Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby winter solstice. » Sat Jun 02, 2018 5:59 pm

Number of Cats: 41 (20 M | 21 F)
Next Moonpool Visit: Anytime
Archive Thread: boop
Territory: boop

Serving Size: 8

(Stormfang is given to SwiftClan. Antfoot is given to MoorClan. Applemist is given to HalcyonClan. Swayingtrees is given to GustClan. Received Beetlenose and Lilacsky from BrineClan; they are renamed Wolfshadow and Brimflower, respectively.)

(Last moon)
Will post later, but HYPE :'>

[ The Clan consumes Sparrow x2 and Shrew x2. ]
[ Honeytuft and Dappledawn gather herbs. ]
[ Ravenwish is executed for the murders of Fernstrike, Emberwhisker, Silkfeather, and Cloudkit. Stormfang, under threat of facing execution himself, carries it out. ]
[ Stormfang, Antfoot, Applemist, and Swayingtrees are exiled from SeaClan. Stormfang ends up in SwiftClan, Antfoot in MoorClan, Applemist in HalcyonClan, and Swayingtrees in GustClan. ]
[ Beetlenose and Lilacsky of BrineClan flee their Clan and join SeaClan. They request name changes, and become Wolfshadow and Brimflower, respectively. ]
[ Stormbreeze, Daisysong, Ivynose, Jadepaw, Boompaw, and Cliffpaw hunt at the Pine Grove. ]
[ Bellcloud, Claypool, Breezewhisker, Oakshadow, Sagefrost, and Shorefall fish at the river. ]
[ Whisperdust, Morningflame, Wolfshadow, Brimflower, Brichlight, and Leafstar patrol, with intent to find where the badger sett is. ]
[ Everyone else stays in camp. ]
[ Honeytuft forces Goosewing to join the nursery as a queen, as it is starting to become more noticeable. Stormbreeze speaks with his mate, Mintnose, and both agree that Stormbreeze vouch for Goosewing's kits. ]
[ Goldenpaw is ready for a warrior assessment! If successful, she will be known as Goldenmist! ]
[ Daisysong teaches Boompaw the Swimming skill. ]
[ Stormbreeze teaches Jadepaw the Fishing skill. ]
[ Ivynose teaches Cliffpaw the Fishing skill. ]
[ Carrotfur teaches Cardinalpaw the Hunting skill. }
[ Goosewing will kit in one moon. ]

{note to mod: Shadepaw of SilentClan can be found at any time~}

          Leafstar | 56 moons | tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★☆☆ [7/9]

          Carrotfur | 19 moons | tom | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Honeytuft | 60 moons | Tom | X
          Dappledawn | 17 moons | she-cat | X - has a twisted paw

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Nightwing | 42 moons | she-cat | X
          Shorefall | 59 moons | tom | X
          Oakshadow | 44 moons | tom | X
          Mintnose | 59 moons | she-cat | X
          Claypool | 53 moons | tom | X
          Ivynose | 28 moons | tom | X
          Whisperdust | 59 moons | she-cat | X
          Daisysong | 28 moons | she-cat | X
          Whiterose | 68 moons | she-cat | X
          Stormbreeze | 60 moons | tom | X
          Goshawkflight | 28 moons | tom | X
          Hawkpath | 21 moons | tom | X
          Bellcloud | 21 moons | she-cat | X
          Dustflower | 55 moons | she-cat | X
          Morningflame | 22 moons | tom | X
          Breezewhisker | 22 moons | she-cat | X
          Birchlight | 49 moons | she-cat | X
          Hollyspots | 17 moons | she-cat | X
          Thistletuft | 17 moons | tom | X
          Sagefrost | 23 moons | she-cat | X
          Wolfshadow | 34 moons | tom | X
          Brimflower | 38 moons | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Goldenpaw | 14 moons | she-cat | X
          Boompaw | 11 moons | tom | X
          Jadepaw | 11 moons | she-cat | X
          Cliffpaw | 11 moons | tom | X
          Cardinalpaw | 10 moons | tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Softdawn | 38 moons | she-cat | X - blind
          Rippleheart | 28 moons | she-cat | X
          Goosewing | 49 moons | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Icykit | 1 moons | tom | X
          Winterkit | 1 moons| she-cat | X
          Magpiekit | 1 moons | she-cat | X
          Seakit | 1 moons | she-cat | X (Right)
          Lightkit | 1 moons | tom | X (Left)
          Arrowkit | 1 moons | tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    GustClan | Chamrosh
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Sea (none)
    West | Clan Name | Username
    Northeast | PineClan | deimos
    Northwest | LakeClan | honey--bee
    Southeast | Sea (none)
    Southwest | Sea (none)

    Medicine Store
    Alder Bark: For tooth pain (eases toothache). x2
    Beech Leaves: For carrying other herbs. x1
    Bindweed: Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place (unknown effect). x0
    Blackberry Leaves: These leaves are chewed into a pulp (eases the swelling of bee stings). x3
    Borage Leaves: It is chewed and eaten by nursing queens (produces more and better milk, also brings down fevers). x0
    Broom: It is used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds (effect unknown). x0
    Burdock Root: The root is dug up, the soil is washed off, and then it is chewed into a pulp (lessens and heals the pain of infected rat bites; used to prevent infection of rat bites). x1
    Burnet: A traveling herb (Said to help stop minor bleeding on Twolegs; keeps a cat's strength up). x3
    Catchweed: The burrs are put on the pelt where poultices are (stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin). x1
    Catmint/Catnip: Eaten (best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare; can also be used for whitecough). x0
    Celandine: Juice is trickled into the eye (soothes damaged eyes). x1
    Chamomile: Eaten (strengthens the heart and soothes the mind; also given to traveling cats for strength). x1
    Chervil: Chewed to extract the juice of the leaves or the root (for infected wounds and bellyache, respectively; can also be used during kitting). x0
    Chickweed: Eaten (treats greencough, though catmint is often preferred). x4
    Cob Nuts: Made into ointments (effect unknown). x0
    Cobwebs: Press over wound (to soak up and stop/slow the bleeding; may also be used to bind broken bones). x1
    Coltsfoot: Leaves chewed into a pulp (eases breathing or kitten-cough; eases cracked or sore pads). x1
    Comfrey Root: Roots are chewed into a poultice; can also be lined in one's nest (repairs broken bones or soothes wounds; also used for wrenched claws; can be used for itching or inflammation on stiff joints; also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest; can be used for burns). x0
    Daisy Leaf: Chewed into a paste (eases the pain of aching joints; also a traveling herb). x3
    Dandelion: The white liquid is thought to be applied to bee stings; leaves can be chewed (thought to soothe and heal bee stings; its leaves can also be chewed to act like a painkiller). x0
    Dock: Chewed up and applied to scratches, similar to sorrel; also can be put in one's nest during sleep (soothes scratches, though can sting when applied; soothes sore pads; if placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds). x0
    Elder Leaves: Turned into a poultice (Soothes sprains). x0
    Fennel: Stalks are broken and juice is squeezed into the receiver's mouth (helps pain in the hips). x0
    Feverfew: Eaten (reduces body temperature for cats with fevers or chills; also heals aches and pains; especially good for headaches). x1
    Goatweed: Given daily (eases anxiety and grief). x0
    Hawkweed: Unknown usage (like catmint, but not as strong).x0
    Heather Nectar: Included in herbal mixtures (makes swallowing easier and sweetens mixtures). x1
    Honey: Eaten, or given by moss soaked in it (soothes infections; a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats; helps cats swallow other concoctions; helps soothe coughing; gives energy). x2
    Horsetail: Chewed to a poultice, and applied to wounds (treats infections; stops bleeding). x0
    Ivy Leaf: To store other herbs. x0
    Juniper Berries: Chewed and eaten (soothes bellyaches; gives strength; helps troubled breathing; also used to help calm cats). x3
    Lamb's Ear: Unknown usage (gives a cat strength). x0
    Lavender: Placed under a cat's nose and is to be inhaled constantly, or rubbed/placed on an animal's body to hide the scent of death (cures fevers and chills; also used to hide the scent of death). x2
    Lovage: Cures coughs x1
    Lungwort: Eaten (cures yellowcough).x0
    Mallow Leaves: Eaten (soothes bellyaches). x1
    Marigold: Petals or leaves chewed in a poultice; juice can be used as well (stops infections; stops bleeding; used for inflammation in the joints). x0
    Mint: Rubbed on a dead body (used to hide the scent of death). x0
    Mouse Bile: the liquid is stored in moss and dabbed onto ticks embedded in pelt (the ticks fall off).x0
    Dried Oak Leaf: the dried leaves are to be stored in a dry location until the time of usage, when they are chewed into a thick poultice and spread on a wound (stops infection from setting in). x0
    Parsley: Eaten (stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, don't need milk anymore, or are producing too much milk; also used to cure bellyache). x0
    Poppy Seeds: Chewed on (helps a cat sleep; soothes shock or distress; eases pain; not recommended for nursing queens).x1
    Ragwort Leaves: Crushed and chewed; mixed with juniper leaves, it can help aching joints (treats aching joints; keeps a cat's strength up). x0
    Ragweed: Thought to give cats extra strength (like lamb's ear, ragweed gives a cat extra strength and energy). x0
    Raspberry Leaves: Could be a painkiller, or helps stop bleeding during kitting (could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding) x2
    Rosemary: Put on the pelt of a dead cat and prepare it for burial (hides the scent of death). x0
    Rush: Used to bind broken bones (helps hold a broken limb into place, like casts for Twolegs). x0
    Sorrel: Eaten (traveling herb; can also build up appetite). x1
    Sticks: Cats in pain bite it when other medicine is either unavailable or not recommended; also used to help broken legs heal (distracts cat from pain; recommended for queens giving birth). x1
    Stinging Nettle: The seeds are eaten by a cat who's swallowed poison, or the leaves are chewed into a poultice for a wound; the stems can also be chewed (induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, respectively; can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones; helps with wounds; chewing the stems helps fight against infection). x1
    Sweet-Sedge: One must swallow the sap (eases infection). x0
    Tansy: To be consumed, but only in small doses (cures coughs; can be also used to cure wounds and poisons; stops cats from getting greencough; soothes throats). x2
    Tormentil: Chewed and put on the wound (its root is good for treating all wounds and extracting poisons). x0
    Thyme: Leaves can be chewed on (calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock). x1
    Traveling Herbs: Eaten (used to give a cat more energy and strength, and keeps the cat from getting hungry for a long time). x0
    Watermint: It is usually chewed into a pulp, and then eaten (eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache).x0
    Wild Garlic: One must roll in it (prevents infection, especially rat bites). x2
    Willow Bark: Usage unknown (eases pain). x1
    Willow Leaves: Eaten (stops vomiting). x0
    Wintergreen: Usage unknown (treats wounds and some poisons). x1
    Yarrow: Its leaves are chewed into a poultice that can be given to cats or applied to a wound, depending on the situation (extracts poisons from wounds; will make a cat vomit up toxins; the ointment will soften and help heal cracked pads).x1
    Deathberries: Sometimes used to kill other cats by making them eat the berry (kills a cat within minutes when consumed). Also known as yew berries or night seeds. x2
    Foxglove Seeds: They are used to treat the heart (can easily cause paralysis and heart failure). x1
    Holly Berries: Usage unknown (effect unknown). x0
    Deadly Nightshade: To quickly kill a cat who cannot be saved (poisonous). x0
    Water Hemlock: Usage unknown (causes writhing, pain, and foaming of the mouth). x0

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Fish | x1 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x3 | 2 servings
    Sparrow | x1 | 3 servings
    Mouse | x3 | 1 servings
    Hare | x2 | 3 servings
    Shrew | x2 | 1 servings

    Whisperdust | Goldenpaw | 6 | Stalking, Hunting, Combat, Swimming, Fishing, Climbing
    Daisysong | Boompaw | 2 | Stalking, Hunting
    Stormbreeze | Jadepaw | 3 | Stalking, Hunting, Swimming
    Ivynose | Cliffpaw | 3 | Stalking, Hunting, Hunting
    Carrotfur | Cardinalpaw | 1 | Stalking

    Deceased Cats:
    Fogkit | 5 moons | tom| Murdered by Stormfang
    Snakekit | 0 moons | tom | Stillborn
    Brightstream | 45 moons | she-cat | Murdered by Stormfang
    Mottledsmoke | 33 moons | she-cat | Death by crows
    Smallwing | 23 moons | tom | Death by crows
    Owlfrost | 49 moons | tom | Death by crows
    Rosefern | 68 moons | she-cat | Greencough
    Sleetsky | 29 moons | she-cat | Greencough
    Fernstrike | 37 moons | tom | Executed by Ravenwish under Stormfang's orders
    Spiderpath | 45 moons | tom | Greencough
    Ashkit | 0 moons | she-cat | weakness
    Silkfeather | 44 moons | she-cat | Killed by Ravenwish
    Cloudkit | 0 moons | tom | Killed by Ravenwish
    Emberwhisker | 39 moons | she-cat | Murdered by Ravenwish, under Stormfang's orders
    Brocadeheart | 12 moons | she-cat | Murdered by Applemist, under Stormfang's orders
    Ravenwish | 36 moons | tom | Executed for murder of four cats
    Cat Name | Age at Death | Gender | Cause of Death

    Leafstar and Whiterose | Carrotfur, Brocadeheart (adopted)
    ??? and Dustflower | Daisysong, Lily, Ivynose
    Vinescratch (SwiftClan) and Brightstream | Hollyspots, Thistletuft, Fogkit, Dappledawn
    Shorefall and Dustflower | Goldenpaw (adopted), Snakekit, Cliffpaw
    Adoniscloud (GustClan) and Softdawn | Gullpaw (GustClan), Gannetpaw (GustClan), Boompaw, Jadepaw
    Oakshadow and Nightwing | Bellcloud (adopted), none yet
    Stormfang (SwiftClan) and Goosewing | unborn kit(s)
    Stormbreeze and Mintnose | none yet
    Ivynose and Rippleheart | Lightkit, Seakit, Ashkit, Arrowkit, Icykit (adopted), Winterkit (adopted), Magpiekit (adopted)
    ??? and Silkfeather | Cloudkit, Icykit, Winterkit, Magpiekit
    Wolfshadow and Brimflower | none yet
    Honeytuft and Owlfrost | Brothers/Littermates
    Morningflame and Breezewhisker | Siblings/Littermates
    Name and Name | Kits
Hello, I'm winter! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you live~!

Winter / Fairy / Gale
Formerly FairyCharmed
She/Her - Korea - UTC+9hrs.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Katrione » Sat Jun 02, 2018 6:02 pm

We've reached the last post on V3!! Please don't post unless you are a mod doing your replies. Keep an eye on the fanclub for the link to V4 at approximately 5:00 PM PDT
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Cham's Replies 02/06

Postby Chamrosh » Sun Jun 03, 2018 2:38 am


Weather - New-Leaf
Spring. The first sign of spring this year was a flurry of
delicate white flowers, sprouting up, seemingly to their
full height within a single night. Bluebells followed not
long behind them. The weather remains cold, but the
clan cats are sure that the slightly increased warmth
on their pelts isn't just wishful thinking brought on by
the first flowers.
The snow that came up to a cat's stomach is starting to
thaw out, and in steeper places, water can be seen
creeping out from beneath the white, and tiny spikes of
grass peeping out from its top, hoping for some blessed
sunlight before baby rabbits come.
And, of course, its not just rabbits that have their kits
more easily at this time of year. The clans can expect to
see plenty of growth, with new kits and bountiful food.

02/06 or 06/02 or 2nd June



[Willowthroat, Riverfrost, Oliveshadow, Swiftsky, and Whitefoot go hunting]
[Blazeheart, Cloverfield, Owlwing, Thornstride, Ebonypool and Arrowfang hunt]
[Kitetalon, Fernshade, Wisteriawhisper, Juniperberry, and Featherrise patrol, Featherrise training for Stealth]
[Aconite, Sycamoreheart, Lionscorch, Poppycloud, Wolfclaw and Acorntuft]
[Amberowl is given 1x Cobweb and 1x Wintergreen, as well as a moon's rest]
[Emberblaze is given 1x cobweb and 1x Wintergreen as well as a moon's rest]
[Blacknose and Dustrise train: Fishing]
[Briarsweep and Fawnrise train: Fishing]
[Whitefoot and Heatherrise train: Fishing]
[Blazeheart and Stonerise train: Fishing]
[Joaquin and Birdrise train: Fishing]
[Solarspark and Featherrise train: Prophecy interpreting]
[Blacknose and Heronrise train: Fishing]
[Arrowfang and Raccoonrise train: Fishing]
[Ebonypool and Goldenrise train: Fishing]
[Kitetalon and Magpierise train: Fishing]
[Badgerstrike and Verglasrise train: Hunting]
[Poppycloud and Gorserise train: Hunting]
[Owlwing and Rushrise train: Battle]
[Willowthroat and Grassrise train: Battle]
[Acorntuft and Leafrise train: Climbing]
[Bearfoot and Mossrise train: Climbing]
[The clan consumes nine servings]


[ While hunting, Willowthroat, Riverfrost, Oliveshadow, Swiftsky, and Whitefoot catch 1 vole, 2 wrens, and 2 robins ]
[ While hunting, Blazeheart, Cloverfield, Owlwing, Thornstride, Ebonypool, and Arrowfang catch 2 voles, 2 wrens, 1 squirrel, and 1 rabbit ]
[ While on patrol, Kitetalon, Fernshade, Wisteriawhisper, Juniperberry and Featherrise encounter nothing much of interest, really
Featherrise's head is reeling from gaining so much information earlier with Solarspark, and she fails to take in any of her stealth training ]
[ Amberowl and Emberblaze both seem to be making good progress in healing ]
[ Grassrise and Rushrise successfully learn the Battle skill! ]
[ Leafrise and Mossrise successfully learn the Climbing skill! ]
[ Birdrise, Dustrise, Goldenrise, Heatherrise, Heronrise, Magpierise, Raccoonrise, and Stonerise all successfully learn the Fishing skill! ]
[ Fawnrise didn't seem to want to train in fishing when the weather was still so cold, and refused to put her paw in the water. She clearly knows what the basic technique is now, but Briarsweep really thinks she needs to prove she's actually capable of doing it. Knowing how something is done, and knowing how to do it are very different things.
[ Gorserise and Verglasrise successfully learn the Hunting skill! ]
[ Featherrise successfully learns the Prophecy Interpreting skill! ]

You're very welcome! You can feel free to take or ignore names as you like from me as well, I'll never be offended at that~


Storm Rose

[Dawnclan eats 1 large fish]
[Fawnfeather has 4 kits, Willowkit, Thistlekit, Stormkit, and Lilykit]
[Lilykit was born was too weak and died in her sleep]
[Riverice tells Aurorastar the prophecy! Lynxheart tells Maplepaw to eavesdrop for him]
[A new warrior joins! Dawnclan welcomes Skystorm]
[Lynxheart asks Skystorm to be his mate! Could it be with sinister intentions? [Try for kits])
[Tigerflame trains with Maplepaw in running]
[Skystorm goes hunting]
[Aurorastar goes to the Lapis of the Moon (new Moonstone) and asks for a queen (this one?) and for advice about Lynxheart]
[Lynxheart spends most of the morning patrolling the borders in an attempt to find some followers. He patrols two borders]


[ Skystorm has become pregnant! Her kits are due in 2 moons! ]
[ Maplepaw successfully learns the Running skill! ]
[ While hunting, Skystorm catches 1 squirrel and 1 sparrow ]
[ Starclan has sent a queen. They carefully tell Aurorastar that only a cat who believes in Starclan can ever earn -star as a cat who doesn't believe won't be able to meet them to gain their leader name. They would have to lie from the start of the rule, and any cat willing to do that shouldn't be in leadership anyway. And that was before they started talking about Lynxheart specifically... ]
[ While on patrol, Lynxheart encounters a kittypet ]

I thought you might like a slightly higher quality picture, but she should be genetically identical. You can use the other picture if you prefer, though.




          prey eaten: x1 big fish (3 servings)
          honeypaw is renamed petalpaw
          hunting 1: tawnystar, blazethistle, cindermask, sheila
          hunting 2: coalstorm, sootstripe, bramblepaw
          patrol: lightfrost, petalpaw
          herb hunting: blizzardstone looks for kitting herbs

          need to find:
          dapplefog, bearclaw, wolfstep


[ While hunting, Tawnystar, Blazethistle, CIndermask, and Sheila catch 1 mouse, 1 squirrel, 1 big fish, and 1 bird ]
[ While hunting, Coalstorm, Sootstripe, and Bramblepaw catch 1 shrew, 1 squirrel, and 2 birds ]
[ While on patrol, Lightfrost and Petalpaw encounter a warrior ]
[ While herb-hunting, Blizzardstone finds 1 x chervil and 1 x lamb's ear ]


winter solstice.

[ The Clan consumes Sparrow x2 and Shrew x2. ]
[ Honeytuft and Dappledawn gather herbs. ]
[ Ravenwish is executed for the murders of Fernstrike, Emberwhisker, Silkfeather, and Cloudkit. Stormfang, under threat of facing execution himself, carries it out. ]
[ Stormfang, Antfoot, Applemist, and Swayingtrees are exiled from SeaClan. Stormfang ends up in SwiftClan, Antfoot in MoorClan, Applemist in HalcyonClan, and Swayingtrees in GustClan. ]
[ Beetlenose and Lilacsky of BrineClan flee their Clan and join SeaClan. They request name changes, and become Wolfshadow and Brimflower, respectively. ]
[ Stormbreeze, Daisysong, Ivynose, Jadepaw, Boompaw, and Cliffpaw hunt at the Pine Grove. ]
[ Bellcloud, Claypool, Breezewhisker, Oakshadow, Sagefrost, and Shorefall fish at the river. ]
[ Whisperdust, Morningflame, Wolfshadow, Brimflower, Brichlight, and Leafstar patrol, with intent to find where the badger sett is. ]
[ Everyone else stays in camp. ]
[ Honeytuft forces Goosewing to join the nursery as a queen, as it is starting to become more noticeable. Stormbreeze speaks with his mate, Mintnose, and both agree that Stormbreeze vouch for Goosewing's kits. ]
[ Goldenpaw is ready for a warrior assessment! If successful, she will be known as Goldenmist! ]
[ Daisysong teaches Boompaw the Swimming skill. ]
[ Stormbreeze teaches Jadepaw the Fishing skill. ]
[ Ivynose teaches Cliffpaw the Fishing skill. ]
[ Carrotfur teaches Cardinalpaw the Hunting skill. }
[ Goosewing will kit in one moon. ]

{note to mod: Shadepaw of SilentClan can be found at any time~}


[ While herb-hunting, Honeytuft and Dappledawn find 1 x horsetail, 1 x lavender, and 1 x dock ]
[ There's a howling in the trees above Ravenwish's head as his eyes open to inky, swirling blackness. Eyes seem to rest their gaze on the back of his neck, making the fur there prickle slowly up to attentiveness. His ears twitch, following the sound of cats whispering in the undergrowth, yet they're just too far away for him to hear.
It would be an error to say that the Dark Forest was glad to have a new cat among its numbers, but certainly some of its members (those that no longer even fathomed what being a cat meant) would be glad... Here was a fresh new thing they could play with until they got bored, and come back to whenever they wanted. And they needn't feel bad about whatever they did. After all, he was a murderer... ]
[ While hunting, Stormbreeze, Daisysong, Ivynose, Jadepaw, Boompaw, and Cliffpaw catch 1 hare, 1 squirrel, and 2 sparrows ]
[ While fishing, Bellcloud, Claypool, Breezewhisker, Oakshadow, Sagefrost, and Shorefall catch 1 shrew and 5 fish ]
[ Whisperdust, Morningflame, Wolfshadow, Brimflower, Birchlight, and Leafstar manage to track down the sett a lot more clearly now. It's actually pretty close to the edge of Seaclan territory, and the 6 of them debate whether a badger only just within their territory really needs to be pushed out so desperately? But the more experienced clan members remember the crows very clearly... ]
[ Goldenpaw has passed her warrior assessment and has earned her warrior name: Goldenmist! ]
[ CLiffpaw and Jadepaw successfully learn the Fishing skill! ]
[ Cardinalpaw successfully learns the Hunting skill! ]
[ Boompaw successfully learns the Swimming skill! ]


See y'all on the new thread!

I would have written long replies but I'm on 2 hours of sleep again and I don't think anyone really wants to see me butchering their cats that bad when sleep deprived
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Ame's Replies

Postby amethyst14 » Sun Jun 03, 2018 7:30 am

    Season: Leaf Bare
    Weather: With leaf-bare coming to a close the snow has started to slow its falling and with the longer days it has even begun to melt in some places. Prey is still scarce as they have yet to feel the heat from the sun but predators and loner cats are going to be out more. Things have become slippery now and cats should take careful steps.

    Announcement: Please do not make a post on this thread anymore! V4 will be announced very soon and that is where you can make you next post! Please follow the fanclub for more info, there is a link to it on the first page.


Makoto Naegi wrote:Image
[Acornclan consumes two rabbits and a shrew (5 servings)]
[Whitecoal continues to rest]
[Rabbitnose uses cobwebs and dried oak leaf on Bramblestep and thyme on Mousewish]
[Blackkit, Hailkit and Stormkit become apprentices, mentors are as follows (in order): Greypatch, Dustbreeze and Blossomberry]
[Rabbitnose hunts for herbs]
[Bloompaw, Foxpaw, Blackpaw, Hailpaw and Stormpaw train with their mentors]
[Cloverstep, Flakepaw, Dapplecloud and Cinderflight hunt]
[Flamebelly, Bumblestream, Appleblaze and Tigertuft patrol]
[Other cats stay at camp]

    Whitecoal should be okay to continue warrior duties.
    Bramblestep seems to be healed up and with a new scar they can return to warrior duties.
    Mousewish seems to have calmed down and be feeling much better.
    Rabbitnose finds cobwebs.
    Bloompaw learns the tracking skill.
    Flakepaw learns the endurance skill.
    Blackpaw learns the stalking skill.
    Hailpaw and Stormpaw learn the fighting skill.
    Cloverstep, Flakepaw, Dapplecloud and Cinderflight caught two shrews.
    Flamebelly, Bumblestream, Appleblaze and Tigertuft find a loner while on patrol.

Red weasel wrote:Auroraclan
[Creamfoot searches for hebs]
[Laurelstar and Bluefur hunt]
[Fernstep and Sandbrush hunt]

    Creamfoot finds sorrel.
    Laurelstar and Bluefure caught a squirrel.
    Fernstep and Sandbrush did not manage to catch anything due to the snow.

stalegarlicbread wrote:Coyoteclan
Icepaw and Venusstar go hunting.
Dustywhisker goes on a border patrol.
The Clan uses two servings of food.

    Icepaw and Venusstar caught a mouse.
    Dustywhisker finds two siblings that would make great warriors for you clan.

    (Please update your prey pile with the kinds of prey you clan can catch. If you need more info please send me a PM and I can help you out.)
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[04] pompompurin's mod replies

Postby ghostmaker » Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:50 am

weather report - newleaf

clans: shrubclan | flightclan | geyserclan | chaparralclan | rabbitclan

previous replies: 01 | 02 | 03


spring has arrived in the clans, and life is prospering. the first whisper of this thriving season came from the small flower
buds bursting from every treetop. prey poked their heads out from their burrows, feeling a gentle breeze for the first time
in moons. prey will be higher due to this. as the cold temperature slowly rises, kittings will go much smoother, and the chances
of death by childbirth or being stillborn have drastically went down. along with the departure of freezing winds and chilling
snow, kittencough, whitecough, or greencough are highly uncommon in newleaf. however, with the heat rising, the remnants
of snow are beginning to melt, causing floods everywhere. storms will contribute to these, and due to this, more cats will
want to join your clan to avoid the bad weather.



      border patrols:
      ❧ scorpionstar picks up the scent of a badger on chaparralclan
      territory while patrolling. does he pursue it or ignore it?
      ❧ scorpionstar catches x1 pygmy rabbit.
      herb hunting:
      ❧ sandstep finds x1 mallow leaves.
      border patrols:
      ❧ halfstar finds a loner on patrol, who asks to join the clan.
      ❧ starclan has granted halfstar's request.
      ❧ beechstar and owlstreak catch x2 small fish.
      herb hunting:
      ❧ hazeltail finds x1 alder bark.
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ash's replies [61]

Postby ashton. » Sun Jun 03, 2018 10:27 am

      bluebell | brier | deep | eagle | evergreen | falling | fire | frozen | garrison | honey | ivy | lamb | lark | laurel | lilac | moor | morning | moss | petal | prairie | raven | robin | rodrigo | shaft

      weather: new-leaf.
      during newleaf, kittings will run much smoother and the chances of the queens or kits dying during birth will go down dramatically. there is also a higher chance that you catch more prey than usual. in addition, the chances of catching greencough, whitecough, and kittencough will go down. with all the snow melting, it is very likely that your territory will start flooding. there will also be more storms that will contribute to the flooding. the odds of finding new cats is very high.

sheena wrote:

[ the clan consumes 2/3rds of a hare. ]
[ adderstar, spiderstep, and beewhisker go to try convincing one or two of the rogues to join. ]
[ beewhisker and adderstar hunt. ]
[ ryeflower will kit in two moons. ]
[ morningcloud is kitting! father is unknown. ]

      adderstar's patrol convinced two of the rogues to join! both are of warrior age.
      beewhisker's patrol caught a mouse!
      morningcloud gave birth to 1 2 3 4 healthy kits!

__surprise__ wrote:

[ cait, oíche, solas and dramhaíl hunt ]
[ foraoise patrols ]
[ solas trains with foraoise ]
[ réalta goes herb hunting ]
[ cait requests a queen ]
[ robinclan consume a stoat ]

      cait's patrol caught 2 sparrows and a mouse!
      foraoise picked up the scent up a badger! return with a larger patrol to chase it out!
      solas learned the swimming skill!
      réalta found lavender and sweet-sedge!
      starclan grants robinclan a queen! her kits are due in two moons.

Dinolil1 wrote:

Mintpaw, Stormpaw, Frostpaw and Laurelpaw train.
Elderwhisker, Snailstep, Bramblefur, Briarcloud all try and fight off the fox
Dawnpool, Fallowthorn, Rookwing all patrol the territory

      mintpaw, stormpaw, frostpaw, and laurelpaw all learned the hunting skill!
      the patrol succeeds to fight off the fox, but not without loss. sadly elderwhisker has joined starclan.
      dawnpool's patrol found a warrior!

ossa di cervo wrote:

[ ravenclan consumes a vulture & two mice
timber, salmon & quail become 'paws!
swandust returns to warrior duties
nightstar & aspeneyes patrol
the older apprentices train in the morning
the younger apprentices train in the evening
burntcloud, mothfrost, stormjaw, zinniathorn, aphidmask & sagecloud hunt
silentash, serphenite & vultureclaw patrol
swandust & thrushwhisker hunt
redthorn searches for herbs to prepare for pebblegaze's birthing ]

      nightstar's patrol found a queen!
      the older apprentices learned the swimming skill!
      the younger apprentices learned the hunting skill!
      burntcloud's patrol caught a squirrel and a vulture!
      silentash's patrol was uneventful.
      swandust's patrol caught a hare!
      redthorn found borage and raspberry leaves!

Rookie Cookie wrote:

[center][LambClan eats 4 servings (a hare and half a squirrel)]
[Comet joins the Clan as Blizzardcrest and becomes a warrior]
[Lambstar asks StarClan for a warrior]
[Lambstar looses 1 life to a rogue (showing that in my next post)]
[Fadedsong looks for poisonous herbs]
[Flurrytuft, Blizzardcrest, and Luckyfur hunt]
[Onyxlight, Frostedrose, and Nuggetpaw patrol]
[Mistyleaf trains Daisypaw on hunting]

      starclan grants lambclan a warrior!
      fadedsong found holly berries!

      flurrytuft's patrol caught a small fish and a bird!
      onyxlight's patrol was uneventful.
      daisypaw learned the hunting skill!

Ember! wrote:

[[The next morning, Ripplecloud and Sunfoot take their oaths and join the ranks of Eagleclan.]]
[[Eaglestar and Sunfoot go on a hunting patrol.]]
[[Ripplecloud patrols the borders.]]
[[Ripplecloud reads the feather for Eaglestar.]]
(The thing with this is, you can either make a vague mini-prophecy (newleaf flowers will bring a friend , watch the skies for a sign, beware the what hides in the shadows, etc) or just tell me if the outcome will be good, bad, or neutral and I'll make one myself! Hope that's enough info, haha :0)

      eaglestar's patrol caught a squirrel!
      ripplecloud found an apprentice!
      the feather reveals that when the new-leaf floods sweep through the territory, so will something else....

      [ i hope that's alright, i'm no good with prophecies, haha.. ;w; ]
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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Sun Jun 03, 2018 10:35 am

Leaf-bare has come to a close and the snow has begun to melt. Rain is more common and prey is still scarce but loners and kittypets will now be taking their first steps into clan territory for moons.

Please do not post on this thread anymore! The link to V4 will be given soon.

Skullclan | Finchclan | Wildclan | Graveclan | Halyconclan | Rosemaryclan | Alpineclan | Ferretclan | Amberclan | Dustclan | Ridgeclan | Blossomclan | Sunclan | Skyclan | Coveclan | Moonclan | Gorseclan | Tideclan | Crescentclan | Gorgeclan | Duneclan

ShadowBird12 wrote:
[Doveheart and Tigerflame patrol]
[Birchstar and Heronfang hunt]
[Dawnpetal searches for herbs]

[Heronfang and Owlpaw train]

[ Doveheart and Tigerflame find a warrior. ]
[ Birchstar and Heronfang catch x1 stoat. ]
[ Dawnpetal finds x1 mouse bile and x1 tansy leaf. ]

[ Owlpaw learns hunting. ]

[ Starclan reminds you that you are able to visit the Moonpool at any time, although once you visit, will have to wait for seven days before going back. ]

faerie; wrote:
[ patrols ]
↳ hunt: brookrunner, rivergum, bird's gaze, lion's fur, squirreltuft, plumheart
↳ hunt: peony, lionwatcher, pearclaw, boulderfoot, petuniapelt, otterstripe
↳ hunt: orchidstep, sunpeak, dawntuft, rhizome, russetstrike, tigerspring

↳ border: snaketooth, hornetfang, petuniapelt, tigerspring, reedstrike
(if a death is rolled, just ping me and we can talk abt it :3c )

↳ herbs: bumbletail & poppypaw

[ training ]
↳ beetlepaw, crowpaw

↳ cloudpaw, snowpaw

↳ rabbitpaw
(fighting, swimming)

[ kitting ]
riverskip begins kitting. ( father )

[ other ]
flurrypaw, ivypaw, turtlepaw and dovepaw all attempt their warrior assessments.
if passed, they will be respectively named
flurryheart, ivystripe, turtlefur, and dovewatcher.

[the clan fasts for one moon. ]

[ Brookrunner’s patrol catches x1 mouse and x1 vole. ]
[ Peony’s patrol catches x2 mice. ]
[ Orchidstep’s patrol catches x1 small fish, x1 squirrel, and x1 big fish. ]
[ Snaketooth’s patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Bumbletail and Poppypaw find x1 daisy leaf, x1 lovage, and x1 thyme. ]

[ Bettlepaw, Crowpaw, and Rabbitpaw learn fighting. ]
[ Cloudpaw and Snowpaw learn hunting. ]
[ Flurrypaw and Dovepaw pass their assessments with flying colors, becoming Flurryheart and Dovewatcher. ]
[ Ivypaw passes her assessment, becoming Ivystripe, but sprains a paw and will require x1 cobweb to heal. ]
[ Turtlepaw fails her assessment but can try again next moon. ]

[ Riverskip gives birth to two kits, a tom and a molly. ]

[ If Amberclan does not provide food for its members by the next moon, kits and younger apprentices will begin to starve. ]

scarlet_wolf wrote:
[ wiltedstar patrols the north and east borders, hunting along the way ]
[ flintmask patrols the south and west borders, hunting along the way ]
[ silversky is kitting! spidernose assists her. a rogue is the father. ]

( graveclan can find the following cats at any time // heavypad, plumshade, ivytongue, sorrelpaw, & unnamed ( proof on the last four ) )

[ Wiltedstar finds Heavypad and Silversky's partner and catches x1 snake. ]
[ Flintmask finds Plumshade and catches x1 vole. ]

[ Silversky gives birth to three kittens. All kits carry chocolate, classic, and mink pointing.]

.galaxy. wrote:
[Tanglethroat joins the clan!]
[Brushstar and Tanglethroat head off on a hunting patrol]

[ Brushstar and Tanglethroat catch x1 stoat. ]

[ Duneclan has one more fasting moon. ]

AlexLeDraggu wrote:CrescentClan
Sandyfoot and Brushstar go on a hunting patrol.
(I'm not sure if I have to list the prey I'm hunting but it's mice ^^)

[ Brushstar and Sandyfoot catch x1 mouse. ]

[ Crescentclan has one more fasting moon. ]

Below is the coding you will use from now on. While I admire your attempt at making a unique coding structure, you didn't include the necessary information for me, your mod, such as prey servings. In addition, deer are not a valid prey type in CAC as cats are realistically unable to kill even a fawn.
Code: Select all
[size=85][b]Number of Cats:[/b] Here

Put your post of what your cats are doing here

Put your summary of what your cats are doing here
(e.g. Sandyfoot and Brushstar go on a hunting patrol or Sandyfoot and Brushstar go on a border patrol or Brushstar visits the Moonpool to ask for an [give rank of cat])

Brushstar | 27 moons | Male | [url=]X[/url]
Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

[b]Medicine Cat:[/b]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Sandyfoot | 20 moons | Female | [url=]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url][/list][/list][/size][/left][right][center][list][size=85][b]Ally Clans:[/b]
Clan Name | Username

[b]Enemy Clans[/b]
Clan Name | Username

North | Clan Name | Username
East | Clan Name | Username
South | Clan Name | Username
West | Clan Name | Username

[b]Medicine Store[/b]
Herb | Usage

[b]Fresh-Kill Pile:[/b]
Mice | x0 | 1 serving
Birds | x0 | 3 servings
Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
Small fish | x0 | 2 servings
Large fish | x0 | 3 servings
Muskrat | x0 |  2 servings

Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

[b]Deceased Cats:[/b]
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kits[/size][/center][/right]
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Katrione » Sun Jun 03, 2018 1:30 pm

Version 4 has been uploaded!! If you haven't been replied to by your mod yet, you may repost there if you wish but the mods will look back here anyway
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