Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Simonpet's Substitute Replies

Postby Katrione » Sun Feb 18, 2018 5:23 pm

A Fox's Tail wrote:

{Echostar, Lynxpaw train}
{Eclipsefur, Leafcrest, Echostar, Lynxpaw, Frostedsky and Russetwind hunt}
{Snowdrift, Birchnose, Eclipsefur, and Appleblaze hunt}
{Frostedsky and Slatenose patrol}
{Sandripple goes herb gathering}
{Echostar trains Lynxpaw}
{Palesong stays in camp with Crescentkit]

[ Lynxpaw learned the Hunting skill while training ]
[ Eclipsefur, Leafcrest, Echostar, Lynxpaw, Frostedsky and Russetwind caught a rabbit and two mice while hunting ]
[ Snowdrift, Birchnose, Eclipsefur and Appleblaze caught two voles and a mouse while hunting ]
[ Frostedsky and Slatenose found a warrior while on patrol ]
[ Sandripple gathered cobwebs and ragwort while herb hunting ]


sincerely. wrote:
xxxxxxxWhat am i doing here?” icy, bright blue eyes held confusion as a light, warming breeze swept through the molly’s sleek pure white pelt. a slight twitch of her ears alerted her to the sound of approaching, light footfalls of another felidae and her regal head turned to look.

a large brown tabby stood at the tree line of pine trees — behind the two, a foreboding castle loomed like an upcoming threat. his amber eyes were warm as he solemnly dipped his head, and he spoke with the twisting but flowing language of the people once known as a clan long forgotten — the very clan she descended from, and the very language she spoke on her tongue. the language of the naglfar, am ancient tongue. ”welcome, blossom, to the lands of the moon-people.”

another slight twitch of her ears. he knew her name while she did not know of his, but she knew of the moon-people, the deceased felidae whom walked in the dreams of the living. “i know of the moon-people.” she said, her voice in hushed awe. she lowered her chin, respectfully. “my mama told me stories as a kit, before she died, of a clan of noble warriors who spoke with their ancestors.” the name came back to her — but the tabby tom beat her to it with a nod of his head.

”thornclan. the clan died in the fire that destroyed their home, all save for two brave warriors who were able to make it out.” his tone dripped with sorrow but his posture was strong. ”blossom, we want you to rebuild the clan that perished — but make it a new one. if you will accept this request, you will be known as frigidstar, grand marshal of your clan, blossomclan. i will grant you your nine lives. and i will send the two warriors, whiskey and hawkstrike, to aid you.”

“me? but why?” her eyes widened with shock. “surely, one of those two cats would make a better leader than i would.”

the tom shook his head. ”no, it must be you. it is your destiny — if you choose to accept it.”

after a moment of thought, blossom nodded. it would take some work to build blossomclan. “i’ll do it. what do i have to do first?”

( new cats blackkit & stormpaw & snowpaw from re-adopt )
— — keeping hawkstrike & whiskey from former clan
— — received padmé as a birthday cat
patrols — —
hunting patrols — —
( tree hunting patrols (squirrels, birds) whiskey )
( fishing patrol (small fish) padmé, frigidstar )
( ground hunt patrol (voles, mice, rabbits) hawkstrike, stormpaw )
( boarder patrol frigidstar, ravenpounce )

( nursery whiskey is due in 2 moons )
( injuries / sicknesses none )
training — —
( climbing padmé trains snowpaw )
( hunting hawkstrike trains stormpaw )
( aquatic none )
( herbs none )
( fighting none )

( herb hunting none )
( ceremonies none )
( moonfall visit fridgidstar asks for a combatant )
( other changed frigidstar’s photo due to someone else already having it for their cat )

[ Whiskey caught a squirrel while hunting ]
[ Padme and Frigidstar caught two fish while hunting ]
[ Hawkstrike and Stormpaw caught a rabbit while hunting ]
[ Frigidstar and Ravenpounce found a combatant while on patrol ]
[ Snowpaw learned the Climbing skill while training ]
[ Stormpaw learned the Hunting skill while training ]


scarlet_wolf wrote:
a wail broke through the camp, shattering the early-morning silence that rolled in with the mist, lingering just above the camp, dew clustered on blades of tall grass. palesun sat just outside the nursery, head bowed, shivering, his thick fur flattened by moisture and his ears flat against his head. addercloud sat next to him, her own pelt not doing much to keep out the cold, her own body racked with shakes, but hoping that her companionship would offer solace to palesun. kestrelflight paced before them, his tail lashing and paws clumsy - he had been up all night, waiting for the outcome of his sister's kits, and exhaustion was finally getting to him, though he would not leave, no matter how much palesun assured him that there was nothing to be done. slatestar approached, then, his ears laying back and his pawsteps silent. "there's nothing you could have done, palesun," he spoke softly, bumping the tom with his shoulder lightly, licking the top of his head. "you're freezing - go sleep." palesun raised his amber gaze to slatestar's. "i couldn't save her," he voiced his thoughts, his tone distraught, cracking on the last word. "i've never lost any cat before." the small tabby kitten had been sick, so sick, and palesun had tried his hardest to keep her alive, but he couldn't, and it was all his fault, all his fault that redhawk's distress could be heard across the moor, all his fault that only one kit still lay curled at her belly, desperate for warmth and milk. "come on," slatestar draped his tail over palesun's shoulders, leading him to slatestar's own den, knowing that reassurance was all palesun needed. no cat in the clan had ever seen palesun upset, had never seen him anything less than his usual buoyant self - the death of redhawk's kit had really shaken him.
at palesun's departure, addercloud stood, turning to slink into the nursery. to the left, mothstep lay curled around her kits protectively, trying to keep redhawk's wails from disturbing their rest. wheatkit and sheepkit, adopted members of her brood, looked slightly out of place, though they didn't seem to mind ( they were both awake, though with excitement, not distress - they turned six moons old that day, and once the sun rose they would be given their apprentice names and assigned a mentor ). quailtuft had foxkit gathered under her chin, and was grooming the small orange tabby's head gently, lolling her back to sleep. swanlake's swollen tummy was a bright patch of white in the den, and she was panting, her eyes half-lidded, sure evidence that she was to be kitting soon; addercloud hoped only that palesun would be back to normal by then, only hoped that she wouldn't have to do it on her own. she had grown to enjoy palesun's companionship, even over just one moon. redhawk weeped. in the corner, she fiercely licked the top of the tabby kitten. the white kit, a tom, shook, out of her reach - her attention was solely turned towards the tabby molly, trying to revive her, trying to save her kit. she had not listened to palesun's gentle tone, nor her brother's - now, though, addercloud padded to her, ears swiveled back. "redhawk," she addressed the molly. redhawk's eyes flashed up towards the medicine cat, and she gathered the tabby closer, protectively. "listen to me," addercloud continued, laying on the dusty ground before redhawk and drawing the white kit to herself, grooming him, keeping him warm for the time being. "your kit is dead," she stated bluntly. "but this one isn't," her voice had lowered to a hiss, her eyes narrowed. "and if you do not let me take that kit to go bury her, and if you do not take this kit and give him all of the love that you can possibly muster up, then he will die too." addercloud had risen to her paws by this point, and redhawk was blinking up at her, eyes wide. quailtuft was frozen mid-lick, foxkit's fur standing up the other way, and wheatkit blinked at her from the other side of mothstep. "alright," redhawk croaked, drawing the other kit closer and nudging the dead molly towards addercloud. she flashed her gaze at addercloud, and whispered - "her name would have been carpkit." redhawk had thought the name suited the brown molly perfectly - the fish, a species that resided heavily in the stream in the woods, was flashy and brown-striped. "and him?" addercloud gestured towards the tomcat that redhawk curled her tail around protectively. "what will his name be?" there was no hesitation in redhawk's voice when she answered. "skykit," she murmured. "for his cloud-colored pelt. i do believe he will carry close ties with starclan." addercloud nodded at this revelation, dipping her head and giving redhawk a small lick atop the head. "very well," she straightened, picking up carpkit, the kit's body tiny in her jaws. redhawk gave the small molly one last mournful look before turning adoring eyes on skykit. carpkit was buried at the base of a willow tree near the stream.
- - -
the sun had banished the mist, and dew was drying, the chill in the air gone. palesun seemed in slightly better shape, redhawk's acceptance seeming to reflect in his own attitude. dragging a reassuring tail across his shoulder, slatestar bounded onto the peak of the large, flat rock that served as the clan's meeting stone. it had been left behind many moons ago by upwalkers, the foundation of a porch, perhaps, or stairs that had never been completed. "may all cats old enough to run across the moor please gather beneath flatrock for a clan meeting!" slatestar's voice echoed across the camp, drawing cats from their dens. addercloud had just returned, had just made it back from finding a suitable spot for carpkit. she curled her tail over her paws beside palesun. kestrelflight emerged from the nursery, beaming, pride at his nephew and his sister practically rolling off of him in waves. mothstep padded out, too, wheatkit and sheepkit looking prim at her heels. eaglekit, otterkit, ferretkit, and fawnkit, too, bounded behind her, complaining loudly - "why can't we be apprentices, mom?" toadsplash and claystream leaned against one another, an image of contentment. kylo and hux, as they were known for the moment, perched lightly near the edge of flatrock. swanlake, belly swollen, tottered out as well to examine the meeting from afar. shrikethorn and dovesky were curled around one another, finding solace in the other's companionship, happy to know that at least another queen would be kitting at the same time. troutwhisker and fernbreeze, ornery as always, grumbled about the noise.
"today marks both a tragedy and a joy," slatestar began, his tail twitching behind him. "early this morning, before sunrise, redhawk gave birth to two kits." everyone, of course, knew this - her wails had woken them up and it had been hard to fall back asleep. "the first, skykit, is a strong and healthy tom, who i am positive will be a wonderful addition to our clan. the second, however," slatestar dipped his head with remorse. "was sickly and weak, named carpkit. she died this morning, and is buried beneath the willow tree near the river. i offer my sincerest condolences to redhawk." a hushed murmur of sorrow swept over the clan - this was the first time any cat had died, and it put a damper on the good mood. "secondly," slatestar continued. "kylo and hux have chosen to recieve their warrior names. will you both come up to flatrock?" the pair of toms obliged, leaping easily onto the stone, standing at their full height. "kylo, do you promise to defend your clan even at the cost of your life? do you promise to keep your clan safe to the best of your ability?" kylo nodded once, his voice soft but still carrying across the camp. "i do," he answered with a swish of his tail. "very well - then, from this moment onward, you shall be known as darkmask. may starclan light your path." slatestar and the tom touched noses once, before darkmask leapt down among the cheers of his new name. hux, too, performed the ceremony, and looked proud of his new name - leafcurl, the clan chanted joyously. "and we do have a new member," slatestar went on, twitching his whiskers towards the black-striped tom sitting near the edge of the clearing. everyone had noticed him, of course, but were waiting for slatestar's announcement. the tom was very serious, very determined to do his duties, not much one for small talk. at slatestar's beckoning, the tom padded up. "from this moment onward, you shall be known as blackpanther," slatestar paused as the clan echoed the name, and watched as blackpanther leapt down, arrogant with satisfaction. from the corner of his eye, slatestar could see wheatkit and sheepkit shifting nervously, wondering if he had forgotten. "and now," slatestar's voice rose a notch. "for one of my favorite ceremonies. wheatkit and sheepkit, would you please come up to the flatrock?" the kits practically tripped over themselves in their haste, but made it to the flatrock without embarassing themselves. "ah, yes - wheatkit and sheepkit." slatestar gazed at the kits with an abundance of fondness, almost as if he were their sire. "you have reached the age of six moons, and are old enough now to be apprentices. wheatkit, do you promise to act to the best of your abililty, and follow your mentor's guidance?" wheatkit beamed, his nod overly excited. "i do," the barley-colored tom answered with pride. "very well. then, from now until your warrior ceremony, you shall be known as wheatpaw. your mentor shall be eclipseheart. eclipseheart, do you promise to teach your apprentice everything you know and pass on your knowledge to future generations?" eclipseheart nodded once, and padded close to wheatpaw, touching noses, a small grin lifting the corner of eclipseheart's muzzle. "and you, sheepkit, do you promise to act to the best of your abililty, and follow your mentor's guidance?" sheepkit flushed at the attention, everyone's eyes on her, though she puffed out her chest when she replied. "i do." slatestar purred at her tone. "very well. then, from now until your warrior ceremony, you shall be known as sheeppaw. your mentor shall be claystream. claystream, do you promise to teach your apprentice everything you know and pass on your knowledge to future generations?" claystream padded forwards, her dreamy voice echoing across the moor. "i do." at those final words, claystream touched noses with sheeppaw, her tail swishing lightly. "wonderful - clan dismissed!"
- - -
darkness was approaching, fireflies darting through the air, flashing on-off-on-off like the reflection of sun on water. "palesun!" mothstep's shout from the nursery brought the tom running - this time, he was determined not to lose any cat, and the sight of redhawk curled around skykit only furthered that determination. addercloud, too, skidded after him, blinking sleep from her eyes as they trotted into the nursery. swanlake lay stretched out on her side, orange eyes bright despite the fact that they were half-closed. she was panting, her stomach heaving. palesun suspected that it would be another long night.


[ slatestar welcomes blackpanther to mistclan ! ]
[ slatestar welcomes briartongue, formerly of midnightclan, to mistclan ! ]
[ slatestar welcomes bumblesnout, formerly tawnyleap of ridgeclan, to mistclan ! ( recieved in a trade ! ) ]
[ slatestar welcomes wolfhound, formerly wolfclaw of summitclan, to mistclan ! ( received in a trade ! ) ]
[ slatestar welcomes the birth of skykit to mistclan ! ]
[ wheatkit and sheepkit are now wheatpaw and sheeppaw ! ]
[ eclipseheart is wheatpaw's mentor, and claystream is sheeppaw's mentor ! ]
[ kylo and hux have received their warrior names - darkmask and leafcurl ! ]
[ all mentors & apprentices go to train ]
[ when they return, duckwater, rookwing, bumblesnout, and wolfhound search for the eagle's nest ]
[ toadsplash, claystream, darkmask, and leafcurl go on a border patrol ]
[ slatestar and kestrelflight go on a border patrol ]
[ eclipseheart, pineleg, and tangledvine go on a hunting patrol ]
[ blackpanther and briartongue go on a hunting patrol ]
[ swanlake is kitting ! ravenwing of brambleclan is the father ! ]
[ palesun remains in camp to assist her - he uses x1 chervil to help ease the process ]
[ addercloud searches for herbs ]
[ mistclan does not eat for a post ]

[ Wheatkit and Sheepkit are now apprentices: Wheatpaw and Sheeppaw! ]
[ Bearpaw learned the Swimming skill while training ]
[ Warblerpaw, Magpiepaw, Canarypaw, Skunkpaw, Wheatpaw and Sheeppaw learned the Hunting skill while training ]
[ Duckwater, Rookwing, Bumblesnout and Wolfhound found the Eagle's Nest! ]
[ Toadsplash, Claystream, Darkmask and Leafcurl found a warrior while on patrol ]
[ Slatestar and Kestrelflight found nothing of note on their patrol ]
[ Eclipseheart, Pineleg and Tangledvine caught two hares while hunting ]
[ Blackpanther and Briartongue caught a stoat while hunting ]
[ Swanlake gave birth to two kits ]


faerie; wrote:
[the moonpool warrior joins as cloudrunner.]
[amberclan recieves a young shaman apprentice, named swanpaw. birthday cat]
[the border patrol flees the eagle scent, not wanting to risk anything.]
[ferretfur, pineclaw, demelza, hornetfang, and sootstar go on a hunting patrol.]
[bumbletail goes off to search for herbs.]
[dawntuft begins kitting. father]
[siblings reedwhisker and lilypool leave for swiftclan.]
[moonpool warrior cloudrunner leaves for swiftclan.]
[amberclan recieves russetstrike, boartooth, and lionleap from swiftclan.]
[the clan consumes 1 rabbit and 2 voles.]

[ Ferretfur, Pineclaw, Demelza, Hornetfang and Sootstar caught three squirrels while hunting ]
[ Bumbletail gathered comfrey root and sweet-sedge while herb hunting ]
[ Dawntuft gave birth to three kits ]


kacchan, wrote:
moons ago;;
Tangy’s previous words echoed between the cats, and riots and protests greeted her. One tom let out a yowl of disapproval. “You’re letting two kits lead our clan and assign us mates? Don't you know what we’ve just gone through!” He said, agitated, letting his claws sink into the rough dirt below him. Ruffled pelts brushed and bristled furiously. Totti felt her pelt grow got as she started to consider the thought that this might’ve been a bad idea. But when she turned to see Tangy’s face, she was met with a blank expression, instead of the expected angered or frustrated. "That is exactly my point. If we let our kits get experience like this, they'll see what it really means to live in this world." Tangy mews reached every cat, and the rioting and protesting had lowered to uneasy murmurers. "But they're just kits, Tangy. We can't work them when they have no strength." Springvines shakily said, anxious for the kits' futures. The orange-eyed she-cat shook her head ."They won't be training, they'd be exploring; experiencing the wonders of the land and what opportunities it gives."No one was agreeing or disagreeing, and it was the sound of uneasiness. No one knew what to support. "We need to change." A new voice spoke, "We can't follow the same path that Coniferclan did or else we'll end up like them." It was Totti, and her modulated voice topped all of the others. Some cats nodded but others still didn't look too convinced. Tangy did not wait for an approval from her clanmates. She took the silence as a sign of obedience. "It's been decided then. Skykit and Yarrowkit will lead this clan with pride, Totti and I will be beside them when needed. As for mates, I'll allow warriors and beyond chose their mates if wanted. Anyone who is apprentice or lower will be assigned mates; they'll be chosen once apprenticeship is over." The clan had given up on changing the she-cats mind. They were too restless to push more questions on. "You should all sleep. Save your strengths for tomorrow." The small black she-cat dismissed them all. Her clanmates did not argue and did not want to waste a second, moving into the dens in silence.
//tysm for imp helping me write this! It's only 10x better because of them snnsns;ac//
aslo aCK im really sorry @lame,,, i took inspiration from your coding :"DD i hope you dont mind, pm me if you want me to change it sadlkansd;
[ the clan eats a bluebird and a salamander ]
[ the clan welcomes robinthroat, finchclan's first messenger! ]
[ pineshell searches for herbs ]
[ robinthroat does her duty as a messenger and roams around the territory; searching for anything interesting to report ]
[ all apprentices train with azollaheart and juniperstreak ( azolla's special traits)]
[ monarchstride orders larkspurnose, tidalsnout,thistleleaf sandspark, plumslip and duckbreeze to go on a border and hunting patrol ]
[ monarchstride orders plumslip firewhisker, leoponskip, larkspurnose, thistleleaf, and tidalsnout to go on a border and hunting patrol ]
[ yarrowkit walks to moonpool with totti and asks for an medicine cat apprentice ]

[ Pineshell gathered elder leaves and heather nectar while herb hunting ]
[ Robinthroat found nothing to report ]
[ Dryadulapaw, Evergreenpaw and Raccoonpaw learned the Fighting and Climbing skill while training ]
[ Ashenpaw, Flickerpaw and Kestrelpaw learned the Hunting and Stalking skill while training ]
[ Larkspurnose, Tidalsnout, Thistleleaf, Sandspark, Plumslip and Duckbreeze caught two bluebirds and a salamander while hunting ]
[ Plumslip, Firewhisker, Leoponskip, Larkspurnose, Thistleleaf and Tidalsnout found a teacher while on patrol ]
[ Starclan has sent Finchclan a medicine cat apprentice ]


Phina D Wolf wrote:
[swiftclan consumes x3 birds and x1 small fish]
[loonfrost, impclaw, whimbrelstep, snakefang, swanflight, and swayingtrees go hunting]
[brindlenose, finchcloud, dancingstripe, maplestrike, luxx, and lemondrop go hunting]
[daisysun, lightningstrike, muddypelt, hailclaw, reedwhisker, and falconwatcher go on patrol]
[cloudwatcher, bounceheart, tumblepounce, russetsplash, scorchmask, and skysun go on patrol]
[rowanfern, bramble leaf and aloe stem go hunting for herbs]
[all apprentices train]
[velvetflicker is kitting! father]
[sweetstar loses a life to a heart attack]

[ Loonfrost, Impclaw, Whimbrelstep, Snakefang, Swanflight and Swayingtrees caught three big fish while hunting ]
[ Brindlenose, Finchcloud, Dancingstripe, Maplestrike, Luxx and Lemondrop caught three ermine and a pigeon while hunting ]
[ Daisysun, Lightningstrike, Muddypelt, Hailclaw, Reedwhisker and Falconwatcher found a warrior while on patrol ]
[ Cloudwatcher, Brambleleaf and Aloestem gathered sorrel, yarrow, alder bark and horsetail while herb hunting ]
[ Palepaw and Weaselpaw learned the Climbing skill while training ]
[ Robinpaw, Wobblepaw, Swiftpaw, Palepaw, Rainpaw and Stormpaw learned the Swimming skill while training ]
[ Velvetflicker gave birth to three kits ]


imp. wrote:
- coyote and dingo reunion
- dawn, echo, and black are introduced
- milk and soft commenting on others
- mint and hazel rejecting their parents
- salt, slate, osprey, and hawk plotting
- soft, charm, and bell getting warrior names

[ wildclan eats on leftovers, one rat, and one squirrel. ]
[ saltsoul and milkpaw search for herbs. ]
[ saltsoul and milkpaw train to learn memory. ]
[ all of the warrior apprentices train to learn swimming. ]
[ the apprentice receive warrior names, but remain training. ]
[ coyotestar requests a warrior from starclan. ]
[ berryspring and polarcurl try for kits. ]
[ goldenheart and meadowfern try for kits. ]
[ wildclan will ignore the predator. ]
[ coyotestar, hawkstorm, ospreytalon, slatestorm, dingotuft, and blackswan go on a hunting patrol. ]
[ dawnclaw, echopaw, mintstep, hazelcloud, willowflight, and tinyglow go on a hunting patrol. ]
[ charmshake, bellflower, and softsprout go on a border patrol
charmshake will attract at least one new cat due to abilities. ]
[ goldenheart, meadowfern, polarcurl, berryspring, and onyxstrike go on a border patrol. ]

[ Saltsoul and Milkpaw gathered sorrel, ivy leaves and blackberry leaves while herb hunting ]
[ Milkpaw learned the Memory skill while training ]
[ Charmpaw, Softpaw, Bellpaw and Echopaw learned the Swimming skill while training ]
[ Charmpaw, Softpaw and Bellpaw are now Charmshake, Bellflower and Softsprout! ]
[ Starclan has sent Wildclan a warrior ]
[ Polarcurl is expecting kits! They are due in two moons ]
[ Meadowfern is expecting kits! They are due in two moons ]
[ Coyotestar, Hawkstorm, Ospreytalon, Slatestorm, Dingotuft and Blackswan caught two skunks while hunting ]
[ Dawnclaw, Echopaw, Mintstep, Hazelcloud, Willowflight and Tinyglow caught three pigeons while hunting ]
[ Charmshake, Bellflower and Softsprout found a warrior while on patrol ]
[ Goldenheart, Meadowfern, Polarcurl, Berryspring and Onyxstrike found nothing of note on their patrol ]
Last edited by Katrione on Sun Feb 18, 2018 6:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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- honestclan: one

Postby stranger danger » Sun Feb 18, 2018 5:34 pm

      no. of cats; two - next lion's fall visit; feb 24, 2018
      2 servings per post - reminder - reminder - reminder

      twilight fills rocky caves as pawsteps patter deeper and deeper into a cavern.
      two toms walk side by side, whispering softly to each other. "i opt that we ask
      for a shaman first, they'd still be apart of the council,"
      the first tom is cut off by a sharper,
      clearer voice, an edge of playfulness to his tone. "but does a shaman's wisdom compare
      to those of an elder?"
      he asks, and the other rolls his eyes.
      "whatever craggtail."
      "craggstar." as they banter, their destination grows closer, accompanied
      by the sound of rushing water. their quick pace slows, as they come to a stop at the edge of a pooling pond.
      stalactites line the roof of the cave, curing down the western wall and sticking out the sides. both toms walk
      up to it, settling down at the water's edge, the edges of their pelts brushing against each other. "soo..?"
      one of the toms starts. craggstar laughs, shaking his head. "press your nose to the water leopard
      he states, demonstrating and falls into sleep. rolling his eyes, leopardrunner copies, falling asleep
      as well.

      {craggstar asks for a shaman.}
      {craggstar and leopardrunner go on patrol and hunt.


      leader; craggstar | ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ ➅ ➆ ➇ ➈ | 31 moons | tomcat

      deputy; leopardrunner | 45 moons | tomcat

      shaman; n/a | n/a | n/a

      none for now

      none for now

      none for now

      none for now

      none for now

      none for now

      none for now

    the storage is empty!

    the pile is empty!

    teachers and trainnees;
    no one to train...

    dearly departed;
    no one to mourn...

    no shared blood...
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stranger danger
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Re: blossomclan — the rise and fall

Postby sincerely. » Sun Feb 18, 2018 5:39 pm

        [url=x]archive — —[/url]
        cats — — [ total — 09 ] [ females — three ] [ males — six ]
        next moonfall visit — — now
      post — —


        ( new cats none )
        patrols — —
        hunting patrols — —
        ( tree hunting patrols (squirrels, birds) ravenpounce, eclipseheart )
        ( fishing patrol (small fish) padmé, hawkstrike, stormpaw, snowpaw )
        ( ground hunt patrol (voles, mice, rabbits) hawkstrike, whiskey )
        ( boarder patrol frigidstar, eclipseheart )

        ( nursery whiskey is due in 1 moon )
        ( trying for kits padmé + eclipseheart (not mates) )
        ( injuries / sicknesses none )
        training — —
        ( climbing none )
        ( hunting none )
        ( aquatic padmé trains snowpaw )
        ( herbs none )
        ( fighting none )

        ( herb hunting none )
        ( ceremonies none )
        ( moonfall visit fridgidstar asks for a combatant )
        ( other none )

        grand marshal — —
          frigidstar | 20 moons | ♀
          lives — — ★★★★★★★★★
        admiral — —
          name | age | gender
        shaman — —
          name | age | gender
        shaman cadet — —
          name | age | gender
        combatants — —
          hawkstrike | 20 moons | ♂
          padmé | 20 moons | ♀
          ravenpounce | 25 moons | ♂
          eclipseheart | 20 moons | ♂
        cadets — —
          stormpaw | 10 moons | ♂
          snowpaw | 7 moons | ♂
        broodmothers — —
          whiskey | 20 moons | due in 2 moons
        younglings — —
          blackkit | 2 moons | ♂
        elders — —
          name | age | gender

bordering clans — —
north | clan | username
south | clan | username
east | clan | username
west | clan | username

fresh-kill — —
squrriel | x1 | 2 servings
birds [any] | x1 | 2 servings
rabbit | x0 | 3 servings
mice | x0 | 1 servings
small fish | x2 | 1 servings
vole | x0 | 1 servings

training —
hawkstrike mentors stormpaw — —
combat, climbing, swimming, hunting
padmé mentors snowpaw — —
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Ame's Replies

Postby amethyst14 » Sun Feb 18, 2018 6:16 pm

    Season: Leaf-Fall
    Weather: As if the cooling nights were not enough to bring a nip to the air, there is a heavy breeze through the air. Leaves have started to turn color and prey is running about trying to scavenge what they can before the coming Leaf-Bare. Stock up on herbs and prey while you can, as the cold and harsh season will soon be on its way. Prey and herbs are still around but now there is a higher chance of running into predators. Kittings will become harder now, and with the cold air there will be sickness in the clans.

| Jadeclan | Willowclan | Pebbleclan | Reefclan | Jayclan | Foxclan | Bloomclan | Rippleclan | Wisteriaclan | Northclan | Acornclan | Brambleclan | Featherclan | Hailclan

Lady Masquerade wrote:P e b b l e C l a n
[ featherwhisker, fawnstep, and jadewhisker go hunting]
[dovecloud, robinpaw, and peachfur go hunting]
[larksong, jayfrost, and appleblossom go on a border patrol]
[mooseheart, whitewing, lionblaze, and adderfang go to fight/chase the badger off their territory]
[batpaw takes his warrior assessment, if passing he'll be called batwing]
[olivestar trains cloverpaw]
[honeysplash trains smokepaw]
[badgercry trains hawkpaw]
[poppyflower trains pinepaw]
[fogfall trains turtlepaw]
[splashpelt hunts for herbs]
[splashpelt gives the elder (otterpounce) daisy leaf]
[got peachfur from a readopt]
[pebbleclan consumes 6 servings]

    Featherwhisker, Fawnstep and Jadewhisker caught two minnows.
    Dovecloud, Robinpaw and Peachfur caught two frogs.
    Larksong, Jayfrost and Appleblossom. Appleblossom lost their step and sprained their paw.
    Appleblossom needs elder leaves and a moon of rest.
    Mooseheart, Whitewing, Lionblaze and Adderfang manged to kill the badger, sadly the badger has killed a kit before it died.
    Mooseheart will need cobwebs.
    Lionblaze will need poppyseed and a moon of rest.
    Batpaw passed his assessment! Batpaw is now Batwing!
    Cloverpaw learns climbing skill.
    Smokepaw learns stealth skill.
    Hawkpaw learns fishing skill.
    Pinepaw learns hunting skill.
    Turtlepaw learns endurance skill.
    Splashpelt found lungwort and wild garlic.
    Otterpounce is doing better.


✨Moon✨ wrote:Image
[ jayclan consumes one trout & a shrew ; 004 servings ]
[ received siskingaze from adoption post ]
[ lionkit & honeykit become apprentices ]
[ tawnyface & silverpaw train and have lessons ]
[ leopardjaw & lionpaw train and have lessons ]
[ briarstone & honeypaw train and have lessons ]
[ jadefang, tawnyface, emberstorm, leopardjaw, briarstone & siskingaze go hunting ]
[ silverpaw, honeypaw & lionpaw go hunting ]
[ swiftstar, bluestripe, briarstone, tawnyface & jadefang go patrolling ]
[ blazeheart goes herb hunting with the assistance of honeypaw ]
[ fleetfoot stays with the rest of her kits in the nursery ]

    Lionkit and Honeykit are now Lionpaw and Honeypaw!
    Silverpaw learns the hunting skill.
    Lionpaw learns the climbing skill.
    Honeypaw learns the speed skill.
    Jadefang, Tawnyface, Emberstorm, Leopardjaw, Briarstone and Siskingaze caught two trout and a shrew.
    Silverpaw, Honeypaw and Lionpaw failed to catch anything due to experience.
    Honeypaw had slipped and sprained her paw, she will need a moon of rest.
    Swiftstar, Bluestripe, Briarstone, Tawnyface and Jadefang ran into a fox while patrolling!
    Swiftstar, Bluestripe, Briarstone, Tawnyface and Jadefang chased the fox out of the territory!
    Bluestripe has a gash on his flank and will need cobwebs and marigold.
    Blazeheart found two cobweb and sorrel.
    Due to the weather, Briarstone has caught a cold. They will need two moons of rest or it will worsen.


gummyfox12364 wrote:B l o o m C l a n
[BloomClan eats the thrush]
[BranchNose goes out for herbs, he takes RushPaw for help]
[HareStar goes to moonpool and requests a deputy]
[HareStar gives RushPaw hunting lessons]
[HareStar, BoulderFrost, and RushPaw go hunting]

    Branchnose and Rushpaw find honey, wild garlic and raspberry leaves.
    Starclan has heard Harestar and sent a strong deputy.
    Rushpaw learns the climbing skill.
    Harestar, Boulderfrost and Rushpaw caught two hares.


Makoto Naegi wrote:Image
[Acornclan consume a squirrel and a shrew (3 servings)]
[Rabbitnose goes herb hunting]
[Dapplecloud trains Greypaw]
[Whitecoal, Dustpaw, Flamebelly and Cloverstep go hunting]
[Bramblestep and Blossompaw go hunting]
[Birdstar and Cinderflight go on a border patrol]

    Rabbitnose found death berries and dried oak leaves.
    Greypaw learns the speed skill.
    Whitecoal, Dustpaw, Flamebelly and Cloverstep caught two voles.
    Bramblestep and Blossompaw caught a shrew.
    Birdstar and Cindeflight find a preganat queen while on patrol. She is due in two posts.


thaliana, wrote:Image
‹ the clan consumes x1 dove
pigeonface is kitting (father)! tealfeather remains with her
wrenclaw trains linnetpaw
tanagerfur and ploverpool patrol the border
cardinalfang, goosanderstorm and rufftail hunt
egretstar visits the moonstone to request a random cat ›

    Pigeonface gave birth to 1, 2 kits. One of the kits is a bit small and should be looked after closely.
    Linnetpaw learns the climbing skill.
    Tanagerfur and Ploverpool find the scent of a badger while on patrol.
    Cardinalfang, Goosanderstorm and Rufftail caught two doves.
    Starclan has heard Egretstar and sent an eager apprentice.


hiraeth. wrote:Image
darkstar asks for a deputy.

    Starclan has heard Darkstar and sent him a wise deputy.
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Briarclan [35]

Postby amethyst14 » Sun Feb 18, 2018 7:20 pm

Number of Cats: 53(9 Servings)
Toms: 28 Mollies: 25
Next Moonstone Visit: Now
Go ahead and make a few sick if you would like. They will probably be the last of the ones that will get sick/die.
[Ceremony Sunnypaw- Sunnygaze, Rockpaw-Rockpounce]
[Apprentice Trial Murdochpaw takes the assessment.]
[Apprentice Training All apprentices train.]
[Hunting Patrol 1 Waspfur, Foxclaw, Rabbitheart, Applepaw, Lightningpaw and Lionpaw hunt near the pond.]
[Hunting Patrol 2 Ryestone, Badgerfall, Breezerunner, Longpaw, Needlepaw and Newtpaw hunt in the forest.]
[Border Patrol 2 Coppereyes, Sagestar, Brambletuft, Robinpaw, Rustlepaw and Poppypaw patrol the north and west borders.][Border Patrol 1 Willowdusk, Russetmist, Tantoclaw, Perchpaw, Mousepaw and Erminepaw patrol the south and east borders.]
[Herb Hunting Archpool searches for herbs.(Mostly for the ones that will cure the plague)]
[Camp Guard The sick guard camp.]
[Injured [Stage 5] Runningmist has developed Briarplague, eye infection.(Cannot be cured)
[Stage 6] Lichenfern has developed Briarplague, chest infection, he goes into early coma due to exhaustion from Sagestar.(Cannot be cured)
[Stage 3] Rabbitheart has developed Briarplague.(Needs infection roll)
[Stage 3] Sunnypaw has developed Briarplague.(Needs infection roll)
[Stage 3] Blazepaw has developed Briarplague.(Needs infection roll)
[Stage 3] Lilyflower has developed Briarplague.(Needs infection roll)
[Stage 3] Poppypaw has developed Briarplague.(Needs infection roll)
[Stage 2] Swankit has developed Briarplague.
[Stage 2] Sagestar has developed Briarplague.
[Stage 1] Oriolefeather has developed Briarplague.
[Stage 1] Archpool has developed Briarplague.
[Kitting Owlseed helps Tigerflower kit.(Alpinestar is the father.)]
[Prey Eaten 2 Ermine (4 servings) 1 Quail (3 servings) 1 Rabbit (2 servings)]


        THE CLAN
        Sagestar | 57 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

        Coppereyes | 58 Moons | Tom | 🍁

        Medicine Cat:
        Archpool | 82 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Owlseed | 21 Moons | Molly | 🍁

        Medicine Cat Apprentice:

        Waspfur | 58 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Lizardstream | 57 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Lichenfern | 55 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Lilyflower | 55 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Badgerfall | 52 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Breezerunner | 46 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Foxclaw | 45 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Rabbitheart | 44 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Vixenspirit | 42 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Tantoclaw | 37 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Brambletuft | 35 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Snowfeather | 35 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Willowdusk | 35 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Mudpuddle | 34 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Russetmist | 34 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Ryestone | 27 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Mutesoft | 22 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Sparrowclaw | 22 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Runningmist | 21 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Quickfoot | 16 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Leaffall | 15 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Blazeswimmer | 14 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Mottleheart | 14 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Sandswift | 14 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Rockpounce | 14 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Sunnygaze | 14 Moons | Molly | 🍁

        Murdochpaw | 12 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Applepaw | 11 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Lightningpaw | 11 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Lionpaw | 11 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Longpaw | 11 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Needlepaw | 11 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Newtpaw | 11 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Robinpaw | 11 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Rustlepaw | 11 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Erminepaw | 7 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Mousepaw | 7 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Perchpaw | 7 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Poppypaw | 7 Moons | Molly | 🍁

        Oriolefeather | 71 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Lyrasong | 61 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Dawnflower | 57 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        [Now]Tigerflower | 26 Moons | Molly | 🍁

        Berrykit | 1 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Dewkit | 1 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Swankit | 1 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Fungikit | 0 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Palekit | 0 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Patchkit | 0 Moons | Molly | 🍁


        Mice | x1 | 1 servings
        Water Vole | x3 | 1 servings
        Rabbit | x2 | 2 servings
        Quail | x0 | 3 servings
        Small Fish | x2 | 2 servings
        Ermine(Sacred) | x0 | 2 servings
        Total | 8 | 12 servings


        Bouldershade and Fawnwillow
        ↪Tigerflower, Rockpounce, Sandswift, Mottleheart,
        Sunnygaze, Blazeswimmer

        Blizzardsong and Dawnflower
        ↪Ryestone, Aspenthorn, Whitekit, Quailkit
        Owldust and Tux(Jinxclan)
        ↪Owlseed, Lambshade, Tarshadow(Colossalclan),
        Spiderpaw(Jinxclan), Whitepaw(Jinxclan)

        Waspfur and Lizardstream
        Squirrelpaw(Lilyclan), Russetpaw(Brambleclan),
        Sorrelpaw(Tempestclan), Darkpaw(Alpineclan),
        Poppypaw, Perchpaw

        Coppereyes and Badgerfall
        ↪Lionpaw, Longpaw, Lightningpaw
        Lyrasong and Sagestar
        Rainkit, Stormkit, Rustlepaw, Applepaw, Robinpaw
        Oriolefeather and Lichenfern
        Nettlepaw, Needlepaw, Newtpaw
        Aspenthorn and Sagestar
        Tantoclaw and Snowfeather
        Lyrasong and Alpinestar(Laurelclan)
        Dawnflower and Sagestar
        ↪Dewkit, Swankit
        Oriolefeather and
        Alpinestar(Laurelclan) and Lichenfern

        ↪Fungikit, Palekit, Patchkit
        Tigerflower and Alpinestar(Laurelclan)
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Open | Open
    East | No clan will lie to the east.
    South | Sageclan | kaden.
    West | Open | Open


    1|Alder Bark|Eases tooth pains.
    1|Beech Leaves|To carry other herbs.
    1|Bindweed|Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place.
    1|Blackberry Leaves|Eases the swelling of bee stings.
    1|Borage Leaves|Produces more/better milk and to help fevers.
    0|Broom|Makes poultices for broken legs and wounds.
    1|Burdock Root|Heals/prevents the pain of infected rat bites.
    0|Burnet|Stops minor bleeding and keeps strength up.
    0|Catchweed|To stop poultices from rubbing off.
    1|Catmint|For deadly greencough or whitecough.
    0|Celandine|Soothes damaged eyes.
    0|Chamomile|Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind.
    2|Chervil|For infected wounds and bellyache.
    0|Chickweed|Treats greencough.
    0|Cobwebs|To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding.
    0|Coltsfoot|Eases breathing or kitten-cough, cracked or sore pads.
    1|Comfrey Root|Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds, or used for burns.
    1|Daisy Leaf|Eases the pain of aching joints.
    0|Dandelion|Soothe bee stings or as a painkiller.
    0|Deadly Nightshade|Poison.
    0|Deathberries|Poison, kills a cat.
    1|Dock|Soothes scratches or sore pads.
    1|Dried Oak Leaf|Stops infection from setting in.
    0|Elder Leaves|Eases sprains.
    1|Fennel|Helps pain in the hips.
    0|Feverfew|For fever/chills or for headaches.
    0|Foxglove Seeds|Cause paralysis and heart failure.
    0|Goatweed|Eases anxiety and grief.
    2|Goldenrod|Good for healing wounds.
    0|Hawkweed|Like catmint but not as strong.
    0|Holly Berry|Mild deathberry.
    1|Honey|Helps sore throats and soothes coughing.
    0|Horsetail|Treats infections and stops bleeding.
    1|Ivy Leaf|To store other herbs.
    1|Juniper Berries|Soothes bellyaches, gives strength,
    and helps troubled breathing or for anxiety.

    1|Lamb's Ear|Gives a cat strength.
    0|Lavender|Cures fever and chills.
    1|Lungwort|Cures yellowcough.
    0|Mallow Leaf|Soothes belly ache.
    0|Marigold|Stops infection, stops bleeding, used for inflammation of stiff joints.
    0|Mint|Hides the scent of death.
    1|Mousebile|Rid elders of ticks.
    0|Parsley|Stop queen's milk production.
    2|Poppy Seed|They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain.
    2|Ragwort Leaves|Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.
    0|Raspberry Leaf|Ease pain and stop bleeding.
    1|Rosemary|Hides the scent of death.
    1|Rush|Helps hold a broken limb in place.
    1|Sorrel|Build an appetite.
    0|Stinging Nettle|Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, or helps fight infection.
    1|Sweet-Sedge|Eases infection.
    0|Tansy|Cures coughs, cure wounds and poisons, stops cats from getting greencough.
    1|Tormentil|Treating all wounds and extracting poison.
    1|Thyme| Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
    0|Water Hemlock|Causes writhing pain, and foaming at the mouth.
    1|Watermint| Eases bellyaches.
    1|Wild Garlic|Prevents infections.
    0|Willow Bark|Eases pain.
    0|Willow Leaf|Stops vomiting.
    1|Wintergreen|Treats wounds and some poisons.
    0|Yarrow|Induce vomiting or extracts poison from wounds.

    Sparrowclaw | Murdochpaw | 6 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Waspfur | Applepaw | 4 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Foxclaw | Lightningpaw | 5 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Rabbitheart | Lionpaw | 5 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting,Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Ryestone | Longpaw | 5 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Badgerfall | Needlepaw | 5 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Breezerunner | Newtpaw | 5 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Coppereyes | Robinpaw | 5 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Sagestar | Rustlepaw | 5 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Brambletuft | Poppypaw | 1 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Willowdusk | Perchpaw | 1 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Russetmist | Mousepaw | 1 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Tantoclaw | Erminepaw | 1 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
Last edited by amethyst14 on Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:59 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Ame's Substitute Replies For KrazyKitty00

Postby amethyst14 » Sun Feb 18, 2018 7:45 pm

    Season: Leaf-Fall
    Weather: As if the cooling nights were not enough to bring a nip to the air, there is a heavy breeze through the air. Leaves have started to turn color and prey is running about trying to scavenge what they can before the coming Leaf-Bare. Stock up on herbs and prey while you can, as the cold and harsh season will soon be on its way. Prey and herbs are still around but now there is a higher chance of running into predators. Kittings will become harder now, and with the cold air there will be sickness in the clans.

Yellowfang• wrote:Image
{Branchstar goes on a hunting patrol}

{Shallowsong looks for herbs}

    Branchstar caught a blackbird.
    Shallowsong found sorrel and thyme.


Animoos wrote:Fernclan
Patchstar asks Starclan for a medicine cat.
Two servings are consumed.

    Starclan has heard Patchstar and sent her a wise medicine cat. You can choose five herbs from here to start.


Diamond Sapphire wrote:Image
[ OceanClan consumes x1 squirrel ]
[ Shellclaw and Otterpond go hunting ]
[ Dawnstar goes on a border patrol ]

    Shellclaw and Otterpond caught a small fish.
    Dawnstar found a loner while on patrol.


Dia. wrote:Vineyardclan
[Marmotstar asks Starclan for a clanmate]
[Marmotstar hunts on her way back to her camp]

    Starclan has heard Marmotstar and sent her an observant deputy.
    Marmotstar caught a squirrel.


little koi. wrote:Image
( Goldenstar hunts )
( Goldenstar patrols )
( Goldenstar asks Starclan for a deputy )

    Goldenstar caught a sparrow.
    Goldenstar found the scent of a kitty pet.
    Starclan has heard Goldenstar and sent him a skilled deputy.


laufeyson. wrote:Image
recieved cloudpaw (name unchanged), sagefur (formerly hazelstar), smokestep (formerly of dawnclan), and bumblepaw (formerly shadowpaw of drizzleclan) from a re-adoption.

duckstar requests a warrior from the moonpool.
cloudpaw takes his warrior assessment.
sagefur is assigned as bumblepaw’s mentor, and they go training.
sagefur, cloudpaw, smokestep, and bumblepaw go and patrol the borders.
duckstar, sagefur, smokestep and cloudpaw go hunting.

    Starclan has heard Duckstar and sent her a worthy warrior.
    Cloudpaw passed his assessment.
    Bumblepaw learned the speed skill.
    Sagefur, Cloudpaw, Smokestep and Bumblepaw find the scent of a loner while patrolling.
    Duckstar, Sagefur, Smokestep and Cloudpaw caught two rabbits.

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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby winter solstice. » Sun Feb 18, 2018 9:32 pm

Number of Cats: 32 (15 M | 17 F)
Next Moonpool Visit: February 25, 2018
Archive Thread: boop
Territory: boop

Serving Size: 7

(Whisperdust, Antfoot, Applemist, and Rosefern were received from SwiftClan, with permission for Ant, Apple, and Rose not to have SwiftClan backgrounds and renames (names mentioned are what I renamed them to, minus Whisper, who is staying the same.))

(One moon ago)
Leafstar swept his leaf-green gaze across the assembled cats. Not only had Ripplepaw and Ivypaw had passed their assessments, but a group of three cats, along with three individual cats, for a total of six cats, had come looking for SeaClan to join. The sandy brown tabby tom took a deep breath and announced, "Today is a day blessed by our warrior ancestors, SeaClan! Today, both Ripplepaw and Ivypaw have passed their assessments, and six cats have requested to join our Clan!" The assembled cats whooped with delight at the heap of excellent news, especially Daisypaw, rooting for her brother, Ivypaw. When the excitement and sounds died down, Leafstar continued, "I will start with the warrior ceremonies." Glancing down at his apprentice, the SeaClan leader meowed, "I can confirm that Ripplepaw is more than ready to become a warrior." Turning to Emberwhisker, he asked, "Is Ivypaw ready to become a warrior?" Nodding fiercely, the younger tortoiseshell she-cat meowed, "Yes, he is. Ivypaw is currently one of SeaClan's best trackers, along with Mintnose." Nodding, Leafstar meowed, Then we shall start the ceremony." Looking toward the cave ceiling, Leafstar intoned solemnly, "I, Leafstar, leader of SeaClan, call upon our warrior ancestors to look down on these two cats. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turns. Ripplepaw, Ivypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and to protect and defend the Clan, even at the cost of your lives?" The two young cats looked at each other briefly before meeting their leader's eyes directly, meowing as one, "I do." Leafstar continued, "Then, by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Ripplepaw, from this day forth, you shall be known as Rippleheart. StarClan honors your thirst for knowledge and honesty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SeaClan." The sandy brown tabby tom leapt down to rest his muzzle on Rippleheart's head. The newly-named warrior then respectfully licked her leader's shoulder, then stepped back. Leaping back up, Leafstar meowed, "Ivypaw, from this day forth, you shall be known as Ivynose. StarClan honors your determination and perseverance, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SeaClan." Again, Leafstar leapt down to rest his muzzle on Ivynose's head; the brown-and-white tabby tom respectfully licked his shoulder in return, and stepped back. This was when SeaClan erupted into shouts of joy, "Rippleheart! Ivynose! Rippleheart! Ivynose!"

When the shouts died down, Leafstar addressed the newcomers, meowing, "These six cats have come from different backgrounds, but have decided to live the life of a Clan cat as proud members of SeaClan. Please, step forward." One by one, the new cats stepped up; Leafstar turned to a pale gray she-cat and meowed, "Whisperdust, you say you were once a warrior of SwiftClan. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and to protect and defend SeaClan, even at the cost of your life?" The former SwiftClan warrior held her head high and replied clearly, "I do." "Then," Leafstar meowed, "by the powers of StarClan, I confirm your warrior name. We welcome you as a full warrior of SeaClan." The Clan held back any shouts of joy as Leafstar turned to the next cat, a black tom, "Ant, you were once a cat living in the alleys of the Twolegplace nearby, yet you would rather live together in a group like our clan. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and to protect and defend the Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Ant nodded once; Leafstar continued, "Then, by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Ant, from this day forth, you shall be known as Antfoot. We welcome you as a full warrior of SeaClan." In the same way, Antfoot's alley friends Apple and Rose became Applemist and Rosefern, respectively; the loner Smoke became Mottledsmoke, and the former kittypet Lucky became Smallwing. SeaClan finally raised their voices, crying out at once happily, "Whisperdust! Antfoot! Applemist! Rosefern! Mottledsmoke! Smallwing! Whisperdust! Antfoot! Applemist! Rosefern! Mottledsmoke! Smallwing!" Leafstar meowed solemnly once the shouts died down, "We all wish only the best for our newset members." Turning to Rippleheart and Ivynose, Leafstar meowed, "You will sit vigil at the entrance of our camp for the night. You shall not be allowed to speak until tomorrow morning, when I will come to dismiss you to the warriors' chamber. Understood?" The two young cats nodded, keeping silent. Leaping down from the Meeting Ledge, Leafstar yowled, "Meeting dismissed!"

Shorefall meowed to Dustflower, the two cats sitting together near the start of the Walkway, watching as the sun began to rise over the sea, "Ever since I joined SeaClan, I thought I would not find love. However, you, Dustflower..." Dustflower laid her tail gently over the pale ginger tom's muzzle as she mewed, "Funny thing is, I didn't think I'd find love myself, after Ivynose and Daisypaw's father died, but it looks like we both did." A purr escape Shorefall's throat as he asked, "Then, will you become my mate, Dustflower?" The chocolate tabby she-cat breathed, entwining her tail with Shorefall's, "Yes, Shorefall, I will." The former SedgeClan deputy breathed, "Thank you, Dustflower." The two cats did not move from that position until Ivynose came out of the SeaClan camp, forcing the two cats to separate hastily. Not having really noticed anything, Ivynose blinked, "Are you all right?" Dustflower mewed hastily, "N...nothing, Ivynose." Shorefall meowed, "You are up early." The brown-and-white tabby tom blinked again, "I always wake up around sunrise; I like taking a swim in the early morning to refresh myself." Dustflower mewed, "Well, then, we were obstructing your path, you can go." Still a bit confused, Ivynose nodded and headed down to the sea for his morning swim.

(Sometime after sunhigh)
Having recovered from earlier that morning, Shorefall meowed to Daisypaw, who was trotting behind him as they made their way to the river, "Today, you are going to have your final assessment. You ready?" Shock flashed in the tabby-and-white she-cat's eyes before she replied, excitement in her voice, "Yes!" Smiling, the pale ginger tom led his young charge into the forest surrounding the river, "Good. You will have until sunset to catch five pieces of prey using all the skills I have taught you." Daisypaw mewed cheerfully, "That's fine! I won't disappoint you, Shorefall!" The SeaClan apprentice made her way through the thick foliage, her mentor calling out behind her, "Good luck!"

"SwiftClan cats are really carefree and relaxed," Whisperdust explained as she, Vinescratch, and the rest of the border patrol headed toward the river, "and are just generally nice cats." Dustflower nodded thoughtfully as Vinescratch asked, "Then why did you leave? Sounds like a good place," he added; the pale gray she-cat flinched slightly before meowing carefully, "It's true, I loved SwiftClan, and had no real reason to leave... Just that... It's not the same anymore," she admitted heavily, making the patrol stop and look at her in confusion. Applemist meowed, concern in her eyes, "Something wrong?" Whisperdust glanced at the ginger she-cat before shaking her head, "Well, no. Okay," she swallowed, "Yes. Perhaps. But it's internal Clan matters there, so I can't tell you that." Vinescratch suggested, "How about telling me more about your Clan when we go back to camp? Sounds similar to SeaClan, and completely different from my former Clan, SkyClan. And tell what happened in your Clan to Leafstar?" Dustflower nodded, "Aye, Leafstar won't go about gossiping like some cats, he's a fair leader." Nodding gratefully, Whisperdust mewed, "Thank you." The rest of the way to the river was spent in silence as the patrol trudged along.

(That night)
Leafstar padded up to the Moonpool and lay at its edge, staring into its crystal-clear depths. For a few moments, the sandy brown tabby tom said nothing; he finally spoke after taking a deep breath, "Grant SeaClan a queen, so that her kits will secure our future." He then lapped up some of the Moonpool's cold water and closed his eyes.

[ The Clan consumes Fish x1, Sparrow x2, Mouse x1. ]
[ Honeytuft looks for herbs. ]
[ Daisypaw is ready for a final assessment! If successful, she will be known as Daisysong. ]
[ Whisperdust of SwiftClan joins SeaClan as a warrior. ]
[ Ant, Apple, and Rose, all former alleycats from the Twolegplace beyond the eastern border, come to join SeaClan. They become warriors by the name of Antfoot, Applemist, and Rosefern, respectively. ]
[ Smoke, a former loner, joins SeaClan as a warrior, by the name of Mottledsmoke. ]
[ Lucky, a former kittypet, joins SeaClan as a warrior, by the name of Smallwing. ]
[ Dustflower and Shorefall become mates! (Trying for kits) ]
[ Silverstorm, Mintnose, Mottledsmoke, Smallwing, and Antfoot patrol by the Pine Grove. ]
[ Dustflower, Vinescratch, Whisperdust, Appleblossom, and Rosefern patrol by the river. ]
[ Shorefall and Daisypaw head to the river for the final assessment (neither hunting nor border patrol) ]
[ Nightwing, Bellpaw, Stormfang, and Sagepaw hunt in the Pine Grove. ]
[ Oakshadow, Tundra, Hawkpaw, and Ivynose fish in the river. ]
[ Emberwhisker and Rippleheart stay behind to guard camp. ]
[ Stormfang teaches Sagepaw the hunting skill. ]
[ Tundra teaches Hawkpaw the swimming skill. ]
[ Nightwing teaches Bellpaw the hunting skill. ]
[ Leafstar requests a queen from the Moonpool. ]

          Leafstar | 42 moons | Tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Brightstream | 42 moons | she-cat | X (currently a queen)

          Medicine Cat:
          Honeytuft | 45 moons | Tom | X

          Emberwhisker | 27 moons | she-cat | X
          Stormfang | 43 moons | tom | X
          Dustflower | 41 moons | She-cat | X
          Nightwing | 28 moons | she-cat | X
          Shorefall | 45 moons | tom | X
          Oakshadow | 30 moons | tom | X
          Mintnose | 45 moons | she-cat | X
          Vinescratch | 39 moons | tom | X
          Tundra | 39 moons | tom | X
          Patchcloud | 28 moons | tom | X
          Silverstorm | 39 moons | she-cat | X
          Rippleheart | 14 moons | she-cat | X
          Ivynose | 14 moons | tom | X
          Whisperdust | 45 moons | she-cat | X
          Antfoot | 27 moons | tom | X
          Applemist | 25 moons | she-cat | X
          Rosefern | 57 moons | she-cat | X
          Mottledsmoke | 30 moons | she-cat | X
          Smallwing | 20 moons | tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Daisypaw | 14 moons | she-cat | X
          Sagepaw | 9 moons | she-cat | X
          Hawkpaw | 7 moons | tom | X
          Bellpaw | 7 moons | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Whiterose | 54 moons | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Carrotkit | 5 moons | tom | X
          Hollykit | 3 moon | she-cat | X
          Thistlekit | 3 moon | tom | X
          Fogkit | 3 moon | tom | X
          Dapplekit | 3 moon | she-cat | X (has a twisted paw)
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username[/quote]

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Sea (none)
    West | Clan Name | Username
    Northeast | PineClan | deimos
    Northwest | Clan Name | Username
    Southeast | Sea (none)
    Southwest | Sea (none)

    Medicine Store
    Alder Bark: For tooth pain (eases toothache). x1
    Beech Leaves: For carrying other herbs. x1
    Bindweed: Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place (unknown effect). x0
    Blackberry Leaves: These leaves are chewed into a pulp (eases the swelling of bee stings). x1
    Borage Leaves: It is chewed and eaten by nursing queens (produces more and better milk, also brings down fevers). x2
    Broom: It is used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds (effect unknown). x0
    Burdock Root: The root is dug up, the soil is washed off, and then it is chewed into a pulp (lessens and heals the pain of infected rat bites; used to prevent infection of rat bites). x1
    Burnet: A traveling herb (Said to help stop minor bleeding on Twolegs; keeps a cat's strength up). x0
    Catchweed: The burrs are put on the pelt where poultices are (stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin). x1
    Catmint/Catnip: Eaten (best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare; can also be used for whitecough).x2
    Celandine: Juice is trickled into the eye (soothes damaged eyes). x1
    Chamomile: Eaten (strengthens the heart and soothes the mind; also given to traveling cats for strength). x1
    Chervil: Chewed to extract the juice of the leaves or the root (for infected wounds and bellyache, respectively; can also be used during kitting). x1
    Chickweed: Eaten (treats greencough, though catmint is often preferred). x0
    Cob Nuts: Made into ointments (effect unknown). x0
    Cobwebs: Press over wound (to soak up and stop/slow the bleeding; may also be used to bind broken bones). x2
    Coltsfoot: Leaves chewed into a pulp (eases breathing or kitten-cough; eases cracked or sore pads). x1
    Comfrey Root: Roots are chewed into a poultice; can also be lined in one's nest (repairs broken bones or soothes wounds; also used for wrenched claws; can be used for itching or inflammation on stiff joints; also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest; can be used for burns). x2
    Daisy Leaf: Chewed into a paste (eases the pain of aching joints; also a traveling herb). x1
    Dandelion: The white liquid is thought to be applied to bee stings; leaves can be chewed (thought to soothe and heal bee stings; its leaves can also be chewed to act like a painkiller). x0
    Dock: Chewed up and applied to scratches, similar to sorrel; also can be put in one's nest during sleep (soothes scratches, though can sting when applied; soothes sore pads; if placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds). x0
    Elder Leaves: Turned into a poultice (Soothes sprains). x0
    Fennel: Stalks are broken and juice is squeezed into the receiver's mouth (helps pain in the hips). x0
    Feverfew: Eaten (reduces body temperature for cats with fevers or chills; also heals aches and pains; especially good for headaches). x1
    Goatweed: Given daily (eases anxiety and grief). x0
    Hawkweed: Unknown usage (like catmint, but not as strong).x0
    Heather Nectar: Included in herbal mixtures (makes swallowing easier and sweetens mixtures). x1
    Honey: Eaten, or given by moss soaked in it (soothes infections; a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats; helps cats swallow other concoctions; helps soothe coughing; gives energy). x2
    Horsetail: Chewed to a poultice, and applied to wounds (treats infections; stops bleeding). x1
    Ivy Leaf: To store other herbs. x0
    Juniper Berries: Chewed and eaten (soothes bellyaches; gives strength; helps troubled breathing; also used to help calm cats). x2
    Lamb's Ear: Unknown usage (gives a cat strength). x0
    Lavender: Placed under a cat's nose and is to be inhaled constantly, or rubbed/placed on an animal's body to hide the scent of death (cures fevers and chills; also used to hide the scent of death). x1
    Lungwort: Eaten (cures yellowcough).x0
    Mallow Leaves: Eaten (soothes bellyaches). x0
    Marigold: Petals or leaves chewed in a poultice; juice can be used as well (stops infections; stops bleeding; used for inflammation in the joints). x0
    Mint: Rubbed on a dead body (used to hide the scent of death). x0
    Mouse Bile: the liquid is stored in moss and dabbed onto ticks embedded in pelt (the ticks fall off).x0
    Dried Oak Leaf: the dried leaves are to be stored in a dry location until the time of usage, when they are chewed into a thick poultice and spread on a wound (stops infection from setting in). x0
    Parsley: Eaten (stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, don't need milk anymore, or are producing too much milk; also used to cure bellyache). x0
    Poppy Seeds: Chewed on (helps a cat sleep; soothes shock or distress; eases pain; not recommended for nursing queens).x1
    Ragwort Leaves: Crushed and chewed; mixed with juniper leaves, it can help aching joints (treats aching joints; keeps a cat's strength up). x1
    Ragweed: Thought to give cats extra strength (like lamb's ear, ragweed gives a cat extra strength and energy).
    Raspberry Leaves: Could be a painkiller, or helps stop bleeding during kitting (could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding) x1
    Rosemary: Put on the pelt of a dead cat and prepare it for burial (hides the scent of death). x0
    Rush: Used to bind broken bones (helps hold a broken limb into place, like casts for Twolegs). x0
    Sorrel: Eaten (traveling herb; can also build up appetite). x0
    Sticks: Cats in pain bite it when other medicine is either unavailable or not recommended; also used to help broken legs heal (distracts cat from pain; recommended for queens giving birth). x1
    Stinging Nettle: The seeds are eaten by a cat who's swallowed poison, or the leaves are chewed into a poultice for a wound; the stems can also be chewed (induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, respectively; can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones; helps with wounds; chewing the stems helps fight against infection). x0
    Sweet-Sedge: One must swallow the sap (eases infection). x0
    Tansy: To be consumed, but only in small doses (cures coughs; can be also used to cure wounds and poisons; stops cats from getting greencough; soothes throats). x2
    Tormentil: Chewed and put on the wound (its root is good for treating all wounds and extracting poisons). x0
    Thyme: Leaves can be chewed on (calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock). x1
    Traveling Herbs: Eaten (used to give a cat more energy and strength, and keeps the cat from getting hungry for a long time). x0
    Watermint: It is usually chewed into a pulp, and then eaten (eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache).x0
    Wild Garlic: One must roll in it (prevents infection, especially rat bites). x0
    Wild Bark: Usage unknown (eases pain). x0
    Willow Leaves: Eaten (stops vomiting). x0
    Wintergreen: Usage unknown (treats wounds and some poisons). x0
    Yarrow: Its leaves are chewed into a poultice that can be given to cats or applied to a wound, depending on the situation (extracts poisons from wounds; will make a cat vomit up toxins; the ointment will soften and help heal cracked pads).x1
    Deathberries: Sometimes used to kill other cats by making them eat the berry (kills a cat within minutes when consumed). Also known as yew berries or night seeds. x0
    Foxglove Seeds: They are used to treat the heart (can easily cause paralysis and heart failure). x0
    Holly Berries: Usage unknown (effect unknown). x0
    Deadly Nightshade: To quickly kill a cat who cannot be saved (poisonous). x0
    Water Hemlock: Usage unknown (causes writhing, pain, and foaming of the mouth). x0

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Fish | x3 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x2 | 2 servings
    Sparrow | x2 | 2 servings
    Mouse | x0 | 1 servings
    Hare | x1 | 3 servings
    Shrew | x1 | 1 servings

    Shorefall | Daisypaw | 6 | Stalking, Combat, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Tracking
    Stormfang | Sagepaw | 2 | Swimming, Stalking
    Tundra | Hawkpaw | 1 | Fishing
    Nightwing | Bellpaw | 1 | Stalking

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Leafstar and Whiterose | Carrotkit
    ??? and Dustflower | Daisypaw, Lily, Ivynose
    ??? and Silverstorm | Bellpaw
    Vinescratch and Brightstream | Hollykit, Thistlekit, Fogkit, Dapplekit
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by winter solstice. on Fri Feb 23, 2018 12:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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p e b b l e c l a n

Postby Lady Masquerade » Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:46 am

P e b b l e C l a n
number of cats: thirty-one
[ fourteen ♂ - seventeen ♀ ]

Cloverpaw could easily see the tension outlining her mentor's face as the small training group made its way along the territory, excitement and fear churning in the stomach of each cat. When Cloverpaw had gotten the leader of PebbleClan as her leader, she felt special, like she was chosen for something big and Olivestar could recognize it. This had warranted some jealously from her siblings, but she brushed it off. As the days went on, that feeling changed to disappointment, as her mentor seemed too busy with other duties to really focus on training Cloverpaw, leaving her to feel like she may have not been that special at all. That opinion had continued until today, when she saw the stress Olivestar felt being so far away from her Clan, which was currently prepping for a badger attack. PebbleClan had been eyeing the badger for a while, and it had seemed that things were going smoothly up until this past moon when the badger began come eerily closer to camp.
As the group reached a patchy space of trees, each mentor began to take their apprentice off on their own. Olivestar walked until they reached a sturdy oak tree, sitting down beside it. "Climbing isn't one of PebbleClan's strongest skills, but it is one of the most important. Today, we have cats preparing to fight off a badger. This is one of our most powerful enemies. One blow and they can send a cat to StarClan." She meowed, the words sending chills up Cloverpaw's spine. "If you were ever faced with a situation where a badger is coming after you, one of the best things to do besides running is climbing a tree. A badger can also climb, but they are not as lithe and stealthy as a warrior. See how the tree has little nooks in it? Use your claws and those nooks to climb up."
Giving her mentor an unsure glance, Cloverpaw reached up for the nearest nook, hooking her claws into it and hoisting herself up. The positioning of her body felt awkward, but it was easy to find places to put her paws until she reached a low branch, grabbing onto it and steadying herself. "Olivestar, I did it! That was pretty good of me, huh?" She looked down to see the happy face of her mentor, realizing that in this tiny instant, the pressure of the badger attack had left her mind. "You did wonderful! Now, see if you can jump over to the next branch."
Looking around, Cloverpaw noticed that there was a nearby branch placed just a bit higher than where she was now. Squatting down, she wiggled her shoulders and than pushed herself off the current branch, paws outstretched as she grabbed onto the next branch. The feline dangled from it for a few moments before she could pull herself up, beaming down at the leader.
Before Olivestar could speak, a shriek of terror echoed through the forest, causing Cloverpaw's blood to run cold. Without a second to spare, the apprentice jumped down from the tree and barely had time to land on her paws before the two of them were racing towards camp. Within seconds, the rest of the group had joined them. "Apprentices, stay in the back of the group! Stick together!" Olivestar instructed, receiving nods from the rest of the cats around her. Cloverpaw was surprised that the leader had time to think of things to do, her own mind was blank with fear as a strong stench filled her nostrils.
Pushing into the camp, the scene was one of despair. A large, black and white creature was dead on the camp floor, blood spilling from every portion of it's body. Cloverpaw's father, Mooseheart, was bleeding, as well as Lionblaze, who seemed dazed and weary on his feet. Splashpelt was rushing around, pushing the two injured cats back into her den before moving towards the sound of the cry - Snowbird. The queen was curled up on the ground, a tiny gray kit limp beside her. Bumblekit.
Jayfrost was already at his mate's side, as well as Larksong, who knew the pain of losing your kit all too well. Olivestar was already instructing a group of warriors to move the badger out of the camp, but her words were muffled to Cloverpaw's ears as everything seemed blurry around her. Seeing the grief in Snowbird and Jayfrost's face broke her heart, as well as the similar emotion on Larksong. She knew that when she was born, another kit was born in the litter with her and her siblings - Primrosekit. The kit hadn't lasted long, though, and eventually died. Her mother had also had a litter in the past, but none of them survived either. So much loss.
Cloverpaw watched as Olivestar headed straight for the Medicine Cat's Den, and quietly the apprentice followed, her heart feeling hollow. She watched as the Medicine Cat applied cobwebs to her father's wounds, which weren't as deep as she had originally thought. At the sight of his daughter, Mooseheart purred and unraveled his curled tail, waiting for Cloverpaw to settle beside him before wrapping it around her. "Did you learn anything new today?" He asked, listening as she weakly told him about her tree climbing experience, leaning into his side for comfort. "Ah, I see. You got that skill from your mother, then. She is very gifted at climbing trees. I, on the other hand, am excellent at falling out of them." Cloverpaw looked up at him when he spoke, giving him a slight smile. She listened as Olivestar spoke to Splashpelt, hearing them mutter under their breath to one another. The words 'apprentice' were picked up, but the feline had a feeling they weren't talking about her. Looking back to Mooseheart, she let out an exhausted yawn and stretched out on the floor of the Medicine Cat's Den, feeling as her father slowly moved to lay down beside her. The feeling made her think of the days back in the Nursery, curled up against Larksong's soft fur, the smell of milk and lavender enclosing her. Mooseheart smelled more earthy, but it was soothing all the same.

[olivestar goes to the moonpool to ask for a queen]
[ featherwhisker, fawnstep, and jadewhisker go hunting]
[dovecloud, robinpaw, and peachfur go hunting]
[larksong, adderfang, and jayfrost go on a border patrol]
[olivestar trains cloverpaw]
[honeysplash trains smokepaw]
[badgercry trains hawkpaw]
[poppyflower trains pinepaw]
[fogfall trains turtlepaw]
[mooseheart receives cobwebs]
[lionblaze receives poppyseeds]
[larksong and mooseheart try for kits]
[featherwhisker and honeysplash become mates - trying for kits]
[splashpelt hunts for herbs elder leaves]
[pebbleclan consumes 6 servings]

          Olivestar | 42 moons | She-cat | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Poppyflower | 44 moons | She-cat | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Splashpelt | 43 moons | She-cat | X

          Jayfrost | 45 moons | Tom | X
          Mooseheart | 46 moons| Tom | X
          Larksong | 42 moons | She-cat | X
          Featherwhisker | 48 moons| Tom | X
          Adderfang | 33 moons| Tom | X
          Honeysplash | 31 moons| She-cat | X
          Badgercry | 44 moons| Tom | X
          Dovecloud | 44 moons| She-cat | X
          Fogfall | 19 moons | Tom | X
          Appleblossom | 18 moons | She-cat | X
          Jadewhisker | 26 moons | She-cat | X
          Whitewing | 29 moons | Tom | X
          Lionblaze | 15 moons | Tom | X
          Fawnstep | 26 moons | She-cat | X
          Peachfur | 29 moons | She-cat | X
          Batwing | 13 moons | Tom | X

          Robinpaw | 11 moons | Tom | X
          Cloverpaw | 10 moons| She-cat | X
          Smokepaw | 10 moons | Tom | X
          Hawkpaw | 10 moons | Tom | X
          Pinepaw | 10 moons | Tom | X
          Turtlepaw | 8 moons | She-cat | X

          Snowbird | 28 moons| She-cat | X

          Pearkit | 5 moons | She-cat | X
          Tawnykit | 3 moons | She-cat | X
          Cloudkit | 3 moons | She-cat | X

          Eaglestrike | 91 moons | Tom | X
          Otterpounce | 87 moons | She-cat | X
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | StagClan | DasCanadianSparkle
    West | MarineClan | bel.

    Medicine Store
    Alder bark | eases tooth pain | 1
    Bindweed| fastens sticks together for broken legs | 1
    Borage Leaves | produces milk & brings down fevers | 3
    Broom | poultice for broken legs & wounds | 1
    Catmint | cures greencough & whitecough | 1
    Chamomile | for strength | 2
    Chervil | infected wounds & bellyaches | 1
    Cobwebs | stops bleeding | 0
    Comfrey root | itching, bleeding,soreness | 2
    Feverfew | fevers, aches, chills | 2
    Hawkweed | helps greencough and whitecough | 1
    Honey | infections, coughs, sorethroats | 1
    Lungwort | cures yellowcough | 2
    Marigold | cures infection & bleeding | 1
    Poppy Seeds | cures stress, sleeplessness, & shock | 0
    Rush | a cast for broken bones | 1
    Sorrel | traveling herb | 1
    Tansy | cures coughs, wounds, &poisons | 2
    Wild Garlic | cures infection; esp rat bites | 1
    Yarrow | makes cats vomit poison | 1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Minnows | x2 | 1 servings
    Frog | x4| 1 servings
    Mice | x5 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x2 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x1 | 3 servings
    Waterfowl | x3 | 3 servings

    Dovecloud | Robinpaw | 3 | Swimming, Fighting,
    Olivestar | Cloverpaw | 1 | Climbing,
    Honeysplash | Smokepaw | 2 | Fighting, Stealth
    Badgercry | Hawkpaw | 2 | Swimming, Fishing
    Poppyflower | Pinepaw | 2 | Swimming, Hunting
    Fogfall| Turtlepaw | 1 | Endurance

    Deceased Cats:
    Primrosekit | Stillborn
    Bumblekit | Badger attack

    Larksong and Mooseheart |
    Cloverpaw, Hawkpaw, Smokepaw, Primrosekit
    Snowbird and Wolfclaw | Bumblekit, Arumkit
    Honeysplash and Featherwhisker | kits
Last edited by Lady Masquerade on Sat Feb 24, 2018 2:02 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby lameloserlexi » Mon Feb 19, 2018 2:45 am

Number of Cats: 21
11 [Male] 10 [Female]
Next Moonpool Visit: 1/21/2018
Waveclan eats five servings of vole

"Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures."


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxlast moon...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Blazestar held his head heavy at hearing Newt's story about his mate. "You are a brave tom, there wasn't anything you could've done different." He told him.
"I know. I just have to keep a strong front for now, there's no room for grieving when there's other things to do." Newt simply said, shrugging it off. However, the leader could still see some tears glimmering in his eyes.
"Waveclan accepts you and your help. From here forth, you will be Newtmask." Blazestar curled his tail around Newtmask, both of them smiling.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxlater that same day...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

"Hurricanecry?!" Panthersnap heard Dawnshore called, her voice stricken with worry. "Where's Spiderkit!" She shouted, her eyes darting around the bramble den.
Hurricanecry trotted into the camp, an obvious frown and scowl on her face. Dawnshore quickly butted up into her face.
"Spiderkit's missing!" Dawnshore said to the black she-cat.
"We've haven't seen him all morning." Pepperkit pipped up, the little she-kit obviously scared.
"How did that happen?" She questioned quickly, her tail twitching showed that the queen was on edge. 'We need to find her kit!'
Dawnshore ran up to Blazestar, getting in his face more than she should. "Oh-! Send out a search party, it's getting too cold for that kit to be all alone." She said.
Blazestar took a step back, inhaling to collect his thoughts. "Dawnshore, watch Pepperkit and Cypresskit. I'll go around the border check for them. Mouserunner, Flameskip, Patchfur, and Smallstorm- You go check closer to the camp, he might not be too far." She said.
"I'll come with you, Blazestar!" Newtmask called, looking up to the leader.
"Me too, you're going to need help." Panthersnap offered, the orange tabby tom nodding to the both of them.
"Let's get going then!" Blazestar said.
The leader took off, Panthersnap and Newtmask quickly followed behind. He went to the edge of the territory, going over to the beach first. The group scanned the beach, looking for the black kit in the bright sand. "Any ideas?" Blazestar asked.
"What about Treasure's Cove? All the kits think that place is interesting." Panthersnap said.
"I'll check it out down there, I don't want everyone caught if High Tide rolls in." He ordered, going over to the large cavern. There was still water going up past Blazestar's chest, but they had to still check if Spiderkit was there- Dead or alive.
"I'm not seeing much! I'm going in deeper." Blazestar called, his voice echoing off the walls of the cave. As Panthersnap looked over at Newtmask, he could tell the tom was worried about the leader.
Panthersnap took a breath. "Just be careful!" She called.
The two waited a long, long time for the leader to come back, high tide rolling in quickly. "You need to get out, Blazestar!" She called, no hearing a response.
"Blazestar??" Newtmask shouted.
The two dove into the water, going around into the Treasure's Cove. At this point, the water was above their heads and they'd have to swim- Something Blazestar isn't all that good at. The two found Blazestar's limp body floating in the water.
"Grab him!" Newtmask ordered pulling on his scruff. He was not as strong, so Panthersnap was the one who had to pull him out. As the two got the leader to the beach, they stared down at his unmoving body.
"W-what do we do?" The tom questioned, his voice fear-stricken and shaky.
"We have to bring him back to camp... He's dead." Panthersnap hung her head heavily, about to grab Blazestar's body. However, he quickly convulsed and started coughing up all the water.
"Blazestar!" Newtmask called happily, nuzzling him fast.
As Newtmask pulled off of him, Panthersnap spoke up. "What happened in there...?" She questioned.
Blazestar was still heaving some breaths, but he still answered back. "I was swimming around, but I couldn't see anything. So, I dove under to see if I could find Spiderkit, but I got stuck on a rock. I guess I passed out." He lied.
Panthersnap could see that he died- he wasn't breathing! 'He lost a life...' She realized. 'Why lie about it?' However, she didn't say anything. "You helped search hard enough- You're done now. We're taking you back to the camp to see Blackspot." 'Hopefully he'll tell the truth...'

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxon the long huntxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Rosepaw glanced over at Bearpaw, looking him up and down. "Why'd they have to put me with you? I could've handled Vanillapaw and I would love to have Splatterpaw. Yet, no. I get stuck with you." She sneered, knowing how hateful she sounded. 'I don't care... He betrayed me!'
Bearpaw snapped. "Why do you hate me so much! Is it because I took Vanillapaw's side that one time you guys were fighting?? I never did anything to you, Rosepaw!" He questioned, his usually flat fur as bristling and his tail was puffed out with anger.
"You didn't just 'take her side'! You chose her over me. Since you guys became 'mates' it was like you disappeared. You didn't want to hang around me anymore, you wanted to curl on up with Vanillapaw! Anytime I talked to you, 'Hey, do you know where Vanillapaw is?'. You've become her little slave, you do anything she says without question! I'd bet you'd jump off a cliff without second thought besides, 'Oh, sweet ol Vanillapaw told me so!'" By the time Rosepaw was done yelling at him, she was heaving and sobbing.
Bearpaw couldn't do much besides stare. "I... I'm so sorry... I just thought you were always being rediculous. I-I never thought that this all actually hurt you." He whispered, his head down in shame.
Rosepaw looked up, her eyes red from her anger and sadness. "You know what? That's not even the worst part." She said, sniffling before she continued. "Worst of all is that you love her and all. That means you'll never love me back like I used to..." The young she-cat said, turning her head away to hide the more tears that were coming.
"W-What?" Bearpaw questioned, looking confused. "You had feelings for me?" He asked.
"Yeah..." She said
"But why? We were friends, but then you hated me." He said, getting more and more confused.
Rosepaw took a breath. "Because before all of this... Before Vanillapaw was even in Waveclan, we were so close. You were always nice to me, you made me feel like I was great and special. The best as when we'd sleep together in your bigger nest, I even made the excuse that I was so cold all the time, so of course, you'd let me snuggle close. It made me all so happy..." She went on, smiling bitterly. However, her happiness soon dropped. "But then Vanillapaw came and started taking all your attention. You guys fell in love, then I was out of the picture."
Bearpaw took a step towards her, wrapping his tail around her to comfort her. "You see... I never fell in love with Vanillapaw." He said, not waiting for Rosepaw to say anything before he went on. "She asked to be my mate and she seemed so happy when I said sure, I couldn't take that away from her. I assumed I'd fall for her at some point and this would all be perfect, yet I still can't..."
Rosepaw leaned against him, almost starting to cry again about how much she missed being near him. "Does... Does that mean I have a chance?" She asked, knowing how pitiful she sounded.
"I don't know. I don't want to hurt Vanillapaw, but... She doesn't make me happy like I was when we trained together. She never lets me be myself like you do. Remember the puns I would make? She hates them. She hates climbing. She hates swimming. She hates fish. I haven't eaten a fish in moons because she always wants to eat together, but never fish!" He complained. "I'm not going to say no, but I still don't want to hurt her."
Rosepaw felt her heart skip again. She hadn't felt like this since she was only 7 moons, it all seemed so forever ago, but now it was all back. She could finally feel something again.
"Let's go hunting, we'll need to make a den too for the night." Bearpaw said, trotting along away from Waveclan.
'I wish we could always be away from Waveclan...' She sighed, staring at Bearpaw's handsome pelt as he moved ahead.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxthis moon...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Flameskip was laying right outside the bramble den, watching as the sun was soon setting. 'It's no moon... They should be getting back.' He hoped neither of the groups got lost, or worse. 'Maybe they snapped and started fighting each other! Maybe Blackspot was wrong...' The deputy had to take a few breaths before he could calm himself.
However, he soon spotted Bearpaw and Rosepaw, their mouths full with a bundle of fish. "Welcome back!" He called, running up to help them carry their prey. They brought them and put them in the middle of the clearing to show off what the apprentices did. "This is so much! The clan's going to have a feast!" Patchfur commented
Flintfang came up and gave an approving nod to his apprentice, Rosepaw. "Good. You didn't screw up."
Flameskip noticed how Bearpaw and Rosepaw were standing much closer than when they left. The two were brushing pelts and smiling. 'Much different than the hateful glares Rosepaw was sending!' He thought, proud that he could fix their conflicts.
"Look! There's Splatterpaw and Vanillapaw!" Tigerpaw called loudly, running up to her adoptive brother to give him a lick on his cheek.
"You didn't get eaten alive by a badger? Or nibbled on by piranhas?" She questioned her brother, seeming a little more like she wanted something cool like that to happen.
"No! Nothing like that! But we met a lot of rouges, some weren't all that nice..."
Tigerpaw was already over it, shrugging as she went back over with Smallstorm to talk instead.
"I see our young cats are back." Blazestar spoke up, looking at the pile they all brought back with pride. "And I see you were successful too." He added.
"Yuppers they were, this is enough to make the clan fat for a moon!" Otterheart commented, smiling wide and he stood with Mouserunner and Coralpaw.
"Gather around! We must celebrate these cats for they have accomplished that of a Waveclan warrior!" Blazestar called, his head held high.
"Rosepaw and Bearpaw. You two brought back fish, a more difficult prey to catch outside of Waveclan. However, you pushed past that and came back with plenty!" He praised. "Rosepaw, for you skillful fighting tactics and blunt personality, much like your mentor, you will be known as Rosethorn!" Blazestar touched noses with her as she moved past him to stand over on his other side. "Bearpaw. You're the best swimmer in the clan, that's what this clan is meant to do. For your outgoing personality and master in fishing and swimming, you will finally be Bearsplash!" Bearsplash did the same with him, the tom taking a seat next to Rosethorn.
"For group two; Vanillapaw and Splatterpaw. You brought back much more prey of voles, a smart catch." The leader said, smiling. "Vanillapaw, you've always been more ambitious, wanting to be mature and a warrior since you joined Waveclan. You will be known as Vanillastreak for your quick hunting and quick attitude." He told her, touching noses as she joined the other to warriors. "Splatterpaw! We found you as a kit and your new family has always taken you in and treated you like their own. You've done the same with the whole clan, always helping anyone who needs it. You'll be Splatterdrop, since you'll always drop what you're doing to help out another." He said, touching noses and moving on.
"Rosethorn! Bearsplash! Vanillastreak! Spaltterdrop!" The clan shouted, all bursting over to nuzzle the four and give their own congratulations.
'They're all so close... I love this clan.' Blazestar thought, smiling wide.

[ Flameskip, Otterheart, Panthersnap, Flintfang, and Silverpaw go on a border patrol ]
[ Blazestar, Mouserunner, Patchfur, Smallstorm, and Tigerpaw go hunting ]
[ Blackspot and Coralpaw go herb hunting ]
[ Coralpaw gets a training session: Major wounds ]
[ Blazestar lost a life due to drowning ]
[ Spiderkit was given to Drizzleclan ]
[ Sweetpaw comes from Dawnclan: Renamed Tuplippaw ]
[ The Long Hunt comes back and there are four warrior ceremonies
1: Rosepaw becomes Rosethorn
2: Bearpaw becomes Bearsplash
3: Vanillapaw becomes Vanillastreak
4: Splatterpaw becomes Splatterdrop
[ Mouserunner and Otterheart become mates, but wait on having kits ]
[ Blazestar asks Starclan for a queen ]


    Blazestar | 31 | Male |
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★

    Flameskip | 31 | Male |

    Medicine Cat:
    Blackspot | 29 | Male |
    Coralpaw | 7 | Female |

    Otterheart | 38 | Male |
    Mouserunner | 35 | Female |
    Patchfur | 31 | Female |
    Panthersnap | 30 | Female |
    Flintfang | 29 | Male |
    Smallstorm | 23 | Male |
    Newtmask | 18 | Male | x
    Bearsplash | 17 | Male |
    Rosethorn | 16 | Female |
    Vanillastreak | 16 | Female |
    Splatterdrop | 13 | Male |

    Tulippaw | 11 | Female | x
    Tigerpaw | 8 | Female |
    Silverpaw | 8 | Male |

    Hurricanecry | 24 | Female |
    Dawnshore | 25 | Female |

    Cypresskit | 2 | Male |
    Pepperkit | 2 | Female |

    none yet
Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Ocean/Beach
East | Prairie | Clan Name | Username
South | Forest | Treeclan | Kraken VS Octo-Kun
West | Coniferous Forest | Cosmoclan | ~Glaceon~

Medicine Store
Catmint x 1
Celadine x 1
Chervil x 1
Cobweb x 2
Comfrey x 2
Elder Leaves x 1
Feverfew x 1
Honey x 1
Juniper Berries x 1
Poppy Seeds x 1
Raspberry Leaves x 1
Rosemary x 1
Sage x 1
Sorrel x 1
Thyme x 1

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mackerel | x4 | 12 servings
Smelt | x8 | 16 servings
Minnow | x10 | 10 servings
Vole | x0 | 0 servings
Mouse | x10 | 10 servings
Plover | x5 | 15 servings

Smallstorm | Tigerpaw | 2 | Swimming, Fishing,
Panthersnap | Silverpaw | 2 | Swimming, Fishing,
Blackspots | Coralpaw | 1 | Beach-side herbs,
Otterheart | Tulippaw | 2 | Hunting, Fishing,

Deceased Cats:
Blazestar (1/9) | Drowning
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Name + Name = Kit - Kit : Adoptive/Foster kit
Mouserunner + Rocky = Tigerkit - Silverkit : Splatterpaw
Mouserunner + Otterheart
Hurricanecry + Cypressfall of Drizzleclan = Pepperkit, Cypresskit, Arachnidkit of Drizzleclan
Vanillapaw + Bearpaw
Dawnshore + Smallstorm = ?
Patchfur - Flameskip
Flintfang - Blackspot

Last edited by lameloserlexi on Mon Feb 19, 2018 4:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby laufeyson. » Mon Feb 19, 2018 3:27 am


number of cats; seven.
females; three. | males; four.
next moonpool visit available; anytime this week
servings necessary; unknown at the moment.


        recieved crowpaw (renamed batpaw) from a re-adoption

        duckstar searches for her family to try and convince them to join the clan

        mother: robin, father: pip, brother: smokey
        sagefur, cloudtail, smokestep and bumblepaw pursue the scent of the loner
        duckstar and sagefur patrol the borders
        smokestep, sandstrike, and cloudtail hunt
        sagefur and bumblepaw, smokestep and batpaw train


    duckstar | twenty moons | ♀ |
    marks: torn left ear
    Lives: ★★★★★★★

    name | age | gender |

    medicine cat
    name | age | gender |

    medicine cat apprentice
    name | age | gender |

    sagefur | twenty-six moons | ♀ |
    smokestep | fourty-four moons | ♂ |
    sandstrike | twenty moons | ♀ |
    cloudtail | thirteen moons | ♂ |

    bumblepaw | ten moons | ♂ |
    batpaw | seven moons | ♂ |

    name | age | gender | ❋

    name | age | gender | ❋

    name | age | gender | ❋
    ally clans
    clan name | username
    clan name | username

    enemy clans
    clan name | username
    clan name | username

    north | clan name | username
    northeast | clan name | username
    northwest | mistclan | scarlet_wolf
    east | clan name | username
    southeast | jayclan | ✨Moon✨
    south | clan name | username
    southwest | username | username
    west | clan name | username

    medicine store
    x0 | herb name | usage

    fresh-kill pile
    minnow | x0 | 1 servings
    vole | x0 | 1 servings
    rabbit | x2 | 2 servings
    stoat | x0 | 2 servings
    gyrfalcon | x0 | 3 servings
    hare | x0 | 3 servings

    sagefur | bumblepaw | 2 sessions
    hunting, speed, moves, moves
    smokestep | batpaw | 0 sessions
    hunting, moves, moves, moves

    name | age | cause of death
    name | age | cause of death

    ♂ robin & ♀ pip — duckstar, smokey (loner)
Last edited by laufeyson. on Sun Feb 25, 2018 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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