Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

clan replies / 018.

Postby deimido » Mon Apr 03, 2017 7:14 pm

Weather: The flood has swept throughout all the Clans' territories, its torrent effectively terrified everyone in its wake. Luckily, the worst of it has passed. But cats should be careful of where they place their paws near the worst of the flooding...

( @Luvdisc your reply is here! / @Areater, @hiraeth. - your replies are here! / @.Quill., your reply is here! / @.galaxy., @vampiress_fox, @perle, @SkyGold - your replies are here! / @.mochi, @Stoneleaf - your replies are here! / @Sunnymcsun - your reply is here! / @raven walker - your reply is here!)

StreamClan | justice'n'joy wrote:
Number of Cats:37
Females: 21
Male: 20
Next Moonpool visit: 28/3/2017 (03/28/2017 to you US folk)
Next patrol: 9:49 pm NZT

Bouncefire is grumpy at his mother for the names she has chosen for her kits. "Puppykit. Really?" He rolled his eyes before noticing Tui. She was having her kits! Dapplefeather was helping her even though she wasn't the medicine cat anymore. Then he realized something funny. Three generations of cats were in the nursery with kits. Well, after his were born..
above. Border patrol and apprentices train.

A scared yowl followed by a splash alerted the leader of the border patrol, they whipped their head to see what was happening and their eyes widened as they saw one of their warriors' struggling to keep their head above water as they flailed about wildly. They jumped into the water and swam towards the drowning cat to try and rescue them. They had successfully grabbed their snuff in their mouth, but the minute they were able to drag the body onto dry land was when they noticed their Clanmate had stopped breathing. They and the rest of the patrol mourned their Clanmate before carrying the body back to camp.
One of your warriors' (you decide) have died while on a border patrol!

Your hunting patrol caught a mouse, three posts remain before feeding your Clan.

Tallpaw and Minkpaw have learned the fighting skill.

Tui has given birth to three kits! {x} {x} {x}

ThornClan | N0VAHD wrote:
T h o r n C l a n
Number of Cats: 3
Next Moonpool visit: March 26th


Russetstripe sat alone in the center of camp, staring at the almost empty prey pile. He sighed deeply, turning to Whitewillow who approached him. "So you want to go out hunting? We need more prey.". Whitewillow smiled to the tom, her tail lashing slightly. "We do." She tried not the act concerned. The tom and she then made their way out of camp, leaving Amberstar to sleep.
As Amberstar awoke, she made her way out of her den. With a snort, she makes her way out of camp to patrol the borders.

[Whitewillow and Russetstripe go hunting]
[Amberstar goes on another border patrol]

Your hunting patrol caught a mouse!

Amberstar has found a medicine cat! Pick five herbs from here to start with.

RippleClan | ártémís wrote:
Slateslide welcomes Avalanchepaw, the newest apprentice.. and the first, of RippleClan. "Welcome to RippleClan territory, newbie." he meowed, then went towards Rhubarbwhistle in a desperate beeline. "We've got a new cat?" Asked Rhubarbwhistle, who scurried sideways in an effort to dodge Slateslide's somewhat-fatherly attempt at trying to get her to agree. Slateslide seemed to admire Avalanchepaw as he didn't whiff even a sullen scowl at her, but he wasn't so sure what to do with Avalanchepaw. The apprentice was a pretty brown tortie, but her fur was mostly white and she had aqua-blue eyes with a squished-in nose. It was subtly pretty, despite that. As Pertelswoop approached the molly fairly quickly; unhesitant to approve of a cat of her age group. (Besides Harrowbranch, she guessed.)

Harrowbranch seemed approving of Pertelswoop's advances, but he was pretty sure Pertelswoop needed to find a better love than he, for he.. was pretty much desperate for Slateslide's affections, which he didn't expect to receive. Surely, the sleek tom would fall pettily towards the gorgeous Beetlestar.. but the young tom digressed, that perhaps he should just ignore the fact that that's happening after all and pretend he was interested in Avalanchepaw's newcoming. "Welcome, Avalanchepaw, to RippleClan. I'll give you a warm welcome." Avalanchepaw seemed disinterested in the forward approach of friendship, but the cold she-cat looked askance for the time being. Harrowbranch felt the tension grow, but abandoned it before it matured into a wedge into their future relationship, and backed off. Pertelswoop was next up to woo her as her first friend; an ongoing battle. "Hello, my name is Avalanchepaw. I was a loner wandering around the streets of the 'Twolegplace' you mentioned. My brother is still out there, but he may be around somewhere near your territory." she meowed. Pertelswoop swooned at the charisma of the young molly. "Hey, I'm P-pertelswoop! Would you like to be friends with me..?" with no reluctance, Avalanchepaw agreed, looking as the young warrior fit the qualities of an ideal friend. "Momma, can I see the new cat?!" Hickorykit's pained screech was heard, and Hazelwish snuck her head out of the badger den to see the situation.

"Why not. Go greet the new apprentice- our first." she smiled. Hickorykit's face went from happy to sad. "'Daww. I wanted to be the first apprentice of RippleClan, so I could be the first one to go through the ceremony! I've been cheated, mom!" he panted, but his mother rolled his eyes and ushered his small fanny all the way over to Avalanchepaw, who didn't seem all too excited to see him, after what he said. Before Hickorykit could formally introduce himself, Oakhollow walked towards him, happy that his son finally had gone out of the nursery for the first time. "Welcome to the outside wold- How's my boy?" Oakhollow cut in between Hickorykit's interaction, which the small tyke began to ruthlessly bash about for. "Dad, no!" he screeched, causing the deputy to struggled back in confusion. "You're going to talk to her?" he looked back, and noticed Hazelwish's annoyed groan, and forward, to see Avalanchepaw impatiently waiting.
"Gee, Oakhollow. That was very mindful of you.." Hazelwish sarcastically mewed, laughing in the process. "Come on.. Oakhollow, don't ruin this chance for your own son..!" Pertelswoop stepped in, and pulled apart the confused deputy, looking quizzical as the time when he saw the sun for the first time.

"Regardless, Rhubarbwhistle, I am not afraid." Slateslide concurred. "Charmed to see you've finally broken out of that non-speaking, icy-cold persona, pops." Rhubarbwhistle broke character to comment. The cold tom sneered, but he didn't fret at the words of the young molly, who he brushed off, huffing as he did so. Harrowbranch narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a bit of temper when he saw someone else interacting with.. with.. his love. Yes, Harrowbranch did love Slateslide. He.. he didn't know how he would pull it off. Wasn't it so obvious, that the sleek-furred tom's affections belonged solely to the smooth-skinned Beetlestar? Her pale face and hazel eyes, her beauty could never be outshined by someone like Harrowbranch. He didn't look bad himself (considering Pertelswoop seemed to take some fancy on him for the past few moons and was constantly dropping hints [yet she wasn't brave enough to totally try and secure him for herself. Not that he would comply.. but he probably would end up giving her the title as his 'first "love" and mate' despite his first love being Slateslide.. which brings up the question if he actually liked the tom at all.]), but his beauty was butch. Masculine. Slateslide wasn't.. into something like that, or as a fair assumption. But Harrowbranch was quite certain that he would have to let out his feelings or be stuck in a nonsensical trance of regret.

"Slateslide.. I need to speak to you now." he answered, eyes shining with determination. The tom shrieked a tiny bit when he did, as Slateslide was still speaking to Rhubarbwhistle. "Oh, uh, alright. Excuse me." the valiant molly squeezed past the two toms, as the older one sighed. "Rh- Rhu-!" he pleaded out, but the warrior stumbled as he reached for the leaving she-cat. Petty as he appeared, it didn't take him long to get him back to that normal, unspoken, heavy state. Before starting to speak, he sighed; a gnarly, unsatisfied sigh. "... yes?" he dragged Harrowbranch's patience along, as his eyes drooped. "... go on.." he continued, as the light gray tomcat began preparing himself for a confession. It was dire and it was like a squirrel trying to stuff itself into a anthill but failing miserably. A grueling, painful sight. As if that same squirrel was also being bitten by the ants while he squealed in hysteria as it flopped around, dying on the same anthill it yearned to enter. Despite it also not having any reason to do so.

"Harrowbranch?" Slateslide cringed, trying to back away from his blank green eyes. The jaded orbs shone through a layer of clairvoyant depression that was aimed towards the taller male, but he just bit his own lip to snap out of it. "..Yes. I just needed to say something as a final frontier. I suggest we speak in private." he spoke, quite in a stoic manner.

"'Hey!!" Eelkit's voice sloshed out of the nursery, her kittenish peep startling the both of them. Beetlestar came from behind, tapping Slateslide on the shoulder. Reaching up to his ear, the leader whispered a few words before parting with it. "... so we must have a quick talk.." her way of speech frightened Harrowbranch. He said nothing, contrary to his desires. "I was speaking to.." a power struggle ensued between the leader and the kniving warrior, both sides trying to pull back one's attention. "Uh, it's very important, you see." Beetlestar's genuine smile turned into a faked, manufactured one. As such as her face metamorphasised whenever she was around Slateslide or was angry. Because she was, indeed, hopping mad. "No, actually, we were chatting, Beetlestar." Harrowbranch slid in, Slateslide's grin widening from ear to ear as the leader began to sweat. "Deputy Oakhollow, please come here." Beetlestar insisted quite dourly, as seeing as the two's relationship was now beyond repair and any interaction she had with him was strictly professional. Oakhollow's fatherly pride shook itself off, soon being replaced by Beetlestar's seriousness. He was merely trying to help the situation, but not step in too much; it was quite obvious that he was unamused. "Now, now, y'all, you may not know this here situation much, but we need 'im for some matters. It's impor'nt', you see." he tried to pull his friend, but Slateslide refused to budge. "I won't." he adamantly proclaimed.

Before Beetlestar could beat the everliving life out of Slateslide, a few cats began gathering in the sidelines, most notably; the newest friendship in RippleClan, Pertelswoop and Avalanchepaw. With no digression from whatever they were talking about before, Pertelswoop seemed to be turning for the worse. "What's the fuss here about? Per-Pertelswoop! Wait up!" Avalanchepaw's figure was seen not far away, when the older fae began charging at the gathering of most of her Clan. She seemed to have a glaring force behind her actions, and then she interrupted the conversation.

Despite the rudely interrupted conversation being unable to be resumed, the leader retained her forced smile. She wasn't angry at them, to be honest, but Beetlestar couldn't help but keep her madness away from even the purest souls of the Clan. "Why, Pertelswoop and Avalanchepaw, what brings you here? Avalanchepaw, do you have a question about who will mentor you?" Slateslide practically sighed as Oakhollow jabbed him hard on the side, resulting in a pained growl from the reluctant warrior. "Excus-se me, B-beetlestar, but I really.. really have to slide in and borrow Harrowbranch for the moment." Pertelswoop meowed. "You can do that." the leader shrugged. "Yeh, we're just tryin' to 'suade Slateslide here to get talkin' wit us, Harrowbranch is just overstayin' his welc'm." Oakhollow rolled his eyes uncharacteristically passive-aggressive. "Where's that moral-lovin' side of yours?" he asked, pallidly scraping the dirt for the 'good' side of his quiet and strange friend. Slateslide had mellowed down after sorta claiming Rhubarbwhistle as his 'daughter-for-now', but it was sorta awkward now that he thought of it.

"I'm awfully sorry, but I need to speak to Slateslide." Harrowbranch broke the silence to argue. This was his only chance; he would lose his faith in himself if he did it any other time. It was sort of to do it before he regretted everything. In this malevolent tug-of-war for different cats for different reasons, nobody drew victorious.

"Yeah, yeah. Ugh, Pertelswoop, let's scram." Avalanchepaw's unbiding sass began to show, and both Slateslide and Harrowbranch knew Avalanchepaw was swearing a crux on the both of them or something. Beetlestar and Oakhollow were excused for the leader had done nothing to bind Pertelswoop into this state and Oakhollow, as per Pertelswoop's explaination, was like a father to her. The half-faced molly; as the black in her tortoiseshell pelt showed, gave her the menacing look of a killer. "Pertelswoop..?" she questioned. "No, Avalanchepaw. I think.. I need to say it right now or I think I'll regret it all over again. And I don't want to feel that way anymore, y-you know..!" the lithe she trembled as tears began forming in her eyes. Harrowbranch lifted one brow. Slateslide, on the other hand, began fidgeting uncomfortably.

"And I agree. You can say it, Pertelswoop.." Slateslide nodded at Harrowbranch. He felt surprisingly heartbroken. Pertelswoop's words were clearly predicted in Harrowbranch's head, immediately. 'Oh, Harrowbranch, I love you so much! I wanted to confess this from the very beginning and I wasn't s-sure if you were going to accept it, but-but I really, truly have loved you from the very beginning! I'm so sorry-' and his own reply; 'I.. wow.. Pertelswoop, I didn't know how you felt. I.. I.. I thought when you said that before it was just a joke! I love you, too!' or the honest answer; '... Pertelswoop.. I know this is difficult to accept, but I'm in love with someone else.' Her two replies that branch out from that, as well- 'But why?' or 'Is it Rhubarbwhistle?' .. It would be strange for her to consider that, but seeing as even Pertelswoop knew of Slateslide and Beetlestar and herself was out of the question.. (not to mention the newcomer and Hazelwish), it would be hard for her to imagine the tom of her dreams to be like this.

"I just think we need to have this conversation..!" the tear-misty eyes of the poor girl were bubbling with regret. She didn't seem at ease about talking at all. Beetlestar increasingly grew annoyed. Besides the point, Slateslide was still urging on Pertelswoop to talk. "Go on." he gently smiled. Wait, now, he was all for Pertelswoop? No, no. The stalling went on and on and on, and all the cats on the scene began feeling the urge to vomit. "Please, let's just go to the river and play with the pebbles or something nasty like that." Avalanchepaw began flustering over the she-cat's delayed words and her trembling lip, just begging to let out the contents inside.

More push and pull later, none of the cats were having it.

"Why are you (both being so difficult) (all doing this)?!" Beetlestar's was aimed at both. The difference is that Harrowbranch's words were thrown for Slateslide.

"Because I love you!" both Slateslide's and Pertelswoop's voices rang out, as Slateslide ran one direction and Pertelswoop the other. Beetlestar's face grew a deep, roaring crimson, while Harrowbranch's stomach dropped. Who was that confession for? Oakhollow stared blankly, as if he had an epiphany. Pertelswoop's confession was for him, but Slateslide's.. was it for Beetlestar like he apted? A swooning Beetlestar soon retracted into a serious face. "I.. didn't need to hear that." the glee within her turned into disappointment. "You weren't meant for me. You were meant for.. Haz-." She shot her head up. Oakhollow had been listening, after all. "Nothing...!" she seemed to be brimming with guilt. Oakhollow tilted his orange head, but was too caught up with the two warriors' screams that he didn't seem to care nor notice.

"Ith thomething wrong out here?" Smokekite's ruggedy figure appeared from the bushes, as he had traveled to get to them. The gray toms looked at each other, before the elderly one approached him. Harrowbranch didn't feel unnerved, but he was in some discomfort. After all, this was a make-or-break situation. Meeting the parents..? Instead of speaking, Smokekite glared at the much tonal tom with a stink-eye. A swift flick of his tail, Smokekite began licking his own paw, savoring the tranquility. "I thought I heard my thon." with that lisp of his, the baggy-eyed elder sneered at the trio of cats, sniffing.

"I smelt foxes.. but it was stale. I think the problem can be solved later as this whole area smells of badger-dung anyway."

Beetlestar goes to ask for another warrior.

Harrowbranch needs to make a decision. To either live falsely for Pertelswoop's sake or to be utterly embarrassed for the rest of his life after talking to Slateslide?

(It's my wish that you choose for him)

{If possible, something similar to x? I hope<3 I have too many tabbies} Or this x


actions // slate, pertel, harrow, oak, rhubarb, avalanche - hunting patrol / hazel - collecting 'herbs' / beetle - cat /


{ quick question, do you still want to do that plot where the medcat comes in after the whole clan gets sick? :0 }

It was a difficult and strenuous decision for the gray tom, but Harrowbranch ultimately decided it was best to tell Slateslide how he felt about him. He told himself multiple times that it was better to get an answer rather then think of the 'what if's' for the rest of his life.
Harrowbranch has decided to talk to Slateslide.

Your hunting patrol caught one big catfish!

StarClan has given you a warrior!

Hazelwish has gathered moss.

FlowClan | catbookdo wrote:
Number of Cats: 4
Next Moonpool Visit: Whenever

Wrenfoot was lying beneath a maple tree near the side of camp, trying her best to keep her pelt dry from the endless, heavy, rain that wouldn't stop coming. She had never minded a little water, she did live in a clan that knew how to swim after all, but after patrolling the border, she had noticed that puddles around the territory had started to grow larger, and that the river, near the north of their territory, water level's had now risen, noticing that it probably wouldn't be long until the water in the water started to overflow. And as she walked back to camp, she quickly realized that the ground had become a bit more damp, with some mud puddles even forming in places. The trees didn't help to take cover from the rain, either.
As soon as a large raindrop landed on her back, Wrenfoot jumped up, looking for another tree to take refuge under, when she heard pawsteps. She watched as 3 cats sprinted to the center of camp together, shaking water off their pelts as they desperately looked for a place to take refuge under. Wrenfoot ran to them, and noticed their worried looks and faces. Pebblestar tried to save the measely mouse he held in his jaws from the downpour, and Rookpelt and Sparrowstep were holding nothing at all. Rookpelt ran up to her, and put his face right in front of hers, shouting, "Wrenfoot, I think our territory's going to flood! It's raining really hard, and we could barely find any prey to eat, and Sparrowstep couldn't find any herbs, and-"
"It's okay, Rookpelt calm down." Wrenfoot replied to the tom.
"And we don't have real shelter to live under in camp! We all live in the open!" Rookpelt wailed out. "What will we do?"
"Um..." Pebblestar muffled through the mouse he was holding. "Clan meeting?"
Pebblestar watched as the small clan gathered in his den. The den barely felt any different from outside of it, however. There was still no protection from the rain, and the den itself was just a small area surrounded by small stones, with a larger one near the front. "How about we have a clan meeting somewhere else? Somewhere where we won't be soaked?" Wrenfoot called out.
"I agree!" Rookpelt quickly called out.
"Ok then..." Pebblestar replied. "We could go under that tree..." He pointed to a maple tree near the edge of camp.
"That won't protect us from the rain, Pebblestar," Wrenfoot countered, once realizing that that was the same tree that she had been lying under earlier. "How about the maple next to the warrior's den?"
"Ok, we could go there." Pebblestar picked up his pebble and left for the tree, with the rest of the small clan following him.
Once they had reached the tree, everyone squeezed under it so no one would be left in the rain. Once everyone was under the cramped maple, Wrenfoot asked, "Ok, what are we going to do about this flooding problem?"
Rookpelt spoke out. "And our prey! What about our prey! He held up the small mouse that he and Pebblestar had caught earlier.
"We have much bigger problems to worry about right now, Rookpelt." Wrenfoot replied. "Hunting's not important. We can do that after we sort this problem out."
"But I'm hungry!..." Rookpelt moaned out.
"And if you're hungry, we're probably all hungry." Wrenfoot countered. "Stop thinking about yourself right now and think about the others beside you. If we can't all eat, then I don't think any of us should eat right now."
Rookpelt's expression changed to a surprised look, and he placed the scrawny mouse down. "I'm sorry Wrenfoot," He said softly. "I didn't know you felt so strongly about things like that-"
The black tom was interrupted by Sparrowstep. "Excuse me." The tom quietly said. "But when I was younger, I lived in an area where there was frequent flooding. The area I lived in was then surrounded by large stones to try to keep some water out. We could try it here, I saw a few large rocks while looking for herbs."
Pebblestar joined in the conversation. "I already made a camp wall surrounded by small pebbles. We could improve on that."
"And we could take this moment to improve the dens!" Rookpelt added.
"We could enlarge the dens, adding the trees near the den, like this one, to it. We could bring in the large stones Sparrowstep mentioned as a base, and we could find large branches broken off the trees from this heavy rain, and put them in between the rocks and trees, using them as a roof for the dens." Wrenfoot finished.
"That's a good idea." Sparrowstep said. "It could work. Let's try it. Just let me move my herbs under this tree first."
As Sparrowstep quickly left to gather and protect his herbs, Pebblestar placed the pebble in his mouth down. "If we start work on the camp wall and dens now, maybe we could finish before the flood hits." Sparrowstep returned, quietly placing his herbs down beside the pebble and mouse, before sitting down. "If you have time to spare, though. Make sure to look for food, and... herbs, and um... patrol and stuff if you have the chance. Pebblestar continued. "There's a small pool with multiple small pebbles inside it, so we could use those. And Sparrowstep knows where some larger rocks are."
Sparrowstep nodded his head, and quietly added. "Just be careful lifting them. They might heavy." Sparrowstep then sat up again and turned his head towards the camp entrance. "We've had our breaks. Let's start working now."

(All cats in the clan work on the camp wall and dens to prepare for the coming flood.)
(In between breaks, Pebblestar and Rookpelt go hunting.)
(In between breaks, Wrenfoot patrols the border.)
(In between breaks, Sparrowstep looks for any herbs that might've survived the heavy rain.)

Wrenfoot gasped as she noticed a ginger tabby struggle to fight against a strong current of water, in a moment of impulse, the FlowClan deputy quickly jumped in to rescue the cat. Her strong limbs made it easy for her to reach the cat and grab them by the scruff, as soon as she managed to get it onto land, the cat immediately began coughing and hacking to rid themselves of the water in their lungs. As soon as that was done, they began to wail about how their little sibling and them had gotten separated from each other when the floods had started. Wrenfoot could only gaze on in sympathy before offering the cat a place to stay in her Clan.
Wrenstep found a warrior! They have a younger sibling that still missing, send out a patrol to add them to your Clan.

Your hunting patrol caught one trout!

Sparrowstep found some thyme!

SilentClan | rainbowcatfish8888 wrote:
Number of Cats: 11
Next Moonpool Visit: 4/5/17
Archive Thread

Ivystar listened to the thundering of rain outside, worries flying through her head. She was trapped at the moonpool, there was no way she could travel back to SilentClan territory with weather like this. And to top it all off, she hasn't yet found the cat she asked StarClan for. Ivystar flopped down onto the cold stone ground, deciding to wait out the storm. But suddenly, she smelled the terrible, gag-worthy sent of fox. "Take that, you fox-hearted flea-bag!" came a voice from outside the camp. Leaping to her paws, Ivystar stepped outside to see a lone cat fighting a fox. The cat was large and strong, but he was no match for the russet beast. He was clearly tiring, and it was doubtful he would be able to keep up the fighting for much longer. With a cry of battle, Ivystar leaped into the fray. She began delivering blows on the fox's side, while the other cat was clawing at its muzzle. They began to fall into a sort of rhythm, but the predator had had enough. He spun around rapidly, slamming into the other cat's side and causing him to fall backwards. He then lunged at Ivystar, his powerful paws pushing her to the soaked ground. Ivystar could see his large, yellowed teeth, could smell his repulsive breath as he snapped at her. Ivystar barely managed to dodge his snapping jaws by awkwardly rolling to the side, but his teeth still closed around her shoulder. She yowled in pain, struggling to be freed from under the fox. "Get off her, dung-face!" the other cat yowled, leaping onto the fox's back and beginning to rip out chunks of fur. The fox winced in pain, but didn't let go of Ivystar. Ivystar was still struggling, her hind legs scratching at his underbelly. But this only aggravated the fox more, and he snapped Ivystar's neck faster than you could say fox-dung.

Ivystar's world spun round and round before coming to a stop in a beautiful forest, surrounded by ghostly cats with stars shimmering in their pelts. "StarClan," she whispered, gazing at the ranks of starry cats around her. One of the cats stepped forward, a tom she did not recognize. "You have lost your first life, Ivystar," he meowed. Ivystar's heart lurched. "My- my frist life?" she was barely able to believe it, until she saw it for herself. A version of her seemed to appear out of nowhere, her pelt shimmering with stars as well but she was very faint. You could see the outline of trees behind her. "Every time you lose a life, it will be added to this cat, until you are dead and live fully in StarClan," the cat explained. Ivystar nodded, determined not to let her fear show. "Farewell, Ivystar. Good luck with your Clan and kits." the world began to spin again, until i went completely black.

Ivystar awoke at the moonpool, the cold, damp stone making her bones ache. She sat up, and noticed the tom she had fought with standing near the side of the cave, his eyes wide with surprise. "You were dead a moment ago," he said, unable to believe what he was seeing. Ivystar sat up taller, holding her head high. "I'm a leader, I have nine lives," she replied. "My name is Ivystar of SilentClan," she added, introducing herself to the other cat. His yellow eyes brightened with recognition. "The spirit-cats told me to find you. Looks like I have," he meowed. Ivystar nodded. She then began to explain everything there was to know about Clan life as the storm raged on outside. The tom seemed intrigued by Clan life, but Ivystar could tell he was worried from the shifting of his paws. Finally, he voiced his fears. "The moonpool level is already rising, Ivystar. If we don't leave, it will flood and trap us here," he pointed out. This was true, as the two cats had taken shelter under the steep cliff that the waterfall gushes down from. If the moonpool flooded high enough, they would be trapped against the stone wall behind them. Ivystar shuddered at the thought. "You're right, we need to go," she meowed. She looked at the raindrops splattering the stones around them, and shivered. She despised getting wet. The other tom looked just as wary of the water. Ivystar then realized that the other cat had never told her his name. "What's your name?" she asked simply, turning to look at him. "I'm Coal," he replied. "Apologies for not introducing myself earlier," he added. Ivystar flicked her tail and shrugged, indicating that it wasn't a big deal. "I don't want to travel in it either, but it's better than drowning," Coal said looking down at the water that was beginning to lap at their paws. Ivystar nodded. "Let's go," she tentatively stepped out from underneath the ledge, thick raindrops soaking her within minutes. She found her pace quickening until she was tearing across the terrain, desperate to escape the rain. Finally she stopped, breathing heavily. Coal stood several fox-lengths behind her, his flanks heaving and his thick fur soaked through. Ivystar shivered, chilled to the bone from the cold and wet. I just want to go home, she pouted to herself. She was freezing, soaked, and miserable. "Ivystar, over here," Coal meowed. When Ivystar turned to look, she noticed what appeared to be an abandoned bear cave. Sighing with relief, she padded into the shelter of the cave. Coal sat down beside her, beginning to groom his sopping pelt. His stomach growled, and Coal tensed with embarrassment. This alerted Ivystar to her own hunger. "Maybe we should hunt," she suggested, even though the thought of going back outside filled her with dread. "You don't want to go back out there any more than I do," Coal pointed out. "We'll hunt in the morning," Ivystar decided, resting her head on her paws and willing sleep to relieve her of her situation.

Ivystar woke up to the scent of squirrel. Upon opening her eyes, she saw a fat, juicy squirrel resting in front of her. She turned to see Coal, who was eating a blackbird. "You hunted?" she asked, her eyes shining with eagerness as she looked at the squirrel. Coal laughed. "Of course I did. Dig in," he meowed through a mouthful of bird. Ivystar did so happily. After finishing their meal, the two cats continued their journey back to SilentClan territory. The weather had cleared up, but the ground was unpleasantly muddy. Ivystar stepped into the camp, the familiar scents of her clanmates washing over her. "You're back!" Finchkit squealed, throwing herself at her mother. Cloudkit was close behind. "We thought you were never coming back!" he squeaked. "I would never do that!" Ivystar purred, licking her kits with affection. Whitewhisker padded up to greet his mate, when I saw Coal standing by the entrance. "Hello there. My name is Whitewhisker, I'm the deputy," Whitewhisker said kindly. Coal dipped his head in respect. "Ivystar has told me about you. I'm Coal, though I'm assuming that will change soon," Coal meowed. "Whitewhisker, could I talk to you for a moment?" Ivystar asked suddenly, her eyes shadowed. Whitewhisker's chest tightened with worry. "Of course," he replied, flexing his claws. "Go get Buzzardflight too, meet me in my den," the leader commanded, shifting her weight from paw to paw in worry. Whitewhisker nodded, quickly walking over to the medicine den. The strong scent of herbs enveloped him as he entered the small cave where the den was located. "Buzzardflight, Ivystar wants tot talk to us in her den," he told the medicine cat, who was quizzing Lynxpaw on herbs. Instead of complaining like Whitewhisker had expected, Buzzardflight merely nodded. "We will resume this lesson in a moment, Lynxpaw," he told his apprentice briefly. The medicine cat followed Whitewhisker out of the den, and into the leader's den. Ivystar sat on Whitewhisker's nest, nodding to the two cats as they entered. "Why did you want to see us?" Whitewhisker asked. When he glanced at Buzzardflight, he realized that the medicine cat had a knowing look in his eye. Is he hiding something? Whitewhisker wondered. But he didn't have time to worry about that now. He focused his attention back on Ivystar, who took a deep breath. "When I woke up from my night at the moonpool, there was a fight going on outside. Coal, the cat StarClan sent me, was battling a fox. Coal is a strong cat, but he was no match for the fox. Obviously I stepped in to help him, and, well," Ivystar stopped talking, the words she was about to say seeming to press down on her. "The fox killed me," she said finally. Whitewhisker leaped to his paws, shocked. "The fox killed you? You lost a life! Are you okay?" the deputy raced over to his mate, looking her over for wounds. "I'm fine, all my wounds healed when I, er, came back to life. Coal's a little worse for wear, though," Ivystar said. Buzzardflight still sat their, having uncharacteristically not said a word. "I had a vision," he said suddenly. Now it was Ivystar's turn to be surprised. "What! You had a vision! What was it about?" she asked. Buzzardflight's eyes flashed with... was that guilt? "I had a dream where you were killed by a fox. There was a grey tom there two, I'm assuming that was Coal," the medicine cat blinked apologetically at the leader. "I thought it was just a regular dream. I had no idea I was predicting the future." Whitewhisker was severely angry at the medicine cat, if he had shared his dream with Ivystar than she might still have nine lives. But he had to admit he was impressed. Seeing the future was pretty awesome. "It is good that StarClan was speaking with you. Hopefully, the difference between visions and regular dreams will become more clear in the future," Ivystar said, trying to sound as diplomatic as possible. "But wow. Seeing the future is super cool," she added, breaking her eloquent facade. Buzzardflight smiled, his eyes shining with excitement at his new connection to StarClan. "Well, I'm going to give Coal his warrior name. I have high hopes, he was an excellent fighter," with that, Ivystar whisked out of the den. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Great-Rock for a Clan meeting!" she yowled, watching the cats settle underneath her. "Coal, get up here," she demanded. Coal's eyes flashed with delight as he climbed next to Ivystar. "I, Ivystar, leader of SilentClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this cat. He has shown courage and loyalty during the fox battle and our journey home, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn. Coal, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Ivystar recited the words of the age-old ceremony. Coal puffed out his chest slightly, his face showing his dedication to becoming a warrior. "I do," he replied, his deep voice booming across the camp.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Coal, from this moment you will be known as Coaldust. StarClan honors your bravery, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SilentClan."
"Coaldust! Coaldust!" cheered the Clan. Coaldust's eyes were filled with pride as the Clan cheered his name. "You will be sitting a silent vigil tonight, as is tradition of the warrior code. Before then, you will have Buzzardflight check on you. That fox inflicted some nasty wounds," Ivystar ordered. Coaldust nodded. "Of course. Thank you, Ivystar," the new warrior leaped off the cliff, and padded to the medicine den with Lynxpaw and Buzzardflight. Ivystar leaped down as well as the cats began to disperse, sighing with relief. Coaldust wiill be a good warrior, she decided. Whitewhisker tiptoed up next to her, curling his tail around her protectively. "Coaldust. I like it," he said, laying down and pulling Ivystar with him. She curled up against him, not caring that they were in the middle of camp and had no privacy whatsoever. "Well I'm glad I have your approval," she replied. "I miss this," Whitewhisker meowed, changing the subject. "Missed what?" Ivystar asked, shifting closer to him. "This. Us. We're never alone anymore," he sighed wistfully. "Well, I'm sure the Clan won't mind if we...say... leave for a bit," Ivystar replied, getting to her paws. Whitewhisker purred. "Let's go," they raced through the entrance, leaving their worries behind them.
[hunting patrol: Appleclaw, Sunshadow, Ivystar]
[looking for herbs: Buzzardflight, Lynxpaw]
[border patrol: Brightsky, Coaldust]
[training: Whitewhisker and Pepperpaw]

[the clan ate 1 serving of squirrel, 1 of ermine, and 1 of rabbit]

Your hunting patrol caught two squirrels!

Your medicine cats found x2 thyme!

Your border patrol caught the scent of a queen! Come back with another patrol to add them to your Clan.

Pepperpaw learned the tracking skill.

HollyClan | Tomato Sauce wrote:
Number of Cats: 1 [ 1♀,0♂ ]


Featherstar looked over her brand new camp. The grass felt soft her under light pink pads as the camp kept her gaze. She put a small grin on her face as she pictured the camp soon being full of her own Hollyclan warriors. Her grin got a bit bigger as she was going to be the one who will lead them all. She then remember of hearing a strange pool that will allow you to talk to a clan called ` Starclan. ` Featherstar got up and broke her gaze from the camp. Her gaze was now onto the rich, lively forest in front of her. The short grass slid under her pads as she started to walk towards the moonpool, hoping Starclan will grant her wish.

[ Featherstar goes to the moonpool, requesting a medicine cat or deputy


StarClan has given you a deputy!

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Create A Clan - Gustclan - 1

Postby Chamrosh » Mon Apr 03, 2017 8:49 pm

Number of Cats: 1
Visit to Moonpool: Today (03 Apr)

Heronstar padded softly to the moonpool. She looked up at the stars directly above, or at least the ones she could see through the clouds that were doubtless carrying yet more heavy rain for the territory, for a few short seconds, working up the courage to ask for what she needed.
Initially, she had wanted to ask for a Medicine Cat first, but had realised that without warriors to protect and feed them, a medicine cat could not do their job properly. Furthermore, Heronstar now had her nine lives, and had no need of a medicine directly herself yet. Even if her gut said she would rather have the safety of a medicine cat first, her head knew that she needed someone else first.
She came as close to the pool as she could, and was grateful that the pool had strong rocks around it, as the water level had risen a little in the recent rain, then bent her head slowly down so that her nose touched the water. "Greetings to Starclan, with my great thanks for my territory, the new territory of Gustclan. You have tasked me in return to grow a strong clan, and to achieve this I request a warrior to make my deputy. I desire them to be wise and caring, and to be able to navigate any slopes that I cannot, but trust your guidance."

[Heronstone becomes Leader (Heronstar) and founds Gustclan]
[Heronstar requests a deputy from Starclan; wise, caring, good at climbing]

          Heronstar | 38 | Female
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★
          ↪ Point long-furred molly with blue eyes

          Name | Age | Gender

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender

          Name | Age | Gender
          Name | Age | Gender

          Name | Age | Gender
          Name | Age | Gender

          Name | Age | Gender
          Name | Age | Gender

          Name | Age | Gender
          Name | Age | Gender

          Name | Age | Gender
          Name | Age | Gender
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Mostly Lake | Clan Name | Username
    East | Road + Stream | Clan Name | Username
    South | Road | Clan Name | Username
    West | Hills | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Frogs | x0 | 1 serving
    Mice | x0 | 1 serving
    Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings
    Hares | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits

Sorry for doing this, I really doubt that it's an actual issue, but I just got a warning about art theft for using a clearly sourced image, with the search I did for it being from a recommended page about avoiding art theft, and given the standing of that, I feel like removing any images from my posts is the best course for me not being banned. It might be best to save on a Word document the images of the cats I get assigned if my descriptions of the cats don't suit for purposes.
Last edited by Chamrosh on Sun Apr 16, 2017 5:47 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby justice'n'joy » Mon Apr 03, 2017 9:00 pm

Number of Cats:37
Females: 21
Male: 20
Next Moonpool visit: 10/4/2017 (04/10/2017 to you US folk)
Next patrol: 9:49 pm NZT

"What happened?" Ripplestar growled, seeing his deputy carry a black figure.
"I... we don't rightly know, the patrol and I." Gingerflash dipped his head, "We just heard a splash and she was in."
An old tom stepped forward. "Pixie only said she was getting a drink.." Flashtail's eyes were clouded with grief. "I should've stopped her. "
Featherstorm gave the ginger splashed elder a comforting lick. "There was no way for you to have known, or avoided, her fate." She soothed, "It was StarClan's will."
"StarClan's will my-" he was interrupted by mewls from the nursery. Tui's kits were here.

Bouncefire looked lovingly at his mate and kits. "This tom should be named Thornkit, for his thorn-prick claws."
Tui nodded. "Well then, this tom is Finchkit. Don't ask why but it suits him."
Bouncefire laughed before becoming serious once more.
Tui and Bouncefire named their third kit Pixiekit after her great grandmother.
above. Border patrol and apprentices train.

          Ripplestar |80 moons | tom |protective|silver tabby with green eyes
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Gingerflash|68 moons| male|loyal|white cat with ginger splashes and green eyes

          Medicine Cat:
          Flintberry |51 moons|female|shy|grey cat with green eyes
          Sockleaf|24 moons|tom|perfectionist|ginger tom with white paw

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Leafpaw|8 moons|female|hopeful |tabby and white cat

          Ashflower |77 moons | she-cat |wise|grey cat with amber eyes
          Emberflame|77 moons|tom|carefree|grey cat with blue eyes
          Dapplefeather |68 moons |anxious|female |tortoiseshell with blue eyes
          Tigerwing|66|tom|rude|dark brown tabby with a torn ear and amber eyes
          Mallowsplash|51 moons | tom|mischevious|black and white cat with green eyes
          Ambergaze |51 moons | female|helpful|black and white cat with amber eyes
          Brighteyes|50 moons|male| friendly |ginger cat with bright blue eyes
          Featherstorm|45 moons|she-kit|bossy|tortoiseshell wit h green eyes
          Cloverstep|45 moons|she-kit|goody-two-paws |white cat with ginger splashes and blue eyes
          Crowleap|38 moons| she-cat |mute|sleek black cat with amber eyes
          Mossflight|39 moons|tom|optimistic| tortoiseshell with green eyes
          Minnowleap|38 moons|tom|brave|silver tabby with blue eyes
          Pebblefrost|38 moons|tom|sweet | grey cat with green eyes
          Bigears|29 moons|tom|fast|gangly white cat with blue eyes and big ears.
          Honeyblossom|28 moons|she-cat|outgoing|bright ginger cat with grey eyes
          Aspenfire|26 moons|tom|nice|brown tabby with amber eyes
          Softslip|22 moons|she-cat|spoilt|fluffy white cat with blue-grey eyes
          Chirpfang|22 moons|tom|loud|fluffy ginger cat with blue eyes
          Lilyblaze|21 moons|female|shy|black and white cat with amber eyes
          Dovepounce|19 moons| female| honest| delicate silver tabby with blue eyes
          Tui|17 moons|female|Sassy |sleek black cat with white dash on chest
          Stormfrost|16 moons|female|speedy|silver tabby with blue eyes
          Cherryblossom|16 moons|female|funny|tortoiseshell with green eyes
          Bouncefire|16 moons|male|kind|brown tabby with grey eyes and missing hind leg
          Galebreeze |13 moons|she-cat|cunning|sleek black cat with blue eyes
          Rabbitclaw |13 moons|tom|sly|black and white cat with green eyes
          Toadheart|13 moons|she-cat|playful|brown tabby with green eyes
          Skipflower|13 moons|she-cat|jumpy|sleek pale ginger cat with green eyes
          Bucktooth|13 moons|tom|gentle|dark brown tabby with overbite and amber eyes
          Twoface |13 moons|tom|snobbish|fluffy black and white cat with ginger splash on face
          Splashpelt|13 moons|she-cat|kind|plump white cat with ginger splashes

          Tallpaw|8 moons|tom|helpful|ginger and white cat with long legs and blue eyes
          Minkkit|8 moons|she-cat|sensitive|deaf white cat with blue eyes

          Skyfrost|53 moons|she-cat|motherly|white cat with blue eyes
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Pinekit|6 moons|male|friendly|brown tabby with blue eyes
          Whisperkit|6 moons|She-kit|adventurous|fluffy tabby and white cat with hazel eyes
          Thistlekit|6 moons|she-kit|honest|tabby and white cat with brown eyes
          Tinykit|6 moons|tom|childish|white cat with blue eyes
          Spiritkit|6 moons|tom|funny|black tom with blue eyes
          Heatherkit|6 moons|she-kit|troublesome|calico with hazel eyes
          Magpiekit|6 moons|she-kit|helpful|totoiseshell with hazel eyes
          Jaykit|3 moons|female|funny|black cat with dash on chest
          Juniperkit|3 moons|tom|brash|black cat
          Icekit|3 moons|tom|jealous|black cat
          Hairykit|1 moons |tom|dreamy|fluffy black cat
          Shadowkit|1 moons|female|gloomy|black cat
          Puppykit|1 moons|male|greedy|fat brown tabby
          Soulkit|1 moons|female|energetic |brown tabby with big blue eyes
          Thornkit|0 moons|tom|gullible |brown tabby
          Finchkit|0 moons|tom |selfish |brown tabby
          Pixiekit|0 moons|female |helpful |black cat

          Flashtail |122 moons | tom |funny|old white cat with ginger splashes and green eyes
          Pixie|116 moons|she-cat|wise|lithe old black cat with big blue eyes,
          Blacktail|101 moons|tom|moody|white cat with black stumpy tail
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    SageClan|north pine forest|Kaden|alliance
    TumbleClan|east pine forest|dinolil1|alliance
    EchoClan|west forest with gorge|Katrione|enemy
    FlurryClan|south forest with clearings|Nyeh Heh Heh!!|unknown
    CherryClan|southwest forest with streams|simonpet|unknown
    PineClan|northeast pine forest|void gear/solgaleo|enemy

    Medicine Store
    1x Mouse bile| gets rid of ticks
    1x Catmint | greencough
    1x Poppy seeds| sothes cats
    2x Stinging nettles |seeds help poisons, leaves stop swelling
    1x Tansy|cures coughs
    2x juniper berries|soothes belly-aches
    1x chamomile|soothes cats, is a good travelling herb
    1x yarrow leaves|made into a poultice for scratches, then put leaves in nest
    1x Feverfew| helps a cat with a fever
    1x borage| helps a queen
    1x sorrel | I'm not really sure

    Prey Pile
    Rabbit|2x|2 servings
    Vole|1x |1 serving
    Fish|2x|2 servings
    sparrow |2x |1 serving
    Squirrel |2x| 2 servings

    Gingerflash| Amberpaw| 4 training sessions| hunting, battle, climbing, swimming
    Spplashfur| Mallowpaw| 4 training sessions| hunting, battle, climbing, swimming
    Ripplestar|Featherpaw|4 training lessons|swimming, hunting, fighting , speed
    Ravenstrike|Cloverpaw|4 training lessons|swimming, hunting, fighting,
    Emberflame|Mosspaw|4 training lessons|battle, speed, stalking, hunting
    Mallowsplash|Minnowpaw|speed, stalking hunting, battle
    Ambergaze| Pebblepaw|speed, stalking, hunting, battle
    Pebblefrost|Honeypaw|1training lessons |battle, climbing, herb recognition

    Brighteyes|Softpaw|battle, tracking, hunting, advanced battle
    Cloverstep|Chirppaw|battle, climbing, hunting, advanced battle
    Gingerflash|Lilypaw|battle, swimming, hunting, advanced battle
    Ashflower|Dovepaw|battle, hunting, swimming, tracking
    Chirpfang|Stormkit|hunting,battle, advanced hunting
    Softslip|Cherrypaw|hunting,fighting, advanced hunting
    Aspenfire|Bouncepaw|hunting, fighting, advanced hunting

    Deceased Cats:
    Maplekit|5 moons at death|would be 38 moons now|tom|follower|killed by dog|calico cat with blue eyes|haunts the nursery
    Splashfur|55 moons at death|would be 59 moons now|she-cat|kind|blood loss during kitting|plump white cat with ginger splashes|haunts the nursery
    Bramblekit|5 moons at death|would be 7 moons now| tom |loyal|kitten fever|fluffy brown tabby with blue eyes|haunts the nursery
    Ravenstrike|53 moons at death|would be 54 moons now |tom|strong| scruffy black cat with white dash on chest and a scarred muzzle|haunts the warriors den
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Ripplestar and Ashflower|\|Flintberry, Mallowsplash and Ambergaze, Minnowkit and Pebblekit
    Dapplefeather and Gingerflash|Featherstorm, Maplekit and Cloverstep
    Splashfur and Tigerwing
    Ambergaze and Brighteyes
    Mallowsplash and Appleblossom of FlurryClan|Skykit
NZ ~ any pronouns ~ August 4
Hello! I'm just a human living in New Zealand, but
I was born in Michigan, USA. I've loved warrior cats
for five years now. Glass Animals, Twenty One Pilots
and Two Door Cinema Club are my favourite bands.
Mostly online for CaC
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Re: Lunarclan | 11

Postby Bumbletear » Tue Apr 04, 2017 1:27 am

ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ ᴜs ᴀʟʟ
Number of Cats: 12
Next Patrol: 04/3/17 - 6:30 pm
Next Moonpool Visit: 3/10/17 - 6:30 am
Next Kitting: none

After returning with the herbs, Cloudscent had gone right for the nursery, to heal little Hawkkit.
Shadowtail had left with Mudpaw for one last training session before her warrior ceremony next moon, and Whisperstar had left for the moonpool. But this time, she had a shadow. Whitefoot was following her, to make sure nothing happened on the way there.

[Cloudscent is healing Hawkkit]
[Shadowtail is training Mudpaw]
[Whisperstar goes to the moonpool to ask for a random cat - Whitefoot trails her]

          Whisperstar | 37 Moons | Female | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Whitefoot | 34 Moons | Male | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Cloudscent | 41 Moons | Male | X

          Shadowtail | 24 Moons | Female | X
          Hawkthorn | 24 Moons | Male | X
          Whitesong | 21 Moons | Female | X
          Flametalon | 35 Moons | Male | X

          Mudpaw | 12 Moons | Female | X
          ❆ Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Winternose | 32 Moons | Female | X
          ❆ Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Eaglekit | 1 moons | male | X
          Falconkit | 1 moons | female | X
          Hawkkit | 1 moons | male | X

          ❆ Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          ❆ Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans
    Sootclan | Catskittens
    Ivyclan | Savannah-the-Caracal

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Catmint | 2 | Best remedy for the deadly
    greencough, which kits and elders
    usually catch in the season of
    leaf-bare. Can also be used
    for whitecough.
    Cobwebs | 1 | To soak up and stop
    (or slow) the bleeding
    It may also be used to bind
    broken bones
    Lamb's Ear | 1 | Gives a cat strength
    Sweet Sedge Sap | 1 | Eases infection
    Marigold | 0 | Stops infection. Stops
    bleeding.Used for inflammation of stiff joints.
    Poppy Seeds | 1 | They can help a cat
    sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain.
    Not recommended for nursing queens.
    Coltsfoot | 1 | Eases breathing or
    kitten-cough, as well as cracked or
    sore pads
    Thyme | 1 | Calms nervousness, anxiety, and
    cats who are in shock

    Northern Field | Ivyclan | sparkypony
    Eastern Plains | Clan | User
    Southern Field | Clan | User
    Western River | Clan | User

    Fresh-Kill Pile
    3 Servings

    Mouse | x2 | 1 serving
    Rabbit | x1 | 2 servings
    Thrush | x2 | 3 serving
    Raven | x1 | 3 servings
    Squirrel | x2 | 2 servings
    Vole | x0 | 1 serving

    Shadowtail | Mudpaw | 03
    |> Swimming, Hunting, Battle
    |> Advanced Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | 00

    Deceased Cats
    Cat Name | Age at Death | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Age at Death | Cause of Death

    Winternose and ???
    |> Eaglekit, Falconkit, Hawkkit
    ??? and ???
    |> Shadowtail, Hawkthorn

    Tradition of the Grasses
    when the moon is full over Lunarclan's
    territory, there is a swath of grass that
    looks as though it is glowing. When a kit
    is born, they will be given a tail band of
    the grasses, apprentices will be lose the
    tail band, and be given an anklet, warriors
    will get anklets on both front paws, deputies
    will have the two anklets, as well as a tailband,
    medicine cats will have all front paws as well
    as a tailband, medicine apprentices will have
    two anklets and a tailband, and leaders will
    get anklets on all four paws
bumble: good-natured; kind; easygoing || tear: sadness
( cac ) ( rtl ) ( cap )
(( work in progress ))
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby skystar901 » Tue Apr 04, 2017 2:06 am

{Starting a new clan since I totally forgot about Brackenclan}

This clan is known as Ashenclan. Their territory is on a large island, that connects to the mainland through a small, narrow landbridge. The clan is split between two camps. A majority of the cats live on the main part of the island, their camp being in a cave hollowed out from the dormant volcano there. And a small group, around four to five once there are enough cats, live as guards at the part of the island where it connects to the land-bridge. They stay there for two moons, until another group of cats is sent down. They are responsible for caring for themselves, and they give a report when they return. The leader is not allowed to take guard duty, but the deputy can. The Medicine cat lives in a small nest about halfway between the camp and the guard station, with one warrior as a guard and hunter, and occasionally the medicine apprentice, if there is one.The three camps are connected by a series of underground tunnels.

In order for an apprentice prove themselves ready to become a warrior, they must climb the dormant volcano, and sleep at the rim.Their mentor will tail them, to make sure they sleep where they are supposed to.
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Re: Ivyclan - 11

Postby Springtalon » Tue Apr 04, 2017 2:20 am

Number of Cats: 14
Next Patrol: 4/3/17 - 7:30 pm
Next Visit to the Moonpool: 7 days
Upcoming Kittings: None
Current Servings: Four
Prey Eaten in Post: 1 Hare & 1 Mouse

Ravenstar carefully walked down to the moonpool. The newest members of Ivyclan were good, but now that it was once again time for a moonpool trip, well...he was going to ask for another warrior. Fogspark and Smokebreath would be busy with Nightpaw and Moonpaw for another several moons, and by the time those two were made warriors, Patchkit and Tawnykit would be apprenticed. He was going to ask for another warrior, because if things with Smokebreath and Shadowripple continued on, she would be would be in the nursery soon enough.

{Ravenstar | Moonpool | Warrior }
{Fogspark | Training Nightpaw }
{Smokebreath | Training Moonpaw}
{Shadowripple and Redwing | Hunting | East Border | Plains | Shared with Obsidianclan}
{Ghostfoot | Patrol | North Border | Lake}

          Ravenstar | 29 Moons | Male | L
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Redwing | 40 moons | male | D

          Medicine Cat:
          Owlsong | 32 Moons | Female | MC

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Twigpaw | 13 Moons | Male | MCA

          Smokebreath | 34 Moons | Male| W
          Fogspark | 34 Moons | Female | W
          Shadowripple | 29 Moons | Female | W
          Ghostfoot | 22 Moons | Male | W

          Nightpaw | 8 Moons | Male | A
          Moonpaw | 6 Moons | Female | A

          Frostedmuzzle | 31 Moons | Female | Q
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]Q[/url]

          Patchkit | 3 Moons | Female | K
          Tawnykit | 3 Moons | Female | K

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]E[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]E[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Lunarclan? | Bumbletear
    Obsidianclan? | Forgetful.
    Echoclan | Katrione
    Caveclan | Tauriel.

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Cobwebs | 1 | To soak up and
    stop (or slow) the bleeding.
    It may also be used to bind
    broken bones

    Comfrey Root | 1 | Repairs
    broken bones or soothes
    wounds. Also used for wrenched
    claws. Can be used for itching
    or for inflammation on stiff
    joints. Also eases stiffness
    on wrenched shoulders
    when lined in a nest. Can be
    used for burns.

    Goldenrod | 1 | Good for
    healing wounds

    Mallow Leaves | 1 | Soothes

    Stinging Nettle | 1 | Induces
    vomiting, or brings down
    swelling, respectively. Can
    be mixed with comfrey to
    help heal broken bones.
    Helps with wounds. Chewing
    the stems helps fight against

    Lamb's Ear | 1 | Gives a cat

    Burdrock Root | 1 | Lessens
    and heals the pain of infected
    rat bites; used to prevent
    infection of rat bites

    Colt's Foot | 1 | Eases
    breathing or kitten-cough
    as well as cracked or sore

    Marigold | 1 | Stops
    infection. Stops bleeding.
    Used for inflammation of
    stiff joints.

    Chamomile | 1 | Strengthens
    the heart and soothes the
    mind. Also given to
    traveling cats for strength

    Lavender | 1 | Cures
    fever and chills. Also used
    to hide the scent of death

    Fennel | 1 | Helps
    pain in the hips.

    Thyme | 1 | Calms
    nervousness, anxiety, and
    cats who are in shock.

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x0 | 1 serving
    Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x1 | 2 servings
    Raven | x1 | 3 servings
    Hare | x0 | 3 servings
    Small Fish | x2 | 2 servings

    Fogspark | Nightpaw | 02
    {> Climbing, Hunting <}
    Smokebreath | Moonpaw | 00
    {> moves <}

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    ??? and ???
    {> Smokebreath and Fogspark
    Frostedmuzzle and ???
    {> Patchkit and Tawnykit
    ??? and ???
    {> Ravenstar and Shadowripple

    Northern Lake | Clan | User
    Eastern Plains | Obsidianclan | forgetful.
    Southern Field | Lunarclan | Bumbletear
    Western Forest | Clan | User
once we've
if we stand as
someday becomes
and a prayer becomes a
and the strike starts here
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Katrione » Tue Apr 04, 2017 3:20 am

The rain has come back. It isn't as severe as it was several days ago, but it's enough to annoy even water-loving cats. Herbs and prey are still moderately easy to find, as well as new cats.

Simonpet wrote:
Honeystar was proud of her small but growing clan. Crowcloud was certainly a big help. Why, just the other day, he had gotten rid of a cough that had plauged her for the past quartermoon! Today, though, she was going on a hunting patrol with Duckpelt, the new warrior.

"How are you adjusting?" asked Honeystar.

"Well," replied Duckpelt. "It's...better. I don't have to worry as much."

Honeystar looked at the brown-and-white warrior. "What do you mean?"

"A clan supports its members. I know that you'll fight and hunt for me; why wouldn't I do the same for you?"

Honeystar smiled. "That's what a clan does."

Honeystar and Duckpelt go on a hunting patrol

While hunting, Honeystar and Duckpelt caught two squirrels and a hare


krazykitty00 wrote:
"I killed her..." Barkknot's confession sparked yowls of outrage and a wave of despair throughout the entirety of Soulclan. They spat and hissed threats at the molly who confessed to murder and cries and wails for the rung out for the medicine cat that's been with Soulclan through its entirety. Pure hatred crossed their eyes and bored down into Barkknot, all eyes on her. Except two. Two wide yellow eyes, both unreadable and unbelieving. Those eyes belonged to Hearthflame, the tom who was closer to Aspenleaf than anyone else. He padded out into the cloud of tension, ignoring all the hate filled words being thrown about. His eyes stayed in one place and one place only. "A-Aspenleaf?" He asked the brutally torn body lying still at his paws. Of course he received no response. He wasn't expecting one. He just needed the confirmation, to taste her name and see if it tasted alive. But it didn't, nothing did. He himself felt as if he had died alongside her. His only friend, his only companion, was gone. And yet, he wasn't sure if he was sad. And that scared him more than her death itself. Aspenleaf, for reasons he will now never know, seemed to hate him in her final moons, avoiding him, barely speaking or even looking at him. It was heart-wrenching and genuinely hurt him but... she was all he had. She was all she had and she was gone. The situation finally seemed to hit him, yellow eyes filling with tears as her nudged her body. She couldn't be dead. She was too special be dead. How could this be? His wide water filled eyes turned to the cat being accused and he found her gaze looking back at him. "I-I'm so sorry..." She mewed to him. And with that, the flood gates broke and Hearthflame's tears gushed down his face, burying his head in his paws as he lied next to the molly he used to see as a mother. "Aspenleaf...." He whimpered before succumbing to the darkness of despair.

{After the War I went back to New York}

Jaystar led her group back to camp, some limping, others simply battle scarred, one dead. No one spoke a word as they entered the camp for they weren't sure whether this fight had resulted in victory or defeat. Many helped Blackstreak rush Russetfall to the medicine den, others choosing to wait out their wounds a bit to allow Russetfall to get the most attention. Jaystar padded up your the High Ledge attention nd called the clan together, looking attention at every single one of them with an unreadable look in her eyes. "As you all know, Soulclan placed their paws in battle, and battle they did. Fiercely. I am proud to lead such a strong clan. I can never express how grateful I am." She mewed, forcing a tired smile. "We may not have won, but we did not lose either. Sagestar in a moment of weakness simply gave up his medicine cat and Sorrelstar had her exiled. Meaningless bloodshed ensued because Beechclan's moronic leader couldn't simply announce that simply she was going to simply exile Russetleaf. And Aspenleaf perished because of it." Her eyes were downcast along with other members of her clan, some of which threw hisses at Barkknot who had taken residence in a small dip of the cave. The molly's ears flattened at the harsh stares and looked away. "A great Warrior, Hootdust had died fighting for us. I pray Starclan take her soul with loving paws for it is what she deserves. Bow you heads and send her soul your prayers. Guide her into Starclan's paws." She instructed her clan to which they all willfully followed. Afterwards, Jaystar gave a small briefing of the battle, announcing how Sorrelstar had lost lives which, for now was enough vengeance the clan then how she too had lost a life. Afterwards, she turned away, leaving Thrushclaw in charge. Before she disappeared into her den, her gaze landed on that of her youngest Mistlepaw. Her face was full of jumbled emotions, but one stood out more to Jaystar. Disgust. Her daughter had been opposed to the war and yet Jaystar sent them any way. She watched as Mistlepaw turned on her paws and left camp, a habit she had grown after Mudpaw's passing before she went into her den completely.
Thrushclaw began sending out patrols for food and more importantly around the Beechclan border, his orders tired and shaky but still strong. "If you are injured then you are not to strain yourself until you can be treated." Thrushclaw made sure everyone got to work, thouh his eyes were clouded with worry as he saw the melancholic feel in the air and faces of the clan. That battle had been their first and had been quite a beating in a way. With a sigh, Thrushclaw turned to the leader's den to check on his mate. He padded inside and found her curled up and staring at the cave wall. A soft sigh escaped him as he padded to her side.
No words were exchanged as he pressed their sides together, letting the silence of her den surround them. "You fought well." Thrushclaw whispered after a moment of silence, pressing his nose into her neck gently. She smiled just a bit but didn't indulge in his touch. "You say that, but you and I both know I have drifted down a path of darkness. I killed a cat today... intentionally.. Starclan will punish me for it I know it. Even worse, they will punish the whole clan." She said in a hollowed out voice as if she wasn't alive at the moment. It frightened him a bit. "You were fighting for what you believed in Jaystar. Starclan-" "No, I was fighting to kill another cat for a crime their kit committed. And fighting to kill is against the code." She said, turning her eyes to look at him, fear and some unreadable emotion coated those eyes. But he managed to stile himself and smile at her again. "That's true. Maybe had you not been so quick to jump into battle, maybe heeded Mistlepaw's words-" "Are you saying my choice as leader was worst than that of an apprentice? Of my own kit? Are you saying that she is more fit to lead than I?" Jaystar suddenly snapped, scaring her mate more as he flinched away from her rage filled eyes. Jaystar noticed and her demeanor immediately softened, her head falling into her paws. "I'm sorry.. I just... I'm tired... can you leave me for now so I can rest?" She asked him, her eyes never met in his again. Thrushclaw didn't want to leave her like this, on the end of a rope with her fear of Starclan's judgement and alone. But when he tried settling back beside her, she pushed him away gently with her paw. He looked at her, dejected and worried but eventually obeyed her wishes and left her den.

Hearthflame sighed as he placed the last of the Comfrey Root poultice on Russetfall's side, causing the tom to shiver and purr a bit as his wounds began to ease in pain. The warrior had been banged up pretty badly and he almost did not make it, but Hearthflame managed to keep him from joining the stars with his mentor. "You should heal in a few moons. But until then, no leaving your den unless it is for sunlight." Hearthflame muttered, not meeting either Russetfall or Blackstreak's eyes, the second tom having been by Russetfall's side the entirety of Hearthflame's work, licking his partner's cheek to keep him warm and alive. "Thank you." Russetfall said in a sigh while Blackstreak simply helped him to his paws and out of the medicine den to his nest. Hearthflame did not bother to watch them leave. He gathered some hrs and let his den to go tend all the others who had been hurt in battle. His original shyness was replaced with a strong silence, looking as if he was only going with the motion of what his body wished to do. He wasn't his usual shy self, and so e could say it was an improvement. But he didn't like this empty hole inside without Aspenleaf.. it hurt so much...

"Mother, can I please!?" Cloudkit's voice rung throughout the nursery to his mother Whitenose who was sharing tongues with Smokeclaw, his sister grooming herself for whatever special occasion. Whitenose chuckled at her son,shaking her head just a bit. "What do you think Smokeclaw? Should we let him?" "I don't see why not. After all, we're letting Silverkit go and Tinykit is already out and about. It could be all good experience." The gray tom said, winking all his son. The little white tom had been begging to go out amd ask the me he warriors how the war was. Whitenose at first, did not allow it for the clan was in short mourning for Hootdust and also having a meeting to which kits are not allowed. But now it was just cute to see her little charmer want to go out and squeeze the warriors for all their details. "Well it seems your father has spoken. Go one ahead. But be respectful. Some may have taken the battle harder than others. If they say they don't want to talk about it, then apologize and continue in ok." "Yes mother. As usual, your words are as wise as Uncle Blackstreak." He bowed his head before running out into the camp. "I better go watch him." Smokeclaw chuckled, giving Whitenose one last lick before he followed after Cloudkit.
Whitenose watched her two boys go before looking down at Silverkit who seemed to be muttering things to herself. "Are you going to head out to darling?" The little molly looked frightened by her mother's sudden speech, but immediately relaxed with a smile. "Y-Yea. I am. Are you sure he'll say yes?" Whitenose nodded, nudging Silverkit to her paws with a smile of her own. "Of course he will. He's a sweet tom. And you're just as sweet. You two will click I'm sure. And you already know your stuff. He'll love you." Whitenose purred. Silverkit smiled and nuzzled into her mother's white fur before stepping away with a look of determination on her face. "Alright... here I go!" She said before leaving the nursery to go find Hearthflame.
He eyes first watched as her brother chattered away with Gorsetail and Tinykit, Gorsetail gladly recalling the battle and Cloudkit throwing the usual smothered insult at the smaller kit. She chuckled to herself before glancing around until she spotted the black fur of Hearthflame. She shyly walked her way over and tapped him on his hind leg. Hearthflame flinched but eventually turned his head, empty yellow eyes staring down at the kit he remembered helping Aspenleaf deliver. "Yes?" He asked in the dull tone he had become accustomed to. Silverkit looked down, shifting her paws a bit as he nerves grew. "I-I w-was hoping t-to help you with h-healing the cats from the battle. C-Can I?" She asked, still shuffling her paws. Hearthflame turned his head away, an strangely cold gesture for him and said a simple and hard "No." He could have made up an excuse that she was too young or that he wanted to do it alone and that she could help next time but no. His mind was not in its usual place and he had to go and break the young kit further. "Having you help me would be like taking an apprentice and I refuse to do so when I am already the medicine cat apprentice..." Even Silverkit knew those words weren't heartfelt. She was a smart kit. But it still hurt. She didn't want to fight when she grew up. She just wanted to help. But that dream was clearly never going to come true. "I-I'm sorry... Uh, t-thank you for your time Hearthflame.." She said with a respectful bow of her head, hereyes, ears and tail now permanently glued to the ground as she turned to walk back to the nursery. Hearthflame watched her go, guilt clawing at him as he did. She just wanted to help. And who was he to deny her? "W-Wait... I-I don't see why you can't just... help me carry the herbs?" He said. Almost immediately, Silverkit was by his side again, nuzzling into his leg and purring thank you's. Hearthflame blushed and looked away, smiling only a tiny bit as his mind went off for the moment and he simply relished in the small molly's warmth. "Come on. Let's go look at Amberstorm next." He said softly.

[Hunting Patrol: Sandfur, Wrenshine, Smokeclaw, Leopardpounce, Cypressdawn, Brackenfern]
[Border Patrol: Thrushclaw, Sootwhisker, Firestrike, Ashfur]
[Apprentice Ceremony: Tinykit -> Tinypaw]
[Warrior Ceremony: Mistlepaw -> Mistleleaf]
[Cinderblaze is kitting! secretly hoping for loss of kittens~]

War Injuries
[Jaystar ~ Lost 1 life
Thrushclaw ~ minor scratches on ears, legs and flank
Graystone ~ Large bite on hind leg and scratches on cheek
Russetfall ~ Major gashes on both side of body (healed)
Blackstreak ~ Cuts in ear, minor bleeding on cuts
Amberstorm ~ Scratches across eye, bite to ears, cuts on side
Thistlethorn ~ minor scratches, lots of blood (not hers)
Nettlefoot ~ minor scratche, intense fit of giggles, lots of blood (not hers)
Gorsetail ~ Deep bite to hind leg, broken leg, minor + minor scratches
Hootdust ~ Died in battle]

Count cats Male/Female ratio
Add Hollowpaw decide gender + mentor
Add prey, herbs, etc. If needed

While hunting, Sandfur, Wrenshine, Smokeclaw, Leopardpounce, Cypressdawn and Brackenfern caught a vole, squirrel and pigeon
While on patrol, Thrushclaw, Sootwhisker, Firestrike and Ashfur found a warrior
Tinykit is now an apprentice; Tinypaw!
Mistlepaw is now a warrior; Mistleleaf!
Cinderblaze gave birth to four kits
Sadly, only three of Cinderblaze's kits survived. The third kit passed away shortly after birth
Thrushclaw will need x1 dock for his scratches
Graystone will need x1 burdock root for his bite and x1 dock for his scratches
Blackstreak will need x1 cobweb for his bleeding, if his wounds become infected he will need x1 horsetail
Amberstorm will need x1 burdock root for her bite
Thistlethorn will need x1 horsetail IF her wounds become infected
Nettlefoot will need x1 chamomile to soothe her mind
Gorsetail will need x1 comfrey root for his broken leg and bite, and x1 rush to bind the leg
Starclan now has a new star among its skies. Hootdust will be well looked after in Starclan.


Chamrosh wrote:
Heronstar padded softly to the moonpool. She looked up at the stars directly above, or at least the ones she could see through the clouds that were doubtless carrying yet more heavy rain for the territory, for a few short seconds, working up the courage to ask for what she needed.
Initially, she had wanted to ask for a Medicine Cat first, but had realised that without warriors to protect and feed them, a medicine cat could not do their job properly. Furthermore, Heronstar now had her nine lives, and had no need of a medicine directly herself yet. Even if her gut said she would rather have the safety of a medicine cat first, her head knew that she needed someone else first.
She came as close to the pool as she could, and was grateful that the pool had strong rocks around it, as the water level had risen a little in the recent rain, then bent her head slowly down so that her nose touched the water. "Greetings to Starclan, with my great thanks for my territory, the new territory of Gustclan. You have tasked me in return to grow a strong clan, and to achieve this I request a warrior to make my deputy. I desire them to be wise and caring, and to be able to navigate any slopes that I cannot, but trust your guidance."

[Heronstone becomes Leader (Heronstar) and founds Gustclan]
[Heronstar requests a deputy from Starclan; wise, caring, good at climbing]

Starclan has sent you a deputy


skystar901 wrote:
{Starting a new clan since I totally forgot about Brackenclan}

This clan is known as Ashenclan. Their territory is on a large island, that connects to the mainland through a small, narrow landbridge. The clan is split between two camps. A majority of the cats live on the main part of the island, their camp being in a cave hollowed out from the dormant volcano there. And a small group, around four to five once there are enough cats, live as guards at the part of the island where it connects to the land-bridge. They stay there for two moons, until another group of cats is sent down. They are responsible for caring for themselves, and they give a report when they return. The leader is not allowed to take guard duty, but the deputy can. The Medicine cat lives in a small nest about halfway between the camp and the guard station, with one warrior as a guard and hunter, and occasionally the medicine apprentice, if there is one.The three camps are connected by a series of underground tunnels.

In order for an apprentice prove themselves ready to become a warrior, they must climb the dormant volcano, and sleep at the rim.Their mentor will tail them, to make sure they sleep where they are supposed to.

Ashenclan has been founded
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby skystar901 » Tue Apr 04, 2017 4:55 am

Number of Cats: One
Next Moonpool Trip: 7 days
Next Patrol: Whenever
Current Servings Required N/A for 2 more posts

Smokestar's silver striped tail curled slightly as he left the safety of Ashenclan's island home, crossed the Land Bridge, and made his way to the rumored Moonpool. There was no worry that a new group would take over his home while he was gone. His clan was not yet known of, and what other cat would want to live on an island that hosted a mountain that once breathed fire? He knew that it no longer did so though. The island was now safe. But once word of Ashenclan's existence began to spread, he would need to be wary. Other cats might try to come in and take the land for themselves. Which was why he was going to ask for a Deputy, a second in command to help the clan grow strong!
●</Smokestar goes to the moonpool to ask for a Deputy>●

          Smokestar | 19 Moons | Male | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username[/quote]

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Ocean
    East | Ocean
    South | Land Bridge
    West | Ocean

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Seagull | 0/3 servings
    Large Fish | 0/3 servings
    Small Fish | 0/2 servings
    Lizard | 0/2 servings
    Magpie | 0/3 servings
    Mouse | 0/1 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
xxxHey! I'm Sky, I'm Aro/Ace,
xxxFemale, and I do take a while
xxxto type so please give me some
xxxpatience if it looks like I'm taking
xxxa while to respond to you!

xxxHamilton, Dear Evan Hansen,
xxxRotG, Marvel, DC, LEGO
xxxPercy Jackson, Warriors,
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xxxFeel free to dm me about those!

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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Catskitten » Tue Apr 04, 2017 5:21 am



Number of Cats:11

Last Moonpool visit: Now

Like a phoenix they rose from the ashes

(Click clan symbol to learn more about them)


CAC Staff Note:2 more posts till prey counts thank you:)

V Welcome to the Clan V


{Use to be a twoleg cat until bad luck came upon the family. Believing that it was her fault they dumped her into the forest. She fell asleep and dreamt of starry cats and a new home. She sees cats as they truly are. Its super hard to hide yourself from her. Because of this (and other reasons) Bassthorn avoids her like the plague. She sees him as a rude cat and doesn't like him at all.This cat prefers to be alone and doesn't hang out with the other cats. She sees herself as bad and tells herself she shouldn't be around them but hopes for acceptance. Her distrust comes from her past and she believes she will be abandoned eventually.}
As Bassthorn and the new cat made it home it continued as pure cold silence. The poor black cat tried hard to get the medicine cat to talk to them,to please just answer one question. They even begged at one point than after nothing silently walked behind Bassthorn tearfully.
They wish to know about Sootclan their new home. But they didn't feel welcomed. They both got to camp.
Bassthorn walked away and ditched the cat. The new cat looked around,scared assuming this was camp but not a hundred percent sure.
"Hey...Hey!" the cat yowled desperately after Bassthorn but the cat was long gone
And she didn't even get a name.
The she cat finally broke down and began to cry sadly. She wasn't home was she? She must of been mistaken. After all who would welcome a cat like her?
She waited for the leader to kick her out. Maybe other Sootclan members would give her a chance?
It was a feeble hope.

Suddenly the patrol was back.
The five cat patrol had return with prey to feed the cats.
Bassthorn walked up to Ashstar with a smile and meowed "New cat."
and left for medicine cat den,not waiting for response. Ashstar's face lit up as he saw the black cat nearby and he walked over to greet them.
He face than fell.
"Miss why are you crying?"
"Is this Sootclan?" The black cat asked,looking at Ashstar like he was gonna attack her,she eyed the patrol wearily and her claws slid out
She regretted following that rude cat
immediately. Her heart beat wildly from anxiety and she panted.
This might not even be Sootclan.
"Yes Im Ashstar the leader.
My medicine cat went to ask for a warrior. Are you her?" Ashstar asked in confusion
Something was off to the leader.
This wasn't how new clan members acted towards joining Sootclan.
They were happy not looking like the camp was a trap. He thought back to Bassthorn. The medicine cat was happy when he had talked to Ashstar so the leader just didn't understand what was wrong.
Why was this she cat crying?
The she cat suddenly looked away from him her expression depressed.
"I am. Do I meet your expectations?"
"Yes?" Ashstar blinked stupidly
The tom was confused by this sudden question.
"Yes you do." a voice rang behind him as Birdstorm stepped up near him and addressed the new warrior
Ashstar shook his head than answered after a thought
"Sootclan always welcomes new cats to our clan. I just wish to know whats wrong..."
"Names Sorrow. Who is that near you and behind you?"
The rude cat hadn't answered her so she saw no reason to answer this tom no matter how kind he acted.
Ashstar introduced the cats around him. Birdstorm was watching Sorrow
quietly studying her. Discomfort filled Sorrow. Did she do something wrong? The deputy rubbed against Sorrow and a quiet whisper reached the black cats ears and nobody elses "Theres nothing to fear here."
Sorrow tried to meow something but Birdstorm was already walking away with the patrol.
She turned around and flinched when Ashstar was there.
"When cats come to the clan there is a ceremony to find your clan name.
We will hold that in a bit when the patrol drops off the prey."
She noted that the leader still looked concerned but kept a respectful distance from her and her emotions.
She nodded quietly and he moved on. Sorrow glanced around her new home and waited.

{Ashstar goes to moonpool asks for warrior
Bassthorn goes herb hunting
Elkstep,Birdstorm,Whiteheart,Woodenpaw,Sorrowstory go prey hunting
Rumbletail and Riversong watch kits
Promisekit and Turtlekit play in camp}

          Name:Ashstar| Age:25 moons| Gender:Male| [url=...]X[/url]
          Desc:White skinny cat with green eyes
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name:Birdstorm| Age: 25 moons| Gender: Female| [url]X[/url]
          Desc:Siamese cat with blue eyes

          Medicine Cat:
          Name:Bassthorn | Age:26 moons | Gender:Male | [url]X[/url]
          Desc:black and white cat

          Name:Whiteheart | Age:23 moons| Gender:Female| [url]X[/url]
          Desc:grey and white cat
          Name:Elkstep | Age:22 moons| Gender:Male | [url]X[/url]
          Desc:brown tabby
          Name:| Age: | Gender:| [url=link]X[/url]
          Name:| Age: | Gender:| [url=link]X[/url]
          Name:| Age: | Gender:| [url=link]X[/url]

          Name:| Age:| Gender:| [url=link]X[/url]
          Name:Woodenpaw| Age:9 moons| Gender:Male| [url]X[/url]
          Desc:brown tabby
          Name:Riversong | Age:23 moons | Gender:Female | [url]X[/url]
          Desc:fluffy calico cat
          Name:Promisekit | Age:2 moons | Gender:Male | X
          Name:Turtlekit: | Age:2 moons | Gender:Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name:Rumbletail | Age:127 moons | Gender:Female | [url]X[/url]
          Desc:orange tabby green eyes
          Name:Sorrowstory | Age:18 moons| Gender:Female | X

    Ally Clans:
    Lunarclan | Bumbletear
    Flurryclan | Nyeh Heh Heh!
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    (my borders a bit more detailed:) Hope nobody minds)
    Northwestern Border - Flurryclan/Nyeh Heh Heh!!
    Northern Border - mountains
    Northeastern Border -
    Eastern Border - Leafclan/zephyrine
    Southeastern Border -
    Southern Border -
    Southwestern Border -
    Western Border - Lunarclan/Bumbletear

    Medicine Store
    1x Bindweed | Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place
    1x Broom | It is used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds
    1x Catmint | Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough
    0x Cobwebs | To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones
    1x Dandelion | Thought to soothe and heal bee stings. Its leaves can also be chewed to act like a painkiller
    1x Horsetail | Treats infections and stops bleeding
    1x Honey | Soothes infections,is a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats,helps cats swallow other concoctions,helps soothe coughing, and gives energy.
    1x Wintergreen | Treats wounds and some poisons
    1x Stinging Nettle | The seeds are eaten by a cat who's swallowed poison, or the leaves are chewed into a poultice for a wound. The stems can also be chewed.
    Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, respectively. Can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones.Helps with wounds. Chewing the stems helps fight against infection.
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Squirrels | x1 | 0 servings
    Mice | x0 | 0 servings
    Sparrows | x2 | 0 servings
    Voles | x0 | 0 servings
    Rabbits | x0 | 0 servings
    Crows| x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor:Birdstorm| Apprentice:Woodenpaw| No. of training sessions:2
    1st time:Learned climbing skill
    2nd time:Learned hunting skill
    Mentor:| Apprentice:| No. of training sessions:

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name:| Cause of Death:
    Cat Name:| Cause of Death:

    Elkstep and Riversong
    (Kits: Promisekit,Turtlekit)
    Name and Name

Cat Notes:
leader 24-80 moons
(Ashstar is special case)
elder 120 moons to higher
(can retire earlier in case of injury,etc.)
apprentinces 6 moons (train for 6 moons)
warriors 12-80 moons
senior warrior 80 moons-120 moons
All birds are 3 servings, squirrels are 2 servings, mice are 1, rabbits are 2, voles are 1
Last edited by Catskitten on Wed Apr 05, 2017 6:51 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Simonpet » Tue Apr 04, 2017 5:23 am

Number of Cats: 3
Next Moonpool Visit: 05/06/2017

Forestclan needed more cats. "Duckpelt," said Honeystar from the Speaker's Tree, "you and I will be going on a patrol today. Hopefully we'll find some more warriors." Duckpelt inclined her head in acknowledgement. "Crowcloud, it would be a great help if you could block the tunnels." The tunnels that Honeystar referred to were those linking the leader's den, the medicine cats' den, and the elders' den. Duckpelt had stated that they were likely part of an old rabbit or hare warren, but that there was no need to panic as they were notoriously flighty and wouldn't come back to reclaim their territory. Crowcloud nodded in acknowledgement. Honeystar jumped down from the Speaker's Tree, leaping from branch to branch until she reached the ground. "Let's go," she told Duckpelt.
While Honeystar and Duckpelt were out on the patrol, Crowcloud worked. "Now, how should I block those tunnels?" he asked himself. "Ah, I know! Rocks and dirt would work perfectly." He bounded out of the camp on the hunt for rocks. He found many small pebbles and brought each one back to the medicine cats' den, ready to start the long process of blocking the tunnels.

Forestclan uses 1 squirrel (2 servings)
Honeystar and Duckpelt go out on a patrol

      Honeystar | 23 moons | Molly | X
      Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Medicine Cat:
      Crowcloud | 22 moons | Tom | X

      Duckpelt | 21 moons | Molly | X

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      Ally Clans:
      Clan Name | Username

      Enemy Clans
      Clan Name | Username

      North | Clan Name | Username
      Northeast | Clan Name | Username
      Northwest | Clan Name | Username
      East | Clan Name | Username
      South | Clan Name | Username
      Southeast | Caveclan | tauriel.
      Southwest | Clan Name | Username
      West | Clan Name | Username

      Medicine Store
      Dried oak leaf | x1 | stops infection from setting in
      Feverfew | x1 | reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills,
      heals aches and pains, and is good for headaches
      Juniper berries | x1 | soothes bellyaches, gives strength, helps troubled
      breathing, and calms cats
      Stinging nettle | x1 | induces vomiting, brings down swelling, and helps
      with wounds; can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones
      Tansy | x1 | cures coughs, wounds and poisons, prevents greencough,
      and soothes throats

      Fresh-Kill Pile
      Hare | x1 | 3 servings
      Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings

      Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

      Deceased Cats
      Cat Name | Cause of Death

      Name and Name | Kits
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