Arrowfang woke up!" Tranquilitywhisper puffed, her tail flicking side-to-side. Melonstar was ecstatic with glee. "How is she? Is she alright? Will the leg heal?" Tranquilitywhisper shook her head. "I'm not sure yet", she admitted, "But I know one thing- she'll live." Melonstar nodded, her excitement draining. It was still relieving to know the cat would live, but... What would a disabled warrior do in a small clan like Honeyclan? Melonstar shook her head. There was no point thinking about that now. "Go gather some herbs", she ordered the young medicine cat, who nodded and scrambled away. "Stormcloud!" She called, and he instantly padded out of the warrior den. "What is it, Melonstar?" He asked, dipping his head. "We're going hunting by the Old Spruce", Melonstar said. Stormcloud purred and padded out of camp.
There it was... Melonstar could smell the strong scent of mouse and see it sitting next to a tree's roots. It cleaned it's small paws, unaware of the fact that it was prey for a creature much bigger than it. Melonstar inched forward, placing each paw silently on the forest floor. Just when she was about to pounce, Stormcloud came running in. "Melonstar!" He shouted. The mouse jumped and quickly dashed away. "Fox dung!" Melonstar hissed. "You just scared away my dinner!" "I don't care about your dinner!" Stormcloud whispered. "I've spotted two cats on our border." Melonstar jerked her head to stare at him. "Let's go, then!" She meowed excitedly. Not waiting for a reply, she dashed across the clearing toward the northern border. Soon, she could smell cats and saw them through the undergrowth. One of them seemed to be considerably younger than the other. Melonstar nodded and padded out confidently. "Greetings", she meowed loudly. Both cats jerked their heads around and stared at her with a scared expression. Both were she-cats, and one was a very pale sandy color, so that she almost looked white. The other one was ginger with white patches and seemed to be younger than the sandy one. "My name is Melonstar, and I am the leader of Honeyclan. You are on my territory..." The cats looked like they wanted to dig a hole and crawl into it, and Melonstar trailed off. "Don't be so scared!" She said gently. "We're a small clan, and looking for new cats. Would you like to join?" The cats looked at each other, their mouths agape. The sandy one stepped forward and dipped her head. "My name is Powdershine of Flameclan, and my friend over here is Flarestone of Quartzclan." Melonstar nodded. "Come then. Let's get to work."
[ Tranquilitywhisper, Arrowfang, Powdershine, and Flarestone join the clan ]
[ Arrowfang is hit by a monster and suffers a broken leg and a few bruises ]
[ Tranquilitywhisper = herb hunting ]
[ Powdershine + Flarestone = border patrol ]
[ Melonstar = Stormcloud = hunting ]
[ Melonstar decides not to go the moonpool just yet ]
[ The clan consumes a small fish ]

      arrowfang needs x1 bindweed for her leg. she should rest for four moons before returning to warrior duties.
      tranquilitywhisper found bindweed + cobwebs!
      powdershine + flarestone found an apprentice!
      melonstar + stormcloud caught a shrew + a frog!

mr.kingrichard wrote:

Deepstar flicked an ear as the wind ruffled his thick orange and white tabby fur. Amber-green eyes stared at his empty camp.

He was going to need cats to fill it. First, he needed a medicine cat.

Deepstar traveled to the Moonpool to pray. "StarClan, please, send us a medicine cat. If our Clan is to get strong, we will need one."

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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Arya22 » Sat Nov 25, 2017 1:45 pm

Number of Cats: 34
(18 Mollies 16 Toms)

Spiderstar opened his eyes and stood up, smiling. "Thank you Starclan." he whispered. Spiderstar knew that Fuzzypaw and Ferretpaw had succeeded. But still, the leaders mind was troubled as he started back towards camp. The cats in Staclan had seemed worried, or even angry... Spiderstar sighed. Was he doing something wrong? Suddenly, Spiderstar froze in his tracks. He had heard something... A low, thundering crack echoed across the forest. Spiderstar looked up, fear gripping his heart and muscles. An old, rotten tree had broken at it's base and was now slowly dropping, falling right towards the immobile leader. "Spiderstar!" the loud, fearful cry cut through the air, coming straight from a young cats heart. Fuzzypaw watched with horror as Spiderstar, free from the limb-freezing terror at last, jumped forward as fast as he could, one millisecond before the tree came crashing down on the ground with a multitude of cracking noises and a mighty rustling. The leader had disappeared under the dead branches.

Her eyes wide and her paws shaking, Fuzzypaw stayed a few seconds, looking at the place the leader had disappeared from. At last she gathered her courage and ran forward. "Spiderstar!" she called as she came nearer. No noise, no movements. Heart pounding, Fuzzypaw started crawling under the branches to try finding him. The sharp smell of blood stung her nose and Fuzzypaw felt even more scared. He wasn't dead, was he?... "Spiderstar!" she called again. Still no answer. Guided by her sense of smell, Fuzzypaw made her way to the leader with difficulty. What she saw made the blood in her veins freeze. Unmoving, the leader laid on the ground. His left hind leg stuck out at an odd angle and he was covered in a multitude of bleeding cuts. The worst were some on his head, and there was a long, bleeding gash on his flank. Fuzzypaw took in a shaky breath. What was she going to do?...


Black. Pain. Everything hurt... Slowly, the dark veil lifted. There was a starry sky around him. "Spiderstar..." a sad voice echoed in his ears. Spiderstar blinked and his vision cleared. "Ravenfeather?" another figure appeared in his field of vision. "Leafstrike..." the mates sat next to each other, watching the broken leader. "Spiderstar, what has gotten into you?" Leafstrike asked incredulously. "Do you not see what he is doing?" Ravenfeather spoke softly. "Spiderstar, you must open your eyes and look upon the clan with a clear mind." Spiderstars eyes widened and he tried to stand up, but a searing pain went through his leg and he fell back. "Look at what is happening..." a black veil started to rise over Spiderstars vision and he slowly sank back into the shadows.


"He's waking up!" Fawnthoat exclaimed, the relief evident in her voice. Ashwhisper, Fuzzypaw and her were all sitting in the medicine den, around their prone leader. When they saw him open his eyes, they all smiled with relief. "Wh-Where am I?..." Spiderstar mumbled. Everything was blurry. "You are back in camp, in the medicine den." Fawnthroat told him. "Thanks to Fuzzypaw." Spiderstar smiled weakly. So it had been her. "Thank you." he mumbled, but a rasping, racking cough shook his body. He winced in pain, his eyes closing. His wound reopened while he shook, and when Spiderstar stopped coughing, he had stopped breathing too. The cats in the den had become deathly silent. Spiderstar had lost another life before their eyes...


There was barely a noise in the clan after they had heard about Spiderstars accident. When they learned about it, Freckleface and Moonshadow rushed to get news from the medicine den, leaving Mikestep alone to guard the prisoners. Inside the elders den, Smokebreath and Fogspark had heard about the accident, and both were worried. But at least no-one could accuse them this time... Hearing the rushed footsteps of Freckleface and Moonshadow leaving, Fogspark had an idea. "Smokebreath. We could leave now." she whispered. "No-one is watching except for Mikestep, and he's young. He won't stop us. We could be free, alone..."

Smokebreath hesitated. He had no idea how his sister planned on leaving, but they couldn't hurt Mikestep! Also, he knew that if they left it would be forever. They would always be treated like criminals and would be shunned. But staying wasn't a good idea either. Something was bound to happen and they weren't strong enough to fight the whole clan. "Alright..." Smokebreath sighed. He regretted not having planned anything beforehand. But they didn't have the time now. "How do you plan on leaving? Mikestep's still out there." he reminded Fogspark. His sister smiled and started walking in the direction of the entrance. "What do you think? Ask him!" Smokebreath padded behind her, less confidently. What on earth did she mean?

"Mikestep?" Fogspark asked. "Y-Yes?" the tom asked, coming closer to the entrance. He suddenly felt very vulnerable... "Mikestep, I'd like you to let us out." Fogspark said calmly. Mikestep jumped in shock as he understood the meaning of what she was saying. "L-Let you out? Of course not! You're prisoners!" Fogspark sighed. "But prisoners for what, Mikestep? As we have already said multiple times, we did not kill Ravenfeather, nor Leafstrike, nor Fauna." Mikestep frowned. "You could easily be lying. Just to make me pity you." "But if I was lying and we did kill them, why would I waste my time talking with you? I could easily kill you here and now." Fogspark retorted. Mikestep opened his mouth to answer, paused, then closed it again. In fact, there was nothing he could say to that.

After a few seconds of silence, Mikestep spoke. "Either way, I can't let you leave. Otherwise they'll imprison me for being a traitor." Fogspark knew she had almost won. "Of course. That's why I should knock you out." Mikesteps eyes widened. "Kn-Knock me out?" She must have been joking! But Fogsparks answer dashed all his hopes of that. "Yes, knock you out. You'll be safe of all accusations that way." Behind her, Smokebreath listened intently, thinking what a wonderfully smart sister he had. She must have been thinking about that days in advance!

Mikestep had been silent for a while. Unlike most cats in the clan, or so he thought, he didn't believe the two Siamese cats had murdered their clan mates. He had often talked with them and they truly seemed very kind! Now, Fogspark looked him straight in the eyes, usually a sign of honesty. Seeing he was still hesitating, Fogspark spoke one last time. "Mikestep, I promise by Starclan that I am not lying, not in anything I said, and that I will not hurt you more than just enough to knock you out. I don't want to hurt anyone." Mikestep waited another couple of seconds before sighing. "Fine. Do whatever will work." he said. Trusting cats was going to be his end one day...

Fogspark allowed herself a weak smile. "One day I'll make it up to you." She thanked him. "Now, just come inside the den.And don't try fighting." Mikestep, heart pounding in apprehension of what was about to happen to him, took a fewsteps forward. He didn't even have time to prepare himself. As soon as his small paws stepped onto the dens soft earth, Fogspark launched herself at him. Her paw, with the claws in, hit his temple with such a force that he didn't feel anything, didn't have time to make a sound. His body simply thumped to the ground heavily, eyes closed. Fogspark watched his slowly breathing body for a few seconds and sighed. "Good luck." she murmured. Hopefully he wouldn't get any problems from the others.

"That. Was beautiful." Smokebreath said, his words very detached from each other. He was staring at his sister. She was definitely one extraordinary cat. Fogspark smiled a little. "It's not over yet. Let's go now before anyone comes." Quickly and silently, the two siblings left the elders den. There was no-one in sight. It was the first time they left that dark place in what felt like forever, and their eyes took a few seconds to get used to the brighter light. Then, they headed away from camp, avois=ding carefully the center and anything around the medicine den. As they heard the first birds sing over their heads, Fogspark smiled brightly. "Free!"


Moonshadow was, if possible, even more sullen than usual. Freckleface and her had been thrown away from the medicine den. Everyone in the clan had wanted to have news about Spiderstar, and everywhere around the medicine den was crowded, so Fawnthroat had sent everyone away. Freckleface, walking by her, felt terrible. Their leader ahd lost two lives and they couldn't do anything about it... As the two warriors approached the medicine den though, Moonshadow noticed something was wrong. "Where is Mikestep?" Freckleface asked in a hesitant voice. Dreading something, he rushed forward into the elders den. From outside, Moonshadow heard a gasp and rushed in after.

Mikestep laid on the ground, unmoving. Of course, Smokebreath and Fogspark were gone. "Is he?..." Moonshadow asked fearfully. Her mate crouched by the younger warrior and shook his head after a second. "He's breathing. I think he's only been knocked out." Moonshadow closed her eyes in relief for a second. "Freckleface, stay with him. I'll go get Fawnthroat or Ashwhisper." The warrior said, and left quickly. Freckleface looked at her shadow-like body slink away and sighed softly. She was stunning. Freckleface blinked and shook his head. What was he doing, thinking about that now!

But as he looked back down at Mikestep, he noticed with surprise- and relief- that Mikestep had stirred. The young warrior groaned quietly, eyes still closed. His head hurt... "Mikestep?" Freckleface asked in a low voice. Mikestep only groaned again in pain. At last he opened his eyes and looked around a bit. Everything seemed blurry... "Are they gone?" he finally mumbled. At first, Freckleface didn't understand what he was talking about. Then it came to him and he nodded. "Oh- Yes, Smokebreath and Fogspark are gone. Was it them that attacked you?" it seemed pretty obvious, but who knew... "Well-" Mikestep started, but cut himself off. What could he say? He hadn't thought about it and his brain felt like it was working at half speed.

Mikestep was saved from answering by Moonshadow and Ashwhisper's arrival. Moonshadow stayed at the entrance and Ashwhisper rushed forward. "What happened?" she asked quietly while checking his head for any injuries. Mikestep didn't respond straight away. "W-Well I heard a scream from inside the den... I entered and one of them just pounced on me and knocked me out." Mikestep had just managed to think it up, and hoped it would work. Ashwhisper sighed. "Well at least there's no big injury. The hit wasn't too hard." Mikestep remembered Fogspark promising she wouldn't hurt him more than necessary. Seemed like she had kept her promise.

"all the same, I'd like you to spend the night in the medicine den. We can keep an eye on you that way." Ashwhisper said. "do you think you can stand?" Mikestep nodded hesitantly. "I think." he said, and pushed himself on his paws. Immediately, the world started swaying. Mikestep stumbled a few steps to the side then fell over again. Stars of pain rose up in his eyes. "Ow..." he murmured to himself. The pain on his head was sharp stabs, like sticks sticking into his head. "Maybe not..." he said, his voice wavering. Ashwhisper was by him soon. "let's wait some time until you're better. Try get some sleep in the mean time." Mikestep nodded. He felt so horrible all he wanted to do was sleep anyway.


In the medicine den, Spiderstar had opened his eyes again. He felt a tiny bit better than before, although that wasn't much. "Fawnthroat, how dark is it outside?" he asked suddenly, remembering something. "not very yet, three is maybe an hour or two of sunlight left." the medicine cat answered. "why?" Spiderstar didn't answer, instead he tried to somehow get up. Fawnthroat ran forward to stop him. "Spiderstar! Stop right now, you will hurt yourself again!" she exclaimed indignantly. But the leader wouldn't stop. He held back a cough. "Fawnthroat, Fuzzypaw and Ferretpaw's warrior ceremonies haven't been done yet!"


Some time later, the leader had somehow managed to drag himself onto the high rock with Fawnthroat's resentful help. After calling for the clan to gather beneath him, he managed to smile. "I can see you all looking at my injuries... I will be fine." he promised them. Then his smile grew a little bit bigger. "Now, I have something very important to say. Today as you all know, two of our apprentices took their warrior assessment. And now is the time for them to grow up... Ferretpaw, please step forward."

The young tom walked in front of the high rock, looking up with a half expectant, half worried expression. "Ferretpaw, your skills in fighting throughout your training have truly impressed your mentor and me. True to that, your warrior name shall be Ferretstrike." Tears rose to Ferretstrike's eyes as he recognized his father's name. No, it wasn't on purpose. No, probably not... "now, Fuzzypaw, please step forward." The black molly took a few steps in direction on the leader after smiling a little at her brother. She was proud of him.

"Fuzzypaw, you are definitely one of the strongest and most courageous mollies I have ever met. Like your mother. Your determination, your kindness and your sense of justice all pointed me to the truly fitting warrior name for you. Fuzzyheart." after he had finished speaking, Fuzzyheart thought she had seen a gleaming drop at the corner of the leaders eyes. But either way, her own eyes were filled with tears. She was a warrior now, and knew her parents would be watching from Starclan. She suddenly had the heartsqueezing feeling that they were proud of her and Ferretstrike.


The sky was slowly darkening, but the day wasn't over yet. Fuzzyheart and Fireblaze were walking side by side, a little distance away from camp, talking quietly. Suddenly Fireblaze turned around and looked at Fuzzyheart. "Fuzzyheart, I have to ask you something." he said all of a sudden, sounding nervous. Fuzzyheart felt her heart pick up speed. Fireblaze took a long breath. "Fuzzyheart, will you be my mate?" Fuzzyheart didn't answer straight away. Instead, she jumped at Fireblaze and tackled him to the ground. "yes!" she whispered in his ear before falling to the side, grinning like a kit. "yes!" she repeated.

The two mates laid on the ground, both looking up at the stars, when Fuzzyheart's ear twitched. "did you hear that?" she asked in a whisper. Fireblaze frowned. "hear what?" both kept quiet until Fuzzyheart stood up all of a sudden. "that! It was a kit, I am sure I heard a kit crying." Fireblaze stood up quickly after her. "are you sure?" he asked. His ears strained and he finally heard it too. A high-pitched, tiny whining. A kit meowing for food and warmth. The two mates rushed in the direction it came from. Right by the end of Swallowclan territory, Fuzzyheart stopped and gasped. There, a tiny, grey kit laid on the ground.

~the next day~

Mikestep had had a good night, and he woke up feeling much better than the previous day. Most his headache was gone. He left the medicine den silently, not wanting to disturb the leader and medicine cats, and made his way to the nursery. He would check if his mate was awake yet. And his kits maybe, too... Mikestep entered the nursery silently and looked around. A dark shape in the corner surprised him, and when he looked closer he was even more surprised. It was Moonshadow! She was probably expecting kits, but in all honesty Mikestep just couldn't imagine the cold and fierce warrior as a mother. Although maybe it would change her... But she and everyone in the nursery still slept, so Mikestep stepped out silently and made his way to the center of camp to eat a little.

(meh, definitely not my best post but I really just wanted to finish it quickly... The end is awful. I might come back to make it better though!)

(Smokebreath and Fogspark have escaped! They are still on Swallowclan territory but not in the clan anymore.
Stonekit was found by the border and brought in the clan!
Fuzzyheart and Fireblaze are now mates!
Spiderstar has lost two lives (one on the accident and one of injuries later) after a tree fell on him. His left hind leg is broken and he has numerous bleeding cuts. Marigold, Cobwebs, Poppy seeds and Bindweed has been used.
Barkknot and Wheatfur trying out for another litter!
Pebblesplash, Beetlewing, Iceflower, Ferretstrike, Fuzzyheart and Sunlight on hunting patrol
Mossfur, Ivythorn, Hopstripe, Rowangaze, Honeyear and Brambleburr on hunting patrol
Smokewhisker, Barkknot, Mikestep and Freckleface patrolling on west border
Sycamorewhisker, Beetlewing, Specklefang, Sandpelt and Fireblaze patrolling on north border
Ashwhisper looking for kitting herbs
Fawnthroat staying back to watch over Spiderstar and the young cats)

          Spiderstar | 77 moons | Male | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★

          Honeyear | 59 moons | Male | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Fawnthroat | 80 moons | Female | X
          Ashwhisper | 17 moons | Female | X

          Medicine Cat apprentice:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Smokewhisker | 41 moons | Male | X
          Barkknot | 61 moons | Male | X
          Mikestep | 28 moons | Male | X
          Freckleface | 51 moons | Male | X
          Hopstripe | 28 moons| Female | X
          Sycamorewhisker | 54 moons | Male | X
          Brambleburr| 54 moons | Female | X
          Beetlewing | 20 moons | Male | X
          Specklefang | 20 moons | Female | X
          Sandpelt | 24 moons | Male | X
          Smokebreath | 43 moons | Male | X
          Fogspark | 43 moons | Female | X
          Pebblesplash | 16 moons | Male | X
          Rowangaze | 30 moons | Male | X
          Fireblaze | 15 moons | Male | X
          Mossfur | 22 moons | Male | X
          Iceflower | 17 moons | Female | X
          Ivythorn | 17 moons | Female | X
          Sunlight | 13 moons | Female | X
          Ferretstrike | 13 moons | Male | X
          Fuzzyheart | 13 moons | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Flintpaw | 10 moons | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Wheatfur | 62 moons | Female | X
          Whisperleap | 27 moons | Female | X
          Moonshadow | 59 moons | Female | X (gives birth in my next next post)
          Barleystorm | 51 moons | Female | X (gives birth in my next next post)
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Lynxkit | 5 moons | Male | X
          Ivykit | 5 moons | Female | X
          Hailkit | 5 moons | Female | X
          Shinekit | 6 moons | Female | X
          Stonekit | 2 moons | Male | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Ally Clans:
    Mapleclan | purrfect
    Lotusclan | wolfie
    Quarzclan | Sunnymcsun
    Blueclan | miss universe
    Boulderclan | shasta blue
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North: Clan name | Owner
    East: Clan name | Owner
    South: Clan name | Owner
    West: Sorrelclan | Skygold

    Medicine Store
    Borage leaves | It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers. | x0
    Catmint | Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough.| x2
    Cobwebs | To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.| x1 (used on Spiderstar)
    Feverfew | Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches.| x0
    Poppy seeds | They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain. Not recommended for nursing queens.| x1 (used on Spiderstar)
    Alder bark | cures toothache. | x1
    Lavender | Cures fever and chills. Also used to hide the scent of death. | x1
    Hawkweed | Like catmint, can be used for greencough| x1
    Bindweed | Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place. | x1 (used on Spiderstar)
    Broom | It is used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds. | x1
    Dandelion | Eases breathing or kitten-cough, as well as cracked or sore pads. | x0
    Chervil | For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used during kitting. | x1
    Thyme | Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.| x0
    Dock | Soothes scratches, though can sting when being applied. Soothes sore pads. If placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds.| x1
    Lungwort | Cures yellowcough. | x1
    Marigold | Stops infection. Stops bleeding. Used for inflammation of stiff joints. | x1 (used on Spiderstar)
    Ivy leaves | Used to carry and store other herbs. | x1
    Water hemlock | Causes writhing, pain, and foaming at the mouth. | x0
    Ragwort leaves | Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.| x1
    Burnet | Is said to help stop minor bleeding on Twolegs. Keeps a cat's strength up.| x1
    Elder leaves | Soothes sprains. | x1
    Goatweed | Eases anxiety and grief. | x1
    Oak leaves | Stops infection from setting in. | x1
    Rush | Helps hold a broken limb in place, such as casts for Twolegs. | x1
    Beech leaves | Used to carry other herbs around. | x1
    Name | Effect | x?

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    (6 servings per post)
    Mice | x5 | 5 servings
    Vole | x6 | 6 servings (used up)
    Small fish | x0 | 0 servings
    Big fish | x3 | 9 servings
    Bird | x1 | 3 servings
    Rabbit | x3 | 6 servings
    Total: 23 servings left over/ 3 posts

    Rowangaze | Flintpaw | 3: fishing, fighting, hunting
    Mentor | Apprentice | no. of training sessions: which training sessions

    Deceased Cats:
    Ravenfeather | 58 moons | Female | Murdered by Hopstripe | X
    Fauna | 177 moons | Female | Eating water hemlock given by Honeyear | X
    Leafstrike | 63 moons | Male | Murdered by Honeyear | X
    Cat Name | Cat age at death | Gender | Cause of Death | [url=link]X[/url]

    Barkknot and Wheatfur
    Barleystorm and Sycamorewhisker
    Whisperleap and Mikestep
    Moonshadow and Freckleface
    Fuzzyheart and Fireblaze
    Name and Name

    Honeyear -> Brambleburr
    Hopstripe <->Rowangaze
    Flintpaw <-> Ferretstrike
    Iceflower -> Ferretstrike
    Ivythorn <-> Mossfur
    Pebblesplash -> Iceflower
    Beetlewing -> Iceflower
    Sunlight -> Pebblesplash
    Name ->/<-> Name

    Wheatfur+???= Fireblaze
    Silvershade+Badgerclaw (Both Thicketclan)= Beetlewing, Specklefang
    Ravenfeather+Leafstrike= Ferretstrike, Fuzzyheart
    Fawnthroat+Brackenheart (Waveclan)= Freckleface
    Barleystorm+Sycamorewhisker= Sandpelt
    ???+??? (Ivyclan) = Fogspark, Smokebreath
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby goneeeeee :) » Sat Nov 25, 2017 5:06 pm

N U M B E R O F C A T S: 002

    a low growl rumbled in the newly-appointed leader's throat like the sound of
    clashing thunder, his massive, muscular body lowered to the ground, belly sc-
    raping against the forest floor. his golden eyes were fixed on the sight of a s-
    mall, golden and cream-furred she cat eagerly wolfing down a hare. it was a-
    pparent that by the way her ribs showed underneath her pelt, she was hungr-
    y, so he waited patiently for her to finish before creeping from his hiding sp-
    ot. "koa. starclan told me I would find you here."

    the she-cat turned, her long tail brushing across the ground, and he took in
    her long, flexible body and the wiry, flat muscles showing underneath her l-
    ong, thick fur, the elegant muzzle and the playful eyes."lionstar. its a pleas
    ure to finally meet you. starclan wasn't lying."

    [koa is accepted into garrisonclan as koaclaw]
    [lionstar goes patrolling to find more cats]
    [koaclaw goes patrolling to find more cats]

    ʟɪᴏɴsᴛᴀʀ | 17 moons | tom
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

    ᴋᴏᴀᴄʟᴀᴡ | 16 moons | she-cat

    Medicine Cat:
    Name | Age | Gender

    Name | Age | Gender
    Name | Age | Gender

    Name | Age | Gender
    Name | Age | Gender

    Name | Age | Gender
    Name | Age | Gender

    Name | Age | Gender
    Name | Age | Gender

    Name | Age | Gender
    Name | Age | Gender
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Alder bark x0 | Eases toothaches
    Cobwebs x0 | To soak up and stop, or slow, the bleeding
    Juniper berries x0 | Soothes bellyaches
    Lavender x0 | Cures fever and chills
    Poppy seeds x0 | Help a cat sleep
    Rogwort leaves x0 | Treats aching joints
    Sorrel x0 | Gives cat an appetite
    Nettle leaves x0 | Helps a cat who has swallowed poison
    Chamomile x0 | Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind
    Catmint x0 | Cures whitecough or greencough
    Heather Nectar x0 | Makes swallowing easier
    Mint x0 | Covers the scent of death
    Parsley x0 | stops a queen producing milk
    Stinging Nettle x0 | Helps a cat who has swallowed poison
    Bindweed x0 | Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place
    Blackberry leaves x0 | Eases the swelling of bee stings
    Dock x10| Soothes scratches, sore pads, and wounds

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Eagle | x0 | 0 servings
    Hawk | x0 | 0 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 0 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 0 servings
    Ermine (Stoat) | x0 | 0 servings
    Hare | x0 | 0 servings
    Minnow | x0 | 0 servings
    Rock Bass | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby lameloserlexi » Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:44 pm

Number of Cats: 1 [Male] 0 [Female]

Blazestar explored the wide open beach, away from his 'camp'. "I have a clan, yet still I'm alone..." He mumbled to himself, feeling down. As he looked around at the sandy beach, he new he'd have to look for some other cats to help protect his vast territory. "Time to scrape things together." He said to himself, attempting to encourage.

[ Blazestar goes on a border patrol ]
[ Blazestar goes hunting ]

          Blazestar | 20 | Male | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Ocean
    East | Prairie | Clan Name | Username
    South | Oak Forest | Clan Name | Username
    West | Beach/Prairie | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mackerel | x0 | 0 servings
    Smelt | x0 | 0 servings
    Minnow | x0 | 0 servings
    Vole | x0 | 0 servings
    Mouse | x1 | 1 servings
    Plover | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by lameloserlexi on Sat Dec 02, 2017 1:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby 22tabby » Sun Nov 26, 2017 3:22 am

Number of Cats: 5 Next Moonpool visit: now

RowanStar watched over his Clan carefully. Things seemed almost normal at the surface. He knew that this was not the case, however. He was still mulling over the information FirePelt had given him hardly a moon ago. He secretly wished he had appointed WhitePaw to her, instead of EmberFoot. But it was too late now. He just hoped WhitePaw was trained well, despite her mentors disbelief in StarClan.
Meanwhile, FirePelt slipped out of the camp herself. She was trying her hardest to follow the warrior code, but as she looked back at the camp behind her, she whispered her apologies to StarClan. Some things about her, even her brother didn’t know.
EmberFoot was unworried about why his sister liked to be alone so much. He was often too busy in WhitePaw anyway to have time to argue with his sister. He watched his apprentice now, trotting over to him with the squirrel they had caught the day before.
“EmberFoot! Here, I thought that maybe I would bring you a meal!” WhitePaws chest was fluffed out in pride in herself and in excitement.
EmberFoot smiled. “This will be fine, but why don’t you also bring food to MudWhisker? He seems like he’s been busy lately.”
WhitePaw smoked and immediately picked up another piece of prey and took it to MudWhisker.
MudWhisker smoked at the prey dropped at his feet. “Thank you, young one. I appreciate it.”
As WhitePaw pranced away, MudWhisker thought about the upcoming season. His herbs would soon be shriveled up and near impossible to find. He just had to hope the Clan would be safe.

RowanStar goes to MoonPool to ask StarClan for a deputy
FirePelt wants to have kits with a loner from her past
EmberFoot tries to teach WhitePaw how to climb by bird hunting
MudWhisker searches for herbs
The Clan consumes one squirrel

          RowanStar | 34 moons | Male | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          MudWhisker | 24 moons | Male | X

          FirePelt | 15 moons | Female | X
          EmberFoot | 15 moons | Male | X

          WhitePaw | 10 moons | Female | X
          * skills:: hunting, fighting
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | CloudClan | ~Glaceon~
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Cobweb x1 | stops bleeding
    Stick x1 | distracts from pain
    Borage Leaves x1 | help fever
    Catmint x1 | Greencough and Whitecough
    Chervil x1 | infection, bellyache, kitting
    Goldenrod x1 | healing wounds
    Poppy x1 | shock and sleeping
    Yarrow x1 | extracts poison from wounds, induced vomiting
    Marigold x1 | infection, bleeding, stiff joints

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Bird | x2 | 3 servings
    Vole | x0 | 1 servings
    Squirrel | x3 | 2 servings
    Mouse | x0 | 1 servings
    Frog | x0 | 1 servings
    Ermine | x0 |  2 servings
    Extra hare delivered by EchoClan; 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    EmberFoot and FirePelt | Siblings
    Name and Name | Kits
being a sheep leads to boredom, being a wolf leads to loneliness. one must choose their fate carefully.


No one will change the person
I am. The person I've become.
And none should try to. Ever.



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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby clarke, » Sun Nov 26, 2017 5:21 am

Number of Cats: 2 Tom Cats | 3 She-Cats
Next Moon-Pool visit Now {November 31st}

Reefstar spent most of the evening making his way through the twoleg place, where both friendly and unfriendly cats defensively protected their land. He ran into a shockingly familiar cat, her coat extremely similar to Storm's, and she introduced herself as Pearl. "I'll come with you, only because my insane brother decided to run after his little pet, who was apparently running after you.If anything, I'll knock some sense into him and we can both leave together." She snorted, her emerald eyes piercing Reefstar's flank.
"I see arrogance is a shared family gene. Perhaps when you are there, you won't want to leave." The tom reasoned, his pale yellow gaze unimpressed.
"Oh optimism is so tiring," Pearl sniffed, her tail lashing in indignation. She drew her flank across Reefstar's and jumped up the fence, teetering on the edge precariously. "Come on, we can get to the beach faster this way."


"I left you in the twoleg place for a reason!" Storm snapped, his fur spiked along his spine as he glared at his kin.
"Oh don't act so surprised to see me, you know very well you can't pull a mom and abandon me so easy."
You're like a burr I can't get out of my fur!"
"And you're acting like a kit. I'm here, and I'm here to stay. Besides this quaint little camp isn't half bad. Now where's that tramp of yours? She is here, isn't she?" Pearl asked, glancing around with dull curiosity. Storm, now outranged, whipped around to face Reefstar.
"You brought this putrid pest back with you? The only thing she's good for is mouthing off!"
"I can hunt, I shouldn't need to remind you that I'm the one who taught you everything you know!" Pearl interrupted, turning to Reefstar. "I'm only here for security and survival. But I can promise you I'll hunt and fight for this clan just like the rest of you."
Suspiciously Reefstar glanced at her. "What made you change your mind?"
"That's private. Now do you or don't you accept me as a- uh, warrior was it?"

→ Pearl and Storm are welcomed as full warriors into Marineclan, known as Stormwind and Pearlheart.
→ Conch is also welcomed into the clan as a member, but has chosen to keep her name.
→ Brookstream visits the Moonpool and asks for an apprentice for the clan.

Reefstar | 46 moons | Male
A large, muscular black tom with white on his chest and pale green eyes.
He's level headed, slow to anger, humble, and fair to even the smallest kit.
Lives: 9/9

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Medicine Cat:
Brookstream | 20 moons | Female
A tabby she-cat with white legs and a chest, and striking amber eyes.
She is gentle, composed, intellectual, and curious about all things.

Stormwind | 22 moons | Male
A handsome, wiry and with tom with gray striped splotches.
He is arrogant, quick to speak, and romantically inclined.

Pearlheart| 22 moons | Female
A pale gray colored she-cat with a lean frame and long legs.
She is witty, sarcastic, and sly-mouthed.

Swimmer 'Paws
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Climber 'Paws
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Conch | 36 moons | Female | Pregnant
A beautiful, long hair gray and white cat with distinct black stripes
on her face. She is very peaceful and she gets along with everyone.
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Clan Name | Username
East | Clan Name | Username
South | Clan Name | Username
West | Forestclan | Simonpet

Medicine Store
x1 | Borage | Helps a queen's milk to come.
x1 | Cobweb | Stops bleeding and binds wounds.
x1 | Comfrey Root | Sooths itching, inflamation,
and stiffness.
x1 | Juniper Berry | Helps breathing, gives strength,
and soothes bellies.
x1 | Marigold | Stops infection, stops bleeding, lowers
x1 | Feverfew | Reduces fevers, stops aches, and soothes
x1 | Tormentil | Extracts poison and treats all wounds.

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Trout | x0 | 3 servings
Tuna | x0 | 3 servings
Salmon | x1 | 3 servings
Anchovy | x0 | 2 servings
Crab | x1 | 2 servings
Oyster | x0 | 2 servings
Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
Frog | x0 | 1 serving
Lizard | x0 | 1 serving
Sparrow | x2 | 2 servings
Finch | x0 | 1 serving

Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

Deceased Cats:
Cat Name | Cause of Death
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Storm and Pearlheart | Siblings
Conch and | Kits
Last edited by clarke, on Sun Dec 24, 2017 12:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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