Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby inky. » Tue Jun 26, 2018 3:37 pm

Number of Cats: 16 (3 kits)
Number of Servings: 4
Next Ruins Visit: 06/28
Next Birth: Quailthroat (Now!)
Mod Notes: N/A


Several things rushed around Slatestar's mind that morning. The territory was flooded again, food was becoming short, Quailthroat was due for kitting any moment, and, of course, how to deal with the bear. Vipersun had brought him to the foot of the tallest mountain on the island, claiming that it was housing the frightening creature. The leader had to do something, but what? He pushed the thought to the side, something even more important was about to happen. Adderkit, Fogkit, and Squirrelkit, the first kits brought into the Clan, were about to be apprenticed. Slatestar plastered on a smile and exited his dark, shadowy den into the bright sunlight that lit up the world around the BearClan. The grey-brown tom stood proudly on the rocky overhang that he used to address the Clan. He cleared his throat and called out, "It is time we make three new apprentices!" As he said this, Cedarsplash gave her kits a proud nudge, sneaking in a few licks to straighten her daughters' fur. Slatestar looked down, resting his gaze on Adderkit. "Adderkit, please step forward." He instructed. He waited patiently as the fluffy molly wobbled over to him. She swallowed and blinked up at him, determination showing in her eyes. Slatestar stifled a 'mrrow' of laughter. She would make a good warrior, indeed. "Adderkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Adderpaw. Your mentor will be Cindertail. I hope Cindertail will pass down all he knows on to you." he announced. It may have been his first ceremony, but something about it felt like he had done it countless times before, almost as if StarClan was speaking for him. Now, he turned to Cindertail. The soot colored tom had a look of utter shock on his face, with his pale green eyes wide and jaw hanging open. "Cindertail," He continued, a hint of amusement in his voice "you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have have been a great warrior to BearClan, and you have shown yourself to be honest and loyal. You will be the mentor of Adderpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know onto her." He dipped his head and the new mentor went up to his apprentice and touched noses. Slatestar repeated this process for Fogpaw (who was apprenticed to Weaselfur), and Squirrelpaw (who was apprenticed to Grassheart). After he concluded, the six cats stood in front of the Clan. They were greeted by cheers, yowls, and calls of congratulations. "Adderpaw! Fogpaw! Squirrelpaw!" the Clan cried. However, the noise only lasted for a few moments. He waved his tail, signalling his Clan to quiet down, and nodded at the cats to sit down. "I have one more announcement." He stated firmly "Many of you know that there is a bear that threatens us. Thankfully it has not struck yet, but you never know what a bear could do. Vipersun has guided me and shown me where this creature lives. After our scouting,a few of our patrols have scented the markings of the bear getting closer and closer to our camp. I can only view this as a threat. Vipersun says that the bear can communicate and understands catspeak. I have come to the decision to try and peacefully settle the matter by trekking up to the bear's den and talking to it." There was no response, only silence. And then there was chaos. "Are you insane?!" Grassheart spat at him, earning many wails of approval. Slatestar held up his tail again, wishing for silence so he could respond. "I know it sounds crazy." he acknowledged "But, trust me, I've thought this through and I believe it could work." Cougarleap hissed. "What are you talking about?" he retorted "You said it yourself! Bears are unpredictable! What if this thing slaughters you?" Stormpaw stepped up next to him. "You can't go alone!" He protested "What if you get lost, or even worse, like Cougarleap said?" Slatestar blinked. "I won't be going alone. I'll be taking a patrol with me. It will be volunteer only. Vipersun has already agreed to join." There were several yowls of protest. Slatestar jumped down to face his angry clanmates. "Listen, this is the only way-" he told them, but Minkblossom chimed in. "You are a fool for thinking so, Slatestar!" She growled "Especially since you haven't attempted any other solution!" Anger bubbled up inside of the tom. "I am going and that's final!" Slatestar boomed, voice echoing off of the stone walls, making him sound even more intimidating "Those who want to stay behind, fine! But I will not stand idle while there is a monster threatening our safety. If you'll join me great, but if not, I hope you can sleep soundly knowing there's a bear that could attack at any living moment..." There was another silence. Several cats looked surprised at the normally calm Slatestar's outburst. Others were looking guiltily at their paws, and the rest had smirks of respect, and determination flickering in their eyes. Sandstep approached her leader boldly. "When do we leave, Slatestar? Lead and I will follow!" Shaking his head, he walked up to his deputy. "No, Sandstep, you must stay here." Slatestar ordered. "But Slate-" The she-cat started, but she was cut off swiftly. "If anything happens, you must be here to protect the Clan. As my deputy, you must obey my orders." Slatestar continued, voice firm, letting Sandstep know there was no use in arguing. It took a few moments, but eventually, the sandy cat stepped aside and dipped her head. "Yes, Slatestar." She conceded. Slatestar gave her a thankful and friendly lick on the ear and then looked up. "So." He meowed "Who will join me?"


Slatestar moved through the crowded path that led to the mountain. Bushes squeezed his patrol and branches swatted at their faces. After all of his yelling, he had gathered Vipersun, Weaselfur, and Dunewing to join him on his journey. He had expected more to volunteer after his speech, but he reminded himself it was more of a telling off than a speech. Besides, any cat that was willing to help was valued. Dunewing was strong and bulky, enough to be a cat at least. Weaselfur had proved himself a loyal member of the Clan and Slatestar could tell that the warrior would do anything for his new home. The group of toms padded along the trail in silence. Slatestar’s mind was still whirling, trying to determine what he would say to the bear. What do you say to a bear? Vipersun’s question shattered the silence. “It’s quite a coincidence, huh?” He meowed “The fact that you’re named BearClan and there’s a bear threatening you. Was that planned?” Slatestar sighed heavily. “How could it be planned if I had no idea the bear even existed?” He pointed out, voice tight with stress. “True.” The pale warrior agreed “So then why is it ‘Bear’Clan?” Slatestar let out a small growl. “I don’t know, Vipersun.” He hissed gently “Bears are strong. I want a strong Clan. I’m not sure it just seemed right. StarClan apprvoved it, though, so it can’t be too bad.” Vipersun flicked his ear. “Then StarClan sure has a weird sense of humor.” He muttered to himself, though the rest heard him and decided not to answer. “How far away are we?” Weaselfur asked, poking his head out from behind Vipersun. Dunewing looked around Weaselfur, obviously curious to the answer as well. Slatestar slowed and stopped at the base of a monstrous mountain that clawed at the sky. It’s peak was covered by clouds and the indent that served as the bear’s cave was barely visible behind layers of fog and stray wisps of cloud. Below the cave, there was a section of rather jagged rocks that could impale a cat easily. Dunewing gulped, and Weaselfur and Vipersun’s tails both sank onto the ground. Slatestar blinked at the climb ahead of them. He shook out his pelt, unsheathed his claws and started scaling the path, much to the dismay of his clanmates.


The sun was going down as the four cats finally reached their destination. Their paws were dragging heavily on the spiraling pathway and their eyes were becoming blurry. The walkway, if you could even call it that, was made up of tons of small and big rocks piled up on top of each other and morphed into the side of the mountain. The rocks weren’t stable, and looked as if they would all come tumbling down if a cat misstepped. Slatestar’s shoulders were hunched and his head hung low. Suddenly, they felt a soft, cool breeze. At first, the group thought it was just a stray gust but they soon discovered it came from the cave they were climbing to. Slatestar was hit by elation and dread at the same time, causing it to stir in his stomach and make him anxious beyond belief. The tom licked his lips, turned to his patrol, and entered cautiously. His pawsteps sounded like thunder on the cold, damp floor, and the air had a kind of musky sort of prey smell to it. The ceiling was dotted with small spikes that were dripping water. The slick surface of the cave made it reflect the warm, delightful colors of the sunset, even if the place was no where near inviting. Suddenly, a loud huff of air filled the cats’ ears. “Who dares wake me.” A deep, accented voice called. It was weird, unlike anything Slatestar had heard. It wasn’t like his own, or the rest of the island cats. But it wasn’t like Cindertail or Weaselfur’s group either. It sounded more exotic. Maybe it was because the words the bear spoke were so broken. Slatestar didn’t know, or, frankly, didn’t care. He had much more important matters on his mind. The leader cleared his throat and spoke strongly. “My name is Slatestar. I come from the-“ he began, but was cut off by the bear, who was slowly creeping into sight. “Group of cats settled by river, no?” It finished. After a few moments, the full bear was revealed in the fading sunlight. It was huge. A massive chunk of muscle and brown, shaggy fur with long, hooked claws and eyes that glinted mischievously. Slatestar swallowed. “Y-yes.” He stuttered, but then forced himself to remain strong “Yes, we settled by the river. I’m surprised you know who we are.” At this, the bear gave out a deep chuckle that bounced off of the walls and hurt the cats’ ears. “Do not think I dunno why you here, cat.” He growled “You’re here to take prey from me. Steal what is mine.” Slatestar shook his head. “No!” He protested “We aren’t here to steal your food. In fact, that’s what we came here to prevent. We-I was hoping that we could discuss an agreement so that we can both have equal amount of prey without getting into each others territory.” The bear moved closer. “You came to my territory moment you made camp!” It growled “I live on island before you born, cat! I know there is not enough prey for both of us.” Closer. “You and your group trying to take what is mine. I should kill you all at once; eliminate competition.” Slatestar moved closer to his Clanmates. “N-no!” He yowled “I’m sure we could work something out!” Now, terror was gripping onto the group and not letting go. The bear’s claws clicked on the floor and it’s sharp, slobbery teeth reflected the rising moon. Out of no where, the bear smiled. “I might have idea. Prey is valuable, no? And only the strongest should live, no?” The bear started. All Slatestar could do was nod. “Well. What if you make cats prove they strong enough to deserve prey. That way not as many mouths to feed.” Before Slatestar could say anything, Vipersun spoke. “A-and how do we know if they’re worthy?” He asked quietly. The bear grinned widely, showing off his shimmering teeth. The sight made Slatestar queezy. “Send them to me.” He said at last “One cat every other moon cycle. We fight. If they win, they can go. If they lose, I kill. Make sure cats don’t lose their worth, every cat must come three times. After that, free to live life.” Slatestar was at a loss for words. This thing wanted him to sacfifice his own friends and family? No. He wouldn’t do it. The tom opened his mouth to speak. But Vipersun cut him off. “And what if we don’t play along? What if we don’t send any cats?” He asked boldly. The bear growled deeply, showing off every inch of his long fangs. “If no cat come, no cat in group survive. And I will take back my island.”He threatened “Now. Get out of my cave.” Before Slatestar could say anything, the bear’s large paw scooped them up and pushed them out of the mouth of the cave. The four cats skidded down the mountain, moving so fast they could only pray that they didn’t get snagged on a sharp rock or move any stones that could cause a rockslide. Miraculously, all four cats made it to the bottom unharmed. A cloud of dust formed around them, shimmering in the pale moonlight. The bear’s voice boomed from above them. “One cat every other moon cycle or all of cat group get killed!” It roared, then disappeared into its dark home. The four toms sat there in shock, not sure what to say. After a while, Dunewing spoke. “Slatestar, what do we do?” He meowed quietly, voice barely above a whisper. Slatestar thought for several ling moments. Then, staring at the ground, he made his decision. “We have to tell the Clan. Life as we know it is about to change forever.”

[Grassheart, Cindertail, and Rabbitspark patrol]
[Cougarleap, Batfur, Sandstep, and Cedarsplash hunt]
[Slatestar, Vipersun, Weaselfur, and Dunewing go to see the bear]
[Adderpaw is apprenticed to Cindertail!]
[Fogpaw is apprenticed to Weaselfur!]
[Squirrelpaw is apprenticed to Grassheart!]
[Sandstep teaches Stormpaw Battle Strategy]
[Minkblossom looks for herbs]
[Quailthroat is kitting! Batfur is the father. Minkblossom helps and uses x1 chervil]
[The Clan consumes x1 squirrel and x1 small fish]

          Slatestar | 37 m | M | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Sandstep | 33 m | F | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Minkblossom | 43 m | F | X

          Dunewing | 37 m | M | X
          Cindertail | 25 m | M | X
          Cougarleap | 19 m | M | X
          Batfur | 19 m | M | X
          Weaselfur | 53 m | M | X
          Rabbitspark | 25 m | F | X
          Grassheart | 21 m | F | X
          Vipersun | 33 m | M | X
          Cedarsplash | 34 m | F | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Stormpaw | 12 m | M | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Adderpaw | 6 m | F | X (left)
          Fogpaw | 6 m | F | X (center)
          Squirrelpaw| 6 m | F | X (right)

          Quailthroat | 29 m | F | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | KwamiClan | Savannah-the-Caracal
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Cobweb | Stops bleeding | x1
    Chervil | Helps queens give birth | x0
    Marigold | Stops infection | x3
    Poppy Seeds | Eases Pain | x1
    Mouse Bile | Removes ticks | x1
    Herb | Usage | Amount

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mose | x3 | 1 servings
    Minnow | x0 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Hare | x2 | 3 servings
    Big Fish | x2| 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves (hunting, battle strategy, climbing, stealth, swimming)
    Sandstep | Stormpaw | 3 | Hunting, Swimming, Climbing
    Cindertail | Adderpaw | 0 | moves
    Weaselfur | Fogpaw | 0 | moves
    Grassheart | Squirrelpaw | 0 | moves

    Stone Pool:
    (On hold until more cats join)
    Cat Name | Number of Stones Left
    Dunewing | 3
    Cindertail | 3
    Cougarleap | 3
    Batfur | 3
    Weaselfur | 3
    Grassheart | 3
    Vipersun | 3
    Cedarsplash | 3

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    ??? and ??? | Sandstep, Vipersun
    ??? and Cedarsplash | Adderpaw, Fogpaw, Squirrelpaw
    Batfur and Quailthroat | Kits
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Postby tigerclaw » Tue Jun 26, 2018 4:31 pm

Number of Cats: 62 cats
Toms; 30 | She-cats; 32
Serving sizes;10
Next MoonPool visit = (2nd)

[OOC] -

((Will edit in story later))

[IceSheet is welcomed to FloodClan]
[BramblingPaw, JayPaw, StormPaw, ThornPaw, NettlePaw and HayPaw all take their assessments; They will be renamed BramblingClaw, JayEye, StormCrush, ThornShard, NettleFrost and HayCloud]
[ArgusPelt got pregnant by Oak and Burnt]
[HazelWing will give birth in 2 moons]
[TigerFern tells of her apprentice kit and how they are held up by twolegs; FlareHeart asks StarClan to help them set the apprentive free / FlareHeart asks for a apprentice]
[HareLeap, BumbleTail, ThistleFang, WhirlShine, JayPaw, and TigerFern hunt]
[DawnTail, BeetleNose, ThornPaw, FogWhorl, HawkSwoop, and NettlePaw hunt]
[RedHawk, FrostBite, MoorPaw, StormPaw, OliveStrike, and MousePaw hunt]
[MixedFur, HayPaw, MintClaw, ThriftRunner, TroutClaw, and HoneyBreeze patrol]
[BurntSight, BearHeart, MorningRush, OakFang, PaleFlick, and ReedClaw patrol]
[AdderCloud, BramblingPaw, LavenderRunner, SilentStep, FirPaw, MoorRunner, RedPelt, and TwigHeart go herb hunting (BramblingPaw look for poisonous herbs)]
[The apprentices train]
[FloodClan eats 3 thrushes and 1 mouse | 10 servings]

HollyStar | 41 Moons | Female |
Lives: ★★★★★★★⭐⭐ [7/9]
MateFlareHeart | 32 Moons | Male |

FlickeringPaw | 8 Moons | Male |
SwiftPaw | 8 Moons | Male |
Name | Moons | Gender |[url]★[/url]

Medicine Cats:
TwigHeart | 30 Moon | Female |
BramblingPaw | 12 Moons | Female |
AdderCloud | 45 Moons | Female |
FirPaw | 9 Moons | Female |

HareLeap | 62 Moons | Male |
BumbleTail | 52 Moons | Male |
ThistleFang | 30 Moons | Male |
WhirlShine | 56 Moons | Male |
LavenderRunner | 35 Moons | Female |
DawnTail | 34 Moons | Female |
BeetleNose | 59 Moons | Female |
BearHeart | 64 Moons | Male |
FogWhorl | 72 Moons | Male |
HawkSwoop | 36 Moons | Female |
RedHawk | 62 Moons | Female |
FrostBite | 28 Moons | Female |
MintClaw | 24 Moons | Female |
OliveStrike | 25 Moons | Female |
MixedFur | 37 moons | Male |
ThriftRunner | 21 Moons | Male |
TroutClaw | 20 Moons | Male |
HoneyBreeze | 20 Moons | Female |
BurntSight | 20 Moons | Male |
MorningRush | 20 Moons | Female |
OakFang | 20 Moons | Male |
PaleFlick | 26 Moons | Male |
ReedClaw | 18 Moons | Female |
RedPelt | 58 Moons | Male |
BrackenBreeze | 38 Moons | Female |
MallowBloom | 30 Moons | Female |
MoorRunner | 16 Moons | Female |
TigerFern | 14 Moons | Female |
SilentStep | 29 Moons | Male |
IceSheet | 20 Moons | Male |
MouseSpring | 12 Moons | Male |
Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]★[/url]
Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]★[/url]

ThornPaw | 12 Moons | Male |
StormPaw | 12 Moons | Male |
NettlePaw | 12 Moons | Female |
JayPaw | 12 Moons | Male |
HayPaw | 12 Moons |Female |
MeadowPaw | 9 Moons | Female |
FeatherPaw | 8 Moons | Female |
Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]★[/url]

PineHeart | 24 Moons | Female |
IceFoot | 41 Moons | Female |
HazelWing | 41 Moons | Female |
Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]★[/url]

DewKit | 5 Moons | Male |
DriftKit | 5 Moons | Female |
DustKit | 5 Moons | Male |
LynxKit | 5 Moons | Male |
CricketKit | 5 Moons | Female |
FrozenKit | 4 Moons | Male |
BriarKit | 4 Moons | Female |
AdderKit | 4 Moons | Male | [Gray tabby]
SnowKit | 4 Moons | Female | [White]
Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]★[/url]

OakRiver | 49 Moons | Male |
↪ Broken hindlegs
GingerBerry | 106 Moons | Female |
FireBringer | 87 Moons | Male |
Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]★[/url]

Disablitles/Other interesting things about cats;
OakRiver | Broken hindlegs
HoneyBreeze | Queer
MorningRush | Queer

Ally Clans:
GorseClan | JulieMew1010
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Clan Name | Username
East | Clan Name | Username
South | RabbitClan | stars,,
West | Clan Name | Username

Medicine Store
Fennel | x2 |
Catmint | x4 |
Cobwebs | x4 |
Borage leaves | x2 |
Mint | x1 |
Ragwort | x1
Ragwort Leaves | x1
Stick | x1 |
CatchWeed | x1 |
Willow Bark | x1 |
BindWeed | x1 |
BlackBerry leaves| x1 |
Mallow Leaves | x2 |
Feverfew | x1 |
Comfrey | x1 |
Raspberry Leaves | x1 |
Marigold | x1 |
Ivy | x1 |
Celandine | x1 |
Burnet | x2 |
Goldenrod | x1 |
Beech Leaves | x1 |
Bright Eye | x2 |
Chamomile | x1 |
Poppy Seeds | x1 |
Sorrel | x1 |
Thyme | x1 |
Elder Leaves | x1 |
Heather Nectar | x1 |
Honey | x1 |
Lovage | x1 |
Goatweed | x1 |
Lungwort | x1 |
Chervil | x1 |
Burdock Root | x1 |
Broom | x1 |
Alder bark | x1 |
Chickweed | x1 |
Cob nuts | x1 |
Coltsfoot | x1 |
Daisy leaves | x1 |
Dandelion | x1 |
Dock leaves | x1 |
Juniper Berries | x1 |
Horsetail | x1 |
Hawkweed | x1 |
Mouse bile | x1 |
Dried oak leaves | x1 |
Rush | x1 |
Parsley | x1 |
Rosemary | x1 |
Herb | x0 |
Herb | x0 |
Herb | x0 |
Herb | x0 |
Herb | x0 |
Herb | x0 |

BramblingPaw's secret stash:
Deadly Nightshade | x1 |
Foxglove seeds | x0 |
Deathberries | x0 |
Holly berries | x1 |
Water hemlock | x1 |
Herb | x0 |
Herb | x0 |

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mouse | x5 | 5 servings
Frog | x8 | 8 servings
Small Fish | x8 | 16 servings
Thrush | x5 | 15 servings
Big Fish | x6 | 18 servings
Hare | x8 | 24 servings
Robin | x7 | 21 servings

Mentors + Apprentices;
BeetleNose| ThornPaw | 6 | Fighting, Climbing, Hunting, Swimming, Offense, Stalking
WhirlShine| JayPaw | 6 | Fighting, Climbing, Hunting, Swimming, Offense, Stalking
RedHawk| StormPaw | 6 | Fighting, Climbing, Hunting, Swimming, Offense, Stalking
HawkSwoop| NettlePaw | 6 | Fighting, Climbing, Hunting, Swimming, Offense, Stalking
MixedFur| HayPaw | 6 | Fighting, Climbing, Hunting, Swimming, Offense, Stalking
TwigHeart| BramblingPaw | 6 | Fighting, Climbing, Hunting, Swimming, Offense, Stalking
AdderCloud| FirPaw | 4 | Hunting, Swimming, Offense, Stalking,
ReedClaw| MeadowPaw | 4 | Hunting, Swimming, Offense, Stalking,
HareLeap| SwiftPaw | 2 | Offense, Stalking,
BumbleTail| FlickeringPaw | 2 | Offense, Stalking,
DawnTail| FeatherPaw | 2 | Offense, Stalking,
Mentor| Apprentice | 0 | Moves
Mentor| Apprentice | 0 | Moves

Deceased Cats:
FlickeringFlame | 60 Moons at death | Male | | Killed by unknown cat | 9 moons since death
Cat | Cause of Death | Age since death

BeetleNose and HareStar | TwigHeart (Note; HareLeap is a foster father to twig) TroutClaw, HoneyBreeze, and BurntSight
DawnTail and BumbleTail | MorningRush and OakFang (Morning and Oak is Bumble's foster kits)
TwigHeart and ThistleFang | BramblingPaw and ThornPaw
BrackenBreeze and WhirlShine | StormPaw, JayPaw, and NettleKit
??? and ??? | OakRiver and OliveStrike
MallowBloom and ??? | MousePaw and HayPaw (adopted)
OakRiver and IceFoot | BrairKit, FrozenKit, SnowKit, Adderkit,(Adopted) and MeadowPaw and FeatherPaw
HollyStar and FlareHeart | SwiftPaw and FlickeringPaw
MorningRush and HoneyBreeze | (Adopted) Kits
PineHeart and ??? | DriftKit, DewKit, DustKit, CricketKit, and LynxKit
Name and Name | Kits

Last edited by tigerclaw on Wed Jun 27, 2018 1:34 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Cherryclan's Clowder Post 1

Postby Simonpet » Tue Jun 26, 2018 5:09 pm

𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐧'𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐝𝐞𝐫
Number of Cats: 1
Kits Due In: -----
Next Request: 07/02/2018
Ancestors | Families | Herbs and Prey | Guardians | Posts

Storm the Proud. Proud of what? Proud that she had left her home clowder, willing to strike off on her own? Proud that she had abandoned her family? The blue molly snarled quietly. She couldn't think like that. She had left an overpopulated clowder and would now settle at the edge of the city. She would live up to her title, the Proud. She would gather willing mollies who could settle with her and they could raise their kits together. But not only that; they would protect their territory fiercely, and would help each other throughout times harsh and plenty.

Storm's tail flicked and she looked around. She would likely have to hunt in the forests, a new challenge. Few city cats ever bothered to live in the forests, as there was snow during the winter and unbearable heat during the summer. But they were missing out on an opportunity, as the forests had plenty of prey during most of the year. And even during the winters, birds and mice were easy to be found, or so a few toms had told her. So that's where her camp would be: straddling the edge of the forest and the city. The blue molly rather liked that thought.

But to have a clowder, Storm needed followers. Mollies willing to throw in their bets with her, toms willing to patrol the outermost borders and provide them with protection. She shivered. At least as long as they could control their barbaric instincts. Toms were good to start families with, but terrible to keep around for long. She sighed. And it all came back to needing a second, who could help keep the others in line. She would hunt, mark her borders, and look for someone willing to come with her. Yes, that sounded like a perfect idea.

[ Cherryclan's Clowder has two more fasting moons. ]
[ Storm requests a second. ]

[ Storm goes hunting. ]
[ Storm goes on a patrol. ]


      Storm the Proud | Molly | 20 moons


      Healers (0)

      Adolescents (0)

      Mothers (0)

      Kits (0)
Adults (0)

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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby Wolfypoof » Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:35 pm

Number of Cats: 36

The border patrol returned home in quite a state no one was expecting. Rabbitnose immediately came to their aid and fixed Cowpelt and Bloomseed up. It was a shame that just after becoming an official warrior, Bloomseed already found herself in trouble. In any case, the two of them were to rest until their injuries had healed. Appleblaze and Hollypaw seemed to be the lucky ones. They were unharmed but Hollypaw did appear spooked. As Cowpelt and Bloomseed rested, they asked them about what happened.

"Well, we were just doing our patrol when suddenly that thing came out the bushes," she explained. "Then it turned on us."
"What was that you saw?" Birdstar asked.
"It was very large and black. And some white too," she replied.
"Badger..." Whitecoal said, cursing under his breath.
"A badger? Are they dangerous?" Hollypaw asked, her voice quivering.
"Definitely. Cowpelt and Bloomseed should be glad they escaped with their lives," he said. She suddenly looked scared and darted under her mentors paws. Appleblaze looked at her with pity.
"Well, I think it is in our territory. Probably closer than it was before," she said.
"Then we have to get rid of it!" Birdstar declared.

The clan gasped and mumbled amongst themselves. "We need strong warriors if it can do that much damage," she continued. She already had a couple in mind. Bramblestep was a given and he already seemed determined to go anyway. When Birdstar told him, he nodded and then went to see Dapplecloud in the nursery. Whitecoal was also eager to go and was her second choice. She scanned the crowd before stopping on...
"Emberstorm. Would you like to be a part of the patrol? You are quite a capable warrior after all," she said.
"I would love to," she smiled, brimming with pride from the compliment she just received.
"And then, I wil-"
"Wait, Birdstar," a quiet voice from behind her said. A single paw rested on her flank. She turned around to see Rabbitnose's worried face.
"Yes?" she asked her.
"Remember what I said? I think you should stay behind just in case you lose anymore lives," she explained.
"Birdstar, it's for the best. You are sending capable warriors so I'm sure they will be fine."
"Fine... In that case, Dustbreeze."
Dustbreeze looked shocked when his name was called. "Me?"
"Yes, you. Would you like to go on the badger patrol?"
"I-i... Sure. I'll come," he nodded.
"Good! They will be leaving shortly so make sure you are prepared," she said. After that, the clan went amongst their duties.

Dustbreeze was still shocked that he had been picked. He sat dumbfounded. His friends, Greypatch and Blossomberry, quietly approached him. "Congrats on being picked! I'm sure you'll be great out there," Greypatch said.
"Oh, thanks. I'll do my best," he replied.
"Good luck out there and please stay safe," Blossomberry said, a hint of worry in her eyes.
"Don't worry, I'll be okay," he smiled. She let out a soft giggle. He was still so much in love with her but at this point... It turns out that Greypatch is winning. Dustbreeze wonders if he still remembers the bet.
"Well," Greypatch squeaked. "We should leave you to it. See ya later!"
"Bye for now," Blossomberry bowed.
"See you," he replied and the two left. He got to his paws and went to meet up with the others. Along the way he spotted Hailpaw. They had come to an agreement and were on good terms again. Hailpaw was going to take his warriors assessment today. Dustbreeze gave him a silent nod and he nodded back. Then he mouthed the words 'good luck.' Feeling like he should after all this time, he said it back. Then he turned to the group.

"Alright then. Are we ready?" Bramblestep said.

[Acornclan consumes a bird, squirrel and two shrews (7 servings)]
[Rabbitnose uses poppy seeds and cobwebs on Cowpelt and raspberry leaves, marigold and golden rod on Bloomseed]
[Both Cowpelt and Bloomseed rest]
[Rabbitnose hunts for herbs]
[Blackpaw, Hailpaw and Stormpaw all take their warrior assessments. If they pass they will be called Blackwing, Hailmask and Stormpetal]
[Bramblestep, Whitecoal, Emberstorm and Dustbreeze search for the badger!]
[Appleblaze trains Hollypaw]
[Rainpuddle trains Flintpaw]
[Mousewish trains Brightpaw]
[Cloverstep, Greypatch, Blossomberry and Flakeheart hunt]
[Birdstar, Cinderflight, Flamebelly and Tigertuft patrol]

    Birdstar | 55 moons | she-cat | X
    Lives: ★★★★★★

    Bramblestep | 55 moons | tom | X

    Medicine Cat:
    Rabbitnose | 57 moons | she-cat | X

    Whitecoal | 75 moons | tom | X
    Cloverstep | 48 moons | tom | X
    Cinderflight | 37 moons | she-cat | X
    Flamebelly | 44 moons | tom | X
    Greypatch | 30 moons | tom | X
    Emberstorm | 41 moons | she-cat | X
    Bumblestream | 37 moons | she-cat | X
    Blossomberry| 29 moons | she-cat| X
    Dustbreeze | 29 moons | tom | X
    Cowpelt | 40 moons | tom | X
    Appleblaze | 57 moons | she-cat | X
    Tigertuft | 20 moons | she-cat | X
    Mousewish | 57 moons | tom | X
    Rainpuddle | 50 moons | she-cat | X
    Mothdapple | 45 moons | she-cat | X
    Flakeheart | 16 | she-cat | X
    Bloomseed | 15 moons | she-cat | X
    Foxfang | 15 moons | tom | X

    Blackpaw | 12 moons | tom X (first left)
    Hailpaw | 12 moons | tom | X (grey)
    Stormpaw | 12 moons | she-cat | X (second left)
    Smallpaw | 11 moons | she-cat | X
    Hollypaw | 11 moons | she-cat | X
    Flintpaw | 8 moons | she-cat | X
    Brightpaw | 8 moons | tom | X

    Dapplecloud | 50 moons | she-cat | X

    Strawberrykit | 1 moons | she-cat | X
    Cedarkit | 1 moons | tom | X
    Ivykit | 4 moons | she-cat | X
    Fernkit | 4 moons | she-cat | X

    Drizzlepool | 94 moons | tom | X
    Songfeather | 93 moons | she-cat | X
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    Northeast | Forestclan | Simonpet
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    Southwest | Blueclan |
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Alder bark |x1| Eases toothaches
    Boarge leaves |x1| For better milk, bring down fevers.
    Broom |x1| Used in poultices that can help broken legs and wounds
    Catmint |x1 | Remedy for greencough, whitecough
    Celandine |x1| Soothes damaged eyes
    Cobwebs |x0 | Stops bleeding, binds broken bones
    Coltsfoot |x2| Eases breathing, kitten-cough, cracked/sore pads.
    Daisy leaf |x1| Eases the pain of aching joints. Traveling herb.
    Deathberry |x1| Kills a cat, poison
    Dried oak leaf |x1| stops infection
    Dock |x1| Soothes scratches, sore pads and the pain of wounds
    Feverfew |x1 | Reduces body temp., heals aches, pains.
    Goatweed |x1| Eases grief
    Goldenrod |x0| Good for healing wounds
    Hawkweed |x1 | Like catmint but not as strong
    Juniper berries |x1| Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, helps troubled breathing
    Lavender |x1| Cures fevers and chills
    Lungwort |x1| Cures yellowcough
    Marigold |x0| Stops infection and bleeding
    Poppy seeds |x1 | Helps a cat sleep, soothe shock/distress, ease pain.
    Raspberry leaves |x0 | Could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding
    Rush | x1 | Helps hold a broken limb in place
    Thyme |x1| Calms nervousness, anxiety, cats who are in shock
    Watermint |x2| Eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x3 | 1 servings
    Shrew | x0 | 1 servings
    Vole | x3| 1 servings
    Squirrel | x5| 2 servings
    Rabbit | x4 | 2 servings
    Birds | x4| 3 servings

    Greypatch | Blackpaw | 4 | Stalking, fighting, hunting, speed
    Dustbreeze | Hailpaw | 4 | Fighting, tracking, stalking, hunting
    Blossomberry | Stormpaw | 4 | Fighting, tracking, stalking, hunting
    Bumblestream | Smallpaw | 4 | Hunting, stalking, fighting, climbing
    Appleblaze | Hollypaw | 3 | Stalking, climbing, navigating
    Rainpuddle | Flintpaw | 2 | Endurance, hunting
    Mousewish | Brightpaw | 2 | Stalking, tracking

    Deceased Cats:
    Crowkit | died shortly after birth | X
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Appleblaze and ??? | Foxpaw and Bloomseed
    Rainpuddle and ??? | Blackpaw, Hailpaw, Stormpaw, Crowkit
    Rainpuddle (foster mother) | Smallpaw and Hollypaw
    Bramblestep and Dapplecloud | Strawberrykit and Cedarkit
Last edited by Wolfypoof on Wed Jun 27, 2018 2:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby astrophile. » Wed Jun 27, 2018 4:44 am

Number of Cats: 3

“Anything?” Smokestar asked through a yawn, blinking to adjust his eyes to the darkness. A figure on the inside, barely visible due to the fact that the sun was still young in the sky, shook his head. “I’m afraid not. She still appears to be in shock, and hasn’t spoken a word since yesterday,” Smokestar exhaled and inched closer to the tiny ball of fluff, so small it could easily be looked over. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was faint, and the only indication that she was still alive was the slight rising and falling of her chest with every quivering breath she took. The events of yesterday were still fresh on his mind; during his patrol with Driftfeather, he had been marking a border when the young black and white tom claimed he could hear a faint mewing. Smokestar didn’t hear it at first, but as he had walked closer, he could make out a troubled and desperate cry. There, hidden in the foliage, had been quite the surprise. A little kit, most likely no older than a few moons, sprawled out and drenched to the bone. The two had carried the kit back to camp and into Fennelstripe’s den. A little while later, it had awoken in a state of panic and terror, yelling unintelligibly through tears, before she had collapsed again, and here she was, still asleep the next morning.

“Alright. If anything changes, please let me know,” Smokestar said. “Yes Smokestar,” Fennelstripe said, dipping his head. Smokestar gave one last glance at the kit before he padded out of the medicine cat den, and decided to hunt to occupy his mind.

Fennelstripe sighed and sat beside the kit, curling his tail around his paws. “Oh little one, I wish you could tell us what’s wrong,” he whispered. There was no doubt Fennelstripe enjoyed his position as the Clan’s medicine cat, but it was times when he couldn’t do anything that really made him reconsider his decision to heal cats. There was nothing he could do now but wait for the kit to wake up again, and the tabby tom hated waiting games.

[[The Clan consumes a mouse and a shrew]]
[[Driftfeather & Smokestar go hunting]]

          Smokestar | 39 | Trans Tom |X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Fennelstripe | 35 | Tom | X

          Driftfeather | 21 | Tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          ? | ? | She-kit | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Burnet x1 | Traveling herb - keeps a cat's strength up
    Dried Oak Leaves x1 | Stops infection from settling in
    Cobwebs x1 | Stops/Soaks up bleeding
    Borage x1 | Helps a queen produce more and better milk
    Poppy Seeds x1 | Relieve pain, soothe shock and distress, and help a cat sleep
    Goldenrod x1 | Helps heal wounds
    Catmint x1 | Best remedy for greencough and whitecough

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x1 x0 | 1 serving
    Shrew | x1 x0 | 1 serving
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    Small Fish | x0| 2 servings
    Crow | x0| 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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waveclan. outrunning karma.

Postby lameloserlexi » Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:54 am

Number of Cats: 67
34 [Male] 33 [Female]
Next Moonpool Visit: 6/22/2018
Waveclan eats eleven servings of mackerel and mouse

"Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures."


Rosethorn smiled at the newest warriors. She had always seen so much of herself in Pepperflash, and now the energetic apprentice is a spunky warrior. 'That attitude will be nice to have around.'
The deputy looked up at the sky. The sun was lowering down more. Blazestar had already agreed to go out on patrol, but he only said if it was with Panthersnap. 'And she'll have to take her apprentice Heatherpaw...' She was a bit worried about having the two young apprentices out on patrol when it's nearing night. However, Panthersnap, Ambermist, and Blazestar are all skillful fighters. 'No need to worry.'
______________________________________________________With a rogue group...______________________________________________________
Otterheart frowned, sitting with the three hairless cats he had taken in. They weren't a good replacement for his own, betraying kits. However, they filled the hole that Mouserunner left in his heart. The border of Waveclan was behind him. By judging the weaker scent, the border patrol should be back soon.
"Do we really have to fight?" Questioned the lanky tom named Skull. "I don't want to get hurt..." He whimpered.
The black she-cat next to him, Venom, shouldered her brother. "Don't worry! If they hurt you, I'll show them!" She told him.
Their brother Bleak, a calico hairless she-cat, simply rolled his eyes at them. "Be quiet. Otter hasn't given us the signal yet."
"Bleak's right. Shut your traps!" He hissed. The tom wasn't usually harsh towards them. However, he knew after this attack, he wouldn't have a need for them anymore.
The three nodded, crouching in the bush behind him once he flicked his tail at them. The signal.
A patrol of just the right cats came along the border, marking the scent. Blazestar was the first to call to him. "You rat!"
The orange tabby tom quickly sprinted to him, attacking him right away. Otterheart bit Blazestar's tail and pulled. "Now, now. That's not really warrior code, is it?" He chuckled, the three young cats coming up behind him like bodyguards. Along the patrol was not only some other familiar faces, along with his own kits... "Mothkit! Heatherkit!" He jumped forward, going to nuzzle them.
However, Heatherpaw hissed at him, lashing her claws towards his face. "Get away from us!" She growled, her pelt rippling. It wasn't Otterheart who attacked next, it was Bleak. He leaped at the smaller she-cat, clawing at her pelt. "Don't disrespect Otter like that!" Blazestar and Panthersnap soon ripped at the rogue, Blazestar quickly killing him with a hard bite at his neck.
Bleak struggled for a moment before he went limp. The rest of the patrol stared at their leader, knowing what he did was against the code.
"Bleak, no!" Skull shouted, leaping to attack Blazestar. Venom and Otterheart soon joined, ripping and ripping at his body. Even when he was down, Otterheart continued. The leader convulsed many times, the exiled warrior knowing he was losing a lot of lives. 'This is what you get for stopping my family from being happy!' It was the clan's fault. Mouserunner would have been happier if she had only left with him and had their kits alone, without the mistakes of Blackspot and Coralpool. 'They corrupted my first daughter too...' He hissed and clawed deep into Blazestar's neck.
The patrol soon attacked Otterheart, clawing his throat. The tom's face and body were covered in blood, he felt to the ground. His mind was hazy, he could hear his two rogues were running away from the place, trying to get far away from the sad scene.
He stared at his two kits, Heatherpaw on the ground as well. 'Perhaps I'll see you in starclan, if that's where I go...' He knew it wouldn't happen, but he just wanted his kits. "Heather, Willow, Rock, Pebble, Grey, Moth. I love you all." That was the last thing he said before his head fell to his paws.

lexi (changed it, someone else has boop on their post)
[ Deerfeather, Bearsplash, Pepperflash, Asterpool, and Brindlepaw go on a dusk border patrol ]
[ Blazestar, Panthersnap, Ambermist, Mothpaw, and Heatherpaw go on a dawn border patrol ]
[ Smallstorm, Goatshade, Newtmask, Tinyfog, and Mountainpaw go on a dusk hunting trip ]
[ Aurorapond, Daisyflight, Appledawn, Frostclaw, and Minnowpaw go on a noon hunting trip ]
[ Ghostcloud, Dawnshore, Hazelblossom, Tortoisecreek, and Patchfur go on a dawn hunting trip ]
[ Blackspot and Coralpool go herb hunting ]
[ Geckopaw, Lizardpaw, Beaverpaw, Salamanderpaw, Smokepaw and Sunpaw go training: Swimming ]

[ Otterheart and a three other rogue go to attack the dawn patrol ]
[ Otterheart and one other rogue are killed ]
[ Blazestar loses 4 lives and Heatherpaw is killed ]
[ Rosethorn and Bearsplash try for kits ]
[ Daisypaw, Hazelpaw, Basilpaw, Cypresspaw, and Pepperpaw get their warrior names: Daisyflight, Hazelblossom, Basildusk, Cypressroar, and Pepperflash ]


Blazestar | 46 | Male |
Lives: ★★★
Rosethorn | 29 | Female |
Medicine Cat:
Blackspot | 41 | Male |
Coralpaw | 20 | Female |
Finchwhisker | 82 | Female | x
Tinyfog | 74 | Male | x
Frostclaw | 65 | Male |x
Aurorapond | 62 | Male | x
Ghostcloud | 56 | Female | x
Ryestrike | 50 | Male | x
Asterpool | 49 | Female | x
Tortoisecreek | 48 | Female | x
Patchfur | 43 | Female |
Panthersnap | 42 | Female |
Flintfang | 41 | Male |
Deerfeather | 41 | Female | x
Dawnshore | 37 | Female |
Smallstorm | 35 | Male |
Goatshade | 32 | Male | x
Bassflow | 31 | Male | x
Ambermist | 30 | Female | x
Newtmask | 30 | Male |
Bearsplash | 29 | Male |
Appledawn | 26 | Male | x
Splatterdrop | 25 | Male |
Tulipstream | 23 | Female |
Honeydrip | 21 | Male | x
Tigerbriar | 20 | Female |
Vixensong | 18 | Female | x
Daisyflight | 16 | Male | x
Basildusk | 15 | Male | x
Cypressroar | 14 | Male |
Pepperflash | 14 | Female |
Hazelblossom | 13 | Female | x
Beaverpaw | 11 | Female | x
Lizardpaw | 11 | Male | x
Salamanderpaw | 11 | Female |
Geckopaw | 11 | Male | x
Sunpaw | 9 | Male | x
Smokepaw | 9 | Female | x
Mothpaw | 8 | Female |
Brindlepaw | 8 | Female | x
Minnowpaw | 7 | Male | x
Mountainpaw | 7 | Male | x
Maplelily | 31 | Female |
Bayrise | 38 | Female | x
Hurricanecry | 36 | Female |
Vanillastreak | 28 | Female | | 1
Silverscar | 20 | Male |
Batpaw | 7 | Female | x
Bouncekit | 4 | Male | x
Spottedkit | 4 | Female | x
Bluekit | 4 | Male | x
Jaykit | 4 | Male | x
Cloverpaw | 4 | Female | x
Bubblekit | 2 | Male | x
Rainkit | 2 | Female | x
Morningkit | 2 | Female | x
Foxkit | 2 | Male | x [bobtail]
Cougarkit | 2 | Male | x
Wolfkit | 2 | Female | x [bobtail]
Raccoonkit | 2 | Male | x
Hummingkit | 1 | Female | x
Whalekit | 1 | Male | x
Alice | 107 | Female | x
Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username
Enemy Clans
Bayouclan | lame loser lexi.
Clan Name | Username
Northwest | Forest | Forestclan | Simonpet
North | Ocean/Beach
Northeast | Lakeclan | honey--bee
East | Swamp | Bayouclan | lame loser lexi.
Southeast | Meadows | Clan Name | Username
South | Forest | Songclan | TheElevatorCat
West | Coniferous Forest | Cosmoclan | ~Glaceon~
Southwest | Mountains | Clan Name | Username
Medicine Store
Alder Bark x 1
Beech Leaves x 1
Bindweed x 1
Blackberry Leaves x 1
Borage Leaves x 1
Bright-eye x 1
Broom x 1
Burdock Root x 1
Catmint x 1
Celadine x 1
Chamomile x 1
Chervil x 2
Cob Nuts x 1
Cobweb x 3
Comfrey x 4
Daisy Leaves x 1
Elder Leaves x 1
Fennel x 1
Feverfew x 2
Honey x 1
Horsetail x 1
Juniper Berries x 1
Lavender x 1
Oak Leaves x 1
Parsley x 1
Poppy Seeds x 2
Ragwort Leaves x 1
Raspberry Leaves x 2
Rosemary x 2
Rush x 1
Sage x 1
Sorrel x 2
Tansy x 1
Thyme x 1
Willow Leaves x 2
Yarrow x 3
Fresh-Kill Pile:
Minnow | x3 | 3 servings
Mouse | x12 | 12 servings
Vole | x9 | 18 servings
Smelt | x4 | 8 servings
Mackerel | x3 | 9 servings
Plover | x6 | 18 servings
Gull | x7 | 11 servings
Bassflow | Geckopaw | 2 | Fish, Hunt
Splatterdrop | Beaverpaw | 2 | Fish, Hunt
Flintfang | Salamanderpaw | 2 | Fish, Hunt
Ryestrike | Lizardpaw | 2 | Fish, Hunt
Silverscar | Sunpaw | 2 | Hunt, Fish
Honeydrip | Smokepaw | 2 | Hunt, Fish
Ambermist | Mothpaw | 1 | Fish
Deerfeather | Brindlepaw | 1 | Fish
Appledawn | Minnowpaw | 1 | Fish
Goatshade | Mountainpaw | 1 | Fish
Silverscar | Batpaw | 0 | -
Deceased/Exiled Cats:
Blazestar (2/9) | Drowning, Greencough
Mouserunner | Labor troubles
Willowkit | Stillborn
Pebblekit | Stillborn
Flameskip | Greencough
Greykit | Kittencough
Otterheart | Killed by Ambermist
Stripekit | Drowned (kinda)
Rockkit | Drowned
Ripplewish | Drowned
Reedleap | Drowned
Heatherpaw | Killed by Rogue
Name + Name = Kit - Kit )( Next litter
Hurricanecry = Pepperpaw - Cypresspaw )( Hummingkit - Whalekit
Dawnshore + Smallstorm = Beaverpaw - Lizardpaw - Salamanderpaw - Geckopaw
Maplelily + Newtmask = Sunkit - Smokekit
Maplelily + Hurricanejaw = Foxkit - Cougarkit - Wolfkit - Raccoonkit
Asterpool = Minnowkit, Mountainkit
Rosethorn + Bearsplash
Blazestar + Panthersnap = Brindlekit
Patchfur + Flintfang = Boucekit - Spottedkit
Tortoisecreek + Aurorapond = Bluekit - Jaykit - Cloverkit
Bayrise + Appledawn = Bubblekit - Rainkit - Morningkit
Vanillastreak + Goatleap = ?
Tigerbrair - Silverscar )( Mothkit
Bassflow - Maplelily
Flintfang - Blackspot

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bayouclan: knife in my back.

Postby lameloserlexi » Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:55 am

"I let you in, held you close. My blood flows like a river cause I trusted you the most."
Cats: 1 [ Male: 0 ] [ Females: 1 ]
Next Moonpool Visit: 7/2/2018
Bayouclan eats zero servings of nothing
[ Venom goes on a border patrol ]
[ Venom goes on a hunting trip ]

Venom felt the blood between her claws, her mind racing and her lungs roaring. She looked around where she was, feeling the blood seeping from the scratching all over her. 'Skull is probably long gone...' She knew her weaker brother wouldn't want to be around her, it was all her fault. 'It was my idea to trust Otterheart!'
She took a little swim in the swampy waters, attempting to clean the blood off her hairless body. A growl came from inside her. "That rotten Otterheart! A two-faced crow!" The only thing on her mind was that grimace of pain he had once she sunk her teeth in his neck. 'That's what traitors get from me.' She couldn't believe he would stab her in the back like that, using her youthful trust as a weapon to get back at his own enemies.
"Those Waveclan rats will regret messing with me too!" She hissed. They killed her brother. She must end them. All of them.
The she-cat got out of the swamp, shaking out her fur. As she looked around, she was already familiar with the area. She trotted over to where her own den was, an abandoned twoleg boat. Venom climbed all the way to the top, looking around the swamp. She knew the dangers of the area; Alligators, Hawks, Falcons, Coyotes. All of them would have her for a nice snack anytime. Yet, she was strong enough for this place. 'Maybe some others will be too.' She thought, laying down. "And they could help me get the clans!" 'Fight fire with fire. May the clan's downfall be their own way of life.' She growled with malice, her claws scraping the bottom of the metal boat.
Venom trotted out of the den, going out to perhaps find someone to help her cause and for something to eat.

    Venom "Mighty Fox" | 15 | Female | x
    Witch Doctor:
    Name | Age | Gender | x
    Head Sentry:
    Name | Age | Gender | x

    Name | Age | Gender | x
    Name | Age | Gender | x
    Name | Age | Gender | x
    Head Chaser:
    Name | Age | Gender | x

    Name | Age | Gender | x
    Name | Age | Gender | x
    Name | Age | Gender | x
    Name | Age | Gender | x
    Name | Age | Gender | x
    Name | Age | Gender | x
    Name | Age | Gender | x
    Name | Age | Gender | x
    Name | Age | Gender | x
Clan | User
Clan | User
Waveclan | lame loser lexi.
Clan | User
North | Village
Northeast | Village
East | Forest | Clan | User
Southeast | Forest | Clan | User
South | Mountains | Clan | User
Southwest | Meadows | Clan | User
West | Moor | Waveclan | lame loser lexi.
Northwest | Lake | Clan | User
Medicine Store:
Herb x0
Herb x0
Fresh-kill Pile:
Minnow | x0 | 0 Servings
Bullfrog | x0 | 0 Servings
Chain Pickerel | x0 | 0 Servings
Baby Alligator | x0 | 0 Servings
Skipjack Herring | x0 | 0 Servings
Largemouth Bass | x0 | 0 Servings
Mentor | Apprentice | 0 | -
Mentor | Apprentice | 0 | -
Deceased/Exiled Cats:
Name | Cause of Death/Exile
Name | Cause of Death/Exile
Name + Name = Kit - Kit } Foster/Adoptive Kit

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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby sockwearer » Wed Jun 27, 2018 9:17 am

First time posting!

My Clan's name is going to be AmmilClan. They are known for being cold, unforgiving cats with little trust for outsiders and members of other Clans, training their cats to be swift and aggressive fighters.

AmmilClan's territory is very breezy and cold, weather such as snow, hail, sleet, and rain being very common. They live up in the mountains and many of their dens are located in a complex cave system, which tends to confuse new cats joining the Clan, as many of them know their way around from growing up there. The area outside of the cave area has many coniferous trees scattered around the territory, though there are no areas of thick vegetation. Their prey ranges from birds to deer, mice, voles and rabbits being commonly seen as well.

AmmilClan's cats are more kind than one might expect with the area's harsh conditions and reputation, being not nearly as aggressive as they're thought to be. They will rarely attack other Clans unless they believe they pose a large threat to them. The warriors are extremely protective of their elders, kits, and apprentices, putting the lives of the weaker cats before the cats in higher positions.

I hope that's enough information? Again, this is my first post.
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ash's replies [67]

Postby ashton. » Wed Jun 27, 2018 12:49 pm

      bluebell | deep | eagle | falling | fire | frozen | garrison | honey | ivy | lamb | lark | laurel | lilac | moor | morning | moss
      petal | prairie | raven | robin | shaded skies | shaft | spring | stem

      weather: new-leaf.
      during newleaf, kittings will run much smoother and the chances of the queens or kits dying during birth will go down dramatically. there is also a higher chance that you catch more prey than usual. in addition, the chances of catching greencough, whitecough, and kittencough will go down. with all the snow melting, it is very likely that your territory will start flooding. there will also be more storms that will contribute to the flooding. the odds of finding new cats is very high.

Mistyleaf - she wrote:

[Whitepelt becomes a warrior]
[Storm, now Stormheart is accepted into StemClan!!!]
[Stormheart goes looking for herbs]
[Whitepelt and Ashfall patrol the borders]
[Snowstar hunts]
[Stormheart and Whitepelt's stones are drawn, they must pick a performance idea (you can decide, but remember, it's only 2 cats!]
[Snowstar requests a queen with already birthed kits at the moontree]
[StemClan consumes two servings - A mouse and a vole]

      stormheart found lungwort and wintergreen!
      whitepelt's patrol found a trainee!
      snowstar caught a mouse and a rabbit!
      the performance will be about the clan fighting off a badger.
      starclan grants stemclan a queen and her 1 2 kits!

Rookie Cookie wrote:

[LambClan eats 4 servings (two rabbits)]
[!Nuggetpaw becomes a warrior and is renamed Nuggetshine!]
[Lambstar asks StarClan for a warrior]
[Raggedfang, Blizzardcrest, Nuggetshine, Luckyfur, Onyxlight, and Cauliflowerpaw go on a border patrol]
[Lambstar, Flurrytuft, Fadedsong, and Carrotpaw hunt]
[Mistyleaf, Sablewhisper, Dinkeltone, Daisypaw, and Coverpaw hunt]
[Fadedsong and Galapaw look for (poisonous) herbs]
[Fadedsong trains Galapaw on distinguishing herbs]
[Mistyleaf and Sablewhisper train Coverpaw and Daisypaw on climbing]
[Onyxlight and Flurrytuft train Cauliflowerpaw and Carrotpaw on agility]

Cats To Find wrote:Graypool from BlossomClan
((Can be found whenever))

      starclan grants lambclan a warrior!
      raggedfang's patrol finds graypool!
      lambstar's patrol caught a mouse, a bird, and a hare!
      mistyleaf's patrol caught a squirrel, a bird, and a hare!
      fadedsong and galapaw found deathberries and water hemlock!
      galapaw learned how to distinguish herbs!
      coverpaw and daisypaw learned the climbing skill!
      cauliflowerpaw and carrotpaw learned the agility skill!

__surprise__ wrote:

[ oighir, stoirm, gualaigh, snowtuft, adhmad and lasair hunt ]
[ dramhaíl and duilleog patrol ]
[ foraoise and oíche patrol ]
[ sneachta and bán become apprentices, oíche is sneachta's mentor and stoirm is bán's mentor ]
[ solas does her final assessment ]
[ lasair trains with dramhaíl ]
[ sneachta and bán train together with their mentors ]
[ cait requests an apprentice ]
[ réalta goes herb hunting ]
[ ómra is kitting! ]
[ robinclan eat a sparrow and a stoat ]

      oighir's patrol caught a shrew and two squirrels!
      dramhaíl's patrol found a kit!
      foraoise's patrol was uneventful.
      solas passes her final assessment and is ready to become a warrior!
      lasair learned the swimming skill!
      sneatcha and bán learned the hunting skill!
      starclan grants robinclan an apprentice!
      réalta found poppy seeds and water hemlock!
      ómra gave birth to 1 2 healthy kits!

.galaxy. wrote:
Shaded Skies

[Algernon and Moose hunt]
[Moose and Stitch go on a border patrol!]
[Shaded Skies consumes 2 servings; one squirrel]

      algernon's patrol caught a blackbird!
      moose's patrol found a waning moon! you can choose five herbs from here to start your collection.

Galipaygo wrote:

Littleheart feeds Puddlekit
Hollypelt trains Valleypaw in combat
Fernheart trains Snakepaw in fishing
Yewfeather trains Bramblepaw in fishing
Stonebark trains Juniperpaw in hunting
Silvertail trains Greypaw in climbing
Shadowstride goes into labor!
Hollypelt puts cobwebs on Rainpelt's wounds
Hollypelt and Valleypaw search for herbs
Fernheart, Snakepaw, and Saltwind hunt
Stonebark, Juniperpaw, and Snowtrail hunt
Silvertail, Greypaw, and Brindlestripe patrol the boarders
Birchfur, Yewfeather, and Bramblepaw patrol the boarders
Snowpaw is named Snowtrail and made into a warrior
Juniperpaw looks for something else malicious

The clan consumes a bird and a squirrel, 5 servings!

      valleypaw learned the combat skill!
      snakepaw and bramblepaw learned the fishing skill!
      juniperpaw learned the hunting skill!
      greypaw learned the climbing skill!
      shadowstride gave birth to 1 2 3 kits, but sadly they all die due to complications.
      hollypelt and valleypaw found burnet, lungwort, and tormentil!
      fernheart's patrol caught a squirrel and a bird!
      stonebark's patrol caught three voles!
      both patrols were uneventful.
      juniperpaw discovers a foxtrap in the territory!

January. wrote:

Thistlefang and Poppynose Patrol
Gingerwish searches for herbs
Birdstar and Thistlefang go hunting
Springclan comsumes a bird (3x servings)

      thistlefang found a warrior!
      gingerwish found catmint and lamb's ear!
      birdstar and thistlefang caught a hare and a bird!
      poppynose cannot go on patrols until pepperkit becomes an apprentice because she has to look after him.

potioncat wrote:First time posting!

My Clan's name is going to be AmmilClan. They are known for being cold, unforgiving cats with little trust for outsiders and members of other Clans, training their cats to be swift and aggressive fighters.

AmmilClan's territory is very breezy and cold, weather such as snow, hail, sleet, and rain being very common. They live up in the mountains and many of their dens are located in a complex cave system, which tends to confuse new cats joining the Clan, as many of them know their way around from growing up there. The area outside of the cave area has many coniferous trees scattered around the territory, though there are no areas of thick vegetation. Their prey ranges from birds to deer, mice, voles and rabbits being commonly seen as well.

AmmilClan's cats are more kind than one might expect with the area's harsh conditions and reputation, being not nearly as aggressive as they're thought to be. They will rarely attack other Clans unless they believe they pose a large threat to them. The warriors are extremely protective of their elders, kits, and apprentices, putting the lives of the weaker cats before the cats in higher positions.

I hope that's enough information? Again, this is my first post.

      ammilclan is founded!
      welcome to create a clan! katrione will assign you a mod soon.
      we hope you enjoy your stay!
Last edited by ashton. on Fri Jun 29, 2018 3:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby legolas the elf » Wed Jun 27, 2018 2:13 pm

Number of Cats: 8
Toms - 5 || She-cats - 3
Mod: Ashton
Current # of servings: 5
Current Performance: Clan fighting off a badger

Snowstar licked his lips, gazing at the ermine, rabbit, and mouse that sat in the Food Pile. But he had to wait to eat. Stormheart, who had found two herbs, was sitting besides him.

"Think Whitepelt and Ashfall found something?" The Healer asked his brother. Snowstar shrugged. "I wouldn't be surprised. The floods and rain are driving all cats here. Stormheart grumbled. "Speak of the rain." he said, nodding to the entrance, "It's what cut my herb finding short!"

The two toms fell silent as they watched the rain fall in from the Skylight. They were sitting well away, so they had pretty dry pelts. Panting warned the brothers of the approach of the missing patrol. Whitepelt burst through the entance tunnel first. Her eyes were triumphant.

"Snowstar!" she breathed. "We found a cat eligible to be a trainee!!"

At that moment, Ashfall entered, followed by a small silver, gray, and white she-cat." "H-h-hi." she whispered. Snowstar gazed kindly at her. "Hello young one. Who are you?"

Ashfall jumped into the conversation. "She's Drizzle." the General mewed. "Brave little fella. Jumped out at us! Whitepelt pinned her, but I told her that StemClan was looking for cats. She decided to join. She's heard about clans from a former SeaClan cat."

Snowstar nodded. "That's nice Drizzle. Now, to become a full member of StemClan, you may recieve a clan name. Would you like to keep yours instead?" Drizzle shook her head. "But I would like my beginning to be Drizzle, if that's okay." Snowstar nodded.

"Drizzle, you have reached the age of six moons and are ready to become an Trainee. Drizzle, you will now be known as Drizzlepath. Whitepelt , You are ready for a Trainee. I hope you will use all of your skills to train Drizzlepath."

Whitepelt looked surprised to be the Trainer, but she touched noses with Drizzlepath. She whispered to the young she-cat, "I'll teach ya all my moves!"

Snowstar purred as he watched Drizzlepath boast her new move to Ashfall. Whitepelt watched her confidently. She was the only Trainer, so all of Drizzlepath's duty fell on her. But Snowstar knew she liked it.

"Hello?" said a voice. Snowstar started. Why did cats keep sneaking into his camp? He should really post a guard. The Leader whipped around, claws unsheathed, until he saw the she-cat. She was a pretty ginger tabby with white. Stormheart, coming out of the back tunnel, gasped.

"Reedfur!?" The she-cat whipped her head towards him. "Clawstorm!?" she purred. She leapt towards him and rubbed her cheek against his. Stormheart awkwardly pulled away. "Remember?" he said, embarrassed. "Aromantic, asexual?" Reedfur pulled away. "Ya. I forgot." she murmured.

"Well welcome to StemClan." Snowstar purred. "And the kits are?" "Flarekit and Skykit." "Welcome."


Ashfall looked at Whitepelt beside him. He had dealed out patrols after Reedfur, Flarekit, and Skykit's welcome, and asked Whitepelt to come hunting with him. When they were in the forested part of the territory, Ashfall gestured for them to sit down. "Hey Whitepelt....." he started. But suddenly she burst out, "Do you want to be my mate?"

Shock enveloped Ashfall. "Yes!" he crowed happily to the sky. "I was going to ask you!" The two cats were enveloped in purrs. "I don't think kits yet, though" mewed Whitepelt. "I need a few days to process this and see if out mateship works." Ashfall nodded. "I'm just happy with us."

[Reedfur, Skykit, Flarekit, and Drizzlepath are all welcomed into the clan]
[Reedfur will be made into a Lookout after her kits/adopted kits become Trainee's]
[Drizzlepath trains in battle with Whitepelt]
[Snowstar and Ashfall go huting]
[Whitepelt and Ashfall go hunting]
[Stormheart looks for herbs]
[Snowstar patrols the border]
[Ashfall, Whitepelt, and Drizzlepath patrol the borders]
[Ashfall and Whitepelt become mates, but don't try for kits yet]
[Stormheart and Whitepelt keep scheming their performance; it will be done next post]
[Someone is always guarding camp]
[StemClan consumes three servings; an ermine and a mouse]

          Snowstar | 29 moons | Tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Ashfall | 19 | tom X

          Stormheart | 29 moons | Tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Whitepelt | 33 moons | She-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Drizzlepath | 6 moons | She-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Reedfur | 27 moons | She-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]


          Rushfoot and Stormheart’s litter and adopted son:

          Skykit | 3 moons | Tom | X
          Flarekit | 4 moons | Tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    No borders, but live close to other clans

    Healer’s Store
    Stick | Could be used for queens to bite on during birth...
    Lungwort | Eaten; it cures yellowcough
    Wintergreen | Poultice; Treats wounds and some poisons
    Herb | Usage

    Food Pile:
    Rabbits (2) | x1 | 2 servings
    Mice (1) | x1 | 1 servings
    Voles (1) | x0 | 0 servings
    Small Fish (2) | x0 | 0 servings
    Ermine (2) | x1 | 2 servings
    Hares (3) | x0 | 0 servings
    Total: 5 servings

    Whitepelt | Drizzlepath | Teaches fighting, hunting, fishing

    StarClan Living:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by legolas the elf on Sat Jun 30, 2018 1:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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